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Tuesday, 8 July 2014
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of the United Nations
Programme of meetings and agenda
Official meetings
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Security Council
10:00 7213rd meeting [webcast] Security Council Chamber
1. Adoption of the agenda
2. Peace consolidation in West Africa
Report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the United Nations Office for
West Africa (S/2014/442)
Consultations of the whole (closed) Consultations Room
United Nations Office for West Africa (UNOWA) (S/2014/442)
Other matters
To be held following the adjournment of the 7213rd meeting.
General Assembly
Sixty-eighth session
An informal informal meeting of the plenary (closed) on the organizational modalities
for the Summit at the level of Heads of State and Government in September 2015 for
the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda will be held today, 8 July 2014,
at 15:00, in Conference Room D (CB).
No. 2014/129
Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
General Assembly
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
Forty-seventh session
10:00 to 13:00 986th meeting (closed) Conference Room 1 (CB)
15:00 to 18:00 987th meeting (closed) Conference Room 1 (CB)
[The annotated provisional agenda for the session including the suggested scheduling of agenda items
is contained in document A/CN.9/793. Participants are kindly requested to communicate the
composition of their delegations to the Secretary, Mr. Renaud Sorieul (e-mail;
fax +43-1-26060-5813) as soon as possible.]
Economic and Social Council
2014 session
High-level segment week [webcast]
15:00 to 18:00 33rd meeting Economic and Social Council Chamber (CB)
Continuation of the general debate (rolling list)
His Excellency Raymond Tshibanda NTunga Mulongo, Minister of Foreign Affairs,
International Cooperation and Francophone Affairs of the Democratic Republic of the
His Excellency Rmi Allah Kouadio, Minister for the Environment, Sustainable Cities and
Sustainable Development, Cte dIvoire
His Excellency Abraham Tekeste, Deputy Minister of Finance and Economic
Development of Ethiopia
His Excellency Juan Toms Monegro, Deputy Minister of Planning, Ministry of
Economy, Planning and Development of the Dominican Republic
Mr. Vincent Rigby, Assistant Deputy Minister, Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade
and Development of Canada
His Excellency Liu Jieyi, Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations
His Excellency Masood Khan, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the United
His Excellency Oh Joon, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea to the
United Nations
Her Excellency Maria Rotheiser-Scotti, Director, Department for Multilateral
Development Cooperation, Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Aff airs
of Austria
His Excellency Charles Thembani Ntwaagae, Permanent Representative of Botswana to
the United Nations
No. 2014/129 Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
His Excellency Paul Seger, Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the United
Her Excellency Isabelle Picco, Permanent Representative of Monaco to the United
His Excellency Y. Halit evik, Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United
His Excellency Gonzalo Koncke, Permanent Representative of Uruguay to the United
Her Excellency Bndicte Frankinet, Permanent Representative of Belgium to the
United Nations
His Excellency Wilfried I. Emvula, Permanent Representative of Namibia to the United
His Excellency Tommo Monthe, Permanent Representative of Cameroon to the United
His Excellency Gholamhossein Dehghani, Charge dAffaires of the Islamic Republic of
Iran to the United Nations
Her Excellency Mary Elizabeth Flores, Permanent Representative of Honduras to the
United Nations
His Excellency Robert Aisi, Permanent Represent ative of Papua New Guinea to the
United Nations
Mr. Stefan Barriga, Deputy Permanent Representative of Liechtenstein to the United
His Excellency David Yitshak Roet, Deputy Permanent Representative of Israel to the
United Nations
His Excellency Oscar Len Gonzlez, Deputy Permanent Representative of Cuba to the
United Nations
Mr. Yousef Sultan Laram, Charg dAffaires and Deputy Permanent Representative of
Qatar to the United Nations
Mr. Mohammed Hassan Saeed, Councillor and Head of delegation of Iraq
Mr. Narinder Kakar, Permanent Observer of the Observer Mission of the International
Union for Conservation of Nature
Mr. Stephen Pursey, Director, Policy Integration Department and Senior Adviser to the
Director-General, International Labour Organization
Mrs. Irina Bokova, Director-General, United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Mr. Michael ONeill, Assistant Administrator and Director, Bureau of External
Relations and Advocacy at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
No. 2014/129
Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
15:00 to 18:00
33rd meeting [webcast] Trusteeship Council Chamber
15:00 Ministerial panel discussion: Integrating employment-centric sustainable development
into the post-2015 development agenda
His Excellency Martin Sajdik (Austria), President of the Economic and Social
Mr. Guy Ryder, Director-General, International Labour Organization (ILO)
His Excellency Amara Konneh, Minister of Finance, Liberia
His Excellency Pekka Haavisto, Minister of International Development, Finland
Mr. Atiur Rahman, Governor, Central Bank of Bangladesh
Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Talal Abu-
Ghazaleh Organization, and Senator, Parliament of Jordan (representing the major
group of business and industry)
Mr. Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Africa
Interactive discussion
17:00 to 18:00 Presentations on regional preparatory meetings
His Excellency Oh Joon (Republic of Korea), Vice-President of the Economic and
Social Council
Her Excellency Nana Oye Lithur, Minister for Gender, Children and Social
Protection, Ghana
His Excellency Sihasak Phuangketkeow, Permanent Secretary and Acting Minister of
Foreign Affairs, Thailand
Mr. Eihab Omaish, Counsellor and Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent
Mission of Jordan to the United Nations
High-level political forum on sustainable development for 2014,
convened under the auspices of the Council [webcast]
10:00 to 13:00 Trusteeship Council Chamber
10:00 Remarks by Her Excellency Oyun Sangaasuren, Minister for Environment and Green
Development of Mongolia, and President of the United Nations Environment Assembly
In parallel to the general debate.
No. 2014/129 Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
10:10 Ministerial dialogue Long term measures to make poverty eradication irreversible and
reduce inequalities
His Excellency Martin Sajdik (Austria), President of the Economic and Social
Mr. Anthony Lake, Executive Director of the United Nations Childrens Fund
Her Excellency Sophie Karmasin, Federal Minister for Family and Youth of
Her Excellency Mara ngela Holgun, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Colombia
Her Excellency Bathabile Dlamini, Minister of the Department of Social
Development of South Africa
Her Excellency Aida Kurmangaliyeva, Executive Secretary, and Ministry of
Labour and Social Protection of Population for Kazakhstan
Mr. Yong Li, Director-General of the United Nations Industrial Development
Lead discussants
Her Excellency Paola Bustamante, Minister of Social Inclusion of Peru
Her Excellency Annick Girardin, Secretary of State for Development and
Francophonie of France
Mr. Jim Clarken, Executive Director of Oxfam, Ireland
Interactive discussion
11:30 Ministerial dialogue International cooperation for sustainable development
His Excellency Ibrahim O. A. Dabbashi (Libya), Vice-President of the Economic and
Social Council, who will also deliver messages from the Development Cooperation
Forum preparations
His Excellency Saber Chowdhury, Member of Parliament, Bangladesh
His Excellency Fulbert Macaire Amoussouga Gero, Minister for Millennium
Development Goals policies and Sustainable Development, Benin
His Excellency Borge Brende, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Norway
His Excellency Han Seung-Soo, United Nations Secretary-Generals Special Envoy
on Disaster Risk Reduction and Water
Mr. Jeffrey Sachs, Special Adviser to United Nations Secretary-General on the
Millennium Development Goals
Lead discussants
No. 2014/129
Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
His Excellency Pekha Haavisto, Minister, International Development, Finland
Mr. Hiroshi Imanaga, Deputy Mayor of Kitakyushu, Japan
Interactive discussion
18:00 to 21:00 Trusteeship Council Chamber
18:00 Multi-stakeholder dialogue Multi-stakeholder partnerships and voluntary commitments
for sustainable development ensuring accountability for all
Her Excellency Mara Emma Meja Vlez (Colombia), Vice-President of the
Economic and Social Council
Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director, United Nations Population Fund
Her Excellency Rosario Robles Berlanga, Secretary of Social Development,
Mr. Dagfinn Hybrten, Chair, Board of GAVI Alliance
Mr. Danny Sriskandarajah, Secretary-General and Chief Executive Officer,
CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation, also representing non-
governmental organizations major group
Lead discussants
His Excellency Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Iceland
Her Excellency Petra Bayr, Member of Parliament, Austria
His Excellency Pio Wennubst, Ambassador and Assistant Director-General, Head
of the Directorate Global Cooperation, Swiss Development Cooperation Agency,
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland
Ms. Myrna Cunningham, former Chair of the United Nations Permanent Forum on
Indigenous Issues, also representing the indigenous peoples major group
Interactive discussion
19:30 Ministerial dialogue Preparing the high-level political forum for post 2015: Steering
implementation of the development agenda and reviewing progress
His Excellency Martin Sajdik (Austria), President of the Economic and Social
Mr. Thomas Gass, Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-
Agency Affairs, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
His Excellency Rmi Allah Kouadio, Minister for the Environment, Sustainable
Cities and Sustainable Development, Cte dIvoire
No. 2014/129 Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
His Excellency Attila Korodi, Minister of Environment and Climate Change,
His Excellency Shinji Inoue, Senior Vice-Minister of the Environment, Japan
Mr. Joseph Moser, Secretary-General, International Organization of Supreme
Audit Institutions
Lead discussants
Mr. Erik Solheim, Chair, OECD Development Assistance Committee
Mr. Michael Hastings, Global Head of Citizenship, KPMG International
Interactive discussion
[For additional information on the high-level segment, please consult the website of the Council (click
here) or contact Mr. Neil Pierre, Chief, Policy Coordination Branch, Office for ECOSOC Support and
Coordination (e-mail; tel. 1 (212) 963-0157). To consult the list of side events please
click here.
For additional information on the high-level political forum on sustainable development, please
consult the website of the forum (click here) or contact Ms. Ling Wang, Division for Sustainable
Development (e-mail; tel. 1 (212) 963-0727). To consult the list of side events please
click here.
Inscription to the list of speakers for the general debate is closed. Statements in the general debate
should not exceed five minutes when speaking in a national capacity, and seven minutes when speaking
on behalf of a group.
Delegations are kindly requested to send the names of representatives and alternates attending the
meeting to the Secretary of the Council, Ms. Jennifer de Laurentis (c/o Ms. Jacqueline Aidenbaum (e-
mail, room S-1271; fax 1 (212) 963-5935), with a copy to the Office for ECOSOC
Support and Coordination (Mr. Neil Pierre, Chief, Policy Coordination Branch, Office for ECOSOC
Support and Coordination (e-mail; tel. 1 (212) 963-0157)) and the Division for
Sustainable Development (Ms. Ling Wang (e-mail; fax 1 (212) 963-4260)). Please
note that only scanned copies of notes verbales will be accepted by e-mail.
PaperSmart services will be offered as an additional service for the meetings of the high-level segment
week. To access the Councils PaperSmart portal, please click here.
Delegations wishing to circulate their statements el ectronically through the PaperSmart Portal should
send a copy of the statement at least one hour in advance of delivery to]
Informal meetings on draft proposals
convened by permanent missions
The agenda of the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly is contained
in documents A/68/251, A/68/251/Add.1 and A/68/252.
The meetings under this header are closed.
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
General Assembly
Informal consultations on the draft resolution on Report of the International Criminal Court (under agenda
item 75) (convened by the Permanent Mission of the Netherlands)
From 15:00 to 18:00, in Conference Room 2 (CB).
No. 2014/129
Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Other meetings
The information below is reproduced as received and does not imply
any opinion or endorsement by the Secretariat of the United Nations.
The meetings under this header are closed.
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Arab Group (at the ambassadorial level)
10:00 to 13:00 Closed meeting Conference Room 7 (NLB)
Group of 77 (on Second Committee and related matters)
10:15 to 13:00 Closed meeting Conference Room E (NLB)
17:00 to 18:00 Closed meeting Conference Room 9 (CB)
Asia-Pacific Group
15:00 to 18:00 Closed meeting Conference Room 6 (NLB)
Other activities
The information below is reproduced as received and does not imply
any opinion or endorsement by the Secretariat of the United Nations.
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Special event to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Beginning of the First World War Learning
from War to Build Peace (organized by the Permanent Missions of France and Germany, in cooperation
with the Department of Public Information and co-hosted by the Permanent Missions of Algeria, Australia,
Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg,
Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Romania, the Russian Federation, Senegal, Serbia, South Africa,
Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States)
At 18:30, in the Economic and Social Council Chamber (CB). [webcast]
[All are invited. For further information, please contact Mr. Frdric Jung, Permanent
Mission of France (e-mail; or Mr. Christian Doktor,
Permanent Mission of Germany (e-mail]
No. 2014/129 Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Press conferences
The schedule is tentative; up-to-date information can be obtained at
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Press Briefing Room (S-0237) [webcast]
11:00 Press conference on the Deep Decarbonization Pathways report [Speakers: Mr. Jeffrey
Sachs, Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University; and Ms. Laurence Tubiana,
French Ambassador for climate negotiations. The Secretary-General will make
introductory remarks]
12:00 Press briefing by the Spokesperson
Security Council stakeout [webcast]
Time to be confirmed (following
Security Council consultations) Mr. Said Djinnit, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of United
Nations Office for West Africa (UNOWA) (press encounter)
General Assembly
Sixty-eighth session
Informal informal consultations on the elaboration of a Programme for the
implementation of the International Decade for People of African Descent will be held
on Wednesday, 9 July 2014, at 15:00, in Conference Room 4 (NLB).
General Assembly
Sixty-eighth session
A High-level Meeting on the comprehensive review and assessment of the progress
achieved in the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases, will be held at
10:00 and 15:00, on Thursday, 10 July 2014, in the General Assembly Hall (NLB) and
on Friday, 11 July 2014, in the Trusteeship Council Chamber. A letter from the
President of the General Assembly, dated 23 June 2014, was sent to all permanent
representatives and permanent observers. For inscription to the list of speakers for the
plenary meetings, please contact Ms. Antonina Poliakova (e-mail;
tel. 1 (212) 963-5063), indicating the level or representation. Delegations are kindly
requested to submit electronic versions of their statements for posting on the
PaperSmart portal to The title and the date of the meeting should
be indicated in the subject line of the e-mail.
No. 2014/129
Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Forthcoming official meetings
General Assembly
Sixty-eighth session
For an updated tentative schedule of General Assembly plenary meetings, please
click here. Please note that there is no predetermined programme of work for formal
and informal meetings of the plenary for the resumed part of the session (1 January-
15 September 2014). Meetings will be announced in the Journal when they are
scheduled. For inscription on the list of speakers, please contact Ms. Antonina
Poliakova (e-mail; tel. 1 (212) 963-5063; room S-3082).
The agenda of the sixty-eighth regular session of the General Assembly is contained in
documents A/68/251 (see A/68/252 for allocation of items). Annotations can be found in
documents A/68/100 and A/68/100/Add.1. The revised programme of work and
schedule of plenary meetings of the General Assembly during the main part of its sixty-
eighth session was issued on 24 October 2013 in document A/INF/68/3/Rev.1.
The preliminary list of items to be included in the provisional agenda of the sixty-ninth
regular session of the General Assembly is contained in document A/69/50. The
annotated preliminary list of items to be included in the provisional agenda of the sixty-
ninth regular session of the General Assembly was issued on 16 June 2014 in document
A draft programme of the work of the plenary for the sixty-ninth session is contained in
document A/68/852.
For the submission of a draft resolution for the plenary, please call 1 (212) 963-3818
(room S-3053). Please click here for the guidelines for submission of draft resolutions
in the General Assembly.
Announcement for Member States on issuance of communications
Delegations requesting issuance of communications as documents of the General
Assembly should ensure that they are addressed to the Secretary-General and signed
by the Permanent Representative or Charg daffaires of the Permanent Mission to the
United Nations.
The communications should indicate the session of the General Assembly, and the
number and title of the agenda item under which circulation is requested, using the
agenda of the sixty-eighth session of the General Assembly contained in document
A/68/251. Electronic versions in Microsoft Word should be sent to, or to, to facilitate the processing of communications. If versions in any
other United Nations official languages are available, they should be included with a
clear indication of the original language and/or which language versions are to be used
for reference only.
Seating protocol for the sixty-ninth session
On Wednesday, 11 June 2014, the Secretary-General drew from among the Member
States the name of Cuba to occupy the first seat in the General Assembly Hall at the
sixty-ninth session. Consequently, the delegation of Cuba will sit at the first desk at the
right of the President, and the other countries will follow in the English alphabetical
order. The same order will be observed in the Main Committees.
No. 2014/129 Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
General Assembly
Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People
The 362nd meeting of the Committee will be held on Wednesday, 9 July 2014, at 10:00,
in Conference Room 3 (CB).
It will be a Special Meeting to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the rendering of
the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legal Consequences
of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Speakers will
include the Vice-President of the General Assembly, representative of the Secretary-
General, the Chair of the Committee, representative of the State of Palestine,
representative of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), a
former justice of the International Court of Justice and a representative of civil society.
All Members and Observers, as well as United Nations agencies and bodies, are invited
to attend the Special Meeting.
Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Informal informal consultations
Informal informal consultations, convened by the Co-Chairs of the Open Working
Group on Sustainable Development Goals, will be held on Wednesday, 9 July 2014,
from 10:00 to 13:00, in the General Assembly Hall (NLB), and from 15:00 to 18:00, in
Conference Room 2 (CB); and on Thursday, 10 to Friday, 11 July 2014, from 10:00 to
13:00, and from 15:00 to 18:00, in Conference Room 2 (CB). Member States and
Observer States of the United Nations, other observers that have received a standing
invitation from the General Assembly or the Economic and Social Council, and the
United Nations system are invited to attend.
Thirteenth session
The thirteenth session of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
will be held from Monday, 14, to Friday, 18 July 2014, from 10:00 to 13:00 and from
15:00 to 18:00, in Conference Room 3 (CB).
A letter from the Co-Chairs of the Open Working Group, dated 30 June 2014, was sent
along with the revised zero draft of the proposed sustainable development goals and
For more information on the Open Working Group, please click here.
Preparatory Committee for the third International
Conference on Small Island Developing States
Informal informal consultations
The Preparatory Committee for the third International Conference on Small Island
Developing States, will convene informal informal consultations on the draft Outcome
Document of the Conference, on Wednesday, 9 July 2014, at 09:00 in Conference Room
E (CB), and on Thursday, 10 July 2014, from 09:00 to 18:00, in Conference Room B
(CB). The meeting is open to all States and the European Union.
No. 2014/129
Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Final meeting
The Preparatory Committee for the third International Conference on Small Island
Developing States will meet on Friday, 11 July 2014, at 17:30, in Conference Room
4 (NLB), to approve the draft Outcome Document of the Conference and conclude its
work (resumption of the suspended 3rd plenary meeting of 27 June 2014).
As stipulated in General Assembly resolution 67/207 of 21 December 2012, the session
is open to all Members States of the United Nations and members of specialized
agencies, as well as to other participants, in accordance with the rules of procedure of
the functional commissions of the Economic and Social Council; the supplementary
arrangements established for the Commission on Sustainable Development by the
Economic and Social Council decisions 1993/215 of 12 February 1993 and 1995/201 of
8 February 1995; and as indicated in paragraphs 17 and 18 of the General Assembly
resolution 67/207.
General Assembly
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
Forty-seventh session
On Wednesday, 16 July 2014, under provisional agenda item 15 Role of the United
Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) in promoting the rule of
law at the national and international levels, the rule of law briefing by the Rule of Law
Unit of the Executive Office of the Secretary-General and the UNCITRAL panel
discussion on Sharing States national practices in strengthening the rule of law through
access to justice will take place from 15:00 to 18:00, in Conference Room 1 (CB).
Open-ended Working Group on Ageing
Fifth working session
The fifth working session of the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing will be held
from Wednesday, 30 July to Friday, 1 August 2014, in Conference Room 1 (CB). The
provisional agenda of the session is contai ned in document A/AC.278/2014/1.
General discussion and list of speakers
General discussion of agenda item 4 (Existing international framework on the human
rights of older persons and identification of existing gaps at the international level) will
be held on Wednesday, 30 July 2014, following the opening of the session.
The list of speakers is open. Delegations wishing to inscribe on the list should inform
Ms. Catalina de Leon (e-mail; room S-1284; fax 1 (212) 963-5935).
Delegations are reminded that as per past practice, statements made by individual
Member States and observers should not exceed five minutes; statements made on
behalf of a group of States should not exceed ten minutes.
List of participants
Delegations are kindly requested to communicate the names of their representatives
and alternates participating in the fifth working session to the Secretary of the
Open-ended Working Group, Mrs. Lana Emelina-Sarte (e-mail,
No. 2014/129 Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
copied to Ms. Jacqueline Aidenbaum (e-mail; room S-1271; fax
1 (212) 963-5935), no later than Wednesday, 23 July 2014. Please note that only
scanned copies of note verbales will be accepted by email.
Papersmart arrangement for the fifth working session
Delegations are reminded that PaperSmart services will be offered as an additional
service for all the meetings of the fifth working session of the Open-ended Working
Group on Ageing.
For further information on the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing, including on the
participation of non-governmental organizations, please click here.
General Assembly
Security Council
Peacebuilding Commission
Eighth session
Liberia configuration
A formal meeting of the Liberia configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission
will be held on Wednesday, 9 July 2014, at 10:00, in Conference Room 4 (NLB).
Burundi configuration
An informal meeting of the Burundi configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission will
be held on Wednesday, 9 July 2014, at 11:30, in Conference Room 4 (NLB), following the
adjournment of the informal meeting of the Liberia configuration.
Economic and Social Council
2014 session
Informal informal consultations
Informal informal consultations, convened by the facilitator, Ms. Tishka Francis
(Bahamas), on the report of the thirteenth session of the Committee of Experts on Public
Administration (E/2014/44) under item 16 (g) of the provisional agenda, will be held on
Wednesday, 9 July 2014, from 10:15 to 12:30, in Conference Room B (CB).
Coordination and management meeting (14-16 July 2014)
The third set of coordination and management meetings of the 2014 session of the
Council and chaired by the Vice-President of the Council, His Excellency
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Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Oh Joon (Republic of Korea), will take place from Monday, 14 to Wednesday,
16 July 2014, in the Economic and Social Council Chamber (CB). A tentative
programme of work of the coordination and management meeting will be available in
due course. The draft matrix of likely action by the Council in 2014 during the
coordination and management meeting is available by clicking here.
General discussion and list of speakers
The general discussion of the items of the third set of coordination and management
meetings is open. Requests for inscription on the list of speakers should be sent, in
writing, with the full name and title of the speaker, to the Secretary of the Council,
Ms. Jennifer de Laurentis (c/o Ms. Catalina de Leon (e-mail; room
S-1284, fax 1 (212) 963-5935)). Inscriptions to the list of speakers will close by 17:00
of 13 July 2014. The time limit set for statements is seven minutes for speakers on
behalf of groups and five minutes for individual delegations.
For further information click here; or contact Mr. Marc-Andre Dorel, Office for
ECOSOC Support and Coordination (e-mail; tel. 1 (212) 963-7204).
List of participants
Delegations are kindly requested to send the names of the representatives and alternates
attending the coordination and management meeting to the Secretary of the Council,
Ms. Jennifer de Laurentis (c/o Ms. Jacqueline Aidenbaum (e-mail;
room S-1271; fax 1 (212) 963-5935)), with a copy to Ms. Stephanie Rudy (e-mail; fax 1 (212) 963-7454). Please note that only scanned copies of notes
verbales will be accepted by e-mail. Delegations are advised that only one list of
participants will be issued at the end of the 2014 session, containing the names of the
participants to all segments.
PaperSmart arrangements for the 2014 session of the Council
Delegates are reminded that PaperSmart services will be offered as an additional service
for all the meetings of the 2014 session of the Economic and Social Council.
Forthcoming other meetings
The information below is reproduced as received and does not imply
any opinion or endorsement by the Secretariat of the United Nations.
The meetings under this header are closed.
Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) (plenary meeting)
Wednesday, 9 July 2014, from 10:00 to 13:00, in Conference Room 7 (NLB).
No. 2014/129 Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Forthcoming other activities
The information below is reproduced as received and does not imply
any opinion or endorsement by the Secretariat of the United Nations.
Special event Fair Migration and the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda (co-organized by Turkey,
Chair of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) and the International Labour Organization
(ILO), Chair of the Global Migration Group (GMG))
Wednesday, 9 July 2014, from 13:15 to 14:30, in Conference Room 10 (CB).
[All are invited. For further information, please contact Mr. James Canonge, ILO (e-mail; tel. 1 (212) 697-0150, ext. 114).]
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization launch of the World Trends Report on
Freedom of Expression and Media Development (co-organized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Permanent Mission of Sweden)
Wednesday, 9 July 2014, from 15:00 to 16:30, in the Dag Hammarskjld Library
[All are invited. For further information please contact Ms. Suzanne Bilello, UNESCO
(e-mail; tel. 1 (212) 963-4386).]
Special event on the occasion of the International Day of Cooperatives (5 July) on the theme Cooperative
enterprises achieve sustainable development for all (co-organized by the Division for Social Policy and
Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) and the Committee for the Promotion and
Advancement of Cooperatives (COPAC))
Thursday, 10 July 2014, from 10:00 to 13:00, in Conference Room 3 (CB).
[All are invited to attend. For further information, please contact DESA (Mr. Maxwell
Haywood (e-mail; tel. 1 (212) 963-9430); or Mr. Amine Lamrabat
(e-mail; tel. 1 (917) 367-9456)).]
Launch of the World Health Organization Non Communicable Disease Country Profiles 2014 (organized by
the World Health Organization (WHO))
Thursday, 10 July 2014, from 13:15 to 14:30, in the Trusteeship Council Chamber.
[All are invited. For further information, please contact Ms. Fatima Khan, WHO Office at
the United Nations (e-mail; tel. 1(646) 626-6047).]
No. 2014/129
Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Joint briefing on The Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) (co-organized by the New York
Offices of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health
Organization (WHO))
Friday, 11 July 2014, from 13:15 to 14:30, in Conference Room 8 (NLB).
[All are invited to attend. For further information and to register, please contact the
FAO Liaison Office in New York (e-mail; tel. 1 (212) 963-6036);
or the WHO Office at the United Nations (e-mails or; tel. 1 (646) 626-6060).]
Special event on United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)) standards for
transparency, accountability and good governance (organized by the United Nations Commission on
International Trade Law)
Thursday, 17 July 2014, from 13:00 to 16:00, in Conference Room 1 (CB).
[All are invited. For further information, please contact UNCITRAL (e-mail]
Forthcoming official meetings held away from Headquarters
General Assembly
Preparatory Committee for the Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
First session
United Nations Office at Geneva
The Preparatory Committee for the third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
will meet from Monday, 14, to Tuesday, 15 July 2014, in Conference Rooms XVIII and
XXIV, Building E at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, to discuss the objectives and
substantive theme of the Conference and organizational and procedural matters, including
the rules of procedure, and to elect the Bureau, pursuant to General Assembly resolution
68/211 of 29 January 2014. The annotated provisional agenda of the Preparatory
Committee will be issued as document A/CONF.224/PC(I)/1. The draft provisional rules
of procedure of the third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction are contained in
document A/CONF.224/PC(I)/3.
As stipulated in General Assembly resolution 68/211 of 29 January 2014, the session is
open to all Members States of the United Nations and members of specialized agencies,
as well as to other participants, in accordance with the rules of procedure of the
functional commissions of the Economic and Social Council; the supplementary
arrangements established for the Commission on Sustainable Development by the
Economic and Social Council decisions 1993/215 of 12 February 1993 and 1995/201 of
8 February 1995; and as indicated in paragraphs 17 and 18 of the General Assembly
resolution 67/207.
List of speakers
The list of speakers for the meeting of the Preparatory Committee is open. States and
observers wishing to inscribe on the list of speakers are requested to communicate, in
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writing as soon as possible, the name and title of their speakers by e-mail: wcdrr2015- The time limits of five minutes for delegations speaking on behalf of a
group of States and three minutes for individual statements will be observed.
For further details, please contact Ms. Muthoni Njogu, UNISDR (e-mail;
tel. +41-22-917-8958) or Ms. Anne Seung-Yeon Kwak, DGACM (e-mail;
tel. +1-212-963-3818).
List of participants
Delegations who wish to attend the meeting of the Preparatory Committee are kindly
requested to communicate, as soon as possible, the composition of their delegations by
Additional information on the Preparatory Committee is available from the Conference
General Assembly
Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States
Apia, Samoa (1-4 September 2014)
List of speakers
Inscription on the list of speakers for the plenary meetings (item 8 of the provisional
agenda, General debate) of the third International Conference on Small Island
Developing States (Monday, 1 to Thursday, 4 September 2014, Apia, Samoa), pursuant
to General Assembly Resolution 68/238, will open on Monday, 14 July 2014.
All delegations (all States Members of the United Nations or members of specialized
agencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the European Union, in its
capacity as observer) wishing to inscribe in the general debate, in accordance with
General Assembly resolutions 67/207 and 68/238, are kindly requested to contact the
Secretariat as of that date, in writing, by e-mail (Mrs. Mary Muturi (,
or telefax (+1 (212) 963-3783) indicating the name and level of the speaker. The list of
speakers for the plenary meetings will be established on a first -come first served basis
with the customary protocol that ensures that Heads of States or Government speak
first, followed by other heads of delegation. It is proposed that a time limit of five
minutes be established for each statement.
In addition to representatives of States participating in the Conference and that of the
European Union, it is proposed that the representatives of the following may, time
permitting and without setting a precedent, make a statement in the plenary meetings:
(a) intergovernmental organizations and other entities that have received a standing
invitation from the General Assembly to participate in the capacity of observer in the
sessions and work of all international conferences convened under its auspices (rule 60
of the provisional rules of procedure of the Conference); (b) Associate members of
regional commissions (rule 61); (c) specialized agencies and related organizations (rule
62); (d) other intergovernmental organizations (rule 63); and (e) interested United
Nations organs (rule 63). Representatives of intergovernmental organizations, entities,
associated members of regional commissions, specialized agencies and related
organizations and interested United Nations organs may also contact the Secretariat to
inscribe in the list of speakers as of Monday, 14 July.
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Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Reduced capacity to accommodate meetings during Capital Master
Plan (CMP) Migration of conference rooms
With the Capital Master Plan migration of the conference rooms, from the North Lawn
Building to the General Assembly Building, Conference Rooms 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and the
General Assembly Hall in the North Lawn Building are scheduled to go off -line on
Friday, 29 August 2014. The equivalent refurbished rooms in the General Assembly
Building are expected to be in meeting ready condition on Monday, 15 September 2014.
Therefore, the capacity of the Department for General Assembly and Conference
Management (DGACM) to accommodate additional meetings during that period will be
severely limited.
Repertoire of the Practice of the Security Council
(Fifteenth Supplement - 2004-2007 (Vols. I and II))
The Department of Political Affairs recently published the fifteenth Supplement to the
Repertoire of the Practice of the Security Council, covering the years from 2004 to 2007.
The Repertoire is designed to assist government officials, practitioners of international
law, academics and all those interested in the work of the United Nations to follow the
evolving practice of the Council and gain a better understanding of the framework in
which it operates.
Paper copies of the Fifteenth Supplement are available in room DC2-0880B.
Later supplements covering the period 2008 to 2011 are available in their advance version
on line by clicking here.
United Nations Regional Courses in International
Law: Appeal for voluntary contributions by the
Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs
The United Nations Regional Courses in International Law (RCIL) provide high-quality
training by leading scholars and practitioners on a broad range of core subjects of
international law, as well as specific subjects of particular interest to the countries in a
given region. The Regional Courses also provide an opportunity for the participants to
focus on contemporary issues of international law in the region with a view to
promoting greater understanding and cooperation on such issues. For further
information, please consult the website of the Regional Courses (click here).
The Regional Courses are dependent on voluntary contributions. The Under-Secretary-
General for Legal Affairs and the Codification Division of the Office of Legal Affairs,
wish to express their deep appreciation to Australia for providing the necessary
voluntary contribution to fund the Regional Course in Internati onal Law for Africa that
was held in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) from Monday, 7 April to 2 May 2014. This
generous contribution has made possible this session of the Regional Course.
The Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and the Codification Division are also
seeking voluntary contributions for the Regional Courses in International Law for
Africa, for Asia-Pacific and for Latin America and the Caribbean for 2015. The
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Codification Division would need to receive notification of such voluntary
contributions by Friday, 1 August 2014, to proceed with plans for such courses in 2015.
The Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and the Codification Division wish to
express their appreciation to the three Member States that have made voluntary
contributions to support the Regional Courses in International Law (New Zealand), for
Africa (China), and for Asia-Pacific (China and Saudi Arabia).
For additional information concerning voluntary contributions, please contact
Ms. Virginia Morris, Principal Legal Officer, Codification Division, Office of Legal
Affairs (e-mail
United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law: Appeal for voluntary
contributions by the Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs
The United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law (AVL) is a unique multi-
media resource and key instrument for promoting a greater understandi ng of the
essential role of the United Nations in the field of international law. It consists of a
permanent collection of scholarly lectures, historic archives of significant international
law instruments and an online legal research library providing ext ensive international
law research materials. Since its launch on 28 October 2008, the Audiovisual Library
has been accessed by more than one million people in all 193 Member States of the
United Nations.
The United Nations Audiovisual Library of Internat ional Law is dependent on voluntary
contributions. The Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and the Codification
Division are seeking voluntary contributions from Member States to support the
continuation and further development of the Audiovisual Library in 2014.
The Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and the Codification Division of the
Office of Legal Affairs, wish to express their appreciation to the two Member States
that have made voluntary contributions to support the AVL in 2014, namel y, China and
the United Kingdom.
For additional information or inquiries, please contact Ms. Virginia Morris,
Principal Legal Officer, Codification Division, Office of Legal Affairs (e-mail
Calendar of conferences and meetings
The 2014 calendar of conferences and meetings is available and posted on the
Department for General Assembly and Conference Management (DGACM) website, or
can be consulted by clicking here.
International Law Commission Trust Fund
Pursuant to paragraph 21 of General Assembly 62/66 resolution, the Secretary-General
in 2008 established a Trust Fund to accept voluntary contributions so as eliminate the
backlog of the Yearbook of the International Law Commission. Under paragraph 26 of
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Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
its resolution 68/112, the General Assembly expressed its appreciation to Governments
that have made voluntary contributions to the Trust Fund and encouraged further
contributions to the Trust Fund.
In accordance with the terms of reference of the trust fund, voluntary contributions may
be received from Governments, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations,
private institutions and individuals. A circular letter has been issued to Governments
through their Permanent missions.
Should additional information be required on the Trust Fund, please contact
Ms. Marianne Sooksatan (e-mail; tel. 1 (212) 963-5331).
Training for delegates and staff of permanent missions
The Dag Hammarskjld Library will conduct the following training for delegates and
staff of permanent missions, at the Library Building, Room L-166 (First Floor), for the
month of July:
Treaty Research
Introduction to United Nations Documents
Researching from UN databases UNBISnet and ODS and UN-I-QUE
Overview of the Legal Library
All interested are kindly requested to register by accessing Library Training Calendar
For more information, please contact the Library (e-mail; tel. 1 (212)
Summary of official meetings
Monday, 30 June 2014
General Assembly
Sixty-eighth session
[archived video]
99th plenary meeting (resumed)
Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the Political
Declarations on HIV/AIDS: draft decision (A/68/L.51) [item 10]
The General Assembly resumed its consideration of agenda item 10.
The representative of the Secretariat made a statement on programme budget
implications of draft decision A/68/L.51.
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The General Assembly adopted draft decision A/68/L.51 (decision 68/555).
The representative of the United States made a statement.
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 10.
The meeting was suspended.
The meeting was resumed.
Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items: request for the
inclusion of an additional sub-item in the agenda of the sixty-eighth session: note by the
Secretary-General (A/68/235) [item 7]
The General Assembly decided to waive rule 40 of the rules of pr ocedure.
The General Assembly decided to include in the agenda of the sixty-eighth session an
additional sub-item entitled Appointment of members and alternate members of the
United Nations Staff Pension Committee, as sub-item (j) of agenda item 116
Appointments to fill vacancies in subsidiary organs and other appointments, under
Heading I (Organizational, administrative and other matters).
The General Assembly decided, without setting a precedent, to consider the sub-item
directly in plenary meeting.
Follow-up to and implementation of the outcome of the 2002 International Conference
on Financing for Development and the 2008 Review Conference [item 18]
(a) Draft resolution (A/68/L.49)
(b) Report of the Fifth Committee (A/68/917)
The General Assembly resumed its consideration of agenda item 18.
The General Assembly adopted draft resolution A/68/L.49 (resolution 68/279).
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 18.
Comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and
Programme of Action: draft decision (A/68/L.52) [item 67 (b)]
The General Assembly resumed its consideration of sub-item (b) of agenda item 67.
The General Assembly adopted draft decision A/68/L.52 (decision 68/556).
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of sub-item (b) of
agenda item 67.
Reports of the Fifth Committee
The Rapporteur of the Fifth Committee introduced the reports of the Committee on
agenda items 131, 134, 147, 148, 150 to 152, 154 to 158, 159 (a) and (b), 160 to 165,
176 and 132.
Under rule 66 of the rules of procedure, the General Assembly decided not to discuss
the reports of the Fifth Committee which were before the Assembly.
Financial reports and audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of
Auditors: report of the Fifth Committee (A/68/610/Add.1) [item 131]
The General Assembly adopted the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth
Committee in paragraph 7 of its report (A/68/610/Add.1), the text of which, for the time
being, was contained in A/C.5/68/L.43 (resolution 68/19 B).
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The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item
Proposed programme budget for the biennium 2014-2015: report of the Fifth Committee
(A/68/689/Add.2) [item 134]
The General Assembly adopted the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth
Committee in paragraph 6 of its report (A/68/689/Add.2), the text of which, for the time
being, was contained in A/C.5/68/L.42 (resolution 68/280).
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item
Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations
peacekeeping operations: report of the Fifth Committee (A/68/918) [item 147]
The General Assembly proceeded to take action on draft resolutions I to IV
recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 12 of its report ( A/68/918), as
Draft resolution I (the text of which,
for the time being, was contained
in A/C.5/68/L.44) (resolution 68/281) Adopted
Draft resolution II (the text of which,
for the time being, was contained
in A/C.5/68/L.45) (resolution 68/282) Adopted
Draft resolution III (the text of which,
for the time being, was contained in
A/C.5/68/L.46) (resolution 68/283) Adopted
Draft resolution IV (the text of which,
for the time being, was contained in
A/C.5/68/L.47) (resolution 68/284) Adopted
Statements were made by the representatives of India and Pakistan.
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item
Financing of the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei: report of the Fifth
Committee (A/68/672/Add.1) [item 148]
The General Assembly adopted the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth
Committee in paragraph 6 of its report (A/68/672/Add.1), the text of which, for the time
being, was contained in A/C.5/68/L.48 (resolution 68/258 B).
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item
Financing of the United Nations Operation in Cte dIvoire: report of the Fifth
Committee (A/68/922) [item 150]
The General Assembly adopted the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth
Committee in paragraph 6 of its report (A/68/922), the text of which, for the time being,
was contained in A/C.5/68/L.49 (resolution 68/285).
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item
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Financing of the United Nations Peacekeepi ng Force in Cyprus: report of the Fifth
Committee (A/68/923) [item 151]
The General Assembly adopted the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth
Committee in paragraph 6 of its report (A/68/923), the text of which, for the time being,
was contained in A/C.5/68/L.50 (resolution 68/286).
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item
Financing of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo: report of the Fifth Committee (A/68/924) [item 152]
The General Assembly adopted the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth
Committee in paragraph 6 of its report (A/68/924), the text of which, for the time being,
was contained in A/C.5/68/L.51 (resolution 68/287).
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item
Financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste: report of the Fifth
Committee (A/68/919) [item 154]
The General Assembly adopted the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth
Committee in paragraph 6 of its report (A/68/919), the text of which, for the time being,
was contained in A/C.5/68/L.38 (resolution 68/288).
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item
Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti: report of the Fifth
Committee (A/68/925) [item 155]
The General Assembly adopted the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth
Committee in paragraph 6 of its report (A/68/925), the text of which, for the time being,
was contained in A/C.5/68/L.52 (resolution 68/289).
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item
Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo: report of
the Fifth Committee (A/68/926) [item 156]
The General Assembly adopted the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth
Committee in paragraph 6 of its report (A/68/926), the text of which, for the time being,
was contained in A/C.5/68/L.53 (resolution 68/290).
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia: report of the Fifth Committee
(A/68/927) [item 157]
The General Assembly adopted the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth
Committee in paragraph 6 of its report (A/68/927), the text of which, for the time being,
was contained in A/C.5/68/L.54 (resolution 68/291).
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item
Financing of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in
Mali: report of the Fifth Committee (A/68/680/Add.1) [item 158]
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The General Assembly adopted the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth
Committee in paragraph 6 of its report (A/68/680/Add.1), the text of which, for the time
being, was contained in A/C.5/68/L.55 (resolution 68/259 B).
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item
Financing of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Middle East: United
Nations Disengagement Observer Force: report of the Fifth Committee
(A/68/671/Add.1) [item 159(a)]
The General Assembly adopted the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth
Committee in paragraph 6 of its report (A/68/671/Add.1), the text of which, for the time
being, was contained in A/C.5/68/L.56 (resolution 68/260 B).
The representative of the Syrian Arab Republic made a statement.
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of sub-item (a) of
agenda item 159.
Financing of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Middle East: United
Nations Interim Force in Lebanon: report of the Fifth Committee (A/68/928) [item
The General Assembly proceeded to take action on the draft resolution recommended
by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 6 of its report (A/68/928), the text of which, for
the time being, was contained in A/C.5/68/L.39, as follows:
Yes No Abstentions
Fourth preambular paragraph and
operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 13
(recorded vote) 87 3 50
Draft resolution as a whole
(resolution 68/292)
(recorded vote) 138 3 1
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of it s consideration of sub-item (b) of
agenda item 159.
Financing of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan: report of the Fifth Committee
(A/68/929) [item 160]
The General Assembly adopted the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth
Committee in paragraph 6 of its report (A/68/929), the text of which, for the time being,
was contained in A/C.5/68/L.57 (resolution 68/293).
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item
Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan: report of the Fifth Committee
(A/68/920) [item 161]
The General Assembly adopted the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth
Committee in paragraph 6 of its report (A/68/920), the text of which, for the time being,
was contained in A/C.5/68/L.40 (resolution 68/294).
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item
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Financing of the United Nations Supervision Mission in the Syrian Arab Republic:
report of the Fifth Committee (A/68/921) [item 162]
The General Assembly adopted the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth
Committee in paragraph 6 of its report (A/68/921), the text of which, for the time being,
was contained in A/C.5/68/L.37 (resolution 68/295).
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item
Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara: report
of the Fifth Committee (A/68/930) [item 163]
The General Assembly adopted the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth
Committee in paragraph 6 of its report (A/68/930), the text of which, for the time being,
was contained in A/C.5/68/L.58 (resolution 68/296).
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item
Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur: report of
the Fifth Committee (A/68/931) [item 164]
The General Assembly adopted the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth
Committee in paragraph 6 of its report (A/68/931), the text of which, for the time being,
was contained in A/C.5/68/L.59 (resolution 68/297).
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item
Financing of the activities arising from Security Council resolution 1863 (2009): report
of the Fifth Committee (A/68/933) [item 165]
The General Assembly adopted the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth
Committee in paragraph 6 of its report (A/68/933), the text of which, for the time being,
was contained in A/C.5/68/L.60 (resolution 68/298).
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item
Financing of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in
the Central African Republic: report of the Fifth Committee (A/68/932) [item 176]
The General Assembly adopted the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth
Committee in paragraph 6 of its report (A/68/932), the text of which, for the time being,
was contained in A/C.5/68/L.61 (resolution 68/299).
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item
Review of the efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the United
Nations: report of the Fifth Committee (A/68/691/Add.2) [item 132]
The General Assembly adopted the draft decision recommended by the Fifth Committee
in paragraph 5 of its report (A/68/691/Add.2), the text of which, for the time being, was
contained in A/C.5/68/L.62 (decision 68/549 C).
The General Assembly thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item
The General Assembly thus concluded its consideration of all the reports of the Fifth
Committee before it.
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Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Main Committees
Fifth Committee
Second part of the resumed session
[archived video]
47th meeting (resumed) Financial reports and audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of Auditors
[item 131]
The Committee resumed its consideration of this agenda item and had before it draft
resolution A/C.5/68/L.43, which had been coordinated by the representative of Djibouti
on behalf of the Chair.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this agenda item.
Financing of the United Nations Mission Interim Security Force for Abyei [item 148]
The Committee resumed its consideration of this agenda item and had before it draft
resolution A/C.5/68/L.48, which had been coordinated by the representative of
Guatemala on behalf of the Chair.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this agenda item.
Financing of the United Nations Operation in Cte dIvoire [item 150]
The Committee resumed its consideration of this agenda item and had before it draft
resolution A/C.5/68/L.49, which had been coordinated by the representative of Israel on
behalf of the Chair.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution.
After the adoption of the draft resolution, the representatives of Uganda (on behalf of
the African Group) and Cte dIvoire made statements.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this agenda item.
Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus [item 151]
The Committee resumed its consideration of this agenda item and had before it draft
resolution A/C.5/68/L.50, which had been coordinated by the representative of Rwanda
on behalf of the Chair.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this agenda item.
Financing of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo [item 152]
The Committee resumed its consideration of these agenda items and had before it draft
resolution A/C.5/68/L.51, which had been coordinated by the representative of Finland
on behalf of the Chair.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this agenda item.
No. 2014/129 Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste [item 154]
The Committee resumed its consideration of this agenda i tem and had before it draft
resolution A/C.5/68/L.38 which had been coordinated by the representative of Indonesia
on behalf of the Chair.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this agenda item.
Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti [item 155]
The Committee resumed its consideration of this agenda item and had before it draft
resolution A/C.5/68/L.52, which had been coordinated by the representative of Togo
and Vice-Chair of the Committee.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this agenda item.
Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration in Kosovo [item 156]
The Committee resumed its consideration of this agenda item and had before it draft
resolution A/C.5/68/L.53, which had been coordinated by the representative of Benin on
behalf of the Chair.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this agenda item.
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia [item 157]
The Committee resumed its consideration of this agenda item and had before it draft
resolution A/C.5/68/L.54, which had been coordinated by the representative of Mexico
on behalf of the Chair.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this agenda item.
Financing of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in
Mali [item 158]
The Committee resumed its consideration of this agenda item and had before it draft
resolution A/C.5/68/L.55, which had been coordinated by the representative of Sri
Lanka on behalf of the Chair.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this agenda item.
Financing of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Middle East [item 159]
(a) United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
The Committee resumed its consideration of this sub-item and had before it draft
resolution A/C.5/68/L.56, which had been coordinated by the representative of New
Zealand on behalf of the Chair.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this sub-item.
(b) United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
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Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
The Chair drew the attention of the Committee to draft resolution A/C.5/68/L.39, which
had been introduced by the representative of the Plurinational State of Bolivia (on
behalf of the Group of 77 and China) at the Committees 44th meeting, held on 30 May
Before the adoption of the draft resolution, the representative of Israel made a
The Chair informed the Committee that a single recorded vote would be taken on the
fourth preambular paragraph and on operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 13, and on the draft
The Committee proceeded to vote on the fourth preambular paragraph and operative
paragraphs 4, 5 and 13 of draft resolution A/C.5/68/L.39, which were retained by a
recorded vote of 86 votes to 4 with 51 abstentions.
The representative of Lebanon made a statement.
The Committee then proceeded to vote on draft resolution A/C.5/68/L.39, as a whole,
which was adopted by a recorded vote of 137 votes to 4 with no abstentions.
After the adoption of the draft resolution statements were made by the representatives
of Italy (on behalf of the European Union) and the United States.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of sub-item 159 (b) and of the agenda
item as a whole.
Financing of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan [item 160]
The Committee resumed its consideration of this agenda item and had before it draft
resolution A/C.5/68/L.57, which had been coordinated by the representative of Viet
Nam on behalf of the Chair.
Before the adoption of the draft resolution, the Deputy-Secretary of the Committee
made an oral amendment to the draft resolution.
The representative of Brazil made an amendment to the oral amendment read out by the
Deputy-Secretary of the Committee.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution as orally amended.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this agenda item.
Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan [item 161]
The Committee resumed its consideration of this agenda item and had before it draft
resolution A/C.5/68/L.40, which had been coordinated by the representative of
Indonesia on behalf of the Chair.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this agenda item.
Financing of the United Nations Supervision Mission in the Syrian Arab Republic
[item 162]
The Committee resumed its consideration of this agenda item and had before it draft
resolution A/C.5/68/L.37, which had been coordinated by the representative of
Indonesia on behalf of the Chair.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution.
The Committee thus concluded its considerat ion of this agenda item.
No. 2014/129 Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara
[item 163]
The Committee resumed its consideration of this agenda item and had before it draft
resolution A/C.5/68/L.58, which had been coordinated by the representative of Slovakia
on behalf of the Chair.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this agenda item.
Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur [item 164]
The Committee resumed its consideration of this agenda item and had before it draft
resolution A/C.5/68/L.59, which had been coordinated by the representative of Uruguay
on behalf of the Chair.
Before the adoption of the draft resolution, the Deputy-Secretary of the Committee
made an oral amendment to the draft resolution.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution as orally amended.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this agenda item.
Financing of the activities arising from Security Council resolution 1863 (2009)
[item 165]
The Committee resumed its consideration of this agenda item and had before it draft
resolution A/C.5/68/L.60, which had been coordinated by the representative of the
Dominican Republic on behalf of the Chair.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this agenda item.
Financing of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in
the Central African Republic [item 176]
The Committee resumed its consideration of this agenda item and had before it draft
resolution A/C.5/68/L.61, which had been coordinated by the representative of Ireland
on behalf of the Chair.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this agenda item.
Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations
peacekeeping operations [item 147]
The Committee resumed its consideration of this agenda item.
Rates of reimbursement to troop contributing countries
The Committee had before it draft resolution A/C.5/68/L.44, which had been
coordinated by the representative of the Switzerland on behalf of the Chair.
Before the adoption of the draft resolution, the Deputy-Secretary of the Committee
made an oral amendment to the draft resolution.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution as orally amended.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this part of this agenda item.
The Chef de Cabinet made a statement.
No. 2014/129
Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Triennial review of the rates and standards for reimbursement to Member States
for contingent-owned equipment
The Committee had before it draft resolution A/C.5/68/L.45, which had been
coordinated by the representative of El Salvador and Vice-Chair of the Committee.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this part of this agenda item.
Support account for peacekeeping operations
The Committee had before it draft resolution A/C.5/68/L.46 which had been
coordinated by the representative of Australia, on behalf of the Chair.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this part of this agenda item.
United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy
The Committee had before it draft resolution A/C.5/68/L.47 which had been
coordinated by the representative of Costa Rica, on behalf of the Chair.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this part of this agenda item.
The Chair drew the attention of the Committee to a note by the Secretary-General on
the Financing of the support account for peacekeeping operations and the United
Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy (A/C.5/68/25).
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this agenda item.
Programme budget for the biennium 2014-2015 [item 134]
The Committee resumed its consideration of this agenda item.
Estimates in respect of special political missions, good offices and other political
initiatives authorized by the General Assembly and/or the Security Council
The Committee had before it draft resolution A/C.5/68/L.42 which had been
coordinated by the representative of Norway, on behalf of the Chair.
Before the adoption of the draft resolution, the Deputy-Secretary of the Committee
made an oral amendment to the draft resolution.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft resolution as orally amended.
Programme budget implications
The Chair of the Committee drew the attention of the Committee to document
A/C.5/68/L.41, which contained a draft decision on a statement of programme budget
implications which had been submitted by the representative of Sweden, on behalf of
the Chair of the Committee.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft decision.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this question and of this agenda
Review of the efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the United
Nations [item 132]
The Committee resumed its consideration of this agenda item.
No. 2014/129 Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Questions deferred for future consideration
The Committee had before it draft decision A/C.5/68/L.62, submitted by the Chair.
The Committee adopted, without a vote, the draft decision.
The Committee thus concluded its consideration of this agenda item.
Closure of the work of the Fifth Committee during the second resumed part of the sixty-
eighth session of the General Assembly
The Chair of the Committee made a concluding statement.
Statements were made by the representatives of the United States, the European Union,
the Plurinational State of Bolivia (on behalf of the Group of 77 and China), Uganda (on
behalf of the African Group), Japan, the United Republic of Tanzania, Brazil, the
Russian Federation, Cuba, Nigeria and Uruguay.
Monday, 7 July 2014
Economic and Social Council
2014 session
High-level segment
31st32nd meetings The summary of the 31st and 32nd meetings of High level segment of the Economic
and Social Council will appear in the next issue of the Journal (No. 2014/130).
Summary of official meetings held away from Headquarters
Monday, 7 July 2014
General Assembly
International Law Commission
Sixty-sixth session
United Nations Office at Geneva
3217th meeting Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction [item 5]
The Special Rapporteur, Ms. Concepcin Escobar Hernndez, introduced her third
report on the topic (A/CN.4/673). The Commission began its consideration of the
Special Rapporteurs report.
The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere aut judicare) [item 3]
The Chair of the Working Group presented the Report of the Working Group
(A/CN.4/L.844). The Commission took note of the report.
No. 2014/129
Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Signatures, Ratifications, etc.
The dates indicated correspond to the dates of receipt
of the relevant documents, except for the signatures.
[Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General]
International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism. New York,
9 December 1999
Objection to the interpretative declaration made by Kuwait upon accession:
Denmark (7 July 2014)
Objection to the interpretative declaration made by Kuwait upon accession:
Switzerland (1 July 2014)
Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of
Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity.
Nagoya, 29 October 2010
Accession: Gambia (3 July 2014)
Ratification: Mozambique (7 July 2014)
Ratification: Sudan (7 July 2014)
General information
Chairs of the regional groups
The following information regarding the chairmanship of the regional groups for the
month of July 2014 has been communicated to the Secretariat:
African States:
His Excellency Ibrahim Dabbashi
Asia-Pacific States:
United Arab Emirates
Her Excellency Lana Zaki Nusseibeh
Eastern European States:
His Excellency Zohrab Mnatsakanyan
Latin American and Caribbean States:
Dominican Republic
His Excellency Francisco Antonio Cortorreal
Western European and other States:
San Marino
His Excellency Daniele Bodini
No. 2014/129 Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Security Council Communications to the President of the Security Council
Communications addressed to the President of the Security Council should be delivered
to the Office of the President of the Council (e-mailed; room
S-2472; fax 1 (917) 367-0406). For queries, please call to 1 (212) 963-5258.
Website of the presidency
The website of the presidency of the Security Council can be visited at
Unscheduled meetings
Information about previously unscheduled meetings and consultations of the whole of
the Security Council may be obtained by clicking on Programme of work on the
website of the Security Council at; or by calling to 1 (212) 963-5258.
Prepared statements
Speakers in the Security Council are advised that providing in advance copies of
prepared statements which they intend to read out in the Council greatly facilitates the
work of the Secretariat by permitting a sufficient number of copies to be distributed to
all meeting participants and by assisting interpreters, verbatim reporters and press
officers in maintaining the quality of the product delivered. Both interpretations and
verbatim records rely upon the statement actually delivered, but copies of texts help
interpreters to correctly render details and nuances and help verbatim reporters to
produce the written record more quickly. Speakers are therefore encouraged, whenever
possible, to provide copies of their statements, as early as possible in advance of
delivery, to the Conference Room Officer in the Chamber.
Delegations are kindly requested to make 40 copies for minimum distribution to
Council members and relevant services, and 200 additional copies for general
distribution in the Security Council Chamber.
Delegations wishing to make statements available for the media are kindly requested to
deliver 50 copies to the Media Documents Centre (e-mail; tel. 1 (212)
963-7166; room S-0220).
Information regarding the J ournal of the United Nations
The Journal of the United Nations is issued daily in English and in French. During the
main part of the General Assembly session (September to December), it is also issued in
Arabic, Chinese, Russian, and Spanish.
Kindly take note that the English and French versions of the Journal are accessible to
blind and visually impaired users via screen readers.
Back issues of the Journal, in English and French, can be accessed at the
following addresses: and
All comments and suggestions about the Journal are welcome. Kindly contact the office
of the Journal at
No. 2014/129
Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Emergency information and updates
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Headquarters Emergency Information website at and The website also offers the option of subscription to e-mail, SMS
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Touch screen information kiosks
The Department for General Assembly and Conference Management (DGACM)
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Websites Department for General Assembly and Conference Management
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Department of Political Affairs
No. 2014/129 Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Presidency of the Security Council
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Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution
1373 (2001) concerning counter-terrorism
Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution
1540 (2004)
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Economic and Social Council
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United Nations Treaty Collection
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Journal of the United Nations
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No. 2014/129
Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Documents issued at United Nations Headquarters
on Monday, 7 July 2014
With the exception of sales publications and public information material, hyperlinked official
documents listed hereunder may be accessed through the Official Document System of the United
Nations in the electronic version of the present Journal.
Think Green! Please consider the number of pages before printing.
Symbol Main title
General Assembly Documents
Sixty-eighth session
A/68/913S/2014/435 Item 35 The situation in the Middle East Identical letters dated 23 June 2014 from
the Permanent Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic to the United Nations
addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council
[A C E F R S] 2 pages
A/68/916S/2014/441 Item 34 Protracted conflicts in the GUAM area and their implications for
international peace, security and development Identical letters dated 26 June 2014
from the Permanent Representative of Georgia to the United Nations addressed to the
Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council [A C E F R S] 3 pages
A/68/934 Item 110 Measures to eliminate international terrorism Letter dated 27 June 2014
from the Permanent Representative of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea to the
United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General [A C E F R S] 2 pages
A/69/90 Item 75 (a) of the preliminary list Oceans and the law of the sea Report on the
work of the United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and
the Law of the Sea at its fifteenth meeting Letter dated 6 June 2013 from the Co-
Chairs of the Consultative Process addressed to the President of the General Assembly
[A C E F R S] 18 pages
Committee on Conferences
Substantive session of 2014
Agenda and programme of work for 2014 [A C E F R S] 4 pages
Fifth Biennial Meeting of States to Consider the Implementation of the Programme of
Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light
Weapons in All Its Aspects Note verbale dated 30 June 2014 from the Permanent
Mission of Egypt to the United Nations addressed to the Secretariat [A C E F R S]
3 pages
Security Council Documents
S/2014/10/Add.25 Summary statement by the Secretary-General of matters of which the Security Council
is seized and of the stage reached in their consideration [A C E F R S] 1 pages
No. 2014/129 Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
S/2014/379 Letter dated 28 May 2014 from the Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations addressed to the President of
the Security Council [A C E F R S] 10 pages
A/68/913S/2014/435 Identical letters dated 23 June 2014 from the Permanent Representative of the Syrian
Arab Republic to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council [A C E F R S] 2 pages
S/2014/438 Report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of Security Council resolution
1701 (2006) Reporting period from 28 February to 26 June 2014 [A C E F R S]
16 pages
S/2014/439 Letter dated 25 June 2014 from the Permanent Representative of Germany to the United
Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council [A C E F R S] 12 pages
A/68/916S/2014/441 Identical letters dated 26 June 2014 from the Permanent Representative of Georgia to
the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security
Council [A C E F R S] 3 pages
S/2014/457 Letter dated 30 June 2014 from the Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United
Nations addressed to the Secretary-General [A C E F R S] 1 page
S/2014/463 Report of the Secretary-General concerning the credentials of the alternate
representative of Chad on the Security Council [A C E F R S] 1 page
S/2014/465 Letter dated 2 July 2014 from the Secretary-General to the President of the Security
Council [A C E F R S] 1 page
Economic and Social Council
2014 session
E/2014/L.19 Item 6 of the provisional agenda Operational activities of the United Nations for
international development cooperation Draft resolution submitted by the President of
the Council, Martin Sajdik (Austria), on the basis of informal consultations on draft
resolution E/2014/L.3 Progress in the implementation of General Assembly
resolution 67/226 on the quadrennial comprehensive policy review of operational
activities for development of the United Nations system [A C E F R S] 8 pages
Committee for Programme and Coordination
Fifty-fourth session
Item 7 Adoption of the report of the Committee on its fifty-fourth session Draft
report Rapporteur: Mr. Hiroshi Onuma (Japan) Proposed strategic framework for
the period 2016-2017 Programme 7 Economic and social affairs [A C E F R S]
4 pages
Item 7 Adoption of the report of the Committee on its fifty-fourth session Draft
report Rapporteur: Mr. Hiroshi Onuma (Japan) Proposed strategic framework for
the period 2016-2017 Programme 16 Economic and social development in Asia
and the Pacific [A C E F R S] 3 pages
No. 2014/129
Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Item 7 Adoption of the report of the Committee on its fifty-fourth session Draft
report Rapporteur: Mr. Hiroshi Onuma (Japan) Proposed strategic framework for
the period 2016-2017 Programme 2 Political affairs [A C E F R S] 6 pages
Item 3 (b) Adoption of the report of the Committee on its fifty-fourth session
Draft report Rapporteur: Mr. Hiroshi Onuma (Japan) Proposed strategic
framework for the period 2016-2017 Programme 21 International protection,
durable solutions and assistance to refugees [A C E F R S] 5 pages
Item 7 Adoption of the report of the Committee on its fifty-fourth session Draft
report Rapporteur: Mr. Hiroshi Onuma (Japan) Proposed strategic framework for
the period 2016-2017 Programme 12 Human settlements [A C E F R S]
6 pages
Item 7 Adoption of the report of the Committee on its fifty-fourth session Draft
report Rapporteur: Mr. Hiroshi Onuma (Japan) Proposed strategic framework for
the period 2016-2017 Programme 4 Peacekeeping operations [A C E F R S]
6 pages
Item 7 Adoption of the report of the Committee on its fifty-fourth session Draft
report Rapporteur: Mr. Hiroshi Onuma (Japan) Proposed strategic framework for
the period 2016-2017 Programme 14 Gender equality and empowerment of
women [A C E F R S] 7 pages
Item 7 Adoption of the report of the Committee on its fifty-fourth session Draft
report Rapporteur: Mr. Hiroshi Onuma (Japan) Proposed strategic framework for
the period 2016-2017 Programme 20 Human rights [A C E F R S] 6 pages
Item 7 Adoption of the report of the Committee on its fifty-fourth session Draft
report Rapporteur: Mr. Hiroshi Onuma (Japan) Proposed strategic framework for
the period 2016-2017 Programme 17 Economic development in Europe
[A C E F R S] 3 pages
Item 7 Adoption of the report of the Committee on its fifty-fourth session Draft
report Rapporteur: Mr. Hiroshi Onuma (Japan) Proposed strategic framework for
the period 2016-2017 Programme 13 International drug control, crime and
terrorism prevention and criminal justice [A C E F R S] 9 pages
Item 7 Adoption of the report of the Committee on its fifty-fourth session Draft
report Rapporteur: Mr. Hiroshi Onuma (Japan) Proposed strategic framework for
the period 2016-2017 Programme 26 Internal oversight [A C E F R S] 4 pages
Item 7 Adoption of the report of the Committee on its fifty-fourth session Draft
report Rapporteur: Mr. Hiroshi Onuma (Japan) Coordination questions: report of
the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination Annual
overview report of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination
for 2013 [A C E F R S] 6 pages
No. 2014/129 Journal of the United Nations Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Item 7 Adoption of the report of the Committee on its fifty-fourth session Draft
report Rapporteur: Mr. Hiroshi Onuma (Japan) Proposed strategic framework for
the period 2016-2017 Programme 3 Disarmament [A C E F R S] 6 pages
Communications to the Editor
Material for inclusion in the Journal should be addressed to the attention of
Ms. Lilian Delgado (e-mail; tel. 1 (212) 963-3888 and 963-
0493; Room CB-0304 (Conference Building)).
The deadline to submit material for the Journal issue of the next day is 18:30
for the programme of meetings, and 19:00 for the summaries. The
announcements to be published in the Forthcoming other activities section,
should be sent before 18:00 at least two days in advance.
The office of the Journal Unit opens at 15:00.
Published at Headquarters, New York, by the Department for
General Assembly and Conference Management.