Unpacking The Standards
Unpacking The Standards
Unpacking The Standards
1. Looking at the verbs, adjectives, and nouns may help identify the key elements of the student
evidence outcomes and standards.
Nouns Verbs Adjectives
textual evidence
characters, setting, plot
Compare/ Contrast
2. Use the information above to determine
the following:
3. How might students demonstrate mastery
of these?
Know that
Know that students know how to make
inferences and look for deeper meaning in
the text.
Know that students know how to use
textual evidence to support their ideas.
Identifying historical allusions to
understand meaning within text.
Students find a theme with the text and
find examples to support their ideas.
Students participate in literature circle and
discuss meaning of the text and ideas.
Annotate while reading and circle/identify
key words or phrases that are unfamiliar
for class discussion.
Be able to do how
Skills (basic skills, skills of the discipline, skills of
independence, social skills, skills of production)
Verbs or phrases (not the whole activity)
Make inferences (reading between the
Use textual evidence to support ideas.
Identify theme within the novel
Class discussion/literature circle
Reading Responses. Find supporting
textual evidence to support ideas.
Produce a final product showing
understanding of theme within To Kill a
Deep, Enduring Understanding
Essential truths that give meaning to the topic
Stated as a full sentence
Begins with, I want my students to understand
that (not how, why or what)
I want to students to understand that
there deeper meaning within a text than
what is just on the surface.
Participating in classroom discussion.
Identifying the idea of historical allusions
and making inferences.
Completing reading responses and
providing textual evidence to support
Producing a final project identifying theme
within To Kill a Mockingbird and providing
supporting evidence.
Essential Question
Examples include how, why, or which is best
How do stereotypes and prejudices
influence how we look at the world?
What is it that enables some people to
standup against prejudice/stereotyping,
while others join in?
Pre-reading activities exploring the topics
of racism/stereotypes and the United
States during this time period.
Explore the Dust Bowl, Great Depression
and The Civil Rights Movement.
Identify characters within To Kill a
Mockingbird that both stand up for what
they believe in, and those who follow
along with the majority. Discuss and make
inferences based on textual evidence.