Functional and Clinical Significance of Skeletal Muscle Architecture
Functional and Clinical Significance of Skeletal Muscle Architecture
Functional and Clinical Significance of Skeletal Muscle Architecture
whole muscles that dominates their function. This review describes the basic
architectural properties of human upper and lower extremity muscles. The
designs of various muscle groups in humans and other species are analyzed
from the point of view of optimizing function. Muscle fiber arrangement and
motor unit arrangement is discussed in terms of the control of movement.
Finally, the ability of muscles to change their architecture in response to
immobilization, eccentric exercise, and surgical tendon transfer is reviewed.
Future integrative physiological studies will provide insights into the mecha-
nisms by which such adaptations occur. It is likely that muscle fibers trans-
duce both stress and strain and respond by modifying sarcomere number in
a way more suited to the new biomechanical environment.
© 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Muscle Nerve 23: 1647–1666, 2000
Veterans Affairs Medical Center and University of California, Department of
Orthopaedics, U.C. San Diego School of Medicine and V.A. Medical Center,
3350 La Jolla Village Drive, San Diego, California 92161, USA
Veterans Affairs Medical Center and University of California, Department of
Bioengineering, San Diego, California, USA
Department of Hand Surgery, Göteborg University, Göteborg, Sweden
Structure–function relationships in skeletal muscle provides guidelines for electrode placement during
have been described and examined for over a cen- electromyographic measures of muscle activity, ex-
tury. Classic studies have elucidated the microscopic plains the mechanical basis of muscle injury during
and ultrastructural properties of skeletal muscle fi- normal movement, and aids in the interpretation of
bers, yielding great insights into their function. How- histological specimens obtained from muscle biop-
ever, less attention has been paid to the studies of sies. The purpose of this review is to describe the
the macroscopic properties of skeletal muscle tissues theoretical significance of muscle architecture, to
dating back to the 1600s (see discussion and refer- describe the basic architectural properties of human
ences in Kardel27). This macroscopic arrangement upper and lower extremity muscles, and to intro-
of muscle fibers is known as a muscle’s architec- duce advanced topics that represent current issues
ture.20 Because muscle architecture is a primary de- not yet resolved in the literature.
terminant of muscle function, understanding this
structure–function relationship is of great practical BASIC ARCHITECTURAL DEFINITIONS
importance. This understanding not only clarifies
the physiological basis of force production and It is well-known that skeletal muscle is highly orga-
movement but also provides a scientific rationale for nized at the microscopic level, as witnessed by the
surgery that may involve tendon-transfer procedures, incredible number and diversity of electron micro-
graphs and schematics of muscle sarcomeres that
Abbreviations: CT, computed tomography; dSL/d, sarcomere length have been published in review articles and text-
change during joint rotation; ECRB, extensor carpi radialis brevis; ECRL, books. However, with few exceptions, the arrange-
extensor carpi radialis longus; EMG, electromyography; Lf, muscle fiber
length; Lm, muscle length; Lo, optimal length; MRI, magnetic resonance ment of muscle fibers within and between muscles
imaging; MTU, muscle tendon unit; PCSA, physiological cross-sectional has received much less attention. Muscle fibers are
area; Po, maximum tetanic tension; , muscle density; r, moment arm;
ROM, range of motion; , muscle fiber pennation angle; Vmax, maximum often depicted as projecting in bundles (fascicles)
contraction velocity from an origin on a proximal tendon plate to an
Key words: architecture; muscle design; muscle fiber; skeletal muscle;
tendon transfer surgery insertion more distally. This simply does not do jus-
Correspondence to: R.L. Lieber; e-mail: tice to the wide array of muscle “designs” that are
© 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. apparent throughout the animal kingdom. The ar-
FIGURE 1. Artist’s conception of three general types of skeletal muscle architecture. (A) Longitudinal architecture in which muscle fibers
run parallel to the muscle’s force-generating axis, as in the biceps brachii. (B) Unipennate architecture in which muscle fibers run at a fixed
angle relative to the muscle’s force-generating axis, as in the vastus lateralis muscle. (C) Multipennate architecture in which muscle fibers
run at several angles relative to the muscle’s force-generating axis (gluteus medius muscle). Lf, muscle fiber length; Lm, muscle length.
representative of motor units from different regions fiber-type distributions are innervated by distinctly
of the same muscle.40 This is due to two factors. First different motor nerves. As a result, their activation
and most obvious, muscle fibers do not extend the pattern and general level of use can differ, in spite of
length of the muscle, and second, a natural grada- the fact that they are in the same muscle.
tion exists in fiber-type percentage and thus motor
unit types from superficial to deep within a muscle.6 Muscles of the Human Upper Limb. In light of the
Because motor units are activated in a stereotypical specialization observed in the lower limb, it is prob-
fashion from slow to fast,23 this may affect duration ably not surprising to note that there is also a high
and amplitude of EMG signals measured at different degree of specialization “built into” upper extremity
depths. It should be noted, however, that the extent muscles, by virtue of their architecture. Such special-
to which this inability to sample uniformly affects ization makes sense in light of the fact that a great
either clinical judgment or the understanding of deal more functional diversity is seen in upper ex-
muscle activation has not been clearly determined. tremity compared with lower extremity movement.
A second level of complexity that may affect the From an architectural point of view, the superficial
extent to which an EMG signal is representative of and deep digital flexors are similar to each other but
muscle function arises from the fact that some are different from the digital extensors (Fig. 7). The
muscles, such as the cat lateral gastrocnemius, dem- flexors would be predicted to generate almost twice
onstrate compartmentalization.16,64 Under these the force as the extensors and with a slightly greater
conditions, separate portions of muscles with unique active range. As another example, based on its very
high PCSA, the flexor carpi ulnaris is expected to to the original muscle in order to perform the origi-
generate very high forces. Examination of this type nal muscle’s function. (Numerous other factors also
of information can be used to compare functional influence donor selection, including donor muscle
properties between muscles that might be surgically availability, donor muscle morbidity, preoperative
transferred to restore lost function (see below). In- strength, integrity, expendability, synergism, transfer
tuitively, it might be considered important to match route and direction, and surgical experience and
the transferred muscle’s architectural properties to preference.)
the architectural properties of the muscle whose
function was lost.
Surgical Restoration of Digital Extension. We envi-
FIGURE 12. Sarcomere number in mouse soleus muscles of FIGURE 13. Fiber length of rat muscles immobilized in the neu-
8-week-old mice subjected to immobilization. Serial sarcomere tral (filled bars), lengthened (open bars), or shortened (hatched
number was determined after 3 weeks of immobilization with the bars) position. Note that muscles respond to immobilization in the
muscle in the control, shortened, or lengthened position. (Data same direction although with different magnitudes. (Data from
from Williams and Goldspink.66) Spector et al.61)