Motor Protection
Motor Protection
Motor Protection
Circuit breaker
Built-in thermal
To protect a circuit against overloads and short
circuits, a circuit protective device must deter-
mine when one of these fault conditions occurs.
It must then automatically disconnect the circuit
from the power source. A fuse is the simplest
device for accomplishing these two functions.
Normally fuses are built together by means of
a safety switch, which can switch off the circuit.
On the following pages, we will present three
types of fuses as to their function and to where
they are used: Fusible safety switch, “quick-act-
ing” fuse and “time-lag” fuse.
“Quick-acting” fuses
Nontime-delay fuses provide excellent short cir- Fuses
cuit protection. However, brief overloads, such
as motor starting currents, may cause problems
for this kind of fuse. Therefore, nontime-delay
fuses are best used in circuits, which are not Fusible safety switch
subject to large transient currents. Normally,
nontime-delay fuses hold some 500% of their
rated current for one-fourth of a second. After
this time, the current-carrying element melts,
and opens the fuse. Thus, in motor circuits,
where the starting current often exceeds 500%
of the fuse’s rated current, nontime-delay fuses
are not recommended.
“Time-lag” fuses
This kind of fuse provides both overload and
short-circuit protection. Typically, they allow Clearing time
of fuse
up to 5 times the rated current for up to 10
seconds and for shorter periods even higher
currents. Usually, this is sufficient to allow a
Less current - more time
motor to start without opening the fuse. On
the other hand, if an overload condition occurs
and persists for a longer period of time, the
More current
fuse will eventually open. - less time
Generally speaking, pump motors have a very Principle of a tripping curve for a fuse.
The graph shows the relation between the
short run-up time; below 1 second. So, blown
actual current and the full-load current
fuses during start-up are normally not an issue
for pumps if the fuses match the motor’s full-
load currentand is a time-lag fuse.
t (s)
Tripping curve for a “quick-acting” and a
“time-lag” fuse.
The “time-lag” fuse is the best choice for
motors because of the high starting current
2 Hr
IEC and NEMA are responsible for setting the stand-
1 Hr
ards as to trip classes and thus for overload relays.
20 Min
Trip class designation 10 Min
Generally, overload relays react to overload relay
4 Min
conditions according to the trip curve. Regardless
of the product style (NEMA or IEC), trip classes 2 Min
specify the periode of time it takes the relay to
Trip 1 Min
open when overload occurs. The most common time
30 Sec
classes are 10, 20 and 30. The figure refers to the 20 Sec Class 30
periode of time it takes the relay to trip. A class Class 20
10 Sec
10 overload relay trips within 10 seconds or less Class 10
4 Sec
at 600% of full-load current, a class 20 overload
relay trips within 20 seconds or less and a class 30 2 Sec
overload relay trips within 30 seconds or less.
1 Sec
100 200 400 800 1000
The degree of inclination of the trip curve depends % of Full-load current
on the motor’s protection class. IEC motors are
typically adapted to the application in which they The trip time is the time it takes
are designed to operate. This implies that the for a relay to trip during over-
overload relay is able to handle excess amounts of load. The trip time is divided into
current, very close to its maximum capacity. The different classes
trip time is the time it takes for a relay to trip dur-
ing overload. The trip time is divided into different
classes. The most common trip classes are 10, 20
and 30. Trip class 10 is the most common one for
IEC motors because they are often adapted to the
application. NEMA motors are applied with more
built-in excess capacity, and therefore, the trip
class 20 is most common.
previously, the fuse provides short circuit pro- Cross over current
tection and does not provide low overcurrent
protection. Full load Limit of thermal damage to the
current overload relay time/current
The illustration on your right-hand side shows Motor current
the most important parameters that form the
basis for a successful co-ordination of fuses and Starting
overload relays. current
It is essential that the fuse trips out before ther-
mal damage of other parts of the installation The most important parameters that form the basis for a
occur because of short-circuit. successful co-ordination of fuses and overload relays. The
fuse time current curve always has to be situated lower
than the limit curve (red curve) for thermal damage
60 Hz data calculation
Ua = 254 ∆/440 Y V (actual voltage)
Umin = 220 ∆/380 Y V
(Minimum values in the voltage range)
Umax = 277 ∆/480 Y V
(Maximum values in the voltage range)
I max = 5.00/2.90 A
(Current values for Delta and Star at maximum
Internal protection
- built into the motor
Why have built-in motor protection, when the
motor is already fitted with overload relays and
fuses? Sometimes the overload relay does not
register a motor overload. Here are a couple
exampels of this:
Built-in thermal
• If the motor is covered and is slowly warmed
up to a high damaging temperature.
• In general, high ambient temperature.
• If the external motor protection is set at a too
high trip current or is installed in a wrong way.
• If a motor, within a short period of time, Internal protection built into windings
is restarted several times, the locked rotor
current warms up the motor and eventually
damages it.
TP designation
TP is the abbreviation for thermal protection.
Different types of thermal protection exist and are
identified by a TP-code (TPxxx) which indicates:
• The type of thermal overload for which the
thermal protection is designed (1 digit)
• The numbers of levels and type of action
(2 digit)
• The category of the built-in thermal protec-
Indication of the permissible temperature level
tion (3 digit) when the motor is exposed to thermal overload. Category
2 allows higher temperatures than category 1 does
When it comes to pump motors, the most com-
mon TP designations are:
and temperature-dependent motor protection P2 3,00 kW No 85815810
in accordance with IEC 60034-11. The motor
50 Hz U 380-415D V
Eff. % I 1/1 6,25 A
protection is of the TP 211 type, which reacts to 82 Imax 6,85 A
both slow and quick-rising temperatures. The n 288-2910 min cos 0.88-0.82
CL F IP 55 TP 211
device is automatically reset. DE 6306.2Z.C4 NDE 6205.2Z.C3
Internal fitting
In single-phase motors one single thermal
switch is used. In three-phase motors 2 thermal
Thermik - PTO
switches connected in series are placed between
the phases of the motor. In that way all three
phases are in contact with a thermal switch.
Thermal switches can be retrofitted on the coil
end, but the result is an increased reaction time.
The switches have to be connected to an exter-
nal monitoring system. In that way the motor is
protected against a slow overload. The thermal
Current and temperature sensitive thermal switches
switches do not require an amplifier relay.
thermal switch manufacturer, the curve changes.
TN is typically around 150 - 160°C.
[˚C ]
-5 +5
Connection of a three-phase motor with built-in TN
thermal switch and overload relay.
Resistance as a function of the tem-
perature for a typical thermal switch
TP designation for the diagram
Protection according to the IEC 60034-11 stand-
L1 L2 L3 N N
ard: TP 111 (slow overload). In order to handle a
locked-rotor, the motor has to be fitted with an
overload relay. MV
K1 K1
S1 On/off switch
S2 Off switch
K1 Contactor
t Thermal switch in motor
M Motor
MV Overload relay
Thermal switches can be loaded as followed:
Umax= 250 V AC
IN = 1.5 A
- also built into the windings
The second type of internal protection is the Thermistor / PTC. Only temperature
thermistors or Positive Temperature Coefficient sensitive. The thermistor has to be
sensors (PTC). The thermistors are built into the connected to a control circuit, which
motor windings and protect the motor against +T can convert the resistance signal, which
again has to disconnect the motor.
locked-rotor conditions, continuous overload and Used in three-phase motors.
high ambient temperature. Thermal protection
is then achieved by monitoring the temperature
of the motor windings with PTC sensors. If the
windings exceed the rated trip temperature, the
sensor undergoes a rapid change in resistance
relative to the change in temperature.
N Rmin Ret PTC
The critical values of the resistance / tempera- Typical resistance versus temperature charac-
ture char-acteristic for motor-protection sen- teristic of a PTC thermistor (DIN 44081/44082)
sors are defined by the DIN 44081/DIN 44082
TNAT - 5 K
TNAT - 20 K
TNAT - 20 K
TP designation
TP designation
The TP 211 motor protection can only be achieved TP 111 protected motors
when PTC thermistors are entirely incorporated in L1 L2 L3 N
K1 K1
The figures on your right hand side show a 3
connection of a three-phase motor with PTC
thermistors and Siemens tripping unit. In order Automatic reclosing Manual reclosing
to obtain protection against both slow and rapid
overload, we recommend the following type of
connection for motors with PTC sensor and TP TP211 protected motors
L1 L2 L3 N
211 and TP 111 protection.
3UN2 100-0 C
A1 95
S1 S1
PTC thermistors
PTC thermistors, (Positive Temperature Coeffi-
cient thermistors) can be fitted into the wind-
ings of a motor during production or retrofitted
afterwards. Usually three PTC thermistors are
fitted in series; one in each phase of the wind-
ing. They can be purchased with trip tempera-
tures ranging from 90°C to 180°C in 5° steps. PTC
thermistors have to be connected to a thermis-
tor relay, which detects the rapid increase in
Three PTC sensors;
resistance of the thermistor when it reaches its one in each phase
trip temperature. These devices are non-linear.
At ambient temperatures the resistance of a
set of three will be about 200 ohms, and this PTC sensors PTC protection built
will increase rapidly to 3000 ohms, (1000 ohms into windings
each). If the temperature increases any further,
the PTC thermistor can reach several thousand
ohms. The thermistor relays are usually set to
trip at 3000 ohms or are preset to trip according
to what the DIN 44082 standard prescribes.