Artspeak: December 2009 Free

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December 2009

and January 2010

Issue 89
ISN: 1324 2822


Arts OutWest promotes, facilitates, educates and advocates for arts and cultural development for communities in Central West NSW
B AT H U R S T R E G I O N • B L AY N E Y • C A B O N N E • C O W R A • F O R B E S • L A C H L A N • L I T H G O W
M I D - W E S T E R N R E G I O N • O B E R O N • O R A N G E • PA R K E S • W E D D I N • W E L L I N G T O N

Head of Australia Council to tour region

Head of the Australia Council for the Arts Kathy Keele, Director of
Artsupport Australia Louise Walsh and Regional Arts NSW CEO
Elizabeth Rogers will join Arts OutWest executive officer Tracey
Callinan on a tour of the region during the first week of December.
As the CEO of the Australian government’s arts funding and advisory body,
Kathy Keele was keen to see the work of a regional arts board and hear
and see firsthand the stories and realities of the arts in regional Australia.
The five-day road trip will take in Condobolin, Lake Cargelligo, Forbes,
Parkes, Canowindra, Orange and Bathurst plus a visit to Dubbo. They will
tour venues large and small, meet with artists, arts workers, local council
staff, arts business owners and others working in the region.
Whilst Ms Keele, who has been with the Australia Council since 2007,
has visited many parts of the country, this will be her first extensive tour of
regional inland NSW.
Louise Walsh, head of Artsupport Australia, the arm of the Australia Council Above: Kathy Keele, CEO of the Australia Council for
that looks at philanthropic support, will also join the road trip. the Arts will tour the Central West this month.

Regional Arts Australia sets national priorities

Regional Arts Australia, the national advocacy and industry
development body for the arts in regional Australia, has
followed up the community consultation series earlier this
year with the publication of a set of directions and priorities
for the future.
‘Creating a better life for regional Australia’ summarises the
issues raised in the consultations across Australia. The issues
for consideration fit under five goals: building a strong sense
of purpose and identity; developing inclusive and resilient
communities; engaging young people in creating regional futures;
health and wellbeing; and environmental sustainability.
Specific steps for working towards these goals are outlined in the
Above: Some of the participants at the Regional Arts Australia document. Copies of the document are available from the Arts
community consultation in Bathurst in July this year. OutWest office or online at

Arts Outwest News 1-3
Marcus Westbury seeds ideas Local Arts News 4-6 What’s On 7-12
Oberon’s hip hop video Big award winners Central West arts and cultural events
Indigenous dance group supported CD launches
History on tour Opportunities 13-15
State/ National news 4 Funding, calls for artwork, workshop
What you need to know about CASP
Reviews & Pictures 6 and more
Katies Noonan
RAF funding 2010 announced Artspeak | Summer 09-10 | 1

About Us Arts OutWest News
Arts OutWest Inc As this is the last issue of ArtSpeak for 2009, it seems an appropriate time
Servicing the Central West since 1974 to reflect on the year – my first as a RADO (Regional Development Officer)
and as Executive Officer at Arts OutWest; I have now been here for ten
Phone: (02) 6338 4657
Fax: (02) 6338 4646
months. It’s been a year with a steep learning curve as I have endeavoured to
Email: get out and talk to as many people possible across our region and get to grips
PO Box 8272 CSU LPO with what our organisation’s priorities should be. I believe we have a vision is
Bathurst NSW 2795 place and I am excited about the prospects for 2010. In particular I am pleased that our staffing structure and funding have enabled us to continue with our
two project coordinators: Zoe Rodwell will be able to continue the work she
Executive Officer | Tracey Callinan has instigated with young people through the ArtStart program in her position
Communications Officer | as Project Officer – Young People, while the Art and Health program which has
Maryanne Jaques been based at Bathurst Hospital will now be rolled out right across the region
Finance Officer (PT) | Ian Kirkby with our Arts and Health Coordinator Christine McMillan. I’m hopeful too that
Art & Health Project Coordinator (PT) | we will get the funding to soon have an Aboriginal Art Project Officer in place.
Christine McMillian These positions will assist Arts OutWest in providing a comprehensive and
Youth Projects Officer (PT) | relevant program across the Central West region.
Zoe Rodwell
One of the highlights of November was the visit to Bathurst by Marcus
Brandon Wilson - Wellington | Chair
Westbury. We held an afternoon workshop attended by people from Lithgow,
Fiona Ferguson - Vice Chair Bathurst, Orange and Forbes, and this was followed by an excellent and
Robert Pearce - Treasurer well attended evening at the Carrington in Bathurst which really got people
Cr Monica Morse - Bathurst Region | thinking and talking about finding alternative ways to do things. I’m keen to
Secretary find more opportunities to bring in speakers who are at the cutting edge of arts
Heather Blackley - Lachlan development to encourage and provoke us all to think creatively about the way
Kay Chapman we approach arts development in our communities.
Lyn Cole - Mid-Western Region
Brian Langer - Cowra I’m looking forward to the visit in the first week of December by the CEO of the
Cr Chris Lobb - Weddin Australia Council, Kathy Keele along with Louise Walsh who heads ArtSupport,
Suzanne Lollback - Lithgow the philanthropy arm of the Australia Council. The Australia Council is the major
Jason Lowe - Orange funding body in Australia for the arts, and I feel it is essential that we represent
Elizabeth Matthews - Parkes
the issues, challenges and successes of working in regional Australia. On
Christine Parker - Oberon
Cr Roxanne Reeks - Blayney
that note we have now received the report that has resulted from the national
Cr Chris Roylance - Forbes consultation process that was undertaken by Regional Arts Australia earlier
Annabel Scholes - CSU this year, including the session we hosted in Bathurst. Five main goals have
Cr Sharon Wilcox - Cabonne emerged: building a strong sense of purpose and identity, developing inclusive
and resilient communities, engaging young people in creating regional futures,
health and wellbeing and environmental sustainability. I am happy to say that
Join Arts OutWest. Individual member
$20, Organisation $30 per annum. these are all areas that Arts OutWest is already working in and is committed to
Annual membership July 1- June 30. further developing.

CONTENT DEADLINES At the end of this year Arts OutWest says goodbye to Mid-Western Regional
Artspeak |15th of the month Council who will be transferring to our smaller and neighbouring Regional Arts
Website, radio etc | two weeks prior Board, Orana Arts. Mid-Western Region re-joined Arts OutWest in 2007, and
THANKYOU during that time we have conducted a number of workshops in that region,
Thank you to the media agencies who funded CASP grants and partnered on a project with Australian Theatre for
assist Arts OutWest to promote arts and Young people and children’s mental health services, as well as providing our
cultural events, in particular: ABC Central media and promotions services and ongoing advice and support to artists
West, 2BS, 2MCE, 2PK, 2LT, 2MG, and community projects. We wish Mid-Western Region all the best with the
PHFM, 2LVR, 2LF, Cowra Community change-over.
News, imag, Rural Press publications,
WIN Television, Prime Television. Although ArtSpeak won’t be coming out again until February, Arts OutWest
will still be busy in January, so please don’t hesitate to call us if you need
We want you to receive the best possible any assistance throughout January, including preparation for the CASP grants
service. Please forward any comments. that we expect to be due in mid February. We’re also looking forward to new
developments in the new year such as the launch of our new website. Best
ARTS OUTWEST IS SUPPORTED BY: wishes to all for the Christmas season and we look forward to a stimulating and
Arts NSW; Local councils of Central
creative 2010.
West NSW: Bathurst Regional, Blayney,
Cabonne, Cowra, Forbes, Lachlan,
Lithgow, Mid-Western Regional, Tracey Callinan
Oberon, Orange, Parkes, Weddin
and Wellington; and Charles Sturt DISCLAIMER
University. Articles and reviews appearing in Artspeak which are attributed to individuals do not
Current projects partners include TAFE necessarily express the views of Arts OutWest. All content, including event listing
NSW, Greater Western Area Health details, is sourced from the community and reprinted here and online in good faith.
Service, the Department of Industry & Arts OutWest accepts no responsibility for date, price, content or venue changes, or
Innovation. cancellation of events. Arts OutWest reserves the right to edit or omit contributions.

2 | Summer 09-10 | Artspeak

Arts OutWest News
Oberon ArtStart: The Positives of Partnerships
The 2009 Oberon ArtStart project was one of many It was an extremely well thought out project, one which
that involved creating a partnership with another Lisa had spent over a year developing. Creating a
community-focused organisation. partnership between Lisa and ArtStart produced an ideal
Working alongside other like-minded people offered the youth development project and one that has left many
2009 ArtStart program support, strength and increased the positive attitude changes within Oberon High School.
likely hood of sustainability. It also encouraged the design The obvious strengths of this project were the extensive
of each project to specifically target the host community planning and consultation followed by the extended period
and youth participants. of delivery, allowing maximum face-to-face time with all
Teaming up with Lisa Lantry, a consultant with Bathurst the participants. Without the partnership with Lisa and
Veritas House, Toby Finlayson and Rohan Smyth from Veritas House a project of this magnitude would not have
Desert Pea Media, the Oberon ArtStart project addressed been possible. This project collaborated ideas, time,
the skills youth needed to build better and more positive personal, finances and other resources and resulted in a
relationships. The program was delivered to all year nine more sustainable and significant venture.
students at Oberon High School, every second week for four I want to extend my deepest thanks to all people
months. Participants explored themes of communication, involved in the 2009 ArtStart program; the hard work and
respect, negotiation and self-awareness through a variety cooperation of individuals, participants and organisations
of team-building and image theatre exercises. These were alike contributed to make it such a wonderful success.
led by the boys from Desert Pea and culminated in the To view the projects that took place across the Central
production of an enlightening and fun-filled hip hop music west region head to the ArtStart website:
Lisa worked with guest speakers, the Love Bites program
and the White Ribbon campaign to raise awareness of Zoe Rodwell, Youth Projects Officer
youth mental health and domestic violence issues. She
also arranged for a group of ‘Peer Educators’ from various Oberon High School’s hip hop film clip will be officially
senior years to help communicate lessons learnt to the launched at the school on Wednesday December 2. The
rest of the school body. At the conclusion of this project the clip will be available on Arts OutWest’s YouTube channel
Peer Educators came together to survey the school body ( shortly.
and evaluate student concerns, which will be presented to
staff for reflection and effecting positive change. ArtStart is a biennial program funded by TAFE NSW.

Marcus Westbury’s food for thought

Marcus Westbury’s visit to Bathurst in November was a great success
and provided food for thought for many in the community.
This was the start of what Arts OutWest hopes will be a series of events
in which the arts community of the Central West gets access to exciting
new thinking in the sector. With the help of our sponsor venue, The
Carrington, we were able to present an evening in which Marcus shared
his approach to finding creative spaces. There were plenty of questions
from locals on how he and his team got the Renew Newcastle project up
and running. We have had an overwhelmingly positive response to the
evening as well as the afternoon workshop and are now working on new
ideas for future presentations.
For more information on the Renew Newcastle project go to:
Above: Marcus Westbury explains the Renew Newcastle project to a meeting in Bathurst.

Arts OutWest supports Wagambirra Dancers’

School Spectacular journey
As we reported in month’s Artspeak, Cowra High School were
one of a number of schools in the region invited to perform
in this year’s Department of Education and Training School
Spectacular in Sydney on November 27-28.
In the time between hearing the good news and setting off for Sydney
the students had some frantic fundraising to do.
Arts OutWest was able to cover a large part of the travel costs
through a final portion of unspent funds from the 2008 Central West
Contemporary Aboriginal Dance Development Project, in which the
Wagambirra dancers from Cowra High took part. The project focused
on extending dance skills of young indigenous performers.
Above: Cowra High School’s Wagambirra Dancers were
part of the Central West Contempoary Aboriginal Dance The students tell us they had an “awesome” time and they’ll give a
Development Project in 2008. more detailed report of their experience in the February Artspeak. Artspeak | Summer 09-10 | 3

Country Arts Support Program
Oberon Memory Walls CASP 2010: Things you need to know
Have you seen the two new Heritage The country Arts Support Program (CASP) provides small grants to
Memory Walls on the Oberon arts and community organisations in regional NSW for short term,
Common? locally initiated projects.
The walls have recently been speedily Funded projects usually receive between $500-$1800 and the funding pool
and beautifully constructed under in each region is limited with many applications received.
the direction of Denis Kirkwood and That said, all groups with suitable projects in mind are encouraged to apply.
Rory Kirkwood with Luke of Glenrory Four key things to do or consider when applying for funding are:
Stone, Oberon. Next in the process • It would be worthwhile having a look at the 2009 guidelines and application
are workshops with Gabriella Hegyes, forms - these may change slightly for 2010, but are likely to remain much
funded by Oberon Arts Council’s the same. 2010 guidelines will be published soon.
$800 Country Arts Support Program • Read the guidelines carefully to ascertain the eligibility of both your
(CASP) grant, so that the walls can be organisation and your proposed activity for funding under this program.
embellished with Oberon’s story. These • You MUST speak to the RADO for your region (i.e. in this region Arts
will run throughout the January School OutWest) about your project prior to applying.
Holidays. • Start planning now, especially in terms of your budget and gathering any
The walls will compliment the terrazzo letters of support you’ll need.
tapestries laid on the floor of the 2010 applications will close in February 2010.
park’s rotunda through previous CASP For guidelines and applications forms for CASP 2010 go to:

National Arts News RAF Quicks funding

In the July-September quarter the
Regional Arts Fund support for two local projects Quick Support program attached
Two Central West projects are amongst 78 funded nationally in the to RAF supported Orange-based
2010 round of the Regional Arts Fund (RAF). Aboriginal teacher and choreographer
Basket Cases is an artist exchange, mentoring and design development of traditional Wiradjuri women’s songs
project linking people in Orange and Condobolin. Two artists will work with and dances, Fleur Magik, to attend the
up to eight emerging Aboriginal artists to develop skills in terrazzo and Pitjantjatjara Women’s Ceremonies in
weaving with the aim of creating site-specific works for the hospital re- Yulara Northern Territory. This was an
development at Bloomfield in Orange. opportunity to gain cultural knowledge
Bathurst Memorial Entertainment Centre’s Central West World Workshop and networks to assist Fleur’s work
Retreat will also involve rural indigenous communities through a with Aboriginal women and girls in
collaboration between BMEC’s Local Stages program and national Western NSW.
indigenous performing arts organisations. More information on Quick Response
The Central West projects share $23,570 in funding. 20 projects were Grants:
funded in NSW to a total of $363,600 from a $1.6m pool of federal funding. au/grants/qtg.html

Local Arts and Cultural News

Scattered Bones across NSW
Taking an eleven metre Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton on tour to schools
across NSW is not an option for the Australian Fossil and Mineral
Museum in Bathurst.
Instead, a video conferencing virtual classroom studio has been established
in the Fossil Gallery of the Museum. The first session broadcast from
the new studio was a writing project called Scattered Bones with author
Paul Stafford. 235 students from twelve schools across NSW ‘visited’ the
Australian Fossil and Mineral Museum from their classrooms via the internet
between 23-26 November 2009.
The program has been funded by Arts NSW, operating through the DET’s
Connections program.
The program will also involve lectures by Professor Warren Sommerville
and the Museum’s education team on aspects of the collection.
The project has developed from the Museum’s award winning Dead Bones
Society, a series of writing workshops for boys with teenage fiction author
Paul Stafford. Paul has 14 books published, most recently the four-
title comedy-horror series Horror High and You’re History, Mate! a
non-fiction Australian history book, all published by Random House
Right: The Dead Bones Society in action ‘live’ at the museum in 2007.

4 | Summer 09-10 | Artspeak

Local Arts and Cultural News
Tourism Awards for Elvis, Jenolan and the utes
The CountryLink Parkes Elvis Festival has won a Silver Award in the
Festivals and Events category of the NSW Tourism Awards. ‘The Utes in
the Paddock’, a relatively new addition to the landscape at Ootha, between
Parkes and Condobolin, was presented with the Silver Award in the Heritage
and Cultural Category and Jenolan Caves took out Silver in the Tourist Attraction
The awards were presented by Tourism NSW and the Tourism Industry Council
NSW in Sydney in November. The Awards are a submission and inspection-
based competition and provide the opportunity to publicly recognise and
showcase the State’s finest tourism operators.
“Winning this award is another fantastic achievement – it’s really going to raise
the profile of the Elvis Festival and of Parkes. The organising Committee,
Council and public put many hours of hard work into the festival every year and
this prestigious award recognises everyone’s dedication,” said Elvis Festival
Coordinator, Ellie Ruffoni.
Oberon Visitor Information Centre also won Gold in the Rod Murdoch Memorial
Award Visitor Information and Services category.
CountryLink Parkes Elvis Festival:
Utes In the Paddock:
Right: Shane Gehlert’s ‘Epitaph to Fossil Fuels’ at Utes in the Paddock. The Ootha attraction won
silver in the Heritage and Culture category of the NSW Tourism Awards. There are now 15 utes
painted by well-known artists on display along the roadside.

2MCE Sounds Live wins national award

Community radio 2MCE’s Sounds Live music festival has won
a Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA)
award for 2009 in the Most Innovative Outside Broadcast or
Special Event Broadcast category.
The CBAA awards, announced in Brisbane on November 21,
recognise excellence in the community radio sector with over 270
stations around the country nominating for the awards.
Sounds Live 2009 involved a live-to-air cabaret held at Bathurst
Memorial Entertainment Centre (BMEC) in conjunction with the
Local Stages program, and an acoustic session at the CSU Ponton
Theatre, both showcasing local musicians.
The Sounds Live Cabaret was held in BMEC’s City Hall with local
Above: Eight Dollar Orchestra perform live-to-air at the bands, singers and even an old fashioned style radio play.
Sounds Live Cabaret. Photo: Peter Gumpert Photography.

Oberon country singer VALE Katie Barton

career soaring Wellington and the Central West
Oberon Country-rock artist Mickey have been sadden by the sudden
Pye moved to Sydney in 2008 with loss of artist, gallery owner and
the dream of building a career in the passionate driver of community
country music industry. events, Katie Barton.
In October the 21 year-old won the Maton The owner of the Percy Street
Talent Search at this year’s National Gallery died suddenly on November
Country Music Muster in Gympie. The 22 leaving behind husband Peter,
Gympie win means Mickey will tour daughters Alexandra and Edwina,
Canada in 2010 with plans to spend time and a community in which she was
in Nashville performing and working with such a tireless champion of arts
other songwriters. and culture.
Mickey graduated from the College of Katie was one of the instigators of
Country Music in January of this year and the Percy Street Harvest Festival,
took out the Aristocrat Entertainer of the hosted workshops at her gallery
Year competition at the 2009 Tamworth and supported numerous regional
Country Music Festival. artists with exhibition space and
Above: Mickey Pye has won the Matron
Mickey Pye’s self-penned single ‘Got Talent Search at the National Music advice.
The Feeling’ is set for commercial Muster and is now off to the US. She, her passion and talent will be
release soon. Visit deeply missed.
mickeypye Artspeak | Summer 09-10 | 5

Local Arts and Cultural News
Cowra songwriter launches EP
Cowra singer-songwriter Melissa 12 string guitar playing and wonderful
Robertson has tasted success this voice.
year with her song “Ride Of Your Melissa launched her EP in November
Life” having it shortlisted in the 29th at Neville’s Country Fair. Early next
Australian Songwriters Association year she will travel to Tamworth to the
Competition. Country Music Festival for a wider
Melissa’s debut EP ‘Ride Of Your Life” is launch of her EP.
a heartfelt collection of songs packed with To listen to Melissa’s songs go to www.
passion, sincerity and honesty, displaying
Melissa’s natural song-writing ability, her

In Brief... And now ...‘Tedfest’

Just when you thought an Elvis festival
Heritage grants
M&G NSW’s Volunteer Initiated
Cowra’s Cultural Plan was as quirky as they come, Parkes Museums (VIM) Grant Program
has secured the first Australian Tedfest provides assistance to volunteer
Cowra Council’s draft Cultural Plan
– a festival originating in Ireland that initiated, community museums in
(2009/2010-2013/2014) is on public
pays tribute to the BBC TV comedy NSW. Local projects funded in the
exhibition until December 18. Councils
Father Ted. Over 500 Father Ted most recent round are:
invites comment and review on the
fans are expected in Parkes during • Archival storage materials:
documents. The Cowra Cultural Plan
Easter 2010 to take part in a range of Canowindra Historical Society
provides a framework to assist Council
humorous activities and tribute events. and Museum Inc
and the community to develop initiatives
Organisers hope to include a day-trip •Exhibition display equipment:
that increase cultural opportunities for
to the Tullamore Irish Festival that also Forbes & District Historical
runs over Easter. Society and Lithgow Small Arms
A copy of the draft Cultural Plan is
Factory Museum
downloadable from Council’s website
( or in hard
Crago Mill 2.0 More information:
More than a decade after plans for a
copy at the Council’s Customer Service
cultural centre at Bathurst’s Crago Mill
Centre, the Cowra Library and the Cowra
Regional Art Gallery. All submission
were shelved, a commercial operator Metro Cinema Orange
has bought the building and will make Orange’s Metro Cinema is
must be made in writing to the General
it a local produce/ cultural venue. reportedly due to re-open, under
Manager, Cowra council, Private Mail
They’re looking for arts/craft, gallery the management of the Australia
bag 342, Cowra NSW 2794 or via email
or music retailers, recording studios or Cinema. The Metro will show new,au by 4pm
other matched retail outlets. Contact releases whilst Australia Cinema
Friday December 18, 2009.
Bernard Vance on 0417 440 554. will focus more upmarket films.

In Review
Author talks in Orange Katie Noonan in Cowra Kalari People’s Choice
From Central West Libraries From Cowra Arts Council The 11th Annual Kalari People’s
Award-winning author Libby Gleeson and What a truly magical evening KATIE Choice Exhibition opened at
award-winning Orange based illustrator NOONAN IN THE HANGAR turned Kalari Cellar Door and Art Gallery
Freya Blackwood spoke to 300 school out to be at Cowra Airport. Cowra Arts in Cowra on November 6. The
children about writing and illustrating Council is extremely proud to have pieces range from bright abstracts
books at Orange City Library recently. been the driving force behind bringing to subtle watercolours, lino cuts
They were reading and talking about this event to Cowra. Katie Noonan to pastels and have been created
their latest book Clancy & Millie and the and her band The Captains were truly by artists from the Central West.
Very Fine House. impressive and drew a standing ovation Awards presented were an
Freya Blackwood now resides in Orange from the crowd. Her magnificent voice encouragement award, sponsored
and won the Crichton Award in 2004 and great compositional skills were on by Fiona Morton, to Colleen Noble
for Two Summers and the book was display. Her encore had us all singing from Billimari. The People’s Choice
shortlisted for the Picture Book of the Year and wishing that she would stay all Winner of the ’Cowra Archie’ was
Award in the Children’s Book Council of night and entertain us some more. Merilyn Rice from Evans Plains.
Australia 2004 Awards. She has also No wonder that she just won another Merilyn’s portrait was of Tim Miller,
written and illustrated her own book Ivy ARIA award for best jazz album for a well known Central West artist.
Loves to Give and is now illustrating her Blackbird. Thanks also to all our local The exhibition runs until December
12th book. supporters who took out share/risk 20 when the artist with the most
‘packages’. votes will be announced.

6 | Summer 09-10 | Artspeak

What’s On|Dec 2009 - Jan 2010
A selection of new events from the Central West NSW regional cultural calendar
For the full list of ongoing events, meetings, classes and exhibitions go to:

Arts and cultural events this month

in Central West NSW. Parkes
Listed by local government area. Including... Bogan Gate, Parkes,
Peak Hill, Trundle, Tullamore...

Parkes Annual Christmas Brass in the Hall

Street Parade & Carnival Tuesday December 8, starts 7pm
Friday December 4, 5.30pm or 7.30pm (TBC)
The street parade will commence An evening Concert Brass in the
from the intersection of Bushman Hall featuring Paul Terracini Brass
and Clarinda Streets. Following the Ensemble and Kinross Wolaroi
parade will be a Carnival in Cooke School graduating Year 12 students
Park with lots of market stalls and (including Trundle guitarist James
fun for the kids. Gray) is Tickets TBC approx $20/
Cooke Park, Parkes $50 family
Parkes Business Chamber Tullamore War Memorial Hall
& Rotary
Cathy Francis 0427 428 157

Parkes Shire Library Carols by Candlelight

Bogan Street Parkes Saturday December 13
Look for this symbol to find carol singing events
Parkes Shire Council
Waste to Art Regional Cooke Park, Parkes

Lachlan Forbes
Photographic Exhibition
Closes December 10, 2009 Christmas Goodies
Parkes shire artists were very
Including... Albert, Burcher, Including... Bedgerebong, and Ideas
successful in the 2009 SIMS
Condobolin, Lake Cargelligo, Corinella, Forbes, Mandagery... December 2009, open daily
Metal Waste to Art Regional
Fifield, Murrin Bridge, Tottenham, Craft Corner will be featuring
Exhibition: Helen Standen, Elsie
Tullibigeal, Ungarie... Christmas Goodies and ideas.
Mahon, Jocelyn Moles and
From toys, children’s wear, cards,
Middleton Public School.
Condobolin Celebrates cakes, cushions, kitchen linens,
150 Years pottery and much more. There is
November 28 – December 3 Little Theatre a huge variety of hand made items
The weekend celebrations Bogan Street Parkes in the store. Free admission
continue into December. Craft Corner
Tuesday December 1, Film Screening: Grease Dalton Street Parkes
10am-11.30am Friday December 12, evening
Tour through the Lachlander Parkes Musical and Dramatic At The Movies
Museum, 115 years of local Society Regular sessions of new
printing history. In preparation for the Grease release film. Extra sessions in
Tuesday December 1, 2-4pm
Waste to Art exhibition auditions the next day. school holidays
Saturday December 5, 9am-4pm Parkes Leagues Club
Railway Museum Tour
Enjoy a diverse collection of old
Forbes Town Hall Grease auditions Clarinda Street Parkes
Harold Street Forbes Sunday December 13, Hotline 6862 6448
trikes and railway items
Jane Bennie 02 68 571143 from 11am
Wednesday December 2,
or Paul Bennett 02 68 502344 Parkes Musical and Dramatic
Society. The minimum age
Cemetery Walk. Guided tour
Carols by Candlelight for Grease will be High School
through historical sections.
Saturday December 5 students. Grease will open in on
Lachlan Shire Council
Forbes Shire Council the 14th May 2010 .
02 6895 1900
Victoria Park, Forbes Belinda McGrath 0428 251 294
12th Annual Forbes
Jazz Festival
Saturday January 2 to Monday CountryLink Parkes Elvis
January 4 Festival 2010
Carols in the Theatre
Saturday January 2: January 6-10, 2010
Sunday December 20, 7pm
Registrations; “Meet & Greet” In 2010 you can expect all the
Parkes Musical and Dramatic
BBQ; Blows in Pubs & Clubs usual favourites, such as the street
Sunday January 3: parade, Feature Concerts, outdoor
$8 adults, $5 students/ conc
Gospel Service Victoria Park entertainment, busking, the Elvis
(11am); Blows in Pubs & Clubs; Gospel Church Service, look-
Jazz with Pizzazz Food & Wine PACC Australia Day
Concert a-like, sound-a-like and move-
Evening (5pm to midnight, Victoria a-like contests, Miss Priscilla
Park & Harold Street) Monday January 25, 7pm (plus
possibly also a matinee, TBC, dinner, Elvis Poets Breakfast, the
Monday January 4: CountryLink Elvis Express Train
Parade (11am) ; Busking in street; Tuesday January 26, 2.30pm)
Parkes Musical and Dramatic and so much more.
Blows in pubs & clubs
Forbes Society. All the hits from the 2009
Yvonne Collits (02) 6852 3721 PACC Concert plus a few special extra tunes just for Australia Day. Artspeak | Summer 09-10 | 7

What’s On|Dec 2009 - Jan 2010
A selection of new events from the Central West NSW regional cultural calendar
For the full list of ongoing events, meetings, classes and exhibitions go to:

Weddin Cowra Blayney

Including... Greenthorpe, Grenfell, Including... Billimari, Cowra, Darby’s Falls, Gooloogong, Koorawatha, Including... Barry, Blayney,
Quandialla... Woodstock, Wyangala Dam... Carcoar, Lyndhurst, Mandurama,
Millthorpe, Neville, Newbridge...

Grenfell Art Gallery Cowra Regional Art Cowra Japanese Garden &
Main Street Grenfell. Gallery Cultural Centre
Tuesdays to Saturdays, 77 Darling St Cowra Binni Creek Road Cowra
10am - 4 pm 6340 2190 02 6342 2301
02 63431864
Tuesday-Saturday 10am-4pm, Big Christmas Party
Sunday 2pm-4pm. Saturday December 5
Free admission With two bands and all profits
going towards finding a cure for
2009 Regional Student CYSTIC FIBROSIS. Contact the
(Youth) Exhibition & gardens for more details. Blackbird Gallery Opening
Awards Exhibition: Sean Hansen
Hot Summer Nights:
Until December 13 Until December 4, 2009.
The Big Chill Open Thurs-Sun, 10am-5pm
The sixth annual youth art
Saturday January 16, gates Landscapes and nudes in oils by
exhibition and awards presented
Grenfell Artists Present… open 7.30pm movie starts 8pm Orange artist Sean Hansen.
by the Cowra Regional Art
Until December 12. Gallery will focus on work by Muriel’s Wedding Free admission.
Features a large number young artists from Central West Saturday January 26, gates Blackbird Gallery
of paintings: oil, pastels, high schools in years 10 to 12, open 7.30pm, movie starts 8pm Shop 1, 7 Belubula St Carcoar
watercolours and acrylics. Also across a wide range of media. . Bring your rug and a comfy chair
a variety of other arts such and relax under the stars with Millthorpe Markets
as Creative embroidery, cake all your favourite get up and Sunday December 6,
decorating, porcelain painting, dance musicals on the huge 3 x 8.30am - 4pm
sculptures, folk art and some 7 metre outdoor screen. Our fully Over 200 stalls including food,
artificial floral arrangements. licensed café will serve a range tools, Christmas decorations,
of platters, hot and cold snacks, recycled furniture, art and face
Earth’s Rewards hot dogs, chips etc. Phone 6342 painting. Gold coin donation
Opens Tuesday December 15. 5222 to pre-order. Beer, wine and Redman Oval, Millthorpe
Runs to January 30, 2010 soft drinks also available. Sorry 02 6366 3701
Featuring works by Helen no BYO alcohol. $10 adults/
Fitzgerald, well known as wildlife $7.50 students and pensioners/ Chop Art Shop
and botanical artist has spent $5 primary kids. Under 5 free. 25 Victoria Street Milthorpe
over 25 years painting and Open Saturday &
teaching. Greg Brennan, painter. Transitions Sunday 10am-4pm
Exhibitor Keith Rowe is a glass December 19 2009 to January Kalari Art Gallery
blower but also enjoys working 31 2010 120 Carro Park Road Cowra
with sand and kiln casting. ‘Transitions’ captures the
Free entry. experiences and perceptions 02 6342 1465
of artists concerned with
European island and regional 11th Annual Kalari
cultures, with the experiences of People’s Choice
migrants from these locations to Until December 20
Australia. The exhibition offers Paintings by artists within a 35
glimpses of the landscapes, km radius from Cowra. There will
cultures and social transitions be Kalari People’s Choice Art Christina Beaumont:
of islands such as the Azores, Prize of $500 & another award Works on Paper
Kythera, Lofoten and Sicily of $200 sponsored by Fiona Ruth Stone:
along with continental locations Morton. Paintings and Drawings
such as Brittany, Normandy
and southern Spain. It also Runs to December 6, 2009
Cowra Australia Day
presents images of Australia Celebrations
as experienced by migrants Tuesday January 26 Australia Day Fair Carcoar
from European regions. Artists: Residents of Cowra Shire Tuesday January 26,
Effy Alexakis, Angela Cavalieri, are encouraged to join in the 9.00am - 3.30pm
Nathalie Hartog–Gautier, Axel celebrations for Australia Day Street stalls, Historical re-
Poignant, Fernando Gil Pereira 2010. enactments performed by the
Resendes, Claudia Terstappen, Civic Square, Lachlan Living History Group,
Jeremy Welsh, and Salvatore Darling Street, Cowra Cobb and Co coach rides, wood
Contact 02 6340 2069 chop, helicopter rides, children’s rides, face painting, magician,
buskers, pony rides, static
displays, musical entertainment,
various food venues, scavenger
hunt, vintage and veteran cars
lining the river bank, 4 museums
and Court House open.
Gold coin donation
02 6367 3172 /

8 | Summer 09-10 | Artspeak

What’s On|Dec 2009 - Jan 2010
A selection of new events from the Central West NSW regional cultural calendar
For the full list of ongoing events, meetings, classes and exhibitions go to:

Cabonne Orange
Including... Borenore, Byng, Canowindra, Cargo, Cudal, Cumnock,
Allstars Big Band
Eugowra, Manildra, Molong, Mullion Creek, Obley, Ophir, Yeoval...
Saturday December 5, 2-5pm
Orange Allstars Big Band with
Boree Cabonne Historic Jayes Gallery, Molong the Ray Vanderby Quartet . free The Symptomatics Choir
House Tours 31 Gidley Street Molong
entry. Christmas Carols and
Sunday December 6, Cargo Road Winery & Art Gallery Afternoon Tea
02 6366 9093 Cargo Road Orange
11am sharp Friday December 18, 2-3pm
Morning tea included. Come and celebrate the Festive
Wed - Sun 10am - 4pm
Boree Cabonne Homestead Orange Regional Season with The Symptomatics
Escort Way Borenore Conservatorium Choir and enjoy Afternoon Tea
Bookings Essential 02 6364 2007 73A Hill Street Orange with a Christmas Flavoured twist!
02 6361 7974 All Welcome and it’s FREE!
Book Launch: Bloomfield Hospital, Orange
Wild Cattle, Wild Country Farewell 2009
Friday December 11, Proms Concert
7pm for 7.30pm Saturday Dec 5, 7.30pm
Launch of the book Wild Cattle, The ORC ensembles celebrate
Wild Country: Old mates and the end of another great year.
memories from the top end.
Launched by Dr Michael Guerin.
Author Anne Marie Ingram is Affordable & Collectable Australia Cinema
an author, painter, sculptor and for Christmas 183 Lords Pl Orange
former cattle breeder and author A collection of artworks from 02 6362 0510
of The Boss Drover. $10 the wider region of Bathurst to Orange Jazz Club Boxing
Coach House Cowra to Dubbo and Mudgee Day Family Picnic
Behind the Yarn Market, Bank St all under $600. A broad range Silver Screen: Saturday December 26, 12-3pm
Molong of styles and subjects from over The Pyjama Game Family picnic day at the winery,
25 artists all of whom are well Thursday December 3, bring a blanket, enjoy the
River Bank Gallery recognised in the Central West daytime (call for session time) magnificent views listening to jazz
71 Gaskill Street Canowindra and beyond for their fine works: with Michael Caulfield and the
02 63442778 Thursday- Greg Hyde, Eris Fleming, Joy Puccini’s Turandot - New Ray Vanderby Quartet.
Sunday 10am-4.30pm Engelman, Marian Duncan + York Metro Opera on Big Borrodell Cellar Gallery new and emerging artists, Join Screen 298 Canobolas Rd, Orange
us for dinner after the opening. Saturday 5 & Sunday 6 02 6365 3425
Free admission to exhibition. December
Bookings essential for dinner. New Year Live Jazz
Waste Weavers Sunday January 3, 2-5pm
Director’s Choice Monthly. Last 09 class Friday Orange Jazz Club will present
Friday 8 January - Sunday 31 December 11 a live show at the Royal Hotel
January 2010. Try your hand a weaving - using Orange 2-5pm free entry! Free
Works by regular exhibitors waste materials like plastics bags Royal Hotel, Orange
ranging from the low hundred’s and fabric offcuts.
through to several thousand Environmental Learning Facility Orange Australia Day
dollars, all eminently collectable Orange Showgrounds, Celebrations
David Isbester ‘Mudita’
and worth investing in. Leeds Place Orange Tuesday January 26
Until early December
Sue Clarke at Netwaste Browse the stalls, selling craft,
02 6393 8771 jewellery, plants, local produce,
Taste Canowindra hand-made toys and much
Crn Ferguson and Tilga City of Orange Brass & more. Amusement rides and
Streets Canowindra Concert Bands Recital craft activities for kids. Musical
Yeoval Carols by Candlelight Phone 02 6344 2332 Sunday 20 December, 11:45am entertainment.
Sunday December 20, 7.30pm & 1pm Cook Park,
With a guest speaker Cook Park, Orange Summer Street, Orange
Yeoval Memorial Hall Dinner Show Jazz Band Contact 02 6362 751 Contact 1800 069 466
Forbes Street Yeoval Saturday January 2, dinner
02 6846 4246 With Orange Jazz Club. Dinner
and live show with Michael History Talk: The Cherry
Age of Fishes Museum Caulfield and the Ray Vanderby Blossom and other
Orange Christmas Festival
Open Daily, 10am to 4pm Quartet. call for tickets. Bookings Festivals Associated with
Friday December 11
Home to 3700 specimens of fossil essential Fruitgrowing
Bring a blanket or chair and
fish, live animal displays and Tuesday January 26, 7.30pm
sing-a-long with local choirs
recreations of life in the Devonian. Gladstone Hotel
and bands to enjoy the festive
Admission charges apply. Byng Street Orange
spirit with Carols by Candlelight.
Gaskill Street Canowindra Phil Stevenson (President)
The evening will include many
02 6344 1008 0402 412 188
attractions and theatre, craft and
food stalls whilst listening to the
music. The final highlight of the
evening will be a spectacular
fireworks display.
Roberson Park, Orange
Contact 1800 069 466 Artspeak | Summer 09-10 | 9

What’s On|Dec 2009 - Jan 2010
A selection of new events from the Central West NSW regional cultural calendar
For the full list of ongoing events, meetings, classes and exhibitions go to:

Orange Wellington
Including... Euchareena, Geurie, Lake Burrundong, Mumbil,
Stuart Town, Wellington...

Orange Regional Gallery Art-Scool Classes Advanced Mixed Media

Byng Street Orange January 11-21, 2010 landscape 2-Day Course
02 6393 8136 Orange Regional Gallery Saturday December 5 & Sunday
Tues-Sat, 10am-5pm Byng Street Orange December 6 Bookings: 6393 8136 With artist Jack Randell. Learn
Tues-Sat, 10am-5pm fresh new techniques in paint
Free gallery entry Watercolour Paint and image manipulation in a

Felt Scultpure relaxed country studio. Polished
A Free Range Christmas scumbling, scraphito, broken
Jewellery raking. Homestay accommodation
Friday December 4, 7.30pm
Concert with The Song Painting
is available. Live in $275; Live out The Third Ironbarks
Company. Holiday $220. Art Classes Printmaking Summer
ur e Orange Regional
Contact Gallery School 2010
& Caricat
Christmas Selling Show Cartooning orJanuary
call 0418 2010 605 041 Monday January 18 -
Runs to December 13. Geurie Friday January 22, 2010
A selling exhibition of a diverse To bring: Children should bring With MARIANNE COURTENAY
range of artworks by local artist morning or afternoon teaFantasy
Mosaics - Bird bath or flower pot
to allPainting (new) & TIM WINTERS exploring multi-
- unique and affordable gifts for classes over 1½ hours in duration
With Catherine Bennett With Joanne Cormack
plate wood & lino cuts, intaglio
In this class you will mosaic a small bird Using your imagination, you will transform
Christmas and lunch
bath or flower were
pot, using vibrantly applicable.
imported tiles and coloured grout. Your mosaic
All and
animals artcreatures and put them in a fantasy
environment, as well, you will learn new painting
collagraphs & copper sulphate
materials provided.
will be a beautiful, lasting object for your
garden. All materials provided.
Payment skills. Joanne
tois a new young art teacher in Orange,
with a Masters Degree in Painting from COFA.
Churches Carols etching and LIZ JENEID working
Sentinels II be made at least 24 hours Date:
Date: January 2010
before by Candlelight
Wednesday 13 January 2010 with artists’ book techniques.
Runs to January 10, 2010. each class
Time: 10am – 1:30pm
Age: Over 7 years
Time: 10am – 1pm
Age: Over 8 years Saturday December 12, 6.30pm Ironbarks Creative Arts Centre
Ceramics by Brigitte Enders and Mosaics
Fee: $45 Fee: $30
In the sunken Garden at Cameron studio is spacious and has two
Paintings by Bob Baker. Monday January 11, 10am- Park. Includes barbecue, turning etching presses and three book
Watercolour Painting Leather and Feather on lariatthe lights (new) and carols at 8pm presses. $575 includes lunch and
The Collection of Orange With Loretta Thurtell
Make a
This is a very small
popular class, bird bath
where children or
With Fiona Schofield
flower Featuring
In this class you will make Wellington Town Band
a lariat, which is a long basic printmaking materials.
Regional Gallery are taught shills and leave with a great sense
pot. $45 Using professional quality
of accomplishment.
rope-like piece of jewellery that is worn around your
neck or could be used as Cameron Park
a belt. Besides leather Ironbark Creative Arts &
Runs to January 10, 2010. paper and paints you will learn the technique

Watercolour Painting
of watercolour painting. You will develop
and feathers you will also use metal findings, chain
and colourful beads.
Naminma Cres Wellington Crafts Centre
your skills in achieving vibrant colour mixes
An exhibition showcasing Old Railway Hotel Building
produce 3D effects.January
New subject matter12, each 10am- Time: 10am – 12noon02 68454511
and rendering of highlights and shadows to Date: Thursday 14 January 2010

Orange Regional Gallery’s latest workshop.

12.30pm (for kids over 8
Age: Over 7 years
Fee: $25 Stuart Town
acquisitions including paintings, Date: Tuesday 12 January 2010
years); 1-4.30pm
Time: 10am - 12:30pm (for
for children over 8 yrs adults) Country Music Association Tim winters 02 6846 8311
prints, art clothing and ceramics With
1pm – 4:30 pm for adults
Loretta Thurtell.
$30 children Monthly Musical Afternoon
$40 adults
$30 kids/ $40 adults Sunday December 13, 2-6pm
Masterpieces From Paris: Wellington Bowling Club Mumbil Black Wattle Fair
Fantasy Painting
Orange Regional Gallery Clive St Wellington Saturday January 23
Wednesday January 13, 10am-
Bus Tour to Canberra 1pm 02 6845 1973 or 02 6845 3775 Mumbil Public School
Wednesday 20 January 2010. With Joanne McCotrmacl, a Marcus Hanney 02 6846 7459
Depart Orange Visitors Centre young new art teacher in Orange
at 7am. Depart Canberra at with a Master degree in painting
4pm from COFA. $30
$75 non-members Carols at Mumbil
Leather and Feather Lariat Saturday December 12
Bookings: 6393 8136
Thursday January 14, 10am- Mumbil Public School
12noon Marcus Hanney 68467459
Orange City Library With Fiona Scholield.
Civic Square, Collage (new)
Byng Street Orange Monday January 18, 10am-
Holiday Activities: With Lisa Martin. $30 Carols in the Cathedral Cave
Games Cartooning and Caricature Sunday December 20
Tuesday 12 January 10.00pm Tuesday 19 January 2010 Hosted by Uniting Church. Please
- 11.30 am & Thursday 14 Time: 10am - 11:30am and bring rug or chair Guest speaker.
January 1.00pm - 2.30pm 12:30 - 2pm Wellington Caves
Lady Bird Cross Stitch With Matt Caulfield. $20. Caves Rd Wellington
Tuesday January 5, 10.00am Introduction to Pottery (new)
- 11.30am & Thursday 7 Wednesday January 20, 10am- Country Music Association
January 1.00pm - 2.30pm 12noon Monthly Musical Afternoon
Juggling with Three Balls With Catherine Phillips. $25 Sunday January 10, 2-6pm
Tuesday 27 January 10.00 - Observational Drawing (new) Wellington Bowling Club
12.00 noon Thursday January 21, 10am- Clive St Wellington
1pm 02 6845 1973 or 02 6845 3775
With Rachel Ellis. For ages 10+

10 | Summer 09-10 | Artspeak

What’s On|Dec 2009 - Jan 2010
A selection of new events from the Central West NSW regional cultural calendar
For the full list of ongoing events, meetings, classes and exhibitions go to:

Mid-Western Region Lithgow Oberon

Including... Bylong, Eurunderee, Gulgong, Hargraves, Ilford, Kandos, Including... Ben Bullen, Cullen Including... Black Springs, Jenolan
Lue, Mudgee, Rylstone, Ulan... Bullen, Capertee, Bowenfels, Caves, Mozart, Oberon...
Dark Corner, Glen Alice, Glen
Davis, Hampton, Hartley, Hartley
Australian Decorative and Gulgong Folk Festival Vale, Lidsdale, Lithgow, Little Jenolan Caves
Fine Art Society (ADFAS) December 31 2009 to January 3, Hartley, Marrangaroo, Newnes, 1300 76 33 11
Mudgee AGM 2010 Portland, Rydal, Sodwalls, Tarana, 02 6332 5888
Friday December 4, 6.30pm This annual event is gearing up to Wallerawang, Wolgan Valley...
Cudgegong Valley Public School, be bigger and better than ever! Join
Mudgee the town of Gulgong for music, fun Painting Workshops
and dancing in the streets. Local, Lithgow Valley Community
John Broadley 02 6372 3365
Cinema with Bathurst artist, Ken
national and international artists
16-18 Main Street Lithgow Tucker
The Stables, Mudgee will be performing. Enjoy the best
Friday December 4 &
86 Mudgee Arts Council of Bush Poetry, a multitude of 02 6352 4270
Saturday December 5
exhibition space activities for children and loads of
Diamonds For Breakfast Learn the secrets of Ken
Curator: Connie Eales street stalls.
Friday December 4 Tucker’s rich, dramatic painting www.gulgongfolkfestival.150m.
(pre-movie breakfast 9.15am, style. Experienced artists (even
film 10.30am) children and artistic novices) can
The Camera Club 02 6373 4600
Pre-movie breakfast at Black attend full day art workshops.
To Saturday December 12 Full day workshop prices start
Rock Cafe.
from a low $30 (for primary
Sharing the Muse Cudgegong Gallery
Paris 36 school children) to $85 (adults),
From Tuesday December 14 102 Herbert Street Gulgong
Thursday December 31, including morning and afternoon
Oppening Wednesday 02 6374 1630
morning matinee 10.30am, tea.
December 15, 5.30pm Open daily 10am-5.30pm
Runs to end of December evening screening, 8pm
Showcasing a selection of Free admission New release 35mm movie -stars
works by Barbara Smith and Gerard Jognot. New years party
Connie Eales. Connie’s work A New Look - Ceramic starts 8pm. Bring a plate.
has all been created this year Group Exhibition Carols at Jenolan Caves
and most pieces have not been
Mountains on the Moon Saturday December 12
Runs to January 11, 2010
Friday January 15, 10.30am &
exhibited before. Connie’s Ceramic group exhibition.
Saturday January 16, 8pm Cello Concert
contribution to the exhibition is Guest curator Janet Mansfield.
entitled “TUSCANY, THAILAND Functional ceramics. Saturday December 19, 4pm
Australian Movie Matinee cellist Georg Mertens playing
AND T.S.ELIOT”. It features
Tuesday January 26, 1.30pm Romantic cello music.
traditional and contemporary
Films to be advised. $45 adults, children $25
styles in oils and mixed media.
Barbara’s work covers a wide
range of subjects including Blackheath Phoenix Choir Gypsy Music in the
landscapes, old buildings, wild Spring Variety Concert Jenolan Caves
life, still life and most especially Sunday December 6, 2.30pm Saturday December 26, 4pm
flowers. Colour is her signature. Features sacred music, English Gypsy music from Russia,
Folk-Songs, Australian ballads as Romania and Spain performed
well as music from some of the by the Paganini Duo.
Fairview ArtSpace
popular shows of the twentieth $45 adults, $25 children.
6 Henry Lawson Drive
century. A number of soloists will
perform as well. The music of
02 63722504 / 02 63722850
Mendelssohn will be a highlight
Fri to Sun 10am to 5pm
of the program. Other composers
Rebellion - Journey of Discovery represented will be Puccini,
Runs to January 25, 2010. Schumann, Schubert, Andrew
A Fair Go For All
For painter Georgia Mansur, art Lloyd-Webber and Ivor Novello.
Runs to December 20.
is a reflection of one’s travels $10 includes afternoon tea.
The theme of the competition
through life. Hoskins Uniting Memorial Church
is Rebellion - A Fair Go For All.
Step into Georgia’s mirror on Lithgow
The works presented must have
life and experience more than Norm McFarlane 63514486 or
relevance to the subject. It may
20 works on display including Adrienne Kailofer 47877149
be interpreted in the widest sense Picturesque Platters
as the artist’s view Australian Oils, Acrylics, Watercolours
and Pastels, heavily inspired Looking a Lot Like Christmas Saturday and Sundays 10am-
History depicts many examples Runs to end of December 4pm until end of December
of rebellious characters and by recent trips to Italy and
time spent painting with Daily 10am-4pm Platters of all shapes and variety
rebellious actions. Beautiful handmade Christmas by Merilyn Burch-Carney
Impressionist Oil Master Jerry
Fresia on Lake Como. articles such as Ornaments, Table Free admission
Number Forty Seven Toppers, Toys, Handmade Sweets Potters Needs
47 Louee Street Rylstone and Gifts to delight every member 75 Curtis Street Oberon
02 63791345 of the family. Victoria on 02 6336 0411 or email
Lithgow Craft Co-Op
Colin Imrie, Karen McPhee Great Western Highway
Runs to December 20.
Wood and glass exhibition. 02 63523541 Artspeak | Summer 09-10 | 11

What’s On|Dec 2009 - Jan 2010
A selection of new events from the Central West NSW regional cultural calendar
For the full list of ongoing events, meetings, classes and exhibitions go to:

Bathurst Region
Including... Bathurst, Kelso, Eglinton, Perthville, Sofala, Wattle Flat, Hill End, Raglan, Vittoria, Trunkey Creek, Peel, Burraga, Sunny Corner,
Kirkconnel, Meadow Flat, O’Connell, Rockley, The Lagoon, Yetholme, Mt Rankin, Freemantle, Geroges Plains, Duramana...

Bathurst Memorial artopsy Bathurst Regional

Opens Wednesday December 2,
Entertainment Centre Art Gallery
6pm. Runs Thursday December
105 William Street Bathurst 70-78 Keppel Street Bathurst
3-Saturday December 12 Abercrombie House
02 6333 6161 02 6333 6555
Bathurst TAFE arts + media
graduating student exhibition
Ballroom Christmas Music
“The Christmas Story - A Opening: $7/ $6 BRAGS.
BMEC 2010 Reliance 2009. Opened by Martin Coyte
Concert” Exhibitions free
Free admission.
Member Banking Season Saturday December 19, 7pm Tuesday - Saturday 10am-
Link Artspace,
Launch The magnificent voices of Bathurst 5pm. Sunday and Public
TAFE Bathurst Campus,
Tuesday December 1, 6pm singers ‘Cantora’ will fill the Holidays, 11am-2pm
Panarama Ave Bathurst
Chris Jones 02 6338 2520 Ballroom of Abercrombie House
A Free Range Christmas with the story of Christmas. $20. Bathurst Regional Art
Saturday December 5, 7.30pm Album Making Workshop: Tickets strictly limited. Available Gallery Community
Two undisputed masterpieces from Bathurst Visitor Information Workshops
Tell Your Story Your Way
from a country where life and Centre. WORKSHOP 1: Tuesday 1
Saturday Dec 12, 10am-4pm
death intertwine in the proudest Abercrombie House December, 5.30pm-7.30 pm
Learn how to organise, preserve
and most deductive dances. Ophir Rd Bathurst WORKSHOP 2: Wednesday 2
and present your photos in photo
safe albums and books (for digital 02 6331 4929 December, 11am-1pm
photos). $10 The Gallery is developing a
Girl Guide Hall, Bathurst Strategic Business Plan that will
Charlotte Street Bathurst set a planning framework for
Outback Christmas Chris Strait Family Fun Festival & the Gallery’s future direction to
featuring Shannon Noll 02 6337 3667 / 0409 455 165 Christmas Carols 2020. Comments and ideas from
Wednesday 2 December, Sunday December 20, 4pm - the community are an important
7.40pm 6.30pm with carols starting part of the Project. Have your
The Great Southern Rail would from 7pm - 8pm. say at one of the workshops.
like to invite you to attend Carols by Candlelight Family Fun Festival & Christmas
celebrations. Shannon Noll will Carols Royston Harpur Floor Talk
Sunday December 13
be performing various hits and Bathurst Baptist Church Thursday December 10,
Machattie Park Bathurst
Father Christmas will be making a 188 Eglinton Road Bathurst 6-7pm
Contact Mitchell Conservatorium
special appearance. The event will 02 6332 2345 Royston Harpur will discuss his
6331 6622
also feature carols by Assumption career spanning five decades.
School. Mitchell School of Arts His work draws on both eastern
Bathurst Railway Station Monday January 17- Friday 23 and western traditions and
Keppel St Bathurst Week-long workshops in is deeply influenced by his
A Traditional Night Before acrylics, botanical art, drawing, extensive travels in Europe and
Christmas painting, mixed media, pastels, the Far East.
Thursday December 17 printmaking, watercolour, Entry by gold coin donation.
Miss Traills House $680/ Accomm $580/
321 Russell Street Bathurst + model fees Royston Harpur: New and
Charles Sturt University, Selected Paintings
Panorama Ave Bathurst Runs to January 31, 2010.
Telephone 02 9807 6900 Abstract works that draw on both
Carols in the Caves eastern and western traditions.
Saturday December 19
Abercrombie Caves Drawn from Hill End Hill End AIR: Dagmar
Sunny Corner Sunday Goulburn Road Trunkey Creek Until January 31, 2010 Cyrulla, Amanda Penrose
Sunday December 6 Showcases the work of fifteen Hart, Anneke Silver
It is a fine day of art and fun! The A Blue Christmas Party artists living and working in Hill Runs to January 31, 2010
studios and stalls will be located Saturday December 19 End and includes work by Danelle Three artists who have recently
from Sunny corner to Meadow Flat, A blue Christmas party with Chase Bergstrom, Genevieve Carroll, participated in the Hill End Artists
then on to Tarana and Yetholme. the Sun and special guests. Janet Haslett, Ian Marr, Raquel in Residence (AIR) program.
You can meet the artists and Carrington Mazzina, Bill Moseley, Luke
purchase original handcrafted Keppel Street Bathurst Sciberras, Hui Selwood, Gria Unearthed Tales:
Christmas presents. There will be Tickets from Stop N Rock, William Shead, Rosemary Valadon, Julie Treasures from the
paintings , ceramics, photography, St Bathurst Williams, Gavin Wilson, Glenn Nicholson Museum
glass ware,jbeautifull,craft items Woodley, Mandy Wright and Ana Runs to January 31, 2010.
and so much more .This year The Young. Drawn from Hill End is a The Nicholson Museum at the
Australian Fossil and
Reg Campbell Gallery will be open Hill End Arts Council exhibition. University of Sydney has the
Mineral Museum Jean Bellette Gallery
for viewing only in memory of Reg. 224 Howick Street Bathurst largest collection of ancient
Maps can be picked up from from. Hill End Visitor Information Centre artefacts in Australia. Works
Admission $8/ conc $6/ kids Hill End
visitors centres; then look for the $4/ family $20 from Greek, Egyptian, Italian,
red flags and have a day out in the 02 6333 6555 Near and Middle Eastern
beautifull country side! study collections of ceramics,
Sunny Corner coins, sculptures and Egyptian
Karin or Mike on 6337 5120. mummies.

12 | Summer 09-10 | Artspeak

Grants & Funding
More grants and funding resources and Community Partnerships | THE IAN POTTER
a list of grants can be found at: Creative Communities partnerships CULTURAL TRUST Supports major community arts and The Ian Potter Cultural Trust aims to
In the latest ‘Opportunities for artists’ cultural development projects of nurture the growth of excellence and
at: excellence that deliver to the community diversity in cultural activities in Australia partnerships priority areas, align arts by making small grants to outstandingly
and in the Regional Arts NSW and non-arts partners and have clear talented people in the early stages of their
e-bulletin: outcomes that extend beyond the life careers.
w w w. r e g i o n a l a r t s n s w. c o m . a u / of the project. Open to: organisations. The Ian Potter Cultural Trust has two major
ebulletin/e-bulletin.html Amount: $50,000 - $600,000 over 3 years. funding areas: Cultural Trust: up $7,000
Ongoing to early career artists practising within the
Find many more arts related grants on arts, including the performing and visual
the Regional Arts NSW website at: NSW DEPARTMENT OF arts, crafts, music, the media, literature,
w w w. r e g i o n a l a r t s n s w. c o m . a u /
COMMUNITY SERVICES Indigenous art, design, community arts
grants/calendar/calendar.html and other areas. Music Commissions:
Community Builders Funding Program
Open to: organisations . Regional Established Composer - $80,000 for the
community development program for creation of a substantial body, or portfolio
AUSTRALIA COUNCIL projects that build strength and capacity of work over two years; and Emerging
FOR THE ARTS within communities. Projects will need to Composer - $20,000 for the creation of a operate in areas covered by the Program, portfolio of work over two years.
Freecall 1800 226 912 which is available for a maximum of 3 Info
years. http://www2.communitybuilders. Telephone: (03) 9650 3188
Inter-Arts | Projects Amount: The Closing Dates for 2010 are:
Supports artists investigating new artistic $10,000 to $100,000 Monday, 1 February 2010 For project/
practice through interdisciplinary and Closes December 10, 2009 travel after 14 May 2010
hybrid arts. Tuesday, 1 June 2010 For project/
Closes December 1, 2009 DEEWR travel after 10 September 2010
Inter-Arts | Connections Jobs Fund Monday, 13 September 2010 For
Residencies The Jobs Fund forms part of the Australian project/travel after 17 December 2010
Up to $30,000 to individuals. Supports Government’s Jobs and Training Compact
artists in initiating innovative creative and has been established to support REGIONAL ARTS NSW
families and communities most affected Country Arts Support Program (CASP)
residencies and fostering new connections
by the Global Economic Recession. CASP provides small grants (around
with non-arts businesses and industries.
Under the Local Jobs stream, $52 million $300-$2000) to arts and community
Two rounds per year. Final 09 round
is available for projects which focus on organisations and local arts councils
closes December 7, 2009
green jobs, develop green skills and in regional NSW for short term, locally
Inter-Arts | Artlab energy efficient infrastructure. initiated projects. Applicants MUST
$75,000, open to individuals. Supports Under the Get Communities Working discuss their projects with their regional
substantial, long term research and stream, $41 million is available for projects arts board before putting in an application.
development projects involving which focus on transitioning people to the Details:
experimentation and collaboration mainstream labour market. grants/casp.html or call 02 9270 2501.
between artists from multiple disciplines To discuss your projects locally call
to explore new artistic practices. JobsFund.aspx your regional arts board, Arts OutWest
Closes December 7, 2009 Email: on 02 6338 4657.
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander arts Closes: December 11, 2009 Closes mid-February 2010
Music bound quick response travel
Open to: individuals. Helps Indigenous COCA-COLA AUSTRALIA
music coordinators attend professional FOUNDATION
VISUAL ARTISTS (NAVA) Community Grants
development opportunities in Australia. One off support for a local community
Support Indigenous arts workers to have
phone: 02 9368 1900 project that will make a difference to the
greater access to industry development
opportunities. Amount: up to $1,000 Gordon Darling Foundation lives of marginalised youth. Open to:
Ongoing Supports visual arts programs undertaken organisations. Amount: $10,000 www.
by public institutions throughout
Inter-Arts | Infuse
Australia. Can include catalogues and Closing: 2 closing dates a year,
Provide opportunities for forums,
publications, exhibitions, professional applications accepted anytime
workshops or critical debates on hybrid and
interdisciplinary arts practice in Australia. development initiatives, purchase or
commission of artworks, research NSW HERITAGE BRANCH
Open to: individuals/organisations NSW Heritage Grants |
Ongoing projects. See
grantsprizes/otheropportunities/2007/08/ Aboriginal Heritage Grants
Community Partnerships | gordondarlingfoundationgrants For projects that conserve, promote and
Partnership development Next rounds closes December 31, 2009 increase understanding of Aboriginal
Open to: organisations. Funding to heritage. Amount: up to $75,000. Open
assist artists, groups, or organisations to: individuals/organisations
to undertake further development and/
Keep an eye on up coming funding
or extension of effective partnerships. subnav_01_2009_ind.htm
Amount: up to $5,000 opportunities in the Regional Arts Ongoing
Ongoing NSW funding guide
grants/calendar/calendar.html Artspeak | Summer 09-10 | 13

Residencies Call for Artworks
Connections Residencies Omni Instruments Elvis Art Ironfest Sculpture Walk
Supports a range of residency and Exhibition 2010 Exhibition April 2010
placement opportunities for artists with Exhibition January 2010, “The annual Lithgow District Ironfest
non-arts businesses and industries for Coventry Room, Parkes Library Sculpture Walk, featuring outdoor
up to $30,000. Through the Connections The Omni Instruments Art Exhibition is held sculpture by some of the region’s best
Residency Program, the Australia Council in conjunction with the 2010 CountryLink sculptors will once again be held as part
supports artists with seed-funding to Parkes Elvis Festival. of the Ironfest Main Event, April 24 - 26
link with non-arts enterprises, fostering Artists can enter work in the following 2010 at the Lithgow Showground.
ongoing connections that are productive categories - paintings, drawings, collage, Participant Enquiries: Clare De Mayo at
and profitable for both parties. mosaics, sculptures and leadlight and, 02 63524154
Website: all work must based on Elvis Presley or an Elvis song or movie to tie in with
the Festival. 1st Prize $1,250 and
People’s Choice $750. Entry is free and
Deadline December 7, 2009 all artworks will be for sale. Visit www. Wattle Flat Bronze Thong to download
Country Music Awards
an entry form or contact Shellie Buckle at
Open to Individual Country Music Singers.
Parkes Library on (02) 6861 2039.
Prizes: 1st $500 2nd $300 3rd $200.
Entries close December 21, 2009
Entry Fee: $20
Quota International of Heats: Sunday 3rd January 2010
Commencing 10.00am Audition Times
Wellington Art Show Allocated. Venue: Bathurst RSL Club
Exhibition: Friday, Saturday and Saturday 9th January 2010
Sunday February 19-21, 2010 Country Music Awards Concert (Finalists).
Invites artists to exhibit a painting or Venue: Wattle Flat Race Course Time:
paintings at the Quota Art Show. 20% 7.30pm
Hill End Artist in commission for any paintings sold. Contact Marian Clark 63377441
Residence Programme Monetary prizes will be awarded for local Registrations Close Wednesday
Established and emerging artists, artist and most popular choice. Paintings December 30, 2009
ceramicists, curators, installation artists, can be posted to PO Box 116 Wellington
new media artists, musicians, performance or delivered to the Senior Citizens Centre Youth Week Photographic
artists, photographers, sculptors, textile 28 Swift Street Wellington (please phone
Competition 2010
artists and writers are invited to apply for to arrange a time for delivery). Proceeds
People between 12-25 years who live in
the 2010 season of residencies in Hill End. of the Art Show will be given to the Special
the Bathurst, Oberon, and Blayney region
Successful applicants spend four weeks Education Units at the Wellington Schools.
are invited to submit images created
living and working in either Haefligers or $20 for first painting, $10 for each painting
using photographic equipment modern
Murrays Cottage during the period March thereafter.
or traditional. All work will be displayed
2010 to March 2011. More info, www. Ronda Brien 02 6846 7240
publicly during Youth Week APRIL 10 - 18 or Wendy Sheridan 02 6845 2552
2010. Work individually or in groups. Get
Applications close December 11, 2009 Entries close Friday February 5, 2010
exposure for your ideas and creativity.
Cabonne The theme for this year’s competition will

Publicity Options Waste to Art Competition

Exhibition 2010
be: “Something important (to you) about
this region”. (Bathurst, Oberon, Blayney).
An activity fostered and promoted by
Seeking Macquarie 2010 events Open to all local residents who reside the: Adolescent and Family Counselling
In 2010, Australia will be celebrating in the Cabonne region. It showcases Service 14 Lambert Street Bathurst 322
the 200th anniversary of the swearing creative works made from reused & 2277
in of Lachlan Macquarie as Governor recyclable waste materials. The project
of NSW. Bathurst Regional Council will be run in four stages beginning with
will be participating in the 2010 state- community workshops, then a local
wide celebrations. If you are staging any exhibition and competition, which will lead
Macquarie 2010 celebration events or into a Regional Exhibition. Entry forms
would be interested in staging celebratory from Cabonne Council office in Molong
events and activities or even naming one and Cudal or on
of your planned events in Macquarie’s Phone Megan Barrett or Kristen Zinger on
honour Bathurst Regional Council wants 6392 3200 for further details. Free to enter
to know and can help with additional Entries due March 12, 2010
publicity. Contact BRC Tourism Manager
Parkes Waste to Art Competition
Felicity Baines on 6332 1444.
Exhibition 2010
The 2010 categories are: Primary School,
See MANY more opportunities in Secondary School, Community and Open,
with 2 dimensional, 3 dimensional, and
the latest ‘Arts Opportunities’:
functional. Forms from Parkes Library, Bogan Street, 6861 2309 or
and in the Regional Arts NSW
e-bulletin: Entries close March 30, 2010

14 | Summer 09-10 | Artspeak

Workshops Can You Help? New Resources
Help Shape Bathurst Regional Australia Council’s
Art Gallery’s Future Directions Arts on the Map
WORKSHOP 1: The Australia Council supports the work of
Tuesday December 1, 5.30pm- 7.30pm Australian artists - across the country and
Library/Gallery Meeting Room around the world. Explore the currently
WORKSHOP 2: funded companies on a Google Earth
Wednesday December 2, 11am- 1pm Map. Search the database by artforms
Bathurst Regional Art Gallery is and start to create your own flying tours.
developing a Strategic Business Plan View the stories and updates published by
that will set a planning framework for the companies themselves, or link to their
the Gallery’s future direction to 2020. Seeking memories of Orange websites.
Comments and ideas from the community Civic Theatre Festival Curtain
are an important part of the Project. The Orange Civic Theatre Festival
Bathurst Regional Council is working with Curtain was made in 1983 by more than Blue Banksia
Sue Boaden, Director, Australia Street 300 volunteers from around the district. Blue Banksia is a new, free, internet guide
Company and a leading Australian cultural Orange City Council is calling upon to visual art workshops across Australia.
planner, to manage the Plan Project. anyone who may have assisted or knows Search and list events.
Both workshops are open to the whole someone that was involved in the project. find it at:
community. Council wanted to record memories of the
Contact Marion Maskill, Bathurst Regional
Art Gallery: 02 6333 6555.
curtain and intends to record the stories on
video. The curtain project was designed
and directed by local artist, the late Cath
Coming Soon...
Wyatt. It was a community craft project to
New Arts OutWest website
celebrate the biennial Orange Festival of
Coming in February 2010...
Arts. The work now forms a giant backdrop
Arts OutWest is developing a brand new
Certificate IV (Design) to the stage of the theatre and depicts the
website. It will be easier to navigate, easier
TAFE NSW - Western Institute, Bathurst. rural landscape of Orange. The curtain
to use and contain more information.
Enrolments are currently being accepted is made up of 30 panels. Anyone with
Drawing from our Central West Cultural
for course 19231 - Certificate IV (Design). information about the curtain can contact
Directory, you will be able to search
This course is for people who want to Alison Russell on 6393 8170 at Orange
for people, organisations and venues
develop skills for use in the Design City Council.
across the region plus find the events
Industry. You will develop design skills
you are interested in at the quick click of
through project-based work, operating
the mouse. There will also be additional
individually and in teams. The course
coverage of local arts news, workshop
includes coverage of the following
areas: creative studies, design research,
Regional Arts Australia listings and extra resources.
Volunteer Awards 2010 Stay tuned for how you can get yourself
entertainment design, and design
The Regional Arts Australia Volunteer and your organisation listed on the new
in 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional
Awards recognise, reward and encourage website.
contexts and media.
Contact Chris Jones 02 6338 2520 regionally-based artists and cultural
Enrol now for 2010 volunteers who have made a substantial
contribution to the arts in regional
Associate Degree in communities in Australia. The awards
Music Education will be presented at Junction 2010 -
Charles Sturt University - Bathurst connecting the future, Regional Arts
Enjoy success as a qualified Australia’s national conference to be
instrumental music teacher or build your held in Launceston, Tasmania from 26-29
qualifications and confidence to teach August 2009.
a musical instrument The associate Award categories:
degree in music education has been Sustained Contribution
developed in collaboration with regional To recognise and reward a regionally
conservatoriums and is designed to based arts volunteer who has made
benefit those teaching an instrument a significant contribution to the arts in
in the conservatorium setting or those regional Australia over a period of five
teaching privately. years or more.
For further information visit: Outstanding contribution To recognise and reward a regionally
music_education or call 1300 135 435 based arts volunteer who has made
an outstanding contribution to an arts
project, event, organisation or community
in regional Australia. Young people are
particularly encouraged to nominate. See MANY more opportunities in
Further details will be available when the latest ‘Arts Opportunities’:
nominations open in February 2010. Join
the RAA mailing list to stay updated. and in the Regional Arts NSW
Enquiries to Jo McDonald, Project Officer, e-bulletin:
Regional Arts Australia: 08 8444 0428,
mobile: 0402 070 021
Nominations will open on 19 February
and close on 26 March 2010. Artspeak |Summer 09-10 | 15

Look out for this Summer
... just some of the great events and opportunities not to miss this Summer.
Hundreds more event listings inside and online at

Brass in the Hall

Tuesday December 8, 7pm
Tullamore Memorial Hall
An evening Concert Brass in the Hall
featuring Paul Terracini Brass Ensemble
and Kinross Wolaroi School graduating
Year 12 students (including Trundle
guitarist James Gray). Local brass
musos and students are invited to join
the workshop/ jam from 4pm in the
afternoon before the concert..
Supported by the CASP Prop Ups fund.
Tickets at the door.

Gulgong Folk Festival

December 31 2009 to January 3
This annual event is gearing up to be
Sunny Corner Sunday bigger and better than ever! Join the
Sunday December 6 town of Gulgong for music, fun and
Artist studios and stalls will be open from Sunny Corner to Meadow dancing in the streets. Local, national and
Flat, Tarana and Yetholme. You can meet the artists and purchase international artists will be performing.
original handcrafted Christmas presents including paintings, ceramics, Enjoy the best of Bush Poetry, a
photography, glassware and craft. multitude of activities for children and
The Reg Campbell Gallery at Sunny Corner will also be open. loads of street stalls.
Maps from visitors centres then look for the red flags.
Phone: 02 6373 4600

Forbes Jazz Festival

Saturday January 2
to Monday January 4
The 12th annual festival of jazz will
include a Gospel Service in Victoria
Park (Sat, 11am), Blows in pubs and
clubs, a Jazz with Pizzazz food and wine
evening in the park, a street parade and
Busking in the streets of Forbes.
Yvonne Collits (02) 6852 3721

Outdoor cinema
Throughout Summer
Ironbarks Creative Arts Centre, Stuart Town Cowra Japanese Gardens &
With MARIANNE COURTENAY & TIM WINTERS exploring multi-plate Cultural Centre
wood & lino cuts, intaglio collagraphs & copper sulphate etching and Bring your rug and a comfy chair and
LIZ JENEID working with artists’ book techniques. Ironbarks Creative relax under the stars with all your
Arts Centre studio is spacious and has two etching presses and three favourite get up and dance musicals on
book presses. $575 includes lunch and basic printmaking materials. the huge 3 x 7 metre outdoor screen.
Bookings: Tim winters 02 6846 8311 Food and drinks available on site.
or visit Schedules and info: 02 6342 2301

ARTS OUTWEST IS SUPPORTED BY: Arts OutWest is supported by the NSW Arts OutWest is a member of
Contributiing local councils: Bathurst Government through Arts NSW Regional Arts NSW
Regional, Blayney, Cabonne, Cowra,
Forbes, Lachlan, Lithgow City, Mid-Western
Regional, Oberon, Orange City, Parkes
Weddin and Wellington as well as Charles
Sturt University.

16 | Summer 09-10 | Artspeak

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