Artspeak: December 2009 Free
Artspeak: December 2009 Free
Artspeak: December 2009 Free
Arts OutWest promotes, facilitates, educates and advocates for arts and cultural development for communities in Central West NSW
B AT H U R S T R E G I O N • B L AY N E Y • C A B O N N E • C O W R A • F O R B E S • L A C H L A N • L I T H G O W
M I D - W E S T E R N R E G I O N • O B E R O N • O R A N G E • PA R K E S • W E D D I N • W E L L I N G T O N
Arts Outwest News 1-3
Marcus Westbury seeds ideas Local Arts News 4-6 What’s On 7-12
Oberon’s hip hop video Big award winners Central West arts and cultural events
Indigenous dance group supported CD launches
History on tour Opportunities 13-15
State/ National news 4 Funding, calls for artwork, workshop
What you need to know about CASP
Reviews & Pictures 6 and more
Katies Noonan
RAF funding 2010 announced
CONTENT DEADLINES At the end of this year Arts OutWest says goodbye to Mid-Western Regional
Artspeak |15th of the month Council who will be transferring to our smaller and neighbouring Regional Arts
Website, radio etc | two weeks prior Board, Orana Arts. Mid-Western Region re-joined Arts OutWest in 2007, and
THANKYOU during that time we have conducted a number of workshops in that region,
Thank you to the media agencies who funded CASP grants and partnered on a project with Australian Theatre for
assist Arts OutWest to promote arts and Young people and children’s mental health services, as well as providing our
cultural events, in particular: ABC Central media and promotions services and ongoing advice and support to artists
West, 2BS, 2MCE, 2PK, 2LT, 2MG, and community projects. We wish Mid-Western Region all the best with the
PHFM, 2LVR, 2LF, Cowra Community change-over.
News, imag, Rural Press publications,
WIN Television, Prime Television. Although ArtSpeak won’t be coming out again until February, Arts OutWest
will still be busy in January, so please don’t hesitate to call us if you need
We want you to receive the best possible any assistance throughout January, including preparation for the CASP grants
service. Please forward any comments. that we expect to be due in mid February. We’re also looking forward to new
developments in the new year such as the launch of our new website. Best
ARTS OUTWEST IS SUPPORTED BY: wishes to all for the Christmas season and we look forward to a stimulating and
Arts NSW; Local councils of Central
creative 2010.
West NSW: Bathurst Regional, Blayney,
Cabonne, Cowra, Forbes, Lachlan,
Lithgow, Mid-Western Regional, Tracey Callinan
Oberon, Orange, Parkes, Weddin
and Wellington; and Charles Sturt DISCLAIMER
University. Articles and reviews appearing in Artspeak which are attributed to individuals do not
Current projects partners include TAFE necessarily express the views of Arts OutWest. All content, including event listing
NSW, Greater Western Area Health details, is sourced from the community and reprinted here and online in good faith.
Service, the Department of Industry & Arts OutWest accepts no responsibility for date, price, content or venue changes, or
Innovation. cancellation of events. Arts OutWest reserves the right to edit or omit contributions.
In Review
Author talks in Orange Katie Noonan in Cowra Kalari People’s Choice
From Central West Libraries From Cowra Arts Council The 11th Annual Kalari People’s
Award-winning author Libby Gleeson and What a truly magical evening KATIE Choice Exhibition opened at
award-winning Orange based illustrator NOONAN IN THE HANGAR turned Kalari Cellar Door and Art Gallery
Freya Blackwood spoke to 300 school out to be at Cowra Airport. Cowra Arts in Cowra on November 6. The
children about writing and illustrating Council is extremely proud to have pieces range from bright abstracts
books at Orange City Library recently. been the driving force behind bringing to subtle watercolours, lino cuts
They were reading and talking about this event to Cowra. Katie Noonan to pastels and have been created
their latest book Clancy & Millie and the and her band The Captains were truly by artists from the Central West.
Very Fine House. impressive and drew a standing ovation Awards presented were an
Freya Blackwood now resides in Orange from the crowd. Her magnificent voice encouragement award, sponsored
and won the Crichton Award in 2004 and great compositional skills were on by Fiona Morton, to Colleen Noble
for Two Summers and the book was display. Her encore had us all singing from Billimari. The People’s Choice
shortlisted for the Picture Book of the Year and wishing that she would stay all Winner of the ’Cowra Archie’ was
Award in the Children’s Book Council of night and entertain us some more. Merilyn Rice from Evans Plains.
Australia 2004 Awards. She has also No wonder that she just won another Merilyn’s portrait was of Tim Miller,
written and illustrated her own book Ivy ARIA award for best jazz album for a well known Central West artist.
Loves to Give and is now illustrating her Blackbird. Thanks also to all our local The exhibition runs until December
12th book. supporters who took out share/risk 20 when the artist with the most
‘packages’. votes will be announced.
Lachlan Forbes
Photographic Exhibition
Closes December 10, 2009 Christmas Goodies
Parkes shire artists were very
Including... Albert, Burcher, Including... Bedgerebong, and Ideas
successful in the 2009 SIMS
Condobolin, Lake Cargelligo, Corinella, Forbes, Mandagery... December 2009, open daily
Metal Waste to Art Regional
Fifield, Murrin Bridge, Tottenham, Craft Corner will be featuring
Exhibition: Helen Standen, Elsie
Tullibigeal, Ungarie... Christmas Goodies and ideas.
Mahon, Jocelyn Moles and
From toys, children’s wear, cards,
Middleton Public School.
Condobolin Celebrates cakes, cushions, kitchen linens,
150 Years pottery and much more. There is
November 28 – December 3 Little Theatre a huge variety of hand made items
The weekend celebrations Bogan Street Parkes in the store. Free admission
continue into December. Craft Corner
Tuesday December 1, Film Screening: Grease Dalton Street Parkes
10am-11.30am Friday December 12, evening
Tour through the Lachlander Parkes Musical and Dramatic At The Movies
Museum, 115 years of local Society Regular sessions of new
printing history. In preparation for the Grease release film. Extra sessions in
Tuesday December 1, 2-4pm
Waste to Art exhibition auditions the next day. school holidays
Saturday December 5, 9am-4pm Parkes Leagues Club
Railway Museum Tour
Enjoy a diverse collection of old
Forbes Town Hall Grease auditions Clarinda Street Parkes
Harold Street Forbes Sunday December 13, Hotline 6862 6448
trikes and railway items
Jane Bennie 02 68 571143 from 11am
Wednesday December 2,
or Paul Bennett 02 68 502344 Parkes Musical and Dramatic
Society. The minimum age
Cemetery Walk. Guided tour
Carols by Candlelight for Grease will be High School
through historical sections.
Saturday December 5 students. Grease will open in on
Lachlan Shire Council
Forbes Shire Council the 14th May 2010 .
02 6895 1900
Victoria Park, Forbes Belinda McGrath 0428 251 294
12th Annual Forbes
Jazz Festival
Saturday January 2 to Monday CountryLink Parkes Elvis
January 4 Festival 2010
Carols in the Theatre
Saturday January 2: January 6-10, 2010
Sunday December 20, 7pm
Registrations; “Meet & Greet” In 2010 you can expect all the
Parkes Musical and Dramatic
BBQ; Blows in Pubs & Clubs usual favourites, such as the street
Sunday January 3: parade, Feature Concerts, outdoor
$8 adults, $5 students/ conc
Gospel Service Victoria Park entertainment, busking, the Elvis
(11am); Blows in Pubs & Clubs; Gospel Church Service, look-
Jazz with Pizzazz Food & Wine PACC Australia Day
Concert a-like, sound-a-like and move-
Evening (5pm to midnight, Victoria a-like contests, Miss Priscilla
Park & Harold Street) Monday January 25, 7pm (plus
possibly also a matinee, TBC, dinner, Elvis Poets Breakfast, the
Monday January 4: CountryLink Elvis Express Train
Parade (11am) ; Busking in street; Tuesday January 26, 2.30pm)
Parkes Musical and Dramatic and so much more.
Blows in pubs & clubs
Forbes Society. All the hits from the 2009
Yvonne Collits (02) 6852 3721 PACC Concert plus a few special extra tunes just for Australia Day.
Grenfell Art Gallery Cowra Regional Art Cowra Japanese Garden &
Main Street Grenfell. Gallery Cultural Centre
Tuesdays to Saturdays, 77 Darling St Cowra Binni Creek Road Cowra
10am - 4 pm 6340 2190 02 6342 2301
02 63431864
Tuesday-Saturday 10am-4pm, Big Christmas Party
Sunday 2pm-4pm. Saturday December 5
Free admission With two bands and all profits
going towards finding a cure for
2009 Regional Student CYSTIC FIBROSIS. Contact the
(Youth) Exhibition & gardens for more details. Blackbird Gallery Opening
Awards Exhibition: Sean Hansen
Hot Summer Nights:
Until December 13 Until December 4, 2009.
The Big Chill Open Thurs-Sun, 10am-5pm
The sixth annual youth art
Saturday January 16, gates Landscapes and nudes in oils by
exhibition and awards presented
Grenfell Artists Present… open 7.30pm movie starts 8pm Orange artist Sean Hansen.
by the Cowra Regional Art
Until December 12. Gallery will focus on work by Muriel’s Wedding Free admission.
Features a large number young artists from Central West Saturday January 26, gates Blackbird Gallery
of paintings: oil, pastels, high schools in years 10 to 12, open 7.30pm, movie starts 8pm Shop 1, 7 Belubula St Carcoar
watercolours and acrylics. Also across a wide range of media. . Bring your rug and a comfy chair
a variety of other arts such and relax under the stars with Millthorpe Markets
as Creative embroidery, cake all your favourite get up and Sunday December 6,
decorating, porcelain painting, dance musicals on the huge 3 x 8.30am - 4pm
sculptures, folk art and some 7 metre outdoor screen. Our fully Over 200 stalls including food,
artificial floral arrangements. licensed café will serve a range tools, Christmas decorations,
of platters, hot and cold snacks, recycled furniture, art and face
Earth’s Rewards hot dogs, chips etc. Phone 6342 painting. Gold coin donation
Opens Tuesday December 15. 5222 to pre-order. Beer, wine and Redman Oval, Millthorpe
Runs to January 30, 2010 soft drinks also available. Sorry 02 6366 3701
Featuring works by Helen no BYO alcohol. $10 adults/
Fitzgerald, well known as wildlife $7.50 students and pensioners/ Chop Art Shop
and botanical artist has spent $5 primary kids. Under 5 free. 25 Victoria Street Milthorpe
over 25 years painting and Open Saturday &
teaching. Greg Brennan, painter. Transitions Sunday 10am-4pm
Exhibitor Keith Rowe is a glass December 19 2009 to January Kalari Art Gallery
blower but also enjoys working 31 2010 120 Carro Park Road Cowra
with sand and kiln casting. ‘Transitions’ captures the
Free entry. experiences and perceptions 02 6342 1465
of artists concerned with
European island and regional 11th Annual Kalari
cultures, with the experiences of People’s Choice
migrants from these locations to Until December 20
Australia. The exhibition offers Paintings by artists within a 35
glimpses of the landscapes, km radius from Cowra. There will
cultures and social transitions be Kalari People’s Choice Art Christina Beaumont:
of islands such as the Azores, Prize of $500 & another award Works on Paper
Kythera, Lofoten and Sicily of $200 sponsored by Fiona Ruth Stone:
along with continental locations Morton. Paintings and Drawings
such as Brittany, Normandy
and southern Spain. It also Runs to December 6, 2009
Cowra Australia Day
presents images of Australia Celebrations
as experienced by migrants Tuesday January 26 Australia Day Fair Carcoar
from European regions. Artists: Residents of Cowra Shire Tuesday January 26,
Effy Alexakis, Angela Cavalieri, are encouraged to join in the 9.00am - 3.30pm
Nathalie Hartog–Gautier, Axel celebrations for Australia Day Street stalls, Historical re-
Poignant, Fernando Gil Pereira 2010. enactments performed by the
Resendes, Claudia Terstappen, Civic Square, Lachlan Living History Group,
Jeremy Welsh, and Salvatore Darling Street, Cowra Cobb and Co coach rides, wood
Contact 02 6340 2069 chop, helicopter rides, children’s rides, face painting, magician,
buskers, pony rides, static
displays, musical entertainment,
various food venues, scavenger
hunt, vintage and veteran cars
lining the river bank, 4 museums
and Court House open.
Gold coin donation
02 6367 3172 /
Cabonne Orange
Including... Borenore, Byng, Canowindra, Cargo, Cudal, Cumnock,
Allstars Big Band
Eugowra, Manildra, Molong, Mullion Creek, Obley, Ophir, Yeoval...
Saturday December 5, 2-5pm
Orange Allstars Big Band with
Boree Cabonne Historic Jayes Gallery, Molong the Ray Vanderby Quartet . free The Symptomatics Choir
House Tours 31 Gidley Street Molong
entry. Christmas Carols and
Sunday December 6, Cargo Road Winery & Art Gallery Afternoon Tea
02 6366 9093 Cargo Road Orange
11am sharp Friday December 18, 2-3pm
Morning tea included. Come and celebrate the Festive
Wed - Sun 10am - 4pm
Boree Cabonne Homestead Orange Regional Season with The Symptomatics
Escort Way Borenore Conservatorium Choir and enjoy Afternoon Tea
Bookings Essential 02 6364 2007 73A Hill Street Orange with a Christmas Flavoured twist!
02 6361 7974 All Welcome and it’s FREE!
Book Launch: Bloomfield Hospital, Orange
Wild Cattle, Wild Country Farewell 2009
Friday December 11, Proms Concert
7pm for 7.30pm Saturday Dec 5, 7.30pm
Launch of the book Wild Cattle, The ORC ensembles celebrate
Wild Country: Old mates and the end of another great year.
memories from the top end.
Launched by Dr Michael Guerin.
Author Anne Marie Ingram is Affordable & Collectable Australia Cinema
an author, painter, sculptor and for Christmas 183 Lords Pl Orange
former cattle breeder and author A collection of artworks from 02 6362 0510
of The Boss Drover. $10 the wider region of Bathurst to Orange Jazz Club Boxing
Coach House Cowra to Dubbo and Mudgee Day Family Picnic
Behind the Yarn Market, Bank St all under $600. A broad range Silver Screen: Saturday December 26, 12-3pm
Molong of styles and subjects from over The Pyjama Game Family picnic day at the winery,
25 artists all of whom are well Thursday December 3, bring a blanket, enjoy the
River Bank Gallery recognised in the Central West daytime (call for session time) magnificent views listening to jazz
71 Gaskill Street Canowindra and beyond for their fine works: with Michael Caulfield and the
02 63442778 Thursday- Greg Hyde, Eris Fleming, Joy Puccini’s Turandot - New Ray Vanderby Quartet.
Sunday 10am-4.30pm Engelman, Marian Duncan + York Metro Opera on Big Borrodell Cellar Gallery new and emerging artists, Join Screen 298 Canobolas Rd, Orange
us for dinner after the opening. Saturday 5 & Sunday 6 02 6365 3425
Free admission to exhibition. December
Bookings essential for dinner. New Year Live Jazz
Waste Weavers Sunday January 3, 2-5pm
Director’s Choice Monthly. Last 09 class Friday Orange Jazz Club will present
Friday 8 January - Sunday 31 December 11 a live show at the Royal Hotel
January 2010. Try your hand a weaving - using Orange 2-5pm free entry! Free
Works by regular exhibitors waste materials like plastics bags Royal Hotel, Orange
ranging from the low hundred’s and fabric offcuts.
through to several thousand Environmental Learning Facility Orange Australia Day
dollars, all eminently collectable Orange Showgrounds, Celebrations
David Isbester ‘Mudita’
and worth investing in. Leeds Place Orange Tuesday January 26
Until early December
Sue Clarke at Netwaste Browse the stalls, selling craft,
02 6393 8771 jewellery, plants, local produce,
Taste Canowindra hand-made toys and much
Crn Ferguson and Tilga City of Orange Brass & more. Amusement rides and
Streets Canowindra Concert Bands Recital craft activities for kids. Musical
Yeoval Carols by Candlelight Phone 02 6344 2332 Sunday 20 December, 11:45am entertainment.
Sunday December 20, 7.30pm & 1pm Cook Park,
With a guest speaker Cook Park, Orange Summer Street, Orange
Yeoval Memorial Hall Dinner Show Jazz Band Contact 02 6362 751 Contact 1800 069 466
Forbes Street Yeoval Saturday January 2, dinner
02 6846 4246 With Orange Jazz Club. Dinner
and live show with Michael History Talk: The Cherry
Age of Fishes Museum Caulfield and the Ray Vanderby Blossom and other
Orange Christmas Festival
Open Daily, 10am to 4pm Quartet. call for tickets. Bookings Festivals Associated with
Friday December 11
Home to 3700 specimens of fossil essential Fruitgrowing
Bring a blanket or chair and
fish, live animal displays and Tuesday January 26, 7.30pm
sing-a-long with local choirs
recreations of life in the Devonian. Gladstone Hotel
and bands to enjoy the festive
Admission charges apply. Byng Street Orange
spirit with Carols by Candlelight.
Gaskill Street Canowindra Phil Stevenson (President)
The evening will include many
02 6344 1008 0402 412 188
attractions and theatre, craft and
food stalls whilst listening to the
music. The final highlight of the
evening will be a spectacular
fireworks display.
Roberson Park, Orange
Contact 1800 069 466
Orange Wellington
Including... Euchareena, Geurie, Lake Burrundong, Mumbil,
Stuart Town, Wellington...
Felt Scultpure relaxed country studio. Polished
A Free Range Christmas scumbling, scraphito, broken
Jewellery raking. Homestay accommodation
Friday December 4, 7.30pm
Concert with The Song Painting
is available. Live in $275; Live out The Third Ironbarks
Company. Holiday $220. Art Classes Printmaking Summer
ur e Orange Regional
Contact Gallery School 2010
& Caricat
Christmas Selling Show Cartooning orJanuary
call 0418 2010 605 041 Monday January 18 -
Runs to December 13. Geurie Friday January 22, 2010
A selling exhibition of a diverse To bring: Children should bring With MARIANNE COURTENAY
range of artworks by local artist morning or afternoon teaFantasy
Mosaics - Bird bath or flower pot
to allPainting (new) & TIM WINTERS exploring multi-
- unique and affordable gifts for classes over 1½ hours in duration
With Catherine Bennett With Joanne Cormack
plate wood & lino cuts, intaglio
In this class you will mosaic a small bird Using your imagination, you will transform
Christmas and lunch
bath or flower were
pot, using vibrantly applicable.
imported tiles and coloured grout. Your mosaic
All and
animals artcreatures and put them in a fantasy
environment, as well, you will learn new painting
collagraphs & copper sulphate
materials provided.
will be a beautiful, lasting object for your
garden. All materials provided.
Payment skills. Joanne
tois a new young art teacher in Orange,
with a Masters Degree in Painting from COFA.
Churches Carols etching and LIZ JENEID working
Sentinels II be made at least 24 hours Date:
Date: January 2010
before by Candlelight
Wednesday 13 January 2010 with artists’ book techniques.
Runs to January 10, 2010. each class
Time: 10am – 1:30pm
Age: Over 7 years
Time: 10am – 1pm
Age: Over 8 years Saturday December 12, 6.30pm Ironbarks Creative Arts Centre
Ceramics by Brigitte Enders and Mosaics
Fee: $45 Fee: $30
In the sunken Garden at Cameron studio is spacious and has two
Paintings by Bob Baker. Monday January 11, 10am- Park. Includes barbecue, turning etching presses and three book
Watercolour Painting Leather and Feather on lariatthe lights (new) and carols at 8pm presses. $575 includes lunch and
The Collection of Orange With Loretta Thurtell
Make a
This is a very small
popular class, bird bath
where children or
With Fiona Schofield
flower Featuring
In this class you will make Wellington Town Band
a lariat, which is a long basic printmaking materials.
Regional Gallery are taught shills and leave with a great sense
pot. $45 Using professional quality
of accomplishment.
rope-like piece of jewellery that is worn around your
neck or could be used as Cameron Park
a belt. Besides leather Ironbark Creative Arts &
Runs to January 10, 2010. paper and paints you will learn the technique
Watercolour Painting
of watercolour painting. You will develop
and feathers you will also use metal findings, chain
and colourful beads.
Naminma Cres Wellington Crafts Centre
your skills in achieving vibrant colour mixes
An exhibition showcasing Old Railway Hotel Building
produce 3D effects.January
New subject matter12, each 10am- Time: 10am – 12noon02 68454511
and rendering of highlights and shadows to Date: Thursday 14 January 2010
Bathurst Region
Including... Bathurst, Kelso, Eglinton, Perthville, Sofala, Wattle Flat, Hill End, Raglan, Vittoria, Trunkey Creek, Peel, Burraga, Sunny Corner,
Kirkconnel, Meadow Flat, O’Connell, Rockley, The Lagoon, Yetholme, Mt Rankin, Freemantle, Geroges Plains, Duramana...
Outdoor cinema
Throughout Summer
Ironbarks Creative Arts Centre, Stuart Town Cowra Japanese Gardens &
With MARIANNE COURTENAY & TIM WINTERS exploring multi-plate Cultural Centre
wood & lino cuts, intaglio collagraphs & copper sulphate etching and Bring your rug and a comfy chair and
LIZ JENEID working with artists’ book techniques. Ironbarks Creative relax under the stars with all your
Arts Centre studio is spacious and has two etching presses and three favourite get up and dance musicals on
book presses. $575 includes lunch and basic printmaking materials. the huge 3 x 7 metre outdoor screen.
Bookings: Tim winters 02 6846 8311 Food and drinks available on site.
or visit Schedules and info: 02 6342 2301
ARTS OUTWEST IS SUPPORTED BY: Arts OutWest is supported by the NSW Arts OutWest is a member of
Contributiing local councils: Bathurst Government through Arts NSW Regional Arts NSW
Regional, Blayney, Cabonne, Cowra,
Forbes, Lachlan, Lithgow City, Mid-Western
Regional, Oberon, Orange City, Parkes
Weddin and Wellington as well as Charles
Sturt University.