Stacks and queues are common data structures. Stacks follow a LIFO (last-in, first-out) order where elements are inserted and removed from the top. Queues follow a FIFO (first-in, first-out) order where elements are inserted at the rear and removed from the front. Multiple stacks and queues can be implemented in an array with either fixed or variable boundaries between them. Operations like push, pop, enqueue, and dequeue are used to manipulate elements in each structure.
Stacks and queues are common data structures. Stacks follow a LIFO (last-in, first-out) order where elements are inserted and removed from the top. Queues follow a FIFO (first-in, first-out) order where elements are inserted at the rear and removed from the front. Multiple stacks and queues can be implemented in an array with either fixed or variable boundaries between them. Operations like push, pop, enqueue, and dequeue are used to manipulate elements in each structure.
Stacks and queues are common data structures. Stacks follow a LIFO (last-in, first-out) order where elements are inserted and removed from the top. Queues follow a FIFO (first-in, first-out) order where elements are inserted at the rear and removed from the front. Multiple stacks and queues can be implemented in an array with either fixed or variable boundaries between them. Operations like push, pop, enqueue, and dequeue are used to manipulate elements in each structure.
Stacks and queues are common data structures. Stacks follow a LIFO (last-in, first-out) order where elements are inserted and removed from the top. Queues follow a FIFO (first-in, first-out) order where elements are inserted at the rear and removed from the front. Multiple stacks and queues can be implemented in an array with either fixed or variable boundaries between them. Operations like push, pop, enqueue, and dequeue are used to manipulate elements in each structure.
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Data Structures in C++ Note 3
Note 3: Stack and Queue Concept in Data Structure for Application
Stack: It is a sequence of items that are accessible at only one end of the sequence. Think of a stack as a collection of items that are piled one on top of the other, ith access limited to the topmost item. ! stack inserts item on the top of the stack and remo"es item from the top of the stack. It has #I$% &last'in ( first'out) orderin* for the items on the stack. Type of Stack: #inear Stack #inked #ist Stack Operation of Stack: !dd+ a push& ) operation adds an item to the topmost location on the stack. top = 3 add 4 to the stack top = 2 top = 3 stack: increase top 1 2 3 push 4 to the stack stack: 1 2 3 4 stack: 1 2 3 ,ush function+ "oid push & short stack-., short stack/si0e, short top, short item) 1 if & top 23 stack/si0e 45) 1 cout 66 7The stack is full89 66 endl: return: ; stack-+ + top. 3 item: ; 5< Data Structures in C++ Note 3 Delete+ a pop& ) operation remo"es an item from the topmost location on the stack pop 4 out of the stack delete 4 from the stack top = 3 stack: decrease top 1 2 3 top = 3 top = 2 stack: 1 2 3 stack: 2 4 1 3 ,op function+ short pop &short stack-., short stack/si0e, short top) 1 if & top 3 3 45) 1 cout 66 7The stack is empty89 66 endl: return =: ; return stack-top 4 4 . : ; Queue: ! queue is a sequential stora*e structure that permits access only at the to ends of the sequence. >e refer to the ends of the sequence as the front and rear. ! queue inserts ne elements at the rear and remo"es elements from the front of the sequence. ?ou ill note that a queue remo"es elements in the same order in hich they ere stored, and hence a queue pro"ides $I$% &first'in ( first'out), or $C$S &first'come ( first'ser"ed), orderin*. Type of the Queue: #inear @ueue+ non'circular queue, circular queue, priority queue #inked #ist @ueue+ non'circular queue, circular queue, priority queue Operation of Queue: !dd+ insert operation for the queue is addin* item to the ne element at the rear of queue. Delete+ remo"e operation for the queue is deletin* item from the front element of queue. The non'circular queue ith A elements+ 5B Data Structures in C++ Note 3 !l*orithms+ Cariables+ short qfront 3 '5, qrear 3 '5, qsi0e 3 A: Insert+ qrear 3 qsi0e'5 and qfront 3 '5 queue is full return 5 qrear 3 qsi0e'5 shift all elements left so that 5st element is at = qfront 3 '5 qrear++ queue-qrear. 3 "alue return = T $ F T Delete+ qfront 3 qrear queue is empty qfront 3 '5 qrear 3 '5 return 5 qfront++ "alue 3 queue-qfront. return = T $ Draphical ,resentation+ 5 = E 3 < B F G qfront qrear The circular queue ith A elements+ !l*orithms+ Cariables+ short qfront 3 =, qcount 3 =, qsi0e 3 A: Insert+ 5F Data Structures in C++ Note 3 qcount 3 qsi0e queue is full return 5 qrear 3 &qfront+qcount)H qsi0e queue-qrear. 3 "alue qcount++ return = T $ Delete+ qcount 3 = queue is empty return 5 "alue 3 queue-qfront. qfront 3 &qfront+5)H qsi0e qcount ' ' return = T $ Draphical ,resentation+ 5 E 3 < B F G qfront qrear = Stacks and @ueue Structure Table Structure Type !rray #ink #ist #ink #ist !rray Stacks #inear Stacks #inear Stacks #inear Stacks @ueue Non'Circular @ueue Circular @ueue ,riority @ueue Non'Circular @ueue Circular @ueue ,riority @ueue Non'Circular @ueue Circular @ueue ,riority @ueue Multiple Stacks and Queues: 5G Data Structures in C++ Note 3 Multiple Stacks: $olloin* pictures are to ays to do to stacks in array+ 5. None fiIed si0e of the stacks+ Graphical Picture: ithout fiIed si0e of stack Stack 1 Stack 2 -1 -2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 !rray/ptr 12 0 S t a c k
! o p S t a c k
! o p Stack 5 eIpands from the = th element to the ri*ht Stack E eIpands from the 5E th element to the left !s lon* as the "alue of Top5 and TopE are not neIt to each other, it has free elements for input the data in the array >hen both Stacks are full, Top5 and Top E ill be neIt to each other There is no fiIed boundary beteen Stack 5 and Stack E Jlements 45 and 4E are usin* to store the information needed to manipulate the stack &subscript for Top 5 and Top E) E. $iIed si0e of the stacks+ S t a c k
! o p Stack 1 Stack 2 !rray/ptr Graphical Picture: ith fiIed si0e of stack -3 -4 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 5 10 0 6 S t a c k
! o p S t a c k
S i " e S t a c k
S i " e Stack 5 eIpands from the = th element to the ri*ht Stack E eIpands from the F th element to the left !s lon* as the "alue of Top 5 is less than F and *reater than =, Stack 5 has free elements to input the data in the array 5A Data Structures in C++ Note 3 !s lon* as the "alue of Top E is less than 55 and *reater than B, Stack E has free elements to input the data in the array >hen the "alue of Top 5 is B, Stack 5 is full >hen the "alue of Top E is 5=, stack E is full Jlements 45 and 4E are usin* to store the si0e of Stack 5 and the subscript of the array for Top 5 needed to manipulate Stack 5 Jlements 43 and 4< are usin* to store the si0e of Stack E and the subscript of the array for Top E needed to manipulate Stack E Multiple Queues: $olloin* pictures are to ays to do to queues in array+ 5. None fiIed si0e of the queues+ Graphical Picture: ithout fiIed si0e of the queue @ueue 5 @ueue E !rray/ptr @ u e u e
$ r o n t @ u e u e
S i 0 e -5 -6 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 5 0 0 8 4 5 @ u e u e
S i 0 e @ u e u e
$ r o n t @ u e u e
C o u n t @ u e u e
C o u n t Temporary Koundary @ueue 5 eIpands from the = th element to the ri*ht and circular back to the = th
element @ueue E eIpands from the A th element to the left and circular back to the A th
element Temporary boundary beteen the @ueue 5 and the @ueue E: as lon* as there has free elements in the array and boundary ould be shift $ree elements could be any here in the @ueue such as before the front, after the rear, and beteen front and rear in the @ueue @ueue 5Ls and @ueue E Ms si0e could be chan*e if it is necessary. >hen the @ueue 5 is full and the @ueue E has free space: the @ueue 5 can increase the si0e to use that free space from the @ueue E. Same ay for the @ueue E Jlements 45, 4E, and 43 are usin* to store the si0e of the @ueue 5, the front of the @ueue 5, and the data count for the @ueue 5 needed to manipulate the @ueue 5 Jlements 4<, 4B, and 4F are usin* to store the si0e of the @ueue E, the front of the @ueue E, and the data count for the @ueue E needed to manipulate the @ueue E Inserts data to the @ueue 5, @5Near 3 &@5$ront + @5count) H @5Si0e 5O Data Structures in C++ Note 3 Inserts data to the @ueue E, @ENear 3 &@E$ront + @Ecount) H @ESi0e + @5Si0e Deletes data from the @ueue 5, @5$ront 3 &@5$ront + 5) H @5Si0e Deletes data from the @ueue E, @E$ront 3 &@E$ront + 5) H @ESi0e + @5Si0e E. $iIed si0e of the queue+ Graphical Picture: ith fiIed si0e of the queue @ueue 5 @ueue E !rray/ptr @ u e u e
$ r o n t @ u e u e
C o u n t Koundary beteen the @ueues -5 -6 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 5 0 0 8 4 5 @ u e u e
C o u n t @ u e u e
$ r o n t @ u e u e
S i 0 e @ u e u e
S i 0 e @ueue 5 eIpands from the = th element to the < th element and circular back to = th
element @ueue E eIpands from the A th element to the B th element and circular back to A th
element The boundary is fiIed beteen the @ueue 5 and the @ueue E $ree elements could be any here in the @ueue such as before the front, after the rear, and beteen front and rear in the @ueue Jlements 45, 4E, and 43 are usin* to store the si0e of the @ueue 5, the front of the @ueue 5, and the data count for the @ueue 5 needed to manipulate the @ueue 5 Jlements 4<, 4B, and 4F are usin* to store the si0e of the @ueue E, the front of the @ueue E, and the data count for the @ueue E needed to manipulate the @ueue E Inserts data to the @ueue 5, @5Near 3 &@5$ront + @5count) H @5Si0e Inserts data to the @ueue E, @ENear 3 &@E$ront + @Ecount) H @ESi0e + @5Si0e Deletes data from the @ueue 5, @5$ront 3 &@5$ront + 5) H @5Si0e Deletes data from the @ueue E, @E$ront 3 &@E$ront + 5) H @ESi0e + @5Si0e E=