This document discusses topics related to human resources management and payroll cycles. It includes questions about HRM activities, policies to prevent fraudulent commission payments, which department should provide information to the payroll system, major sources of input to the payroll system, and types of payroll reports.
This document discusses topics related to human resources management and payroll cycles. It includes questions about HRM activities, policies to prevent fraudulent commission payments, which department should provide information to the payroll system, major sources of input to the payroll system, and types of payroll reports.
This document discusses topics related to human resources management and payroll cycles. It includes questions about HRM activities, policies to prevent fraudulent commission payments, which department should provide information to the payroll system, major sources of input to the payroll system, and types of payroll reports.
This document discusses topics related to human resources management and payroll cycles. It includes questions about HRM activities, policies to prevent fraudulent commission payments, which department should provide information to the payroll system, major sources of input to the payroll system, and types of payroll reports.
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Accounting Information Systems, 12e (Romney/Steinbart)
Chapter 15 The Human Resources Management and Payroll Cycle
1) Which activity below is not performed by the HRM? A) compensation B) training C) discharge ) recr!itment and hiring Answer" A #age Ref" $%& 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic ,) -he sales department administrative assistant has been assigning phone order sales to her law/ a company sales person0 Company policy is to pay commissions only on orders directly received by sales people/ not on orders received over the phone0 -he res!lting fra!d!lent commission payments might best have been prevented by re1!iring that A) sales commission statements be s!pported by sales order forms signed by the c!stomer and approved by the sales manager0 B) sales order forms be pren!mbered and acco!nted for by the sales department manager0 C) sales orders and commission statements be approved by the acco!nting department0 ) disb!rsement vo!chers for commission payments be reviewed by the internal a!dit department and compared to sales commission statements and sales orders0 Answer" A #age Ref" $$% 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Analytic %) Which department sho!ld have the sole ability to provide information to the A2+ abo!t hiring/ terminations/ and pay rate changes? A) payroll B) time3eeping C) prod!ction ) HRM Answer" #age Ref" $%4 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic 1 Copyright 5 ,61, #earson *d!cation/ 2nc0 p!blishing as #rentice Hall $) Which of the following is not one of the ma(or so!rces of inp!t to the payroll system? A) payroll rate changes B) time and attendance data C) chec3s to ins!rance and benefits providers ) withholdings and ded!ction re1!ests from employees Answer" C #age Ref" $$1 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic &) 2n the payroll system/ chec3s are iss!ed to A) employees and to ban3s participating in direct deposit0 B) a company payroll ban3 acco!nt0 C) government agencies0 ) All of the above are correct0 Answer" #age Ref" $$1 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic 4) *7perts estimate that on average the costs associated with replacing an employee are abo!t 88888888 that of the employee9s ann!al salary0 A) one.1!arter B) one.half C) one and one.half ) twice Answer" C #age Ref" $%: 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Analytic ;) <or recording time spent on specific wor3 pro(ects/ man!fact!ring companies !s!ally !se a A) (ob time tic3et0 B) time card0 C) time cloc30 ) labor time card0 Answer" A #age Ref" $$% 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic , Copyright 5 ,61, #earson *d!cation/ 2nc0 p!blishing as #rentice Hall :) Regarding the !se of incentives/ commissions and bon!ses in payroll/ which of the following statements is false? A) =sing incentives/ commissions/ and bon!ses re1!ires lin3ing the payroll system and the information systems of sales and other cycles in order to collect the data !sed to calc!late bon!ses0 B) Bon!s>incentive schemes m!st be properly designed with realistic/ attainable goals that can be ob(ectively meas!red0 C) 2ncentive schemes can res!lt in !ndesirable behavior0 ) All of the above are tr!e0 Answer" #age Ref" $$% 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Analytic ?) What is not a desired res!lt of an employee bon!s>incentive system? A) *mployees may recommend !nnecessary services to c!stomers in order to e7ceed set sales 1!otas and earn a bon!s0 B) *mployees may loo3 for ways to improve service0 C) *mployees may analy@e their wor3 environment and find ways to c!t costs0 ) *mployees may wor3 harder and may be more motivated to e7ceed target goals to earn a bon!s0 Answer" A #age Ref" $$$ 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic 16) -hese are !sed to transmit time and attendance data directly to the payroll processing system0 A) Badge readers B) *lectronic time cloc3s C) Magnetic cards ) none of the above Answer" B #age Ref" $$$ 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic 11) #ayroll ded!ctions fall into the broad categories of 88888888 and 888888880 A) payroll ta7 withholdingsA vol!ntary ded!ctions B) !nemploymentA social sec!rity ta7es C) !nemployment ta7esA income ta7es ) vol!ntary ded!ctionsA income ta7es Answer" A #age Ref" $$; 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic % Copyright 5 ,61, #earson *d!cation/ 2nc0 p!blishing as #rentice Hall 1,) Which of the following ded!ctions is not classified as a vol!ntary ded!ction? A) pension plan contrib!tions B) social sec!rity withholdings C) ins!rance premi!ms ) ded!ctions for a charity organi@ation Answer" B #age Ref" $$; 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic 1%) Which type of payroll report contains information s!ch as the employees9 gross pay/ payroll ded!ctions/ and net pay in a m!lticol!mn format? A) payroll register B) ded!ction register C) employee earnings statement ) federal W.$ form Answer" A #age Ref" $$; 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic 1$) Which type of payroll report lists the vol!ntary ded!ctions for each employee? A) payroll register B) ded!ction register C) earnings statement ) federal W.$ form Answer" B #age Ref" $$; 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic 1&) Which type of payroll report incl!des the details of the c!rrent paychec3 and ded!ctions as well as totals? A) payroll register B) ded!ction register C) earnings statement ) federal W.$ form Answer" C #age Ref" $$; 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic $ Copyright 5 ,61, #earson *d!cation/ 2nc0 p!blishing as #rentice Hall 14) Why is a separate payroll acco!nt !sed to clear payroll chec3s? A) for internal control p!rposes to help limit any e7pos!re to loss by the company B) to ma3e ban3 reconciliation easier C) ban3s don9t li3e to commingle payroll and e7pense chec3s ) All of the above are correct0 Answer" A #age Ref" $&6 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Analytic 1;) 'ne good way to eliminate paper paychec3s is to A) pay in cash only0 B) pay with money orders0 C) !se direct deposit0 ) !se *lectronic <!nds -ransfer0 Answer" C #age Ref" $$? 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic 1:) What step can be ta3en to red!ce the distrib!tion of fra!d!lent paychec3s? A) have internal a!dit investigate !nclaimed paychec3s B) allow department managers to investigate !nclaimed paychec3s C) immediately mar3 BvoidB across all !nclaimed paychec3s ) match !p all paychec3s with time cards Answer" A #age Ref" $&6 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Analytic 1?) Companies that speciali@e in processing payroll are 3nown as A) paychec3 distrib!tion companies0 B) payroll service b!rea!s0 C) professional employer organi@ations0 ) semi.governmental organi@ations0 Answer" B #age Ref" $&1 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic & Copyright 5 ,61, #earson *d!cation/ 2nc0 p!blishing as #rentice Hall ,6) -his organi@ation provides payroll processing as well as other HRM services/ s!ch as employee benefit design and administration0 A) Cashier B) #ayroll service b!rea! C) #rofessional employer organi@ation ) #aychec3 distrib!tion companies Answer" C #age Ref" $&1 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic ,1) Which of the following is not a benefit of !sing a payroll service b!rea! or a professional employer organi@ation? A) <reeing !p of comp!ter reso!rces B) 2ncreased internal control C) Red!ced costs ) Wider range of benefits Answer" B #age Ref" $&, 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic ,,) Many companies offer their employees a BcafeteriaB approach to vol!ntary benefits in which employees can pic3 and choose the benefits they want0 -his plan is normally called aCn) A) elective plan0 B) men! options benefit plan0 C) fle7ible benefit plan0 ) b!ffet plan0 Answer" C #age Ref" $&1 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic ,%) #ay rate information is stored in A) employees9 personnel files0 B) employee s!bsidiary ledgers0 C) the payroll master file0 ) electronic time cards0 Answer" C #age Ref" $$, 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Analytic 4 Copyright 5 ,61, #earson *d!cation/ 2nc0 p!blishing as #rentice Hall ,$) -he payroll transaction file wo!ld contain A) entries to add new hires0 B) time card data0 C) changes in ta7 rates0 ) All of the above are correct0 Answer" B #age Ref" $$% 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Analytic ,&) -he doc!ment that lists each employee9s gross pay/ payroll ded!ctions/ and net pay in a m!lticol!mn format is called A) an employee earnings statement0 B) the payroll register0 C) a ded!ction register0 ) an employee time sheet s!mmary0 Answer" B #age Ref" $$; 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic ,4) As the payroll system processes each payroll transaction/ the system sho!ld also perform which activity listed below? A) allocate labor costs to appropriate general ledger acco!nts B) !se c!m!lative totals generated from a payroll to create a s!mmary (o!rnal entry to be posted to the general ledger C) both A and B above ) -he HRM system sho!ld not perform either activity A or B0 Answer" C #age Ref" $$; 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Analytic ,;) irect deposit of employee paychec3s is one way an organi@ation can improve efficiency and red!ce payroll.processing costs0 Which statement regarding direct deposit is false? A) -he cashier does not a!thori@e the transfer of f!nds from the organi@ation9s chec3ing acco!nt to a payroll chec3ing acco!nt0 B) -he cashier does not have to sign employee paychec3s0 C) *mployees who are part of a direct deposit program receive a copy of their paychec3 indicating the amo!nt deposited0 ) *mployees who are part of a direct deposit program receive an earnings statement on payday rather than a paper chec30 Answer" A #age Ref" $$? 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Analytic ; Copyright 5 ,61, #earson *d!cation/ 2nc0 p!blishing as #rentice Hall ,:) -he employer pays a portion of some payroll ta7es and employee benefits0 Both the employee and employer pay which benefit or ta7 listed below? A) social sec!rity ta7es B) federal income ta7es C) state income ta7es ) none of the above Answer" A #age Ref" $&6 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic ,?) When !sing electronic doc!ments/ 88888888 increase the acc!racy of data entry0 A) access controls B) separation of d!ties C) general controls ) application controls Answer" #age Ref" $$$ 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic %6) -he 3ey to preventing !na!thori@ed changes to the payroll master file is A) hiring totally honest people to access and ma3e changes to this file0 B) segregation of d!ties between the preparation of paychec3s and their distrib!tion0 C) segregation of d!ties between the a!thori@ation of changes and the physical handling of paychec3s0 ) having the controller closely review and then approve any changes to the master file0 Answer" C #age Ref" $&, 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " iffic!lt AAC+B" Analytic %1) Which of the following is not a potential effect of inacc!rate data on employee time cards? A) increased labor e7penses B) erroneo!s labor e7pense reports C) damaged employee morale ) inacc!rate calc!lation of overhead costs Answer" #age Ref" $$$ 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Analytic : Copyright 5 ,61, #earson *d!cation/ 2nc0 p!blishing as #rentice Hall %,) Which control wo!ld be most appropriate to address the problem of inacc!rate payroll processing? A) encryption B) direct deposit C) cross.footing of the payroll register ) an imprest payroll chec3ing acco!nt Answer" C #age Ref" $$? 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " iffic!lt AAC+B" Reflective -hin3ing %%) What is the p!rpose of a general ledger payroll clearing acco!nt? A) to chec3 the acc!racy and completeness of payroll recording and its allocation to cost centers B) to ma3e the ban3 reconciliation easier C) to ma3e s!re that all employees are paid correctly each wee3 ) to prevent the cashier from having complete control of the payroll cycle Answer" A #age Ref" $$? 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Analytic %$) A B@ero balance chec3B refers to which of the following control proced!res? A) a type of batch total B) cross.footing the payroll register C) the payroll clearing acco!nt shows a @ero balance once all entries are posted ) trial balance showing that debits e1!al credits Answer" C #age Ref" $$? 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Analytic %&) All of the following are controls that sho!ld be implemented in a payroll process/ except A) s!pervisors distrib!te paychec3s since they sho!ld 3now all employees in their department0 B) someone independent of the payroll process sho!ld reconcile the payroll ban3 acco!nt0 C) se1!ential n!mbering of paychec3s and acco!nting for the n!mbers0 ) restrict access to blan3 payroll chec3s and doc!ments0 Answer" A #age Ref" $&6 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Analytic ? Copyright 5 ,61, #earson *d!cation/ 2nc0 p!blishing as #rentice Hall %4) What is the best control to red!ce the ris3 of losing payroll data? A) passwords B) physical sec!rity controls C) bac3!p and disaster recovery proced!res ) encryption Answer" C #age Ref" $$1 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic %;) -he threat of violation of employment laws relates directly to which activity? A) payroll processing B) collecting employee time data C) hiring and recr!iting ) all of the above Answer" C #age Ref" $$1 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Analytic %:) What is a potential threat to the specific activity of payroll processing? A) hiring !n1!alified employees B) poor system performance C) violations of employment laws ) !na!thori@ed changes to the payroll master file Answer" #age Ref" $$% 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Analytic %?) -he res!lts of an internal a!dit finds that there is a problem with inacc!rate time data being entered into the payroll system0 What is an applicable control that can help prevent this event from occ!rring in the f!t!re? A) proper segregation of d!ties B) a!tomation of data collection C) so!nd hiring proced!res ) review of appropriate performance metrics Answer" B #age Ref" $$$ 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic 16 Copyright 5 ,61, #earson *d!cation/ 2nc0 p!blishing as #rentice Hall $6) Which of the following is a control that can be implemented to help prevent paychec3s being iss!ed to a BphantomB or BghostB employee? A) -he cashier sho!ld sign all payroll chec3s0 B) +e1!entially pren!mber all payroll chec3s0 C) =se an imprest acco!nt to clear payroll chec3s0 ) #aychec3s sho!ld be physically distrib!ted by someone who does not a!thori@e time data or record payroll0 Answer" #age Ref" $&6 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Analytic $1) -he average ann!al salary at <olding +1!id -echnologies is D46/6660 2f the average t!rnover rate for middle management is ten employees per year/ what is the appro7imate average ann!al cost of t!rnover? A) D%66/666 B) D466/666 C) D?66/666 ) D1/,66/666 Answer" C #age Ref" $%: 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Analytic $,) Which of the following will contrib!te to the efficiency of a payroll system? A) +egregation of chec3 distrib!tion from payroll d!ties B) #rompt redeposit of !nclaimed paychec3s C) A separate payroll ban3 acco!nt ) irect deposit of chec3s Answer" #age Ref" $$? 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic $%) Which of the following will limit a firm9s potential loss e7pos!re from paychec3 forgery? A) +egregation of chec3 distrib!tion from payroll d!ties B) #rompt redeposit of !nclaimed paychec3s C) A separate payroll ban3 acco!nt ) irect deposit of chec3s Answer" C #age Ref" $&6 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic 11 Copyright 5 ,61, #earson *d!cation/ 2nc0 p!blishing as #rentice Hall $$) Which of the following is a control that addresses the threat of !na!thori@ed changes to the payroll master file? A) <ield chec3s B) Batch totals C) +egregation of d!ties ) +o!nd hiring proced!res Answer" C #age Ref" $$% 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic $&) Which of the following doc!ments wo!ld be li3ely to yield the greatest cost saving by converting from paper to electronic? A) #ayroll register B) *arnings statement C) ed!ction register ) -ime card Answer" #age Ref" $$$ 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic $4) <or the payroll register below/ all the following data entry controls wo!ld be !sef!l except A) Ealidity chec3 on <ed0 -a7 B) +e1!ence chec3 on *mployee Fo0 C) )imit chec3 on Ho!rs ) <ield chec3 on #ay Rate Answer" A #age Ref" $$? 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic 1, Copyright 5 ,61, #earson *d!cation/ 2nc0 p!blishing as #rentice Hall $;) <or the payroll register below/ all the following processing controls wo!ld be !sef!l except A) Conc!rrent !pdate control B) Cross.footing balance test C) Mathematical acc!racy test ) Hash total on *mployee Fo0 Answer" A #age Ref" $$? 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic $:) escribe the basic activities in an HRM>payroll cycle0 Answer" -he HRM>payroll cycle is a rec!rring set of b!siness activities and related data processing operations associated with effectively managing the employee wor3 force0 2mportant activities in the HRM>payroll cycle incl!de the following tas3s" Recr!itment and hiring of new employees0 -raining0 Gob assignment0 Compensation Cpayroll)0 #erformance eval!ation0 ischarge0 #age Ref" $%& 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic $?) 2dentify the two types of payroll ded!ctions and give two e7amples of each type0 Answer" #ayroll ded!ctions incl!de" #ayroll ta7 withholdings s!ch as federal/ state/ and local income ta7es/ social sec!rity ta7es/ !nemployment ta7esA Eol!ntary ded!ctions s!ch as contrib!tions to a pension plan/ premi!m for gro!p life/ etc0 #age Ref" $$; 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic &6) Why are acc!rate c!m!lative earnings records important? Answer" Acc!rate records of c!m!lative earnings are necessary beca!se social sec!rity and other ded!ctions have ma7im!m earnings amo!nts !pon which ta7es are paidA and the appropriate amo!nt of income and payroll ta7es sho!ld be remitted to the government agencies0 At the end of each calendar year/ b!sinesses m!st prepare and mail s!mmary earnings statements to every employee with earnings that year0 #age Ref" $$; 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Analytic 1% Copyright 5 ,61, #earson *d!cation/ 2nc0 p!blishing as #rentice Hall &1) *7plain the f!nctions of the payroll register/ ded!ction register/ and earnings statement0 Answer" -he payroll register is a report that lists each employee9s gross pay/ payroll ded!ctions/ and net pay for each pay period0 -he ded!ction register lists the vol!ntary ded!ctions for each employee0 -he earnings statement lists the amo!nt of gross pay/ ded!ctions/ and net pay for the c!rrent period/ as well as providing totals0 #age Ref" $$; 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic &,) What is the difference between a payroll service b!rea! and a professional employer organi@ation? Answer" A payroll service b!rea! is a company that can be hired as an independent contractor to maintain the payroll master file and perform the payroll processing activities for an organi@ation0 A professional employer organi@ation is a company that provides not only f!ll payroll services b!t also provides HRM services s!ch as employee benefit design and administration0 #age Ref" $&1 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " *asy AAC+B" Analytic &%) isc!ss the vario!s types and so!rces of inp!t into the HRM>payroll cycle0 Answer" An HRM>payroll system relies on inp!t from vario!s so!rces0 *mployees provide inp!t when they ma3e changes in their discretionary ded!ctions Ccontrib!tions to charities or retirement plans)A vario!s departments provide data abo!t the act!al ho!rs employees wor30 -he HRM department provides information abo!t employees who have been hired or terminated/ pay.rate changes/ and promotions0 Hovernment agencies provide ta7 rates and vario!s instr!ctions for meeting reg!latory re1!irements0 2ns!rance companies and other organi@ations provide instr!ctions for calc!lating and remitting vario!s withholding amo!nts0 #age Ref" $$1 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective 1 iffic!lty " iffic!lt AAC+B" Analytic &$) escribe benefits and threats of incentive and bon!s programs0 Answer" +ales staffs are often paid either on a straight commission basis or a combination of a salary pl!s commissions0 -his is done to 3eep sales at a certain level or to increase sales0 -he HRM>payroll system will need inp!t from the sales and other cycles to properly calc!late commissions and bon!ses for s!ch employees0 2t is important that an incentive and bon!s system sets realistic/ attainable goals that are congr!ent with corporate ob(ectives0 2t is also important that managers monitor incentive and bon!s goals and ens!re that the attainment of s!ch goals is appropriate for the organi@ation and does not lead to !ndesirable behavior/ which can res!lt from poorly designed incentive schemes0 #age Ref" $$% 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Analytic 1$ Copyright 5 ,61, #earson *d!cation/ 2nc0 p!blishing as #rentice Hall &&) *7plain benefits to companies and to employees of !sing electronic direct deposit for payroll0 Answer" irect deposit of paychec3s provide a savings to employers beca!se the costs of p!rchasing/ processing/ and distrib!ting paper chec3s is eliminated0 =sing direct deposit also red!ces postage and ban3 fees0 -he cashier9s time can be better spent beca!se paychec3s do not have to be signed0 *mployees save time as well as they do not have to ma3e a physical trip to the ban3 to cash their chec3s0 irect deposit is safer as it eliminates misplaced paychec3s and red!ces the possibility of the theft of chec3s0 #age Ref" $$? 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Reflective -hin3ing &4) What factors sho!ld be considered in o!tso!rcing payroll to a payroll service b!rea!? isc!ss the advantages and disadvantages of !sing a payroll service b!rea! to process a payroll0 Answer" -he following 1!estions sho!ld be considered" How m!ch does the service cost? How wo!ld the data be s!bmittedonline or hand carried? What 3ind of reports and doc!ments co!ld be obtained from the service b!rea!? How wo!ld the service interface with the e7isting general ledger system? What reso!rces are now being devoted to payroll and how co!ld these reso!rces be re.deployed into other areas? Co!ld sec!rity and control be improved by the o!tso!rcing? What wo!ld be the time length of a contract for o!tso!rcing services? Co!ld the service b!rea! system be integrated so that an online 1!ery co!ld be made by the organi@ation? What 3ind of trac3 record does the service b!rea! have with other clients? Are there new technologies and approaches that wo!ld become available to the company via the service b!rea!? Advantages" Fo need to deal with comple7ity and changes in ta7 codes0 Fo need to worry abo!t what to do if e1!ipment crashes0 )ess chance of employees accessing the payroll files Cconfidentiality)0 #ossible efficiency and cost red!ctions0 Wider range of benefits0 <reed.!p comp!ter reso!rces0 isadvantages" )ess control over the payroll files beca!se they are stored off.site0 *7tra costs for any special reports0 +lower response to ad.hoc 1!eries0 #age Ref" $&1.$&, 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Analytic 1& Copyright 5 ,61, #earson *d!cation/ 2nc0 p!blishing as #rentice Hall &;) isc!ss the threat of !na!thori@ed changes to the payroll master file and its conse1!ences0 Answer" Many problems may res!lt when there are !na!thori@ed changes to the payroll master file0 =na!thori@ed changes may be made to employee pay rates/ res!lting in the company paying too m!ch in wages0 BHhostB or BphantomB employees may be added to the payroll master to divert f!nds to dishonest employees thro!gh the iss!ance of paychec3s to s!ch Bemployees0B )i3ewise/ terminated employees may still be paid/ res!lting in the fra!d!lent diversion of payroll f!nds0 -wo controls that sho!ld be implemented and maintained to provide overall control of the payroll master file" proper segregation of d!ties and controlling access to the file0 Hood internal control dictates that only a!thori@ed HRM personnel be allowed to !pdate the payroll master file for any hiring/ termination/ pay raise/ and promotion0 HRM personnel/ who have s!ch access to the payroll master file/ sho!ld never be allowed to directly participate in act!al payroll processing or paychec3 distrib!tion0 -his way an ade1!ate control is created to match act!al paychec3s Cor earnings statements when direct deposit is in place) with employees when a manager/ s!pervisor/ or other third party hand o!t the chec3s Cor earnings statements)0 Also/ a different individ!al sho!ld approve all changes to the payroll master file in writing other than the individ!al who recommends or initiates the changes0 =ser 2s and passwords sho!ld always be !sed to control access to the payroll master file/ and an access control matri7 sho!ld be established to define what actions each a!thori@ed employee is allowed to ma3e and confirms the files the employee may access0 #age Ref" $$% 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " iffic!lt AAC+B" Analytic &:) What controls are available to address the threat of payroll errors? Answer" -hree types of controls can be !sed to circ!mvent payroll errors in an HRM>payroll system0 Batch totals are !sed to verify totals entered into the system both at the time of data entry and at each stage in the processing0 Hash totals are partic!larly !sef!l in this regard/ since hash totals calc!lated at the time of original data entry and again at each stage in the process can be compared0 When the comparisons match thro!gho!t the process/ three concl!sions can be made" 1) all payroll records have been processedA ,) the data inp!t was acc!rateA and %) no bog!s time cards were entered at any point after initial inp!t0 =pon completion of a payroll/ the payroll register sho!ld be cross.footed to verify that the totals of the net pay col!mn and other ded!ction col!mns e1!al the total of the gross pay col!mn0 A third control is the !se of a payroll clearing acco!nt0 -his is a general ledger acco!nt that can be !sed as part of a two.step acc!racy and completeness process0 <irst/ the payroll control acco!nt will be debited for the amo!nt of the gross pay for the pay periodA cash and other vario!s withholding liability acco!nts are credited0 +econd/ the cost acco!nting process distrib!tes labor costs to vario!s e7pense categories and credits the payroll control acco!nt for the total amo!nt of the debits made to the other acco!nts0 -he res!lt is that the payroll control acco!nt will have a @ero balance0 -his becomes an internal chec3 3nown as a @ero balance chec3/ indicating that the proper postings have been made to all of the acco!nts associated with payroll for a given pay period0 #age Ref" $$:.$$? 'b(ective" )earning 'b(ective , iffic!lty " Moderate AAC+B" Analytic 14 Copyright 5 ,61, #earson *d!cation/ 2nc0 p!blishing as #rentice Hall
Form No. 3CB (See Rule 6G (1) (B) ) Audit Report Under Section 44AB of The Income-Tax Act, 1961, in The Case of of A Person Referred To in Clause (B) of Sub - Rule (1) of The Rule 6G