Introduction To Clinical Health Psychology

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Introduction to clinical

health psychology

Introduction to clinical
health psychology
Paul Bennett
Open University Press
Maidenhead Philadelphia

Open University Press
McGraw-Hill Education
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Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA
First Published 2000
Reprinted 2003
Copyright Paul D. Bennett, 2000
A rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purpose
of criticism and reiew, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
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A catalogue record of this book is available fom the British Library
ISBN 0 335 20497 X (ph) 0 335 20498 8 (hb)
Librar o Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Bennett, Paul, 1955-
Intrduction to clinica health psychology I Paul Bennett.
p. em.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-335-20498-8 - ISBN 0-335-20497-X (pbk.)
1. Clinica health psychology. I. Tide.
R726.7 .B457 2000
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To Gill, Tom, Christina and Jenna

Part I Behavi our, stress and heal th
1 Psychosocial correlates of health
Individual risk factors and disease
Personality and disease
Social and environmental infuences on health
Summary and conclusions
Further reading
2 Stress and health
Towards a defnition of stress
Psychophysiological substrates of stress
Investigating the stress/disease relationship
From stress to disease: psychophysiological processes
Summary and conclusions
Further reading
Part I I Understandi ng heal th-rel ated behavi our
3 Health-related decision making
Expectancy value models
Attitudinal models
Stage theories of behavioural change
Social cognition models: some dilemmas and questions
Alternative approaches to the study of behavioural
decision making
Summary and conclusions
Further reading
1 1

viii Contents
4 Health- and illness-related cognitions
Children' s understandings of health and illness
Adults' representations of health and disease
Coping with illness
A cognitive model of pain
Summary and conclusions
Further reading
Part Ill Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
5 Hospital issues
The experience of hospitalization
Coping with a diagnosis
Coping with mortality
Patient and hospital staff interactions
Medical decision making
Stress and the hospital system
Summary and conclusions
Further reading
6 Working in the hospital system
Patient-based interventions
Increasing adherence
Working with the dying
Working as a health psychologist
Summary and conclusions
Further reading
7 Health promotion
Applying psychological theory to health promotion
Community programmes
Worksite health promotion
Towards a new agenda for health promotion
Summary and conclusions
Further reading
Part I V Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
8 Psychological interventions
Matching interventions to individual characteristics
Client-centred counselling
Motivational interviewing
8 1
8 3
1 01
1 02
1 07
1 12
1 1 5
1 32
1 39

Problem-focused counselling
Stress management training
Emotional disclosure
Self-management training
Operant conditioning
Informal interventions
Summary and conclusions
Further reading
9 Assessment issues
Measuring quality of life
Disease-specifc measures
Measuring pain
Measures of affect
Coping with illness
Individual diferences
Health-related behaviours
Summary and conclusions
Further reading
10 Improving quality of life
Information provision
Stress management and other cognitive behavioural
Coping effectiveness training
Problem-solving counselling
Operant approaches
Emotional expression
Summary and conclusions
Further reading
1 1 Risk behaviour change
Screening programmes
Educational programmes
Self-help approaches
Behavioural programmes
Relaxation and stress management training
Motivational interviewing
Other interventions
Summary and conclusions
Further reading
1 51
1 57
1 58
1 59
1 60
1 61
1 62
1 64
1 69
1 71
1 72
1 75
1 8 1
1 8 3
1 8 3
1 84
1 8 5
1 8 8
1 94
1 94
1 95
1 96
21 4
21 7
21 8


Why a book on cl i ni cal heal th psychol ogy?
The term 'clinical health psychology' stems from two strands of psych
ology, each with a different history and focus. Clinical psychology has
moved from its historical roots of the 1 950s, when practitioners worked
almost exclusively in psychiatric settings, to the provision of therapy in a
wide variety of settings and with a range of patients, including those
who are physically ill. Underlying this move has been a more subtle shift
in therapeutic approach. The focus of clinical interventions is no l onger
solely the remediation of mental health problems. Many clinical psy
chologists work in settings such as pain clinics or on cardiac rehabilita
tion programmes, where the maj ority of patients cannot be considered
' mentally ill ' . The rationale for this shift is that the behavioural changes
required by participants in such programmes can be facilitated by practi
tioners with a theoretical understanding of factors that infuence beha
viour change and the skills to work with individuals or groups to facilitate
this process. Clinical psychologists have also moved from an almost
exclusively patient focus to one that encompasses a wide variety of roles,
including teaching and training, the supervision of others engaged in
psychological therapy, and working at an organizational level in a variety
of ways.
Those that have made the move to working with physically ill patients
have necessarily had to encounter and use a different set of theories and
principles from those that guide practice in psychiatry or other specialisms.
They have encountered the scientifc discipline of health psychology.
Health psychology is an applied discipline. As such, it draws predomin
antly on theoretical models developed in a wide variety of psychological
disciplines, including cognitive psychology, social psychology, and the
study of emotions. In the UK, for example, its development began in the
mid- 1 980s, when it was frst recognized as an area of academic interest
by the British Psychological Society ( BPS) , which in 1 986 established a
health psychology section, led by Professor Marie Johnston. Since then,
this group has gained divisional status within the BPS. This change in

xi i I ntroducti on
status is not trivial. It indicates that the status of health psychology
has shifted from one of a shared scientifc interest to that of an applied
profession. Health psychologists, with appropriate training, can now
achieve chartered status and work autonomously within the health service
and other settings. Health psychologists are already working in areas
such as health promotion, health-related research, and as consultants to
a variety of organizations. An increasing number are also more directly
involved in the provision of health care.
The delineation of the roles of the two professional groups in this
setting has already resulted in forests of paper being consumed in consul
tation documents and lively debate. At present the boundaries between
the two professions are blurred. A crude position statement would indi
cate that clinical psychologists will maintain the patient as their primary
focus, while health psychologists work at other levels: teaching, training,
working at an organizational level, and so on. Those who have both
clinical skills and the knowledge and practice base of health psychology,
and who may truly be called clinical health psychologists, may adopt
any or all these roles. However, this simple categorization fails to take
account of the training in non-patient issues that clinical psychologists
receive, and will surely be challenged by clinicians who are skilled in
working at an organizational level , by health psychologists who prove to
have excellent therapeutic skills, and so on.
Whatever the fnal, probably overlapping roles, adopted by each pro
fession, what is clear is that psychologists working in medical settings
need to be aware of both health and clinical psychology theory and how
it can be applied to maximize the effectiveness of health care delivery.
This book provides an introduction to the knowledge base, theory, and
the practice of both health and clinical psychology as applied to health,
and is relevant to professionals, trainees or students wishing to gain an
understanding of health and clinical psychology as applied to the care of
the physically ill. It is divided into four parts:
+ Part I: Behaviour, stress and health
+ Part II: Understanding health-related behaviour
Part III: Applied health psychology
+ Part IV: Clinical interventions
Part 1: Behaviour, stress and heal th
The two chapters in Part I consider the relationship between behaviour,
stress and health. Chapter 1 frstly considers the risk for disease associated
with a number of individual behaviours such as smoking or poor diet,
before moving to consider more ' social' causes of ill health such as low
socio-economic status or poor working conditions. It also considers
how the effects of gender on health may be behaviourally mediated and

I ntroducti on xi i i
not simply a function of biology. Each section considers some of the
controversies that have been associated with the relevant area of research
as well as what we know about the associations between each risk factor
and disease. Chapter 2 focuses on social, psychological and physiological
theories of stress. It considers the relationship between theories that con
sider stress to be 'in the eye of the beholder' ( for example Lazarus and
Folkman 1984) and those that consider stress to be a more direct function
of environmental demands and resources ( for example Hobfoll ( 1 989) ) .
It then describes the physiological processes that underlie the stress
response, considering the cortical, sympathetic and immune systems.
Part II: Understandi ng heal th-rel ated behaviour
The second part also comprises two chapters. The fi rst provides a critical
overview of some of the most influential theories of behavioural decision
making used and developed by health psychologists. These social cogni
tion theories attempt to identify key variables ( attitudes, social norms,
cost/beneft analyses and so on) that underpin choices related to health
behaviours. They have not been without their critics, however, and
the chapter explores some of the strengths of other approaches to the
study of health-related behavioural choices. The second chapter in Part II
examines children' s and adults' concepts of both health and illness and
how these concepts infuence their response to illness. It also considers
how cognitions form an important part of our response to one particular
symptom: pain.
Part Ill: Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
This part has three chapters. The frst identifes a number of elements of
the care system that impact on how people cope with illness and react to
hospitalization. The second considers how these may be infuenced by
psychologists and other health professionals to maximize the effective
ness of the health care system and minimize its adverse psychological
consequences on the individuals who enter it. The chapters cover issues
such as the experience of hospitalization, how people cope with a dia
gnosis of severe or chronic illness, staffpatient interactions, adherence to
medication and behavioural programmes, factors that infuence medical
decision making, and stress and the hospital system. The second chapter
includes examples of the work currently conducted by health psychologists
within the health care system.
The third chapter in Part III adopts a critical stance in relation to
health promotion. It argues that while educational and community-wide
programmes based on psychological principles have proven effective in
changing behaviour in the past, future initiatives should focus on changing

And fi nal l y ...
I ntroducti on
new risk factors and social and structural moderators of disease, including
socio-economic inequalities and work factors, rather than focusing
exclusively on changing individual behaviour. In doing so, the chapter
refers back to some of the risk factors discussed in the Chapter 1 and
social cognition theories discussed in Chapter 3 .
Part IV: Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
The fnal part has four chapters. The frst provides a brief description of
the clinical interventions that are conducted with patients who are physi
cally ill. The types of intervention selected for inclusion in this chapter are
those most commonly used with patients in acute medical settings. They
include interventions that have been developed specifcally for use with
patients with chronic health problems, and others that are in more general
use. The effectiveness of these approaches in the management of disease
states, reducing risk for disease progression, and helping people to cope
with the emotional sequelae to their illness is considered in the fnal two
chapters. Sitting between these chapters is one that focuses on the assess
ment of health and psychological status in physically ill patients. This
interrupts the fow between the chapters describing therapeutic approaches
and their application in health care settings. This was done for two
reasons. First, to emphasize the importance of assessment and not to
make it the fnal, ' add-on' , chapter. Secondly, some of the assessment
instruments described in this chapter contribute to the evaluative research
reported in the following two chapters.
Writing this text has encouraged ( nay, forced!) me to read in areas of
health and clinical psychology about which I previously knew very little.
It has instilled an interest in areas previously hidden from me, some of
which I am now actively involved in researching. I hope the book is able
to provoke such an interest in you, and that you enj oy reading it.
Paul Bennett

Part I
Behaviour, stress and heal th

Psychosocial correlates of health
DC 88umt| CD tDt DCDV| Cu| C| C|8CDl |ty |8 l | DkCO tC DCl tD |8 DCt
C|8CDl |ty DO DCl tD, DO tD| 8 |C8umt|VC l | Dk D8 8| DCC CCDt| DuCO
tD|CugD mCO| Cl !Cl kl C|C DO CVCD 8yCDCDlyt| C tDCC|y. mCWCVC|, tDC
8C| CDt| HC Cxl C|t| CD C! l | Dk8 DCtWCCD DCDV| Cu| DO DCl tD | 8 |Clt|VCl y
yCuDg VCDtu|C. bVCD ` Cl 88| C' 8tuO| C8 | OCDt| [| Dg l | Dk DCtWCCD 8mCk| Dg
DO O| 8C8C WC|C CCDOuCtCO CDl y | D tDC | 8 DO muCD |Cl CVDt |C8C|CD
| 8 mC|C |CCCDt. D| 8 |C8C|CD D8 DO tD|CC || m|y !CC| . DC !|8t D8
DCCD tDC l | Dk DCtWCCD DCDV| Cu|8, 8uCD 8 8mCk| Dg C| Ct| Dg DD| t8, tDt
CCD!C| || 8k O! O| 8C8C | DO| |CCtly. bmCk| Dg, !C| Cxml C, my Cu8C O| 8C8C
8 |C8ul t C! tDC C|C| DCgCD8 | DDl CO. DC DCDV| Cu|l |CC|tC| |C
88CC| tCO W|tD 8mCk| Dg |8 DCt |D | t8Cl ! D|m!ul . P 8CCCDO 8Ct C! |C8C|CD
D8 !CCu8CO CD DCDV| Cu|8 tDt direcly mCOC|tC || 8k C! O| 8C8C. D| 8
| DCl uOC8 CxC|C| 8C, Dut C|D8 mC|C CxC|t| Dgl y !|Cm 8yCDCl Cg| Cl
C|8CCt|VC D8 l 8C | DC uOCO | DO|V| Oul O| C|CDCC8, | DCl uO| Dg yC P DO
L DCDV| Cu|. P tD| |O 8t|DO C! |C8C|CD D8 !CCu8CO CD Cl CmCDt8 C!tDC
8CC| l C| 8yCDCl Cg| Cl CDV| |CDmCDt tDt | D!l uCDCC O| 8C8C |tC8, | DCl uO| Dg
8CC| l 8uC|t DO 8CC| C-CCCDCm| C 8ttu8. DC l ttC|, |D |t| Cul |, D8
|CCCDtl y CmC|gCO 8 D Cxt|CmCl y | mC|tDt |C C! |C8C|CD.
KtDC|tDD 8| ml y |CC|t tDC |Cl t| CD8D| DCtWCCD tDC8C V|| Dl C8 DO
O| 8C8C |tC8, tD| 8 CDtC| DCt CDly |CC|t8 8uCD Ot Dut l 8C l CCk8 t
8CmC C! tDC | 88uC8 C| CCDt|CVC|8| C8 || 8CO Dy CCD 8Ct C! |C8C|CD. DC
CDtC| CCD8| OC|8.
+ | DO|V| Oul || 8k !CtC|8 DO O| 8C8C
+ |C|8CDl |ty DO O| 8C8C
+ bCC| l DO CDV| |CDmCDtl | D!l uCDCC8 CD DCl tD

9 OCDV| Cu|, 8t|C88 DO DCltD
I ndivi dual ri sk factors and di sease
I nvestigati ng the behavi our/di sease rel ati onshi p
Two differing methodologies have been used to measure the association
between psychosocial factors and health. The simplest is known as a case
control design, and involves comparing individuals who have a disease
with controls matched on important variables such as socio-economic status
( SES) and age. Any between-group differences found on other variables of
interest are thought to imply causality. This type of approach is fairly cost
effective but has a number of weaknesses. First, it considers only differences
between the survivors of illness and controls. Those who die of their disease
are excluded from such an analysis, potentially weakening the magnitude
of any observed behaviour/disease relationship. Secondly, the method
allows associations between variables to be identifed but the directions
of such relationships have to be assumed. In some cases the direction of
any relationship may be obvious: people with lung cancer, for example,
are unlikely to start smoking as a consequence of their disease. However,
causality can be more diffcult to disentangle in other cases. Findings of
high levels of stress in individuals with a debilitating disease, for example,
may raise the question as to whether the disease or the stress came frst.
An alternative approach, known as a longitdinal design, involves meas
urement of behaviour in a cohort of ( typically) healthy individuals prior
to disease onset. As the study progresses, those that develop disease are
identifed and comparisons are made between the baseline characteristics
of these individuals and those who do not develop the disease. Again,
any differences on such measures are thought to imply causality. This
method has the beneft that the behavioural variables are measured prior
to disease onset, so causality can be assured. However, there are a number
of problems inherent in this approach. First, the cohort of individuals
has to be suffciently large to ensure that a statistically signifcant number
of individuals will develop the diseases under investigation. Secondly,
the method is based on the assumption that baseline levels of behaviour
will remain constant over the period of the study. The long duration of
such studies makes this assumption questionable. It is possible that many
individuals within the cohort will make considerable lifestyle changes
over follow-up periods that may last up to twenty years or even more.
Any such changes may attenuate the relationship between behaviour and
the initiation of disease. That such studies still fnd relationships between
behaviour and disease attests to the strength of such relationships.
Behaviour and heal th
Some of the frst evidence to substantiate a link between behaviour and
health came from the Alameda County Study ( Berkman and Syme 1 979) .

|8yCDC8CC| l CC||Cl tC8 C! DCltD 5
This longitudinal study has followed nearly seven thousand initially healthy
individuals for a period of more than 20 years and identifed which factors
measured at baseline were associated with health or ill health over this
period. One of their earlier reports was the frst to highlight an association
between 'lifestyle factors' and increased longevity. The behaviours, now
known as the Alameda Seven, were: sleeping 7-8 hours a day, having break
fast every day, not smoking, rarely eating between meals, being near or at
prescribed weight, moderate consumption of alcohol, and regular exercise.
Cross-cultural comparisons have also shown an association between
behaviour and health. The longevity of the Abraskians, a people who live
in a remote part of Russia and who reputedly live to extreme ages, for
example, has been attributed to genetics and a variety of behavioural factors,
including a low animal fat and high vegetable diet, high levels of social
support, no consumption of alcohol or nicotine and vigorous work activit y.
Evidence linking behaviour and health is now overwhelming. Peto and
Lopez ( 1 990) , for example, estimated that 75 per cent of all cancer-related
deaths are attributable, at least in part, to behaviour. Others, including
the World Bank ( 1 993) , have stated that a signifcant number of chronic
diseases and up to half of all premature deaths can be attributed to beha
vioural factors. Five behaviours in particular are associated with risk for
disease: smoking, alcohol misuse, poor nutrition, low levels of exercise and
unprotected sexual intercourse.
Smoking doubles the risk of premature death. Approximately 3 million
people die of tobacco use each year across the world ( Peto and Lopez
1 990) . It is responsible for approximately 30 per cent of cases of coronary
heart disease ( CHD) , 75 per cent of cases of cancer, 80 per cent of cases
of chronic obstructive airways disease, and 90 per cent of deaths associ
ated with lung cancer. The risks attributable to passive smoking are also
substantial. It is estimated that about 25 per cent of lung cancers that
occur in non-smokers are attributable to passive smoking. In Greece, the
risk for cancer attributable to passive smoking i s considered comparable
to that of smoking itself.
Present morbidity levels associated with smoking refect the cumulative
risk of smoking over many years, and historical processes of some decades
ago. Increased lung cancer rates in women over the past two decades are
thought to be the result of a rapid increase in the numbers of women
smoking during and after the Second World War. Reductions in lung
cancer rates amongst men may refect the introduction of cigarette flters
at about the same time. In contrast, childhood illnesses represent the more
immediate impact of smoking. In the USA, an estimated half million cases
of childhood pneumonia and bronchitis are attributed to parental smoking.
Smoking cessation decreases risk for all smoking related diseases : former
smokers live longer than persistent smokers do.

OChV| Cu|, 8t|C88 uO hCl th



|V12 |V16 |Vb0 |Vb+ |Vbb |VV2 |VV6
Figure 1.1 LhangC8 |u thO |OVa| CnCO C mal O and Cma| O 8mCkO|8 |n thO
(Source: LmCO C |atlCna| btatl8tlC8 |VVV)
In the West, smokers are now a minority in every age and social group.
In the UK, for example, adult smoking rates between 1 974 and 1 996 fell
by 26 per cent among men and 22 per cent in women, to 29 and 28 per
cent of the population, respectively ( see Figure 1 . 1 ) . Smoking rates among
young people fell consistently between 1974 and 1 992. More recently
this decline has slowed and there is evidence of increasing smoking rates
in this group, particularly among young women, who may soon prove
the maj ority of smokers in a number of countries .
Excessive alcohol consumpton
Excessive alcohol consumption may impact adversely on both short- and
long-term health. It is thought to contribute to 3 per cent of all cancers.
Alcohol al so contributes to conditions such as cirrhosis of the liver and
hypertension. However, the most damaging effect of alcohol may be
behavioural . It is estimated that 20 per cent of psychiatric admissions,
60 per cent of suicide attempts, 30 per cent of divorces, and 40 per cent
of incidences of domestic violence are associated to some degree with
alcohol misuse.
In general, there is a linear relationship between level of alcohol con
sumption and disease rates. The one exception to this is that relating
to CHD. A number of cross-sectional studies in the 1970s reported a
]-shaped relationship between consumption and disease rates. This sug
gested that moderate consumption of alcohol is associated with lower
risk for CHD than total abstinence, while higher levels of consumption
increase risk. This unexpected relationship was met initially with some
caution, with some suggesting that it may have been an artefact of the
populations studied. It was suggested that the higher than expected rates

|8yChC8CC| l CC||Cl tC8 C hCl th
^| | ma| Os agOd
|6 and CvO|
+0 J0
|a| Os

6o and
0 |0


wOOk|y numbO|
Cf unts
^| | fOma|Os agOd
20 J0 +0
Figure 1.2 ^VC|gO | CvOl 8 C | CChCl CCn8umtlCn ln b|ltl8h mCn and
wCmCn CCC|dlngtCgC ln |VV
(Source: LmCC C |tlCnl btatl8tlC8 |VVV)
of CHD among the non-drinkers may have refected the inclusion of
individuals who had stopped drinking as a consequence of drink-related
health problems. However, a nuber of longitudinal studies ( see, for example,
Shaper et al. 1 994) have found the ]-shaped relationship between alcohol
and CHD after following cohorts of individuals free from disease at
baseline. A mechanism through which cholesterol reduces risk of CHD has
now also been found: moderate consumption appears to reduce harmful
cholesterol levels.
Defning what is meant by excess alcohol consumption has proven far
from simple. This confusion is illustrated by changes to health advice
made by the UK government in 1 995. Between 1 986 and 1 995 the recom
mended limits for weekly consumption were 21 units of alcohol or less
for men, and 14 units or less for women. In 1 995, a government commit
tee established to review these guidelines recommended they be increased
to 28 and 21 units per week, respectively. These changes caused a furore
and much criticism among alcohol experts, particularly as they were not
based on any new evidence ( see, for example, British Medical Journal,
vol. 293 ) . Consequently, a number of health promotion and alcohol
agencies have been reluctant to adopt these guidelines and there is a lack
of clear advice concerning the recommended limits to consumption.
The percentage of the population to exceed the 21/14 unit limits has
remained quite stable throughout the past decade, although there has
been a slight increase among women: 2 7 per cent of men and 12 per cent
of women exceeded these limits in 1 996 ( see Figure 1 . 2) . Consumption
declines with age: 40 per cent of men aged 1 8-24 and 1 8 per cent of those
over 64 years report drinking over the recommended limits. The same
pattern is found among women, although consumption is lower, with
rates of 24 and 7 per cent respectively. Those in the lower socio-economic
groups tend to drink more than the more socially advantaged.

OChV| Cu|, 8t|C88 uO hCl th
Raised serum cholesterol levels increase risk for CHD. The Multiple Risk
Factor Intervention Trial ( MRFIT) , for example, followed over 350, 000
adults for si x years and found a linear relationship between baseline
cholesterol level and the incidence of CHD or stroke ( Neaton et al. 1 992) .
Individuals within the top third of cholesterol levels were three and a
half times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those in the
lowest third. While there is no threshold level below which there is no
risk for CHD, risk is signifcantly increased by cholesterol levels above
5. 2 mmoVlitre for those aged over 30 years, and above 4. 7 mmol/litre for
younger people. These margins place about two-thirds of the UK popu
lation at some risk for CHD as a consequence of their serum cholesterol
levels ( Lewis et al. 1 986) .
Cholesterol i s essential t o life. It i s a constituent of every cell i n the body,
and is implicated in a variety of bodily functions, including the production
of sex hormones and the bile necessary for digestion. A signifcant per
centage of our cholesterol is synthesized by the liver; the rest is absorbed
from food. Circulating levels of cholesterol are also mediated by stress
( see Chapter 2) and exercise levels. Nevertheless, the most frequent method
by which public health authorities have tried to control cholesterol is
through dietary means. Recommended levels of intake are frequently
substantially lower than actual levels. In the USA, for example, approxim
ately 44 per cent of calories are consumed as fat, contrasting with the
recommended level of 30 per cent. Despite these fgures, there is some
evidence that the British diet is becoming more healthy ( see Figure 1 . 3 ) .
The unexpected twist in the cholesterol story is that low cholesterol
levels also confers risk of premature mortality. The MRFIT study found
that individuals with low cholesterol levels carried a risk of suicide or
trauma-related death 1 . 4 times greater than that of men in the mid-range.
Even more dramatically, a longitudinal study of 52, 000 Swedish adults
reported that participants in the low cholesterol range evidenced a rate
of non-illness-related mortality 2.8 times higher than those in the mid
range: risk for suicide was 4. 2 times greater ( Lindberg et al. 1 992) .
The link between low levels o f cholesterol, suicide and accident rates
may appear, at frst consideration, somewhat surprising. However, there
is considerable evidence from forensic studies that low levels of choles
terol are associated with aggression, personality disorder and low mood.
With these fndings in mind, the excess mortality following cholesterol
reduction is perhaps not so surprising. More problematic is fnding
an explanation. Current explanations are focusing on a link between
cholesterol and serotonin level s. Low levels of cholesterol are associated
with low serotonergic activity, which, in turn, is linked to aggression and
disinhibition of behaviour. While there is reasonable evidence to support
both these links, the mechanisms through which the effects are mediated
are unclear. One possibility is that low cholesterol levels mediate changes

|8yChC8CC| l CC||Cl tC8 C! hCl th
|Oat and fsh 1ats
J00 J00
. .
0 0


200 0 0

0 0
0 0
LCw and
.. . .|OducOd

fat sp|Oads
0 0
|V1 | |V16 |Vb | |Vb6 |VV | |VV1 |V1 | |V16 |Vb | |Vb6 |VV | |VV1
Figure 1.3 LhangOs ln thO b|ltlsh dlOt CVO| thO ast twC dOCadOs
(Source: LmCO C |atlCna| btatlstlCs |VVV)
in cell membrane function resulting 1 alterations to the serotonergic
neurotransmission processes.
Those who are physically active throughout their adult life live longer
than those who are sedentary. One of the earliest studies to report such
a relationship compared CHD rates among bus drivers and bus conductors
who shared a similar working environment, but engaged in signifcantly
different levels of exercise. Bus conductors evidenced signifcantly lower
rates of CHD. In retrospect, some of these differences may be attributable
to differences in stress levels associated with the differing j ob types ( see
below). However, these fndings have been supported by a number of
longitudinal studies. Paffenbarger et al. ( 1 986) , for example, monitored
leisuretime activity in a cohort of Harvard graduates for a period of
16 years. Those who expended more than 2000 kcal of energy in active
leisure activities per week lived, on average, two and a half years longer
than those who expended less than 500 calories in exercise. How this
protection is achieved, whether through short, intense periods of exercise
or longer, less intense periods, appears unimportant and no additional
health gain is achieved by exceeding these limits. Uptake of exercise is
protective against CHD, leading to reductions in resting blood pressure,
cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Exercise is also an important aspect of
weight control and, particularly in women, is protective against osteo
porosis. As a function of the relatively low levels of fat in those who
exercise regularly, it may also protect against some cancers.

OChV| Cu|, 8t|C88 uO hCl th
Forty-fve per cent of the UK population report engaging in some form
of leisure exercise at least once a month, with the fgure rising to 64 per
cent if walking is included in these activities. A lesser number of indi
viduals achieve the levels of exercise considered necessary to protect against
CHD: here, the fgure is nearer to 25 per cent of the adult population
( Norman et al. 1 998) . These fgures, however, represent a signifcant rise
in exercise participation: in 1985, only 20 per cent of British men and
2 per cent of women engaged in such levels of exercise. Those who engage
in exercise are more likely to be young, male, and members of higher
socio-economic groups. Participation in leisure exercise among profes
sionals, for example, is virtually double that among unskilled manual
workers ( 80 versus 45 per cent ) , although the latter may engage in more
physically demanding work activity. Those who participated in some
form of sport in their youth are almost three times more likely to exercise
in adulthood.
Unsafe sex
Estimates of the prevalence of HIV in 1 997 suggested that a total of
30. 6 million people were infected with HIV worldwide. In the UK, the
primary route of infection has been through sex between men, account
ing for 72 per cent of all AIDS cases reported by 1 998. Eighteen per cent
of cases resulted from heterosexual sex. However, the incidence of new
cases among gay men is falling slowly while the incidence of HIV infec
tion within the heterosexual community is rising. In addition, young
people are at increasing risk of infection: adolescent heterosexuals
account for about 20 per cent of all newly reported cases in the USA
( Stiff et a/. 1990) .
Nearly half of British adolescents aged between 1 6 and 1 7 report
having had at least one sexual partner during the previous year. However,
they are unlikely to plan intercourse and those using a condom are in
the minority. The fndings of a large-scale British survey conducted by
Wellings et al. ( 1 994) indicated that only about half of those whose frst
sexual experience occurred between the ages of 1 6 and 24 years used a
condom at frst intercourse: 3 1 per cent of men and 24 per cent of
women report using no form of contraception. Younger people were less
likely to take precautions: over 60 per cent of respondents who had their
frst sexual experience at the age of 1 3 reported not using any form of
Heterosexuals in the general adult population use condoms consist
ently only about 1 0-15 per cent of the time with primary partners and
15 per cent of the time with secondary partners ( Dolcini et a/. 1995) .
Even more concerning from a disease prevention perspective i s the choice
made by those who are known to be HIV positive not to use a condom.
Sobo ( 1 993) , for example, was able to identify a group of HIV positive
women who did not use a condom with their lover or husband, but did

|8yChC8CC| l CC||Cl tC8 C! hCl th
Table 1.1 JhO O|COntagO C |OsCndOnts Ongaglng ln CnO C| mC|O kOy
hOal th-|Ol atOd DOhaVlCu|s
No. of health behaviours
Source: Norman et a/. 1998
Percentage of sample
b. |
so with more casual sexual partners ( see Chapter 3 ) . The likelihood of
an increase in the rate of non-protected intercourse appears to be rising,
perhaps because of the wide prevalence of beliefs that new treatments
for HIV will be curative ( Kalichman et al. 1 998 ) .
I s there a heal thy l i festyl e?
In an attempt to answer this question, Norman et al. ( 1 998 ) categorized
over 1 3, 000 people in a British survey as either engaging or not engaging
in up to four health-related behaviours: not smoking, moderate alcohol
use, exercising three or more times a week, and eating fruit or vegetables
regularly. While 93 per cent of the sample reported engaging in at least
one of these behaviours, only 8 per cent reported that they did them all
(Table 1 . 1 ) .
Personal i ty and di sease
Type A behavi our and hosti l i ty
First identifed by two cardiologists, Rosenman and Friedman, Type A
behaviour ( TAB) was defned as an excess of competitiveness, time urgency
and easily aroused hostility. The absence of such characteristics is referred
to as Type B behaviour. Early case-control and longitudinal studies
showed signifcant associations between TAB and CHD. Such was the
research consensus achieved that, by the mid- 1 980s, TAB was con
sidered to confer the same degree of risk for CHD as the more tradi
tional risk factors of high blood pressure and cholesterol. Subsequent,
and frequently methodologically fawed, studies failed to fnd a relation
ship between TAB and disease progression in men either at high risk of
CHD or who had already experienced a myocardial infarction ( MI ) . As
a consequence, this degree of consensus is no longer evident. However,
one component of TAB, hostility, appears to convey the degree of risk

Z OChV| Cu|, 8t|C88 uO hCl th
previously ascribed to TAB and this has formed the primary focus of
more recent research.
A number of case-control studies have reported signifcant associations
between hostility and CHD, with the strongest relationship being found
among those under 50 years of age. Such a fnding is not unique: the
predictive power of other biological and behavioural risk factors is also
strongest among younger people. However, the most convincing evidence
linking hostility to CHD has stemmed from longitudinal studies . In one
of the earliest such studies, Barefoot et a!. ( 1 983) followed 255 physicians
for 25 years and found that those who scored above the median on
measures of hostility taken while in training were nearly fve times more
likely to experience an MI over this period than those who scored below
the median. These data have been supported by fndings in older popu
lations. European studies ( for example Everson et al. 1 997) following
middle-aged men for up to 25 years have found an association between
hostility and coronary events. Hostility may also contribute to the develop
ment of CHD in women ( Lahad et al. 1 997) . Data from some of these
and other studies combined into meta-analysis suggested a signifcant
association between hostility and CHD (Miller et al. 1 996) .
A second set of studies has measured the association between hostil
ity and the degree of atheroma of the cardiac arteries, measured using
angiography. Although there have been a number of positive fndings,
several studies have failed to fnd any relationship between hostility and
atheroma. One explanation for these disparate fndings may be biased
sampling. Angiograms are invasive procedures usually conducted only on
patients who report some degree of symptomatology. Accordingly, the
samples used are likely to be non-representative, and the results of most
of these studies should be considered with caution. Two types of study
are the exception to this rule: those that track the progression of atheroma
over time, and those involving angiograms in representative populations.
In the frst type, Julkunen et al. ( 1 994) measured the relationship between
hostility and the progression of atherosclerosis over a two-year period in
a sample of 1 19 middle-aged men. The progression of atheroma was
almost twice as fast in highly hostile participants as in those who were
low in hostility. Utilizing the second methodology, Barefoot et a!. ( 1 994)
took advantage of the need for airline pilots to have routine angiograms
to ensure their ftness to fy. They compared the hostility scores of pilots
with angiographic evidence of CHD with those having none. Among
non-smokers only, pilots found to have evidence of CHD had higher
hostility scores than did those in the comparison group.
Type C behavi our
Type C behaviour has been independently described by Greer and Morris
( 1 975) and Temoshok ( 1 98 7) . It is defned as an aggregate of several

|8yChC8CC| l CC||Cl tC8 C! hCl th J
coping styles, in particular being stoic, cooperative, appeasing, unassertive
and inexpressive of negative emotions, particularly anger. It is thought
to be linked to the development of cancer.
A number of studies have shown an association between Type C per
sonality and the incidence or progression of cancer. Using a case-control
design, Kune et al. ( 1991 ) , for example, compared patients newly diag
nosed with colorectal cancer and community controls matched for age
and gender. Patients with cancer were signifcantly more likely to report
histories of unhappiness in childhood and recent adult life and to have
strong feelings of discomfort when experiencing feelings of anger. These
differences may have been infuenced by knowledge of a diagnosis of
cancer. Accordingly, more weight should be ascribed to the fndings of
studies where a diagnosis was not known at the time of psychological
assessment. A number of such studies ( for example Greer and Morris
1 975) have found that women who suppressed their anger or had a
conforming personality were more likely to have malignant changes than
those without these characteristics . Longitudinal studies have also shown
Type C characteristics to predict cancer. Shaffer et al. ( 1 987) , for exam
ple, followed 972 physicians for a 30-year period and found that partici
pants characterized by high levels of ' acting out' and emotional expression
had a less than 1 per cent risk of developing cancer. Participants charac
terized as ' l oners' and thought to inhibit emotional expression were 1 6
times more likely t o develop cancer than those i n this group.
Concordant with the Type C hypothesis is work examining the impact
of ' fghting spirit' on cancer progression. This constellation of behavi
ours is considered to be the opposite of Type C behaviour, and has been
associated with longer survival following diagnosis. In the frst study to
identify this characteristic as a prognostic factor, Derogatis et al. (1979)
found that women who showed 'fghting spirit' during treatment for meta
static breast cancer lived significantly longer than those who did not.
However, many of these women also received less chemotherapy, sug
gesting that disease severity may have been worse in the poor survival
group or that their higher levels of fghting spirit could have been a
consequence of being subj ected to lower levels of a physically and men
tally debilitating treatment. Greer ( 1 991 ) also found fghting spirit to be
an important determinant of survival . In a longitudinal study following
62 women with early non-metastatic breast cancer, he identifed fve
reaction types: denial, fghting spirit, stoic acceptance, helplessness and
hopelessness, and anxious preoccupation. Breast cancer recurrences and
mortality were recorded 5, 1 0 and 15 years later. By 15-year follow-up,
45 per cent of the women who were categorized in the fghting spirit
group were alive without recurrences; this compared with 1 7 per cent in
all the other groups. Similar evidence has been published in a variety of
cancers, including melanoma and lung cancer. However, there have also
been some negative fndings. In a larger replication study of the original
Greer study, for example, Dean and Surtees ( 1989) found denial measured

9 OChV| Cu|, 8t|C88 uO hCl th
after surgery was associated with a favourable outcome in a group of 125
women with non-metastatic breast cancer followed for up to eight years.
Such contradictory fndings have meant that the relationship between
Type C behaviour, ' fghting spirit' , and cancer remains controversial and
far from proven. A related strand of research has focused on the health
outcomes following attempts to facilitate active coping with disease and
the expression of emotions. These studies are considered in Chapters 7
and 8 .
Soci al and envi ronmental i nfl uences on heal th
Soci o-economi c status and heal th
There is strong historical evidence that the more affuent members of
society have lived longer than the less well off. More recent evidence
of this health gradient can be found in a study of nineteenth century
obelisks in Glasgow graveyards. In an imaginative study, Davey Smith
et al. ( 1 992) measured the height of obelisks in Glasgow graveyards as
a proxy for the wealth of the individual buried beneath them. They
compared these with the ages of the frst generation buried below and
found a strong linear relationship between the height of the obelisks and
the age of their frst occupant, suggesting that the more wealthy lived
longer. What is important is not j ust that this relationship existed, but
that the families buried in the graves represented a small and wealthy
fraction of the Glasgow population. This is not evidence that the very
poor and immiserated did not live as long as the rich did: rather, that
the relatively rich did not live as long as the very rich. Such a gradient
still exists. It is progressive, and throughout the social classes. It holds
for women as well as men and is characteristic of all western countries
(Wilkinson, 1 992) .
A number o f explanations have been proposed t o account for these
differences. People in lower socio-economic groups may be exposed to
more environmental insults, low quality and damp accommodation,
and air pollution. An alternative explanation may be that less well off
individuals engage in more health-damaging behaviours, such as smok
ing or excessive alcohol consumption. While both these explanations
may account for some of the differences in some of the studies, they
cannot explain them all . Marmot et al. ( 1 984) , for example, explored
the impact of a number of these variables on the health of British civil
servants working in London over a period of ten years. Their fndings
indicated that while those in the more deprived social groups did engage
in more health-damaging behaviours, these did not fully explain the
health/SES relationship. When variations in smoking, obesity, plasma
cholesterol and blood pressure were statistically partialled out of the risk

|8yChC8CC| l CC||Cl tC8 C hCl th IS
equation, occupational-status-related differentials in health still remained.
Mortality was three times higher among men in the lowest grade than
those in the highest.
While people who occupy the lower socio-economic groups may engage
in more health-damaging behaviours, the adverse health effects of these
behaviours may be overwhelmed by factors associated with their economic
position. Hein et a!. ( 1 992) , for example, reported data from a 1 7-year
prospective study of CHD in Danish men. Adj usting for a variety of
confounding factors, they found that men who smoked were three and a
half times more likely to develop CHD than non-smokers. However,
when these data were analysed according to SES, white-collar smokers
were six and a half times more likely to experience a cardiac event than
the equivalent non-smokers. Amongst blue-collar workers, smoking status
conferred no additional risk for CHD. Fewer middle-class people may
smoke, but those that do may be particularly vulnerable to its health
damaging effects. Conversely, the impact of smoking on the health of the
less well off is seemingly overwhelmed by social factors .
Comparisons of life expectancy across different western countries sug
gest some intriguing explanations of the relationship between social class
and health. Wilkinson ( 1 992) provided powerful evidence that it is not
absolute wealth that determines health. He drew on evidence that showed
only a weak relationship between the absolute wealth of the society and
overall life expectancy. More predictive is the distribution of wealth
within a society. The narrower the distribution, whatever its absolute level,
the better the overall health of the nation. Accordingly, although Japan
and Cuba differ substantially on measures of economic wealth, both have
relatively equitable distributions of income and long life expectancies
throughout their populations. Of particular interest is evidence from
Scotland, which tracked average age of mortality and income distribution
over the life of the Thatcher government. As earning differentials rose,
so premature mortality among the less well off increased despite their
access to material goods, food, clothing and so on remaining relatively
constant. These data led Wilkinson to suggest that, for the maj ority of
people in western countries, health hinges on relatively more than absolute
living standards.
Wilkinson' s explanation of health differentials suggests that we engage
in some form of comparison of our living conditions with others in society,
and that knowledge of a relative deprivation in some way increases risk
of disease. Three different psychological processes may also be implicated
in the health gradient. Individuals in the lower socio-economic groups
report more stressors than those in higher groups and that these stressors
are frequently linked directly to their material conditions. In addition, the
less well off have less control over their environment and fewer personal
resources to moderate the impact of such stressors than the better off.
Finally, social support, a powerful mediator of health status, is less avail
able to those in lower socio-economic groups ( Adler et al. 1 994 ) .

OChV| Cu|, 8t|C88 uO hCl th
Social isol ation and health
There is substantial evidence that both men and women who have a
small number of social contacts are more likely to die earlier than those
who have more extended networks . Data from the Alameda County
Study ( Berkman and Syme 1 979) , for example, showed increased lon
gevity to be associated with relatively high numbers of social ties as a
consequence of marriage, contacts with close friends and relatives, church
membership and membership of other organizations. The most isolated
were the most prone to premature death even after controlling for factors
such as smoking, alcohol use and levels of physical activity. In a later
study, Reynolds and Kaplan ( 1 990) found that women who had few
social contacts and were socially isolated were at double the risk of
developing hormone-related cancers and evidenced an almost fvefold
increase in risk of dying from them than less isolated women.
Similar results have been reported in European samples . Orth-Gomer
and Johnsson ( 1 987) , for example, followed a cohort of 1 7, 400 men and
women for a period of six years and found that both men and women
who had a restricted social network evidenced a 50 per cent greater risk
of CHD than those who were socially embedded. However, the relation
ship between social contact and health was not always linear: those with
many social contacts did not always beneft in terms of health. Older
women, for example, who had many social contacts evidenced higher
mortality than those with medium-sized networks. To explain these
apparently anomalous fndings, Orth-Gomer and Johnsson analysed their
data not simply according to the absolute number of contacts, but taking
into account the nature of the contacts. When they did this, they found
the strongest predictor of mortality was a lack of social integration,
which the authors considered to provide guidance, practical help and
a feeling of belonging. They found only a low association between the
provision of emotional support and CHD, although a later study by
the same group found this to be an important protective factor. In an
alternative interpretation of the Type A hypothesis, Orth-Gomer and
Unden ( 1990) suggested that TAB or hostility might confer risk of CHD
as a consequence of associated social isolation. In a longitudinal study,
following a cohort of men for ten years, they found no differences in
mortality between Type A and Type B men. However, over this period,
69 per cent of the socially isolated Type A men in the cohort had experi
enced an MI, in contrast to the 1 7 per cent incidence among those who
were socially integrated.
Further evidence of the impact of social isolation can be found i n
studies of populations already experiencing disease. Williams et al. ( 1 992) ,
for example, found that patients with CHD who were unmarried and
without a confdant experienced a threefold higher risk of mortality over
a fve-year follow-up period than those who were. Refecting the subj ect
ive nature of social support, some studies that have failed to fnd a

|8yChC8CC| l CC||Cl tC8 C! hCl th
relationship between marital status and mortality following diagnosis of
illness have found the quality of these relationships and the emotional
support within them to be associated with survival .
The mechanisms through which social isolation confers risk are yet to
be fully understood. Two primary processes are thought to be through
depressed mood and health-compromising behaviours, both of which are
associated with social isolation. Broman ( 1 99 3 ) , for example, reported
that a decrease in social ties predicted an increase in health-damaging
behaviours, while gains in social ties were associated with increases in
health-protective behaviours. Of course, social ties may also serve to
maintain unhealthy behaviours: friends may offer cigarettes to fellow
smokers and put pressure on individuals not to quit smoking so as to
maintain group cohesion. The impact of depression on risk of disease is
considered in the next chapter.
Gender and heal th
Women, on average, live longer than men do. In the UK, life expectancy
rates in 1 996 were 75 years for men and 80 years for women. The most
obvious explanations for these differences are biological. Oestrogen, for
example, delays the onset of CHD by reducing clotting tendency and
blood cholesterol levels. Not only is there a marked increase in the preval
ence of CHD in postmenopausal women, they also become affected by
the same infuences as men. Lahad et al. ( 1 997) , for example, found
hostility scores were linearly associated with increased risk of MI in
postmenopausal women.
Studies of the relationship between disease and factors such as work
strain, social support and hostility have rarely been conducted with
women. Those that have suggest that men typically evidence greater
stress hormone, blood pressure and cholesterol rises in response to
stressors than women. However, while there may be some differences
in the process of response between the sexes, these differences may
not simply reflect biological differences . Work by Lundberg et al. ( 1 9 8 1 ) ,
for example, suggested that women in traditionally male occupations
exhibit the same level of stress hormones as do men in similar j obs. In
addition, where women feel equally or more threatened by the stressor
than men their physiological response matches that of men. These fnd
ings suggest that social and cultural processes may drive some of these
Societal processes also infuence levels of engagement i n health-related
behaviours. Women exercise less frequently than men, partly as a con
sequence of family responsibilities and j oint home/work responsibilities.
I n addition, women are frequently disadvantaged in behavioural negoti
ations. Nowhere is this more stark than in the negotiation of sexual
behaviour: nearly 40 per cent of a sample of young Australian women

OChV| Cu|, 8t|C88 uO hCl th
reported having engaged in sexual intercourse at some time when they
did not want to do so ( Abbott 1 98 8 ) . Whatever the cause, men behave
differently from women: they are more likely to smoke cigarettes, and
smoke higher nicotine and tar cigarettes than women: they typically eat
less healthily, and drink more alcohol than women ( Reddy et a/. 1 992) .
They may also encounter adverse working conditions more frequently
than women.
Together, these data suggest that while biological factors may con
tribute to some of the differentials in health status between men and
women, others are behaviourally or societally mediated. Gender differ
entials in life expectancy arise, to a signifcant degree, from the cumula
tive effects of different social worlds that men and women experience
from the moment of their birth. As socio-political conditions change and
more women enter the workforce, an emerging question is whether they
will also take on the excess mortality associated with men. This does not
seem to be the case. Indeed, there is increasing evidence that occupying
multiple roles, including paid employment, is associated with better health
and lower rates of premature mortality (Vagero and Lahelma 1 998) .
However, there may be some important exceptions t o this general fnding:
women who occupy demanding roles both at work and in the home
appear at particular risk of disease ( see below) .
Minority status and heal th
There is a strong association between ethnicity and health status. In the
UK, rates of ill health and premature mortality amongst ethnic minor
ities are typically higher than those of the white population, although
there are also differences in mortality patterns between ethnic minorities.
Rates of CHD amongst British men from the Indian sub-continent are
36 per cent higher than the national average and among young people
are two to three times higher than that of whites. The Afro-Caribbean
population has particularly high rates of hypertension and strokes, while
levels of diabetes are high among Asians . In contrast, both groups have
lower rates of cancer than the national average. A similar picture is found
in the USA, where black people have higher age-adj usted mortality rates
than whites for a number of diseases including various cancers, heart
disease, liver disease, diabetes and pneumoni a.
Some of these variations in health outcomes may be explained by
differences in behaviour across ethnic groups. In the UK, for example,
alcohol-related morbidity is high amongst African Caribbean men and
Asian males of Punj abi origin, while a high dietary fat intake is common
among Asians. Ethnicity may also confer different sexual norms and
behaviours that may impact on health. The most common exposure route
for HIV infection among whites is through sexual intercourse between

|8yChC8CC| l CC||Cl tC8 C! hCl th
men: for blacks it is through heterosexual intercourse, whilst for Asians
it is mixture of both.
A signifcant proportion of members of ethnic minorities occupy lower
socio-economic groups. Accordingly, explanations of health or beha
vioural differences between ethnic groups have to take socio-economic
factors into account. Stress specifcally associated with minority status
may also contribute to high disease rates. Ethnic minorities experience
wider sources of stress than whites as a consequence of discrimination
and racial harassment and the demands of maintaining or shifting culture.
They may also experience more problems in gaining access to health
services such as cancer screening and antenatal care.
Minority status may also be conferred by behaviour. A number of
studies have shown that isolation experienced as a consequence of sexual
orientation may impact signifcantly on health. Cole et al. ( 1 996) found
that healthy gay men who concealed their sexual identity were three
times more likely to develop cancer or infectious diseases than men who
were able to express their sexuality. The same research group found
social rej ection to influence disease progression in HIV-infected men.
Those who experienced social rej ection evidenced a signifcant accelera
tion towards a critically low CD4+ lymphocyte level ( see Chapter 2) and
time to diagnosis of AIDS.
Worki ng condi ti ons and heal th
One of the most widely accepted models of work stress is that of Karasek
and Theorell ( 1 990) . Their job strain model identifed three key infu
ences on work stress: the demands of the j ob, the latitude the worker
has in dealing with these demands, and the support available to them.
They suggested that these interact to predict stress and stress-related
disease. In contrast to previous theories of work stress, they noted that
high j ob demands are not necessarily stressful; it is when these combine
with low j ob autonomy and low levels of support that the individual is
likely to experience stress. Their model suggests that rather than the
stereotypical 'stressed executive' , those who experience stress are likely
to hold blue-collar or supervisory posts. In a review of studies examin
ing the strength of the Karasek model, Kristensen ( 1 995) considered
16 studies measuring the association between j ob strain and mental
and physical health outcomes. Fourteen reported signifcant associations
between conditions of high j ob strain and the incidence of either CHD
or poor mental health. An alternative model has been proposed by
Siegrist et al. ( 1 990) . This suggests that work stress is a consequence
of an imbalance between perceived efforts and rewards. High effort
and low reward are thought to result in emotional distress and adverse
health effects . In a fve-year longitudinal tracking over 1 0, 000 British
civil servants both theories received some support ( Stansfeld et al.

Z OCDV| Cu|, 8t|C88 uO DCl tD
1 998) . Age-adj usted analyses showed low decisional latitude, low work
social support, and effort/reward imbalance to predict poor physical
For men, it appears that job strain is a function of the working environ
ment alone. For women, who may frequently have signifcant respons
ibilities beyond the workplace, work strain appears to combine with
other areas of stress to confer risk of disease. Haynes and Feinleib ( 1 980) ,
for example, showed working women with three or more children t o be
more likely to experience CHD than those with no children. Alfredsson
et al. ( 1 985) compared the risk conferred by work strain and working
overtime on men and women in a sample of 1 00, 000 Swedish men and
women. As predicted by Karasek's model, higher rates of MI were associ
ated with increased work strain in both men and women. However,
working overtime decreased risk for MI among men, while it was associ
ated with an increased risk in women. For women, working overtime of
ten hours or more per week was associated with a 30 per cent increase in
risk for CHD. One explanation for these contradictory fndings is that
men may compensate for their increase in working hours by a decrease
in demands elsewhere in life. For women, such increases may not be
so compensated and simply increase the total demands made on them.
This increase in overall demands may constitute the main risk for stress
and disease. Support for such a hypothesis can be found in the results
of a study by Lundberg et al. ( 1 98 1 ) , who found that female managers'
stress hormone levels remained raised following work, while those of
male managers typically fell; this effect was particularly marked where
the female managers had children.
Summar and concl usi ons
Since the 1 950s there has been irrefutable evidence that certain beha
viours contribute to the development of disease. This has led, in part, to
a movement towards increasing personal responsibility for health care
and signifcant health promotion programmes and numerous self-help
books aimed at promoting individual behaviour change. In the wake
of this personal responsibility movement has followed a new wave of
research which has emphasized that health is a consequence not simply
of one' s own behaviour but also of the social, economic and political
context in which we live. This has fed criticism of the self-help move
ment, claiming that this approach leads to a risk of blaming individuals
for their own poor health. It has also highlighted the need for public
health initiatives to target environmental factors as well as individuals
if the health of the population is to be enhanced. Such an agenda has
been established by the World Health Organization and is returned to in
Chapter 7.

Further readi ng
|8yChC8CC| l CC||Cl 8tC8 C!hCl th Z
Hardey, M. ( 1 998) The Social Context of Health. Buckingham: Open University
Orth-Gomer, K. , Chesney, M. A. and Wegner, N. K. ( eds) ( 1 998) Women, Stress,
and Heart Disease. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Stress and health
hC|C |8 u CuOu|| ug uO Cul | DCl | C! tht 8t|C88 l CO8 tC | l l hCl th.
lt8 C|CC| VCO | mC|tuCC |u thC Ct| Cl Cgy C! O| 8C8C Cu C|h8 DC8t
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8yChCl Cgy h8 8t|uggl CO ! |8t tC OCHuC 8t|C88 uO thCu tC C8tDl | 8h |t8
Ctul |Cl t| Cu tC O| 8C8C. D| 8 ChtC| CCu8| OC|8 8CmC C! thC CV| OCuCC
m88CO. h|CC O|C|| ug mCOCl 8 C! 8t|C88 |C Cxm| uCO. CuC Wh| Ch
CCu8| OC|8 8t|C88 tC DC hy8| Cl Cg| Cl |CCC88 | u |C8Cu8C tC V|| Cty
C! CxtC|ul CVCut8, CuC Wh| Ch CCu8| OC|8 8t|C88 tC DC !uuCt| Cu C!
CuV| |CumCutl CVCut8, uO CuC Wh| Ch CCu8| OC|8 8t|C88 tC DC |C8ult C!
CCgu|t|VC || 8l C! CuV| |OumCutl CVCut8. 8t|C88 8 ` | u tDC CyC C! thC
DCDCl OC|' . DC 8t|Cugth8 uO WCkuC88C8 C! thC8C mCOCl 8 |C CCu8| OC|CO
DC!C|C thC ChtC| OC8C|| DC8 thC hy8| Cl Cg| Cl |CCC88C8 tht mCO| tC
DCtWCCu thC CxC|| CuCC C! 8t|C88 uO thC OCVCl CmCut C! O| 8C8C. || ul l y,
thC ChtC| CCu8| OC|8 C| OCm| Cl Cg| Cl CV| OCuCC l | uk| ug 8t|C88 uO O| 8C8C
uO hCW 8t|C88 my | u!l uCuCC thC OCVCl CmCut C! uumDC| C! 8CC| !C
O| 8C8C8.
hC ChtC| CCu8| OC|8.
LC! u|t| Cu8 C! 8t|C88
hC 8yChChy8| Cl Cg| Cl 8uD8t|tC8 C! 8t|C88
hC utu|C C! thC 8t|C88lO| 8C8C |Cl t| Cu8h|
|8yChChy8| Cl Cg| Cl |CCC88C8 mCO| t| ug DCtWCCu 8t|C88 uO O| 8C8C
Towards a defi ni ti on of stress
The earliest coherent model of stress was a physiological model developed
by Selye ( 1 956) . The General Adaptation Syndrome identifed three stages

Stress and heal th ZJ
Tabl e 2.1 Representati ve i tems from a l ife events scal e and a hassl es scal e
Life event
Death of a spouse
Di vorce
Jai l term
Death of a cl ose fami l y member
Marri age
Fi red at work
Change to diferent l i ne of work
Son or daughter l eavi ng home
Change i n l ivi ng conditi ons
Vacati on
Chri stmas
Stress rating
0-1 00
1 2
Daily hassles
Too many thi ngs to do
Not enough ti me
Too many responsi bi l i ti es
Troubl i ng thoughts
Soci al obl igati ons
Concerns about getti ng ahead
Mi spl aci ng or l osi ng thi ngs
Not getti ng enough sl eep
Probl ems wi th chi l dren
Overl oaded with fami l y
responsi bi l i ti es
Job di ssatisfacti on
within the stress process. The initial stage is one of alarm in which the
body is activated to cope with a stressor. The nature of this stressor is
unimportant: Selye assumed an equivalent response to physical and psy
chological stimuli. The alarm stage is driven primarily by the sympath
etic nervous system, and is followed by the second stage of resistance,
mediated by longer-term hormonal processes . Finally, if the stress con
tinues the result is exhaustion and the depletion of bodily resources
resulting in illness. If this illness removes the individual from the source
of the stress, a recovery phase can follow during which physical resources
are renewed and health improves. This has proven an extremely infu
ential model of stress, and is returned to later in the chapter. However,
it acknowledges no psychological mechanisms, nor does it attempt to
explain the emotional aspects of stress.
In an attempt to address the frst of these issues, a strand of research
known as life events theory began to consider the social or psychological
causes of stress. The theory assumed that stress arose as a consequence
of the life events that an individual experienced. The more events experi
enced, the greater the degree of stress, and the greater the risk of sub
sequent illness. Holmes and Rahe ( 1 967) believed that the degree of stress
associated with these events was both quantifable and the same for all
individuals. Accordingly, on the basis of rankings assigned to a variety
of stressors by experimental participants, they developed the Life Events
Inventory, which rank-ordered a series of life events, assigning them
scores between 0 and 100 according to their severity (Table 2. 1 ) .
This approach t o the study of stress has been extremely infuential and
many studies have found an association between the number of life events

Z9 OCDV| Cu|, 8t|C88 DO DCl tD
a person experiences, their severity, and the onset of physical and mental
illness. However, the impact of life events on physical health is small and
accounts for little of the variance in illness reporting ( Lin et al. 1 979) .
This may be, i n part, a consequence of their infrequency. More import
ant may be the number of more minor stressors, or daily hassles the
individual experiences ( see Table 2. 1 ) . The cumulative effects of such
minor events may contribute more to the stress process than the less
frequent life events so far considered. Kanner et at. ( 1 9 8 1 ) , for example,
found the frequency of daily hassles to be more strongly associated with
physical and mental health problems than maj or life events.
Two further weaknesses of the life events approach refect those of
the General Adaptation Syndrome. First, it does not attempt to under
stand the emotional experience of stress. Second, it cannot explain
why some people may experience the same number and magnitude of
events and have differing emotional and health outcomes. It makes no
attempt to explain the processes intervening between external events and
emotions or illness. What has become clear more recently is that these
internal processes are central to both the experience of stress and its
health consequences .
Stress as apprai sal
In the early 1 980s, Lazarus began developing of one of the most coherent
and infuential models of stress ( see, for example, Lazarus and Folkman
1984) . It described the cognitive precursors to the negative emotions
associated with stress and the strategies we use to reduce them. According
to Lazarus and Folkman, when faced with external demands, we engage in
two types of appraisal. Primary appraisals consider the potential threat
carried by the situation. If the situation is considered threatening, second
ary appraisals consider how well we are able to cope with this threat. If
we consider a situation to be potentially threatening and that we lack the
resources to cope efectively with it, we will experience some degree of stress.
Our understanding of these appraisals and their attached emotions
remains incomplete. Indeed, two of the leading researchers in this area
have collaborated on studies while failing to agree on their exact nature.
According to Smith ( in Smith and Lazarus 1 993) , appraisals can be
grouped into clusters linked together and sharing common themes . He
identifed two primary appraisal themes and four secondary ones. The
components of primary appraisal are motivational relevance and motiva
tional congruence. The frst is an evaluation of the extent to which an
event impinges on issues the person cares about, and refects the extent
to which it is personally relevant. Motivational congruence refers to
the extent to which the event is consistent or inconsistent with the indi
vidual' s desires or goals. The four components of secondary appraisal are
accountability, problem-focused coping potential, emotion-focused coping

bt|C88 DO DCl tD Zb
Table Z. Z Apprai sal s, core rel ati onal themes and thei r associ ated emoti ons
Emotion Core relational theme
Anger Other-bl ame
Gui lt Sel f-bl ame
Fear/anxiety Danger/threat
Sadness I rrevocabl e l oss
Hel pl essness about harm
or l oss
Source: Smit and Larus 1 993
Important appraisal components
Personal l y rel evant
Moti vati onal l y i ncongruent
Others' responsi bi l ity
Personal l y relevant
Motivati onal l y i ncongruent
Sel f-responsi bi l ity
Personal l y rel evant
Motivati onal l y i ncongruent
Unsure whether can cope emoti onal l y
Unsure whether can change the situati on
Personal l y rel evant
Motivati onal ly i ncongruent
Unsure whether can cope emoti onal l y
Do not expect situati on to change
potential and future expectancy. Accountability determines who or what
is responsible for the situation, and who will take the blame or credit for
its outcome. Problem-focused coping appraisal considers the extent to
which the situation is changeable and can be brought into line with the
individual ' s desires. Emotion-focused coping potential refects the extent
to which the individual considers they can cope emotionally with the
situation, through changes in interpretations about the situation ( 'Well,
its not that disastrous . . . ' ) , desires or other beliefs . Finally, future ex
pectancy refers to the possibilities of the situation changing. Various
combinations of these appraisals are linked to more generally descriptive
elements known as core relational themes: other-blame, self-blame,
danger/threat, and irrevocable loss or helplessness about harm or loss.
Both appraisals and core-relational themes are associated with four emo
tions: anger, guilt, fear/anxiety and sadness, respectively ( Table 2. 2) .
Lazarus ( 1 991 ) identifed a slightly different appraisal taxonomy. He
considered there to be three types of primary appraisal: goal relevance,
goal congruence (as in Smith) and type of ego involvement. He suggested
that differing appraisals relevant to the latter will result in difering emo
tions: beliefs that one's self- and social esteem are at risk will result in
anger; violation of one' s moral structure will result in guilt; and anxiety
will result from what Lazarus termed existential threat. Lazarus also
identifed three types of secondary appraisal: blame/credit, coping poten
tial and future expectations.
Both Smith and Lazarus suggested that the appraisals made in response
to everyday events may differ markedly among individuals. The appraisal

Z OCDV| Cu|, 8t|C88 DO DCl tD
Tabl e Z. J Taxonomi es of copi ng devel oped by vari ous research groups
Lazarus and Folkman ( 1 984)
Confrontive copi ng
Di stanci ng
Sel f-control
Seeki ng soci al suppor
Accepti ng responsi bi l ity
Escape/avoi dance
Pl anful probl em sol vi ng
Positive reapprai sal
Endler et al. ( 1 998a)
Task-ori ented
Emoti on-ori ented
Avoi dance-ori ented
Carver et al. ( 1 989)
Active copi ng
Pl anni ng
Suppress competi ng activities
Seek i nstrumental support
Seek emoti onal support
Positive rei nterpretati on
Restrai nt copi ng
Turn to rel igi on
Vent emoti ons
Deni al
Behavi oural di sengagement
Mental di sengagement
Al cohol /drug di sengagement
of maj or negative events tends to be more closely aligned to common
understandings of threat and, as a consequence, may be less idiosyn
cratic. Associations between previously encountered events and emotional
responses may also be learned, and the emotional response to such
events form a classically conditioned response. Appraisals may not always
precede emotional responses .
Coping as a response to appraisal
According to Lazarus and Folkman ( 1 984) , the individual may engage in
a number of coping strategies to reduce the adverse emotional states
associated with appraisals of threat. These fall into two broad categories :
problem-focused and emotion-focused. Problem-focused coping involves
the individual in attempts to change the situation and thereby reduce its
threat. Emotion-focused coping includes strategies aimed at reducing
levels of distress while not actually changing the situation. A number of
more specifc coping strategies are subsumed within these categories,
including avoiding thinking about the situation, planning how to cope
with the problem and seeking social support (Table 2. 3) .
Various research groups have developed other taxonomies of coping
strategies, some of which are reported in Table 2. 3 ( see also Chapter 1 2) .
No one strategy can be considered good or bad, and indeed many indi
viduals, when faced with long-term stressors, may usefully engage in
both emotion- and problem-focused coping strategies. Folkman et a/.
( 1 986) interviewed 85 married couples once a month for six months,
asking each respondent to identify their most stressful encounter over
the previous week and to note their appraisal, coping responses, and

bt|C88 DO DCl tD Z
affect subsequent to the event. Appraisal factors accounted for 1 7 per
cent of the variance in mood, and coping variables predicted a further
20 per cent. Use of both passive and active coping strategies, including
seeking social support, confronting the problem and cognitive reappraisal,
were associated with better psychological outcomes.
Stress as a l ack of resources
In an interesting counterpoint to the idiographic model of Lazarus,
Hobfoll' s conservation of resources theory states that the level of stress
that an individual experiences is a consequence of the extent to which
their resources are lost, threatened with loss, or are invested without
subsequent resource gain ( see, for example, Hobfoll 1 989) . Central to
his theory is the notion that resources are quantifable and changes
to them carry the same consequences for all, or almost all, individuals:
they are not simply ' in the eye of the beholder' . Hobfoll further argued
that resource loss is more problematic to the individual and therefore
a more motivating mechanism than is resource gain. Where resources
are lost, individuals are at increased vulnerability because they have
both lost resources, itself stressful, and have fewer resources with which
to cope with future demands. According to Hobfoll, regardless of any
appraisals made, the lower one' s resources, the more one experiences
stress. Resources include internal factors, including knowledge and skills,
and social and economic factors. He argued, for example, that the lack
of resources associated with poverty is not a subj ective stress, dependent
upon an idiosyncratic appraisal process. Rather, it is a reality for those
individuals that experience it, and can therefore be obj ectively measured.
Support for this argument can be found in studies cited in Chapter 1 ,
which show measurable health effects a s a consequence of differing levels
of resources such as social support, economic assets and so on. Hobfoll
stated that coping resources may be deployed in a hierarchical manner:
personal coping resources act as a frst line of coping with controllable
events, while social coping resources act as a buffer against stress result
ing from uncontrollable events.
This return to a normothetic approach to stress is an interesting
counterpoint to the idiographic approach of Lazarus and other coping
theorists. It also gains some support from fndings of a dissociation
between the perception of stress and stress outcomes. In a study of
stress and vulnerability to the common cold, for example, Cohen et a!.
( 1 993) found that measures of perceived stress were not predictive of
susceptibility to a cold following viral challenge while the number of
recent life events was. In contrast, perceived stress and negative affect
were associated with rates of infection. Such fndings suggest the possi
bility of differing pathways for the action of both perceived and environ
mental stress.

Z OCDV| Cu|, 8t|C88 DO DCl tD
Psychophysi ol ogi cal substrates of stress
The autonomi c nerous system
The control of bodily organs can be considered as having four layers of
integration and control ( Lovallo, 1 997) . At the bottom of this hierarchy
is the intrinsic control that each organ has over its own function. The
heart, for example, has an intrinsic rhythm of 1 1 0 beats per minute
unless otherwise controlled by higher-level controls. However, this con
trol is unresponsive to varying demands on the organ: the simple act of
standing up would result in a failure of the heart to effectively pump
blood to the upper body and brain unless external control was exerted.
The next layer of control is provided by the autonomic nervous system,
which has some refexive degree of control over the organs it innervates .
This, i n turn, i s controlled by the reticular system of the brainstem.
These brainstem autonomic nuclei provide the frst level of integrated
control over the target organs. They are capable of adj usting central
nervous system activity to meet rapid changes in external conditions and
organizing coordinated activity across organ systems. However, these
remain refexive responses.
The hypothalamus provides the highest level of coordination of auto
nomic function. It receives blood-borne and nervous system inputs
concerning the state of the body, including oxygenation and acidity of
the blood, blood sugar and body temperature. In response to changes
in these variables, it alters the activity of brainstem autonomic refex
centres. In addition, through activation of the pituitary gland it releases
hormones which modulate metabolism, cardiovascular activity and renal
function among others. Of central importance from a psychological per
spective is that the hypothalamus also receives descending inputs fom
the cortex and limbic system. These higher functions express the result
of behavioural and emotional demands.
Autonomic processes
The autonomic nervous system is divided into two opposing systems,
each connected through synapses at the spinal column with the reticular
system. The two systems arise from the medulla oblongata in the brain
stem, and enervate and control the functioning of many of the internal
organs, including the heart, arteries, skeletal muscles and colon. The
sympathetic system is involved in arousal, whilst the parasympathetic
system is involved in calming or reducing arousal. Because these systems
are initially mediated by neurotransmitters, their activation is extremely
fast but is not sustained. The neurotransmitter used to link neurones at
the spinal synapses and to the brainstem is acetylcholine. Beyond this
point, where the nerves innervate their target organs, activity within the

bt|C88 DO DCl tD Z
sympathetic nervous system is mediated by norepinephrine and, to a lesser
extent, epinephrine. The parasympathetic nervous system is mediated by
acetylcholine and opposes activity, supporting feeding, energy storage
and reproduction. The two systems tend to work antagonistically and
the level of physical activation of the individual at any one time is a
function of the relative dominance of each system.
Endocrne responses
A second system controlling bodily activity involves endocrine glands
which control organs through the use of hormones. The adrenal glands are
situated above the kidneys. They can be split functionally into to areas:
the adrenal medulla, which is at their centre, and their surrounding cortex.
Sympathetic stimulation of the adrenal medulla results in the release of
the transmitter hormones norepinephrine and epinephrine, of which the
most active is the norepinephrine. Beta-adrenoreceptors in the target
organs are activated by this hormone and enhance and prolong the activa
tion of the neurotransmitters, which act on alpha-adrenoreceptors. A
second system, known as the pituitary-adrenocortical axis, is triggered
by activation of the pituitary gland. This, in turn, is controlled by the
hypothalamus. When stimulated by corticotrophin releasing factor ( CRF)
from the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland releases a number of hor
mones, including adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) . In turn, ACTH
stimulates the adrenal cortex to release hormones known as corticosteroids,
the most infuential of which is cortisol ( Figure 2. 1 ) . These increase avail
ability of energy stores of fats and carbohydrates, helping to maintain
arousal . They also inhibit infammation of damaged tissue. The pituitary
gland can also release beta-endorphin, a powerful analgesic.
When the emotion of stress is experienced, concomitant physiological
responses both activate the body and prepare to deal with physical dam
age. At its most dramatic, this response is known as the fght-fight
response. At such times, sympathetic activity is clearly dominant, the
heart beats more quickly and more powerfully, blood is shunted to the
muscles and away from the gut ( hence the experience of ' butterfies ' ) ,
skeletal muscles tense in preparation for action, and so on. At the same
time, steroids are released to increase energy and to inhibit infammation
should physical inj ury occur. This ancient response is clearly advantageous
at times when the causes of stress are acute and life threatening: chronic
activation in response to long-term stress may be less benefcial.
Higher-level contl of the cental nerous system
The central nervous system plays a controlling role in the body. At its most
basic, it allows the body to respond to physical events such as being cold
or simply moving from prone to standing position without problems.

J OCDV| Cu|, 8t|C88 DO DCl tD
Pituitary gl and
Corti costeroi ds
Adrenal cortex
Adrenal medul l a
NE and E
Corti cal and l i mbi c
i nput
Hypothal amus
Brai n stem
l Acetyl ch ol i ne
Spi nal synapse
NE Ac etyl chol i ne
Target organs
ACTH adrenocorti cotrophi c hormone
CRF corti cotrophi n rel easi ng factor
E epi nephri ne
NE norepi nephri ne
Figure Z. Schemati c representati on of the central nervous and hormonal
response to stress
However, the central nervous system also responds to psychological
factors, including feeling ' stressed' even in the absence of any physical
changes or demands. Lovallo ( 1 997) provided a fve-stage model to explain
these processes:

bt|C88 DO DCl tD
+ Sensory intake and interpretation of the environment
+ Generation of emotions based on the appraisal process
+ Initiation of autonomic and endocrine responses
+ Feedback to the cortex and limbic system
+ Autonomic and endocrine outfow
Sensory information frst involves cortical areas specializing in differing
sensory types. This incoming information is passed through a series of
sensory association areas, where stored information is linked with the
present input. The endpoint of this process is the pre-frontal cortex where
we attach meaning and signifcance to the incoming information: the
neurological substrate of the primary appraisal process. Emotional links
are added through connections with structures specializing in the forma
tion of emotional responses: in particular, the limbic system, including
the amygdala and hippocampus. The limbic system is intimately linked
with the hypothalamus and brainstem. Two subsystems operate at this
level; one links the limbic system ( and amygdala in particular) to the
pontine reticular formation in the brainstem. Activation of this system
results in the fght-flight response in behavioural emergencies. The second
subsystem, known as the brainstem response subsystem, modulates more
everyday levels of central nervous system activity. The second system,
activated by the amygdala, is known as the hypothalamic area controlling
emotional responses ( HACER) , which in turn infuences pituitary output.
The i mmune system
The immune system protects the body against threats, collectively known
as antigens, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites and cancers.
It has the capacity to recognize such threats, neutralize them, and to
remember them in order to combat them more effectively in the future.
It can be divided into three functional components: barriers to infection,
including the skin, immune cells that identify and neutralize antigens,
and the organs and tissues that produce the immune system cells.
Immune system cells are specialized white blood cells originating in
the stem cells of the bone marrow ( although T-cells - see below- mature
in the thymus) . They can be found in the circulation, the lymphatic
system and spleen. There are two major classes of cell s: phagocytes
and lymphocytes. Phagocytes consist of macrophages, neutrophils and
eosinophils; they destroy antigens by ingesting them. All three types of
phagocyte migrate to sites of infection, attracted by chemical messengers
produced in local tissues. Macrophages are particularly important as
their action serves to trigger the second immune system, involving
lymphocytes. Lymphocytes consist of various types of cells, including
natural killer (NK) cells, T-cells and B-cells. NK cells slow the develop
ment of antigens, allowing other immune functions time to act. They are

J Z OCDV| Cu|, 8t|C88 DO DCl tD
B-cel l growth factor
Fi gure Z. Z hO | mmuDO 8y8tCm'8 |O8pCD8C tC Chl l CDgC DyDt|gCD8. [ [D

bt|C88 DO DCl tD JJ
programmed specifcally t o recognize cancer and virally infected cells.
T- and B-cells attack infectious agents in very different ways.
T-cell-mediated immunity is known as cell-mediated immunity. When
an infectious agent invades the body, it is recognized by macrophages.
They break down the antigen and attach the antigen particles to a protein,
known as the maj or histocompatibility complex ( MHC) . They place this
on their surface and 'present' it to T helper cell s. In response, T helper
cells begin to proliferate and stimulate the proliferation of cytotoxic
T -cells which destroy the infectious agent. The information about the
need to proliferate is transmitted through chemicals known as cytokines,
of which interleukin is the most prevalent. Interleukin- 1 mediates the
link between macrophages and T helper cells; interleukin-2 interfaces
between the T helper and cytotoxic T-cells ( Figure 2. 2a) .
B-cell-mediated immunity i s known as antibody-mediated immunity.
The main task of B-cells is to differentiate and generate large proteins
that will recognize and bind to some specifc feature of the invading
infectious agent, targeting it for destruction by a large group of circulat
ing proteins known as Complement. In doing so, B-cells trap antigen on
their surface, process the antigen and present fragments on their surface
MHC to T helper cell s. The T helper cells in turn stimulate two types of
B-cell proliferation: plasma cells and B memory cells. Plasma cells secrete
free antibodies that circulate for the duration of the disease. B memory
cells live indefnitely following contact with a novel antigen and 'prepare'
the body against future attack. The messengers carrying this information
are interleukin- 1 , between macrophage and T helper cells, and B-cell
growth factor between T helper cells and B-cells ( Figure 2. 2b) .
I t is noteworthy that the central organizing aspect of the immune
response are the T helper cells ( known also as CD4+ cells because of
their chemical structure) . It is their function that is disabled by the human
immunodefciency virus ( HIV) with potentially disastrous results.
The central nervous system and i mmune i nteracti on
The immune system is intimately linked to the central nervous system.
The adrenal and sympathetic components of the stress response have
pervasive infuences on immune function. The thymus, spleen and lymph
nodes all receive both sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation.
Changes in these affect the tissues and alter the development and activity
of lymphocytes including NK, T- and B-cell s. Lymphocytes also have
P-adrenergic and cortisol receptors and are affected by the hormones of
both the adrenal cortex and medulla.
The impact of these neurotransmitters and hormones is complex.
Epinephrine can stimulate the spleen into releasing lymphocytes into the
bloodstream, increasing the response to infection. Beta-adrenergic activ
ity can increase NK cell counts, while decreasing T -cell proliferation in

J9 OChV| Cu|, 8t|C88 DO hCl th
response to acute experimental stress. Accordingly, the central nervous
system has a mixed impact on immune function. Cortisol release has a
more consistent immunological suppressing effect, including decreasing
production of T helper cells, reducing cytokine production and decreasing
macrophage cell ingestion. In general, while short-term acute stress may
result in a variety of immunological changes but little that actually changes
its effectiveness, even stress which lasts a only few days will result in
down-regulation of the immune system.
Stress and i mmune functi on
Many studies now provide evidence of a relationship between immune
function and stress. Cross-sectional studies have compared ' stressed'
populations with non-stressed controls, and have shown impaired
immune responses in groups as varied as bereaved individuals with
high depression scores, carers of people with Alzheimer' s disease, and
people living near areas where natural disasters have occurred. Koh and
Lee ( 1 998 } compared a group of clinically anxious individuals with a
normal control group, and found the clinical group to have a reduced
lymphocyte response. However, no relationship between the duration of
illness or the degree of anxiety and immune function was found within
this group.
Within-subject studies have measured changes in immune function
over time in the same individual s. In one such study, Kiecolt-Glaser et al.
( 1 984} followed a cohort of medical students, measuring immune func
tion one month before and on the day of an important examination.
In comparison to baseline measures, immune assays on the day of the
examination revealed a reduction in NK cells and T-cells. Coping and
appraisal may also influence immune function in response to life events:
among recent divorcees, for example, those who initiated the divorce
evidenced higher levels of immune function than those against whom
such action was taken. Other studies have examined immune function
in patient populations. In a prospective study of patients with operable
breast cancer, for example, Tjemsland et al. ( 1 997} collected psycholo
gical data one day before surgery and immunological data one day and
seven days after surgery. Intrusive anxiety and anxious preoccupation
were inversely correlated with the number of lymphocytes, B, T total
and T4 lymphocytes, and depression with B and T4 lymphocytes.
These and many other studies have provided consistent evidence that
stress and mood infuence immune function. What the evidence has so
far not shown is that the degree of immune downregulation is suffcient
to affect the course of disease. Some suggestive evidence was provided
by Kiecolt-Glaser et al. ( 1 985} . They found that immune function was
depressed in a group of elderly carers of people with Alzheimer' s disease
and that, in comparison to a non-stressed group matched for age and

bt|C88 DO DCl tD Jb
gender, these people evidenced signifcantly slower wound-healing fol
lowing a standardized medical procedure. The between-group differences
were impressive, with carers' wounds taking an average of 49 days to
heal, and those of the comparison group 39 days. More indirect evidence
can be found in epidemiological studies that have measured the associ
ation between stress and disease.
I nvestigati ng the stress/di sease rel ati onshi p
The maj ority of studies exploring the relationship between stress and disease
have adopted case-control or longitudinal methodologies. Some of the
strengths and weaknesses of these approaches were considered in the
previous chapter. One additional issue relevant to case-control studies
exploring the relationship between stress and disease is that they are
frequently conducted in populations who know their disease status.
This knowledge may result in some of those who are ill attempting to
fnd a reason for their poor health. As stress is commonly thought to
be associated with disease, this search for meaning may lead to a biased
recall of stressful events or to a retrospective labelling of events as stress
ful by those in the ' case' population, resulting in spurious between-group
differences. For this reason, the results of studies where the individuals
involved are unaware of their disease status should be accorded par
ticular importance.
Three further methodological issues should be considered in interpret
ing the results of both types of study. The frst relates to the defnition
of stress. Many studies have measured the frequency of life events prior
to disease onset and have failed to consider the level of perceived stress
associated with such events. This may attenuate the apparent strength of
any relationship between the experience of stress and subsequent disease
states. A second issue relates to the quantity and duration of stress that
the individual experiences. We do not know how sustained or severe any
stress needs to be in order to impact on the disease process. Accordingly,
it is diffcult to identify exactly what is and what is not a stressor in the
context of such research. A fnal factor that has to be considered is that
stress does not contribute to one disease process. Over ffty conditions
are thought to be initiated or exacerbated by stress. This presents prob
lems for theories linking stress and disease and for studies attempting to
measure the association between stress and one disease endpoint.
This issue, and some of the other methodological weaknesses, can be
addressed using a third approach that involves following a group of
individuals with a known recurring disorder and measuring any relation
ship between stress and disease exacerbation over time. A similar gain
may be had from measuring the relationship between stress and the
progression of diseases such as cancer or CHD. A final method is to consider

J OCDV| Cu|, 8t|C88 DO DCl tD
the impact of stress on the development of disease under highly controlled
circumstances. This approach is exemplifed by studies examining the
impact of stress on wound-healing or susceptibility to the common cold.
As noted previously, over ffty diseases processes are thought to be
infuenced by stress. Any brief review has necessarily to be selective.
Accordingly, the next section focuses on the relationship between stress
and two of the most prevalent serious diseases: cancer and CHD. It then
considers the evidence measuring the association between HIV progres
sion and stress before considering the role of stress in two other common
conditions: arthritis and irritable bowel syndrome. Finally, it considers
some of the experimental work that has explored the relationship between
stress and controlled exposure to known pathogens.
Some studies exploring the stress/cancer relationship have employed novel
methodologies . Hatch et a/. ( 1 99 1 ) , for example, considered that the
proximity of people' s houses to a nuclear accident at Three Mile Island
would act as a marker of the stress experienced during and follow
ing the incident. Accordingly, they attributed a signifcant, but modest,
association between postaccident rates of cancer and site proximity to
rential levels of stress. However, without actual measures of stress
such a conclusion must remain speculative, with the fndings potentially
confounded by cell damage as a consequence of increased radiation
exposure, increased utilization of services by these inhabitants, or more
careful screening for health problems by local doctors.
Using a more traditional case-control methodology, Forsen ( 1 991 )
found that women who knew that they had breast cancer reported higher
levels of chronic stress prior to its onset than those in a matched control
group without cancer. Geyer ( 1 991 ) was able to avoid the problems
associated with biased recall of stress as a consequence of knowledge
of disease status by interviewing women attending a breast lump biopsy
clinic prior to knowledge of their disease status. Women who were
subsequently found to have a malignancy reported significantly greater
numbers of chronic stressors than women whose lump was found to
be benign. Unfortunately, although this study avoided the problems of
biased recall, its results and those of a number of similar studies should
be viewed with some caution, as the effects of other risk factors associ
ated with both cancer and stress, such as smoking, were not partialled
out in the analyses.
Longitudinal studies of healthy populations have found minimal rela
tionships between stress and the initiation of cancer. One of the earliest,
the Western Electric Study ( WES: Persky et al. 1 987) , found that those
who scored highly on a depression scale were twice as likely to develop
cancer as those who did not. However, later consideration suggested that

bt|C88 DO DCl tD J
these fndings might have occurred as result of high cancer rates among
a stressed group of workers who also came into contact with highly
carcinogenic materials. Subsequent large-scale studies failed to replicate
the initial fndings of the WES, although Everson et al. ( 1 996) did fnd
that moderate hopelessness was associated with incident cancer.
The failure to fnd a consistent association between stress and the onset
of cancer may indicate that the two variables are not associated. It may
also reflect the problems inherent in measuring an association between a
transitory experience and a disease outcome measured up to 1 5 years later.
For this reason, studies measuring the association between stress and the
more immediate process of disease progression may be of more help in
measuring any association between stress and cancer. In one such study,
Ramirez et al. ( 1 989) reported that women treated for breast cancer who
later relapsed reported a nearly sixfold greater frequency of negative life
events than those who continued in remission. Similarly, Forsen ( 1 99 1 )
found that women who reported high levels of stressful life events prior to
surgery for breast cancer were three and a half times more likely to experi
ence a recurrence and nearly four and a half times more likely to die of
cancer in the years following surgery than their less stressed counterparts.
Subsequent studies ( for example Roberts et al. 1 996) found no rela
tionship between the occurrence of severe life events and risk of relapse.
However, these relied on measurements of life events rather than particip
ants' perceived stress. In contrast, Andrykowski et al. ( 1 994) found an
attitude towards cancer characterized by ' anxious preoccupation' and a
poorer functional quality of life were each independently associated with
poorer post bone marrow transplant survival.
A further strand of evidence of the stress/cancer relationship i s found
in the social support literature, summarized in Chapter 1 . This suggests
that the quality of social and marital support available to an individual
i s an important factor in the prognosis following a diagnosis of cancer.
Finally, the evidence of treatment trials aimed at helping patients to cope
effectively with stress ( considered in Chapter 1 1 ) provides mixed evidence
of the impact of stress and distress on cancer survival .
In sumary, tre is mxed evidence about the relationship between stress
and both the initiation and progression of cancer. This lack of consistent
fndings led Spiegel and Kato ( 1 996) to conclude that there probably is
an association between stress and cancer, but that the methodologies
used to explore this relationship have proven weak and have contributed
noise rather than coherence to our understanding of this relationship.
Coronary hear disease
There is increasing evidence of a relationship between depression and
the development of CHD. Vaillant ( 1 998) , for example, found that of
237 healthy men followed for a period of 55 years, 45 per cent of those

J OCDV| Cu|, 8t|C88 DO DCl tD
who had experienced a depressive episode at or before their baseline
measurement were dead at follow-up. This compared with 5 per cent of
those who reported good mental health.
Psychological distress, and in particular depression, has signifcant prog
nostic signifcance following MI. Frasure-Smith et al. ( 1993) , for example,
found three robust predictors of mortality in the six months following
hospitalization: degree of left ventricular damage, previous MI, and
depression. Depression was the strongest predictor of reinfarction, with
an adj usted hazard ratio of 4. 29, contrasting with 3 . 52 for ventricular
damage, and 3 . 2 for a history of MI. In a similar study, Allison et al.
( 1 995) assessed post-MI patients using a psychiatric screening measure
during the second week of cardiac rehabilitation and categorized those
who scored above the 90th percentile for outpatient adults as ' distressed' .
Over their follow-up period, these patients had signifcantly higher rates
of cardiovascular rehospitalization and recurrent ' hard events' , including
reinfarction and cardiac arrest and resuscitation, than their less distressed
counterparts. In a contrasting approach, Lim et al. ( 1 998) operational
ized poor psychological health in terms of low quality of life. Over an
1 8-month period, the reinfarction rates among patients who rated their
quality of life as high was 9 per cent. This contrasted with mortality
rates of 1 8 and 28 per cent among those with moderate and low classi
fcations, respectively. In sum, however measured, depression appears to
be a powerful risk factor for CHD.
Human i mmunodefci ency vi rus {HI V
Tracking the efects of stress on HIV infection has proven problematic.
Temoshok ( 1 990) suggested that changes in the immune system' s capa
city to respond to psychosocial stress may differ according to both the
degree of stress experienced and the stage of disease. In the early stages
of infection to the time of early signs of HIV-related symptoms, stress
may have only a modest impact on the immune system. As the disease
progresses, the response may be a marked downregulation and more
rapid disease progression. Certainly, there is no clear pattern of disease
response to stress, although there is some evidence that stress impacts
adversely on prognosis. Evans et al. ( 1 997) , for example, followed 93
HIV positive gay men without clinical symptoms at baseline for up to
three and a half years. Their fndings indicated that the more severe the
life stress experienced, the greater the risk of early HIV disease progres
sion. For every one severe stress per six-month study interval, the risk of
early disease progression was doubled. In contrast, an earlier study that
used a simple life events methodology, found that CD4+ counts and the
progression of disease as measured by the development of fever or thrush
did not co-vary with the number of life events experienced by a similar
population ( Kessler et al. 1991 ) .

bt|C88 DO hC| th J
Gay men may experience social isolation and discrimination: many
fnd this stressful. Studies by Cole et al. ( 1 996) and others suggest it may
also influence the progression of HIV infection. Analyses of data from
a nine-year prospective study of 72 initially healthy HIV positive gay
men indicated that rej ection-sensitive individuals experienced a signifcant
acceleration in times to a critically low CD4+ lymphocyte level, AIDS
diagnosis and HIV-related mortality. Accelerated HIV progression was
not observed in rej ection-sensitive gay men who concealed their homo
sexual identity, suggesting that concealment may protect such individuals
from negative health effects. However, social isolation may itself increase
risk for disease progression ( see Chapter 1 ) .
I rritabl e bowel syndrome
A number of case-control studies have shown evidence of an association
between stress and the onset of irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS) symptoms.
However, some of the most interesting data have come from more recent
longitudinal studies measuring the co-variance between changes in stress
and symptoms . Dancey et al. ( 1 998) employed a within-person, lagged
time-series approach to investigate the links between everyday stress and
symptomatology in 3 1 patients with IBS. Half of those being monitored
noted stress-related onset or exacerbation of symptoms. Symptom sever
ity was most strongly related to the number of hassles in the two days
preceding occurrence of IBS. In contrast to early models of IBS that
considered it to be almost uniquely a consequence of stress, this evidence
suggests that stress is implicated in its aetiology in some but by no means
all those with the syndrome.
Rheumatoi d arthritis
In one of the few studies to examine the relationship between stress and
the onset of arthritis, Meyerowitz et al. ( 1 968 ) studied eight sets of twins
discordant for the disease. In a maj ority of cases, the arthritic twin experi
enced an increase in life stress prior to onset. More research has been
conducted with individuals who already have arthritis, focusing on pre
dictors of disease progression and periods of acute symptoms . These
studies have typically found a relationship between stress and disease
exacerbation. Zautra et al. ( 1 997) , for example, found disease activity to
co-vary with the number of interpersonal stressors in the preceding week.
Similarly, Urrows et al. ( 1 994) found j oint mobility and j oint tenderness
to co-vary with daily stress levels over a three-month assessment period.
Mood may affect the reporting of pain and symptoms. Accordingly,
associations between physiological markers of disease provide important
confrmatory evidence of any association between stress and arthritis .

9 OChV| Cu|, 8t|C88 DO hC| th
Such evidence has been obtained. Stress has been shown to infuence a
number of biochemical markers of infammation and immune factors
involved in the arthritic process. Despite such fndings, Crown et al. ( 1975)
proposed that the importance of stress i n the aetiology of rheumatoid
arthritis might vary in different subtypes of patients. They suggested that
patients with a low genetic predisposition to the disease might have a
greater degree of stress preceding its onset, a more acute onset and a
greater tendency for exacerbation as a consequence of stress than those
with a higher genetic predisposition.
Control l ed studi es of disease
The most impressive studies of the infuence of the stress on viral ill
nesses have involved challenging individuals with a known amount of a
known virus strain and identifying factors that moderate the develop
ment of disease. Emotional distress and high levels of stressful life events
have been found to increase risk of both the onset of infection and
the expression of disease following controlled exposure to a cold virus
( see, for example, Cohen et al. 1 993 ) . In a later study ( Cohen et al.
1998) , the same team attempted to delineate the characteristics of stressors
that moderated disease outcomes. Their results indicated that volunteers
inoculated with common cold viruses who had experienced stressful events
of less than one month in duration were at no greater risk of developing
colds than those with low stress levels. However, those who had experi
enced stress of a longer duration, primarily as a function of unemploy
ment or family confict, exhibited a substantially greater risk of developing
disease. The same team also found that participants with low numbers
of social ties were four times more likely to develop a cold following
viral challenge than those with higher numbers of social ties .
From stress to di sease: psychophysiologi cal processes
Stress may infuence the onset or course of a number of diseases. What
is not clear i s why different individuals develop difering diseases as a
consequence of a similar psychological experience. The stress-diathesis
model attempts to explain such individual differences. This states that
stress places some degree of strain on the bodily systems. This may
be mediated by the central nervous system, immune system, or both.
However, whether and where this is translated into a disease process is
a function of biological factors such as genetic phenotype or previous
exposure to particular pathogens. These infuence the sensitivity of
differing bodily systems to these processes and lead to varying disease
processes. The psychopathology of disease will differ markedly according
to the disease endpoint.

bt|C88 DO hC| th 9
Coronary heart di sease
Both chronic and acute stress may impact on the physiological processes
resulting in an MI. In the long term, episodes of high sympathetic arousal
consequent to stress are associated with the release of fatty acids into the
blood stream. If these are not completely utilized during the period of
stress through, for example, high levels of physical activity, they are
metabolized by the liver into cholesterol which may be laid down in the
arteries to form atheroma. In addition, short-term increases in blood
pressure at the time of sympathetic activation may damage the atheroma
already within the arteries, leading to the initiation of repair processes,
further exacerbating their development.
More acutely, a clot may be torn off a damaged artery wall, perhaps
during an episode of increased blood pressure. If this reaches the arteries
of the heart or brain and is too large to pass through an artery, it will
occlude the artery and prevent blood fow beyond, resulting in an MI or
a stroke. Catecholamines released during the stress process may also affect
blood viscosity directly, making the platelets more likely to clot and
increasing risk of an acute vascular event.
I rritabl e bowel syndrome
The most recent model of the aetiology of IBS has been developed by
Nabiloff et al. ( 1 998) . It identifed two key pathways though which
psychological and physiological processes may come together to result in
IBS. First, the gut may be more reactive to a variety of stimulants includ
ing stress. Such reactivity may result in pain and symptoms such as
diarrhoea and constipation. In addition, some individuals may have a
psychological set that is particularly vigilant to internal physical sensa
tions. These people may be particularly aware of ordinary or reactive
bowel processes and label them as painful and symptoms of illness.
Research elsewhere ( for example Pennebaker 1 992) suggests that indi
viduals with such a cognitive set are characterized by high levels of
neuroticism. Accordingly, the link between stress and IBS symptoms may
be a function both of stress being a trigger for some symptoms and an
enduring negative appraisal style that may result in both high levels of
stress and symptoms being reported.
HI V and cancer
Both HIV and cancer states involve impairments in the immune system.
A number of mechanisms have been proposed to account for the long
term catastrophic decline in CD4+ cells in HIV positive individuals. The
primary mechanism through which it may occur is consequent to the

9Z OChV| Cu|, 8t|C88 DO hC| th
HIV virus entering the CD4+ cells which, when they replicate, carry the
virus to the new CD4+ cells. Proliferation of CD4+ cells in response to
pathogens therefore results in an increase in HIV-infected cells. Activation
of these cells in response to infection also leads to the death of the cell.
Repetition of this process in response to repeated infection leads to a con
tinuing decline in immune function. Stress may exacerbate this decline in
CD4+ cells as a consequence of stress-related impairments in other parts
of the immune system. These place additional demands on the T-cells at
times of infection or other insults to the system, and result in increased
CD4+ proliferation and, in turn, the activation of HIV. The mechanisms
through which stress affects risk for cancer remain unclear. It appears to
be mediated through a reduced response of NK cells to the development
of tumours. However, whether this is a functi on of a reduction in the
number of NK cells or a decrease in their killing ability is not clear.
Summary and concl usi ons
further readi ng
Models of stress have moved from focusing on environmental precursors
or physiological processes of stress to models to focus much more closely
its emotional experience. Such models suggest that ' stress is in the eye of
the beholder' , although Hobfoll' s resource loss model of stress suggests
that not all stresses are idiosyncratic to the individual. Stress, whether
defned as environmental events or perceived stress, has been shown to
impact on both autonomic and immune function, although whether the
latter infuences are suffcient to result in disease has yet to be established
unequivocally. That said, there is clear evidence that stress does impact
on health through a variety of pathways and mechanisms. Such results
provide strong j ustifcation for the implementation of stress management
procedures to help people both cope with disease and to alter its course.
Lazarus, R. L. ( 1 991 ) Emotion and Adaptation. New York: Oxford University
Lovallo, W. R. ( 1 997) Stress and Health: Biological and Psychological Interactions.
Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Part II
Understanding health-related

Health-related deci si on maki ng
On e of the key questi ons addressed by heal th psychol ogi sts i s why
i ndi vi dual s do, or do not, engage i n a vari ety of heal th-rel ated
behavi ours. The theori es that address these questi ons are col l ecti vel y
known as soci al -cogniti on model s. They each attempt to i denti f the
cognitive processes underl yi ng such deci si on maki ng. Two di sti nct groups
of model s can be i denti fed, each with diferent hi stori cal roots.
Expectancy val ue model s have thei r roots in l earni ng, and then soci al
l earni ng theory, and assume that i ndivi dual s work to maxi mize thei r gai ns
and mi ni mize thei r l osses from the envi ronment. Other model s stem from
research i nto atitudes conducted i n the 1 950s and onwards. Al l these
model s ari se from a posi ti vi st framework and attempt to provi de a
theoreti cal l y dri ven and parsi moni ous model of heal th-rel ated deci si on
maki ng. Studi es are used to confrm or di sconfrm pre-exi sti ng theori es. I n
contrast, qual itative approaches use research to devel op, rather than test,
theoreti cal understandi ngs of the processes underl yi ng heal th-rel ated
behavi oural deci si on maki ng. Both approaches are di scussed i n thi s
The chapter revi ews the fol l owi ng model s:
+ Expectancy val ue model s
+ Soci al cogni ti ve theory
+ Heal th bel i ef model
+ Protecti on motivati on theor
+ Heal th l ocus of control
+ Attitudi nal model s
+ Theori es of reasoned acti on and pl anned behavi our
+ Stage theori es
+ Heal th acti on process
+ Transtheoreti cal model
+ Al ternative approaches

46 Understandi ng heal th-rel ated behavi our
Expectancy val ue model s
Soci al cognitive theor
Originally termed social learning theory, Bandura's social cognitive theory
( Bandura 1 986) is an extension of Skinner' s operant conditioning para
digm. Like Skinner, Bandura assumed that individuals work to maximize
their gains from the environment. Unlike Skinner, he stated that this out
come is mediated by cognitive processes. According to social cognitive
theory, individuals are motivated to gain the maximum reinforcement
and minimum punishment from their environment. However, behaviours
are not j ust governed by immediate behaviour/consequence contingencies:
although short-term gains frequently do control behaviour more than
long-term ones. Rather, the individual can defer immediate gratifcation
and work towards long-term goals. In addition, individuals are capable
of learning behaviour/outcome contingencies from the observation of
others, and behave within a moral framework.
Behavioural choice is premised on two sets of expectancies. The frst,
action/outcome expectancies, refect the degree to which an individual
believes that an action will lead to a particular outcome. This outcome
is then considered in terms of its value to the individual. The second set
of expectancies, self-effcacy expectations, reflect the degree to which an
individual believes him or herself capable of the behaviour being con
sidered. According to social cognitive theory, the individual is most
likely to engage in a behaviour if they believe it will achieve a desired
outcome and that they are capable of successfully completing it. Effcacy
beliefs operate at different levels. Generalized effcacy beliefs ( ' I can cope
with most things life throws at me' ) may mediate a variety of behav
iours, and are particularly relevant when the individual is faced with a
novel behavioural decision. However, behaviour-specifc effcacy beliefs
are frequently more powerful determinants of behaviour than such gen
eralized beliefs.
Both outcome and self-effcacy beliefs have been shown to be import
ant predictors of a number of health-related behaviours including resisting
peer pressure to use drugs, engaging in safer sex practices, weight loss and
frequency of breast self-examination. A number of studies have measured
the influence of these beliefs in patient populations. Bennett et a!. ( 1 999a) ,
for example, found that self-effcacy and outcome expectations were
strongly predictive of the frequency of aerobic exercise and alcohol and
cigarette consumption following an MI. Only diet was not predicted by
social cognitive variables. Again in the context of recovery from MI,
Vidmar and Rubinson ( 1 994) found a positive association between
levels of exercise and self-effcacy beliefs concerning the ability both
to exercise and to deal with any barriers to exercise. The latter was
found to be the strongest predictor, accounting for 27 per cent of the

Heal th-rel ated deci si on maki ng 47
variance in exercise behaviour. Dzewaltowski et al. ( 1 990) similarly found
adherence to a prescribed exercise regime to be correlated with per
ceived self-effcacy, outcome expectancies and dissatisfaction with pre
vious levels of ftness. Individuals who were confdent that they could
adhere to a strenuous exercise programme and who placed a high value
on gaining ftness exercised the most.
A fnal example of the role of social cognitive variables in relation to
CHD-risk behaviours comes from work on smoking cessation. Godding
and Glasgow ( 1 98 5) reported that self-effcacy beliefs concerning the
ability to resist smoking following cessation were strongly predictive of
the numbers of cigarettes smoked, the amount of tobacco per cigarette
and blood nicotine levels. Such is the infuence of outcome and effcacy
beliefs on behaviour, that Schwarzer ( 1 992) suggested they form the
primary determinants of many health-related behaviours.
A second component of social cognitive theory is the process of vicari
ous learning. According to Bandura, we can learn behavioural outcomes
and establish effcacy expectancies without necessarily having direct
experience of them ourselves. Observation of the outcomes of others'
behaviour may in some cases prove a more powerful determinant of
behaviour than personal experience. An important health-related behavi
our that is frequently subj ect to this process is the uptake of cigarette
smoking. Despite the immediate outcome of the frst inhalation of a
cigarette being highly aversive, many children continue to smoke because
at the same time that they are suffering they observe in others that
smoking can be a pleasurable and rewarding behaviour. They persevere
in the expectation of future enj oyment. Such a process provides, at least
in part, an explanation of why children who smoke are more likely to
come from families or to have friends who smoke. The effectiveness
of interventions based on vicarious learning principles is discussed in
Chapters 8 and 9.
Health bel i ef model
A second theory that assumes that we work to maximize our gains from
the environment adopted a very different approach from social cognitive
theory. The health belief model states that decisions whether or not to
engage in health-related behaviours involve a form of cost/beneft analysis.
Key elements to the decisional process are the health gains that will result
from engaging in a particular behaviour and the costs ( social, psycho
logical, and so on) of doing so. These elements can be subdivided further
to consideration of:
the perceived susceptibility to illness;
+ the severity of that illness;
+ the health benefts of engaging in a behaviour;

48 Understandi ng heal th-rel ated behavi our
+ the various costs of carrying out the behaviour;
+ cues to action, which prompt the decisional process.
Later versions of the model ( Becker et al . 1 977) added a fourth dimen
sion, the individual ' s motivation or 'readiness to be concerned about
health matters' , although this has rarely been addressed by researchers
when testing the model. According to the health belief model, engage
ment in health-protective behaviour is most likely if the risk of disease
and its perceived severity are high, the behaviour is considered effective
in reducing risk for disease, and the immediate costs of that behaviour
are low.
Although this constellation of criteria may be most predictive of behavi
our, research has concentrated on the relationship between single dimen
sions of the health belief model and behaviours as varied as engaging in
exercise programmes, child vaccination, compliance with recommended
medical regimes and attending preventive screening clinics. Johnson and
Heller ( 1 998) , for example, found that cardiac patients who considered
exercise to be benefcial to their health while in hospital were most likely
to be following a recommended home exercise course six months later.
Those who considered there to be many potential barriers to their engag
ing in the programme were less likely to be exercising at this time. Again
in a population of cardiac patients, Koikkalainen et al. ( 1 996) reported
low levels of adherence to recommended dietary regimens. Over half
the patients reported one or more barriers to these recommendations,
the most frequent of which were associated with eating in company or in
situations where too much food was available. Another common reason
for non-compliance was that many healthy foods were not thought to
taste particularly pleasant.
Interesting cross-generational diferences were found in the cost/beneft
analyses relating to gay men' s sexual behaviour by Bakker et a/. ( 1 997) .
They found that for younger men, strength of intention t o use a condom
was positively related to the number of persons known to them who
had AIDS and to the perceived benefts of HIV preventive behaviour.
The former was not predictive of behavioural interventions among older
men. These differences may refect differing experiences of both the impact
and treatment of AIDS and HIV infection since its entry into the popula
tion in the 1 970s. In general, frequency of condom use among younger
people appears to be low, perhaps because a maj ority of young persons
do not see themselves as being at risk of HIV infection or have feelings
of invulnerability towards the disease.
Despite these fndings, the utility of the health belief model has been
questioned. Taking a positive perspective, a review of nearly ffty studies
conducted by Janz and Becker ( 1 984) reported that measures of suscept
ibility were signifcantly associated with health behaviours in 82 per cent
of studies, with measures of perceived severity in 65 per cent, with benefts
in 8 1 per cent, and with costs in 1 00 per cent. Less positive were the

Heal th- rel ated deci si on maki ng 49
fndings of Harrison et a!. ( 1 992) following a series of analyses measur
ing the average correlations between health belief model dimensions and
behaviour. These were only modest: 0. 1 5 for susceptibility, 0. 08 for
severity, 0. 1 3 for benefts and -0. 21 for barriers. Individual components
of the health belief model accounted for an average of between 0. 5 and
4 per cent of the variance in behaviour across studies. However, Harrison
et a!. reported highly variable results from different studies, suggesting
that for some behaviours the predictive utility of the model may be
stronger than their overall results would suggest.
A number of theoretical criticisms have also been made of the model.
First, it takes no account of environmental or social factors that may infu
ence decision making. Second, it assumes that the primary motivation
to engage in health-related behaviours is one of health gain. However,
such an outcome is long term and probabilistic. Social cognitive theory
suggests that shorter-term contingencies are likely to be more infuen
tial than the promise of potential long-term gains. These theoretical pre
dictions have been sustained in relation to a number of health-related
behaviours: weight control and aesthetic outcomes are more influential
rewards of healthy eating than potential health gains: enj oyment appears
to be the primary determinant of engaging in exercise.
A third criticism of the health belief model stems from i ts failure to
clarify the links between the various factors or to consider the relative
importance of each factor in any decision-making process. In response
to such criticism, Stretcher and Rosenstock ( 1 997) suggested that rather
than 'throw' health belief variables into a multivariate analysis and fnd
out which are the stronger individual predictors of behaviour, a number of
algorithms should be followed, including: a heightened state of severity
is required before perceived susceptibility becomes a powerful predictor
of behaviour; perceived benefts and barriers will be stronger predictors
of behavioural change when perceived threat is high than when it is low;
the factors will be stronger predictors of intentions than behaviour
( see below) ; and, cues to action will have their greatest infuence on
behaviour in conditions where the perceived health threat is high. These
new hypotheses now need empirical testing.
Protecti on motivati on theory
Protection motivation theory ( Rogers 1 98 3) combines elements of the
health belief model and social cognitive theory in a description of how
fear-arousing health communications are processed and acted upon.
The model focuses on two broad categories of response: threat appraisal
and coping appraisal. The outcome of this appraisal process is an inten
tion to behave in either an adaptive or a maladaptive manner, the strength
of which refects the degree of motivation to protect one' s health. This
intention, in turn, predicts behaviour ( Figure 3 . 1 ) .

50 Understandi ng heal th-rel ated behavi our
Figure 3. 1 Protecti on moti vati on theory
As in the health belief model, threat appraisal is a function of both the
perceived susceptibility to illness and its severity. Consideration is also
given to the benefts of maintaining maladaptive behaviours. Coping
appraisal is a function of both outcome and self-effcacy beliefs. Accord
ingly, an individual is most likely to change their behaviour in response
to a fear-arousing health message if they believe they are susceptible to
disease, that the disease will have severe consequences, they perceive a
link between protective behaviours and reduced risk for disease, and
consider themselves capable of engaging in those behaviours. Although
similar to the health belief model, there are some important differences
between the two theories . The health belief model is a theory of health
behaviour decision making; protection motivation theory is a model of
responses to fear-arousing communications. In addition, the considera
tion of both outcome and self-effcacy expectancies is more explicit in
protection motivation theory than in the health belief model.
A number of studies evaluating the model have adopted an experimental
methodology, measuring behavioural responses to a variety of experi
mental manipulations of vulnerability and efcacy expectations. In one
such study, Boer and Seydel ( 1 996) measured the impact of a leafet
accompanying an invitation to attend a mass screening clinic for breast
cancer. The leaflet emphasized the high vulnerability of older women to
breast cancer and the effcacy of mammographic screening as a means of
cancer control. It also attempted to induce feelings of high self-effcacy
by explaining that a mammographic examination was an easy procedure
and involved only minimal discomfort. Women who rated themselves as
most vulnerable to breast cancer and who had high self-effcacy were
most likely to attend screening. Similarly, Sturges and Rogers ( 1 996)
found that adolescents and young adults responded t o threat appeals
with increased intentions not to smoke cigarettes only if they believed
they could successfully quit smoking; if they believed they could not do
so, higher levels of the threat resulted in decreased intentions to refrain

Heal th-rel ated deci si on maki ng 5 1
from tobacco use. Other research focusing specifcally on the influence
of outcome and effcacy expectations provides evidence of the strengths
of at least one aspect of the model.
Heal th l ocus of control
Health locus of control refers to the degree of control an individual
believes they have over their health. Following the work of Rotter ( 1 966) ,
who focused on generalized control beliefs, Wallston et al . ( 1 978) iden
tifed three statistically independent dimensions of perceived control over
health: internal, chance, and powerful others. Individuals who score highly
on the internal dimension consider their health as largely within their
own control. Conversely, those who score highly on the chance dimen
sion consider their health to be relatively independent of their behaviour.
Finally, those who score highly on the ' powerful other' dimension consider
their health to be controlled by others, operationalized as doctors in
Wallston et al. ' s measure of perceived control .
The historical roots of locus of control theory l i e in social learning
theory, and like Bandura, Wallston argued that individuals are motivated
to engage in behaviours that lead to valued outcomes . Accordingly, health
locus of control should predict behaviour most strongly in those who
place a high value on their health. The strongest prediction of the model
is that those who value their health and who have high internality scores
are more likely to engage in health-protective behaviours than those who
have low internality beliefs . Those who value their health and have high
powerful-others scores are most likely to seek and adhere to medical
treatments should they fall ill. Predicting engagement in more routine
health-behaviours is more diffcult. High powerful-others scores may
indicate a receptivity to health messages endorsed by medical authorities
and be associated with active participation in health-protective behavi
ours. Conversely, they may suggest a strong belief in the ability of the
medical system to cure any illness and predict, as a consequence, low
uptake of health-promoting behaviours. Regardless of their value for
health, those with a high belief in chance factors are least likely to
engage in health-protective behaviours of any type.
Surprisingly few studies have considered the relationship between locus
of control and value for health. Of those studies that have, some, but not
all, have found stronger relationships between internality and behaviour
among individuals with a high value for health than among those with a
lower score ( see Wallston and Smith 1 994) . However, it is possible that
differences in value for health may not be a critical issue: fnding people
who do not value their health may actually prove quite difcult.
In perhaps the largest study population on which the model has been
tested, Norman and colleagues ( 1 998) reported data from a representat
ive British population sample of over 1 3, 000 people and found locus of

52 Understandi ng heal th-rel ated behavi our
control and value for health dimensions to predict up to 5 per cent of the
variance in measures of exercise, smoking, diet, alcohol consumption
and a composite lifestyle measure. Research outcomes in smaller studies
have been mixed. Slenker et al. ( 1 985) found j oggers to have higher
internal health locus of control scores than non-j oggers. Conversely,
Calnan ( 1 989) found no relationship between exercise and internal health
locus of control scores. Kelley et al. ( 1 990) found gay men who reported
having unprotected anal intercourse were less likely to have internal
AIDS-related locus of control beliefs and more likely to believe that the
likelihood of HIV infection was attributable to chance factors than those
who did not do so. The same research group later found no relationship
between internal beliefs and the use of condoms in a sample of African
American adolescents.
Health locus of control is perhaps a better predictor of discrete, one-off
behaviours in response to challenges to health than more routine health
related behaviours ( Wallston and Smith 1 994) . However, similarly mixed
fndings in other health domains have led Wallston to draw a number of
pessimistic conclusions about the ability of the health locus of control
construct alone to predict preventive health behaviour. Indeed, by the
early 1 990s, Wallston accepted that effcacy is a more powerful predictor
of behaviour than control ( see, for example Wallston 1 991 ) . Since then,
he has argued that the primary determinant of behaviour is a generalized
self-effcacy belief. This is a more global, overarching construct than
the domain or behaviour-specifc effcacy described by Bandura. Wallston
stated that, where health is a valued outcome, locus of control is a
moderator variable that interacts with self-effcacy to predict behaviour.
Individuals are most likely to engage in health protective behaviours if
they believe both that they can engage successfully in the required behavi
our and that their health is under their own control . In this, locus of
control seems analogous to a health-specifc outcome expectation.
Atti tudi nal model s
Despite early optimism, research into the relationship between attitudes
and behaviour increasingly revealed a lack of association between the two
variables ( see Eagly and Chaiken 1 993) . Attitudinal research has there
fore focused on variables that combine with attitudes to predict behaviour.
Theory of reasoned acti on
The theory of reasoned action ( Aj zen and Fishbein 1 980) identifed a
number of factors that, in combination with attitudes, are thought to
predict behaviour. The model states that the proximal determinant of

Heal th-rel ated deci si on maki ng 53
behaviour i s a behavioural intention. This represents the person's motiva
tion or conscious plan to carry out the behaviour. Intentions are derived
from two parallel processes: the relevant attitudes of the individual and
those thought to be held by others, known as subj ective or behavioural
norms ( Figure 3. 2) .
Attitudes have two components: beliefs about a behaviour, usually
expressed as its perceived consequences, and a value placed on each
behavioural outcome ( ' Exercise makes me slim: I value being slim. ' ) . A
number of, possibly contradictory, beliefs and related values may be held
about a particular behaviour. However, the sum total of these belief/value
pairings provides a measure of the strength of attitude towards a particular
behaviour. Subj ective norms also comprise two elements. The frst is the
strength of belief about whether salient others would wish the individual
to engage in a behaviour. These beliefs interact with the individual' s
motivation to comply with these wishes ( ' My girlfriend would like me
to exercise. ! want to do as she wishes. ' ) . Consideration may be given to
a number of salient others' perceived wishes, with the fnal strength of
normative beliefs represented by the sum of these belief/value pairings.
Attitudes and subj ective norms are derived at some stage in a behavioural
sequence, and once formed are not necessarily reviewed at every behavi
oural opportunity.
Many studies of the theory of reasoned action measure attitudes and
social norms relating to one behaviour. However, Aj zen and Fishbein
( 1 980) recommended that where various behavioural choices exist, meas
ures should be taken in relation to each of the possible behaviours. One
may, for example, fnd that smokers express negative attitudes towards
smoking, but hold even more negative attitudes towards not smoking.
Studies that have adopted this methodology have been in the minority,
and the gain in predictive strength of the model has not always been
great, particularly where the decision has been of a dichotomous nature.
However, where a variety of behavioural choices are possible, such as
the choice of contraceptive pill, this procedure adds signifcantly to
model's explanatory power ( Davidson and Morrison 1 98 3) .
Evaluations of the theory have shown attitudes and social norms t o be
strongly predictive of intentions. Meta-analyses have variously reported
the mean correlation of attitudes and social norms with intentions to
be about 0. 67 (see Conner and Sparks 1996) . The relationship between
intentions and behaviour is of a somewhat lower magnitude, with mean
correlations varying between 0. 53 and 0. 62. However, the strength of this
relationship varies considerably across studies, with correlations between
intentions and measures of behaviour varying between 0. 01 and 0. 94.
While the theory of reasoned action has proved an effective predictor
of behaviour, it has a number of limitations. First, it is in essence linear:
attitudes and social norms influence intentions, which in turn infuence
behaviour. No attention is given to the potentially transactional relation
ship between these variables: behaviour may infuence attitudes or change

54 Understandi ng heal th-rel ated behavi our
Outcome bel i efs x Outcome
eval uati on
Normative bel i efs X Motivati on
to comply
Figure 3. 2 The theori es of reasoned acti on and pl anned behavi our: note
that the shaded el ements compri se the theory of pl anned behavi ou r component
awareness of social norms, which can feed back to change future inten
tions and behaviour. In addition, by confning the model to an explanation
of volitional behaviour, it cannot explain behaviour that occurs with
little or no intervening thought, that which is habitual and may occur
independently of attitudes ( Triandis 1 977) , or behaviour over which the
individual has little or no control.
Theory of pl anned behavi our
In response to the weakness j ust described, Ajzen extended the model,
adding a third factor measuring perceived behavioural control: the indi
vidual' s estimation of how easy or diffcult it would be to perform a
particular behaviour ( see Figure 3. 2) . It is similar to, but not synonym
ous with, self-effcacy as it relates to both one' s own abilities and the
impact of other, external, variables. This extended model is known as
the theory of planned behaviour ( for example Ajzen, 1 985) .
I n a review of the relevant evidence, Aj zen ( 1 991 ) reported the mean
correlation between measures of perceived behavioural control and inten
tions to be 0. 71 . In general, the theory of planned behaviour is a better
predictor of both intentions and behaviour than the theory of reasoned
action ( see, for example, Hausenblas et al. 1 997; Sheeran and Orbell l998) ,
although i n a maj ority of studies behavioural intentions account for more
of the variance in behaviour than perceived behavioural control . Never
theless, Eagly and Chaiken ( 1 993) point out that a direct causal asso
ciation between perceived behavioural control and behaviour may be
questioned: one does not necessarily engage in a behaviour j ust because
one is capable of doing so. Instead, they suggest that the ability to engage
in a behaviour when combined with the desire to do so will predict
action: that is, an interaction between attitudes and behavioural control
may be predictive of behaviour, and perhaps more so than a direct effect
of either variable.

Heal th-rel ated deci si on maki ng 55
Expl ai ni ng t he i ntenti on-behavi our gap
Intentions do not always predict behaviour. Indeed, such is the disparity
between stated intentions and any subsequent enaction of those inten
tions that this phenomenon has been named the intention-behaviour gap.
Considerable effort is now being directed at increasing our understanding
of the processes that mediate between intentions and behaviour. However,
before considering some of the proposed mediators, it i s worth reflecting
that the failure to fnd a consistently strong association between intentions
and behaviour may not reflect so much a ' gap' as a failure to address the
intention-behaviour link appropriately. An intention is typically stated
in terms of one behaviour ( ' I intend to use a condom with a new sexual
partner . . . ') and little consideration is given to other, potentially relevant,
intentions. However, the intention measured may well compete with or
even contradict other, perhaps more important intentions held by the
individual. One may intend to use a condom during intercourse with a
new partner; one also may intend not to lose face through potentially
embarrassing negotiations. If the latter intention is more important than
using a condom, the intention to use a condom may never be implemented.
Accordingly, intentions may be stronger predictors of behaviour than is
sometimes apparent: we may simply be measuring the wrong intentions
and the wrong behaviour.
More theoretical models have also been applied to this problem. Gollwitzer
( 1 993) , example, suggested that the intention to act is followed by the
development of plans, known as implementation intentions, which specify
where and when the intention will be enacted. The more considered these
implementation intentions are, the more likely they are to be acted upon.
A failure to consider implementation plans increases the risk of intended
behaviour not being enacted. In a test of this hypothesis, Orbell et al.
( 1 997) asked a group of women to complete measures of attitudes, social
norms and intentions to breast self-examine. Half their sample was then
asked to consider where and when they would perform their examination.
Despite equivalent strengths of intentions, those in this group were twice
as likely to report performing breast self-examination than those in the
group that simply reported their behavioural intentions. In a later study,
the same research group found a modest but reliable gain in the taking
of vitamin C pills following the development of implementation intentions.
Stage theori es of behavi oural change
Health acti on process
The theories so far described implicitly assume that behavioural decisions
are made in an ' all or none' fashion, with consideration being given to
each relevant element at the same time. A number of theorists have argued

56 Understandi ng heal th-rel ated behavi our
Figure 3. 3 The heal th acti on process
that decision making may involve a more temporally dynamic process,
with consideration of different elements influencing the decision-making
process at different times. The health action process ( Schwarzer 1 992)
has adopted elements of the social cognition models so far described, and
identifed a temporal pattern in which they are considered ( see Figure 3. 3) .
I t states that the adoption of health-related behaviours involves two stages:
a motivational and volitional stage. The latter i s further subdivided into
planning, action and maintenance phases.
The motivational stage is triggered by the perception of a threat to health.
However, unlike some expectancy value models, Schwarzer argued that
only a minimum level of threat or concern is required to initiate considera
tion of change. More important in the motivational stage are the relevant
action/outcome expectancies and self-effcacy j udgements. Consideration
of action/outcome expectancies temporally precedes self-effcacy j udge
ments, with the outcome of such deliberations being an intention to adopt
a precaution measure or to change risk behaviours in favour of other
Once an intention is determined, the individual moves to the action phase.
This involves consideration of how an intentional goal may be achieved.
A global intention ( for example, to get ft) can be specifed in a set of
subordinate intentions and action plans that contain proximal goals and
algorithms for action sequences ( lose two pounds in weight, start j ogging
twice a week) . The more plans and contingencies that are considered, the
more likely is behavioural change. Self-effcacy j udgements determine
the amount of effort and perseverance invested in a new behaviour once
initiated. The context in which change is attempted will also infuence its
outcome. Behaviours that are supported by the social and structural
environment are more likely to be maintained than those that are not.
The importance of outcome and effcacy j udgements in determining
behavioural change has been established earlier in the chapter. Work by

Heal th-rel ated deci si on maki ng 5 7
Gollwitzer ( 1 993) and others has confrmed the role of implementation
intentions and planning. The unique element of the theory, which suggests
a temporal structure to decision making has a strong logic, but requires
further empirical support.
A transtheoretical model of behavi our change
The transtheoretical model of behavioural change of Prochaska and
DiClemente ( 1 986) attempted to provide a general model of the process
of behaviour change. It postulated fve stages through which the individual
passes sequentially in the process of self-determined behavioural change:
Pre-contemplation: not considering change
Contemplation: considering change
Preparation: ready to change
Action: attempting change
Maintenance or relapse: change maintained ( or not) for six months
Prochaska and DiClemente do not claim to have developed a theoretical
model of change: the factors that trigger or facilitate shifts between stages
are deliberately not specifed, and are left to be determined by other
theories .
A more theoretical model has been described by Heckhausen ( 1 991 ) ,
who identifed four stages of change: pre-decisional, post-decisional, actional
and evaluative. Heckhausen suggested that the content of cognitions differs
between each stage. In the pre-decisional phase, cognitions concerning
the desirability and feasibility of a new behaviour predominate and may
result in an intention to change. The decisional phase begins with con
sideration of plans for behavioural change and ends with the successful
initiation of the new behaviour. In the fnal, evaluative phase, the indi
vidual is thought to compare achieved outcomes with initial goals in order
to regulate and maintain behaviour.
The stage model has received some support. DiClemente et al. ( 1 991 )
categorized smokers taking part i n a self-help smoking cessation pro
gramme into one of three groups: pre-contemplators, contemplators and
'prepared for action' . Those in the preparation stage at baseline were
most likely to attempt to quit, and be abstinent at one- and six-month
follow-up. However, later studies have failed to support the notion of
a sequential process of change or that individuals can be identifed as
being within one particular ' stage' at any one time. Budd and Rollnick
( 1 996) , for example, found that a readiness to change questionnaire
was only able to categorize 40 per cent of heavy drinkers into a single
stage and that factors based on items corresponding to the transtheoret
ical model were highly interdependent and lacked discriminant validity.
Their analysis indicated that one underlying factor provided a better

58 Understandi ng heal th-rel ated behavi our
description of their data, suggesting that readiness to change amongst
heavy drinkers corresponds more closely to a continuum than a series of
Data such as these have l ed critics of stage theories ( see, for example,
Sutton 1 996) to suggest that a stage model of change is not theoretically
tenable. Instead, they argue for a ' states of change' model that could be
provided by other social cognition models such as the theory of planned
behaviour. Here, the strength of intention to change behaviour would be
analogous to the ' stage' of the individual, with changes in the strength of
intentions not being premised on shifts from one discrete cognitive ' state'
to another, but representing linear changes in relevant attitudes, social
norms and perceived behavioural control.
Soci al cogni ti on model s: some di l emmas and questi ons
The theories outlined provide a parsimonious description of at least
some of the processes involved in health-related decision making. Their
development has answered many questions about how we make health
related decisions. However, many more issues need to be addressed before
we have a full understanding of how and why we make health-related
behavioural choices .
The central assumption of all the models so far reviewed i s that deci
sions are the outcome of a formal, rational decision-making process.
Such deliberation need not take place at the time the behaviour is enacted,
and may have occurred sometime previously. Strong evidence of this
routinization of behaviour can be found in a study of working-class
households reported by Cullen ( 1 979) . Their respondents considered
90 per cent of their waking day to involve no real choices but, instead,
an adaptation to a relatively stable long-term environment. An unre
solved question is how such behavioural decisions become routinized
and ' thoughtless' , and when and how they become subj ect to change and
A further assumption of social cognition models is that attitudes, social
norms, and so on, are relatively stable and ' fxed' over time: otherwise
they would have no predictive utility. Ingham and van Zessen ( 1 997)
gathered qualitative data that contradicted such an assumption. They
noted, for example, how one participant in their study reported strong
intentions to use a condom but at the last minute changed his mind as he
reappraised the cost and benefts of their use. A further issue relates to
the timing of, and reason for, the 'rational decision-making' processes.
Ingham and van Zessen ( 1 997) found that over one-third of a sample
of young people reported that they frequently considered the risks asso
ciated with unsafe sex: but did so only after the event. Such considera
tion appeared not so much a rational assessment of potential danger,

Heal th-rel ated deci si on maki ng 59
but a way of coping with, and perhaps rationalizing away, any perceived
Further evidence suggesting that reported attitudes and beliefs may
form a post hoc explanation of behaviour was reported by Bennett and
Clatworthy ( 1 999) . They found measures of attitudes, perceived social
norms and behavioural control to discriminate between women who
did and did not continue smoking while pregnant. Women who con
tinued smoking were less likely to endorse statements about the potential
harmful effects of smoking on their developing child. However, more
predictive than these cognitive factors were levels of nicotine dependence.
In addition, most of those who denied that smoking impacted adversely
on the health of their baby and continued to smoke had nevertheless cut
their level of smoking down to an average of 12 cigarettes per day.
Together, these data suggest that at least some women did believe that
smoking may damage their child, had tried to cut down or quit smoking,
but were unable to do so as a consequence of their addiction to nicotine.
Their denial of the harmful effects of smoking may well have been a
defensive post hoc attempt to reduce the dissonance associated with
smoking at the same time as holding negative attitudes towards smoking.
A fnal assumption of many of the models reviewed is that decisions
are governed by a desire to preserve health. However, behaviour may be
guided by other rationales. Jacobson ( 1 9 8 1 ) , for example, found that
many working-class women smokers made a 'rational' decision to use
smoking as a means of controlling the stresses of coping with adverse
social and material circumstances, in the full knowledge of its long-term
health-damaging efects. Social rationales may also influence behaviour.
Sobo ( 1 993 ), for example, was able to identify a number of HIV positive
women who did not use a condom with their regular partner or husband,
but did so with more casual sexual partners. Their rationale for this
behaviour was that it implied commitment to a long-term relationship,
and a desire to become as intimately involved as possible only within
that relationship. Their risky behaviour was viewed as strengthening the
relationship between them and their partner.
Al ternative approaches to the study of behavi oural deci si on-maki ng
These various theoretical and practical concerns have l ed a number of
researchers to argue that we should engage in other methods and draw
upon other theories to help increase our understanding of why people
behave the way they do. Ingham and van Zessen ( 1 997) noted that the
complexity of behaviour and the process of making behavioural choices
contradicts the very rationale of social cognitive models: to explain beha
vioural choices in as parsimonious a way as possible. They suggest that
we should explore the complexity of behaviour rather than attempt to
artifcially simplify it. Qualitative methods provide one means of doing so.

60 Understandi ng heal th-rel ated behavi our
The term ' qualitative methods' encompasses a variety of approaches,
including symbolic interactionist, social constructionist, interpretivist, and
so on. Each brings its own methodology and strategies, most of which
fall outside the scope of the present volume. Instead, the chapter focuses
on the qualitative method used most often in health psychology: grounded
theory ( Strauss and Corbin 1 990) .
Grounded theory
Grounded theory is the methodology adopted by symbolic interactionists
(Mead 1 934) . This framework suggests that our behaviour and under
standings of the world are shaped by our interactions with others. We
develop shared understandings of the world, which change over time,
and provide a rationale for our behavioural decisions. A simple example
of this process can be found in studies of drinking alcohol in groups and
'round buying' by young men. This behaviour is promoted by a shared
feeling of belonging to a group, demonstrating independence and equality
of individuals within a group, and enabling mutual exchange. Similar
meanings can be attached to the use of condoms with non-regular partners
and not using condoms with regular partners by some HIV positive women.
Here, the use of a condom implies a casual, non-committed relationship,
while not using it enhances feelings of intimacy and commitment ( see,
for example, Sobo 1 993 above) .
Grounded theory permits the exploration of these shared meanings
and understandings of the world. It accepts that any theory is not absolute
or static, but stems from a shared negotiated process between the observer
and the observed. The positivist approach of theory-testing is rejected.
Instead, theory is developed in an iterative process from information
given by the population under study. The researcher develops new ques
tions and hypotheses to address as information is gathered, and the search
for new information stops only when no new information is obtained
from the questions asked. Theory-testing in this framework is one of
constant comparison of data with an emerging conceptual framework
or theory. This method provides a rich understanding of the reasons for
behavioural choices, not confned to predetermined categories or theories.
Some examples of qualitative research are provided below. Note that
the issue is now one of explaining a particular behaviour rather than
developing a theory that is applicable to a number of behaviours.
Explanations of dietar choices
Dietary choice is frequently not premised on issues of health. Indeed, while
many people accept the potential impact of diet on health in general,
they discount its personal impact, considering chance or other ungovern
able factors as the ultimate determinants of health. More important may

Heal th-rel ated deci si on maki ng 6 1
be social and cultural factors. Backett ( 1 990) , for example, found that
much of the food eaten within families results from a negotiation between
family members. The women in her sample did most of the cooking, yet
many followed the dietary choices of their partners. Compromises were
also determined by what children wished to eat, with meals including
both food that the children liked, but which had poor nutritional value,
and food that was healthy. Parents may even eat food quite different
from their preferred choice in order to provide healthy role models for
their children.
Douglas and Nicod ( 1 974) provided an anthropological interpretation
of food choice, divorcing it from any nutritional or health aspects and
emphasizing the shared meaning of the ways in which food was prepared
and eaten. In particular, they found that working-class meals were highly
structured events and the choice of food determined by family history
and tradition: the ' Sunday roast' perhaps forming the epitome of such
ritual. According to Douglas and Nicod, such rituals have social and
cultural meanings beyond that of the nutritional elements of food and
may prove resistant to change premised entirely on health issues.
The differences between middle- and working-class women' s under
standings of food and health were explored by Calnan ( 1 990) . He found
that differing elements of food were important to each of these groups.
Middle-class women placed a strong emphasis on the need for a balanced
diet, with everything in moderation. In contrast, working-class women
were more concerned with making a meal substantial and flling. This
may refect differences in the function of food. Middle-class respondents
were concerned about long-term health and appearance. For the working
class respondents, food choice was focused on providing suffcient energy
to permit the accomplishment of work or other shorter-term tasks. Com
monalities between the two groups were a focus on the need for fresh
food that was free from additives and considered healthier than its
processed equivalent. However, these beliefs impacted more on middle
class women' s food choices than those of working-class women. In
addition, although both groups saw high sugar and high fat foodstuffs as
unhealthy, the working-class women purchased significantly more of these
foodstuffs than did the middle-class women. Calnan concluded that the
food choices of the working-class women did not appear to be driven
by issues of nutrition or health; rather, they were based on availability,
the choices of other family members, and how ' flling' they were.
Lupton and Chapman ( 1 995) explored through a series of discussion
groups how women dealt with, often contradictory, media stories con
cerning diet and dietary choices . Members of each group were given real,
but conficting, newspaper clippings on diet, cholesterol and heart disease.
Participants were asked to say what they thought of these disparate
views and how they knew what was the 'right' thing to eat. Finally, they
were asked whom they could trust to give appropriate advice on health
matters. Most participants were aware of the orthodox accounts of the

62 Understandi ng heal th-rel ated behavi our
relationship between diet and CHD: most also considered that good health
was obtained through conscious planning and eating healthy foodstuffs.
In addition, many considered that this involved controlling their own
desires to eat the more pleasurable but unhealthy foods. Participants
noted the pleasure of indulging oneself in eating, but also expressed
moral beliefs about the need to 'work' at being healthy and the ' guilt' of
eating the 'wrong types of food' . Medical advice was treated with some
caution, and the adage ' everything in moderation' was applied regardless
of offcial advice.
Summar and concl usi ons
Further readi ng
This chapter has described a number of models used to explain health
related behaviour change, most of which ft within the rubric of social
cognition models. These models attempt to identify common psycholo
gical constructs that underlie all such decision making. Their goal is one
of parsimony: to provide a general model of health-related decision mak
ing that utilizes a minimum of extraneous explanatory variables. In this
paradigm, the key variables appear to be those relating to personal control
( and in particular self-effcacy) , the costs and benefts of a particular
behavioural choice, and the personal and perceived attitudes of others
towards a particular behaviour. The models are better at predicting beha
vioural intentions than behaviour, although as the latter becomes the
focus of more research our understanding of the processes mediating the
intention-behaviour gap is likely to increase.
The goals of parsimony and generalizability, however, are achieved at
the cost of a detailed understanding of the processes underlying particular
behavioural choices. This level of understanding is better provided by
qualitative methods. In addition, such methodologies permit the initial
exploration of factors governing behaviour that may be subj ected to
later positivist, theory-testing methods.
Conner, M. and Norman, P. ( eds) ( 1 996) Predicting Health Behaviour: Research
and Practice with Social Cognition Models. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Murray, M. and Chamberlain, K. ( eds) ( 1999) Qualitative Health Psychology:
Theories and Methods. London: Sage.

Health- and illness-related
Ou r understandi ng of both adul ts' and chi l dren' s percepti ons of i l l ness
has been drawn from a number of research tradi ti ons. Theori es rel ati ng
to chi l dren have to accommodate changes i n understandi ngs over ti me,
and take i nto account devel opmental processes. Accordi ngl y, some
theori sts have argued that chi l dren' s understandi ngs of i l l ness mi rror
more general cognitive changes over ti me. These theori es have adopted
the ' stage' model of Pi aget. Others have argued that chi l dren' s devel opi ng
understandi ngs of i l l ness are more i di osyncrati c and refl ect thei r
encounters wi th di sease and i l l ness. Among adul ts, vari ous research
approaches have been used to study concepts of heal th and i l l ness,
i ncl udi ng ethnographi c, symbol i c i nteracti oni st, and more cogni ti ve
methodol ogi es. In addi ti on, recent research has focused on the cognitive
processes underl yi ng the strategi es we use to cope wi th both acute
and chroni c i l l ness. Each of these i ssues i s consi dered i n the chapter.
In additi on, the rol e of cogni ti ons i n medi ati ng the experi ence of pai n i s
consi dered. When Mel zack and Wal l frst devel oped thei r i ntegrated
model of pai n, i t encountered consi derabl e resi stance from those who
conti nued to argue for a purel y physi ol ogi cal model of the percepti on of
pai n. Now, however, the evi dence that cogni ti ons pl ay an i mportant rol e
i n the pai n experi ence i s overwhel mi ng. Some of the rel evant l iterature
i s revi ewed.
Thi s chapter consi ders:
Chi l dren' s understandi ngs of heal th and i l l ness
Adul ts' understandi ngs of heal th and i l l ness
Copi ng wi th i l l ness
+ A cogni ti ve model of pai n

64 Understandi ng heal th-rel ated behavi our
Chi l dren' s understandi ngs of heal th and i l l ness
Two maj or theoretical stances have been adopted in the study of children's
understandings of health and illness. One important research approach
is rooted in the work of Piaget. Those who have adopted this approach
( for example, Bibace and Walsh 1 980) suggest that children' s under
standings of health and illness follow an invariant developmental sequence,
mirroring more general and equally sequential cognitive changes. More
environmentalist explanations ( for example, Eiser 1 989) suggest they are
driven by children' s experiences of health and illness.
Stage theor
According to Bibace and colleagues, the frst stage of understanding illness,
corresponding to the Piagetian phase of pre-operational thinking, occurs
between the ages of 5 and 7 years. ( The age ranges identifed for each
type of thinking are very general as there is considerable variation at
what age children achieve each stage of illness representation. ) The frst
stage is dominated by thoughts of magic or punishment. Illness is seen as
a result of magic, witchcraft, or as a punishment for not obeying parental
instructions: a phenomenon known as imminent j ustice. During this time,
there is also the emergence of an understanding that illnesses can be
contagious, though the child may over-extend this principle to assume
that all illnesses are contagious. The child explains illness solely in terms
of any phenomenon that they have associated with it without clear dif
ferentiation between cause and effct.
The next stage of beliefs corresponds to the concrete-operational stage.
During this stage, typically between the ages of 8 and 1 0 years, the child
begins to consider the mechanisms of disease. He or she can describe the
experience of symptoms and explain their cause in terms of external
agents or events, through contamination, and that they involve the body
as a whole: ' You catch a cold by going out in the wet weather . . . It stays
in your body . . . and goes up into your chest . ' They understand a germ
theory of disease causation and begin to realize that not all diseases are
contagious. They acknowledge a limited number of causal agents in pre
cipitating illness. They are also beginning to identif the processes through
which illness affects the individual, focusing on explanations describing
how mechanical actions lead to changes in specifc internal body parts:
' You catch a cold from germs getting into your lungs and clogging them
up. You sneeze to get the germs out . '
By the age of 11 years, the child develops an abstract understanding of
disease and realizes that illness can result from the failure of a specifc
body part. By this time, they have a sophisticated understanding of the
physiological processes underlying the disease: ' A cold involves symptoms
such as . . . ' ; 'You catch the germs that are all around tS. Coughing and

Heal th- and i l l ness-rel ated cogniti ons 65
running nose are the side-effects of the body' s fghting them off. I t makes
mucus to carry away dead germs. ' Around the age of 14 years, some
children begin to recognize that disease may be a consequence of psy
chological stress.
While the theory is attractive in that i t presents a parsimonious explana
tion of children' s developing concepts of illness, the specifcs of this stage
approach and the methodology used to develop it have been strongly
criticised. Bird and Podmore ( 1 990) , for example, noted that there were
several aspects of Bibace and Walsh' s work that questioned the validity
of its fndings. Perhaps the most important methodological shortcoming
was their failure to code children' s responses using a Piagetian-levels
coding scheme, as many of the children' s answers to their questions were
too short to allow such analysis. Further challenges to their theory are
provided by a number of studies that have failed to support a Piagetian
approach. Dimigen and Ferguson ( 1 993 ), for example, failed to fnd a
strong relationship between Piagetian stages and children' s understandings
of the nature of cancer.
While Bibace found evidence of age sequential processing in child
ren's understanding of AIDS, work by Aggleton and colleagues revealed
adolescents to have relatively unsophisticated understandings of HIV
transmission, although the research was done in the early days of public
awareness of AIDS. Warwick et al. ( 1 98 8 ) identifed three models of
causation in this group: miasmatic ( 'there' s a lot of it about . . . ' ; ' It' s
everywhere. You get it from the environment you live in, the people you
mix with' ) : serependitious ( ' whether you fall prey to infection depends
on chance or luck' ) : and endogenous ( ' like cancer, it's in everyone from
the start, j ust waiting to be brought out' ) .
Magical thinking, too, i s not confned t o young children: many adults
believe at some level that an illness they are experiencing is because they
are a ' bad person' . Even Bibace found that college students evidenced an
extreme range of illness conceptions, from the lowest magical levels to
the mature psychophysiological stage, across a variety of illnesses. Such
evidence presents signifcant problems to a stage theory of illness cogni
tions and has led a number of researchers to suggest that children' s
understandings of illness are better explained by accumulated increases
in knowledge than by a qualitative shift from one cognitive stage to
another ( see, for example, Eiser 1 989) .
An alternative explanation for the phenomena described by Bibace
and colleagues can be found in the work of Carey ( 1 985) . Carey acknow
ledged that children develop their behaviour and beliefs much as the
Piagetian-based theory. However, she argued that beliefs change accord
ing to different principles. She suggested that from about 4 years of age
children attempt to explain the function of the body in terms of wants
and beliefs. Explanations of events are initially based on a ' naive psy
chology' of behaviour that shifts towards explanations based on a ' naive
biology' as the child grows older. Accordingly, explanations of eating

66 Understandi ng heal th-rel ated behavi our
as a behavioural phenomenon ( ' You eat because your mum tells you
it' s ready' ) move to more biological explanations ( 'You eat because you
need the food to keep your body healthy' ) . Thus explanations of health
change too. Initial explanations in terms of behaviour or human action
( 'You get ill because you have done something wrong' ) change to more
biological explanations ( ' You become ill because of germs' ) .
The critical difference between Carey' s and Bibace' s explanations
for the same phenomena is that Carey does not propose that a child' s
understandings of illness are constrained at a structural level ( the Piagetian
explanation) . Rather, the beliefs are logical within the child' s theory of
intuitive knowledge of the world, which changes and develops as a func
tion of their increasing understanding of human behaviour and biology.
Representati ons of i l l ness and heal th
The theories addressed so far have focused on children' s theories of illness
causation. Moving beyond this focus, Goldman et al. ( 1 991 ) sought to
identify additional dimensions along which young children' s conceptions
of illness might be organized. To explore this issue, they interviewed a
group of children aged between 4 and 6 years about their understandings
of common illness. From their interviews, they identifed fve core charac
teristics of illnesses, which difered according to the illness being described.
Children considered illnesses in terms of their causation, identity, con
sequences, probable duration and whether they were cuable. These dimen
sions map strongly onto adult understandings of illness discussed in more
detail later in this chapter. Less research has focused on children' s under
standings of health. In one such study, Normandeau et al. ( 1998) examined
conceptions of health held by boys and girls of differing ages, socio
economic groups, and from urban and rural areas of France. Their fndings
indicated that children' s conceptions of health were multidimensional,
rooted in their daily experiences, and organized around three main dimen
sions: functionality, adherence to good 'health habits' , and mental health.
Again, these are very similar to adults' representations of health discussed
later in the chapter.
Adul ts' representati ons of heal th and di sease
Social representati ons of health
One of the frst investigators to apply a social representation frame
work to the study of health was Herzlich ( 1973 ). She conducted detailed
unstructured interviews with 80 French adults concerning their views of
health and illness. She found that health was often taken for granted and

Heal th- and i l l ness-rel ated cogniti ons 67
only considered when contrasted with disease. Nevertheless, she was
able to construct some elements of representations of health held by her
study population. These focused on health as a state of equilibrium of
various aspects of the i ndividual, including physical and psychological
well-being, evenness of temper, absence of fatigue, freedom of movement,
effectiveness of action and good relations with other people.
Other ways of categorizing Herzlich' s data categorize health as ' being' ,
' having' and ' doing' . ' Health as being' refers t o the absence of illness:
one is healthy if one is not ill. In contrast, ' health as having' considers
health to be a positive asset, a reserve upon which one can draw at times
of illness. These reserves allow an individual who is temporarily ill to be
still regarded as 'healthy' as they have a reserve of health. ' Health as doing'
represents functional ftness: the ability to carry out activities and duties.
These categories have been replicated in subsequent studies, including
one with working-class Scottish respondents.
Within this general framework, defnitions of ' good health' difer across
age and gender. Blaxter ( 1 990) found that young men focused on health
as being strong, active and ft. In contrast, while young women also
placed an emphasis on ftness as a component of health, they saw health
as more rooted in the social world. Liveliness and alertness, exemplifed
by not staying in bed and having good relationships with family and
friends were considered indicators of good health. For men and women
approaching middle age, concepts of health became more complex and
diffuse, emphasizing a more rounded state encompassing both mental
and physical well-being. This included such things as being happy, relaxed
and living life to the full. The idea of vitality remained, but for older men
this was expressed in terms of enthusiasm for paid work and for women
in their ability to tackle housework. The importance of the social aspects
of health was maintained in women, who continued to defne health in
terms of social fulflment, including their attitude towards and their ability
to get on with others.
Herzlich found that her study population represented illness along
two dimensions: organic and behavioural or psychosocial. She also found
that only when the organic components impinge on the individual' s life
will symptoms be considered as an illness: for most people the major
criterion for illness is an enforced inability to engage in everyday activities.
Individuals respond to health threats in a way consistent with three
conceptions of illness: illness as destructive, as a liberator and as an
occupation. Those who think of their illness as destructive consider it to
be a threat to their social being as it excludes them from a social involve
ment from which they gain their self-esteem. In order to maintain their
self-esteem they deny their illness and continue their involvement in
society. Those who see their illness as a liberator consider it a reason to
bow out from excessive demands being made of them: they become 'ill ' .
Those who see their illness as an occupation struggle against it. In its
more active form, this involves the individual in attempts to participate

68 Understandi ng heal th-rel ated behavi our
in their own treatment. Their goal is to be a good patient and to do
whatever is necessary to gain a cure.
On a micro-level of analysis, a number of studies have focused on
understandings of particular illnesses. In some cases, these are dramatic.
Cancer and AIDS, for example, are closely associated with death. Cancer
is often described as an ' eating away disease' : something separate from
the individual, which has a life of its own. The language we use may also
lead to inappropriate social constructions of disease. Using the example
of hypertension, Blumhagen ( 1 980) noted that its name provides a power
ful suggestion that hyperactivity and tension are key symptoms and causes
of the disorder. This, in turn, suggests that stress is the cause, and stress
management a potential way of curing or controlling the disorder.
Cognitive representati ons of di sease
A more formal cognitive methodology has been used by Leventhal and
colleagues to determine how individuals represent and cope with the threat
of disease ( see, for example, Nerenz and Leventhal 1 983 ) . Leventhal ' s
self-regulation model is similar to the more general coping models dis
cussed in Chapter 2 in that it assumes that the individual faced with a
health problem will be motivated to reduce any consequent emotional
distress and return to a state of equilibrium by engaging in a variety of
coping strategies. In contrast to more general models, it focuses uniquely
on how the individual represents and responds to the threat carried by
The model identifed a number of stages following divergent, but
interacting, pathways. The frst stage, termed representation, concerns
the reception and interpretation of information in order to develop an
understanding of the health threat. It is based on information gleaned
from a variety of sources, including the signs and symptoms of illness,
and information from doctors and others in the individual' s social sphere
concerning the illness' s diagnosis and nature.
Leventhal initially identifed four dimensions along which indivi duals
represent the nature of their illness: its identity, consequences, causes
and time-line. Understandings of illness identity can involve both abstract
labels, typically the name of the disease, and signs and symptoms such as
bleeding or pain. The consequences may be physical, social, economic
and emotional. Causes may be both internal , including genetic factors,
and external environmental causes, such as work, stress or dietary factors.
Finally, the time-line focuses on the chronicity of the illness or illness
threat. Illnesses may be considered as a single acute episode, a cyclic
process with recurrences, or chronic, where the disease is expected to be
ongoing for some considerable duration. Nerenz and Leventhal ( 1 983)
suggested that most illness episodes are initially represented as acute,
although representations may change over the course of the illness, moving

Heal th- and i l l ness-rel ated cogni ti ons 69
through intermediate and then chronic representations if appropriate.
Leventhal and colleagues found, for example, that 29 per cent of women
with metastatic breast cancer considered their illness to be acute and
curable during the early cycles of chemotherapy. Six months later, only
1 1 per cent held this view. Representations may differ markedly from
traditional medical conceptions of disease. Many chronic asthmatics con
sider their asthma to be an acute illness: presumably they do not think
of themselves as ill or asthmatic while they are symptom-free.
Other researchers have identifed similar factor structures in repre
sentations of illness. Turk et al. ( 1 986) identifed four dimensions: its
seriousness, personal responsibility for cause and cure, controllability,
and changeability. Turk suggested that these represent a more personal,
emotional, appraisal of the illness than the dimensions identifed by
Leventhal. Lau and Hartman ( 1 98 3) identifed a further factor: that of
curability or controllability. They also suggested that the time-line factor
was the weakest component of the model. Despite these differences,
there is an increasing consensus that fve dimensions form the basi s of
our understandings of a wide range of diseases, from the common cold
to chronic to severe conditions including CHD and cancer. They are:
disease identity;
its consequences;
+ i ts causes;
its timeline;
its curability or controllability.
Nerenz and Leventhal ( 1 98 3) warned that despite a generic underlying
structure, illness representations are not always well integrated and not
necessarily complete. Only some dimensions may be present. Heijmans
and deRidder ( 1 998) , for example, were able to discriminate between
the illness representations of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and
Addison' s disease. In patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, a four
factor solution was identifed with manageability, seriousness, personal
responsibility and external cause as the factors. In patients with Addison' s
disease a four-factor solution was also identifed but here the factors
were seriousness, cause, chronicity and controllability. Even when an
individual has included all the dimensions in their illness representation,
the dimensions need not be consistent: the time-line may disagree with
a disease identity, for example, and both may be at odds with the per
ceived cause.
Attributions of stress as causal appear to be almost ubiquitous through
out a variety of diseases and conditions, including epilepsy, breast cancer
and rheumatoid arthritis. Fielding ( 1 98 7) , for example, asked patients
to identify factors that contributed to their MI. The most common
explanations were stress, worry and tension. Other more medically valid
ated explanations such as smoking or high cholesterol were much less

10 Understandi ng heal th-rel ated behavi our
endorsed. These attributions may be a defensive attribution reducing
personal blame and attributing the incident to short-term, changeable
external factors. However, they hold for other diseases. Taylor et al.
( 1 984) asked women with breast cancer whether they had ' some sort of
theory about how they got cancer' . Ninety-fve per cent of the women
were able to provide some theory of causation. These fell into six
main categories: stress, endorsed by 41 per cent of the women; a specifc
carcinogen, 32 per cent; heredity, 26 per cent; diet, 1 7 per cent; and
blow to the breast, 17 per cent. Fifty-six per cent of respondents felt that
they had some degree of control over their illness; 68 per cent thought
that someone else had control over their cancer.
Di sease prototypes
The Leventhal model suggests a number of ways in which we move from
the perception of a set of symptoms to labelling them as disease: we utilize
information provided by doctors and other relevant sources . A further
process by which we label clusters of symptoms as diseases is by compar
ing them with prototypes or schemata of disease ( Bishop 1 98 7) . Disease
prototypes are not clearly defned categories; rather, they are fuzzy sets,
and individuals appear to match their symptoms to the prototypes on
the basis of family resemblance rather than exact matches. The more
symptoms a person has that correspond to a disease prototype the more
likely they are to interpret these symptoms as an indication of that disease.
Disease prototypes mirror illness representations, with the dimensions of
identity and cause being the most important in defning illness. Bishop
also identifed a number of dimensions into which physical symptoms
are categorized in such prototypes. The frst dimension refects the
degree to which symptoms are considered contagious or virally caused.
The second dimension involves the location of the symptoms. The third
considers possible psychological causation, while the fnal one involves
consideration of the extent to which the symptoms may cause disruption
of activity.
I ndivi dual di fferences i n representati ons of di sease
At any given time, between 70 and 90 per cent of the population have a
medical condition that is diagnosable and potentially treatable. The vast
maj ority do not seek any form of treatment. Even among people who
report feeling ill, only 40 per cent seek medical aid. The relationship
between the development of symptoms and the interpretation of such
symptoms as warranting seeking medical treatment is only modest.
However, there are signifcant and enduring differences in the attention
that people pay to internal events, and their likelihood of defning these
as symptoms of disease ( Pennebaker 1 992) . Trait neuroticism or negative

Heal th- and i l l ness-rel ated cogni ti ons 7 1
affect increases the risk of an individual both being aware of symptoms
and labelling them as symptoms. Bennett et al. ( 1 996) , for example,
examined the differences between two groups of individuals who pre
sented in a hospital casualty department complaining of chest pain,
subsequently diagnosed as being an MI or non-cardiac chest pain. The
latter group had higher neuroticism and symptom awareness scores than
the former, whose scores did not differ from those of a matched general
population group.
Transient factors, such as mood and social context, can also play a
critical role in these processes. Depressed patients are likely to exhibit
biased processing of negative illness-related information. The salience of
symptoms within the individual' s environment may also moderate their
reporting of such symptoms: a maj ority of medical students report having
at least one of the diseases they are studying in the course of their training
period. The infuence of contextual factors on the experience and report
ing of pain provides further evidence of how affect and context can
infuence individuals' awareness of physical sensations ( see below) .
Stress may also play a moderating role i n the awareness and inter
pretation of symptoms. Cameron et al. ( 1 995) found that in a sample of
45-90 year olds, frequency of care-seeking was high when an ambiguous
symptom such as headache or fatigue occurred in the presence of chronic
life stress. When both stressor and symptom were new, the frequency of
care-seeking was low. A strong temporal association between the onset
of stress and symptoms signifed that the symptoms were stress-related
and most people did not seek medical help. Where the ambiguous symp
toms occurred against a background of chronic stress, this interpreta
tion was considered less likely and the patients were more likely to seek
medical help.
The outcomes of appraisals
Illness representations may predict mood, behavioural responses to illness
and, where behaviour will influence the disease process, disease outcome.
They may be more strongly associated with levels of disability than with
the coping strategies used by patients to manage their condition ( Heijmans
1 998) . In addition, representations have been found to explain more
of the variance in reported pain and disability levels than medically
confrmed measures of disease activity, such as degenerative changes on
X-rays and so on.
Illness representations may impact directly on mood. Heijmans ( 1 998) ,
for example, reported that patients with chronic fatigue syndrome who
believed their illness to be serious, that they had little or no control over
it, and saw little possibility of a cure, reported greater mental health
problems and less vitality than those with the opposite constellation of
beliefs . A similar fnding was reported in patients who had multiple
sclerosis ( Schiaffno et al. 1 998) . In contrast, external attributions of

72 Understandi ng heal th-rel ated behavi our
disease causality have been associated with l ess distress and depression
than attributions of a psychosocial or behavioural origin among indi
viduals with lung cancer.
Illness representations may interact with disease variables to influence
mood. Schiaffno found that patients with progressive rheumatoid arthritis
who saw their condition as potentially curable or who saw themselves as
responsible for their deterioration reported signifcant increases in depres
sion over time. If patients expected the consequences of their condition
to be serious, and they were, they were highly likely to be depressed.
Disconfrmation of their fear resulted in low levels of depression. When
the arthritis was initially viewed as only moderately serious, illness
progression was associated with particularly high levels of depression.
Internal control beliefs may result in less disability but carry the cost of
lower mood. Schiaffno and Revenson ( 1 992) found that when beliefs
about rheumatoid arthritis controllability were high, attributions for the
cause of a symptom fare that were internal, global and stable were
linked to greater depression scores but less disability than the opposite
constellation of beliefs.
One of the earliest studies to examine the effects of illness representa
tions on behaviour found that patients undergoing cardiac surgery who
considered themselves as having a long-term illness appeared depressed
and were unlikely to engage in a rehabilitation programme. Those who
considered themselves ' at risk' were more likely to engage in rehabilita
tion and health-promoting practices. Meyer et al. ( 1 985) identifed
patients' representations of high blood pressure and their influence on
adherence to antihypertensive medication. Contrary to medical opinion,
patients claimed to be able to identify a number of symptoms of hyperten
sion, including warmth, dizziness and fushing. The longer that individuals
had been identifed as hypertensive, the more likely they were to monitor
and label such experiences as symptoms. One-quarter of those interviewed
considered their condition to be acute, and one-third considered it to be
cyclic. Those most likely to adhere to the recommended treatment were
newly diagnosed patients who considered their condition to be a chronic
one. Perhaps surprisingly, long-standing patients who considered their
condition to be chronic were less likely to adhere to their medication
regimen: perhaps because of a fear of long-term medication use ( see
below) . Patients who experienced what they considered to be a reduction
in symptoms were most likely to drop out of treatment, believing them
selves to be cured.
In a further study of cardiac patients, Petrie et al. ( 1 996) found that
patients' attendance at a cardiac rehabilitation course was signifcantly
related to a strong belief during admission that their condition could be
cured or controlled. They also found that return to work within six weeks
was predicted by the perception that the illness would last a short time
and have only minimal negative consequences. Patients' beliefs that their
heart disease would have serious consequences was signifcantly related to

Heal th- and i l l ness-rel ated cogni ti ons 73
later disability in work, around the house, in their recreational activities
and social interactions. Finally, a strong illness i dentity was signifcantly
related to greater sexual dysfunction at both three- and six-month follow
up. Illness representations may even impact on the outcome of disease.
Affleck et al. ( 1 987) found the attributions of cardiac patients seven
weeks following their MI were predictive of their health outcomes eight
years later. Those who attributed the MI to stress were more likely to
have a further MI than those who did not: perhaps because their external
attribution did not prompt them to take action to reduce their future
risk of reinfarction.
Treatent beliefs
People seem to hold stable beliefs about medicines, and the maj ority have
a negative orientation towards them. Echabe et a!. ( 1 992) , for example,
found 70 per cent of a representative sample of nearly 1 000 participants
to hold an ' against medicine' orientation. Only 12 per cent expressed a
strong positive orientation towards medicines, the rest having some
degree of ambivalence.
A critical determinant of adherence to a medication regimen is its
perceived effectiveness. This may be particularly pertinent where the con
sequences of a failure to take medication are not immediately apparent:
for example, in the cases of antiretroviral medication to prevent HIV
progression, antihypertensive medication, and even antibiotics once the
obvious signs of illness have gone. Beliefs about effectiveness can be
confounded by beliefs about side-effects, with patients engaging in a
cost/ beneft analysis when making choices about medication usage ( Horne
1 997) . Such analyses may be quite sophisticated and take into account
a number of beliefs about medication. More effective medications, for
example, implicitly have more side-effects. This may make high levels of
side-effects acceptable, even on occasion desirable. Leventhal et al. ( 1 986)
found that some women receiving chemotherapy for breast cancer found
the absence of side-effects distressing as it implied that the treatment
regimen was not suffciently powerful . However, those taking longer
term medications may be less willing to accept side-effects. Siegel et a!.
( 1 999) found that HIV positive men and women withheld taking their
antiretroviral medication if they considered it to make them sicker or
to have greater risks than benefts. A further reason for not taking their
medication was the belief that the medication was not having any effect.
This is a particularly concerning fnding, as many medications do not
make identifable changes to symptoms, yet are essential to the effective
treatment of a variety of conditions.
Other frequently held beliefs refect an expectation of diminishing
effectiveness over time. Donovan and Blake ( 1 992) , for example, found
many rheumatology patients to be concered that their pain medication
would become less effective over time. A similar concern was found in a

74 Understandi ng heal th-rel ated behavi our
sample of HIV positive men in the context of their antiretroviral medica
tion. Many people believe that continual taking of tablets is in itself
harmful . Morgan and Watkins ( 1 988) , for example, found that a number
of patients receiving antihypertensive medication stopped taking it for
periods of up to a few months at a time in order to give their body a
break from medication.
Copi ng with i l l ness
A central tenet to the Leventhal model is that illness representations
are representations of threat, and both influence mood and motivate
behaviour intended to reduce the threat potential carried by the disease.
Leventhal et al. ( 1 997) state that the experience of illness sets off two
parallel response processes ( see Figure 4. 1 ) . One set of procedures involves
responding to cognitive representations of disease threat, and processing
and coping with fear or other emotional reactions to illness. The second
procedures involve coping with the implications of the disease itself.
Both sets of processing involve developing strategies to reduce distress
or enhance disease control. The system is recursive, so the effectiveness of
each procedure is monitored, allowing for changing strategies over time
should this be necessary. The two systems work in parallel and interact
in complex ways, and any coping strategy used may impact on either or
both of these systems. Leventhal et a!. ( 1 997) provided the example of
taking aspirin for a headache to indicate the complex cognitive work
Representati on
of i l l ness:
I dentity
Copi ng with
Apprai sal
i l l ness
of copi ng
Ti me-l i ne
Percepti on of
heal th threat
1 I
Emoti onal
Copi ng with Apprai sal
emoti onal
of copi ng
Anxi ety
response effectiveness
Hope etc.
Figure 4. 1 Leventhal ' s model of representati on and copi ng wi th i l l ness

Heal th- and i l l ness-rel ated cogniti ons 75
involved in even such a simple action. Taking an aspirin to relieve a
stress-induced headache leads to an expectation of symptom relief within
a given timeframe. By removing the symptom and the emotional distress
associated with it, the need to call on others for assistance is obviated
and the initial hypothesis, that it is stress-related headache, is confrmed.
If, however, the response is ineffective, works too slowly or for too brief
a time, it may suggest alternative representations of the problem, such as
a migraine or stroke. These potential alternatives will stimulate additional
searching for symptoms, such as impaired vision, and may suggest the
need for further action, including taking stronger painkillers or visiting
the doctor. It may also increase the threat value carried by the symptoms
and increase anxiety levels.
Most researchers have not explored the complexities of a recursive
system and have focused instead on the relationship between coping
strategies and a single outcome at one point in time. Dunkel-Schetter
et al. ( 1 992) found that 55 per cent of male and female patients with
cancer reported having no primary coping strategy. Of those reported,
all involved emotion-focused strategies: 42 per cent used distancing,
22 per cent used ' positive focus' , 1 9 per cent used social support, and
1 7 per cent used cognitive escape/avoidance. In a more fne-grain analysis
of patients with cancer, Heim et al. ( 1 98 7) found that the nature of the
threat carried by cancer and the coping strategies used to deal with it
differed according to the stage of the cancer, with greater use of active
coping strategies, including problem solving or positive reappraisal,
occurring in the earlier stages of the disease and more avoidant strategies
as the disease advances . In a very different population, Brown et al.
( 1 995) found that adolescents who were HIV infected as a consequence
of blood transfusion became upset or angry when they encountered
reminders of their HIV status. In response to this, their most frequently
used strategies were resignation, self-calming and distraction. The least
frequently used strategies were self-blame, engaging in risky behaviours,
and drug or alcohol use. The most effective strategies were cognitive
restructuring, seeking social support, and physical activity; least effective
were passive strategies such as wishful thinking and blaming others.
Both problem- and emotion-focused coping strategies can be effective
in reducing distress. In addition, different coping strategies may help
individuals to cope with different aspects of disease, and may work in
apparently contradictory ways. It has been estimated that up to 80 per
cent of the coping efforts used by people with diabetes involve active
coping strategies. However, this may be at the cost of mental well-being.
Sinzato et al. ( 1985) found that individuals with diabetes who used passive
or avoidant coping strategies reported lower levels of depression and
anxiety than those who used active coping strategies, but evidenced less
disease control . Avoiding the distress of demanding adaptive tasks may
help to maintain emotional equilibrium, but at the cost of future disease
complications. Maes and Schlosser ( 1 987) illustrated some of the problems

76 Understandi ng heal th-rel ated behavi our
associated with the use of apparently appropriate coping strategies at
inappropriate times. They found that asthmatics who maintained a
restrictive lifestyle as a consequence of focusing on their illness, but who
reacted emotionally during an asthma attack fared less well than those
with the opposite constellation of coping strategies.
The threat value of illness is governed by the illness representations that
the individual holds. Maes et al. ( 1 996) identifed a number of illnesses
as carrying high threat levels, which require complex revision of the self
and its relation to the social context, and may require substantial emotion
focused coping efforts. These include metastatic cancer and AIDS. Lesser
health threats, which have less impact and may beneft from the use of
more active coping strategies, include asthma and diabetes. Maes and
colleagues argued for the development of a model which directly ties
individual coping attempts to the illness representations that the indi
viduals hold. The beginnings of this specifc link can be found in work
which has shown beliefs about the lack of controllability of an illness to
be related to avoidant, emotion-focused coping, about changeability to
be related to problem-oriented forms of coping, and ambiguity of out
come to passive forms of emotion-focused coping ( see Maes et al. 1996) .
I nter-rel ati onshi p of i l l ness cogni ti ons and other schemata
Illness schemata do not arise de novo. Their nature i s infuenced by other,
pre-existing schemata, and their emotional and behavioural consequences
are governed by interactions with these schemata, which may come from
a variety of domains. Interactions with beliefs about treatment have already
been noted. Beliefs about the competence or trustworthiness of doctors
may infuence willingness to accept a diagnosis and the model of illness
presented by the diagnosing physician. Health locus of control beliefs
and beliefs about one' s competence to cope, or value as a person may also
powerfully mediate reaction to illness. Moorey and Greer ( 1 989) noted
that the belief ' I am defective' in response to a diagnosis of cancer typically
led to a passive acceptance of illness and a failure to engage in appropriate
health-related behaviour. Beliefs about the social context that the indi
vidual inhabits, including the acceptability or otherwise of illness and
illness-behaviours, may strongly influence the reporting of illness and the
coping behaviours adopted. A full understanding of reactions to illness
needs to incorporate an assessment of these other, potentially interacting
belief systems as well as the appraisals of illness identifed by Leventhal.
A cognitive model of pai n
Perhaps the most thorough consideration of the inter-relationship between
cognitive and physiological processes has been developed in the 'gate

Heal th- and i l l ness-rel ated cogni ti ons
ory Sens
i npu t
Gate control
Central control processes
Motivati onal /afective
Sensory/di scri mi native
Figure 4.2 Mel zack and Wal l ' s gate theory of pai n percepti on
mechani sms
control' theory of pain developed by Melzack and Wall ( 1 965) . This model
described the integration of peripheral stimuli with cortical variables
such as mood or anxiety in the perception of pain. It suggested that pain
is neither entirely somatic nor entirely psychogenic: instead, both factors
have either potentiating or moderating efects on pain perception.
Gate control theory suggests that the experience of pain is an ongoing
sequence of activities, largely refexive in nature but modifable even in
the earliest stages by a variety of excitatory and inhibitory infuences.
The model is based on the following propositions ( see also Figure 4. 2) :
+ The transmission of nerve impulses from afferent fbres t o spinal cord
transmission cells is modulated by a spinal gating system in the dorsal
+ The spinal gating mechanism is influenced by the relative amount
of activity in large-diameter and small-diameter fbres: activity in the
large fbres tends to inhibit transmission ( close the gate) while small
fbre activity tends to facilitate transmission.
+ The spinal gating mechanism is also influenced by nerve impulses that
descend from the brain ( the psychological inppt ) .
+ A specialized system of large-diameter fbres ( the central control trigger)
activates selective cognitive processes that then infuence, through
descending fbres, the modulating properties of the spinal gating
+ When the output of the spinal cord transmission cells exceeds a crit
ical level, the action system is activated. This triggers those neural
areas that underlie the somatic experiences and behaviour associated
with pain.
The model as stated had problems in accommodating the pain experi
enced by paraplegics and patients with phantom limb pain in areas of
the body below the level of a spinal lesion. This has led Melzack to
develop a more complex model of pain and pain generation known as
the neuromatrix ( see Melzack 1 996) .

78 Understandi ng heal th-rel ated behavi our
The next section focuses on some of the cognitive factors that have
been shown to influence the experience of pain. Melzack' s theory does
not specify the exact nature of these cognitions; however, a number of
differing categories of cognitions have been shown to influence such
expenences .
Beliefs about the nature and causes of pain appear t o infuence both
the experience of pain and pain-related behaviour. Patients with cancer
frequently increase the number of complaints of pain they make once
they know their diagnosis. Here, the diagnosis of cancer may legitimize
complaints of pain and result in those previously withheld being expressed.
More central cognitive factors may be involved in the higher pain severity
ratings made by patients who attributed changes in pain to disease
progression when compared with those who assigned more benign inter
pretations to such changes ( Spiegel and Bloom 1 983) . Cassell ( 1 982) cited
a clear case of the power of attributions in determining pain experience,
with the case history of a patient whose pain could be easily controlled
with codeine when he attributed it to sciatica, but required signifcantly
greater amounts of opioids to achieve the same degree of relief when he
attributed it to metastatic cancer.
Many patients establish strong pain schemata that they are unwilling
to test and which remain unchallenged and very diffcult to modify.
Council et al. ( 1 98 8 ) , for example, found that 83 per cent of patients
with low back pain reported that they were unable to complete a move
ment sequence including leg lifts and lateral bends because of anticipated
pain: only 5 per cent were unable to complete the activities because of
lack of ability. A large proportion of chronic pain patients believe that
they have only limited control over their pain. Such negative, maladaptive
appraisals about their situation and their personal efcacy may reinforce
the experience of demoralization, inactivity and overreaction to nocirecept
ive simulation. Newton and Barbaree ( 1 987) used a thought-sampling
procedure to evaluate the nature of patients' cognitions during and
immediately following headache both prior to and following treatment.
Prior to treatment, patients typically engaged in a series of negative self
statements, often referring to their control over the pain: ' It' s getting
worse. There' s nothing I can do. ' Complaints about more intense pain
were associated with a higher frequency of such statements. Those patients
who gained most from the intervention also evidenced the greatest
changes in their cognitive dialogue. More general cognitive errors are
also apparent in patients who report signifcant chronic pain. Lefebvre
( 1 98 1 ) found that lower back pain patients were more likely to make a
number of ' cognitive errors' in response to a variety of stressors unrel
ated to pain. These included catastrophizing ( assuming the outcome of
events will be particularly negative) , overgeneralization ( assuming the
outcome of one event necessarily applies to other future events) , and
personalization ( interpreting negative events as reflecting personal mean
ing or responsibility) .

Heal th- and i l l ness-rel ated cogniti ons 79
Summary and concl usi ons
Furher readi ng
We each carry a cognitive representation of our own and others' health.
This representation carries a strong psychosocial component: health
permits us to engage in both physical and social activities. Cognitions
have also proven to be a powerful determinant of both our emotional
and behavioural responses to illness. The beliefs we have about illness
and their associated emotions may, in some cases, prove to be more
powerful determinants of the outcomes of disease than the underlying
physiological processes. Such fndings emphasize the need for those
involved in the care of patients to have an understanding of the psycho
logical processes infuencing patient behaviour and provides a strong
j ustifcation for the interventions aimed at changing health-related
cognitions discussed later in this book.
Petrie, K. and Weinman, J. A. ( 1 997) Perceptions of Health and Illness. Chur:
Zeidner, M. and Endler, N. S. ( 1 996) Handbook of Coping. Theory, Research,
Applications. New York: Wiley.

Part I l l
lied heal th

ital issues
Heal th psychol ogy is i nti matel y associ ated with the provi si on of heal th
care and has devel oped an understandi ng of many of the el ements that
i mpi nge on the i ndivi dual as they become i l l and enter the heal th care
system. I t has al so devel oped an understandi ng of how these processes
may, on occasi on, be mani pul ated to mai mi ze the wel l -bei ng and
appropri ate care of pati ents, whi ch i s the focus of the next chapter. Thi s
chapter exami nes the understandi ng we have of some of these factors.
The chapter addresses:
The experi ence of hospi tal i zati on
Copi ng wi th a di agnosi s and mortal ity
+ Pati ent and staf i nteracti ons
Medi cal deci si on maki ng
Stress and the hospital system
The experi ence of hospital i zati on
Entry into hospital is generally considered a stressful experience, initiated
by the onset of symptoms not treatable at home or by the need for
specialist investigations or treatments. It carries with it not only the
potential threat to health, but also uncertainty over treatments and their
associated pain and discomfort, being away from home, loss of control
over everyday functions and privacy, and increased dependency on others.
Reactions to hospitalization are complex. Engaging in the hospital
system is a process of socialization: one adopts the role of the patient.
Patients are expected to be co-operative, pleasant and quiet. They turn
much of the responsibility for their day-to-day behaviour over to others,

84 Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
and are expected to follow the instructions of others. They believe,
probably quite correctly, that physicians expect co-operation, trust and
confdence, while nurses expect them to be undemanding, respectful and
considerate. A key goal of many patients is to conform to these expecta
tions and to ' behave properly' . About 25 per cent of patients fall into the
' good patient' category. These people have simple medical problems, are
uncomplaining, and take up little staff time. 'Average patients' are much
like good patients, although they express some minor complaints that
could usually be handled routinely. 'Bad patients' fall into two categories:
those who were seriously ill and complain, and those who were not
seriously ill but complain anyway. The latter can provoke high levels of
irritation and even anger among staff.
Staff-defned good and bad behaviour has signifcant implications for
the care given to patients. Negative labels may result in condescension
towards or avoidance of particular patients. Less benign reactions may
involve inappropriate medication or even inappropriate discharge from
hospital. However, both ' good' and ' bad' behaviour may hide adverse
psychological reactions to the health care environment. Good or passive
behaviour, defned in terms of compliant passivity, may refect some
degree of learned helplessness and depression. Associated with this may
be an impaired inability to concentrate on and retain new information,
and a failure to provide relevant health information. This may hinder
rehabilitation or increase the risk of medical complications. Bad beha
viour, defned by repeated information-seeking and complaints to staff,
may refect high levels of anxiety or concern about diagnosis or treatment.
Paradoxically, both types of behaviour may serve to reduce appropriate
staff contact and lead to continuing problems.
Hospi tal izati on of chi l dren
For children, there are many fears and concerns associated with hospital
ization. Some, such as fear of stressful medical procedures or pain, are
similar to those of adults. However, children may also experience a number
of other fears as a consequence of previous separation experiences and
their lack of understanding of hospitals.
A variety of factors may infuence the experiences of children in hospital.
These include contextual factors, such as the type of ward, its architec
ture and facilities for parental contact, the child' s previous experience
or knowledge of hospitalization, and child and parent factors . Previous
hospitalizations may have negative effects, especially if the child has
experienced painful or distressing procedures. For children with chronic
diseases, continued contact with their parents seems critical to a good
psychological outcome. However, high levels of supportive nursing care
and continuity of care may, to some extent, offset lack of parental contact
in some cases. Schmidt ( 1 997) reported a study conducted by Sail ( 1 98 8 )

Hospital i ssues 85
that analysed the emotional reactions of children aged between 11 and
41- years receiving elective surgery with and without rooming-in. Rooming
in only benefted children under the age of 3 years.
One admission into hospital, even for a period of up to a month,
appears to confer no substantial risk for long-term emotional or behavi
oural problems at home or school. However, repeat admissions may be
accompanied by some form of emotional or behavioural disturbance,
although this typically reduces in severity the more remote the period of
time spent in hospital .
Copi ng with a diagnosi s
Coping with a medical diagnosis is akin to dealing with any other threat.
Accordingly, a variety of psychological processes are likely to be initiated.
That is, the individual appraises the potential threat carried by a diagnosis,
responds emotionally and develops coping strategies to reduce the
perceived threat. Moos and Schaefer ( 1 984) suggested that the threat
conferred by a diagnosis of serious illness is characterized by a number
of factors, including a threat to identity in which the individual may
move from a capable, autonomous agent to that of patient, dependent
on others. It may threaten future plans and carries the threat of removal
from one' s own home and social support network. It may also carry the
future threat of pain and unknown medical procedures . Threat is likely
to be highest where the future is unknown, the individual has little know
ledge of the illness, and the onset of illness is rapid. These uncertainties
can make it diffcult for the individual to cope effectively with the threat
of illness.
Following the appraisal of threat, the individual engages in coping
strategies to minimize any emotional discomfort. Moos and Schaefer sug
gested a number of goals that patients set themselves to achieve at this
+ coping with pain and other symptoms;
+ coping with the hospital environment and treatment procedures;
developing effective relationships with those involved in providing care;
preserving an emotional balance;
+ preserving self-image, competence and mastery;
maintaining relationships with family and friends;
preparing for an uncertain future.
Moos and Schaefer suggested a different, albeit similar, categoriza
tion of coping strategies to those of Lazarus and others. These were
appraisal-focused, problem-focused and emotion-focused coping. Appraisal
focused coping involves the individual in attempts to break down the

86 Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
situation into manageable components, redefning it in a way that makes
it more manageable, and in denial or avoidance. Problem-focused coping
includes seeking information and support, and using the information
to maximize the chances of achieving the goals set. Finally, emotion
focused coping involves maintaining hope, emotional discharge and
acceptance. If successful, these coping strategies will lead to healthy
adaptation and improvements in affect and effective coping behaviours.
Failure to achieve any identifed goal is likely to result in a deterioration
of mood and reduced coping efforts. Just as there are prototypes of
illness, there appears also to be prototypes of what constitutes coping
well with disease, with maintaining autonomy and acceptance being the
most important factors ( DeRidder et a/. 1 997) . Ill people may measure
their coping not j ust in terms of how well they reduce the distress
associated with illness but also by comparing their strategies with pro
totypes of how they consider the particular stresses they face should be
dealt with.
A number of authors have suggested that there are few differences
between the levels of distress experienced by patients diagnosed with
diseases as disparate as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension or
diabetes. However, differences certainly appear in the reaction to various
types of cancer. Patients with breast and gynaecological cancers, for
example, appear less depressed or anxious than women with other forms
of cancer, including those of the lung, gut or head and neck. Similarly,
cancer patients with more extensive disease report greater mood disturb
ance than those with more limited disease. Whether such diffrences
refect different responses to illness, its treatment or both is unclear.
Findings from Fallowfeld et a/. ( 1 986) illustrate the complexity of such
responses. They found that women who underwent mastectomy follow
ing a diagnosis of breast cancer reported lower levels of depression and
anxiety than those who had a lumpectomy. This fnding may not be
immediately explicable: one may hypothesize that women who had the
more mutilating treatment would experience the highest levels of depres
sion. However, a possible explanation for such fndings is that women
who ' only' had a lumpectomy worried more about the possibility of
recurrence than those who had more radical surgery.
Psychological factors may be more important in determining mood
than the actual disease process. Those who consider their illness to be
severe ( regardless of its 'true' extent) , who have a general pessimism
about life, or are low on measures of hardiness are more likely to become
depressed than others. Similarly, the frequency of negative intrusive
thoughts appears to be more predictive of low mood in young women
with breast cancer than time following diagnosis and the type of treat
ment received ( Bloom et a/. 1 998) . Perceptions of control over a potential
breast cancer may also moderate the impact of breast symptoms on
reports of breast cancer worry.
Psychological problems are not necessarily restricted to the patient.

Hospital i ssues 87
One survey of cancer patients found that half their sample was clinically
depressed, as were one-third of their spouses and one-quarter of their
children, suggesting that psychological distress reverberates substantially
throughout the nuclear family. High levels of psychological morbidity
have also been reported in the spouses of people who have had an MI.
These may be highest where the patient has denied their infarction. In
such cases, partners may feel high levels of anxiety when their spouse
engages in levels of physical exertion that they feel are inappropriate
but which they are unable to control. In addition, many wives appear
to inhibit angry or sexual feelings, and become overprotective of their
Mood and other psychological factors may contribute to long-term
reactions to illness. Depression in hospital ten days after discharge
following an MI has been associated with the number of cardiac symptoms
reported at six-month follow-up, independently of any cardiological
evidence of symptomatology. In addition, several studies have reported
a negative association between levels of depression and retur to work
following MI. Myrtek et al. ( 1 997) , for example, compared men who
returned to work with a matched sample of those who did not in a
survey of cardiac patients one, three and fve years post-infarction. No
substantial differences were observed on any medical variables, but
they did differ on a number of psychological and social factors. Retired
patients were characterized by lower work satisfaction, complaints of
being more handicapped by the disease, higher ' propensity for pension' ,
more frequent complaints concerning their general state of health, and
lower education levels . In terms of risk behaviours following an MI,
depressed patients have been found to have lower rates of exercise, to
smoke more and to adhere less to recommended treatment regimens
than those who are not depressed. Finally, depression has been linked to
high use of health care resources, including attendance at general practi
tioners' surgeries and readmission to hospital.
Copi ng wi th mortal i ty
Some individuals will inevitably die of their illness. Most wish to know
about their fate, but many doctors question the value of giving such
information. The rule of thirds is often said to apply to such situations.
Two-thirds of patients wish to know their prognosis and two-thirds of
doctors do not wish to tell them. While this is a little trite, it accords
with the available data. These data refect, and also contribute to, some
of the many problems faced by patients, their relatives and by the staff
caring for the individual who is known to be dying. While it is poten
tially distressing for a doctor to tell a patient that they are dying, many
patients are likely to acknowledge that they are dying without this formal
process of information provision, but fail to discuss this with doctors and

88 Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
even their relatives. Not infrequently, relatives, but not the patient, are
told of the likely prognosis, placing them in a distressing and ethically
problematic situation. Hinton ( 1 999) reported relevant data from a British
hospice. The survey indicated that throughout the eight weeks prior to
death, less than half of the patients surveyed were fully aware of their
impending death. The percentage of relatives to be so aware rose from
53 to 8 1 per cent over this time.
Illnesses such as cancer and HIV tend to progress in stages. At each
setback the patient is faced with another cluster of losses. Initially, the
loss of security of body parts affected by the disease form the focus
of the loss and can result in intense feelings of yearning for those parts.
In the later stages of disease, increasing illness may cause loss of mobil
ity, occupation and an increasing range of physical functions. In the
last phase the patient faces the prospect of losing life itself and all the
attachments that go with it.
Once told of their prognosis, the maj ority of people experience severe
grief that may reduce even within the space of an hour or so. A minority
will react with a more profound and prolonged depression, which may
require some form of treatment. Kubler-Ross ( 1 969) identifed a more
complex reactive process through which an individual passes. Initially,
they experience shock and numbness. This is followed by a stage of denial
and feelings of isolation. The individual may become angry or blaming,
or bargain for goals that they wish to achieve before dying. Eventually,
the person comes to some acceptance of their impending death. The
popular understanding of Kubler-Ross' s theory is that these proceed in
an invariant and inevitable forward direction: although not all steps may
be achieved before death. However, she did not regard these as discrete
stages and observed that individuals can move backwards and forwards
between each reaction, sometimes extremely quickly. Other models have
also been proposed, including two key stages : fear of death, followed by
depression concerning loss of life. Hinton' s ( 1 999) data suggested an
overall move towards acceptance of death, although by the time of death
only half the patients and two-thirds of the relatives who took part in
the study were fully accepting of death. In addition, 1 8 per cent of
patients and 24 per cent of relatives showed fuctuating or falling accept
ance as death approached. Patients were more anxious if death seemed
' probable' rather than ' certain' .
Kubler-Ross identifed a number of strategies that people use t o cope
with the knowledge of their impending death, including the emotion
focused coping strategies of denial and regression. Summing up the cur
rent understanding, the individual is likely to experience some or all of
the above reactions. How well and by what strategies they cope will
refect how they coped with other stresses they experienced during life.
Many may beneft from the use of more active coping strategies, including
completing signifcant life tasks and ensuring the future for remaining
family members.

Hospi tal i ssues 89
Pati ent and hospi tal staf i nteracti ons
Professi onal/pati ent communi cati ons
Gaining information to make a diagnosis and giving information to facil
itate patient understanding of the problem they are facing are central
elements of the process of care. It should therefore be of some concern
that these transactions are frequently less than optimal . Chaitchik et al.
( 1992) , for example, found that following a consultation with their doctor,
a signifcant percentage of oncology patients stated that they had gained
hardly any new information concerning their illness and their overall
state, and there remained information they still wanted to know. One
quarter of the participants reported reductions in anxiety about their
condition, but this was replaced by anger about their treatment. Unfor
tunately, these fndings are far from unique. Furthermore, they may have
powerful implications for the well-being of patients. In a follow-up of
600 newly diagnosed cancer patients, Parle et al. ( 1 996) found that one
of the strongest predictors of later anxiety and depression was the number
and severity of patients' unresolved concerns.
Despite such communication failures, between half and three-quarters
of patients who want more information during a medical consultation
do not ask for it. Possibly as a consequence of such a failure, between
7 and 53 per cent of people report not having fully understood the
information they were given, or wanting more ( see Ley 1 997) . The reasons
for this failure are idiosyncratic to individual consultations but may be
consequent to both health professional and patient behaviour. Some
people may not prepare questions to ask the doctor or may not be able
to develop and articulate them during the consultation. They may not
ask questions because it is only later that they realize they need more
information. Health professionals may actively inhibit questions by the
use of closed questions and other non-verbal cues. This may be facil
itated by some patients' reluctance to ask questions of a busy doctor: a
frequent claim in hospital wards. In the hospital setting, poor communi
cation may be exacerbated by a lack of clarity about who has permission
to tell patients what information. Encouraging questioning can signif
cantly influence the number of questions asked during an interview and
adherence to any behavioural recommendations made ( see Chapter 6) .
Of course, some people may not want information from the consulta
tion: those who typically engage in emotion-focused or avoidant coping
may prefer consultations where little information is provided.
Not only the content but also the way that content is framed can be a
critical element of doctor/patient communication. When asked whether
they would consider surgery under various probabilities of success for
their hypothetical lung cancer, students, patients and even surgeons were
more likely to choose surgery when the same outcome was presented in

90 Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
terms of the probability of surviving rather than dying ( McNeil et al.
1 982) . The advice that doctors give to patients may also be influenced by
a similar framing effect. Marteau ( 1 989) found that medical students
were more likely to recommend surgery to hypothetical patients if the
information they had been given about the outcome of surgery had been
framed in terms of survival rather than more negatively.
Health professionals differ in their beliefs and attitudes towards treat
ment and the patients they care for. Such biases may infuence their
relationship with patients and even the treatment choices they engage
in. Some of these may be overt, namely some doctors' refusals to treat
continuing smokers for smoking-related diseases. Others are more cov
ert and may not even be the result of a conscious bias. Nurses offer pain
medication less often to men than to women and are more likely to refuse
men' s requests for analgesia during the postoperative period than those
of women. Similarly, physicians are more likely to recommend taking
part in a cardiac rehabilitation programme to men than women.
Patients frequently place considerable emphasis on pain and on symp
toms that interfere with their everyday activities: practitioners are more
concerned with the severity and treatment of an underlying illness. As
a consequence, patients may misunderstand the doctor' s emphasis on
factors they consider to be incidental, and pay little attention when vital
information is being communicated. Alternatively, they may dismiss the
practitioner' s advice because they think they have made an incorrect
diagnosis. Patients may also give practitioners faulty cues about their
true concerns. A signifcant percentage of patients have concerns that they
are suffering from serious diseases. Anticipating the worst, they present
the symptom that is most worrying to them as something of minimal
concern and frequently towards the end of the consultation.
In an attempt to develop evidence-based guidelines for the content of
consultations in which information is given about a diagnosis and its
treatment, Beeney et al. ( 1 996) asked a large sample of diabetic patients
about their concerns and information preferences at the time of their
diagnosis. Sixty per cent of patients found the process of being told their
diagnosis to be distressing and nearly 25 per cent wished for more emo
tional support at the time. Their conclusions were that clinicians giving a
diagnosis of diabetes should be aware of patient variability in needs for
emotional support and information preferences. They should ask patients
about their preferences and offer choices if available, and should maximize
patient involvement in discussions about treatments.
Memory for consultati ons
Memory for information given in medical consultations is not good.
Ley ( 1 997) summarized the fndings of a number of studies conducted
with patients and analogue subj ects, reporting the average percentages

Hospi tal i ssues 9 1
of information recalled to vary between 4 7 and 54 per cent among hospital
populations, rising to 65 per cent in general practice patients. The lowest
rate of information recalled was j ust 7 per cent. Montgomery et al.
( 1 999) provided relevant data from a different context. They interviewed
1 00 patients undergoing radiotherapy at a British regional oncology
centre. Twenty-two could not remember signing a consent form for
treatment: they were later verifed as having done so. Of those who
did recall completing the form, one-quarter could not remember being
told of the side-effects of radiotherapy, and only half of those who did
remembered the most frequent side-effect ( tiredness) .
Factors infuencing memory are a function of both the individual
receiving the information and the way in which information is given.
One important factor is that patients may simply not understand the
information given. There is frequently a mismatch between the language
used by health professionals and that understandable to the patient.
The potential enormity of this gap is perhaps best illustrated by many
patients' ignorance of basic medical and anatomical knowledge. The
percentages of patients understanding the meaning of arthritis, j aundice,
palpitation and bronchitis have been found to be 85, 77, 52 and 80 per
cent, respectively. Even in a well educated sample of students, half did
not understand the meaning of anti-emetic, dilated, and haemorrhoids.
The content of leafets and booklets also frequently fails to increase
understanding, as numerous studies have shown. Ley ( 1 997) suggested
that about one-quarter of published medical leafets would be understood
by only 20-30 per cent of the adult population.
Patients' memory of information given in the consultation is best when
the information given fts with their preconceived ideas of the nature
of the problem and the treatment required. The likelihood of errors is
exacerbated when the patients' views are not explored. The manner
in which information is given is a further mediator of the amount of
information remembered. There are clear primacy and recency effects:
information given frst and last is remembered best. Statements that are
considered important are better remembered. In addition, the more
information that is given, the less that is likely to be retained. Ley ( 1 997)
identifed a linear relationship between the amount of information given
and the percentage recalled. Seventy-fve per cent of information given
in four statements is likely to be retained; only 50 per cent of information
given in ten statements will be. Methods by which understanding and
recall can be increased are discussed in Chapter 6.
Staff' s rati ngs of pati ent mood
Ward staf are not good at assessing or monitoring the mood of patients
on the ward. In an empirical test of this assertion, Lampic et al. ( 1 996)
asked nurses who had cared for particular patients for three days t o rate

Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
the patients' anxiety levels. At the same time, the patients completed the
same instrument. Their results showed very little agreement between the
two measues, with the nurses tending to overestimate patient anxiety
levels. The authors speculated that discrepancies between the two sets of
measures may be explained by the ' requirement of mourning' hypothesis,
which suggests that staff' s estimation of patient anxiety was strongly
associated with the nurses' estimation of their own hypothetical anxiety
if they were to be in the patient's situation. Some evidence suggests that
a better guide to patients' levels of distress may be the ratings of their
fellow patients.
Adherence to treatment
Adherence to any form of intervention involving some degree of beha
vioural choice is likely to be less than maximal . Only about 60 per
cent of patients are likely to comply fully with medication regimens
( see Ley 1 997) : adherence with complex or demanding interventions is
likely to be even lower ( see, for example, changes following screening
advice discussed in Chapter 7) . Even small increases in demands and
complexity can impact adversely on adherence to medication regimens.
Non-adherence rates as a function of patient error alone is about 15 per
cent when one tablet is prescribed, 25 per cent when two or three are
prescribed, rising to 35 per cent if fve or more are prescribed. Even
where the implications of non-adherence to medical regimens are serious,
non-adherence rates can be high: 90 per cent of participants in an early
AZT trial for the treatment of HIV, for example, dropped out voluntarily.
The main reasons for this dropout were the complexity of the drug
regimen and the need to make multiple clinic visits ( Chesney and Folkman
1 994) . Even when AZT was a well established HIV treatment, about
one-quarter of those prescribed it failed to follow the treatment regimen
fully, with even higher non-adherence rates among the less well educated
or minority groups. Malow et al. ( 1 998) , for example, found only 1 7 per
cent of a sample of African-American, inner city and drug-abusing men
to be fully adherent to combination antiretroviral therapies .
Non-adherence t o required medication has a number of important
sequelae. 1 The US Department of Health and Human Services estimated
that non-adherence to medication may lead to between 10 and 20 per cent
of patients requiring an otherwise unnecessary further prescription, and
between 5 and 10 per cent requiring a further visit to the doctor or one
or to days off work. A small but nevertheless signifcant number of people
( between 0. 25 and 1 per cent of patients) will require hospitalization as
a consequence of not adhering to recommended medical treatments.

Hospital i ssues 93
Explanations for this degree of non-adherence lie both within the
characteristics of the intervention and with the individuals themselves.
While some people carry an ' against medication' bi as ( see Chapter 4 ) ,
adherence t o treatment regimens appears t o be the outcome of a more
subtle interplay between the individual and the demands and character
i stics of the required behaviour. The same individual may be non-adherent
with one element of a treatment regimen while adhering fully with others:
levels of adherence to dietary and fuid restrictions, for example, may
vary markedly among individuals receiving renal dialysis.
Ley ( 1 98 8 ) suggested that adherence is a function of three treatment
factors: patients' understanding of the treatment regimen, their memory
of the information provided, and their satisfaction with the consultation
in which the information was given. Some of the implications of this
model are discussed in Chapter 6. Other factors include the complexity
of the treatment, patients' beliefs about the treatment and how they
should cope with it, and the coping strategies they adopt to cope with
their illness ( see Chapter 4) . Many cancer patients fail to take their
analgesia for cancer-related pain not as a consequence of forgetfulness,
but in the belief that pain should be tolerated, concerns about side
effects, and ' fear and disdain' of dependence, addiction and tolerance
( see also Chapter 4) .
Further moderating factors are the costs and benefts associated with
adherence. Some interventions may be so distressing that many patients
feel unable to comply with the demands being made upon them. Adher
ence to antiretroviral drugs may be powerfully infuenced by the severity
of their side-effects, as may be adherence to other highly demanding
regimens such as chemotherapy. More subtle may be the less dramatic
costs associated with drugs such as antihypertensive medication that
can cause a variety of side-effects, none of which may be particularly
problematic, but in the context of no obvious gains from treatment may
be greater than is acceptable ( Horne 1 997) .
Not surprisingly, j ust as levels of adherence t o medication are low, so
too are adherence rates with treatment programmes requiring patients to
engage in new or time-consuming behaviours. Knowledge about disease
is not, in itself, an important predictor of adherence. Katz et al. ( 1 998 ) ,
for example, found a signifcant inverse relationship between knowledge
of disease and dietary compliance in a group of dialysis patients. However,
a number of non-treatment factors are likely to impact on adherence.
Some, such as illness representations and patient coping strategies, are
discussed in Chapter 4. Patient outcome expectations and their perceived
ability to achieve change, and the relative costs and benefts of engaging
in a particular behavioural programme also form powerful determinants
of levels of engagement: these issues are discussed in Chapter 3 . Two
further factors appear particularly relevant: affect and family support.
Affect may powerfully infuence adherence. It is estimated, for ex
ample, that 50 per cent of cardiac patients in exercise programmes drop out

94 Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
within the frst six months of treatment, and that one of the key predictors
of dropout is emotional distress. Similarly, lower levels of adherence to
recommended medical regimens have been found among depressed post
MI patients than among their non-depressed counterparts. In a different
patient group, Friedman et al. ( 1 998) found not only a high prevalence
of psychiatric disorders among diabetic outpatients, but that the pres
ence of these disorders was associated with impaired glycaemic control,
frequent consultations, and poor compliance with a dietary regimen.
Family dynamics may also influence adherence to medical regimens.
Parental involvement in bl ood glucose monitoring is signifcantly related
to adherence to this regimen among adolescent patients. More complex
dynamics may also affect compliance. TubianaRuf et al. ( 1 998) found
that children whose families were characterized as rigidly disengaged
had a greater number of hypoglycaemic episodes and six times as many
episodes of ketoacidosis than the other diabetic children. Similar family
dynamics have been associated with adherence to medication and dietary
adherence in paediatric kidney transplant patients. The role of the family
in infuencing outcome and adherence is not limited to young people.
The uptake of preventive behaviours such as appropriate levels of exercise
or dietary fat intake in cardiac patients is also governed, at least in part,
by other family members.
Some of the factors influencing adherence to treatment regimens are
summarised in Table 5 . 1 .
Adherence among health professi onal s
It is not only patients who do not adhere to required behaviours. Health
care workers can also be non-adherent to recommended practice. Most
practitioners fail to follow recommended or required actions at some time
or other. Between 12 and 76 per cent of medical practitioners, depending
on the sample, fail to prescribe antibiotics appropriately, while only about
50 per cent provide the required information about their use ( Ley 1 98 8 ) .
Health professionals have also been found regularly t o fail t o adhere to
behaviours as disparate as the provision of cancer screening tests, complet
ing treatment, arranging necessary follow-up appointments and providing
enough information about treatments.
Health care workers may also be non-adherent to behaviours relevant
to their own safety. Elford and Cockcroft ( 1 991 ) found that most of
the medical students in their sample and about half the medical staff did
not comply with hospital precautions against the transmission of HIV.
Some of this non-compliance may simply result from lack of knowledge.
It may also be a consequence of individuals' beliefs about the costs and
benefts of engaging in the recommended behaviours. Valanis et al. ( 1 991 )
found that few workers used protective garments when handling chemo
therapy drugs, despite this being hospital policy, because they did not

Tabl e 5.1 Some of the cri ti cal determi nants of adherence to treatment recommendati ons
Provider/patient interaction
Expl anati on of requi red behavi ours
Use of appropri ate l anguage
Breaki ng down expl anati on i nto manageabl e units
Use of memory ai ds
Empathy achi eved
Pati ent satisfacti on
Degree of pati ent i nvol vement i n deci si on maki ng
* See al so Chapter 6
Patient characteristics
Understandi ng of the treatment regi men
Bel i efs about treatment
Copi ng characteri sti cs
Memory of requi red behavi ours
I l l ness representati ons
Outcome and efcacy bel i efs
Fami ly context
Previ ous behavi our
Treatment factors
Demands on ti me and resources
Costs and benefits of treatment
Treatment compl exity
Treatment durati on
Degree of behavi oural change requi red

96 Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
believe that this carried any personal risk. Subjective norms and the
hierarchical power structure of the health care system may also powerfully
constrain behaviour either towards or against compliance with hospital
rules. Nurses, for example, may defer to doctors' decisions even though
they may result in non-compliance with legal or hospital requirements.
Medi cal deci si on maki ng
Studies reviewed by Schwartz and Griffn ( 1 98 6) revealed that doctors
show substantial disagreement over the interpretation of single tests such
as X-rays and electrocardiograms as well as more complex processes
such as diagnosing depression. They will sometimes disagree with their
own j udgements. One study that asked pathologists to examine the same
tissue sample on two occasions, for example, found that dichotomous
decisions ( malignant or benign) difered across 28 per cent of j udgements.
A classic study highlighting the problems of diagnosis and medical decision
making was reported by Bakwin ( 1 945) . In it, a panel of three physicians
screened 3 8 9 schoolboys, of whom 45 per cent were recommended for
tonsillectomy. A second panel of doctors screened the remaining 21 5
boys and recommended a further 46 per cent of them have surgery. A
third panel assessed the survivors of this group, and recommended that a
further 44 per cent should also have their tonsils removed. The criteria
for tonsillectomy have in the past been unclear, and the study was
conducted some time ago. One can only hope clinical j udgements have
improved since this time.
Medical decision making is a special case of more general decision
making, and prone to the same errors. One decision-making model
( Tversky and Kahneman 1 9 8 1 ) suggests that because human informa
tion capacity is limited, people under uncertainty do not use systematic
strategies. Instead, their j udgements are based on a series of heuristics
( or 'rules of thumb' ) . These heuristics may be erroneous or biased by a
variety of factors. In a landmark study, Meehl ( 1 954) compared the
accuracy of intuitive, heuristically driven medical diagnostic j udgements
with those made by a statistical formula designed to maximize the stat
istical relationship between potential predictor variables and the disease
under investigation. The statistical algorithm proved more accurate. In
all the many studies conducted since this time, the statistical model has
proven the more effective, with the intuitive j udgements at best equalling
but never bettering the statistical algorithm. Such fndings have caused
considerable chagrin within the medical community.
The heuristic processes leading to a diagnosis may be biased by a
variety of factors including emotionally salient events, such as the recent
death of a patient with one of the possible diagnoses, the frequency with
which doctors have encountered particular clusters of symptoms, and

Hospital i ssues 97
knowledge of a diagnosis made by colleagues. In addition, a doctor may
consider the potential 'pay-off' of various diagnoses, and this may deter
mine the fnal diagnosis they assign. That is, at times of uncertainty they
will assign the diagnosis that provides the maximum pay-off. They may,
for example, diagnose appendicitis in cases of childhood abdominal pain
as the benefts of treating this problem through appendicectomy are con
sidered to outweigh the costs of an unnecessary operation.
An additional factor that may influence decision making is the mood
of the doctor making the diagnosis. Isen et a/. ( 1 991 ) attempted to study
the impact of mood on the process of making a diagnosis. They manip
ulated the mood of medical students by telling some that they had performed
in the top 3 per cent of all graduate students on an anagram task. All
students were then given a task that involved asking which of a series of
hypothetical patients was suffering from lung cancer. Participants who
were in the positive affect group took less time to reach a decision and
were less focused on the central task of diagnosis. Whether this manipula
tion actually translates to the ward situation is questionable. However, it
is not unreasonable to suppose that mood does influence medical decision
making. Although not directly measuring diagnostic errors, there is some
evidence that doctors who report high levels of emotional distress report
more medical errors than their less stressed colleagues ( Houston and Alit
1 997) .
Stress and the hospital system
There is substantial evidence that health care workers experience signifc
ant stress as a consequence of the work they do and the settings they do
it in. In a large UK survey, Borrill et al. ( 1 996) , for example, studied over
1 1 , 000 members of staff in 19 NHS Trusts around the country and
found that 2 7 per cent of employees reported signifcant levels of psy
chological disturbance. This compared with an 1 8 per cent prevalence
among the wider national workforce. Levels of stress differed marginally
across the professions, with 33 per cent of managers, 29 per cent of
nurses, and 28 per cent of doctors reporting signifcant levels of distress.
Rates of depression in doctors appear to be highest in the years immedi
ately following qualifcation, and to fall over time.
Moos and Schaeffer ( 1 997) identifed the links between the hospital
working environment, personal stress and the quality of patient care.
They suggested that two sets of factors contribute to work-related stress
among health care workers: the nature of the health care system in general
and the individual's situation within it. Depending on the coping resources
that the individual brings to bear on these factors, they will experience
more or less stress, and the quality of care that they provide will vary

98 Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
Table 5. 2 Factors contri buti ng to stress among hos pital wor
Copi ng strategi es
Personal competence
Job i nvol vement
Job demands
Job autonomy permited
Pati ent group
l oad
Physi cal setti ng
Work/home i nterface
Rel ati onshi ps with team
Ti me pressure
' Difcult' pati ents
Job fl exi bi l ity
Institutional characteristics
Management styl e
Degree of personal support
avai l abl e
Shif structure
Qual ity of communi cati on
Val ue gi ven to workers
Level of supervi si on and support
I nterdi sci pl i nary cooperati on
Degree of autonomy permitted
Extent of avai l abl e trai ni ng
Performance monitori ng
Moos suggested that the work climate can be organized into three
dimensions: relationships, tasks and system maintenance. Relationship
factors include the extent to which employees and supervisors are involved
and supportive of one another. Issues here include the quality of com
munication within the organization, teamwork, and relationships with
co-workers. Bennett et al. ( 2000) found this to be the most important
moderator of work-related stress in a sample of British nurses. Tasks
refer to the goal and task aspects of the work setting, and include factors
such as autonomy, task orientation and work pressure. Task stressors
are a function of the demands that the job places on individuals and how
well trained they are to deal with them. System maintenance refers to the
amount of structure, clarity, and openness to change that exists within
the organization. Table 5. 2 summarizes the factors contributing to stress
among hospital workers.
Compared to employees in non-health-related settings, American health
care employees often report less j ob involvement and less co-worker
cohesion and supervisor support. In addition, health care settings are
seen as lacking in autonomy, less physically comfortable, and placing
more emphasis on work demands and managerial control than non
health-care settings. Each of these factors is independently associated with
staff stress. Whether some or all of these transpose to other health care
settings is unclear. Most ring true from a British perspective. However,
the development of ward teams and primary nurses who provide full
nursing care to specifed patients appears an important factor in increas
ing j ob satisfaction and reducing levels of work stress among nurses.
Few surveys show that factors associated with health care per se are
considered particularly stressful by health care workers. The most fre
quently cited sources of stress among nurses, for example, are organiza-

Hospital i ssues 99
tional factors such as a perception of being unvalued, poor communica
tion, inadequate support, time pressure while at work, and overspill
between work and home. For doctors, key stressors include relationships
with senior doctors, making mistakes, and the stress placed on personal
relationships by the time spent away from home. Few studies have found
health care workers to report stress as a consequence of working with
severely ill or dying patients. However, Firth-Cozens and Morrison ( 1 989)
questioned whether this consistent fnding refected the reality of health
care workers' experience. They noted that if doctors complete formal
questionnaires they typically do not rate dealing with dying patients as
particularly stressful . However, more informal methods reveal this to be
a maj or stressor. It is possible that the questionnaire method, typically
used to assess stress in health care workers, is insuffciently sensitive to
explore the complex issues surrounding the death of a patient, including
concerns over choices of treatment, the rapidity of making a correct
diagnosis, or even the quality of life of the patient had they lived. Explora
tion of such issues may require the use of qualitative methods rather
than the blunter measures used in quantitative surveys.
Of interest is that within any health care system there are clear vari
ations in organizational structure and climate and that these are associated
with differences in staff morale and stress. A report by the Nuffeld Trust
(Williams et al. 1 998) , for example, reported average levels of stress in
the health service to be similar to those found by Borrill and colleagues
( 1 996) . However, they differed across health care providers of different
sizes and management styles. Those with the lowest levels of stress were
relatively small, reported greater interdisciplinary co-operation, better
communication, and placed a stronger emphasis on allowing staff control
and fexibility over their work, training and performance monitoring
than those with relatively high levels of stress. These data suggest that
while some degree of stress may be inevitable within the health service
workforce, the structure and ethos of the organization can influence its
One of the seemingly intrinsic stressors within the hospital environment
is the long hours worked by j unior doctors. These do not seem to reduce
despite recent legislation regulating doctors' working hours. However,
while long hours may contribute to poor social conditions and reduced
j ob satisfaction, evidence that they impair medical decision making is
surprisingly sparse. Most studies of this phenomenon have asked doctors
to undertake a variety of cognitive tasks following both a good night' s
sleep and a night when they have been deprived of sleep. Few have
found evidence of any signifcant decrement in performance. The overall
conclusion of such studies is that tasks involving sustained concentration
are not affected by sleep deprivation, while decrements occur in mono
tonous, undemanding tasks.
These fndings are thought to support the argument that long working
hours do not impact on doctors' performance. However, the relevant

1 00 Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
studies have typically focused on somewhat artifcial tasks and have not
followed doctors in the context of their everyday work. The impact of
sleep deprivation on medical care may be more subtle. Most doctors'
tasks are routine in nature and even according to this model are prone to
increased errors following periods of sleep deprivation. In addition, a
number of studies have shown sleep deprivation to decrease arousal,
increase fatigue, depression, tension and confusion. Such changes may
contribute to decrements in communication between doctor and patient
or other health professionals and further hamper effective care-giving.
They are also independently associated with the frequency of errors made
by hospital doctors ( Houston and Alit 1 997) .
A second inevitable factor associated with providing 24-hour care is
that of shift-work. Particularly problematic is the experience of constantly
changing hours of sleep and work. Although a permanent shift from
working day to night duties may eventually result in a substantial, though
not perfect, degree of alteration of biological functioning, even this may
take several weeks to achieve. Accordingly, shift-work may impair sleep
and performance on a variety of intellectual tasks, including those involv
ing memory. Ostberg ( 1 973) attempted to fnd whether there were indi
vidual differences in people' s ability to adapt to continual changing shifts.
He found that the 'evening type' of person was most able to adapt to
such changes.
Brewin and Firth- Cozens ( 1 997) provide an interesting postscript to
discussion of environmental and structural factors in the stress of health
professionals. They noted a psychoanalytical model that suggests that
many health care workers take up this career path because of early life
experiences, including having poorly functioning parents and being, as
a child, unable to make this better. Thi s, they suggested, may lead to
feelings of guilt and lead the adult to attempt to rectify these early experi
ences by choosing a helping profession where they feel it is possible to
make up for the past. An almost inevitable failure to do so increases
their sense of failure and guilt and leads to depression and stress. In a
test of this hypothesis, they found that doctors who scored highly on
measures of self-criticism ( central to this process) , who perceived their
father to be strict, powerful and hard to please, or who lost their mother
when young were more likely to become depressed than those without
this constellation of predisposing factors. These factors overwhelmed the
effects of more proximal stressors such as hours worked, bed respons
ibility and so on. However, these may represent general measures of
vulnerability to any environmental stressors and not be peculiar to those
who choose a medical career. Brown and Harris ( 1 978 ) , for example,
identifed a number of factors that rendered some working-class women
vulnerable to depression. The key factors they identifed were similar to
those of Brewin and Firth-Cozens, and included a lack of supportive
relationships, and the loss of a mother due either to death or to separa
tion before the age of 1 1 years.

Hospital i ssues 1 0 1
Summary and concl usi ons
Further readi ng
Hospitalization is as much a social as a medical experience, as are many
of the processes involved in planning and providing care. As such, the
processes of providing case are prone to a wide range of infuences,
including the social context in it takes place and conscious and uncon
scious biases on the part of both patients and health care providers.
These may impact on the diagnostic process, the nature and quality of
interactions between health-care workers and patients, and patients' and
health-care workers' behaviour. The infuence of these biasing processes
makes them both issues worthy of academic study as well as potential
intervention points. How, and with what effect such interventions have
been conducted are discussed further in the next chapter.
Edelmann, R. ( 2000) Psychosocial Aspects of the Health Care Process. Harlow:
Myers, L. and Midence, K. ( 1 998 ) Adherence in Medical Conditions. Chu:

Working in the hospital system
I n Europe, the emergence of the professi on of heal th psychol ogy has
been rel ati vel y recent and agai nst a background of establ i shed professi onal
groups who have l ai d cl ai m to certai n territori es. Heal th psychol ogi sts
have had, therefore, to devel op a rol e that al l ows thei r theoreti cal
knowl edge to be used i n appl i ed setti ngs wi thi n these constrai nts.
The real ity of thi s process has meant that, so far, the majority of heal th
psychol ogi sts have worked i n research setti ngs. Those who have al so
had a cl i ni cal trai ni ng, and who coul d therefore be trul y cal l ed cl i ni cal
heal th psychol ogists, have had a wi der choi ce of rol es, and most have
focused on the provi si on of psychol ogi cal care to pati ents with physi cal
heal th probl ems. Perhaps more than i n any other speci al i sm of cl i ni cal
psychol ogy, many practiti oners have al so devel oped substanti al research
rol es. However, heal th and cl i ni cal heal th psychol ogi sts may al so work
at many other l evel s wi thi n the heal th care system.
I n her presi denti al address to the Ameri can Psychol ogi cal Associati on
Di vi si on 38, Cynthi a Bel ar appl i ed the fol l owi ng defi niti on to cl i ni cal
heal th psychol ogy:
A cl i ni cal heal th psychol ogi st appl i es, in professi onal practi ce, the
speci fc educati onal , sci enti fi c, and professi onal contri buti ons of the
di sci pl i ne of psychol ogy to the promoti on and mai ntenance of heal th;
the preventi on, treatment, and rehabi l itati on of i l l ness, i nj ury, and
di sabi l ity; the i denti fi cati on of eti ol ogi c and di agnosti c correl ates
of heal th, i l l ness, and rel ated dysfuncti on; and the anal ysis and
i mprovement of the heal th care system and heal th pol icy formati on.
(Bel ar 1 997: 4 1 I )
The Bri ti sh Di vi si on of Heal th Psychol og has i denti fed three trai ni ng
el ements for the professi onal rol e of the heal th psychol ogi st that map
onto Bel ar' s somewhat wi der defi niti on: teachi ng, research and consultancy.
Transl ati on of these defi niti ons i nto the practi ce of heal th psychol ogy
suggests that heal th psychol ogi sts may work at a number of l evel s withi n
the heal th care system and beyond to i mprove the efecti veness of care

Worki ng in the hospital system 1 03
as wel l as worki ng therapeuti cal l y with pati ents. Exampl es of such practi ce
i ncl ude:
worki ng as an educator or consultant;
conducti ng proj ects to eval uate specific aspects of care, or acti ng as
consultant to others doi ng so;
+ worki ng on cl i ni cal audit;
devel opi ng pol i cy and gi vi ng advi ce on stress management at an
i ndivi dual and systemi c l evel .
Thi s chapter focuses on some of the i nterventi ons that have been
shown to i mpact on pati ent and heal th outcomes, tyi ng i nto some of
the i ssues rai sed i n Chapter 5, before addressi ng how heal th psychol ogi sts
may i nfl uence the use and i mpact of these i nterventi ons through educati on
or consul tancy. As most heal th psychol ogi sts work i n heal th care setti ngs,
thi s chapter consi ders i n pari cul ar the i nfl uence of psychol ogi cal
i nterventi ons wi thi n the heal th care system.
The chapter addresses the fol l owi ng i ssues:
+ Preparati on for surgery and stressful medi cal procedures
I ncreasi ng adherence
Worki ng wi th the dyi ng
+ Worki ng as a heal th psychol ogi st
Pati ent-based i nterenti ons
Preparati on for surgery and stressful medi cal procedures
Before surgery, all patients are required by law to sign an informed
consent form stating that the nature of their surgery has been explained
to them and that they consent to its proceeding. Such a procedure should
safeguard against uninformed patients and inappropriate surgery.
Unfortunately, this may not always be the case. There is substantial
evidence that many patients do not understand the nature of the surgery
they are about to undergo. A British study in the late 1 980s, for example,
found that among 1 00 patients who had given informed consent prior to
surgery, 27 were unaware of which organ was involved in their surgery
and 44 did not understand the basic procedural elements of their surgery.
Such lack of understanding may contribute to the anxiety of an already
stressful situation and impact adversely on recovery from surgery on out
comes as varied as recovery time, use of painkillers, time to mobilization,
and wound-healing. Such outcomes are disappointing, particularly in

1 04 Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
view of the wealth of information concerning the benefts of appropriate
preparation for surgery.
Several strategies may be used to prepare patients to cope with the
stresses associated with surgery. The simplest strategy is one of giving
appropriate information. This may be divided into a number of elements.
Procedural information involves telling patients about the events that
will occur: medication injection, anaesthesia, waking in the recovery
room, and so on. Sensory information involves telling them what they
will feel before and after surgery. They may be told, for example, that
it is normal to feel some degree of pain in the days following surgery
in order to allay any anxiety about the occurrence of unexpected pain.
More complex interventions involve teaching patients a variety of coping
strategies, including relaxation and cognitive restructuring ( see Chap
ter 8 ) .
I n a series of meta-analyses, Johnston and Vogele ( 1 993) found signifc
ant treatment effects for all these approaches on measures of mood,
pain, distress about pain, and behavioural and physiological indices of
recovery including getting out bed, comfort following operations, and
heart rate. The impact of the various interventions varied across studies
and patient populations, and there seems to be no clear optimal inter
vention. Nevertheless, comparisons between the various approaches may
provide some indications of the intervention of choice. Marshall et al.
( 1 986) , for example, compared the effectiveness of structured or unstruc
tured information about normal postoperative recovery with patients
about to undergo cardiac surgery. Following surgery, both groups had
higher total knowledge scores than before. Levels of engagement in most
health behaviours were also comparable between groups. However, those
patients who received the structured teaching adhered more closely to
their postoperative treatment programme than those who received the
unstructured intervention. In a comparison of cognitive and education
based interventions, Ridgeway and Mathews ( 1 982) randomly assigned
patients having a hysterectomy to one of three conditions: a placebo
condition involving the provision of general information about the ward;
procedural and sensation information; or training in cognitive restruc
turing methods. Three days after their operation, patient groups did not
difer in self-report pain, nausea or sleep duration. However, patients who
received the cognitive intervention took fewer oral analgesics and received
fewer inj ections for pain while in hospital, and experienced fewer days
of pain following discharge than those in either of the other two groups.
Interventions beneft from being matched to the characteristics of the
patient. In a meta-analysis permitting such factors to be examined,
Hathaway ( 1986) found that patients with low anxiety levels evidenced
the greatest beneft when procedural information was used in the inter
vention. In contrast, patients with high anxiety scores responded best to
relatively unstructured interventions that combined discussion of feelings

Worki ng in the hospital system 1 05
with practice of coping strategies . Wilson ( 1 98 1 ) further considered the
infuence of patients' coping style. Patients were separated into one of
four groups according to patient characteristics of high and low fear
and coping styles described as ' denying' or ' aggressive' . Treatments were
routine care, sensation and procedural information, relaxation, and a
combination of information and relaxation training. All the patients in
the treatment groups had signifcantly shorter stays in hospital than
the control patients. However, those classifed as ' l ow fear' tended to be
discharged sooner if they were in a group that included relaxation train
ing. Relaxation did not help ' high fear' patients: perhaps because they
were unable to practise and implement the procedure effectively in the
short time available. Patients rated as highly aggressive benefted most
from information on measures of recovery and pain medication. Low
aggression patients in the information condition actually increased their
use of pain medication and decreased their in-hospital recovery scores.
In a later study of emotional reactions to endoscopy, the same team
studied the interaction between coping styles, information provision,
and instruction in relaxation techniques (Wilson et al. 1 982) . Patients in
the information condition listened to an audio-taped message describing
the process of endoscopy and the sensations typically experienced. The
relaxation group listened to an introduction to relaxation followed by a
20-minute practice session. Patients who had an avoidant coping style
benefted most from relaxation, while those with a more active coping
style benefted most from sensory information. In contrast to their previ
ous fndings, and refecting the idiosyncratic responses to such interven
tions, relaxation was the most effective intervention for those patients
who were particularly anxious prior to the endoscopy.
Prearation of children
A number of studies have examined the effects of preparing children or
their parents for highly aversive procedures. Most have involved minor
procedures and have shown preparation to be of some beneft. In an
evaluation of the effects of preparation for the more serious process of
cardiac catheterization, Campbell et al. ( 1 992) compared three methods
of preparing mothers of pre-school-age children: education and hospital
orientation, stress management training, and brief supportive psycho
therapy. Both mothers who received stress management training and
their children evidenced signifcantly more adaptive behaviours at key stress
points in the procedure than those in the other conditions. In addition,
the children adapted more positively at home following catheterization.
Mothers in the education group also benefted. They reported signifcantly
less anxiety and tension and greater competence in caring for their chil
dren than those in the other conditions.
In an unusual comparison between medical and psychological methods

1 06 Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
of coping with child distress, Jay et al. ( 1 995) compared the effcacy of
cognitive-behavioural therapy and general anaesthesia in alleviating the
distress of 3-12 year old cancer patients undergoing bone marrow aspira
tions. Children who received the psychological treatment showed the
most distress during the frst minute lying down on the treatment table.
However, parents' ratings indicated that they benefted more than those
in the anaesthesia group in the longer term, as they evidenced less distress
in the day following the procedure. No differences were found in child
ren's and parents' preference for cognitive behavioural or anaesthetic
Managi ng acute pai n withi n the hospital setti ng
Acute pain, whether as a result of inj ury or operative procedures, can be
reduced through the use of psychological procedures, some of which have
been discussed earlier in this chapter. Minimizing the use of analgesia
can be facilitated by increasing patients' perceptions of control over their
pain and reducing pain-related anxiety. This may be achieved by the
provision of procedural and sensory preparation, prompt reactions to
requests for pain medication, or the use of patient controlled anaesthesia
( PCA) . The latter allows the patient to directly titrate the amount of
analgesia they receive. It can involve various routes of drug administra
tion, doses and times between doses. The most commonly used drugs are
potent analgesics, including morphine or its derivatives . The prescriber
can choose the drug and dosage to be used, and can impose a 'lockout
interval' to prevent overadministration by the patient. Nevertheless,
giving patients control over the timing of their analgesia reduces many of
the anxieties associated with lack of control. It should not be surprising,
therefore, that PCA results in better pain control and less use of anal
gesia than more conventional approaches. Patients consider the maj or
beneft of PCA to be the avoidance of the diffculties of disclosing pain or
securing pain relief within the usual nurse/patient relationship: they may
report dissatisfaction with PCA if it simply replaces good patient care
and reduces contact with nurses.
An alternative approach that has proven of beneft is the use of hyp
nosi s. Faymonville et al. ( 1 997) , for example, compared the efects of
hypnosis against a minimal treatment control group in patients under
going plastic surgery. Hypnosis focused on reducing discomfort during
the operative procedures during which patients were sedated but not
unconscious. Patients in the hypnosis condition gained signifcantly in
comparison with those in the control condition on measures of peri- and
postoperative anxiety and pain, despite using less analgesia during the
procedure. Hypnosis has also been found to be more effective than
cognitive behavioural procedures with paediatric cancer patients under-

Worki ng in the hospi tal system 1 07
going bone marrow aspirations. Liossi and Hatira ( 1 999) found that
patients receiving each of these interventions fared better on measures of
pain and anxiety during and after aspiration than those in a normal
treatment control group. However, nurse ratings indicated that children
in the hypnosis condition evidenced less anxiety and behavioural distress
than those in the cognitive behavioural intervention group. Hypnosis has
also proven a highly effective intervention in patients suffering pain as a
consequence of burns, particularly during the extremely painful process
of changing their dressings.
I ncreasi ng adherence
Consultati on factors
One of the most signifcant contributions to our understanding of fac
tors that infuence adherence to medical regimens is provided by the
work of Ley ( see, for example, Ley 1 98 8 ) , who identifed three strategies
for increasing adherence to recommended treatments:
increasing understanding of the condition and its treatment;
increasing memory for information given;
maximizing satisfaction with the process of treatment.
Increasing undertanding
A number of strategies have been used to encourage patient involvement
in consultations, in an attempt to increase understanding and memory
for information given them. Rater ( 1977) , for example, examined the
impact of a health educator identifying the questions that a group of
poorly educated women wished to ask the doctor and writing them on a
piece of paper to be taken into the consultation. A second group of
women who acted as a control group took in a similar piece of paper on
which was written the telephone numbers of various clinics. Women in
the experimental group asked more direct questions and were more likely
to attend subsequent appointments than those in the control group.
However, they did fnd the session quite stressful. Such anxieties, and the
time and costs involved, may preclude this type of intervention becom
ing routine. Nevertheless, these and other data suggest that if patients
are encouraged to voice their opinion or given explicit instructions to
ask clarifying questions, modest gains in satisfaction and adherence may
be achieved. Unsurprisingly, perhaps, the best levels of understanding
and adherence have been found where there was no confict between the
patient' s and doctor' s view of the problem and where patients were
prescribed the medication they requested.

1 08 Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
Increasing memor
Ley ( 1 98 8 ) identifed a number of strategies by which information can
be presented in order to maximize its chances of being remembered.
Information is best provided in a structured form: ' I am going to tell you
about three things . . . a, b, and c' , and using language and terms that the
patient can understand. The most important information should be given
early so as to maximize primacy effects, and its importance should be
emphasized. Further strategies include repetition and the use of specifc
rather than general statements. Additional reminders such as telephone
calls or letters may also be useful triggers to action.
If asked, over three-quarters of patients state they would like some
form of permanent information about their condition and its treatment:
preferably concise, clear and illustrated with graphics if appropriate.
If provided, about 70 per cent of patients report using such materials.
Written or other permanent sources of information have signifcant
benefts: the most obvious being that they provide an opportunity for the
clinician to provide carefully thought through information, presented in
a way designed to be maximally effective. From the patient' s perspective,
they provide a record that can be consulted when necessary to remind
them of salient information. Critical to the effectiveness of such inter
ventions is that they are understandable by the patient. Unfortunately,
this criterion is not always met: Ley ( 1 997) suggested that about one
quarter of published medical leafets would be understood by only
20-30 per cent of the adult population.
Appropriately presented information can have a positive impact on
both the doctor/patient relationship and adherence to recommended treat
ment regimens. Tang and Newcomb ( 1 998 ) , for example, reported that
receiving health-related information from their doctors favourably afected
the participants' trust in and relationship with their physicians. In addi
tion, when given printouts with graphic trends depicting their responses
to therapy, participants reported that they were more motivated to adhere
to a treatment plan and were more satisfed with their care. Information
need not necessarily be pre-prepared. Tattersall et al. ( 1 994) compared
the impact of an audiotape of a consultation with that of individualized
summary letters sent to patients after their frst consultation with a medical
oncologist. Patients listened to the tape an average of 2. 3 times and read
the letter 2. 8 times over the following month, and 90 per cent shared
the contents of the tape or letter with a friend, relative or doctor. Both
methods impacted equally on measures of recall, anxiety or depression.
However, the audiotape proved the more popular method: when asked
to rank six communication options, 46 per cent of patients gave the
highest rank to the tape and 21 per cent to the letter.

Worki ng in the hospital system 1 09
Maximizing patient satisfaction
One of the most consistent infuences on patient satisfaction is that
doctors are seen to be communicating appropriate information. Accord
ingly, the strategies so far considered should in themselves foster high
levels of patient satisfaction. A number of other factors have also been
found to infuence satisfaction, including the duration of the consultations
( longer is better) , continuity in the doctor/patient relationship, and access
ibility and availability of doctors.
To summarize the issues raised here and in Chapter 5, Ley ( 1 997) iden
tifed a number of key elements in the process of maximizing adherence
to medical regimens:
+ Make the treatment as simple and short in duration as possible.
+ Identify the patient' s representations of their illness and its treatment.
Identify misconceptions and try to resolve them. Use an alternative
treatment if possible and necessary.
+ Tailor the regimen to ft in with the patient' s pattern of behaviour.
Ensure that the patient is satisfed with the amount of information
+ Make sure that the patient fully understands when and how to take
their medication.
+ Ensure that the patient understands the rationale of the treatment
Where possible, provide written back-up information.
+ At follow-up, check on adherence and factors that may have affected
+ Provide feedback about progress, perhaps through self-monitoring.
Beyond the consultati on
The procedures suggested by Ley are not the only ways to maximize
adherence: effective treatment of depression, environmental cues, engaging
other family members, as well as use of reminders and the provision of
appropriate pill containers may promote adherence to medication in
appropriate populations. The skills of taking medication unobtrusively
may help those with complex and demanding drug schedules, such as
HIV positive individuals who do not want others to know they are
taking medication, to adhere to medication regimens.
Many of the strategies to increase adherence to behavioural regimens
are implicitly based on the social cognition models discussed in Chap
ter 3. Many programmes focus on reducing the costs of engaging in the
required behaviour or on maximizing the gains to be had from doing so.
Marcus et al. ( 1 992) , for example, randomized over 2000 women with

1 1 0 Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
abnormal cervical cytology into one of three follow-up groups: a per
sonalized follow-up letter and pamphlet, a slide-tape programme on pap
smears, or transportation incentives ( bus passes/parking permits) . For the
sample as a whole, all the interventions had a signifcant positive impact
on screening follow-up. However, transportation incentives emerged as
the most effective intervention among socio-economically disadvantaged
Incentive-based programmes have proven effective both within the
worksite ( see Chapter 7) and beyond. Token economies may also be
useful to increase adherence in children. Building in social support has
been shown to increase adherence ( see also Chapter 7), although such a
fnding is not universal and the costs and benefts of such a process need
to be fully considered. Many exercise programmes, for example, have
found the provision of social support to encourage attendance at planned
episodes of exercise. However, Perri et al. ( 1 997) found adherence to a
twelve-month group-based exercise and weight loss programme for obese
women to be lower than that of a home-based programme. These par
ticular women clearly preferred exercising on their own rather than in
the company of others. Additional strategies that have been shown to be
effective in increasing adherence include the establishment of behavioural
contracts or providing written commitment to a treatment programme
or package and feedback on performance or gains made as a function of
adherence to a programme. Finally, many of the interventions discussed
in Chapter 8, including cognitive behavioural and self-management inter
ventions will also impact on adherence rates.
Shoul d we be i ncreasi ng adherence?
The preceding discussion has implicitly accepted that increasing adher
ence is 'a good thing' , acted upon by those in the health care system. An
alternative perspective is that, except in the cases where non-adherence
is a function of misunderstandings or failures of memory, non-adherence
represents an active choice. Accordingly, while the previously considered
interventions may infuence adherence in some people, others may still
choose not to follow medical instructions. From a purely medical perspect
ive, such choices may be inappropriate and unsatisfactory. Nevertheless,
they have to be respected.
One way of avoiding deliberate non-adherence is t o ensure that the
patient be prescribed treatment, be it behavioural or pharmacological,
that they are actively motivated to engage in. To achieve this, it may be
necessary to change the nature of the consultation from one in which the
doctor adopts the ' expert' role and dictates treatment options to a more
collaborative process in which the patient is helped to make informed
choices about the treatment they receive. In this patient-centred approach,
the fnal treatment decision made, where possible, is one that is satisfact-

Worki ng in the hospital system I l l
ory to both patient and doctor. Elwyn et al. ( 1 999) provided a template
for this process:
+ Explore ideas, fears and expectations of the problem and possible
+ Identify how much information the patient would prefer and provide
tailor-made information.
+ Check the patient' s understanding of ideas, fears and expectations of
possible options.
Assess patient' s decision-making role preference.
Make, discuss or defer decisions.
+ Arrange follow-up.
Such a process acknowledges the need for the doctor to understand
the patients' illness representations, their varying levels of motivation to
make choices relevant to its treatment, and to work with the patient as
far as is wanted and possible. This model is increasingly seen as applic
able by British doctors. However, one of the few formal assessment of
the merits of this approach suggested that many patients struggle to
adapt to this shift of power. Savage and Armstrong ( 1 990) randomly
assigned patients attending a family doctor service into one of two condi
tions. In the frst, patients took part in a traditional doctor-led consulta
tion. In the second they engaged in a more sharing consultative process.
Al l patients reported high levels of satisfaction with the doctor' s under
standing of their problem, the explanation given, and being ' helped' .
However, both immediately after the consultation and one week later,
the doctor-led style was preferred. This relatively new consulting style
may not match with all patients' expectations, and both doctors and
their patients may need to make and adjust to such changes over time.
Despite such a cautionary note, some gains in patient understanding
following similar interventions have been noted. In addition, there is some
evidence that client-centred consultations can result in improved levels
of adherence to agreed treatment plans. Greenfeld et al. ( 1 988) , for
example, found that a 20-minute consultation with their doctor during
which diabetic patients were prompted to engage in an active dialogue
about their condition resulted in improved blood sugar control and
decreased functional limitations in comparison with patients passively
provided with information. However, patients may make decisions that
are not in keeping with recommended clinical practice. Kinmonth et al.
( 1 998) compared a patient-centred approach to the care of patients with
newly diagnosed non-insulin-dependent diabetes in a primary care setting
with standard care. Compared with patients in the usual care group,
those in the intervention group reported better communication with the
doctors, greater treatment satisfaction and greater well-being. However,
their body mass index was signifcantly higher as were their triglyceride
levels. Differences in lifestyle and glycaemic control were not signifcant.

1 1 2 Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
Worki ng with the dyi ng
Breaki ng bad news
There comes a time when terminally ill patients and their relatives need
to be told of their prognosis. Many health care workers fnd it extremely
diffcult to discuss such issues with patients. Not infrequently, relatives,
but not the patient, are tol d of the likely prognosis, placing them in a
distressing and ethically problematic situation. Information may be with
held for a variety of reasons. Many professionals consider their patients
to be vulnerable and likely to be emotionally damaged by information
about their health status. Many doctors feel personally unsupported and
wish to avoid the emotional burden of dealing with patient's distress.
In addition, few health professionals have any formal training in strategies
that would help them to break bad news in a way that fosters psycho
logical adaptation. Nevertheless, good practice states that the patient
should be given the opportunity to be informed of, and discuss, their
A key aspect of giving bad news is to provide information appropriate
to the individual' s knowledge and needs at the time of the interview.
From this perspective, breaking bad news is a specifc example of good
patient-centred communication ( see Chapter 8 ) . The fi rst step is to explore
what the patient already knows. If they are already aware of the severity
of their condition ( up to 8 0 per cent are} , this may lead the health pro
fessional to confrm the patient' s perceptions ( 'Yes. I' m afraid you are
right. We are not going to be able to cure it. ' ) .
Breaking bad news t o patients who have little or no awareness of the
seriousness of their condition is more diffcult. It is important to avoid
giving potentially distressing information abruptly, as this may push the
patient into denial or cause unwarranted emotional distress. Accordingly,
the health care worker should become involved in a series of subtle
responses to patient behaviour as the interview proceeds. Bad news should
be given in a gradual manner, which permits the patient to learn slowly
of their condition and control the speed with which information is given.
This can be achieved through the use of a series of euphemisms. These
may begin with a warning shot ( ' I am afraid it is more serious than we
originally thought' ) , followed by a pause to allow the patient to indicate
whether they wish to explore the implications of this statement or move
to another topic. Although patients should be given the opportunity to
discuss their condition, they should never be forced to confront it if they
indicate they do not wish to do so.
Once information has been provided, i t is crucial that patients are
given support in assimilating and dealing with it. Initially, it is important
to acknowledge the distress they will almost inevitably express: ' I can
see what I have told you has been very upsetting . . . .' This should be

Worki ng in the hospital system 1 1 3
followed by exploration of their personal reasons for this upset. This
may be facilitated by a simple question: ' I can think of lots of reasons
why you may be upset. But, could you cope with telling me what is
making you so upset now? ' If the patient does not wish to do so, their
wishes should be respected. If they wish to talk, time should be taken
to listen. Once the patient' s concerns have been elicited, they can be
addressed by the health care worker. In an initial interview, it may be
useful t ask the patient to identify the two or three major concerns
they have and try to deal with them. Others may have to be dealt with
on subsequent occasions.
Allowing the expression of negative emotions is an important element
of this type of interview ( see Chapter 8 ) . However, it is important that if
the patient appears to be too distressed they are given the opportunity to
end the interview. Hogbin and Fallowfeld ( 1989) reported a novel method
of helping people to cope after these initial meetings. They gave audiotape
recordings of their ' bad news' consultations to 46 patients, 35 of whom
has breast cancer. These tapes contained explicit statements of the dia
gnosis and descriptions of the tests and treatment available. Participants
found them very helpful in coming to terms with their illness. They helped
them to recall forgotten information, made them more confdent, and
helped them to break the bad news to their family and friends.
As noted previously, patient' s mood and ability to cope with informa
tion may differ over time. In addition, their memory for information
given at times of high emotion may be poor and selective. Good practice
should mean that whether or not patients are informed of their condition,
they are given the opportunity to talk about issues relevant to them on
other occasions. Such conversations need not necessarily be with the
health care worker who initiated the process. However, if they are with
other people, it is important that those involved are aware of what each
patient has been told. Given the emotional demands on the health care
professional involved in the process of giving bad news, it is also import
ant that the professional has access to a support network should they
need it.
Hel pi ng the dyi ng
Working with the dying does not only involve issues to do with psy
chological preparation for death. An important element of such care
involves monitoring and treating the physical symptoms that such people
may experience. People with cancer may experience pain, breathing diff
culties, sleeplessness, loss of bowel and bladder control, and loss of appetite.
Some of these may be helped by psychological means: others may be
helped by pharmacological treatments. Pain control, for example, may
require an appropriate pharmacological regimen in combination with some
form of psychological intervention.

1 1 4 Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
A number of interventions have been conducted with individuals who
have a terminal illness. Some, such as group support interventions, are
considered in Chapter 1 1 . The gains made by those attending such groups
include their regaining a sense of control over their lives, helping them
live their lives ' to the full' , and being able to express their needs and
fears openly. Group interventions may be more effective than one-to-one
work because group members can share common problems and solu
tions to them. In addition, group interventions provide an opportunity
for individuals to give to one another at a time when they may feel
isolated from those not sharing their situation. Communication with
a therapist or group members may be particularly important to the
dying, as other people who are more emotionally close to them may
begin to withdraw at this time as a consequence of preparatory grieving
( see below) .
Some people may neither want nor have access to group interventions,
and may beneft from individual work. Approaches to working with the
dying vary. Humanistic approaches emphasize the need to address issues
initiated by the patient. The list of such issues may be long and includes:
expressing hope and despair about what is happening, wanting to live
and die, being angry about the situation, revolting against it and sub
mitting to it, worries of rej ection, fear of loss of bodily or self-control,
and fear of pain. Behavioural approaches used with the dying typically
adopt a goal-setting approach. These consider the individual' s problems,
strengths, abilities and available resources in some detail. Problems and
potential solutions can be identifi ed and prioritized, and behavioural
goals can be set. These may address ' unfnished business' , as well as
more future- or present-oriented concerns. Patients may, for example,
work on strategies to help them continue with tasks that give them
self-esteem or to fnish tasks that are important for them to complete.
Goals may be set and achieved in conj unction with other family members.
Advocates of this behavioural approach generally maintain an eclectic
approach to therapy and state that the therapeutic principles under
pinning more humanistic approaches should also be adopted within a
behavioural framework.
It is frequently not only the dying person who is experiencing distress
close to the time of their death. Relatives and friends may experience a
similar reaction to the patient. This process, known as anticipatory griev
ing, may involve denial, anger and depression. Allowing such people to
talk issues through, much as could be done with the person who is
dying, may help them to cope with the situation. This period may also
be used to allow the dying person and their relatives to reminisce about
all the good things they have done together, to mourn experiences that
were less successful, and to express their disappointment about events that
will never now occur. There may be unfnished business to complete, a
chance to express their feelings about each other and to make their good
byes. Some families may beneft from help in managing these processes.

Worki ng in the hospital system l i S
Worki ng as a heal th psychol ogi st
The research so far reviewed considered how some variables of interest
to health psychology can impact on the quality of care of patients in
the health care system. Ironically, perhaps, except under unusual circum
stances most will be implemented by other health professionals such
as nurses and doctors. This section considers work that health psycho
logists may become actively involved i n within the health care system,
focusing on the three elements of the British Division of Health Psycho
logy's emerging defnition of the role of the professional health psychologist:
teaching, research and Consultancy work.
Teachi ng
Health psychologists have a substantial formal and informal teaching
role. Indeed, this and research constitute the basis of much of the work
currently conducted by health psychologists. Clearly, a practitioner should
be able to teach on any area of health psychology with adequate pre
paration. However, most research examining the effectiveness of teach
ing psychology in the context of health care has focused on the teaching
of communication skills. It is on this literature that the next section
The Royal College of General Practitioners has adopted a six-stage
problem-solving model of consultation: problem( s ) stated, examined and
defned, solution generated, examined and selected. These processes should
be conducted j ointly by doctor and patient. The skills required of the
doctor are those of helping the patient to identify and articulate their
problems and concerns: defning and agreeing problems with the patient,
giving information and dealing with worries and concerns, generating,
exploring and agreeing possible solutions, and committing patients to
implement those that are agreed. Such a process demands high levels
of communication skill s. It is therefore highly appropriate that training
in communication skills is now a central element to doctor training at
both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
At undergraduate level, students are provided with an overview of
the skills of active listening, including the importance of developing
good rapport, the use of open-ended questions early in the consultation,
appropriate eye-contact and other facilitatory strategies ( see Chapter 8 ) .
Courses typically involve active learning, using role-play with simulated
patients, as well as real patient interviews. Feedback is used to identify
problem areas and directions for improvement, and is now increasingly
provided by videotape. In addition, students are taught the skills needed
to deal with distressed patients and relatives and to break bad news. There
is now consistent evidence that such training can considerably enhance

1 1 6 Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
communication skills. Maguire et al. ( 1 986) , for example, compared
the effectiveness of this type of training with a more traditional teaching
package, primarily involving didactic provision of information. Immedi
ately following the intervention, and at fve-year follow-up, participants
in the active learning programme evidenced greater profciency in the use
of skills and strategies including open questions, clarifcation of patients'
statements, and verbal and visual encouragement, than those in the tradi
tional learning group. Gains have also be found following communica
tion skills training in groups as varied as trained doctors, psychiatrists
and medical interns.
Context-specifc skills may also be taught and implemented. Cornuz
et al. ( 1 997) , for example, found that hospital interns who had attended
training in smoking cessation counselling were signifcantly more likely
to discuss smoking cessation with their patients than before their train
ing. In addition, the patients who saw these doctors after their training
were more likely to attempt to quit than the equivalent group seen before
this time. The likelihood of sustained cessation was, however, not increased.
A central role for health psychologists within the university and health
care systems is that of developing high quality research programmes.
Increasingly, health psychologists are contributing t o multidisciplinary
research teams as well as conducting more specialist research. The nature
of such research needs little introduction; indeed, without it this book
could not have been written. However, most clinical and health psycho
logy practitioners will not become involved in high-level research. Never
theless, research remains an important element of the work of both
professional groups, even if this is limited to monitoring individual
performance. Another area that the research skills of psychologists may
contribute to is that of clinical audit: ensuring that medical and other
therapeutic services are monitored and meet required standards.
Clinical audit
The British National Health Service employs nearly 1500 individuals as
audit advisors. Their role involves educating and training clinical staff to
evaluate the quality of care provided by a particular service, including
design, data analysis and the use of results to guide practice. Only a small
percentage of this group are psychologists. However, the core research
skills involved match onto those of psychologists, and there has been a
call for them to become involved in audit teams or to provide training
and advice through Consultancy to audit groups.
Attempting to improve the quality of care, either by the establish
ment of clinical audit or by publishing outcome data, can be extremely

Worki ng in the hospital system 1 1 7
threatening to the staff involved. National legislation relating to audit
and other health care innovations is frequently being imposed on unwill
ing individuals and systems. As a consequence, even where innovations
in health care are formally implemented, in practice they are not always
adopted fully into health care procedures. Mansfeld ( 1 995) , for example,
reported fndings from a survey of British hospital doctors that indicated
that while most respondents welcomed clinical guidelines, only a minority
of doctors were actually using them.
Introduction of innovations should therefore involve substantial plan
ning if they are not to be rej ected by those involved. Psychologists'
expertise in facilitating systemic transitions may usefully inform such
developments, although any intervention need not be complex. Hearnshaw
et al. ( 1 994) involved all members of a health care team in devising and
undertaking audits that made sense to them in terms of the way they
worked. The resultant sense of ownership was considered crucial to
completing the audits and implementing subsequent changes to the sys
tem of care. Innovations are most easily efected when staff feel secure,
skilled and not overloaded by unreasonable pressures. Unfortunately,
many innovations are introduced at times when professionals feel under
pressure, unskilled and fearful of the implications of change: a set of
circumstances likely to result in resistance to change. Psychologists may
usefully identify how an organization can implement changes in a way
that minimizes additional stress and is seen as ftting the values and
needs of the professionals involved. Strategies here may include consulta
tions with staff to identify their views, discussion groups, developing
mutually agreed change, or providing appropriate training before the
implementation of an innovation. These issues move the role of psy
chologist from that of researcher to one involved in complex interven
tions to change whole organizations. Further consideration of this role is
given below.
Working with others either formally or informally provides an opportun
ity to provide advice, skills or information: all of which may be considered
a process of consultancy. However, health psychologists are likely to
become increasingly involved in developing a more formal consultancy
role, on either a short- or a long-term basis, with health care providers.
This section considers three examples of such consultancy work.
Facilitatng staf changes
The previous section has already considered some of the problems in
initiating change among staff. Enabling such change may require input
from someone outside the system. Tadmor ( 1 98 8 ) provided an example

1 1 8 Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
of such an intervention in relation to one group of hospital nurses' pre
paration of patients for caesarean section. Practice prior to Tadmor's
intervention involved withholding information about the procedure until
as late as possible, as it was thought its early introduction would evoke
unnecessary anxiety. However, preliminary research indicated that this
procedure actually increased unrealistic fears and slowed postoperative
recovery. To bring about change, Tadmor ran a series of workshops and
provided on-the-j ob training that emphasized the need to provide early
information. This she was so successful in doing that not only did the
health workers provide information relevant to caesarean sections earlier,
they also established a support group for women who had undergone
this procedure. A further positive outcome to the intervention was that
these activities resulted in an increased level of emotional attachment
between mother and infant.
A similar intervention involving group work was reported by a team
working in Indonesia. The goal of their intervention was to reduce
the overuse of inj ections by primary care physicians, who gave up to
70 per cent of patients an inj ection following each medical consultation.
The team ran a series of groups involving both clinicians and patients
with the intention of testing prescribers' assumptions about patient
beliefs, imparting scientifc information about inj ection effcacy, and
establishing peer norms about correct behaviour. Following these dis
cussion groups, inj ection rates fell from 70 per cent to 42 per cent: an
effect not found in a control group. There was also a signifcant reduc
tion in the average number of drugs per prescription, indicating that
inj ections were not substituted with other drugs.
Reducing stress in a hospital workforce
A variety of factors have led health employers to pay increasing atten
tion to the impact of organizational stress on their employees. High
levels of stress are associated with high levels of sickness, poor recruit
ment and retention of staff, and poor performance while in work. As the
available workforce has dwindled, these issues have become of increas
ing concern to human resources departments trying to maintain an ad
equate and capable workforce throughout the health care system.
In response to these concerns, a number of health providers have
engaged clinical or health psychologists on a consultancy basis to develop
initiatives aimed at reducing work-related stress. This section describes
some of the work conducted in a British hospital over a period of one
year as part of this consultancy role. As with Maes et al. ( 1 998: see
Chapter 7) , a systemic approach was adopted. This may have included
some of the possible organization-directed strategies to reduce stress
identifed by Elkin and Rosch ( 1 990) :

Worki ng in the hospital system
+ redesign the work environment;
+ establish fexible work schedules;
+ encourage participative management;
+ include the employee in career development;
+ analyse work roles and establish goals;
+ provide social support and feedback;
+ build cohesive teams;
+ establish fair employment policies.
1 1 9
However, rather than implement such strategies regardless of the par
ticular needs of the organization, the decision was taken to run a series
of focus groups to identify key sources of staff stress within the organ
ization, and staffs' views on how these could be remedied. These groups
proved an extremely useful method of gaining an understanding of factors
in the work environment contributing to work stress and low morale.
Among nurses, for example, the main stressors included high j ob demands,
lack of recognition from senior management, lack of support in decision
making and management role, and work spillover. A report based on the
fndings of these groups was taken to the Trust Board who tasked a
working party to develop a series of targets for policy and institutional
change. These were agreed and a number of changes instituted, inclu
ding a review of ward dependency ratings, the establishment of a peer
supervision system, developing strategies for improved communication
with line managers, and the long-term provision of information technology
more appropriate to the ward needs. A formal survey using psychometric
measures of work stress, morale and mood was conducted on a represent
ative sample of staff before these changes were instituted. A repeat of
the survey six months subsequently was used to determine whether the
changes impacted substantially on stress and morale levels within the
At the same time as these changes were beginning to be implemented,
the health psychologist contributed to a further development intended
to reduce nurse stress within the workforce. This involved a year-long
training course on leadership skills for ward managers. The psychologist
not only contributed to a workshop on methods of reducing stress on
the wards, but also developed the instrument used to evaluate the effect
iveness of the teaching and workshop programme. Finally, the psycho
logist provided an ad hoc consultancy service, through which managers
and senior staff could request advice on managing or reducing stress in
particular ' hot spots' around the hospital . This proved a popular and
useful consultancy and dealt with issues as wide-ranging as developing a
response to help staff to cope with a major public enquiry, ward morale
following prolonged abuse from the mother of a dead child, and helping
clerical staff to moderate and cope with anger and abuse from the public
in high stress situations.

1 20 Appl i ed heal th psychol og
Using patent feedback to improve serices
An example of a health psychologist leading a project in which patients'
views of a service were taken into account in the ongoing development
of that service was provided by Hill ( 1 999) . The Patient Care Develop
ment Programme involved a three-phase process. In the frst, the project
was discussed with senior professionals across different specialisms within
the hospital . Speciality-based project groups, which took ownership of
the project, were established, with the psychologist facilitating their
development rather than leading them directly. Phase 2 involved the
project teams meeting and identifying the areas of care that formed the
core part of their service and on which they would focus their efforts.
Phase 3 involved gathering data from patients about the quality of service
provided. Interviews were conducted with patients in their homes by the
specialist department staff and focused on the patients' experiences of
care. In phase 4, the fndings of these interviews were fed back to the
project team. Issues identifed were considered in the light of the views of
others involved in the provision of services and decisions were made
about the priorities to be taken for development and change. Finally, an
implementation programme was written by each project team to plan
the practical process of change. This process was conducted within
four specialist areas within the hospital, surgery, medicine, women and
chil dren' s services, and support services, and in over 30 patient groups,
including patients receiving treatment for cancer of the bladder, cataracts,
MI, special care babies, and fractured neck of femur.
The process of patient review was intended to be ongoing and to
form a continuing process of feedback, response and further feedback.
The initial report, however, focused on changes made following the frst
set of patient surveys and the institutional response to them. Changes
to the system were signifcant and fully relevant to patient care, and
included the development of new patient information leafets and care
summary sheets, improved communication with patients on waiting lists,
and increased involvement of patients in their discharge care planning.
A further initiative involved patients being given follow-up appointments
while attending outpatient clinics, instead of notifcation being sent in
the post at a later date.
Summar and concl usi ons
Health psychology research has l ed to a signifcant understanding of
the processes of care that impact on patient well-being. It also suggests
a number of intervention points that may impact on both the quality of
care given to patients and elements of the health care system that impact
on those who work within it. Some of these interventions will be informed

Further readi ng
Worki ng i n the hospital system 1 2 1
by, rather than conducted by, health psychologists. However, an in
creasing number of interventions will actually be conducted by health
psychologists. It is for the emerging profession of health psychology to
determine what these interventions will be and the shape of the emerging
profession of health psychology.
Myers, L. and Midence, K. ( 1 998) Adherence in Medical Conditions. Chur:
Edelmann, R. ( 2000) Psychosocial Aspects of the Health Care Process. Harlow:

Health promotion
The goal of heal th promoti on is to maxi mi ze heal th withi n the popul ati on
at l arge. I t achi eves thi s through a vari ety of means, i ncl udi ng economi c,
soci al and psychol ogi cal and works at a number of l evel s i ncl udi ng the
i ndivi dual , community and soci etal . Chapter I I addresses some of the
l iterature rel evant to i ndivi dual i nterventi ons, focusi ng on screeni ng as
an agent of behavi oural change. El sewhere in the book, i ssues rel ated to
i ndi vi dual heal th educati on are al so addressed. Thi s chapter wi dens the
focus and consi ders how heal th psychol ogy may i nform i nterventi ons
targeti ng whol e popul ati ons. I n doi ng so, i t sugests that the tradi ti onal
focus of heal th promoti on programmes i s becomi ng i ncreasi ngl y di fcul t
to j ustif and that heal th promoti on may useful l y adopt a new focus,
targeti ng new factors that i nfl uence heal th and activel y i nvol vi ng
communiti es i n heal th promoti on rather than si mply acti ng upon them.
Thi s chapter focuses on:
+ The contri buti on that psychol ogy has made to the devel opment of
heal th promoti on programmes
+ The need to i dentif new targets for heal th promoti on
+ Future strategi es for heal th promoti on
Appl yi ng psychol ogi cal theory to heal th promoti on
Health education and health promotion are often considered to be syn
onymous. They are not. Health education is a planned activity with the
specifc intention of increasing knowledge or skills to promote healthy
behaviour. Health promotion is a wider concept, encompassing educa
tion but also including the creation of environments supportive of health
and health-enhancing behaviours, developing appropriate public health
policy, increasing individuals' personal resources and strengthening com
munity action ( see, for example, World Health Organization 1 991 ) .

Heal th promoti on 1 23
In order to achieve these goals, the World Health Organization (WHO)
stated that health promotion should work with individuals and com
munities to maximize health potential. An important element of its
philosophy is that public policy should, as a priority, create environ
ments that foster good health. It stated that health gains can be made by
political and economic policy as well as through individual behavioural
change. This emphasis on public health may suggest that psychology
has little to contribute to health promotion. Such a conclusion would
be unwarranted. Psychological theory has contributed strongly, both
explicitly and implicitly, to the theoretical rationale of a number of key
community initiatives and will continue to do so.
Soci al cognitive theor
Social cognitive theory has guided the development of a number of
sophisticated health promotion and health education programmes. It has
provided a theoretical underpinning for a variety of media-based interven
tions aimed at individuals, some of which are described in Chapter 1 1.
It has also informed those aimed at the wider community. The 'Pssst . . .
the really useful guide to alcohol' television series broadcast throughout
the UK, for example, encouraged young people to drink within ' sensible'
limits. It provided age- and gender-appropriate models of consumption,
and followed the fortunes of its presenter as he cut down his drinking
over the course of the series. In addition, skills such as planning to cut
down consumption and resisting pressure to drink were modelled within
a humorous framework intended to be attractive and relevant to its
target audience. A limited analysis of its impact ( Bennett et al. 1 99 1 )
suggested that it resulted in short-term changes in knowledge and attitudes
towards alcohol consumption.
Social cognitive theory has also been used to guide more wide-ranging
intervention programmes. One of the frst, the Stanford Three Towns
Proj ect, included a media-based intervention lasting over a year aimed at
changing CHD-risk behaviours in three communities around Stanford,
USA ( Farquhar et al. 1 977) . Based explicitly on social cognitive theory,
the media programme involved a series of stages : agenda-setting, the
provision of information, modelling change and skills for change, and
fnally 'cues to action' . In the case of smoking, for example, the media
frst provided information on the risks of smoking and the benefts of
cessation. This was followed by information on how to stop smoking
and was augmented by televised smoking cessation groups that provided
models of behavioural change, intended to increase relevant skills and
self-effcacy j udgements in smokers. A similar strategy was used with
other risk behaviours. A number of high-risk individuals also took part,
with their partners, in a behavioural skills learning programme of change.
They were asked to disseminate knowledge and skills to their friends and

1 24 Appl i ed heal th psychol og
colleagues, acting as models of behavioural change to the wider public.
The impact of this intervention in considered later in the chapter.
Atti tude theor
Attitudinal models, including the theory of planned behaviour, have
further contributed to the development of health education programmes.
One model of attitude change that has proven highly appropriate to
health education is the elaboration likelihood model ( ELM) of Petty and
Cacioppo ( 1 986) . This states that the infuence of media output is the
result of an interaction between message factors and the cognitive state
of the recipient. According to the ELM, individuals are differentially
motivated to attend to and process media messages as a consequence of
their pre-existing beliefs and interests. They are more likely to attend to
messages that are congruent with their pre-existing beliefs or that have
personal relevance to them. Under these conditions, individuals engage
in what Petty and Cacioppo refer to as central processing ( see Figure 7. 1 ) .
This involves active consideration of the media message, assessment of
conclusions, and their integration within existing belief structures. Any
consequent attitudinal change is likely to be both enduring and predictive
of future behaviour. In contrast, recipients who are not interested in the
issue or who hold incongruent beliefs are more likely to be infuenced by
non-message factors, including the credibility and attractiveness of the
source. Identifed as peripheral processing, any resultant attitudinal change
is likely to be transient and not predictive of behaviour. Such individuals
may be most responsive to emotional message appeals. As the ELM
suggests that people with low issue involvement are more responsive to
emotional appeals than reasoned argument, some have suggested that
the role of emotion in health education may be as a motivator of those
unaware of risks.
The weakness of the ELM is that although it provides a clear under
standing of methods that may be used to modify attitudes, evidence pre
viously considered ( see Chapter 3) suggests that such changes will have
only a modest influence on behaviour. However, the other elements of
the theory have been upheld in a largely laboratory-based, experimental
An anecdotal example of how the credibility of the souce of informa
tion may infuence the reaction to a health education message is provided
by the population reaction to a Polish government appeal to eat less
meat and more vegetables, made when Poland was still under Soviet
control . Following this appeal, meat sales increased dramatically as many
people thought that the appeals indicated a future shortage and began
panic-buying of meat. Another example of the importance of being aware
of pre-existing attitudes, and how any media programme may either
strengthen or weaken them, is illustrated by the negative effect of the
initial British AIDS campaigns. This suggested that AIDS was an issue of

Heal th promoti on
Use central route
Qual ity of argument
Central attitude shif
Rel atively enduri ng
Resi stnt
Predi ctive of behavi our
Persuasi ve
communi cati on
Motivated to process?
1 25
Use peri pheral route
Positive/negative afect
Expert sources
Peri pheral cues
Peri pheral atitude shi f
Rel ativel y temporary
Suscepti bl e
Unpredi ctive of behavi our
Figure 7. 1 The el aboration l i kel i hood model of attitude change
particular relevance to the 'three Hs' : homosexuals, intravenous heroin
users, and Haitians, the three groups in which the virus was frst identifed.
Such messages served to increase anti-homosexual attitudes, and may
have reduced condom use among the heterosexual community, as AIDS
was not considered to be a relevant issue.
The health bel i ef model
The health belief model suggests that measures to change behaviour
should reduce the costs and increase the benefts of engaging in any
new behaviour. They should also provide 'cues to action' to trigger any
intended behavioural change. Such initiatives may occur at national or
city level, for example by protecting green spaces in urban areas so they
are available for recreational exercise, or through transport policies that
encourage bicycle use and walking over the use of cars. They may also

1 26 Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
occur at a very local level : the provision of free condoms at night clubs
affords one simple example.
Product labelling, including health warnings on cigarettes and nutri
tional information on food, is now used increasingly as a cue to encour
age consumers to engage in health-enhancing behaviours. Unfortunately,
nutritional information is not always understood by the public and is
used infrequently, particularly amongst those with low income and educa
tion, whose food choices may be governed more by cost than quality.
Similarly, health warnings on cigarettes appear to be ineffective in chan
ging existing smokers' behaviour, although they may serve to prevent
the uptake of smoking ( Richards et al. 1 989) .
Environmental manipulations may form isolated interventions: they
may also be incorporated into larger disease prevention programmes.
The Heartbeat Wales programme ( Nutbeam et al . 1 993) , for example,
facilitated a number of environmental changes designed to reduce barriers
and to cue appropriate behavioural change. Initiatives included encour
aging food labelling and increasing the availability of ' healthy foods' in
maj or retailers and local butchers, facilitating the establishment of ' healthy
restaurants' , and providing exercise trails in local parks.
Much social policy is premised, albeit implicitly, on the health belief
model. The price of alcohol impacts on levels of consumption, particu
larly for wines and spirits. Beer consumption may be less sensitive to
price. Increases in tobacco taxation may also form an effective measure
in reducing consumption rates, with an estimated reduction in consump
tion of 4 per cent for every 1 0 per cent price rise. Taxation seems to be
a particularly effective deterrent amongst the young, who are three times
more likely to be affected by price rises than older adults.
Protecti on motivati on theory
Protection motivation theory differs from the health belief model in that
it emphasizes the importance of fear as a motivator, and self-effcacy
as a mediator, of behavioural change. The infuence of fear appeals on
behaviour has been examined in a number of laboratory and feld studies.
Perhaps the most consistent fnding is that fear appeals have only a
modest impact on behaviour, particularly when no means of reducing
any induced threat are provided. Even where signifcant and persistent
health concerns are raised, behaviour change may not follow. The Austra
lian ' Grim Reaper' campaign ( Rigby et al. 1 989) , for example, dramatic
ally raised audience awareness of AIDS and levels of health anxiety,
but had no impact on AIDS-related knowledge or sexual behaviour.
Rather than motivate behavioural change, moderate or high fear may
actually interfere with change. Fear-arousing messages may result in
increased resistance to the message, denial that a threat applies to the
individual, and even increases in the targeted behaviour.

Heal th promoti on 1 27
Fear messages may not always be counterproductive. Negative frames
may make messages more memorable than positive ones, particularly
where preventive action is simple and easily accessible. Meyerowitz and
Chaiken ( 1 987) , for example, found that positive messages stressing the
health benefts of breast self-examination had less infuence on women' s
behaviour than negative messages concentrating on the potential dangers
of failing to self-examine. Both negative and positive emotional messages
may be more memorable when individuals can compare them to a message
with the opposite emotional valence. It may be the contrast that is import
ant, not the mood induced by one message in isolation.
Fear-based messages are most likely to change behaviour under condi
tions of low levels of perceived vulnerability, high self-esteem, when the
means of avoiding the feared outcome are provided, the required changes
are manageable, and individuals believe that they are capable of achieving
them. Kreuter and Stretcher ( 1 996) , for example, allocated individuals
screened for risk of CHD into one of three conditions: risk information,
risk information combined with personalized strategies for behavioural
change, or no information. Those in the combined intervention were
1 8 per cent more likely to change at least one risk behaviour over the six
months following screening than those in the risk information only group.
If relevant information is easily available, high fear appeals are more
likely to trigger information-seeking than low fear appeals. Keesling and
Friedman ( 1 995) gave sunbathers high and low fear evoking pictures of
melanomas and high and low levels of information about how to reduce
risk for such outcomes. Participants in the high fear/low information
group were more likely to seek additional information than those in the
low fear/low information condition. Highlighting the need to develop
interventions specifc to differing target groups, they also found that
individuals with high risk-taking personalities were less likely to seek out
relevant information than those who were less risky.
Communi t programmes
The frst maj or health promotion intervention aimed at a whole commun
ity, and involving more than simple advertising was the Stanford Three
Towns Proj ect ( Farquhar et al. 1 977) . In this, two towns received a high
intensity, year-long media campaign targeting CHD-related behaviours.
In addition, a group of individuals at particularly high ri sk for CHD
were identifed in one town and, with their partners, received individual
behavioural counselling on how to change their risk behaviours. These
individuals were asked to disseminate their knowledge of risk factors and
risk factor change to friends and colleagues. This combined intervention
was expected to generate more change throughout the population than
the media campaign alone. This, in turn, was expected to generate more

1 28 Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
1 5
1 0



- 1 0
- 1 5
- - - Control town
-Medi a onl y
- - - - - - Medi a pl us i ndivi dual
Figure 7. 2 Changes i n CHD ri sk scores fol l owi ng the Stanford Three Towns
changes than those in a town that received no intervention. The expected
results were found ( see Figure 7. 2) .
The European equivalent o f this programme, the North Karelia proj ect
( Puska et al. 1 985) was also considered a success. However, a dissenting
voice was raised by one of the investigators, who argued that there was
little evidence of any differences between the control and intervention
areas that could be directly attributable to the intervention, and that all
the project proved was that such an intervention was logistically possible.
Despite this reservation, a number of subsequent interventions have
also targeted risk factors for CHD and have frequently met with less
success than the initial programmes . The Stanford Five City Proj ect
( Farquhar et al. 1 990) combined the methods used in the initial pro
gramme with an increased emphasis on community-initiated collaborative
teaching programmes and environmental manipulations. The impact of
the intervention in two cities was compared with changes in three control
areas not receiving the intervention.
In a cohort followed for the duration of the study, knowledge of CHD
risk factors rose in all samples but changed most in the intervention
areas. Measures of total cholesterol, resting pulse and body mass index
fell more in the intervention than control areas during the early years of
the project. However, by its end no differences between the control and

Heal th promoti on 1 29
intervention area were evident. Only blood pressure and smoking rates
differed at the end of the intervention. Nevertheless, in this analysis, risk
for CHD was lowered by 1 6 per cent in the intervention population
cohort in contrast to a 3 per cent fall among the control population.
Unfortunately, this success was not replicated i n the findings of a series
of cross-sectional surveys conducted over the period of the project. In
these, smoking rates did not differ between the intervention and control
cities at any time and differences in risk levels for CHD did not vary
between any of the communities.
A further example of a large-scale intervention aimed at CHD-risk
reduction is afforded by the Minnesota Heart Health Programme ( MHHP:
Jacobs et a!. 1 986) . This fve-year intervention drew explicitly on social
learning theory and persuasive-communications theory to develop its
programmes. The mass media were used to promote awareness of the
programme and to reinforce other educational components. However,
the main foci of the MHHP was the provision of individual screening
programmes in primary care settings, and direct contact with individuals
through competitions, telephone support, classes in the community and
the worksite, self-help materials and home correspondence programmes.
In addition, the programme manipulated the environment to facilitate
and maintain change through, for example, food labelling, healthy menus
in restaurants and increased opportunities for physical recreation. Inter
ventions aimed at smoking cessation included supportive primary care
screening programmes, supportive telephone calls, worksite quit classes,
home correspondence courses, Quit and Win competitions, and work
site manipulations including increased ' smoke-free' areas. Despite this
sophisticated package of interventions, the effectiveness of the programme
on smoking prevalence was marginal at best. Data on weight loss, another
key intervention target for the programme was equally disappointing.
Over the course of the trial the average adult weight in both intervention
and control communities rose by nearly 7 lb, leading to the conclusion
that the programme had little or no effect on levels of obesity.
The programmes described here are examples of a wider set of health
promotion programmes but are not unrepresentative. Indeed, they are
some of the most impressive programmes yet conducted. Their execution
was impressive, yet their fndings must raise a question as to their value.
Against this background, some commentators remain strong advocates
of the effectiveness of population approaches to health promotion; others
are more cautious in their claims.
Worksite heal th promoti on
An alternative strategy to attempting to infuence whole communities
has been to target smaller communities within them. Worksites form one

1 30 Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
such target. The programmes can be more focused, and typically achieve
higher levels of programme recognition than community programmes.
Most important of all, however, the workplace provides a closed system
in which the environment can be manipulated to maximize the probabil
ity of behaviour change. Where this has been exploited, there is some
evidence that environmental, social, or even economic manipulation can
facilitate behavioural change. Where programmes have not done so, for
example through workplace risk factor screening programmes, there is
little evidence of any greater gain than that achieved in any other contexts
( see Chapter 1 1 ) .
Educati on and envi ronmental mani pul ati ons
The Treatwell Program ( Hebert et al. 1993) focused on changing dietary
intake of fat and other nutrients to reduce the risk of cancer. It provided
classes and food demonstrations for the workforce augmented by food
labelling in worksite cafeterias, with the goal of reducing dietary fat to
30 per cent of total calories and to increase dietary fbre to between 20
and 30 grams per day. The intervention lasted a period of 15 months,
and changes in diet following the programme were compared with those
of a control worksite that did not receive it. By this time, modest but
clinically insignifcant reductions in fat consumption were found amongst
participants in the active condition. There was no evidence of changes in
consumption of dietary fbre.
Equally modest results were reported by the WellWorks programme
( Sorensen et al. 1 998) . This study assessed the effects of a two-year long
integrated health promotion programme focusing on dietary habits and
cigarette smoking. It comprised three key intervention elements: j oint
worker/management participation in programme planning and imple
mentation, consultation with management on worksite environmental
changes, and health education programmes. Differences between inter
vention and control worksites were modest, but included reductions
in the percentage of calories consumed as fat and increases in servings
of fruit and vegetables and in total fbre consumption. No signifcant
intervention effects were observed for smoking cessation.
The Take Heart programme ( Glasgow et al. 1995) proved less effective.
This programme provided screening programmes and an 1 8-month
intervention involving a variety of environmental, educational and skills
based programmes in an attempt to modify workers' dietary and smoking
habits. Smoking interventions included provision of self-help kits and
group support meetings. Dietary interventions included written materials,
presentations with food samples, and cooking demonstrations. Policy
issues included the provision of no-smoking areas, increasing healthy
food options in the cafeterias and vending machines, and stopping the
sale of tobacco on site. The results were disappointing. After one and a
half years of this programme, no differences between intervention and

Heal th promoti on 1 3 1
control sites were found on measures of smoking prevalence, dietary fat
intake and serum cholesterol. The authors' 'inescapable' conclusion was
that the Take Heart project did not improve employee health behaviours
related to nutrition and tobacco use more than did repeated measures alone.
These are not isolated fndings. Glanz et al. ( 1 996) reviewed the ef
fectiveness of ten worksite nutrition education programmes which used
group education, group education plus individual counselling/instruction,
cafeteria-based programmes, and group education plus cafeteria-based
programmes. Sixteen worksite cholesterol programmes were reviewed in
fve categories: monitoring; individual counselling; group sessions or classes;
mediated methods using print, audiovisual, telephone, self-help kits, and
combined approaches. They concluded that evidence about a causal rela
tionship between worksite nutrition and changed behaviour or improved
health was lacking. Oldenburg and Harris ( 1 996) were equally cautious in
their conclusions about the effectiveness of worksite interventions. How
ever, they noted that measuring the impact and efect of health promotion
activity in the workplace is not an easy task. Most worksite intervention
studies utilized inadequate study designs and poor measurement. In
addition, high attrition rates and poor reach have also compromised their
effcacy and effectiveness. Participation rates range from 32 per cent for
health education programmes to 5 per cent for smoking cessation interven
tions, while onsite stress management programmes attract between 1 0
and 40 per cent of the workforce. Those who do attend are likely to be
healthier and more concerned with health matters than non-attenders .
Economi c i ncentives
One advantage of the workplace is that it can provide tangible non
health-related benefts for those taking part in any programme of change.
Interventions taking advantage of this may prove more effective than the
programmes so far reviewed. Glasgow et al. ( 1993) reported an interven
tion in which an incentive scheme for smoking cessation was combined
with individual monthly monitoring of expired carbon monoxide levels.
Abstinent smokers were eligible for monthly lottery prizes . Nineteen per
cent of workers who smoked participated in the study. At the time of
the fnal lottery draw, one year into the programme, 20 per cent of this
group were no longer smoking. Such benefts are not universal, however,
and programmes where participants lose money if they restart smoking
have proven less successful. It seems that employees prefer schemes that
reward success, not punish failure.
Soci al support
Social support may both change social norms towards those that support
change and provide the opportunity for mutual help in achieving change.

1 32 Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
Where it has been actively manipulated some gains have been reported.
Brownwell and Felix ( 1 987) manipulated social support through the devel
opment of teams in an attempt to increase participation and adherence
to a weight reduction programme. Participants were organized into com
petitive teams and given relevant self-help manuals following a baseline
weight assessment. Throughout the programme, the results from weekly
weigh-ins were displayed in a prominent position at each worksite. After
approximately 1 5 weeks, the average weight loss was 5. 5 kg. This is an
impressive reduction, in comparison to both other weight loss programmes
and wider population trends, although longer-term maintenance may
prove diffcult to sustain.
A number of programmes have combined fnancial incentive programmes
with social support. Koffman et a!. ( 1 998) , for example, compared the
effectiveness of a multicomponent smoking cessation programme alone,
supplemented by incentives and team competition, and a standard smok
ing cessation programme. Six months after the programme, 41 per cent
of participants in the incentive/competition programme were abstinent
in comparison with 23 per cent of participants in the multicomponent
programme and 8 per cent of those in the traditional programme. Six
months later, the abstinence rates were 37, 30, and 1 1 per cent respectively.
Towards a new agenda for heal th promoti on
Despite enormous fnancial and research commitment, much of the evi
dence reviewed has not shown even very sophisticated health promotion
programmes to be eff
ctive in facilitating appropriate behavioural change.
Some of the reasons for this apparent failure may, paradoxically, refect
the effectiveness of health promotion and its impact on the population as
a whole. Most of the programmes described have taken place against
a background of signifcant behavioural changes throughout the popu
lation. The prevalence of risk factors for CHD have changed markedly
over this time, with signifcant increases in levels of exercise and reduc
tions in smoking and dietary cholesterol. These changes were suffcient
to lower rates of CHD in the USA by 22 per cent between 1968 and 1977.
Such changes have been facilitated by many small-scale health promo
tion projects and, perhaps even more importantly, by informal influences
including access to a massive amount of information on health and healthy
behaviours provided by the media. Behavioural change has been facilitated
by changing social norms and environmental changes such as no-smoking
areas and increased access to low cholesterol food items. The consequ
ences of such changes are that, unless the campaign addresses a very new
issue, most people who encounter health promotion programmes will have
previously encountered much of the information given in any campaign.
Those in the control areas are equally likely to encounter such information.

Heal th promoti on 1 33
In the worst case, from an assessment perspective, control areas may
engage in similar forms of health promotion to those in the intervention
area. This was the fate of the Heartbeat Wales programme ( Nutbeam
et al. 1 993) which measured changes consequent to a fve-year interven
tion in Wales with those in a comparison area in England. Two maj or
factors made comparisons between the two areas problematic. First, the
government instituted a similar health promotion programme through
out England, including the comparison area, over the course of the inter
vention. Secondly, innovations such as food labelling that began in
Wales were taken up by national supermarket chains and disseminated
across their shops throughout the UK. It would be naive to assume that
other programmes were insulated from such contamination. Accordingly,
comparisons between intervention and control areas may underestimate
any gains made as a consequence of a particular health promotion initi
ative. Any assessment of the effectiveness of health promotion should
consider the role of both formal and informal health promotion in
generating the population changes in behaviour evident over the past
decades, not j ust comparisons between intervention and control areas of
individual studies .
Nevertheless, these fndings suggest that health promotion may have
to change both its focus and methods if it is to prove more effective in
changing behaviour than the background information that i s already
infuencing much of the population. Research from other areas and
relevant policy changes also suggest the need for change: in particular,
the increasing understanding of risk factors for disease other than those
traditionally considered by health promotion and the WHO' s increasing
emphasis on improving well-being. The fnal part of this chapter considers
some possible issues that health promotion may have to address and
some possible strategies it may, or is beginning to, adopt. They are not
meant to be defnitive and exclusive. However, they refect the need for
health promotion to develop further, both in the methods it uses and
the issues it concerns itself with. Three differing pathways are suggested:
targeting new ri sk factors;
+ creating health-supporting environments;
Increasing community involvement and letting it defne the intervention
Targeti ng new ri sk factors
Health promotion has traditionally focused on only a subset of beha
viours that infuence health, including diet, exercise, protective sexual
behaviour, and alcohol consumption. Looking back to earlier chapters
in the present text, a number of other factors have also been shown to be
strongly associated with physical health, some of which may useflly form

1 34 Appl i ed heal th psychol og
targets for future health promotion programmes. These include economic
inequalities, social isolation, stress and depression, personal qualities such
as hostility, membership of societal minorities, and work and unemploy
ment factors. This section considers some of the ways in which one of
these factors, socio-economic inequalities, may be addressed by those
involved in health promotion.
The link between poor health and socio-economic inequalities has
led some commentators to suggest that the most compelling intervention
strategies to reduce health inequalities are likely to be social, economic
and political. However, not all interventions that address economic
factors need do so through fnancial means. Mays and Cochran ( 1 98 8 ) ,
for example, noted that it is very diffcult for low-income ethnic minority
women to refuse unsafe sex practices. Many lack power in intimate
relationships because of economic dependence or are culturally excluded
from decisions about contraceptive use. Such women may be helped by
school and j ob training programmes . For similar reasons an important
component in health and wellness programmes for pregnant teenagers is
that the mother remains at school.
From an economic perspective, strategies to reduce health inequalities
must include measures to reduce unemployment to the lowest possible
level . The Swedish economic model identifed a series of strategies that
have proven effective in maintaining high levels of employment, including
proactive employment exchange, high quality training aimed at providing
skills required by the employment market, recruitment incentives for
employers, and the right to temporary public employment in the last
resort. Davey Smith et a!. ( 1 999) called for a series of differing economic
measures. They argued for the implementation of ' afordable' basic income
schemes as a means of ending poverty. These could take the form of
a payment received by every person or household to provide a minimal
income, with the amount paid based on age and family status. In addi
tion, they suggested that all benefts to families with children receiving
income support should be increased to avoid the next generation being
disadvantaged from birth. They noted that one-quarter of all children are
bor to mothers under the age of 25 years, and that the government
should ensure that those mothers under this age receive no fewer benefts
than older individual s. It is beyond the scope of the present volume to
comment on the strengths and weaknesses of various economic systems;
however, economic systems do have signifcant implications for health and
should, therefore, form a legitimate area of influence for those involved
in promoting health.
Davey Smith et al. ( 1 999) also identifed a number of wider policy
issues that would signifcantly impact on the health of the economically
deprived, including reducing the mortality rate for pedestrian child deaths
through the use of traffc calming measures, and improving child nutri
tion through increasing free school meals entitlement. These add to a list
of policy factors compiled by the British Medical Association ( 1 998,

Heal th promoti on 1 35
Tabl e 7 . I Some of the envi ron mental factors i denti fed by the Bri ti sh
Medi cal Associati on as consti tuti ng a ri sk to heal th
Type of policy
Macroeconomi c
Agri cul ture
I ndustri al
Housi ng and soci al
Areas where polic changes may impact on health
I ncome di stri buti on and l evel
Changes i n l abour market
Changes in cost of l ivi ng, food and housi ng
Efect of subsi di es on pesti ci de use and resi dues
Use and promoti on of toxi c substances
Occupati onal Heal th and Safety requ i rements
Hazardous waste regul ati ons
Nucl ear fuel cycl e
Efects of ' smog'
Overcrowdi ng
Access to safe water
Adequate waste col l ecti on and treatment
I ndoor water qual ity
see Table 7. 1 ) that may infuence the health of the population and in
particular the more economically deprived.
In addition to changes in government policy, there is a need to develop
strategies aimed at other processes that link socio-economic status
and health. In Chapter 1 , these were shown to include stress as a con
sequence of work factors. Changes in these processes may be brought
about through interventions aimed at individuals or, more importantly,
the wider working environment.
Initiatives that have addressed worksite stress have almost uniquely
done so through the provision of programmes that teach stress manage
ment skills: that is, they help attenders to cope more effectively with the
demands placed upon them. This chapter has already noted that such
programmes frequently fail to attract those that are experiencing signi
fcant stress. However, they have a more fundamental flaw in that they
fail to directly address issues relevant to work stress or the well-being of
the maj ority of the workforce, and particularly those in blue-collar j obs.
One programme that di d so was reported by Maes et al. ( 1 998) . Their
intervention, conducted at a Dutch worksite, focused both on lifestyle
change and modifying key aspects of the working environment in order
to foster mental and physical well-being throughout the workforce. The
frst year of the programme followed a conventional pattern and focused
on individual behavioural change through the provision of health educa
tion classes. In the second phase of the intervention, the programme
became more innovative. It drew upon a substantial literature that has
identifed working conditions that appear to enhance both the well-being
of workers and work production levels. These conditions include individuals

1 36 Appl i ed heal th psychol og
working within their capabilities, avoiding short and repet1t1ve per
formance tasks, having some control over the organization of work,
and adequate social contact. With these factors in mind, Maes et al.
attempted, within the constraints of production, to change the nature of
each worker' s j ob to bring it closer to the ideal. In addition, they trained
managers in communication and leadership skills and identifed methods
through which they could recognize, prevent and reduce individual stress
within the workforce.
Evaluation of the intervention involved following four groups of
workers: those working in the intervention worksite, those in control
sites, and participants and non-participants in the individual lifestyle
change programme. Their results indicated highly specifc effects of each
intervention. By the end of the individual intervention phase, participants
in the lifestyle programme showed greater reductions in risk for CHD
than those in the control group. However, by the end of the third year of
the project, these gains were no longer evident. In contrast, the wider
intervention was associated with increased quality of work and lower
absenteeism rates in comparison with the control sites over the duration
of the intervention. No data on ' stress' levels were taken by the research
team. However, the data collected are indicative of positive changes in
stress or job satisfaction levels.
An even simpler, but highly effective, intervention focusing on j ob
spillover was conducted on one hospital ward in response to the nurses
who had responsibility for child care arriving late and feeling ' stressed'
at the beginning of their morning shifts. This was because the timing of
the shift did not allow them to take their children to a childminder in
time to get to work without rushing and at risk of being late. The ward
manager' s response to this was twofold. First, to start the shift half
an hour later than previously. Secondly, to allow some fexibility in
the time that individuals were expected to arrive on duty, and to record
the ' handover' on audiotape so that late arrivals could easily obtain the
information they needed to begin their work without another nurse
having to take time out to brief them. This simple, responsive process
made a signifcant difference to the effectiveness of the ward staff and
the stress they experienced. Interventions that make a difference do not
necessarily have to be complex, but they do have to be responsive to
staff needs.
Creati ng supportive envi ronments
Unhealthy environments have been characterized as those that threaten
safety, undermine the creation of social ties, and are confictual, abusive
or violent. A healthy environment, in contrast, provides safety, oppor
tunities for social integration, and the ability to predict and control aspects
of that environment. These requirements present a signifcant challenge

Heal th promoti on 1 37
to future town and city planners and administrators. Those involved in
health promotion should also be attempting to infuence all aspects of
environmental development in ways that increase its ability to sustain
both mental and physical health. Issues relevant to health promotion
vary from the design and architecture of ' safe' housing estates through to
the planning and geographical location of shopping and leisure centres
to transport policies that encourage cycling and walking. Such a process
moves health promotion away from its traditional arena of high profle,
targeted initiatives to one of consultancy, advising and even lobbying
those involved in the development of public policy.
Evaluation of large-scale programmes focusing solely on the physical
environment has proven diffcult. Evaluation of the Healthy Cities move
ment serves as an example. Participating cities across the world were
concerned with monitoring and improving environmental indicators
of quality of life including unemployment, housing quality, democratic
participation and education provision ( Ashton 1 992) . Unfortunately,
environmental changes were not instituted in a controlled manner and
were not monitored effectively, making it impossible to establish any
relationship between environmental changes and any changes in behaviour
or health. Nevertheless, smaller-scale controlled trials of environmental
manipulation attest to their potential effectiveness. Linegar et al. ( 1 991 ) ,
for example, measured the impact of environmental changes on exercise
levels within the general population. Taking advantage of the closed
community provided by a naval base, they established cycle paths, exercise
equipment, exercise clubs and ftness competitions within the base. In
addition, workers were given 'release time' from other duties while they
participated in some physical activities. In comparison with a control area,
where no such changes were initiated, signifcant increases in activity
and ftness were found amongst both existing exercisers and previous
Not all environmental interventions, however, have met with similar
levels of success, including some attempts to establish restrictive smoking
policies in the workplace. Gomel et al. ( 1 993) , for example, reported on
the impact of a worksite smoking ban imposed on smoking both inside
and outside the workplace of an Australian ambulance service. Before
the ban was imposed, 60 per cent of the workforce smoked cigarettes:
an average of 26 per day. Although the policy resulted in a reduction i n
smoking in the few days following its inception, salivary nicotine measures
that provided biological verifcation of smoking levels showed a return
to baseline measures within six weeks of the inception of the policy.
These data are not atypical and a number of studies suggest that while
such bans reduce the prevalence of smoking in the areas affected, there
is little evidence that they reduce the prevalence of employee smokers.
In addition, while an apparently logical leap, there is also little evidence
that combining restrictive policies with the provision of smoking cessation
groups is an effective approach. Accordingly, it appears that smoking

1 38 Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
policies may beneft non-smokers but have little infuence on smokers
themselves. Such fndings may also suggest that restrictive policies that
attempt to control behaviour may be less successful than those that
provide the opportunity to engage in a wider set of behaviours.
I ncreasi ng community i nvolvement
The models of health promotion so far considered have adopted a top
down approach. That is, they have been primarily informed by health
policy makers, epidemiology and intervention theory. In total contrast to
such interventions, the WHO has called for an increase in community
involvement in health promotion. Such a move suggests that rather than
the passive process through which the community typically receives health
promotion, it should be actively involved in setting the agenda for, and
developing, health promotion projects. This moves the community from
being the recipient of external programmes developed from without to
an active developer of initiatives from within. Such an idea is not new:
Ross and Lappin ( 1 967) identifed community development as occurring
when a community identifed its needs or obj ectives, prioritized them and
found the resources to work towards achieving them. In this context, the
goal of health professionals is to work with communities in order to
empower individuals within them to gain control over their lives.
The process of coming together as a community can be empowering
and enhance well-being in itself. Individuals can develop feelings of
empowerment through community or organizational involvement even
if the community or organization fails to achieve any desired structural
change. Participation can reduce feelings of hopelessness, and positively
affect psychological health on measures such as social support, coping,
problem-solving skills and personal competence. However, participation
without a positive outcome may represent tokenism and, over an extended
period, increase feelings of hopelessness. Members of the community are
most likely to come together when they have an opportunity to share
common experiences, develop emotional closeness and recognize that
they have a common identity or destiny. They are most likely to take
action when they have the necessary skills and resources and belong to
organizations that have a task focus, clear roles for participating members
and use democratic decision-making procedures .
The development of a viable community intervention starts with a
reconnaissance phase in which the professional explores a community
and how it operates. The professional needs to identify key individuals
within the area and a group of people willing to work on a particular
proj ect, ideally determined by the group itself or from meetings with the
wider population within the area. This group then takes action. Such a
process makes formal evaluation of such programmes diffcult to assess:
the goal of the group is to beneft the community, not to provide a

Heal th promoti on 1 39
well controlled intervention trial. Nevertheless, Johnson ( 1 98 8 ) provided
an example of the process of development and implementation of a
community programme working to reduce behavioural problems among
the children of low-income Americans living in the Houston barri os. To
gain the cooperation of the parents, the health workers frst went from
door to door asking parents about their aspirations for their children.
These ideas were then taken to a group of parents for discussion. The
parents were encouraged to form a Parent's Advisory Council that would
facilitate and sanction the development and implementation of any inter
ventions. The project's fnal goal and procedures were developed in collab
oration with the Council . This validation and advice on how to approach
possible participants was thought to increase participation rates in the
intervention fnally conducted.
A second example of such an initiative can be found in a CHD pre
vention programme in a British inner-city area. At the time, a series of
health education classes known as Look After Yourself were proving
a popular primary care intervention. However, while these were well
attended, the participants were most frequently white middle-class women
with suffcient time and resources to attend. In an attempt to encourage
participation by other groups, health workers began to talk to the residents
in the economically deprived areas of the city to fnd out why they did
not attend these groups. Many single mothers reported that they would
like to attend but were unable to fnd someone to look after their young
children while they did so. In response to this, the mothers who lived in
one block of flats formed a creche that was supervised by diferent women
each week so that all could attend the classes over the life of the proj ect.
Not all community proj ects are successful . A study reported by
Baumgarten et al. ( 1 98 8 ) provides an example of a failed intervention.
They reported on the outcome of a health promotion team' s attempts
to establish a mutual help network among elderly residents of a state
subsidised apartment in Canada. However, rather than improving matters,
those taking part in the intervention reported higher levels of depressed
mood and lower life satisfaction than a control group receiving no inter
vention. The probable cause of the worsening situation was that the people
between whom the intervention team were trying to increase social inter
actions varied in religion and ethnicity and had a history of intergroup
tension: not the ideal material for such a project. Such an outcome refects
a failure to fully engage the community in the instigation and development
of the proj ect, not a failure of the approach.
Summar and concl usi ons
Despite its critics, health promotion has proven an effective means
of changing population behaviour. However, the agenda followed and

1 40
Further readi ng
Appl i ed heal th psychol ogy
methods used by health promotion may no longer be applicable to all
behaviours and populations. This chapter called for a realignment and
change of emphasis in the practice of health promotion: in particular, to
focus more on emerging risk factors in a more systemic manner, targeting
structural elements as well as individuals within the community, and
involving the community in decision making in relation to its health targets
and methods by which these may be met. Developments such as these
should increase the role of health promotion as a political and economic
force, which should be taken into account in a variety of policy strategies.
Bennett, P. and Murphy S. ( 1 997) Psychology and Health Promotion. Bucking
ham: Open University Press.
Naidoo, J. and Wills, J. ( 1 994) Health Promotion: Foundations for Practice.
London: Bailliere-Tindall.

Part I V
Cl inical interventions

Psychological interventions
Heal th psychol ogy frequentl y seeks to expl ai n the processes underpi nni ng
psychol ogi cal factors rel ati ng to di sease and heal th. On occasi on, it al so
attempts to i nfl uence such processes, frequentl y through worki ng with
i ndivi dual s using some form of psychol ogi cal i nterventi on. The goal s of such
i nterventi ons are general l y twofol d: to faci l itate appropri ate behavi oural
change and to hel p the i ndi vi dual to cope with parti cul ar demands that
they are faci ng, typi cal l y as a result of di sease or treatment factors.
Thi s chapter provi des a bri ef overvi ew of the techni ques and components
of some of the more frequentl y used therapeuti c approaches. The
efecti veness of these approaches i n a vari ety of medical setti ngs and wi th
di feri ng therapeuti c goal s i s reviewed i n the next two chapters. As those
i nvol ved i n provi di ng many of the i nterventi ons descri bed may be from a
vari ety of professi onal and therapeuti c backgrounds, the chapter adopts
the generi c term of ' hel per' to descri be these vari ous i ndivi dual s.
The chapter i ntroduces the fol l owi ng i nterventi on strategi es:
+ Cl i ent-centred counsel l i ng
+ Moti vati onal i ntervi ewi ng
Probl em-focused counsel l i ng
+ Cogni ti ve-behavi oural therapy
+ Copi ng efecti veness trai ni ng
Emoti onal di scl osure
Sel f-management strai ni ng
Operant conditi oni ng
Matchi ng i nterventi ons to i ndivi dual characteristics
The goal of any therapeutic intervention is to bring about some form of
change. The nature of that change may differ markedly according to the

1 44 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
Tabl e 8.1 Type of i nterventi on recommended for i ndi vi dual s i n diferi ng
stages of change
Stage of change
Precontempl ati on
Contempl ati on
Recommended interention
Motivati onal i ntervi ew
Operant condi ti oni ng
Emoti onal di scl osure
Probl em-focused counsel l i ng
Cognitive-behavi oural therapy
Cl i ent-centred counsel l i ng
Sel f-management strategi es
Cogni ti ve-behavi oural therapy
Copi ng efectiveness trai ni ng
characteristics of the individual and the intended outcome of the interven
tion. Key targets in the context of clinical health psychology are changing
behaviours that place an individual at risk of disease or disease progres
sion, physiological mediators of disease, and mood where this may infu
ence the individual' s response to disease or even the course of that disease.
To treat all individuals as a homogeneous group with equal motivation
to change their behaviour or enter a therapeutic alliance with a helper
is inappropriate. Some people may actively seek help, be highly motivated
to consider change and seek strategies by which this can be achieved.
Others, such as those who take part in a routine screening programme,
may be less willing to consider behavioural change. Although theoretically
questionable, the ' stages of change' model of Prochaska and DiClemente
( 1 986: see Chapter 3 ) provides some useful insights concerning match
ing interventions to differing levels of motivation to change. The model
identifes fve stages of behavioural change: pre-contemplation, contem
plation, preparation for action, action, and maintenance. It also suggests
that the goals of any intervention will necessarily differ according to the
stage of change of the individual. For those in the pre-contemplation stage,
a successful therapeutic outcome may be a shift towards more active
consideration of change. For those already in the contemplation stage
and beyond, the goal may be to develop strategies to facilitate change.
Individuals in the pre-contemplation stage rarely seek counselling.
Accordingly, therapeutic techniques appropriate to this group have, until
recently, received little consideration. Attempts at direct persuasion appear
to have little infuence on this group, and the challenge for those working
with them has been to develop strategies to foster change. The most
promising approach so far seems to be that of motivational interviewing
( Miller and Rollnick, 1991 ) . This approach contrasts strongly with
approaches based on direct attempts to persuade individuals to change
in that it is non-confrontational and does not involve the helper in an
overt attempt to encourage change. For those in the contemplation or

Psychol ogi cal i nterventi ons 1 45
action stages, interventions may be more usefully focused on how to achieve
change. For these individuals, interventions such as problem-focused
counselling and cognitive-behavioural interventions may be most appro
priate ( see Table 8 . 1 ) . Many of the interventions have specifc techniques
and differing underlying theories of human behaviour. However, many
also draw upon a basic model of interaction with patients developed by
Rogers in the 1 950s and 1 960s. It is at this point that the chapter starts.
Cl i ent-centred counsel l i ng
Carl Rogers ( see, for example, Rogers 1 967) argued that all individuals
have a tendency to develop and grow in ways in which they choose: a
process he called self-actualization. If they are prevented from doing so,
the result is sadness, anxiety or depression. For many, the inhibition of
the actualizing process begins in childhood. Children learn to gain the
positive regard of others, and particularly their parents, by behaving in
ways that please them and are rewarded. Subtle elements of this process
can contribute to the process of pathology. In particular, phrases that
signify both disapproval of bad behaviour and of the child engaging in
that behaviour ( ' Your behaviour is bad, and I don't love you when you
behave in this way' ) can lead the individual to place a negative value on
themselves. In response to this, they associate their self-worth with their
behaviour and others reactions to it: ' If I behave in a certain way my
parents will love me' . In response to these beliefs, children tend to adopt
the behaviour that will be rewarded and make them feel valued. 1
The process of expressing love and affection contingent upon certain
behaviour is known as providing conditional positive regard. It moves
the recipient away from their own goals and needs, to adopt those of
important others. According to Rogers, such a state is one of discontent
and anxiety. The goal of therapy is to provide an environment in which
the individual can identify their own life goals and how they wish to
determine them: to place them on the pathway to self-actualization.
Rogers stated that counselling does not rely on techniques or ' doing
things to
the client; rather, the quality of the interpersonal encounter is
the most signifcant element in determining effectiveness ( Rogers 1 967) .
The goal of the helper is t o provide a setting i n which the individual i s
not j udged and can be free t o explore new ways of being: that i s , one in
which they experience unconditional positive regard.
Rogers considered three conditions to be both necessary and suffcient
for therapeutic change: the helper is integrated and genuine in their rela
tionship with the client; the helper gains an empathic understanding of
the client' s perspective and communicates this to them; and the helper
provides unconditional positive regard. Being genuine means that the
helper shares feelings or gives feedback on how they feel as a consequence

1 46 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
of what the client is telling them. Such feedback may be posltlve
or negative, and shows the client that the helper is human with human
feelings. It may involve expressions of sadness or even anger in response
to individual' s stories .
Empathy involves the helper i n gaining an understanding of the indi
vidual ' s situation, problems, feelings and concerns, from the client's
perspective and showing the client that they have achieved this level of
understanding. The most frequent method by which this is achieved is
through a process of reflection:
Client: After I was diagnosed with cancer, I j ust felt that he
could not or would not give me any support.
Therapist: It feels like you were very disappointed or even angry at
his reaction . . .
Rather than a direct question, an empathic response can prove a power
ful facilitator of further discussion and problem exploration. Note that
empathy is not communicated through phrases such as ' I understand' or
' I know how that must feel ' . Repetition of such trite phrases may prove
alienating and inhibit progress in therapy. The fnal component of the
therapeutic relationship is that the therapist is not j udgemental, and does
not repeat the past experiences of conditional positive regard.
Rogers argued that these three therapeutic conditions are both neces
sary and suffcient for therapeutic change. Most observers now agree that
they are necessary, but not suffcient, for effective therapy. Accordingly,
they have been integrated into a number of the therapeutic approaches
described below.
Motivati onal i ntervi ewi ng
The primary goal of the motivational interview is to encourage indi
viduals to explore their own, perhaps conficting, beliefs about and attitudes
towards a particular behaviour or behavioural change ( Miller and Rollnick
1 991 ) . This process is intended to result in a state of cognitive dissonance
in which the individual actively considers two or more sets of opposing
beliefs and attitudes towards a particular issue. According to cognitive
dissonance theory, this is an aversive state and motivates cognitive or
behavioural work to reduce the discomfort. It may result in a rej ection
of the newly considered arguments. It may result in the adoption of new
beliefs or behaviours: that is, progression through the stages of change.
The role of the helper is to facilitate this process, not to argue in
favour of change or to directly attempt persuasion. The process is deliber
ately non-confrontational, and at its most basic provides the individual
with the space to actively consider the benefts or disadvantages of be
havioural change. It involves two key questions: 'What are some of the

Psychol ogi cal i nterventi ons 1 47
good things about your present behaviour . . . ? ' , and 'What are the
less good things about . . . ?' The potential for resistance to discussion is
diffused by a tacit acknowledgement that the behaviour in question has
some benefts for the individual, and clients are asked to consider the
benefts of change only when these have been reviewed. Following this,
a similar process may be conducted in which the individual is asked
to express any concerns they may have about their present behaviour,
or about change itself. The results of all these discussions are then sum
marized and fed back to the individual by the helper in a way that
highlights the dissonance process ( 'You fnd alcohol helps you cope with
stress, but your drinking causes tensions with your partner' ) . Only if the
person then expresses some interest in change does the interview progress
to providing information on change or examining ways in which this
could be achieved. Miller and colleagues do not consider the therapeutic
approaches that can then be adopted: the motivational interview has
done its work by this time. However, any approach used at this time will
be action-focused and consider ways in which behavioural change may
be facilitated.
The intervention is deliberately non-confrontational and utilizes methods
central to the humanistic school of therapy, including actively engaging
in a therapeutic alliance with clients through the use of empathy and a
relatively non-directive approach.
Probl em-focused counsel l i ng
One of the most widely used forms of counselling has been developed by
Gerard Egan over the past three decades ( see, for example, Egan 1 990) .
Known as problem-focused counselling, i t draws upon a variety of
theoretical frameworks. It has strong similarities to humanistic therapy,
in that Egan considers its primary goal to be one of helping the client
towards an understanding of their problems and to identify their own
goals and solutions to those problems. Like Rogers, he considers the
quality of the relationship between helper and client to be a critical
element of the therapeutic process. He states that helpers should be
respectful and genuine in their relationships with their clients, express
their feelings, and achieve and show high levels of empathy. In contrast
to Rogers, however, he notes that issues relevant to problem-focused
counselling are in the here-and-now, and that the process of counselling
should be clearly structured.
Egan identifed three stages through which the counselling process
must proceed: ( 1 ) problem exploration and clarifcation, ( 2) goal-setting,
and ( 3) facilitating action. This process may not always be linear: clients
may identify new problems or differing priorities as counselling proceeds.
Nevertheless, Egan argues that both client and helper need be aware of

1 48 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
the stage they are in, and that only the successful completion of one stage
will allow actions taken in subsequent stages to be effective. Egan also
acknowledges that the process of change may require the use of resources
or skills at present unavailable to the individual. Accordingly, the fnal
stages of counselling may involve the client being taught skills, such as
relaxation or assertiveness, in order to facilitate the desired change.
Stage I : Probl em expl orati on and cl arifi cati on
The goal of the frst stage of counselling is to ensure that both helper and
client fully understand the problems that the individual is facing. Many
people who seek counselling may feel so overwhelmed by a variety of
problems and their emotional sequelae that they are unable to identify or
prioritize specifc issues that need resolving. It is essential that the helper
does not repeat this error and that due attention is given to the process
of problem identifcation. Health care workers all too frequently present
' standard solutions' to ' standard problems' without consideration of
the actual problems faced by the individual. Overweight individuals
are presented with diet sheets, people with arthritis are given standard
infrmation on limb mobilization, and so on, frequently with little con
sideration to the circumstances or history of the person receiving them.
In the case of the overweight individual, for example, providing a diet
sheet implicitly suggests that the problem is one of ignorance of the
dietary changes necessary to lose weight, and that the solution is one of
information provision. Rarely is the problem so simple.
Egan identifed a number of strategies appropriate to each stage of
the counselling process. In the frst stage, these are primarily ones that
promote the client's effective exploration of their problems, and include
direct questioning, verbal prompts ( 'Tell me about . . . ' ) , minimal prompts
( 'Uh-hu' ) and empathic feedback. Egan states that the use of open ques
tions should be maximized, and that any direct question should generally
be followed by a less directive method of encouraging consideration of
the problem. Some examples of this process are given in a sample of
dialogue involving a man recently identifed as having high cholesterol
levels but who has not been able to achieve the suggested dietary changes:
Helper: So, you haven't been able to achieve your goal of changing
your diet ?
Mr B: No. I' m j ust the same as before. No luck as usual.
Helper: You' ve been here before then?
Mr B: Yes. I don' t know . . . It all seems such a problem. I set off
with good intentions, and want to change my diet - but it
all seems to fall apart. And I don' t really know why.
Helper: Hmmm. Perhaps it would help if we looked in a bit more
detail at some of the times when things have gone wrong.

Psychol ogi cal i nterventi ons 1 49
Mr B: OK. Well, thinking back to yesterday, I asked my wife to
get us a salad for dinner and then my kids started on and
said they didn't want any more of the ' rabbit food' and I
suppose I gave in and said we' d eat something different.
Helper: You looked quite frustrated when you were telling me about
Mr B: Well, it can get very annoying as it' s often the kids or my
wife that seems to decide what I eat. But they haven' t got
my problems. They don' t seem to understand why I want
to eat the things I do. They never compromise!
Note that in this brief example, the helper has begun to identif the factors
contributing to Mr B' s problems through the use of only one direct
prompt, with the other interj ections involving refective feedback.
Stage 2: Goal-setti ng
Once the problems facing the individual are understood, the counselling
process moves into its second phase. In this, the helper helps the client to
identif how they would like the situation to be different. Note that how
these changes may be achieved is not yet considered: the client has simply
to identify what needs changing and how they would like things to be in
the future.
This is typically expressed as a goal or series of subgoals (' I will run a
marathon next year . . . I will start by j ogging three times a week for twenty
minutes' ) . Wherever possible, goals should be behaviourally defned,
precise and manageable ( ' I will j og immediately after work on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday' ) : achievable goals encourage change by enhancing
self-effcacy; failure can reduce self-effcacy and exacerbate the problem.
The goal of the helper at the beginning of this stage is to move the client
from a process of problem exploration to one of planning future changes.
In order to mark this shif in direction, Egan suggests that a bridge between
the two phases be constructed. This may be achieved by providing a
summary of the problems that the individual is facing, followed by
questions with a new focus: how would you like things to be different ?
An example of the bridging process is provided below.
Helper: Let's look at the situation as you've described it to me.
You've told me about a number of things that get in the
way of your attempts to change your diet. These include
the children demanding their 'old' food such as burgers for
tea, and you having to sit down with them and eat them too.
Mr B: Yes, I think you're right. That seems to sum up the problem.
I guess I really need to change some of these things -
although how I do that I' m not sure.

ISO Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
Helper: Well, l et' s leave the how till later. I wonder which of these
various problem areas you would most like to change, and
how you would like things to be different.
Stage 3: Faci l i tati ng acti on
The fnal stage of the problem-focused approach involves the client think
ing through how their goals may be accomplished. It may be necessary
to consider a variety of strategies, and clients are often asked to brain
storm a variety of solutions before a fnal strategy, or set of strategies, is
decided upon. It is important that the client develops their own strategies,
for which they take responsibility, and that the helper does not provide
formal, expert advice. However, where the client is bereft of ideas, sug
gestions can be made in a non-directive way, for example through the
use of phrases such as, ' One person I saw in a similar situation tried . . .
I wonder how useful that may be in your situation? '
Not all clients need complete the entire counselling process. Many will
gain suffciently from input at stages 1 or 2 that they do not need further
help. As noted previously, they may also shift from stage to stage in a
less structured manner than has been implied. Nevertheless, the Egan
framework provides a transparent and simple approach that is applicable
to many of the problems faced by those having to change their behaviour
in the context of health and health problems.
Smoki ng cessati on as a form of probl em-sol vi ng counsel l i ng
Smoking cessation is a highly specifi c intervention, but of great importance
to clinical health psychology. There are many methods through which
successful smoking cessation can be achieved. However, one of the most
useful intervention packages draws strongly on the problem-solving model
of Egan, albeit implicitly, in that it involves setting goals and subgoals,
identifying potential barriers to achieving these goals and strategies by
which they may be overcome. It typically follows fve stages: establishing
motivation, identifying smoking triggers, cutting down, stopping, and
relapse prevention.
Motivation is typically enhanced through the use of motivational inter
view techniques. These may both beneft those already contemplating
change as well as shift those in the pre-contemplation stage.
The next stage is one of planning and a gradual reduction in the
number of cigarettes smoked. Planning involves both smoker and helper
gaining a clear understanding of when and why the individual smokes
each cigarette: whether they are a function of habit, nicotine dependence,
and so on. This process can be aided by the completion of a diary
each time a cigarette is smoked, recording the reasons for smoking that

Psychol ogi cal i nterventi ons l S I
particular cigarette and how diffcult it would have been not to smoke it.
Once the individual becomes aware of the triggers to their smoking, they
can begin to develop strategies that will help them cope with the absence
of any particular cigarette. These strategies may be developed through
brainstorming or rehearsal and may include avoiding triggers to smoking
( for example, not taking coffee breaks at work with people who smoke) ,
specifc strategies t o be used when triggers cannot be avoided ( for example,
concentrating on non-smoking elements of a situation, or perhaps chew
ing gum) , and gaining support from family and friends. During this period,
the smoker may also reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke each
day, starting with those that are the easiest to cut out.
The third stage involves a phased reduction in the number of cigarettes
smoked until a l evel of about twelve cigarettes per day is reached. Drop
ping below this level is seldom benefcial as it results in blood nicotine
levels dipping below the level required to prevent withdrawal symptoms.
Each cigarette smoked then relieves this discomfort, establishing a power
ful negative reinforcement schedule. As a consequence, the maj ority of
smokers who try to quit using this approach fail to move beyond this stage
( Cinciprini et al. 1 994) . By the end of this stage the smoker is working
towards a ' quit day' , beyond which they stop smoking completely.
The fourth stage involves maintaining abstinence. About half of those
who quit smoking experience some degree of withdrawal and strong
cravings for a cigarette. These ' symptoms' may last up to two weeks,
although they are most severe in the fst two to three days after cessation.
Smokers who are highly nicotine dependent may beneft from the use of
nicotine substitutes at this stage: those whose smoking is predominantly
habitual will beneft less ( see Chapter 1 1 ) . Dependence can be evaluated
during the planning stage and preparations made for their later use.
Continued use of any strategies found helpful during the cutting down
phase may also help both nicotine-dependent and habitual smokers to
cope with the problems faced following cessation. In addition, personal
ized methods of dealing with cravings may be helpful .
Problem-solving skills may also be involved in the development of
strategies to reduce the risk of relapse. The main issues at this stage are
anticipating and developing strategies to reduce the risk of relapse in high
risk situations, and cognitive restructuring to deal with self-defeating
attributions following isolated lapses ( ' I've had one cigarette. I've failed
to keep off the ciggies, so I may as well have another' : see below) .
Stress management trai ni ng
Cognitive-behavioural therapy involves a series of procedures designed
to influence the behaviour, cognitions and emotional state of the indi
vidual. Not all cognitive behavioural therapy techniques are applicable

1 52 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
to all conditions. This section focuses on those relevant to helping
people cope with either acute or chronic distress. Other behavioural
strategies are considered later, under the rubric of self-management
Unlike the counselling process described by Egan, the cognitive beha
vioural therapist is seen as an ' educator' , teaching new skills to help
people to cope with stress. Nevertheless, the process adheres to the prin
ciples identifed by Rogers and Egan: the client is applying new skills to
help solve old problems. Accordingly, the goal of the therapist is both
to educate and to maintain client responsibility for thinking problems
through, and in particular to think how the techniques taught apply to
their situation and how best to use them.
The initiator of the stress response is usually an environmental event
that triggers a series of psychological processes. The frst of these involves
a cognitive appraisal of the event. Lazarus and Folkman ( 1 984) suggested
that the event is assessed in terms of its threat potential and the indi
vidual' s perceived ability to cope with the threat. Where the threat poten
tial of an event is high and the perceived ability to cope with it low, the
individual will experience the event as stressful . Others, such as Beck
( 1 976) , talk in more general terms of ' stressogenic' cognitions: that is,
thoughts that are unrealistic and distort reality in ways that increase
the perception of stress associated with an event. In both cases, cogni
tive content is directly associated with emotional states such as anger,
anxiety and depression. Stress-engendering cognitions may also increase
physiological arousal. At low levels of stress, this is usually evidenced
through increased muscular tension. Higher levels of arousal may evoke
a wide constellation of symptoms, including palpitations, sweating and
shaking. An additional outcome of the stress process involves engaging
in ' stressed' behaviours, including avoidance of feared situations, agita
tion, loss of temper, use of alcohol or drugs to reduce the experience of
stress, and so on.
Each of the components of the stress processes may form the target of
stress management procedures. Triggers can be identifed and modifed
using problem-focused counselling strategies: cognitive distortions through
a number of cognitive techniques some of which are described below, high
levels of muscular tension through relaxation techniques, and ' stressed'
behaviours through consideration and rehearsal of alternative behavioural
Rel axati on trai ni ng
Unlike meditation, which provides a period of deep relaxation and 'time
out' , the goal of teaching relaxation skills is to enable the individual to
relax as much as is possible and appropriate both throughout the day
and at times of particular stress. This reduces levels of physical tension

Psychol ogi cal i nterventi ons 1 53
and other symptoms of sympathetic over-arousal. The use of relaxation
techniques may also lead to an increase in actual or perceived control
over the stress response: a valuable outcome in itself, as perceptions of
loss of control contribute to the stress process. There is some evidence
that relaxation may also enhance access to more calm and constructive
thought processes, although this is a relatively weak effect.
Relaxation skills are best learned through three phases: learning relaxa
tion skills, monitoring tension in daily life and, fnally, using relaxation
at times of stress.
Learing relaxaton skill
The frst stage of learning relaxation skils is to practise them under
optimal conditions. Initially, a trained practitioner should lead the client
through the process, and this initial process be augmented by continued
practice at home, typically using taped instructions. Continued and regular
practice over a period of days or even weeks is important at this stage;
as the skills need to be overlearned in order to permit their effective use
in vivo.
The relaxation process most commonly used is a derivative of Jacobson's
deep muscle relaxation technique. This involves alternately tensing and
relaxing muscle groups throughout the body in an ordered sequence.
As the individual becomes more skilled, the emphasis of practice shifts
towards relaxation without prior tension, or relaxing specifc muscle
groups whilst using others, in order to mimic the circumstances in which
relaxation will be used in 'real life' . The order in which the muscles are
relaxed varies, but a typical exercise may involve the following stages
( the tensing procedure is described in brackets) :
+ Hands and forearms ( making a fst)
Upper arms ( touching fngers to shoulder)
+ Shoulders and lower neck ( pulling up shoulders)
Back of neck ( touching chin to chest)
+ Lips ( pushing them together)
+ Forehead ( frowning)
+ Abdomen/chest ( holding deep breath)
+ Abdomen ( tensing stomach muscles )
+ Legs and feet ( push heel away, pull toes t o point at head: not lifting
Monitorng physical tension
At the same time as practising relaxation skills, individuals can begin to
monitor their levels of physical tension throughout the day. Initially, this
provides an educative effect, helping them to identif how tense they are
during the day and what triggers their tension. As they move through

1 54 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
the practice stage, monitoring may help to identify future triggers and
provide clues as to when the use of relaxation procedures may be par
ticularly useful. This may entail the use of a 'tension diary' in which the
individual typically records their level of tension on a of numerical scale
(0 = no tension, 10 = very high levels of tension) at regular intervals
through the day.
In vivo relaxation
After a period of monitoring tension and learning relaxation techniques,
individuals can begin to integrate them into their daily lives. At this stage,
relaxation involves the individual in monitoring and reducing tension
to appropriate levels while engaging in everyday activities. Relaxation is
best used initially at times of relatively low levels of excess tension. The
consistent use of relaxation techniques at these times can prepare the
person to cope with times of greater tension. An alternative strategy that
many fnd useful involves relaxing at regular intervals ( such as coffee
breaks) throughout the day.
Cognitive i nterventi ons
Most theorists agree that cogmt1ve processes lie at the heart of the
stress process, and more particularly that stress arises at least in part
from faulty cognitive processing. They suggest that we each interpret
events and make j udgements as to their cause and future implications.
Stress or distress can arise when individuals fail to make rational
appraisals of such events, and instead make j udgements that are biased
and distorted.
'Stressogenic' cognitions
Two levels of cognitions involved in the stress process can be identifed.
Surface cognitions are the thoughts of which we are aware and can
consciously evoke and change. A second order of cognition can also
be identifed. Cognitive schemata provide a template, or set of funda
mental beliefs, that guide our interpretation of the world and, hence,
our surface cognitions. We are usually unaware of such schemata,
although they may be accessed at times, such as during the counselling
process. Price ( 1 98 8 ) for example, suggested that the schemata under
lying Type A behaviour are low self-esteem and a belief that one can gain
the esteem of others only by continually proving oneself as an ' achiever'
and capable individual. These underlying beliefs underpin more con
scious competitive, time-urgent or hostile thoughts.

Psychol ogi cal i nterventi ons 1 55
Cognitive strategies
Two strategies for changing cognitions are frequently employed. The frst,
and simplest, was developed by Meichenbaum ( 1 985) and is aimed at
surface cognitions. Self-instruction training involves interrupting the fow
of stress-provoking thoughts and replacing them with more realistic or
' coping' ones. These typically fall into one of two categories . The frst
act as reminders to use any stress-coping techniques that the person has
at their disposal ( ' You' re winding yourself up here - come on, calm
down, use your relaxation' ) . The second form of self-instruction is more
akin to reassurance, reminding the individual that they can cope effect
ively with their feelings of distress ( ' Come on, you've dealt with this
before - you should be able to again' ) . To ensure relevance to the indi
vidual, and that they can actually evoke these thoughts at times of stress,
Meichenbaum suggests that particular coping thoughts should be con
sidered and rehearsed, wherever possible, before the stressful events occur.
A more complex intervention involves identifcation and challenging
the veracity of stress-engendering thoughts ( Meichenbaum 1 985) . It asks
the individual to consider such thoughts as hypotheses, not facts, and to
assess their validity without bias. It may involve consideration of both
surface cognitions and cognitive schemata. This rational examination of
issues may draw on a number of lines of evidence. This is shown in the
following dialogue between Alan, recently diagnosed as having had an
MI, and a health care worker:
Alan: That' s my lot now - I j ust know I' m for the dump now . . .
I' m sure I'll lose my j ob - I' ve always said they need younger
men than me . . . and my wife is going to be seriously unhappy
about that.
Helper: Those feel like big issues to be dealing with. Can you tell
me why you feel you might lose your j ob?
Alan: Well, many people do, I guess.
Helper: Well, some people do, but by no means all. What sort of a
j ob do you have ?
Alan: I' m a manager in a large transport company.
Helper: Oh, in a large company like the one you work for, I guess
a number of people go off ill at some time. How does the
company treat them? Do you know?
Alan: Not too badly, actually. Most people do OK.
Helper: Do they often give them the sack?
Alan: No, that would be crazy - they' d lose some valuable workers
and have to get in new people who would not be half as
good at the j ob. Probably have to pay them more as well.
Helper: So, as far as you know, the company tries to keep people
on even if they are ill.
Alan: Well, yes. But I' ve had a heart attack - surely that's got to
be different.

1 56 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
Helper: Why should it be ? The heart can recover like any other part
of you. Do you think that you won't be able to walk? Talk
to people ? Do the things your job requires ?
Alan: Well, no . . . I suppose I would have the physical ability.
Helper: So, you'd have the ability to do the work and the frm has
a good reputation for keeping people on.
Alan: OK, OK. Perhaps it won't be that bad after all, now I come
to think of it.
Here, Alan is encouraged to question the assumptions behind his anxi
eties, not simply to accept them as true. The intention of therapy would
be to teach him to engage in a similar internal dialogue when faced with
similar situations in the future.
Stress i nocul ati on trai ni ng
Meichenbaum ( 1 985) suggested that the various strands of cognitive
behavioural therapy could be combined into a simple iterative learning
process. He combined these strands in two ways. First, he suggested that
when an individual is facing a stressor, they need to keep three processes
under review: check that their behaviour is appropriate to the circum
stances, maintain relaxation, and give themselves appropriate self-talk.
In addition, he suggested that where a particular stressor can be anticip
ated, the opportunity should be taken to rehearse these actions before
the event itself. Once in the situation, the planned strategies should be
enacted. Finally, after the situation has occurred, time should be given to
review what occurred and to learn from successes or failures.
Copi ng efectiveness trai ni ng
A recent variant of stress management training has been drawn from
coping theory by Chesney and Folkman ( 1 994) . While utilizing many
of the principles of stress management, it differs in that it teaches a
metastrategy for choosing between coping strategies in order to maximize
their effectiveness. Coping efectiveness training involves teaching indi
viduals to 'ft' their coping strategies to the characteristics of the stressful
situation encountered. The intervention has three elements: training in
appraising the demands of the situation, emotion- and problem-focused
coping, and gaining appropriate social support.
Appraisal training teaches people to identify the causes of recurring
stresses, and to distinguish between changeable and unchangeable aspects
of these situations. Situations identifed as changeable are dealt with
using active coping techniques such as problem-solving and communica
tion skills. In contrast, the negative emotions associated with situations
considered to be unchangeable can be dealt with using emotion-focused

Psychol ogi cal i nterventi ons 1 57
strategies including cognitive restructuring, relaxation and the use of
humour. A third strand of coping effectiveness training involves not j ust
learning how to gain social support, but learning how to match social
support with the demands of the situation.
Emoti onal di scl osure
The stress management strategies so far described are probably the treat
ment of choice for individuals coping with long-term stress or facing
acute stressful situations. Two alternative approaches for helping indi
viduals to cope with high levels of distress following particularly trau
matic incidents are now increasingly being used. Both utilize a strategy of
encouraging emotional disclosure, one through verbal, the other through
written channels. The frst involves a process known as psychological
debriefing ( Bisson et al. 1 997) . This requires skilled therapeutic input,
encouraging the individual to explore the nature of the trauma and its
personal meaning in some depth. A more gentle strategy, known as 'writ
ten disclosure' affords an alternative ( see Pennebaker and Seagal 1999) .
This involves the individual i n writing about the event, usually over four
to fve occasions. This approach may prove equally effective, although
comparative studies are lacking.
Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain how emotional
disclosure reduces distress. The most widely supported view is outlined
in inhibition theory ( Wegner et al. 1 987) . This suggests that attempts
at inhibition of a particular thought, in this case linked to memories of
the traumatic situation, may paradoxically increase the likelihood of it
recurring. Attempts at suppression lead to rebounding thoughts and
ruminations. Repeated intrusive thoughts can lead to signifcant emotional
distress, cognitive disturbance, increased errors in everyday functioning,
and physical health problems. It is thought that emotional disclosure
breaks this suppression-rumination cycle.
While such strategies may be of beneft to some individuals, some
important caveats should be noted. The short-term effects of both
interventions are usually negative, including a worsening of mood and
increased obsessive rumination about the traumatic event. In addition,
following any stressful or traumatizing event there is a natural period of
recovery, lasting weeks or even months. There is evidence that the use
of intense verbal therapy too early in this recovery period may interfere
with this process and worsen rather than improve the long-term prognosis
( Bisson et al. 1 997) . Accordingly, such interventions may beneft indi
viduals who have experienced symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder
for some extended period of time, but not those who are experiencing
short-term traumatic distress. That is not to say that patients who wish
to express distress should be discouraged from doing so; rather, they

1 58 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
should not be placed in 'therapeutic' situations in which issues are formally
identifed and discussed in depth.
Sel f-management trai ni ng
Refecting an increasing emphasis i n patient responsibility for their own
care, self-management programmes have become an increasingly popular
intervention, particularly in the USA. Their goal is to shift responsibility
for the management of chronic conditions, such as arthritis and diabetes,
from the physician to the patient. Self-management training is based on
social cognition theory ( Bandura 1 986: see Chapter 3) and draws on a
variety of cognitive behavioural techniques . It assumes that one can learn
self-management skills from practice and watching others, and that success
in achieving change will lead to increased confdence in their use and
their continued application. Accordingly, the core of self-management
training is a structured, progressive skills training programme which
ensures success at each stage before progression to the next.
There are a number of elements to self-management training ( Lorig
1996) . One of the most important is that participants develop their own
plans for the management of their condition. These provide behavioural
goals and indicate skills that may be needed to achieve them. Particip
ants are taught to monitor their condition, so they are aware of the
impact of these management plans on their condition. They are also
taught a variety of disease-specifc management skills as well as more
generic skills such as relaxation or cognitive restructuring. Practice and
integration of these skills into the life-context of participants is achieved
through the use of rehearsal, problem-solving discussion and role play.
Once decisions about management are made, they are implemented, their
effectiveness monitored, and management strategies either maintained or
modifed as appropriate.
A self-management programme that draws heavily on cognitive behavi
oural strategies, focusing on the control of chronic pain is described below.
Such programmes typically involve two stages. The frst is an educational
phase which familiarizes participants with a biopsychosocial model of
pain and that the goal of the intervention is to help them to cope more
effectively with their pain, not to make it go away.
The second phase involves training in a variety of pain-coping skills,
including relaxation, activity pacing, pleasant activity scheduling, visual
imagery, distraction techniques, cognitive restructuring, problem solving
and goal setting. Relaxation may be generalized throughout the body or
focused on specifc muscle groups whose tension is contributing to the
pain. Distraction techniques involve focusing on elements other than the
pain. Formal techniques include self-hypnosis, meditation and the use of
pleasant imagery. More simply, distraction may involve learning to focus

Psychol ogi cal i nterventi ons 1 59
on non-pain-related elements of any situation that the individual is in
rather than those that are pain-related.
Activity pacing involves a certain amount of problem solving. The
individual has to identify, prioritize and maintain a level of activity that
keeps them mobile and actively engaged in events, but which is not so
excessive that it contributes excessively to pain or tiredness and inhibits
future activity. Cognitive restructuring involves identifying and modifying
cognitive distortions that may contribute to the experience of pain or
pain behaviours. Finally, pleasant activity scheduling involves identifying
and engaging in activities that the individual enj oys. This may enhance
mood and reinforce distraction from pain-related cognitions and beha
viours. Specifc routines may also be useful to counter the pain resulting
from disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis: daily fexibility exercises,
for example, may maintain or enhance mobility and reduce pain. Deter
mining which of these strategies to use, and when, can be facilitated
through discussion, role play or behavioural rehearsal.
Operant condi ti oni ng
Operant theory states that if behaviour is followed by some form of
reward its frequency will increase or be maintained ( Skinner 1 953) . If it
i s not rewarded, or followed by an unpleasant outcome, the behaviour
will occur less frequently. A number of schedules of reinforcement and
punishment have been developed. In the simplest, the individual is
rewarded or punished after each episode of behaviour. This results in
rapid learning, but when the contingencies change and the expected
outcome no longer occurs, behavioural extinction can also be rapid.
When behavioural rewards or punishment are intermittent, learning is
slower ( it takes time to work out the behaviour-outcome contingencies)
but, once established, behaviour is much more stable.
Hospital staff frequently inadvertently establish such reward schedules.
Patients may be given analgesia only after a number of requests; they
may gain the attention of staff only by frequently trying to attract their
attention. In such conditions, they may learn to hassle staff and become
' diffcult' patients. Sick role behaviour can also be established as a con
sequence of rewards for behaving in a ' sick' manner: expressions of
sympathy or being excused responsibilities may follow the expression
of pain or discomfort. Operant procedures can also be used to change
such behaviour. A number of strategies may be employed, typically the
rewarding of behaviours considered appropriate and not responding to
those considered inappropriate.
Some of the best examples of operant conditioning in a hospital set
ting have been reported by Fordyce ( see for example, Fordyce 1982) . He
reported a number of case examples of the operant treatment of pain

1 60 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
behaviours. In a typical case, staff would provide analgesia at a fxed
time interval rather than when requested by the patient, removing it as a
reinforcer for excessive pain behaviours. They would also provide social
contact, and talk to the patients independently of any complaints or
expressions of distress. In this way, the contingencies between complaints
and staff behaviour were broken. A similar strategy has been used to
modify the behaviour of patients who show inappropriately high use of
health care services. The recommended intervention with such patients is
that one doctor provides regular appointments at agreed times, during
which the patient is encouraged to discuss issues and concerns they may
have. Between these appointments, no appointments are made unless
there is a clear medical need agreed by the doctor.
A fnal example of the use of operant conditioning is afforded by its
use as a component in the treatment of the irritable bowel syndrome
( IBS) . Part of the multimodal intervention that Latimer ( 1 9 8 1 ) suggested
for the treatment of individuals with IBS involved working with relatives
to stop them reinforcing excessive or inappropriate illness behaviours.
This intervention can be made acceptable to both patients and their
relatives by suggesting that relatives' talking about the patient' s condi
tion or responding in other ways, however sympathetically, increases the
patient's awareness of their symptoms . Ignoring, or not asking about
their condition is therefore not a sign of not caring, but one of not
wanting to remind the individual of their condition.
Informal i nterentions
This chapter has focused on formal therapeutic techniques. However,
informal interactions between health care workers and patients provide
the opportunity for maximal impact on the psychological well-being of
the maj ority of patients.
One of the simplest ways of reducing distress in hospital is the appro
priate provision of information. For many patients, being fully informed
of what will happen to them is a key element of maintaining control
and morale. Accordingly, appropriate psychological care should aim at
maximizing the amount of desired and relevant information given to
patients and their relatives. This involves three stages : an initial check of
the person' s present level of knowledge and what they want to know;
information exchange; and an accuracy check making sure that new
information has been understood and remembered.
The initial check can form part of the daily provision of care. Patients
should be routinely asked if there i s information they want to know,
and checks made to ensure that the knowledge they already have is accu
rate. This check should be conducted with some subtlety to ensure the
individual does not feel they are being interrogated: ' I know you spoke

Psychol ogi cal i nterventi ons 1 6 1
to Dr Jones yesterday about things. But I don't know exactly what she
told you. Could you tell me what you talked about? If you thought of
any questions as a result of your talk, perhaps I could answer them now. '
The second stage of the process is the provision of information. This
should be expressed clearly and in short, simple sentences . The language
used should be appropriate to the patient. Information should be given
in a structured way, using the primacy effect to enhance memory of key
information. Diagrams and notes may also be used to facilitate memory
( see also Chapter 6) . Following the provision of information, it is import
ant to check whether the information has been understood and remem
bered. This should be assessed, again, as subtly as is possible.
Nichols ( 1 984) argued that a care environment that is conducive to
the expression of emotion, both negative and positive, is essential to the
good psychological care of physically ill patients. He argued that three
criteria must be met before this is possible: the ward or clinic environ
ment must be psychologically ' safe' ; staff must give patients permission
for the expression of emotion; and staff must be able to react appropri
ately to any emotional expression. Making the patient feel safe involves
treating them with respect and making it clear that the expression of
emotions, whether positive or negative, is acceptable. Giving permis
sion for the expression of emotion involves gentle questioning, showing
empathy, allowing time for the expression of emotion, and, most of all,
not trying to allay or inhibit the expression of distress. Finally, and
perhaps most importantly, the interaction needs to take place in a ward
or unit that places a priority on providing appropriate psychological care.
It should not be rushed or seen as an addition to the processes of care,
engaged in only when other more appropriate tasks have been completed.
Summar and concl usi ons
This chapter has identifed a number of therapeutic strategies, each with
a different name and theoretical rationale. In many ways, the unstructured
approach of Rogers is separated by a substantial theoretical gulf from
the cognitive behavioural or self-management approaches. Yet even these
approaches acknowledge the need to engage the patient in the process of
therapy: treating them with warmth, empathy and respect while giving
them responsibility for their own progress. Other approaches have sig
nifcant overlap. In particular, self-management approaches draw heavily
on cognitive behavioural techniques, and interventions given both labels
are frequently indistinguishable. Consideration of these formal interven
tions should not overshadow the importance of informal communication.
These may infuence the psychological well-being of the maj ority of
patients and have a wider impact than the specialist interventions experi
enced by a minority.

1 62
Further readi ng
Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
Lorig, K. ( 1 996) Patient Education: A Practical Approach. Newbury Park: Sage.
Hawton, K. , Salkovskis, P. M. and Clark, D. M. ( 1 989) Cognitive Behaviour
Therapy for Psychiatric Problems: A Practical Guide. Oxford: Oxford Univer
sity Press.
Rollnick, S. , Mason, P. and Butler, C. ( 1 999) Health Behaviour Change. A
Guide for Practitioners. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.

Assessment issues
One of the strengths of the appl i ed psychol ogy di sci pl i nes is that the
i nterventi ons they conduct are based on sound empi ri cal research and
can be j ustifi ed by empi ri cal evi dence. These cri teri a are now i ncreasi ngl y
bei ng demanded by heal th care provi ders, with cl i ni ci ans bei ng i ncreasi ngl y
requi red not onl y to j ustif thei r choi ce of treatment but al so to show
evi dence of personal efectiveness i n the appl i cati on of that treatment.
Assessment of the efectiveness of the work of cl i ni cal and heal th
psychol ogi sts cal l s for the use of psychol ogi cal measures. However,
we are not the onl y di sci pl i ne to consi der psychol ogi cal measures as
i mportnt outcomes. Qual ity of l ife, as wel l as quantity of l i fe, i s now an
i ssue concerni ng medi cal practiti oners. Thi s i mportant change of emphasi s
i n outcome measurement has resul ted from a number of pressures.
The WHO defnes heal th i n terms of soci al , psychol ogi cal and physi cal
wel l -bei ng, marki ng an i mportant move from heal th bei ng regarded as
merel y the absence of i l l ness. Perhaps even more i mportant has been
the acknowl edgement that some chroni c di seases, such as rheumatoi d
arthri ti s, cannot be compl etel y cured and that treatments shoul d ai m
to mi ni mi ze the di sabi l ity associ ated wi th the di sease process. Equal l y
i mportant has been the acknowl edgement that, for a smal l number of
di seases, i ncl udi ng some cancers, the treatment may be so devastati ng
that the deci si on to i ntervene shoul d be premi sed on consi derati on
not only of survival ti me but al so the qual ity of l i fe duri ng and afer
the peri od of treatment.
A further i ndi cati on of the need to i dentif and i nfl uence psychol ogi cal
factors i s because of the efect that these factors have on di sease and
rehabi l itati on. Depressi on and anxi ety have consi stentl y been found to
i nfl uence recovery from a vari ety of i l l nesses, i n terms of both ri sk for
di sease progressi on and poor adherence to treatment or rehabi l itati on
programmes. Si mi l arl y, pati ents' diferi ng sel f-efcacy bel i efs, thei r i l l ness
and treatment representati ons, or factors such as the soci al support
avai l abl e to them, may need to be taken i nto account in the devel opment
of maxi mal l y efective i nterventi ons. Accordi ngl y, there are a number of
areas where psychol ogi cal assessments are cri ti cal to appropri ate heal th
care, i ncl udi ng:

1 64 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
+ measuri ng the qual ity of l i fe associ ated with di sease and i ts treatment;
+ i denti fi ng those at ri sk for poor i l l ness outcome owing to psychosoci al
or personal ity factors;
+ i dentifi ng those who are psychol ogi cal l y di stressed;
+ measuri ng the behavi oural and psychol ogi cal outcomes of any
i nterventi on.
Thi s chapter bri efly revi ews each of these areas. The review can consi der
onl y a few of the many measures avai l abl e; the i nterested reader shoul d
consult the further readi ng l i st at the end of the chapter for revi ews of
a wi der set of measures. The fol l owi ng domai ns are consi dered:
+ Qual ity of l i fe
+ Pai n
+ Afect
+ Copi ng with i l l ness
+ I ndi vi dual difrences
+ Heal th behavi ours
Measuri ng qual ity of l i fe
Traditional measures of the effectiveness of medical interventions have
focused on outcomes including changes in future morbidity, disease pro
gression, or more pragmatic indicators such as hospital readmission.
Some have argued that these measures are both necessary and suffcient
for the evaluation of the effectiveness of any intervention. However,
these ' obj ective' outcomes are not always related to patient-based re
ports: ' good' medical outcomes do not necessarily equate to ' good'
patient outcomes. These differences indicate the need to measure both
types of outcome, particularly in the case of chronic diseases where
medical treatment can result in only a partial or temporary amelioration
of symptoms.
The choice of measure is not simple, and the clinician or researcher
attempting to measure psychological outcomes frequently faces a con
fusing choice from a plethora of scales measuring apparently similar
constructs. Any scale must be both valid and reliable. That is, it must
measure what it claims to, and must measure this reliably and consistently.
An equally important attribute is the sensitivity of the measure to change.
This attribute is an important criterion in the choice of instruments

Assessment i ssues 1 65
measuring the outcome of clinical interventions: a lack of sensitivity may
result in failures to detect benefcial interventions.
Initial attempts to measure the impact of disease on quality of life
focused almost exclusively on functional status: the degree of limitation
resulting from the disease. The New York Heart Association indices,
for example, graded people following MI as ' dead' or ' alive' with four
grades of complications. Similarly, the American Rheumatism Association
functional classifcation distinguished j ust four grades of disability, from
' complete functional ability' to ' largely or wholly incapacitated' . Such
measures provide no indication of the efects of the condition on physical,
social, economic or psychological functioning.
More recently, attempts have been made to measure the impact of ill
ness on various life domains, under the general rubric of measuring quality
of life. The WHOQOL Group ( 1 998) defned this as the individuals'
perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value
systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations,
standards and concerns. In other words, quality of life cannot simply
be derived from an individual' s ability to engage or otherwise in a series
of behaviours or activities. It incorporates an evaluation of the indi
vidual ' s satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the abilities they have and
the activities they can engage in. It is generally thought to encompass all
or most of the following:
+ Depression
+ Anxiety
+ Adj ustment to illness
+ Personal and sexual relationships
+ Engagement in social and leisure activities
+ Ability to carry out paid employment
+ Ability to cope with household duties
+ Pain
Appetite and nausea
+ Sexual functioning
Choice of a measure lies between general and disease-specifc measures.
Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Good disease-specifc scales

1 66 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
provide sensitive measures of change in particular medical conditions,
often, but not universally, more so than general measures. What the
specifc measures gain in specifcity they often lose in terms of narrow
focus, and they may fail to measure factors such as social support, coping,
life satisfaction and mood. Their use also precludes comparisons of quality
of life with other patient groups. For these reasons, many commentators
suggest the optimum measure is a disease-specifc measure combined
with scales from more general measures.
Three widely used ' traditional' measures of quality of life are con
sidered below, as well as a new approach. Following that, some of the
disease-specifc measures that have been used to measure the quality of
life of people who have cancer and CHD are described.
Si ckness I mpact Profi l e
The Sickness Impact Profle ( SIP) comprises 136 statements with yes and
no responses ( Bergner et al. 1 98 1 ) . Each item has a dichotomous response
format and contributes to one of twelve scales : walking, body care and
movement, mobility, work, sleeping and rest, eating, housework, recre
ation, emotion, social interaction, alertness and communication. The frst
three scales can be combined to form a 'physical scale' , which closely
resembles a disability measure. The others contribute to a psychosocial
Studies of the SIP' s internal and test/retest reliability have generally
found both to be high, although a review by Anderson et al. ( 1 993)
reported that the strength of correlation between SIP scores and measures
of clinical status varies between 0.4 and 0. 6: a fgure the authors sug
gested may not be high enough to j ustify its use in studies of health care
interventions. In addition, the sensitivity of the SIP has been challenged,
and although a number of studies have found it to be sensitive to changes
over time, many have found it less sensitive than other widely used instru
ments, including SF-36 ( see below) . Perhaps the most problematic aspect
of the SIP is that it takes between 20 and 30 minutes to complete, and
many less able patients fnd it tiring to complete. According to Bowling
( 1 997) its use has been rej ected in a number of British trials of patients
with CHD in favour of the Nottingham Health Profle ( Hunt 1 984 ) .
Notti ngham Health Profi l e
The Nottingham Health Profle ( NHP) is divided into six sections: sleep,
energy, pain, social isolation, emotional reaction and physical mobility.
Its sensitivity is compromised, as is the SIP' s, because of its yes/no answer
format. In addition, the sections may not be independent: the pain and
mobility scale scores, for example, tend to be highly correlated. Never-

Assessment i ssues 1 67
theless, the brevity of the NHP has made it the instrument of choice in a
number of outcome studies. It has been shown to correlate well with
clinical j udgements and biological markers of disease severity in popula
tions as diverse as cardiac transplantation patients, those with arthritis,
and elderly patients involved in a community exercise programme. It has
generally held up well in comparisons with other instruments. In one
study with arthritis patients, Fitzpatrick et al. ( 1 989) compared the NHP
with a disease-specifc measure of quality of life in arthritis and the Beck
Depression Inventory ( see below) . Patients with rheumatoid arthritis
scored higher than controls on the NHP scales of energy, pain, mobility
and sleep. In addition, energy, pain, mobility and emotions scales of the
NHP correlated signifcantly with the parallel scores of the disease-specifc
measure, clinical assessments and the BDl. Five of the six scales of the
NHP were stable on retesting. Only the social scale of the NHP did not
correlate with the matching scale of the disease-specifc measure and was
relatively unstable over time.
The NHP has proven suffciently sensitive to measure changes in frac
ture patients following treatment, following lung and heart transplant,
and acute viral infammation. However, its sensitivity following less
dramatic changes in populations with chronic diseases such as arthritis
and respiratory disease has been questioned. In a direct comparison of
the sensitivity of the SIP and NHP, Taylor et al. ( 1 998 ) followed a cohort
of patients, taking measurements six weeks and six months following
MI. Four SIP subscales showed a moderate sensitivity to change: body
care and movement, emotional behaviour, work and eating. Other SIP,
and all the NHP subscales, had lower sensitivity indices.
Short form-36
The Short Form-36 ( SF-36) is a widely used measure. The product of the
US Medical Outcomes Study ( Ware et al. 1993) , it comprises 36 items
forming eight subscales: physical functioning, role limitations due to
physical health problems, social functioning, bodily pain, mental health,
vitality, and perceived health changes over the previous year. Each scale
has its own scoring format, varying from dichotomous responses ( yes/no)
to six-point scales. The subscales are not summed together to produce a
total score. It takes between fve and ten minutes to complete. Population
norms are now available for both the USA and Europe.
The SF- 36 has proven an effective measure of health status. It can
discriminate between different surgical groups, younger and older patients
receiving surgery, patients with physical and mental health problems,
and patients with low back pain, menorrhagia, peptic ulcer and varicose
veins. Kvien et al. ( 1 998 ) compared the utility of the SF- 36 with a disease
specifc measure in a group of over one thousand patients with rheumatoid
arthritis . They reported strong correlations between the SF-36 and

1 68 Cl i ni cal i nterenti ons
Tabl e 9.1 Domai ns measured by vari ous measures of qual ity of l i fe
Sickness Impact Profle
Sl eepi ng and rest
Al ertness
Soci al i nteracti on
Emoti on
Mobi l ity
Wal ki ng
Body care and movement
Eati ng
Recreati on
Communi cati on
Nottingham Health Profle
Sl eep
Pai n
Soci al i solati on
Emoti onal reacti on
Physi cal mobi l ity
Short Form-36
Vi tal i ty
Pai n
Soci al functi oni ng
Mental heal th
Rol e l i mitati ons due to
physi cal functi oni ng
Physi cal functi oni ng
Percei ved heal th changes
over past year
subscales of the disease-specifc assessment on all measures of gross phy
sical functioning. Only on measures of specifc arthritis symptoms, such
as hand/fi nger function, did the SF- 36 fail to capture the impact of the
disease. However, the SF- 36 was more sensitive than the other measure
to low levels of physical disability.
The reliability of the SF- 36 varies across studies and study populations.
In a large review of the relevant studies, Ware et a/. ( 1 993) reported that
measures of internal reliability varied between 0. 55 and 0. 90 and test/
retest coeffcients varied between 0. 43 and 0. 90. Gatchel et al. ( 1998)
concluded that the low reliability coeffcients and limited score levels
achievable by the SF- 36 gave it only limited clinical utility on an indi
vidual patient basis. Nevertheless, it is one of the most widely used
generic measures of quality of life.
Table 9. 1 summarizes the domains measured by the three tools dis
cussed in this section.
Schedul e for the Eval uati on of I ndivi dual Qual it of Life
The Schedule for the Evaluation of Individual Quality of Life ( SEIQoL)
differs radically both conceptually and in the process of measurement
from the three instruments so far considered ( see, for example, O' Boyle
et a/. 1 992) . Its authors argue that satisfaction with life is a consequence
of being able to do the things one values, not those considered important
by others. As a result, the SEIQoL adopts an idiosyncratic approach to
assessment. Respondents are asked to identify fve facets of life that are

Assessment i ssues 1 69
most important to them and to rate their level of functioning on each.
They are then asked to indicate the relative weight or importance they
attach to each and how satisfed they are in that domain. Accordingly,
an individual' s fnal score may be based on scales that differ from those
of others. In addition, the scales from which a fnal score is derived may
change over time.
The complex abstract information processing required to complete the
SEIQoL make it inappropriate for some populations, such as the elderly
or seriously ill. The time taken may also prevent its use in large surveys.
However, smaller-scale surveys have shown the instrument to be accept
able to patients and to demonstrate good reliability ( McGee et al. 1991 ) .
Di sease-speci fi c measures
Despite the positive tone of the opening comments of this chapter, few
papers reporting the outcome of clinical trials involving patients with
cancer have measured quality of life. In the 1 980s, for example, only
3 per cent of trials reported in surgical j ournals did so. While this fgure
has undoubtedly risen in the decade following, there i s stil resistance
to its measurement by some. Green ( 1 997) , for example, in summing up
a j ournal debate on the value of measuring quality of life in cancer
patients noted that some surgeons consider it to be an irrelevant outcome
measure. His more moderate conclusions were that when comparing
treatment regimens for a disease such as cancer, three measures must be
considered. First, the primary endpoint: how long do patients survive ?
Secondly: how well do patients function? Only third in importance was,
how well do patients feel ? Clearly, some remain to be convinced of the
value of measuring quality of life.
European Organization for Research on Treatent of Cancer
The goal of the European Organization for Research on Treatment of
Cancer ( EORTC) group was to develop a brief, standardized measure of
quality of life for use with all cancer patients ( see, for example, Aaronson
1 993) . Its measure addresses a number of issues, including cancer-specifc
disease symptoms, treatment side-effects, psychological distress, physical
functioning, social interaction, sexuality, body image, global health, and
the fnancial implications of the illness. The original questionnaire incor
porated 42 questions, from which 36 were selected for the fnal measure.
A second rationalizing of items reduced the instrument to a 30-item
questionnaire, known as the QLQ-C30. This forms the core of a modular
approach, with 1 3 different disease-specifc symptom modules combining
with the QLQ-C30 to provide a full assessment.

1 70 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
The questionnaire is acceptable to most patients and takes about ten
minutes to complete. It is able to discriminate between patients having
different types of cancer, and its factor structure has been independently
verifed. Its subscales correlate moderately to strongly with the equivalent
scales on the SIP. Not surprisingly, correlations between the EORTC and
other cancer-related measures are stronger than those with more generic
measures of quality of life. In addition, it achieves good test/retest reliab
ility. Nevertheless, Ringdal and Ringdal ( 1 993) suggested that the measure
would gain psychometric strength by using between three and four items
to measure each of its dimensions. They were particularly critical of the
six one-item measures that address factors such as sleeplessness and
fnancial problems.
Rotterdam Symptom Checklist
Along with the EORTC measures, the Rotterdam Symptom Checklist
( RSC) has proven a popular measure of quality of life in patients with
cancer (De Haes et al. 1990) . It comprises 3 8 items, measuring physical
toxicity, social functioning, physical activity and psychological adjust
ment to disease. Participants rate 30 symptoms on four-point Likert
scales. The remaining items, except for the last one which measures the
individual ' s overall quality of life, assess daily activities. The question
naire takes between fve and ten minutes to complete. Tests of validity
and reliability are relatively sparse. However, these indicate that it has
good test/retest reliability, was able to classify correctly 75 per cent of
patients assigned a psychiatric diagnosis by clinical interview, and appears
to be sensitive to changes in condition over time. Some have suggested
that it may usefully be supplemented by an additional measure of mood.
However, the consensus appears to be that it is a useful scale with good
validity and ease of use.
Coronar Hear Disease
A review by McGee et al. ( 1 999) identifed 32 cardiac rehabilitation
interventions that measured psychosocial outcomes . Arguing that the best
instruments to use in this population are those with proven sensitivity to
change, they identifed fve useful measures from these reports. Two
were general scales measuring mood ( the Beck Depression Inventory and
State Trait Anxiety Inventory: see below) . The other three have been
developed specifically for use with cardiac patients: the Global Mood Scale
( Denollet 1993: see below) , the Health Complaints Scale ( Denollet 1 994) ,
and the Heart Patients Psychological Questionnaire ( Erdman 1 982) .
Health Complints Scale
The Health Complaints Scale ( HCS) comprises two scales measuring
somatic and cognitive health complaints frequently reported by cardiac

Measuri ng pai n
Assessment i ssues 1 7 1
patients ( Denollet 1 994) . The twelve somatic complaints include chest
pain, dyspnoea and fatigue. The twelve cognitive items include concerns
about health, fears of disability and lack of worth. Items were drawn
from pre-existing instruments as well as being designed specifcally for
the scale. The model on which the scales were based was supported
by confrmatory factor analysis, and both scales have high internal reli
ability and adequate test/retest reliability. The measure is also sensitive
to change: perhaps more than more generic models of patient distress.
Despite the scale' s psychometric strength i t has yet to be widely used i n
studies of cardiac patients.
Heart Patients Psychological Questionnaire
The Heart Patients Psychological Questionnaire ( HPPQ) comprises 52
items, each with a dichotomous response ( yes/no) combined into three
scales: well-being, subj ective invalidity and displeasure ( Erdman 1 982) .
I t has been validated in a number of studies, has shown high internal
and test/retest reliability and is able to discriminate between stroke and
cardiac patients. Denollet ( 1 993) followed a group of 1 62 men with CHD
who took part in a cardiac rehabilitation programme, taking measures
with the State Trait Anxiety Inventory ( Spielberger et al. 1983: see below)
and the HPPQ disability and well-being scales. The scores of participants
who showed high levels of distress at the beginning of the intervention
had fallen signifcantly on all measures by its end. However, the magnitude
of change in HPPQ scores was substantially greater than those of the
State Trait Anxiety Inventory. Among patients with low levels of distress,
only the HPPQ scales showed signifcant changes over time.
The simplest way of measuring pain is through the use of visual analogue
or numerical rating scales. Most clinicians working with pain patients
prefer the latter, with scales typically ranging from no pain ( 0) to the
worst possible pain ( 1 00) . The advantage of such measures i s that they
are quick and simple to administer and score. One disadvantage is that
some patients fnd it diffcult to conceptualize pain as a number, although
numerical rating scales correlate strongly with other intensity measures
( see, for example, Jensen et al. 1986) . Another simple approach is provided
by verbal rating scales, in which patients rate their pain on a list of
adj ectives indicating increasing pain. This method is also simple, although
the more limited range of responses, and patients' tendency to use middle
adj ectives more than endpoints, make them less sensitive than visual
analogue or numerical rating scales.

1 72 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
McGill Pain Questionnaire
A more sophisticated assessment strategy is provided by the McGill Pain
Questionnaire (MPQ: Melzack 1 975) . This comprises 78 terms describ
ing the quality and intensity of the pain; these are typically presented as
20 clusters of between three and fve similar descriptors. Shorter versions
of the scale do exist. Respondents circle the descriptive clusters that
correspond to their pain experience. The questionnaire has four subscales.
The sensory and evaluative subscales rate the intensity and type of pain
experienced. The third scale measures the emotional response to the pain,
while the fourth captures a number of miscellaneous items. Depending
on its length, the questionnaire takes between 2 and 15 minutes to com
plete. Scoring is based on the number of descriptors circled and the
weights assigned to these descriptors. The MPQ is one of the most widely
used measures of pain. Despite this, studies of its validity or reliability
are scarce. It was able to accurately classify 77 per cent of patients with
varying pain syndromes into the appropriate diagnostic category. It has
modest test/retest reliability.
Measures of affect
Beck Depression Inventor
The Beck Depression Inventory ( BDI) is one of the most widely used
measures of depression ( Beck et al. 1 961 ) . It comprises 21 items, each of
which has a four-point scoring system of severity. Although Beck argued
that the instrument should be used only as a measure of the severity of
depression once it is diagnosed, the scale has normative scores that are
indicative of both normal and depressed states: 0-9 normal; 10-15 mild
depression; 1 6-1 9 moderate; 20-29 moderate/severe; 30+ severe. The
scale is generally considered to have high validity. It compares well with
interview-based psychiatric diagnoses, with 97 per cent agreement within
one category of severity ( Beck et al. 1 961 ) , and has good split-half and
test/retest reliability. It also appears to have moderate to good sensitivity.
Beck suggests that the BDI represents one underlying syndrome of depres
sion comprising highly interrelated factors: negative attitudes to self,
performance impairment and somatic disturbance. The latter means that
the BDI may overestimate depression scores in patients with debilitating
physical illnesses.
Hospital Anxiet and Depression Scale
Despite its name, no question in the Hospital Anxiety and Depression
Scale ( HADS) refers to hospital or any other element of health care
( Zigmond and Snaith 1 983) . It was given this name because it is short

Assessment i ssues 1 73
and easy to use in hospital settings. It comprises 14 items divided into
two subscales measuring depression and anxiety. The particular strength
of the HADS is that it specifcally avoids items that measure physical
manifestations of depression, which may lead to score infation and
inappropriate categorization on measures such as the BDl. The depres
sion scale is considered to measure anhedonic depression, which the
authors argue is the central pathological element of depression and
responds well to antidepressant medication. Scores of 7 or less are con
sidered to be non-cases, 8 to 10 as doubtful, and more than 1 1 as defnite
cases. It is easily understood by and acceptable to patients.
Original item selection for the scale was based on clinical experience
and it was validated entirely on a sample of individuals with a psychiatric
diagnosis. Nevertheless, it has performed reasonably well in tests of
validity and reliability. Independence from items that mimic mental health
problems as a consequence of physical health problems, such as tired
ness or fatigue, was confrmed by Zigmond and Snaith ( 1 98 3) who found
that HADS scores in physically ill patients who did not have a mood
disorder were similar to those of a normal sample. Factor analyses have
both confirmed and disconfrmed the two-factor structure of the measure
and internal reliability scores have been modest. Despite these draw
backs, the scale' s brevity and respondent acceptability have resulted in
its frequent use.
Global Mood Scale
The Global Mood Scale ( GMS) measures positive affect, characterized
by energy and sociability, and negative affect, comprising fatigue and
malaise ( Denollet 1 993) . It was developed specifcally for heart patients
and has two ten-item scales, each consisting of a list of one-word mood
descriptors. Response is using a fve-point Likert scale. Fatigue was
chosen as a factor within negative affect as many cardiac patients deny
negative moods but do report feelings of fatigue, which, in turn, is asso
ciated with distress. Development of the GMS involved its being given to
nearly 500 men following infarction who either entered a rehabilitation
programme or acted as no-intervention controls. It proved internally reli
able, consistent over time, and correlated signifcantly with other measures
of mood. In addition, scores changed on those patients who entered the
rehabilitation programme, with less change evident among those in the
control group. Importantly, the fatigue scores did not correlate with
cardiorespiratory ftness, so were not simply capturing an element of the
disease process.
State Trait Anxiet Inventor
The present version of the State Trait Anxiety Inventory ( STAI) is widely
used. Its development was reported by Spielberger et al. ( 1 983) . Two
scales are available: a trait version, measuring a general tendency towards

1 74 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
anxiety, and a state version, measuring transitory feelings of anxiety.
Each scale has 20 items: those of the state measure have an attached
four-point intensity scale, those of the trait measure have an equivalent
frequency scale. Each scale takes less than fve minutes to complete. The
scale is well regarded, suffciently so that Bowling ( 1 995) , reporting vary
ing strengths of association with other measures of anxiety, concluded
that the lower values probably reflected weaknesses in the other scales.
Test/retest data suggest the questionnaire is highly reliable. Despite the
relative brevity of the ST AI, the need for an even shorter measure of
anxiety led Marteau and Bekker ( 1 992) to develop a six-item state anxi
ety scale based on the STAI. Their scale achieved high reliability and
validity coeffcients, and its scores were able to discriminate between
various patient groups, suggesting acceptable sensitivity.
Novaco Anger Inventor
One of the frst psychometric measures of anger, the Novaco Anger Invent
ory ( NAI) comprises 90 statements describing anger provoking incidents
( Novaco 1975) . Respondents report the degree to which each incident
would anger or provoke them, using a fve-point Likert scale. It has high
internal reliability coeffcients. However, a test/retest reliability coeffcient
as low as 0. 1 7 has been reported and the scale has not been found to
correlate with self-report ratings of anger in imaginary and role play
simulations, or the number of anger-provoking incidents experienced
during a two-week period. These weaknesses, and its length, have meant
that the scale has been largely replaced by ones developed subsequently,
the most popular of which are those of Spielberger and colleagues.
Spielberer Anger Scales
The State Trait Anger Scales ( STAS) were designed to assess the intensity
of anger as an emotional state and individual diferences in anger proneness
as a personality trait ( Spiel berger et al. 1 983) . Trait anger reflects the dis
positional tendency to experience anger. State anger measures the intensity
of anger experienced at any one time. Those high in trait anger also score
highly on the state anger measure whenever annoying or frustrating condi
tions are encountered. The ST AS is shorter than the Novaco scale, having
20 items in each scale and has good internal and test/retest reliability.
When measuring anger, it can be useful to know not j ust how often an
individual feels angry, but also how they express that anger. The two
most frequently measured responses are anger suppression ( anger-in) ,
i n which the individual inhibits the outward expression of an angry
response, and anger-out, where anger is expressed and directed at others.
Different modes of expression may have implications for underlying phy
siological responses to stress. They may also be useful indicators of change
following an intervention. In response to these needs, Spielberger et al.

Assessment i ssues 1 75
( 1 985) developed the Anger Expression Scale, which measures three
dimensions of anger response: anger in, anger out and anger control .
Al l three dimensional scores have good internal reliability.
General Health Questionnaire
The General Health Questionnaire ( GHQ) was designed to be a screen
ing questionnaire for psychiatric disturbance of recent onset ( Goldberg
and Williams 1 98 8 ) . It is not intended to measure longer-standing prob
lems as its questions focus on ' recent' changes between the respondent' s
usual and present state. Nor is it intended to measure change. Despite
these technical considerations, it has been used as an outcome measure
in a number of intervention trials, with sensitivity ranging from poor to
good. The GHQ focuses on general symptoms of psychiatric morbidity,
in particular depression and anxiety, although the psychoses may also be
detected. The original GHQ comprised 60 items, although 30, 28, 20
and 12 item versions have also been developed. Each item has a four
point scale of severity. Two methods of scoring this scale have been
developed. The method recommended by Goldberg involves assigning
scores of 0 or 1 to one of four response categories provided for each item
( 0-0-1-1 ) , where zero is considered to indicate the absence of symptoms
and one to indicate their presence. Others have used the scale as a Likert
scale, assigning scores of 0, 1 , 2 or 3 to each response. Goldberg and
Williams ( 1 98 8 ) suggest there i s little to be gained by using this scoring
format and most users have adopted the simpler scoring method.
As the GHQ is intended to be used as a screening instrument for
psychiatric morbidity, it provides varying cut-off scores above which
there is a 50 per cent chance of the individual being assigned a psychiatric
diagnosis. As physically ill people score highly on the GHQ, they are
over-represented among false positives, and Goldberg and Williams sug
gested raising the threshold criterion for such people. The GHQ achieves
reasonable vali dity when compared with psychiatric interview, and cor
relates signifcantly with the BDl. In addition, it has good internal and
test/retest reliability and acceptable validity and sensitivity. However, in
a direct assessment of its strengths relative to the HADS in a study with
patients with cancer, Ibbotson et al. ( 1 994) compared the screening per
formance of the GHQ-28 and the HADS against a structured psychiatric
interview. Although the performance of the GHQ proved acceptable,
the HADS did best in those free of disease, in treatment, and when the
disease was j udged to be stable.
Copi ng with i l l ness
According to Leventhal ( e. g. Leventhal et al. 1 997) , the initial response
to the onset of illness is to identify the nature of the threat faced, so that

1 76 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
appropriate coping strategies can be engaged ( see Chapter 4) . This is
typically represented along fve dimensions: disease identity, cause, con
sequences, timeline and controllability. Until recently, each dimension
has been measured using a variety of different scales, including those
acknowledged as relevant to the domain in question, semi-structured or
open-ended interviews and ' self-made questionnaires' .
I ness Perceptions Questionnaire
In response to this somewhat chaotic situation, Weinman et al. ( 1 996)
constructed the Illness Perceptions Questionnaire ( IPQ) , a questionnaire
addressing each of the fve illness representation components. The
identity scale has 12 core symptom items which can be added to when
exploring specifc illnesses. There are ten items in the cause dimension,
three in the timeline scale, eight in the consequence scale and six in the
control/cure scale. It elicits the same number of or more items than inter
view and has high internal and test/retest reliability in groups of patients
with diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic pain, renal disease and MI.
The scale has good discriminant validity, being able to distinguish between
different patient groups by their dimension scores. Subsequent studies
have shown it to have predictive utility: it is able, for example, to dis
criminate between those patients who will and will not attend cardiac
rehabilitation classes. This version of the scale does not address the
emotional aspects of the response to illness; a revised version of the IPQ,
in development at the time of writing, will do so.
Measures of copi ng
Most measures of coping address similar behavioural and cognltlve
responses to threat, although the level of complexity addressed by each
questionnaire varies markedly. Some measures focus on j ust two dimen
sions of coping, with each subsuming a variety of related strategies. Others
address more complex models of coping, trading parsimony for a more
detailed description of the strategies used ( see Table 9. 2) .
Ways of Coping Questonnaire
The original measure of coping, the Ways of Coping Questionnaire
( WCQ) comprises 50 items plus 1 6 'fll items' and 8 empirically derived
scales ( Folkman and Lazarus 1 98 8 : see ;lso Table 9. 2) . It is a state
measure, with respondents reporting their use of coping strategies with
reference to a particular event that occurred in the previous week.
Test/retest reliabilities were not reported in the paper describing its devel
opment. Lazarus argued that high stability should not be expected as
individuals adj ust their coping strategies to the differing requirements of

Assessme nt i ssues 1 77
Table 9. 2 Taxonomi es of copi ng, and questi onnai res, devel oped by vari ous
research groups
Lazarus and Folkman ( 1 984)
Ways of Coping Questionnaire
Confrontive copi ng
Di stanci ng
Sel f-control
Seeki ng soci al support
Accepti ng responsi bi l ity
Escape/avoi dance
Pl anful probl em sol vi ng
Posi ti ve reapprai sal
Endler et a/. ( / 998a)
Di stracti on
Pal l i ative
I nstrumental
Emoti onal
preoccupati on
Carver et a/. ( 1 989)
Active copi ng
Pl anni ng
Suppress competi ng
activi ti es
Seek i nstrumental support
Seek emoti onal support
Positive rei nterpretati on
Restrai nt copi ng
Turn to rel i gi on
Vent emoti ons
Deni al
Behavi oural di sengagement
Mental di sengagement
Al cohol /drug di sengagement
each situation. More problematic is that the WCQ has a weak factor
structure. Factor analyses on data from different samples have resulted
in varying factor structures and numbers of derived factors.
Folkman and Lazarus encouraged researchers to adapt the WCQ to
the specifc needs of the population under investigation. Dunkel-Schetter
et a/. ( 1 992) did so by adapting it to the demands of cancer patients.
The Ways of Coping with Cancer questionnaire comprises 49 items from
the WCQ, some of them reworded asking specifcally about how patients
cope with the demands of a diagnosis of cancer. A factor analysis yielded
five factors: seek and use social support, cognitive escape/avoidance, dis
tancing, focus on the positive, and behavioural escape/avoidance.
Based on a theoretical model of coping and subsequently validated through
factor analysis, the COPE, developed by Carver et a/. ( 1 989) comprises
13 subscales ( see Table 9. 2) . Although Carver is cautious about the use
of factor scores, they can be derived. These are problem-focused coping,
emotion-focused coping, venting emotions, behavioural disengagement
and mental disengagement.
The questionnaire has 52 items and has both trait and state versions.
The internal consistency coeffcients are generally high and it has good
test/retest reliability. A shorter version of COPE, known as Brief COPE

1 78 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
has been developed, comprising only two items per coping strategy and
collapsing some of the scales; for example, combining behavioural and
mental disengagement into one ' disengagement' scale. This has obvious
advantages when brevity is important. However, Endler et a!. ( 1 998a)
have criticized the full COPE for the psychometric properties of its
four-item scales, and the internal consistency coeffcients of some of the
two-item scales are only modest. A compromise between the two measures
has been reported by Bennett et a!. ( 2000) who added the item most
strongly loading on each scale from the full COPE to the two-items of
the Brief COPE. The resultant three-item scales evidenced more consistent
internal reliability than the two-item scales.
Coping with Health Injures and Problems
Most measures of coping consider how individuals respond to a variety
of unspecifed stressors. One exception to this approach is Coping with
Health Inj uries and Problems ( CHIP) , which measures coping strategies
in response to health problems and inj uries ( Endler et a!. 1998a) . It meas
ures four coping dimensions: distraction, palliative, instrumental, and
emotional preoccupation coping. Endler et a!. ( 1 998b) examined CHIP' s
temporal stability and internal reliability by administering it to a sample
of 50 men with prostate cancer and 1 1 0 women with breast cancer
on two occasions, with an interval of two weeks between assessments.
The mean scale scores at both times were virtually identical. The internal
consistency reliability was also high.
Indi vi dual di ferences
A number of individual differences have been shown to infuence the
development or course of disease. Some, such as Type A behaviour, hostil
ity, or Type C behaviour may infuence the course of disease directly ( see
Chapter 1 ) . Others, such as negative affect, hardiness and health optimism
may impact on health indirectly by governing behaviour related to health
and health threats. Here, three measures of individual differences are
reviewed: measures of negative affect, health optimism, and hostility.
Positive and Negative Afect Scales
Watson et a!. ( 1 988) identifed two dominant dimensions constantly found
in studies of the structure of mood: positive and negative affect. Positive
affect reflects the extent to which a person feels enthusiastic, active and
alert. Negative affect measures a variety of aversive mood states, includ
ing anger, contempt, disgust, fear and nervousness. If considered as a

Assessment i ssues 1 79
trait, positive affect corresponds to Eysenck' s extroversion factor, and
negative affect to neuroticism. The Positive and Negative Affect Scales
( PANAS) comprises two ten-item scales measuring both constructs, which
are considered to be orthogonal. Internal and test/retest reliability analyses
have been conducted on scores based on several different assessment
timeframes, including ' right now' to ' in general' or ' during the past year' .
High test/retest reliability coeffcients were found for them all, and were
high enough for the longer timeframes to suggest that the scales can be
used as trait measures of affect. This is now the predominant use of the
scale. It has also been adapted for use with children, and a shorter ten
item scale has been developed and validated in a sample of over 2500
adults ( Mackinnon et al . 1 999) .
Life Orentaton Test
In contrast to the PANAS, the Life Orientation Test ( LOT) is a measure
of dispositional optimism ( Scheier and Carver 1 985) . This is thought to
moderate factors more proximal to behaviour such as effcacy expecta
tions and coping. Individuals high in optimism are likely to engage and
maintain effort in achieving desired goals, and be less bothered by minor
physical symptoms, recover more quickly from surgery and report higher
quality of life than low scorers. The LOT has 20 items, including four
filler items intended to disguise the nature of the assessment. It has good
psychometric properties. However, Smith et al. ( 1 989) noted that LOT
scores were highly correlated with scores of negative affectivity, and that
the relationship between LOT scores and symptom-reporting was no
longer signifcant afer controlling for neuroticism. In response to these
criticisms, Scheier et al. ( 1 994) argued that when a suffciently large
sample size was employed, the degree of association between neuroticism
and optimism, while moderate, was insuffcient to suggest that the two
scales were measuring the same construct. Nevertheless, for theoretical
reasons, they took the opportunity of this reanalysis to shorten the LOT
by removing two items considered to measure coping strategies rather than
dispositional factors. The psychometric properties of this shortened scale
were acceptable.
Hosti l i ty
Hostility is a poorly defned, indeed multiply defned, construct. However,
a consensus seems to be developing that considers it to have three com
ponents: cognitive, affective and behavioural. The cognitive component
comprises negative beliefs about others. The hostile person considers
others to be untrustworthy, undeserving and immoral. Pervading non
specifc suspicions are considered to represent cynicism, while more

1 80 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
specifc hostile attributions consider the actions of specifc people to be
antagonistic. Emotional elements include anger, annoyance, resentment
and contempt. The behavioural component involves both verbal and
physical aggression.
Questionnaire methods
The most widely used measure of hostility is the Cook and Medley
Hostility ( Ho) Scale ( Cook and Medley 1 954) . It was taken from the
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory Scale used to identify teachers
who had diffculty getting on with their students. Accordingly, some of
the items in the scale do not directly address hostility. Nevertheless, the
maj ority of items are thought to tap into the cynical hostility component,
with a smaller number of items dealing with hostile affect, and even
fewer with hostile behaviour. It has predictive utility: a number of cross
sectional and longitudinal studies using the measure have shown a rela
tionship between Ho scores and the subsequent development of CHD
( see Chapter 1 ) . A second recognized measure of hostility is the Buss
Durkee Hostility Inventory ( BDHI: Buss and Durkee 1 957) . It has
seven subscales, simplifed by factor analysis into two factors. The frst
incorporates the resentment and suspicion subscales, and represents
' neurotic' hostility. The second includes measures of expressive and affect
ive hostility. Like the Ho Scale it has been shown to be predictive of
CHD, although the number of studies using this measure is much fewer.
Both measures suffer from being self-report: respondents may under
report their hostility levels in order to represent themselves in a socially
acceptable manner. This self-representation bias may have distorted the
apparent relationship between hostility and the development of CHD in
a number of studies. McCranie et al. ( 1 986) , for example, found no
relationship between Ho scores obtained from students applying for
medical school and subsequent levels of CHD. However, their average
Ho score was almost half the average for this cohort when measured in
less biasing circumstances. The apparent relationship between hostility
and disease may have been strongly distorted as a consequence of the
response biases of candidates wishing to impress potential future teachers.
One way of reducing this bias is to make the items appear as socially
acceptable as possible. Here, the Ho seems better than the BDHI, with
statements such as 'I strongly defend my own opinions as a rule' being
easier to endorse than 'People who continually pester you are asking for
a punch in the nose' . However, a better way of avoiding such biases is to
base j udgements of hostility on observed behaviour.
Interiew methods
Although a number of specialist interviews have been developed, the
best known remain the structured interview ( SI) developed by Rosenman

Assessment i ssues 1 8 1
( see Chesney et al. 1 98 8 ) and the videotaped structured interview ( VSI)
used by Friedman to measure Type A behaviour ( see, for example,
Friedman and Powell 1984) . The SI involves an interview lasting about
ten minutes in which the participant is asked about their behaviour and
attitudes in general and when under pressure or provoked. The respond
ent' s verbal responses and behaviour during the interview are recorded
on audiotape and later subj ected to analysis. Originally, participants
were assigned a global rating based on the degree of Type A behaviour
reported or evident during the interview. More recently, component scor
ing schemes have been developed to quantify the expression of specifc
elements of Type A behaviour, including anger and ' potential for hostil
ity' ( Chesney et al. 1 98 8 ) . Inter-rater reliability i s generally high among
experienced raters, but not among those with less experience, and the
interview and assessment both require signifcant training and time. The
VSI is a separate instrument developed by Friedman and Powell ( 1 984) .
As its name suggests, assessments are made of behaviour videotaped
during an interview. Participants are scored on a continuum, derived by
combining scores on 35 psychomotor indicators of Type A behaviour,
with the derived scales measuring hostility, time urgency and 'patho
physiologic' indicators. The complexity and time involved in these assess
ments makes them inappropriate for many researchers and clinicians.
Nevertheless, they are considered the ' gold standard' against which pencil
and paper assessments should be j udged.
Heal th-rel ated behavi ours
Obtaining valid measures of health-related behaviour in its everyday
context is remarkably diffcult. Validation of measures is almost imposs
ible other than through covert observation of those who have completed
questionnaires. Obtaining obj ective measures against which to validate
instruments has proven problematic. Biological measures provide only
crude indicators of behaviour: physiological markers of smoking or
alcohol, for example, are both highly intrusive and verif whether or
not an individual is smoking or drinking, but not how much. Other than
extremely controlled laboratory measures, measures of exercise or calorie
consumption are equally diffcult to achieve. Accordingly, health behavi
ours are typically measured using self-report. The one exception to this
has been in the study of smoking cessation, where biological markers of
nicotine metabolism are easy and cheap to identif. Salivary nicotine
levels indicate whether or not an individual has been smoking, but not
how much they have smoked. Expired carbon dioxide provides a cheaper
but less reliable measure, as it may be contaminated by levels of the
gas in the atmosphere: walking in car-polluted air may result in levels

1 82 Cl i ni cal i nterenti ons
indicative of l ow levels of smoking. A cautionary note is that when
compared with self-report, levels of disagreement of up to 20 per cent
are not unusual.
Measures of the frequency of health-related behaviour have typically
employed self-report measures . The questionnaire used by Norman et al.
( 1 998 ) was not atypical. In this, cigarette smoking was measured by
asking respondents to indicate the number of cigarettes they smoke in a
typical day. Alcohol consumption was measured by providing a series of
unit equivalents ( one short = one unit) and asking respondents to report
a typical week' s alcohol consumption measured in units. A more accurate
estimate may be obtained by asking people to report their consumption
separately for each day in the previous week. Fewer conversion errors
will occur if respondents report the actual drinks they had rather than
attempt the conversion. Diet may be measured both in terms of the
frequency of eating different foodstuffs and choices between various simi
lar foodstuffs ( for example, full fat versus low fat milk) . Some measures
also attempt to measure the size of typical helpings. An alternative, and
highly accurate, measure of consumption is afforded by the use of diaries
and weighed portions of food. However, this method so distorts behavi
our that it rarely refects participants' behaviour when they are not
completing such records.
Levels of exercise can be assessed by measures of the frequency of plan
ned exercise. In the Norman et al. study these were divided into three
level s: vigorous, moderate and mild ( each with examples ) . Respondents
were asked to indicate how many times they engaged in each type of
exercise over a typical week. Other measures have taken into account
more general exercise choices . The Stanford study, for example, rated
activity by measuring whether respondents ' usually participated' in
taking stairs rather than the elevator, walking instead of driving short
distances, parking a distance from destination and walking, walking
during lunch hour or after dinner, or leaving a bus before one' s destina
tion in order to walk ( Sallis et al. 1 98 8 ) .
Di aries can provide a useful measure of behaviour and are often used
as assessments in clinical interventions. They may not only incorporate
a measure of the behaviour being monitored but also allow the indi
vidual to provide a wealth of additional information that may help them
to plan any behavioural change. These may include the circumstances
in which the behaviour occurs or the thoughts they have before, during
or after the behaviour in question. A simpler measure of behaviour is
afforded by measures such as the General Preventive Health Behaviours
Checklist ( Amir 1 987) . This assesses whether or not the respondent
has engaged in behaviours as diverse as smoking, getting a regular
medical check-up or eating snacks. However, the subjective nature and
lack of focus of some of the items (I get enough sleep; I get enough
exercise) make this and similar instruments inappropriate as measures of

Assessment i ssues 1 83
Summary and concl usi ons
Furher readi ng
Psychosocial outcomes are increasingly seen as relevant in the context of
the care of patients with physical health problems. However, the would
be researcher or clinician wishing to evaluate patient outcomes is faced
with a plethora of measures purporting to measure the same construct.
Choice of measure is far from easy and is frequently governed by factors
such as familiarity and ease of access to measures, as well as by more
scientifc criteria. However, psychometric and theoretical issues should
take precedence over these more pragmatic ones, and it behoves those
using these instruments to use those that are most applicable to the
question and population being addressed. This chapter has reviewed
some of the better known measures addressing psychosocial issues and
identifed some issues to consider when choosing relevant instruments.
However, it has only touched upon the range of instruments available.
Those seeking a wider review of these instruments would beneft from
reading texts reviewing specifc issues in more detail .
Bowling, A. ( 1 995) Measuring Disease. Buckingham: Open University Press.
Bowling, A. ( 1 997) Measuring Health: A Review of Quality of Life Measurement
Scales. Buckingham: Open University Press
McDowell, I. and Newell, C. ( 1 996) Measuring Health: A Guide to Rating Scales
and Questionnaires. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Improving qual ity of l ife
Medi cal sci ence has progressed si gni fcantl y i n the past decades. Li ves are
now saved when they woul d previ ously have been l ost. However, such
i mprovements are not without thei r costs. Some treatments may provi de
additi onal l ife, but carry signi fi cant costs for the pati ent. Some peopl e may
have to l ive wi th chroni c di seases that medi ci ne cannot ful ly control . Both
probl ems have brought those practi si ng medi ci ne to face the same i ssue:
that the qual i t of l i fe of pati ents shoul d be an i mportant consi derati on i n
any treatment pl an. Deci si ons about whether to commence or conti nue
some treatments are now premi sed not onl y on the l ength of l ife such
a treatment wi l l confer, but al so on the qual ity of that l ife. I n addi ti on,
where i l l ness or di sabi l ity i s chroni c, i ncreasi ng attenti on i s bei ng gi ven
to the psychosoci al concomitants of the probl em and i nterventi ons are
bei ng devel oped to maxi mize pati ent qual ity of l ife.
Thi s chapter revi ews evi dence of the efectiveness of such i nterventi ons.
The review i s not al l -encompassi ng: i ts ai m i s to provi de some evi dence
of the rel ative efectiveness of diferi ng i nterventi ons. Some studi es,
whi ch combi ne several therapeuti c approaches and where the rel ative
efecti veness of each i nterventi on i s uncl ear, are not reported. Thi s
approach provi des some cl arity of i ssues but means, i nevi tabl y, that
some multi modal i nterventi ons are i gnored.
The chapter focuses on a number of approaches i ncl udi ng:
I nformati on provi si on
Cogni ti ve-behavi oural i nterventi ons
+ Copi ng efectiveness trai ni ng
Probl em-sol vi ng counsel l i ng
Operant approaches
Sel f-management
+ Emoti onal expressi on
These i nterventi ons are consi dered i n the context of hel pi ng peopl e both
to manage thei r i l l ness more efectivel y and to cope with the emoti onal

I mprovi ng qual ity of l ife
di stress associ ated with chroni c di sease. The efectiveness of these and
some other approaches i n the context of ri sk behavi our change i s
consi dered i n the fol l owi ng chapter.
I nformati on provi si on
1 85
Diagnosis and concerns about prognosis and treatment raise signifcant
anxieties , and many patients want information about their condition and
its treatment. Rahn et al. ( 1 998) , for example, asked women receiving
radiotherapy for breast cancer to identify what best helped them to cope
with their diagnosis and treatment. Ninety-four per cent stated that the
most important factor was being kept well informed about the treatment
they were receiving. Accordingly, a number of interventions to improve
mood or change behaviour have done so by providing information about
the cause, course, treatment or progression of a condition. In addition,
patients are frequently given information in an attempt to help them
manage a chronic condition effectively.
Changi ng knowl edge
There is a substantial body of evidence that patient education programmes
can enhance knowledge of a condition or treatment, at least in the short
term. However, some negative fndings have also been reported. Pruitt
et al. ( 1 993) , for example, compared the effectiveness of a three-session
radiotherapy outpatient education programme with a no-intervention
control. The content of the course included factual information about
cancer and radiotherapy, common concerns and coping strategies, and
how to communicate with the health care team. Neither group showed
any improvement in relevant knowledge. Another study compared the
effectiveness of educational cardiac rehabilitation programmes in two
hospitals. While knowledge scores rose in one hospital, they actually
fell in the other. Unfortunately, details of the programmes were not
provided, but the data strike a cautionary note.
Changi ng behavi our
Even where increases in knowledge are achieved, they may not impact
on behaviour or symptom control: a number of studies have found only
marginal relationships between knowledge and symptom control . In
contrast, Bill-Harvey et al. ( 1 989) reported significant gains following a
six-week series of classes for 'low literacy' outpatients with osteoarthritis.

1 86 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
Participants in the active intervention increased their exercise levels and
use of adaptive equipment relative to those in a no-treatment control
group. Despite the potential benefts for some, the inconsistent fndings
following information provision have made a number of commentators
question its benefts as the sole method of facilitating behavioural change,
and information provision now frequently forms one element of multi
component interventions.
The failure of some educational interventions may, however, not re
flect the potential impact of such interventions. They may indicate an
inadequate or inappropriate method of information provision. This may
be illustrated using studies of the written provision of information. Reid
et a!. ( 1 995) , for example, evaluated the impact of a widely available
diabetes pamphlet. Immediately after reading it, participants could recall
an average of only 8 of the 108 ideas in it. Many readers lacked appro
priate reading skills. In addition, the topics that they thought were
important differed from the topics that a physician thought were impor
tant. That one pamphlet had 108 ideas in it suggests that the demand
on the readers was very high, and the authors acknowledge that many
participants found it diffcult to read. Here, there may be some confusion
between the medium and the message: the medium can only be effective
if it is used appropriately. Ley ( 1 997) suggested that about one-quarter
of published medical leaflets would be understood by only 20-30 per cent
of the adult population.
Changi ng mood
Even simple information about the context of care can prove an extremely
valuable means of improving mood. A tour of a clinic, the provision of
general information about treatment, and the opportunity to pose ques
tions with an oncology counsellor have been found to be highly effective
in reducing stress prior to chemotherapy in patients recently diagnosed
as having cancer. Further benefts of the provision of appropriate informa
tion on anxiety in the context of acute hospital procedures are discussed
in Chapter 6. Hospital-based interventions may also contribute to longer
term reductions in anxiety. Tooth et a!. ( 1 998) , for example, found an
educational intervention given prior to angioplasty resulted in gains
on measures of patient anxiety at four months postsurgery and, in com
parison with no treatment, improved partner quality of life ratings at
eleven-month follow-up assessment.
Information does not necessarily have to be given in conventional
form. Taylor et a!. ( 1 985) allocated cardiac patients undergoing treadmill
exercising into one of three conditions. In the frst, they underwent the
test on their own. In the second they undertook the test in the presence
of their partner. In the third condition, the partners both observed the
patients' exercise and underwent a treadmill test themselves. Subsequent

I mprovi ng qual ity of l ife 1 87
levels of partner anxiety and patient engagement in exercise differed
according to the degree of spouse involvement, with those in the ' exercise
alone' condition faring worst and those in the active intervention faring
best. This is an important fnding as there is consistent evidence that the
partners of men who have an MI experience more anxiety than the men
themselves and that this may adversely impact on their rehabilitation.
I nformati on versus other strategies
Despite the benefts for some of information prov1s1on, it may not
necessarily provide the optimum intervention. A number of studies have
compared the effectiveness of educational programmes with alternative
treatment approaches. Decker and Cline-Elsen ( 1 992) compared the efect
iveness of an education and counselling intervention with that of relaxa
tion training and imagery in a group of patients receiving either curative
or palliative radiotherapy. Only the latter group showed reductions in
measures of tension, depression, anger and fatigue.
Additional gains following a cognitive-behavioural programme were
also found by Campbell et a!. ( 1 996) . They compared the effectiveness
of educational and behavioural instruction programmes for patients
with non-insulin-dependent diabetes. The goals of the intervention were
improved diet and weight reduction. Both types of intervention proved
equally effective in facilitating weight reduction. However, those in the
behavioural programme evidenced greater or more rapid reductions in
diastolic blood pressure and cholesterol levels. They also reported the
highest treatment satisfaction levels.
A third study examined the relative benefts of an education and exer
cise programme alone or in combination with a cognitive-behavioural
intervention in the treatment of chronic lower back pain. Immediately
following the intervention, the combined intervention resulted in signifc
antly greater improvements on measures of functional impairment, use
of active coping strategies, self-effcacy beliefs and medication use. These
differences were maintained at six-month follow-up.
Not all comparisons support the superiority of cognitive-behavioural
over educational interventions. In a direct comparison of the two inter
ventions in the treatment of fbromyalgia, Nicassio et a!. ( 1 997) com
pared a ten-week education programme that presented information on a
range of health-related topics without emphasizing skill acquisition with
a behavioural intervention focused on the practice of a variety of pain
coping skills. Although improvement across time was found on measures
of depression, self-reported pain behaviours, observed pain behaviours
and myalgia scores, no differences were found between the behavioural
and education conditions. Nevertheless, the maj ority of studies have
shown didactic educational programmes to be less effective than more
interactive or skills-based programmes .

1 88 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
Stress management and other cogni tive behavi oural i nterventions
Stress has been identifed as a factor contributing to the onset or exacerba
tion of a variety of conditions ( see Chapter 2) . Not surprisingly, a number
of interventions have focused on teaching stress management procedures
in an effort to control the symptoms of these disorders. These have
proven effective in conditions as diverse as chronic obstructive airways
disease and atopic dermatitis. Stress management procedures have also
been found to impact on the distress associated with severe conditions,
including HIV infection and AIDS.
Di abetes
There are theoretical reasons to presume that relaxation may prove
an effective element in any programme of diabetes control. Stress often
precedes periods of reduced adherence to self-care behaviours and may
be associated with inappropriate changes in eating patterns. In addition,
stress hormones reduce insulin sensitivity and should, theoretically, be
accompanied by elevations in blood glucose: although in practice such
a relationship is far from consistently found. Accordingly, some studies
have found relaxation to be an effective intervention in reducing blood
glucose levels. However, others have had more disappointing results,
and some have even reported increased numbers of hypoglycaemic
episodes following the use of relaxation techniques in previously well
controlled diabetics.
The fndings of Aikens et a!. ( 1 997) give some insight into the complex
issues underlying these contradictory fndings. They randomly allocated
non-insulin-dependent diabetics to either six group sessions of progressive
muscle relaxation and imagery or routine medical care. All participants
were assessed before and after the 8-week intervention, and again at
1 6 weeks follow-up. Somewhat paradoxically, they found that particip
ants in the relaxation group who had low pre-intervention stress levels
evidenced a greater improvement in blood glucose levels than did those
with higher levels of stress. Retrospective analysis revealed that those par
ticipants who were particularly stressed and who rated their glucose as
more stress-responsive practised relaxation less between sessions than
less stressed and non-stress-responsive patients. The authors speculated
that the least anxious and stress-responsive patients benefted from group
based relaxation training. More anxious individuals may have needed
individually administered interventions.
Just as relaxation has not been shown consistently to help diabetic
symptom control, so stress management programmes have met with mixed
success. Boardway et a!. ( 1 993) randomly assigned adolescents with dia
betes to a stress management group or standard outpatient treatment.

I mprovi ng qual ity of l ife 1 89
The treatment programme was substantial, comprising ten sessions over
the frst three months of the programme, followed by three additional
monthly sessions. By the end of the programme, participants in the stress
management group reported less diabetes-related stress but did not differ
from the comparison group on measures of metabolic control or regimen
adherence. Such results suggest a specifcity of treatment effect, and that
effective control of stress and increased metabolic control may best be
achieved through differing interventions or a combined self- and stress
management intervention. The effectiveness of one such programme
was reported by Mendez and Belendez ( 1 997) . During twelve sessions
with diabetic adolescents, participants were involved in blood glucose dis
crimination training, role-playing, relaxation exercises, self-instruction
and problem-solving strategies. In comparison with a no-treatment control
group, the intervention group showed improvements in adherence to the
recommended regimen, in skills and frequency of glycaemic analyses,
and a reduction in blood glucose estimate errors. Changes on stress
related variables included reductions in daily hassles and unease in social
interactions. These gains were maintained for over a year following the
end of the intervention.
Di sorders of the gut
Perhaps the earliest report of a controlled evaluation based on the prin
ciples of stress management was reported in the mid- 1 930s in a group of
patients with peptic ulcer disease. Participants were allocated to medical
treatment alone or in combination with psychological treatment. The
psychological treatment comprised small group meetings held for seven
days a week over a period of six weeks, and included an educational
phase and instruction in what would now be referred to as distraction
and positive self-talk techniques. The intervention also attempted to
stop reinforcement of previously rewarded illness-related behaviours.
Amazingly, given the intensity of the programme, 32 of the original
47 participants completed the intervention and evidenced substantial
long-term reductions in symptoms.
More modern evidence of the effectiveness of stress management
procedures was provided by Brooks and Richardson ( 1 980) . They com
pared a stress management programme with a placebo intervention in
the treatment and prevention of relapse in individuals with peptic ulcer
disease receiving antacid medication. Immediately following the interven
tion phase, the benefts of the intervention were limited to participants
who reported high levels of anxiety and low levels of assertiveness at
baseline. This group experienced signifcantly fewer days of symptomatic
pain and consumed less medication than their equivalents in the placebo
condition. It was, however, in the long term that the strength of the
intervention was most convincing. Over a three and a half year follow-up

1 90 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
period, fewer participants in the active intervention experienced recur
rences, they attended hospital less frequently, and fewer had surgery
than those in the placebo group.
The maj ority of studies of the effectiveness of stress management
procedures have targeted the irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS) , and several
have shown the procedures to be more effective than no intervention.
However, IBS patients appear to respond positively to any intervention,
even one considered to be a placebo. Accordingly, only studies where
all participants receive some form of intervention permit the effects
of specifc interventions to be compared. Such studies have met with
mixed results. Stress management has been shown to be equally or more
effective than medication or a placebo psychotherapy condition in both
the short and the long term ( see, for example, Whorwell et al. 1987) .
I n contrast, Payne and Blanchard ( 1 995) failed t o fnd consistent gains
on measures of IBS symptoms when comparing stress management with
an attention control. They also found no beneft of stress management
procedures when compared with pseudomeditation and EEG alpha-wave
feedback. There have been a number of other negative fndings, perhaps
because IBS has multiple aetiologies not all of which are associated with
stress ( see Chapter 2) . Future interventions perhaps need to be careful
to target individuals where there is a clear relationship between IBS
symptoms and stress.
A number of studies have shown stress management to be effective in the
treatment of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. O' Leary et al. ( 1 98 8 ) ,
for example, found that stress management training was more effective
in improving measures of pain, j oint movement and self-effcacy than
standard medical treatment alone, both immediately after the interven
tion and at four-month follow-up. These gains were associated with
immune changes, including greater numbers of suppressor T cells, and
reduced j oint inflammation. Parker et al. ( 1 995) compared a 1 0-week
stress management intervention followed by an additional 15-month main
tenance phase with usual care. The stress management group evidenced
signifcant improvements on measures of helplessness, self-effcacy, cop
ing, pain and health status. Benefcial effects were still detectable at the
1 5-month follow-up evaluation.
In a study comparing the additive effect of stress management and a
family support intervention, Radoj evic et al. ( 1 992) randomly allocated
patients with rheumatoid arthritis to one of four conditions: a family
support group, stress management alone or in combination with a family
support group, or no treatment. The stress management interventions
resulted in greater improvements in j oint examination pain, swelling
severity and the number of swollen j oints than either of the other two

I mprovi ng qual ity of l ife 1 9 1
conditions both immediately following the intervention and at follow-up.
These benefts may have been made as a consequence of increased mobil
ization and exercise undertaken by those in the stress management group.
A cognitive-behavioural intervention designed specifcally for use with
cancer patients has been developed by a clinical team in the Royal
Marsden Hospital in London. Adj uvant therapy is a brief, focused therapy
that identifes signifcant problems, teaches cognitive and behavioural
strategies for solving them, and aims to induce a positive fghting spirit.
The frst study to evaluate its effectiveness compared it with routine care
( Moorey et al. 1 994) . Matched for levels of psychopathology at the time
of entry, patients in the active intervention evidenced signifcantly less
psychological distress by its completion than those in the control group.
At one-year follow-up, rates of anxiety were 1 9 per cent in the active
intervention group and 44 per cent among control patients: rates for
depression were 1 1 and 1 8 per cent, respectively. Following this success,
the same team compared the effectiveness of adj uvant therapy against
a counselling intervention with patients experiencing an adj ustment
reaction to their illness. The adj uvant therapy proved more effective in
improving measures of distress, coping with cancer and in engendering
fghting spirit than the counselling, both immediately following the inter
vention and at four-month follow-up.
In an evaluation of a more traditional cognitive behavioural interven
tion, Fawzy et al. ( 1 993) compared the effectiveness of a stress manage
ment intervention and usual care in a group of patients with stage I or II
malignant melanoma whose tumour had been surgically excised. Both
immediately after the intervention and at six-month follow-up only the
active intervention group evidenced improvements on mood. They also
evidenced substantially higher T- and NK cell counts. Similar gains in
mood have been found in a number of other studies, and have been shown
to match the gains of pharmacological therapy ( Holland et a!. ( 1 991 ) .
Chroni c pai n
Chronic pain, lasting six months or more, may result from disease or
traumatic processes. It may be exacerbated by a variety of psychological
or psychophysiological processes including inappropriate catastrophizing
cognitions ( see Chapter 4) or muscular tension initially used to prevent
excess movement in an affected part of the body itself contributing to
the problem. These aetiological features suggest that relaxation or more
wide-ranging stress management strategies may help people to cope better
with their pain.

1 92 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
A number of studies have shown relaxation alone, or in combination
with biofeedback procedures, to be more effective than no intervention
in the treatment of conditions including headache, chronic back pain
and arthriti s. However, relaxation has not always proven more effective
than placebo. Silver and Blanchard ( 1 978 ) , for example, assigned patients
with both tension and migraine headaches to either relaxation with
biofeedback or a pseudomeditation condition. The level of clinically sig
nifcant improvement found in the relaxation condition was higher than
that in the pseudomeditation condition ( 51 versus 37 per cent) , but this
difference was not signifcant.
Stress management programmes build on relaxation to provide a
wider range of coping skills upon which patients may draw. Often they
are delivered through a multidisciplinary pain management programme
involving elements such as education sessions, goal-setting, graded activ
ity training, pacing, applied relaxation, cognitive techniques, social skills
training, drug reduction methods and contingency management of pain
behaviours. Johansson et al. ( 1 998 ) found this type of intervention to pro
duce short-term gains relative to a no-treatment control group on measures
of cognitive catastrophizing, pain behaviours, take-up of occupational
training and leisure-time activity, and sustained gains on measures includ
ing pain intensity, pain interference, life control, mood disturbance, physical
ftness and use of analgesics. Keel et a/. ( 1 998) found similar stress man
agement procedures to be more effective than relaxation in the treatment
of fbromyalgia.
Nicholas et a/. ( 1 992) reported a study of the effectiveness of cognitive
treatment with and without relaxation training, and behavioural treat
ment with and without relaxation training in patients with chronic l ower
back pain. All conditions, including a standard treatment control, also
received physiotherapy and a back pain education programme. Partici
pants in the combined interventions improved signifcantly more than those
in the standard treatment conditions on measures of pain intensity , self
rated functional impairment and pain-related dysfunctional cognitions.
However, progressive relaxation training did not add to the benefts of
either the cognitive or behavioural treatments. Work by Rokicki et a/.
( 1 997) offers one explanation of these fndings. They found that the
therapeutic gains subsequent to relaxation training were primarily as a
result of cognitive changes, not a direct effect of changes in muscle tension.
These apparently different therapeutic approaches may work, at least in
part, through a common pathway. Certainly, the centrality of relaxation
as an intervention with chronic pain can be questioned.
Stress management programmes have generally proven effective as a
means of reducing distress in individuals with HIV or AIDS. Fawzy et a/.

I mprovi ng qual ity of l ife 1 93
( 1 989) , for example, assigned men with a diagnosis of AIDS into either a
stress management programme or a ' usual care' group. Afer the ten-week
programme, men in the active intervention reported greater reductions
in anxiety and depression than those in the control group. Lutgendorf
et al. ( 1 997) also found signifcant benefts following a ten-week stress
management programme relative to a no intervention condition. The
programme was designed to increase participants' ability to cope with
the distress of symptomatic HIV and their use of social support. By the
end of the programme, participants reported greater use of cognitive
coping strategies such as positive reframing and social support in com
parison to those in the control condition. Both these factors were associ
ated with improvements on measures of anxiety and depression.
Coronary Hear Di sease
A number of studies have evaluated the effects of relaxation or stress
management in reducing distress in cardiac patients, with some success
in terms of changes of anxiety, depression and other measures of quality
of life. However, not all programmes have proven effective. Collins and
Rice ( 1 997) failed to fnd any beneft of relaxation in an unselected
group of individuals without evident anxiety at the beginning of the
treatment programme. However, where care has been taken to ensure
that all participants had the potential to gain from such an intervention
the outcome has been more positive. Oldridge et al. ( 1 995) , for example,
randomly assigned patients with mild to moderate anxiety or depression
scores to either a usual care condition or an eight-week stress manage
ment programme. Even in this selected population, only those participants
whose anxiety scores were above the mean evidenced signifcant reduc
tions in anxiety.
As well as targeting day-to-day stress, programmes using stress man
agement procedures to reduce the frequency of episodes of angina have
focused on the use of these procedures at the time of an angina episode,
in an attempt to reduce the sympathetic drive contributing to coronary
vasospasm. One of the frst studies to explore the effectiveness of this
approach was reported by Bundy et al. ( 1 994) . They assigned patients
with stable angina to either a stress management programme or routine
care. Participants in the stress management programme reported reduc
tions in the frequency of angina symptoms, were less reliant on medica
tion and had improved exercise tolerance relative to those receiving
routine care. A much larger study, involving hundreds of participants,
was reported by Gallacher et al. ( 1 997) . They compared a less intensive
intervention, involving three group meetings and a distance-learning stress
management programme, with a no-treatment control condition. At six
month follow-up they found a signifcant reduction in stress-, but not
exercise-related, angina.

1 94 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
Copi ng efctiveness trai ni ng
Based on cognitive behavioural principles, coping effectiveness training
( CET) teaches participants to match their coping efforts to the charac
teristics of the stressor they have to cope with ( see Chapter 8 ) . Its strong
theoretical basis and use of reliable strategies, albeit in a novel manner,
suggest that it may prove a highly effective intervention. However, sup
portive data are limited.
Perhaps the earliest intervention to use the title CET was reported by
Chesney and Folkman ( 1 994) in a study of forty HIV positive men who
were randomly allocated into either a coping effectiveness training pro
gramme or a waiting list control. Those in the active intervention gained
signifcantly on measures of depression and morale at six-week follow
up. Gains were primarily attributable to reductions in self-blame coping
and a shift towards the use of more active coping strategies including
planful problem solving and positive reappraisal. The intervention they
developed drew upon the work of Teich and Teich ( 1 986) who had
earlier reported a larger study, with cancer patients randomly allocated
to one of three conditions: group coping skills, support group therapy,
and no treatment. Participants in the coping intervention evidenced greater
gains on measures of anxiety, depression, anger, vigour and fatigue
immediately following the intervention than those in the support group.
In addition, they reported more confdence in their ability to cope with
medical procedures, communicate with physicians, and engage in social
and leisure activities. Unfortunately, high attrition rates, including the
death of several participants, precluded longer-term assessment of the
treatment effects.
Contrary to the theoretical rationale of the intervention, King and
Kennedy ( 1 999) reported signifcant gains in mood following CET in a
group of patients with spinal inj uries in the absence of any changes in
their use of coping strategies. The authors considered the possibility that
their method of measuring coping was not suffciently sensitive to capture
changes in the use of coping strategies. However, they concluded that
changes in mood may have been consequent to changes in participants'
appraisals of their disability and their perceived ability to cope with it.
Problem-solvi ng counsel l i ng
Several studies have shown counselling to be an effective intervention for
people with different illnesses. Problem-solving counselling techniques
may be implicit in many of the interventions so far discussed and in the
client-centred approach increasingly being adopted within medical con
sultations ( see Chapter 8 ) . However, some studies have been more explicit
in the use and evaluation of problem-solving counselling. De Vellis et al.

I mprovi ng qual ity of l i fe 1 95
( 1 98 8 ) examined the effect of a preliminary psychosocial interview that
assessed participants' arthritis-imposed lifestyle problems and identifed
the potential resources that might be mobilized to cope with them. In
addition, half those attending took part in a supplementary one hour
long problem-solving intervention based on the principles of Egan' s coun
selling process : problem identifcation, identifcation of potential strategies
of problem resolution and selection of ' best' solutions, followed by a two
week follow-up meeting to assess the need for any further intervention.
All participants reported signifcant reductions in symptom severity,
including measures of stiffness, fatigue, swelling and pain, and impairment
in physical activities. However, there was no between-group difference
on any measure used in the study. It is possible that counselling is not
effective in this context or that it added little to the initial interview
which began the counselling process.
More positive results were reported by Maisiak et al. ( 1 996) . They
compared telephone counselling with telephone symptom monitoring
and usual care, over a nine-month trial period in a large group of patients
with both osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis. In comparison with usual care,
participants in the counselling, but not the symptom monitoring group,
evidenced signifcant gains on a wide-ranging measure of quality of life.
The number of medical visits by patients with osteoarthritis i n the coun
selling group was also signifcantly reduced in comparison with baseline
Operant approaches
Few randomized controlled trials have evaluated the impact of operant
approaches on the control of symptoms, and most of these have focused
on the control of pain. However, what data there are suggest that this
may form a useful intervention. In the 1970s, several single case studies
( see, for example, Fordyce 1 992) showed that differential reinforcement
of non-pain- and pain-related behaviours resulted in signifcant clinical
gains and reductions in the use of pain medication. Larger-scale studies
have since complemented these fndings. In one such study, Lindstrom
et al. ( 1 992) compared the effectiveness of an operant approach against
a usual care treatment condition in aiding blue-collar workers to return
to work following a diagnosis of lower back pain. Participants in the
operant condition took part in a programme of gradually increasing
exercise, with appropriate rewards for achieving behavioural targets.
They returned to work signifcantly earlier than did the patients in the
control group.
A number of studies have compared the effcacy of operant and stress
management procedures in the treatment of chronic pain. Nicholas et al.
( 1 991 ) found that both treatments reduced reports of pain, but that

1 96 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
operant procedures had greater immediate effects on medication use and
signifcant others' ratings of functional impairment. The same trend was
found by Turner and Jensen ( 1 993) , but by six and twelve months follow
up participants in the stress management intervention had continued to
gain and neither group differed at these times . Evidence that the two
approaches used together may combine to be a more effective treatment
was provided by Vlaeyen et al. ( 1 995) . They allocated patients with
lower back pain into either an operant condition, one in which they
received cognitive therapy to reduce catastrophizing cognitions, and a
combined intervention involving an operant approach combined with
either relaxation or cognitive therapy. Follow-up assessment occurred at
six months and one year after termination of treatment and revealed
signifcant improvements on measures of pain and health behaviours,
pain cognitions and affective distress in all conditions. However, partici
pants in the combined interventions fared better than those in the single
intervention conditions.
Operant procedures have also been incorporated into multi-component
treatment programmes for other disorders. Latimer ( 1 979) , for example,
identifed three inter-related sets of symptoms that occurred in patients
with the irritable bowel syndrome: bowel symptoms, pain as a conse
quence of muscular spasm associated with these symptoms, and illness
related behaviours such as complaints or expressions of pain. The latter,
he argued, were shaped by reinforcement over the course of the illness.
He suggested that as well as more general stress management procedures,
any treatment programme should al so include procedures to change this
reinforcement process. Bennett and Wilkinson ( 1 985) attempted j ust such
a procedure. However, most of the families of the participants in their
study were no longer rewarding such behaviours ( some were heartily
sick of them) and the reinforcement process did not form an important
contributor to the success of the intervention. Nevertheless, operant
procedures form an important potential intervention in the treatment of
problems associated with any chronic illness.
Sel f- management
Self-management procedures encompass a variety of strategies and
methods. Central to this approach is education, training and rehearsal
in methods of control over behaviour and the disease process ( see
Chapter 8 ) . While many programmes would not give themselves the title
of ' self-management' they embody these principles and are included in
this section. This defnition of self-management encompasses some pro
grammes described as educational, but excludes those based solely on the
provision of information.

I mprovi ng qual ity of l ife 1 97
One of the frst research groups to apply self-management principles
to health care was led by a research team at Stanford University, USA.
They initially ran groups focusing on the management of single condi
tions, of which one of the frst was for individuals with arthritis ( Lorig
and Holman 1993) . The Arthritis Self-management Program was a six
week programme incorporating education about arthritis, modelling
and problem solving related to techniques of disease control including
mobility exercises and cognitive reinterpretation of symptoms. Although
the study had no control group, there was some evidence of the pro
gramme' s effcacy, as 20 months after attending the programme particip
ants reported a decreased number of visits to the physician, reductions in
pain and a modest reduction in disability. Three years later, in a sum
mary of the relevant literature, SuperioCabuslay et al. ( 1 996) reported
that compared with drug treatment alone, self-management interventions
provided additional benefts of 20-30 per cent on measures of pain relief
in both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, 40 per cent in functional
ability in rheumatoid arthritis, and 60-80 per cent in the reduction of
tender j oint counts in rheumatoid arthritis: impressive benefits in a popu
lation with a chronic progressive disorder.
Chroni c condi ti ons
Following their work with specifc conditions, the Stanford group explored
the impact of a generic intervention aimed at people with a variety of
chronic conditions. Lorig et al. ( 1 999) reported the outcome of nearly
one thousand patients attending a self-management programme with a
variety of diagnoses, including CHD, lung disease, stroke and arthritis .
Participants were randomly allocated t o either a generic six-month
programme or a waiting list control. When compared with those in
the control group, participants in the active intervention demonstrated
improvements on measures including exercise, cognitive symptom man
agement, communication with physicians, self-reported health, fatigue,
disability, and social or role limitations. They also had fewer hospital
izations and days in the hospital. No differences were found on measures
of pain or physical discomfort, shortness of breath or psychological well
being. Nevertheless, these data suggest that self-management groups may
prove an effective intervention, at least in the short term, with patients
who have any one of a number of conditions.
Self-management procedures have proved equally effective in helping
both adults and children control the symptoms of asthma. Perez et al.

1 98 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
( 1 999) , for example, evaluated the effects of a self-management educa
tional programme on children aged between 7 and 14 years and their
parents. The children were given information on the nature of asthma
and its treatment, and given practice in the appropriate use of inhalers
and cognitive behavioural strategies to help them to cope with panicky
thoughts. Their parents received two talks and an information brochure.
By the end of the programme, both children and parents in the intervention
group showed signifcant gains on measures of asthma knowledge, while
the children evidenced improvements in their use of self-management
strategies and on an index of asthma morbidity: changes not found in
a usual-care control group. Younger children benefted most from the
programme, possibly because they had previously developed fewer cop
ing strategies than the older children had.
In a study evaluating the efectiveness of different treatment components,
Vazquez and Buceta ( 1 993) compared a self-management programme with
the same programme combined with relaxation and a usual treatment
control group. Overall, participants in the self-management condition
evidenced the most reductions in their subj ective assessments of attack
intensity. However, those in the combined intervention whose asthma
was triggered predominantly by emotional stimuli showed signifcant
decreases in attack duration and improvements in peak expiratory flow
rate in comparison with similar patients in both other groups.
One of the most complicated conditions to manage is that of being
HIV positive. Not surprisingly, self-management programmes have been
developed to help such individuals to cope with the complex demands of
their condition. Giford et a!. ( 1 998) , for example, randomly assigned men
with symptomatic HIV infection or AIDS to either a seven-session self
management group or a usual-care control group. The self-management
groups used interactive methods to provide relevant information and
a number of disease self-management skills, including symptom assess
ment and management, medication use, physical exercise and relaxation
skills . They also taught them communication skills in order to help their
communication with their doctors. Following the intervention, the number
of signifcantly troubling symptoms reported by those in the intervention
group fell, whilst it increased in the control group. Similarly, perceived
effcacy in coping with symptoms was maintained in the intervention
condition, but fell in the control group.
Di abetes
Control of insulin-dependent diabetes requires a complex self-management
regimen. Diabetics have to monitor and vary both the amount of car-

I mprovi ng qual ity of l i fe 1 99
bohydrate consumed and the insulin used in inj ections according to blood
glucose levels measured prior to each insulin dose. Each of these variables
will vary according to the metabolic demand placed on the individual as
a function of factors including levels of exercise and stress. Accordingly,
diabetics have to make frequent complex dosage decisions. Failure to make
the correct decisions may result in hypo- or hyperglycaemic episodes in
the short term and increased health-damaging effects in the long term.
In order to facilitate diabetic control, many treatment centres focus on
teaching appropriate self-management skills.
In an evaluation of such a programme, Langewitz et a/. ( 1 997) exam
ined the effectiveness of what they termed intensifed functional insulin
therapy. This incorporated both an educational component in which
patients learned through direct experience how they reacted to factors
( such as exercise or diet) that impacted on their blood glucose levels;
and a problem-solving component in which they developed specifc strat
egies to cope with these situations. In comparison to baseline measures,
participants evidenced signifcant improvements in blood glucose levels
and the number of hypoglycaemic episodes in the following year. In
addition, they reported more moments free of disease-specifc strain.
Despite the gains made by such programmes, a cautionary note about
their implementation within a primary care setting was provided by
Pill et a/. ( 1 998 ) . They found diabetic patients initially benefted from a
self-management programme conducted with their general practitioners.
However, although the clinicians involved in the study were highly
enthusiastic at the beginning of the study, by two years into its imple
mentation only 19 per cent were applying the method systematically and
at this time the intervention was not able to demonstrate signifcant
biochemical or functional improvements.
I nnovative methods of sel f-management
Teaching self-management techniques does not necessarily depend on
contact between those providing and receiving the intervention. Glasgow
et a/. ( 1 996) provided diabetics with a touchscreen computer-assisted
assessment designed to provide immediate feedback on key barriers to
dietary self-management, and to enhance goal setting and the use of
problem-solving strategies. Follow-up components to the single-session
intervention included telephone calls and interactive video or videotape
instruction as needed. This intervention produced greater improvements
than usual care on a number of measures of dietary choice at follow-up.
A fun example of the use of information technology was reported by
Brown et a/. ( 1 997) . They examined the impact of an interactive video
game designed to improve self-care among children and adolescents with
diabetes. Participants were randomly allocated to an educational group
or a control group. In the game, players take the role of animated

200 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
characters who managed their diabetes by monitoring blood glucose,
taking insulin inj ections and choosing foods, while setting out to save
a diabetes summer camp from marauding rats and mice. Those who
played the game evidenced improvements relative to the control group
on measures of diabetes-related self-effcacy, communication with parents
about diabetes, and self-care behaviours. They also made fewer unsched
uled visits to the doctor.
Emoti onal expressi on
At a time of emotional distress, interventions that focus on providing
emotional support are likely to be of beneft: indeed, this is the key element
of the emotional care discussed in Chapter 8. Few controlled studies
have evaluated the outcome of this approach in patients with physical
health problems. However, those studies that have been conducted testif
to its value.
The simplest method of examining the ef
ects of emotional disclosure
is to use the protocol developed by Pennebaker and Seagal ( 1 999) . In
this, participants write or talk in an unstructured way about the stresses
or upsets they have experienced, typically for 20-30 minutes a day over
three or four consecutive days. Kelley et al. ( 1 997) examined the effects
of such a protocol in patients with rheumatoid arthritis . Participants
were randomly assigned to talk privately either about stressful events or
about trivial topics for four consecutive days. Disclosure resulted in an
immediate increase in negative mood. Two weeks later, the groups did
not differ on any health measure. However, by three-month follow-up
patients in the emotional disclosure condition reported less afective dis
turbance and better physical functioning in daily activities than those in
the ' trivia' condition. These fndings mirror those of other studies where
the gains of emotional disclosure are typically in the medium to long
term, not immediately following the intervention.
Other studies have reported on more complex methods of facilitat
ing emotional expression. Forester et al. ( 1 993) , for example, randomly
assigned patients receiving radiotherapy either to group psychotherapy
or to a standard treatment control group. The supportive psychotherapy
groups comprised ten weekly sessions, each lasting 90 minutes. By four
weeks afer the end of radiotherapy, the patients who received group
psychotherapy reported less emotional distress and somatic preoccupa
tion and fewer physical symptoms then those in the control group.
In another study of patients with cancer, Capone ( 1 982) randomly
allocated women newly diagnosed with some form of gynaecological
cancer to a structured counselling condition or usual treatment. The
intervention provided information on surgery and treatment, promoted
the expression of participants' feelings related to diagnosis, and attempted

I mprovi ng qual ity of l ife 20 1
to enhance self-esteem, femininity and interpersonal relationships. It also
provided information on methods to reduce sexual anxiety when resum
ing intercourse for those to whom this was relevant. In comparison with
those in the no-treatment condition, women who received this inter
vention had fewer diffculties in social relationships and in returning
to work or housework following surgery, fewer episodes of depression
(3 versus 19 per cent at second follow-up) , less strain on their marital
relationship as a consequence of illness, and fewer sexual diffculties.
Group social support and emotional expression have also been found to
benefit cancer patients in the longer term ( see, for example, Spiegel et al.
1 98 1 ) . These fndings are discussed in the next chapter.
Summary and concl usi ons
Further readi ng
A number of therapeutic approaches have proven effective in helping
people both to cope emotionally and to engage in behaviours to control
the symptoms of their condition. Information may be of beneft to some
individuals in some situations, but may not be appropriate for all. Self
management approaches incorporate many behavioural or cognitive
behavioural strategies. Their effectiveness is now widely acknowledged,
although in some cases their benefts may only last as long as attendance
at a programme continues. Similarly, stress management procedures have
been shown to be effective in helping people to cope with the emotional
sequelae of illness. The dominance of these approaches should not hide
the potential benefts associated with the less frequently used approaches,
including operant approaches, emotional expression and CET, all of
which may contribute signifcantly to patient well-being.
Caric, P. M. ( ed. ) ( 1 998) Clinical Handbook of Health Psychology: A Practical
Guide to Effective Interventions. Berlin: Hogrefe & Huber.

Risk behaviou r change
As evi dence has accumul ated that a number of di sease processes are
medi ated by behavi our, so psychol ogi sts and others have begun to i dentif
strategi es to faci l itate risk behavi our change - and hence reduce risk for
di sease or di sease progressi on. The di sease most strongl y associ ated with
behavi our over the past decade or more has been coronary heart di sease
(CHD). I ndeed, the maj ori ty of pri mary preventi on programmes, attempti ng
to del ay or prevent the i nitial onset of di sease, have been ai med at changi ng
ri sk factors for CHD. With the onset of AI DS, the agenda of pri mary
preventi on has changed consi derabl y and signi fi cant eforts are now bei ng
gi ven to reduce the preval ence of ri sky sexual behavi ours. A further
recent devel opment has been advances i n the i dentificati on of geneti c
markers of ri sk for future di sease, whi ch has rai sed a number of
psychol ogi cal and ethi cal as wel l as medi cal i ssues.
The agenda of secondary preventi on, whi ch attempts to sl ow the
progressi on of di sease has agai n focused pri mari ly on CHD, al though
encouragi ng data on the efects of psychol ogi cal treatments on
i mmunol ogi cal l y medi ated di seases such as cancer and AI DS are al so
The ai m of thi s chapter i s to revi ew the evi dence of the efecti veness of
a number of therapeuti c approaches used both i n pri mary and secondary
care setti ngs and to draw some concl usi ons about thei r rel ati ve
efectiveness. For thi s reason, as i n the previ ous chapter, i t i s l ed by
i nterventi on rather than di sease type. Such a revi ew cannot hope to
be al l -encompassi ng, and studi es sel ected are those that provi de some
measure of the efectiveness of speci fi c tpes of i nterventi on. Those
that combi ne several therapeuti c approaches, and where the rel ative
efecti veness of each i nterventi on is u ncl ear, are general l y not reported
unl ess they are parti cul arl y i mportant.
The chapter consi ders the fol l owi ng i nterventi on approaches:
+ Screeni ng programmes
+ Educati onal programmes
+ Sel f-hel p approaches

Ri sk behavi our change
+ Behavi oural programmes
+ Rel axati on and stress management
+ Motivati onal i ntervi ewi ng
+ Soci al support
+ Operant conditi oni ng
+ Counsel l i ng
Screeni ng programmes
The past decade has been associated with a substantial shift of resources
towards the prevention of disease in many western countries. One mani
festation of this movement has been the establishment of programmes
screening for risk of disease. Some programmes, such as cervical screening,
may lead to medical intervention should risk factors be identifed. Others
may require individual behaviour change to reduce risk for disease. Still
others, including genetic screening programmes, may require individuals
to make decisions potentially affecting future generations' health. Whilst
the impact of screening on any one individual' s health is likely to be
modest, the numbers of people involved mean that such programmes
may result in substantial changes in population rates of disease.
Screeni ng and advice
Coronar rsk
A number of community health promotion programmes have utilized
screening programmes as part of a wider set of preventive strategies ( see
Chapter 7). However, the largest evaluation of their efectiveness as a single
intervention is provided by the OXCHECK study ( OXCHECK Study
Group 1 994) . This study followed a population of over fve thousand
adults who were offered either a screening health check or formed a no
intervention control condition. The health check involved an assessment
of participants' risk for CHD and advice on any necessary behavioural
changes. Those who took part in this procedure had lower blood pres
sure and serum cholesterol levels between two and three years following
the intervention than those who did not. However, the between-condition
differences in cholesterol levels were signifcant for women but not for
men, and no differences on measures of smoking or body mass index were
found. Assessment of risk factor change closer to the time of screening
was not conducted.

204 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
Evidence of shorter-term gains was reported by Redman et al. ( 1 995) .
They measured the effectiveness of a single session i n which participants
received feedback of their cholesterol level combined with either brief
written material or a brief educative phase and more extensive written
information. At four-month follow-up, serum cholesterol levels had fallen
signifcantly in both groups: in the feedback condition by 0. 5 mmol/litre
and by 0. 84 mmol/litre in the more extensive intervention group. A similar
pattern of results was found by Russell et al. ( 1 979) in a study compar
ing the effectiveness of family doctor' s advice to stop smoking with the
same advice combined with an additional leafet describing methods of
cessation. At one-year follow-up, 3 per cent of those in the advice-only
condition and 5 per cent of those in the advice-plus-leaflet condition were
abstinent. These rates compared with a 0. 3 per cent abstinence rate in a
no-treatment control condition.
A number of more recent studies have failed to fnd any changes in
smoking levels following similar procedures. Slama et al. ( 1990) , for
example, randomly assigned family doctors' patients to one of three
conditions: ' simple advice' , a structured behavioural change programme,
and a control group. Participants in the simple advice group received
a brief statement of advice from their family doctor accompanied by
three pamphlets. Those in the structured intervention group were given
information on behavioural and cognitive strategies to facilitate quitting.
Validated smoking levels did not differ across conditions. These fndings
may refect changes in the population of smokers now targeted by such
programmes. In the early 1970s a much higher percentage of the popu
lation smoked cigarettes than in the late 1 980s and messages about the
health costs of smoking were fairly novel . In the decade between these
studies, many smokers stopped smoking and, of those who continue
to smoke, a maj ority has tried to stop smoking - perhaps on many
occasions. This population may be much more diffcult to infuence than
the target population of ten years previously.
Screeni ng and counsel l i ng
Coronar rsk
Screening interventions followed by some form of counselling may be
more effective than screening alone. In a test of this hypothesis, Rose
et al. ( 1 980) compared the effectiveness of screening alone or in com
bination with three additional sessions as part of a smoking cessation
programme. At fve-year follow-up, 7 per cent of participants in the
extended programme had quit smoking: none of those who received the
single interview was abstinent. The corresponding fgures for men found
to be at high risk of CHD were 12 and 0 per cent, respectively. Similar
gains following extended interventions have been reported for other CHD
related behaviours, including exercise and dietary cholesterol.

Ri sk behavi our change 205
Perhaps the largest study of the effects of a screening and counselling
programme was conducted in the UK. The Family Heart Study Group
( 1 994) evaluated the impact of a screening procedure similar to that of
the OXCHECK group combined with further counselling at between
two- and six-monthly intervals over the following year. By the end of the
follow-up period, and in comparison with a control group, participants'
levels of cigarette smoking were lower by 4 per cent, average blood
pressures by 5 mmHg, weight by 1 kilogram and serum cholesterol by a
clinically insignifcant 0. 1 mmol!litre. These diff
rences were greater than
those reported by the OXCHECK group, albeit measured closer to the
time of screening.
Genetic screening
Recent medical advances have led to the establishment of screening pro
grammes for genes carrying risk of future health problems. Some, such
as the genes for Huntingdon' s chorea, may aff
ct future generations.
Others, including those for breast or bowel cancer, have more direct
implications for health. One strand of the relevant work has focused
on changes in knowledge following screening. Evans et al. ( 1 994) , for
example, followed over fve hundred women who received information
on their risk of breast cancer. Before being given the information, 16 per
cent of the women screened understood the population lifetime risk of
breast cancer. This fgure rose to 33 per cent following screening. Accurate
assessment of personal risk rose from 1 1 to 41 per cent. Participants
were signifcantly more likely to retain information if they were sent a
post-clinic letter or if they initially overestimated their personal risk. In a
similar population, Watson et al. ( 1 999) found that information provision
resulted in a modest shift in the accuracy of perceived lifetime risk, but
77 per cent of women continued to overestimate their risk of breast cancer.
In a possible foretaste of future preventive interventions, Audrain
et al. ( 1 997) used knowledge of risk for disease as a strategy to motivate
risk behaviour change. They randomized smokers to one of two smok
ing cessation interventions: counselling, or counselling combined with
biomarker feedback about genetic susceptibility to lung cancer. Particip
ants in the latter group were more than twice as likely to make a quit
attempt than those in the counselling group. However, 30-day cessation
and follow-up smoking rates revealed no between-intervention differences.
Fortunately, an initial increase in depression scores among those given
genetic susceptibility feedback was not maintained over time.
Psychol ogical i mpact of screeni ng
Screening is not a neutral process. It has the potential to beneft indi
viduals; it also carries the risk of psychological harm. Some individuals

206 Cl i ni cal i nterenti ons
told that they had high blood pressure following a screening programme,
for example, were more anxious about their health and had tice as many
days off in the year following screening than in the previous year. Even
where no health problem is found, people may respond to the process
of screening with some anxiety. Stoate ( 1 989) , for example, reported
that levels of anxiety rose amongst a signifcant number of participants
following screening for high cholesterol in a general practitioner' s clinic,
even when they were told that they carried no risk for CHD. It seems
that the implicit message of screening, that we may carry risk for disease,
is enough to raise health anxieties in vulnerable individuals. Such fndings
suggest that the use of genetic information to motivate behavioural change
( see Audrain et al. above) should not be conducted without considerable
ethical debate.
Not surprisingly, false positives also carry high levels of psychological
morbidity. Three months after mammography screening, Lerman et al.
( 1 997) found that 41 per cent of women with a benign lesion continued
to worry about breast cancer, whilst 25 per cent reported more widespread
emotional problems. Screening may also prove ineffective in reducing
pre-existing anxieties. Watson et al. ( 1 999) found high levels of cancer
specifc distress amongst women at risk for breast cancer prior to genetic
screening: 28 per cent of participants reported that they worried about
breast cancer ' frequently or constantly' and 1 8 per cent stated that worry
about breast cancer was 'a severe or defnite problem' . Levels of cancer
specifc distress were unchanged following counselling.
Educati onal programmes
Educati on al one
The maj ority of educational programmes have been established in sec
ondary prevention settings, particularly with patients who have had an
MI or some form of surgery to increase blood flow to the heart muscl e.
The ai m of such interventions is to reduce ri sk of the disease progression
as a consequence of low levels of exercise, smoking or high fat diets.
Coronar Hear Disease
The maj ority of cardiac rehabilitation education programmes incorporate
provision of information about cardiac disease, its treatment and the
need to change behaviour to reduce risk of disease. They are frequently
accompanied by a structured programme of gradually increasing exercise.
There is little evidence that this short-term exercise component has any
impact on risk of reinfarction: only long-term programmes lasting years
do so. However, the psychological benefts can include improvements in
mood and effcacy beliefs .

Ri sk behavi our change 207
Short-term behavioural change is not guaranteed. Wrisley and Rubenfre
( 1988) , for example, reported that patients found to have high cholesterol
levels following an MI were no more likely to reduce their fat intake
after participation in an educational programme than if they did not
attend the programme. Other studies have found that didactic educational
programmes focusing on smoking cessation, dietary management and
regular physical activity added to exercise programmes result in few
behavioural changes over and above those resulting from participation
in the exercise programme alone.
Educati onal programmes versus others
Coronar heart disease
A number of studies have compared the effectiveness of educational
programmes and behavioural programmes in which participants are
taught and practise new skills and behaviour. In one study, Gomel et al.
( 1993 ) allocated 400 factory workers identifed as having at least one
risk factor for CHD into one of three conditions: no-treatment control,
risk factor education or behavioural counselling. Participants in the risk
factor education group were provided with standard advice on the life
style changes required to reduce risk for heart disease, an educational
resource manual and videotapes containing information on how to modif
risk factors for heart disease. Behavioural counselling involved partici
pants in up to six lifestyle counselling sessions based on the stages of
change model. In the preparation stage, reasons for and against change
were identifed. Participants also monitored behaviours contributing to
their risk for CHD, identifed high-risk situations and developed coping
strategies for dealing with them. In the action stage, short- and long
term goals for risk factor change were determined and strategies for
achieving them considered. Finally, strategies for maintaining behavioural
change and avoiding relapse were discussed. As in the education group,
participants were provided with a resource manual. Overall, gains in the
behavioural group were signifcantly greater than those in the education
group on measures of cigarette smoking, blood pressure, body mass
index and percentage of body fat throughout the follow-up period. By
one-year follow-up, the smoking cessation rate was 7 per cent in the
behavioural group, while none of the participants in the education group
had given up smoking.
Behavioural programmes have also proven more effective than educa
tional programmes in patients who already have CHD. Oldenburg et al.
( 1 989) compared the effectiveness of a behavioural and educational
cardiac rehabilitation programme in a large group of post-MI patients.
Participants in the education condition received a didactic programme
focusing on behavioural risk factor change as well as medical informa
tion. The behavioural programme incorporated group work in which

208 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
participants considered how they would incorporate any changes into
their own lives, and rehearsed any behavioural plans. Both interventions
were compared with a group that received a standard medical interven
tion, involving outpatient appointments with their physician. There was
a clear beneft from attending the behavioural programme, with particip
ants in this group improving more on a variety of measures of mood
and risk behaviour up to eight months after the end of the programme.
Sel f-hel p approaches
Perhaps the simplest method of facilitating behavioural change is through
the provision of self-help materials. Such materials can provide substan
tial information and, in some cases, a structured approach to achieving
behavioural change. Self-help approaches can prove efective in well motiv
ated populations. In a review of formally evaluated self-help smoking
cessation programmes, for example, Klesges et a!. ( 1989) reported average
initial cessation rates of 3 1 per cent and that 26 per cent of participants
maintained their cessation in the longer term. These statistics compare
well with the outcomes of more formal interventions.
The most ambitious programme using self-help materials was reported
by Fries et a!. ( 1 992) . They followed a cohort of over 1 00, 000 individuals
enrolled in a health programme provided by their insurance company.
Participants were asked to complete a simple health status questionnaire.
They were then sent individual programmes, based on their responses to
these questionnaires, that identifed future health goals and how these
could be achieved. Reassessments made six months later indicated sig
nifcant reductions in risk for CHD among participants relative to changes
in the general population. However, the potentially coercive nature of a
health programme provided by the participants' own insurance company,
and the potential bias in participants' responses to questionnaires and
behaviour preceding any biochemical assays, suggests that these results
should be considered with caution.
In an attempt to promote behavioural change in cardiac patients, Heller
et al. ( 1 993 ) sent MI patients an education package focusing on diet,
exercise and smoking. Over the subsequent four months, participants
were sent monthly newsletters containing further information and con
tacted twice by telephone. By the end of the programme, 450 patients
had participated in either the intervention or the control group. The only
difference between the groups at this time was on a measure of dietary
fat, which was signifcantly lower in the intervention group. The groups
did not differ on measures of frequency of regular exercise, smoking status
or cholesterol levels.
The impact of another distance-learning package was reported by Lewin
et a!. ( 1 992) . They compared the effectiveness of a comprehensive home-

Ri sk behavi our change 209
based programme known as the Heart Manual with a placebo package
of information and informal counselling. The Heart Manual provided
a structured rehabilitation package, focusing on the progressive change
of risk behaviours and teaching stress-reduction techniques. Participants
were contacted by telephone on three occasions over the six-week period
in which the manual was to be used in order to encourage adherence to
the programme. Over the following year, participants in the active inter
vention evidenced better psychological adj ustment and had less contact
with their family doctors and fewer hospital readmissions than those
in the control group. No data have been reported on any behavioural
changes, which were the main target of the intervention. Nevertheless,
the appeal of such a cost-effective intervention has led to the Manual
being adopted by many rehabilitation programmes throughout the UK.
Self-help versus other approaches
A number of studies have reported comparisons between self-help and
other therapeutic approaches. Cinciprini et al. ( 1 994) , for example, com
pared a self-help smoking cessation programme with a structured group
intervention. The structured programme included baseline monitoring
of smoking levels followed by a structured reduction in the number of
cigarettes smoked and a specifc quit date. Cognitive behavioural inter
ventions and relapse prevention training involved behavioural rehearsal
of non-smoking skills in a relapse prone environment. Participants in the
self-help condition were given the American Cancer Society ' I Quit Kit' ,
that covered similar issues to the cognitive behavioural phase of the
active intervention. By 6-month follow-up, 53 per cent of the ' live' smok
ing group were abstinent and 41 per cent were abstinent at 12-month
follow-up. Only 6 per cent of the self-help group quit and remained
abstinent. Less clear-cut differences were found by Decker and Evans
( 1 989) , who compared a ' by mail' smoking cessation course with a series
of fve weekly meetings combined with a telephone hotline. One-year
abstinence rates in each intervention were 37 and 41 per cent respectively.
No between-group differences in cessation rates were found by Owen
et al. ( 1 989) in a comparison of a sophisticated smoking cessation cor
respondence course and a control intervention comprising brief informa
tion on smoking cessation.
Behavi oural programmes
A number of studies have incorporated behavioural or cognitive beha
vioural principles into a programme of behavioural change. The most
frequent strategies used by such groups involve teaching and rehearsal

2 1 0 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
of new skills and consideration of plans of how these may be acted upon
in real life. Such interventions strongly resemble the self-management
interventions discussed in Chapter 8. This section reviews some of
these studies, focusing on programmes aimed at reducing risk of CHD or
disease progression and HIV infection. The frst part of this section
focuses on studies that have examined changes in physiological processes
or disease endpoints. It then considers the effect of different interventions
on risk behaviours.
Antihypertensive medication has proven effective in the treatment of
high blood pressure. However, side-effects are prevalent and a number
of studies have found minimal reductions in CHD-related morbidity
amongst those whose blood pressure is only mildly raised. Accordingly,
a number of non-pharmacological approaches have been used to reduce
blood pressure, particularly among such individuals. Some interventions
have focused on behavioural strategies, and one such by Stamler et al.
( 1 989) allocated overweight hypertension-prone individuals to either a
monitoring condition or one in which they were directed to eat a low fat
diet, reduce their alcohol intake to two drinks per day, and increase their
exercise to three periods of 30 minutes per week. Although only a minority
of participants achieved all the dietary and behavioural goals set during
the fve years of the trial, the incidence of hypertension was more than
twice as high in a monitoring condition than in the intervention group
( 1 9. 2 versus 8 . 8 per cent ) .
I n a study of the effectiveness of a combined pharmacological and
behavioural intervention, Elmer et al. ( 1 995) allocated mildly hypertens
ive persons to one of fve pharmacological or placebo interventions in
combination with an intervention involving both individual and group
counselling sessions. These focused on modifying diet and alcohol intake
and increasing levels of exercise. The intervention adopted an approach
based on social learning principles. Participants were, for example, taught
to recognize and modify cues that led to overeating, modif their attitudes
towards eating, and worked with their spouses to foster social and marital
support for any changes made. At one-year follow-up, all the intervention
groups evidenced signifcant behavioural change. Seventy per cent remained
below baseline weight, alcohol intake was reduced by 1 . 6 drinks per week
and reported leisure physical activity increased by 86 per cent over baseline
measures. These changes were associated with clinically signifcant reduc
tions in blood pressure that were maintained up to four-year follow-up.
Coronar Heart Disease
Some of the most dramatic research fndings in the feld of coronary risk
reduction have been reported by Ornish and his colleagues . In their frst
study, Ornish et al. ( 1 983) compared the cardiovascular status of a small

Ri sk behavi our change 2 1 1
group of patients with CHD following participation in a 24-day retreat
with a matched group of patients receiving usual care. The intervention
involved eating a very low fat and cholesterol diet, the use of relaxation
based stress management techniques, and a mild aerobic exercise pro
gramme. Those in the intervention who changed their lifestyle were able
to achieve a 44 per cent increase in duration of exercise on a treadmill.
Most participants also evidenced improved cardiovascular status, a re
duction in the number of episodes of angina and a 20 per cent reduction
in low density lipoproteins: all signifcantly greater than any changes in
the comparison group.
In a subsequent study, patients with angina were assigned to a similar
programme but of a longer duration ( Ornish et al. 1 990) . It began with
a week-long retreat followed by twice weekly meetings over a period of
four years. At each meeting, participants took part in a graded exercise
programme, practised stress management techniques, had a low fat meal
and participated in a support group meeting. By the end of the frst year,
most participants had made substantial behavioural changes and these
were refected in reductions in weight and angina frequency. Stenosis of
the cardiac arteries reduced from an average of 40. 0 per cent to 37. 8 per
cent in the intervention group while rising from 42. 7 to 46. 1 per cent in
the comparison group. Despite a fall-off in adherence to the programme,
levels of atherosclerosis in the intervention group continued to regress,
albeit more slowly, over the next three years, while they continued to
progress in the comparison group.
Perhaps even more dramatic than the fndings of Ornish et al. were the
results of the Recurrent Coronary Prevention Program in Type A men
who had experienced an MI ( Friedman et al. 1 986) . Participants were
allocated to one of three groups: cardiac rehabilitation, Type A manage
ment, and a usual-care control . The rehabilitation programme involved
small group meetings over a period of four and half years in which parti
cipants received information on medication, exercise and diet, as well as
social support from the group. The Type A management group received
the same information in addition to engaging in a sustained programme
of behavioural change involving training in relaxation, cognitive tech
niques and specifc behavioural change plans. Evidence of the effectiveness
of this process was compelling. Over the four and a half years of the
intervention, those in the Type A management programme were at half
the risk of further infarction than those in the traditional rehabilitation
programme, with total infarction rates over this time of 12 and 6 per cent
in each group. Even more impressive were the rates of reinfarction among
those who changed their behaviour, regardless of group assignation,
after one year into the trial. Such individuals evidenced a reinfarction
rate of 3 per cent: the reinfarction rate among those who did not change
their behaviour was 21 per cent.
Evidence reviewed in Chapter 2 suggests that depression substantially
increases risk of infarction or reinfarction. Such a relationship suggests that

2 1 2 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
interventions that reduce depression will also reduce risk of reinfarction.
Although few studies have explored this hypothesis, the available data
suggest that this will indeed prove to be the case. Black et a!. ( 1 998) , for
example, allocated MI patients found to be experiencing signifcant dis
tress to either usual care or a psychiatric evaluation plus one to seven
sessions of behavioural therapy. Thirty-fve per cent of participants in
the active intervention were hospitalized with cardiac symptoms in the
following year, in comparison with 48 per cent of those in the usual-care
group. Some caution, however, has to be given to interpretation of such
fndings. While treatment for depression may result in changes in cardiac
processes, it is possible that these changes are more indicative of mood
related changes in the perception of symptoms and help-seeking behaviour.
Smoking cessation
One area of particular interest to those involved in smoking cessation
has been the relative effectiveness of pharmacological and behavioural
cessation methods. Two methods of smoking cessation that specifcally
address nicotine dependence - nicotine gum and nicotine patches - have
become widely used in the past decade. The gum is the less effective of
the two methods, perhaps because of its deliberately unpleasant taste
and variable nicotine absorption rates. Its effectiveness has been found
to be no better than placebo and it is best when used in combination
with psychological support of some kind ( Lichtenstein and Glasgow
1 992) . Nicotine patches that deliver nicotine transdermally and provide
more consistent levels of nicotine through the day appear to be more
effective. Nevertheless, pharmacological interventions should not be the
frst-line intervention for some groups of individuals, such as pregnant
women or those with CHD. In addition, they may not be the optimal
tool for all smokers. Some smokers may smoke predominantly out of
habit, some due to an addiction to nicotine. Accordingly, the same thera
peutic approach may not be optimal in both groups.
Evidence of the differential effectiveness of interventions matched to
the ' type' of smoker was provided by Hall et a!. ( 1 985) , who assigned
high and low nicotine-dependent smokers to either an intensive behavi
oural intervention, nicotine gum, or a combination of both approaches.
At one-year follow-up, 50 per cent of the high-dependence smokers in the
combined intervention were not smoking. This compared with abstinence
rates of 28 per cent in the nicotine gum condition and 1 1 per cent in the
cognitive behavioural intervention. In contrast, low-dependence smokers
benefted more from the behavioural intervention, which achieved one-year
abstinence rates of 47 per cent in comparison with rates of 42 and 38 per
cent in the gum and combined intervention conditions, respectively.
The question of the relative effectiveness of pharmacological and
behavioural approaches may soon be considered a ' non-issue' . Only half
the studies that report the use of nicotine patches show sustained levels

Ri sk behavi our change 2 1 3
of cessation following withdrawal of the patches. As a consequence, a
number of commentators have argued that the best long-term results are
likely to be achieved by a combination of pharmacological and behavi
oural interventions, particularly those that focus on teaching relapse
prevention skill s. Although the impact of this approach may not have
proven as effective as was frst hoped, it still appears to beneft many of
those who are taught such skills. Stevens and Hollis ( 1 989) , for example,
followed outcomes in over seven hundred adult smokers who took part
in a four-day intensive intervention. Three-quarters of the group were
able to quit and were assigned to either training in relapse training skills,
group discussion, or no further treatment. Group discussion proved no
more effective than no treatment. However, the relapse prevention pro
gramme resulted in signifcantly better long-term cessation rates: 41 versus
3 3 per cent cessation.
Sexual behaviour
A simple behavioural task proved an effective addition to a safer sex
education programme evaluated by Weisse et al. ( 1 995) . In their study, a
group of young adults took part in an AIDS prevention workshop aimed
at reducing embarrassment while purchasing condoms and encouraging
their use. Half of this group then participated in an exercise involving
the purchase of condoms at local shops. Immediately after the workshop,
all the participants evidenced greater knowledge about AIDS and more
positive attitudes towards the use of condoms than before attending.
However, only those who participated in the exercise reported less
embarrassment during the subsequent purchase of condoms.
Other studies have compared the efectiveness of behavioural and
educational programmes in reducing sexual risk behaviour. Kelley et al.
( 1 994) , for example, found a behavioural intervention involved risk edu
cation, training in condom use, practising sexual assertiveness, problem
solving and risk trigger self-management to be more effective than an
educational programme conducted with women considered to be at high
risk of HIV infection. At three-month follow-up, women in both condi
tions reported having a similar number of sexual partners. However,
women in the behavioural intervention reported that more of their part
ners used condoms, and on more occasions. Similar levels of success
following skills training have been found in ' hard to reach' groups. One
such programme involved hard drug users. In it they practised skills
relating to condom use, needle sterilization, and changing a number of
high-risk sexual and drug-related behaviours. Participants in this group
evidenced better skills in condom use and sexual communication and
reported fewer incidences of sexual risk behaviour over the following
months than those in an information-only group.
Behavioural interventions need not be time-consuming. The Talking
Sex project found a single discussion and skills training group to be as

2 1 4 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
efective as i ts four-session equivalent. Neither need they be conducted
'live' . O' Donnell et a!. ( 1 995) compared the effectiveness of a number of
video-based interventions designed to promote safer sex amongst attenders
at a sexually transmitted disease clinic. Participants were randomly alloc
ated to one of three groups: no-treatment control, video, or video plus
interactive group ' skill-building session' . The latter comprised a 20-minute
meeting in which barriers to condom use were identifed and addressed
through the provision of information, discussing condom options and
practising condom negotiation skill s. All those participating in the study
were provided with coupons redeemable for free condoms at a local
pharmacy. In comparison to the control condition, those who saw the
video were more likely to redeem condom coupons ( 21 versus 28 per cent ) .
Participation i n the interactive sessions further increased redemption rates
to 40 per cent.
Rel axati on and stress management trai ni ng
Blood pressure is, in part, mediated by changes in sympathetic activity.
High levels of sympathetic activity cause the peripheral blood vessels to
constrict and the heart to pump harder, resulting in increased blood
pressure. Chronically raised blood pressure is assumed to be, at least in
part, a consequence of stress-related surges in blood pressure countering
homeostatic attempts to lower blood pressure and incrementally increas
ing resting levels of blood pressure. Such a model suggests that reduc
tions in sympathetic activity should minimize any blood pressure surges,
reducing peak blood pressures and facilitating homeostatic attempts to
control blood pressure.
Early studies of the effects of relaxation showed it to be superior to no
or minimal treatment control conditions in reducing clinical measures of
blood pressure. Ambulatory data from Agras et a!. ( 1 983) confrmed
that such gains were generalized through the working day. Early com
parisons with other interventions generally supported the effectiveness
of relaxation, although the more the alternative intervention provided a
means to reduce stress effectively, the less apparent the difference. Irvine
et al. ( 1 986) , for example, found a placebo treatment involving mobility
and fexibility exercises proved less effective than relaxation in reducing
blood pressure up to three months following the intervention phase.
In contrast, Wadden ( 19 84) failed to fnd any difference between relax a
ti on and cognitive therapy either immediately afer intervention and at
fve-month follow-up. Cognitive and relaxation-based interventions may
combine to maximize blood pressure reductions, perhaps because both
work in different ways to reduce stress and change behaviour.

Ri sk behavi our change 2 1 5
Despite such positive fndings, a number of authors have suggested
that even the fndings of controlled studies overstate the effectiveness of
relaxation or stress management procedures in controlling blood pressure.
Their argument goes as follows. Measurement of blood pressure evokes
a mild stress response, part of which involves a small but clinically
signifcant rise in blood pressure. Repeated measurements result in a
habituation process, which may take many measurements to achieve.
Stress management procedures may speed this process of habituation,
resulting in different rates of habituation across the intervention and
control groups. Accordingly, between-group differences in blood pressure
may indicate different degrees of habituation to blood pressure measure
ment rather than meaningful differences in underlying blood pressure.
To combat this potential confound, such critics argue that any treatment
effects should be measured following an extended series of baseline meas
ures that permit habituation to occur. Where such a method i s used, the
treatment gains associated with relaxation or stress management are
attenuated, leaving Eisenberg et al. ( 1 993) to conclude that cognitive
behavioural interventions for essential hypertension are superior to no
therapy but no more effective than credible placebo interventions or to
self-monitoring alone.
Secondr preventon
Relaxation methods have also been used in an attempt to reduce the
extent of disease progression in people who have evidence of disease:
with some success. Appels et al. ( 1 997) compared the efects of a relaxa
tion and controlled breathing programme with a no-treatment control in
an attempt to reduce the risk of further medical intervention following
coronary angioplasty. The intervention resulted in a 50 per cent reduction
in risk of further intervention or a new coronary event in comparison
with that carried by participants in the no-treatment group. A similar
study compared the effect of an exercise training programme alone or in
combination with individual instruction in relaxation and breathing in a
group of post-Ml patients. The relaxation intervention induced a slower
breathing pattern that was associated with benefcial effects on measures
of resting heart rate and arrythmias.
A larger study of stress management techniques has also resulted in
signifcant clinical gains. Blumenthal et al. ( 1 997) randomly assigned
over one hundred patients with CHD to a four-month programme of
exercise or stress management training. Patients living at a distance from
the site of the intervention formed a non-random, usual-care comparison
group. Myocardial ischaemia was reassessed following treatment, and
patients were contacted annually for up to fve years in order to document
cardiac events, including death, non-fatal myocardial infarction and car
diac revascularization procedures. Those in the stress management group
were signifcantly less likely to have a cardiac event over this period,

2 1 6 Cl i ni cal i nterenti ons
showing a relative risk of 0. 26 in comparison with that of controls. The
risk of an event among patients in the exercise group was not signifc
antly lower than for those in the control group. Results such as these
challenge the orthodoxy of exercise programmes forming the interven
tion of choice in cardiac rehabilitation programmes .
Immune fnction
There is growing evidence that stress management may improve the
immunological status of patients with cancer or who are HIV positive.
Lekander et al. ( 1 997) , for example, allocated patients receiving chemo
therapy for ovarian cancer to either relaxation training or a usual-care
control condition. After two months' training, the intervention group
showed some immunological benefts, evidencing higher lymphocyte
and white blood cell counts than those in the control group: suggesting
a lower susceptibility to infection. No signifcant effects were found
on natural killer (NK) cell activity ( see Chapter 2) . Fawzy et al. ( 1 993)
compared the effectiveness of a multicomponent intervention and no
treatment in a group of patients with stage I or II malignant melanoma
who had had a tumour surgically excised. The intervention involved six
weekly group meetings in which participants received health education
and training in stress management and problem-solving skills. Participants
in the active intervention evidenced substantially higher T -cell and NK
cell counts than the controls. Six years later survival levels were signifc
antly greater in the intervention group than in the control group. Similar
fndings were achieved by Gruber et al. ( 1 993) following a stress man
agement programme in women following radical mastectomy. Despite
no differences in reported levels of distress, women in the active inter
vention evidenced increased NK cell activity and an increase in both
numbers and responsiveness of circulating lymphocytes following the
Populations with HIV have evidenced similar gains following stress
management procedures . Antoni et al. ( 1 991 ) allocated gay men who
were tested for their HIV status, but unaware of the fndings, into either a
group stress management intervention, aerobic exercise, or a no-treatment
control group. Blood assays were taken three days before and one week
after participants were notifed of their HIV status. Not surprisingly,
seropositive individuals in the control group evidenced signifcant increases
in depression and reduced CD4 and NK lymphocyte counts between the
measurement times. Those in the active interventions showed no such
decrement. In a study of the effectiveness of a longer intervention con
ducted by the same research group ( see Antoni et al. 1 991 ) , the effects of
a ten-week stress management programme on mood and immunological
parameters in symptomatic HIV seropositive gay men were compared
with a waiting-list control condition. Those in the active intervention
reported signifcantly greater gains on a number of measures of mood

Ri sk behavi our change 2 1 7
and distress than those in the control group. In addition, they evid
enced decreased herpes simplex virus-Type 2 ( HSV-2) immunoglobulin
G antibody titres . However, neither group displayed changes in HSV
Type 1 antibody titres or in CD4+ or CDS+ cell numbers.
In total, these studies clearly show that stress management may impact
in a positive way on a number of markers of immune function. Whether
or not these changes are suffcient to impact on the course of a disease
process remains to be shown consistently. However, there have been
some promising results ( see, for example, Fawzy et al. 1 993) . Some other
studies that have attempted to increase social support, and therefore
indirectly infuence stress levels, have also met with some success, although
this is no means universal ( see below) .
Motivati onal i ntervi ewi ng
As noted in Chapter 8, the motivational interview is intended to shift
individuals from a state of precontemplation to one of contemplation or
action in order to increase their likelihood of engaging in any required
behavioural change. Accordingly, an appropriate outcome measure in
any assessment of the method' s effectiveness may be the number of
individuals who engage in a programme of behavioural change as a
consequence of its use. However, most interventions have considered
the longer-term benefts of motivational interviewing, measuring changes
in behaviour at some time remote from the interview itself. While one
would hope that higher numbers of attempts at behavioural change would
translate into higher levels of actual behaviour change at follow-up,
this method provides a conservative measure of the effectiveness of the
interview process.
Addictive behaviours
One of the frst studies of motivational interviewing was reported by
Bien et al. ( 1 993 ) . They randomly assigned outpatients involved in a
substance abuse treatment programme to receive either a brief motiva
tional intervention or a placebo interview in addition to standard out
patient treatment. Participants who were given the motivational interview
evidenced a better clinical outcome at three-month follow-up on measures
of total alcohol consumption, peak blood alcohol level and number of
days abstinent. However, by six-month follow-up any differences were
no longer signifcant. Other studies have subsequently reported a similar
pattern of results in people with alcohol problems and cigarette smokers.
Colby et al. ( 1 998 ) compared the effects of brief advice to stop smoking
with a motivational interview in a group of hospital patients. Participants
in the latter condition reported more attempts to quit and immediate

2 1 8 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
reductions in smoking, suggesting that the motivational interview did
facilitate immediate behavioural change. However, any between-group
differences in smoking rate did not differ at three-month follow-up.
Longer-term benefts have been found when motivational interviewing
formed a component of a wider set of interventions including telephone
contact and nicotine replacement, with six-month cessation rates of up
to 70 per cent in post-myocardial infarction patients.
In an interesting alternative to the motivational interview, Marcus
et a/. ( 1 998) compared the effectiveness of self-help materials tailored to
the stage of change of each individual with a more general self-help
programme. The programme took place in eleven worksites, where over
1500 employees were randomized into one of two conditions: the provi
sion of printed self-help exercise promotion materials matched to the
individual' s stage of motivational readiness for exercise adoption, or
standard materials. Thirty-seven per cent of those receiving the motiva
tionally tailored intervention reported an increase in exercise levels;
27 per cent of the standard intervention did so.
Motivati onal i ntervi ew versus others
As noted above, motivational interviewing is not meant to form a primary
treatment: it is intended to be a method of engaging individuals in a
treatment programme. Nevertheless, Baker et al. ( 1 994) compared the
effectiveness of a six-session cognitive behavioural programme, a motiva
tional interview lasting 60-90 minutes, and a no-treatment control condi
tion in an attempt to reduce HIV risk-taking behaviours among inj ecting
drug users enrolled in methadone programmes . At one-month follow-up,
there was evidence of a lower rate of needle-risk behaviour ( sharing and
cleaning) in the group given cognitive behavioural therapy. There was
no indication that the motivational interview was of greater beneft than
the usual methadone treatment and neither intervention appeared to
reduce sexual risk behaviour.
Other i nterventi ons
The chapter so far has considered the impact of some of the most fre
quently used psychological interventions. However, a number of other
therapeutic approaches to risk reduction have been taken, including the
use of social support, operant conditioning and counselling.

Ri sk behavi our change 2 1 9
I ncreasi ng soci al support
Smoking cessation
Social support has proven a powerful adj unct to other interventions
requiring behavioural change, including smoking cessation programmes
( see also above ) . West et a!. ( 1 998) , for example, reported on the benefts
of a ' buddy system' for individuals attempting to quit smoking. All those
involved in the study attended a nurse-led smokers' clinic. Smokers in
the buddy condition were paired with another smoker trying to give
up at the same time to provide mutual support between clinic sessions.
The percentage of smokers still abstinent at the end of treatment was
signifcantly higher in the buddy condition than the solo condition:
27 per cent versus 12 per cent, respectively. A further study by Digiusto
and Bird ( 1 995) randomly allocated smokers to either social support or
self-control interventions. Their fndings emphasized the need to tailor
interventions to the specifc needs and characteristics of the target popula
tion: the social support treatment proved most effective for participants
who already had high baseline self-control orientation scores and those
with high self-effcacy scores.
One of the most infuential results of any intervention with patients with
cancer was reported by Spiegel et al. ( 1 9 8 1 ) . In a study intended to
infuence quality of life in cancer patients, they randomly assigned women
with breast cancer to either an active treatment programme or a no
treatment control. The active intervention involved weekly support groups
that emphasized building strong supportive bonds, expressing emotions,
dealing directly with fears of dying, improving relationships within the
family and active involvement in decisions concerning treatment. To the
surprise of the investigators, women in the active intervention lived
an average of 1 8 months longer than those in a no-treatment control
despite being well matched for disease status at the beginning of the
trial . Retrospectively, this has been seen as an attempt to reduce Type
C behaviour and replace it with the fghting spirit of Derogatis and
colleagues ( see Chapter 1 ) . Unfortunately, an attempted replication of
the study met with only modest success. Gellert et al. ( 1 984) compared
the effectiveness of the programme developed by Spiegel et al. with a
standard treatment condition in a matched sample of breast cancer
patients. Although their data showed trends towards a survival gain in
the intervention group ( by an average of 1 1 months: 96 versus 85 months) ,
these differences were not statistically signifcant. Other negative fnd
ings have also been reported. Accordingly, increasing social support has
yet to be convincingly shown to impact on disease outcomes in patients
with cancer.

220 Cl i ni cal i nterventi ons
Operant condi ti oni ng
Smoking cessaton
Smoking is, at least in part, an operantly governed behaviour. The indi
vidual smokes in the expectation of cognitive, emotional or physiological
changes. In this way, cigarette smoking is highly reinforced over thousands
of learning trials. Smoking may be triggered by internal ( craving, mood)
or external ( using the telephone, coffee break) cues. Scheduled smoking
is an approach to cessation that attempts to weaken the associations
between smoking and such cues. The method developed by Cinciprini
and colleagues ( 1 994) involves a three-week process of scheduled smok
ing during which the number of cigarettes is gradually reduced before
full cessation is attempted. During this phase, smoking is governed by
the passage of time rather than the smoker' s wishes or urges. A cognitive
behavioural approach combined with this reduction regimen proved more
effective than the same intervention combined with either an uncontrolled
gradual reduction or no planned reduction prior to quitting on measures
not only of immediate cessation rates but also of sustained abstinence.
One-year abstinence rates were 44, 1 8 and 22 per cent respectively.
Counsel l i ng
Coronar hear disease
The impact of a cost-effective counselling intervention with cardiac
patients was reported by Frasure-Smith and Prince ( 1 985) . In the Life
Stress Monitoring Program, they followed a cohort of over 450 patients
who had an MI, allocating them into a usual-care control group or a
low contact intervention. In the latter, they received monthly telephone
contact for a period of one year, during which they completed a measure
of psychological distress. If they scored above a criterion score, they were
offered a home visit by a specialist nurse. The action taken by this nurse
could vary according to the circumstances encountered: the maj ority
of contacts involved teaching and providing reassurance by supplying
information. Half those in the intervention condition had at least
one contact with the nursing team over the period of the intervention.
These individuals had an average of 6 hours' contact with the team
nurses. By the end of the intervention, the total mortality rate in the
control group was 9 per cent, while that of the intervention group was
5 per cent: a signifcant difference. Four years following their MI, differ
ences in mortality between the two groups did not differ, although the
rate of reinfarctions did: total morbidity rates in the intervention group
were 1 5 per cent compared with 25 per cent in the control group. While
these data were encouraging, they should be viewed with some caution.
The proportion of white-collar workers in the intervention group was

Ri sk behavi our change 22 1
signifcantly greater than that in the control group. Accordingly, the inter
vention group may have been at less risk of reinfarction than the control
group. Owing to methodological constraints, these differences could not
be statistically partialled out, and the interpretation of the results must
be considered with some caution.
Such caution may be j ustifed by the results of a later attempt to
replicate these fndings in a group of patients in Montreal ( the M-HART
study: Frasure-Smith et al. 1 997) . The results of this study indicated
signifcantly higher rates of reinfarction among participants in the inter
vention group than the control group. In retrospect, these fndings may
have been a consequence of inadequately trained nurses attempting to
cope with extremely distressed individuals and perhaps exacerbating
rather than moderating their problems. Apparently cheap interventions
involving professionals not given adequate specialist training may clearly
prove far from cost-effective.
Summary and concl usi ons
Furher readi ng
A variety of interventions have been used to infuence behaviours that place
individuals at risk of disease or that afect the development of disease.
As with interventions aimed at quality of life or symptom control, educa
tional programmes can infuence risk behaviours, although their impact
on behaviour is generally modest. Behavioural programmes of various
types have been shown to infuence both behaviour and physiological
variables underlying the development of disease more consistently. Studies
of their impact on disease rates remain sparse; however, those that do exist
suggest the potential of psychological interventions to affect the course
of disease.
Caric, P. M. ( ed. ) ( 1 998) Clinical Handbook of Health Psychology: A Practical
Guide to Effective Interventions. Berlin: Hogrefe & Huber.

Chapter 5
Chapter 8
1 And non-adherence to antiretroviral medication has particular implications,
including the development of drug-resistant viruses that may affect both the
health of the individual involved and others who encounter the adapted virus.
1 An example of this process can be found Price' s ( 1 98 8 ) conceptualization of
Type A behaviour. Through her clinical work with Type A men, Price found
a number of common cognitive schemata developed in childhood. As a result
of not being valued during childhood, Type A men typically have low self
worth and are highly dependent on the esteem of others. They also have a
powerful belief that one is not loved for 'who one is' but for 'what one does' .
As a result such individuals fnd themselves on a treadmill of constantly having
to achieve and 'prove' themselves worthy of the positive regard of others
around them.

Adherence: the degree to which an individual conforms to a prescribed treatment.
Alameda County Study: one of the frst epidemiological studies to fnd a relation
ship between lifestyle factors and the development of disease.
Angiography: involves injecting radio-opaque dye directly into the cardiac arteries
and using X-rays to measure the degree of atheroma within them.
Antigens: include viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites and cancers.
Appraisal: the process of active consideration of the threat carried by external events.
Atheroma: the build-up of lipid deposits on the artery walls. Contributes to the
development of coronary heart disease.
Attributions: perceived causes of events, feelings or actions.
Autogenic training: a form of deep relaxation in which the participant imagines
feelings of weight and warmth in the areas of relaxation.
B-cells: a component of the immune system involved in antibody-mediated
Biofeedback: visual or acoustic representation of muscle tension, usually measured
via electrodes placed over the relevant muscle group.
Case-control design: involves comparing individuals who have a disease with
matched disease-free controls. Any between-group differences are thought to
imply causality.
CD4+ cells: the central organizing aspect of the immune response are the T
helper cells, known also as CD4+ cells because of their chemical structure.
Cholesterol: a lipid produced by the body and ingested with food, which may
contribute to the development of atheroma.
Client-centred counselling: an unstructured therapeutic approach developed by
Carl Rogers. It assumes the central element of therapy is the therapeutic relation
ship, gained through the therapist providing warmth, empathy, and genuineness.
Clinical audit: monitoring the effectiveness or the process of care and making the
results publicly available.
Clinical guidelines: systematically developed and agreed guidelines to aid clinical
decision making.
Cognitive-behavioural intervention: a form of therapy based on the assumption
that cognitive distortions are central to the development of emotional disorders.
Therapeutic change is achieved by changing such distortions by Socratic or
behavioural techniques .
Coping effectiveness training: a cognitive-behavioural approach based on identi
fying the most appropriate coping strategy to use in differing situations, and
applying it.

224 Gl ossary
Coronary Heart Disease: restriction of the flow of blood within the coronary
arteries as a result of atheromata. May be symptom-free but will eventually
result in angina or myocardial infarction.
Coping: the process of reducing distress associated with the appraisals of threat
following an environmental event.
Daily hassles: minor events or frustrations that are thought to contribute to the
stress process.
Emotion-focused coping: coping focused on directly reducing the negative emo
tions involved in the stress process.
Emotional disclosure: the reduction of stress through the expression of emotion,
often using written means.
Epinephrine: otherwise known as adrenaline. A stress neurotransmitter and
Fighting spirit: a confrontational behavioural style identifed by Derogatis as
being prognostic of a good cancer outcome.
Grounded theory: a qualitative technique which involves the development of
theory from interviews with relevant individuals, in contrast to theory stemming
from prior theoretical models.
Hardiness: a personality characteristic consisting of high levels of commitment,
control and willingness to confront challenges. It may be protective against
Health-related behaviour: behaviour which impacts on health.
Hypo/hyperglycaemic episode: unconsciousness as a consequence of abnormally
low (hypo) or high ( hyper) levels of blood sugar.
Illness representations : cognitive representations of illness. Generally considered
to have fve dimensions: disease identity, its consequences, causes, timeline,
and curability or controllability.
Incidence: the number of new cases of a disease occurring over a specifed time
period, usually one year.
Irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS) : disease characterized by bowel pain and altern
ating diarrhoea and constipation.
Job strain: a function of high job demands, and low autonomy and social support.
Life events: incidents which occur in the environment which can be considered as
negative or positive in valence. They are thought to contribute to the stress
Longitudinal design: involves measurement of behaviour in cohort of ( typically)
healthy individuals prior to disease onset followed for a period of several
years. Baseline characteristics of those who do and do not develop disease are
compared. Any differences on such measures are thought to imply causality.
Lymphocytes: various types of cells within the immune system, including NK cells,
T - cells, and B- cells.
Meta-analysis: a quantitative analysis, which combines data from several studies
to provide high statistical power.
Morbidity: the development of disease.
Motivational interview: a non-confrontational interview aimed at increasing an
individual's motivation to change. Initially developed in the feld of addiction,
but now more generally used.
Myocardial infarction ( MI) : an occlusion of one or more of the coronary arteries
usually by a blood clot which blocks the artery and prevents blood flow beyond,
resulting in death of the cardiac muscle. Otherwise known as a heart attack.

Gl ossar 225
NK cells: cells of the immune system, particularly involved i n the body's defence
against cancer.
Norepinephrine: otherwise known as noradrenaline. A stress neurotransmitter
and hormone.
Operant conditioning: initially studied by Skinner, this approach states that beha
viour is directly influenced by its consequences.
Outcome expectancies: the expected outcome of a behaviour.
Parasympathetic nervous system: the arm of the autonomic nervous system which
opposes activity and supports feeding, energy storage and reproduction.
Phantom limb pain: pain experienced following amputation of a limb which the
individual perceives as originating in the non-existent limb.
Prevalence: the proportion of the population to have a disease at any one time.
Problem-focused coping: coping which involves attempts to reduce stress by chan
ging the potentially stressful situation.
Problem-focused counselling: a structured counselling process that focuses on
changing problems in the 'here-and-now' .
Risk factor: a behaviour or physiological state that places an individual at ri sk of
Self-efcacy: analogous to self-confdence.
Self-management training: a behavioural programme which provides people with
the skills to manage a chronic illness.
Serum: blood.
Socio-economic status ( SES) : position or class, usually measured by education,
income or occupation.
Stages of change: usually refers to an atheoretical model of change, with fve
elements: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, change, and mainten
ance or relapse.
Stress : a process involving appraisal of an external event, i ts associated emotions
and the strategies used to moderate any distress experienced.
Stress inoculation training: a three-stage process of coping with stress developed
by Meichenbaum: preparation, action and reflection.
Stress management training: a set of cognitive-behavioural procedures to help
the individual to cope more effectively with stress .
Sympathetic nervous system: the arm of the autonomic nervous system associ
ated with maintaining or increasing arousal.
T-cells : immune system cells involved in cell-mediated immunity.
Token economies: a process through which patients are rewarded for appropriate
behaviours with tokens. These are usually exchanged for desired articles or
Type A behaviour ( TAB) : an excess of competitiveness, time urgency and easily
aroused hostility. Thought to be associated with CHD.
Type C behaviour: a passive and controlled emotional style, thought to be associ
ated with the development of cancer.
Unit of alcohol: measurement of alcohol, the equivalent of half a pint of ordin
ary strength beer or a single shot of a spirit.

Aaronson, N. K. ( 1993) The EORTC QLQ-C300: a quality of life instrument
for use in international clinical trials in oncology ( abstract) , Quality of Life
Research, 2: 5 1 .
Abbott, S . ( 1 9 8 8 ) Talking about AIDS. Report for AIDS Action Council,
Canberra, National Bulletin, August: 24-7.
Adler, N. , Boyce, T. , Chesney, M. et al. ( 1994) Socio-economic status and health:
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I ndex
addictive behaviours, and
motivational interview, 21 7-1 8
adherence, 5 1 , 66, 92-4, 103, 1 32,
1 63, 1 87, 1 89, 209
among health professionals, 94-6
increasing, 1 07-1 1
and memory, 93
and mood, 93-4
affect, 200
measures of, 1 72-5
AIDS, 10, 39, 65, 76, 124, 126,
1 92-3, 198, 202
Alameda County Study, 4, 5, 1 6
alcohol, 6-7, 46, 52
angina, 1 93, 21 0-1 1
anxiety, 25, 34, 77, 84, 92, 1 72-3,
1 8 6-7, 193
appraisals, 24-7, 31, 49, 50, 71, 75,
86, 107
asthma, 69, 76
and self-management training,
1 97-8
atheroma, 12, 41
attitude theory, 124-5
relationship with behaviour, 52-3
attributions, 69, 70, 72, 73
audit, 1 1 6-17
autonomic nervous system, 28-3 1
bad news, 33, 34, 1 12-1 3
B-cells, 33, 38, 39, 41-2
Beck Depression Inventory ( BDI) ,
1 72
behavioural intentions, see
biofeedback, 1 90, 1 92
breast self-examination, 127
Buss-Durkee Hostility Inventory
(BDHI ) , 1 80
cancer, 5, 16, 75, 76, 78, 8 6-9, 93,
146, 1 69, 1 70, 1 77, 1 85, 1 94,
200-1, 205, 21 6, 21 9
and illness representations,
and stress, 36-7, 41-2
and stress management, 1 91
and Type C behaviour, 12-14
cardiac rehabilitation, 72, 1 85,
206-7, 21 1 , 21 6
case control design, 4, 35
chemotherapy, 73
children, 64-6
and hospitalization, 84-5
and preparation for stressful
medical procedures, 105-6
cholesterol, 7, 8-9, 1 1 , 1 7, 41 , 61 ,
70, 1 28 , 1 3 1-2, 1 48 , 1 87,
203-6, 2 1 1
cigarettes, 47, 50, 59, 126, 1 37,
150-1, 1 82, 204, 209
client-centred counselling, 145-6,
cognitive behavioural therapy,
1 05- 1 14, 145, 1 51 , 1 5 1 8
1 91 , 1 94, 209, 212, 21 5, 21 8 ,
cognitive distortions/errors, 78, 152
cognitive interventions, 1 04, 155-6,
1 58, 1 92, 1 96-8, 200, 204, 21 1 ,
21 9
common cold, 64
and stress, 27, 40

252 I ndex
communication, 136, 1 66, 1 97, 200
and health messages, 49, 50, 129
organizational, 98, 99, 1 1 9
professional/patient, 89-90, 1 08,
1 1 0-1 1 , 1 20, 1 61
skills, 1 15-16, 156, 1 98
community interventions, 127-9
community involvement, 1 38-9
condoms, 10, 48, 52, 55, 58, 60,
125, 126, 21 3-14
consultancy, 1 1 7-20
consultation, 89, 90-1 , 93, 107-9,
1 1 0-1 1
control, 1 60, 1 92
and hospitalization, 83
and illness, 69, 70, 71 , 75, 86, 1 14,
1 76, 195
and pain, 78, 106
and stress, 99, 153
see also health locus of control
Cook and Medley Hostility ( Ho)
Scale, 1 8 0
COPE, 1 77-8
assessment, 1 7 5-8
and stress, 59, 155
and stress appraisal, 26-7
with a diagnosis, 85-7
with illness, 74-6, 1 91 , 207
with mortality, 8 7-9, 1 1 3
with pain, 1 58-9, 1 8 7
with treatment, 93 , 1 05
as Type C behaviour, 1 3-14
coping effectiveness training, 1 56-7,
1 94
Coping with Health Injuries and
Problems ( CHIP) , 1 77, 178
coronary heart disease ( CHD) , 5-1 0,
1 5-17, 19, 20, 69, 1 32, 1 36,
1 70-1, 1 80, 197
prevention, 123, 127-9, 139,
203-1 1 , 21 5, 220-1
and stress, 37-8, 41
and stress management, 1 93
and Type A behaviour, 1 1-12
counselling, 147-5 1 , 1 9 1 , 200,
death, 5, 8, 1 6, 68, 88, 96, 1 01 ,
1 1 3-14, 1 34, 1 94
decision making, 96-7, 99
depression, 1 87
and adherence, 94
assessment, 1 72-3
and appraisals, 71-2
and coronary heart disease, 37-8
and disease, 86-7, 1 91 , 1 93-4,
21 1-12, 21 5
and health behaviour, 1 7
and hospitalization, 8 4
and immune function, 34
and mortality, 8 8
diabetes, 75-6, 8 6, 90, 94, 1 76,
1 8 6-7
and self-management training,
1 98-9
and stress management, 1 8 8-9
dialysis, 9 3
diet, 46, 148-9, 208, 21 0
adherence, 9 3
assessment, 1 82
choice, 60-2
and cholesterol, 8-9
and health, 5
and health promotion, 1 30-1 , 1 33
and illness, 70
dying, 15, 8 7-8 , 90, 1 1 0, 1 12-14,
21 9
economic incentives, 1 31
economic interventions, 134-5
educational interventions, 1 85-7,
1 89, 1 92, 206-8
elaboration likelihood model ( ELM) ,
emotional disclosure, 1 57-8, 1 61 ,
endocrine system, 29
environmental interventions, 1 34-8
epinephrine, 29-30, 33
European Organization for Research
on the Treatment of Cancer
( EORTC) , 1 69-70
exercise, 46, 49, 1 86-7, 21 8
adherence, 93 , 1 1 0
advice on, 204
assessment, 1 67, 1 82
and disease, 9-10
and health promotion, 1 37,

I ndex
fghting spirit
and cancer, 1 3, 1 91
gate control theory, 76-7
gender, 1 3, 35, 67, 123
and health, 1 7-1 8
General Adaptation Syndrome, 22-3
General Health Questionnaire
( GHQ) , 1 75
genetic screening, 205
Global Mood Scale ( GMS) , 1 73
grief, 84, 1 14
grounded theory, 60-2
hassles, 23-4, 1 89
assessment, 1 67, 1 69, 1 70-1 , 1 73,
1 78 , 1 81-2
cognitive representations, 68-74
social representations, 66-8
health action process, 55-7
health belief model, 47-9, 50, 125-6
Health Complaints Scale ( HCS) ,
1 70-1
health education, 1 07, 122, 123, 124,
130, 1 3 1 , 1 35, 1 39, 21 6
health gradient, 1 34
and socio-economic status, 14-15,
health locus of control, 5 1-2, 76
health professional
and adherence, 94
beliefs, 90
and occupational stress, 97-1 01
health promotion, 122, 1 23, 127,
129, 1 3 1 , 132-4, 1 37, 1 38 ,
health psychology/gist, 1 02-3,
1 1 5-20, 144, 1 50
health-related behaviour, 46, 47, 48,
49, 56, 76, 1 04, 126, 1 3 1 , 1 32,
1 96
Heart Patients Psychological
Questionnaire ( HPPQ) , 1 71
HIV, 1 0-1 1 , 1 8 , 19, 33, 36, 3 8-9,
41-2, 48, 52, 65, 73-5, 8 8 , 92,
94, 1 8 8
and coping effectiveness training
( CET) , 1 94
and motivational interview, 21 8
and self-management training, 1 98,
21 6
and stress, 38-9, 41-2
and stress management training,
1 92-3
Hospital Anxiety and Depression
Scale ( HADS) , 1 72-3
hospitalization, 83-5
hostility, 1 1-12, 1 34, 1 79-81
humanistic therapy, 1 14
hypertension, 68, 74, 21 0
and stress management, 214-15
hypnosis, 106
hypothalamus, 29-3 1
illness, 4, 8, 16, 23, 24, 34, 41 , 4 7,
48, 51 , 85, 87-8, 89, 1 1 1 , 1 1 3,
1 14, 1 60, 1 65, 1 69, 1 75-6, 1 91 ,
children' s' understandings, 64-6
cognitive representations, 68-73,
76, 1 09-1 1
illness-related behaviours, 1 89, 1 96
lay understandings, 66-71
Illness Perceptions Questionnaire
(IPQ) , 1 76
immune system, 3 1-4, 38 , 190
and stress, 34-5, 41-2
and stress management, 21 6-17
information, 60, 68, 70, 71 , 84, 85,
87, 94, 96, 126, 127, 148
memory for, 90-1 , 93
and adherence, 107-9, 1 60-1
and changing behaviour, 204-9
and quality of life, 1 85-7
intentions, 49, 50, 53, 56, 58, 62
intention-behaviour gap, 55
irritable bowel syndrome, 36
and operant conditioning, 1 60, 196
and stress, 39, 41
and stress management training,
1 90
j ob strain, 1 9-20
life events, 23-4, 37-8
Life Orientation Test (LOT), 1 79
lifestyle, 1 1 , 1 1 1
longitudinal design, 4 , 35

254 I ndex
McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) ,
1 72
medication, 1 73, 21 0, 21 1
adherence, 92-4, 1 09
and illness representations, 72
side-effects, 73, 93
and treatment beliefs, 73-4
medical procedures, 85
preparation for, 1 03-6
and stress, 1 03-6
of consultations, 90-1
improving, 107-9
of information, 89-90
minority status, 1 8-19
mood, 1 7, 71, 86-7, 95, 97, 1 8 6-7,
1 91-2, 1 94, 21 6
and staff ratings, 91-2
MRFIT ( Multiple Risk Factor
Intervention Trial ) , 8
motivational interview, 146-7,
21 7-1 8
myocardial infarction ( MI ) , 1 1 , 12,
1 7, 20, 41, 69, 73, 87, 1 67, 1 73,
1 76, 1 87, 207-8, 21 1 , 21 5, 21 8 ,
and depression, 3 8
norepinephrine, 29-30, 3 5
Nottingham Health Profle ( NHP) ,
1 66-7
Novaco Anger Inventory ( NAI ) ,
1 74
nuttion, 5, 61 , 12 1 3 1 , 134
operant conditioning, 159-60,
1 95-6, 220
osteoarthritis, 1 85, 1 95, 197
pain, 39, 41 , 68, 71 , 73, 83, 85, 90,
93, 97, 1 1 3, 166-7, 1 87, 190,
1 95-7
assessment, 1 71-2
cognitive model, 76-8
management, 1 06-7
and operant conditioning, 159-60
and self-management training,
1 58-9
and stress management, 1 91-2
patient-centred approach, 1 1 0-1 1
patient controlled anaesthesia ( PCA) ,
peptic ulcer, 167
and stress management, 1 89-90
perceived behavioural control, 54, 59
Piagetian theory, 64-6
planned behaviour, theory of, 64-5
Positive and Negative Affect Scales
( PANAS) , 178-9
preparation for medical procedures,
problem-focussed counselling,
147-51 , 1 94-5
protection motivation theory, 49-51 ,
coping, 86
disease, 70
quality of life, 37, 1 00, 1 37, 1 79,
1 84, 1 86, 1 93, 1 95, 21 9
defning, 1 64-5
measuring, 1 65-71
radiotherapy, 91 , 1 85
reasoned action, theory of, 52-4
relaxation training, 152-4, 155, 156,
1 58
and angina, 21 1
and asthma, 1 98
and coronary heart disease, 1 93,
and diabetes, 1 8 8
and pain, 1 92
and preparation for surgery, 1 05
and radiotherapy, 1 8 7
rheumatoid arthritis, 69, 72-3, 86,
148, 1 59, 1 67, 1 95, 200
and self-management training, 197
and stress, 39-40
and stress management, 1 90-1
Rotterdam Symptom Checklist ( RSC) ,
1 70
Schedule for the Evaluation of
Individual Quality of Life
( SEIQoL) , 1 68-9
screening, 127, 129
and Coronary Heart Disease, 203-5
genetic, 205

I ndex
self-effcacy, 46-7, 50-1 , 52, 54,
56-7, 62, 123, 126, 149, 1 80,
1 8 7, 190, 200
self-esteem, 67, 1 14, 127, 145, 1 54,
201, 21 9
self-help, 20, 57, 130, 1 31 , 1 32,
208-9, 21 8
self-instructions, 1 55, 1 8 9
self-management training, 1 10,
1 58-9, 1 61 , 1 96-200, 21 0, 21 3
self-regulation model, 68
serotonin, 8-9
sexual identity, 1 9, 39
sexual intercourse, 1 7-1 8, 48, 126
and behavioural programmes,
21 3-14
uprotected/unsafe, 5, 1 0-1 1 , 58,
Short Form- 36 ( SF-36) , 167-8
Sickness Impact Profle ( SIP) , 166
smoking, 4, 1 1, 14, 1 5, 1 6, 1 7, 1 8,
36, 52, 53, 59, 70, 90, 126, 129,
1 82
cessation, 5, 47, 50, 57, 1 1 6, 123,
1 30-2, 1 37, 150-1, 204-6,
208-9, 212-13, 21 9, 220
and disease, 5-6
social cognition, 109
social cognitive (learning) theory,
46-7, 49, 51 , 123-4, 129, 1 58
social isolation, 16-17, 19, 39, 1 34,
1 66
social norms, 53, 55, 58, 59, 1 32
social representations of illness,
social support, 21 1
and cancer, 21 9
a s a coping strategy, 26, 75, 156,
1 77
and health, 5, 1 6-17
and health promotion, 1 3 1-2
and HIV, 193
and occupational stress, 1 1 9
and smoking cessation, 21 9
and socio-economic status, 1 5
and stress, 2 7
socio-economic status ( SES) , 19, 1 1 0,
and health, 14-15
Spielberger Anger Scales, 1 74-5
spinal injuries
and coping effectiveness training,
1 94
stages of change, 57-8, 1 44-5
State Trait Anxiety Inventory ( STAI) ,
1 73-4
stress, 4, 8, 9, 1 5, 22, 19, 34, 65,
68-71 , 73, 75, 86, 8 8 , 1 05, 1 1 7,
1 74, 1 88 -9, 1 94
and appraisal, 24-7
and cancer, 36-7, 41
cognitions, 1 52, 154-5
and coping, 26-7
and coronary heart disease, 37-8,
and H, 3 8 -9
hormones , 1 7, 20
and the hospital system, 97-101 ,
1 1 8-19
and immune function, 34-5
inoculation training, 1 56
and lack of resources , 27
and life events, 23-4
and medical procedures, 103-6
worksite, 134-6
stress inoculation training, 1 56
stress management training, 68, 1 05,
1 3 1 , 1 51-7, 1 8 8-93
and arthritis, 1 90-1
and cancer, 1 91
and chronic pain, 1 91-200
and coronary heart disease, 1 93,
214-1 6
and diabetes, 1 8 8-9
and disorders of the gut, 1 89-90
and HIV, 1 92-2
structured interview ( SI) , 1 80-1
supportive environments, 1 36-8
surgery, 1 3 , 72, 8 5 , 8 6 , 8 9 , 90, 96,
1 67, 1 79, 1 86, 1 90, 200, 206
preparation for, 103-6
T-cells, 33-4, 42, 191
teaching, 1 15-1 6
treatment beliefs, 73-4
Type A behaviour, 1 1-12, 1 54,
1 8 1-2, 21 1-12
Type C behaviour, 12-14, 21 9
unsafe sex, 10-1 1 , 58, 1 34

256 I ndex
videotaped structured interview (VSI ) ,
1 8 1
ways o f coping with cancer, 1 77
ways of Coping Questionnaire
( WCQ) , 1 76-7
well-being, 197
WHOQOL Group, 1 65
and health, 1 7-1 8
and work, 20
conditions, 1 9-20
environment, 135-6
worksite interventions, 129-32,
1 35-6

Paul Bennett and Simon Murphy
What part do behavioural and psychological factors play in the health
of an individual ?
Which theories contribute to health promotion at the individual and
community level ?
How effective are such interventions in improving people' s health?
Psychology and Health Promotion is the frst book to set out in clear and
authoritative terms the role of psychological theory in health promotion. It
adopts both structuralist and social regulation models of health and health
promotion, considering the signifcance of psychological processes in each
case. The authors examine how behaviour and the social environment may
contribute to health status and how psychological processes may mediate
the effect of environmental conditions. They go on to consider the theory
underlying interventions that are aimed at individuals and large populations,
and the effectiveness of attempts to change both individual behaviour and
the environmental factors that may contribute to ill-health.
This highly approachable volume is structured as a textbook and includes
a summary and further reading at the end of each chapter, as well as a
substantial bibliography. It is designed to provide an invaluable resource
for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate courses in health psychol
ogy, clinical psychology and social psychology as well as students and
practitioners in health and social welfare, including health promotion.
Introduction: why psychology - Part I: Mediators of health and health
behaviours - Psychosocial mediators of health - Cognitive mediators of
health-related behaviours - Part li: Facilitating individual change - Infu
encing health behaviour: individual change - Individually targeted inter
ventions - Part III: Facilitating populating change - Environmental and
public policy approaches - Attitude and communication theories - Popu
lation based intervention - Part IV: What next? - Some fnal considera
tions - References - Index.
1 92pp 0 335 1 9765 5 ( Paperback) 0 335 1 9766 3 ( Hardback)

- .
< :
- c
: V
The boundari es between cl i ni cal psychol ogy and heal th psychol ogy are
sti l l i n the process of bei ng defi ned. However, it is cl ear that anyone
trai ni ng to work as a psychol ogi st i n medi cal sett i ngs needs to be aware
of both heal th and cl i ni cal psychol ogy theory and how it can be appl i ed
to maxi mi ze the effect i veness of heal th care del i very. Thi s book
provi des an i ntroducti on to the knowl edge base, theory and the practi ce
of heal th and cl i ni cal psychol ogy, i n the hospi tal and i n the broader
context of heal th care. I t has fi ve key themes :
the causes of heal th and i l l ness;
psychol ogi cal factors i nfl uenci ng the understandi ngs of heal th, i l l ness
and heal th-rel ated behavi our choi ce;
the theory and appl i cati on of psychol ogi cal pri nci pl es i n faci l i tat i ng
i ndi vi dual behavi oural and emot i onal change;
the rol e of psychol ogi sts wi thi n the wi der hospi tal system;
the rol e of psychol ogy i n popul ati on-based heal th promoti on.
Introduction to Clinical Health Psychology addresses the devel opi ng
curri cul um for heal th psychol ogi sts' professi onal trai ni ng as wel l as the
more establ i shed rol e of cl i ni cal psychol ogi sts. I t provi des essent i al
readi ng for advanced undergraduates and postgraduates i n t hi s
i ncreasi ngl y si gni fi cant and expandi ng fi el d.
Paul Bennett i s presentl y a seni or l ecturer at t he Uni versi ty of Wal es
Col l ege of Medi ci ne. He was awarded a PhD by Bi rmi ngham Uni versi ty
and an MSc i n cl i ni cal psychol ogy by Pl ymouth Uni versi ty. He has
previ ousl y worked as a uni versi ty l ecturer, teachi ng and researchi ng i n
heal th psychol ogy, and as a cl i ni cal psychol ogi st worki ng wi th peopl e
wi th heal th probl ems. He co-authored Psychology and Health Promotion,
wi th Si mon Murphy, publ i shed by Open Uni versi ty Press i n 1 997 .

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