Artificial Eye C 1 I: Hapter Ntroduction

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The retina is a thin layer of neural tissue that lines the back wall inside the eye. Some of these
cells act to receive light, while others interpret the information and send messages to the brain through the optic
nerve. This is part of the process that enables us to see. In damaged or dysfunctional retina, the photoreceptors
stop working, causing blindness. By some estimates, there are more than 10 million people worldwide affected
by retinal diseases that lead to loss of vision.
The absence of effective therapeutic remedies for retinitis pigmentosa !"# and age$related
macular degeneration %&'# has motivated the development of e(perimental strategies to restore some degree
of visual function to affected patients. Because the remaining retinal layers are anatomically spared, several
approaches have been designed to artificially activate this residual retina and thereby the visual system.
%t present, two general strategies have been pursued. The )*piretinal+ approach involves a
semiconductor$based device placed above the retina, close to or in contact with the nerve fiber layer retinal
ganglion cells. The information in this approach must be captured by a camera system before transmitting data
and energy to the implant. The )Sub retinal+ approach involves the electrical stimulation of the inner retina from
the sub retinal space by implantation of a semiconductor$based micro photodiode array &"%# into this location.
The concept of the sub retinal approach is that electrical charge generated by the &"% in response to a light
stimulus may be used to artificially alter the membrane potential of neurons in the remaining retinal layers in a
manner to produce formed images.
Some researchers have developed an implant system where a video camera captures images, a
chip processes the images, and an electrode array transmits the images to the brain. It,s called -ortical
The human visual system is remarkable instrument. It features two mobile ac.uisition units
each has formidable preprocessing circuitry placed at a remote location from the central processing system
brain#. Its primary task include transmitting images with a viewing angle of at least 1/0deg and resolution of 1
arc min over a limited capacity carrier, the million or so fibers in each optic nerve through these fibers the signals
are passed to the so called higher visual corte( of the brain.
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The nerve system can achieve this type of high volume data transfer by confining such
capability to 9ust part of the retina surface, whereas the center of the retina has a 1:1 ration between the
photoreceptors and the transmitting elements, the far periphery has a ratio of ;00:1. This results in gradual shift
in resolution and other system parameters.
%t the brain,s highest level the visual corte( an impressive array of feature e(traction
mechanisms can rapidly ad9ust the eye,s position to sudden movements in the peripherals filed of ob9ects too
small to se when stationary. The visual system can resolve spatial depth differences by combining signals from
both eyes with a precision less than one tenth the si<e of a single photoreceptor.
The main part in our visual system is the eye. 4ur ability to see is the result of a process very
similar to that of a camera. % camera needs a lens and a film to produce an image. In the same way, the
eyeball needs a lens cornea, crystalline lens, vitreous# to refract, or focus the light and a film retina# on which
to focus the rays. The retina represents the film in our camera. It captures the image and sends it to the brain
to be developed.
The macula is the highly sensitive area of the retina. The macula is responsible for our critical
focusing vision. It is the part of the retina most used. =e use our macula to read or to stare intently at an
ob9ect. %bout 1;0 million photoreceptors in the outermost layer as seen from the center of the eye# of the
transparent retina transform local intensity and color patterns into chemical and electrical signals which trigger
activity of the many different retinal cells: hori<ontal cells, bipolar cells, amacrine cells, and ganglion cells.
The information is processed by astonishing amounts of serial and parallel pathways by in parts
still unknown mechanisms. The information of these 1;0 million photoreceptors is compressed to the level of 1
million highly speciali<ed 1-$fibers. These 1 million fibers in the retina then form the optic nerve and transmit
visual information to the visual corte( and its various areas in the back of the brain.
The area of the retina that receives and processes the detailed images>and then sends them
via the optic nerve to the brain>is referred to as the macula. The macula is of significant importance in that this
area provides the highest resolution for the images we see. The macula is comprised of multiple layers of cells
which process the initial )analog+ light energy entering the eye into )digital+ electro$chemical impulses. The
retina is the innermost layer of the wall of the eyeball. &illions of light$sensitive cells there absorb light rays and
convert them to electrical signals. The signals are sent through the optic nerve to the brain, where they are
interpreted as vision.
3ight first enters the optic or nerve# fiber layer and the ganglion cell layer, under which most
of the nourishing blood vessels of the retina are located. This is where the nerves begin, picking up the impulses
from the retina and transmitting them to the brain.
The light is received by photoreceptor cells called rods responsible for peripheral and dim light
vision# and cones providing central, bright light, fine detail, and color vision#. The photoreceptors convert light
into nerve impulses, which are then processed by the retina and sent through nerve fibers to the brain. The
nerve fibers e(it the eyeball at the optic disk and reach the brain through the optic nerve. 'irectly beneath
the photoreceptor cells is a single layer of retinal pigment epithelium !"*# cells, which nourish the
photoreceptors. These cells are fed by the blood vessels in the choroids.
There are two important types of retinal degenerative disease:
!etinitis pigmentosa !"#, and
%ge$related macular degeneratio n %&'#
They are detailed below.
!*TI?ITIS "I1&*?T4S% !"# is a general term for a number of diseases that predominately
affect the photoreceptor layer or )light sensing+ cells of the retina. These diseases are usually hereditary and
affect individuals earlier in life. In9ury to the photoreceptor cell layer, in particular, reduces the retina,s ability to
sense an initial light signal. 'espite this damage, however, the remainder of the retinal processing cells in other
layers usually continues to function.!" affects the mid$peripheral vision first and sometimes progresses to affect
the far$periphery and the central areas of vision. The narrowing of the field of vision into )tunnel vision+ can
sometimes result in complete blindness.
%1*$!*3%T*' &%-73%! '*1*?*!%TI4? %&'# refers to a degenerative condition that occurs
most fre.uently in the elderly.%&' is a disease that progressively decreases the function of specific cellular
layers of the retina,s macula. The affected areas within the macula are the outer retina and inner retina
photoreceptor layer.
"atients with macular degeneration e(perience a loss of their central vision, which affects their
ability to read and perform visually demanding tasks. %lthough macular degeneration is associated with aging,
the e(act cause is still unknown.
Together, %&' and !" affect at least ;0 million people in the world. They are the most common
causes of untreatable blindness in developed countries and, currently, there is no effective means of restoring
4cular implants are those which are placed inside the retina. It aims at the electrical e(citation
of two dimensional layers of neurons within partly degenerated retinas for restoring vision in blind people. The
implantation can be done using standard techni.ues from ophthalmic surgery. ?eural signals farther down the
pathway are processed and modified in ways not really understood therefore the earlier the electronic input is fed
into the nerves the better.
There are two types of ocular implants are there epi$retinal implants and sub retinal implants.
0ig ;.1shows the ma9or difference between epi$retinal @sub retinal approach
In the *"I$!*T approach scientists had developed a micro contact array which is mounted onto
the retinal surface to stimulate retinal ganglion cells. The information in this approach must be captured by a
camera system before transmitting data and energy to the implant.
% tiny video camera is mounted on eyeglasses and it sends images via radio waves to the chip.
The actual visual world is captured by a highly miniaturi<ed -&4S camera embedded into regular spectacles. The
camera signal is analy<ed and processed using receptive field algorithms to calculate electric pulse trains which
are necessary to ade.uately stimulate ganglion cells in the retina.
This signal together with the energy supply is transmitted wireless into a device which is
implanted into the eye of the blind sub9ect. The implant consists of a receiver for data and energy, a decoder and
array microelectrodes placed on the inner surface of the retina. This micro chip will stimulate viable retinal cells.
*lectrodes on microchip will then create a pi(el of light on the retina, which can be sent to the brain for
The main advantage of this is that it consists of only a simple spectacle frame with camera
and e(ternal electronics -ommunicates wirelessly with microchip implanted on retina programmed with
stimulation pattern. !*T -oncept:

The issues involved in the design o the !etin"l en#ode! "!e$
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The design of an epiretinal encoder is more complicated than the sub retinal encoder, because it
has to feed the ganglion cells. Aere, a retina encoder !*# outside the eye replaces the information processing of
the retina. % retina stimulator !S#, implanted ad9acent to the retinal ganglion cell layer at the retinal BoutputB,
contacts a sufficient number of retinal ganglion cellsCfibers for electrical stimulation. % wireless !adio
0re.uency# signal$ and energy transmission system provides the communication between !* and !S. The !*,
then, maps visual patterns onto impulse se.uences for a number of contacted ganglion cells by means of
adaptive dynamic spatial filters. This is done by a digital signal processor, which, handles the incoming light
stimuli with the master processor, implements various adaptive, antagonistic, receptive field filters with the other
four parallel processors, and generates asynchronous pulse trains for each simulated ganglion cell output
individually. These spatial filters as biology$inspired neural networks can be BtunedB to various spatial and
temporal receptive field properties of ganglion cells in the primate retina.
3.1.2 (I'%'MPATI(ILITY
The material used for the chips and stimulating electrodes should satisfy a variety of criteria,s.
They must be corrosion$proof, i.e. bio stable.
The electrodes must establish a good contact to the nerve cells within
fluids, so that the stimulating electric current can pass from the photo elements into the tissue.
It must be possible to manufacture these materials with micro technical methods and.
They must be biologically compatible with the nervous system.
In case of the epiretinal encoder, a wireless !0 telemetry system acts as a channel between the
!etinal *ncoder and the retinal stimulator. Standard semiconductor technology is used to fabricate a power and
signum receiving chip, which drives current through an electrode array and stimulate the retinal neurons. The
intraocular transceiver processing unit is separated from the stimulator in order to take into account the heat
dissipation of the rectification and power transfer processes. -are is taken to avoid direct contact of heat
dissipating devices with the retina.
*nhancement System 36*S# developed at Dohns Aopkins. 36*S$ a video magnification system
for people with low vision. This -an <oom from 2 inches to infinity. -an magnify E( at distance and 2F( near.
6isually impaired people must have a system customi<ed to their own visual deficiencies. But it
will be available only after 2010. 3ow vision described was no better vision than 20C/0 when corrected.
The subretinal approach is based on the fact that for instance of retinitis pigmentosaG the
neuronal network in the inner retina is preserved with a relatively intact morphology. Thus, it is appropriate for
e(citation by e(trinsically applied electrical current instead of intrinsically delivered photoelectric e(citation via
photoreceptors. This option re.uires that basic features of visual scenes such as points, bars, edges, etc. can be
fed into the retinal network by electrical stimulation of individual sites of the distal retina with a set of individual
Subretinal approach is aiming at a direct physical replacement of degenerated photoreceptors
in the human eye, the basic function of which is very similar to that of solar cells, namely delivering slow
potential changes upon illumination. The .uantum efficiency of photoreceptor action, however, is 1000 times
larger than that of the corresponding technical de$vices. Therefore the intriguingly simple approach of replacing
degenerated photoreceptors
by artificial solar cell arrays has to overcome some difficulties, especially the energy supply for successful retina
4n the Hback, side of the retina, photoreceptors rods and cones# are e(cited by the incoming
light and deliver gradual potential changes to the inner retina layers. The path of the electrical signals is then
opposite to that of the incoming light. The main problem in diseases like retinitis pigmentosa or macula
degeneration is the loss of photoreceptors or photoreceptor function, whereas the signal processing path in the
inner retina is remaining intact. This gives us the chance to place a micro photo diode array &"'%# in the
subretinal space, which may then electrically stimulate remaining photoreceptor or bipolar cells. %ppropriate
surgical techni.ues have recently been developed and tested.
It,s believed that the so evoked retinal activity leads to useful sensations if the retinal output
reveals the topography of the image feature and is pro9ected retinotopically correct to the visual corte(.

In addition, the sampling density of a sub retinal device could be designed to match that of the
remaining photoreceptor or bipolar cell matri(, thereby providing a potentially high$resolution input to the retina.
Implant chips have been tested both in vitro and in vivo to assess their bio$stability. In vitro
stability in buffered saline solution# is e(cellent even for periods as long as 2 years. In vivo, however, the
passivation layer could withstand the biological environment for up to about si( months only. In contrast, the
electrodes made of titanium nitride showed e(cellent biostability over more than 1I months in vivo. These are
the results of vitro and vivo tests conducted by the scientists in !etinal Implant !esearch centre.

3.2.1 IN &ITR'-TESTS
In order to evaluate parameters for subretinal electrical stimulation scientists established new
in$vitro methods for electrical multisite stimulation of e(planted retinas and multichannel recording of retinal
activity. The aim of the study, which is still carried out at the ?&I is to find stimulation paradigms that are
suitable to evoke spatially structured ganglion cell activity within a safe operational range of the electrodes and
the tissue and with an ade.uate dynamic range of the retinal output.
0ig ;.2.2 0unctional electrical retina stimulation in vitro.
%# &onofocal distal current in9ection: "ieces of whole mount retinas are attached to a
microelectrode array &*%# with the ganglion cell side facing the transparent glass plate and its embedded
planar electrodes asterisks#. % tungsten electrode is lowered into the distal side of the retina. &onopolar charge
balanced current pulses are applied bundle of arrows from top#. 0ig B Shows &ultisite charge in9ection: =ith
the ganglion cell side up, multifocal stimulation of the distal retina side is obtained by applying voltage pulses to
a variable number of electrodes of the &*% bundle of arrows from bottom#. The retinal response is recorded
from ganglion cell bodies with a glass pipette. 0ig -# Sandwich preparation techni.ue: % &"'% prototype chip is
placed onto the distal retina side and is illuminated with flashes of light arrow from bottom#. &ulti$unit ganglion
cell activity evoked by the light generated photodiode current bundle of arrows from top# is recorded with
several &*% electrodes in parallel.
!etina segments from chicken or blind !-S rats were adhered to a microelectrode array &*%#
with J0 substrate integrated planar electrodes diameter 10 Km, spacing 100 Km# either for distal stimulation or
pro(imal recording. In the preparation where the photoreceptor side faces the &*%, retinal activity was evoked
by stimulation with different geometrically defined voltage patterns. =ith this method, we were able to
investigate the dependence of the retinal network response on the strength, shape and location of distally
in9ected spatial charge patterns. This arrangement well imitates the in-vivo situation of a subretinal implant with
embedded stimulation electrodes.
They found that application of different spatio$temporal voltage pattern via the electrode array
resulted in well ordered spatio$temporal activity pattern in the retinal network. &edian charge delivery at
threshold was 0./ n-CpulseCelectrode charge density F00 K-CcmL#. The operational range for modulating the
spike activity with distally in9ected charge covers about one to two orders of magnitude charge in n-#. The
spatial resolution was 100 $ 200 Km. The results also indicate that ganglion cells respond to charge in9ection
within a circumscribed area with center and surround.
*voked retinal response related to the amount of in9ected charge. %# !aster plot /0 trials#
and cumulative response histogram bin width 1 ms# to a single voltage pulse with 0.F ms duration and
increasing amplitude, applied via a platini<ed gold electrode to a chicken retina sample. In the histograms the
number of spikes from /0 trials is given. B# !elative ganglion cell response in a /0 ms window after pulse onset
plotted against charge in9ected per pulse and electrode. %t the upper a(is the related voltage level and peak
current are given. The error bars indicate the standard deviation of the number of spikes per trial within the
analy<ing window. The colored triangle indicates the operational range between the 10M and E0M response
level. -# Scatter diagram showing the charge thresholds for spot stimulation n N 10#. The line represents the
median value 0./; n-#.
The e(periments revealed that in a partly degenerated neuronal network information
processing capabilities are present and can be activated by artificial inputs. This open up promising perspectives
not only for the development of subretinally implanted stimulation devices as visual prostheses but also for the
entire field of neurobionics and neurotechnology.
3.2.2 IN &I&' TESTS
% special part of the brain, the visual corte(, is believed to be the entrance structure to visual
perception and cognition %ctivity of nerve cells within the brainBs surface the corte(# produce electrical fields
that can be picked up at some distance with electrodes like ceiling microphones pick up sound from instruments
in an orchestra during a concert#. In humans these electrodes are simply OgluedO on the scalp with a sticky paste
on the back of the head. In the pig model special arrays of electrodes fi(ed on a silicone$carrier 0ig.1 B# are
placed under the scull bone above the duration by neurosurgeons 0ig.1 %# and can be left there for several
=hen a visual stimulus e.g. a blinking spot or a reversing checkerboard pattern# is presented
within the visual field the electrical fields arising from the visual corte( change over time in a characteristic
manner. These changes are measurable as voltage changes across the electrodes. They are referred to as
"visually evoked poenials" or 6*".
6*"s are very informative about the visual system and its function. *ach time a 6*" can be
recorded most probably a visual sensation has occurred. In humans 6*"$curves vary in amplitude and time,
dependent on the intensity, the location and the type of visual stimulus that is used to evoke the 6*". 6*"s are
an ob9ective measure for central visual function. Since its anatomy and si<e is very close to the human eye, the
pig is an ideal model to develop implantation techni.ues for subretinal devices or to test long$term stability and
=hite light flashes of varying intensity were repeatedly presented to the anaestheti<ed pig.
*lectrical fields arising from the visual corte( in response to the stimulation were recorded with special amplifiers
and further analy<ed by computer. %# %t high light intensities response amplitudes of up to 200 K6 of voltage
could be recorded. B# 0ollowing electrical stimulation with a subreitnal device evoked brain activity in the visual
In the last years scientists could prove that stimulation via a subretinal implant indeed led to a
activation of the visual corte( both in pigs and rabbits . These electrically evoked O6*"O signals from the brain
were similar in time course and amplitude to the 6*" obtained by light stimulation white flashes# of an
e.uivalent retinal area.
Stimulus amplitudes of J00 m6 trace at J00 m6# evoked brain activity clearly above noise level
trace at 0 m6#. The response amplitude further increased on increasing stimulation amplitudes. In comparison,
the lowermost trace reflects the brainBs response to a white light flash. %lthough the shape of the responses to
electrical stimulation and to light stimulation matches closely, with the subretinal implant there is a much lower
implicit time Ptime from onset of the stimulus green line to the onset of a recordable response in the brain#.
This is probably due to the much faster propagation of the Olight signalO through the subretinal prosthesis and
the connected retinal cells.
The -hows originally tested their chip in blind animals and successfully produced visual
sensations. Their device displays only black and white images and works best in well$lit rooms, but they hope
that the addition of more solar cells on the chip will eventually improve the results. &uch of this technology
hinges upon the ability of the human eye to accept silicon chip implants, and si( retinitis pigmentosa patients
have undergone the procedure during the past year. 'r. -how reports that, as yet, there has been no sign of
re9ection, infection, inflammation, or detachment, and that the patients all affected by retinitis pigmentosa# are
reporting improved vision.
% recent press release from 4ptobionics &ay 2002# reported these positive results, and
also that the chips seem to be stimulating remaining healthy cells. Initial e(pectations were to gain some light
perception at the site of the implant, but improvement outside the implant areas is also being seen: something
'r. -how calls a Orescue effect.O Ais report was also presented at the 2002 meeting of the %ssociation for
!esearch in 6ision and 4phthalmology %!64# in 0t. 3auderdale, 0lorida.
In addition to continuing to follow up on these si( patients, the 4ptobionics company is
planning more implants in the near future. This work by the -hows is for the purpose of determining the safety
of the procedure in humans under 0'% guidelines, and it will be several years before large$scale clinical trials will
prove the efficacy of their approach.
The micro chip which should be designed for sub retinal implantation should small enough to
be implanted in eye, supplied with continuous source of power, and it should be biocompatible with the eye
tissues. To meet these re.uirements scientists in optobionic research centre have developed a device called
artificial silicon retina.
3.2.3 STR*%T*RE AND -'R.IN+ ') ASR
The %S!Q microchip is a silicon chip 2mm in diameter and 2F microns thick, less than the
thickness of a human hair. It contains appro(imately F,000 microscopic solar cells called )microphotodiodes,+
each with its own stimulating electrode. These microphotodiodes are designed to convert the light energy from
images into electrical chemical impulses that stimulate the remaining functional cells of the retina in patients and
rp type or devices.
The %S! microchip is powered solely by incident light and does not re.uire the use of e(ternal
wires or batteries. =hen surgically implanted under the retina>in a location known as the )subretinal space+>
the %S! chip is designed to produce visual signals similar to those produced by the photoreceptor layer. 0rom
their sub retinal location, these artificial )photoelectric+ signals from the %S! microchip are in a position to induce
biological visual signals in the remaining functional retinal cells which may be processed and sent via the optic
nerve to the brain.
In preclinical laboratory testing, animal models implanted with the %S!s responded to light
stimuli with retinal electrical signals *!1s# and sometimes brain$wave signals 6*"s#. The induction of these
biological signals by the %S! chip indicated
=hen a diode is reverse biased the electrons @holes move away from "? 9unction. If the photo
diode is e(posed to a series of light pulses the photon generated minority carriers must diffuse to the 9unction
@should be swept across to the other side in a very short time. Therefore its decided that he width of the
depletion region is be large enough that most of the photons are absorbed within the depletion region rather
than in the neutral "? 9unction region. "hotodiode can work in two modes. 4ne in which the e(ternal circuit
delivers power to the device other in which device gives power to the e(ternal circuit. Therefore it can be called
as a solar cell.
The %S! is powered solely by the incident light @does not re.uire the use of e(ternal wires or
batteries. =hen surgically implanted under the retina in a location known as subretinal space the %S! is
designed to produce visual signals similar to those produced by the photoreceptor layer. Thus a photodiode
produces a voltage corresponding to the light energy incident on it. Solar cells in the deviceBs microchip are
supposed to replace the function of the retinaBs light$sensing cells that have been damaged by disease.
The %S! microchip relies on the ability to stimulate the remaining functional cells within a
partially degenerated inner or neuro retina. %s a result, the %S! chip will not be able to assist patients with
conditions where the retina or visual pathway is more substantially damaged.
. The current micro photodiode array &"%# is comprised of a regular array of individual
photodiode subunits, each appro(imately 20R20$Km s.uare and separated by 10$Km channel stops. %cross the
different generations e(amined, the implants have decreased in thickness, from P2F0 Km for the earlier devices,
to appro(imately F0 Km for the devices that are currently being used. Because implants are designed to be
powered solely by incident light, there are no connections to an e(ternal power supply or other device. In their
final form, devices generate current in response to a wavelength range of F00 to 1100 nm.
Implants are comprised of a doped and ion$implanted silicon substrate disk to produce a "i?
positive$intrinsic$negative# 9unction. 0abrication begins with a S.J$cm diameter semiconductor grade ?$type
silicon wafer. 0or the &"% device, a photo mask is used to ion$implant shallow "T doped wells into the front
surface of the wafer, separated by channel stops in a pattern of individual micro photodiodes. %n intrinsic layer
automatically forms at the boundary between the "T$doped wells and the ?$type substrate of the wafer. The
back of the wafer is then ion$implanted to produce a ?T surface.
Thereafter, an insulating layer of silicon nitrate is deposited on the front of the wafer,
covering the entire surface e(cept for the well openings. % thin adhesion layer, of chromium or titanium, is then
deposited over the "T and ?T layers. % transparent electrode layer of gold, iridiumCiridium o(ide, or platinum, is
deposited on the front well side, and on the back ground side. In its simplest form, the photodiode and electrode
layers are the same si<e. Aowever, the current density available at each individual micro photodiode subunit can
be increased by increasing the photodiode collector to electrode area ratio.
Implant finishing involves several steps. Smaller s.uare devices are produced by diamond
sawing, affi(ed to a spindle using optical pitch, ground, and then polished to produce the final round devices for
implantation. The diameter of these devices has ranged from 2$; mm for implantation into the rabbit or cat sub
retinal space# to P0.I mm for implantation into the smaller eye of the rat#.

fig ;.2.F Schematic cross section through a micro$photodiode left# and micrograph of surface
obtained by scanning electron microscopy. The micro$photodiodes convert light impinging on the surface of the
chip to electric current which is delivered to the tissue via micro$electrodes.
0ig ;.2.J: Titanium is sputtered at high pressure in a nitrogen atmosphere to obtain nano$
porous titanium nitride Ti?# stimulation electrodes on the implant. This enables enhancement of electrode
surface area by a factor of up to 100 which is a critical prere.uisite for efficient charge transfer from chip to
tissue. S*& micrograph of thin film electrode: nano$porous surface te(ture provides for e(cellent charge transfer
from chip to tissue.
0ig ;.2.I: The electric performance of the interface between chip and tissue is critical for the
proper function of the implant. 0rom the point of view of an electrical engineer, this interface acts like a capacitor.
0or this reason, no '- currents may be used in electro$stimulation but only current transients may be applied.
&icro$graph of cross$section through retinal tissue on micro$photodiode obtained by transmission electron
microscopy. The electrical properties of the interface may be described by an e.uivalent circuit. 4nly transient
current pulses may be used to stimulate tissue.

The microsurgical procedure consists of a standard vitrectomy plus an additional step. The
surgeon starts by making three tiny incisions in the white part of the sub9ect,s eye, each incision no larger than
the diameter of a needle. Through these incisions, the surgeon removes the gel in the middle of the eye and
replaces it with saline. The surgeon then make an opening in the retina through which fluid is in9ected: the fluid
lifts up a portion of the retina from the back of the eye and creates a small pocket in the )subretinal space+ 9ust
wide enough to accommodate the %S! microchip.
The surgeon then slides the implant into the subretinal space, much as one might slip a tiny
coin into a pocket. 0inally, the surgeon introduces air into the middle of the eye to gently push the retina back
down over the implant. 4ver a period of one or two days, the air bubble is reabsorbed and replaced by fluids
created within the eye. The procedure takes about 2 hours and is done on a hospital outpatient basis.
Scientists have created a device that allows them to communicate directly with large numbers
of individual nerve cells in the visual part of the brain. The device is a silicon electrode array may provide a
means through which a limited but useful visual sense may be restored to profoundly blind individuals.
This shows the development of the first visual prosthesis providing useful Oartificial visionO to a
blind volunteer by connecting a digital video camera, computer, and associated electronics to the visual corte( of
his brain. This device has been the ob9ective of a development effort begun by our group in 1EJI and represents
reali<ation of the prediction of an artificial vision system made by Ben9amin 0ranklin in his report on the Okite and
keyO e(periment
This new visual prosthesis produces black and white display of visual corte( OphosphenesO
analogous to the images pro9ected on the light bulb arrays of some sports stadium scoreboards. The system was
primarily designed to promote independent mobility, not reading. It has a battery powered, electronic interface
that is !0 isolated from line currents for safety. This interface can replace the camera, permitting the volunteer
to directly watch television and use a computer, including access to the Internet. Because of their potential
importance for education, and to help integrate blind people into the workforce, such television, computer, and
Internet capabilities may prove even more valuable in the future than independent mobility.
0irst of all passing an electric current through a single electrode into the visual corte( causes a
blind sub9ect to see a point of light called a phosphene. The visual scene before the sub9ect will be encoded by
miniature video camera attached to a pair of eye glasses. The resulting video signals will be processed by custom
circuitry. The processed signals pass across the skull to an array of electrodes implanted in the primary visual
!elaying the electric signals to the cortical implant could be accomplished by two methods$
conductive and inductive. In the former connectors are attached to the cranium and provide access to the
e(ternal circuitry with the later a transformer is formed with one coil under the skin and the other one on the
0ig /.1 -ortical Implant
% platinum foil ground plant is perforated with a he(agonal array of F mm diameter holes on ;
mm centers, and the flat platinum electrodes centered in each hole are 1 mm in diameter. This ground plane
keeps all current beneath the dura. This eliminates discomfort due to dural e(citation when stimulating some
single electrodes such as number 1E# and when other arrays of electrodes are stimulated simultaneously. The
ground plane also eliminates most phosphene interactions when multiple electrodes are stimulated
simultaneously, and provides an additional measure of electrical safety that is not possible when stimulating
between cortical electrodes and a ground plane outside the skull. *ach electrode is connected by a separate
teflon insulated wire to a connector contained in a carbon percutaneous pedestal.
=hen stimulated, each electrode produces 1$/ closely spaced phosphenes. *ach phosphene in
a cluster ranges up to the diameter of a pencil at arms length. ?eighboring phosphenes in each cluster are
generally too close to the ad9acent phosphenes for another phosphene to be located between them. indicate the
primary visual corte( area 1S# would permit placement of 2FJ surface electrodes on ; mm centers on each lobe
in most humans F12 electrodes total.
The 2E2 U F12 pi(el --' black and white television camera is powered by a E 6 battery, and
connects via a battery powered ?TS- link to a sub$notebook computer in a belt pack. This f 1/.F camera, with a
JEV field of view, uses a pinhole aperture, instead of a lens, to minimi<e si<e and weight. It also incorporates an
electronic OirisO for automatic e(posure control.
The sub$notebook computer incorporates a 120 &A< microprocessor with ;2 &B of !%& and a
1.F 1B hard drive. It also has an 3-' screen and keyboard. It was selected because of its very small si<e and
light weight. The belt pack also contains a second microcontroller, and associated electronics to stimulate the
brain. This stimulus generator is connected through a percutaneous pedestal to the electrodes implanted on the
visual corte(. The computer and electronics package together are about the si<e of a dictionary and weigh
appro(imately 10 pounds, including camera, cables, and rechargeable batteries. The battery pack for the
computer will operate for appro(imately ; hours and the battery pack for the other electronics will operate for
appro(imately J hours.
This general architecture, in which one computer interfaces with the camera and a second
computer controls the stimulating electronics, has been used by us in this, and four other substantially
e.uivalent systems, since 1EJE. 0# The software involves appro(imately 2F,000 lines of code in addition to the
sub$notebooksB operating system. &ost of the code is written in %11, while some is written in %. The second
microcontroller is programmed in assembly language.
Stimulation delivered to each electrode typically consists of a train of si( pulses delivered at ;0
A< to produce each frame of the image. 0rames have been produced with 1$F0 pulses, and frame rates have
been varied from 1 to 20 frames per second. %s e(pected, /# frame rates of / per second currently seem best,
even with trains containing only a single pulse. *ach pulse is symmetric, biphasic $CT# with a pulse width of F00
Ksec per phase 1,000 Ksec total#. Threshold amplitudes of 10$20 volts <ero$peak# may vary TC$20M from day
to dayG they are higher than the thresholds of similar electrodes without the ground plane, presumably because
current shunts across the surface of the pia$archnoid and encapsulating membrane.
The system is calibrated each morning by recomputing the thresholds for each electrode, a
simple procedure that takes the volunteer appro(imately 1F minutes with a numeric keypad.
%lthough stimulation of visual corte( in sighted patients 2# fre.uently produces colored
phosphenes, the phosphenes reported by this volunteer and all previous blind volunteers to the best of our
knowledge# are colorless. =e speculate that this is the result of post$deprivation deterioration of the cells andCor
senaphtic connections re.uired for color vision. -onse.uently, color vision may never be possible in this
volunteer or in future patients. Aowever, optical filters could help differentiate colors, and it is also conceivable
that chromatic sensations could be produced if future patients are implanted shortly after being blinded, before
atrophy of the neural network responsible for color vision.
The problem kindling of neural tissues or the triggering of sei<ures in those tissues by periodic
electrical stimulation has to be solved. Biocompatibility is another issue of concern. This particular ve(ing
problem has yet to be solved. % power supply to the system has to be efficiently designed. The position of the
implant within the skull has to be decided upon. 3astly the implant should function flawlessly for years.
The application of the research work done is directed towards the people who are visually
impaired. "eople suffering from low vision to, people who are completely blind will benefit from this pro9ect. The
findings regarding biocompatibility of implant materials will aid in other similar attempts for in human machine
interface. -ongenital defects in the body, which cannot be fully corrected through surgery, can then be corrected.
There has been marked increase in research and clinical work aimed at understanding low
vision. 0uture work has to be focused on the optimi<ation and further miniaturi<ation of the implant modules.
-ommercially available systems have started emerging that integrates video technology, image processing and
low vision research.
Implementation of an %rtificial *ye has advantages. %n electronic eye is more precise and
enduring than a biological eye and we cannot altogether say that this would be used only to benefit the human
race. In short successful implementation of a bioelectronic eye would solve many of the visual anomalities
suffered by human,s to date.
To be honest, the final visual outcome of a patient can not be predicted. Aowever, before
implantation several tests have to be performed with which the potential postoperative function can be
estimated. =ith this recognition of large ob9ects and the restoration of the day$night cycle are the primary goals
of the prototype implant
*pi !etinal Implantation,
Sub !etinal Implantation,
S*&I?%! T4"I- 0!4& :: www.edufive.comCseminartopics.html
-ortical Implants,<in.uni$tuebingen.deCdepiiCgroupsCsubret

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