This document provides answers to common questions about learning the backhandspring (bhs) tumbling skill. It discusses proper technique for the bhs, common errors like landing on the head or undercutting, and offers drills and exercises to improve the skill. It recommends taking tumbling lessons at a gymnastics gym to safely learn under the guidance of a coach, and estimates it could take a year or more for someone with no prior tumbling experience to master the bhs.
This document provides answers to common questions about learning the backhandspring (bhs) tumbling skill. It discusses proper technique for the bhs, common errors like landing on the head or undercutting, and offers drills and exercises to improve the skill. It recommends taking tumbling lessons at a gymnastics gym to safely learn under the guidance of a coach, and estimates it could take a year or more for someone with no prior tumbling experience to master the bhs.
This document provides answers to common questions about learning the backhandspring (bhs) tumbling skill. It discusses proper technique for the bhs, common errors like landing on the head or undercutting, and offers drills and exercises to improve the skill. It recommends taking tumbling lessons at a gymnastics gym to safely learn under the guidance of a coach, and estimates it could take a year or more for someone with no prior tumbling experience to master the bhs.
This document provides answers to common questions about learning the backhandspring (bhs) tumbling skill. It discusses proper technique for the bhs, common errors like landing on the head or undercutting, and offers drills and exercises to improve the skill. It recommends taking tumbling lessons at a gymnastics gym to safely learn under the guidance of a coach, and estimates it could take a year or more for someone with no prior tumbling experience to master the bhs.
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The backhandspring requires perfecting prerequisite skills through drills before attempting it. It is important to learn from a coach in a class setting rather than trying to teach yourself or practicing on a trampoline.
Common issues include landing on the head, undercutting, and being unable to connect multiple backhandsprings. The answers provide tips like focusing on the push rather than the jump and keeping the body tight and aligned.
Common causes are looking over the shoulder or pushing off unevenly with the legs. The answer suggests watching the hands instead of the floor and practicing drills with the legs squeezed together.
Common Backhandspring Questions
Author: Sunni Schulz Pieschala
Published on: September 6, 2004 The backhandspring (bhs) is probably the most coveted cheerleading tumbling skill. The majority of the e-mails receive are from cheerleaders !ho !ant to learn or improve their bhs. can"t teach you a bhs over the nternet. t is also pretty impossible to teach yourself one# especially if you don"t have any prior tumbling e$perience. %ymnasts must perfect several skills before learning the bhs and so must you. n order to learn a bhs safely you &'(T take tumbling lessons. )aving your t!o best cheerleading buddies spot you !on"t really help you to learn unless you have a competent coach to guide you. The key to learning a bhs is to take your time and perfect each drill. kno! many of you feel you have to learn a bhs in order to make a cheerleading s*uad and so you hope to learn in a month. 'nless you have perfected all the preliminary drills and skills# it is unlikely you !ill learn in a month. f you have no prior tumbling e$perience# it can take a year or more. +ased on the e-mails have received# have put together a list of common bhs *uestions and ans!ers. hope you !ill find ,-'. bhs /ailment/ and give it the proper /cure./ 0. keep landing on my head1 2hat should do3 A. 4ollapsing in a bhs is a common problem. t"s usually the result of an improper takeoff rather than a lack of arm strength. n the image above of a proper bhs# you"ll notice the gymnast does not jump back and land in a perfect up-and-do!n handstand. nstead her back is arched and her legs are parallel to the ground (5ig. 6). (he doesn"t pass the handstand position until after her hands have touched the ground. f you are landing on your head then you are probably jumping instead of pushing# pulling your legs over too fast# and landing in a handstand so all of your !eight is on your arms. t is also possible that your head is sticking out and your shoulders are in front of your !rists. n fig. 7 and 6 you"ll note that the shoulders and !rists are aligned. f your shoulders are in front of your hands your !eight !ill be too far for!ard to support and you !ill collapse. To correct the error# practice your bhs !ith a spot and have your spotter stop you in the fig. 6 position. 2ork on your flyback drills and push instead of jump. 0. keep undercutting my backhandspring. )elp1 A. 'ndercutting means your hands are landing too close to !here your feet began. A good bhs is nice and long. To see if you are undercutting# put chalk on your hands and feet and see !here your hands are landing. They should be a nice distance from your feet. 'ndercutting can be the result of dropping your shoulders !hen you take off. n fig. 8 you"ll notice the gymnast"s shoulders are in line !ith her hips# not over her knees. t can also be the result of jumping instead of pushing (remember your drills1) and thro!ing your head back instead of keeping it in line. n fig. 9 and 7 you"ll notice that the gymnast"s arms are by her ears# her head is not sticking out. :eep your body tight and in line. 0. &y backhandspring is crooked# ho! can correct this3 A. A crooked bhs is usually the result of the tumbler looking over his or her shoulder in an attempt to /see/ the ground. To keep your head straight# concentrate on !atching your hands instead of looking for the floor. A crooked bhs can also be the result of pushing off more !ith one leg than the other or of reaching back further !ith one arm. Practice those takeoff drills into a big mat and make sure your legs are s*uee;ed together. (ometimes you can correct an uneven push by putting a piece of foam bet!een your ankles and trying to s*uee;e your legs together and hold onto it !hile you do your bhs. f you are reaching back further !ith one arm than the other# !ork on your shoulder fle$ibility !ith your !eaker arm. 0. am trying to do t!o backhandsprings in a ro! but can"t seem to get in the right position for the second one. 2hat am doing !rong3 A. -nce you start to pass through the handstand position (fig <) you need to push off the ground using your shoulders and your elbo!s. The momentum from snapping your legs over !ill also help you to land in an upright position so you can add another bhs. +e sure you are pulling your legs over !ith your stomach muscles# not your hips. A bend at the hips can cause an improper landing. f you land bent over and you try to takeoff for your second bhs# you !ill either undercut or land on your head. 0. can do a backhandspring !ith a spot but "m afraid to try it on my o!n. 2hat should do3 A. 4onfidence comes !ith repetition. The more you practice your bhs !ith a spot# the more confident you !ill become. t takes many repetitions to teach your muscles !hat to do and to teach your brain ho! a bhs feels. =on"t rush yourself. -n that same note# you !ill probably need to /trick/ your brain the first time you try one on your o!n. 5irst# find a place that makes you feel safe to try your first solo bhs. suggest putting a folded panel mat in front of an >-inch skill cushion. (tand on the panel mat so you have a sold place to push off from# but put your hands onto the >-inch mat. )ave your coach count to 9 and then spot you for one. Then immediately step back to the starting position. +efore you have a chance to /think/ have your coach count to 9 again and try to thro! it on your o!n. f you fail to go# have your spotter step back in# count to 9 and do another one. The idea is to get your body to do it before your brain has a chance to get scared. .epeat this as many times as necessary. =on"t think about it# your body kno!s !hat to do. ?ust go1 0. practice all my tumbling on a gym !ith mats but "m scared to try my bhs on the grass or on the basketball court. )o! can keep from hurting myself3 A. ,ou should never try a ne!ly attained skill on the grass or the gym floor !ithout a spotter. -nly after you"re confident !ith your bhs on the mats should you try it on the floor. The basketball floor and the grass are very unforgiving surfaces and !ill not tolerate the slightest mistake. -nce you"re totally confident !ith your bhs on a mat# try it a fe! times on the grass or gym floor !ith a spotter. +oth surfaces !ill tend to be hard on your !rists so tape them up before you go. t"s a good idea to practice your bhs on the mats !ith cheerleading shoes on because it feels a bit different P@'( the e$tra inch or so from the soles of your shoes can mess you up1 Also# ABCB. tumble on !et# slippery grass1 ,our cheerleading shoes don"t have traction on them (so you !on"t rip up your bases) and your feet can slip out from under you. f the basketball court is slippery# spit on the soles of your shoes or spray the bottoms !ith hairspray for e$tra traction. 0. 2ill need to be able to do a backhandspring to make the cheerleading s*uad3 A. &ost junior high and high school cheerleading s*uads do not re*uire that you be able to do a bhs to make the s*uad# although it can certainly help you make the team. f you are trying out for a school s*uad# seek out the coach and ask her !hat skills you need to make the team. Tumbling lessons can help you !ith fle$ibility and agility before tryouts# but don"t e$pect to learn a bhs *uickly and ABCB. attempt one at tryouts if you can"t do it. nstead# focus on the things you can already do !ell. An All-(tar or competition s*uad !ill probably re*uire that you be able to do a bhs plus more tumbling. The probability of you making a competition s*uad if you"ve never cheered before and aren"t a tumbler are slim-to-none. 0. 2here should go to learn a backhandspring3 A. &ost all gymnastics gyms offer tumbling classes and some even offer tumbling for cheerleaders !hich !ill focus on skills that cheerleaders !ill use !hile skipping over those skills that aren"t used (like back!alkovers). @ook in your yello!pages for a gymnastics gym. (ometimes park districts offer classes and are substantially cheaper than gymnastics gyms. f your park district or gymnastics gym does not offer tumbling classes# see if you can get some friends together first and then offer to sign up all together. &ost places !ill offer the class if a certain minimum of students sign up. Private or semi-private lessons are also a good idea# but very pricey (can be D86 and up for an hour) and it is unlikely that you !ill learn a bhs from scratch in a fe! lessons. 0. 4an learnEpractice my backhandspring on a trampoline3 A. Practicing a bhs on a trampoline is A-T a good idea. All you !ill do is teach your body ho! to rely on the trampoline to get your body over instead of learning a proper takeoff. 2hen you do take your bhs from the trampoline to the ground you !ill have to re-learn everything over again. A trampoline also can teach you the bad habit of jumping instead of pushing. f you jump into a bhs instead of pushing you are likely to fall on your head or undercut. really don"t suggest practicing any cheerleading skills (jumps included) on a trampoline. 0. )o! is a backhandspring different from a back tuck3 A. The takeoff for a bhs and a back tuck is different. n a bhs you P'() off the ground# in a back tuck you ?'&P and @5T. t is possible to learn them both simultaneously# but it is better if you concentrate on your bhs first since you can develop the bad habit of jumping into your bhs. 0. )o! long is it going to take me to learn my backhandspring3 A. That is hard to ans!er because it depends on your ability# your strength# your determination# the amount of time you have to practice and your coach. f you are serious about learning a bhs# suggest you enroll in a class that meets AT @BA(T t!o times a !eek. t is very hard to learn if you only go one day a !eek. -n the days you are not in class# suggest you !ork on your strength and fle$ibility. A cheerleader !ith no prior tumbling skills and goes to class one day a !eek and does nothing else during the !eek may learn a bhs in a year or more. A cheerleader !ith no prior tumbling skills and practices several times a !eek and sticks to a conditioning and fle$ibility routine can learn one in si$ months or less. f you already can do a backbend# a perfect handstand and a kickover you can learn a bhs in three months. t all depends on ho! badly you !ant to learn1 0. 2hat are some other names for a backhandspring3 A. The backhandspring is most commonly called a /flip-flop/ or a /flic-flac/ in gymnastics. (ome people call it a /back flip/ but that is never a good term to use since some people also call a back tuck a /back flip./ =o not use the !ord /back flip/ if you !ant to sound intelligent1