Toyota outlined its approach to fuel cell vehicles which involves developing a diverse range of powertrains and fuels to meet various transportation needs sustainably. Hybrid technology forms the basis for Toyota's electric, plug-in hybrid, and fuel cell vehicles. Fuel cell vehicles are well-suited for medium-to-long distance trips due to their fast refueling time and extended range, while electric vehicles are appropriate for short-distance commuting and fleet use. Toyota believes hydrogen will be a leading energy source and has been developing fuel cell vehicles since 1992.
Toyota outlined its approach to fuel cell vehicles which involves developing a diverse range of powertrains and fuels to meet various transportation needs sustainably. Hybrid technology forms the basis for Toyota's electric, plug-in hybrid, and fuel cell vehicles. Fuel cell vehicles are well-suited for medium-to-long distance trips due to their fast refueling time and extended range, while electric vehicles are appropriate for short-distance commuting and fleet use. Toyota believes hydrogen will be a leading energy source and has been developing fuel cell vehicles since 1992.
Toyota outlined its approach to fuel cell vehicles which involves developing a diverse range of powertrains and fuels to meet various transportation needs sustainably. Hybrid technology forms the basis for Toyota's electric, plug-in hybrid, and fuel cell vehicles. Fuel cell vehicles are well-suited for medium-to-long distance trips due to their fast refueling time and extended range, while electric vehicles are appropriate for short-distance commuting and fleet use. Toyota believes hydrogen will be a leading energy source and has been developing fuel cell vehicles since 1992.
Toyota outlined its approach to fuel cell vehicles which involves developing a diverse range of powertrains and fuels to meet various transportation needs sustainably. Hybrid technology forms the basis for Toyota's electric, plug-in hybrid, and fuel cell vehicles. Fuel cell vehicles are well-suited for medium-to-long distance trips due to their fast refueling time and extended range, while electric vehicles are appropriate for short-distance commuting and fleet use. Toyota believes hydrogen will be a leading energy source and has been developing fuel cell vehicles since 1992.
Toyota Motor Corporation 1 The first automobiles Steam-powered vehicle (1769) Electric vehicle (1899) Gasoline vehicle (1886) Benz Patent-Motorwagen Price 2,750 marks (approx. $1,000) Engine Single-cylinder horizontal 984 cc/400 rpm/0.9 hp Max. speed 16 km/h Weight 313 kg Source: Toyota Automobile Museum; Wikipedia 2 The electric engine starter Electric engine starter (1911) Source: Cadillac 1912 Instruction Book Manual engine starter 3 The assembly line Advent of mass production (1913) Price reductions due to innovations in production methods $290 (1924) $780 (1910) Ford Model T assembly line Ford Model T $850 (1908) (Rival companies: $1,800) Sources: Ford Motor Company; Wikipedia; Utah Division of State History; Amerika jidosha kogyo no kenkyu (Setsuo Kotani, 2001) 4 The road network in the U.S. Sources: U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration; Cato Handbook on Policy, 6 th Edition Interstate Highways (Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of Interstate and Defense Highways) Built under the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 Combined length of approx. 66,000 km, at a total cost of 25 billion dollars over 13 years Funded with Highway Trust Fund (Gasoline tax in 1956: 3 cents/gallon) 5 History of gasoline Lucas gusher, Spindletop Hill, Texas (1901) Drive-in gas station (1913) Sources: Sekiyu no seiki (Daniel Yergin, Yoshiki Hidaka, Naotake Mochida,1991); The Paleontological Research Institution, Gulf Oil 1901: Oil fields discovered in Texas 1907: First gas station opens in the U.S. 1913: Thermal cracking allows greater quantities of gasoline to be obtained from petroleum 1929: 300,000 stores selling gasoline in the U.S. 6 The age of gasoline-powered automobiles 1950 Electric vehicles 1900 Year Gasoline-powered vehicles Steam-powered vehicles N u m b e r
o f
a u t o m o b i l e s
Mass production Electric engine starter Lincoln Highway Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 Development of thermal cracking process Gas stations spread The first gas station Increased demand for gasoline Roads Fuel Gasoline-powered automobiles Steam, electricity, and gasoline-powered automobiles Horse-drawn cart The simultaneous development of technologies, roads and fuel gave rise to the age of gasoline-powered automobiles 7 What the automobile has achieved Enhanced mobility (for people and for goods) Freedom and convenience (anytime, anywhere) Mobile personal spaces Economic, social, and cultural growth New possibilities created by enhanced mobility = 8 Problems caused by gasoline-powered automobiles Concern over future oil supply Increase in number of vehicles Surge in fossil fuel consumption Air pollution CO 2 emissions leading to global warming Growth of global industry and technology in the 20th century 9 Crude oil supply forecast Developing non-conventional resources will increase the global oil supply Source: IEA; ExxonMobil Others Biofuels Crude and condensate resources Crude oil (conventional oil fields) Tight oil Oil sands Liquid natural gas Deep-sea oil fields Remaining resources Cumulative production through 2040 (units: million oil-equivalent barrels/day) (trillion barrels) Global liquids supply by type 10 Increase in distance traveled 1985 $1= 250 GDP and distance traveled by region (1950-1997) North America Western Europe Eastern Europe Australia and New Zealand Former Soviet Union Central Asia South Asia Latin America Middle East and Africa Africa Asia Pacific World 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 $0 $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 Per capita GDP in 1985 D i s t a n c e
t r a v e l e d
p e r
p e r s o n
p e r
y e a r
(km) 1997 1950 Distance traveled has increased due to economic growth Source: WBCSD Mobility 2001 11 The world in 2050 Global population of 9.6 billion 70% of the worlds population living in cities Global and urban population Source: OECD Environmental Outlook Global GDP Source: U.N. Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs Global GDP to increase more than threefold Rapid increase in overall/urban population and economy leading to Intensified environmental problems (climate change, global warming, air pollution) Global population Urban population P o p u l a t i o n
10 8 6 4 2 0 (billion) 12 What is a sustainable mobility society? One that allows us all to move freely in comfort and safety, in an environment-friendly, sustainable manner 13 A sustainable society A society which uses diverse energy sources, with electricity and hydrogen infrastructures EVs/PHVs Electricity storage facilities Thermal power generation Power generation units Automotive fuel Hydrogen tanks Biomass Wastewater Photovoltaic generation Wind power Renewable Energy Fossil Fuels Electricity Grid Hydrogen Grid Hydrogen-Electricity Conversion High-volume, long-term storage Electrolysis Industry Electricity Energy Flow Hydrogen Fossil fuels FCVs/FC buses Urban/ residential HVs Refineries/chemical plants Chemical plants Urban/ residential Urban/ residential 14 Toyotas environmental principles Driving real and positive change by popularizing these vehicles Developing efficient, low-emission vehicles Embracing diverse energy sources 15 Primary energy sources, automotive fuels and powertrains Primary energy source Automotive fuel Powertrain Oil C o n s e r v e
D i v e r s i f y
Coal Plants Electricity Hydrogen Diesel Conventional and hybrid vehicles EVs FCVs PHVs Natural gas Uranium Hydro, solar, geothermal electricity generation Gasoline Biofuels Gaseous fuels Synthetic fuels 16 Hybrid vehicle lineup Toyota has introduced hybrid models in all vehicle categories Compact Medium Large SUV Minivan Commercial As of May 2014 17 Hybrid vehicle sales As of May 2014 1997 1999 2001 2009 2011 2003 2005 2007 2013 A n n u a l
s a l e s
( m i l l i o n s )
1.2 1.4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C u m u l a t i v e
s a l e s
( m i l l i o n )
HV global sales 2012: Achieved 1 million annual units sales for the first time Dec. 2013: Cumulative sales passed 6 million units 3 million units 2 million units 1 million units 4 million units 5 million units 6 million units 2014 18 Development of hybrid technology Hybrid technology underpins Toyotas PHVs, EVs and FCVs EV HV PHV FCV Motor Fuel tank PCU Battery Engine Generator Motor Fuel tank PCU Battery Engine Generator Motor Fuel tank PCU Battery Engine Motor Hydrogen tank PCU Battery Engine 19 Characteristics of alternative fuels The strengths of individual alternative fuels Electricity
Natural gas
Well-to-wheel CO 2 Poor to Excellent Poor to Excellent Poor to Excellent Good Supply volume Excellent Excellent Poor Good Cruising range Poor Excellent Excellent Good Fueling/charging time Poor Excellent Excellent Excellent Dedicated infrastructure Good Poor Excellent Good Internal combustion engines Internal combustion engines FCV EV 20 Fuel diversity and uses EVs: Short-distance, HVs & PHVs: Wide-use, FCVs: Medium-to-long distance Short-distance commuter vehicles Travel distance Fuel Electricity Gasoline, diesel, biofuels, CNG, synthetic fuels, etc. Hydrogen Home delivery vehicles EVs HVs PHVs FC buses FCVs V e h i c l e
s i z e
Passenger cars Route buses Personal mobility EVs HV/PHVs FCVs Home delivery trucks Full-size trucks 21 The importance of PHVs Electricity Gasoline Next-generation electric vehicles for widespread use PHVs can be used safely and without limitations, at all times 22 Pros and cons of EVs EVs are appropriate for short-distance commuting and fleet use Shorter range High battery costs Long charging time Need for quick charger infrastructure Zero emissions when driven Quiet Rechargeable from household outlet Advantages Disadvantages 23 About hydrogen Hydrogen is found in abundance in water and fossil fuels
It is colorless, odorless, and tasteless at room temperature and normal atmospheric pressure; it is extremely light and diffuses rapidly
It is a reactive element with numerous chemical/fuel uses; fuel cells increase the electricity generation efficiency of hydrogen 24 Primary uses of hydrogen Thanks to past experience and recent research, hydrogen can be used as safely as gasoline or natural gas Hydrogen has been used for over 200 years Urban areas: gas lamps In homes: utility gas (water/coal gas) In manufacturing: fertilizer (ammonia), oil refining (desulfurization, etc.) As an automotive fuel 25 Advantages of hydrogen Zero CO 2 emissions during use, helping to achieve a low-carbon society Can be obtained from a variety of primary energy sources From fossil fuels such as natural gas, as well as from unused sewage sludge From water using natural energy sources such as solar or wind energy Higher energy density than batteries, and is easier to transport and store; can be used to resolve uneven distribution of regional energy, and to compensate for fluctuations in supply from renewable energy sources Wide range of uses, from home to automotive fuel and power generation 26 We believe hydrogen will be a leading energy source in the future 27 Toyotas FCV development to date 1992: Start of development A Toyota FCV took part in a parade in Osaka. The vehicle featured a fuel cell stack and metal hydride hydrogen tank. 1996: Parade in Osaka EVS13 in Osaka (Oct.1996) Toyotas FCV development started in 1992. 28 Toyotas FCV development to date Max speed 155 km/h Range 830 km (10-15 test cycle) Occupancy 5 Max pressure of tank 70 MPa Fuel cell output 90 kW World-first limited sale in the U.S. and Japan Achieves vehicle type certification from the Japanese government Range and cold start capabilities improved Toyota has leased over fuel cell 100 vehicles to date, and these have driven over 2 million km in the U.S. and Japan 2002: FCHV (Dec 2002-) 2005: FCHV (July 2005-) 2008: FCHV-adv (June 2008-) Toyota FCHV-adv (2008) 29 Advantages of FCVs Energy diversification Hydrogen can be produced from a variety of primary energy sources Zero emissions Zero CO 2 emissions during driving Driving pleasure Smooth start and good acceleration at low and medium speeds Smooth and quiet operation Low refueling time (approx. 3 min.) Cold-start capability (-30C) Performance High cruising range (approx. 700 km under JC08 cycle; Toyota measurements) Power supply capabilities 4-5 times greater than EVs; can supply power to an average household for more than a week Large power supply capability for emergencies 30 The potential of FCVs FCVs are ideal eco-cars 31 FCVs contribute to a sustainable mobility society by: contributing to the diversity of automotive fuels only emitting water vapor during driving offering the convenience of existing gasoline-engine automobiles
Fuel cell system development The new fuel cell system is smaller and performs better Top-level Size reduction 3.0 kW/L Key system components can be placed under seats Output power over 100 kW Over twice the output power density of the Toyota FCHV-adv 32 High-pressure hydrogen tank development High-pressure hydrogen tank performance has increased while costs have decreased Top-level Different materials and manufacturing process used 5.7 wt% Reduced costs Number of tanks per vehicle halved from four to two Tank storage density improved by approx. 20% compared to Toyota FCHV-adv (70MPa) (70MPa) 33 Fuel cell system development Significant progress has been made in fuel cell system development Use of boost converter Fewer cells, smaller motor No humidifier Enhanced reliability; reduced size, weight, and cost Motor Power control unit Battery Fuel filler Hydrogen tank Fuel cell stack Boost converter 34 Fuel cell system cost reduction Design Production technology Limited sales Mass production Resolve technical issues Market entry Widespread use Reduce cost Costs down to 5% of FCHV-adv costs (2015) Further cost reductions FCHV-adv (2008) Fuel cell system costs have decreased significantly, and will continue to decrease. 35 Toyotas FCV sedan: exterior (as of June 25, 2014) 36 Toyotas FCV sedan: Japan sales (as of June 25, 2014) Going on sale before April 2015 (in the summer of 2015 in the U.S. and Europe) Sold at Toyota and Toyopet dealerships Approximately 7 million yen (Initially, sales will be focused on dealerships in areas where hydrogen infrastructure is being developed) (Approximate MSRP; excludes consumption tax; U.S./European pricing not yet decided) 37 38