Cde Hmi Manual

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Doc Name: General HMI Rev No. 1.

Operation Manual - I - CDE Ireland

CDE Ireland Ltd
Ballyreagh Industrial Estate,
Sandholes Road,
Co. Tyrone.
BT80 9DG

Office Tel: +44 (0)28 8676 7900

General HMI Operation

Instructions for using the
HMI for controlling CDE

Document Revision

Creation date

Doc Name: General HMI Rev No. 1.0
Operation Manual - II - CDE Ireland

CDE Ireland Ltd
Ballyreagh Industrial Estate,
Sandholes Road,
Co. Tyrone.
BT80 9DG

Office Tel: +44 (0)28 8676 7900

1. CDE Plant Operation Instructions ................................................................... 1
1.1 Turning on the plant ....................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Isolator ....................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Key-switch ................................................................................................. 2
2. The HMI ............................................................................................................ 3
2.1 Main Overview ................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Login ................................................................................................................ 4
2.3 Navigation ........................................................................................................ 4
2.4.1 Auto & Cycle modes .................................................................................. 5
2.4.2 Auto Mode Settings .................................................................................... 6
2.4.3 Cycle Mode Settings ................................................................................... 7
2.4.4 Manual De-sludge/ Flush ............................................................................ 8
2.5 Poly Plant Overview ........................................................................................ 9
2.5.1 Poly Plant Settings ...................................................................................... 9
2.5.2 Material Switch ........................................................................................ 11
2.6 Water Tank .................................................................................................... 12
2.6.1 Low & Low Low ...................................................................................... 12
2.6.2 Top Up Water ........................................................................................... 12
2.7 Compressor .................................................................................................... 13
2.8 Hand Control ................................................................................................. 13
2.8.1 Start Stop Time ......................................................................................... 15
3. Device Control ................................................................................................. 16
3.1 Removing Motors from Sequence ................................................................. 17
3.2 Valve Control ................................................................................................. 17
3.3 Alarm Page .................................................................................................... 18

Supplementary Manual Only

This is a general
HMI manual. It
may not be
appropriate to all
plants. See full CDE
O&M manual
before operation

Doc Name: General HMI Rev No. 1.0
Operation Manual - 1 - CDE Ireland

1. CDE Plant Operation Instructions

1.1 Turning on the plant

Thickeners and Sand Plants should be turned on first and off last.

1.1.1 Isolator

There is an isolator on the front of the control panel, turn to ON. This will power the
CDE panel. Note that the key-switch must be set to OFF before power up. (Labelled 4
on the above diagram).

As power has been off the PLC will have interpreted this as an Emergency Stop, Press
the Common (overload) reset and E-stop reset buttons and the alarm mute button: If
this is not successful repeat.

Doc Name: General HMI Rev No. 1.0
Operation Manual - 2 - CDE Ireland

The rakes will come on as soon as the E- Stop reset has been pressed. As the rakes
should be kept turning at all times do not use the isolator as an ON/OFF switch. Leave
power on at all times in normal operation, do not turn off overnight.

The HMI will take around 30 seconds to start.

1.1.2 Key-switch

The key-switch on the front of the panel should be used to turn the
plant on and off in normal operation. It has three positions:

OFF: Plant is shut down. Only the rakes are running
AUTO: Plant running
HAND: Individual motors can be operated for testing

To start the plant; turn the key-switch from OFF to AUTO: This
will start the plant in sequence. The sequenced start is important to
ensure that the material does not back up causing damage or
blockages and to ensure that the large motors
required for CDE plant do not cause overloads as
they start.

To stop the plant turn they key-switch from AUTO
to OFF. Again this is a sequenced shutdown, mainly
to ensure that material is removed from the plant
before it stops.

Never use Emergency Stops or isolator to shut
down the plant

The Start-up/Shutdown sequence will be displayed on the HMI.

Doc Name: General HMI Rev No. 1.0
Operation Manual - 3 - CDE Ireland

2. The HMI

CDE plants are controlled via the HMI, Human Machine Interface, on the front of the
electrical control panel. The HMI is linked to the PLC, Programmable Logic
Controller, which runs the control software that operates the plant.

The HMI allows the plant operator to make modifications to any of the plant settings;
both at the commissioning stage and during operations.

The HMI consists of a screen, keypad and function (F) buttons in a single unit
mounted in the front of the panel. It allows all the necessary modifications to be made
while commissioning and running the plant.

2.1 Main Overview

Doc Name: General HMI Rev No. 1.0
Operation Manual - 4 - CDE Ireland

F1 to Login
F2 to Logout
F3 to open Navigation Page
F4 to open Alarm Page

2.2 Login

The plant can be run on the key-switch only and most of the time this is all that is
required; however, if any modifications to settings are needed, you must login:

CDE screen

F1: Login
F2: User (2219 )
F3: Password (2219 )

This will allow access to the Plant Settings

Press F2 to logout.
2.3 Navigation

F3 to open Navigation Page

F8 to close Navigation Page

Pressing F3 following Login will
allow access to the Navigation
screen. This will allow access to
the plant menus. Simply move to
the menu you wish to access using
the arrow buttons, and press
Return ()

Also shown on the Navigation Page are the Water Tank Level and the Thickener
Rakes Torque level.

Doc Name: General HMI Rev No. 1.0
Operation Manual - 5 - CDE Ireland

2.3 Sludge Navigation

The Thickener tank is designed to speed up the settlement process of the waste
material or silt. By adding a polymer to the material/water mixture in the tank, the
material sinks to the bottom of the tank creating sludge and the clean water overflows
into a weir at the top of the tank. The clean water can be stored in a water tank and
recycled. The sludge that builds up in the tank must periodically be emptied into a
pond or tank. When the plant is running in auto, the rake torque level controls the de-
sludge process. When the torque level reaches a set point the following sequence will

There are two available ways to control this sequence.

The first, and most commonly used, is through the torque on the rakes (Auto Mode);
torque rises as the level of the sludge rises.

The second method is to run on a timer (Cycle Mode); 90 seconds de-sludge every 60
minutes or similar.

2.4.1 Auto & Cycle modes

Open Sludge Navigation

F1 switches between Auto and Cycle Mode
De-sludge Sequence in Auto
Knife valve (KV) opens
Sludge line valve (SLV) opens if fitted
Warman pump runs pumping the sludge out
Warman stops
Knife gate valve (KV) closes
Water butterfly valve (BV) opens
Warman starts pumping water up the sludge line
Water butterfly valve (BV) closes
Sludge line valve (SLV) closes if fitted

Doc Name: General HMI Rev No. 1.0
Operation Manual - 6 - CDE Ireland

To select the Sludge Auto sequence, press the key (Enter Key)

2.4.2 Auto Mode Settings

The Sludge Auto Sequence is
controlled by the current drawn by
the rakes motor. This is
proportional to the torque on the
rakes, which gives a percentage
reading on the main Navigation

F1: High High Setpoint

If the feed of material into the
thickener is too great the sludge
level will rise. This will trigger the
Hi-Hi setpoint which will stop the
hopper until de-sludge can reduce the level sufficiently that the hopper can be
restarted. Set 4-5% above the start level.

F2: Delay on Powerup

If the Thickener rakes have been off for a period of time, on the initial start-up, the
reading will go high temporarily. This delay time will ignore the high reading, thus
giving time for the sludge to settle and give an accurate reading.

F3: Start Level

Desludging starts when this level is reached

Doc Name: General HMI Rev No. 1.0
Operation Manual - 7 - CDE Ireland

F4: Stop Level

Desludging stops when this level is reached

F5: Sludge Runtime in Auto

This sets the time that the De-sludge process will run for. When the start level has been
reached the sludge pump starts. This continues until the sludge runtime in auto has
timed out or the stop level has been reached. This timer is a safeguard to prevent the
sludge pump from running any longer than necessary.

F6: Flush Time in Auto

Following the De-sludge process, clean water will flush the line to prevent sludge
solidifying and blocking. The flush time will be set according to the length of the
sludge pipe to a pond or press.

F7: Delay after sequence

The de-sludge sequence will not activate again for the set time. This is to allow the
sludge to settle between each de-sludge process thus giving a constant density of
sludge to the pond or press.

2.4.3 Cycle Mode Settings

The de-sludge sequence is controlled by timer when in cycle mode

F1: Cycle Run Time

Enter the period of time, in
seconds, for de-sludge pumping.
This will typically be between 45
and 120 seconds.

F2: Cycle Off Time

Enter the period of time between
de-sludges. Typically this will be
from 30 to 45 minutes.

Cycle mode is used if a light, typically organic, sludge is produced. This may not be
dense enough to allow auto mode to be used.

Doc Name: General HMI Rev No. 1.0
Operation Manual - 8 - CDE Ireland

Cycle Run Time 300 De-sludge pump will run for 300 seconds
every 30 minutes
Cycle Off Time 30

2.4.4 Manual De-sludge/ Flush

F1: Start Manual De-sludge
F2: Set Manual De-sludge Time
F3: Start Manual Flush
F4: Set Flush Time

De-sludging can be carried out
manually at any time. The pump will
run for the time set at F2.
Accumulated Time shows the time

Manual flush must be run after the
final manual De-sludge and clears
the sludge line with clean water.

A manual de-sludge should also be carried out when the plant is to be shut off at the
isolator for more than a few hours. If plant is to be run from a generator; de-sludge last
thing in the evening before turning off.

Manual backwash opens the sludge valve and the flush valve. This process should be
used when the main water line is pressurised. Water flows up into the thickener to
clear any blockages or build up of sludge in the bottom of the Thickener. It is not
commonly used.

Shutting down system where power is to be
turned off

If the power is turned off the rakes will stop.
Sludge then settles, over several hours, and makes
it difficult to restart the rakes without tripping the
overloads. To avoid this do a manual de-sludge, or
two, to empty the majority of the sludge from the
Restarting rakes if heavy sludge is causing
an overload
1: Do a manual de-sludge. This will be possible
even if M10 is tripped
2: Locate M10 on panel door. Press PAR & VAL buttons together. This resets M10 allowing
rakes to start. Repeat until clear. This will take several attempts. The M20, fitted beside M10

Doc Name: General HMI Rev No. 1.0
Operation Manual - 9 - CDE Ireland

will show % power which will fall. Do not change settings. If this fails contact CDE.

2.5 Poly Plant Overview

Powdered Polyelectrolyte Flocculent (poly) is stored in the hopper on tank. This is
then metered by a screw feeder into a mixing tank. While it meters the mixer activates
and agitates the solution.

Poly solution is pumped to the thickener tank from the poly dose tank by the poly dose
pump. This runs continuously while raw material is fed from the main washing plant.
When the poly dose tank is low the transfer pump will pump the poly makeup tank to
the poly dosing tank.

Fresh water is pumped from the water tank to the poly makeup tank and as it fills the
screw feeder and mixer activate making fresh solution.

Generally the more Polymer that is pumped into the thickener the better the settlement
rate in the Thickener.

2.5.1 Poly Plant Settings

The CDE poly plant will send a supply of polyelectrolyte flocculent (poly) to the
thickener at a constant rate.

Screw Feeder
Poly Dose Pump
Poly Water Pump
Level Probes
Manual Ball Valve
Poly Hopper

Doc Name: General HMI Rev No. 1.0
Operation Manual - 10 - CDE Ireland Increasing the poly dosing pump speed

There is a potentiometer on the front of the panel as shown below. This controls the
speed of the poly pump motor, shown on the display. The speed can be varied between
18 and 50 Hz; the flow-rate from the pump can be more than doubled.

Changing the pumping speed will be suitable for most changes of poly dose.

Making a stronger poly solution

Poly powder is fed into the mixing
tank by a screw feeder. The
concentration of the solution made
is controlled by the screw feeder
run time.

F1: Screw Run Time

If the screw runs for longer it will
make a more concentrated

Doc Name: General HMI Rev No. 1.0
Operation Manual - 11 - CDE Ireland The Mixer Cycle

The mixer cycle will occur when the poly plant is in the off position. The mixer will
come on for a time period (F2) and off for a timer period (F3).

F2: Mixer Cycle On Time
F3: Mixer Cycle Off Time

Mixer Cycle On Time 120 Mixer will run for 120 seconds every 45
Mixer Cycle Off Time 45

F4: Mixer Auto Run Time

When the screw feeder runs the mixer will also start; F4 sets the period it will run for.

Inside the poly mixing tank is a mixer (stirrer) that prevents the poly solution from
solidifying. This will run while the screw feeder is running and for a time after.

Note that the transfer of poly solution from the mixing to the dosing tank cannot occur
while the mixer is running. The Auto Run Time must be shorter than the time needed
to empty the dosing tank or it will prevent transfer and cause a fault.

2.5.2 Material Switch

The CDE poly plant is controlled by a material switch; generally fitted to the washing
plant main feed hopper. This means that when no material is being fed into the plant
the poly supply is interrupted. The green, plant running, light will flash when this
happens. Poly dosing resumes when material is again fed.

F5: Material Switch Delay

On many plants the material switch will be at the start of the process, typically at the
hopper. This means material will still be going through the plant for several minutes
after the material switch off signal. A delay allows this material to pass out of the
system before the poly is turned off. Delay also prevents temporary interruptions in
material flow from stopping poly dosing.

Doc Name: General HMI Rev No. 1.0
Operation Manual - 12 - CDE Ireland

2.6 Water Tank

The water level is constantly displayed in the Navigation page as shown above.

The CDE thickener will send a constant supply of cleaned water to the water tank; the
water tank will be used to supply the plant with water. Due to the high flow rate and
losses top up water will be needed.

2.6.1 Low & Low Low

F1: Sets the Low Level (mm)

F2: Sets the Low Low Level (mm)

These levels are a measurement in mm from the bottom of the water tank and
measured by an ultrasonic probe. At the Low level feed to the plant will be stopped
and the plant will activate a shut down process. At the Low Low level the plant will be
shut down immediately and the warning sounder will sound.

2.6.2 Top Up Water

F3: Top up Start Level

F4: Top up Stop Level

The top up water is used to make up for water losses in the plant. The levels were the
top up water starts and stops are set using F3 & F4.

Doc Name: General HMI Rev No. 1.0
Operation Manual - 13 - CDE Ireland

2.7 Compressor

F1: Compressor Auto/Bypass mode

In Auto Mode the compressor runs on an internal pressure switch. In Auto mode the
compressor will not start until the key switch is turned to Auto on the control panel and
the pressure switch is low.

In Bypass mode the compressor runs on the pressure switch regardless of whether the
key switch is on Auto or not.

Run in Bypass in most cases.

2.8 Hand Control

Starting Motors Independently

Turn Key-switch to Hand

Doc Name: General HMI Rev No. 1.0
Operation Manual - 14 - CDE Ireland

Turn the 16 position selector switch until the correct motor window opens. Caution:
HMI may take a while to load screens. Ensure that the correct screen is loaded, wait 10
seconds, before proceeding and check that the motor identification is correct.

Doc Name: General HMI Rev No. 1.0
Operation Manual - 15 - CDE Ireland

F3: Start/Stop

Press once to start; press again to stop.

Motor will start. RUNNING message will show.

Note that any valves that need to open, such as those for de-sludge, will operate.

Note Using Hand Control, more than one motor can be started at a time. Several
motors can be running at once and by turning the key switch to off will stop all motors
from running.

2.8.1 Start Stop Time

The start/stop sequence is important for the following reasons.

Doc Name: General HMI Rev No. 1.0
Operation Manual - 16 - CDE Ireland

The motors used in CDE may draw high currents while starting; it is important that
they are not started at the same time as overloads will occur.

Plants, particularly quarries, must be sequenced for material flow; the Hopper starts
last and stops first and sand plants must empty before pumps are stopped.

Turn Key-switch to Off
Open Device Control

F1: Sets start time

F2: Sets stop time

F5: Next motor in HMI

3. Device Control

Device Control

Severe damage can
be caused to the

Process may fail

Use extreme care

Contact CDE

Device control permits motors to be operated independently, to be removed from
operation and to have their start-up/shutdown sequences changed.

Doc Name: General HMI Rev No. 1.0
Operation Manual - 17 - CDE Ireland

3.1 Removing Motors from Sequence

Turn Key-switch to Off
Open Device Control

F4: Enable/Disable

When motor is disabled there will be a NOT IN SEQUENCE message. Motor will
not start when plant is turned to auto.

All motors can be disabled.

F6: Return to device control

3.2 Valve Control

As with the motors it is possible to
remove valve from sequence. This
will be used to avoid PLC
reprogramming if a valve is not

F1, F2, F3 will enable or disable

The valves are allowed a set amount
of time to open: Once this has
passed a fault will be sent if the
valve is still closed indicating a

Doc Name: General HMI Rev No. 1.0
Operation Manual - 18 - CDE Ireland

pneumatic, signal or valve failure.

F4, F5, F6, F7 will change the time to open.

3.3 Alarm Page

F4 to open Alarm Page
F8 to close Alarm Page

If the power has been off there will be a long list of alarms. Most of these will have
been deactivated by the Common Reset and E-Stop reset buttons.

F2, Clear: removes all deactivated alarms.

Any active alarms will not clear and will have an asterisk* beside them.

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