Japanese Women: Lineage and Legacies
Japanese Women: Lineage and Legacies
Japanese Women: Lineage and Legacies
Japanese Women:
Lineage and Legacies
Edited by Amy McCreedy Thernstrom
October 2005
Available from the Woodrow Wilson Internati onal Center for Schol ars
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ISBN 1-933549-02-5
Cover Photos:
Crown Princess Masako Holds Her Daughter, Eriko Sugita/Reuters/Corbis
Businesswoman, Getty Images
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Introduction 1
Amy McCreedy Thernstrom
Lineage and Change: The Imperial Family and the Debate
over a Female Emperor
Royal Roles, Wider Changes: Understanding Japans 13
Gender Relations from a Historical Perspective
Hitomi Tonomura
Imperial Succession Panic: The Politics of Gender, 27
Blood and Race in Contemporary Japan
Takashi Fujitani
Why Should a Feminist Care about What Goes on 44
Behind Japans Chrysanthemum Curtain? The Imperial
Succession Issue as a Metaphor for Womens Rights
Barbara Molony
The Modern Woman and Motherhood
Japans Frozen Future: Why Are Women Withholding 57
Investment in Work and Family?
Chikako Usui
Feminism as Industrial Policy in Japan 69
Margarita Estvez-Abe
Baby Strike? Reections on Ideology and Realities 80
in Womens Lives
Merry White
Amy McCreedy Thernstrom
Program Associate
Woodrow Wilson Centers Asia Program
he imperial throne of Japan is one of the most conservative of insti-
tutions, and throughout its legendary 2500-year history has rarely
been mentioned in the same breath (much less paragraph) with
terms such as gender equality.
But now the Chrysanthemum Throne has not produced a male heir since
1965, and faces extinction if the prohibition against a female emperor is not
scrapped or modied. This crisis has sparked a lively discussion in Japan among
the general public, media, and pundits over how it should be resolved. Even
feminists, who have remained aloof from discussion of imperial matters (seeing
the throne as a remnant of Japans militaristic past), have entered the debate.
This report is one of few academic publications in English to examine the
succession questionincluding historical origins and modern policy ramifi-
cationsand to use it as a springboard to a discussion of issues of broad sig-
nificance to Japanese women. Although the cloistered royal household is
often seen as remote from the concerns of everyday life, the authors in this
report show how the succession issue has become an important symbol to a
society still struggling to reform traditional institutions. The essays in this
volume address issues such as fertility decline, the veneration of mother-
hood, and national pride, in relation to both the imperial system and to
Japan more generally.
The report is organized in two parts. The rst three essays focus wholly or
partly on the issue of imperial succession. Crown Princess Masako, who gave
up her position as a successful diplomat to marry the crown prince, epitomizes
the choice between career and family with which many Japanese women feel
confronted, and whether her three-year-old daughter will be allowed to
inherit the throne has aroused broad interest. The essays here treat the succes-
sion issue with historical depth not usually found in English, and address a
wide range of contentious questions: To what extent should Japans previous
eight female emperors be considered precedents in the current deliberations?
What does Japanese tradition consist of, and how has it been used (or
manipulated) by different contributors to the succession debate? What solu-
tions to the crisis are possible, and do they necessarily spell victory for advo-
cates of equal rights for women?
The second section of this report looks at womens issues more broadly,
especially the topic of declining fertility. Like Masako, Japanese women are
sometimes criticized by media and government ofcials for delaying marriage
and childbirth. Depopulation will (it is claimed) lead to a labor shortage and
increase the burden of Japans aging society. Pundits and government ofcials
have offered a myriad of suggestions, from providing tax breaks for bearing
children to establishing daycare centers. The three essays in this section help
sort through these numerous policy ideas, as well as examine the motivations,
challenges, and desires of working women. Are government policies effective?
Why do Japanese women see a career and motherhood as incompatible? How
is the Japanese situation similar to that of other industrialized countries, and
can Japan look abroad for solutions?
Lineage and change: The imperial family and the debate over a
female emperor
Is the idea of a female emperor too radical for a society as traditional as Japan?
As explained by Hitomi Tonomura of the University of Michigan, women
were not disqualied from the throne until 1889, a prohibition extended by
the Imperial Household Law of 1947. As a historian of premodern Japan,
Tonomura describes the reigns of six previous female emperors in the years
592-720, as well as two female emperors in the 17th and 18th centuries. These
rulers have gured largely in the current succession debate, and in the deliber-
ations by a 10-member advisory panel appointed by Prime Minister Junichiro
Koizumi (due to give its recommendations this fall).
According to Tonomura, the female emperors are often wrongly presented
as having been mere stop gap rulers who abdicated once a suitable male heir
came of age. In fact, there often were male heirs available when these women
took the throneoften amid bloody power strugglesand royal qualica-
tions derived just as much from the mother as from the father. Moreover, far
from mere puppets, female emperors reigned and ruled with full legitimacy
and power. Only in relatively recent history did women become absorbed
into male-centered systems of residency, economy and politics that were part
of the Chinese androcentric model, Tonomura contends.
Although Japanese leaders imported many Western systems and ideas dur-
ing the Meiji era of the late 19th century, they chose to reject the example of
Englands Queen Victoria amid the prevailing sentiment of danson johi
(respecting males and despising females). Yet there was a lively debate at the
time. Though the twisted exclusionist logic based on womens inferiority is
obsolete, many of the arguments heard today (on both sides) resemble those
of 1889, Tonomura explains.
Tradition and institutional stability still loom large, though todays advisors
acknowledge the crucial importance of public support. The vast majority (more
than 80 percent) of Japanese people support a female emperorand, as
Tonomura asserts, despite the near-allergic disdain among certain circles for the
imperial institution, the Japanese people in general, or at least the media, seem
to be highly interested in the royal familys affairs. Many argue that any pressure
on Masako to produce an heir violates her human rights, and that the Imperial
Household Law is inconsistent with the constitution, which states that laws
shall be enacted from the standpoint of the essential equality of the sexes.
But is the core of the debate really the question of womens rights?
According to Takashi Fujitani of the University of California at San Diego,
a close reading of the panels deliberations shows a remarkable absence of any
discussion of gender equality, as do the reference materials provided to the
advisory panel by Koizumis ofce. While Koizumis advisory panel has hesi-
tated to make an explicit connection between female imperial succession and
gender equality, it has made it absolutely clear that the imperial bloodline
must be preserved, Fujitani writes. In other words, decision makers will allow
female succession because they must, to save the imperial line from extinction.
Yet a female emperor can still be used to promote motherhood and family val-
ues, as can be seen from the history of other nations in which female reigns
have not necessarily coincided with increased opportunities for women.
Like the elites, the public is more split on the question of gender equality
(or at least its relation to the succession issue) than is apparent at rst glance,
Fujitani maintains. He points out that, of those who feel a female emperor
should be allowed, only about half believe that succession should go to the
rst born regardless of gender, while 39 percent say that preference should be
given to males. In the highly likely event that the crisis is resolved by allow-
ing females to succeed only when there is no direct male heir, this will sym-
bolically reinforce the second class status of women. A female emperor would
be an ideal symbol for the government, which must bring women into the
workforce to offset the shrinking labor pool but wants to promote mother-
hood to boost the birthrate. A female emperor, in short, can signify various
meanings for various people, Fujitani contends, and a great deal of support
for female imperial succession has little to do with gender equality and almost
everything to do with preserving the imperial bloodline and the monarchy as
a symbol of Japanese (racial) unity.
Fujitani identifies many of the key people, both on and off the advisory
panel, and where they stand in the succession debateincluding unabashed
patriarchal neo-nationalists. He expressly avoids overestimating the impact of
these nationalists, who resent the U.S. occupations decision to strip 51 indi-
viduals belonging to 11 collateral families of their imperial status. The right-
wing solution, for which a permanent infusion of taxpayer money is neces-
sary, is to revive these branch families and thereby expand the pool of heirs.
Certainly, most people, including politicians, are unlikely to support such a
plan. I think the public will welcome an empress in the present day, Koizumi
has observed.
Yet Fujitani implies that the right is not without inuence in
invoking the awesome weight of the past that speaks to the conservatism of
many Japanese both in and out of government.
Barbara Molony, director of the Program for the Study of Women and
Gender at Santa Clara University, focuses on Japanese womens rights activists
going back to the 19th century. She discusses the reluctance of many women
to involve themselves in debates related to the imperial throneand why this
may be changing. According to Molony, the decision by the Meiji govern-
ment to limit the imperial throne to males came as a shock to early female
activists, but they soon turned their attention to issues they considered more
important, such as labor reform, educational equality, elimination of prostitu-
tion and civil rights. After World War II, they were occupied with widespread
hardship, and saw the imperial system as a holdover from the despised prewar
regime. However (Molony contends), nowadays many Japanese women see
their own lives mirrored in that of Crown Princess Masako. Masakos com-
plete renunciation of her successful diplomatic career and her anxiety under
(alleged) pressure to produce an heir awaken Japanese womens sympathy and
even outrage, while reinforcing the belief that marriage and career are so
incompatible, that marriage and especially motherhood should be postponed
as long as possible. And for many Japanese feminists, according to Molony,
the succession issue is very much about gender equality: If women can hold
any job why not the throne as well?
And yet Molony agrees with Fujitani that the imperial family can symbolize
different things to different people, so that Masakos situation can invoke vener-
ation for motherhood as well as concern with the derailment of womens
careers. In the 19th century, most womenfarmers and urban poorworked
as hard as or harder than their husbands, and motherhood often took a back
seat to productivity in determining the worth of a wife.Yet in the 20th centu-
ry, esteem for motherhood grew, and is still powerful today. In fact, Molony
argues, Japanese female activism often displays a strong streak of maternalism.
Many Japanese women have chosen to rally for boken (mothers rights) instead of
joken (womens rights), Molony contends, and have rejected the careerist focus
of professional men. Thus, even politically active women are often more tradi-
tional in their ideology than a Western feminist might expect.
As symbols, the members of the royal family are removed from the ordinary
business of politics, since they are not engaged in charity work or causes as
are many of their foreign counterparts. They are, to a great extent, protected
from the messiness of balancing conicting responsibilities. The starkness of
Masakos situationthe complete renunciation of her chosen profession and
previous activities and the primacy of her reproductive functionis extreme
compared to the multiplicity of roles most mothers face. Yet, this very extrem-
ity lends poignancy to Masakos plight, making her (in Molonys words) repre-
sentative of the modern Japanese gender dilemma to many women in many
different ways. And her daughters inability by law to inherit the throne by rea-
son of her sexthe very explicitness of the prohibitionis different from the
jumble of disincentives, pressures, self-imposed limitations and prejudice that
most women deal with. Yet ordinary women feel that, like Aiko, they are con-
strained by the legacies of the past.
The next three essays of this report turn from symbols to statistics, from the
succession dilemma to the multiplicity of difculties faced by ordinary mod-
ern womenworking women in their 20s and 30s among whom the
birthrate has drastically declined.
The modern woman and motherhood
No other country in the world faces a demographic dilemma like Japans,
which combines low fertility with the fastest-aging population and longest-
living seniors on the planet. How will fewer workers manage to support the
increasing financial burden of a graying population? Japanese women are
sometimes blamed for their part in creating the dilemma, and are exhorted by
politicians and media to have more children. Just one example: In June 2003
politician and former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori contended that women
who enjoy freedom but do not produce any childrenshould be ineligible for
Yet, since they are still under-employed compared to men, their
participation in the workforce in coming years is the best hope for offsetting
the shrinking labor forcebarring widescale immigration, which is unlikely
in Japan. Therefore policy makers feel they must encourage both motherhood
and meaningful participation in the workforce.
Chikako Usui of the University of Missouri at St. Louis contends that
nonetheless, Japanese women are withholding investment from both family
and work. The fertility rate of 1.29 babies per woman is well below replace-
ment level (2.08), and the average age of first marriage climbed to 28 for
women (29 for men) in 2003. The number of parasite singles living with
their parents has risen to an estimated 42 percent of those in their 20s and 30s.
Because their parents can support them in a comfortable lifestyle, Usui points
out, todays young women are the rst to face downward mobility after mar-
riage. marriage offers fewer benets, while society increasingly accepts their
single lifestyle and sexual freedom.
Meanwhile, Usui asserts, female labor force participation as a whole
decreased from 50.2 percent in 1994 to 48.3 percent in 2004, while the con-
centration of women in part-time work increased and the wage gap between
full- and part-time work widened. Full-time employees are expected by their
companies to work late, socialize with colleagues after hours and forgo vaca-
tions. Part-time work, by contrast, is based on explicit contractual agreement
and is free from compulsory overtime, and hence easier to combine with
family obligations. However, once women leave full-time positions, reentry
is difcult, Usui arguesthus, the vicious cycle of womens concentration
in low-paying, low-status positions is perpetuated. Neither women nor cor-
porate personnel decision makers want to invest in the other.
At times, Usui criticizes policies that steer women into part-time work.
For example, she laments a tax system that offers more family support if the
wife stays home or works only part-time. She admits, however, that working
mothers, especially of young children, themselves prefer a part-time sched-
ule (in an endnote, she cites surveys to this effect). Therefore, Usui argues
the importance of measures that decrease the dead end nature of such
work. She praises the Netherlands in particular, which has minimized differ-
ences between part-time and full-time work by increasing wages and bene-
fits. Unfortunately, Japanese employers tend to ask for commitment to
work first and family second, and sometimes encourage married or child-
bearing women to quit by moving them to inconvenient job positions or
company locations.
The Japanese government has recognized that family-friendly policies are
necessary to help women balance work and family, but (Usui argues) the
system is plagued by weak legal enforcement and problems of accessibility
and affordability of child care services. Moreover, progress in implementing
such policies is simply too slow. For example, there is a shortage of conve-
niently located childcare facilities that offer extended hours and high-quality
infant care. Usui maintains that Japan can learn much from those European
countries where maternity benets and childcare are generous.
Margarita Estvez-Abe of Harvard University argues that not only
women but employers, too, suffer from womens under-utilization. She
points to evidence (not yet conclusive, she notes) that companies perform
better if they base wages and promotions on performance rather than senior-
ity. Such a system rewards women who take a full or part-time hiatus from
work to care for children. Moreover, Estvez-Abe contends, companies that
provide women-friendly (and family-friendly) environments will be able to
attract younger workersincreasingly scarce resources.
In utilizing women, Japan lags behind other industrialized countries,
Estvez-Abe contends, citing indices developed by the United Nations
Development Program (UNDP). In general, countries that score high on the
Gender Development Index (invest in womens human capital) also tend to
score high on the Gender Empowerment Index (benet by taking advantage
of womens talent). In other words, countries that invest in educating and
employing women end up nourishing highly successful female leaders in busi-
ness and politics, and are thereby better off. However, Japan stands out by its
deviation from this trend: No other country demonstrates such a big gap
between human capital investments in women and the overall level of female
achievement within the society. This gap largely signies Japans failure to ef-
ciently take advantage of its human resources.
Why are Japanese women so marginalized? Estvez-Abe discounts cultural
explanations, which argue that Japanese are more traditional in their expec-
tations and therefore are quick to quit work upon marriage and pregnancy. It is
true that, according to survey data, more Japanese people (45.2 percent) agree
with statements such as being a housewife is just as fullling as working for
pay than do respondents in other industrialized countries. But on other issues
they are far less conventional. Japanese respondents are more likely to respond
positively to statements such as a working mother can establish just as warm
and secure a relationship with children as a mother who does not work, or
both men and women should contribute to the household income.Instead of
cultural explanations, Estvez-Abe emphasizes institutional factors that explain
the under-utilization of Japanese women. Like Usui, she laments the lack of
exibility in the Japanese labor market, in which most hiring takes place at the
entry level, and higher job categories are lled by internal promotions. Also
like Usui, she laments that working part-time is a one-way ticket, and that
regardless of their abilities, education and job experience, mothers who quit
their jobs once will be permanently kept out of the good jobs.
In other words, those companies that provide family-friendly environments
will reap advantages. This conclusion is supported by a recent survey of Japanese
women published in the Mainichi newspaper.
When asked what would prompt
them to have more children, the most common answer (43 percent of respon-
dents) was places where its easy to work, even for people with children.
Politicians seldom address this concern, focusing on other issues that received
less attention in the survey, such as wait-free nursery school or kindergarten.
There seems to be a perception gap between women and the government on
what would most greatly slow the nations declining birthrate.
In the final essay in this collection, Merry White of Boston University
mentions another role of Japanese womentaking care of elderly relatives
that further constrains their ability to balance work and children. Women are
the sandwich lling that holds together the multi-generational family. At the
same time that women are exhorted to slow population decline by becoming
mothers, they are expected to shoulder the burden of upholding Japans
beautiful family system, White argues: Pulling out all the Confucian stops
might increase social pressure to support ones own family, but the pressure
adds to the load of work and guilt on working womens backs.
Instead of giving statistics to show womens position in society, White, an
anthropologist, offers proles of women in contemporary families. For exam-
ple, she cites the examples of Chieko, a divorced mother of one daughter
who works as a copywriter in an advertising agency, and Shoko, who con-
templates quitting work when her daughter approaches the all-important col-
lege entrance exams. White suggests that looking at individual cases makes
women less demonizable and dispels stereotyped images of women who
pursue their own interests at their families expense.
Like Tonomura and Molony, White discusses the Japanese governments
promotion of the ideal of good wife, wise mother beginning at the end of
the 19th century. The Meiji Civil Code, she writes, put women in their
place in many ways. Traveling throughout the Japanese countryside, govern-
ment researchers were horried at what they found: matriarchal households,
women with several husbands and freely divorcing, cohabitation without ben-
efit of registrationthese things made them ashamed for Japan. The Meiji
government looked abroad for social models for Japans developmentfor the
modern family of Victorian England and Prussia to which Japan should
aspire. Thus, the traditional Japanese family was something pushed, at least
in part, by government propaganda. Society was remodeled so that men, not
women, spoke for the family, and women could not own property, divorce, or
own their children. Thus White joins other authors in this report in arguing
that government constructs beliefs of what is traditional that often mask the
true situations of women. The image of the traditional submissive wife has
been used to misrepresent both female emperors and farm womeneroding
authority and freedoms that women once enjoyed.
What do women want?
White points out that just as Masako has been seen as putting the Imperial
House at risk by marrying late and having only a single daughter, women
overall are thus in a backhanded way made very important, crucial in fact, to
the state and to its citizens. To slow population decline and at the same time
expand the workforce in coming years, the government is trying to see
womens point of view more than ever before, especially since exhortations to
behave for the good of Japan have not worked. The governments efforts do
not necessarily stem from support for the principle of gender equality, but
from a certain degree of desperationas in the case of changing the Imperial
Household Law to prevent the imperial lines extinction. They need women
to help offset the shrinking labor force as Japans economy recovers.
What do women want? Are they really on strike, resisting family life and
the legacies of past generations? One point that surfaces throughout the essays
in this report, but perhaps deserves more attention, is that the decline in fer-
tility is an unstoppable worldwide trend. Japan-specic solutions should be
met with some skepticism. The drop in fertility cannot be reversed, though it
can, perhaps, be slowed.
Another point that emerges (especially in Molonys essay) but deserves
greater emphasis is that Japanese women do not necessarily care to emulate
men. Many women do not want the good jobs if the price is conformity to
a careerist culture. A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center shows
that Japanese women report far greater satisfaction in their lives than do
Japanese men. In fact, this gender gap in self-professed happiness is wider
than in any other country surveyed, except Pakistan.
Young women are as
unlikely to join Japans workaholic culture as to return to the fertility rates
of their mothers generation. And (as mentioned above) working mothers
prefer part-time hours if they want to work at all. Thus, maternity leave and
daycare centers that stay open through the evening, supported by some
Japanese pro-feminist politicians, are not the whole answer for many women.
As mentioned, promoting family-friendly environments and making part-
time work more desirable (less of a permanent, one-way ticket out of the
workforce) could be more effective in improving womens lives and persuad-
ing them to balance family and careers.
Whether quickly or slowly, Japanese society is changing, and women have
more choices than ever before. Flexibility and openness are increasing
womens options (if not their families), and will be appreciated by those of
Aikos generationand perhaps are not too late even for Masakos.
1. Koizumi says public would accept female on throne, Japan Times, Dec. 3, 2004,
accessed September 19, 2005, at http://search.japantimes.co.jp/print/news/
2. Lawmakers comments becoming aggressive regarding history, juveniles, women,
Asahi Shimbun, July 15, 2003, 2.
3. Poll on low birthrate: Women want workplaces easy to work for mothers, Mainichi
Shimbun, August 22, 2005, 1.
4. Nicole Speulda and Mary McIntosh, Global Gender Gaps, Pew Research Center
for the People and the Press, May 13, 2004, accessed September 20, 2005, at http://peo-
Lineage and Change: The Imperial
Family and the Debate over a
Female Emperor
Hitomi Tonomura
Professor of History, Asian Languages and Cultures, and Womens Studies
University of Michigan
apans royal family is suffering a crisis of succession. This problem has pro-
voked a public debate on a range of issues such as male-female equality,
gender roles, and the signicance of tradition. Faced with a dearth of future
male heirs (eight girls have been born to the royal family since 1965), a gov-
ernment-appointed advisory panel is debating the possibility of new legisla-
tion to either allow a female to inherit the throne or to otherwise extricate the
imperial system from its exigency. One practical question is whether or not
Aiko, the three-year old daughter of the crown prince, will inherit the throne
in the future.
In revising a system as steeped in tradition as Japans imperial family, much
is made of precedent, and Japans premodern female emperors have received
considerable attention in the current debate. In this essay, I discuss the context
in which these women ruled, and how their position has been misconceived
in modern times since the Imperial Household Law of 1889 disqualified
women from the throne. Womens involvement in political affairs is not as
alien to Japanese history as is frequently supposed, and the Meiji government
domesticated women (including royal women) to a degree that obscures an
earlier, wider scope of female activity. As a historian of the premodern period,
my aim is to shed light on an aspect of the succession debate that is not usual-
ly examined with accuracy or sufcient consideration. But before turning to
the premodern female emperors, I will explore the current successional crisis,
and some of the main points of debate raised both now and at the time of the
Imperial Household Law of 1889.
Despite the near-allergic disdain among certain circles for the imperial
institution, the Japanese people in general, or at least the media, seem to be
highly interested in the royal familys affairs. This fascination was fuelled 46
years ago by the current emperors storybook wedding to a commoner,
Sh da Michiko. Having survived the 1970san activist period with plenty
of anti-imperial buzzthe crown regained popularity when Crown Prince
Royal Roles, Wider Changes: Understanding
Japans Gender Relations from a
Historical Perspective
Naruhito wed Masako, another outsider, about the time that the immedi-
ate postwar left-leaning, generation lost its earlier zeal for oppositional pol-
itics. Prince Naruhito, unwittingly or not, added fuel to popular anxiety
over Masakos condition with the now infamous statement that There
have been developments that have denied Masakos character and career,
on May 10, 2004, as he was about to depart to Europe without his wife, a
former diplomat.
The diplomat-turned-princess Masako seems to hold the attention of her
female fans, whether or not she is appearing publicly. Masako and her daugh-
ter Aiko were the topics of lead stories in 20 out of 36 weekly issues of Josei
jishin (The Woman Herself ), one of the most popular womens magazines in
Japan, counting arbitrarily from November 2, 2004, through August 2, 2005.
Headlines include Aiko-sama will enter the Gakushuin kindergarten next
spring, Masako-samas ve hopes for complete recovery, and Horse-rid-
ing is her only comfort; Illness keeps Masako-sama sealed in for thirty days.
Aikos ice skating debut supposedly comforted her mother during a relapse.
The frequency of such stories, which suggests their popularity, beat that of all
other newsworthy items such as the latest on certain Korean actors undimin-
ished love for Japans fanatic female followers.
After her first child, Masako seemed under renewed pressure to create
another. Mr. Yuasa, the grand steward of the Imperial Household Agency, said
in June 2004, I believe there are many citizens who wish for a second child.
Why such pressure? For the rst time since 1889when the institutional pro-
hibition against the enthronement of a female rst came into beingthere is
no male heir.
The 1947 Imperial Household Law carries on the legacy of the 1889 pro-
hibition, and would prevent Aiko from inheriting her fathers position. Article
1 of the current law stipulates that only a son of a male member of the impe-
rial family may ascend the throne. Article 2 spells out the order by which male
members are prioritized for accession.
Under the current system, Crown
Prince Naruhito will succeed the current emperor, Akihito. If Naruhito and
Masako never produce a son, Naruhitos younger brother, Prince Fumihito
(39 years old), the last male born in his generation, will succeed him. As
Fumihito also has no sons, Prince Hitachi, the emperors younger brother,
will be next in line, followed by Prince Mikasa, the emperors uncle, and his
sons. But these sons also only have daughters. Because Article 9 of the law also
prohibits adoption in the imperial family, the imperial order could be nearing
extinction after a millennium and a half of its history. This is why all eyes are
on Masakos womb.
It is in this context that suggestions to allow a female emperor have sur-
faced. In late 2004, newspapers began reporting on discussions among policy
makers to consider the revision of the current Imperial Household Law
(K shitsu tenpan). Since then, the government has set up a special advisory
panel to investigate the pros and cons of the possible revision. The ten-mem-
ber panel includes two females (Ogata Sadako and Iwao Sumiko) among other
well-known men. On July 26, 2005, it was reported that, at its tenth meeting,
the panel decided to continue the discussion along two lines of revision: 1) to
enthrone a distant (collateral line) member of the imperial family who was
legally excluded in 1947, or 2) to allow female emperors. The panel hopes to
come up with a solution that assures public support while maintaining tradi-
tion and institutional stability.
A survey conducted by a major newspaper
shows that, as of February 2005, 86 percent of those polled endorsed having a
female on the throne.
Political parties also support this idea. The upper house
advisory panel on constitutional revision issued its agreement in April that a
female emperor may be enthroned, and Prime Minister Koizumi expressed
personal support as early as 2001. However, the issues are many and compli-
cated, as they combine present-day concerns with justifications that are
embedded in historical precedents and their various interpretations.
The Imperial Household Law of 1889
The term excluding women from the imperial ofce was introduced in the
1889 Imperial Household Law, as Japan sought to reconstitute itself in the
o o
Genealogy of the imperial family
* Deceased
Source: Imperial Household Agency.
The Crown
The Crown
of Mikasa
of Mikasa
The imperial order
could be nearing
extinction. This
is why all eyes
are on Masakos
West-dominated world order. Thus, the term was less a product of Japanese
history than a modern invention that required justication. Historically, eight
female emperors occupied ten reigns. Therefore, the adoption of the exclu-
sionary term involved a erce debate ranging over numerous perspectives and
One exclusionist, Shimada Sabur , for example, classified
advocates of female emperors into two categories: rst, experts of national lit-
erature who thus valued ancient customs and, second, experts of Western lit-
erature to whom banning female emperors would mean a step backwards in
the new civilizing trend and which went against Japans historical tradition.
Shimada reviewed the family relations of each female emperor and the reason
for her enthronement. Was she an emperors spouse? Was there a crown prince
for whom she filled the position? Had she herself a child? The heart of
Shimadas exclusionist argument was that, in all cases, female emperors main-
tained the patrilineal descent. Opposition to enthroning a female fundamen-
tally stemmed from concern to preserve the myth of a single paternal line of
descentand to prevent a female emperors sons from gaining the throne in
subsequent generations. Other arguments against enthroning females reected
the prevailing custom of danson johi (respecting males and despising females).
For example, what would be the role of a female emperors husband? Would
not he wield political power at the expense of his wife, who would (naturally)
be virtuously docile?
The pundits also argued that a female emperor would be inconsistent with
the general position of women at the time, who possessed no political rights.
They held that it would be contradictory to allow a woman to hold the
thronewhich embodied the highest political authoritywhile denying
women in general the right to vote. Furthermore, they expounded that the
imperial line had continued for 2500 years; therefore Japan need not model
itself after European examples that elevate female royalties. Moreover, they
pointed out, Europe was also the home of the Salic Law, which was occa-
sionally invoked to prohibit women from taking the throne, for example in
France and Spain.
Against these ideas, opinions of advocates were based on pragmatic con-
cerns for the possibility of crises of succession. They did not contradict the
general low position of women, but argued that the imperial family differed
from others and could not be compared to the hierarchy that characterized
non-royal Japanese. Regardless of gender, people would respect the gure on
the throne. Excluding women from imperial rule not only went against the
classical basis of the country, but also greatly injured peoples kokoro (hearts). In
Japan, customs existed to elevate men over women in general and, at the same
time, to elevate royal women to the throne. As for the emperors husband, any
interference from him in the countrys politics would be a repudiation of the
constitution, and thus could not occur. Regarding European models, Japan
should follow the example of Henry VIII, whose son Edward reigned first
(though he was the youngest), followed by Mary and Elizabeth. This arrange-
ment was possible because England did not adopt the Salic Law.
Todays debate
More than a century later, Japan is again debating the question of a female
emperor, but under considerably different circumstances. The Meiji discussion
took place when the imperial authority, after centuries of obscurity under
warrior rule, was suddenly raised to the helm of a new constitutional monar-
chy. The supremely masculine emperor was empowered and militarized, as
women (including the emperors wife), were domesticatedand denied polit-
ical rights.
Today, by contrast, the emperor exercises no political authority,
and his duties are ceremonial, though his position carries symbolic meaning.
In Meiji Japan, the imperial institution was deemed absolutely necessary to
run the country, but today the institutions extinction is logistically plausible.
In the case of the Meiji imperial family, male heirs were more plentiful, since
the law allowed the emperor multiple wives, but the 1947 law limits him to
one wife only. Also, the size of the imperial family was reduced dramatically in
1947 by eliminating its collateral lines and prohibiting adoption.
The 20th
century has also seen a shift in womens status and the guarantee of equality of
the sexes by Article 14 of the post-war constitution.
The debate has thus changed substantially. Certainly, the twisted exclusion-
ist logic based on womens inferiority is obsolete under the current situation
of legal equality. The argument that a female emperor is, by her very nature,
inappropriate is heard rarely (although some have questioned her ability to
perform certain rituals during her time of impurity). The debate has shifted
to social ramications. How will her elevated status affect others in the impe-
rial family? Her husband will likely be a commoner, since there are no eligi-
ble royal males. Will the Japanese people accept a male commoner as a mem-
ber of the imperial family? Will he have to give up his surname and thus his
own lineage? (The imperial family does not have a surname.)
Related issues have to do with Article 12 of the Imperial Household Law.
Female members, upon marriage, forfeit their royal status. The imminent case
is that of the emperors daughter, Sayako, who will lose her imperial status
irrevocably when she marries Mr. Kuroda, a commoner, this fall. Allowances
are provided only to women who marry male members, such as Michiko and
Masako, not to males such as Mr. Kuroda. Given these rules, if a female
emperor should marry a commoner and continue to remain royal, what about
other royal women? Will they also be allowed to bring their spouses into their
household? Even more importantly, can the child of a female emperor and a
male commoner be enthroned, since that would diversion from the patrilineal
principle? These are questions of broad, deep, and practical signicance to a
society that is also debating a change in how its citizens, including the house-
hold head, are listed in each family registrar (koseki)the most fundamen-
tal and essential document to shape Japans gendered relations of power. In
addition, these questions relate to Japanese citizens sensitivity as to how their
tax dollars are spent. Beyond funding the operation of the imperial institution
as a whole, the budget allowed 30.5 million yen ($300,000) for each prince
and princess in scal year 2004. The total allowance for imperial family mem-
bers amounted to 299.8 million yen (nearly $3 million).
Besides such practical matters, ideological issues are also at stake. For exam-
ple, some advocates argue that the principle of Article 14 of the constitution
(guaranteeing the equality of the sexes) makes the current imperial system
unconstitutional. In fact, this argument can be turned around: if the system
was established outside the framework of the constitution, is not the constitu-
tional equality of the sexes irrelevant? Some take this opportunity to suggest
terminating the imperial institution altogether. They argue that requiring a
woman who marries into the imperial family to bear children (in the way
Masako seems to be pressured to do) is a violation of her human rights.
However, others add, the imperial institution is not built on basic human
rights to begin with, as illustrated by the lack of freedom of its members to
choose their professions or earn livings beyond what is provided to them.
Some advocates look to the West for models, as did the Meiji thinkers, and
point to the monarchies of England, the Netherlands, Denmark, Luxemburg,
and Sweden that have (or will have, this century) a female sovereign. One of
the most substantive debates, however, focuses on the historical fact of ancient
female emperors and its significance on the shaping of what is regarded as
Japans tradition.
The classical foundation of the Japanese imperial institution
Between 592 and 720, in what could be called the most constructive period in
the entire history of Japan, six female emperors occupied eight reigns: Suiko,
K gyoku, Saimei (same person as K gyoku), Jit , Genmei, Gensh , K ken,
and Sh toku (same person as K ken). Whether or not one supports the
enthronement of female emperors in the twenty-rst century, this historical
precedent cannot be ignored. The suggested revision of the Imperial
Household Law to allow a female emperor would mean a return to tradition,
instead of an innovation, in the long history of the Japanese imperial family.
But in the dominant historiography, these female emperors reigns have
been discredited in two ways. First, many people claim that they filled the
position as intermediaries, who occupied the throne between two male
reigns. Second, some have contended that their ruling authority derived from
their capacity as shamans, who served as intermediaries between humans
and the divine. In other words, they were not real rulers with administrative
or diplomatic functions, but were women who completed the male line of
emperors by lling in gaps. These textbook interpretations were invented
precisely as the Meiji government sought to promote the ideology of one
imperial line unbroken and eternal that descended along the male line. This
powerful ideology promoted the myth of continuous and unbroken succes-
sionbeginning with Emperor Jimmu (r. 660 BCE585 BCE), a descendant
of the Sun Goddesswhich legitimated the Meiji monarchy that was to pre-
side over Japans modernization after centuries of obscurity.
Until the Meiji law, no legal proscription against female rulers existed.
Although the period of ancient female emperors ended in 770, the possibil-
ity of female rule existed throughout premodern times. There was a proposal
to enthrone a woman in the late 12th century, for example, and two female
emperors did reign in the Tokugawa period. But exclusionists are reluctant to
give the same recognition to female emperors that they do to male emperors,
frequently maintaining that premodern female emperors were mere stop
gap rulers, and that each abdicated once a suitable male descendant in the
male line of imperial descendants became available.
Based on a close examination of kinship and marriage patterns, recent schol-
arship has shown the weakness in this argument by contending that royal quali-
cations derived just as much from the mother as from the father, and there was
no established rule of patrilineal succession before the end of the eighth centu-
ry. Without the established rule that dictates patrilineal succession, there can be
no concept of an intermediary or stop-gap gure. In other words, during
the period of female reigns, each reign, whether male or female, resulted from
complex power relations among the members of the imperial and ministerial
families. It is important to remember that during the reigns of female emperors,
Japan was centralizing for the rst time in its history by borrowing, often via
Korea, many aspects of Chinas centuries-old political system, including con-
ceptions of the universe, geomancy, the calendar, law, bureaucracy, taxation,
household registration, philosophy, history-writing, capital city centralization
of government and architecture, and even fashion. But the Chinese model was
necessarily reshaped greatly to accommodate major differences between the
social conditions of China and Japan including, most saliently, the absence in
Japan of the fully male-centered family or lineage system. While constructing
the new governmental structure, early emperors, male and female, energetical-
ly put forth new measures and sought to promote Japans international position
in the China-centered world order, but also vied to preserve their own power,
often by ruthless means and in collaboration with ambitious ministerial families.
The suggested
revision of the
Household Law to
allow a female
emperor would
mean a return to
tradition, instead
of an innovation,
in the long history
of the Japanese
imperial family.
The 170 years during which women frequently took the helm was the monu-
mental period of Japans state-building.
The intermediary argument is far too simplistic; it ignores the fact that
male candidates were available in most cases when female emperors took ofce.
Modern scholarship also tends to attribute contributions made by female
emperors to men around them. Likewise, an abdication committed by a
female emperor is read as a resignation of power, thus proving the stop-gap
character of the reign. A male abdication, however, becomes a purposeful act
for yielding power behind the throne, unfettered by restrictions attached to
the formality of the ofce.
In order to disprove the intermediary theory, we need to provide a bare-
bones description of the ways in which members of the large royal family
lled the supreme ofce. The story is rarely simple, as it is embedded in the
structure of family in which endogamy was rampant and men tended to
have several wives, creating both increased royal resources and seed for com-
petitions. There also was no rule regarding a lineal route through which suc-
cession should ow, such as from father to son. The only point that mattered
was that the candidate be royal, as dened through his or her father or moth-
er. (Although imperial names are given posthumously, I use them in the
description below for the sake of clarity.)
We begin with Suiko (r. 592-628) , the first of the six ancient female
emperors, who was enthroned in 592 at 39 years of age. Her nephew, Prince
Umayado (later called Sh toku), was her assistant. After reigning 36 years,
Suiko died at the age of 75, without designating a successor; her nephew-
assistant, as well as her own son, died before her. She was succeeded by the
grandson of her late husband (Emperor Bidatsu) and his other wife. If gender
was the primary factor in the selection of an emperor, the choice of Suiko
makes no sense. Prince Umayado, the son of a previous emperor (Suikos
brother) was 18 when she ascended the throne. Why was Suiko chosen over
this mature male candidate? In terms of her accomplishments, close examina-
tion of historical sources shows that Suiko was actively engaged in much polit-
ical decision-making, including diplomatic exchange with China, but mod-
ern textbooks typically attribute every measure during her reign to Prince
Umayado and sometimes fail to mention her name even once.
When Suikos successor, Emperor Jomei, became ill and died thirteen years
later, there were at least three men competing for the throne. Instead, Jomeis
wife, whose mother and father were both grandchildren of emperors, was
chosen at age 48. She, Emperor K gyoku (r. 642-645), abdicated the throne
to her brother (K toku, r. 645-654) after he helped engineer a major palace
coup involving contentious policy lines on state adoption of Buddhism. After
much political inghting and K tokus death, K gyoku once again assumed
the throne, this time as Emperor Saimei (r. 655-661). Again, there was no
shortage of male candidates. Her deceased brothers son, her own son, or oth-
ers could have been enthroned instead, had gender been the primary consid-
eration. She died at age 67, far from the capital while commandeering troops
to dispatch to Korea. Tenji (r. 668-671), one of her sons with Emperor Jomei,
succeeded her.
The female Emperor Jit (r. 686 or 690-697) was Tenjis daughter. She also
was a wife of Tenjis brother, Temmu (r. 672-686), who succeeded Tenji. After
proving herself adept at deadly inghting, Jit took the throne herself after
her son died, instead of yielding to her husbands son by another wife. Jit
implemented major reforms before abdicating the throne to her deceased sons
son (Emperor Mommu, r. 697-707). She continued to wield power with the
new title of Abdicated Emperor. Jit , therefore, was a self-initiated sover-
eign who also established the pattern of abdicated emperor that would
become a common method of maintaining real power behind the symbolic
throne in later centuries.
The early years of Japans literate history were rife with bloody rivalries
among family members, including murders, false accusations and forced sui-
cides. There is not room in this essay to describe these competitions at
length. Often, an imperial reign began in an unruly manner, and succession
was by no means as orderly as the intermediary argument suggests. For
example, Genmei (r. 707-715) was the daughter of one emperor, and step-
sister and daughter-in-law of two others; she succeeded her son and was
succeeded by her daughter, Gensh (r. 715-24).
A couple of generations
later, K ken (r. 749-758) ascended the throne partly through the influence
of her mothers powerful ministerial family, who pushed for her at the
expense of other eligible male candidates. K ken became the historically
first crown princess at the age of 21. Her father yielded her the throne (at
the expense of his son by another wife) when she was 32 years old and
unmarried. She maneuvered to enthrone the seemingly weak Junnin (r. 758-
764), and then later opposed himhe was exiled, and she resumed the
throne as Sh toku (764770).
Sh toku was the last of the great female emperors. A woman did not rule
again until 1630, even at times when the installation of an intermediary g-
ure would have been useful in times of imperial crisis. The two later female
emperors, Meish (r. 1630-1643) and Gosakuramachi (r. 1762-1770), though
highly literate and virtuous, reigned in the shadow of the Tokugawa shogu-
nate and do not compare with the ancient female emperors in terms of
authority and power. The same can be said, however, of male emperors, all of
whom had to live by the rules set by the shogunate. Meish was a visible prod-
uct of political alliance. She was elevated to the throne at the age of seven
The 170 years
during which
women frequently
took the helm
was the
period of Japans
when her father abdicated in protest against the bakufu (military government).
Meish remained single and reigned nearly fourteen years before yielding the
throne to her step-brother. Gosakuramachi was enthroned by imperial minis-
ters at age 23 because her ve-year-old nephew, the crown prince, was too
young. She was a capable and generous emperor who excelled in poetry writ-
ing, and lived 43 years beyond her reign. Though clearly male emperors were
preferred, there obviously was no rule against enthroning a female even in the
Tokugawa period. When women were enthroned, the act of enthronement
itself was not explained in terms of a stop-gap measure. In fact, there was no
ofcial vocabulary for such a measure.
In reality, female emperors (like male emperors) reigned for strategic rea-
sons, which no one pattern can describe. Some had spouses who had been
emperors, others had two or no husbands; some had children and others did
not. As with male emperors, some were more politically active than others.
Nonetheless, the period of female emperors saw Japans first centralization.
The female emperors conducted diplomacy with China and Korea, construct-
ed a bureaucracy, instituted a taxation system, promulgated laws, established
the capital, and compiled national histories, among other measures. These
female emperors active engagement can be viewed as a continuation of the
still earlier prevalence of female rulers and chieftains, a pattern recorded in
Chinese chronicles before Japan had the means to write, and evidenced in
archaeological remains.
If the female emperors were legitimate rulers, why were none enthroned
after 770, save for two occasions in the Tokugawa period? Conventionally, his-
torians have pointed to Sh tokus moral failure in getting deeply involved
with a priest/lover. More recent work attributes the dearth of female emper-
ors to a larger rhythm of social transformationthe diminishment of womens
level of economic and familial independence between 592 and 770. Women
became absorbed into male-centered systems of residency, economy, and pol-
itics, and ceased to live in their own quarters. Society gradually moved from
bilateral descent toward patrilineal descent. Female emperors participated in
the efforts of centralization and state-making, but once the structure was
established and society moved closer to the Chinese andro-centric model,
Japan no longer recognized female royals as a source of independent political
Japan before and during centralization
Ancient Japan before centralization (thirdsixth centuries):
Prevalence of female rulers and chieftains (archaeological and documen-
tary evidence)
Much contact with Korea and China
Rulers, male and female, with spiritual, diplomatic, and administrative
Bilateral descent among elites
Ancient Japan during centralization (seventheighth centuries):
Infusion of Chinese ideas, institutions, laws
New systems of taxation, history writing, household registration, etc.
Creation myth written down, with Sun Goddess as the supreme god and
ancestral deity of the imperial family
Shift from bilateral descent to patrilineal descent among elites
Concluding remarks
A factor in todays debate over the continuation of the imperial family is the
historical consciousness of the Japanese, colored deeply by the tradition of
female emperors. The myth of Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess from whom the
imperial line descends, and other real and legendary powerful female gures
stirred the imagination of women long before our time. Activist Hiratsuka
Raich (1886-1971), famously stated in 1911: In the beginning, woman was
the sun; she was genuine. Now she is the moon; she lives by relying on others,
shines when shone upon, and possesses a pale-blue countenance as if sick. By
referring to the sun and its association with the beginning, Raich invokes
the Sun Goddess (Amaterasu). She implicitly compares womens position in
her own time with Japans ancient past during which female emperors ruled.
In ancient Japan, female emperors reigned and ruled with full legitimacy
and power, albeit with variations among them. In the times of Raich , Meiji
and beyond, thinkers have attempted to discredit their legacy by labeling them
as intermediary fill-ins whose expertise was in shamanistic mysticism.
Recent scholars have shown that this one-dimensional characterization does
not hold up against the evidence, and reects the thinkers own understanding
of gender relations rather than the actual historical sources. But female rule
ended as society moved toward increasingly male-centered structures and val-
ues, which female emperors themselves had helped to institute.
Ancient female political authority reected the changing dynamics of the
times. Each historical period and its particular social and political circum-
stances have shaped the ways in which female emperors reigned and ruled.
Todays debate about the imperial institution necessarily reflects the rapidly
changing structure of Japanese families and expectations about gender roles
both at home and public places. Although the imperial institution now lacks
political authority, what it represents could be symbolically relevant to larger
questions of Japanese womens social position and role. If female, the countrys
symbolic and ceremonial head can be the emblem of maternal domesticity just
as easily as it can be an icon of international diplomacy. The actual historical
past suggests multiple possibilities for how Japanese women and men are situ-
ated in Japans future.
1. The comment was given in the following context: Princess Masako, giving up her
job as a diplomat to enter the Imperial Household, was greatly distressed that she was not
allowed to make overseas visits for a long time. [She] has worked hard to adapt to the
environment of the Imperial Household for the past 10 years, but from what I can see, I
think she has completely exhausted herself in trying to do so. It is true that there were
developments that denied Princess Masako s career up to then as well as her personality
driven by her career. Recently she has taken time off from her ofcial duties, and she
spends the days encouraged by the fact that lately she can do things for our child. The
entire speech can be accessed at http://www.kunaicho.go.jp/press-crown/
2. According to the publishers website, readers of Josei Jishin are predominantly female
(98.6 percent), in their 20s (75.8 percent), and married (66.7 percent). Forty-six percent
are full-time housewives, and 18.3 percent work full time. Less than 20 percent are gradu-
ates of four-year colleges. Accessed July 30, 2005 at http://www.j-magazine.or.jp/
3. Recent stories of the magazine can be found at http://www.kobunsha.com/
CGI/magazine/back_number.cgi?id=001&class=w&sl_cd=2 Accessed on July 30, 2005.
4. First in line is the eldest son of the reigning emperor; second, the eldest son of the
reigning emperors eldest son; third, other (male) descendants of the reining emperors
eldest son; fourth, the second son of the reigning emperor, and his son or grandson; fth,
brothers of the emperor and their descendants; and nally, uncles of the emperor and
their descendants. See http://history.hanover.edu/texts/1947con.html for the English-lan-
guage translation of all articles. The law prescribes: The Imperial throne shall be inherit-
ed by males in the male line of Imperial descent. Chapter 1, Article 2 of the 1947 consti-
tution stipulates: The Imperial Throne shall be dynastic and succeeded to in accordance
with the Imperial Household Law passed by the Diet.
5. Panel ponders an imperial dilemma, Asahi Shimbun, July 27, 2005,
http://www.asahi.com/politics/update/0726/003.html; http://www.asahi.com/
6. Changing royal rules: 86 percent OK with woman on throne, Asahi Shimbun,
February 2, 2005. Ninety-one percent of respondents in their 30s approved, compared to
76 percent of those aged 70 or above. http://www.asahi.com/english/politics/
7. Hirobumi Ito, Commentaries on the constitution of the empire of Japan, trans. Miyoji Ito
(Tokyo: Igirisu-horitsu gakko, 22nd year of Meiji, 1889). The text can be found at
Hanover Historical Texts Project, http://history.hanover.edu/texts/1889con.html,
scanned by Jonathan Dresner, Harvard University.
8. Josei wo tatsuru no kahi in T yama Shigeki, ed., Tenn to kazoku (Nihon kindai
shis taikei 2: Iwanami Shoten, 1988), 276-99. o o
o o o o
9. For the transformation of the emperor from a feminized aristocrat to a masculine
military gure, see T. Fujitani, The politics of gendering and gendering of politics, in
Splendid Monarchy: Power and Pageantry in Modern Japan (Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1996).
10. Previously, the imperial family used two systems: 1) concubines, ended in the
Taisho period, and 2) designated collateral lines, of which there were four in the
Tokugawa period (1600-1868): Fushimi, Katsura, Arisugawa, and Kanin. The Katsura
and Arisugawa houses died out in 1881 and 1913. The Fushimi house was the progenitor
of nine other cadet branches of the family during the Meiji period, but was reduced to
commoner status in 1947.
11. After Tenji, the throne would pass to his brother, Temmu (r. 673-86), who defeat-
ed Tenjis son in a battle of succession and forced him to commit suicide. Tenjis son was
not recognized as emperor in early historical records, but in 1870 came to be ofcially
counted as the 39th Emperor K bun (r. 671-72), in order to uphold the notion of one
continuing line.
12. Gensh s father, i.e., Genmeis husband, was not an emperor. For this reason, some
argue that the throne descended matrilineally from mother to daughter. But others argue
that Gensh s fathers parents were both royal (Emperors Jit and Temmu), and therefore,
it is not correct to call the descent matrilineal.
13. Among many examples, the most famous is the case of Himiko and Iyo, recorded
in a Chinese chronicle, the Wei Zhi (The History of the Wei Dynasty). The Wei-dynasty
emperor bestowed upon Himiko a golden seal and the title of King of Wa, Friendly to
Wei in 239 CE to 266 CE. David J. Lu, Japan: A Documentary History (New York: M.E.
Sharp, 1997), 11-14.
14. Recent scholarship illustrates the participation of male chiefs in spiritual endeavors
and the involvement of female chiefs in administrative and military matters, thus refuting
the idea of the dichotomous, gendered division of authority between the spiritual and
administrative, as shown in the Wei Zhi. The Chronicle of Japan also mentions a number of
female regional chiefs. The story of Jing u, who after the death of her husband-emperor,
Ch uai (r. 192200 CE), is recorded to have ruled for 70 years, during which she led
expeditions against Korea while pregnant. The legendary Emperor Keik (r. 71130 CE),
for example, encountered a female chief in Suwo whose followers were exceedingly
numerous. She was the chieftain of that whole country. W.G. Aston, trans., Nihongi:
Chronicles of Japan from the Earliest Times to A.D. 697 (Rutland, Vermont: Charles E. Tuttle,
1980), 192-93.
15. Including the law that imperial daughters must not marry non-imperial members.
But imperial sons were permitted also to marry aristocrats.
16. Outside the imperial system, there was more gender parity in Japan, as evidenced
by problems in creating the household registration system upon which taxation would be
based. The problems arose because the Japanese had yet to construct a denable form of
marriageunlike the Chinese, who practiced patrilineal descent, patrilocal marriage, and
patriarchal household headship. Yet the regime imposed a Chinese-style registration sys-
tem on a population whose children probably tended to live with their mothers. Unlike in
China where women received no land, however, the Japanese women received allotments
of land, albeit two-thirds the size of mens.
17. These myths are in Nihon shoki, compiled in 720, and to a greater extent in the
Kojiki, or Records of Ancient Matters, compiled in 712, Japans oldest extant history that
traces the creation of the universe, gods, and emperors by interweaving stories and myths
o o
o o o o
o o
o o
from various regional homes of the then ruling elites. In the origin myth, the naming of
Amaterasu (the Sun Goddess) as the ancestral deity of the imperial line also suggests an
early history of female political authority.
18. Ide Fumiko, Seit no onnatachi (Seishinsha, 1975), 7.
Takashi Fujitani
Associate Professor of History
University of California at San Diego
y now media throughout the world have reported that the Japanese
imperial household is facing a succession crisis. The gist of the problem
is that while Article 1 of the Imperial Household Law stipulates that
the emperorship must be succeeded to by male descendants in the male line of
Imperial Ancestors, the imperial family (k zoku) has not produced a male child
since the birth of Prince Akishino (Crown Prince Naruhitos younger brother)
in 1965. In other words, all of the reigning emperors three grandchildren are
females, as are the ve grandchildren of Prince Mikasa (the reigning emperors
uncle). These eight females literally represent the end of the male imperial line,
at least insofar as the Imperial Household Law now denes membership in the
imperial family. According to current law, their future children will not be eli-
gible to succeed the emperorship because succession is supposed to pass through
the male line. Upon marriage, these eight females would relinquish their status
as imperial family members. In short, this means that unless Crown Princess
Masako (born 1963) or Princess Akishino (born 1966) produces a male child
which no one in a position of responsibility would wish to bet on at this
pointor the Imperial Household Law is changed, the supposedly longest
reigning monarchy in the world will come to an end.
Of course, the government will not allow the monarchy to perish, at least
anytime in the foreseeable future. In December 2004 Prime Minister Koizumi
established a 10-member advisory panel (K shitsu Tenpan ni
Kansuru Y shikisha Kaigi, hereafter panel or advisory panel) to consider
changes to the current Imperial Household Law, with a special focus on the
question of succession. The panel is made up of leaders in education and sci-
ence, law, business, and government. Two members are women. Koizumi
charged the panel with presenting a report on their ndings by fall 2005, and
it is expected that the report will have a signicant impact on legislation that
could come as early as 2006. As of early July 2005, the panel has met a total of
eight times between January 25 and June 30, 2005, and heard testimony and
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Imperial Succession Panic: The Politics of
Gender, Blood and Race in Contemporary Japan
recommendations from eight experts (none of whom were women) on vari-
ous matters relevant to stabilizing procedures of succession.
Thus far the panel has made no public commitment to recommending that
the law be changed so as to allow female emperors (josei tenn ), or to permit
succession to pass through female lines (jokei keish ). An example of the latter
would be for a male or female born in the future to Princess Aiko, the only
child of the crown prince and princess, to assume the throne without Aiko
herself necessarily having become emperor. However, unless the government
gives in to the far right, a possibility that cannot be completely discounted,
there is strong likelihood that the law will be amended so that succession is not
strictly limited to males and/or the male line. This likelihood is indicated by
the tenor of public discussion up to the present, statements made by govern-
ment leaders, the majority view of experts called in to testify to the panel, and
(if we can believe public opinion polls) strong support from the general public
for allowing a female emperor. There are a number of ways in which the
Imperial Household Law could be revised in this direction. For example, one
highly likely scenario, similar in a way to the British system, is that a female
will succeed in the event there is no direct male heir. Another less likely pos-
sibility is that the rst born will ascend the throne. There are several variations
on these alternatives as well. In any case, membership in the imperial family is
also likely to be expanded so as to increase the pool of possible successors. One
method of doing this would be to end the requirement that women born into
the imperial family relinquish their status upon marriage. If succession were
allowed to pass through female lines, the children of these women would pro-
vide additional succession candidates.
The aim of this essay, however, is not to conjecture about how the crisis
will eventually be resolved. In fact, any guessing about the future will proba-
bly be a moot exercise by the time this chapter is published and read. Some
clear decision is likely to have already been made. Instead, my main purpose is
to analyze the recent discourse on succession in order to clarify what has been
at stake in discussions about the gender limitation. My hope is that this essay
will be of use in understanding the debate and the signicance of the outcome
of the imperial succession crisis, whatever that might be. One central question
this essay asks is, is this centrally a debate about womens equality? If the
Imperial Household Law is changed to allow female imperial successionby
which I mean succession of a female emperor and/or succession through
female lineswill this mean progress for women? Roughly stated, my point
will be that while the debates have been explicitly about gender, such discus-
sions have been very deeply and tightly bound up with understandings of
blood and race. Indeed the panic about blood continuity and allegorically
racial continuity has been a far more determining factor in the move toward
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female imperial succession. This means that any change in this direction is
likely to have little or nothing to do with promoting gender equality. Indeed,
changing the law to allow female imperial succession may have exactly the
opposite effect.
Patriarchal neo-nationalists versus advocates of gender equality?
Neo-traditionalist ideologues who have been resisting the move toward a
female emperor and succession through female lines certainly give the impres-
sion that this is a fairly straightforward split between the unabashedly patriar-
chal right wing foes of womens rights and equality, on the one hand, and
moderates, on the other, who propose that the imperial family better reect
gender equality. Academic spokesmen of the right such as hara Yasuo
(Kokugakuin University) and Yagi Hidetsugu (Takasaki City University of
Economics and president of the neo-conservative organization, the Japanese
Society for the Reform of Textbooks)both of whom spoke at hearings
before Prime Minister Koizumis advisory panelstress that the authority of
the emperorship derives in large part from the unbroken transmission of the
throne through the male line.
As hara put it at the sixth meeting, the con-
sistency of the principle of male succession had been the source of the impe-
rial households authority to unify the people of the nation.These men admit
that according to the ofcial imperial genealogy there have been eight female
emperors who have ascended the throne on 10 different occasions, beginning
with Suiko (reign, 592-628) and ending with Gosakuramachi (reign, 1762-
1770). However, they maintain that these women were born into the male
line and were no more than interim gures (nakatsugi yaku), lling in while an
appropriate male successor from the male line could be chosen or groomed for
the role. They invoke what for them is the awesome weight of the past and
warn that any decision to relax the gender requirement, especially to open up
the possibility of succession through females, would be to overthrow at least a
2,000 year tradition. They refuse to take the issue of gender equality into
account when considering the succession issue.
Moreover, in order to counter public opinion polls which show that over
80 percent of the population now supports a female emperor, they tend to dis-
miss the views of the general population. As Kobori Keiichir , another aca-
demic author in this camp claimed in a recent article in the conservative jour-
nal Seiron, when politics fawns on the masses, objectively speaking, it falls to
the lowest level. Without mentioning her by name, he also berated the
Koizumi government for putting Professor Iwao Sumiko (Musashino Institute
of Technology) on its advisory panel. As he put it, Among [the panel mem-
bers] is an extremely suspect female academic who worked tirelessly to plan
and realize that notorious Basic Law for a Gender-Equal Society.
The 1999
law, incidentally, is a moderate set of basic principles and a general plan to
promote gender equality.
Writing for the same journal, Nishio Kanji, Yagis predecessor as president
of the Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform, declared that the
democratic method cannot and should not be applied to selection of the
emperors successor. For him choosing an emperor is not the same as picking
a prime minister, and sounding in many ways ominously like prewar fascist
and earlier postwar right wing monarchists such as Mishima Yukio, Nishio
explicitly embraces the emperorship as an institution that transcends both rea-
son and mass mediated popular thought. According to him, it is the weight of
history (or what Mishima called tradition) that should guide Japan in resolv-
ing the succession issue, and that history is one of succession through the male
line. Appropriate measures to deal with the succession crisis should emerge
out of the collective wisdom of all the Japanese through the ages, not the
unreexive sentiments (mujikaku no kanj ) of todays citizens.
Furthermore, behind this reactionary posture is what might be described as
a wounded masculinity that remembers and resents the radical downsizing of
the imperial family under U.S. military occupation. These men charge that
had it not been for the occupations decision to force 51 individuals belonging
to 11 collateral families to relinquish their imperial family status, thereby dras-
tically limiting the pool of possible imperial successors, the imperial house-
hold and the nation would not be facing its current crisis.
While we should not discount the influence in government of these
unabashed patriarchal neo-nationalists, it is clear that in recent years the dom-
inant view among prominent elected ofcials, leading representatives of major
political parties, and the public at large has shifted away from their extreme
views on imperial succession. As early as 1995, current Prime Minister
Koizumi, then campaigning for president of the Liberal Democratic Party
(LDP), expressed his support for modifying succession procedures. I dont
think it would be a bad thing for a female to become emperor, he said. The
Imperial Household Law can be changed at any time. I dont necessarily stick
obsessively to the male in the direct line. Koizumi reiterated this position in
May 2001, not long after the Imperial Household Agency released news of
Princess Masakos pregnancy to the public and he has maintained this view.
Around the same time spokesmen for other major parties also publicly
afrmed legalization of female emperors.
Today patriarchal neo-nationalists
like Kobori and Nishio make Koizumi and those close to him a major target
of attack on the female succession issue.
Many public statements in support of female emperors have been couched
so as to suggest that such a move would be in keeping with the ideal of gen-
der equality. As Yamasaki Hiraku explained in 2001 when he was secretary-
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Queen Victoria
reigned without
apparent contra-
diction over an
expansive empire
at the same time
that the British
state denied
women the vote.
general of the LDP: Given the recent gender-equal society, it would be
appropriate for a female emperor to be allowed.
Following the birth of a girl
to Crown Princess Masako, another LDP power holder, former executive sec-
retary Kat K ichi, apparently felt compelled to gesture toward the principle
of gender equality. Though the casualness with which he made his remarks
betrays a lack of serious thinking about womens issues, he stated that he was
in favor of keeping an open mind about the possibility of a female emperor.
Based on his understanding that there had been historical precedents in Japan
for female emperors he concluded that compared to us, people in the ancient
period might well have been more spontaneous about equal rights for men
and women.
Even at the local level, when the Koganei City Assembly in
December 2001 passed a resolution supporting the succession of a female
emperor it gave three reasons for doing so: the historical precedents of female
emperors, the example of other nations, and gender equality.
And yet, a close reading of the summaries of the Prime Ministers current
advisory panel meetings, the many reference materials and bureaucratic com-
mentaries provided to the panel, and the testimonies of the expertsall these
documents reveal the panels remarkable lack of attention to the connection
between imperial succession and gender equality. Whatever one might think of
Yagis views, he was correct in observing that by the time he came before the
advisory panel at the end of May 2005, the body had decided not to make any
deliberations based upon the principle of gender equality.
In fact, at the press
conference following the panels fourth meeting on April 25, Chair Yoshikawa
Hiroyuki (former president of the University of Tokyo) had told the media that
the panelists agreed that if a female emperor were to be allowed, such a deci-
sion would not be based upon the idea of the equality of men and
Takahashi Hiroshi, currently a professor (Shizuoka University of
Welfare) and for decades a journalist who covered the imperial household,
strongly advocated succession by the rst born in the direct line regardless of
sex. He did not mention the need for gender equality even though he has done
so in the past.
Of all the academic experts called in to address the body only
Yokota K ichi (Ry ts Keizai University), who will be discussed in more
detail later, expressed strong concerns about equality and its opposite, discrim-
Also adding some complexity to the supposition that support for a
female emperor or female succession lines coincides with at least a moderate
position on gender equality, Takamori Akinori parted company with fellow
patriarchal neo-nationalist experts hara and Yagi by clearly advocating recog-
nition of female emperors and female lines of succession. Takamori, it should
be noted, is vice-president of the neo-conservative organization headed by
Yagi, the Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform.
None of the reference materials provided by Koizumis ofce to the pan-
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elists deals in any significant way with the ideal of gender equality. For
instance, the panelists could have been provided a copy of the Basic Law for a
Gender-Equal Society. Only some brief references to male/female equality
can be found buried among examples of arguments made in 1946 in the Diet
during debates on what became the current Imperial Household Law. From
these citations it is possible to learn that there were a number of Diet members
at the time who advocated the possibility of female emperors for various rea-
sons, including the principle of gender equality and the t with the spirit
of the new constitution.
However, the summaries of the meetings do not
reect any discussion of such positions.
So to return to one of our original questions, if the Imperial Household
Law is changed to allow a female emperor and/or succession through female
lines, will this mean progress on gender equality? Most likely not. In the rst
place, from the history of monarchies in other nations there is little to suggest
that the reign of a female monarch necessarily coincides with increased
opportunities for women. Queen Victoria reigned without apparent contra-
diction over an expansive empire at the same time that the British state
denied women the vote, and a widespread cult of domesticity promoted
the roles of middle-class women as limited to those of wife and mother.
Women did not gain suffrage in Great Britain until 1928. Moreover, as theo-
rists of the relationship between gender and modern nationalismsuch as
Maurice Agulhon, Lynn Hunt, and George Mossepointed out long ago, in
modern times the sex that has dominated politics and government has been
quite happy to allow female symbols like Britannia, Germanica, and
Marianne to represent its nations.
Second, as we have seen, while in recent times there have been some
attempts to draw parallels between gender equality and female imperial suc-
cession, the current advisory panel has been conspicuously silent on this con-
nection. As I have mentioned, even the neo-conservative Takamori, conced-
ing to the practical necessity of preventing the imperial blood lines extinction,
urged the panel to recommend recognition of female imperial succession.
Furthermore, if in the highly likely event that the crisis is resolved by allowing
females to succeed only when there is no direct male heir, this will symboli-
cally reinforce the second class status of women, whether in the imperial
household or as citizens and workers in society at large. This is evident from
the explanations given by Tokoro Isao (Kyoto Sangyo University) and
Takamori. Advancing a logic so often seen in employment practices, which
combines a formal position of non-discrimination while establishing a glass
ceiling, Tokoro reasoned that the Japanese emperors most essential qualica-
tion is not, a matter of male versus female, but whether the public duties as a
symbol of the state and of national unity can be thoroughly performed. But,
he continued, in view of this fact, such weighty duties of the emperor
should in the rst instance be given to males in the imperial family rather than
females, who upon marriage are likely to have the great responsibility of such
duties as childbirth. Similarly, Takamori claried why he proposed that males
rather than the rst born should be given priority in succession. In addition to
the small number of female emperor precedents, he explained, he had consid-
ered the balance between the ofcial public duties of the emperors position
and the bodily and physiological conditions of women.
The logic separating the issue of female imperial succession from broader
attempts to promote gender equality has some fairly deep roots in postwar his-
tory. Consider, for example, former Prime Minister Nakasone Yasuhiros
statements at a meeting of the Liberal Democratic Partys Research
Commission on the Constitution (Kenp Ch sakai) in the mid-1950s.
Nakasone advised that the emperor and the imperial family needed to become
better integrated into the everyday life of the national masses. If a female
emperor could help in this regard, then it would be appropriate to recognize
a female emperor.Anticipating what would become the pressing matter of
determining the criteria for selecting Crown Prince Akihitos future marriage
partner, Nakasone aired his real concerns about women in the imperial
household. He advised that in order to increase the imperial households pop-
ularity it would be necessary to look for potential brides beyond the narrow
pool of blood relations of former peers (kazoku) or graduates from
Gakush in, the university that began as a school for the court nobility and
then from the late 19th century became known as the university for the peer-
age and members of the imperial family. He concluded, to put it in an
extreme way, if she is intelligent, healthy and a representative Japanese, even a
country peasant girl is qualied to marry [the Crown Prince]. In this pithy
statement, Nakasone revealed not only his class prejudice about rural Japan
(even a country peasant girl) and an implicitly racial understanding about
the nations citizens (representative Japanese); he also showed that his view
of women was limited to an instrumentalist one in which they might serve to
enhance the popularity of the national symbol and to produce children
(healthy). For Nakasone, womens rights and gender equality had nothing
to do with female imperial succession.
Some women have also sometimes
taken this position. The woman writer Takagi Nobuko expressed this in very
stark terms when in advocating succession by a female emperor she explicitly
denied that she was an advocate of womens rights.
What the documents and statements generated by the advisory panel do
reveal is a near consensus about the importance of blood and, except for the
testimonies of the patriarchal neo-nationalists ( hara, Yagi, Takamori), a
concern that the panels recommendations and the government not depart too
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In the highly
likely event that
the crisis is
resolved by
allowing females
to succeed only
when there is no
direct male heir,
this will symboli-
cally reinforce
the second class
status of
far from the views of Japans citizens at large. I will return to the blood issue in
the next section, but here let me consider the signicance of the panels and
the governments care to make clear that it is committed to respecting public
opinion. Just after the bodys rst meeting, panel chair Yoshikawa announced
at a press conference that the panel intended to premise its deliberations upon
the opinions of the citizens, the average views of citizens.
The official
summary of the days discussions further notes that it would prioritize the
importance of presenting a proposal that would satisfy most people, rather
than simply weighing various academic arguments against each other. The
panel also linked this logic to Article 1 of the constitution, which holds that
the emperor derives his position from the will of the people with whom
resides sovereign power.
Although not all of the experts called to the hear-
ings were as adamant about reecting the will of the peopleperhaps because
as academics they felt it was their mission to educate the masses rather than to
reflect their viewsat least some of them agreed on its significance. Takahashi,
for example, who has long advocated measures to increase the peoples sense
of intimacy with the imperial household, maintained that the very key to the
symbolic monarchy and to succession procedures is whether they are widely
supported by the people.
It could be argued that the advisory panels announcement that it would
reect the average views of Japans citizens is an endorsement of gender equal-
ity since public opinion polls seem to show that support for a female emperor
increased dramatically in the 1990s, in tandem with the movement to elimi-
nate gender discrimination and to provide more opportunities for women.
Since 1975 the Japan Association for Public Opinion Research, one of Japans
leading pollsters, has on nine occasions queried the public on the issue of
female emperors. Interviewers have posed the question: Do you think that
emperors should be limited to males, or do you think that females should be
allowed? In the first year 54.7 percent of respondents picked the option,
limited to males while 31.9 percent chose females should be allowed.
Others were not particularly concerned, didnt know, or had other
views. In 1984 and 1987 the percentage of those who thought females
should be allowed dropped further to 26.8 and 29 percent, respectively, and
returned roughly to the 1975 level when 32.5 percent chose this response in
1992. In the meantime, the proportion of those who felt that the emperor
should be limited to males decreased gradually to the level of 46.8 percent
by 1992, even as this group still far outnumbered the female emperor support-
ers. From the mid-1990s, however, the percentage of female emperor sup-
porters began to surpass the male only interviewees, and by 1998 roughly half
(49.7 percent) of those polled indicated that they approved of a female on the
throne, while less than a third (30.6 percent) favored only males. In the latest
March 2005 poll a remarkable 81.3 percent of interviewees placed themselves
among female emperor supporters, while a miniscule 4.9 percent still believed
in preserving the gender limitation. Some analysts have in fact linked this sta-
tistical reversal to changes in social and governmental attitudes toward gender
equality, as was manifested in discussions about and nally passage of the Basic
Law for a Gender-Equal Society in June 1999.
Among the major problems with polls such as those conducted by the Japan
Association for Public Opinion Research, however, is that they lack precision.
They do not allow us to determine why interviewees chose to support or reject
the idea of a female emperor. While there were undoubtedly many who
favored female emperors in the spirit of gender equality, we have already seen
that the females should be allowed position can be taken for other reasons,
some of which are extremely regressive on the gender issue. Moreover, accord-
ing to an Asahi Shimbun telephone poll undertaken at the end of January 2005,
of the 86 percent who agreed that it would be better to make it possible for
females to become emperor, only about half (52 percent) thought that succes-
sion should go to the rst born regardless of gender while 39 percent said that
preference should be given to males.
In fact, the polls themselves can be seen
as a political technology that has blurred the reasons and the stakes involved in
supporting female emperors. In this sense they have been an ideal mechanism
for the government, which is torn between the need to increase womens
opportunities outside the household and to launch campaigns for this purpose
because of the shrinking labor poolotherwise the economy would col-
lapseand to continue to promote motherhood and family values as measures
to increase the birthrate and frankly, protect mens customary privileges. By
extension, a female emperor would be an ideal symbol for the current govern-
ment in that she could signify various meanings for various people, including
gender equality for some and gender inequality for others.
Gender versus race
While Koizumis advisory panel has hesitated to make an explicit connection
between female imperial succession and gender equality, it has made it
absolutely clear that the imperial bloodline must be preserved. In fact, the
panels records are thoroughly saturated with blood talk. For example, the
summary of the panels second meeting states in no uncertain terms that in
considering the problem of imperial succession, what is most important is the
blood tie, the blood lineage.
Similarly, the summary of the fth meeting
contains a section which notes that while the practice of imperial succession
through the male line cannot be ignored, it is most crucial not to hold a nar-
row view of what is called tradition but to transmit its essence over time. And
for this panel, that essence is blood. As the summary states about the postwar
shift in ultimate political authority from the emperor to the people, sover-
eignty underwent a change with the establishment of the current constitution.
However, the constitution admitted and attempts to continue to cherish, as a
symbol, the presence of an emperor who is connected by one blood.
Among the experts, all mentioned the signicance of blood transmission in
one way or anotherbut only Yokota with some signicant skepticism. These
views ranged from what can only be described as the vulgar biologism and
pop genetics proferred by Yagiwho argued that the Y chromosome found
in the rst emperor Jimmu could only have been passed on through the male
lineto Yamaori Tetsuos more sophisticated suggestion that even though
blood is important, there is a strong fictive quality to the idea of imperial
blood transmission.
It is possible to understand this obsession with blood as simply a concern
about the biological continuity of the imperial line that has nothing to do
with race. It could be argued that the panelists and public commentary more
generally have simply been concerned to uphold the spirit of the constitution,
which stipulates in Article 2 that imperial succession must be dynastic (or
more literally, hereditary [sesh ]). Yet such a narrow and literal reading
would ignore the fact that in modern times, both before and after the second
world war, the emperor and the imperial household have so often symbolized
the racial and cultural unity of the Japanese people. Whether openly acknowl-
edged or not, maintenance of blood continuity within the imperial line has
usually been an allegory for the blood continuity of the Japanese people.
Today, open declarations about the racial unity of the emperor and Japanese
people are sometimes avoided; but as Etienne Balibar
and others have noted,
now culture often stands in for biological understandings of race, and it does
so with the same effects. In the Japanese case, the common assertions that the
emperor represents traditional Japanese culture or Yamato culture, often
connote race as well as culture. When Nakasone unreexively referred to the
representative Japanese in the passage cited above, it is difcult to deny that
there is a strong suggestion that the term representative connotes race, as
much as culture and upbringing.
More recently, when Yokota K ichi in 2004 testied before a subcommit-
tee of the lower house that from the standpoint of normative law the emper-
or should be considered a symbol of the unity of various peoples (shomin-
zoku) making up the multi-ethnic nation of Japan (taminzoku kokka Nihon)
and not simply of the Japanese ethnic people (Nihon minzoku), LDP repre-
sentative Shimomura Hirofumi chastised him, saying that he could not agree
with a view that distinguished between the emperor as a symbol of the unity
of the Japanese ethnic people and as symbol of the unity of the Japanese
people. For him, apparently, the Japanese nation and the Japanese ethnicity or
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race was one and the same. At the same hearing Morioka Masahiro, another
LDP representative, expressed his worry that if marriages of imperial house-
hold members were treated like the marriages of common citizens it would be
possible for them to marry foreigners, and this would be inappropriate from
the perspective of Japanese identity.
While I could give many more recent examples of the racial thinking
underlying dominant discourses on imperial succession, let me also consider a
representative discussion that appeared in the magazine Shokun in the late
1980s. One of the main points that the two well known scholars Ichimura
Shinichi and Eto Jun made about the Japanese imperial household, was that
what had distinguished the Japanese monarchy from its counterparts through-
out the world had been the unity of the ethnos (minzoku) and the imperial
household throughout history. As counter-examples, they argued that China
had been ruled by non-Han dynasties such as the Mongols, and in Europe
intermarriages between royal families had resulted in monarchies that were
not of the same ethnicity or nationality as the people over whom they
reigned. Thus George I, ruler of the small German kingdom of Hanover,
became king of England while barely even able to speak English. In contrast to
Europe where the nation, the royal line, and the ethnos had been doubly or
triply layered, in Japan the ethnos, the nation, and the royal line had been
roughly the same.Completely forgetting that oceans can be bridges to human
interaction rather than barriers, they maintained that in part because Japan had
been an island nation, it had taken the form of a pure nation. In their rea-
soning, hereditary royal succession had been the key to preserving the unity of
the monarch and the nations people (kokumin). What they meant was that by
limiting succession to the Japanese throne by blood, it had been possible to
maintain the singular ethnic identity of the Japanese people and the Japanese
imperial household.
Thus regardless of how the debate around imperial succession is resolved on
the gender issue, the male or female Japanese emperor will continue to sym-
bolize, sometimes explicitly and sometimes implicitly through the language of
culture, the Japanese people as a unique race. In the event that a female emper-
or ascends the throne, even if she might obliquely signify gender equality for
some, this victory for Japanese women will be bought at the price of a
symbolism of blood that will continue to nourish a system of discrimination
against those considered marginal or outside what is imagined to be a racially
homogenous Japan. A female Japanese emperor, for example, will do nothing
to counter discrimination against minority men, nor against women such as
Korean women who are the descendents of former colonial subjects, nor
against new immigrants to Japan, regardless of their gender. Furthermore, the
female emperor is likely to perpetuate a system of discrimination by class since
she would surely be fashioned so as to represent the type of person that Tokoro
thought would make an ideal marriage partner for a future emperornamely,
someone noble and high-born (ko ki na katagata).
Among the experts called before Koizumis advisory panel, only Yokota
reminded his listeners that even if female imperial succession were allowed, a
more fundamental question about the constitutions guarantee of human
equality would remain unresolved. While Yokotas remarks ranged fairly wide-
ly, his most relevant remarks may be summed up in the following way. First,
the constitution (Article 2) states that imperial succession must be hereditary
and has nothing to say about gender. It is the Imperial Household Law that
limits imperial succession to males and the male line. Since the Imperial
Household Law is subordinate to the constitution and the latters fundamental
principle of equality, the Imperial Household Laws gender specic provision
on imperial succession is unconstitutional and should be considered invalid.
Yet revising the law to allow female imperial succession will still leave intact
the constitutions stipulation that imperial succession should be determined by
heredity. This is problematic because the principle of hereditary succession
deviates from or is in contradiction with constitutional principle. Not
only does privileging heredity blur the fact that sovereign power is supposed
to inhere in the nations citizens, from the perspective of respect for funda-
mental human rights, it contradicts the [constitutional] principle of equality.
As he put it in no uncertain terms: hereditary succession recognizes discrim-
ination based upon birth, and in this limited respect it may be said that the
constitution of Japan is a discriminatory constitution.
While Yokota recognizes that there is an alternative legal interpretation
which holds that the emperor is a legitimate exception to the constitutional
principle of equality, he places himself in the camp of legal scholars who con-
tend that the law requires deviations or exemptions from fundamental consti-
tutional principles to be minimized, including those that concern the emper-
or. This means that for Yokota, simply reevaluating the gender provision of the
Imperial Household Law and thereby resolving the imperial succession crisis is
insufcient. For him the fundamental question that must be addressed is not
how to stabilize procedures for imperial succession, but why imperial succes-
sion is necessary. Why, for example, is it necessary to maintain an emperor
system as a constitutional system when it is in contradiction with constitution-
al principles?
This is a question that some feminist scholars and activists, such as those
belonging to the Society for Research on Women and the Emperor System
(Josei to Tenn sei Kenky kai) have also been asking. They do not regard
female imperial succession to be a symbol of gender equality, but yet another
measure to preserve a patriarchal family system that relegates women to the
u u
u u
While Koizumis
advisory panel has
hesitated to make
an explicit con-
nection between
female imperial
succession and
gender equality,
it has made it
absolutely clear
that the imperial
bloodline must be
preserved. In
fact, the panels
records are thor-
oughly saturated
with blood talk.
primary tasks of childbirth and childrearing. For them, a female emperor will
only serve to perpetuate gender inequality and, through its fixation with
blood, discrimination more generally.
Concluding thoughts
Throughout its modern history the Japanese imperial household has been
periodically reinvented so as to represent dominant norms of sexuality, gender
and family. Following the Meiji Restoration (1868), the emperor who had
conventionally been kept hidden from view, became a visible sign of military
masculinity and patriarchy. Mimicking the contemporary practices of
European monarchical masculinity, the Meiji emperor took on facial hair (not
a practice in the politics of fashion in the pre-Meiji Court since at least the
early 17th century) and began to dress in tight tting military clothing when
in public view. Despite the uncomfortable fact that the crown prince (later
Emperor Taish ) was not the biological son of the emperor, Meiji was repre-
sented in the media as a monogamous husband, father, and patriarch while the
empress became the embodiment of the ofcial norm for women, the good
wife and wise mother. In the meantime, the Constitution of the Empire of
Japan (1889) for the rst time in history legally excluded females from imperi-
al succession.
After the war the Imperial Household Law, a product of U.S. and Japanese
collaboration, continued to maintain a type of patriarchal authority by
excluding women from imperial succession. In the late 1950s Crown Princess
Sh da Michiko became the darling of the media and achieved a starlike qual-
ity, but she also became a sign of postwar motherhood and domesticity. Her
non-noble commoner (actually high bourgeois) background represented
the newly democratizing Japan, and also lent credibility to attempts to make
her appear at times like the everywoman of the salaried worker family. The
media told the public, for example, that one of the dishes she enjoyed prepar-
ing for her family was the all too common curried rice.
Today Japans imperial household stands at the crossroads of conflicting
expectations for women. On the one hand, the declining birthrate has made it
impossible for the men and parties who dominate government to ignore the
compelling necessity of increasing opportunities for women. The only alter-
native would be to loosen immigration restrictions, and the political and busi-
ness elite within Japan nd that a far less palatable alternative. This is certainly
the reason why some unlikely members of the LDP have sometimes gestured
toward linking the female succession issue to the broader goal of a Gender-
Equal Society. On the other hand, the new movement toward gender equal-
ity has touched off a fierce reactionary movement as is represented by men
such as hara and Yagi, analyzed above. Their ardent advocacy of exclusively O O
male imperial succession is tied to their broader campaign to reinforce patriar-
chal authority in society at large.
What this means is that if the patriarchal neo-nationalists succeed in pre-
venting female succession, this will signal a victory for reactionary forces on
gender issues. It would be hard to read such an outcome as anything but a
statement about Japans lack of resolve in establishing gender equality.
However, the reverse will not hold true because a great deal of support for
female imperial succession has little to do with gender equality and almost
everything to do with preserving the imperial bloodline and the monarchy as
a symbol of Japanese (racial) unity. Thus even if the Imperial Household Law
is revised to allow for female emperors and/or succession through the female
line, this need not symbolize a progressive stance on gender equality, particu-
larly if males rather than the rst born are given preference. Furthermore, not
even legislation enabling succession by the rst born will necessarily symbol-
ize Japans commitment to equal opportunities for men and women. A great
deal would depend upon how changes to the law are worded and the spin
with which government spokespersons and the media explain the revision. In
any case, it is difcult to imagine that the governmentmade up of reluctant
feminists at best and dominated as it is by the Liberal Democratic Party with
its strong patriarchal neo-nationalist wingwould allow its ambiguity on gen-
der equality to spin out of control.
I will end by reiterating that regardless of the final decision on female impe-
rial succession, the imperial household will continue to be at the center of a
system of discrimination. For proponents of equal opportunity without regard
to gender, much more would be gained by focusing on placing women in
positions of real power and inuence, such as in the seat of the prime minis-
ter, rather than enthroning a female emperor. After all, a female emperor
would be taking on duties that the constitution has explicitly divorced from
formal politicshe shall not have powers related to government (Article
4)and where the obsession with blood line will continue to make childbirth
her rst duty. Finally, any emperor, male or female, whose authority and legit-
imacy depends upon hereditary status as symbolized in blood, will only con-
tinue to contribute toward discrimination against those imagined to be at the
margins of Japans supposedly homogeneous society.
1. The names of individuals who reside in or have primarily resided in Japan are ren-
dered in the conventional Japanese order of surname rst, given name second: thus,
Koizumi Junichir , rather than Junichir Koizumi. Insofar as I have been able to nd
them, I have used the ofcial or approved translations of the names for laws, committees,
o o o o
institutions, organizations, and so on, even though these are sometimes awkward or non-
literal translations
2. Information about this panel is taken from its website: http://www.kantei.go.jp/
sing/kousitu. The website does not give an ofcial English translation of the panels name,
but its literal meaning is distinguished (or learned) panel on the Imperial Household
Law. The site includes many reference materials relevant to imperial succession, sum-
maries of panel discussions, and the full testimonies of the academic experts. Unless oth-
erwise noted, all materials located at this site were accessed on June 30, 2005.
3. For the hara and Yagi testimonies: http://www.kantei.go.jp/sing/kousitu, 6th
meeting (May 31, 2005). hara is an expert on Shinto, particularly on state and religion
issues, but has been very active in a range of neo-nationalist activities. For example, he is
one of the authors of a book, published bilingually in Japanese and English, defending
Japan against charges that its troops committed the Nanjing Massacre: Takemoto Tadao
and hara Yasuo, Saishin Nankin daigyakusatsu: sekai ni uttaeru Nihon no enzai (Tokyo:
Meiseisha, 2000). The English version of the title is The Alleged Nanjing Massacre: Japans
Rebuttal to Chinas Forged Claims. Yagi Hidetsugu is a specialist on constitutional law who
recently became head of the Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform. This is the
organization that has been much criticized for its recently government-approved middle
school history textbook, which denies or omits such wartime atrocities as the Nanjing
Massacre and the system of sexual slavery known as the comfort women system, and
which generally seeks to minimize the suffering inicted upon other peoples by Japanese
colonialism, imperialism, and militarism. In addition to his stance against female imperial
succession (for example, in his book Josei tenn y ninron o haisu ronsh gendai Nihon ni
tsuite no k satsu [Tokyo: Ry ts Shuppan]), Yagi is also well known for his attack on sepa-
rate surnames for married couples and his stance against the gender-free movement.
The latter is a feminist movement that seeks the elimination of gender bias, for example
in education.
4. In a technical sense Yagi stated that he would not completely foreclose the possibili-
ty of considering female emperors and succession through female lines once every other
avenue to secure male succession has been exhausted. However, he adamantly spoke
against changing the law in the near future to allow this, and his suggestions for radically
expanding the pool of possible male successors would make female succession and succes-
sion through females a virtual impossibility.
5. Kobori Keiichiro Josei tenn no sokui suishin wa k shitsu to Nihon koku no iyasa-
ka ni tsuzuru ka, Seiron 396 (May 2005), 137.
6. Nishio Kanji, Ch ugoku ry