Superstring Theory
Superstring Theory
Superstring Theory
It is the theory which attempts to unify all the fundamental forces which we encounter in
our daily lives, mainly gravity and the electromagnetic force. It all started when the German
mathematician Kaluza, proposed a bizarre statement that the universe is composed of many
dimensions. But, sadly, he couldnt get the mass of the electron to work in his theorem.
Gradually, it became a full stop.
Until something extraordinary happened in our age. The quest for the unification of the
various forces was started again but strangely, in order to unify all the known forces, the
theory which scientists are working on presently suggests that we must consider 10
dimensions of space, as the equations work with only 10, not three! Bizzare, right?
This theory, known as the superstring theory, states that the fundamental, uncuttable
constituent of matter is not the atom, neither the electrons and neutrons, nor the quarks,
but some dancing filaments of energy looking like vibrating strings. These strings, vibrating
in different patterns, produce different particles (not musical notes). The different
frequencies of the strings produce different particles in our universe and this in turn results
in the richness of our world. It leads to unification of physics as the atoms, photons,
gravitons, radiation particles, anything in this universe we can or cannot observe, are made
up of the same thing.
When we look around the world, there are 20 numbers which define our world, like mass of
the particles, strength of gravity, etc. There is no explanation as to why these numbers have
a particular value. Wait, there is, it again has to do with extra dimensions. If the numbers
had values other than those we found out, the universe wont even exist. The extra
dimensions fold in on themselves and intertwine. These extra dimensions also have tiny
string curled up on them and all the numbers, actually, are reflections of the way strings can
vibrate. These strings will be affected by the vibrational patterns in the geometry within
which they are moving. So, if we knew what the extra dimension looked like, that is their
geometry, we should be able to calculate the allowed vibrational patterns and if we could
calculate it, we should be able to calculate those 20 numbers. And if those they match with
the known values, then there would be a fundamental explanation as to why our universe is
like this!!
But these are just theories, but should we believe in them? We ought to have a practicality
in every theory we possess. For that sake, experiments have been proposed to determine
the extra dimensions, as a result supporting the superstring theory. In CERN, a large Hedron
Collider has been assembled in which particles would experience head-on-head collision.
These particles are made to travel at the speed of light. The proposal is that that if these
extra dimensions exist, then in some cases, the energy before the head-on-head collision
would be less than the energy after the collision, that is, a small amount of the energy flies
off into the extra dimensions. If this experiment bears fruit, then for the first time, we would
possess a working, unified theory which can explain all the fundamental forces and forms of
matter of the universe with only one theory. Think about it, only one theory to describe
everything. Well, I wager the science students will end up having only one chapter!
Rhitam Dutta
(Brain Greene) Credits!!!