The doughLAB is a dough rheometer that performs conventional flour and dough testing. It has programmable mixing speed and temperature to emulate commercial processes and evaluate dough performance. Key features include automated water dispensing, programmable test methods, and traceable and secure storage of test data and results. The doughLAB can be used to analyze mixing profiles, composite flour performance, protein and starch behavior, and the effects of ingredients on dough.
The doughLAB is a dough rheometer that performs conventional flour and dough testing. It has programmable mixing speed and temperature to emulate commercial processes and evaluate dough performance. Key features include automated water dispensing, programmable test methods, and traceable and secure storage of test data and results. The doughLAB can be used to analyze mixing profiles, composite flour performance, protein and starch behavior, and the effects of ingredients on dough.
The doughLAB is a dough rheometer that performs conventional flour and dough testing. It has programmable mixing speed and temperature to emulate commercial processes and evaluate dough performance. Key features include automated water dispensing, programmable test methods, and traceable and secure storage of test data and results. The doughLAB can be used to analyze mixing profiles, composite flour performance, protein and starch behavior, and the effects of ingredients on dough.
The doughLAB is a dough rheometer that performs conventional flour and dough testing. It has programmable mixing speed and temperature to emulate commercial processes and evaluate dough performance. Key features include automated water dispensing, programmable test methods, and traceable and secure storage of test data and results. The doughLAB can be used to analyze mixing profiles, composite flour performance, protein and starch behavior, and the effects of ingredients on dough.
Programmable Mixing Speed Programmable Temperature Emulate Flour Blending
d o u g h L A B F l o u r
D o u g h
T e s t i n g V e r
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2 0 1 1 . 0 8 . 3 0 SPECIALISTS IN QUALITY CONTROL OF GRAIN, FLOUR, FOOD AND FEED doughLAB doughLAB is a exible dough rheometer with a conventional z-arm mixing action. The doughLAB includes a user-friendly Windows software program with traceable calibration designed for both millers and researchers and automated water dispensing (no need for a burette). The mixing chamber and blades are detachable for easy cleaning. It has programmable temp- erature and mixing energy to mimic commercial processes, evaluate nished dough performance, research the response of a dough to changing stress and perform world standard methods for water absorption and our quality. Determine dough mixing prole, development time, stability, softening and other quality parameters of wheat, rye and durum doughs for milling, baking, and food applications. Flour, whole meal, semolina and formulations containing ingredients and improvers can all be tested. Create custom tests for bread, pizza crust, pastry, cookie, cracker, pasta and noodle doughs. Features and Benets Programmable: Industry standard our/dough quality method included in the software library, plus users can create their own methods. Traceable: Calibrated in standard and traceable torque units (Nm). Complies with ISO9000 and Quality System requirements. Streamlined: Integrated, automatic water dispensing with drip function and temperature control. Automated: Test congurations, data, and analysis programs stored in software and easily transferable. Versatile: Choice of 50g and/or 300g mixing bowls. Programmable temperature to study dough performance during heating, cooling and gelling. Variable speed mixing to study stiff doughs, novel formulations, evaluate a doughs response to changing stress and mimic commercial mixing. Fast: Use high-energy mixing for high-throughput testing. Secure Results: Softwares password protection and single-page report with traceable data comply with Electronic Registration/Electronic Signature requirements. Applications Dough Mixing Prole: Water absorption, development time, stability, softening mixing tolerance index and other parameters using standard methodology. Composite Flour Performance: Use programmable mixing speed and temperature to study the performance of multi-component ours. Protein and Starch Performance: Gluten and carbohydrate behavior in real time. Effect of Ingredients and Treatments: Evaluate the performance of our treat- ments, dough ingredients and enzymes. High-Energy Performance: Use high-speed mixing to emulate commercial mixing processes. Blend Modelling: Predict the result of commercial scale our blending. Specications Power Requirements: 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 1200 VA. Computer Requirements: PC with Windows XP (SP3) or Windows Vista operating system. Dimensions (H x W x D), Net Weight: 370 x 490 x 970 mm, 91 kg incl. bowl. Temperature Range: Standard 10-80 C. Water supply: 1 l/min at maximum, 100 kPa (at instrument), <25 C. (Chilled water supply required for operation below room temperature.) Temperature Monitoring: Sample, bowl and water. Speed Range: 0, 10-200 rpm. Motor Torque: Up to 25 Nm. Water Dispensing Range: 0-300 ml.