Welding of CS Materials For Use in Sour Service

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The document discusses considerations for welding carbon steel in sour environments containing H2S and water, including susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement and sulfide stress cracking.

Materials must have sufficient strength and hardness, hydrogen must achieve a threshold concentration in the steel, and the material must experience tensile stress above a threshold value.

Hardness/strength of the material must be above a threshold, hydrogen concentration in the steel must achieve a threshold, and the material must experience tensile stress above a threshold.


of Carbon Steel Materials

Valve manufacturers often are
required to provide valves for use in wet H
S, or sour envi-
ronments. While NACE MR0175 is commonly specified for
valve constructions destined for sour oil or gas production
applications, there are several other industry standards that
document appropriate materials and processing practices for
sour services. In the case of carbon steels, these documents
provide much more detailed information than MR0175.
By Don Bush
for Use in Sour Service
Valve manufacturers are commonly required to provide
valves for use in environments containing hydrogen sulfide
S) and water, environments that are often referred to as
sour. NACE MR0175, Material Requirement - Sulfide
Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Materials for Oilfield
Equipment, is usually specified for valve constructions
destined for sour oil or gas production applications. However,
there are several other industry standards and reports that
document appropriate materials and processing practices for
materials for sour services. In the case of carbon steels, these
documents provide much more detailed information than
MR0175. This article provides a brief background on sulfide
stress cracking, summarizes metallurgical considerations
related to carbon steel weldments, and provides an overview
of some of the key points in NACE RP0472 and NACE
Committee Report 8F192.
Sulfide Stress Cracking and Wet H
S Cracking
In essence, steels above a certain hardness are susceptible to
a phenomenon known as hydrogen embrittlement. Hydrogen
embrittlement is defined as a condition of lowductility in
metals resulting from the absorption of hydrogen.
embrittlement is mainly a problem in steels with ultimate
tensile strength greater than 90 ksi, and is usually manifested
by delayed, catastrophic, brittle fracture at tensile stresses well
belowthe ultimate tensile strength of the material.
When steel corrodes in an environment containing water
and H
S, the H
S breaks down to form H
ions and S
Since H
ions are much smaller than H
molecules, they can
easily diffuse into steels at ambient temperatures. The S
react with the steel surface to form a porous iron sulfide layer.
This iron sulfide layer catalyzes the absorption of H
ions into
the steel, resulting in a higher degree of hydrogen charging than
would occur in an environment with H
ions and no catalyst.
Cracking in the presence of H
S corrosion is usually called
sulfide stress cracking in the oil and gas production industry,
and wet H
S cracking in the oil refining industry. The term
wet H
S cracking is more descriptive of the actual mechanism
and will be used throughout the remainder of this article.
In order for wet H
S cracking to occur, three conditions
must be met:
1. The hardness/strength of the material must be above a
threshold value;
2. The hydrogen concentration in the steel must achieve a
threshold value; and
3. The material must be subjected to a tensile stress above a
threshold value.
In all cases, all of these factors are interrelated. In other
words, as the value of one factor increases, the threshold value
of the other factors decreases. There are no well-established
rules regarding these interrelationships. However, guidelines
have been developed with respect to H
S content in the
process fluid. If the H
S content and certain other factors are
met (such as the presence of liquid water), the application is
deemed to be sour. Guidelines have also been developed for
materials and material conditions that are acceptable for sour
applications. The most widely known guideline document is
NACE MR0175. NACE MR0175 restricts carbon steels to a
maximum hardness of 22 Rockwell C (HRC), and to the
following heat treat conditions:
(a) hot-rolled
(b) annealed
(c) normalized
(d) normalized and tempered
(e) normalized, austenitized, quenched, and tempered
(f) austenitized, quenched, and tempered.
The standard mechanical property requirements for the
typical carbon steel pressure vessel materials, such as ASME
SA216 WCB, WCC, LCB, and LCC castings, SA105 and
SA350 LF2 forgings, SA515 Grade 70 and SA516 Grade 70
plate, etc., essentially ensure that the bulk properties will meet
MR0175 requirements.
Why Weldments Are a Concern
Carbon steels are all hardenable by heat treatment to some
degree. Carbon steels are hardened by a two-step heat treating
process known as austenitizing and quenching. The
austenitizing phase involves heating the steel to above a
critical temperature, which changes it from its ambient-
temperature equilibrium structure (ferrite and pearlite in the
case of carbon steels) to an austenitic structure. Quenching
involves cooling the steel at a rate that is rapid enough to
prevent the formation of the ferrite and pearlite equilibrium
microstructure. The structure that is formed is a metastable
atomic arrangement called martensite. Martensite is very hard
and strong, but is generally somewhat brittle.
A further operation, called tempering, is often performed
after austenitizing and quenching. Tempering involves heating
the steel to a temperature belowthe critical temperature,
which causes the formation of a softer, tougher microstructure
that is weaker than the untempered martensite, but stronger
than the equilibrium ferrite and pearlite structure.
The maximum hardness that can be achieved by a particu-
lar steel, referred to here as the hardness potential, is strongly
dependent upon the carbon content. Alloying elements, such
as chromium, nickel, molybdenum, manganese, etc., generally
serve to increase the hardness potential, but to a much lesser
degree than the carbon content.
SUMMER 2000 3
On the other hand, the ease with which the hardness
potential is realized upon quenching, known as hardenability,
is heavily influenced by alloying elements other than carbon.
For example, a steel with 0.22% carbon has a hardness
potential of well over 50 HRC. However, only very thin
sections of strip or small wire can be quenched in water
rapidly enough to form 100% martensite and achieve the
hardness potential in a plain carbon steel. The addition of
small amounts of manganese, chromium, nickel, molybdenum,
and other elements increases hardenability tremendously. The
effects of alloying elements are so dramatic that steels with
only two percent alloying elements can form fully martensitic
structures when air-cooled from the austenitizing temperature.
The reason that heat treatment of steels is pertinent to
welding is that the deposited weld filler metal, and the heat-
affected zone (HAZ) in the base metal, undergo this same
type of heat treatment during the welding process. As a weld
deposit is produced, the deposit starts as a molten puddle. The
puddle quickly solidifies as heat is transferred to the surround-
ing base metal. Immediately after solidification, the weld
deposit is well above the critical temperature. In addition, the
base metal immediately adjacent is also heated to above the
critical temperature. As the weldment cools by heat transfer
into the surrounding base metal and atmosphere, the
weldment is being quenched. The actual cooling rate is
dependent upon a number of factors, including:
The size of the weld deposit (smaller size = faster cooling);
The mass of the base metal (larger/heavier = faster
cooling); and
The temperature of the base metal (cooler = faster
Because of this built-in quenching process, weldments can
potentially contain localized hard regions in the weld deposit,
the HAZ, or both.
Chemistry Controls vs. Weldment Hardness
The as-welded hardness achieved in the weld deposit and
the HAZ is dependent upon three factors:
1. The hardness potential of the material (weld filler and
base metal);
2. The hardenability of the material (weld filler and base
metal); and
3. The cooling rate.
If the right (or wrong) combination of hardness potential,
hardenability, and cooling rate exist, high hardness can occur
in as-welded deposits and/or in the HAZ.
Restricting the maximum carbon content to a lower value
than that normally allowed for the material (example: 0.22%
maximum carbon vs. the normal 0.25% maximum carbon for
WCC) reduces the hardness potential for the material. In
other words, the maximum hardness the weldment could
possibly achieve in the as-welded condition is lower.
The carbon equivalent (CE) is defined by the following
CE = %C +
(%Ni + %Cu)
(%Cr + %Mo + %V)
The carbon equivalent attempts to account for both
hardness potential and hardenability in one parameter that
can be used to assess weldability of steels. Thus, controlling
the CE to a lower value reduces the likelihood of hard regions
in the as-welded condition under a given set of welding
The cooling rate is affected by part configuration and
welding parameters. Carbon content restriction and CE limits
do not affect cooling rate.
Industry Standards for Wet H
S Cracking
Prevention in Carbon Steels
The potential for hard zones in weldments has been
recognized in both the oil and gas production industry and the
oil refining industry. The production industrys document,
NACE MR0175, contains the following paragraph pertaining
to this issue: Welding procedure qualifications on carbon
steels that use controls other than thermal stress
relieving to control the hardness of the weldment
shall also include a hardness traverse across the weld,
HAZ, and base metal to ensure that the procedure is
capable of producing a hardness of 22 HRC maximum
in the condition in which it is used.
Some manufacturers and users interpret this paragraph to
mean that any procedure qualification that includes hardness
readings in the weld deposit, HAZ, and base metal meets the
intent of the paragraph above. However, the important words
in the above paragraph are not those regarding the hardness
traverse, but rather the words use controls other than stress
relieving. Whereas the specific controls that may be required
are left up to the manufacturer, some type of extra control
measures are implied.
The ASME construction codes (ASME Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code, ASME B31.1 Power Piping, ASME B31.3
Process Piping, and ASME B31.5 Refrigeration Piping)
provide rules that govern PWHT of carbon steel weldments
based upon the section thickness being welded. Thinner
sections may be welded without PWHT, whereas thicker
sections (actual limits vary by specific code) require PWHT.
Unfortunately, the ASME codes dont require any correlation
between the carbon content or CE level of the PQR specimen
and that of the production base metal. In other words, it is
perfectly acceptable within the ASME codes to utilize a PQR
specimen with 0.12% carbon and a CE of 0.35 to qualify a
non-PWHT procedure for welding any P-1 material. This is in
spite of the fact that some P-1 materials have maximum
carbon contents of 0.35% and can produce CE values exceed-
ing 0.60. Thus, it is logical that the controls other than stress
relieving mentioned in MR0175 would likely need to include
some type of correlation between the carbon content or CE
level of the PQR specimen and that of the production base
In addition, the term hardness traverse is not defined in
MR0175. In general, a hardness traverse consists of a series of
hardness indentations regularly spaced along a line. In
weldments, hardness traverses are generally run along lines
that are parallel to the surface of the base metal. Lines are
generally located just belowthe surface (common values are 1
mm or 0. 060" below the base metal surface), through root passes,
and/or through the weldment at the centerline of the base
metal thickness. Hardness measurements at random locations
in the three zones do not constitute a hardness traverse, but
rather represent a hardness survey. Finally, most user
specifications that actually define the hardness traverse
require that reading be taken using 10kg Vickers or Rockwell
15N scale so the readings will be more sensitive to local hard
spots than if Rockwell C or Brinell scales were utilized.
The refinery industrys document, NACE RP0472,
Recommended Practice - Methods and Controls to Prevent
In-Service Environmental Cracking of Carbon Steel
Weldments in Corrosive Petroleum Refining Environments,
contains various alternative methods that can be followed to
assure that carbon steel weldments will be soft enough to resist
To summarize briefly, the document deals with two
separate issuesweld deposit hardness and base metal heat-
affected zone hardness.
Weld deposit hardness is addressed as follows: The
accepted method is to perform portable Brinell tests on weld
deposits to ensure that they meet a 200 HB maximum
requirement. The weld deposit hardness testing requirement is
waived when the SMAW welding process is used with E60XX
or E70XX fillers or when the GTAW welding process is used
with ER70S-X fillers (other than -6, -7, or -G grades).
Although RP0472 does not specifically address postweld
heat treatment (PWHT) as a means for controlling weld
deposit hardness, it is generally recognized as an effective
method. The PWHT method involves tempering at a
temperature high enough to reduce hardness and relieve
residual welding stresses via high-temperature stress relax-
ation. Thus, PWHT has a positive effect on two of the three
factors influencing wet H
S cracking. PWHT is effective at
reducing the hardness of nearly any carbon steel weld deposit
to well belowthe hardness levels recommended to prevent
wet H
S cracking.
However, RP0472 cautions that the
practice of postweld heat treating at lower temperatures for
longer times, as allowed by some of the ASME Codes, should
not be followed when the heat treatment is being performed
to reduce the hardness of the weld deposit or the heat-affected
There are three methods listed in RP0472 for control of
base metal heat-affected zone hardness:
Chemistry control (specifically, control of the maximum
carbon equivalent);
Weld procedure qualification hardness testing, including
less-restrictive chemistry control in conjunction with special
welding process controls; and
Postweld heat treatment (PWHT), also commonly called
stress relieving.
The chemistry control method involves selection of filler
metal chemistry in conjunction with control of the base metal
carbon equivalent to such a lowlevel that lowweld deposit
hardness and HAZ hardness is virtually guaranteed regardless
of welding process parameters. NACE Committee Report
8X1944 states that a CE of 0.43 is commonly specified for
base materials when this technique is employed.
The weld procedure qualification hardness testing method
is a variant of the chemistry control method. In this method, a
less restrictive maximum CE value may be chosen for produc-
tion base metal. A welding procedure qualification record
(PQR) test specimen is then created using actual production
material or a coupon of representative material with an actual
CE corresponding to the maximum CE value that is to be
applied to the production base material. Welding variables
(such as preheat, current, voltage, travel speed, interpass
temperature, etc.) are controlled and monitored closely during
the creation of the procedure qualification specimen. The PQR
tests include a hardness traverse using either 10kg Vickers or
Rockwell 15N scale. Predefined hardness traverse diagrams
are provided for several weld geometries (See Figure 1).
The resulting welding procedure specification (WPS) then
must contain certain restrictions to ensure that the PQR
specimen is actually representative of production weldments.
Those restrictions include:
The procedure may only be used with the same base
metal grade and class. In other words, a procedure qualified on
A516 Grade 60 plate material could not be used to weld A516
Grade 70 plate material or A216 Grade WCC castings, even
though all are within the same ASME Section IX P-Number
The actual CE of production material must be controlled
to a value less than or equal to that of the PQR specimen.
The heat input used during production welding must not
SUMMER 2000 5
deviate from the heat input used during creation of the PQR
specimen by more than 10% lower or 25% higher (alterna-
tively, for the shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) process,
the maximum bead size and the minimum length of weld bead
per unit length of electrode used in creation of the PQR
specimen can be imposed as a requirement in the WPS).
Preheat and interpass temperatures must be at least as
high as those utilized in production of the PQR specimen.
If preheat was not utilized for the PQR specimen, the
maximum base metal thickness of production weldments must
not be allowed to exceed the thickness of the PQR specimen.
Other restrictions apply to fillet welds, submerged-arc
welding (SAW), gas metal arc welding (GMAW), flux-cored
arc welding (FCAW) processes, welding procedures involving
bead-tempering techniques and other techniques that are
sensitive to weld-bead sequence, and materials containing
intentional additions of microalloying elements such as Nb
(Cb), V, Ti, and B.
The postweld heat treatment (PWHT) method involves
tempering at a temperature high enough to reduce hardness
and relieve residual welding stresses via high-temperature
stress relaxation. Thus, PWHT has a positive effect on two of
the three factors influencing wet H
S cracking. Furthermore,
except in cases where carbon steel base metals are intention-
ally micro-alloyed with certain strengthening elements,
PWHT is effective at reducing the hardness of any welded
carbon steel pressure vessel material to well belowthe
hardness levels recommended to prevent wet H
S cracking.
Again, RP0472 cautions that the practice of postweld heat
treating at lower temperatures for longer times, as allowed by
some of the ASME Codes, should not be followed when the
heat treatment is being performed to reduce the hardness of
the weld deposit or the heat-affected zone.
Discussion and Comparison of Methods
Products procured for newoil and gas facilities, expansions,
and/or repairs often are governed by customer or contractor
piping specifications. These specifications may contain
stipulations requiring maximum CE values for all components
in the piping system, and these requirements are often
imposed on valves. The use of these special chemistry controls
allows the company and/or its contractors to perform welding
on components without PWHT and be reasonably sure that
weld heat affected zones will be soft enough to resist wet H
cracking. This is especially useful for components that will be
actually welded into the system, although it is also beneficial
for non-welding-end components that may eventually require
welding to repair erosion or corrosion damage.
The special chemistry control approach works very well for
pipe and for vessels fabricated from plate materials, where it is
often difficult to perform postweld heat treatment. Economi-
cally, it is often not that expensive to use special materials for
these applications because entire mill runs of material will be
specifically produced to satisfy the order for rawmaterial.
On the other hand, most valves are made from castings. In
most cases, a special order for controlled CE does not com-
prise an entire heat of material. This increases the cost and
lead time of the castings significantly, since a special heat
must be prepared. In addition, it is difficult to procure custom
forgings and other wrought products often used in valve
fabrications with special CE limits because most vendors
supplying these materials to valve companies dont make their
own rawmaterials. Rather, must search for rawmaterials that
meet the special requirements.
In addition, most valves are designed to be used in a
multitude of applications in a wide variety of industriesoil
and gas, electric power, chemical, pulp and paper, etc.
Weldment hardness is not as critical an issue in general
applications as it is in wet H
S applications. Therefore, it isnt
Butt Weld
Fillet Weld
Figure 1: Schematics from NACE RP0472 showing suggested
locations for hardness traverse indentations. Copyright 1995 by
NACE International. All rights reserved by NACE: reprinted by
permission. NACE standards are revised periodically. Users are
cautioned to obtain the latest edition; information in an outdated
version of the standard may not be accurate.
Assumes weld repairs performed by refinery or contract welders will not be performed with special welding procedures developed for intermediate carbon
and/or CE controlled chemistry
Since PWHT will not be performed, hardness testing would be prudent when utilizing fillers which would normally be tested. However, hardness
testing of erosion or corrosion repair welds is often difficult or impossible because they are usually located internally.
Weld Procedure
Qualification Hardness
Testing + Intermediate
Low CE Controls on CE Control on Base
Base Metal Metal + Welding
(eg.: 0.43 max CE) Process Controls Postweld Heat Treatment
Material cost Highest cost Higher cost Standard cost
Lead time Longest lead time Longer lead time Standard lead time
Welding controls Standard welding controls Very restrictive welding Standard welding controls
controls. Heat input
control requirements may
be very difficult to maintain
with manual welding
PWHT Not required Not required Required
Resulting weld Acceptable, provided proper Acceptable, provided proper Lower than other methods
deposit hardness filler metals are utilized filler metals are utilized
Weld deposit hardness tests Required except for some Required except for some Not necessary
SMAW and GTAW welds SMAW and GTAW welds
Resulting HAZ hardness Acceptable, intermediate Acceptable, likely higher Acceptable, lowest
hardnesses hardnesses than other methods hardnesses of all methods
Residual stress level Higher Higher Lower
Weld repairs to correct Require no PWHT or Require postweld heat Require postweld heat
erosion or corrosion special welding process treatment
damage controls
Weld deposit hardness Should be performed Not necessary Not necessary
tests on weld repairs except for some SMAW (assuming PWHT is
and GTAW welds
Residual stress level Higher Lower Lower
adjacent to repairs
Hardness Control Method
SUMMER 2000 7
economically attractive to standardize on a special, more
expensive casting chemistry to accommodate the small
percentage of valves that are destined for sour service.
With respect to valves that are not weld-end products (such
as flanged, wafer, and screwed-end valves), special compositional
restrictions are only beneficial if the valves ever require
welding. During manufacture of the valve, welding may be
performed either for fabrication purposes or to repair casting
or machining defects. In most cases, it is probably less
expensive to postweld heat treat welded valves destined for
sour service than to purchase special chemistries that would
allowwelding without PWHT. After the valves have been in
service, welding may be utilized to repair erosion or corrosion
damage. Again, in many cases, it may actually be more
economical to postweld heat treat repairs or, in the case of
smaller valves, simply replace the valves, than to purchase
special chemistry controls in the original valves.
Finally, postweld heat treatment provides the additional
benefit of reducing residual stresses in the weld deposit, the
heat-affected zone, and the adjacent base metal. Therefore, in
addition to providing lower hardnesses than the other
methods, it also reduces overall stresses in the weldment,
which further enhances its wet H
S cracking resistance.
Whereas CE controls minimize the probability that weld heat-
affected zones will contain hard spots, residual welding stresses
are not reduced whatsoever by CE controls.
There is a widespread belief that postweld heat treatment is
often not practical on finished carbon steel valve bodies.
Whereas this may be true in specific cases, postweld heat
treatment is actually performed on a routine basis on finished
carbon steel bodies with excellent success. Prior heat history
of the body castings usually results in a lowenough stress state
that distortion beyond design drawing tolerances does not occur.
The table to the left briefly summarizes the major advan-
tages and disadvantages of the three approaches.
Carbon steel valves are commonly used in oil and gas
production and refinery applications where they must be
resistant to cracking in environments containing water and
S. There are several industry standards and documents
available that contain requirements and/or recommendations
for welding of carbon steels destined for sour service, including
NACE MR0175, NACE RP0472, and NACE Committee
Report 8X194.
The requirements listed in NACE MR0175 for carbon
steels welded without subsequent PWHT are not very specific.
NACE RP0472, in conjunction with Committee Report
8X194, documents several methods that can be used to ensure
carbon steel weldments will be soft enough to resist cracking
in wet H2S environments. Those methods include hardness
testing of weld deposits, postweld heat treatment, control of
base metal CE to levels lowenough to ensure lowHAZ
hardness, and weld procedure qualification hardness testing in
conjunction with control of CE to intermediate levels and
detailed welding process controls to ensure lowHAZ hardness.
Each of the hardness control methods has advantages and
disadvantages. The selection of the most robust and economi-
cally attractive method depends upon several factors, includ-
ing the available equipment, available welding procedure
specifications, product forms (castings, plate, pipe, forgings,
etc), and availability of heat treating equipment.
In the case of valves, postweld heat treatment is an attrac-
tive method for preventing hard spots in weldments. It
provides the secondary benefit of reducing residual stresses
which can contribute to wet H
S cracking. LowCE require-
ments are an effective method for preventing hard spots in
welds. However, lowCE requirements increase rawmaterial
costs and lead time significantly, and have no beneficial effect
on residual stresses generated by welding. Weld procedure
qualification hardness testing, utilized in conjunction with
intermediate CE requirements and restrictive welding process
controls, does not appear to be a generally effective solution.
Based upon the cost and lead time factors and the very
restrictive welding process control requirements, this ap-
proach would probably be optimum only in very specific
If not for the cost and lead time issues surrounding the low
CE control method, this approach would obviously be very
popular and effective. A possible solution to this dilemma
would be the development of ASTM standard carbon steel
materials with a lowcarbon equivalent value (such as 0.43
maximum) as a requirement. For example, if a grade WCD
were added to ASTM A216 (and ASME SA216) with this
maximum CE requirement, and if valve companies were to
adopt this newmaterial their standard valve body material,
it would eventually be no more expensive than a standard
carbon steel body today.
The author is a Senior Engineering Specialist in the
Materials Engineering Group at Fisher Controls International,
Inc., Marshalltown, IA; 515.754.3011; www.froc.com.
NACE Standard MR0175-2000, Sulfide Stress
Cracking Resistant Metallic Materials for Oilfield
Equipment, NACE International, Houston, TX, 2000.
NACE Standard RP0472-1995, Methods and
Controls to Prevent In-Service Environmental Cracking
of Carbon Steel Weldments in Corrosive Petroleum
Refining Environments, NACE International, Hous-
ton, TX, 1995.
Shargay, C., Overviewof NACE International
Standard RP0472, Paper No. 417, NACE Corrosion/
99, NACE International, Houston TX, 1999.
NACE Technical Committee Report 8X194,
Materials and Fabrication Practices for NewPressure
Vessels Used in Wet H2S Refinery Service, NACE
International, Houston, TX, 1994.

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