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Insapipe is a factory fabricated and insulated Underground

piping system designed for direct burial into an unlined trench.
The product is manufactured generally to British Standard
4508 for Thermally Insulated Underground Piping Systems
to Parts 3 and 4 being cased systems without air gap.
The system consists of any type of process pipe conveying
hot or cold fluids centralised within a high density polyethylene
outer casing. The annular space between pipe and casing
is machine filled with polyurethane foam which expands and
upon setting forms a totally uniform insulation around the
Underground System
Quality Control
The Underground environment is particularly harsh by virtue
of the abundance of ground water and corrosive oonditions.
Preventive or regular maintainance is almost impossible
therefore a product for use in this environment must be of
the highest quality. Insapipe Underground has undergone
much laboratory and experimental testing. Testing of raw
materials as listed below together with typical water
tightness data are available on request.
Non-destructive testing of steel pipe welds
Pressure testing of process pipe
Thermal conductivity of insulation
Thermal aging of insulation.
Mechanical properties of casing materials
Mechanical properties of completed foam system
Biological properties of foam system.
Physical properties of completed system.
Tests on typical field joints under cyclic thermal
under external water pressure head.
System test in which a representative pipe circuit
to cyclic thermal conditions under external water
A strict regimen of quality control procedures is
maintained to
ensure that every product made conforms to our
standards and will thus meet the requirements of the
Note particularly that all works installed to BS4508 Parts 3
and 4 must be fully pre-fabricated Straight joints are the only
site work permitted As an option for chilled water and other
non-cyclic applications kitsets for bends and tees are
for fabrication on-site or in your factory.
Underground Design Data
Arrangement and Layout of Piping
The drawings indicate the designed and approximate
positions and arrangement of all piping.
Contraction and expansion shall be accommodated by
sufficient bends so that the system is sufficiently flexible
to absorb the whole of its contraction or expansion,
without developing excessive stresses in either the
piping itself or the connection equipment.
In the contractor's illustration drawings which shall be
submitted to the Engineer for his approval prior to
installation, all pipework shall be positioned with due
regard to these requirements and shall be in accordance
with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Tenderers are expected to be fully conversant with the
manufacturer's installation and handling
recommendations. Published technical literature is
Typical for cyclic systems
All thermally insulated underground pipework shall be
Insapipe, process pipe in casing without air gap or approved
equivalent, of the physical properties indicated below.
Insapipe must be installed strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendation.
Process Pipe
The pipe shall be suitable for the pressure service specified
All pipes shall have ends suitably prepared for field welding
and shall be capped for transport and storage.
Outer Casing
High density polyethylene Grade 5010 Type II carbon black
stabilised, extruded in one piece.
Insulation shall be methylene di-isocyanate (MDI) based rigid
polyurethane foam machine injected into the annulus between
the service pipe and outer casing by a one shot factory process
and shall have the following properties:
1. Density: Nominal in situ 75 kg/m
2. Thermal conductivity: k value .023 w/mK at 20C mean.
3. Compressive strength: 300 kPa at room temperature.
4. Closed cell content: 90% by volume minimum.
5. Insulation thickness: Unless otherwise specified
insulation thicknesses shall be -
Pipes up to 32nb
25mm nominal thickness
Pipes between 40 and 125nb
32mm nominal thickness
Pipes between 150 to 200nb
40mm nominal thickness
Pipes 250 and over
50mm minimum thickness
All fittings shall be factory fabricated and insulated so that
the only site insulation shall be the straight joints between
the pre-insulated units unless otherwise specified.
1. The service pipe fabrication shall be in accordance with
the welding specification specified elsewhere herein.
2. All casings for fittings shall be pre-fabricated from high
density polyethylene (as specified above). Casing fabrication
shall be effected by either hot plate, hot gas or extrusion
welding processes
Bulkheads where required shall be the heat shrinkable
modified cross linked polyethylene type, suitable for the
service temperature specified elsewhere.
Where pre-insulated units are supplied exclusive of bulkheads,
the exposed foam faces shall be coated with sealant factory
Only the straight joints between the pre-insulated units shall
be site insulated. Straight Joints shall be site insulated using
rigid polyurethane foam.
The casing Jolnt shall be complete with a polyethylene
wrap-around heat shrink sleeve.
Align pipe and weld to contract specifications. Welded joints
are the only acceptable method of pipe jointing unless using
valves, flanges and screw joints enclosed in a sealed access
chamber. For further details see the design section of this
It is essential to use shields or asbestos rope to protect the
foam from burning and overheating, particularly if gas welding
is used.
When welding mini bends, avoid welding both ends in
succession as heat build-up can be too great for the
It is also necessary to avoid excessive heat build-up when
welding the steel pipe in the proximity of a bulkhead.
Excessive heat can cause further shrinkage of the bulkhead
resulting in the bulkhead bursting or gassing. The area of the
pipe at the bulkhead must be kept cool with wet sacking.
Remember should any bulkheads be required to be fitted on
site, ensure these are fitted prior to welding up the pipe
lengths and note that if a bulkhead is damaged, either prior
to or during welding, it cannot be replaced while the pipe is
welded up.
Underground System
No backfilling is to be carried out without the approval of the
inspecting authority. Should it be desirable to backfill prior to
the insulation of site joints, backfilling must not be within one
metre either side of any joint, and the pipe spacing and
clearances under 'trenches' must be adhered to.
Remove all trench or pipe supports before backfilling.
Backfilling should first be carried out by hand using sand and
be well tamped down, particularly around the pipe ensuring
the cavity between pipes is tilled. Hand-filling to continue until
the pipe is covered by 100mm of sand "hereafter mechanical
means may be utilised with the original trench material as
backfill provided it does not contain any sharp objects, stones
or foreign matter which could damage the outer casing.
In particularly wet areas, or where the trench runs down a
steep gradient, water flowing down the trench can cause
migration of the sand fill. To prevent this occurring, periodically
lay concrete across the width of the trench from the base of
the trench to level with the bottom of the Insapipe.
Note that pumice should not be used as a backfill material.
Pressure Testing
All welded, pre-fabricated fittings are inspected prior to shop
insulating. Should specific welding standards or tests be
required please advise at the time of pricing and ordering.
All site welds are the contractor's responsibility and should
be tested in accordance with the contract specifications prior
to insulating.
Altering Units
The only items designed to be cut on site are unit lengths.
If a unit length has been supplied with a bulkhead at one
end only, cut to waste the opposite end to prevent the waste
of a bulkhead.
The procedure to cut a unit length on site is as follows:
1. Mark end to end measurement on outer casing.
2. Mark casing 150mm either side of first mark
and cut casing and foam through to process
pipe at these points with a hacksaw taking care
not to cut the process pipe.
3. Break or cut casing and foam away from process
pipe and clean off.
4. Recheck overall measurement, mark and cut the
process pipe.
When cutting unit lengths on site, it is important to note the
maximum lengths of site straight joints, shown in Table 3,
which can be insulated with standard jointing materials. To
avoid over-length joints weld in a small section of Insapipe,
thus making two joints of an acceptable length.
The outer sheathing ot a straight joint consists of a
polyethylene heat shrink sleeve. Should the contract
documents specify an alternative style of sleeve refer to
your local dealer. Unless otherwise advised a "standard"
type sleeve will be used.
N.B. If tube type sleeves are required they must be
positioned over the pipe casing prior to welding the Insapipe
units together.
1. Clean joint area thoroughly.
2. Fit 400mm long PGI sleeve - pop rivet longitudinally
only - do not damage casing.
3. Drill air release holes and pour hole.
4. Pour out and measure correct quantities of foam
5. Thoroughly mix mechanically and pour into joint.
6. Clean off excess foam after rise.
7. Apply and heat shrink wraparound sleeve using
propane torch.
8. Take care not to overheat or burn sleeve.
9. Inspect for flow of mastic around sleeve edges and
under or over-heating.
Site Insulation
To select the correct joint sleeves and patches refer
to Jointing Sleeves and Patches.
The making good of thermal insulation between pre-
insulated units, jointing, is critical to the successful
performance of the insulation system. The broad guide
that follows details the key points involved. Jointing
should not be attempted without some initial assistance
and training from Insapipe Industries or their agent.
Wall Penetrations and Chambers
When a valve or similar piece of equipment must be fitted
in an underground pipeline the only acceptable method
of achieving this is within an access chamber or pit. These
chambers should be of a cast concrete construction
minimum wall thickness of 75mm sealed and drained with
a sump. The Insapipe must pass through the wall and
terminate inside with a bulkhead. For penetrations of
chamber walls or into underground plant rooms the only
recommended method for sealing the casing to the wall
is using linkseals. The hole may be cast in using a puddle
flanged sleeve or drilled but in either case must be large
enough to suit the Link Seal
Underground System
The depth of the trench provides a degree of restraint
and guides the plane of thermal movement, therefore, as
pipe sizes increase depth of burial must increase. The
trench can be excavated by mechanical means provided
the bottom is hand-graded and has a 100mm thick layer
of sand underneath the Insapipe.
The width of the trench should be sufficient to enable the
Insapipe to be installed with a minimum clearance of
150mm between pipe casing and also between casing
and the sides of the trench. At the area of the straight
joint between Insapipe units, ensure that there is also
150mm of clearance under the casing to enable the heat
shrink sleeve to be applied to the joint. Use table to
calculate minimum trench widths and depth.
Pre-insulated anchors are the only acceptable method of
underground Insapipe. The anchor is provided with steel
plates welded to the steel pipe and sealed to the casing.
The dimensions of the concrete anchor block are
dependent on the local soil condition and must be
calculated by a competent person. However the block
should be wide enough to ensure it bears on virgin soil
and short enough to ensure a good site joint can be made.
A distance of 100mm between the edge of the block and
the casing will be adequate.
Thermal Movement and Flexibilty
Consideration must be given in design and installation for the
pipeline's ability to accept movement due to thermal expansion
and contraction.
On long or cross country pipelines where the duty is non cyclic,
reliance can be placed on ground friction and restraint to control
the pipeline through the outer casing and insulation. Calculations
can be made using the following formulae:
F = 2(HdLD+W)g x
F = friction restraint N
H = depth burial M
d = density of ground cover kg/m
g = gravitational acceleration m/s
L = length of pipeline m
D = outside diameter of casing m
W = Mass of pipe kg
= coefficient of friction
Note the coefficient of friction varies considerably from site to site
and as a general guide the coefficient can be taken as varying
between 0.1 and 0.7
Where cyclic conditions apply such as in a heating system or for
shorter pipelines it is recommended that flexibility is built into the
system by installing bends to cater for this movement, as offsets
rather than loops. Calculations show that if thermal movement is
limited to 20mm in any part of a system then neither the pipe
insulation, casing or joint are overstressed. Therefore, if no natural
flexibility exists in a pipe route an offset should be installed to limit
The length of an offset must vary with pipe sizes to keep stresses
to an acceptable level. Bends are supplied ex factory with leg
lengths of 1000 x 600 mm smaller sizes and
1000 x 1500 mm over 125mm diameter. The table details the
minimum offset dimension achieved by placing two bends together
in a Z shape.
It is equally important when determining positions of tees and
branch lines from a main to consider their effect on the MAINS
THERMAL MOVEMENT. When a tee is directly buried it tends
to act as a restraint and could force more than allowable movement
into an offset. Therefore tees and branches should be placed as
close as possible to midway between offsets or bends.
If allowance for thermal movement is made in this way anchors
are not required. However, if it is not possible to place tees or
slight changes of direction midway between offsets then an anchor
is recommended to protect the branch line and force the movement
towards the offset.
Underground System
Material Coefficient of
linear expansion
Pipe Size Offset Distance Leg Orientation
short to short
short to long
long to long
short to long
special case refer to Insapipe Industries Ltd
125nb f&r
100nb f&r
Stage 2

Check thermal movement to ensure that no more than
20mm movement can occur at any bend or change of
Change in length = 200m x (30
)C x 12m/mC x 10
= 57.6mm
Therefore movement expected at bends A and B is 28.8mm
each which is greater than the allowed 20mm.
Solution: Install a Z offset midway between A and B thereby
creating two new bends. We then have 4 bends between point
A and point B each taking 14.4mm movement.
All other bends in the system would take less than 20mm
Schedule of Quantities
125 length x 30 125 joints x 36
125 bend x 4 100 length x 68
125/100 tee x 2 100 bend x 10
100 joints x 78
Establish the schedule of Insapipe units required for your order, including full delivery requirements, with a name and telephone
number for the carrier to contact at the point of delivery. Specify steel, domestic copper or other type of process pipe required.
The insulation system used in the standard Insapipe is suitable for temperatures from -50C to + 130C. It is important that
when ordering, the working temprature of the system is stated.
It is also necessary to ensure that the outer casing temperature does not exceed 30C and, therefore, any special soil properties
should be noted (i.e. particularly dry soil, or soil of a high insulation value such as pumice).
For systems operating at temperatures greater than 100C and/or buried in soil of high insulation properties, there is every
possibility that the insulation thickness will have to be increased to keep the casing temperatures below 30C.
Stage 3
Determine the offset dimension of the Z offset. This is
determined by the pipe diameter. In this case the pipe is 100
nb therefore the minimum offset dimension is 2m.
Stage 4
Redraw the pipeline including the offset and check the position
of branches. In this case the branch line is close enough to
midway between two bends to be of no concern.
Stage 5
Draw to scale and arrive at a schedule of quantities.
Underground System

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