This document outlines a course on theoretical foundations in nursing. It describes the course objectives, topics, activities and assessments. The course introduces key concepts in nursing theory and examines various nursing theorists and models. It also explores the importance of theory for nursing practice, education and research.
This document outlines a course on theoretical foundations in nursing. It describes the course objectives, topics, activities and assessments. The course introduces key concepts in nursing theory and examines various nursing theorists and models. It also explores the importance of theory for nursing practice, education and research.
This document outlines a course on theoretical foundations in nursing. It describes the course objectives, topics, activities and assessments. The course introduces key concepts in nursing theory and examines various nursing theorists and models. It also explores the importance of theory for nursing practice, education and research.
This document outlines a course on theoretical foundations in nursing. It describes the course objectives, topics, activities and assessments. The course introduces key concepts in nursing theory and examines various nursing theorists and models. It also explores the importance of theory for nursing practice, education and research.
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Republic of the Philippines
College of Arts and Science Nursing and Health Sciences Department Naval, Biliran Telefax No. (!"# !$%&! LEARNING RESOURE UNITS in T!N """# The$retical !$undati$ns in Nursing First Semester, AY: 2014-0215 C'(RS) C'*) + T!N """ C'(RS) T,T-) + The$retical !$undati$ns in Nursing CR)*,T (N,TS + % units Lecture T,.) A--'T.)NT + &' h$urs( semester C'(RS)/0R/S)CT,'N + )SN I Prepared b1+ 2erified b1+ Approved+ LLOYD RAY*UND V+ TAN SILL*AR, T+ )AASON- *AN ROLAND A+ NIE.- Ed+D+ ,nstructor Chair3an, BS Nursing *ean, College of Arts and Sciences /ILLARD N+ RIVERAL- RN- *AN 0and+1 Chair3an, 4ealth Sciences NAVAL STATE UNIVERSITY VISION A globall1 co3petitive State (niversit1 i3bued 5ith positive values, and contributor1 to sustainable develop3ent and progress.
*ISSION To generate 5orld$class graduates ade6uatel1 e6uipped 5ith 6ualit1 education, professional training and relevant s7ills in 3ariti3e education, engineering, arts and sciences and health related progra3s, touris3, education, ,CT, business and entrepreneurship, agriculture, fisher1 and forestr1 through instruction, research, extension and production services.
*OTTO Nobilit1, Solidarit1 and (nit1 OLLEGE O! ARTS 2 SIENES GOAL To beco3e a d1na3ic College providing ade6uate general education progra3s to other colleges of the (niversit1, developing co3petent 3entors, and offering responsive and relevant degree progra3s.
8. To strengthen CAS as a service college for general education sub9ects of the (niversit1: ;. To offer responsive and relevant curricular progra3s in arts and sciences, health related progra3s, business and entrepreneurship, public safet1 and forensic science: ". To underta7e relevant activities for the pro3otion and i3prove3ent of the teachers< co3petence 5ho adopt appropriate 3aterials, 3odalities and facilities in instruction: &. To underta7e relevant research in liberal arts and entrepreneurial 3anage3ent, public safet1 and disaster preparedness, and co33unit1 health care 3anage3ent: !. To conduct high$i3pact integrated co33unit1 extension services progra3s in coordination 5ith other units of NS( that are geared to5ards s7ills and livelihood develop3ent, i3prove3ent of 6ualit1 of life, disaster ris7 3anage3ent and pro3otion of co33unit1 health and sanitation: =. To develop and harness the co3petence of students to 1ield laudable perfor3ances in co3petitions and board exa3inations. )AHELOR O! SIENE IN NURSING GOAL To provide 6ualit1 and globall1 co3petitive professional nursing education through integrating professional values, ethics, and standards of nursing practice 5ith caring at the core.
The program aims to produce a professional nurse ho: 8. has ac6uired 7no5ledge, attitude and s7ills in assisting individual, fa3il1 and co33unit1 in the pro3otion of health, illness, alleviation of sufferings and restoration of health: ;. 3aintains accountabilit1 in the practice of professional nursing 5ithin the established ethical and legal standards: ". integrates critical thin7ing process, sound decision 3a7ing, and nursing process in providing care and in 3eeting the needs of the gro5ing person across the lifespan: &. uses evidence > based infor3ation to support clinical decision 3a7ing in the healthcare deliver1 s1ste3: !. respects values, rights and dignit1 of hu3an beings: =. beco3es a lifelong learner, engages in professional and leadership develop3ent and in the advance3ent of nursing profession in a culturall1 diverse, rapidl1 changing global societ1. OURSE NA*E THEORETIAL !OUNDATIONS IN NURSING OURSE DESRI4TION This course deals 5ith the 3eta$concepts of a person, health, environ3ent and nursing as vie5ed b1 the different theorists. -i7e5ise, it includes non$ nursing theorists such as s1ste3s, develop3ental and change theories. ,t presents ho5 these concepts and theories serve as guide to nursing practice. OURSE REDIT " units -ecture ONTAT HOURS (SE*ESTER !& hours/ se3ester 4RERE5UISITE None 4LAE*ENT ?irst 0ear, ?irst Se3ester O*4ETENIES At the end of the course, the students 5ill be able to+ 8. trace the evolution of nursing as a profession: ;. discuss the i3portance of the theories to nursing profession: ". explain lin7ages a3ong theor1, research, and clinical or functional practice: &. discuss the 3eta concepts of a person, health, environ3ent and nursing as vie5ed b1 the fa3ous nursing theorists: !. anal1@e and evaluate selected theories 5hich 5ill serve as fra3e5or7s for research studies: =. appraise and exa3ine nursing and interdisciplinar1 theories and their application in education, research and practice: A. ac6uire 7no5ledge on the 88 7e1 areas of responsibilities in nursing and express readiness in appl1ing it to nursing practice. INTER*EDIATE O*4ETENIES ONTENT TEAHING6LEARNING ATIVITIES NO+ O! HOURS LETURE EVALUATION After !& hours of teaching$ learning activities, the BSN students 5ill be able to+ 8.define related ter3s+ theor1 nursing theor1 nursing paradig3 concepts philosoph1 7no5ledge science pheno3enon A. ,NTR'*(CT,'N 8. Theor1 ;. Nursing theor1 ". Nursing paradig3s ".8 person ".; health "." environ3ent ".& nursing !. Co3ponents of a Theor1 &. Philosoph1 !. Conceptual .odels =. Science A. Bno5ledge C. Pheno3enon %. Concepts 'rientation and overvie5 of the different concepts to be tac7led in this course through student$ instructor interaction. *efinition of the different concepts and ter3s Brief histor1 of the Nursing Profession = Paper and pencil tests 'ral recitations Dor7sheet no. 8 E,ntroduction to Theoretical ?oundations in NursingF ;. explain the i3portance of Nursing theor1 5ith e3phasis on nursing practice. B. ,.P'RTANC) '? N(RS,NG T4)'R0 ,N+ 8. )ducation ;. Research ". Clinical practice -ecture$ discussion on the i3portance of Nursing Theories in the different fields of nursing " Paper and pencil tests 'ral Recitation Role Pla1ing Hournal Revie5 Dor7sheet no. ;F ,3portance of TheoriesF ". discuss the four 5a1s of 7no5ing C. ?unda3entals of Bno5ing C.8. ?our 5a1s of Bno5ing 8. )3pirical ;. )thical ". Aesthetics 4. Personal C.;. ?ive T1pes of Bno5ers 1. Silent Bno5ers 2. Received Bno5ers 3. Sub9ective Bno5ers 4. Procedural Bno5ers 5. Constructed Bno5ers -ecture $discussion " Paper and pencil tests 'ral Recitation &. Trace the histor1 of Nursing theor1 !. discuss the significance of Nursing theor1 for Nursing as a profession *. *evelop3ent of Nursing Throughout 4istor1 8. Nursing in the earl1 8C th , and 8% th centur1 ;. Nursing in the earl1 ; th centur1 ". Nursing in the late ; th centur1 -ecture $discussion = Paper and pencil tests 'ral Recitation Hournal Revie5 Role pla1ing Dor7sheet no. "F )volution of Nursing theoriesF =.identif1 the different categories of nursing theories ). Categories 8. Philosophies 2. .iddle range theories ". Grand theories &. Conceptual .odels = Paper and pencil tests Board ga3es 'ral Recitation A. identif1 non$nursing theories on the develop3ent of a nursing theor1 ?. Non$nursing theories 8. 4u3an need Theor1 ;. S1ste3s theor1 ". Change theor1 -ecture$discussion = Paper and pencil tests 'ral Recitation C. discuss the theoretical 5or7s of fa3ous nursing theorists in the aspects of the four 3etaparadig3s G. selected nursing theories and conceptual 3odels 8. Philosophies ?lorence Nightingales 2irginia 4enderson ?a1e Abdellah ;. Grand theories .adeline -eininger *orothea ore3 .artha Rogers ,3ogene Bing ". .iddle range theories 4ildegard Peplau Hean Datsons ,da Hean 'rlando Ho1ce Travelbee .adeleine -eininger Nola Pender &. Conceptual 3odels Sis Callista Ro1 *orothea 're3 -ecture$discussion Role Pla1 Hournal$ revie5 = Paper and pencil tests 'ral Recitaton Dor7sheet no. & E Philosophical TheoriesF Dor7sheet no. ! EGrand TheoriesF Dor7sheet no. = E.iddle range theoriesF Dor7sheet no. A E Conceptual 3odelsF Portfolio of Nursing theories %. discuss e3erging local 3odels of nursing intervention to theor1 develop3ent 4. -ocal .odels of Nursing intervention Sr. Carol Agravante Car3elita *ivinagracia Sr. -ett1 Buan Car3encita Aba6uin Cecilia -aurente -ecture$discussion Hournal Revie5 = Paper and Pencil tests 'ral Recitation Dor7sheet no. C E-ocal .odels of Nursing ,nterventionF 8. ,dentif1 the core co3petencies and the 88 7e1 areas of responsibilities in Nursing ,. Core co3petencies under the 88 7e1 areas of responsibilities 8. Patient care co3petencies Safe 6ualit1 care Co33unication Collaboration 4ealth education ;. )nhancing Research Iualit1 i3prove3ent ". )3po5ering -egal responsibilities )thico$3oral responsibilities Personal and professional develop3ent &. )nabling .anage3ent of resources and environ3ent Records 3anage3ent -ecture >discussion = Paper and Pencil tests 'ral recitation Hournal revie5 Dor7sheet no. % E88 areas of Responsibilities in NursingF 88. )xplain the i3portance of the core values in Nursing Practice. H. Core values 8. -ove of god ;. Caring Co3passion Conscience Co3petence Confidence Co33it3ent ". -ove of people Respect for the dignit1 of each person regardless of race , creed , color and gender &. -ove of countr1 Patriotis3 Preservation and enrich3ent of the environ3ent and cultural heritage. -ecture >discussion = Paper and Pencil tests 'ral recitation Hournal Revie5 Dor7sheet no. 8 E Core 2alues in NursingF RE!ERENES )$$7s# Belen71, Clinch1, Goldberger, and Tarule, 8%C= .eleis ,brahi3 Afaf (8%%A# , Theoretical Nursing + *evelop3ent J Progress "rd ed. Philadelphia, -ippincott. To3e1, A... J Alligood, ..R. (;;#. Nursing Theorists and Their Dor7. !th ed. .issouri+ .osb1.Bo@ier, B., )rb, G., Ber3an, A., Sn1der, S. (;&#. Fundamentals of nursing: !oncepts, process, and practice. (Ath ed.#. Philippines+ Pearson )ducation South Asia Pte -td. 'ctaviano, )ufe3ia ?., RN, R., .N, )d*, Balita, Carl )., RN, R., .AN, *r4u3. "Theoretical Foundations of #ursing: The $hilippine $erspecti%e&, ;C. Internet S$urces# http+//555.eho5.co3/aboutK==;C!;;Ke3piricis3$nursing$theor1K.ht3l http+//nursingtheories.5ee7l1.co3 http+//nursingcrib.co3 http+//