Modeling Guide For PPF

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Modeling Guide for PPF


Page 2
1 Document Organization ...................................................................... 3
1.1 Authors ............................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Intended Group of Readers ............................................................................. 3
1.3 References ...................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Glossary .......................................................................................................... 4
2 Modeling Guidelines - Application Analysis ..................................... 6
2.1 What, Why, When ? ..................................................................................... 6
2.2 Translation into PPF Terms ............................................................................. 7
2.2.1 Definition of Tasks - Action Definitions & Processing Types ......................................... 7
2.2.2 Grouping of Tasks - Action Profiles ............................................................................... 8
2.2.3 Conditions ...................................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Communication between Application and PPF .............................................. 11
2.3.1 Context ......................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.2 Application Object ........................................................................................................ 11
3 General Hints...................................................................................... 14
3.1 Rules for Setting up a Good Customizing ...................................................... 14
3.2 Delivering Customizing .................................................................................. 14
3.3 Reorganisation of Actions .............................................................................. 14


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1 Document Organization
1.1 Authors
Name Company Project Role(s) / Comments
IMS Technology SAP AG Software Developer and Author
1.2 Intended Group of Readers
This document is meant as extension of the PPF Implementation Guide, see 1.3. The Implementation
Guide focuses on the technical aspect of the implementation and offers a step-by-step instruction for
implementing important PPF features. In contrast, this document aims to provide you with a better
understanding of the modeling process and its elements.
This document is, especially, intended for
Application developers, who are integrating PPF into their application
Application developers, who are setting up or changing SAP-customizing.
The information might be also useful for the following groups:
1.3 References
Please also see the Post Processing Framework Implementation Guide on how to apply the PPF to a
new application.

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1.4 Glossary

Term Definition
PPF Abbreviation for Post Processing Framework. This framework provides
SAP-applications with a standardized way to execute and administrate
conditioned business tasks.
In contrast to the SAP Business Workflow, these business tasks are
mutual independent, i.e. there are no means for a process flow.
Action Definition An action definition is meta data or skeleton of a business task. The
action definition encompasses all its possible realizations, see also
processing type.
Additionally, it carries the information if business partner data is
needed for the execution and to which business partner it corresponds.
Within the action definition, you setup the merge technique, i.e. how
many successful, failed, or unprocessed actions are allowed for a par-
ticular action definition.
Action This is a runtime instance of an action definition
Configured Action Defi-
For action creation during action determination, the action definition
must be configured. The triple of a chosen processing type, schedul-
ing and starting condition is called configured action definition.
An action definition can have several configured instances. Moreo-
ver, almost all technical settings of the action definition can be different-
ly configured.
Processing Type The processing type corresponds to the technical realization of an
action definition. For instance, start a workflow, send a PDF-based
form via email, etc.
Action Profile Smallest set of action definitions that can be investigated during one
call of the action determination of the PPF.
Application Object The application object is the standardized proxy to access the busi-
ness object. The persistence of this object must be realized via the
Object Services.
Business Object Object that carries the main data relevant for the action determina-
tion and execution. Its persistence is either given as a BOR object
or as a persistent class of the Object Services.
Context Set of data handed to the action determination. The context encom-
passes the name of the application and the action profile, the appli-
cation object and a collection of partners.
Partner Action definitions can be assigned to special person groups. In order
to identify these groups, the PPF expects all address data enriched
with a name of partner function, e.g. Responsible Person, Custom-
er, and, optionally, a partner number. The object having all these
attributes is called a partner.
The partner functions are defined via a BAdI from the application.
Partner Collection This is the runtime collection of all partners of a business object. The
collection is part of the context.

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Merge Technique During the action determination, the new actions are merged with the
old actions of an action definition. Which merge technique is used, is
customized on action definition level. For instance, the merge tech-
nique 1 successful action per action definition deletes all newly de-
termined actions, if one action of the given action definition was suc-
cessfully executed.
Action Determination This is the runtime interface of the PPF.
When the action determination is invoked, the PPF checks the sche-
duling conditions of all configured action definitions based on the
data provided by the context. Moreover, a partner determination is
performed for partner dependent action definitions, i.e. a partner of
the customized partner functions are added whenever they are pro-
vided with the partner collection. Otherwise, a partner dependent
action will be deleted. Finally, the customized merge technique is
The administration of the execution is automatically updated for newly
generated actions, too.


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2 Modeling Guidelines - Application Analysis
Administrating actions in a dynamical, modifiable and flexible way is an ever reoccurring challenge.
One possibility of integrating a flexible output control into your application is using the Post
Processing Framework (short PPF).
In order to successfully integrate PPF into your application, there is some need for a data modeling
process before you start implementing the necessary code. The data model that you chose will heavily
influence the expandability, flexibility, performance and supportability of your solution. The modelling
process for PPF is not a very hard or complicated one. Nevertheless, a too sloppy approach inhibits
further enhancement or raises problem whenever the customer wants to adapt the setting to his
needs. This document assists you during that process and provides you with proven concepts and
The implied application analysis can be a wide field. Here, we only address mutually independent
actions that your application wants to trigger under various circumstances. For dependent actions, you
should consider to integrate a workflow into your scenario.
As a starting point for the modelling, we have chosen your application, since this is the area which you
know best. Building up a list of actions of your application will be the first step. Based on this list, we
explain the analogous terms and entities of PPF. We describe the translation process as algorithmi-
cally as possible. Finally, we explain in which way your application parses information to the PPF at
Note: Before discussing your integration with the PPF colleagues, you should have worked through
the section 2.1.
2.1 What, Why, When ?
You start by setting up a list of all actions whose execution should be controlled by PPF. We strongly
suggest investigating some effort into that step. The related effort will pay off, definitely. The following
three questions serve as a good starting point.
What should be done? E.g. send the shipping list to customer (via FAX and/or IDOC etc.),
create a follow up order,
Why or under which conditions should an action be executed? E.g. always, when the or-
der is complete, when the user selects it from his work list, when an email address is pro-
When should it be executed? There are technical execution times, e.g. immediately, at the
end of the application controlled local unit of work (short LUW), in a batch job, and there
are business relevant execution times as two weeks before the contract expires or at
the end of the year

What Why When
Send shipping list (via EDI or
Shipping list has changed Batch job of the following
Send claim confirmation to
Claim is approved Save
Send proposal for a follow up
Always Two weeks before the current
contract expires
Send an alert to the sales
Sales opportunity for an im-
port customer is lost

Hint: In order to arrive at an almost complete list of actions, it is useful to discuss or to analyse your
application from the following view point.

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What is expected to happen during user interaction?
What should happen when the application is in batch processing mode?
What might the customer want to change, add, or delete, in addition to our scenario?
2.2 Translation into PPF Terms
We have not stressed an order or hierarchy of the action list. Hence the above list can be very huge
and unstructured. Now, we set up a hierarchy that will serve as a one-to-one template for setting up
the PPF customizing. For the moment, we do not care about the business conditions attached to a
business task. Meaning, we are only interested, for instance, if a sales order has to be send to a
business partner and not that it is has to be complete. The set up of the conditions will be dealt with in
the subsection 2.2.3.
The process for setting up the hierarchy consists of two steps:
Definition of the tasks
Grouping of the tasks

2.2.1 Definition of Tasks - Action Definitions & Processing Types
An action definition has the character of a business task, which might have different technical realisa-
tion, e.g. send a fax, an email, or print and send a letter. Within PPF, such technical realisations are
called processing types.
Having the action list at hand, it is fairly easy to arrive at the list of action definitions.
1. You take all the entries in the column What of your action list.
2. You ignore the technical way in which the task is completed. This gives you a business task.
The ignored techniques provide the corresponding list of technical realisations of a business
3. You list the technical ways
4. You delete or merge the all duplicates business tasks.
Example: Take the action list below.


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What Why When
Send whole shipping list via
Shipping list has been created Next batch job
Send whole shipping list via
Shipping list has been changed When saving the document
Send shipping list changes via
Shipping list has been changed When saving the document
Applying the above algorithm to above list, we obtain the following action definition and processing
Action Definition Processing Type
Send whole shipping Method call (starting the EDI communication)
External Communication - Channel Fax
Send shipping list changes External Communication - Channel Fax
2.2.2 Grouping of Tasks - Action Profiles
In general, not all the business tasks belong to the same business scenario. For instance, Sending a
delivery avis belongs to another scenario as Sending an order cancellation.
Unfortunately, we are not aware of an algorithm as in the previous identification of the action defini-
tions. Nevertheless, your application provides you, in a natural way, with good candidates for the ac-
tion profiles. We have collected some starting points, which might be helpful for grouping the action
Probably, your business process has several phases. These phases can serve has your ac-
tion profiles.
Or, there might be two ways in which your application is called, i.e. background mode and
user interaction.
Eventually, your service interacts with other application. This often leads to a distinction of the
business scenario. Therefore, a distinction in your PPF modelling occurs almost naturally.
Sometimes you can find two or more ways for modelling your application, as the next example illus-
trates. Which way you choose depends on your needs and the restriction of the application.
Example: Lets assume there is an attribute or state of your business object checked in every action
and that we determined the following list of actions as described in 2.1.

What Why When
Do something important 1 Its Monday and the business object
is in state A
Next batch job
Do something important 2 Business object is in state A When saving the document
Do something important 3 It is not Monday and the business
object is in state A
Next batch job
Do something trivial 1 Its Monday and the business object
is in B
When saving the document
Do something trivial 2 Business object is in state B When saving the document


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This list can be ordered in different ways.
Here is the first one, with no optimisations. Everything is checked every time.
Action Profile Action Definition Why
All in One Do something important 1 Its Monday and the business ob-
ject is in state A
Do something important 2 Business object is in state A
Do something important 3 It is not Monday and the business
object is in state A
Do something trivial 1 Its Monday and the business ob-
ject is in B
Do something trivial 2 Business object is in state B

The second approach takes care of the states.
Action Profile Action Definition Why
State A Do something important 1 Its Monday
Do something important 2
Do something important 3 It is not Monday
State B Do something trivial 1 Its Monday
Do something trivial 2

The third one uses the reuse of action definitions and uses include action profile.
Action Profile Action Definition Why
Anytime Do something important 2 Business object is in state A
Do something trivial 2 Business object is in state B
Monday including Any-
Do something important 1 Business object is in state A
Do something trivial 1 Business object is in state B
Not Monday including
Do something important 3 Business object is in state A
Note: The related discussion takes place in your application group. A help request to the PPF group
for modelling should only focus technical subjects, e.g. possibilities for reuse, performance impacts of
different solutions etc.
In case that you found further useful starting points during your discussions, you can contribute to the
list above. We are more then happy to add your strategy for figuring out the action profiles.
2.2.3 Conditions
Having identified the action definitions from the action list of section 2.1, we are now focusing on the
conditions in more detailed. Moreover, the previous investigation of the action profiles illustrates the
connection between the different parts. In order to get a better understanding of the conditions, itself,
we ignore these connections for a moment.
PPF supports two types of conditions.
Scheduling conditions are checked during the PPF action determination. They decide
whether an action should be executed or not. The identification of the scheduling conditions is
based on the list of all action definitions obtained in section 2.1. For identifying the scheduling
conditions, we can use the entries of the Why column.

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Starting conditions are checked, when just before the execution of an action will be started.
These conditions should only influence the point in time when an action will be executed. The
When column correspondents either to the technical execution time, e.g. on save or in a
background job, or to business restrictions, as for instance 2 weeks before the contracts ex-
pires. The later ones are the starting conditions that we are looking for.
In which way are conditions attached to the Action Definitions?
Before setting up the conditions from our initial action list, some words on the customizing and con-
figuration will be helpful.
Remember, the action definitions and its processing types were identified by simplifying the actions of
our action list. This implies that one action definition can belong to several actions of that list. Now,
you have to look at the reverse direction. This assignment is realized by configuring your action defini-
tion. The entities storing that information are called configured action definitions.

A configured action definition is an object that references to its skeleton its action definition. Within
the configured action definition it is possible to change almost all properties of the action definition,
e.g. select another execution time. Additionally, one of the processing types offered by the action defi-
nition as well as the scheduling and starting conditions are assigned to it.
Now, its time for an example.
Example Recall the example of subsection 2.2.1. The scenario leads to the following list of configured
action definitions.

Used Action
Changed At-
Used Process-
ing Type
Scheduling Condition Starting
Send whole
Technical exe-
cution time
Method Call (EDI) Shipping list is created None
Send whole
External Comm. -
Shipping list is changed None
Send shipping
list changes
External Comm. -
Shipping list is changed None


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2.3 Communication between Application and PPF
We recall the general runtime interaction between your application and the PPF. The PPF manages
the determination and the execution of the action for your application. In order to accomplish that, the
application has to parse some information to the PPF.
d upon the context information, the PPF selects the corresponding configured action definitions. That
data leads to new actions which were merged with eventually existing ones. Hence a change in the
set of actions for the application object is effected.
2.3.1 Context
The central question to answer is as follows: What needs to be transferred to the PPF? Or, how does
the context look like?
The next parts make up the context that is handed to the PPF for action determination.
Name of your application.
Action profile, in order to determine the actions this business scenario.
The application object for which the actions should be determined.
Collection of partners related to the business object.
The name of your application and the action profile serve to identify the set of configured action defini-
tions whose conditions will be evaluated, see the hierarchy figure in subsection 2.2.2.
The partner collection is not discussed here. For a detailed treatment of this subject were refer to the
PPF Implementation Guide (see 1.3).
To get a clear vision of the application object, we give a short overview on its main tasks and occur-
Evaluation of the conditions attached to the action definition.
Action execution regardless whether this takes place during the application processing or in a
batch job a year later.
Some BAdIs during the action determination.
2.3.2 Application Object
Let us first give an architectural overview on the application object. In order to handle all applications
in similar fashion, PPF expects the application object to apply to certain standards.

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Standard: The application object must be an instance of a persistent ABAP OO-class!
In general, a persistent class has a one-to-one correspondence to a database table. Its instances cor-
respond to entries of that table and attributes correspond to fields of the table entry. Shortly, a persis-
tent class is an object oriented, standardized encapsulation of a database table. For a detailed intro-
duction and more advanced encapsulations, i.e. addressing more then one table with only one class,
we refer to the corresponding documents of the Object Services.
Standard: Application object must be identifiable via a GUID!
As mentioned above, the PPF treats all applications the same. Therefore, the keys to identify an in-
stance of an application class must have the same format. This is realized by a GUID. Hence there
must be mapping between your business key and a GUID. This GUID must be a field of the structure
for persistence mapping and marked as object identifier for the persistent class.
Standard: An interface for returning the business object must be implemented!
Depending on the situation in your application, you will run into one of the following possibilities.
The business object for which the action determination is need is already modelled as a BOR
object. In that case, you have to implement the interface IF_BOR_OBJECT_PPF.
The business object is modelled as a persistent class, but the model can not be extended by a
GUID. Then the application object should implement the interface
IF_BUSINESS_OBJECT_PPF returning the corresponding instance.
The business object is modelled as a persistent class and the model can be extended by a
GUID. Then you reuse this class as the application class, too. You have to implement the in-
terface IF_BUSINESS_OBJECT_PPF in a trivial way.
There is no business object, yet. You can choose either you prefer a BOR object or a persis-
tent class. Preferable, the business object and the application object for the PPF should be
one. Then you can proceed as in the previous case.

Attributes of the Business Object
The workflow condition editor, with which you can configure your scheduling and starting conditions,
only offers attributes of the business object (BOR or persistent class) for the formulation of a condition.
Hence you should make an analysis of your conditions. All used elements, beside static parameters or
dates, should become attributes of your business object.
In case that you cannot extend your business object, e.g. some development directions of your group,
there exists the possibility to use BAdI-conditions. This condition technology is based on coding. With
this kind of condition, you can use all data being accessible from your business object.
Although BAdI-conditions are a very powerful tool, you should keep in mind that BAdI implementations
are not as transparent as conditions modelled by the graphical condition editor. With the workflow
condition editor, you model your condition whereas you code them in the BAdI situation. This has
some implications on the life cycle of your PPF integration.

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Error analysis and the investigation of the business process are easier when there is less cod-
ing to analyze.
Implemented Conditions, which you deliver to the customer, generally serve as a template for
consultants. Hence it is very likely, that there will be even more BAdI implementation at cus-
tomer side.

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3 General Hints
3.1 Rules for Setting up a Good Customizing
In this section, we focus on performance of the runtime, a coherent and supportable scenario. That is
what we mean by a good customizing
Use different PPF profiles for different business scenarios. This keeps the runtime fast, since
there are fewer conditions to check and less configured action definitions to load.
Do not program on customizing entries. See section 3.2.
Status checks should be modelled as scheduling conditions and not as starting conditions. Ac-
tions with a fulfilled scheduling condition are persisted and exist until the application initiates
their deletion. In some cases, this can lead to unnecessary long runs of the PPF selection re-
A start condition should only cause a delayed execution of the action. Any other part of the
condition must be part of the scheduling condition.
PPF is not SAP-Workflow, even if it able to start a workflow. Therefore, you must avoid de-
pendent actions. Technically, there are no means within PPF to support dependent actions.
Actions affecting or deleting each other can cause data inconsistencies and short dumps on
customer side.
Do not use special characters as , , , in technical keys. For example the technical
name of an action definition is such a key.
After the developing phase, you should delete all unnecessary and unused action definitions
beside those serving as a template for consultants. Necessary but, temporarily, unused action
definitions should be deactivated.
Keep the conditions as simple as possible, irrespective if it is a scheduling or a starting condi-
tion. This keeps the action determination and the selection report fast.
When modelling complex scenarios do not forget to document why you have chosen to do it
that way. It might be a way, which is, possibly, hard to understand. The customer, the consult-
ant, the supporter, the following developer, they all will appreciate this information.
3.2 Delivering Customizing
If the customer wants to change the SAP-standard PPF-customizing of an application, e.g. inactivate
an action definition, change the printed form, the following way is proposed.
Application Side:
The application must provide a place inside its customizing where the action profile used
in a specific scenario can be changed. Do not program on PPF customizing entries.
During runtime, the application has to read the customized name of the PPF-profile. This
name should be used for building up the context that is handed over to the PPF-
determination of the PPF-manager.
Customer Side:
The customer has to copy the corresponding action profile into his name space. This is
step ensures that the changes will not be overwritten by delivered SAP customizing in
forthcoming support packages.
Enter the name of his new profile into the application customizing described above.
Now, he can change due to his demands.
3.3 Reorganisation of Actions

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Although the action creation and execution is controlled by PPF, they belong to an application object.
Please keep in mind, that the deletion of a successful action has an influence on the next run of the
action determination. Therefore the complete control is handed to the application. In case that an ap-
plication wants to delete actions, the class CL_MANAGER_PPF provide the following method
DELETE_ALL_TRIGGERS_FOR_OBJECT. You only have to supply a reference to you application
object for which all its actions should be deleted.
Example: The action Send invoice belonging to the application object Order 14532 was success-
fully sent. If you delete that action and open Order 14532 in change mode, an action determination is
started. Since no successful action Send invoice exists, a new action of the same type is created and
send to the customer!

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