Grid Report July 15 First Edition

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Overall Findings 1
Short-Term 1
Long-Term 2
Overview 4
Intents & capability of Threat Actors 6
Present & Future Models for the Grid 7
Understanding the Threats 8
Cyberattack 8
Physical Attack 8
Electromagnetic Pulse 9
Directed Energy Weapons 10
Geomagnetically-Induced Currents 10
Severe Weather 11
Tools for Preparation & Response 11
Executive Action 12
Legislative Action 13
Insurance & Finance 14
The Future of the Grid 14
Trends in Generation & Renewables 16
The Basic Structure of the U.S. Electrical Grid 17
Grid Security Entities 18
Department of Homeland Security & Department of Energy 19
Information Sharing & Analysis Centers (ISACs) 20
Cyber Incidents 21
Types of Cyberattack 21
The Aurora Test 21
Stuxnet 22
Flame 22
Shamoon 23
Heartbleed 24
Energetic Bear 25
Physical Incidents 25
2003 Northeast Blackout 25
Metcalf, California Substation Attack 27
Knights Templar Drug Cartel Attack 28
Attacks on Entegy Facilities in Arkansas 29
Nogales, Arizona Substation Attack 30
Severe Weather 31
2012 Mid-Atlantic Derecho 31
Superstorm Sandy 32

Fukushima 35
Electromagnetic Events 36
Carrington Event 36
Starfish prime Nuclear Test 37
1983 Qubec Blackout 38
State Actors 39
Russia 39
China 41
Iran 42
North Korea 43
Non-State Actors 44
Al-Qaeda 44
Drug Cartels 45
Other Groups 46
Eco-terrorism 46
Hacktivists 47
Individuals & The Insider Threat 48
Physical Security 50
Generation Facilities 52
Transmission Lines 53
Substations & Transformers 54
Cybersecurity 55
SCADA Systems & Vulnerabilities 56
Deterring & Detecting Attacks 58
Types of Cyberattack 59
The Need for Rapid Information Sharing 61
Advances in Hardware & Software 62
The Smart Grid Challenges & Opportunities 64
Electromagnetic Pulse, Directed Energy & Geomagnetic Storm 64
The EMP Commission 65
Electromagnetic Pulse 66
Directed Energy Weapons 68
Transient Electromagnetic Device & High-Power Microwave 68
Geomagnetic Storms 70
The Future 72
Mitigation 73
Severe Weather 74
Extreme Weather Events 75
Droughts, Wildfires, & Earthquakes 77
Response 78
FEMA, National Guard & Local Authorities 80
Security & Incident Response 82
Assessing Grid Vulnerabilities 82
Intelligence & Forecasting 83
Drilling & Preparation 84
Spare Parts Inventory 85
Incident Response & Investigation 86
Incident Recovery 88
Recent Action 92
Executive Order 13636 92
Presidential Policy Directive 21 95
NIST Cybersecurity Framework 96
Relaxation of Concerns about Antitrust Behavior 98

Further Steps 99
Actions Addressing Improved Information Sharing 99
Improved Exchange to and from Industry 100
Balancing Streamlined & Overlapping Responsibilities 103
Research & Technology 105
Executive Order 13636 & the Need For Legislation 108
Key Topics for Legislation 108
A Catalog of Selected Legislative Proposals 110
Congress 110
Congress 111
Congress 113
Progress of Selected Legislation 117
Codifying NIST Standards 118
Further Steps 119
Filling Key Roles in Executive Agencies 119
Addressing Issues Surrounding Liability 119
Coordinating Information Sharing 120
Addressing Financial & Insurance Incentives 122
Educating the Workforce 123
Legislating Trust 124
Unique Role of States 125
Information Sharing 128
Private Sector Information Sharing 132
Security of Systems & Personnel 133
Not One-Size-Fits-All 134
Links with Other Industries 136
Management Models: Coordinating CSOs & CISOs 137
The Role of Insurance Companies 140
Challenges to Current Business MOdels 141
Building the Business Model for the Grid of the Future 143
Addressing Aging Infrastructure 144
Building the Smart Grid 145
Privacy & Security Concerns 145
Smart Grid Deployment 148
The Role of National Labs 149
Federal Investments & Grants 150
Smart Grid & the Public Internet 152
Cost Recovery & Metering 155
Microgrid & Distributed Generation 156
Building Microgrids 156
Microgrids & Renewables 157
State Microgrid Programs 158
Widescale Implementation 161
Microgrid Ramifications 162
Future of Generation Sources 162
The Natural Gas Boom & the Future of Coal 163
The Vital Role of Nuclear 166
The Growth of Renewables 168

July 2014 First Edition
On behalf of the Center for the Study of the Presidency & Congress, I want to thank the following
for their contributions to the project, Securing the U.S. Electrical Grid:
The Smith Richardson Foundation, whose generosity allowed the Center to embark on a year-long
effort to study ways in which the U.S. can better secure its electrical grid. This project included
eight off-the-record sessions on the East and West Coasts, as well as countless meetings with both
public and private sector leaders.
Dr. David M. Abshire, Vice Chairman & President Emeritus of the Center, who continues to be the
driving force behind the Centers efforts to strengthen our Nations security and bridge the divide
between the public and private sectors.
Ambassador Mack McLarty and Governor Tom Ridge, who not only serve as CSPC Trustees, but
also co-chairs of this effort. Their advice, guidance, and leadership throughout the project was
Senator Chuck Hagel, former CSPC Trustee, who co-chaired our original cybersecurity project
which helped lay the groundwork for this effortbefore answering President Obamas call to
become Secretary of Defense.
My fellow Project Directors, Frank Cilluffo, who is a Senior Fellow at CSPC, and Dan Mahaffee, the
Director of Policy & Board Relations at CSPC. Without their tireless work and seemingly never-
ending energy and enthusiasm for the project we would not have arrived where we have today.
Jonathan Murphy, CSPC Director of External Affairs, who did an excellent job convening leaders
from public and private sectors across the county to take part in this effort.
Madeline Vale, who served as Lead Researcher for the project, deserves thanks for the countless
hours and extremely hard work dedicated to coordinating this effort.
Our entire team at the Center, including, Marili Alvarado, Andrew Crum, Summer Fields, Rachel
Johnson, Natalia Kapani, Ann Marie Packo, Elizabeth Perch, Nicholas Platt, Grace Priest, Hurst
Renner, Sara Spancake, Ben Stutts, Parker Toms, Alexandra White, Ghazal Zafar, and Melanie Zook.
Finally, I would like to thank all those who participated in the roundtables and meetings, giving us
invaluable advice and perspective.

Maxmillian Angerholzer III
President & CEO
Center for the Study of the Presidency & Congress

July 2014 First Edition
Following the end of World War II, the Allied Strategic Bombing Surveyresponsible
for determining the damage inflicted by U.S. and Allied strategic bombing of German
and Japanese industrydetermined that the bombing campaign would have been
more effective if it had targeted the German and Japanese electrical grid rather than
urban and industrial centers.
More than seventy years later, the secure and reliable delivery of electricity is a vital
cornerstone of modern American society. For those who would seek to do our Nation
significant physical, economic, and psychological harm, the electrical grid is an obvious
target. In addition to malicious actors, the grid regularly faces the challenge of
extreme weather events that affect wide swaths of the United States.
The electrical grid is currently undergoing rapid change with the development of smart
grid and microgrid technologies, as well as the increased use of renewable generation
and distributed generation. As the grid moves from the Edison Era to the Google
Era, there is an opportunity to build a more secure, more resilient, and more efficient
grid. At the same time, it is worth recognizing what utilities have already accomplished
in planning for the complexities of these new systems and the implications of deterring
new and advanced threats.
In a future where electric cars may connect to a smart grid and transfer unused
electricity back into the grid, securing the grid will require the attention not only of
utility companies, but also of consumers and the manufacturers of the car and its
components and this complexity is just one of the examples raised in discussing the
future of the grid.
Mitigating these threats, overcoming these challenges, and harnessing these
opportunities all require coordination and cooperation between the White House,
executive branch agencies, Congress, the utility industry, other private sector entities,
and the American people. As new threats arise, we must adapt to face them. As new
innovations are implemented, we must adjust how we use carrots and sticks to meet
standards and encourage best practices.
As an organization focused on applying the lessons of history to the challenges of
today, the Center for the Study of the Presidency & Congress has utilized the model of
some of our nations greatest modern PresidentsFDR, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and

July 2014 First Edition
Reaganby bringing together the best and brightest from across multiple sectors of
government, business, and society to deliberate and share ideas on this issue.
This project has sought to address these challenges and begin a new conversation
about the security of a changing grid. Through off-the-record roundtable discussions
with experts from government, the private sector, and the policy community, this
project has examined the threats of cyberattack, physical attack, electromagnetic pulse,
and severe weather. We have explored how the executive branch organizes itself to
address the security of critical infrastructurefocusing on the grid. We have analyzed
the path of legislation related to grid security and the political obstacles it faces. We
have discussed how the private sector can better support and incentivize best practices
and innovations for security and reliability. We have looked at what the future of the
grid may hold in terms of both new technology and a shift to renewable energy.
From this process we have assembled these twelve key recommendations and the
broader report on the security of the grid and its future. We feel that we have
developed pragmatic, realistic findings to be utilized by policymakers, utility
executives, and informed citizens.
This discussion will continue to evolve and this report will be a jumping-off pointboth
for our continued efforts and those of others.
We hope that this report and these findings provide the tools to ensure that the lights
are always on.

Maxmillian Angerholzer III
Project Co-Director
President & CEO
Center for the Study of the
Presidency & Congress
Frank J. Cilluffo
Project Co-Director
Senior Fellow
Center for the Study of the
Presidency & Congress
Dan Mahaffee
Project Co-Director
Director of Policy & Board Relations
Center for the Study of the
Presidency & Congress

July 2014 First Edition
The Electrical Grid: Political & Regulatory Dynamics
September 30, 2013
Washington, D.C.
Federal Agencies & Utility Operators
November 5, 2013
Washington, D.C.
Political Dynamics Surrounding Cybersecurity Legislation & Electrical Grid Solutions
December 16, 2013
Washington, D.C.
Physical Threats: Terrorism, Vandalism & Weather
February 21, 2014
New York, New York
Investment in Strengthening & Modernization
March 25, 2014
Los Angeles, California
Cyber Vulnerabilities & Security Technology
March 27, 2014
San Francisco, California
Electromagnetic Pulse, Geomagnetic Storm & Directed Energy
May 5, 2014
Washington, D.C.
Project Findings & The Path Forward
June 9, 2014
Washington, D.C.

July 2014 First Edition
#1: The case for electrical grid security must be built through a comprehensive,
strategic, risk-based approach. The grid faces a multitude of threats and
vulnerabilitiescyberattack, physical attack, electromagnetic pulse (EMP),
geomagnetic storm, and inclement weatherfrom a multitude of actors. Focusing on
one event or one type of attack fails to account for the overlapping nature of many of
these threats. However, with finite resources, if we attempt to address all threats and
vulnerabilities, we protect against none. Using a comprehensive, risk-based approach,
grid security can be addressed in a manner that balances protection with the need to
provide affordable energy to consumers.
#2: The Obama Administration should continue to pursue actions that facilitate
grid security and critical infrastructure security. Recent actions by the
Administrationthe Executive Order 13636 on cybersecurity and critical infrastructure;
the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) framework for cybersecurity;
and the Department of JusticeFederal Trade Commission (DOJ-FTC) statement that
information sharing regarding cybersecurity does not constitute anticompetitive
behaviorhave been significant steps towards improving grid security. The
Administration should take further steps to aid information sharing within government
and industry, and between the two. This includes: that the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) ensures that utility operators have access to spectrum and
communications necessary for information sharing and service restoration during an
incident; steps to ensure that the information shared with industry is both timely and
useful; and further discussions of Executive and Legislative action aimed at allaying
concerns about liability and privacy protection.
#3: Congress must act to codify structures for cybersecurity information sharing.
While the Administration has done much to advance information sharing using
Executive powers, only the Congress can provide the legal frameworks that address
concerns about liability and privacy protection. The leadership in Congress must act to
resolve the deadlock that has stymied legislation aimed at addressing cybersecurity
information sharing and critical infrastructure protection.

July 2014 First Edition
#4: Exchange programs should be developed to allow government employees to
temporarily work at private sector utility companies and vice versa. Ultimately,
trust cannot be legislated. Building relationships between government officials
handling security information and utility officials responsible for security can improve
the knowledge base and communication procedures regarding grid security issues.
#5: Where possible, security information sharing should be an automated process.
Already, the government and industry are using pilot programssuch as the
Cybersecurity Risk Information Sharing Program (CRISP) and the Trusted Automated
eXchange of Indicator Information (TAXII)that allow for immediate sharing of security
information. Machine-to-machine information sharing will allow for the most rapid
response to potential threats, as it can promptly share information that has cleared the
tear line process and has been anonymized to protect privacy information.
#6: The business model for further electrical grid security investments must also
include private sector actors, such as the insurance industry and the financial
sector. Arguably one of the most heavily regulated industries, utility operators already
meet a bevy of standards set by federal, state, and industry bodies. The insurance
underwriting process provides a key opportunity to analyze and model the risks a utility
faces, as well as the incentivesthrough premiums and other toolsfor adopting best
security practices.
#7: The Department of Energy should continue its role at the Sector-Specific
Agency for electrical grid security. As the Sector-Specific Agency for the Energy
Sector, the Department of Energy works with the utility industry to address grid
security issues. Continuing to keep direct regulatory oversight separate from security
discussions is the best arrangement for fostering dialogue and information sharing
regarding grid security. The Department of Homeland Security should continue its role
as the lead agency on broader critical infrastructure protection and cybersecurity,
alongside its ongoing work with the Intelligence Community on threats originating
from overseas, and law-enforcement domestically.
#8: Grid security must be better understood in conjunction with the other critical
infrastructures and supply chain on which the grid relies. Secure, reliable electrical
grid operations rely on various other critical infrastructureswater, gas, and telecom,
to name a few. The Department of Homeland Security should continue to work with
the sector-specific Information Sharing and Analysis Centers to ensure that grid security
also includes the security of ancillary critical infrastructures and a resilient supply chain.

July 2014 First Edition
#9: Congress must explore options to better coordinate grid oversight and grid-
related legislation. While the U.S. House Committee on Energy & Commerce and the
U.S. Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources have immediate jurisdiction
over electric grid issues, the Committees on Homeland Security, Intelligence, and
Defense also play significant roles in the security of the grid and other critical
infrastructure. Congressional Leadership, the chairs, and ranking members of these
committees should work together for better legislation and oversight in these areas.
Cross committee hearings on grid security could serve as a useful starting point for
better coordination.
#10: Government and the utility industry should seek to build Public-Private
Partnerships (PPPs) for improved grid resilience and security. Combining the
resources of the private sector, the technical know-how of national labs and technology
companies, and the capabilities of government can provide innovative solutions for
grid security. Government and industry partnership can address areas such as
replacement transformer reserves, warehousing and prepositioning of resources, and
other logistical support. In addition, through this preparation process, these
relationships can facilitate the planning for the response to and recovery from a
catastrophic event.
#11: State resources, especially the National Guard, should be integrated into
grid security planning. Some states, notably California and Michigan, have developed
structures that formally involve state utility regulators and state emergency
management agencies in incident response plans. With the support of the state
National Guard, these states have developed security auditing and reserve capabilities
that can address grid security incidents. As part of this process, National Guard units
and other state agencies should increase the number of red-team exercises and
other preparatory measures. Where appropriate, state authorities should also be
included in national exercises such as GridEx.
#12: Unresolved questions about the implementation of Smart Grid, microgrid,
and the shift to renewable generation require further examination with an eye
towards grid security and reliability. Advanced technologies have the potential to
improve the security of the grid, while also addressing concerns about climate change
and environmental impact. However, the implementation of these technologies has
the potential to greatly disrupt the economic and commercial structures for electricity
generation and distribution, and thus concerns about the business model for providing
a secure and reliable electric supply.

July 2014 First Edition
Arguably the most critical of critical infrastructure, the U.S. electrical grid is the
backbone of our modern society. Vital sectors such as the financial industry,
transportation, telecommunications, public safety, and other utilities rely on electricity
for their operations. In turn, the grid itself is reliant on the infrastructures and supply
chains that support its operationssuch as water, oil and gas, and
An obvious target to a range of actors who would seek to strike at the U.S. homeland,
the grid also faces significant security challenges due to not only increased demand,
but also the challenge of modernizing outdated infrastructure with new technologies
and control systems.
While this modernization entails significant challenges in its own right, it also provides
an opportunity to bake security inboth in the hardware and software controlling
these systems and in the business models, regulatory systems, financial incentives, and
insurance structures that govern the generation, transmission, and distribution of
electric power.
First and foremost, grid security is based on the protection of the grid from physical
attack, cyberattack, inclement weather, electromagnetic pulse, and geomagnetic
storm, as well as the ability to mitigate and recover from such an event quickly. This
combination of intelligence, early warning, strength, and resilience serves as a
deterrent factor in its own right.
Still, if we seek to protect everything, we will protect nothing. Risk-based analysis
combined with an understanding of critical facilities, key network nodes, and vital
control systems and ancillary infrastructureallows for the best use of limited
In this report and the aforementioned dozen recommendations, we have sought to
identify the immediate action that can be taken by the White House, the Congress, and
the private sector to mitigate current threats to the electrical grid.
A unique dynamic now exists, as private sector utility providers find themselves on the
front lines of national security issues that were once the sole responsibility of nation
states. In some areas, immediate action can be taken by the Obama Administration.

July 2014 First Edition
One example is actions that promote information sharing about threats to grid security
in a manner that is rapid, while also allowing for the protection of private information.
Another is the development of personnel exchanges between the utility industry and
government agencies responsible for grid security or regulation.
In other areas, legislative actionat the Federal and state levelsis needed to address
these concerns. Key areas that need legislative action include the creation of formal
mechanisms for rapid information sharing regarding physical and cyber threat
information between the private sector, sector specific agencies, and the intelligence
community. Furthermore, only legislation can address issues of privacy protection,
liability protection, and other concerns raised by utility operators.
Other solutionsincluding incentives for new security measures and practicescan
come from the financial and insurance industries. For example, the insurance
underwriting process can serve as an opportunity to evaluate vulnerabilities, share
information about threats, and encourage best practices for risk mitigation. Still,
further examination will be needed to understand how to best price the risk of novel
threats, such as cyberattack and the value of investments and public-private
partnerships in modernizing grid infrastructure.
In the long run, the security of the grid will also depend on how we incorporate new
technology into aging infrastructure. Some of these technologies allow for the
increased use of cleaner or fully renewable generation sources and allow for the move
to more resilient microgrids with distributed generation. However, while more
resilient, such smart grid and microgrid systems present significant challenges to grid
First, as smart grid and microgrid technologies become more common, the physical
and cyber access points to the grid will increase exponentially. As a broader array of
devices, appliances, and systems connect to the grid and networked control systems,
an increased number of manufacturers and users become involved in standards for grid
Second, with the deployment of distributed generation systems and microgrids, there
is a likely disruption to traditional utility business models based around centralized
generation and the national distribution of bulk electric power. These business models
allow for the cost recovery necessary for improvements in security and infrastructure.
As these technologies are developed, new business models must also be explored
ones that incorporate insurance incentives, public-private investments, net metering,
and other advances.

July 2014 First Edition
Finally, as the United States shifts towards renewable sources of generation, grid
security will also involve a balanced portfolio of energy sources that harnesses our
nations natural resources and technological innovations. In examining some the
lessons of the German energy transition, it is important for the United States to
responsibly balance environmental needs, existing resources, and political decision-
Through responsible, pragmatic policies, the United States can build a cleaner, more
efficient electrical grid, while also ensuring that consumers and companies have
reliable, affordable electricity.



NOTE: Individuals have varying capabilities
and intent depending on skills and

July 2014 First Edition
Centrally-generated power flows from
generation plants through the bulk
power system to industrial, commercial,
and residential users.
Smart grid and microgrid systems will
allow for communication of system status
and usage throughout networked

Instead of a central generation model,
there will be a combination of central
generation, storage of renewable energy
from peak generation, and distributed
generation from renewable sources and

July 2014 First Edition

Paradoxically, as the grid is increasingly networkedthus increasing
efficiency and overall situational awarenessit becomes increasingly
vulnerable to intrusions from cyberspace. Older grid systems are likely
to have air gaps between the public Internet and SCADA or other
control systems. However, as smart grid technologies are installed,
there will be a greater number of access points to the grid networks, requiring
increased security awareness by utilities, device manufacturers, and the general public.
Still as many of these products are still being designed and deployed, there is an
opportunity to bake security in to software and hardware systems under
A wide range of actors have sought to exploit cyber vulnerabilities in the U.S. electrical
grid. On one hand, nation states like Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea look for
vulnerabilities that would allow them to strike at the U.S. homeland. On the other,
non-state actors including foreign terrorist groups, ecoterrorist groups, and organized
crime networks seek vulnerabilities for both violence and profit, such as blackmail or
extortion. Individuals may hack grid networks out of curiosity or to raise their profile
within hacking communities.
Ultimately, not all cyber intrusions, cyber espionage, and/or cyberattacks are the same.
While attribution within the cyber domain remains challenging, understanding the
purpose of the assailant better informs the security responsee.g. cyber espionage of
technology versus preparation for cyberattack.

Physical attack can take many differing forms. Recent events examined
during the course of the project included the highly complex attack on
the Metcalf Substation in California and the vandalism of transmission
lines and facilities in Arkansas. Due to the diffuse nature of the grid,
securing the entire system against physical attack is challenging. Still,
the networked nature of the grid and increasing connectivity through smart grid
technology allows for better security and resiliency.

July 2014 First Edition
Defending against physical attack requires ongoing intelligence gathering of potential
threats; improved surveillance and hardening of key facilities; drilling and preparation
in advance of any incident; and the ability to quickly mitigate the effects of any attack
and quickly restore service. Of significant importance to recovery from physical attack
is the ability to quickly repair or replace damaged equipment.
Attacks targeting transformers are an area of particular concern, as there are difficulties
due to their cost, size, and complexity, as well as the fact that some transformers are
custom-built for the facility in which they operate. As the utility industry has begun to
stockpile replacement transformers, the security of the stockpiles warehouses and
facilities and the ability to transport replacements to where they are needed also
becomes a concern.
Given that a major cyberattack on grid infrastructure would require significant
resources in terms of intelligence gathering and hacking expertisenation-state level
resourcesa physical attack will be the likely method for smaller non-state actors and
individuals seeking to cause grid disruption. In addition, electrical utilities also must
harden the grid against a joint physical and cyberattackor the consequences of a
cyberattack that causes physical damage to grid equipment.

Caused by the high-altitude detonation of a nuclear weapon,
electromagnetic pulse (EMP) can cause widespread damage to electric
systems across a wide area. While this is a significant threat to grid
security, there are a limited number of actors that could execute such an
attack, and such an attack would be a direct act of war. Furthermore,
since high-altitude nuclear tests were banned by treaty in 1963, there is only limited
scientific data about the impact of such a nuclear detonation on modern infrastructure.
Still, given the potential damage that an adversary could cause through EMP, both the
government and the utility industry should work together to identify measures that
could mitigate the effect of an EMP and rapidly restore power to key military,
government, and civil facilities. Hardening key grid nodes, microgrid technology, and
generation capacity at key facilities are initial measures that could be taken to address
vulnerabilities to an EMP attack.

July 2014 First Edition
Directed energy weapons (DEWs) use highly focused energy to create
destructive effects across the electromagnetic spectrumradio waves,
visible light, or infrared heat. DEWs that could produce effects similar
to an EMP are of particular concern for electric grid security, because
they do not involve the complexity of a missile launch and nuclear
detonation. Additionally, DEWs allow an adversary to target specific facilities rather
than a wide swath of territory, making their use a far less escalatory option.
While many DEWs are in the development stages and many details remain classified,
other nations, particularly China, have placed an emphasis on their development and
fielding. Similar to EMP, mitigating a potential DEW strike involves a combination of
hardening key nodes and improving grid response and resiliency.

Caused by severe solar storms and a coronal mass ejection (CME), a
geomagnetically-induced current (GIC) is caused by variations in Earths
magnetic field that produce currents in transmission lines that can
damage transformers and other electrical equipment. The largest
known event, the Carrington Event of 1859, had worldwide
implications for telegraphic communications. Smaller events are known to affect
infrastructure at higher latitudes. Given the exponentially increased reliance on
electricity and telecommunications compared to 1859, a major GIC from a solar storm
could have a severe impact on both grid security and society as a whole.
Mitigation strategies for a GIC are similar to that of EMP, but there is increased warning
time through ongoing solar observation by space-based and land-based platforms.
With a lead-time of two to three days, utility operators would have the opportunity to
protect key systems in advance of the CME affecting Earths magnetic field. Further
steps for mitigating GIC include continued support for solar observatory programs;
increased scientific research into solar activity and GICs; and continued communication
between NASA, NOAA, and the utility industry.

July 2014 First Edition
Severe weather is one of the most common causes of damage to the
electrical grid, and significant events like the 2012 Derecho, Superstorm
Sandy, and other incidents illustrate the effects of high winds, flooding,
extreme heat, drought, and earthquake. A combination of aging
infrastructure, increased population in vulnerable areas, and climate
change has increased the likelihood of damaging weather events. However, given the
frequency of these events, the utility industry has significant experience in both
preparation for and response to severe weather.
Improved weather prediction capabilities and coordination with federal, state, and local
authorities can bolster existing utility industry toolssuch as mutual assistance
agreementsfor responding to severe weather. Smart grid and microgrid innovations
can also improve grid resilience and speed power restoration. Finally, the models and
capabilities developed for response to severe weather can serve as lessons for
preparation and response to some of the aforementioned threats to grid security.



July 2014 First Edition

The Obama Administration has been actively engaged in
the issue of grid security and critical infrastructure
protection. In an environment of ongoing political
deadlock, the Executive Branch can pursue alternative
pathways involving Executive Orders and other measures
short of legislation, while still working with Congress.
Expand liability protections and avenues for information sharing
Add nuance to what may be seen as one-size-fits-all standards
Expedite needed clearances for classified security information
Work with industry on implementation
Continue role of Department of Energy as sector specific agency
Use QHSR process to evaluate and improve DHS role with ISACs and
information sharing with state and local authorities, as well as
exchange with intelligence agencies
Build on joint DOJ-FTC announcement regarding cyber threat
information and anticompetitive behavior
Explore options for industry-created limited liability corporation as
avenue for increased information sharing with government
Provide avenues for exchange of security personnel and
management between utility industry and government
Utilize programs like Scholarship for Service and other incentives for
security training and hiring in government agencies
Build on pilot programs for automated information sharing
developed at national labs
Support research into the effects of EMP, defenses against DEW, and
computing systems for automated cybersecurity responses.
Where possible, work with Congress to develop legislation to
address grid security issues
As legislation moves piece-by-piece, bolster gaps in authority with
executive orders and other administrative tools

July 2014 First Edition

Thus far, none of the major legislative proposals regarding
critical infrastructure protection and cybersecurity have
become law. Attempts at comprehensive legislation have
met with failure, while piece-by-piece legislationwith a few
exceptionsremains in committee. Still, there are key areas
of grid security that require Congressional action.
In varied committees of jurisdiction, legislation that can address grid
security has made little progress
Where bipartisan and bicameral support for proposals exists,
Congressional leadership should move these proposals to the floor
Oversight of the electrical grid is split between industry oversight
and security oversight
Leadership of these committees should work together for better
oversight and legislation addressing grid security
Industry executives in multiple sectors, including the electric utility
industry have expressed concerns about information sharing liability
and the protection of private information
Only Congress can provide legislation for these issues
Where possible Congress should use the power of the purse and
government buying power to improve supply chain standards
Legislation can also provide better protections against the
importation of counterfeit or otherwise compromised hardware
Legislation-based incentives for cybersecurity and other security
careers can ensure that the government and utilities have needed
personnel and expertise
Legislation can also support exchange programs for security experts
Congress should continue to support the mission of the national labs
and other research organizations developing grid innovations
Scientific research in areas such as EMP, solar weather, and other grid
security tools can benefit from government grants and support

July 2014 First Edition

Smart grid technologies will allow for utility operators to have greatly improved
situational awareness about grid operations. These systems will improve the resiliency
and reliability of the grid, as power can be more quickly rerouted around damaged
components, and as utilities can more quickly detect and repair affected portions of
the grid.
Smart grid technology will also allow for the connection of many appliances, systems,
and tools that previously remained unconnected to the grid. With these innovations,
there are significant security challenges as these devices represent a new attack vector
for malware or other disruptions. Securing these components will be vital to the health
and success of widespread smart grid adoption and the use of connected smart
The insurance industry can play a key role in sharing threat
information, mitigating risk, and incentivizing best practices.
The underwriting processcombined with active
communication between utility and insurercan ensure
ongoing and up-to-date risk evaluation. Other private
sector incentives can provide incentives for new technology.
Underwriting process and underwriters expertise can be used to
evaluate vulnerabilities
Insurance industry can work with utilities to spot security trends
Best practices can be incentivized through premiums and rates
Private sector capital can play a significant role in grid innovation and
the adoption of new technologies
Investment in security technologies can be bolstered by public-
private cooperation and partnership
The insurance industry is harnessing increased connectivity and data
collection to analyze and model risk
Smart grid innovations can provide for real-time information analysis
and improve communication between insurer and utility
Where possible Congress should use the power of the purse and
government buying power to improve supply chain standards
Legislation can also provide better protections against the
importation of counterfeit or otherwise compromised hardware
Legislation supporting incentives for cybersecurity and other security
careers can ensure that the government and utilities have needed
Legislation can also support exchange programs for security experts
Congress should continue to support the mission of the national labs
and other research organizations developing grid innovations
Scientific research in areas such as EMP, solar weather, and other grid
security tools can benefit from government grants and support

July 2014 First Edition
Microgrid technologythe development of smaller, localized, and self-sufficient
gridsrepresents a key innovation in terms of providing resiliency for the grid,
especially when it comes to powering key facilities. An electrical grid made up of
multiple microgrids would have the ability to generate power locally, increasing the
likelihood of avoiding power interruptions.
Despite this improvement in resilience, there needs to be further examination of the
impact that microgrid technology would have on the utility business model that
provides for the cost recovery necessary for security and infrastructure improvements,
as well as the central generation model that provides both the needed base load for
the grid and the long-distance transmission of power needed in a national grid system.
Finally, as the United States seeks to increase efficiency and reduce its carbon
footprint, there will be a transition to cleaner fuelsmainly natural gasand renewable
generation sources. The natural gas boom in the United States has greatly lowered the
price of domestic natural gas. While this is a benefit for near-term energy prices, it has
raised concerns about the long-term viability of capital-intensive investments in new
nuclear generation or renewable sources.
As the chart on the following page shows, these trends have reshaped how the United
States gets its electricity, and future policies and market trends will likely further
reshape the energy portfolio.
While the United States should continue to harness bountiful natural gas, it is a limited
resource, and questions remain about the political environment for nuclear generation
and the ability of renewable generation to meet all of our energy needs.
As some nations have completely moved away from nuclear generation, they have
found that it has caused significant disruption as it has increased energy prices, and in
some circumstances, carbon outputs.
A sound environment and a reliable electricity supply are not mutually exclusive, but
policymakers need to examine how the United States shapes its future electrical
generation portfolio, to ensure that needed facilities and infrastructure can be

















i n t r i l l i o n k i l l o w a t t h o u r s




















July 2014 First Edition
The U.S. electrical grid, which serves more than 300 million people and is made up of
more than 200,000 miles of transmission lines, is one of the most important pieces of
infrastructure in the country. Due to the interdependent structure of the components of
the grid, a single line outage or system failure, whether due to severe weather, natural
or human-made EMP attack, a cyber and/or a physical attack, can cause cascading
power outages affecting millions of people and impinging enormous costs on the
economy. Despite the number and quality of standards and regulations in the utilities
sector, the U.S. electrical grid is a key sector to be examined in terms of not only the
various security challenges it faces, but also the legislative and regulatory dynamics
that determine communication, information sharing, and cooperation between various
levels of government, industry organizations, and utility operators.

The U.S. electrical grid is composed of 10 power markets that are connected by three
systems: the Western Interconnect (from the West Coast to Montana, Wyoming,
Colorado, and New Mexico), the Eastern Interconnect (everything east of that line), and
the Texas Interconnect (Texas only). While the Western and Texas Interconnects are
managed by one reliability council each, the Eastern Interconnect is divided into five
different reliability councils. Each power market is composed of various power
generation plants, high voltage transmission lines, and large transformers that step
down the high voltage power into lower voltage power for transmission to the
consumer. Within each market, private utilities providers, whose power plants and
distribution networks are made up of hardware and software sourced from multiple
suppliers, are responsible for the generation, transmission and distribution of power.
These utility operators investor-owned utilities (IOUs) with multistate operations and
significant economies of scale; federally-owned operators like the Tennessee Valley
Authority; smaller rural electric cooperatives; or municipal power companies, often
referred to as Public Power Districts or Public Utility Districts.
The multitude of actors involved in the generation and delivery of power, combined
with the various governmental and industry-based organizations responsible for
insuring the reliability and security of the electrical grid, requires careful examination in
ensuring that the U.S. grid is protected from a number of man-made and natural

July 2014 First Edition

In the United States, individual utilities are responsible for grid security. Providing
oversight and regulation are the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and
the North American Energy Reliability Company (NERC). FERC is responsible for
regulating the transmission, distribution and sale of electricity within the 10 power
markets of the United States. Through civil penalties and other methods, FERC
enforces regulations on the energy industry, though it does not regulate the physical
construction of electric plants, or any aspect of nuclear power generation. Within the
Energy Policy Act of 2005, mandatory reliability standards had to be established and
enforced through cooperation between FERC and the designated Electric Reliability
Organization (ERO). NERC has been designated as the ERO, and develops and
enforces FERC approved reliability standards to the 10 power markets and 3
interconnects within the US.

July 2014 First Edition
NERC is not a federal agency, but rather a private nonprofit with a board of directors
which, through its certification as the United States ERO, has been charged with
proposing new reliability standards and developing voluntary best practices
guidelines for energy companies to follow. NERC acts as an independent, audited, self-
regulated electric reliability organization, which uses the subject matter expertise of its
members to suggest new policies to FERC, or make unilateral decisions about the
voluntary guidelines for electrical providers.
Even with their creation, many of the NERC standards are only being implemented on
the mandatory level, which still leaves the grid vulnerable to multiple types of threats,
demonstrated by the results presented in the Electric Grid Vulnerability report by
Congressmen Markey and Waxman. In addition, that report found that some utilities
actually did implement voluntary standards, but this was not a universal practice. As a
result, it is almost impossible for NERC to audit companies on an equal level because
of the large variation in how these standards are implemented.
NERC also houses the Electricity Sector Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ES-
ISAC), which is described in further detail below. Separate from its role in ensuring
standards compliance, this information sharing capacity complements NERCs role as
the designated ERO.
Still, based on the varied legislative proposals there are political questions about the
ability of NERC to ensure the needed security standards. During this projects
discussions with participants from government and the utility industry, as well as our
research, it was found that further regulatory actions resulting from legislative action
may be counterproductive, as the increasingly complex threat environment requires
rapid information sharing, exchanges of personnel and equipment, and incentives for
new technology implementation. Resorting to a regulatory hammer is likely to hamper
these efforts and reduce trust between utilities, their regulators, and policymakers.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Energy (DOE)
play key roles in current efforts to secure the electrical grid, as well as in many of the
proposed legislative and regulatory solutions. The Department of Homeland Security
coordinates security information and preparedness for the nations critical
infrastructure, while the Department of Energy serves as the sector specific lead agency
for grid security.

July 2014 First Edition
In cooperation with law enforcement and the intelligence community, these agencies
can ensure that all aspects of the grid have access to real-time information and the
ability to share that information. With responsibility for critical infrastructure protection,
DHS has been involved in a wide range of activities for electrical grid security from
physical and cyber threats. In the area of cybersecurity, DHS runs both the United
States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) and the National
Cybersecurity and Communication Integration Center (NCCIC).
Currently, DHS and DOE are also pursuing programs like TAXII (Trusted Automated
eXchange of Indicator Information) and CRISP (Cybersecurity Risk Information Sharing
Program) that allow for automated, real-time information about cybersecurity threats.
Currently, DOE and the National Laboratories are working on better implementing
these tools, alongside the implementation of cybersecurity standards by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), which is part of the Department of
Commerce. Furthermore, with the model of programs like Kaleidoscope, used by the
U.S. Secret Service during Presidential travel, there are ongoing programs to improve
communication and cooperation between the government and private sector to
mitigate threats.
In addition to these security roles, the DOE is the lead agency on the Federal Smart
Grid Task Force, which includes DHS, as well as FERC, NIST, the EPA, the Department
of Defense, the Department of Agriculture, the FCC, the Department of State, the
National Energy Technology Laboratory, and the National Trade Administration.
Through this interagency process, the federal government continues to set the
standards for the implementation of smart grid technologies.

In 1998, under PDD-63 from President Bill Clinton, the Electricity Sector ISAC (ES-
ISAC)along with ISACs seven other critical infrastructureswas created to provide a
clearinghouse for information regarding the security of the electric sector. Operated
by NERC, the ES-ISAC provides utilities with information about physical and cyber
threats, as well as strategies for addressing vulnerabilities.
Two important roles of the ES-ISAC are its coordination with connected utilities in
Mexico and Canada and its coordination with the ISACs of other critical infrastructures
upon which the electrical grid relies for its operation. This allows for coordinated
action regarding threats that may target water or telecom systems, for example, that
would disrupt grid operations.

July 2014 First Edition
As threat actors are becoming more advanced, the attacks perpetuated against
computer systems are increasing in frequency, intensity, and variety. Although, specific
attacks such as data interception, denial of service (DDoS), data alteration, or a cyber
drive by shooting, have been utilized by a group, individual, or nation state
depending upon their strategic objective. Additionally, many of the viruses that have
caused substantial damage to critical facilitates across the world were specifically
designed to compromise Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems.

As threat actors continue to develop their capabilities, the threat of a joint cyber-
physical attack on our electrical grid increases in probability. In 2007, researchers at the
Idaho National Lab conducted the Aurora test, in which a virus manipulated the
computer network systems that controlled diesel generators. The controlled test
involved the opening and closing of circuit breakers, which resulted in an out-of-
synchronism condition. Specifically, the out-of-phase synchronism or out-of-phase
condition can place stress upon the mechanical components of rotating equipment in
generators, causing them to fail.

This test is significant because it not only identified a major vulnerability, but also
demonstrated the ability for a computer virus to manipulate grid systems and cause
physical damage. While this initial demonstration occurred in a controlled environment,
it provided evidence of how future cyberattacks might seek to use vulnerabilities in grid
control equipment to cause significant physical damage to grid components.

Marcos Donolo, Armando Guzman, Venkat Mynam, Doug Salmon, & Mark Zeller, Mitigating the Aurora Vulnerability with
Existing Technology, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. 2009,

July 2014 First Edition
Starting 2006, the U.S. government conducted a cyberwarfare initiative, code-named
Olympic Games. The Stuxnet virus, which was discovered in June 2010 in Iran and
infected over 100,000 computer systems throughout the globe, was developed in a
joint-program between the U.S. Intelligence Community and Israels Unit 8200.

The virus was compromised of two separate attacks, which destroyed almost a fifth of
Irans nuclear centrifuges at the Natanz Nuclear Power Plant. The initial attack, referred
to as Duqu, was designed to secretly draw the equivalent of an electrical blueprint of
the Natanz plant to understand how the computers control the centrifuges used to
enrich uranium.
As a result, U.S. officials obtained specific and precise information
concerning the physical design of the centrifuges and their interactions with SCADA

The second wave of attack utilized those blueprints by using a specific code uploaded
to thumb drives, which was designed to attack the Simens Simatic WinCC SCADA
systems by intercepting commands from Human Machine Interface (HMI) software. The
Stuxnet virus intercepts commands sent to high-speed frequency-converters, which are
devices that control functions, such as motors. Ultimately, the Stuxnet virus
revolutionized cyber warfare because it was the first cyber-weapon to target industrial
facilities. Additionally, the virus was so destructive due to its ability to physically
damage infrastructure by compromising SCADA systems.

After Stuxnet demonstrated its devastating nature, researchers began to develop
viruses which would utilize the interconnected nature of SCADA systems to critical
physical infrastructure. Another component within Olympic Games was the
development of the Flame virus, which was discovered in May of 2012 after infecting
computers in Israel, Sudan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, and Iran. Researchers
concluded that the virus had gone undiscovered for almost five years due to its

Michael B. Kelley, Obama Administration Admits Cyberattacks Against Iran are Part of Joint US-Israeli Offensive, Business
Insider, June 1, 2012,
David E. Sanger, Obama Order Sped Up Wave of Cyberattacks Against Iran, The New York Times, June 1, 2012,

July 2014 First Edition
complex nature and ability to evade detection by posing as a routine Microsoft
software update.

Similar to Stuxnet/Duqu, Flame also compromised Iranian SCADA systems through
cyber-sabotage, specifically targeting the Iranian Oil Ministry and Iranian National Oil
Company. The malware monitored and mapped out the countrys computer networks
through the replication of controls and daily tasks associated with HMI functions. Flame
has the ability to log keyboard strokes; take screen shots; activate microphones and
cameras; obtain geolocation data from images; and receive and send commands and
data through Bluetooth wireless technology. Not only is the Flame virus 20 megabytes,
but it contains multiple libraries, SQLite 3 databases, various levels of encryption
some strong, some weakand 20 plug-ins that can be swapped in and out to provide
various functionality for the attackers.
Researchers at Kaspersky Lab who discovered
Flame, stated that this virus has similarities to Stuxnet/Duqu, yet is considerably more

In August of 2012, on the Islamic Holy Day of Lailat al Qadr, the computer network of
Saudi Aramco was attacked by a self-replicating virus, which compromised
approximately 30,000 of its Windows-based machines. The malware, referred to as
Shamoon, erased data on three-quarters of Aramcos corporate PCsdocuments,
spreadsheets, emails, filesreplacing all of it with an image of a burning American
Unlike Stuxnet, Shamoon did not result in any physical destruction to
infrastructure, yet the virus weakened the business processes of the company by
deleting drilling and production data.
According to researchers who studied the virus, Shamoon consisted of three modules:
the dropper module or main component, which is the source of the initial infection; the
wiper module, which destroyed and eliminated data on the infected computers; and
the reporter module, which sent information back to the attacker. Additionally,
Shamoon was not able to infiltrate the industrial control system computers involved in

Damien McElroy & Christopher Williams, Flame: Worlds Most Compex Computer Virus Exposed, The Telegraph, May 28,
/, Kim Zetter, Meet Flame, The Massive Spy Malware Infiltrating Iranian Computers, Wired, May 28, 2012,
Nicole Perlroth, In Cyberattack on Saudi Firm, U.S. Sees Iran Firing Back, The New York Times, October 23, 2012,

July 2014 First Edition
refining or drilling operations and demonstrates the necessity for companies to
separate computer systems used for general business operations and those
monitoring and controlling upstream and downstream operations.

An organization called The Cutting Sword of Justice took responsibility for the
cyberattack against Saudi Aramco. Although a direct link to the group and Iran was not
officially made, many believe that Shamoon was the Iranian response to the sanctions
which restrict the export of oil. As a result, Saudi Arabia has the capacity to produce
approximately 10 million barrels per day, while much of Iranian oil sits unsold.

In the spring of 2014, the Heartbleed Bug was found to be a security vulnerability
within OpenSSL software, which had infected over 500,000 websites including Yahoo
and OKCupid. This flaw let hackers access the memory of data servers, leaving
personal data such as passwords, credit card information, and usernames vulnerable. A
Secure Sockets Layer, or Transport Security Layer, is the most basic encryption
standard [widely] used by websites that need to transmit the data that users want to
keep secure.
On occasion, a computer will want to check that there is another
computer at the end of its secure connection, and a small package of dataor a
heartbeatwill be sent out requesting a response. Due to a programming error in
the implementation of OpenSSL, the researchers found that it was possible to send a
well-disguised packet of data that looked like one of these heartbeats to trick the
computer at the other end into sending data stores in its memory.

A researcher at Google and the security firm Codenomicon discovered the flaw in
OpenSSL and confirmed that the bug had been active for at least two years. Due to the
highly sophisticated nature of the bug, hackers were able to steal encryption keys used
by websites to secure personal information. Additionally, the Heartbleed Bug
demonstrated the advanced nature of cyberattacks and how zero day exploits, due
to poor coding, can go unnoticed for a long period of time.

Christopher Bronk & Eneken Tikk-Ringas, The Cyber Attack on Saudi Aramco, Survival: Global Politics and Strategy 55 (2013)
Kyle Russell, Heres How to Protect Yourself from the Massive Security Flaw Thats Taken Over the Internet, Business Insider,
April 8 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
Most recently, electrical grid infrastructure within the United States and Europe has
come under attack from a group of Russian hackers known as Dragonfly. Since 2011
the group has been conducting various cyberattacks, typically classified as espionage,
against European governments, defense contractors, and U.S. health care firms.
Although as of late, Dragonfly has been conducting Stuxnet-type attacks against the
industrial control systems found with petroleum pipeline operators, grid operators,
electricity generation firms and other critical energy companies.

Dragonfly has developed two Remote Access Trojans (RAT) to install malware on
computers, which gives hackers access and control over the infected computer. These
attacks, referred to as Energetic Bear, are centered on extracting and uploading
stolen data, installing further malware onto systems, and running executable files on
infected computers[and] running additional plugins, such as tools for collecting
passwords, taking screenshots, and cataloguing documents on infected computers.

In addition to the RATs, the group has utilized other attack vectors such as spear
phishing/email span, watering hole attacks/exploit kits, and other trojanized software to
destroy the integrity of specific systems. Although the specific motivation for these
attacks is unknown, multiple researchers have stated that the RATs utilized by
Dragonfly are too advanced and the attacks bear the hallmarks of a state-sponsored

In August of 2003, a massive blackout shut off the lights to approximately 50 million
Americans throughout the Northeast and Midwest. Due to the interconnected nature
of the electrical grid, customers in Ontario and Toronto, Canada experienced a
blackout. Due to the heat of the high current running through power lines and their
proximity to over grown trees, many transmission lines in Northern Ohio experienced
over loading. In addition, a software bug at a FirstEnergy facility in Ohio caused the

Amy Thomson & Cornelius Rahn, Russian Hackers Threaten Power Companies, Researchers Say, Bloomberg, July 1, 2014,
Emerging Threat: Dragonfly/Energetic Bear APT Group, Symantec, June 30, 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
warning alarm system to fail. As operators tried to identify the source of their issues,
three other lines shut down, which forced other power lines to carry more power than
they could handle. The strained system eventually gave way and resulted in a
cascading failure throughout the Northeastern United States and Southeast Canada.

All systems were automatically transferred to a backup system, which subsequently
failed as well.

One of the first problems occurred to the
Stuart-Atlanta 345-kV transmission line,
which tripped off-line due to contact with
a tree. Energy loads shifted automatically,
but this process put other 345-kV lines
under stress. As a result, utilities in Ohio
began to shift loads from Michigan, but
this began to trip other transmission lines
throughout the two states. This resulted
in multiple power surges to power plants,
345-kV lines, such as the Tidd-Canton
Central line and the Hampton-Thetford
line, and to major interconnections,
including the Star-South Canton and

The resulting failure throughout the
Midwest traveled to the Northeast as
sections of the electrical grid experienced
surges and overvoltage. Major cities such
as Albany, Hartford, New York City,
Detroit, and Cleveland all experienced
widespread electrical failures to over 256
power plants.
Crews were unable to
restore power for 4 days in some parts of

JR Minkel, The 2003 Northeast Blackout Five Years Later, Scientific American, August 13, 2008,
Northeast Blackout of 2003, The Energy Library, 2009,
How and Why the Blackout Began in Ohio, The National Electric Reliability Corporation, April 4, 2004,
Jaime Holguin, Biggest Blackout in U.S. History, CBS News, August 15, 2003,
NASA imagery illustrating the areas affected by the 2003
Northeast Blackout.

July 2014 First Edition
the United States, and Ontario suffered from rolling blackouts for over a week after the
In response to these events, the FERC set new reliability standards to avoid another
blackout in the future. FERC turned its attention to three main issues: trees, training,
and tools. Personnel working to restore power would have to comply with new training
standards, and were equipped with new tools. Additionally, FERC imposed mandatory
regulation that trees be kept away from transmission lines.

In April of 2013, multiple individuals
conducted a military style raid upon the
PG&E Metcalf Substation in San Jose,
Before the attack began, the
perpetrators cut fiber-optic phone lines,
which not only disrupted service to
customers, but made it more difficult for
utility personnel to alert emergency
services. Cell phones and landlines were
also affected in the San Jose area.

The assailants used assault rifles to fire over 100 shots at the banks of transformers
from outside the chain-link fence; critically damaging over a dozen. The shots were
aimed extremely strategically, as they were not meant to explode the transformers, but
rather to severely damage the equipment by slowly draining cooling oil.

PG&E was able to avoid a blackout by transferring loads from power plants in Silicon
Valley but customers had to conserve power until workers were able to repair the
station and obtain new transformers.
It took workers 27 days to return the station to

Northeast Blackout of 2003, The Energy Library, 2009,
Shane Harris, Military-Style Raid on California Power Station Spooks U.S., Foreign Policy, Dec. 28, 2013,
JR Minkel, The 2003 Northeast Blackout Five Years Later, Scientific American, August 13, 2008,
Evan Halper & Marc Lifsher, Attach on Electric Grid Raises Alarm, Los Angeles Times, Feb. 6, 2014,,0,5892405.story#axzz2t2mkWwrd
Rebecca Smith, Assault on California Power Station Raises Alarm on Potential for Terrorism, Wall Street Journal, Feb. 18, 2014,
Surveillance footage released by PG&E shows the sparks
from bullets hitting the substation equipment.

July 2014 First Edition
full operation. Even though the substation is located in a remote location, only a chain-
link fence and multiple cameras secure the area. As a result, it was easy for individuals
to enter the premises and target certain components that are imperative to the grids
functioning. The FBI is still attempting to uncover who is responsible and why this
highly coordinated attack occurred. Although the FBI does not suspect terrorism, Jon
Wellinghoff, FERC chairman at the time of the attack, disagrees with that assumption.

This attack marks the largest act of domestic terrorism on the energy grid. After
noticing the vulnerability of the Metcalf Substation, law makers have stated their
renewed concern over the vulnerabilities of substations, most of which are easily
accessible by those who wish to do it harm. Prior to the Metcalf incident, attacks on
utility equipment in the U.S had links to metal thieves, unsatisfied employees, or
hunters who occasionally took pot shots at small transformers on utility poles.

In October 2013, members of the Knights Templar drug cartel attacked 18 power
stations throughout the Mexican state of Michoacn.
In a sophisticated and
coordinated attack, members of the cartel used guns and Molotov cocktails to disable
electrical substations in 11 cities and towns throughout the state. Officials confirmed
that 5 people were killed in the attacks, yet the official cause of death is unknown.

Authorities reported that 420,000
residents were left without power for 15 hours.

The day after the incident 40% of the affected areas were still without power.

Michoacn is influence by the drug cartel far more than by laws, as it is one of Mexicos
main sources for marijuana thus sparking the drug trade in the area. The Knights
Templars base is in the capital city of Apatzingn, which was the target of these

Threat to the grid? Details emerge of sniper attack on power station, Fox News, February 6, 2014,
Rebecca Smith, Assault on California Power Station Raises Alarm on Potential for Terrorism, The Wall Street Journal, February
5, 2014,
Tracy Wilkinson, Attackers in Mexico blow up nine electrical plants, Los Angeles Times, October 27, 2013,
Mexico Drug Cartel Attack Leaves 11 Towns without Electricity, Knights Templar Suspected, Huffington Post, October 28,
Jose de Cordoba, Mexican Farmers form Vigilante Forces to Confront Drug Cartels, The Wall Street Journal, November 15,

July 2014 First Edition
In the months leading to the attack, the Knight Templar was under pressure from
vigilante groups that have been fighting to regain power from the cartel, in the wake of
an increased number of kidnappings and murders.
As a result, the incident in October
was deemed as a retaliatory attack to demonstrate the power of the cartel and
authorities commented that this was clearly an act of terrorism.
The Knights
Templar used the blackouts as a cover, and set fired to four gas stations in the area.
The towns that were hit with the blackouts were also towns that were forming self
defense forces against the cartel. These forces marched on the city of Apatzingn
claiming they were responding to the calls of their fellow neighbors; during the protest
shooting broke out and two people were wounded.
The next day the attacks on the
power grid took place in retaliation.

Since the attack on the grid, federal authorities dispatched hundreds of police and
military troops to reinforce security in the area. However the organized criminals are
winning the battle against federal and state authorities, claimed Miguel Chavez, head
of the National Action Party. He went on to conclude that the violence against the
power stations was a very clear act of terrorism.

Months after the attack on the Metcalf substation in California, there were three
consecutive attacks on Entergy Arkansas transformers and substations within Lonoke
County, AR. On August 21, 2013, a shackle that secured a 500,000-volt electricity line
was cut and over 100 bolts of the support tower were removed, leaving only 5 bolts to
hold the tower in place.
The tower fell onto a neighboring railroad track, leading to a
train severing multiple power lines. As a result, the town of Cabot, Arkansas was left
without power. The second in the series of attacks came on September 29, when a fire
was intentionally set at the Entergy electricity station in Scott, Arkansas causing around
$2 million in damages to the station.
The final attack occurred in October, in

Mexico Drug Cartel Attack Leaves 11 Towns without Electricity, Knights Templar Suspected, Huffington Post, October 28,
Nicholas Casey, Mexican Cartel Retaliates Against Civilians, The Wall Street Journal, October 28, 2013,
Jose de Cordoba, Mexican Farmers form Vigilante Forces to Confront Drug Cartels, The Wall Street Journal, November 15,
Jo Tuckman, Mexican Vigilantes take on Drug Cartels and worry authorities, The Guardian, October 28, 2013,
Arrest made over Arkansas Power Grid Attacks, CBS News, October 14, 2013,

July 2014 First Edition
Jacksonville, Arkansas, where a First Electric Cooperative power pole was damaged
and then pulled down by a tractor. This incident resulted in the downing of a 115,000-
volt transmission line, causing power outages for over 9,000 customers.
The power
lines targeted all link a high-voltage transmission line with either a switching station or
substation. Not only are these lines extremely vulnerable, but could easily be found on
google maps.

The FBI, who had been investigating these attacks since August, eventually arrested a
man from Arkansas, Jason Woodring, and charged him with destruction of an energy
Police arrested Mr. Woodring after responding to an explosion under power
lines near his home. He was convicted of 8 counts related to his attacks on the power
grids and faces the potential of life in prison and five years of supervised release
following his prison stay, as well as a $250,000 fine.
Authorities have concluded that
Mr. Woodring seemed to be acting alone, and did not have connections to a larger
terrorist organization.

In June of 2014, a makeshift bomb was placed next to a 50,000 gallon diesel tank at a
power station in Nogales, Arizona. The bomb, described as a crude incendiary device,
was placed under the valve of the diesel tank and ignited. Police believe the attackers
entered the substation just before maintenance workers locked up the station, and they
left when the workers returned to the station the next day. The Valencia Generating
Station, the target of the attack, is a small peaking facility that is only used during
extreme temperatures in summer and winter.
The Valencia plant serves about 30,000
people, and is adjacent to a substation, which is important for balancing the regional
power supply.
The four turbines at the plant were not running at the time of the incident, and
electricity supplies were not affected. The turbines are primarily fueled by natural gas

William Pentland, Weekend Attacks on Arkansas Electric Grid leave 10,000 without Power; You Should Have Expected U.S.
Forbes, October 7, 2013,
Chelsea J. Carter, Arkansas man charged in connection with power grid sabotage, CNN, Oct. 12, 2013,
Federal Grand Jury Returns Eight-Count Indictment Against Jason Woodring, Federal Bureau of Investigation, November 6,
Sabotage at Nogales station puts focus on threats to grid, AZ Central, June 13,2014,

July 2014 First Edition
and the diesel fuel that was targeted serves as an emergency source for the turbines.
The FBI is currently investigating this incident in conjunction with two other incidents in
Sahuarita, located North of Nogales: the first was involved individuals attempting to
cut power lines and the second incident where target shooters were seen on security
cameras near a substation.
All the stations targeted by these events were owned by
the UniSource Energy Services, which is a subsidiary of UNS Energy, based in Tucson,
Law enforcement and UniSource Energy Services do not believe there was a specific
target, but rather the saboteurs wanted to carry out an attack on the plant.
It is also
believed that they had some knowledge of the inner workings of the plant.
Additionally, authorities have not arrested any individuals connected to the attack.

During the summer of 2012, a
storm system referred to as a
Derecho brought a series of
thunderstorms, hurricane force
winds, and a heat wave to the
Ohio Valley and Mid-Atlantic
states. The storm traveled 600
miles in only 10 hours, which left
approximately 4.2 million
customers without power
throughout 12 states, with West
Virginia being hit the hardest. In
many cases power was not
restored for over a week following
the storm. Overall, the multi-day
Derecho resulted in $2.9 billion dollars-worth of damages and 28 deaths.

A Review of Power Outages and Restoration Following the June 2012 Derecho, U.S. Department of Energy, August, 2012,
National Weather Service composite radar imagery illustrates the scope and
speed of the 2012 Derecho.

July 2014 First Edition
Due to variances in the path and intensity of the storm, the highest reported electrical
outages varied by state. For example, West Virginia had 63 percent of electric utility
customers without power after the storm, followed by Maryland with 33 percent,
Virginia with 32 percent, and the District of Columbia with 25 percent.

Returning power to different states also varied immensely. After one day only 6
percent of Washington, D.C customers had their power restored, whereas over 90
percent of customers in Illinois received power after a single day. These variances were
dependent upon a number of factors including the recovery capabilities of utilities,
additional storms resulting in a heat wave and/or fallen trees, and the intensity and
range of damage to the components of the electrical grid in each state. Although the
initial recovery process was at a similar pace compared to other storms, the process
slowed after the first day and total restoration took longer than storms that affected
similarly sized areassuch as Hurricanes Irene and Ike. The stagnant pace was due to
the lack of advance warning given to utilities and state governments, as the storm
developed over 18 hours from thunderstorm cells near the Chicago area into a wave of
severe storms stretching from southern New Jersey to North Carolina.
Unlike Hurricanes Ike and Irene, NOAA estimated low to moderate winds across Illinois,
Indiana, Southern Michigan, Western New York and Pennsylvania. Realizing faults in
initial estimates, NOAA updated the report only three hours before the storm hit,
calling for significantly stronger winds, an increased area to be affected, and

Also occurring in 2012, Superstorm Sandy was a category 3 Hurricane that caused
extensive damage to the Eastern seaboard, specifically to New York and New Jersey,
resulting in 159 deaths. When the storm first hit, 8.5 million customers were without
power and a week after the storm initially hit, there were still 1.3 million without power.
Superstorm Sandy resulted in $65 billion in overall damages, $14-26 billion in electrical
outage costs, and approximately $8.3 billion in business losses in New Jersey, making
it the second most expensive storm in U.S. history, behind Katrina.


July 2014 First Edition
The majority of the damage that occurred to electrical utility infrastructure was caused
during the storm surge. Damage from floodwater can rust metals, destroy insulation,
damage interruption capabilities, and trip units in molded-case circuit breakers can be
In an urban area where many vital grid components were placed underground
alongside many other utilitiesthese systems are especially vulnerable to flooding or
sea level change caused by storm surge and other phenomenon.
Additionally, components such as wire, cable, ground-fault circuit interrupters, lighting
fixtures, surge protectors, motors,
transformers, and other equipment
must be replaced.
For example, the
ConEd substation in New York City on
the East River on 14
Street, which
exploded due to flooding.
The damage to the substation caused
250,000 customers to lose power.
an attempt to protect electrical
equipment, PSE&G prematurely cut off
service to approximately 500,000
customers due to flooding at multiple

Even two weeks after the storm
approximately 120,000 customers in
New York and New Jersey were without
Even if power was running
through certain neighborhoods, some
businesses and homes were too
damaged to connect to the power
source. After Sandy hit the East Coast,
the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA)

Jeff Griffin, Disaster After Disaster? Electrical Contractor, May 2006,
Matt Sledge, Joy Resmovits, & Joe Van Brussel, Hurricane Sandy Utility Outages May be Worsened by Underinvestment, Lack
of Planning, Huffington Post, November 2, 2012,
This image, from the Huffington Post, illustrates the wind field
from Superstorm Sandy and the numbers without power.

July 2014 First Edition
was heavily criticized for a lack of adequate response, as over 55,000 customers either
did not have power or could not safely connect because local grids were still flooded.

A large obstacle for the LIPA was a lack of communication between the company and
customers regarding the estimated dates that power was to be restored.
As returning power to those customers affected by Superstorm Sandy was a tiresome
and difficult process, electrical utilities have begun to reevaluate their weather
response plans and invest in new technology to harden the grid and increase reliability.

This aerial photograph illustrates the blackout following Hurricane Sandy
that affected Lower Manhattan and parts of Midtown.
Photo Credit: Iwan Baan for New York Magazine

July 2014 First Edition
On March 11, 2011, the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant in Fukushima, Japan
experienced a catastrophic failure, which triggered the subsequent shutdown of three
of its six nuclear reactors and the leakage of appreciable amounts of radioactive
matter. A major earthquake, which in turn led to a tsunami, was the cause of what
would become the biggest nuclear meltdown since the Chernobyl disaster in the
Ukraine in 1986. One of the twenty-five most powerful plants in the world, Fukushima
Daiichi has a total of three reactors with a combined power of 47 gigawatts. The
tsunami caused the reactors to instantly lose their power supply and cooling
mechanisms, leading to cascading shutdowns. According to the World Nuclear
Organization, eleven reactors at four nuclear power plants in the region were
operating at the time and all shut down automatically when the quake hit.

The incident was so devastating largely due to the oversight by the Tokyo Electric
Power Company (TEPCO) officials who ran it. They ignored the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA), who had warned in 2008 that their safety guidelines were
outdated and that the Japanese reactors were only designed to withstand magnitude
7.0 tremorsnot a 9.0 like the T!hoku earthquake.

There is ongoing debate about whether the risk of radiation poisoning could possibly
have outpaced over 1,000 deaths that occurred during the post-incident evacuation of
around 160,000 people. According to the World Nuclear Organization, the high rate
of these deaths continues three years later as the evacuation is maintained for about
135,000 peopleapparently some 75,000 from the nuclear accident and 60,000 from
the natural disaster itself.
France's Institute for Radiological Protection & Nuclear
Safety (IRSN) estimated that, based on airborne measurements, the radiation would not
exceed natural background levels. However, there is disagreement about what
constitutes enough level for evacuees to return, and continuing effects remain an
unknown quantity. Three years after the incident, the area closest to the plant remains
a red zone.
Massive radiation leakage into the water remains the most pressing issue for the
cleanup process, which is expected to span decades. On July 9, 2013, Tokyo Electric

Fukushima Accident, World Nuclear Organization, June 2014,
Christopher Hope & Steven Swinford, Japan Earthquake: Japan Warned over Nuclear Plants, Wikileaks Cables Show, The
Telegraph, March 15, 2011,
Fukushima Accident, World Nuclear Organization, June 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
Power Company (TEPCO) officials investigated an abrupt spike in cesium 134 and 137
levels in the Pacific Ocean; they suspect contaminated water leakage is responsible for
these chemicals reaching 150 and 200 times their legal levels.
This disaster immediately cast a shroud over what many had considered a renaissance
in nuclear power. Japan immediately shuttered its nuclear power plants, though as
part of Prime Minister Abes plans for economic growth, many are being restarted. In
Germany, Fukushima reignited political opposition to nuclear power, resulting in a U-
turn by the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel when a phased shutdown of
German nuclear power was announced.
As the clean-up at Fukushima continues, the lessons learned from this disasteras well
as the political ramificationswill continue to color the debate about nuclear powers
role in the future electricity generation portfolio.

In September of 1859, Astronomer Richard Carrington observed an enormous group of
sunspots in space, which lasted for nearly five minutes. The sunspots Carrington
observed were white light solar flares, essentially a magnetic explosion on the sun.
The solar flare produced a global aurora, in which skies across the world were filled
with red, green, and purple auroras. Additionally, the flare produced a large cloud of
charged particles and detached magnetic loops, referred to as CME, which were sent
towards Earth. Due to the intense nature and magnitude of the solar flares, a
geomagnetic storm occurred above earth.

When the CME collided with Earths magnetic field it caused the global bubble of
magnetism that surrounds earth to shake. The rapid movement of the fields induced
electric currents that surged through telegraph lines, disrupted communications, and
discharged sparks which set fire to telegraph papers.

As our society continues to rely upon electronics, the impact of a Carrington Event or
major geomagnetic storm could have dire consequences. As demonstrated by the
1989 Hydro Quebec storm, multiple transmission lines failed after a geomagnetic

A Super Solar Flare, NASA, May 6 2008,

July 2014 First Edition
storm occurred, which caused an extensive power outage to 6 million customers
throughout Quebec province. Additionally, solar storms have the ability to disrupt GPS
navigation, cell phone communication, and radar, which are essential components to
the daily functioning of both civilian and military society.

In 1962, the United States conducted the
Starfish Prime 1.4-megaton nuclear test
approximately 20 miles from Johnston
Island in the Pacific Ocean. The
explosion, which occurred at an altitude
of 250 miles, effected electronic
equipment almost 800 miles away in
Hawaii. This nuclear weapons test
resulted in a temporary alteration of the
intensity and shape of the Van Allen
belts, which are energetic particles or
radiation belts in the Earths

The alteration in the magnetosphere
produced an EMP, which disrupted
electronic infrastructure essential to the
daily functioning of military and civilian personnel. Additionally, the radiation from this
test and other high altitude nuclear tests that created an artificial radiation belt in the
atmosphere that worked in conjunction with the EMPs to damaged satellites in lower
earth orbit.
Long range radio communication was disrupted for several hours at some
frequencies and radio pathways.

As much of our nations critical infrastructure relies upon electronic devices and
microelectronics, a nuclear weapon similar to the magnitude of Starfish Prime, would
have a devastating effect on the security and stability of the United States.

Starfish Prime, Outer Space, Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization, 2014,
Jerry Emanuelson, B.S. E.E., An Introduction to Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse, Fururescience, LLC,
This U.S. Air Force image is of the blast cloud in the upper
atmosphere following the Starfish Prime detonation.

July 2014 First Edition
A High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) is comprised of three components: The
E1 pulse is a fast pulse of intense static electricity that induces high voltages in
equipment, along electrical wiring and cables, and can destroy computer and
communication equipment; the E2 component has characteristics similar to that of a
lightning strike; and the E3 pulse is long-lasting magnetic signal.

One of the largest geomagnetic storms occurred in March of 1989 and led to the
collapse of the Hydro-Quebec system and the Quebec interconnection. Geomagnetic
storms are bursts of energy produced by the Sun during a coronal mass ejection (CME),
which is an occurrence related to a solar flare. The wind plasma that is released during
a CME connects with the Earths magnetosphere causing various changes in the
configuration of the planets magnetic field. This produces geomagnetic-induced
currents (GIC), which have the ability to overload electric transformers and power

A massive blackout occurred in a matter of minutes, which resulted in a loss of power
to over six million customers. Geomagnetic-induced currents effected protective
systems on VAR (volt-ampere reactive) compensators; generator step-up transformers;
and permanent damage occurred to a generator step-up transformer at a nuclear
station in New Jersey.
Additionally, the orbit of satellites was disrupted and high-
energy particles invaded some satellites sensitive electronics, causing 250 recorded

Since the blackout, utilities have begun to implement new technology and integrate
new methodologies in an attempt to mitigate the effects of future geomagnetic storms.
Utilities have recalibrated protection systems, raised the trip level, modified the power
system operating procedure, and installed series compensation on power lines to
enhance grid stability.

High-Impact, Low-Frequency Event Risk to the North American Bulk Power System, NERC, June 2010,
Solar Storm Risk to the North American Electric Grid, Lloyds and the Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc, 2013,
The Day the Sun Brought Darkness, NASA, March 13, 2009,

July 2014 First Edition
On one end of the threat spectrum are state actors. Countries like Russia and China
seek to exploit grid vulnerabilities to serve strategic objectives in wartimenotably
striking at the U.S. homeland and critical military facilities and systems. For countries
like Iran and North Korea, grid vulnerabilities serve as targets for attacks aimed at
disruption or asymmetric effects in terms of national, economic, and civil security. Non-
state actors target grid facilities for not only the asymmetric efforts, but also to make
political statements and challenge perceptions of governance and stability. Finally
domestic actors may seek to act in terms of ecological, anarchical, or anti-capitalist
motives, while companies must also be aware of the insider threat of disgruntled or
otherwise disaffected personnel.
In addition to the United States, Russia is considered to be one of the most capable
states at conducting and responding to cyber warfare.
While the United States ranks
highly on offensive cyber warfare capabilities, experts warn that they are not
adequately prepared to defend a potential cyberattack from a state that possesses
advanced capabilities for a cyber-attack, such as China, Russia, and even North Korea.
As of now, there are no direct, confirmed links between the Russian government and
specific attacks. However, as with most government-operated cyber-attacks, most are
non-state attacks, but they are state directed, affiliated, or tolerated. Russia has
allegedly used its military, secret service, and privately contracted agencies to carry out
cyber breaches on other businesses and nations. Based on Russias known abilities to
produce some of the worlds best computer hackers, it is safe to assume that Russias
Federal Security Service (FSB) has had teams monitoring organizations and nations.

This was made apparent in the 2007 cyber-attacks on Estonias critical technology
infrastructure. The three-week wave of massive cyber-attacks erupted over the Estonian
governments removal of the Bronze Soldier Soviet war memorial. There were many
protests by the Russian population in Estonia, and weeks later, major Estonian
government and business websites began to malfunction. Websites for the Estonian

Raoul Chiesa, Hackito Ergo Sum Conference, Security Brokers and United Nations Interregional Crime and justice Research
Institute, 2013,
Threats on the Horizon: The Rise of the Advanced Persistent Threat, Fortinet, 2013,

July 2014 First Edition
presidency and its parliament were disabled, as well as the government ministry,
political parties, newspapers banks and other companies. These attacks are referred to
as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. During a DDoS attack, websites are
hit with tens of thousands of visits, which overcrowds the bandwidths for servers
running the sites. In the case of Estonia, the DDoS attacks were attributed by sources
to have Russian origins. To date, questions remain as to how much of an enabling role
the Russian government played in the attacks.
In 2009, the Wall Street Journal
reported that cyber-spies had penetrated the U.S. electrical grid and had left behind
software programs that could be used to disrupt the system.
The spies allegedly
came from China and Russia, and while they did not manage to damage the power
grid or other infrastructure, officials warned that Russia has attempted to map U.S.
infrastructure and could potentially damage the power grid during a crisis or war.

Russian Use of Criminal Groups as Proxies
As organized crime syndicates and cyber-based hackers continue to develop their
capabilities, many believe that the Russian government employs these groups as
proxies to wage cyberattacks against international targets. In March 2014, Russian
forces allegedly used hacking techniques to intercept a U.S. surveillance drone flying
over the Crimea region of Ukraine. Hackers were able to disable the connection
between the drone and its operator.
Since the 2014 Ukraine crisis, American
intelligence agencies have been on high alert for cyberattacks aimed at Ukraine. A
British-based defense and security company, BAE Systems, reported that dozens of
computer networks in Ukraine have been infected for years by a cyber espionage tool
kit called Snake.
While nothing is confirmed, BAE cited circumstantial evidence that
the attacks originated in Russia due to Moscow time zone operations and Russian
language in some of the code.

Denial-of-Service: The Estonian Cyberwar and Its Implications for U.S. National Security, International Affairs Review, The
Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University,
Siobhan Gorman, Electricity Grid in U.S. Penetrated by Spies, Wall Street Journal, April 8, 2009,
Hacked U.S. surveillance drone over Crimea shows new face of warfare, Homeland Security News Wire, April 11, 2014,
David Sanger and Steven Erlanger, Suspician Falls on Russia as Snake Cyberattacks Target Ukraines Government, New York
Times, March 8, 2014,
Snake Campaign and Cyber Espionage Tool Kit, Report, BAE Systems, 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
China, along with Russia, is another state known for its alleged hacking of U.S.
government systems and corporations. A recent National Intelligence Estimate on
economic cyber-espionage stated that China was the most active country in stealing
intellectual property from U.S. companies,
and alleged state-sponsored hackers
have been accused of infiltrating Bloomberg, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post,
and other major U.S. news outlets. China is currently pursuing efforts to modernize and
improve its military, and is reportedly investing in ways to balance against U.S. military
capabilities. According to a 2013 Pentagon report to Congress on China, the country
has engaged in cyber-espionage as a way to reinforce military strength.
hackers were recently accused in May 2013 of stealing designs for over two-dozen
major U.S. weapons systems, including anti-missile and ballistic missile defense systems
as well as aircraft and ship designs.

China is alleged to have its own cyber army unit, called P.L.A. Unit 61398, that has
been known to hack into U.S. systems.
A study conducted by Mandiant, an American
computer security firm, released information attributing members of well-known
Chinese hacking groups to the location of the Unit 61398 building area. This has led
U.S. agents to believe that the Chinese hacking groups are either part of the Chinese
government or they are state-sponsored groups.
P.L.A. Unit 61398 has reportedly
stolen hundreds of terabytes of data from at least 141 organizations, and has
demonstrated the capability and intent to steal from dozens of organizations
In addition to targeting U.S. systems, the government of Canada has
also been the victim of Chinese-based cyberattacks. In January 2011, multiple
Canadian governmental agencies were hit with cyberattacks consisting of phishing
emails, which appeared to come from other government employees. In turn, the emails

Ellen Nakashima, U.S. said to be target of massive cyber-espionage campaign, Washington Post, February 10, 2013,
Gopal Ratnam, Pentagon Accuses China of Cyberspying on U.S. Government, Bloomberg, May 7, 2013,
Ellen Nakashima, Confidential report lists U.S. weapons system designs compromised by Chinese cyberspies, Washington
Post, May 27, 2013,
David Sanger, David Barboza, Nicole Perlroth, Chinese Army Unit Is Seen as Tied to Hacking Against U.S., New York Times,
Febrary 18, 2013,
APT1: Exposing One of Chinas Cyber Espionage Units, Mandiant Intelligence Center Report, 2013,

July 2014 First Edition
led to hacking of the Treasury Board, Department of National Defense, and the
Department of Finance.

Chinese military doctrine has increasingly focused on the concept of what is translated
into English as Informationalized Warfare, which uses cyber, electronic, and other
forms of standoff weaponry to interfere with critical infrastructure, communications, and
other command and control systems during warfare. Additionally, as encompassed by
the use of the term, shashoujian, or Assassins Mace, Chinese military planners are
looking for asymmetric avenues that can quickly disrupt, delay, or paralyze U.S. and
allied assets. In terms of grid security, it is worth analyzing whether intrusions into U.S.
electrical grid networks originating in China are for the purposes of intellectual
property theft or intelligence preparation of the battlefield for a future cyber conflict. It
is likely that intrusions targeting generation and SCADA control systems are aimed at
gathering intelligence about potential targets, while intrusions that test or analyze
more innovative smart grid tools are dual purpose activities designed to gain both
military intelligence and trade secrets.
Even though China has demonstrated its ability to hack into various government
agencies and corporations, the economic partnership may deter both the United States
and China from perpetrating a major cyberattack against the other. Although China is
one of the top U.S. intellectual property thieves and has a military branch dedicated to
cyber-espionage, this demonstrates the necessity for the U.S. military to reinforce our
cyber defense against Chinese attacks.

Iran provides a serious threat to the countrys overall national security, with specific
attention to the 16 sectors of critical infrastructure. Although Iran does lack
technological sophistication when compared to other threat actors, such as China or
Russia, Irans diligence and tenacity make it just as formidable an opponent. Iran has
demonstrated its ability to conduct multiple types of cyberattacks including Computer
Network Exploitation, in which sensitive data and information is taken, and Computer
Network Attack, in which computer systems and networks are destroyed.
Hezbollah, an Iranian backed terrorist group, has been known to develop the capacity
to conduct a cyberattack and has formed a smaller Cyber Hezbollah sector. Hezbollah

Greg Weston, Foreign hackers attack Canadian government, CBC News, Feb. 17, 2011,

July 2014 First Edition
first displayed evolving cyber skills during its 2006 war with Israel and U.S. officials
suspect the groups technological abilities have evolved greatly since then.
officials have also received several reports that claim Iranian and Venezuelan leaders
were working together to target computer systems at nuclear power plants.

Over a few weeks in late 2012 and early 2013, several American online banking sites
were hit by DDoS attacks. The cyberattacks caused the sites to slow or stop
functioning, yet returned to operation minutes later. The capabilities required to
perpetrate these attacks led U.S. officials to believe Iran was behind the assault.
Additionally, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam hackivist group, an Iranian affiliated cyber
terrorism group, has also been known to cause disruptions in online banking. Overall,
Iran and government sponsored organizations throughout the country are continuing
to expand their ability to conduct a major cyberattack.

The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea poses an unpredictable cybersecurity
threat to the United States, especially to the critical infrastructure sectors. Even though
North Korea has a limited capacity to conduct cyberattacks, the country has stated its
intent to conduct Computer Network Attacks.
There have been reports that suggest North Korea has sent top computer science
students abroad to develop their skills.
Additionally, China has provided much
needed technological assistance to North Korea, including regular upgrades to the
highspeed Internet lines and has supplied Pyongyang with advanced computer

Some of the most destructive cyberattacks and espionage campaigns against South
Korea and the United States were conducted by the DarkSeoul gang over a four-year
period. The gang, with the support of the North Korean government, targeted banks,
news, media, telecoms, and military think tanks. This campaign began with a DDoS

Ward Carroll, Hezbollahs Cyber Warfare Program, Defense Tech, June 2, 2008,
Shaun Waterman, U.S. Authorities Probing alleged Cyberattack Plot by Venezuela, Iran, The Washington Times, December 13,
North Korea hacker threat grows as cyber unit grows: defector, Reuters, June 1, 2011,
Mark Clayton, In cyberarms race, North Korea emerging as a power, not a pushover, The Christian Science Monitor, October
19, 2013,

July 2014 First Edition
attack in July 2009 against South Korean and U.S. government and financial websites.
The attacks appeared to emanate from 435 different servers in 61 countries around
the world including South Korea itself.
The second wave of attacks including the
launching of malicious software which wiped hard drives on systems at one of the
largest South Korean banks. Overall, the attacks cost South Korea approximately $750
million in damages.
Some of the trademarks of the DarkSeoul gangs attacks included: multi-states,
coordinated attacks against high-profile targets in South Korea; destructive payloads,
such as hard disk wiping and DDoS attacks configured to trigger on historically
significant dates; use of legitimate third-party patching mechanisms in order to spread
across corporate networks; specific encryption and obfuscation methods; and use of
similar command-and-control structures.
Additionally, between 2010 and 2011,
North Korea increased the size of its cyber warfare unit, going from 500 people to
nearly 3,000 people, demonstrating the countrys increased interest in cyber warfare.

The attacks that North Korea has conducted demonstrate that the Hermit Kingdom
has been developing its cyber warfare capacity, as a way to asymmetrically confront
South Korean and U.S. capabilities.

Among terrorist groups, al-Qaeda has been one of the most pervasive in exploiting
U.S. resources and infrastructure. The anti-American operational plans of al-Qaeda
have started to go beyond conventional physical attacks, as U.S. forces found reason
to believe that the terrorist group has been pursuing its cyber warfare capabilities.
Computers and manuals full of SCADA system information were discovered at al-
Qaeda training camps in 2002. Based on evidence gathered at the camps, al-Qaeda
had a high level of interest in SCADA devices, and the FBI feared the terrorist group
may attempt to target the water supply, wastewater management, and other power

Four Years of DarkSeoul Cyberattacks Against South Korea Continue on Anniversary of Korean War, Symantec, January 23,
North Korea hacker threat grows as cyber unit grows: defector, Reuters, June 1, 2011,

July 2014 First Edition
system and industrial operations.
Since then, the group has continued to demonstrate
its interest in developing cyber warfare capabilities and in a recently released video, an
al-Qaeda operative called for an electronic jihad against the United States, and
compared vulnerabilities in American computer systems to flaws in aviation security
preceding the September 11 attacks.

Al Qaeda has also focused on recruiting skilled members who would be capable of
cyber-attacks. It was reported that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Al Qaedas arrested
operations chief, was an engineering student in North Carolina who later radicalized
and moved to the Middle East working for Al Qaeda.
Osama bin Laden, the man who
masterminded the deadly 9/11 attacks, also carried an engineering degree.
Oxford University study found that graduates from subjects such as science,
engineering and medicine are strongly overrepresented among Islamist movements in
the Muslim world.
The study also found that among violent Islamist groups,
individuals with an engineering education are four times more frequent than we would
expect given the share of engineers among university students in Islamic countries.

The increased exploitation capability due to the high number of engineers in
organizations such as al-Qaeda is one reason among many why cyber-security in the
electrical grid is so important.

Drug cartels pose as a fairly new and emerging threat on the electrical grid. In the past,
drug cartels have been known to attack the infrastructure of multinational companies.
Caballeros Templarios, also known as Knights Templar, is perhaps one of the more
pervasive cartels to attack infrastructure. In 2012, the group admitted responsibility for
arson attacks on a Mexico-based subsidiary of PepsiCo, claiming that it was
punishment for the company providing cover for government agents.
A separate

Kevin Anderson, US fears al-Qaeda hack attack, BBC News, June 27, 2002,
Jack Cloherty, Virtual Terrorism: Al Qaeda Video Calls for Electronic Jihad, ABC News, May 22, 2012,
Department of Defense Headquarters, Joint Task Force Guantanamo, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, New York Times
Guantanamo Docket, June 2014,
Osama bin Laden trivia: Civil engineer, affluent construction magnate and bomber, International Business Times, May 3, 2011,
Diego Gambetta and Steffen Hertog, Engineers of Jihad, University of Oxford Sociology Working Papers, 2007, +
Hannah Stone, Mexico Drug Gang Claims Pepsi Subsidiary Helped Govt Agents, Insight Crime, June 1, 2012,

July 2014 First Edition
series of attacks occurred on Sabritas property, to where several distribution centers
and 40 company trucks were firebombed. Knights Templar stated that the message
was addressed to all national and transnational businesses, and that they carried out
the attack because intelligence workers and government agents pass themselves off
as salespeople in a company.
A year later, the cartel moved on to attack power grid
infrastructure. In October 2013, Knights Templar attacked electrical plant substations
and gas stations in Michoacan, Mexico. Homemade bombs were launched and shots
were fired at 18 electrical plants and six gas stations, causing over 420,000 residents to
lose electricity.
While drug cartels have not posed an imminent threat to the electrical
grid in the United States, there is discussion of the potential for these threats,
especially along the southern border.

While protecting our countrys security against international terrorist or insurgent
groups is a priority, there are domestic groups that pose a grave threat to the stability
of our nations critical infrastructure. Many groups may seek to act in terms of
ecological, anarchical, or anti-capitalist motives in the form of physical threats such as
eco-terrorism and cyber-attacks.
One of the most well-known events of eco-terrorism was in 1989 with the Evan
Mecham Eco-Terrorist International Conspiracy (EMETIC), who were arrested following
an attempt to destroy a transmission tower near the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating
Station in Arizona.
This group has had a history of engaging in terrorism against
nuclear power plants in the Southwest U.S., as well as damaging infrastructure that
negatively impacted the environment. Additionally, the EMETIC was indicted for
planning attacks against the Central Arizona Project, the Diablo Canyon Nuclear
Facility in California, and the Rocky Flats Nuclear Facility in Colorado.

Lizbeth Diaz, Mexico forces kill two suspects in state energy firm attacks, Chicago Tribune, Oct. 28, 2013,
James F. Jarboe, The Threat of Eco-Terrorism, Testimony before the House Resources Committee, Subcommittee on Forests
and Forest Health, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Feb. 12, 2012,

July 2014 First Edition
Another environmental group known for their acts of eco-terrorism and vandalism is
Earth First! Although the group has never directly damaged grid infrastructure, due
to their history of engaging in unlawful acts to promote their ideology Earth First! is
considered a major potential threat, as reported by the National Electric Sector
Cybersecurity Organization Resource.
In addition, both the Earth Liberation Front
(ELF) and Animal Liberation Front (ALF) have been known to resort to violence,
vandalism, and arson. On December 7, 2005, federal officials arrested six suspected
eco-terrorists from ELF and ALF, who claimed responsibility for removing a bolt from a
transmission tower in bend, Oregon, and causing the 80 foot tower to collapse.

An additional domestic issue regarding cyber threats is the rise in hacktivism, or the
breaching of computer systems as a form of civil disobedience or to promote political
ends such as free speech or non-censorship on the internet.
One of the most
pervasive groups, Anonymous, has been responsible for several cyber-attacks, such
as releasing the personal information of over 4,000 bank executives on a U.S.
government website in addition to claiming responsibility for hacking into credit card
companies such as Visa Inc., MasterCard Inc., and eBay Inc.s PayPal.
A splinter
faction of Anonymous, Lulzsec, was the group responsible for hacking into the CIAs
public site and exposing personal information.

As of now, groups such as Anonymous and Lulzsec have only attacked corporations
and government agencies, typically exposing classified data. Most hacktivists use
botnets, which can control many PCs all at once. The hacker is then able to bombard
the system with demands, thus crashing the system and denying public access.
to the relative ease of these capabilities, hacktivist groups may be able to gain access
to crash systems within the power grid. The National Security Agency stated that

Bill Gertz, Inside the Ring: U.S. power grid defenseless from physical and cyber attacks, Washington Times, April 16, 2014,
James M. Taylor, Six Suspects Arrested for String of Eco-Terrorist Attacks, Heartland, February 1, 2006,
Peter Ludlow, WikiLeaks and Hacktivist Culture, The Nation, September 15, 2010,
LuAnn LaSalle, Hacktivists make their cause known online while masked in anonymity, Winnipeg Free Press, February 13,
Michael Winter, Anonymous takes down CIA site, exposes Ala. Personal data, On Deadline, USA Today, Febrary 10, 2012,

July 2014 First Edition
Anonymous might be able to cause a limited power blackout, and some federal
officials believe Anonymous is headed in a more disruptive direction beyond attacking
corporations and government websites.

Major problems can occur when an employeepurposefully or inadverntantlygains
access to an infected USB or is able to plant a virus that destroys a system. The threat
of this issue is heightened in the case of many decentralized, local power grids
accompanied with minimal physical security and detection systems.
An insider may be able to gain access to the physical components of a power station,
thus having the ability to cause serious physical damage. Actors posing threats may be
disgruntled employees following termination or employees experiencing financial
pressures and stress.
Job-related stress and unfortunate events can cause employees
to extract revenge or open up insider secrets to third party inquirers.
Many of these
events are on a situational basis and apply differently to each company; however, it
should be made more of a priority that businesses and utilities increase security and
employee screening.
Individual attacks can have major effects on communities due to dependencies on the
power grid. An individual was arrested in Arkansas for a series of attacks on power lines
stationed in Arkansas. He acted alone, and did not seem to be involved in a larger
terrorist organization. On August 21, 2013, a shackle that secured a 500,000-volt
electricity line was cut, and over 100 bolts of the support tower were removed.
tower collapsed, causing power lines to be severed by a passing train and leaving the
town of Cabot, Arkansas, without power. On September 29, 2013, the Entergy
electricity station in Scott, Arkansas, was set on fire, causing over $2 million in
The third and final attack occurred in Jacksonville, Arkansas. Two power
poles were cut, one of which was then pulled down by a tractor. This attack caused a
115,000-volt transmission line to fall, causing an outage for 9,000 people.

Byron Acohido, Disgruntled employees, insiders pose big hacking risk, USA Today, March 15, 2013,
Arrest made over Arkansas power grid attacks, CBS News, October 14, 2013,

July 2014 First Edition
Insider threats oftentimes pose a greater risk than outsider attacks. In an FBI and
Computer Security Institute joint Computer Crime and Security Survey, 80% of
enterprises that responded to the survey cited disgruntled or dishonest employees as
most likely to attack.

Additionally, 55% of enterprises that responded reported unauthorized access by
insiders. While security measures have increased over time, insider threat incidents
continue to occur. In 2012, Homeland Securitys Industrial Control Systems Cyber
Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT) was called to a power generation system that
had been targeted by an insider threat. An employee was discovered with an infected
USB device after he took the device to the IT department. The infected USB left several
machines at the power plant subject to the virus. Fortunately, the ICS-CERT and the
anti-virus software already existing in the system were able to eliminate the virus.

Sometimes, an attacker will recruit an insider to assist in launching an attack.
In 2011, the Department of Homeland Security issued a report titled Insider Threat to
Utilities. In this report, they stated that violent extremists have, in fact, obtained
insider positions, and that outsiders have attempted to solicit utility-sector
employees for damaging physical and cyber-attacks.
In 2010 an alleged American
recruit to al Qaeda was arrested in Yemen. Sharif Mobley, of New Jersey, had been
employed at five different U.S. nuclear power plants in Pennsylvania after successfully
passing federal background checks.
Fortunately, insider threats to the power grid have been fairly containedstill, internal
security must remain a priority.. There should be periodic risk assessment throughout
an enterprise, as well as increased security awareness training for employees.
Companies can issue strict passwords for employees, monitor online actions, and note
suspicious behavior. The company should separate duties and limit access amongst
different employees to ensure that one person does not have the ability to cause major
damage. Following termination or transfer, any previous computer access must be
deactivated. Additionally, up-to-date anti-virus software and backup and recovery
processes should be implemented for all online systems.

Richard Power, 1999 CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey, Computer Security Issues and Trends, 1999,
Malware Infections in the Control Environment, US Department of Homeland Security, Dec. 2012,
DHS warns utilities at risk from insider threats, Homeland Security News Wire, July 25, 2011,
Dawn Cappelli, Andrew Moore and Timothy Shimeall, Protecting Against Insider Threat, Software Engineering Institute,
February 1, 2007,

July 2014 First Edition
Protecting the physical security of the national electrical grid poses a serious challenge.
The diffuse nature of the grid makes it exceedingly vulnerable to physical attacks from
many angles. Additionally, the networked nature of the grid and reliance on critical
nodes means that one small attack or incident has the potential to cause a cascading
failure that affects a wide-ranging area. However, the interconnectedness of the grid
also allows for redundancies and resiliency within the system.
The energy grid has clear vulnerabilities that can be exploited by those who wish to
attack the grid. Much of the electrical grid suffers from decaying and outdated
infrastructure. Many of the major components, including transmissions, distributors,
generators, and transformers, that make up the grid are over 25 years old, have
undergone minor repairs to patch up issues in the past. In order to replace any
damaged parts, or update the out of date components, replacements must be
manufactured overseas with a 12-15 month lead-time.

This delay in accessibility to new components further highlights the importance of
keeping the components up to date before an emergency arises. The majority of
stations, transmissions, and distribution lines are located in remote areas above
ground, making them easily accessible targets.
Transmission systems are especially
attractive targets based on their functional importance. Step up transformers increase
voltage so the electricity can flow efficiently over long distances, and step-down
transformers reduced voltage for consumption, both of these systems are critical in
maintaining voltage levels in a substation to control the general transmission system.

Substations, which often house transformers, are typically only protected by a chain link
fence and a few surveillance cameras, both relatively easy to bypass, pinpointing a
major lack of physical protection. In April of 2013, a group of people attacked a PG&E
Metcalf substation in San Jose, California. The substation was near a highway, and the
attackers were able to enter through manholes. They used assault rifles and fired over

Madeline Vale et al. Briefing Report #1 - The Electrical Grid: Political & Regulatory Dynamics. Securing the Electrical Grid for
the 21
Century. The Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress. September20, 2013.
Madeline Vale et al. Briefing Report #5 Physical Threats: Terrorism, Vandalism, & Weather. Securing the Electrical Grid for
the 21
Century. The Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress. April 1, 2014. Page 2.
Knapp, Eric D. , and Raj Samani. "Chapter 2 Smart Grid Network Architecture." In Applied Cyber Security and the Smart Grid:
Implimenting Security Controls into the Modern Power Infrastructure. : Newnes , 2013. .

July 2014 First Edition
100 shots, critically damaging over a dozen transformers.
The attack was recorded
on surveillance cameras, but the footage proved unhelpful in finding the attackers, and
the cameras were clearly unhelpful in deterring the attack.
Transmission components within the grid are regulated by the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, FERC, and the North American Reliability Corporation, NERC.
Following the Metcalf incident, in light of reports raising concerns about the physical
security of the grid, NERC discussed new standards for the protection of critical sites
and transmission equipment. A major portion of the debate surrounding these
standards discussed balancing the need for security with the cost of hardening remote
sites or providing round-the-clock surveillance and quick response at grid sites.
These standards, currently being prepared for filing with FERC, requires security
planning for the bulk power transmission system, and updated preparations for
physical security.
Distribution systems are regulated on the state level. These multiple different
regulators may not have the same level of resources for addressing these security
issues or communicating concerns to utilities. Additionally, when the issue of cost
recovery for security improvements is discussed, these state regulators will be the ones
responsible for adjusting rate structures.
It will also be vital for electrical, natural gas, and water utilities to work together with
each other and the federal government to expand preparation capabilities, bolster
information sharing techniques, stockpile spare equipment and engage in mutual
assistance agreements to ensure a crisis could be handled efficiently.
Electric grids offer a wide range of targets that can impart a great deal of damage on
an entire system. Small-scale attacks can affect much greater systems because the
entire grid is connected directly or indirectly. Once one component is compromised,
an entire system can be subject to a cascading failure, impacting far more than the
initial target.

Shane Harris, Military-Style Raid on California Power Station Spooks U.S., Foreign Policy, Dec. 28, 2013,

July 2014 First Edition
Generators and turbines are attractive targets for those who want to maximize the
damage of their attacks. Generators and turbines serve as primary power sources for
large areas, by eliminating the generator power cannot be generated to supply a vast
number of users, spreading the impact of power outages.
These two components are also extremely vulnerable to bombings, as they are
sensitive pieces of equipment that can be damaged easily. In the wake of an attack,
damage done to the generators and turbines would be difficult to repair because they
are not easily replaced and spare units are not readily available. Units are expensive
and represent a large capital investment for any country, and would raise the cost of
any potential conflict that would ensue following the attack. The long lead-time for
repair means that heavy damage of components would result in long term power
outages. Other than an entire repair, power would have to be imported from another
plant in order to restore the generator.
Generating facilities are attractive targets for those who wish to impact the electrical
grid. Generating facilities are at the heart of the energy flow within the grid; they are
comprised of turbines and generators that produce the electricity. When force is
applied to the blades of a turbine, in a generating facility, it causes the generator to
rotate which creates the electricity that is dispersed throughout the grid.
Both the
turbines and the generators are often located in the same building, and in many case
the same unit. The turbines and generators proximity to one another make it easier
for an attacker to target both components at the same time, thus causing an even more
dramatic failure.
Power interruption can be achieved in several ways at the source.
Attacking the buildings that contain the turbines and generators can cause the systems
to shut down, therefore interrupting power flow. The components themselves are very
delicately balance and rotate at high rates of speed, making them extremely
susceptible to air attacks.
Hydroelectric plants also house generators and turbines, making them another center
of power generation. At a hydroelectric plant, attackers would try to destroy the
turbine or the generators. A potential bombing or violent attack to the plant would
most likely be concentrated in the generator hall. Attackers could also target the fuel
in a hydroelectric plant, meaning the water source. To target a water source, there

Griffith, Thomas E. Jr. Strategic Attack of National Electric Systems. Air University Press. Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.
October 1994. Page 5-6.

July 2014 First Edition
would most likely be an attack on the dam or the penstocks, tubes used to take water
from the storage to the turbines.
Nuclear power plants have become another attractive target. The growth of nuclear
power has pushed nuclear power plants higher on the list of potential targets, making
them a new a growing problem for targeting by both nation states and terrorist groups.
As of 2012, nuclear power comprised 12.3 percent of the worlds energy production.

Unlike in a hydroelectric plant, it is hard to interdict the fuel supply because only small
amounts of fissionable material are used to fuel a nuclear power plant. However, the
close proximity of the generator hall and the nuclear reactor make it a more feasible
target to attack. Following September 11
, the already tight security at nuclear power
plants was increased. However, terrorist groups will still likely pay increased attention
to nuclear sites due to the psychological effect of a successful attackor even an
attempted attackon such a facility.

Transmission lines are also easily accessible targets, with the ability to magnify the
damage of small attack. Transmission lines deliver power from generators to the
distribution networks. Once electricity is generated it is sent to a step-up transformer
in a substation or a transformer yard near a power plant. The step-up transformers
increase the voltage of the electricity it can be transferred long distances along
transmission lines. The transmission lines interconnect generator facilities, thus
allowing for the economic exchange of power. They improve the reliability of an entire
power system by providing a means of transferring power from one area to another.

The transmission system ends at a transformer yard where voltage is reduced through
step-down transformers and the electricity is send through the distribution network for
consumers use. The step-up transformers are the most lucrative targets, because they
can impart the most damage with the least effort. Damaging a step-up transformer will
disrupt power distribution along many transmission lines, leading to widespread power
outages. The Office of Technology Assessment cites step-up transformers as the most
vulnerable target with the most consequences throughout the energy grid.

Nuclear Energy Institute. "World Statistics Nuclear Energy Around the World ." .
Griffith, Thomas E. Jr. Strategic Attack of National Electric Systems. Page 7.
U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Physical Vulnerability of Electric System
to Natural Disasters and Sabotage, OTA-E-453 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing
Office, June 1990).

July 2014 First Edition
Transmission lines are located in open areas, are easily identifiable, and are not easily
interchangeable between systems, also making them vulnerable to attack. Within
transmission the electricitys voltage is raised to allow for long distance travel, however,
this increased voltage makes the electricity in transmission lines even more dangerous
and more able to cause damage to nearby systems or infrastructure than those lines
providing energy to homes. In addition to the aforementioned attack on transmission
lines in Arkansas, experience in the Middle East has shown that the transmission lines
are attractive targets to insurgent groups.
In 2003, a massive blackout affected about 50 million Americans throughout the
Northeast and Midwest, as well as customers in Ontario, Canada, displaying the large
disruption that can be caused by the failure of transmission lines. The primary cause of
the blackout was transmission lines sagging into trees. One of the first issues occurred
in the Stuart-Atlanta 345-kV transmission line tripped offline when it sagged into a
The loss of this transmission along with several others caused power to be
redirected to still functioning lines that were connected. Under the stress of carrying
the extra loads, more power lines began to fail causing a cascading failure. Major cities
such as Albany, Cleveland, Detroit, Hartford, and New York City, experienced
widespread electrical failures at over 256 power plants.
Crews were unable to restore
power for four days in some parts of the United States, and Ontario suffered from
rolling blackouts for over a week after the incident.

Step down transformers could be targeted, but are less attractive targets when
compared to generators, turbines, transmission lines, or step-up transformers. The
distribution network begins at step-down transformers. They reduce the voltage of the
electricity in the transmission lines so it can be distributed for consumer use.
Distribution facilities, like transmission lines, would not be attractive targets for air
Step-down transformers are smaller and more difficult to attack than step-up
transformers. Multiple distribution systems are supplied from one main power source,
which allows the transformers to be more standardized and interchangeable, thus
making repairs easier. Any attack would only have a localized impact, not widespread
damage. The only potential threat would be to ancillary systems.

"5. How and Why the Blackout Began in Ohio." August 14th Blackout Causes and Recommendation: 45 - 72. (accessed January 1, 2014).
Holgun, Jamie . "Biggest Blackout in US History." CBS news, , sec. US.
Griffith, Thomas E. Jr. Strategic Attack of National Electric Systems. Page 8.

July 2014 First Edition
To lock down the physical security of the power grid multiple steps must be taken to
deter and prevent attackers from entering the system, and causing damage. Access to
substations, and other potential target sites, must be heavily secured. In addition to
some components themselves, some control systems are located in the power stations
that control all the power within the stations; others are physically separated from the
system but are still able to control the entire systems remotely.
More security surrounding potential targets is crucial; in examining the successful
physical attacks on the grid, it is apparent that at some sites, the current system of
fences surrounding power stations has proven very easy to maneuver. Beyond the
physical fence line, the Metcalf incident showed that standoff attacks can be used to
disrupt grid operations without breaching the site perimeter.
Additionally, in securing physical sites, it is important to understand the nexus with
cybersecurity measures. In the event of an attack, smooth operation should be in place
to transfer power, either by automated computers or manually. Development of new
hardware and software for grid control and security can help decrease the grids
vulnerabilities in the future.
If an attack should cripple the grid system, rapid response and warning systems should
be in place to alert response teams. The earlier crews are aware of the failure, the less
damage can be done, thus avoiding a major crisis. In the 2003 blackout, alarm systems
failed on the primary and secondary systems, which contributed to the widespread and
long lasting damage that ensued; had the failures been caught earlier many customers
would have been saved from power outages.

With the continued use of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems
and the installation of smart grid technologies, it has become imperative for electrical
utilities to harden these systems against a wide range of physical and cyber threats.
Throughout the series of roundtables, participants commented at the possibility of a
joint cyber and physical attack, which could cripple multiple sectors of critical
infrastructure within this country. Before SCADA systems can be fully secured, utilities
must also understand its limitations and vulnerabilities, which can range from

July 2014 First Edition
improper input validation; permission, privileges, and access control; and improper

While hardening these systems in response to threats such as Stuxnet, Flame, and
Energetic Bear has proved to be a daunting challenge, it is essential to the safety and
security of all electrical utilities and the American people. With the installation of these
systems and the development of new hardware and software for grid control, both
utilities and consumers have a unique opportunity to gain a greater understanding
through real-time information flowsabout electrical generation, transmission,
distribution, and use. Additionally, there is a unique chance to build security into
infrastructure as new systems are developed and installed.

SCADA systems make up an automated network, which can collect data, analyze data,
and generate reports. This network of devices gives utilities the ability to control and
measure certain elements within the overall utility system. Early systems date back to
the 1920s, but wholesale adoption of SCADA systems by utility operators grew rapidly
in the 1960s. By the 1980s, largely standardized SCADA architectures were developed.
SCADA systems are present in all aspects of electric generation, transmission, and
distribution. Many electrical utilities install SCADA to perform a variety of functions
such as monitoring the operation of circuit breakers, detecting current flows and line
voltage, and to take sections of the power grid online or offline. Within the SCADA
system itself are a range of components that all work in tandemHuman Machine
Interface (HMI), Supervisory system, Remote Terminal Units, Programmable Logic
Controller, and Communications Infrastructure. For example, a RTU can measure or
monitor a specific process and send that data back to the main or HMI system for
Since its inception, SCADA systems have gone through multiple generations of
development and the latest generation is described as a networked system. The
major improvements in the third generation [are] that of opening the system
architecture, utilizing open standards and protocols and making it possible to distribute
SCADA functionality across a WAN [Wide Area Network] and not just a LAN [Local
Area Network]. Thiscombined with improved metering technology, improved

Cyber Security a Priority to Protect SCADA Systems, Industrial Ethernet Book, 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
consumer interfaces, and additional communications advancesserves as the
foundation of smart grid technology.
This new generation of SCADA now has the ability to be implemented over a wider
range through multiple components connected through communications protocols.
This distributed architecture of SCADA now gives utilities the ability to run multiple
systems over a wide geographic area but is monitored by a single supervisor. Although
the networked nature of this SCADA system does force the utility to focus upon
application security, intrusion detection, and the regulation of physical access to the
SCADA network.

With these technological developments that have extended the SCADA systems use,
it has become more vulnerable to environmental, electronic, cyber, and physical
threats. Equipment such as sensors or actuators should be properly enclosed to
mitigate damage from weather events, such as earthquakes or lightning storms, or
corrosive agents. Additionally, operational control rooms should be properly secured
from fire or water damage to computers and other equipment. The electronic threats
to the SCADA system include radio-frequency interference (RFI), electromagnetic pulse
(EMP), and voltage transients. As a result, utilities must properly design infrastructure
and can install transient voltage surge suppression (TVSS) to mitigate any damage.
Even though SCADA systems are physically installed in secure locations throughout a
utilities facility, there are a variety of threats that can compromise that security. If an
insider or an unauthorized individual gained access to the facility, they could use an
infected USB stick, disconnect a cable, or install a key logger to expose the system.
These threats could infect the system immediately or provide attackers with back-
door entry to the utility, in which a cyberattack could be used to damage the entire
network. Many of the cyber threats include denial of service, data interception,
unauthorized user access, data alteration and/or data-retransmission. Not only could
these threats lead to a major blackout for millions of customers, but it could interrupt
the ability for other sectors of critical infrastructure to function or allow highly sensitive
material could be obtained. Securing against such challenges not only requires the
development of improved security protocols for utility employees, but also improved
behavioral analysis aimed at preventing or detecting unauthorized access or software
installationbe it inadvertent or malicious.

July 2014 First Edition
Electrical utilities and other critical infrastructure facilities must begin to implement
various practices and methodologies that can secure SCADA systems from these
threats. Utilities have begun to integrate Software Management and Documentation
Systems (SMDS) into SCADA, which monitors all of the activities of the control system.
SMDS can assist IT and OT operators with an application restoration following a
catastrophic event; control who may use any SCADA application system; and can
control which actions can be performed. Additionally, many utilities have begun to
develop various Network Security Solutions which range from firewalls to
Demilitarized Zones to physical air-gaps, which prevent unwanted access to a
Through the use of a Virtual Private Network tunnel (VPN) utilities can ensure the
proper authentication and authorization of data transactions between different
networks. VPN gives a utility private use of a public network through the development
of an encrypted tunnel between the server and client. Although, when logging onto
the VPN, the secondary device must have the same level of end-point protection; if
there is a variation, it can create vulnerabilities to the VPN. To fully secure the VPN
from unauthorized access, a high level of authentication must be implemented in all
networked devices.
Due to the high amount of threats to SCADA systems, utilities have also begun to
implement detection methodologies to mitigate the effect of an attack. IT security
systems have created Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) which are designed to
recognize intrusions based upon multiple factors including an unusual pattern of
activity and communications attempted from an unusual or unauthorized address. The
IDS creates a log of suspicious events, which system operators can inspect manually to
determine true intrusions versus false alarms. Through the implementation of IDS, OT
personnel have the ability to use firewalls to prevent the attack from spreading, thus
mitigating the overall damage the cyber threat could cause.
In addition to technological solutions, securing networks will require an increased
emphasis on behavioral analysis, background investigations, psychological profiling,
and analysis of individual motives. These factors are key tools for detecting potential
insider threats, while also understanding how potential adversaries may seek to target
individuals who can provide accesspurposefully or inadvertentlyto vital networks.

July 2014 First Edition
As threat actors are becoming more advanced, the attacks perpetuated against
computer systems are increasing in frequency, intensity, and variety. Although, specific
attacks such as data interception, denial of service (DDoS), data alteration, or a cyber
drive by shooting, have been utilized by a group, individual, or nation state
depending upon their strategic objective.
Many of the viruses that have caused substantial damage to critical facilities across the
world were specifically designed to compromise SCADA systems. The Stuxnet virus,
which was discovered in June 2010 in Iran, infected over 100,000 computer systems
throughout the globe. This virus contained specific code that was designed to attack
the Simens Simatic WinCC SCADA systems by intercepting commands from HMI
software. Stuxnet intercepts commands sent to high-speed frequency-converters,
which are devices that control functions, such as motors.
Additionally, the Flame virus, which was discovered in May of 2012, also compromised
Iranian SCADA systems through cyber-sabotage. The malware monitored and mapped
out the countrys computer networks through the replication of controls and daily tasks
associated with HMI functions. Flame has the ability to log keyboard stokes; take
screen shots; activate microphones and cameras; and receive and send commands and
data through Bluetooth wireless technology. These two viruses, which were directed
towards Iranian nuclear facilities and other high-profile computer networks,
demonstrate the potential of sophisticated cyber threats tailored to target SCADA
In the spring of 2014, the Heartbleed Bug was found to be a security vulnerability
within OpenSSL software, which had infected over 500,000 websites including Yahoo
and OKCupid. This flaw let hackers access the memory of data servers, leaving
personal data such as passwords, credit card information, and usernames vulnerable. A
Secure Sockets Layer, or Transport Security Layer, is the most basic encryption
standard [widely] used by websites that need to transmit the data that users want to
keep secure.
On occasion, a computer will want to check that there is another
computer at the end of its secure connection and a small package of data or a
heartbeat, will be send out requesting a response. Due to a programming error in the
implementation of OpenSSL, the researchers found that it was possible to send a well-

Kyle Russell, Heres How to Protect Yourself from the Massive Security Flaw Thats Taken Over the Internet, Business Insider,
April 8 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
disguised packet of data that looked like one of these heartbeats to trick the computer
at the other end into sending data stores in its memory.

A researcher at Google and the security firm Codenomicon discovered the flaw in
OpenSSL and confirmed that the bug had been active for at least two years. Due to the
highly sophisticated nature of the bug, hackers were able to steal encryption keys used
by websites to secure personal information. Additionally, the Heartbleed Bug
demonstrated the advanced nature of cyberattacks that are now affecting Americans
throughout their daily life.
Most recently, electrical grid infrastructure within the United States and Europe has
come under attack from a group of Russian hackers known as Dragonfly. Since 2011
the group has been conducting various cyberattacks, typically classified as espionage,
against European governments, defense contractors, and U.S. health care firms.
Although as of late, Dragonfly has been conducting Stuxnet-type attacks against the
industrial control systems found with petroleum pipeline operators, grid operators,
electricity generation firms and other critical energy companies.

Dragonfly has developed two Remote Access Trojans (RAT) to install malware on
computers, which gives hackers access and control over the infected computer. These
attacks, referred to as Energetic Bear, are centered on extracting and uploading
stolen data, installing further malware onto systems, and running executable files on
infected computers[and] running additional plugins, such as tools for collecting
passwords, taking screenshots, and cataloguing documents on infected computers.

In addition to the RATs, the group has utilized other attack vectors such as spear
phishing/email span, watering hole attacks/exploit kits, and other trojanized software to
destroy the integrity of specific systems. Although the specific motivation for these
attacks is unknown, multiple researchers have stated that the RATs utilized by
Dragonfly are too advanced and the attacks bear the hallmarks of a state-sponsored

Amy Thomson & Cornelius Rahn, Russian Hackers Threaten Power Companies, Researchers Say, Bloomberg, July 1, 2014,
Emerging Threat: Dragonfly/Energetic Bear APT Group, Symantec, June 30, 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
Currently there is agreement that information sharing channels between the
government and private sector and private sector to private sector channels are
necessary to improve risk assessment, situational awareness, and increase the overall
security of the electrical grid. Regardless of the differing models as to how this might
be implementede.g. coordination centers, third-party operators, public-private
partnershipsthese structures will implement methods of real time sharing of private,
proprietary, or classified information. Although, in the absence of cybersecurity
legislation, many of the current practices have yet to be codified into law, increasing
concerns regarding privacy and liability.
Even with the recent statement released by the FTC and DOJ, there are still questions
concerning the ability to provide liability protection for the private sector to ensure that
sharing information about a threat or vulnerability does not, in turn, leave a company
vulnerable to legal or regulatory penalties. In addition to fostering information sharing
between private sector entities, continued assurances are needed so that such
information exchange is not viewed as collusion by antitrust regulators.
Additionally, problems regarding the information sharing process have centered upon
the high amount of information being sent to utilities and much of the information is
highly classified in nature. An important aspect of vertical information sharing focuses
on developing a tear line in which utility operators have the necessary information
about a cyber or physical threat. By developing a more practical tear line, a wider
range of personnel throughout a utility will have access to information which could help
deter, mitigate, and respond to an attack.
Considering that multiple governmental agencies disseminate information to utilities
including the DOE, DHS, DOD, FBI, and the Intelligence communitymany of the grid
operators are inundated with information. As a result, the federal government should
implement practices that will focus upon sending the most critical of information to
utilities. This could be achieved through integrating federal government personnel in
the private sector, to better understand what threat information is necessary and useful
to utilities. Additionally, some of the most imperative information to be shared
regarding a cyberattack is a threat signature, which is a unique string of bits or the
binary pattern of a virus. Simply put, a threat signature is similar to a finger print, which
can be used to detect and identify specific viruses.

McAfee Threat Glossary, McAfee, 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
Not only is an active defense towards deterring cyberattacks imperative, but utilities
must utilize the current forums to sharing information, such as the Information Sharing
Action Center (ISACs), the Electricity Sub-Sector Coordinating Council (ESCC), and the
National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) at DHS. By
using these bodies, electrical utilities across the country have the ability to share alerts,
indicators, information about previous attacks, threat actors, and threat signatures.
Through the ISACs and ESCC, owners and operators throughout the electricity sector
have the ability to share information regarding threats and attacks that are both cyber
and physical in nature. Not only can members of the industry coordinate policy to
improve resilience and reliability, but this information is sent to the appropriate
channels within the federal government. It is extremely important that utilities utilize
these information sharing bodies and Mutual Assistance Agreements (MAAs) in the
wake of an event, such as Superstorm Sandy or Metcalf. For example, if a utility
needed to shift a load to keep the lights on or obtain a spare transformer, they could
go through the ISAC, ESCC, or MAA.
While Mutual Assistance Agreements are well practiced and have a strong historical
track record, there are many questions surrounding the structure and efficacy of MAAs
in light of a cyber incident that would require computer hardware, software patching,
or coding expertise, for example, rather than the herculean efforts of lineman replacing
damaged transformers.
At the federal level, multiple agencies monitor the status of critical infrastructure
including the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC)
at DHS. The NCCIC works with entities at the federal, state and local levels, including
law enforcement, to prepare, mitigate, and respond to cyber threats.
horizontal and vertical sharing, utilities will be able to develop an integrated response
plan to an attack through more informed decision-making.

Due to an increased volume in data from smart grid technology, utilities must find
methods to analyze it all in real-time. Additionally, on an organizational level, siloed

Electric Power Industry Initiatives to Protect the Nations Grid from Cyber Threats, Edison Electric Institute, Jan. 2013,
Preparing Utilities to Respond to Cyberattacks, The Wall Street Journal: Deloitte Insights, Jan. 16, 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
utility operations must share data and analytic resources, to avoid wasting time and
money on duplicative and isolated efforts. Companies such as GE, Siemens, Oracle,
AutoGrid, Trove, IBM, and SAS have all begun to develop data analytic software. The
three most widely implemented grid analytics solutions are voltage optimization, asset
management, and outage management. As information is analyzed in real-time, OT
and IT personnel have the ability to have greater situation awareness to be able to
detect and correct problems within the grid.
Similar to aspects of the smart grid technology, utilities have begun to implement
software to monitor the status of the grid. For example, Powerlogic ION EEM software
gives utilities the ability to conduct wide-area analysis of conditions through the
application of analytics. These can include power monitoring and control systems,
metering systems, substation automatic and SCADA systemsdata is automatically
acquired, cleansed and warehoused. Through the application of analytics and grid
monitoring software, utilities can manage risks, increase efficiency, and in turn, increase
In terms of physical hardware, systems under development by companies, such as One
Cycle Control, allow for automatic adjustment of grid voltage and load. While these
technologies have been developed to automatically balance the input of solar and
wind generation, they could also work in the event of malicious activity to balance
electric power loads. These systems can be designed to work without computerized
input, so that in the event of a cyberattack, there could still be an automated,
hardware-based response.
As these systems analyze the patterns of grid usage and data access, they can provide
a better baseline of activity for the detection of malicious activity. Being able to rapidly
identify network or grid behavior that rises above the noise level will allow grid
operators to quickly isolate affected systems. Doing so requires significant investments
in computing power, as well as human operators to understand and analyze the data.
The ideal system would be one that provides for the instantaneous, automated
isolation of an affected system and subsequent rerouting of network traffic and electric
power to minimize disruption. In order for such systems to effectively operate,
machine-to-machine sharing of information and threat signatures must be facilitated.

July 2014 First Edition
With the increased use of smart grid technologiese.g. smart meters and connected
appliancesthere is a proliferation of access points into the networks that control grid
systems. While previous systems were designed to be easily air-gapped, thus
preventing any connection between grid control systems and the public Internet, the
design of these systems, and their intended convenience, requires some level of
connectivity between utility systems, home systems, and personal devices.
While a utility provider can take steps to secure the hardware and software that runs
advanced SCADA systems, smart meters, and other utility-installed systems, the future
portends a proliferation of commercial and household devices that will connect to
utility systems. Utilities, the manufacturers of these devices, and consumers will share
responsibility for ensuring the security of these devices and their connection to the
grid. For example, car companies will play a significant role in grid security, as electric
cars or plug-in hybrids will connect to the grid and either draw or return power based
on grid demand.
Such devices and future advancements in technology provide the opportunity for
increased efficiency, smarter consumption, and better situational awareness, but the
looming security challenges will require increased attention as well.

In addition to physical and cyber threats that endanger the security of the electrical
grid, electromagnetic pulse (EMP), directed energy weapons (DEW), and geomagnetic-
induced currents (GIC) could also the damage the grid. These high-impact, low
frequency risks have continued to become more dangerous, as American society
increasingly relies upon computerized electronics in key sectors, such as telecoms,
financial services, and other critical sectors, alongside vital government functions, such
as the military and emergency services.
As discussed within the roundtables, one of the most essential aspects to securing the
electrical grid against these threats is to strengthen communication between utilities
and the federal government in order to improve the science about EMP, GIC, and
DEW, and to harden key grid nodes and facilities. Through this partnership, both sides
can work to implement the best practices and 21
century technology to mitigate the
effects of EMP, GIC, or DEW.

July 2014 First Edition
Due to concerns about EMP, Congress formed a Commission in 2003 and in 2007 to
examine the impact of nuclear weapon generated electromagnetic pulse (EMP) on the
United States.
The main goals of the Commission were to assess the capabilities of
possible threat actors; determine what aspects of civilian and military systems are
highly vulnerable to EMP; evaluate the ability for the country to recover and repair from
an attack; examine the cost and probability of hardening systems to mitigate EMP
damage; and recommend specific steps the country should take to harden military and
civilian systems. Additionally, the commission and its membership brought much
needed political and public attention to the issue of electromagnetic pulsebe it
manmade or naturally occurring.
In July of 2004, the EMP Commission presented the Report of the Commission to
Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack to
Congress. Not only did the executive report describe the components of EMP itself,
but recommended certain steps the country could take to harden critical infrastructure.
The Commission recommended that DHS have the authority to obtain resources,
develop plans, and implement strategies that could secure the most critical
components within civilian and military systems. Additionally, the report suggested that
the country continue to deter terrorist groups and rogue states from developing
nuclear weapons capabilities.
Ultimately, the Commission reported that an EMP
attack is a grave threat against the country and could cripple multiple sectors of critical
infrastructure. Yet, the commissions findings indicated that little had been done to
secure infrastructure from a possible attack.
As a result, the EMP Commission decided to reconvene in 2007 to evaluate the
progress the nation had made in securing critical sectors from an attack. In the 2008
Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, the Commission noted that it was difficult to
determine the level of security that had been implemented because an attack had not
occurred. This report expanded upon the 2004 report by examining the current status
and providing recommendations to secure a variety of sectors including
telecommunications, electric power infrastructure, banking & finance, SCADA systems,

William A. Radasky, High-altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP): A Threat to Our Way of Life,,
September 2007,
Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack: Volume 1:
Executive Report, EMP Commission, July 2004,

July 2014 First Edition
transportation infrastructure, water supply infrastructure, emergency services, fuel &
energy infrastructure, and space systems.
Ultimately, the EMP Commission demonstrated the grave impact that a High-Altitude
Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) attack could have upon civilian and military
systems throughout the country.

One of the more significant threats to the security of this nations electrical grid is that
of electromagnetic pulse (EMP). Yet there are many outstanding questions about the
scope and effects of EMP, as well as a limited number of actors capable of launching
such an attack. Unlike the other threats described in this reportwith the exception of
a major cyberattack launched by another nation statethe detonation of an EMP over
the United States would be a clear act of war, and many of the preparations and
responses are questions of broader national security rather than grid security. Still, as
nuclear and missile technology continue to proliferate, EMP will continue to be a
concern for security planners.
Simply put, EMP is an intense energy field that can instantly overload or disrupt
numerous electrical circuits at a distance.
Historically, there have only been a few
recorded instances of EMP damaging electrical grid infrastructure. In 1962, the United
States conducted the Starfish Prime 1.4-megaton nuclear test approximately 20 miles
from Johnston Island in the Pacific Ocean. The explosion, which occurred at an altitude
of 250 miles, effected electronic equipment almost 800 miles away in Hawaii. Also
occurring in 1962, the Soviet Union conducted the K-3 nuclear test, which was a 300-
kiloton blast at 180 miles altitude. Not only did the test result in significant phone line
and power disruption, but a fire destroyed a power plant in Kazakh SSR.

Additionally, since the creation of the Limited Test Ban Treaty, international law has
prohibited the testing of nuclear weapons under water, in the atmosphere, or in space.
As a result, there has been very little development in the knowledge about the scope
and range of EMP related damage.
Additionally, EMP can be classified into three different types: Lightning
Electromagnetic Pulse (LEMP), Electrostatic Discharge (ED), and man-man EMP,

Clay Wilson, High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) and High Power Microwave (HPM) Devices: Threat Assessment,
Congressional Research Service Report for Congress, Aug. 20, 2004,

July 2014 First Edition
specifically High-Altitude Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) and Non-Nuclear
Electromagnetic Pulse (NNEMP). Although, with the proliferation of fissile material and
rouge states continuing to develop nuclear weapons, a HEMP attack would be the
most devastating to all aspects of American society.
HEMP is an electromagnetic field produced in the atmosphere by the power and
radiation of a nuclear explosion.
An intercontinental ballistic missile or a high
altitude missile equipped with a nuclear warhead could achieve HEMP, when
detonated 15 miles or more over the Earths surface. The nuclear explosion itself would
not damage infrastructure, but the three energy components that comprise HEMP has
the ability to overload computer circuitry.
The first energy component of HEMP is the initial shockwave which lasts about one
microsecond, and is similar to extremely intense static electricity that can overload
circuitry for every electronic device that is within line of sight of the burst. The second
energy componenthas the characteristics that are similar to a lighting strike [and]
the third energy component is a longer-lasting magnetic signal[which] causes an
effect that is damaging primarily to long-lines electronic equipment.

The energy field created by HEMP can be picked up by metallic power cables or wires,
which function as an antenna and conduct the shockwave into the electronic systems of
airplanes, cars, and communications equipment. The three energy components of
HEMP damage the electrical grid through the creation of a localized magnetic effect
[which] builds up throughout the length of transmission lines and then quickly
collapses, producing a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) heave, or late-time, power
surge that overloads equipment connected to the power and telecommunications
The combination of the three energy components of HEMP cause
changes in the Earths magnetic field, which couple with electronic equipment and
produce a damaging current and voltage surges. The immediate effects caused by a
HEMP attack have the ability to cause a cascading failure throughout large sections of
the grid. Although due to the nature of this attack, securing the grid from EMP should
not just focus upon the ability for utilities to provide electricity to customers but also as
a component of national security.


July 2014 First Edition
Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) are systems or platforms that create EMP-type
energy pulse on a smaller and non-nuclear scale. Conventional weapons use kinetic or
chemical energy of a projectile, but DEW can hit the intended target with subatomic
particles or electromagnetic waves, which travel at the speed of light. Simply put, DEW
use a certain frequency within the electromagnetic spectrum (light and radio energy)
to attack a specified target.

As a result, there is a large variety of weapons that threat actors can develop
depending upon the intended outcome of an attack. Lasers are currently the most
developed form of DEW and this type of weapon can form intense beams of light that
can precisely aimed across many kilometers to disable a wide range of targets: from
satellites to missiles and aircraft to ground vehicles.
The majority of the Directed
Energy technology is currently being developed by the U.S. military, yet there are
many other applications for this technology.
Applied to the electrical grid, threat actors could utilize DEW to attack certain sections
of the grid. For example, modern electronics and semiconductors are extremely
vulnerable to High-Powered Microwave (HPM) devices. Not only is the infrastructure of
the electrical grid aging, but due to its reliance upon electrical equipment and highly
networked SCADA systems, HPM or DEW attacks could cause wide spread blackouts
or even a cascading failure.

Two specific types of weapons that have the ability to generate electromagnetic pulse
are Transient Electromagnetic Devices (TED) and High-Powered Microwave (HPM)
devices. Both of these types of weapons are non-nuclear in nature, which gives more
types of threat actors the ability to obtain the materials necessary to develop these
weapons. TED and HPM effect and destroy electronic systems in a similar fashion to
HEMP, making these weapons a feasible alternative.

Andrew Gudgel & Alane Kochems , The Viability of Directed-Energy Weapons, The Heritage Foundation, April 28, 2006,
James Jay Carafano, Ph. D. & Jack Spencer, The Use of Directed-Energy Weapons to Protect Critical Infrastructure, The
Heritage Foundation, August 2, 2004,

July 2014 First Edition
Transient Electromagnetic Devices creates a very brief, very high voltage discharge
that can momentarily break, and perhaps irreparably damage the functionality of
sensitive electronic circuits, memory, CPUs and various semiconductors.
electrostatic radiation that is generated by TED operates on a wideband frequency,
which allows the weapon to attack any weak spot within the targeted device.
Considering that these devices can operate on a large spectrum, Transient
Electromagnetic Devices can be configured according to how a threat actor wanted to
perpetuate an attack. The most common forms that TED can be designed are a
briefcase-sized device that would be placed in close proximity to the target; a device
that could fit into a small van; a not-so-disguised device that would be intended for use
in a more remote location; [and] a device that could be located in ones backyard such
that it could be aimed at overflying aircraft to damage airborne systems.
threat actors have the capabilities, both monetary and technologically, to build a
Transient Electromagnetic Device that could damage key computerized systems within
an electrical utility facility.
Treat actors also have the capability of utilizing microwaves, which is electromagnetic
energy that can be used at a moderate power level for radar and radio frequency
communications. High-Powered Microwave weapons generate an intense blast of
electromagnetic waves in the microwave frequency band, and have also been referred
to as e-bombs.
Treat actors have the ability to develop an e-bomb in multiple
ways: the first method utilizes a power chemical detonation [that] is transformed
through a special coil device, called a flux compression generator; and the second
method is through the combination of reactive chemicals or power batteries which
generates an intense electromagnetic pulse.
Additionally, threat actors can attach an
antenna or emitter, which can radiate the microwaves over a large area.
HPM weapons are effective due to the types of materials that are utilized when
developing electronic equipment. Metallic conductors, found within bipolar devices
and metal-semiconductors, absorb microwaves which causes the material to melt.

Michael B. Hayden, Electromagnetic Attackyoure your Infrastructure and Data at Risk? Indiana University of Pennsylvania,
August 10, 2001,
Improvised Electromagnetic Pulse Devices: Possibilities and Realities,
Michael Abrams, The Dawn of the E-Bomb, IEEE Spectrum, Oct. 31, 2003,
Clay Wilson, High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP) and High Power Microwave (HPM) Devices: Threat Assessment, CRS
Report for Congress, July 21, 2008,
Michael Abrams, The Dawn of the E-Bomb, IEEE Spectrum, Oct. 31, 2003,

July 2014 First Edition
Due to the nature of the weapon, HPM devices interfere with radio frequency links,
which could disable aspects of the electrical grid and telecommunications.
Additionally, HPM has the ability to immobilize vehicles with modern electronic control
and ignition systems. As a result, utility personnel would be unable to travel to sections
of the grid that were in need of repair. Ultimately, through the use of TED or HPM, a
treat actor would have the ability to target certain electrical equipment at utility
facilities, which would disrupt the ability for the grid to function.

In addition to the man-made EMP threats that endanger the security and stability of
the electrical grid, utilities must also physically harden infrastructure against
geomagnetic storms. These storms are bursts of energy produced by the Sun during a
coronal mass ejection (CME), which is an occurrence related to a solar flare. The wind
plasma that is released during a CME, connects with the Earths magnetosphere
causing various changes in the configuration of the planets magnetic field. This
produces geomagnetic-induced currents (GIC), which have the ability to overload
electric transformers and power stations.

One of the largest geomagnetic storms occurred in March of 1989 and led to the
collapse of the Hydro-Quebec system and the Quebec interconnection. A massive
blackout occurred in a matter of minutes, which resulted in a loss of power to over six
million customers. Geomagnetic-induced currents effected protective systems on VAR
(volt-ampere reactive) compensators; generator step-up transformers; and permanent
damage occurred to a generator step-up transformer at a nuclear station in New

Since 1989, the country has not experienced a geomagnetic storm on that level, yet
with technological advancements, the electrical grid is actually more vulnerable. The
greatest vulnerabilities are found within transformers and transmission lines because,
the higher the voltage rating of a network, the lower its resistance to geomagnetic-
induced currents. High-voltage networks have increased from 100-200 kV during the
1950s, to 345-765kV extra-high voltage threshold of today. Ultimately, the ratio of

High-Impact, Low-Frequency Event Risk to the North American Bulk Power System, NERC, June 2010,
Solar Storm Risk to the North American Electric Grid, Lloyds and the Atmospheric & Environmental Research, Inc, 2013,

July 2014 First Edition
resistance varies significantly with voltage class, as the resistance is approximately 10
times lower for the 765 kV then for the 115kV lines.
Additionally, geomagnetic-
induced currents can cause internal heating of transformers, which can lead to
saturation of the magnetic core. This damage to the transformer cannot be fixed by
utility personnel and as a result, a new transformer must be obtained. Not only does
this process take months and is expensive, but hinders the ability for utility personnel
and emergency services to properly and sufficiently respond to an event.
Currently, NOAA and NASA monitor solar weather through the Space Weather
Prediction Center, with multiple satellites, including the Advanced Composition
Explored (ACE) and the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). These satellites
are equipped with technology, such as a flux-gate magnetometer or Faraday cup,
which measures various aspects of solar weather. The [Faraday cup] scoops up
protons and measures the particles velocity, temperature and density. Meanwhile, the
magnetometer determines the vector of the solar magnetic field.
measurements taken by the satellites are sent to NOAAs Space Weather Prediction
Center in which an automated process analyzes the data and turns it into actionable
information. The information obtained by electrical utilities can be used to prepare for
an incoming geomagnetic storm.
As the Space Weather Prediction Center has categorized the impact of these storms on
a scale of G1 to G5, it is the G4- and G5-level storms that would that would have the
most significant impact on electrical grid operations. For example, a G3 storm would
trigger some automated voltage alarm systems; a G4 storm would cause some
protective systems to mistakenly trip; and a G5 storm could cause blackouts and/or
transformer damage.
Advanced warning from NASA and NOAA could allow utilities
to plan for the impact of the storm.
Yet even with advanced warning, utilities are limited in their ability to quickly harden
the grid in the wake of a geomagnetic storm. Additionally, many researchers have
predicted that if a geomagnetic storm, at the level of the Carrington Event were to
occur, it could take between four to ten years to recover and could cost from $1 trillion

High-Impact, Low-Frequency Event Risk to the North American Bulk Power System, NERC, June 2010,
Solar Storm Risk to the North American Electrical Grid, Lloyds and the Atmospheric & Environmental Research. Inc, 2013,
NOAA Space Weather Scales. April 7, 2011.

July 2014 First Edition
to $2 trillion in the first year alone.
As a result, it is imperative that electrical utilities
take protective measures to limit the length and scale of a possible blackout.
These measures, similar to the ones taken before an extreme weather event, can range
from shifting loads to increasing the power production of alternative energy sources.
Additionally, there are several steps utilities can take to physical harden the grid from
Faraday cages to neutral-current-blocking capacitors which block geomagnetic-
induced currents from flowing into at-risk transformers.
The outstanding question in preparing for a GIC event is the baseline standard for
preparednessi.e. for what strength of storm should utilities prepare? While an event
like the Carrington Storm would be high-impact, the probability is considered low.
Additionally, steps taken to prepare for a lower-impact event could help to mitigate
the effects of a higher-impact event, while also allowing for a more even distribution in
the costs of hardening the grid.
Continued support for the solar observation mission as well as continued study of solar
weather and its impact on Earth will be necessary for predicting GIC events and
understanding their potential impact on current and future electrical grid technology.

Within the roundtables, participants discussed the application of Directed Energy
Weapons as a tool for threat actors to use against the U.S. electrical grid. Although
this is one application of DEW, multiple branches of the U.S. military, in tandem with
the national labs and DOD, have been developing this technology as a way to advance
the armed forces into the 21
Since the Cold War, the United States has studied the possibility of developing
particle-beam weapons, which would fire protons, neutrons, electrons, or neutral
hydrogen atoms. Over the past two decades, the United States has developed multiple
laser weapons systems that are close to deployment, including the Tactical High-
Energy Laser (THEL) and the Airborne Laser (AL). Since their inception, the military has
conducted extensive testing of these systems and in 2000, the THEL became the first
system to successfully shoot down a live warhead mid-flight.
In addition to the laser

Jay R. Thompson, The Dangers of Solar Storms: That Which Gives Power Can Also Take it Away, Earth Magazine, January 21,
Alane Kochems & Andrew Gudgel, The Viability of Directed-Energy Weapons, The Heritage Foundation, April 2006,

July 2014 First Edition
systems, the military has been developing Active Denial Technology, which is a non-
lethal way to use millimeter-wave electromagnetic energy to stop, deter, and turn back
an advancing adversary.
The Active Denial system causes severe pain or a burning
sensation to an enemy, which in theory, would make them flee the scene. The ADT was
tested at Kirtland Air Force Base in 2000 and a prototype was mounted on a Humvee,
which went into testing in 2005. After testing, the U.S. Army asked for the ADT to be
sent to Iraq and there are conflicting reports that the technology was used in
For the U.S. Navy, developing directed energy weapons is viewed as a way to
revolutionize naval warfare by giving sailors the ability to shoot down asymmetric
threats such as aerial drones or advanced missiles. Officials commented that some of
the advantages to developing DEWs include less collateral damage, more
affordability, less sustainment cost, temporary and reversible effects on targets in
addition to limitless magazines compared to kinetic projectiles and very low cost-per-
One of the main DEW programs was the ONR Quick Reaction
Capability program, in which scientists and engineers from the Navy were working with
individuals from BAE Systems, Raytheon, and Northrop Grumman. That program
resulted in the Laser Weapons System (LaWS) prototype, which is scheduled to be
installed on the USS Ponce for sea-testing in 2014.

Currently, the full effects of HEMP, HPM, or DEW attacks are largely unknown.
Considering that the U.S. is unable to test nuclear weapons and DEW devices are still
being developed and tested, scientists have relied upon complex simulations to
understand the possible scope of damage from these threats. As a result, there
continue to be advances in both offensive and defensive capabilities.
Considering the scope of damage that could be cause by one of these attacks, utilities
should focus on hardening key components sections of the grid that could mitigate the
overall amount of possible damage in terms of both grid operations and the impact on
other critical infrastructures or facilities. Examples include the installation of Faraday

Leonard David, E-Weapons: Directed Energy Warfare in the 21
Century,, January 2006,
New Naval Directed Energy Center to Impact Future Weapons for Naval and Joint Forces, NAVSEA, September 2014,
All Systems Go: Navys Laser Weapon Ready for Summer Deployment, Navy, April

July 2014 First Edition
cages, surge protectors, optical fiber cables, black-starting capabilities, and motor-
generator power isolators, and the use of techniques such as shielding, islanding, or
Additionally through the application of new distributed generation techniques, such as
a microgrid, emergency services or essential agencies can retain power in the wake of
an attack.
Ultimately, the likelihood of these attacks is remote, yet in worst-case scenarios, there
would be widespread, catastrophic impacts. While many of these scenarios may
appear as if they came from the pages of a science fiction novel, these threats must be
understood within the context in which they would occur. Any EMP that resulted from
a high altitude nuclear detonation would be a direct act of war against the United
States. A massive solar storm would be an unparalleled act of god. In planning for
such an event, it is important to focus on how the grid can absorb the force of the
incident, how vital installations can continue to receive power, and how the gridand
society can quickly bounce back.

While sharing many of the same vulnerabilities as those discussed in terms of physical
security, extreme weather events are one of the most significant and regularly
occurring threats to grid security. These events, due to climate change, development
patterns, and demographic trends have increased in frequency, intensity, and scope
both in terms of geographic footprint and the size of the populations affected.
Typically, inclement weather has the greatest amount of advanced warning and utility
operators have the greatest level of experience in preparation and response for these
Throughout the past decade, the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events
have increased resulting in storms such as the 2012 Ohio Valley & Mid-Atlantic
Derecho and Superstorm Sandy, which damaged large sections of the electrical grid. In
the 2013 Executive Office of the President Report, Economic Benefits of Increasing
Electric Grid Resilience to Weather Outages, it was estimated that 58% of the
blackouts since 2002 have been caused by events such as hurricanes, blizzards, and
thunderstorms. The large amount of damage to the grid, estimated to range from $18-

July 2014 First Edition
33 billion, is influenced by the sectors failing infrastructure and outdated practices.

The American Society of Civil Engineers describes the grid as a patchwork system
that is in desperate need of investment. Recently, ASCE has estimated that $673 billion
is necessary to sufficiently update the entire grid by 2020.
The amount of damage
recent storms have caused indicates both a trend towards severer weather events, as
well as the need for grid modernization.
Historically, North America has been experiencing an increase in devastating storms
over the past three decades, demonstrated between by the period from 2004-2012
where seven out of ten of the costliest storms in U.S. history occurred. These extreme
weather events, nicknamed billion dollar storms, have been occurring more frequently
due to changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, and sea levels. Two of the most
recent billion dollar storms are the 2012 Ohio Valley & Mid-Atlantic Derecho and
Superstorm Sandy.

During the summer of 2012, a storm system referred to as a Derecho brought a series
of thunderstorms, hurricane force winds, and a heat wave to the Ohio Valley and Mid-
Atlantic states. The storm traveled 600 miles in only 10 hours, which left approximately
4.2 million customers without power throughout 11 states. Overall, the multi-day
Derecho storm resulted in $2.9 billion dollars worth of damages and 28 deaths.

Due to variances in the path and intensity of the storm, the highest reported electrical
outages varied by state. For example, West Virginia had 63 percent of electric utility
customers without power after the storm, followed by Maryland with 33 percent,
Virginia with 32 percent, and the District of Columbia with 25 percent.
variances were dependent upon a number of factors including the recovery capabilities
of utilities, additional storms resulting in a heat wave and/or fallen trees, and the
intensity and range of damage to the components of the electrical grid in each state.
Additionally, the recovery process after the Derecho storm took longer than other
equivalent storms, such as Hurricane Ike or Irene, due to the lack of advance warning

Clare Foran, Climate Change is Threatening the Power Grid, National Journal, Aug. 12, 2013,
Richard J. Campbell, Weather-Related Power Outages and Electric System Resiliency, Congressional Research Service, Aug.
28, 2012,
A Review of Power Outages and Restoration Following the June 2012 Derecho, U.S. Department of Energy, August, 2012, thi

July 2014 First Edition
given to utilities and state governments, as the storm developed over 18 hours from
thunderstorms cells near the Chicago area into a wave of severe storms stretching from
southern New Jersey to North Carolina.
Also occurring in 2012, Superstorm Sandy was a category 3 hurricane that caused
extensive damage to the Eastern seaboard, specifically to New York and New Jersey,
and resulted in 159 deaths. When the storm first hit, 8.5 million customers were without
power and a week after the storm initially hit, there were still 1.3 million without power.
Superstorm Sandy resulted in $65 billion in overall damages, $14-26 billion in electrical
outage costs
, and approximately $8.3 billion in business losses in New Jersey.
majority of the damage to electrical infrastructure was caused by storm surge.
Damage from floodwater can rust metals, destroy insulation, damage interruption
capabilities, and trip units in molded-case circuit breakers can be impaired.
Additionally, components such as wire, cable, ground-fault circuit interrupters, lighting
fixtures, surge protectors, motors, transformers, and other equipment must be
For example, the ConEd substation at the East River on 14
exploded after a storm surge hit New York City. The damage to the substation caused
250,000 customers to lose power.
In an attempt to protect electrical equipment,
PSE&G prematurely cut off service to approximately 500,000 customers due to
flooding at multiple substations.
The lessons of storms like the 2012 Derecho and Superstorm Sandy highlight both the
vulnerability of the grid to severe weather, as well as the importance of weather
prediction, mutual assistance agreements, and reinforced infrastructure. While the
Derecho illustrated how buried electrical equipment can be less vulnerable to severe
storms, Sandy revealed the vulnerability of underground equipment to storm surge and
flooding. These examples illustrate how preparations and solutions for severe weather
will depend on the location of the infrastructure, risk analysis, and available resources.

An Ongoing Response to Hurricane Sandy, The White House, 2014,
Hurricane Sandys Impact, By The Numbers (Infographic), Huffington Post, Oct. 29, 2013,
Jeff Griffin, Disaster After the Disaster? Electrical Contractor, May 2006,
Matt Sledge, Joy Resmovits, & Joe Van Brussel, Hurricane Sandy Utility Outages May Be Worsened By Underinvestment, Lack
of Planning, Huffington Post, November 2012,
Matt Sledge, Joy Resmovits, & Joe Van Brussel, Hurricane Sandy Utility Outages May Be Worsened By Underinvestment, Lack
of Planning, Huffington Post, November 2012,

July 2014 First Edition
In addition to Billion Dollar Storms, weather events such as droughts, wildfires, and
earthquakes also threaten the security of the electrical grid. Low levels of water and
high temperatures that result from droughts can affect multiple processes and
components within thermo-electric plants, hydroelectric plants, gas-fired plants,
photovoltaic cells, and transmission lines. For states such as California, which rely on
multiple forms of energy generation, droughts can limit production from hydro plants
and nuclear power plants. In 2012, as temperatures hit record levels, it was estimated
that hydroelectric plants in California would produce 1,137 less megawatts during the
summer than in the winter. Not only is the electrical grid overtaxed, but utilities are
forced to buy replacement energy to meet demands.

Similar to droughts, wildfires can affect water availability, burn through transmission
lines, and damage various components of grid infrastructure. Most dangerous to grid
equipment are the particles contained in the smoke from the fires, which can ionize the
air and create electrical pathways away from the transmission lines. This process can
shut down the lines; possibly resulting in a cascading failure.

Eight of the 12 costliest wildfires since 1980 occurred from 2002-2012; many of which
threatened the electrical grid within California and other Western states.
In the
summer-fall of 2012, the Western Wildfires burned 9.2 million acres of land throughout
eight states including California, Washington, Oregon, and Colorado. Additionally, in
August of 2013 the Yosemite Wildfire (Rim Fire), endangered the Hetch Hetchy water
and power system, which supplies water and electricity to the San Francisco area. The
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission was forced to shut down two out of their
three hydroelectric power stations due to the wildfire. As a result, SPUC was forced to
purchase power on the open market to meet customer demand.

Especially for utilities located within California, the threat of an earthquake damaging
large sections of the electrical grid is a constant threat. The 2011 T!hoku Earthquake
and the resulting meltdown at Fukushima nuclear power station illustrate the impact of

Joe Eaton, Record Heat, Drought Pose Problems for U.S. Electrical Power, National Geographic, August 2012,
How Climate Change Puts out Electricity at Risk, Union of Concerned Scientists, April 2014,
Billion-Dollar Weather/Climate Disasters, NOAA: National Climatic Data Center, 2013,
Diana Marcum & Kurt Streeter, Yosemite Fire one of the Largest in California History, LA Times, August 2013,

July 2014 First Edition
a major temblor on vital infrastructure. Similar to other weather events, utilities must
develop technology and implement the best practices to mitigate the effects of
earthquakes, which vary in magnitude and scope. In March of this year, a 6.9
magnitude earthquake hit off the coast of Northern California, only 50 miles from
Not only do utilities have to harden the grid against the initial shockwaves,
but from the resulting effects such as fires or aftershocks. Crews must also be trained to
operate in those difficult environments.

Both the 2012 Derecho and Superstorm Sandy demonstrate the necessity for utilities
and agencies on the state and federal level to coordinate preparation approaches
before an extreme storm occurs. Especially during the Derecho storm, utilities were
taken by surprise and underestimated the scope of outages and additional events,
such as the subsequent heat wave, which made it extremely difficult for crews to repair
the grid.
The preparation that should take place before a storm of such magnitude should be
spread across multiple industries, including as natural gas, water, and telecom due to
the extensive damage to the infrastructure. For example, New Jersey Natural Gas,
which serves approximately 500,000 customers, estimated that the damage from
Superstorm Sandy cost $30-40 million dollars. Even a year after the storm, the utility is
continuing to replace or re-pressurize 270 miles of damaged steel and cast iron main
Additionally, many of these industries rely on electricity to function properly. After the
2012 Derecho, more than 100 of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission
facilities lost power, including the Potomac Water Filtration Plant that lost power for
approximately 11 hours and implemented water restrictions that lasted for 36 hours
after the storm. WSSC executives stated that all of their water and wastewater systems
do rely on electricity to operate 109 facilities. All of the facilities, including 36 water
storage facilities and two-water treatment plants, all lost power during the Derecho
storm. WSSC serves 460,000 customers within Montgomery and Prince George
countries, yet the majority of the water treatment plans lack a backup power system.

Mark Stevenson, Magnitude-6.9 Quake Strikes off Northern California, NBC News, March 10 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
After the Dercho storm, many telecom companies were unable to provide power to 77
emergency call centers, which serve more than 3.6 million customers throughout six
states. According to a data compiled the FCC and telecom utilities, more than 2 million
people in Virginia, Ohio, and West Virginia were unable to reach emergency services
after 17 call centers completely lost service. Not only did many of these utilities lack
back up power, but also many of the spare generators that were available were not
functioning properly. Since the storm, the FCC has been investigating the causes of
the massive outage and ways to improve for a future storm. Ultimately, by mitigating
risk throughout supply chains, electrical utilities can develop more progressive and
effective response and recovery practices.
Additionally, electrical utilities within California have begun to develop new technology
and methodologies to mitigate the effects earthquakes can have upon grid
infrastructure. The Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center has conducted
studies with PG&E, which have focused on developing technology to implement at
substations that receive and distribute electricity to large areas within California.
Additionally, PG&E has focused on implementing methodologies to secure nuclear
power plants from seismic activity. In 2012, the utility recently completed a 2D/3D
onshore and a 3D offshore study of the ocean around the Diablo Canyon power plant
and in 2013, the utility installed ocean-bottom seismometers.

As these once atypical storms become more common, and increase in intensity,
utilities have begun to develop mutual assistance agreements (MMA), which are
voluntary partnerships between electric utilities throughout the country. Especially in
the wake of events similar in magnitude to Superstorm Sandy, many utilities lack the
equipment or personnel to sufficiently restore power to customers in a timely manner.
As a result, these MAAs provide predefined mechanisms to share industry resources
expeditiously, while mitigating the risks and costs to member utilities that are
associated with these weather events.

In addition to MAAs, there are multiple other programs, which can provide utilities
with spare equipment in the wake of an attack or an extreme weather event. The North
American Reliability Corporation created the Spare Equipment Database (SED), which
is a voluntary program for all Generator and Transmission Owners where they can list if
they have spare equipment.
In its inception, the database focused upon long-lead

Seismic Safety at Diablo Canyon, PG&E, 2014,
Understanding the Electric Power Industrys Response and Restoration Process, Edison Electric Institute,
Special Report: Spare Equipment Database Storage, NERC, August 2011,

July 2014 First Edition
time transformers, such as generator step-up and transmission transformers because
this equipment is extremely expensive and can take more than six months to
manufacture. Ultimately, this database was developed to complement existing MAAs
and other equipment sharing programs, such as Edison Electric Institutes Spare
Transformer Equipment Program (STEP).
To avoid future widespread outages, electrical, natural gas, and water utilities must
work with each other and with the federal government to expand preparation
capabilities, including bolstered information sharing techniques, stockpiles of spare
equipment, and mutual assistance agreements.

As the countrys critical infrastructure continues to face these threats, Presidential Policy
Directive (PPD) 8: National Preparedness was developed in March of 2011.
was formed to strengthen the security and resilience of the country by developing
more effective emergency response plans, which could be implemented after a
terrorist attack, natural disaster, or pandemic. As communities within the country
continue to rebuild from Superstorm Sandy, federal agencies, local law enforcement,
and first responders are developing new practices and implementing new policies to
better respond to widespread disasters.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), in tandem with the Department
of Homeland Security, developed multiple frameworks as part of the National
Preparedness System, requested within PPD 8. The various National Planning
Frameworks are compromised of the National Prevention Framework, National
Mitigation Framework, National Response Framework, and National Disaster Recovery
These documents are built upon three key themes: integration among
the frameworks; engaged partnership with the whole community; and scalability,
flexibility, and adaptability in implementation. It is imperative to integrate resources
and processes into each of the frameworks, which can maximize the ability for agencies
such as FEMA to sufficiently respond to an event.

Presidential Policy Directive/PPD-8: National Preparedness, The Department of Homeland Security, March 30, 2011,
Overview of the National Planning Frameworks, The Department of Homeland Security, May 2013,

July 2014 First Edition
In addition to the frameworks developed by FEMA, the agency has been an essential
tool in recovering from natural disasters. After Superstorm Sandy in 2012, the federal
government passed the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act (SRIA) of 2012, in which $50
billion was appropriated towards the rebuilding and recovery processes facilitated by
the Army Corps of Engineers and FEMA.
Through SRIA, multiple significant changes
were made to how FEMA can deliver federal disaster aid to survivors, which included
updates to debris removal procedures; a national strategy to reduce costs associated
with future disasters; community disaster loans; and increased coordination between
the Federal Transit Administration and FEMA regarding public transportation
infrastructure. As of March of 2014, 14 out of the 17 proposed provisions were
completed and implemented into pilot programs.

In the wake of a major disaster such as Superstorm Sandy, FEMA has obtained
assistance from the DODs Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), the National Guard, and
local authorities. In the hardest hit areas, such as New York and New Jersey, the DLA,
National Guard, and police were tasked with delivering fuel to emergency vehicles, first
responders, and residents. The DLA was responsible for filling a 300,000 gallon FEMA
order for points of distribution in Egg Harbor, West Orange, and Freehold, N.J.; and
200,000 gallons to support three New York/New Jersey airfields.
Additionally, even
as utility personnel were able to fix grid infrastructure, the DLA provided the New
York/New Jersey area with hundreds of emergency generators .
In the weeks after the storm, more than 7,400 members of the National Guard from 11
states had responded to governors of 12 states and the mayor of D.C. as they declared
a state of emergency. Through mutual assistance agreements, Army National Guard
ground and aviation task forces, from neighboring FEMA region states, are ready to
meet gaps in mission command, communications, logistics, transportation,
engineering, civil support, maintenance, security, and aviation.

Although, as physical attack or weather events continue to threaten the security of the
electrical grid, utilities are beginning to develop new partnerships with the National
Guard. In May of 2014, Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) announced that the utility
has formed a partnership with the Florida National Guard. This partnership was

Alex Rogers, Superstorm Sandy, Six Months Later, Time, April 29, 2013,
Sandy Recovery Improvement Act of 2013, Federal Emergency Management Agency, March 4 , 2014,
DOD Provides Hurricane Sandy Response, Relief Update, U.S. Department of Defense, November 3, 2012,
Army Sgt. 1
Class Jim Greenhill, National Guard Aids in Hurricane Sandy Response, U.S. Department of Defense, October
30, 2012,

July 2014 First Edition
designed to reinforce each organizations responsible capabilities to natural and man-
made disasters, specifically to hurricanes. With the logistics and operational experience
of the Florida National Guard, FPL will be able to immediately leverage personnel and
equipment in the wake of a disaster. This relationship will provide FPL with increase
communications and the ability to sufficiently harden infrastructure before a storm hits,
which will decrease the resulting damage.

Not only is the U.S. electrical grid aging, but the structure of the components of the
gridtransmission, distribution, and generationalso makes the grid inherently
vulnerable to physical attacks. The majority of transmission and distribution lines, along
with generator step-up high voltage (HV) transformers and substation step-down HV
transformers, are located above ground and in remote locations. Vital to our electric
grid, these stations serve as the on ramps and off ramps, respectively, of the national
electric grid transmission system. These components are exposed to a variety of
physical attacks and are exposed to weather-related events such as hurricane force
winds, flooding, lightning, or falling trees.
As mentioned throughout the roundtable sessions, it is necessary for federal agencies
to formulate reliability standards to protect the grid from various types of attacks. The
transmission components within the grid are regulated by both FERC and NERC, yet
the distribution system is regulated on the state level. As a result, universal practices
are not implemented, which has led to imbalances in security across the grid.
According to statistics compiled by the Edison Electric Institute, approximately 90% of
all power outages occur within the distribution system of the grid.
For utilities to
sufficiently respond, mitigate, and recover from physical attacks, including weather-
related events, it is necessary to focus on state-level regulations, as well as industry
standards, for the distribution system of the grid.

FPL and Florida National Guard form Historic, first-of-a-kind partnership to enhance disaster response capabilities, May 2014,
Economic Benefits of Increasing Electric Grid Resilience to Weather Outages, Executive Office of the President, August 2013,

July 2014 First Edition
At the behest of FERC, in the spring of 2014, NERC began to develop updated
protection standards for critical transmission facilities and step-up and step-down
substations. These standards, adopted at the May NERC board meeting and under
preparation for FERC filing, specifically highlight the threat to the bulk-power system.
Through this process, the existing bodies have highlighted a threat to the grid and
issued instructions about addressing the threat. While there is an ongoing debate
about the cost of these measures and their effectiveness, it is an example of how the
FERC-NERC process assesses vulnerabilities and, resultantly, sets standards.

One of the most essential aspects to sufficiently respond to a physical or cyberattack, is
the preparation which comes before it. Through information sharing channels or sector-
wide drills, electrical utilities are becoming better prepared to mitigate the effects of an
Within the electrical sector, the Information Sharing Action Center (ES-ISAC) and the
Electricity Sub-Sector Coordinating Council (ESCC), are two bodies in which utilities
can share information concerning alerts, indicators, threat actors, and threat signatures.
Not only can members of the industry coordinate policy to improve resilience and
reliability, but this information is sent to the appropriate channels within the federal
government. The most important aspect of these information sharing channels, is the
ability for the ES-ISAC and ESCC to facilitate the development of intra-sector
relationships through the coordination of policies to increase grid reliability.
At the federal level, multiple agencies monitor the status of critical infrastructure
including the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC)
at DHS. The NCCIC works with entities at the federal, state and local levels, including
law enforcement, to prepare, mitigate, and respond to cyber threats.
horizontal and vertical sharing, utilities will be able to develop an integrated response
plan to an attack through more informed decision-making.

Additionally, as more extreme weather events continue to threaten the security of the
electrical grid, agencies are developing better tools to track storms to understand its

Electric Power Industry Initiatives to Protect the Nations Grid from Cyber Threats, Edison Electric Institute, Jan. 2013,
Preparing Utilities to Respond to Cyberattacks, The Wall Street Journal: Deloitte Insights, Jan. 16, 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
impact upon critical infrastructure. IBM and NOAA have developed a forecasting
program called Deep Thunder during the 1990s and have begun to implement this
system. This model can assist utilities by providing a hyper-local analysis of the possible
impact of a storm by examining historical examples. Deep Thunder creates 24-48-
hour forecasts at 1-2km resolution with a lead time of three hours to three days.
Weather data can be coupled with analytics and visualization tailored to individual
business needs.
This weather forecasting system has been used multiple times
since its creation; during the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games to examine rainfall patterns
and will be used during the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to
detect flooding and improve emergency response.

At cyber and physical threats continue to advance, federal agencies such as DHS and
NERC have held grid security exercises to assess the readiness and resilience of
electrical utilities in the wake of an attack. First occurring in 2006, DHS sponsored the
first government-lead full-scale cyber exercise in which over 115 different
organizations, utilities, and levels of government participated. Since then, three more
Cyber Storm exercises have occurred and the most recent event was in the fall of 2013.
Not only did Cyber Storm IV occur at the state and federal level, but countries such as
Japan, Australia, and Sweden participated in the exercise.
In addition, the North
American Electric Realibility Corporation (NERC) has held a series of two cybersecurity
exercises, GridEx I and GridEx II, which occurred in the fall of 2011 and 2013. The
GridEx drills were the first sector-wide grid security exercise and participants included
utilities, organizations, and agencies from the U.S. and Canada. In the second GridEx
drill, both cyber and physical attacks were simulated, which tested the ability for
utilities to respond to multiple, yet interconnected threats.
These drills held by both DHS and NERC concentrated on similar goals and objectives,
which included validating the current readiness of the electrical industry to accurately
prepare, protect, and respond to a cyberattack; exercising various response plans of
federal agencies and utilities in an attempt to evaluate areas for improvement;
assessing current information sharing relationships, paths of communication, and the

Deep Thunder: Overview, IBM,
Deep Thunder: Transforming the World, IBM, http://www-
Cyber Storm: Securing Cyber Space, The Department of Homeland Security, 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
dissemination of information related to the attack without compromising national
security; and practicing strategic decision making skills to sufficiently respond to
incidents at the state and national levels. By conducting drills, such as Cyber Storm and
GridEx, utilities, agencies, and governments can begin to implement successful
practices to mitigate, respond, and recover from an attack.
Additionally, utilities have begun to conduct their own drills to measure their readiness
and recovery process. The Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) recently held a week-
long storm drill, in which employees and members of the Florida National Guard had
to respond to Category 3 Hurricane Echo. The virtual storm made landfall in the
Broward and Miami-Dade County area, before traveling north through the middle of
Florida and exiting near Daytona Beach. Throughout the simulation, FPL employees
assessed damage, tracked outages, communicated with customers and employees,
and initiated service restoration. Overall, the Hurricane Echo simulation tested the
utilities storm plans and tactics, attempting to identify areas where progress can be

As physical and cyberattacks continue to increase in severity, utilities have been forced
to obtained spare parts to reinforce the integrity of the grid. Additionally, as events
such as Superstorm Sandy or Metcalf demonstrate the threat to large swaths of grid
infrastructure or one key facility, it is imperative that utilities have the ability to obtain
spare parts to keep the lights on and their customers safe.
Currently, there are multiple voluntary partnerships in which electrical utilities can
obtain critical components or personnel in the wake of a cyber or physical attack.
Mutual Assistance Agreements (MAAs) have provided the sector with predefined
mechanisms to share industry resources expeditiously, while mitigating the risks and
costs to member utilities that are associated with damaging events. In addition, the
North American Reliability Corporation (NERC) created the Spare Equipment Database
(SED), which is a program for all Generation and Transmission Owners where they can
list if they have spare equipment.
In its inception, the database was focused upon

FPL and Florida National Guard form historic, first-of-a-kind partnership to enhance disaster response capabilities, Florida
Power & Light Company, May 2014,
Special Report: Spare Equipment Databse System, NERC, August 2011,

July 2014 First Edition
long-lead time transformers, such as generator step-up and transmission transformers
because this equipment is extremely expensive and can take more than six months to
manufacture. SED was formed to complement existing MAAs and other equipment
sharing programs, such as Edison Electric Institutes Spare Transformer Equipment
Program (STEP).
When building an inventory of spare components, utilities have been faced with the
complexity of obtaining generation, transmission, and distribution assets. There are a
number of elements to a holistic spare parts inventory strategy for utilities, such as
better part and component failure-rate data and analysis, better failure consequence
analysis, improved workforce management, and of course predictive maintenance.

Considering that obtaining spare components is fairly difficult, utilities have begun to
outfit grid infrastructure with sensors. This gives utility operators the ability to detect
equipment issues before a widespread failure occurs through the process of predictive
Utilities can monitor certain capabilities of infrastructure such as the temperature of
transformers, the breakdown of insulation within cable connections, and transient
analysis in various circuits. By outfitting grid infrastructure with sensors, utility personnel
can make more targeted and precise repairs. Additionally, according to a survey
conducted by DOE, applying a functional predicative maintenance program has the
ability to reduce equipment breakdowns by 70-75 percent. Overall, equipment is
replaced based upon its actual condition rather than on elapsed time since last
maintenance or the hours of operational use.

As physical and cyberattacks continue to increase in frequency and intensity, the 16
sectors of critical infrastructure have had to develop advanced response and recovery
methodologies. In addition to the response practices developed by electrical utilities,
agencies at the state and federal level most work in tandem to sufficiently respond
after an attack.
As cyberattacks have become more advanced and affect electrical utilities on a daily
basis, grid operators have integrated Software Management and Documentation
Systems (SMDS) into SCADA systems. SMDS monitors all of activities of the control

Bill McBeath, Smart Grids Implications for Service Supply Chain, ChainLink Research, September 4, 2013,

July 2014 First Edition
system, assisting IT and OT operators with an application restoration following a
catastrophic event; control who may use any SCADA application system; and can
control which actions can be performed. Additionally, Intrusion Detection Systems
(IDS) can be implemented into control systems to recognize intrusions based upon
unusual patterns of activity and communications attempted from an unauthorized
Recently U.S. and Israeli companies have been testing software developed by an Israeli
security firm, which is designed to assist companies in reducing their incident response
time in the wake of a cyberattack. Large enterprises have a wide range of security
products running on their endpoint systems or networks, including anti-malware
programs, data-loss prevention (DLP) systems, firewalls and intrusion detection systems
(IDS. These are further complemented by security information and event management
(SIEM) products that analyze data from various applications and systems inside the
organization and generate alerts.
The software, Hexadite Automated Incident
Response Solution (AIRS), would reduce response time by using proprietary algorithms
to instantly respond to security alerts and has the ability to investigate, contain, and
remedy a security breach. AIRS was designed to complement existing systems by
making them more efficient by ruling out false alarms and letting companies focus their
resources on real threats.
Concerning physical attacks against grid infrastructure, incident response can be more
complicated. Considering that co-ops, municipal, and investor owned utilities all have
varying monetary, technological, and personnel resources at their disposal, incident
response will differ. Additionally, authorities at the local level may not be equipped
with the correct information or situation awareness to sufficiently respond to an event.
In April of 2013, multiple individuals attacked the PGE&E Metcalf Substation, which has
been described as the most significant incident of domestic terrorism involving the
grid that has ever occurred.
The individuals who attacked the substation
strategically cut AT&T fiber-optic telecommunications cables, which hindered the
ability to utility personnel to alert local authorities to the attack. Although, when local
law enforcement personnel arrived at the scene, they concluded that nothing was
suspicious and left. Since the attack, local FBI agents have been working with PG&E to

Lucian Cinstantin, Israeli Security Startup Firm Hexadite Automates Cyber Incident Response, Computerworld, July 2, 2014,
Rebecca Smith, Assault on California Power Station Raises Alarm on Potential for Terrorism, The Wall Street Journal, February
5, 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
understand the motivation and hopefully, find the perpetrators of the attack, yet no
arrests have been made.
In response to the attack, PG&E intends to invest over $100 million over the next three
years to improve security of various substations. These improvements range from
upgraded cameras, better coordination with local law enforcement officers, improved
lighting, and altering or removing trees and vegetation neat substations. Additionally,
Senator Jerry Hill, of San Mateo County, has introduced legislation, SB 699, which
would require the Public Utilities Commission to develop security standards for utilities
throughout California.

As illustrated by Metcalf and experiences during Hurricane Katrina and Superstorm
Sandy, it is vital that utilities have the ability to communicate amongst themselves and
with other sectors, even when telecommunications systems are disrupted. Dedicated
radio spectrum for utility operators and channels for communications with state and
local authorities can allow for better coordination of incident response and power
recovery. The FCC should provide dedicated spectrum for utilities and develop
procedures that reflect the importance of utility communications during or after an
After a physical or cyberattack upon the electrical grid, the top priority for utilities is to
ensure that the lights come back on in a safe and secure manner. Although, depending
upon the scope and type of event, utilities may have to overcome multiple challenges
to achieve their goal.
As demonstrated by the Metcalf attack in April of 2013, even though there was
extensive damage to grid infrastructure, utility personnel were able to prevent a
blackout by transferring power from the Silicon Valley area.
Considering that attacks
against the grid at the magnitude are not common, electrical utilities must continue to
participate in drills and develop response plans, which utilize personnel at the federal,
state, and local levels. In addition, utilities must continue to develop positive intra-
sector relations through MAAs and information sharing bodies. By doing so, electrical
utilities will be able to obtain critical components to grid infrastructure, such as
transformers, in the wake of a physical attack.

George Avalos, PG&E will begin Metcalf Substation Security Upgrades this Year, Contra Costa Times, June 18, 2014,
Rebecca Smith, Assault on California Power Station Raises Alarm on Potential for Terrorism, The Wall Street Journal, February
5, 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
The response to an event like Hurricane Sandy demonstrated how the MMAs were able
to bring equipment from multiple utilities to the affected areas, and how the logistical
support of military and National Guard assets provided needed transport and heavy lift
Facing threats such as cyberattack or EMP, which would have potentially wide-reaching
effects, incident response will require the ability to triage which systems require
immediate power restoration for critical military, government, and civil facilities or
services. Additionally, as demonstrated by the response of Saudi Aramco during the
Shamoon attack, significant resources in terms of IT personnel and equipment may
need to be deployed to rapidly isolate and replace infected or damaged computer
In replacing damaged transformer equipment, utilities can provide temporary
equipment that can allow for quicker power restoration. It may be necessary to utilize
the assistance of the military or National Guard to provide the heavy lift necessary to
install and secure temporary replacement equipment for key facilities. Government
and the utilities can work together to store this equipment and plan for the
prioritization and installation of this temporary equipment in the event of a major
An essential aspect to the recovery process for utilities after a physical or cyberattack,
is the black start procedure, which is the process of restarting transmission components
after a partial or full shutdown. Power stations need an electrical supply to restart,
which typically comes from the transmission or distribution system. Yet, in an
emergency situation, the black start procedure involves turning on isolated power
stations individually and as they gradually begin to operate, they reconnect to each
other and form an interconnected system once again.
Utilities have begun to integrate certain methodologies and technology to assist with
their black starting capabilities. For example, the use of a microgrid can reinforce
power generation, which in turn, can quickly restart the transmission components
within the grid. In addition, utilities also have small diesel generators, or Black Start
Diesel Generators (BSDGs), which can be utilized to restart larger generators.
In the event of a major incidents, it may be necessary to provide stockpiled or mobile
BSDGs that can be moved to various generation sites for restoration. Additionally, in a
microgrid environment, similar smaller-capacity generators could be used to power
critical facilities such as military bases, government installations, and hospital facilities.

July 2014 First Edition
Finally, an important aspect of incident recovery is the ability for an electrical utility to
share information and lessons learned from the event. Even lessons learned from
minor incidents can provide insights into larger events. Some information may even
presage a larger vulnerability or threat looming in the future. To this end, not only is
intra-sector information sharing imperative through the ES-ISAC or ESCC, but also
vertical sharing with federal, state, and local authorities to ensure that all proper
channels have up-to-date and accurate information.

July 2014 First Edition
It is encouraging for utilities that the Obama Administration has been actively engaged
in the issue of grid security and cybersecurity, as it is clear the executive branch
recognizes the importance of addressing the cyber vulnerabilities in critical
infrastructure. In the current political environment, the president is capable of
advancing cybersecurity and critical infrastructure policies without formalized
legislation. Because of the current Congressional gridlock, this alternative pathway is
necessary. While ideally both the executive and legislative branches will work together
to improve grid security, in lieu of legislation, the Administrations actions are more
critical than ever.
There is still more the executive branch can do to promote strong security preparation
and practices. Further steps break down into three main themes: (1) facilitate and
expand information sharing channels, especially between the public and private
sectors; (2) delegate specific responsibilities to federal agencies; and (3) delegate
responsibilities between federal agencies. Taken together, these three focuses will
create a more efficient, streamlined federal government that is better equipped to
handle system risks and threats.
Critical to this progress is the understanding that there are a number of federal
agencies involved in security and cyber issues. Key federal actors include national
security agencies like the Department of Homeland Security, Intelligence Community,
FBI, law enforcement, and regulatory bodies like FERC and NERC. These organizations
often have overlapping responsibilities, with a distinct lack of clarity about what each
groups roles are or should be. Identifying relevant agencies, clarifying their roles, and
eliminating wasteful overlap will have positive long-term effects for security practices.
Just as there are a variety of relevant agencies, so there are a variety of utilities with a
stake in security policy. These utilities vary in size, geographic location, and role in the
system. This means there can be no one-size-fits-all grid security policy, either in
legislation or in executive action. Effective executive orders and presidential policy
directives will take into account the variation in stakeholders, creating channels of
horizontal information sharing (utility-to-utility) in addition to vertical information
sharing (government-to-industry).
In the larger conversation on government action in utility security is industry frustration
over the lack of comprehensive legislation. While this will be discussed further in the
next section, these frustrations are relevant to the executive branch in that they give

July 2014 First Edition
the Administration the political ability and responsibility to take charge of the situation.
That being said, working with the legislative branch to create common solutions with a
larger foundation of support will still be more effective than executive action alone.

The Obama Administration has made two major steps forward in cybersecurity policy:
Executive Order 13636 and its companion Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) 21, both
released in February 2013. These actions then led to the creation of the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework. Concerns
about antitrust violations in information sharing were subsequently addressed by the
Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission. All these actions attempt to
balance the proverbial carrots and sticks (rewards and punishments), although it is
too soon to determine each initiatives efficacy.

The most significant recent executive action is EO 13636, Improving Critical
Infrastructure Cybersecurity, released February 12, 2013. The order calls for increased
and improved information sharing among relevant critical infrastructure sectors, both
public and private; the development of a cybersecurity framework from NIST,
completed by 2014; the establishment of a consultative process for continued review
of cybersecurity and critical infrastructure threats; and privacy protection for relevant

In addition to its more theoretical statements, the EO also includes requirements that
have specific deadlines. The only deadline still remaining is in February 2016, when
regulatory agencies are required to report to the OMB on any critical infrastructure
subject to ineffective, conflicting, or excessively burdensome cybersecurity
This report will then inform future executive or legislative policy that
can remedy any issues. Such a requirement is an example of how the executive branch
can create open lines of communication.

U.S. President. Executive Order. Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, Executive Order 13636. Federal Register 78,
no. 33. February 12, 2013: 11739. Retrieved June 26, 2014.
U.S. President. Executive Order. Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, Executive Order 13636. Federal Register 78,
no. 33. February 12, 2013: 11739. Retrieved June 26, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
The EO also directs the Attorney General, Director of National Intelligence, and
Secretary of Homeland Security to develop a process for declassification in order to
share cyber threat information with the private sector. The location of the tear line
which separates classified from non-classified informationis extremely relevant to
issues of information sharing from every perspective. While the military ultimately
handles the day-to-day methods of and decisions about declassification, codifying the
Administrations encouragement of moving the tear line is useful for utilities that need
that support in their lobbying efforts.
This order also expanded Enhanced Cybersecurity Services, a DHS program which
facilitates voluntary information sharing between government and critical infrastructure
owners and operators. ECS collects and analyzes cybersecurity information from federal
agencies and passes them on to Commercial Service Providers (CSPs), which then
communicate that information to their critical infrastructure sector clients.
executive branch can do more of this sort of supportive action, investing in and
facilitating existing innovative solutions without relying entirely on new legislation.
At the same time, legislation remains a significant piece of the security puzzle.
Roundtable participants agree that although EO 13636 was a good start,
comprehensive legislation is still necessary to address lingering concerns. Most of the
goals and requirements of the EO are appropriately tangible and achievable, but they
lack the force of legislation.
Critics of this executive order bring up several key points about the limits or dangers of
relying on executive action. Testifying before the Subcommittee on Cybersecurity,
Infrastructure, Protection, and Security Technologies during a July 2013 oversight
hearing, cybersecurity expert Eric Fischer aptly summarized these critiques in five
1. The order offers little more than do existing processes.
2. The order could make enactment of legislation less likely.
3. The process for developing the framework is either too slow or too rushed.
4. The framework risks becoming a form of de facto regulation, or alternatively,
its voluntary nature makes it insufficiently enforceable.

Enhanced Cybersecurity Services. Department of Homeland Security.
Retrieved June 26, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
5. The order could lead to over-classification or under-classification of high-risk
critical infrastructure by DHS.

Similar to Fischers points, roundtable participants return to the carrot-stick analogy,
reiterating that the executive order needs to expand its carrots to appease utilities.
While it is still too early for most analysts to determine the full success of EO 13636,
some successes are clear. The NIST framework called for by the order (discussed in
more detail further down) was completed and released in February 2014. Additionally,
a May 2014 article from Reuters quotes the FBI as saying they had expedited security
clearances with bank officials to warn them of potential cyber vulnerabilities. These
expedited clearances were specifically called for in the EO.

In relation to the grid in particular, the order may lead to excessive regulation of the
electric sector. The EO does not differentiate between critical infrastructure sectors.
Because the electric sector is one of the more experienced CI sectors when it comes to
cybersecurity regulation, this one-size-fits-all approach can easily become a hindrance.
While the electric sector clearly has not perfected its approach to regulation, it does
have a better understanding of what might be necessary for cybersecurity than many
other sectors. On the other hand, the electric sectors knowledge of regulation could
be an advantage, as owners and operators of the grid could serve as leaders in
implementing the EO.

Like the other cyber-related sectors, the electric sector is also affected by the limited
nature of the executive order. The EO has limited liability protection and limited
funding, leaving private utilities concerned about the existing challenges and
vulnerabilities this presents. It remains to be seen what the full effects of the EO are,
but these shortcomings may continue to drive a wedge between the public and private
These limitations were conspicuously noted in a statement made by the Edison Electric
Institute, an association representing all U.S. investor-owned electric utilities.
stated it shares the goals of EO 13636, agreeing that it is necessary to increase vertical
and horizontal information sharing as well as establishing a cost-effective threat

U.S. Congress. House of Representatives. Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Security Technologies.
Oversight of Executive Order 13636 and Development of the Cybersecurity Framework. 112th Cong., July 18, 2013.
Joseph Menn. FBI Says More Cooperation with Banks Key to Probe of Cyber Attacks. Reuters. May 13, 2013. Retrieved June 21, 2014.
Stephen M. Spina and J. Daniel Skees. Electric Utilities and the Cybersecurity Executive
Order: Anticipating the Next Year. 2013.
CybersecurityExecutiveOrder_April2013.pdf. Retrieved June 16, 2014.
About EEI. Edison Electric Institute. Retrieved June 26, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
response. As many of our roundtable participants have said, though, the liability
protection in the EO needs to be expanded and codified in legislation to remove
legal uncertainties and barriers to expanded cyber protection.

Further effects of the EO remain to be seen, but its attempt to create new practices
and codify the best existing practices is proof of the executive branchs critical support
for grid protection.

PPD 21 on Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience was released February 12,
2013, in conjunction with EO 13636. The purpose of the directive is to advance a
national unity of effort to strengthen and maintain secure, functioning, and resilient
critical infrastructure.
Along the same lines, the PPD focuses on promoting
integration and efficiency in approaching all cybersecurity issues.

In terms of specific requirements and suggestions, the PPD 21 directs the executive
branch to:
1. Develop a situational awareness capability that addresses both physical and
cyber aspects of how infrastructure is functioning in near-real time;
2. Understand the cascading consequences of infrastructure failures;
3. Evaluate and mature the public-private partnership;
4. Update the National Infrastructure Protection Plan;
5. Develop comprehensive research and development plan.

While the overarching themes of PPD 21 mirror those of EO 13636, the two do differ in
purpose. The best way to look at it is that the PPD and EO are two parts of the same
goal: to strengthen critical infrastructure cybersecurity across sectors and public-private

Response to Executive Order 13636. Edison Electric Institute. April 29, 2013. Retrieved June 17, 2014.
The White House. Presidential Policy Directive 21. Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience. February 12, 2013.
Retrieved June 11, 2014.
Fischer, Eric A. Federal Laws Relating to Cybersecurity: Overview and Discussion of Proposed Revisions. June 20, 2013.
Congressional Research Service. Retrieved June 10, 2014.
Fact Sheet: Executive Order (EO) 13636 Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Presidential Policy Directive and (PPD)-
21 Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience. Department of Homeland Security. Retrieved June 12, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
boundaries. To accomplish this, the EO focuses primarily on political and legal goals,
while the PPD outlines the logistical steps in implementing these requirements and
Because of this, the PPD tends to be less glamorous and politically interesting, and it
gets less news coverage than its EO cousin. Most sources discussing February 2013
executive action focus almost entirely on the EO, with some not even mentioning the
PPD at all. This does not mitigate its importance, however, as PPD 21 shows the
administrations commitment to the nuts and bolts of implementation in addition to
headline-making rhetoric.
With this logistical intent in mind, the PPD outlines specific roles and tasks for all
relevant federal departments and agencies, including DHS, the intelligence community,
the General Services Administration, the Federal Communication Commission, and
sector-specific agencies (DOE, in the case of the electric grid).

Regarding grid security, the PPD mirrors the EO and recent legislative action in
addressing critical infrastructure more broadly, not just the electric grid. This can prove
a significant challenge to utilities and relevant agencies because the grids strengths,
weaknesses, and requirements are not the same as those of the other critical
infrastructure sectors.
Utilities have responded publicly to these sorts of issues in relation to the EO (as
discussed earlier in the EEIs comments), but they have not said anything substantial
about PPD 21 specifically. Again, many experts and media outlets view the EO and
PPD as two sides of the same coin, so responses to the EO often encompass responses
to the PPD.

A direct result of EO 13636, NISTs Cybersecurity Framework was released February
12, 2014, nearly a year to the day after the EO that called for its creation.
The EO
attempts to give weight and purpose to the framework, which sets up executive-

U.S. Congress. House of Representatives. Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Security Technologies.
Oversight of Executive Order 13636 and Development of the Cybersecurity Framework. 112th Cong., July 18, 2013.
NIST Releases Cybersecurity Framework Version 1.0. National Institute of Standards and Technology. February 12, 2014. Retrieved June 12, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
branch-sponsored performance goals and regulatory responsibilities.
This speaks to
a larger attempt to make the framework more than just another government report,
as NIST gathered expert opinions from across sectors to make the framework as
relevant and useful as possible.
The frameworks goal is to connect relevant groups across sectors and promote best
practices in cybersecurity. The structure of these best practices is meant to be risk-
based, adaptable, and industry non-specific. While it will primarily benefit federal
agencies, regulatory bodies, and utility operators, the framework is also meant to assist
private industry and individuals. These groups can ideally use this framework to
create, guide, assess, or improve comprehensive cybersecurity programs.

In response to repeated concerns about liability and privacy issues, the framework also
aims to help organizations incorporate privacy and civil liberties into their cybersecurity
To this end, it suggests methods of liability protection as well as asserting
that information sharing does not inherently leave industry vulnerable to lawsuits. This
is supported by the DOJ and FTCs April 2014 statement, discussed further down.
NIST refers to this framework as a living document, one that can change its
requirements and suggestions based on feedback from relevant sectors, changing
technology and threats, and new regulations or legislation.
Although the impact of
new legislation does not seem like it will be relevant any time soon given recent
failures, it is still worth considering whether the framework would even be relevant if
new legislation were passed. It is likely that any comprehensive cybersecurity
legislation will look to the NIST framework for guidance. However, the flexibility of this
framework still helps extend its usefulness in lieu of legislative action.
Some analysts and industry members are actively lobbying against NISTs framework.
Two scholars worry that the framework replaces the creative process of trial and error
with a one-size-fits-all incentive: compliance with recommended federal standards.

This mirrors the too-many-sticks, not-enough-carrots complaint, as well as pointing out

U.S. Congress. House of Representatives. Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Security Technologies.
Oversight of Executive Order 13636 and Development of the Cybersecurity Framework. 112th Cong., July 18, 2013.
NIST Releases Cybersecurity Framework Version 1.0. National Institute of Standards & Technology. February 12, 2014. Retrieved June 12, 2014.
Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity. National Institute of Standards and Technology. February 12,
2014. Retrieved June 11, 2014.
NIST Releases Cybersecurity Framework Version 1.0. National Institute of Standards & Technology. February 12, 2014. Retrieved June 12, 2014.
Eli Dourado and Andrea Castillo. Why the Cybersecurity Framework Will Make Us Less Secure. Mercatus Center, George
Mason University. April 17, 2014. Retrieved June
12, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
that the framework does not adequately take into account the varied nature of the
industry. Utilities come in all different sizes and shapes (such as investor-owned vs.
government-owned utilities), and their different needs mean they face different threats.
By failing to offer a variety of incentives, the EO does not account for these different
needs, and its recommendations as detailed in the NIST framework similarly gloss over
key variations.
Like EO 13636, it is too early to tell what the full effects of the NIST framework will be.
Early reports suggest that it is not as sweeping as the executive branch might have
hoped, with its limits more notable than its capabilities. It is likely to be a starting point
for further action to define key benchmarks and minimum standards for critical
infrastructure cybersecurity. From the discussions at the project roundtables, it is clear
that the framework is in no way a full substitute for legislative action.

On April 10, 2014, the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission
issued a statement saying that they do not believe that antitrust isor should bea
roadblock to legitimate cybersecurity information sharing.
This is significant in part
because of the reputability of the two organizations involved, and also because it
directly addresses one of the biggest concerns many industries have about information
The organizations reasoning is related to the nature of cyber threat information, as it is
very technical and also very different from the sharing of competitively sensitive
information. Cyber threat information sharing is not in the interest of profit or business
achievement, but instead focused on the security of the American people.
shows federal agencies recognition of the importance of information sharing to the
reduction of cyber threats, encouraging these vital information sharing public-private
sector and private-private sector.
This joint action is clearly a step in the right direction, but it still does not go far
enough. A verbal statement simply does not have the force that legislation or even an

Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission: Antitrust Policy Statement on Sharing of Cybersecurity Information.
Federal Trade Commission. April 10, 2014. Retrieved June 12, 2014.
Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission: Antitrust Policy Statement on Sharing of Cybersecurity Information.
Federal Trade Commission. April 10, 2014. Retrieved June 12, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
executive order has, and that kind of definitive law is the only way to fully put liability
concerns to bed. This is the common theme throughout all recent executive action:
what is happening is positive, but it does not eliminate the need for comprehensive

While recent executive action is a useful step forward for grid security, progress cannot
end now. With or without legislation, the administration needs to either begin or
continue to address information sharing, industry exchange, balance of agency
responsibilities, and research & technology.

Critical to all further grid security actions is improved processes of efficient information
sharing. While the administration has made progress in this regard with EO 13636 and
PPD 21, information sharing protocol still needs further clarification, codification, and
encouragement from the executive branch. Any effective protocols will be timely,
useful, and careful to include privacy and liability protection for private sector
To address cyber threats and attacks, information sharing processes must be
understood from a variety of perspectives. It is not enough to clarify vertical sharing
methods between federal governments and state and local governments. Effective
information sharing processes must also include channels between the public and
private sectors, horizontally from utility to utility, technologically from machine to
machine (likely in an automated fashion), and on a micro level from individual to
individual. Because there are so many parties who need available cyber threat
information, limiting channels of communication to traditional top-down sharing might
do more harm than good.
While the role of federal agencies can be over-emphasized, they are still critical to
constructing a streamlined information sharing process. Roundtable participants
emphasized that the EO does not sufficiently clarify the roles of DHS and NSA in
communicating classified threat information. Too much regulation is a problem, as
discussed earlier. Likewise, insufficient or confusing regulatory standards can leave the
industry without much-needed guidance and leadership. This is especially relevant in

July 2014 First Edition
matters of national security, which are primarily the jurisdiction of the federal
government, DHS, and the intelligence community. Day-to-day regulation of utilities is
different from cyber-attack incidents that threaten the entire United States Clarifying
these differences in the roles of different regulatory bodies will strengthen security
practices across the board.
Regarding national security issues, decisions about what classified information should
be shared often err on the side of limited information sharing. Declassification of
necessary information and/or increased security clearances for industry executives can
help facilitate public-private information sharing. Not everything can or should be
declassified, but moving the tear line can have significant effects both on threat
preparedness and trust between sectors. This declassification is further discussed in a
later section on legislation, which would codify such practices, but it is worth
mentioning in any discussion of information sharing regulation.
While the bigger problem is lack of critical information sharing, excessive information
sharing can also be problematic for industries. Roundtable participants have
commented that information sharing without any kind of filter or screen can easily lead
to information overload, bombarding utilities with information they do not need and
therefore masking the information they do need. This may be part of workforce
training, as the federal government may not actually understand what is important to
utilities and what is not. Additionally, utilities may only know what is necessary day-to-
day and not understand what information is pertinent for cyber threats. Establishing
effective and accurate filters in information sharing will make acting on received
information easier and more efficient.

In order to establish the much-discussed public-private partnerships between
government and industry, executive action can help facilitate improved exchange of
people, data, and resources between utilities and government. This contributes to
increased communication, a stronger understanding of the other sectors
responsibilities, and improved trust between government and industry. Some of this
exchange has occurred organically or through industry action, but it needs increased
executive support to gain traction.
One of the first ways to achieve this exchange is by sharing labor. By developing
workforce exchange programs, federal employees can temporarily work at utilities in
the private sector, and utility employees can temporarily work in a relevant federal

July 2014 First Edition
department or regulatory body. This has significant benefits for workforce training, as
an employee who is well-versed in both public and private sector grid security will be
extremely useful to government or industry. The lack of understanding and trust
between sectors may be one of the reasons collaboration has been inefficient.
Addressing this issue through exchange programs improves this educational deficit.
While such exchange programs were not mentioned in EO 13636, the Department of
Defense has expressed its support for the process. A July 2011 report emphasizes the
DODs commitment to creating such programs that facilitate and allow no-penalty
cross-flow of cyber professionals between government and industry to retain and
grow innovative cyber talent.
The DOD is one of the most successful federal entities
when it comes to establishing lines of communication and best practices between
military, industry, and cyber experts.
Still it has faced its own challenges in
implementing these programs. Other federal branches and agencies should follow the
DODs lead in spearheading innovative exchange programsand where necessary,
learn from the mistakes or shortfalls in DOD programs.
As discussed previously, exchange of data and information is critical to grid security.
The exchange of raw data between public and private industries has in some instances
been automated through new technologies. The first of these is Trusted Automated
eXchange of Indicator Information (TAXII), an automated program started by DHS to
simplify and speed the secure exchange of cyber threat information.

Another useful innovation is Cybersecurity Risk Information Sharing Program (CRISP).
Like TAXII, CRISP is an automated data-sharing program gaining popularity in utilities.
According to a report from the Bipartisan Policy Center, CRISP is a collaboration from
private utilities, DOE, and national labs that provides a near-real-time capability for
critical infrastructure owners and operators to share and analyze cyber threat data and
receive machine-to-machine mitigation measures.
CRISP is still in its pilot phase, but
it is likely more utilities will adopt it over the coming years. Roundtable participants
agree that technology like TAXII and CRISP are the future of cyber data exchange.

Department of Defense Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace. Department of Defense. July 2011. Retrieved June 12, 2014.
Adam Stone. DoD, private sector collaborate on cybersecurity best practices. Federal Times. May 7, 2014.
Retrieved June 12, 2014.
Frequently Asked Questions. TAXII. Retrieved June 12, 2014.
Cybersecurity and the North American Electric Grid: New Policy Approaches to Address an Evolving Threat. Bipartisan Policy
Center. February 2014. Retrieved
June 17, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs) also help facilitate this data
exchange. There is a multitude of industry-specific ISACs, including a well-admired
model in the financial sector. The Financial Sector Information Sharing and Analysis
Center (FS-ISAC) began in 1999 to facilitate public-private information sharing
regarding cyber threats. Its information and data sharing systems include law
enforcement, government, intelligence organizations, and private industries, all from
local to international levels.

Because of its strong information sharing channels, the FS-ISAC has seen notable
successes in recent years. A recent post on the White House blog commends the FS-
ISAC for using its information sharing techniques to manage the denial-of-service
attacks targeting top U.S. banks. Without the guidance and protocols of the FS-ISAC,
banks would likely have been unprepared to handle such an attack.

Another data exchange technique suggested by roundtable participants is the LLC
model. In this model, information would travel from utilities to a limited liability
company (LLC) and then to the relevant ISAC. The inclusion of the LLC addresses
concerns about liability, anti-trust violations, and information leaks. Participants note
the LLC model has so far been used by a few electrical utilities, but there are plans to
expand the program over the next couple years.
To coordinate this exchange of people and data, the federal government can set up
institutions that assist the flow of resources between the public and private sectors.
One such organization currently in existence is the Electricity Sub-Sector Coordinating
Council (ESCC). Overseen by NERC, the ESCC aims to foster and facilitate the
coordination of wide-reaching initiatives meant to improve the reliability and
resilience of the electricity sector against physical and cyber threats.
These sorts of
coordination councils can contribute to streamlining all current and future exchange
programs. Executive initiatives establishing such councils also represent strong support
from the executive branch for exchange of labor, data, and other critical resources.

About FS-ISAC. Financial Services Information and Analysis Center. Retrieved June 17, 2014.
Michael Daniel. Getting Serious about Information Sharing for Cybersecurity. White House Blog. April 10, 2014. Retrieved June 17, 2014.
Electricity Sub-Sector Coordinating Council Charter. North American Electric Reliability Corporation. May 12, 2010.
Sector%20Coordinating%20Council%20ESCC/ESCC%20Charter.pdf. Retrieved June 17, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
Among the many organizations and sectors involved in cyber and grid threats, there is
overlap between and lack of clarity about what each groups roles are and should be.
These roles need to be clarified and streamlined to increase efficiency. The existing
organizations each have a role to play, but they cannot play those roles if there is too
much overlap. At the same time, each group shares the responsibility to manage risk
and respond to threats, so some overlap can actually increase threat preparedness and
understanding. Critical to this discussion of overlap is the examination of the roles of
DHS, ISACs, the FBI, and the entire intelligence community.
While the Department of Homeland Security addresses national security as a whole, its
cybersecurity department is a leader in cyber research, understanding, and threat
preparedness. This has also made it the lead agency in cyber protection of critical
infrastructure, including the grid. In order to secure non-military cyber networks, DHS
focuses on:
partnerships with owners and operators of critical infrastructure;
the release of actionable cyber alerts;
investigations and arrests of cyber criminals; and
education about how the public can stay safe online.

This four-prong approach connects government, industry, and the broader public,
promoting productive collaboration and communication for the sake of overall security.
Executive and legislative action has tried to clarify the role of DHS within the larger
critical infrastructure and cybersecurity network, but there is still disagreement. Some
see DHS as focusing purely on national security, but how should national security be
defined as different from other critical infrastructure security issues? Proposed
legislation tends to expand the powers of DHS, but that has also raised criticism about
over-regulation of utilities. A clear understanding of what DHSs role is can clear up
potentially dangerous confusion.
ISACs, discussed briefly earlier, also need a clearly defined role in information sharing
and overall grid protection. The ES-ISAC, specific to the electricity sector, is meant to
provide comprehensive grid analysis, which is then shared with the electric sector,
other potentially relevant sectors, and government. ISACs also provide services such as
risk mitigation, incident response and the sharing of information that is accurate,

Cybersecurity Overview. Department of Homeland Security. Retrieved June 12,

July 2014 First Edition
actionable, and relevant.
It is necessary both to improve ISACs information sharing
methods and to distinguish them from other channels of communication and data
exchange. If there is too much overlap in information sharing organizations, utilities will
be swamped with too much information, unable to filter out and focus on what is
actually important.
In the intelligence community, the FBI is one of the primary organizations working to
establish cyber-focused public-private partnerships. The FBIs role in cybersecurity
focuses on cybercrime, investigations, and penalties from a local to national level. One
such inter-government FBI initiative is CyWatch, a cyber-monitoring organization
connection the FBI to local and state governments.
The FBI also collaborates with
other organizations in the intelligence community through groups such as the National
Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF), a cyber-response organization that
includes intelligence community and law enforcement representatives. The NCIJTF
came about as a result of Presidential Directive,
a strong example of the influence
the executive branch can have in cross-sector coordination.
The intelligence community as a whole has a slightly different focus from the FBI,
valuing information collection and sharing more than penalties. There are 17 member
organizations in the community, including federal agencies, executive branch
departments, and military organizations. Key organizations for grid security include the
CIA, DHS, and ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence).
communitys mission is to collect and convey the essential information the President
and members of the policymaking, law enforcement, and military communities require
to execute their appointed duties.
The focus of the community as a whole is
information gathering, while individually each organization in the community has its
own specific role.
Because it draws together so many relevant intelligence sectors, the intelligence
community can be a useful model for integration and efficiency of grid-related sectors.
There is some overlap among organizations, which can undermine the communitys
effective operation, but overall the idea that the group can have a broader focus than

Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISAC). National Council of ISACs. Retrieved
June 12, 2014.
House Homeland Security Committee, Subcommittee on Cyber Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Security Technologies.
The FBIs Role in Cyber Security. 113th Cong., April 16, 2014.
Retrieved June 12, 2014.
Addressing Threats to the Nations Cybersecurity. Federal Bureau of Investigation.
us/investigate/cyber/addressing-threats-to-the-nations-cybersecurity-1. Retrieved June 12, 2014.
Member Agencies. Intelligence.Gov. Retrieved June 12, 2014.
Our Mission. Intelligence.Gov. Retrieved June 12, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
the individual unit is critical. Each member organization has the flexibility within the
community to leverage its own strengths to contribute to a larger mission, while still
retaining a unique purpose and sense of autonomy. The executive branch can
encourage this kind of efficiency model in all its agencies, clarifying and codifying
organizations roles and the role of grid security groups as a whole.

Without advancements in grid security research and development, our critical
infrastructure cannot keep up with continuously evolving physical and cyber threats.
Ironically, as the grid becomes more technologically advanced and digitized, it
becomes more vulnerable to cyber threats. Advancements in grid efficiency can only
move forward with advancements in grid security. The executive branch needs to
continue and even increase its efforts to facilitate and support research in the cyber
and electricity sectors.
The Department of Energy has contributed to research through its collaboration in
sponsoring CRISP, discussed earlier. The DOE should remain the sector-specific
agency for electric grid security, as they have the resources to bring together the
products of national labs, private industry, and government. The DOE can take the
lead on translating EOs and PPDs into the research and technology that would
strengthen the grid.
The DOEs research arm is Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy (ARPA-E). It
was created in 2007 through a Congressional act emphasizing the need for energy
research, and it began functioning in 2009. ARPA-E funds projects that advance energy
sector research; in August 2013, ARPA-E was funding 285 projects related to energy,
the environment, and national security.
Continued funding and support of this
program will have direct benefits in the development of security technology and threat
mitigation techniques.
The national labs are one of the primary ways government can and does support
necessary research. The labs represent another mechanism of integrating government
and private industry, as they are federally funded but operated by private sector
employees. Three national labs stand out in cybersecurity matters: Sandia, Idaho, and
Pacific Northwest.

About. ARPA-E. Retrieved June 12, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
Sandia National Laboratories focuses on threat prevention and security by aiming to
develop protective technologies, conduct threat assessments, and analyze
government, military, and civilian computer networks. One of their initiatives is the
Cyber Engineering Research Institute (CERI) that works with academia and industry to
research cybersecurity industries.
They have a far reach when it comes to integration
of sectors, giving them more data and resources to work with.
Similarly, Idaho National Laboratory works with government, specifically departments
like DHS, and private industry to develop solutions to national security issues.
addition to overall security research, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory also
provides funding for research focused specifically on cyber control systems to protect
critical infrastructure.
The executive branch should support such research funding
models, as they achieve the goals of increased information sharing, stronger
communication channels, and better methods of building trust.

Cybersecurity. Sandia National Laboratories. 2014.
Retrieved June 12, 2014.
National Security. Idaho National Laboratory. Retrieved June 12,
Cyber Security: Protecting Our Nation's Critical Infrastructure. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. June 2013. Retrieved June 12, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
Throughout the roundtable sessions, many of the participants voiced the necessity for
comprehensive cybersecurity legislation to serve as a foundation for regulating and
protecting various sectorsespecially the electric gridagainst cyber threats. Even
through there have been over 100 resolutions and bills related to cybersecurity
introduced since the beginning of the 111
Congress, there has not been a major
piece of cybersecurity legislation that has been signed into law since 2002. With the
expansion of the capabilities of possible threat actors, this lack of legislation has left
many aspects of critical infrastructure unregulated and vulnerable to attack.
Many of the obstacles that have hindered the ability for lawmakers to pass
cybersecurity legislation include privacy and liability concerns related to information
sharing within the post-Snowden environment; forming and implementing standards
for critical infrastructure; the development of trust between the private sector and the
federal government; and the designation of the roles and scope of federal agencies,
such as DHS and NSA.
Additionally, one of the major challenges inhibiting the passage of new legislation is
the varied nature of the industry. Electric utilities come in a variety of sizes, and they
report to regulatory institutions both in the public and private sectors. There are also a
multitude of government agencies, committees, regulatory bodies, and utility
companies that have a stake in securing the grid. These organizations cross local, state,
federal, and even international boundaries. As discussed previously, these
organizations also have differentalthough sometimes overlappingresponsibilities.
Legislation needs to be able to address these varied needs and avoid a one-size-fits-all
In additional, the majority of the legislation that has been introduced within Congress
has not focused specifically on the electrical grid but rather on the 16 sectors of critical
infrastructurethe proposed GRID Acts and SHIELD Act are two exceptions, as they
are specific proposals to the electrical grid. As our roundtable participants have said,
the grid is the most critical of critical infrastructure, with its own unique set of
legislative and regulatory demands. The U.S. electrical grid is facing more advanced
threat actors with the capabilities to perpetrate cyber and physical attacks, which cause
more damage at more frequent intervals. Critical infrastructure legislation must include
provisions specifically formulated toward securing the electric grid as it is an essential
aspect of our countrys national security.

July 2014 First Edition
In February of 2013, the Obama Administration released Executive Order 13636:
Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, which reflected the electricity sectors
need for a framework outlining a universal approach to the implementing of new
practices and policies to deter cyberattacks. Based upon multiple roundtable
discussions, there was a consensus among the participants that, although the Executive
Order was a good start, legislation would be necessary to address various concerns.
On a federal level, many institutions that are involved in securing critical infrastructure
from cyberattacks must be reorganized to address private sector interests. For
example, the Executive Order does not sufficiently address the roles of both DHS and
the NSA in regulating the information sharing process. In this post-Snowden era, the
private sector has become increasingly aware about securing sensitive material during
the information sharing process with the government. To fully secure the electrical grid,
it is imperative that utilities and federal agencies, including the Intelligence
Community, have the ability to actively share information concerning cyber threats and
threat actors.
Additionally, legislation is needed to establish the scope of cybersecurity regulations at
both the state and federal level. There are many utilities that have expanded into
multiple critical infrastructure sectors and have facilities within numerous states but
need broader standards and benchmarks for key interstate issues.

Information Sharing Considered the most vital tool that legislation can provide
in addressing both cyber and kinetic threats, there is agreement that channels
between government and the private sector are necessary, as well as private
sector to private sector channels, to improve risk assessment and situational
awareness. While there are differing models for how this might be
implementede.g. coordination centers, third-party operators, public-private
partnershipsinformation sharing structures will ideally address methods of real
time information sharing and protections for private, proprietary, or classified
information. In addition, legislation must codify the role of multiple agencies
within the federal government and the Intelligence Community within the
information sharing process.

July 2014 First Edition
Liability Protection & Antitrust Concerns Even with the recent statement
released by the FTC and DOJ, there are still questions concerning the ability to
provide liability protection for the private sector to ensure that sharing
information about a threat or vulnerability does not, in turn, leave a company
vulnerable to legal or regulatory penalties. In addition to fostering information
sharing between private sector entities, assurances are needed so that such
information exchange is not viewed as collusion by antitrust regulators.
Regulation & Incentives A balance of the sticks of regulatory penalties with
the carrots of financial or insurance incentives is necessary to build both
support for and compliance with legislative proposals. Additionally, placing an
emphasis on a regulatory checklist over an improved security culture will be
Agency Responsibilities There is growing consensus that the Department of
Homeland Security, a civilian agency, will take the lead in critical infrastructure
protection. It is important to consider these changes alongside existing roles for
FERC, NERC, DOE, and the NRC.
Cost Recovery While generally handled by state utility commissions, with
changing business models and increased security requirements there may be a
need to discuss limited federal models for cost recovery.
System Hardening, Supply Chain Protection, & Recovery Capacity In many
ways, the greatest deterrent to enemy attack is the ability to quickly respond
and recover. Legislative solutions, combined with risk assessment and industry
inputs, can provide resources, support, and security measures to harden key
systems and ensure rapid recovery.

July 2014 First Edition
H.R. 5026: GRID Act (Grid Reliability and Infrastructure Defense Act)
H.R. 5026 was sponsored by Representative Edward Markey (D-MA) and co-sponsored
by Representative Fred Upton (R-MI). Markey introduced the GRID Act to the House of
Representatives in April of 2010 and it was referred to the Energy & Commerce
Committee. The GRID Act passed the House in June 2010, where it was referred to the
Energy and Natural Resources Committee, ultimately dying in committee.

This bill, unlike many others that have been introduced in Congress, was specific to the
electrical grid. Overall, the bill amended the Federal Power Act and expanded the
existing authority of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). With the
expansion of FERC, the Commission would have been able to protect critical
infrastructure from cyberattacks by issuing orders and regulations to the entire sector.
H.R. 5026 would have given FERC more authority over the North American Electric
Reliability Corporation (NERC), which currently has the legal means to form new
regulations and reliability standards to mitigate cyber and physical attacks.
S. 3480: Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010
S. 3480 was sponsored by Senator Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) and cosponsored by
Senators Carper (D-DE) and Collins (R-ME). Lieberman introduced the bill in June of
2010 and it was referred to the House Homeland Security Committee, but it ultimately
failed to progress within Congress.

Overall, this bill aimed to expand the powers of the executive branch by amending the
Homeland Security Act of 2002, which would have formed the National Center for
Cybersecurity and Communications (NCCC) within DHS. The NCCC would work as a
mediator between the private sector and various federal agencies by disseminating
information, promoting technical advice, and identifying and evaluating the possible
cyber risks to critical infrastructure. Most importantly, the President would have the
authority to declare a national emergency period of 30 days if a cyberattack was
perpetrated upon a piece of critical infrastructure.

H.R.5026 - GRID Act.
bill/5026?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22grid+act%22%5D%7D. Retrieved June 10, 2014.
S. 3480 Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act of 2010,,

July 2014 First Edition
H.R. 3523: CISPA (Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act) CISPA 1.0
H.R. 3523 was sponsored by Representative Mike Rogers (R-MI) and cosponsored by
112 other Representatives. Representative Rogers introduced this bill to the House in
November of 2011 and it was referred to the House Permanent Select Intelligence
Committee; the bill passed the House in April of 2012. H.R. 3523 was then referred to
the Senate Select Intelligence Committee, but it failed to pass within the Senate.

This bill proposed to expand the National Security Act of 1947 to include new
provisions concerning the topic of cyber threat intelligence and information sharing
between federal agencies and the private sector. Related to information sharing, both
the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the National Cybersecurity and
Communications Integration Center (NCCIC), within DHS, would assist in obtaining and
disseminating information related to cyber threats, actors, and attacks. Compared to
other legislation, this bill did not address the development of standards for the
regulation of critical infrastructure.
Minority Views: The Minority within the House Permanent Select Intelligence
Committee voiced their concerns with H.R. 3523, citing the need for more provisions
related to privacy and liability during the information sharing process. In addition, they
were critical that H.R. 3523 did not provide specific restrictions concerning the volume
or nature of the information that can be shared between the government and the
private sector. Overall, the minority believed that the scope of the bill was too broad,
noting the absence of clauses that would protect personal identifiable information (PII)
from being disseminated during the information sharing process.
H.R. 3674: PRECISE Act (Promoting and Enhancing Cybersecurity and Information
Sharing Effectiveness Act of 2012
H.R. 3674 was introduced by Representative Daniel Lundgren (R-CA-3) with 10
cosponsors, and was referred to the House Committee on Homeland Security, with
additional referral to the Committees on Oversight and Government Reform, Science,
Space, and Technology, the Judiciary, and Intelligence.

Largely focused on the Department of Homeland Security, this legislation codified and
strengthened the capabilities of DHS with regards to the protection of federal

H.R.3523 - Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act.
bill/3523?q={. Retrieved June 17, 2014.
H.R.3674 - PRECISE Act of 2012.
bill/3674?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22h.r.+3674%22%5D%7D. Retrieved June 10, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
computer networks and the protection of critical infrastructure. Considered a response
to the first iteration of CISPA, it mandated that DHS would serve as the lead agency for
cybersecurity. It also created the National Information Sharing Organization (NISO), a
non-profit private sector corporation tasked to manage information sharing within the
private sector, standardize privacy protections, and coordinate information sharing
between the private sector and government.
The PRECISE Acts definition of information sharing was more limited than that of
CISPA 1.0, yet incorporated a more structured regulatory approach for critical
infrastructure cybersecurity based on shared standards and risk assessments.
S. 2105: Cybersecurity Act of 2012
The Cybersecurity Act of 2012 was introduced in the Senate on February 14, 2012.
Sponsored by Senator Lieberman (I-CT), and co-sponsored by Senators Feinstein (D-
CA), Rockefeller (D-WV), and Whitehouse (D-RI), the bill ultimately died in the
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

S. 2105 proposed the expansion of the powers of the Department of Homeland
Security, which would now include the ability for DHS to implement risk-based
cybersecurity performance standards within critical infrastructure systems throughout
the country.
Similar to the PRECISE Acts interest in creating NISO, the Cybersecurity Act called for
the creation of the National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications (NCCC).
This government entity would work with the private sector to secure and protect critical
infrastructure, while also establishing stronger mechanisms for information sharing
among sectors.

S. 3414: CSA 2012
S. 3414 was sponsored by Senator Lieberman (I-CT) and introduced to the Senate in
July of 2012. This bill eventually died due to a failed vote for cloture in August of

S. 3414 was a modified and expanded version of S. 2105, incorporating more
regulation of critical infrastructure and protection of privacy concerns related to the
information sharing process. CSA 2012 also called for the formation of a National

S.2105 - Cybersecurity Act of 2012.
bill/2105?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22s.2105%22%5D%7D. Retrieved June 10, 2014.
S.3414 - CSA2012.
bill/3414?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22s.3414%22%5D%7D. Retrieved June 10, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
Cybersecurity Council to be run by the Secretary of Homeland Security. DHS would
also house a Voluntary Cybersecurity Program for Critical Infrastructure to educate
critical infrastructure workers and enhance cybersecurity measures.

CSA 2012 also allowed regulatory agencies to implement some cybersecurity practices
as mandatory requirements. While a similar section appeared in the Cybersecurity Act
of 2012, CSA 2012 expanded agencies allowances. Like S. 2105, S. 3414 also
expanded and codified the role of DHS, establishing it as the lead agency for domestic
cybersecurity. DHS was charged with developing and implementing cybersecurity
standards, as well as carrying out cyber-risk assessments.

H.R. 624: CISPA 2.0 (Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act)
H.R. 624 was sponsored by Representative Rogers (R-MI) and cosponsored by 37 other
representatives. Representative Rogers introduced the bill in February of 2013 and it
was referred to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. H.R. 624
passed the House in April of 2013 and is currently being debated within the Senate
Select Committee on Intelligence.

H.R. 624 is an expanded and modified version of the previous CISPA bill, H.R.3523.
This updated version calls for real-time information sharing of threats between federal
agencies, the National Cybersecurity Communications Integration Center (NCCIC)
within DHS, and any other related organizations at both the state and federal levels.
H.R. 624 continues to expand the role of the federal government by requiring DHS, the
Attorney General, DOD, and the DNI to review cybersecurity policies and procedures
related to privacy and liability concerns within the information sharing process. Most
notably, this version of CISPA specifically states that PII will be protected.
Minority Views: Many in the minority support the alternations that were included within
H.R. 624, but remain concerned that clauses pertaining to privacy and liability continue
to be too broad. Consequently, the minority suggested that DHS serve as a point of
contact for the private sector to quell any lingering fears concerning information
sharing, privacy, and liability.

H.R.624 - Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act.
bill/624?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22cispa%22%5D%7D. Retrieved June 10, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
Roundtable participants noted that the primary difference between CISPA 1.0 and 2.0
is that the first bill states that information can be accessed and used to protect national
security, but this clause is not included in CISPA 2.0. This speaks to the focus on
increased privacy protection in CISPA 2.0 as a response to opposition of CISPA 1.0.
H.R. 2417: SHIELD Act (Secure High-voltage Infrastructure for Electricity from Lethal
Damage Act)
H.R. 2417 was sponsored by Representative Trent Franks (R-AZ) and cosponsored by
24 other Representatives. Representative Franks introduced the bill in June of 2013
and it was referred to both the House Energy and Commerce and House Budget

This bill referred to the 2008 Report of the Commission to Assess the Threat to the
United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack which reported that natural
(geomagnetic storms) and manmade EMP attacks pose a grave threat to the security of
the U.S. electrical grid. H.R. 2417 would grant both the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC) and the President the ability to implement emergency measures in
response to a threat or attack. Additionally, FERC would be responsible for overseeing
the Electric Reliability Organization (North American Electric Reliability Corporation) in
the formation of standards that would address hardening the grid against EMP threats
through the application of best practices and new technology.
H.R. 3696: NCCIP Act (National Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection Act
of 2013)
H.R. 3696 was sponsored by Representative Michael McCaul (R-TX) and was
cosponsored by Representatives Meehan (R-PA), Thompson (D-MS), and Clarke (D-NY).
Representative McCaul introduced the bill in December of 2013 and it was referred to
the House Committees on Science, Space and Technology and Oversight and
Governmental Reform.

H.R. 3696 would expand the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to include new provisions
that would codify the role of the Department of Homeland Security as the federal
agency responsible for this nations cybersecurity mission. This bill aims to strengthen
the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) as the

H.R.2417 - Secure High-voltage Infrastructure for Electricity from Lethal Damage Act.
Retrieved June 10, 2014.
H.R.3696 - National Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection Act of 2013.
Retrieved June 10, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
body regulating the information sharing process. H.R. 3696 fundamentally aims to
strengthen the relationship between the federal government and the private sector,
specifically through the establishment of a system designed to protect sensitive
information (personally indefinable information) during the information sharing process.
S. 1353: Cybersecurity Act of 2013
S. 1353 was sponsored by Senator John Rockefeller (D-WV) and cosponsored by
Senator John Thune (R-SD). Senator Rockefeller introduced the bill in July of 2013 and
it was referred to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

The bill, which is a revised version of the Cybersecurity Act of 2012, would expand
NISTs authority in regulating critical infrastructure systems. It mirrors Executive Order
13636 (released February of the same year) in asking NIST to assemble guidelines that
promote best practices in cybersecurity.
NIST came out with this Cybersecurity
Framework in February 2014, so if this bill does get past committee, it is likely these
portions of the bill will be revised.
Aside from NIST expansion, the Cybersecurity Act focuses on the development of
cybersecurity research to improve threat preparedness and response. It also pushes for
increased information sharing between the public and private sectors, a common
theme in the majority of proposed cybersecurity legislation.
S.2158: GRID (Grid Reliability and Infrastructure Defense) Act 2.0
The new GRID Act was introduced in the Senate in March 2014 by Senator Markey (D-
MA), who sponsored the first GRID Act when he was in the House of Representatives.
The bill is currently stalled in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

The bill is essentially the same as the version previously introduced by Senator Markey
in 2010. Like the first GRID Act, this bill gives FERC the power to issue emergency
orders and take on more regulatory responsibilities. Many utilities are still reluctant to
support the bill, claiming it gives too much regulatory power to FERC.

S.1353 - Cybersecurity Act of 2013.
bill/1353?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22s.1353%22%5D%7D. Retrieved June 10, 2014.
S.2158 - GRID Act.
bill/2158?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22s.2158%22%5D%7D. Retrieved June 10, 2014.
Timothy Cama. Bill would give feds new power to protect electric grid. The Hill. March 26, 2014. Retrieved June 24,

July 2014 First Edition
CISA: Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act
The Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act is the most recent attempt to pass
cybersecurity legislation through Congress and is fundamentally similar to H.R. 624
(CISPA), which passed the House in April of 2013. Last week. CISA advanced in a 12-3
vote out of the Senate Intelligence Committee, yet is facing opposition within
Congress and from privacy groups. The aim of CISA is to increase information sharing;
strengthen liability protection; establish a DHS portal for depositing information that
will then be disseminated to the appropriate federal agencies; and would limit
governments ability to inappropriately use cyber information for regulation or
Before the bill passed the Intelligence Committee, amendments were added which
further strengthened privacy protection and would require the federal government to
adhere to protocols that protect individuals and limit federal power. Although, many
privacy groups believes that CISA would facilitate the flow of private information and
communications data to agencies, specifically NSA. Legislators who voted for the bill
believe that CISA or CISPA is the first step towards increasing cybersecurity and
deterring the ability for threat actors to attack critical nodes of U.S. society.

July 2014 First Edition

Referred to
Introduced in
Signed Into
H.R. 5026
Referred to
Passed House
Introduced in
S. 3480
Cyberspace as
National Asset
Referred to
H.R. 3523
CISPA "1.0"
Referred to
Passed House
Introduced in

H.R. 3674
Referred to
S. 2105
Cybersecurity Act
of 2012
Referred to
S. 3414
CSA 2012
Referred to
Failed Cloture
H.R. 624
CISPA "2.0"
Referred to
Passed House
Introduced in

H.R. 2417
Referred to
H.R. 3696
Referred to
S. 1353
Cybersecurity Act
of 2013
Referred to
S. _____
Sharing Act of
2014 (113
Referred to

July 2014 First Edition
In the absence of cybersecurity legislation, actors within the public and private sectors
have taken multiple steps to secure the grid and increase reliability. Although, without
codified standards which electrical utilities on a national basis must adhere to, sections
of the grid are not being updated to mitigate, deter, and recover from 21
threats. As a result, the Obama Administration, through EO 13636, tasked the National
Institute of Standards and Technology to develop a voluntary, risk-based cybersecurity
framework. As a government agency, NIST has the weight of executive support and
power behind it; yet, the agency focuses on technology and research, which naturally
creates a relationship between the agency and private research institutions and

The Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, which was released
in February of 2014, provides entities in the 16 sectors of critical infrastructure with a
structure that customers, regulators, and organizations can implement to increase
security. By applying this document to their current operating procedures,
organizations can assess their level of security against cyber threats. By doing so,
practical plans can be formulated and practices can be implemented, which deter and
mitigate cyber threats. Most importantly, this framework has been described as a
living document, meaning that NIST intends to update the information as new
threats or attacks occur.

Overall, the role of NIST is essential as it acts as a bridge between the federal
government and the private sector. In February of 2012, NIST released the smart grid
Framework, which laid the foundation for utilities implementation of new technology.
Similar to the recently released Cybersecurity Framework, the Smart Grid Framework
promotes best practices and provides a model for information sharing and public-
private partnerships.
Ultimately, in the absence of legislation, NIST has provided a
way to promote universal standards without demanding compliance.

What we do. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Retrieved June 12, 2014.
NIST Releases Cybersecurity Framework Version 1.0,, Feb. 12, 2014,
NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, Release 2.0. National Institute of Standards and
Technology. February 2012. Retrieved June 10,

July 2014 First Edition
Roundtable participants and analysts agree that comprehensive legislation is necessary
to secure the electric grid against cyber and physical attacks. This legislation must
include a few key topics in order to be effective: filling agency positions, liability issues,
information sharing, incentives, and workforce education.

Empty positions in federal agencies are an unavoidable drawback of government
turnover. Efficient government, however, depends on regularly filling these roles
promptly. Timeliness in the whole process, including nominations and confirmations of
agency heads, will increase the stability of government agencies. As we approach the
presidential transition in 2016-17, it is vital that the new president is able to quickly fill
key posts, while still respecting the prerogatives of the Senate.
Filling empty positions also strengthens the overall government hierarchy, clarifying
which people and organizations are in charge during a threat situation. This stability is
especially important in cyber-related industries, where lack of threat preparation and
crisis management can have catastrophic effects.

According to roundtable discussions, one of the primary concerns many utility
companies and private industries have regarding grid/cybersecurity legislation is the
perceived lack of liability protection. The private sector needs to have the ability to
share information about risks and threats without subsequently leaving themselves
In order to facilitate trust between the public and private sectors, there needs to be
information sharing between the two sectors that is unclouded by the threat of liability.
There is no way to establish that trust if industries believe they will be punished for
their honesty.
With this dynamic in mind, comprehensive legislation can help clarify and codify
liability protections in information sharing. Several bills have failed in part because of
the limits of their protection clauses. An extension of this liability protection might then
help a bill move forward in the legislative process.

July 2014 First Edition
As mentioned in the previous section, a recent joint statement from the Department of
Justice and the Federal Trade Commission notes that concerns about antitrust issues
are not an obstacle to sharing information regarding cyber threat information. The DOJ
and FTC clearly state that industry will not be liable for collusion or antitrust violations
for sharing relevant cyber threat information. This opens the door for legislation that
gives industry more leeway in information sharing.

Preparing for and handling cyber or physical attacks to the grid requires information to
get to utilities in a timely, usable manner. Too much information all at once, or too little
too late, can have catastrophic effects on the system. Information sharing must also be
coordinated vertically and horizontally, creating channels that can cross federal-state
boundaries and public-private divisions.
The first part of this information sharing process is timeliness. Roundtable participants
noted that ideal information sharing structures would have real time information
sharing, so that as any part of the grid-related sectors receives relevant information,
they would be able to transmit that information to the appropriate places. This also
refers to the automated information sharing present in new smart grid data, as
electrical operators can collect this monitoring and analysis data in real time.
Timeliness must exist alongside usability. If there is too much information shared then
there is no way to quickly and accurately sort out pertinent information. Setting up
effective filters on information sharing, perhaps through automated measures, could
reduce the excess of unusable information that comes from many of these new
technological advancements.
Crucial to this sort of sensitive information sharing is the location of the tear line in
classified documents. A reference to traditional military documents, the tear line is
defined as a physical line on an intelligence message or document which separates
categories of information that have been approved for foreign disclosure and
Any information below the tear line is cleared for disclosure, whereas
intelligence above the tear line is kept classified. If the tear line is too high, there is
potential for an excess of sensitive intelligence being released to the private sector
unnecessarily. Conversely, if the tear line is too low, information that could be essential

Department of Defense, Tear Line. Retrieved June
23, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
to utilities preparation might be withheld and have significant negative results. Finding
the appropriate tear line could be the difference in preventing a catastrophe. Since this
is such an important aspect of information sharing, determining where the tear line is
must be considered diligently.
Of course, not all cyber-related information can or should be declassified, but the fact
remains that relevant private or governmental industries all need to be kept in the loop
in order to do their jobs efficiently and effectively. Furthermore, it is important to
standardize this tear line location as much as possible to avoid excessive subjectivity or
conflicts of interest between parties. Declassification of information is time-consuming
and difficult, but in the long run it is necessary for effective communication among
The relationship between sectors is also critical to the logistics of information sharing.
Because the electric grid is relevant across state lines and across sectors, there needs
to be standardized information sharing regulations across the board. It is necessary to
have communication channels between federal and state governments, between
government and private industry, and between different industries. This
communication network will allow for the flow of information to all relevant parties.
Some utilities have unique perspectives on the information sharing process. For
example, investor-owned utilities (IOUs) have a board of trustees that has a particular
stake in the security of the industry.
Because of this perspective, IOUs participated in high numbers in 2013s GridEx II
security exercise (discussed previously). The Executive Tabletop discussion at the end
of the exercise also included several CEOs and investors from private industry.
discussion of grid security must take into account that there are a variety of
stakeholders in this issue. IOUs particular stake may make them more reluctant to
advocate information sharing without strong PII protection.
Regarding legislation, any bill that facilitates information sharing will have a number of
perspectives and stakeholders to incorporate. The legislative branch must use this as
an opportunity to work with the executive branch to create legislation and executive
orders that are complementary. If it is not feasible for one bill to include the many
facets of information sharing (stakeholders, declassification, state boundaries, etc.), an

Grid Security Exercise (GridEx II): After-Action Report. North American Electric Reliability Corporation. March 2014. Retrieved June 17, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
effective executive order or presidential policy directive might be able to some, but not
all gaps.

The incentive structure in the electric grid is off-balance, according to experts and
roundtable participants. Following the carrot-stick analogy (carrots as rewards and
sticks as punishments), the current system has too many sticks and not enough carrots.
Legislation should help facilitate a new balance, one that does not over-emphasize
regulation at the cost of trust and goodwill among sectors.
Government must find new incentives, both financial and insurance, for utilities to
follow rules and regulations without depending entirely on mandatory compliance.
Incentivizing regulations increases support for them, which, can not only help
legislation get passed, but also ensure its ultimate effectiveness. Government can
achieve this revised incentive structure in at least three ways: providing research grants,
building public-private partnerships, and continuing communication with industry to
identify their needs and wants.
Offering research grants to national labs, universities, and other research-oriented
organizations is one of these potential carrots. These government grants would
incentive much-needed research and development, encouraging labs to focus on
advancing our understanding of cyber and physical threats to critical infrastructure.
Providing funding instead of mandates changes the dynamic between researchers and
government, fostering an environment of progress.
In a broader sense, the relationship between government and the entire private sector
is critical to grid security. Building effective public-private partnerships (PPPs) between
federal and state governments and the utility industry leads to increased collaboration
and stronger solutions to cyber threats. These PPPs can focus on several weak areas of
the system. Roundtable participants specifically pointed to replacing transformer
reserves, warehousing equipment, and logistical support. Combining private sector
resources, government capabilities, and the technical advancements of national labs
and tech companies leads to effective electric grid security.
None of these advancements would be possible without an established line of
communication between government and industry. Legislators and federal agencies
cannot provide useful incentives to industry without having a clear understanding of

July 2014 First Edition
what industry wants. This sort of relationship will open the door for other relationships
along the way.

Advancements in grid security are not possible without workers who are experienced in
and /or educated about cybersecurity threats. To this end, several education programs
have been launched recently for both current and potential cyber workers.
One such workforce education program is the National Initiative for Cybersecurity
Education (NICE), led by NIST. The NICE cybersecurity education program is meant to
be sustainable and continually improving, teaching workers to use sound cyber
practices that will contribute to national security efforts.
NICE has also developed a
National Cybersecurity Workforce Framework with the intention of defining the cyber
workforce and codifying its best practices.

The Department of Homeland Security also supports a variety of cyber education
initiatives, including the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies
(NICCS), CyberSkills Management Support Initiative (CMSI), and the IT Security
Essential Body of Knowledge (EBK).

This education is especially critical given the current culture. The workforce is aging,
and young people need to be prepared to take their place. Grid security does not
depend only on technological advancement, but on a skilled, capable workforce that
can effectively utilize available data and technology. This skill should not be limited to
post-high-school development, but should be incorporated in STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Math) education for younger children. Increasing STEM
education with a strong cyber component will prepare students for a variety of careers
and give them opportunities they may not have had otherwise.
At the same time, education must be available not just for students considering cyber-
related careers, but also for those currently in the cyber workforce. Cyber-related fields
are especially dynamic because the technology keeps changing. Workers who were
trained 20 years ago may actually know less about the current industry than newly-

About. National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education. Retrieved June 12, 2014.
Highlights. National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education. Retrieved June 24, 2014.
The Cyber Workforce; the Next Generation of Cyber Leaders. Department of Homeland Security.
workforce-next-generation-cyber-leaders. Retrieved June 12, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
educated workers. Offering technical classessome voluntary, some mandatoryto
these workers will help improve the workforce as a whole.
Expanding programs like this through additional funding and support has long-term
benefits for grid security, cybersecurity, and overall national security. It does not matter
how advanced grid technology is if workers do not know how to operate and utilize it.
In order to promote an efficient, secure electric grid system, the workforce needs
educational opportunities and support.

Ultimately, you cannot legislate trust. While legislation can create channels of
communication, or facilitate a carrots-over-sticks regulation method, trust cannot be
proscribed or mandated. In a post-Snowden era, trust is even more difficult to
establish. Concerns about liability, privacy, and classified information create barriers
between the public and private sectors.
Establishing trust may be difficult, but it is critical to every part of this conversation.
Roundtable participants mentioned multiple times that the electric sector does not
want to be regulated, so mandatory regulations lead to reluctantand likely less
efficientcompliance. Innovation and efficacy do not come from environments of

July 2014 First Edition
State and local government will play a significant role in grid security solutions and the
response to any incident. With power distribution regulated at the state level, state
utility commissions and independent system operators will shape regulatory incentives
and cost recovery models for improved security measures. State and local involvement
is integral to the effective implementation of new technology, the diligent preparation
for unforeseeable events, and the immediate response to those events.
States play a unique role in this process, and the effectiveness of state and local
involvement cannot be overlooked. Public utilities commissions are a particularly
valuable tool. A public utilities commission is a regulatory body within a state that is in
charge of the operations and maintenance of utility companies in that state.
continual theme throughout this report will be the relationship between the public and
private sector, and the role of the public utilities commission is essentially to bridge the
gap between government regulations, industry standards, and public demand.
public utilities commissions would need to play a significant role in the implementation
and maintenance of such technology, as it is essential to the cooperation between
federal and local authorities.
Another asset of state involvement is the use of independent system operators. The
Federal Energy Regulatory Committee (FERC) states that independent system
operators are a method to provide non-discriminatory access to transmission.
independent system operators work within a finite geographical area, typically limited
to one state. This allows for optimal familiarization with the needs of the specific area, a
key reason why their cooperation with the federal government is essential for the
success of the project. These independent system operators ultimately led to the
formation of Regional Transmission Organizations (RTO), which increase transmission
access and efficient operations on a regional level. The primary benefits of these RTOs
are their effectiveness at creating interstate grid interaction and their coverage of a

About NARUC. National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners. Retrieved June
20, 2014.
Mission Statement. North Carolina Utilities Commission. Retrieved June 20, 2014.
Regional Transmission Organizations (RTO)/Independent System Operators (ISO). Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Retrieved June 20, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
larger geographic area.
While these bridges between the federal government and
local authorities are extremely helpful in both the preparation and responses to an
incident, the issue of cost recover is still a large concern.
Often the cost burden falls disproportionately on the state government. This is due to a
number of reasons, but a main reason is that the state government typically assists
utilities in funding innovative grid projects. For example, New York governor Andrew
Cuomo allotted $40 million in prize money to develop microgrid technology after
Superstorm Sandy.
If there is an incident that destroys all of these developments,
there is no federal government insurance policy that will reimburse the state of New
Yorkthe $40 million is a sunk cost. This, in addition to the ongoing investments made
by state governments regarding electric grid innovation, adds up to be a hefty sum on
the state government. Once again, this ties together both the state and federal
governments, as well as private investors.
Dividing up these costs of innovation can alleviate the burden on the state
government, allowing the state governments to be better financially prepared for an
incident. One primary problem with dividing up these costs lies with politics. Pouring
money into innovative grid technology is not popular amongst voters, so lawmakers
typically allot funds elsewhere. This is particularly true at the federal level, as spending
federal money towards innovation in a specific state is even more unpopular nationally.
Although unpopular, measures have been taken by the federal government to
expedite the technological development of the grid; and both smart grid and
microgrid technology has been invested in at both the state and federal level. The
Smart Grid Investment Grant program is managed by the Department of Energy, and
was authorized by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Funded by the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the efforts seek to further develop
and implement smart grid technology using the $3.4 billion grant.
As of a 2012 progress report, spending and implementation are on track based on
original projections.
This proactive effort by the federal government is promising,
and it has boosted statewide efforts to develop the technology as well. In Connecticut,
the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection has established a Microgrid

Regional Transmission Organizations (RTO)/Independent System Operators (ISO). Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Retrieved June 20, 2014.
Smart Grid Investment Grant Program: Progress Report. U.S. Department of Energy. July 2012.
%20Progress%20Report%20July%202012.pdf. Retrieved June 19, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
Pilot Program. The state has invested $18 million to develop 9 microgrids, primarily for
the purpose of maintaining power in critical buildings during power outages.
initiative came into action as a result of Superstorm Sandy, in which 458,000 people in
Connecticut were without power as a result of the storm.
While Connecticut took
action to develop the smart grid and microgrid technology, New Jersey is perhaps a
better example of federal and state cooperation to develop a microgrid system.
Beginning in 2013, the Department of Energy has joined New Jersey to establish an
advanced microgrid system primarily with the purpose of insuring the transit system.
Governor Christie explained, This first-of-its-kind electrical microgrid will supply
highly-reliable power during storms, and help keep our public transportation systems
running during natural times of disaster, which is critical not only to our economy, but
also emergency and evacuation-related activities.
This, in accordance with
Connecticut, is prioritizing critical infrastructure to set a precedent for further
development, and is a perfect example of federal and state cooperation to develop a
more reliable electric grid.
In addition to the $40 million previously mentioned, New York is taking even further
measures than either Connecticut or New Jersey. In January of 2014, Governor Cuomo
announced a $17 billion program to transform New Yorks infrastructure,
transportation networks, energy supply, coastal protection, weather warning system
and emergency management to better protect New Yorkers from future extreme
The $17 billion is a combination of state and federal funding, furthering
the notion that splitting the cost is the more effective means to accomplish

Cooperation between the state and federal governments, as well as local entities is
important. The cost of implementing this technology is tremendous, and splitting the
cost can divide both liability and potential benefits. In addition to the cost burden,
cooperation is essential because the federal government has the means and local and
state entities have the specific knowledge. This is an undervalued asset of cooperation,

Gov. Malloy Announces Nations First Statewide Microgrid Pilot. Daniel P. Malloy: Governor of Connecticut. July 24, 2013. Retrieved June 20, 2014.
Energy Department Partners with State of New Jersey to Study Ways to Improve the Reliability of New Jerseys Transit System
in Aftermath of Superstorm Sandy. August 26, 2013.
new-jersey-study-ways-improve-reliability-new-jersey-s. Retrieved June 20, 2014.
New York Earmarks $40 Million for Ten Microgrid Projects. Microgrid News: Homer Energy. January 10, 2014, Retrieved June 20, 2014.
Governor Cuomo Announces Broad Series of Innovative Protections; Vice President Biden Credits Governor Cuomo's Storm
Plan as A Model for Future Recovery Efforts. Governor Andrew M. Cuomo. January 7, 2014. Retrieved June 20, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
as the effectiveness of state and local organizations is overlooked. The states possess
the ability to play a unique role in the development and implementation of smart grid
and microgrid technology; and we should look to New York, New Jersey, and
Connecticut as potential test beds for a precedent.

The issue of information sharing is a notable point regarding the relationship between
the public and private sector. As previously discussed, cooperation is important, and
information sharing is integral to the success of this cooperation. Understandably,
sensitive information is often at the root of a risk, and this makes it difficult to discern
between information that needs to be shared and what information needs to remain
Again, as described before, the development of the tear line process and the
information provided to state and local authoritiesalongside the utility industryis
vital to grid security.
Creating a network of information systems to facilitate an efficient flow of information
between federal, state, and local governments, state and local law enforcement, and
utility operators is essential to determining which information is shared and which is
withheld. This network would need to be implemented in tandem with simplified
classification standards, improved access to security clearances, and adequately trained
personnel. A stable network controlling the flow of information could prove to be the
most effective means of filtering information, as well as relaying vital intelligence
rapidly. The ideal grid would be one that provides for the instantaneous, automated
isolation of an affected system and subsequent rerouting of network traffic and electric
power to minimize disruption. In order for such systems to effectively operate,
machine-to-machine sharing of information and threat signatures must be facilitated.
Information sharing is important due to the pressing threat of both cyber and physical
attacks on utilities. For this reason, its notable that the quality of information is
infinitely more important than the quantity of information. Big Data can be important,
but its only useful if analytics software can turn the data into actionable business
An overload of information with the intention to inform could do just

Data analytics buying guide part 1: Whats in Big Data for you? Smart Grid News, November 5, 2012,

July 2014 First Edition
the opposite. Scanning through excess information carries potential for overlooking the
vital information as well as confusing certain information.
Utilities are not in a position to determine the severity of threats, and being provided
with an over-abundance of information could lead them to wrong judgments. The
utilities must not be bothered with unnecessary information, making the information
sharing system closer to a need to know system. Essential information must be
shared while unimportant information must be filtered out, but how is all the
information gathered? States and organizations have started testing some grid
analytics solutions, namely voltage optimization, asset management, and outage

New software solutions have also been implemented to both monitor and analyze the
grid. For example, PowerLogic ION EEM monitors the grids electrical output and
control systems, using analytics to monitor risk and prepare for and remedy possible
These analytics also serve to increase both the efficiency and the reliability of
the grid system as a whole. As can be expected, these solutions need financing to
succeed on a larger scale. This includes investments in computers and other
technology, as well as a trained labor force that can operate the monitoring systems.
The Utility Analytics Institute spent $0.5 billion on analytics in North America in 2011,
and is projected to have spent $2 billion by 2016.

Additionally the growth of analytical software systemssuch as those provided by
companies like Palantir Technologiesallow for quicker, more automated information
sharing through more intuitive user interfaces. These systems can also be used to
automate the protection of private or personal information, thus addressing concerns
about privacy and civil liberties. They can also provide a record of what information is
accessed and by whom, so that malicious use of collected data can be investigated.
Ultimately, information sharing is only as good as the intelligence that is obtained.
These new technologies can help by improving the collection of information,
categorizing and analyzing it, protecting sources, methods, and personal information,
and most importantly, providing information that is timely and pertinent to the entity

Jeff St. John. Soft Grid 2013: From Big Data Potential to Real-World Value. GreenTech Media, September 24, 2013, Retrieved June 23,
How do Electric Utilities Manage Energy? Schneider Electric. 2009. Retrieved June 23, 2014.
Data analytics buying guide part 1: What's in Big Data for you? Smart Grid News. November 5, 2012.
Data-for-you-5253.html#.U6g_cbdOUdU. Retrieved June 23, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
best equipped to mitigate the threat. The information gathered must be filtered out to
prevent a drinking from the fire hose situation in which the utilities and/or local
authorities are overwhelmed. This concept ties back to the tear linea concept that
should be a primary consideration when discussing information sharing.
Vertical and horizontal information sharing can be a useful tool to increase efficiency.
Its important to understand that every decision or solution does not have to originate
from the federal government and trickle down to local authorities. State and local
government can create innovative solutions to problems on their own, and requiring
top-down initiatives significantly limits how efficiently action can be taken.
This is not to suggest that state and local governments should not ever consult the
federal government, rather they should consult the federal government when it will
truly increase the effectiveness and efficiency. The federal government has many more
resources at their disposal, and this can help the state and local governments with both
resources and information. As expressed, the primary need for information sharing is
the prevention of incidents. The best way to do this is to share intelligence regarding
potential threats to the grid or utility company itself.
Federal, state, and local law enforcement play the largest role in this. Federal
agenciesnotably the FBIalready have access threat intelligence and experience
sharing information with state and local law enforcement and utility providers.
Communication in all forms is the foundation for information sharing, and
communication between law enforcement at every level and utility companies can be
instrumental in securing the power grid and preventing an incident.

July 2014 First Edition
Because of the dynamic and complex nature of grid security, waiting for executive or
legislative action at any levelfederal or localis not feasible for utilities. Private
industry has begun taking the initiative, developing innovative solutions to issues
surrounding security, information sharing, and liability protection. While utilities can
only do so much without the weight of law on their side, the steps they have taken are
both commendable and necessary to continued improvement of grid security. In
doing so, utilities recognize the importance of their public role and show, via action,
that security and the bottom line are not at odds.
As stated in previous sections, information sharing is both critical to grid security and
one of the most controversial issues discussed in the electric and cyber sectors. Utilities
have proven again and again their interest in information sharing, recognizing that
without cyber or physical threat information, they will be unprepared to handle attacks.
At the same time, industry cannot agree with government on the best ways to facilitate
information sharing in a way that protects utilities from antitrust violations. Recent
statements have dismissed the problem of antitrust in cyber threats, but the liability
concern remains, inhibiting potential industry expansion of information sharing.
Industry security concerns do not only exist in relation to external vulnerabilities, but
also cover issues related to internal weaknesses of the system and the workforce. The
way the grid system is set up affects how well it can respond to threats. Similarly, the
system set-up affects worker satisfaction. Dissatisfied workers can regrettably become
an insider threat, as they have the access to carry out physical attacks or even cyber-
attacks through, for example, an infected USB. Utilities can take the initiative to build
up system strength and personnel screening to protect themselves from this internal
Of course, what one utility does in response to internal and external threats may not be
the solution for another. There is significant variation in utility size, type, and structure.
What utilities in Manhattan, Kansas, need is not the same as what utilities in Manhattan,
New York, need. As in legislation, adopting a one-size-fits-all approach in industry
action is counterproductive. Additionally, electric grids do not operate in isolation, but
rather in connection with other utilities such as water, gas, and telecom. The
environment an electric utility is operating within changes how it should approach
threats. Recognizing both this heterogeneity and interconnectedness can lead to more
flexible and successful grid solutions.

July 2014 First Edition
From an industry perspective, it is critical to establish effective information sharing
channels among utilities and between utilities and government. A utility in San Jose,
California, may face the same threat that a utility in Des Moines, Iowa, faced a year
previously, but the Californian utility cannot benefit from that experience if there is no
established channel of communication between those two utilities, either directly or
through federal agencies. Liability and antitrust issues need to be addressed before
information sharing can expand, but once these concerns are settled, more information
can be shared through clearer, automated systems.
Private industries innovations are limited by their concerns about information sharing.
Many industries believewith good reasonthat under the rigid antitrust laws sharing
threat information is an example of collusion, opening them up to lawsuits and
penalties for antitrust violation. Fear does not breed creativity, meaning these liability
concerns have been detrimental to utilities development of new methods of
information sharing.
Legislation has not sufficiently addressed this concern, creating unnecessary ambiguity
for utilities. While most recently introduced legislation has tried to include at least
some liability protection, the limits of these protections have been heavily critiqued.
While legislation will add weight and credibility to current conversations and
statements about liability, the current congressional climate regarding cyber and grid
legislation does not promise any comprehensive liability protection in the near future.
Utilities must look elsewhere, then, for reassurance that cyber threat information is
Thats where the Department of Justice comes in. In a joint statement with the Federal
Trade Commission in April 2014, the DOJ stated that antitrust issues should not be a
roadblock to cyber threat information sharing. According to the statement, cyber
threat information is very different from the competitively sensitive information
that would violate antitrust laws. So far, it is unclear what effect this statement has had
on mitigating industry concerns, but it is at least a step in the right direction of relaxing
rigid antitrust standards in favor of critical infrastructure protection.
Despite liability concerns, some initiatives are already underway to develop new
automated systems of information sharing. Federal agencies and utilities have worked
together to automate these systems, as effective automation would cut down on
inefficient labor costs at both ends. Two of the most promising of these initiatives are

July 2014 First Edition
the Trusted Automated eXchange of Indicator Information (TAXII) program and the
Cybersecurity Risk Information Sharing Program (CRISP).
TAXII is an example of development primarily spearheaded by the government. DHS
produced TAXII as a way to simplify and speed the secure exchange of cyber threat
information. Once developed, the system has been gradually rolled out and
implemented by industry.
On the other hand, CRISP had heavy industry involvement from its earliest phases. It
was created as the result of collaboration between utilities, the Department of Energy,
and national labs. CRISP is designed to provide a near-real-time capability for critical
infrastructure owners and operators to share and analyze cyber threat data and receive
machine-to-machine mitigation measures. Still a pilot program, CRISPs popularity is
growing as more and more utilities begin implementing it. Its reception by the grid and
cyber communities is proof of the critical role industry plays in developing technology
that is directly applicable to day-to-day utility operations.

While grid security often focuses on external threats to the grid, expecting cyber and
physical attacks to come from the outside, internal threats are just as dangerous. This
insider threat can potentially be mitigated by adjusting the architecture of the system
itself and maintaining high standards for personnel screening. Both actions must come
from industry because there is such variation in system architecture and personnel
across utilities. Theoretically, each utility will have a better understanding of its own
unique insider threats, leading to better preparation and crisis management.
The way a utility system is structured affects how it responds to threats. While each
utility is (and probably should be, based on the different types discussed later)
structured differently, there are some standards in the electric sector that utilities
should follow. One such example is the ES-C2M2 (Electricity Subsector Cybersecurity
Capability Maturity Model), a White House initiative that the electric power industry
collaborated on with DOE and DHS. ES-C2M2 provides a model of industry-vetted
cybersecurity practices, as well as an evaluation tool that allows utilities to compare
themselves to the model. Using these protocols can improve utilities systems
internally in order to protect against external threats.
This architectural structure can open doors for a potentially more dangerous hazard:
the insider threat that comes from personnel. Often disgruntled employees, these risky

July 2014 First Edition
personnel have greater access to the system and therefore greater power over it. This
power can come in the form of cyber, such as an infected USB, or physical, such as
destroying a critical piece of machinery. Such attacks can often be untraceable because
there is no evidence of breaking into the system.
There are many examples of this threat, and even more that for obvious reasons have
never been released to the press. Many instances are simply unhappy employees
lashing out, purposely attack the grid system. Others, though, are inadvertent, as
employees are sent infected emails or given infected thumb drives by attackers,
leaving the employee(s) to unwittingly harm the system. Intentional attacks are an
issue, too, as DHS warns utilities that terrorists can easily gain insider access to the grid
and conduct a cyber or physical attack from the inside.
While the insider threat will never be eliminated, it can be mitigated by instituting
regular personnel screening protocols. Utilities have already instituted some measure
of personnel screening, but strengthening and improving this screening is necessary to
risk mitigation. Increased screening may erode trust between employers and
employees, as if employees were being accused of crimes they had not committed, but
that is a necessary risk. Even the best, most loyal employees can be unintentionally
carry viruses that can harm the grid.
It is also necessary for personnel screening and changes to the systems architecture to
be primarily an industry-led initiative. The executive branch can issue some kind of
executive order or policy directive that instructs industries to incorporate this screening
somehow, but the actual implementation falls to utilities. The variation in utilities
structures and needs affects how they can and should implement such a system.

There are approximately 3,500 industries in the United States,
and they all have
different needs, capabilities, and strengths. Because of this, these different utilities may
face different threats, and even when they face the same threats, the necessary
solutions may differ widely. Across-the-board initiatives, then, can only do so much
good. A utilitys geographic location, size, and type affect how it addresses problems

U.S. Electric Utility Industry Statistics. American Public Power Association. 2014. Retrieved June 30, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
of grid security, strengthening the idea that some of the most applicable solutions are
In terms of location, it has come up again and again in roundtables that the security
needsand security capacityof major investor owned utilities are vastly different that
those of rural cooperatives or small municipal utilities. To some extent this is also a
matter of size and type of utility, but place and culture are just as important. The figure
below, compiled by Duke University researchers, shows a snapshot of leading firms and
developers of smart grid technology. While this landscape changes regularly, the map
below, which indicates only two centers in Kansas and uncountable numbers around
San Francisco and New York City, is still indicative of existing patterns.

Marcy Lowe, Hua Fan, and Gary Gereffi, U.S. Smart Grid: Finding new ways to cut carbon and create jobs, Center on
Globalization, Governance & Competitiveness, Duke University, April 19, 2011,
cut-carbon-create-jobs.pdf. Retrieved July 2, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
Additionally, utility size is critical to the understanding of a utilitys strengths and
vulnerabilities. Some utilities serve a few hundred people, while others serve millions.

The size of a utility is not categorically good or bad; instead, it just changes the
threat landscape. Smaller utilities may have fewer resources to protect themselves
against attacks, but they also may be less vulnerable, and they could be less of a target
for external attacks. On the other hand, large utilities could have more resources and
advanced technology, but, resultantly, bigger vulnerabilities. This variation further
emphasizes that a single method of grid security is likely not applicable in every utility.
Aside from size, there are three main types of utilities: municipalities, cooperatives, and
investor-owned utilities (IOUs). Municipal utilities are publicly-owned and provide
power to all of a citys residents. IOUs, conversely, are privately-owned for-profit
utilities managed by a board of trustees. Cooperatives are somewhere in the middle,
as they are non-profit enterprises owned by customers who all have an equal say in
utility management. Cooperatives are most frequent in rural areas not covered by

Whether they like it or not, all the major critical infrastructure providers are
interconnected and interdependent. When a natural disaster occurs, such as
Superstorm Sandy or the 2012 Derecho, damage affects all critical industries, from
electric to water, telecom, and gas. As many roundtable participants have argued,
among critical infrastructure sectors, the grid is the most critical of critical. This
applies in the case of natural disasters, too. Water, telecom, and gas utilities all rely on
electricity to function. When the grid goes down, everything later on in the supply
chain goes down. Inter-industry information sharing, communication of best practices,
and wide-spread threat preparedness is necessary, as all major utilities benefit from the
strength of the electric grid.
For example, after the 2012 Derecho, over 100 Washington Suburban Sanitary
Commission (WSSC) facilities in the D.C. metro area were left without power. Lack of
electricity meant the water treatment plants were unable to keep functioning, affecting

Form EIA-826 detailed data, U.S. Energy Information Administration, March 2014, Retrieved June 30, 2014.
Types of Electric Utilities. Iowa Energy Center.
energy-utilities/. Retrieved June 27, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
WSSCs 460,000, customers in Montgomery and Prince George counties.
The water
industry cannot do its job without electricity, so it is in its best interest to support
measures to secure the grid.
Telecom industries faced similar dangers after the 2012 Derecho. In the Virginia, Ohio,
and West Virginia area, the storm took down 77 emergency call centers and left 2
million people unable to call for emergency services.
Lack of telecommunication then
means emergency responders cannot do their job, either, as they may have no way of
knowing who is in need of assistance. It is necessary to have an infrastructure in place
at all times, although especially in the wake of natural disasters, that can provide power
and electricity to those industries that greatly need it.
Like water and telecom services, the gas industry suffered without power after a natural
disaster. When Hurricane Sandy raged through the Atlantic in 2012, New Jersey
Natural Gas endured extreme damage that took more than a year to repair.
outages contributed to the utilitys weaknesses, both directly and indirectly in the way
it affected telecommunications.
These natural disasters, like other cyber or physical attacks, create domino effects that
span well past the electric sector. Industry initiatives to secure the electric grid do not
need to originate solely in the electric industry. Effective information sharing channels
or methods of communication established by water or gas industries could be adapted
to the grid. This sharing of best practices would not constitute antitrust violation, and
even the sharing of sensitive threat information among industries would be reasonably
protected under the DOJ/FTC statement discussed earlier. Improving the grid benefits
everyone. Industry interdependence must be seen as a valuable asset, not an obstacle.
As the number and severity of threats to the grid increase, it is especially essential for
all security-related management and task forces to be on the same page. This primarily
refers to the interaction that CSOs (Chief Security Officers) and CISOs (Chief
Information Security Officers) of utilities have with each other and with other members

Kate S. Alexander. Montgomery County wants WSSC to plan for power outages. October 3, 2012. Retrieved June 30, 2014.
Roger Yu. FCC blames phone companies for Derecho 911 outages. USA Today. January 10, 2013. Retrieved June 30, 2014.
David P. Willis. Sandy less costly for N.J. Natural Gas than was feared. USA Today. February 8, 2013, Retrieved June 27, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
of the management team. Stronger management, in terms of information and
communication, is better prepared to deal with emergency situations.
The convergence of IT (information technology) and OT (operations technology) is part
of this broader coordination. Because IT and OT are both growing more sophisticated,
interpretation of new technology and information depends on an understanding of
both sectors. IT-OT convergence and collaboration can improve efficiency, increase
information sharing, and mitigate security risks.
A divide-and-conquer mentality to
the grid only goes so far; collaboration is growing increasingly necessary to developing
a holistic view of how grid security can be addressed.
One example of such coordination is EEIs Threat Scenario Project, which identifies
major threats to the grid and possible methods utilities can use to mitigate these
threats. David Batz, director of the Cyber & Infrastructure Security at EEI, said the
purpose of the project is to continue an engagement between the CEO, the CFO, the
chief security officer [and] the chief information officer to say where are we doing well,
where are we doing less well [and] what makes sense in terms of resource
Because EEI understands the amount of variation in utilities, its
suggestions are as much about what utilities can implement as they are about
encouraging further discourse within management about security threats.

Tim Taylor, IT-OT Convergence: Breaking down silos to achieve a more enabled workforce and more informed stakeholders,
Fortnightly, February 2013, Retrieved July 2, 2014.
Corina Rivera-Linares, EEI: When it comes to cybersecurity threats, 'This is not your parents' utility anymore, Energy Biz,
December 7, 2012.
anymore. Retrieved July 2, 2014.

July 2014 First Edition
The private sectors financial and insurance sectors have a significant role to play in
incentivizing both grid security and innovation. At a time when all levels of
governmentfederal, state, and localare confronted with limited resources,
partnerships with the private sector and legislation aimed at creating private sector
incentives can answer key grid challenges.
The insurance and reinsurance industries have a vital role to play in modeling risk,
identifying threats and vulnerabilities that clients face, and encouraging best practices
that mitigate these risks and speed recovery. Smart grid innovations will also allow
insurers to utilize vast streams of data also available to utility operatorsallowing for
enhanced modeling and risk monitoring.
In the overall market, due to a convergence of factorsincluding slowing economic
growth; rising electricity prices; an increase in government programs incentivizing
developing technology; falling costs of distributed generation and Distributed Energy
Resources (DER); and an enhanced focus upon implementing DERit is clear that the
current utility business model (cost-of-service regulation) faces significant challenges in
the 21
century. This challenge becomes even more significant, as new technologies
disrupt the existing business model paying for their implementation.
The alternative model, known as Results-Based Regulation, provides utilities with the
ability to develop long-term revenue plans that includes investment in and
implementation of new technologies and/or methodologies. Using such models, both
utilities and their investors can have a stable environment for determining key security
and reliability benchmarks, especially as generation and distribution models change
with technological innovation.
These modernized cost recovery modelslargely implemented at the state and local
levelincentivize outside investment in utility improvements alongside the cost
recovery for significant security improvements. Combined with insurance incentives
to be discussed in further detail belowthis creates a framework for outside investors
to provide additional funding for major infrastructure upgrades and innovation.
Additionally, these frameworks will allow municipal utilities and cooperatives to
improve their security and infrastructure.

July 2014 First Edition
With these multiple threats confronting the security of the electrical grid, the insurance
sector within the United States has a unique and important role to play in addressing
these challenges. Insurance companies are currently leveraging advancements in grid
technology to promote certain behaviors and utilize the data made available. As
private sector partners to the grid, insurers can provide market-based incentives that
are based in insurers experience in risk modeling, threat analysis, and information
Historically, insurers have been concerned by the threat of disruption to the traditional
top-down generation, transmission, and distribution system, which could result in a
widespread blackout or cascading failure. Although, by increasing redundancy and
reliability throughout the grid, through the implementation of smart grid and microgrid
technology, the overall risk to insurers decreases.
The insurance industry largely uses impact modeling to evaluate how to properly insure
the electrical grid and to assist utilities in prioritizing components or practices, adapting
threat mitigation postures, and the economic allocation of resources. These models
often using actuarial dataare based on experiences with past incidents, as well as
simulations based on known risks. Thus it can be difficult for insurers and utilities to
accurately model incidentsespecially Black Swan scenariosthat have yet to occur.
Thus, while the insurance industry has a significant amount of modeling and actuarial
data regarding severe weather and similar physical events, there is little in the way of
actuarial data to model the impact of a major cyberattack or EMP/GIC event.
Additionally, events such as a terrorist attack or other events that involve variability of
the behavior or strategy of an individual or group are difficult to model.
Through the insurance underwriting process, the expertise of insurance underwriters,
and more flexible premium structureswhere allowed by regulationcan also
incorporate auditing of security procedures and frameworks. While government
entitiesnotably FERCalready conduct cybersecurity and other security audits,
insurance processes and premium modelsif provided with sufficient data by
utilitiescan also provide positive incentives for adopting best practices outside of the
perceived heavy hand of regulatory action. If portions of the grid operation or utility
infrastructure are classified, insurers will need to go through clearance processes as
well to carry out this process.

July 2014 First Edition
Additionally, as part of the insurance models, these processes can leverage tools and
experience from across the insurance industry and utility sector for securing more
complex and/or networked systems. For smaller utilities, these resources can be vital
in terms of both security preparation and incident response.
Finally, as the gridalong with many other sectors of societybegins to increase in
connectivity and collect large amounts of data, insurance companies will seek to
harness these data streams to improve modeling, monitor operations, and analyze risk.
Smart grid technology will be key to improving the resolution of these models, and
insurers will work alongside utilities to better understand the data and resulting trend
analysis made possible by the installation of smart systems.

The current model is highly regulated by state commissions, which set fixed rates upon
a cost-of-service model. If these standards are not met, utilities must pay significant
financial penalties. Adopting new technologies and remedying grid vulnerabilities
requiresin many casesa reexamination and reform of existing regulatory structures
and political attitudes.
Additionally as new technology is implementedbe it smart grid, electric vehicles,
solar panels, wind turbines, or future technological innovationsutilities face the
challenge of maintaining rising technological integration costs in an environment where
falling energy costs result in lower revenues. As a result, a future business model would
have to integrate new ways or revise current ways that utilities fund technology through
tariffs or net metering. Overall, the rates of a majority of electric distribution
companies continue to be set under a model focused on the utilitys cost of service
rather than on delivering value to customers.

An alternative to the current business model for utilities is Results-Based Regulation.
Ultimately, this model is designed to support utility investment in new technology;
provide incentives for innovation and performance; and to encourage utilities to deliver
long-term value to customers. The key component of this model is a multi-year revenue
plan that can be based upon an assessment of future costs rather than current costs. By
doing so, utilities can adjust their rates according to changing business needs, which

GE: Time to Rethink Electric Utility Regulation, GE, Oct. 22, 2013,

July 2014 First Edition
specifically incentivizes the implementation and integration of 21
century technology
into the bulk power system.

Within the results-based regulation model, utilities can begin to invest in technology to
harden the grid against future threats and for the integration of new technologies such
as smart grid and microgrid technologies. In addition, the Results Based Regulation
model holds electrical utilities responsible for providing results from their investments.
This financial and social accountability inherent in this business model will ensure that
utilities invest in technology or methodologies that will provide customers with a
reliable source of electricity.
California also provides key lessons about the integration of renewable energy sources,
as legislative mandates have required their integration. Utilities have grappled with the
high cost associated with funding solar photovoltaics (PV), geothermal energy systems,
wind turbines, and electric vehicles (EV).
Thus the question has been how to reform the current rate structure to integrate
renewable distribution and generation sources through either net metering or other
tariffs. The current tiered rate structure, which is based upon energy usage, has
fostered a large gap between low and high usage rates. Opponents of the tiered rate
structure argue that lower income households, who do not have the financial ability to
install this technology and rely upon utilities for energy, have a larger financial burden
placed upon them.
Through a combination of a net metering program and infrastructure tariffs, customers
will be able to sell excess energy back to their utility, which in turn will lower their
monthly electrical bills. Utilities who have supported this practice, believe that it could
assist as a funding mechanism to pay for the integration of new technology and
distribution system upgrades.

As California continues to provide an example through its imposition of performance
metrics, the state and its utilities must formulate how to measure other standards,
including needed investments in, and incentives for, grid modernization and security.
Doing so requires open and consistent dialogue between utility executives,
technological innovators, energy regulators, and political leaders.

Paul a. Centolella & David Malkin, Results-Based Regulation: A Modern Approach to Modernize the Grid, Oct. 23, 2013,
Kay Stefferud, Hope at last? California offers net metering compromise, SmartGrid News, Oct. 11, 2013,

July 2014 First Edition

In addition to the question of modeling risk and insuring the electrical grid, how
utilities recover costs continues to be a complex issue. Typically, there are generally
three to four different entities providing electricity at the different stages
transmission, distribution, and generationand currently, it is not clear where the
monetary burden should fall. While traditional models of cost recovery would require
increased rates for consumers, this would require action across fifty states and
additional municipalitiessuch rate increases would likely create political challenges.
Additionally, with the shift to smart grid and microgrid technologies and the likely
disruption of traditional top-down generation, transmission, and distribution models,
there are questions about the traditional cost recovery and business models that would
provide funding for security upgrades. A combination of private sector investment,
increased user fees, smarter metering, and state/federal assistance for critical facilities
is likely the ideal compromise. Further examination of the costs, benefits, and
challenges of these alternatives is required by both industry experts and the policy

July 2014 First Edition
There are multiple factors that negatively influence the safety and security of the
electrical grid including-- the age of components that comprise the grid, such as power
plants, transformers, and transmission lines, many of which are over 25 years old. As
threat actors become more advanced and the possibility of a joint cyber-physical attack
increases, utilities must update the grid to deter 21
century threats. As the grid is
modernized, there is an opportunity to bake security into the grid and its constituent
components. However, it must be noted that as the grid is modernized and networked,
the risk of cyberattack increases.
Additionally, the majority of transmission and distribution lines, along with generator
step-up high voltage (HV) transformers and substation step-down HV transformers, are
located above ground and in remote locations. Vital to our electric grid, these stations
serve as the on ramps and off ramps, respectively, of the national electric grid
transmission system. These components are exposed to a variety of physical attacks
and are exposed to weather-related events such as hurricane force winds, flooding,
lightning, or falling trees. According to an analysis conducted by the Wall Street
Journal, there were 274 instances of vandalism or deliberate damage to the electrical
grid over the past three years.
Additionally, there were approximately 2,500 attacks
against transmission lines and towers throughout the world in the past ten years.

As mentioned in multiple roundtable sessions, it is necessary for federal agencies to
formulate reliability standards to protect the grid from various types of attacks. The
transmission components within the grid are regulated by both FERC and NERC, yet
the distribution system is regulated on the state level. As a result, universal practices
are not implemented, which has led to imbalances in security across the grid.
According to statistics compiled by the Edison Electric Institute, approximately 90% of
all power outages occur within the distribution system of the grid.
For utilities to
sufficiently respond, mitigate, and recover from physical attacks, including weather-

Rebecca Smith, Assault on California Power Station Raises Alarm on Potential for Terrorism, Wall Street Journal, Feb. 18,
Terrorism and the Electric Power Delivery System, National Academy of Science, 2012,
Economic Benefits of Increasing Electric Grid Resilience to Weather Outages, Executive Office of the President, August 2013,

July 2014 First Edition
related events, it is necessary to focus on state-level regulations, as well as industry
standards, for the distribution system of the grid.

One of the ways utilities are updating the electrical grid is through the implementation
of smart grid in 21
century technology. These advancements in technology range from
fiber-optic cables, SCADA systems, Advanced Metering Infrastructure, in-home
displays, meter data management systems, and Electrical Transmission and Distribution
Systems. Considering the high cost of integrating this technology into the existing grid
structure, the Department of Energy developed the Smart Grid Investment Grant
(SGIG) Program, which provided funds to 99 projects throughout the United States.
smart grid technology is a double-edged sword. Its fundamentally networked nature
presents new vulnerabilities, yet the ability to better monitor the grid and its functions
will improve efficiency and situational awareness.
As smart grid systems are being installed throughout the country, it is vital that the
correct cybersecurity precautions are practiced. The two most important reasons for
cybersecurity in the smart grid system are power system reliability and confidentiality
and privacy of customers.
A utility can use smart grid to avoid or shorten power
system outages so electricity is fully functional 100 percent of the time for customers
and businesses. Additionally, the utility must ensure the confidentiality and privacy of
its customers. Smart grid systems are being installed more frequently into homes and
businesses, and energy consumption and regulation is becoming more accessible to

While the installation of smart grid inherently gives more control to the customer, it
also opens up a new range of privacy concerns regarding increased access points and
other cyber threats. Customer privacy within smart grid systems is a fairly new issue, so
confidentiality and privacy of information is important as researchers find the best ways
to implement comprehensive cybersecurity measures. Additionally, there is no
universal set of cybersecurity requirements because each system is different; smart grid

Ed Vard, Key Cyber Security Purposes for the Smart Grid, Electrical Engineering Portal, April 12, 2012, http://electrical-

July 2014 First Edition
implementation is unique to each utility and locality in terms of needs, services and
usage. In order to ensure stability within this multifaceted system, these variances must
be understood.
Utilities currently possessor are developing) several specific systems to deter and
detect attacks on the electric grid. Utilities have begun to integrate Software
Management and Documentation Systems (SMDS) into SCADA systems. SMDS
monitors all activities of the control system, assists IT and OT operators within an
application restoration following any catastrophic event, and controls who may gain
access to any SCADA application system. The SMDS also can develop Network
Security Solutions, which range from firewalls to Demilitarized Zones to physical air-
gaps, which are all designed to prevent unwanted access to a network.

Another deterrent system is the Virtual Private Network (VPN) tunnel, which ensures
proper authentication and authorization of data transactions between networks. The
VPN gives a utility private use of a public network through development of an
encrypted tunnel between the server and the client; it is usually consistently safe, but
due to variation between devices, there is some vulnerability. To fully secure a VPN
from unauthorized access, a high level of authentication must be implemented in all
networked devices.

To detect any potential threats, many utilities have also invested in Intrusion Detection
Systems (IDS). An IDS is implemented by utilities to recognize intrusions based upon
different factors; it is often able to detect any unusual patterns of activity or
communication attempted from an unauthorized address. The IDS creates a log of
suspicious events that can also be manually inspected to determine true intrusions over
false alarms.
Aside from deterrent and detection systems technology, physical
measures can also be taken to detect potential insider threats or attacks; this would
include human detection measures such as behavioral analysis, background
investigations, psychological profiling, and an analysis of individual motives.
In order to increase security, utilities and agencies must stabilize information sharing
and private-public sector communication. There are several centers (Information
Sharing Analysis Centers, Electricity Sub-Sector Coordinating Council, National
Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center at the Department of Homeland

Cyber Security a Priority to Protect SCADA Systems, Industrial Ethernet Book, 2014,
Karen Scarfone and Peter Mell, Guide to Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems, National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST), February, 2007,

July 2014 First Edition
Security) that coordinate with local utilities to share alerts, indicators, threat actors,
threat signatures, and information regarding previous attacks. Information sharing
centers can be especially helpful in the case of extreme weather or a power outage; if a
utility needed to shift a load to keep the lights on or obtain a spare transformer, for
example, the utility could do this through contacting one of the information sharing
centers. Mutual Assistance Agreements (MAAs) are also important in the wake of an
event. They have a strong historical track record, and often encourage cooperation
between different nations. However, with increased cyber incidents requiring computer
hardware, software patching, and coding expertise, MAAs may not be the most
effective way of eradicating the problem.

Networked systems can also improve the dissemination of classified threat information
between the federal government, state and local law enforcement, and utility
operators. Information can be shared more efficiently by simplifying classification
standards, improving access to security clearances, and hiring adequately trained
personnel. Overall, there is a lack of legislation and public cause for concern regarding
privacy and liability issues. This serves as a problem because it hinders the ability of the
federal government to pass legislation that would regulate the information sharing
process. The lack of legislation raises concerns amongst the private sector when it
comes to sharing potentially useful information; much of the vertically shared
information between a federal agency and a utility is classified, therefore, many
operators within a facility are unable to access important information regarding recent
attacks or potential threats.
Despite the lack of legislation, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Department of
Justice (DOJ) released an Antitrust Policy Statement on sharing cybersecurity
information that is moving in a positive direction. The FTC and DOJ statements make it
clear that properly designed cyber threat information sharing is not likely to raise
antitrust concerns, and that it can help secure the nations networks of information and
This was helpful for private businesses by making it clear that antitrust
laws do not stand in the way of legitimate sharing of cybersecurity threat information.

Smart grid technology presents a unique opportunity for automated, real-time,
machine-to-machine information sharing that can react instantaneouslyor even

Abraham Sofaer, David Clark, and Whitfield Diffie, Cyber Security and International Agreements, Proceedings of a Workshop
on Deterring Cyberattacks: Informing Strategies and Developing Options for U.S. Policy, National Academies Press, 2010,
FTC, DOJ Issue Antitrust Policy Statement on Sharing Cybersecurity Information, Federal Trade Commission, April 10, 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
preemptivelyto cybersecurity threats. However, it cannot be assumed that this
information sharing technologies will be the panacea. Systems will continue to need
qualified operators, combined with comprehensive intelligence, in order to defeat
future threats.

As smart grid technology has developed, several locations have emerged as leaders of
the smart grid initiative. The Grid Modernization Index (GMI), released in 2013 by
GridWise Alliance and Smart Grid Policy Center, ranked Texas and California as the top
states succeeding in smart grid integration.
The top 15 states on the list all have
three contributing factors in common: proactive efforts on cybersecurity and data
privacy, investment from federal stimulus smart grid grants, and widespread Smart
Meter deployment.
In Texas, smart grid efforts have been driven by retail energy choice. Due to its strong
and competitive energy market, suppliers have offered flexible pricing systems and
customer engagement programs. Additionally, increased Smart Meter penetration
rates are credited with empowering customers to take advantage of services. A project
setting the bar particularly high is the Pecan Street Mueller neighborhood project in
Austin, Texas.
The project is being run by a $30 million initiative in collaboration with
the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), University of Texas, and Austin Energy. Almost
every home in the neighborhood has installed Smart Meters, rooftop solar panels, and
other smart grid devices. The initiative has led to the creation of the $1.5 million Pike
Powers Laboratory, which is being built to research appliances, vehicles, air
conditioners, and solar panels that will be necessary to complete the project.
neighborhoods end goal is to noticeably increase efficiency, reliability, and security.
Another national leader in smart grid technology is the state of California. California is
investing in the technology as a way of integrating renewables and moving toward a
cleaner energy future. While several cities are implementing successful projects
throughout the state, some worth nothing are the Anaheim AMI Project and the Irvine
Smart Grid Demonstration. The Anaheim AMI Project is a city-wide deployment of

Silvio Marcacci, "California and Texas Smart Grid Success Shows Way Forward for US," Clean Technica,
Living Laboratory Shows How a Smart Grid Works, Environmental Defense Fund,

July 2014 First Edition
advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and other methods that will allow the city to
manage, measure, and verify targeted demand reductions during peak periods.
the Irvine Smart Grid Demonstration, Southern California Edison (SCE) is incorporating
advanced smart grid technologies in an integrated system for the purposes of
environmental and economic efficiency, safety, reliability and security.
It is installing
Energy Smart Customer Devices such as smart appliances, solar systems, and
photovoltaic (PV) solar systems. The project also includes the Year 2020 Distribution
System, which will service advanced distribution equipment, smart metering, and
renewable distributed generation. Throughout the process, the Irvine project has
established a Secure Energy Network to manage telecommunication systems in the
safest and most secure way possible.

The role of national labs has been vital towards developing technology aiding in the
progression of smart grid systems and cybersecurity. Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory formed a five-year Research and Development program with Southern
California Edison, Pacific Gas & Electric, and San Diego Gas & Electric to assist utilities
by providing advanced computational and analytic capabilities and new platforms for
workforce training.
The program was designed to focus on four key issue areas:
security, workforce preparedness, operations, and resource planning.
While improving these issues, the lab is also researching cybersecurity risks, threats,
tools and methodologies to protect the electric grid. The Sandia National Laboratories,
operated by the U.S. Department of Energy and Lockheed Martin, have been working
on measures to improve insider threat detection. The lab is in the process of upgrading
cyber identity management and Insider Threat Monitoring through Ephemeral
Biometrics (EB). EB is unique because individual identities are tied to living biometric
data that is active and continuous.
The purpose of Sandia Labs research is to create
new, outside-the-box authentication techniques, such as alternatives to passwords.

California Smart Grid Toolkit, Smart Grid News, Nov. 12, 2012, http://www.Smart
S. Julio Friedman, Shaping Californias Smart Grid: Employing the Best Computer Technology, Energy Biz, Jan. 2012,
Ephemeral Biometrics: An Alternative to Traditional, Event-based Authentication, U.S. Department of Energy, June 4, 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
The labs research wants to develop methods that capture an individuals vital signs as
part of the authentication process; by requiring a sensor bound to a persons identity
worn around the neck or wrist to measure pulse rate, monitors could be certain its
always a genuine human requesting access. That sensor could also capture location
data, eliminating possibilities of insider threats.
Another important research facility,
the National Energy Technology Laboratory, is managing 60 Research and
Development projects aimed at developing components of the smart grid system, such
as high-temperature superconductors, energy storage, and cybersecurity.
The labs goal is to modernize the grid, and warns that an extensive loss of the current
grid would have significant, long-term repercussions. They are trying to achieve results
similar to that of the Fort Knox model,
where an army post frequented by severe
weather lost its connection with the local public power utility in 2009, leaving many of
its buildings without power for up to 10 days. Fort Knox responded by creating a back-
up power system that would be able to efficiently recover following an attack or power
The Fort Knox model implements combined heat and power (CHP) systems
to provide backup power and significant yearly energy savings at the base.

In addition to the role of national labs and utilities, the federal government has been
working to place the nations energy security at a higher priority. This initiative was
partially sparked by the Energy Independence and Security Act in 2007, and was
followed by the Department of Energys Smart Grid Investment Grant (SGIG) program.
A result of the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the SGIG program
rewarded 99 utility projects to implement new technology and practices. There are four
main topic areas that the SGIG program has been zeroing in on to transform the
electric grid, which include the following: Electric Transmission Systems (ETS) such as
line monitors communication networks, and phasor measurement units; Electric
Distribution Systems (EDS), which include automated sensors and controls for switches,
capacitors, and transformers; Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), which includes

Sung Choi and David Zage, Ephemeral Biometrics: What are they and what do they solve? October, 2013,
Joe Miller, What is the Smart Grid? Illinois Smart Grid Initiative, National Energy Technology Laboratory, June 2008,
Dan Provost, Using CHP to Bring Energy Security to Fort Knox, Business Energy, August 2013,

July 2014 First Edition
communication systems, smart meters, and meter data management systems; and
finally, Customer Systems (CS), such as in-home displays, programmable
communication thermostats, web portals, and time-based rate programs.

The purpose of SGIG is to accelerate the modernization of the nations electric
transmission and distributions systems, create tools and technology to increase
flexibility and efficiency, and to promote investments in smart grid technology. The
program has been successful in dramatically accelerating the deployment of smart grid
technology, optimizing grid performance and reliability by using electronic data and
intelligent devices, and improving resiliency to natural disasters all while also
maximizing economic efficiency. Successful projects have received federal financial
assistance of up to 50% of eligible costs, for a total funding of $7.9 billion ($3.4 billion
in federal grants and $4.5 billion from private donors) going toward improving the
electric grid. Smart meter deployment took up the largest percentage of these costs,
as utilities all over the nation are making the simple, efficient switch to installing smart
meters in surrounding homes.
The SGIG program has sparked an increased awareness of grid operations, but has not
necessarily directly addressed security issues. While smart meters improve efficiency
and reliability, experts warn that the increased transition to smart meters and internet-
based technology may also cause an increase in hackers.
The FBI warns that insiders
and individuals with only a moderate level of computer knowledge are most likely able
to compromise smart meters with readily available, low-cost tools and software.
to the fact that the SGIG project funds were awarded to several small utilities, the
utilities goals are often geared toward the customers and toward achieving decreased
consumption costs, rather than ensuring security and defense. A utility in Fulton,
Missouri, which was given a $3,055,282 budget by the SGIG program, has set a goal to
implement smart meters and two-way communication for customers to view their
consumption as well as implement time-based rate programs. The programs smart
grid report does have a Cyber Security and Data Privacy section, but it is very
minimal and the majority of the section focuses solely on customer information
As of now, there is no specified plan in the utilitys smart grid handbook on
what to do in the case of a real threat. Another recipient of SGIG funding, the Electric

Smart Grid Investment Grant Program: Progress Report, US Department of Energy, July 2012,
FBI: Smart Meter Hacks Likely to Spread, April 12, 2012,
Missouri Smart Grid Report, Missouri Public Service Commission, Last updated February 14, 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
Power Board (EPB) in Chattanooga, Tennessee, has been using its funds to work
toward the deployment of a fiber optic network as the primary means of
communication for all smart grid equipment.
They hope to reduce power surges
from frequent storms occurring in the Southeast. EPB is also investing in AMI, which
will enable two-way communication with the smart meter.
This will be connected with
the addition of energy management web portals, which will be helpful for customers
looking to monitor and manage their energy usage. While these measures being taken
will improve some security and energy efficiency, no statements were found in the new
plan regarding emergency plans or specific security measures being addressed in the
case of an event.

While smart grid initiatives have proven successful for improving efficiency, their
reliance on wireless, cloud, and internet-based technology opens up a greater
potential threat of hacking and cyber terrorism. The increased number of access points
can be seen in Home Meters (smart meters) and customer interface, such as Home
Area Networks (HAN) and Business Area Networks (BAN). Home meters, which send
back information from the utility base to the home about how much electricity or gas is
being used, are relatively new and may contain errors or open access points. Workers
need to ensure that meters are secure, customer detail and privacy is protected, and
denial-of-service attacks and infiltration by foreign intelligence services is prevented.
Assessing the risks that come with smart meters is highly dependent on understanding
what large networks they will be connected to,
and the design must permit errors to
be easily fixed.
Customer interfaces which provide a connection between the utility and the customer
through systems such as Home Area Networks (HAN) and Business Area Networks
(BAN), has also contributed to the increased number of access points found in the
electric grid. Customer interfaces give the ability for the customer to connect devices
within a home or business in order to receive detailed information regarding energy
usage, as well as to help manage and monitor electricity usage.
They enable the

A Smarter Electric Circuit: Electric Power Board of Chattanooga Makes the Switch, U.S. Department of Energy,
John Colley, An opportunity for a secure digital society, Computer Weekly,
Home and Business Area Network Devices, San Diego Gas & Electric,

July 2014 First Edition
communication and sharing of resources between computers, mobile and other
devices over a network connection. Components of customer interface include In-
Home Displays (IHDs), Energy Management Devices, and Peripheral Devices. IHDs are
essentially energy information displays; they receive real-time energy use data and
help identify high-energy use appliances. Energy Management Devices are
programmable communicating thermostats (smart thermostats), which allow the
customer to program more settings. Peripheral Devices include gateways and range
extenders that help communicate with smart meters to extend a signal.

Companies and researchers are currently working on ways to improve understanding of
smart grid and other electric-grid technology. One of the methods being focused on is
data analysis. Data analysis is the science of transforming raw data into real life
information to promote proactive decision-making. Data analysis can give businesses
and utilities a comprehensive view of internal and external risks by alerting decision
makers about potential fraud, unusual network traffic patterns, hardware failures, and
security breaches.

Companies such as GE, Siemens, Oracle, AutoGrid, Trove, IBM, and SAS have all
begun to develop data analytic software to better understand and interpret smart grid
technology. The three most widely implemented grid analytics solutions of data
analysis have been voltage optimization, asset management, and outage
Information is analyzed in real-time, which helps heighten awareness
of any problems within the grid.
San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) has also emerged
as a leader in the smart grid initiative. Californias Title 24 Building code requires all
new thermostats, HVAC systems, networked lighting controllers, and automation
systems in the state to come ready for two-way, automated utility-to-customer energy
SDG&E has been in the process of deploying 1.4 million smart meters.
It has implemented a data management program through Itron and a customer web
portal designed by Aclara; Itron and Aclara have assisted SDG&E in connecting with

Jeff St. John, Big Data on the Smart Grid: 2013 in Review and 2014 Outlook, Greentech Media, December 16, 2013,
Jeff St. John, Soft Grid 2013: From Big Data Potential to Real-World value, Green Tech Media, September 24, 2013,
Jeff St. John, Californias New Building Cod: a Grid-Smart Thermostat in Every Facility, Green Tech Media, April 3, 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
the consumer and with analyzing the large amount of data that has been comprised by
the smart meters.

Utilities all over the nation have begun moving in the direction toward energy
efficiency and reforming the electric grid. In order to make a complete shift in this
direction, one must understand the costs of implementing these measures. As
previously mentioned, the Department of Energy has invested billions of dollars into
the Smart Grid Investment Grant program. This is the biggest federal funding project
for smart grid to date, as utilities are currently working on transforming regions with
Additionally, venture capitalists have begun to welcome startup businesses looking to
combat the rise in cybercrime. Chrysalix Energy Venture capital has taken on ReliOn,
which is developing low-cost backup and remote primary power system based on
proprietary fuel cell technology; the companys goal is to back up utility SCADA
systems to have stable and dependable telecommunications when natural and
manmade disasters crash the electrical grid.
Venture capitalist Draper Fisher
Jurvetson has taken on EnerNOC, which is a public provider of energy intelligence
software (EIS) applications and technology for efficient smart grid use by energy users
and utility and grid operators.
Additionally, GE Ventures is working with Trilliant, a
smart grid solutions company. Trillian provides utilities and energy retailers with smart
grid initiatives, including transformer monitoring and grid load information for

Because of the potential pathways from the public Internet to the electric gridvia the
smart gridgrid security will involve not just utilities, but also the manufacturers of
apps, appliances, software, and other systems/devices that connect to grid technology.
With multiple entry points to the grid, it will be necessary to further analyze system
architecture to make sure that there are not unsecured pathways from consumer
devices or connections to the grid control systems. Additionally, security standards
and software systems must recognize malicious activitye.g. the simultaneous, wide-
scale start or shutdown of power-intensive appliances, such as air conditioners, to
create an imbalance on the gridand respond to counter or isolate the activity and
alert grid operators.

Jeff St. John, SDG&Es Massive Smart-Grid-to-Consumer Playbook, GreenTech Media, Dec. 19, 2011,
Reli On, Chrysalix Energy Venture Capital,
Portfolio, DFJ,
Featured Companies, GE Ventures,

July 2014 First Edition
In addition to employing new research and development on the electric grid, many are
attempting to develop and campaign on new schemes for metering and cost recovery.
The current tiered rate structure, which is based upon energy usage, has fostered a
large gap between low and high usage rates. Cost-of-service regulation often faces
significant challenges due to being highly regulated by state commissions, which set
fixed rates upon a cost-of-service model. If standards are not met, utilities are required
to pay financial penalties.
Currently, utilities face the challenge of maintaining rising technological integration
costs in an environment where falling energy costs result in lower revenues. Edison
Electric Institute, which represents investor-owned utilities, stated that disruptive
technologies like renewables, efficiency, distributed generation and new storage
innovations, will lead to declining power sales and therefore declining revenues.

Not only is this situation bad for business, but less revenue also provides less of a
means for ensuring security measures. To target-shoot the problem, California utilities
have created a system combining a net metering program and infrastructure tariffs.
Customers will be able to sell excess energy back to their utility, which will in turn lower
their monthly electric bills.

Other utilities have decided to tackle the problem by embracing it and making energy
efficiency more of an initiative. Vermonts Green Mountain Power (GMP) has taken such
an approach. Unlike most utilities, which are warning against profit-reducing energy
models, GMP is establishing a new way of doing business through the solar energy
model and net metering.
Called the SolarGMP Initiative, GMP has already
accomplished installing 26,000 solar panels in 1,000 days.
Through this initiative, it
plans to create a more customer service-based business model.
Another potential alternative to the current business is Results-based Regulation. This
method would turn a cost-of-service model into a value-of-service model, as the idea
would be to compensate utilities based on their ability to meet specified goals agreed

Peter Kind, Disruptive Challenges: Financial Implication and Strategic Responses to a changing Electric Business, Edison
Electric Institute, January, 2013,
Kay Stefferud, Hope at last? California offers net metering compromise, SmartGrid News, October 11, 2013,
Tor Valenza, Why a Vermont Utility CEO is Embracing Solar and Net Metering, Renewable Energy World, May 6, 2014,
Green Mountain Power Installs 26,000 Solar Panels in 1,000 Days, Vermont Digger, November 6, 2011,

July 2014 First Edition
upon in advance with regulators.
This model would be designed to support utility
investment in new technology, provide incentives for innovation and performance, and
to encourage utilities to deliver long-term value to customers.

Interrelated to SmartGrid technology are microgrids, which are at their most basic
form, small-scale versions of the centralized electricity system. With the development
of this technology, many statesin tandem with the private sector and federal
governmenthave begun to implement both small and large-scale projects. In the
wake of an attack or an extreme weather event, microgrids can provide electricity to
the first responders and emergency services. Still, given the shift in architecture from
centralized grids to distributed generation, questions remain about how the business
model for this infrastructure will take shape.

A microgrid is defined as a conglomeration of small generation and loads that
operate as a coherent system and connects to a wider grid as a single point load.

This is a very basic definition, as additional stipulations can be added to the definition
when appropriate. These stipulations can include requiring the microgrid to have
storage devices, maintain controllable loads, provide heat as well as power, and
engage in island mode. Island mode is a state in which the microgrid disconnects from
the main power grid and operates entirely in a disconnected state.
Currently, a microgrid has an operation capacity of roughly one gigawatt. This primarily
comes from gas or diesel, as solar power currently consists of only three percent of
operational generation.
There are several different areas to consider with regards to
a microgrid, and these include technical, operational, and economic. The technical
aspect covers voltage, power quality, frequency, and many other considerations. The

David Malkin and Paul Centolella, Results-Based Regulation: A Modern Approach to Modernize the Grid, GE Digital Energy
and Analysis Group,
Morris, Greg Young, Chad Abbey, Geza Joos, and Chris Marnay. "A Framework for the Evaluation
of the Cost and Benefits of Microgrids." Ernest Orland Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Munsell, Mike. "Solar and Other Renewables Are Key Inputs for Next-Gen Microgrids : Greentech
Media." Greentech Grid.
Microgrids (accessed July 3, 2014).

July 2014 First Edition
operational considerations deal more with protection, security, load imbalance, and
Finally, the economics of the microgrid consider cost, geographic dispersion, system
life, and any other business related aspects. New microgrid technology has numerous
benefits, ranging from broad to local. Perhaps the most notable of these benefits is the
reliability of the micrgrids, primarily due to the microgrids ability to operate
independently. Other general benefits of the microgrid include improved efficiency
and reduced emissions. Locally, benefits also include quality and reliability; but also a
reduction in unwanted harmonics, a reduction in distribution losses, and the ability to
combine heat and power.

In addition to the previously stated benefits, a microgrid system allows for a cleaner
and more resilient grid. Microgrids are moving away from diesel towards solar, hydro,
and wind-based power. There are a number of reasons moving away from diesel is
positive progression, the most notable of which is environmental concerns. Burning
diesel on a large scale is detrimental to the environment, but the environmental and
logistical concerns, such as pipelines and transport vulnerabilities, with obtaining diesel
cannot be overlooked either.
When experiencing utility outages, it is often difficult to transport diesel via road, rail,
or pipeline to where it is neededcreating a self-perpetuating problem. Solar, wind, or
hydro based power systems could be locally based and have the ability to store power,
both of which would significantly increase the reliability of the grid.
Primarily funded
by the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy, the SPIDERS program is
making headway in the renewable energy microgrid field. SPIDERS stands for Smart
Power Infrastructure Demonstration for Energy Reliability and Security, and is headed
by Sandia National Laboratories.
This $30 million project is to design 25 microgrids for military institutions throughout
the United States. The primary objective is to both transition away from diesel and
provide a more reliable grid. This project was successful, as tests show that the grids

Casey, Tina. "In First Test, U.S. Militarys SPIDERS Microgrid Uses 90% Renewable Energy."
CleanTechnica. (accessed July 3,

July 2014 First Edition
operate 90 percent on renewable sources. Projections suggest this will save $43,000
each year as opposed to an entirely diesel based system. Clearly, the SPIDERS
program has shown that a microgrid can be cheaper, cleaner, and more resilient than a
diesel based system.

In addition to Sandia National Laboratories initiative, other states and even
independent institutions are developing microgrids based on renewable energy. One
example is the University of California San Diego (UCSD). UCSD developed a microgrid
that provides for 92% of the campus electricity and 95% of the campus heating and
cooling. The microgrid uses both solar power as well as wind power, and serves
roughly 45,000 people on the UCSD campus. The university accomplished this through
$8 million in independent donations, and the California Energy Commission has
granted an additional $1.8 million to UCSD. The UCSD microgrid also proves the
practicality of the system, as the microgrid takes up about as much room as a tennis
court. This is remarkable for a system that can provide heating, cooling, and electricity
to 450 buildingsnot to mention its run primarily on solar and wind power. Its clear
that the capability for a cleaner and more resilient grid is present, but implementing
and organizing the system is where difficulty sets in.

In 2009, through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, President Obama
allocated $3.4 billion to the Department of Energy, for investment in new grid
technology as a way to make the grid more physically resilient to an attack. The DOE
then created the Smart Grid Investment Grant (SGIG) Program, which awards utilities
with money to implement new technology and practices. There were over 400
proposals for project submitted to the DOE but this program only has the capacity to
fund 99 projects. These merit-based investments are organized within four topic areas:
Electric Transmission Systems (ETS)line monitors, communication networks, and
phasor measurement units (PMU); Electric Distribution Systems (EDS)automated
sensors and controls for switches, capacitors, and transformers; Advanced Metering
Infrastructure (AMI)communication systems, smart meters, and meter data
management systems; and Customer Systems (CS)in-home displays, programmable
communication thermostats, web portals, and time-based rate programs.

Smart Grid Investment Grant Program: Progress Report, U.S. Department of Energy, July 2012,

July 2014 First Edition

Interrelated to the SGIG program are the advancements in distributive electricity
systems, specifically microgrids, which have reinforced the reliability of the entire
electrical grid. The DOE estimated that as of 2007, there were more than 12 million
distributed generation united installed across the United States, with a total capacity of
200 GigaWatts.
Microgrid technology has begun to rise in popularity, especially
after weather events such as Superstorm Sandy. Due to the widespread and multi-day
power outages that occurred after the October 2012 storm, many utilities have begun
to evaluate how to reinforce and strengthen their distribution and generation systems
specifically connected to essential public services.

With the expansion of this technology, many states in tandem with the private sector
and federal government have begun to implement small and large-scale projects.
Governor Cuomo of New York and Vice President Joe Biden recently announced the
Reimagining New York for a New Reality, which is a $17 billion dollar program aimed
at modernizing the states energy supply, emergency management, transportation
network, coastal protection, and infrastructure. In addition to that program, Governor
Cuomo also announced a $40 million dollar award through the NY Prize competition
focused upon building ten community-scale power grids specifically for areas with
40,000 residents.

Community-based programs have also been funded in both Connecticut and New
Jersey. Nine microgrid pilot programs are scheduled to be implemented throughout
the state of Connecticut, which total $18 million and are primarily funded by the
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) Microgrid Pilot Program.

Additionally, in August of 2013, N.J. Governor Chris Christie announced a $1 million
dollar DOE program focused on implementing microgrid technology to the states
Northeast corridor transit system. This plan will assist in modernizing and adding new
distribution and generation infrastructure to a transportation system, which serves
approximately 900,000 customers per day. This specific project has been adapted from

Richard J. Campbell, Weather-Related Power Outages and Electric System Resiliency, Congressional Research Service, Aug.
28, 2012,
New York Earmarks $40 Million for Ten Microgrid Projects, Microgrid News: Homer Energy, Jan. 10, 2014, http://microgrid-
Gov. Mallow Announces Nations First Statewide Microgrid Pilot, Office of the Governor of Connecticut, July 24, 2013,

July 2014 First Edition
the blueprint developed by Sandia National Laboratories, which designed 25
microgrids for military installations throughout the United States.

Additionally, Alan Rubacha, a senior project manager at a project based at Wesleyan
University at Middleton, stated the grid will help to achieve greater reliability, to
provide additional emergency power in an outage, and to produce electricity for less
cost with few emissions.
Wesleyan is spending $3.7 million for the microgrid to
provide electricity, heating, and cooling to their athletic center.
Both the projects in
Connecticut and New York are important to look at because they are pioneers with
regards to the microgrid. It is clear at this point that microgrids are an invaluable tool,
but small-scale success must be examined to pave the road for large-scale
The previously mentioned examples rely heavily on solar power for their microgrids.
The SkyGrid Energy project in Hawaii, however, relies on wind power. Powered by an
NPS 100 wind turbine, the Hawaiian microgrid has been fully functional since April
2013. While wind is the primary source of energy, a battery bank and inverter also
contribute to the success of the microgrid. SkyGrid Energy generates approximately
200,000 kWh which is breakthrough technology for such a remote area.

A variety of different microgrids can be successful, and geographic location must be
taken into account. Hawaii is optimal for the wind turbines, whereas they wouldnt work
as well in New York. An important aspect of the microgrids is the ability to store
energy, as sun and wind are not predictable constants. SkyGrid Energy is a prime
example of how a microgrid can adapt to and be successful in different environments.

Magdalena Klemun, DOE helps kick-start one of the first large civilian microgrid applications for New Jerseys hurrican-ravaged
transit system, Greentech Media, Aug. 27, 2013,
Kane, Brad. "CT Microgrid Program Seeks Full Financing." Hartford Business Journal.
(accessed January 1, 2014).
Gecan, Alex. "Gov. Malloy fires up states first microgrid at Wesleyan." The Middletown Press. (accessed July 3,
Northern Power Systems. "Remote Hawaiian Microgrid." . (accessed January 1, 2014).

July 2014 First Edition
In the immediate future, microgrids are being used almost exclusively for critical
facilities such as military bases, airports, and university or hospital campuses. This
includes powering institutions such as hospitals and transportation systems. Especially
with government funding, residential or even commercial microgrid establishment
could not be justified. The technology for the microgrids needs to become more easily
obtainable for residential and commercial use, and this doesnt appear feasible in the
near future.
Specifically in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, the purpose of the microgrid is
to ensure the reliability of the grid so that critical infrastructure can continue to operate
throughout a power outage. This would have been invaluable throughout Superstorm
Sandy, as outages could be localized and critical facilities would remain powered.
As previously discussed, the microgrid projects can be more effective when the cost is
split between both the state and federal governments. While this is the ideal scenario,
it must be understood that only 62% of utilities are publically owned in the first place.
Also notable is the fact that investor-owned utilities serve 68% of people, meaning the
burden on publically owned utilities is smaller.

The transition to having numerous microgrids would have to begin with the publically
owned utilities, as the investor-owned utilities do not have any motivation to spend the
extra initial money. Since the publically owned utilities are going to be the ones to
initially make the transition, critical infrastructures will continue to receive priority over
residential or commercial areas As demonstrated through the UCSD microgrid, a grid
the size of a tennis court can accommodate a very large number of people. This makes
it practical in a large city, as many people live and operate in a smaller area.
Microgrids are an extremely useful tool, and serve as an insurance policy for the grid.
The primary two benefits are the island effect and the ability to use renewable energy
sources. In a time when moving away from petroleum based energy is prioritized,
microgrids can provide a relatively small-scale solution with potential for expansion.
The success of small-scale projects shows promise for future projects, and the
obstacles can be overcome. The concerns regarding cost are legitimate, but the long-
term benefits can outweigh the expense of the initial investment. UCSD reports savings
of $800,000 per month solely due to the microgridthe system clearly pays for itself.

The White House. "Economic Benefits of Increasing Electric Grid Resilience to Weather Outages.. (accessed January
1, 2014).

July 2014 First Edition
Although funding microgrids is not a popular political move currently, efforts to
improve the grid could have significant positive effects in both the short-term and
While the gains in efficiency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness appear attractive, there
are unresolved concerns about the security of microgrids and the long-term impact on
the broader bulk power system.
The larger bulk power system will continue to be needed for load balancing and to
provide power to microgrids that may experience disruptions in generating capacity.
Such situations may occur when solar panels do not receive enough sunlight, or wind
farms faced becalmed weather. However, in an electricity market made up solely of
microgrids, there would be little in the way of continued economic incentives for the
transmission infrastructure and central generation needed to provide bulk power. As a
result, such back up systems could potentially require significant support through
methods that many consider market distortingsuch as direct subsidies or tax credits.
Furthermore, in an environment where the central utility business model would be
slowly dismantled, there would be difficulties in ensuring the support of major investor
owned utilities in providing the continued investment in security and infrastructure
In terms of security, while the microgrids would theoretically provide increased
redundancies, there would be a need to secure a significantly greater number of
additional sites, facilities, and systems. Further examination of the workforce
requirements and security needs of a widely implemented microgrid system is

One of the major future transitions for the electrical grid is the changing dynamics in
generation sources. The future reliability and security of the grid will also depend on
how policy makers address the nations changing energy portfolio and the need to
responsibly reduce carbon emissions. As the breakdown of electricity supply by

EcoMotion. "The U.C. San Diego Microgrid." .
microgrid/ (accessed January 1, 2014).

July 2014 First Edition
generation source illustrates, coal remains the preeminent fuel source even with
advances in natural gas generation. Even with increased investments in sources such
as wind and solar, nuclear power remains the most significant source of carbon-free
Changes in the nations generation portfolio will require major investments in both
electrical infrastructure, as well as ancillary systems. While this is by no means a
comprehensive analysis of these challenges, this report seeks to raise these issues for
policymakers and analyze the lessons from where some of these shifts in generation
have already taken placenotably Germany.

Natural gas is a hydrocarbon gas mixture mostly comprised of methane; a
nonrenewable fossil fuel found within porous rock formations or shale basins. Similar to
other fossil fuels, natural gas is a primary energy source and is the second largest
source after petroleum. With the recent development of new technology and the





Natural Gas
Other Gas
Nuclear Electric Power
Source: U.S. Energy Information Agency

July 2014 First Edition
current Administrations policies aimed at curbing coal use, natural gas has become
more economically and politically popular. Despite the natural gas boom and the
regulatory hurdles looming for coal power, major infrastructure challenges remain.
The majority of the natural gas resources are found in traditional gas formations within
the Middle EastIran, Qatar, and Saudi Arabiafollowed by significant resources
United States and Russia. The United States has grown in prominence as technologies
such as hydraulic fracturingor frackinghave allowed for the recovery of natural
gas from shale formations.
Due to the success in recovering natural gas from these shale formations, companies
have begun to take advantage of the abundant natural resources throughout the
country. Over the past decade, multiple shale plays have been discovered and utilized
within the continental United States. The largest shale plays are Bakken Shale (North
Dakota and Montana), Barnett (Texas), Woodford (Oklahoma), Eagle Ford (Texas),
Niobrara (Wyoming, Nebraska, Colorado, and South Dakota), Marcellus (Adirondacks),
Haynesville (Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas), and Permian (Texas).
Over the past
years, the production of natural gas had continued to increase to 24 trillion cubic feet
and provides the country about 25% of its overall energy needs.
Due to the abundant resources within the United States, many have advocated that
natural gas-powered electricity generation is the most reliable option. Unlike solar or
wind, natural gas can act as base load power generation because it does not fluctuate
or depend upon weather patterns.
Currently, the vast majority of natural gas power
plants are used as supplemental stations, taking advantage of natural gass quick firing
characteristics to provide additional generation.
Additionally, substantial infrastructure changes must be made to successfully integrate
natural gas into the electrical grid on a scale that could provide base load capacity and
replace coal as a main generation source. Of particular note, natural gas power plants
lack coal power plants ability to store fuel onsite, requiring the installation of new
pipelines to the plant or the development of compressed or liquefied natural gas
Due to regulatory restraints, high construction costs, and local opposition,
both utilities and gas suppliers currently have limited options in addressing these

Ana Komnenic, Heres how the US is becoming the worlds biggest oil and gas producer,, November 18, 2013,
David Blackmon, Natural Gas: The Electrical Grids 20 Minute Pizza, Forbes, January 17, 2014,
Vicki Ekstrom, Grid Reliability and the Role of Natural Gas, MIT Energy Initiative, May 6, 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
infrastructure challenges. Ultimately, multiple sectors must adapt in order for natural
gas to fully reach its potential as a resource for generation.
In terms of coal-burning generation, there are significant regulatory and technical
hurdles looming in the near future. The Obama Administration and Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) have begun an active campaign to reduce fossil fuel emission
levels. In June of 2014, the EPA proposed standards for coal-fired power plant, which
would result in a 30% reduction of emission levels by 2030.
As electrical utilities are
focusing their attention on developing renewable energy sources, coal continues to
play a major role in electricity generation. As of 2013, the country generated
approximately 4,058 billion kilowatt hours of electricity and 39% of the electricity
generated came from coal.

The backbone of the electrical grid comes from base load generation or the minimum
level of electrical demand over a 24-hour period. Typically, both coal and nuclear have
predominately acted as base load generation considering that they operate at a full,
steady output. This is unlike other sources of energy generation such as wind or solar,
which are affected by weather patterns or natural gas plants that are quickly stopped or
started depending on varying demand. In addition, electrical generation within the
country has varied by region depending upon resources and cost. Furthermore, while
some states, such as California generate have transitioned away from coal generation,
other statessuch as Kentucky and Indianarely on coal for over 85 percent of
electricity generation.

As a result, it would be impossible to fully eliminate coal as a source of energy
generation within this country. Increases in efficiency and the shutting of the most
heavily polluting plants could meet both some of the regulatory standards and off-peak
base load needs, but coal will continue to be a part of the U.S. generation portfolio for
the foreseeable future.
If the United States were to greatly reduce its coal generation, consumers would face
significant increases in energy costs, and in all likelihood, the coal not used in the
United States would be exported overseasthus negating any carbon reduction goals.

John H. Cushman Jr., How Ambirious is EPAs Climate Change Rule, Really? InsideClimate News, June 3, 2014,
What is U.S. electricity generation by energy source? U.S. Energy Information Administration, June 13, 2014,
Dawn Santoianni, The Backbone of the Electric System: A Legacy of Coal and the Challenge of Renewables, Scientific
American, May 17, 2012,

July 2014 First Edition
A solution for these challenges is continued investment in carbon-capture-and-
sequestration (CCS) technology that allows for continued coal generation that meets
environmental goals. Using CCS technology, carbon dioxide emitted from power
plants is injected into rock formations deep underground, thus trapping the carbon
dioxide and preventing it from entering the atmosphere. While this technology is
expensive and outstanding questions about its effectiveness remain, development and
installation of CCS technology could allow existing coal power plants to continue to
provide their significant portion of electric generation.

Within the United States, 100 nuclear power reactors are spread across 31 states, which
account for 20% of the electricity generated and for 64% of the zero-carbon emission
generation sources (nuclear, hydro, solar, wind, etc.).

The high and wide range of costs associated with power plants, have deterred many
from supporting nuclear power. Not only does it take approximately 10-15 years to
build a nuclear power plant, but to properly maintain the plant, owners must factor in
capital costs (construction and financing); plant operating costs (fissile material and
decommissioning); system costs; and external costs. For example, the cost to obtain 1
kg of uranium as reactor fuel is estimated at $1,160 USD, yet that amount of uranium
will produce about 20,000 times as much energy as the same amount of coal.

Additionally, nuclear generationin terms of both construction and operation costs
currently finds it difficult to compete against relatively inexpensive natural gas systems.
Many critics of nuclear power believe that there are high risks associated with this form
of energy and cite the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in 2011 as an
example. Even though there are extensive international and national regulations
concerning the construction and maintenance of nuclear power plants, the
combination of a tsunami and Toh!ku earthquake critically damaged the plant.
Contaminated water and radiation have been two of the results associated with the
meltdown of three of the plants six nuclear reactors.

Nuclear Power in the USA, World Nuclear Association, February 20, 2014,
The Economics of Nuclear Power, World Nuclear Association, February 2014,
Hiroko Tabuchi, Reversing Course, Japan Makes Push to Restart Dormant Nuclear Plant, The New York Times, February 25,

July 2014 First Edition
As controversy surrounding the reliability of nuclear power plants continues and
reliance upon other forms of renewable energy increases, California and Germany can
be examined as useful case studies. California has been undergoing a renewable
revolution, in which the state is currently shifting towards renewable fuels and away
from nuclear energy due to its environmental impact, safety concerns, and
maintenance costs. Previously, California had five operational nuclear power plants, but
as of 2012, only one was in operation. Currently, the Diablo Canyon power plant,
owned by PG&E, is the only plant operating within the state. This plant is located near
San Luis Obispo and has two Unitsoperational in 1985 and 1986.

Additionally, there was fundamental policy shift within Germany beginning in 2011
after the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster. After Chancellor Angela Merkels
administration came under immense pressure to secure energy sources within the
country, the government initiated the Energinwende policy. This energy policy is
focused on developing solar and wind capabilities, while decreasing the countrys
reliance upon nuclear energy.
During March of 2011, the autonomous Reactor Safety Commission (RSK) assessed the
safety and security of the 17 nuclear power plants spread throughout the country. The
RSK published their findings, stating that German plants were secured through the
implementation of safeguards. Yet, the Merkel administration decided that the cost of
a nuclear disaster was too great and decided to phase out nuclear energy over the
next decade.
Chancellor Angela Markel decreed that the countrys nuclear power
reactors which began operation in 1980 or earlier should be immediately shut down.
Those units then closed and were joined by another unit already in long-term
shutdown, making a total of 8,336 MWe offline under government direction, about
6.4% of the countrys generating capacity.
By the end of 2022, the German
government plans to close the nine remaining nuclear power plants.
In response to concerns about cost and safety, many companies have begun to
reexamine nuclear power plant technology, in an attempt to cut costs and increase
resilience. For example, the Babcock & Wilcox Company is developing a series of small
modular reactors (SMR) called the B&W mPower reactor. A SMR is a new generation
nuclear power plant, which has an output of less than 500 MWe and a natural cooling

Nuclear Energy in California, California Energy Commission, 2014,
Developments in Germany following the nuclear disaster in Japan, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature
Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety, March 10, 2014,
Nuclear Power in Germany, World Nuclear Association, July 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
feature. Not only do they increase the security of fissile material, but are designed to
be more cost effective and environmentally acceptable to traditional power plants.

Other potential innovations include developments in thorium reactors or pebble-bed
reactors that provide increased reliability and self-limiting reactions that largely negate
meltdown or radiation emission concerns.
If a major developed economy like the United States is going to meet its future energy
needs while reducing carbon emissions, nuclear power must be one of the generation
sources supported by policy makers. While it has its own significant challenges in
terms of cost, politics, and infrastructure, it represents one of the better paths forward
for providing long-term base load that complements the fluctuations in renewable

Improving our electrical grid infrastructure is interrelated with developing a resilient
approach to energy consumption. Updated grid infrastructure can increase the
efficiency of energy use, while also allowing the United States to harness the natural
resources available through the shale oil and gas revolutions, as well as the
implementation of renewable energy sources through distributed energy resources
On a national level, the Obama Administration has been promoting its All of the
Above strategy, which focuses on energy resilience and independence. This policy
focuses upon a shift away from coal to natural gas; increasing the nations reliance upon
alternative energy sources (solar, hydro, and wind); and decreasing energy costs.
Especially with the development of new technology and methodologies, such as
fracking, the adherence to this policy has become more realistic.
In addition to the national policy, many states have begun to implement their own
energy policies, which focus upon lowering carbon emissions and integrating
renewables into the electrical grid. For example, in 2011, California passed a law
mandating the state to obtain 33% of its power from renewables by 2020. AB 327
specifically removes many of the restrictions on developing forms of distributed energy
resources, such as solar panels, and alters the electricity rate structures and process of

B&W mPower Reactor, The Babcock and Wilcox Company, 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
selling electricity back into the grid. Net metering allows utilities to flatten the higher
prices per kilowatt-hour that heavy residential power users pay for marginal amounts of
electricity used on a month-by-month basis, and provide the potential for them to
charge flat monthly fees to all residential customers.
Utilities have argued that net
metering does not adequately compensate the costs they face in supplying solar
photovoltaic technology. As a result, they have been forced to raise rates to non-solar
customers or are faced with negative revenue.
One of the major difficulties with implementing renewables is the fluctuation in
generation capacity. The variations in wind and solar can result in energy surpluses or
shortfalls, and technology for providing reliable storage remains on the drawing
boardespecially in a distributed generation system. Current technologies, such as
hydro storagewhere excess electricity is used to fill a reservoir that later provides
hydropower when additional generation is neededare designed largely around the
centralized grid model and its long-distance transmission infrastructure. Advances in
localized storage will address these challenges, but the U.S. electrical grid will still
require a business model that supports some level of centralized infrastructure and
base load generation.
Lessons from Germany
The German Energiewendeenergy turnis one of the most comprehensive shifts
towards renewable electricity taken by any nation. The basis of this energy policy is to
shift away from the countrys reliance upon nuclear power and towards renewable
sources of generation, such as wind, biomass, hydropower, and photovoltaic. The
Merkel administration has stated that it would stick to the objective of reducing
greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2020 (compared with 1990 levels) and by
80 percent by 2050.

Although, three years after this national policy went into effect, the country is
confronted with rising energy costs, inefficient grid architecture, and an increased
dependence on coal energy. Even with the integration of 1.4 million solar photovoltaic
installations and 24,000 wind turbines throughout the country, nuclear power still
accounted for 75% of power generation in 2013.

Jeff St. John, AB 327: From California Solar Killer to Net Metering Savior? Greentech Media, September 3, 2013,
Hardy Graupner What exactly is Germanys Energiewende? Deutsche Welle, January 22, 2013,
Jeffrey Michel, Can Germany survive the Energiewende? RenewEconomy, March 31, 2014,

July 2014 First Edition
Additionally, without grid architecture and storage solutions designed for the
fluctuations in the production of renewable energye.g. changes in wind speed or
sunshineGerman utilities have found themselves dealing with major fluctuations in
the electricity supply. In order to provide more stability in input costs, major German
manufacturers have both lobbied for reduced or subsidized electricity contracts and
installed onsite generation or cogeneration facilities. During summer months, German
utilities have been confronted with negative wholesale electricity pricesreflecting a
glut of electricity in the grid. At other times, as renewables have not met electricity
demands, German utilities have turned to the use of coal power plants. Thus, almost
three years into the Energiewende, Germany has electricity rates 50% higher than the
rest of Europe, and it has seen growth in its carbon emissions over the past two

German Energy Prices 50% Higher than EU Average: McKinsey, Text, EurActiv - EU News & Policy Debates, February 7, 2014,; Energiewende-
Deutschlands CO2-Emissionen Steigen Weiter an, Die Zeit, April 8, 2014, sec. wirtschaft,

July 2014 First Edition
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