Technical data contained herein has been provided solely for informational purposes and is not legally binding. The technical data has been provided. Solely for informative purposes. The company COPA-DATA GmbH all rights reserved. Distribution and / or reproduction of this document or parts thereof in any form are permitted solely with the written permission.
Technical data contained herein has been provided solely for informational purposes and is not legally binding. The technical data has been provided. Solely for informative purposes. The company COPA-DATA GmbH all rights reserved. Distribution and / or reproduction of this document or parts thereof in any form are permitted solely with the written permission.
Technical data contained herein has been provided solely for informational purposes and is not legally binding. The technical data has been provided. Solely for informative purposes. The company COPA-DATA GmbH all rights reserved. Distribution and / or reproduction of this document or parts thereof in any form are permitted solely with the written permission.
Technical data contained herein has been provided solely for informational purposes and is not legally binding. The technical data has been provided. Solely for informative purposes. The company COPA-DATA GmbH all rights reserved. Distribution and / or reproduction of this document or parts thereof in any form are permitted solely with the written permission.
All rights reserved. Distribution and/or reproduction of this document or parts thereof in any form are permitted solely with the written permission of the company COPA-DATA. The technical data contained herein has been provided solely for informational purposes and is not legally binding. Subject to change, technical or otherwise.
If you miss any information in this help chapter or have any suggestions for additions, please feel free to contact us via e-mail: (
If you have concrete questions relating to your project, please feel free to contact the support team via e-mail: (
If you realize that you need additional licenses or modules, please feel free to contact the sales team via e-mail: (
zenon consists of two main components; Editor and Runtime. Projects are created in the Editor, operation and monitoring is done in the Runtime. In the section Editor you get to know the the essential components of the Editor and information about dealing with the Project manager (on page 66), Tool bars (on page 20), Menus (on page 39) and Editor profiles (on page 57). You can find more information about the context menu of the elements in chapter Screens. If several monitors are in use on one PC, dialogs, symbol bars etc. can be moved to other monitors. Their position is saved and retained for when the editor is next started. Info If only the main monitor is available when the editor is restarted, elements that are moved may not be displayed in a visible area. To arrange all elements back on the main monitor again, activate the standard profile (on page 62). This can be used to revert the positions to the default values.
You have multiple options to start the Editor: Click on the zenon symbol on your desktop. Use the Windows menu file -> COPA-DATA -> zenon Editor. Start using the Startup Tool. This tool allows the administration of multiple versions of zenon and the configuration of the Editor and the Runtime before you start. Using Windows Autostart. The zenAdminSrv service must be started to start the editor. If the service is not available, you will see the "Editor cannot be started because the 'zenAdminSrv' service cannot be located!" error message. Activate the service and restart the editor. When starting using Windows Autostart, zenon tries to start the editor five times and then cancels this with the error message, stating that the service cannot be located.
The zenon Editor is fully backwards compatible. Projects that were created with an earlier version can be opened and edited at any time. When opening a project with a lower version number: the project is automatically converted a backup of the project is automatically created Converted projects can no longer be opened in an editor with a lower version number. The project backup created during conversion can still be opened and edited. With the zenon Editor, Runtime files can be created for different versions of Runtime. The Runtime version therefore does not need to correspond to the Editor version. This backwards-compatibility is particularly suited for use of mixed systems. For example: A project that was planned with Editor 6.50 can also be started with Runtime 6.22. Attention If, in a project with a later version of the Editor, properties are shown that are not available in the earlier version, these are not available. This can lead to unwanted results in Runtime. To create Runtime files in the editor for earlier versions: 1. Select the project in the project tree 2. Navigate to the General section in project properties 3. Open the Create RT files for property drop-down list 4. select the desired version Default: The Runtime files are created in the current version of the editor 6.20 SP4: The Runtime files are created in 6.20 Service Pack 4. 6.21 SP0: The Runtime files are created in version 6.21 Service Pack 0. 5
6.21 SP1: The Runtime files are created in version 6.21 Service Pack 1. 6.22 SP0: The Runtime files are created in version 6.22 Service Pack 0. 6.22 SP1: The Runtime files are created in version 6.22 Service Pack 1. 6.50 SP0: The Runtime files are created in version 6.50 Service Pack 0. In order to ensure consistency of Runtime files, all Runtime files must be newly created each time this property is changed. The configurations for all drivers are converted. Settings that do not exist in the respective version are set to the default setting. Data exported in XML is then available for import into later Editor versions. If data from the RGM is saved to Runtime directly as an XML file using the export function, this cannot be reimported.
The Editors user interface consists of different areas:
01 - Toolbars: A collection of Tool bars (on page 20) for the Editor and its modules. They are available for: Dockable (on page 23) windows Alignment (on page 23) Screens (on page 26) / Symbols (on page 27) Editor profiles (on page 29) Elements (on page 30) Menu bar (on page 27) Production & Facility Scheduler (on page 31) Remote Transport (on page 32) 7
Report Generator (on page 33) Runtime Files (on page 34) Visibility levels (on page 35) VBA macros (on page 36) 02 - Project Manager: Tree view of the Project Manager. 03 - Detail view of the Project Manager: Details for the module selected in the Project Manager. 04 - Main window: Main work space; here documents such as screens or reports are displayed. 05 - Toolbar elements: Toolbar for screen elements - vector elements and dynamic elements. 06 - Properties Displays the properties of a selected object. Three modes are availabe and can be selected from the Properties toolbar (on page 37). 07 - Properties help: Displays short help messages for properties of screens, variables, functions and other elements which can be engineered. 08 - Output window Messages are displyed here if projects are compiled and sent to the Runtime. 09 - Status bar: Shows status information for Editor readiness and screens. 10 - Toolbar properties: Defines display and sorting options of the properties, shows Properties help (on page 107). 11 - Cross-reference list: You choose which windows are shown: in the Drop-down list under Options or The arrangement of the windows can be adjusted (on page 7)individually. Just the main window cannot be hidden.
All editor windows can be individually grouped. The properties for window grouping can be opened by right-clicking on the window border. Your own settings can be saved as Editor profiles (on page 57). 8
Unanchored active The selected window can be freely positioned on the desktop. It is shown in the main window. You can show multiple windows in the Main Window and switch between them. Double-clicking on the title bar switches between Unanchored and Dock. inactive (default) The selected window is docked. The dock property is active. Dock active (default) Windows can be moved anywhere you want while the left mouse button is pressed. When being moved, a Positioning aid (on page 9) shows the position where the window is to be inserted. On releasing the mouse button, the window is docked on to the surrounding windows. When switching from Unanchored to Dock, the window is inserted to its last docked position. Double-clicking on the title bar switches between Unanchored and Dock. If you want to move a window without docking it, hold Ctrl during moving. In this case, no positioning aid is displayed. inactive Windows can be moved anywhere you want while the left mouse button is pressed. On releasing the button, they are shown on the relevant location in the foreground. The Unanchored property is active. Document in tab format active The window is displayed in the main window as a tab. All tabs are displayed in the main window. You change between the individual tabs by clicking on the individual window titles. In order to reopen a tab as a window, open the contextual menu with a right click on the window title and switch the Document in tab format property to Inactive. inactive (default) The window is displayed normally. Fade out automatically active As soon as the window loses the mouse focus, it is placed into the background. The window title is displayed in the left border of the editor. 9
To put the window back into the foreground, move the mouse over the window title. inactive (default) The window is always displayed in the foreground. Close
The selected window is closed. To show it again, choose Menu bar -> Options > Window name
All windows in the zenon Editor can be positioned wherever you want on the desktop using: Drag & drop: Windows are dragged to the desired position and either placed freely (unanchored) or docked. Double-click on the title bar: switches between Unanchored and Dock. When moving windows from the Editor interface, positioning aids are displayed. These represent windows or their borders.
This element represents a window area in the Editor.
This element represents the border area of the Editor. 10
To position an element as docked: 1. Move the element with the mouse into the desired area 2. The positioning aid is displayed 3. This represents a window and its areas: a) Centre: Whole window b) top: upper half c) bottom: lower half d) Right: Right half e) Left: Left half or the border of the Editor 4. Move the mouse to the central positioning aid or to a positioning aid on the border of the editor and from there to the desired area 5. The area in the Editor where the element was placed when the mouse button was released is colored in blue 6. Move the mouse within the positioning aid to the desired area that is displayed in blue 7. Let the mouse button go and the element is placed 1. The Properties windows is moved to Docked. 11
2. In doing so, the positioning aids are displayed.
3. The mouse pointer is led over the upper arrow of the positioning aid. 12
4. The insertion area is marked in blue in the Editor.
5. The window is inserted at the highlighted point when the mouse button is released:
6. Now the mouse pointer is moved to above the upper border positioning aid. 7. The insertion area is again marked in blue in the Editor.
8. The window is inserted at the highlighted point when the mouse button is released:
In the zenon Editor you can switch the main window to full-screen mode. For that use keyboard shortcut Shift+F9 or select entry Full-screen mode in drop-down list Window The full-screen hides all remaining windows and shows only the main window with all opened documents (screens, reports, ...) in full-screen mode. The full-screen mode can be closed by: 14
the displayed button for closing the full-screen mode the short key Shift+F9 the key Esc In full-screen mode a menu for closing the full-screen mode and for displaying certain windows and toolbars is displayed.
Close full-screen Closes the full-screen mode. You can also use keyboard shortcut Shift+F9 or Esc. Dockable windows Drop-down list for opening windows. Properties Properties help At the first use, windows are displayed at fixed defined position. Then they can be positioned freely and are displayed at the individually defined position when they are displayed again in full-screen mode. Toolbars Drop-down list for opening toolbars: Screens Alignment Visibility level Elements At the first use, toolbars are displayed at fixed defined position. Then they can be positioned freely and are displayed at the individually defined position when they are displayed again in full-screen mode.
save current Editor view as: Editor profile 1 Ctrl+Shift+F1 Editor profile 2 Ctrl+Shift+F2 Editor profile 3 Ctrl+Shift+F3 Editor profile 4 Ctrl+Shift+F4 Editor profile 5 Ctrl+Shift+F5 Editor profile 6 Ctrl+Shift+F6 Editor profile 7 Ctrl+Shift+F7 Editor profile 8 Ctrl+Shift+F8 Main window: Scroll content with 'moving hand' Press and hold Space Close current screen Ctrl+F4 Open properties Alt+Enter Select several objects Press Shift or Ctrl Deselect selected object during multi-select Ctrl+left-click Selection: Change sort order. Defines the element on which all others realign Press Shift during selection Select hidden objects 1. Press Alt 2. Click object and move it 17
Select all elements of a screen. Ctrl+A Select next element according to the order of their creation Tab Select previous element according to the order of their creation Shift+Tab Move selected object. Cursor keys Move by 10 pixels each time you press a cursor key Shift+cursor key Move only horizontally or only vertically Press Shift during moving Centers the selected object in the working section H Saves changes Ctrl+S Pastes element from the clipboard Ctrl+V Shift+Ins Inserts element from the clipboard at its original position; original and copy lie congruently on top of each user Ctrl+Shift+V Copies selected element. Ctrl+C Ctrl+Ins Copy instead of move Press Ctrl during moving Deletes selected element Del Cuts out the selected element Shift+Del Ctrl+X 18
Undoes changes Ctrl+Z Alt+Backspace Add or delete node in the selected element. Add: Mouse cursor turns to plus symbol (+). Delete: Mouse cursor turns to minus symbol (-). Works for polylines, polygons and pipe elements. Ctrl+Shift Cancel drawing of polylines and polygons S Cancel drawing of polylines and polygons and delete the section which was drawn last Esc Move selected elements one level up + Move selected elements one level down - Move selected elements to the foreground Ctrl++ Move selected elements to the background Ctrl+- Change size Move mouse cursor to the handle so that the mouse cursor changes to an arrow. After that you can position accurate to the last pixel with the help of the Cursor keys or in steps of 10 pixels with the help of the Cursor keys+Shift. Scaling object around the center Press Alt during scaling Proportional scaling Press Shift during scaling Create a new element for the respective module Ins Edit the selected column F2 19
Copy a selected list element Ctrl+C Insert a list element which was copied beforehand Ctrl+V Delete a selected list element Del Scroll up several elements in the list Pg up Scroll down several elements in the list Pg down Navigate in the list Arrow key Start Runtime; create changed Runtime files beforehand. F5 Create changed Runtime files. F7 Browse through open Window windows. Alt+Tab Stopping the Runtime. Alt+F4 Open Windows Explorer with focus on the Runtime files folder. You must select the project in the project tree. Ctrl+Alt+D Open Windows Explorer with focus on the Runtime project folder. You must select the project in the project tree. Ctrl+Alt+R
The main toolbars are per default positioned below the Menu bar. - With the exception of the Elements toolbar, which is displayed to the right of the Main window. When you move the mouse arrow over a symbol, information about the function of the symbol is displayed in the status line. The following main toolbars are available: Dockable (on page 23) windows Alignment (on page 23) Screens (on page 26) / Symbols (on page 27) Editor profiles (on page 29) Elements (on page 30) Menu bar (on page 27) Production & Facility Scheduler (on page 31) Remote Transport (on page 32) Report Generator (on page 33) Runtime Files (on page 34) Visibility levels (on page 35) VBA macros (on page 36) The following windows have unique toolbars that are displayed in the upper part of the screen: Details workspace (on page 36) Properties (on page 37) Info The titles of the toolbars always correspond to the language that was activated in the Editor when the toolbar was displayed for the first time. For example: If you used the toolbar Screens for the first time in German, the name will be retained even when you switch the Editor later to English. 21
If you want to switch the names to another language, you have to delete first all Editor profiles, then start the Editor in the desired language and activate the toolbars. Editor profiles are not deleted in zenon, but on file system level. For details see chapter Deletion of Editor profiles (on page 64). Options for toolbars can be changed in: Options -> Settings -> Toolbar tab (on page 55) Actions for toolbars: position anywhere on-screen close open Actions for symbols: Delete Add: 1. left-click on a free area of the toolbar 2. and move the toolbar to the desired location on the screen. 3. a rectangle shows where and how the toolbar is inserted 4. release the mouse button to position the toolbar Toolbar which include drop-down lists can only be positioned horizontally. You can close toolbars either via the drop-down list Options or the Settings under options. 1. click on drop-down list Options 2. navigate to Toolbars 22
3. click on the entry for the toolbar you want to close 1. Open the menu Options -> Settings -> Tab: Toolbar (on page 55) 2. Remove the check mark next to the desired toolbar 3. confirm this with OK. You can open toolbars either via the drop-down list Options or the Settings under options. 1. click on drop-down list Options 2. navigate to Toolbars 3. click on the entry for the toolbar you want to open 1. Open the menu Options -> Settings -> Tab: Toolbar (on page 55) 2. set the check mark next to the desired toolbar 3. confirm this with OK. 1. Open the menu Options -> Settings -> Tab: Toolbar (on page 55) 2. All symbols in all toolbars in the editor are activated 3. Click with the left mouse button on the symbol 4. move the symbol away from the toolbar and release the mouse button 1. Open the menu Options -> Settings -> Tab: Commands (on page 54) 2. Choose a category from the left window 3. Click with the left mouse button on the symbol in the right window 23
4. move the symbol onto the desired toolbar
The following hidden or closed windows can be reactivated with the help of toolbar Dockable windows.
(from left to right) Project Manager Activates the Project Manager. Output window Activates the Outpout window. Cross reference list Activates the cross reference list. Properties window Activates the properties window . Properties help Activates the property help window.
01 align left Aligns all elements with the left margin of the element that was marked first. 02 align right Aligns all elements with the right margin of the element that was marked 24
first. 03 align up Aligns all elements with the upper margin of the element that was marked first. 04 align down Aligns all elements with the bottom margin of the element that was marked first. 05 Horizontal center Aligns the marked element with the horizontal screen center. If multiple elements were selected, all elements are aligned according to the one selected first. 06 Vertical center Aligns the marked element with the vertical screen center. If multiple elements were selected, all elements are aligned according to the one selected first. 07 Same x-distance Lines the selected elements in the order of selection up on the x-axis. The first two elements determine the distance. 08 Same y-distance Lines the selected elements up in the order of selection on the y-axis. The first two elements determine the distance. 09 Same x-distribution: Distributes all selected elements along the x-axis between the two elements that were selected first. For this option, at least three elements must be selected. 10 Same y-distribution: Distributes all selected elements along the y-axis between the two elements that were selected first. For this option, at least three elements must be selected. 11 Same width Marked elements are adjusted to the width of the first chosen element. 12 Same height Marked elements are adjusted to the height of the first chosen element. 13 Same size Marked elements are adjusted to the width and height of the first chosen element. 14 Window to foreground Moves selected elements into foreground 15 One level forward Moves selected elements one level forward. 16 One level back Moves selected elements one level back. 17 Window to the background Moves selected elements to the background. 25
18 Flip horizontally Flips the selected element on a horizontal axis. 19 Flip vertically Flips the selected element on a vertical axis. 20 flip 90 Turns the selected item 90 CCW. 21 Create symbol Creates a new symbol from all chosen elements. 22 Break up symbol The symbol is broken up into its source elements; it exists no longer. 23 Single edit mode symbols / elements Enables you to edit individual elements of a symbol. 24 Insert into existing symbol Opens the toolbar to insert the active symbol in a symbol from the list. 25 Remove from symbol removes the selected element from the active symbol. After this action the element no longer belongs to the symbol. 26 Replacing links Opens the dialog for replacing variables or functions which are linked to dynamic elements. Details: see chapter Replacing variables in dynamic elements.Process variables in dynamic elements. Process variables in dynamic elements. Process variables in dynamic elements. Process variables in dynamic elements. Process variables in dynamic elements.
27 Transfer properties Transfers the properties of a selceted element to another one / multiple elements. Transfer to an element: Click on element with original properties -> click symbol transfer properties -> click target element: Properties are transferred Transfer to multiple elements: Choose source element -> choose target elements while 26
holding the Ctrl-key (Source and target elements are selected, the source element is highlighted by black handling points) -> click symbol transfer properties. The source elements properties are transferred to the target elements. Source and target object determine which properties are transferred. Normally; colors, font, text alignment and borders are transferred. If several elements were chosen as source, the properties of the first selected element are transferred.
A toolbar is available for editing screens. Per default, it is displayed below the menu bar.
(from left to right) Save screen Save the current screen. Save all Saves all changed screens. Cut Cuts the selected element and stores it in the clipboard; works across projects, too. Only available if an element has been selected. Copy Saves a copy of the current screen to the clipboard. Only available if an element has been selected. Paste Inserts (i.e. pastes) a screen from the clipboard. Only available if the clipboard contains data. Redraw screen Refreshes the display. Edit mode Switches from Zoom to Edit mode . 27
Undo Allows undoing up to 100 actions. By default, 10 actions can be undone. Define the number of actions: Options -> Settings ->Settings -> number of undoable actions. Enter a number between 1 and 100. Zoom Provides two zoom modes: Variable zoom: A predefined value can be selected from the combobox, or you can directly enter any value between 15% and 400%. Zoom tool: You can zoom directly in the screen with the two magnifier symbols (+ and -). The CTRL key switches between the different modes. The defined zoom is saved for each single screen. Close zoom mode: Click on the Edit mode symbol in the Elements toolbar. Print The whole screen content is printed on the default printer. Set printer properties via File -> Standard configuration -> standard. Info about Information about zenon: Serial number, activation key, licensed tags / IOs and modules. Help Opens the online help
The symbol library can be operated from the context menu or the toolbar:
1 Symbol new Creates a new symbol. 28
3 Open symbol Opens the symbol in the symbol editor for editing purposes. 2 Symbol group new A new symbol group is created and can be filled with selected symbols from the library or with self-defined symbols. (Copy and Paste). Only available in the global symbol library. 4 Insert symbol as embedded symbol in the screen Embeds the symbol in a screen (for details, see subchapter Embedded symbols). 5 Insert symbol as linked symbol in the screen Links the symbol in a screen (for details, see subchapter Linked symbols). 13 Flat view Arranges all symbols in a flat view. Facilitates the search for certain symbols. In this view, you cant create nor delete symbols and it is also impossible to copy or insert symbols from the clipboard. 14 Hierarchical view Sorts all symbols hierarchical in subgroups and shows dependencies. 6 Copy Copies the selected symbol to the clipboard (only hierarchical view). 7 Paste Inserts the copied symbol in the active group (only hierarchical view). 8 Delete Deletes the selected symbol or symbol group (only hierarchical view). Deletion cannot be undone! 9 Edit selected cell Enables editing of the selected cells contents. 10 Replace text in selected cell Opens the dialog for automatic replacement of texts (only available if cells that can contain text were selected). 11 Properties Opens the window Properties for the selected symbol. 12 Expand/reduce nodes Allows to expand/reduce the selected node or all nodes in the hierachical view. 15 Export selected XML Opens the dialog for XML-export of the selected symbols. (For details, see chapter Import/Export of symbols.) 16 Import XML Imports symbols from an XML-file (see chapter Import/Export of symbols). 29
18 Remove all filters Deletes all filters in the column title. 19 Help Opens the help file for the context menu. 17 - Jumps back to the starting element (only toolbar).
Editor profiles can be administrated easily via the relevant toolbar. (from left to right) Load selected Editor profile Loads the profile selected in Select Editor profile. Select Editor profile Drop-down list (on page 65) with 10 profiles. load default profile Resets all settings for display and position of windows and content and display of tool bars to the delivery conditions and loads the zenon standard profile. Load predefined profiles (on page 57) Loads the profiles predefined by >CD_COMPANYNAME< to the first three storage locations and links them with the modules. Already existing profiles are overwritten. Remove profile allocations (on page 57) Removes all links of the predefined profiles to the modules. Automatic saving of the Editor profiles Active: Changes to the current profile are saved automatically if another profile is called. Inactive: Changes are not saved when another profile is called; when the profile is called the next time, the original positions are restored. Save selected Editor profile Saves the current window settings to the profile which is displayed in Select Editor profile. Assign individual names to Editor Opens a Dialog (on page 65) in which you can give Editor profiles individual names. 30
The toolbar for the creation of dynamic elements and vector elements is shown as standard to the right of the main window in a vertical alignment.
01 Rectangle With frame and fill color, type of frame and fill pattern 02 Line With definable line thickness, color and type 03 Rounded rectangle Rectangle with freely definable rounded corners 04 Ellipse/Circle With frame and fill color, type of frame and fill pattern (circle) 05 Polygon With frame and fill color, type of frame and fill pattern 06 Polyline With line type and color (also filling pattern and color for an area description) 07 Arc of a circle With definable line thickness, color and type 08 Segment of a circle draw circle segment with an opening angle of 180 (changeable), definable line thickness, color and type 10 Static text With font color and selection of the type of font 09 Tube With frame and fill color, type of frame and fill pattern 11 Bar Graph Display values as bar graph 12 Numerical value Display values numerically 13 Dynamic Text Display limit value texts 14 Trend Element Simple line graphics 31
15 Indicating instrument Value in instrument display 16 Status Element Take colors from status configuration 17 Button Operating field in button display 18 Switch Simple command initiation or set value input element 19 Multi-binary element Display several variables in one screen point in color and symbol (string) 20 Screen Alarm Button Only available with a license for SICAM 230 21 Message element Display texts from a text table 22 Clock Date and time 23 Command Input Element Only available with a license for SICAM 230 24 Combined element Display one or more variables in color or symbol (chained characters) 25 Screen alarming Only available with a license for SICAM 230 26 ActiveX element Insert ActiveX control 27 Universal slider Slider control 28 Combo/List boxes Link values of variables with text messages 29 WPF Element Displays valid WPF XAML files. 30 Edit mode Switches from zoom mode to edit mode
The Production Facility Scheduler can be edited via a toolbar, too.
(from left to right) Rename Enables renaming of equipment. Properties Opens a window with the properties of the equipment. Delete Deletes the selected equipment after a confirmation. Sort ascending Sorts the selected table / column ascending. Sort descending Sorts the selected table / column descending. Change date Opens the dialog where a date is entered; switches to this date. Show today Switches from the shown date to the current date. Day view Shows a day in the calendar. Week view Displays a week in the calendar. Month view Displays a month in the calendar. Previous element Goes one element back in the calendar according to the entered value (one day, one week or one month). Next element Goes one element forward in the calendar according to the entered value (one day, one week or one month). Switching points preview Opens the switching points preview.
A development computer can set up remote connections to other stations. The toolbar Remote transport provides functions for the transfer and request of data.
(from left to right) Set up Remote transport connection Sets up a connection with the target computer. Remote: Transport changed Runtime files Transports all Runtime files that were changed on the development computer to the target computer. Remote: Transfer all Runtime files Transports all Runtime files from the development computer to the target computer. Remote: Load all Runtime files Loads all files that can be edited in the Runtime (like recipes or user administration) to the development computer. Remote: Transfer Runtime Transfers Runtime_files to the target computer. Remote: Setting the start project Set start project for target station. Remote: Start Runtime Starts the Runtime on the target station Remote: Stop Runtime Stops the Runtime on the target station. Remote: Reload project Executes the function reload on the target computer. Remote: Restart the operating system Restarts the OS of the target computer. Remote: Determine system status Determines the system status of the target computer. Remote: Start desktop connection Sets up a direct desktop-connection with the target computer.
A toolbar is available in the Editor for the Report Generator. If it is not displayed yet, you can load it: 1. Open the menu Options -> Settings -> Tab: Toolbar (on page 55) 2. Tick the checkbox next to Report Generator 34
3. confirm this with OK.
(from left to right) Table print Prints the report on the default printer. Report - Page view Opens the report in a preview. The report can be enlarged or minimized in the preview (zoom), you can leaf through it and it is printable. Redraw report Refreshes the display. Recalculate functions Recalculates the formulas in the report. Function assistant Opens a dialog that helps with the configuration of functions. Font Opens the dialog for cell formatting - focused on the Font tab. Text alignment Opens the dialog for cell formatting - focused on the Alignment tab. Frame Opens the dialog for cell formatting, with focus on the tab Frames. Pattern Opens the dialog for cell formatting - focused on the Pattern tab.
A toolbar is available to transfer files from the Editor to the Runtime or vice versa:
(from left to right) Create changed Runtime files Creates Runtime files of all files that were changed in the Editor. In the pulldown menu you choose whether Runtime files of the active project or of all loaded projects 35
shall be created. Create all Runtime files Creates Runtime files of all files that are avilable in the Editor. The drop-down menu allows to choose whether Runtime files of the active project or of all loaded projects shall be created. Import Runtime files Files that can be changed in the Runtime (like recipes or user administration) are imported from the Runtime in the Editor. Start Runtime Starts Runtime.
Similar to CAD programs, you can define visibility levels in the Editor and allocate them with unique elements. That way you can easily hide unused elements in complex images and show them again anytime. 15 visibility levels are avilable. Levels are allocated using the properties Visibility level in the nodeGeneral. Unique levels can be activated and deactivated using the buttons of the toolbar Visibility levels:
(from left to right) Show all visibility levels Shows all levels. Hide all visibility levels Hides all levels. Visibility level<No.> Shows / hides the relevant visibility level.
Macros that were created with VBA can be administrated via toolbar-item VBA.
(from left to right) Reload list of VBA macros Loads all Public Sub Name () macros that are included in myWorkspace and in modules to the drop-down list of the toolbar. Drop-down list macros Contains all loaded macros for selection. Execute selected macro Executes the macro selected in the drop-down list. execute allocated macro #<x> Executes the macro allocated with the symbol. Allocate macros Opens the allocation dialog for macros. Up to 5 macros can be allocated with the symbols 1 to 5.
Info If the macro assignment dialog does not list all macros from myWorkspace, execute the function Reload list of VBA macros in the toolbar.
The project manager detail view shows matching toolbars depending on the active node. These correspond with the contents of the relevant context menu. You can find help for the unique toolbars in the relevant chapter, for example: Variable detail view toolbar.
The properties of an object are shown and can be edited in the properties-window. A toolbar is available for administration of the properties screen.
(from left to right) Grouped view (on page 103) (default) All properties of the selected object are logically grouped; the groups can be sorted alphabetically or logically. With the context menu, properties can be added to or removed from the Favorites. Manual hints regarding the properties are always based on the grouped view. The contents of the groups are the same as in the dialog view. All properties: (on page 104) All properties of the selected object are displayed in a list. With the context menu, properties can be added to or removed from the Favorites. Dialog view (on page 104) All properties are grouped logically like in the Grouped view , the groups are displayed sorted by application priority in dialog form. In this view, no favorites can be defined. Show/hide favorites (on page 105) Shows / hides the node Favorites in the top spot of the views Grouped view or All settings . In this node, the most frequently used properties are collected. Default favorites are proposed. Add / remove entries to the favorites: You can do this either by using the context menu Add to favoritesor by moving the desired properties to the favorites toolbar using Drag&Drop. The order of the properties in the favorites is determined by the sorting criterion (ascending, descending, logic). In the Dialog view favorites cannot be created. Show/hide all properties Shows / hides all nodes in the views Grouped and All Properties. Sorted logically (default) Displays the properties logically sorted according to application frequency instead of aphabetically sorted in the views Grouped and All properties. 38
Sort ascending/descending Displays the properties either in ascending or descending alphabetical order in the views Grouped and All properties. Open/close all sections Shows / hides all nodes in the views Grouped and All Properties. The node of the current property is not closed, if Close all nodes is selected. Display properties help (on page 107) Displays the integrated help for the properties (properties help). Heading Displays the name of the selected object and the current project name.
The menu bar contains drop-down lists for the following elements:
File Edit Screens Options Windows Help If a screen is opened, new menu items are added to the bar:
Elements Control elements If the Global symbol library is activated, the menu item Screens is replaced with the menu item Symbols .
Possible actions are: 40
Project Opens the dialog for creating a new project. Insert project into workspace Opens the dialog to insert an existing project into the Editor. Insert project 5.50 Opens the dialog to insert a project created with Editor 5.50. Restore project backup Opens the dialog to load the last version of a project saved in a project backup. Workspace new Opens the dialog for creating a new workspace. open Opens the dialog for creating an existing workspace. save Saves the current workspace. save as ... Saves the current workspace. Name and desired storage place can be chosen. close Closes the current workspace Create backup Opens the dialog for the backup of all current workspace projects. The backup is stored in a compressed *.wsb-file. Load backup Opens the dialog for loading the projects that were saved during a backup of the workspace. Standard Configuration License product Opens the dialog License product for entering the serial number and the activation number or for requesting a softlicence. Standard Opens the dialog for configuration of the standard settings for storage locations and for the printers for AML, CEL, values, protocols, harcopies and lists. Control Panel Opens the control panel of the operating system. Print screenshot The whole screen content is printed on the standard printer. Set printer properties via File -> Standard configuration -> standard. In a configuration with multiple monitors, screen 1 is printed. Visual Basic Editor Opens the Visual Basic Editor 41
Info: This menu item is only available if you have activated VBA VSTA in the file zenon6.ini. Activate VBA by checking that the entry EIN=1 is available in area [VBA]. Wizards Opens the dialog for selecting an assistant. Info: This menu item is only available if you have activated VBA VSTA in the file zenon6.ini. Activate VBA by checking that the entry EIN=1 is available in area [VBA]. Update Wizards Opens the dialog for an update of the wizard. For details see chapter Wizards section Update wizards. Info: This menu item is only available if you have activated VBA VSTA in the file zenon6.ini. Activate VBA by checking that the entry EIN=1 is available in area [VBA]. Existing workspaces Lists existing workspaces. The last five chosen settings are shown. Exit Terminates the zenon Editor
The menu items under the topic Edit exclusively refer to actions concerning screens or symbols. Possible actions are: Undo Undoes the last action. The number of actions that can be undone is defined in Options - > Settings It is not possible to undo action in the Frame Editor. Cut Cuts the selected objects and stores them in the clipboard. 42
Copy Copies the selected objects and stores them in the clipboard. Paste Pastes copied or cut objects from the clipboard. Elements are always pasted centered in the editing area. If there are multiple objects, their positions in relation to each other are retained. Paste in same position The copy of the object is pasted in the same position as the original. Delete Deletes marked objects Mark all Marks all objects in the main window. Properties Opens the properties window. Replacing links Opens the dialog for replacing variables or functions which are linked to dynamic elements. Details: see chapter Replacing variables in dynamic elements. Element position Changes the position of marked elements ALT + left-click selects elements from deeper levels. Foreground Moves selected elements into foreground Background Moves selected elements to the background. Forward Moves selected elements one level forward. Backward Moves selected elements one level back. Align Repositions selected elements. Left Moves selected element left Right Moves selected element right Top Moves selected elements upwards Bottom Moves selected elements downwards 43
Arrange Rearranges elements. Starting point is the first marked element. Same width Marked elements are adjusted to the width of the first chosen element. Same height Marked elements are adjusted to the height of the first chosen element. Same size Marked elements are adjusted to the width and height of the first chosen element. Horizontal center Moves marked elements in the horizontal center of the first selected element. Vertical center Moves marked elements in the vertical center of the first selected element. Same x- distance Marked elements are grouped in a way that the distance on the X-axis is the same between them. The first two elements determine the distance. Same y- distance Marked elements are grouped in a way that the distance on the y-axis is the same between them. The first two elements determine the distance. Same x-distribution: Distributes all marked elements along the x-axis between the two elements that were first selected. For this option, at least three elements must be selected. Same y-distribution: distributes all marked elements along the y-axis between the two elements that were first marked. For this option, at least three elements must be selected. Flip horizontally Flips the selected element on a horizontal axis. Flip vertically Flips the selected element on a vertical axis. flip 90 Turns the selected item 90 CCW. Key order left/right Shows a frame which defines the horizontal sequence in which 44
the screen elements are selected with the function Set focus Key order up/down Shows a frame which defines the vertical sequence in which the screen elements are selected with the function Set focus Symbol Create Creates a new symbol from all chosen elements. Break up The symbol is broken up into its source elements; it exists no longer. Single edit mode symbols / elements Switches between single editing and editing of the whole symbol. Insert in existing symbol Opens the toolbar to insert the active symbol in a symbol from the list. Remove from symbol Deletes the selected element from the active symbol. After this action the element no longer belongs to the symbol. Convert linked symbol to embedded symbol Converts the selected linked symbol in an embedded symbol. The symbol is disconnected from the original symbol in the library and can only be changed locally. This conversion cannot be undone. List of symbols Opens a list of all symbols, used in the current screen. For each symbol its graphical components are listed. Change order for focus Opens drop-down list for definition of horizontal or vertical order for Keyboard operation. Order for left/right Determines the horizontal order. Order for up/down Determines the vertical order.
Possible actions are: Save screen Saves the current screen. Save all screens Saves all screens. Redraw screen Refreshes the display. Display grid Switches the grid on or off. Use grid Switches usage of the grid on or off. On: All objects are automatically aligned with the grid. Use magnetic points Switches magnetic points on or off. Use: If you move an object near the handling point of another object, it snaps in place at the handling point. Zooming Changes the resolution in fixed steps between 15% and 400%. Screenshot print current screen. The current screen is printed on the standard printer. Set printer properties via File -> Standard configuration -> standard. Insert vector graphics Opens the dialog for inserting an external vector graphic. List of last edited screens Lists the 4 last edited screens.
Info As soon as a screen element is active, the menu Elements is displayed. It offers all vector elements and dynamic elements analog to the tool bar elements for selection. When you select special screen types the menu Control elements is displayed in addition. It offers predefined control elements in accordance with the selected screen type.
Possible actions are: Save symbol Saves the current symbol. Save all symbols Saves all symbols. Change symbol size / background color Opens the dialog for configuration of symbol size and background color. Changes of the background color always affect all symbols in the global system library. List of symbols Opens a list of all symbols, used in the current screen. For each symbol its graphical components are listed. Fullscreen mode The full-screen hides all remaining windows and shows only the main window with all opened documents (screens, reports, ...) in full-screen mode. The full-screen mode can be closed by: the displayed button for closing the full-screen mode the short key Shift+F9 the key Esc
Redraw symbol Refreshes the display. Display grid Switches the grid on or off. Use grid Switches usage of the grid on or off. On: All objects are automatically aligned with the grid. Use magnetic points Switches magnetic points on or off. Use: If you move an object near the handling point of another object, it snaps in place at the handling point. Zooming Changes the resolution in fixed steps between 15% and 400%. 47
Screenshot print current symbol The current symbol is printed on the default printer. Set printer properties via File -> Standard configuration -> standard. Insert vector graphics Opens the dialog for inserting an external vector graphic. List of last edited screens Lists the 4 last edited screens.
Possible actions are: Full screen mode The full-screen hides all remaining windows and shows only the main window with all opened documents (screens, reports, ...) in full-screen mode. The full-screen mode can be closed by: the displayed button for closing the full-screen mode the short key Shift+F9 the key Esc
Close Closes the active window Divide Divides the main window and positions the active windows accordingly. List of windows Displays open windows. A maximum of 9 windows are listed. Windows Opens the dialog to administer windows open in the main window: activate save (multiple selection is possible) close (multiple selection is possible) The active window is preselected.
Possible actions are: Info about Information about S/N; activation no. and licensed modules is shown. Getting Started Calls up the section Tutorials in the online help. Help Opens the online help
Possible actions are: Settings Opens the dialog for configuration of the basic settings (on page 49), Menus (on page 52), Toolbars (on page 55) and Commands (on page 54). Editor administration of editor profiles Opens the Submenu (on page 62) for administration of the Editor profiles. Main window with tabs Switches the multiple screen view in the main window on and off via tabs . Status Line Shows / hides the Editor Status line. Which is not identical with the status line of the Project Manager in the Detail view (on page 68). Project Manager Shows the window Project Manager (on page 66) . Output Shows the Outpout window (on page 109) . Cross reference list Shows the Cross reference list . Property Window Shows the Properties window (on page 101) . 49
Properties help Shows the window Properties help (on page 107) Toolbars Drop-down list for displaying and hiding tool bars. Update of the Windows CE Runtime Opens the software for updating a Windows CE Runtime. Define new menu entry Opens the dialog to implement external programs with their own menu entry. If you already created another menu entry it is shown in this place. New and additional menu items are created using Options -> Settings -> Menu tools (on page 52).
7.7.1 Settings Define the basic settings for zenon in the dialog Settings .
Editor and Runtime selected language Choose the language for the Editors user interface. The Editor must be closed and started again for a language change. The default language of the Editor is English. Borders around dynamical elements Active: Shows dynamical elements with a position border. You can differentiate between Editor and Runtime. Do not send the bug report to Microsoft Active: Prevents transmission of a bug report to Microsoft if a program crashes. Editor options Load last active workspace Active:The last active workspaces are loaded and displayed in the project tree when the editor is started (default) Inactive: No workspace is loaded when the editor is started. Existing projects and workspaces can be opened and new ones can be created using the context-sensitive menu. The filter in the detail view is case sensitive. Active: The filter in the list view is case sensitive. Inactive: The filter in the list view makes no difference between capital and small letters (default). Logical sorting of texts in the detail view Active: File names containing numbers are sorted logically in the list view, e.g. 1, 2, 10, 11 inactive: File names containing numbers are sorted alphabetically in the list view, e.g. 1, 10, 11, 2 Use assistant Active: If you want to create Archives, Combined elements and Universal sliders , the help of an assistant is offered automatically. Inactive: Archives, Combined elements and Universal sliders are configured manually. Screen editing Input properties after creating objects Active: If you create a dynamic element, the dialog boxes for detailed settings, like for example variable selection, open automatically. Inactive: The dynamical element is drawn; related properties must be defined seperately. "Adjust links" dialog on inserting symbols Active:On inserting a symbol in a screen, the dialog Adjust link is opened. Inactive: The dialog is not opened. Links can be substituted anytime 51
using the command Replace link in the context menu. Pixel distance until position change Prevents unwanted moving of elements Before an element is really moved, it has to be moved at least by the stated number of pixels. Number of undo actions Allows undoing up to 100 actions. By default, 10 actions can be undone. Enter a number between 1 and 100. Grid settings Display grid Active: Shows the grid that can be defined in the main window under Grid type . Inactive: Grid is not displayed. Position in grid Active:Screen elements are automatically aligned with the grid. This function is independent from the option Display grid. Grid color Defines the grid color. The windows color palette is used for selection. Grid type Defines the type of grid : solid, dotted or intersections. Grid pitch [in pixels] Defines the horizontal and vertical distance between unique marker points. Therefore, it also defines how finely scaled element sized can be displayed. Recommended grid distance: 10 pixels horizontally and vertically. Magnetic points Use magnetic points Elements have magnetic points. If you move an element and its selection marker comes near the selection marker of another element, the selection marker of the selected element is locked there and aligns itself on it. Size of magic points for screens Defines the size of the magic area in pixels (square selection markers). Enter a number between 1 and 20. Size of connection points in the frame editor Defines the size of the connection area in pixels (square selection markers) for the positioning of frames in relation to other frames or screen borders. Enter a number between 1 and 40. Corner points Invert background Active: Corner points are shown inverted to the background. Size of corner points Defines the size of the square corner points for handling elements in pixels. Enter a number between 1 and 20.
7.7.2 Menu Tools In the dialog Menu tools you implement external programs in the Editors menu structure. Individually implemented programs are shown at the end of menu item Options .
Menu contents Lists all already integrated external prgrams. New Adds a new menu item. Delete Deletes an existing entry from the menu. Up Moves the selected menu item upwards in the list and in the menu. Down Moves the selected menu item downwards in the list and in the menu. Menu text Name under which the new menu is displayed in the options. File Name and path of the external program (*.exe-file) that shall be called up. Parameters Additional switches for calling up programs, for example file names. 53
Example Menu text: Text editor File: C:\Windows\notepad.exe Parameter: C:\test.txt Calls up Notepad and opens the file test.exe. If this file is not available, you can create it.
7.7.3 Color scheme You define the color scheme for the Editor in this tab.
Color scheme for the Editor Clicking on the drop-down list opens the list where it can be selected. 54
Preview Changes the color scheme of the Editor. The dialog window remains open. OK Discards changes and closes dialog. Cancel. Discards changes and closes dialog.
7.7.4 Commands In the dialog Commands you define, which commands are available in the toolbars.
Categories Select the category that includes the desired command. Buttons Select the buttons that include the desired category. Move desired buttons from here on the toolbars. Move buttons with the mouse to their new place in the toolbar or away from the toolbar to group buttons differently or to delete them. 55
Description Text for tooltip If you move the mouse pointer over the button, the description is shown as tooltip.
Info To undo changes to a tool bar and to restore the delivery conditions, change to tab Tool bar. Select the corresponding tool bar and click on button Reset.
7.7.5 Toolbars You can define the look and visibility of toolbars in the dialog Toolbars.
Toolbars Checkbox active: The toolbar is shown in the Editor. Reset Reverts to initial state for the marked toolbar. 56
Reset all Reverts to initial state for all toolbars.
The Editor starts with default settings with predefined windows. You can group windows and activate them to your liking. You can find details in chapter Adjust view (on page 7). Your personal settings are administrated in profiles. These can be reached via the task bar Editor profiles (see: Administrate Editor profiles with the task bar (on page 61)) the sub item administrate Editor profiles in the Options of the task bar (see Administrate Editor profiles via menu (on page 62)) with keyboard shortcuts (see administrate Editor profiles with keyboard shortcuts (on page 63)) You can also allocate single modules to editor profiles using the context menu (see Choose Editor profiles from the context-sensitive menu (on page 64)) or you can use predefined profiles (on page 57).
In zenon three predefined profiles are available. You optimize the layout of the Editor at a resolution of 1280 x 1024 for: Variables and list view: Profile 1 on storage location P1: Screens: Profile 2 on storage location P2: Default for general tasks: Profile 3 on storage location P3: You can either activate or deactivate these profiles. For this you either use the Symbols (on page 61) in the tool bar for editor profiles or: 1. open the menu Options 58
2. click on Administrate Editor profiles Load predefined profiles: loads the predefined profiles to the first three storage locations and links them with the modules. Already existing profiles are overwritten. Remove profile allocations: Removes all links of the predefined profiles to the modules. To use the profiles select Editor profile -> [Profile number] at the desired module If you receive an error message mentioning the zenAdminSrv when selecting a predefined profile, this can have to reasons: 1. Service zenAdminSrv runs with a lower version number as the current Editor. Solution: Update the service. 2. The profiles were removed from the default folder: Solution: Copy file Predefined Editor Profiles.epf to folder C:\ProgramData\COPA-DATA\zenonxxx\EdProfiles (xxx equals the current zenon version number). 59
Optimized display for editing variables and list views.
Optimized display for editing screens.
Default view, optimized for modules which are not based in lists.
The task bar for the Editor profiles is shown by default in the middle of the second line of symbols. If it was deactiveated, right-click next to the task bars and choose Editor profiles. You get the following task bar:
(from left to right) Load selected Editor Loads the profile selected in Select Editor profile. 62
profile Select Editor profile Drop-down list (on page 65) with 10 profiles. load default profile Resets all settings for display and position of windows and content and display of tool bars to the delivery conditions and loads the zenon standard profile. Load predefined profiles (on page 57) Loads the profiles predefined by >CD_COMPANYNAME< to the first three storage locations and links them with the modules. Already existing profiles are overwritten. Remove profile allocations (on page 57) Removes all links of the predefined profiles to the modules. Automatic saving of the Editor profiles Active: Changes to the current profile are saved automatically if another profile is called. Inactive: Changes are not saved when another profile is called; when the profile is called the next time, the original positions are restored. Save selected Editor profile Saves the current window settings to the profile which is displayed in Select Editor profile. Assign individual names to Editor profile. Opens a Dialog (on page 65) in which you can give Editor profiles individual names. To export or import Editor profiles, choose the relevant option in the Main menu (on page 62) under Options -> Editor adminstrate Editor profiles.
In the menu, choose Options -> Editor administrate Editor profile for the administration of your Editor profiles. You have the following options: Name Opens a Dialog (on page 65) where you can give profiles individual names. load default Resets all window setting to the factory default settings and loads the zenon 63
profile standard profile. Export Opens the file manager and saves the settings as a zip-file in any location. Import Opens the file manager to import the saved settings as a zip-file from any location. To choose or save individual Editor profiles use the relevant functions in the Toolbar (on page 61) or Keyboard shortcuts (on page 63).
In the Project Manager, you can choose and permanently allocate Editor profiles with each project and sub-project: Right-click on the branch -> Editor profiles -> choose. You can cancel an allocation by choosing 'none' in the context-sensitive menu. This preselection is possible for all branches and modules with the exception of Energy Management System and Global symbol library.
The Editor profiles are stored in a seperate INI-file. To reset your profile data, you should delete the folder that contains the profile settings: Delete the folder Editor. Depending on the operating system, the folder is located: Windows Vista, Windows 7: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\COPA- DATA\zenon\Editor Windows XP: C:\Documents and settings\USERNAME\local settings\application data\COPA-DATA\zenon\Editor 65
USERNAME must be replaced by the username of the logged in Windows user.
You can provide editor profiles with individual names: directly in the Toolbar (on page 61), with a Keyboard shortcut (on page 63) or a dialog. The dialog can be reached via: Toolbar, symbol Provide individual names for editor profiles or Menu -> Options -> Editor manage editor profiles -> name
Enter individual names in the fields after the editor profile short description. You can call up the first 8 editor profiles in the Editor anytime with the keyboard shortcuts Shift +F1 to Shift+F8. Or you choose the desired editor profile with the respective symbol in the Tool bar (on page 61).
The Project Manager is per default located on the left side of the screen directly below the toolbars. It can be displayed in two views: Project tree Network topology The project tree contains: The workspace on the left side with the projects and the global symbol library. All loaded projects with their variables, functions, screens etc are available in the workspace. The global symbol library contains predefined graphics and offers the possibility to create new graphics. a detail view on the right side: This lists all elements and settings for the section selected in the tree view. The network topology view displays all projects in the workspace topologically and enables all network components involved to be tested, as well as testing remote transport of the Runtime files to the respective computer. You can read details about this in the network section in the Testing network topology for validity chapter.
In the workspace, the following components of a project are administrated: Variables 67
Drivers Data types Reaction matrix Allocations Alarm Units Screens Frames Fonts Color palettes Project symbols Functions Scripts Language table Archive Server Recipes Standard recipes Recipegroup Manager Time control Programming interfaces Process Control Engine (PCE) VBA macros VSTA straton is an IEC 61131-3 programming environment. Production and Facility Scheduler (PFS) Interlockings Command input Energy Management System Message Control Menus 68
Report Generator User administration SAP interface Files: Inserts external files. Drivers are not directly integrated in zenon, they are implemented via an external program. Graphics Language tables Help Multimedia Lists Drivers Others History of changes Project backups The availability of unique components is subject to the chosen license. You can see which modules your license includes by clicking Help -> Info about ... If you want to buy additional licenses, contact your distributor or Info Unique elements of the Project Manager like variables or functions can be shown in an extra window. To do so, click Open in new window in the context menu. This way, you can simultaneously edit for example variables and functions.
If an element is chosen in the tree view of the Project Manager, the detail view shows all included objects and their properties. in tabular view, you can: 69
free to choose columns: Right-click on a column title -> context-sensitive menu -> column choice Change column width: Move the mouse on the column title seperator until the mouse pointer changes to a cross keep the left mouse button pressed Stretch column to desired width Sort columns: Clicking on the colum title changes the sorting order of the list (ascending / descending). Format column Right-click on a column title -> context-sensitive menu -> format column Group properties Right click on a column title -> context-sensitive menu -> group according to that column or: Right-click on a column title -> context-sensitive menu -> cancel grouping Adjust display to window width Right-click on a column title -> context-sensitive menu -> adjust size to window width Remove columns Right-click on a column title -> context-sensitive menu -> remove this column Ascending sorts the column in ascending order Descending sorts the column in descending order Group according to this column Groups elements according to this column Cancel grouping Cancels existing grouping Column choice... a dialog for choosing the columns which shall be displayed is opened Format column... Opens a dialog for formatting the column Adjust to window width all columns are distributed in the whole window Remove this column removes column from the view 70
In lists, the status line of the detail view shows information about available, filtered and chosen elements. Example Display status line detail view: 39 total / 30 filtered / 2 selected means 39 elements are available 30 are displayed based on the filter settings 2 were chosen For Variables, the number of used and licensed tags / IOs is displayed, e.g. 32 tags used / unlimited tags available. Info Detailed information concerning editing and managing elements can be found in chapter Edit entries (on page 70)and in the description of the respective elements.
9.2.1 Edit entries You have multiple options to edit the entries: Tool bar in the detail view Select the cell you want to edit by left-clicking on it. Click on the buttons Edit selected cell in the tool bar. Context menu Click on the desired cell with the right mouse button. In the context menu select the entry Edit selected cell. Delayed double-click Mark the desired cell with a delayed-double click (click twice slowly). Properties window Mark the desired element. 71
Edit the desired entry in the window Properties. F2 KEY Select the cell you want to edit by left-clicking on it. Press F2
Info The whole cell is marked if you click into a cell. You can see which cell you have selected by the binoculars symbol in the column title.
Attention Exceptions You can change only properties in the detail view that are changeable in the properties window. For example, the name of a system variable cannot be edited. In the History of changes, it is not possible to make changes at all because of FDA rules. In project backups you can only edit the backup name.
9.2.2 Toolbar detail view On the upper border of the detail view, there is a toolbar which offers you all the functions that you can also find in the context menu. Depending on what you selected in the project tree (e.g. screens, variables, symbols, etc.) you will see different buttons in the toolbar. Buttons that cannot be used at the moment are grayed out. 72
01 New variable Opens the dialog for creating a new variable. 02 Copy Copies selected entries to the clipboard. 03 Paste Pastes the contents of the clipboard. If an entry with the same name already exists, the content is pasted as "Copy of". 04 Delete Deletes selected entries. 05 Create standard function Opens the wizard for selecting the variables and the set values and creates a matching function. The action is documented in the output window. 06 Edit selected cell Opens the selected cell for editing. The binocular symbol in the header shows which cell has been selected in a highlighted line. 07 Replace text in selected column Opens the dialog for searching and replacing texts. 08 Replace text in limits Opens the dialog for selecting dynamic elements and after that the dialog for searching and replacing. 09 Properties Opens the Properties window for the selected entry. 10 Expand all Drop-down list in order to expand or to collapse all nodes or the selected nodes. 11 Activate Activates the selected elements of a structure variable. 12 Deactivate Deactivates the selected elements of a structure variable. 13 Activate all Activates all inactive elements of a structure variable. 14 Export selected XML Exports selected entries as an XML file. 15 Import XML Imports XML files. 16 Import S7 project Imports a Simatic S7 project. 17 Activate Activates or deactivates the extended filter settings. 73
18 Jump back to starting element When you reached the list using the function linked elements in, this symbol brings you back to the initial element. 19 Remove filter Removes all filter settings. 20 Help Opens online help. Variable new Opens the dialog for creating a new variable. Copy Copies selected entries to the clipboard. Paste Pastes the contents of the clipboard. If an entry with the same name already exists, the content is pasted as "Copy of". Delete Deletes selected entries. Create standard function Opens the dialog for selecting variables and set values. Edit selected cell Opens the selected cell for editing. The binocular symbol in the header shows which cell has been selected in a highlighted line. Replace text in selected column Opens the dialog for searching and replacing texts. Replace text in limits Opens the dialog for selecting dynamic elements and after that the dialog for searching and replacing. Properties Opens the Properties window for the selected entry. Expand/reduce nodes Opens a menu with which you can expand or collapse the nodes. Activate all Activates all inactive elements of a structure variable. Activate Activates the selected elements of a structure variable. Deactivate Deactivates the selected elements of a structure variable. Export selected XML Exports selected entries as an XML file. Import XML Imports from an XML file. Extended import/export Opens the menu for importing S7 projects, dBase and CSV. 74
Extended filter Opens a menu for activating or deactivating filters or for removing all filter settings. Linked elements Shows the elements which are linked to the variable. Help Opens online help. 9.2.3 Navigation in the list view To navigate in a list: 1. Click in the column to be searched. 2. Enter the first character to start the search. If no entry with this initial character exists, the search is immediately stopped. 3. The first found entry is selected. An input field is displayed. The first character of the column text is selected. You can only enter search criteria in this field. It is not possible to change the elements name. 4. Enter further characters to limit the search. If no matching entry is found, the entered character is rejected and the selection stays at the current position. 5. If more than one entry exists for the search criteria, the user can reach the other entries by pressing Ctrl+up or Ctrl+down. 6. With Backspace the last character of the search criteria is deleted and a new search with the remaining characters is initiated. The search can be stopped by deleting the last character. You can select multiple columns simultaneously for sorting the list view. 1. Click on the column heading of the column with the first sorting criteria 2. Hold down the shift key and click on the title with the second sorting criteria; 3. You can add as many columns as you like 75
For example: Sorting according to data block and offset then shows firstly all datablocks and all attendant addresses correctly sorted. A second click on the column title changes the sorting order.
9.2.4 Filter list entries Elements of the detail view can be filtered and sorted according to different criteria. All filter settings can be reset with the button Remove all filters in the detail view toolbar or with the command Remove all filters in the context menu. Alphabetic sorting Mouse click on a column title: The list is sorted according to the according column. A second mouse-click on the column title inverts the sorting. Entering filter criteria Directly below the column title is the location of the Fieldfor filter criteria. Here, criteria are entered. Now only elements are shown that are corresponding to the entered search criteria. To show all objects once again, you have to delete the filter criteria. If you click on the filter field, a drop-down list opens listing the last used filters of this column. Filtering on checkboxes Lists with checkboxes (e.g. templates) can be sorted and filtered according to active / inactive checkboxes. This works in the same way as alphabetic sorting. You can find a drop-down list for the filtering criteria with the selection for active, inactive or all checkboxes beneath the cell under the column title. fill-in There are several place holders available for filtering criteria: * replaces a character sequence. Example: *1 filters for all elements that end with 1, e.g. variable1. ? replaces a unique character Example: Variable? filters all elements that start with the character sequence variable and possess an additional character, e.g. variable1, variable2, variable3 ... 76
Cell contents as filter criterion Words or character sequences from a cell of the detail view can be defined as filters: Highlight the desired entry. Hold ALT and click on the cell. The entry is released in an editing field. Select any chain of characters with the mouse. Move the selected part with pressed left mouse button (Drag&Drop) on the filter row of the column head. The chosen chain of characters becomes the new filter text. Filter effect linked elements Elements that are linked with the current element can be displayed using the option linked elements . If you reach an element in the detail view via this option, for example a variable, then this element is shown regardless of the current filter settings. If it is not available in the current filter, it is shown on the end of the list regardless and is selected automatically. Change properties After an object has been selected in the detail view or has been created via the context menu, its parameters can be defined and changed in the properties window. Multiple selection is allowed here. If multiple objects have been selected in parallel, you can change their properties together. Entries and changes in the properties window are valid for all selected objects. Existing entries are overwritten. The properties window provides now only properties that are valid for all selected objects. Extended filters for variables Especially for variables there is a dialog for refinement of the filters. You can reach it via: the symbol activate extended filter in the detail view toolbar or the command Extended filter in the context menu Thus, the standard filters are expanded with the elements Data types, Selection flagsand String filters (variable name, identification, reaction matrix).
9.2.5 Replace text in selected column zenon supports search/replace functionality for strings (e.g. screen names, variable names, variable identifications). You can replace texts in active columns and within limits. 77
1. Activate the dialog with the symbol Replace text in selected column or the relevant command in the context menu. 2. Define the parameters for 'search and replace' in the dialog. 3. The replacement takes place in the active column. You can indentify the active column by the Binoculars symbol beneath the column title.
Attention Only texts are considered that are situated in open structures (variables or data types). Closed structures do not exist as a target for the editor and must be expanded before the search.
9.2.6 Replace text in limits To replace text in limits: Activate the dialog with the symbol Replace text in limits or the relevant command in the context menu. 78
Choose the desired dynamic property from the selection window.
You are now in the dialog Replace text in limits.
Attention Only texts are considered that are situated in open structures (variables or data types). Closed structures do not exist as a target for the editor and must be expanded before the search.
9.2.7 Show / hide columns You can show and hide the columns available in the detail view to your liking; you can sort them in any order you like. 79
1. Right-click on a column title. 2. Select Select column from the context menu. 3. In the following dialog, select and deselect columns: You can select multiple columns by holding Shift or Ctrl like youre used to in your operating system. 4. Available columns lists all columns that are still available. Selected columns displays all active columns.
Add Moves the selected column from the available ones to the selected items. After you confirm the dialog with OK, they are shown in the detail view. Add all Moves all available columns to the selected columns. Remove Removes the marked columns from the selected items and shows them in the list of available columns. After you confirm the dialog with OK, they are removed from the detail view. Remove all All columns are removed from the list of the selected columns. upward Moves the selected entry upward. This function is only available for unique entries, multiple selection is not possible. downward Moves the selected entry downward. This function is only available for unique entries, multiple selection is not possible. 80
The columns can be ordered according to your interests. There are two possiblilies for doing so 1. In the dialog Column settings via buttons up and down. 2. UsingDrag&Drop with the mouse: Click with the mouse on the desired column title. Hold down the left mouse button and move the column title to the desired location. Two red arrows mark the location where the column is inserted. Place the column by releasing the mouse button.
External files can be integrated in a project in the Project Manager via the node Files. An external prgram has to be used to edit external files. This means: You can for example integrate a video clip. But you need the according software for editing it. zenon only manages these files. The following external files are available for you: Graphics (on page 81) Language tables (on page 83) Help (on page 84) Multimedia (on page 85) Lists (on page 87) Drivers (on page 89) Others (on page 91) You can create sub folders on the nodes Help, Lists, Multimedia and Others. Select the entry New folder in the context-menu. By using sub folders, you can change the language in Runtime for documents, too. 81
Add graphics file Opens the File Manager for selecting a file. Add language table Opens the File Manager for selecting a file. Add help file Opens the File Manager for selecting a file. Add multimedia file Opens the File Manager for selecting a file. Add list file Opens the File Manager for selecting a file. Add driver file Opens the File Manager for selecting a file. Add other file Opens the File Manager for selecting a file. Editor profile Opens the drop-down list which includes pre-defined Editor profiles (on page 57). Help Opens online help.
9.3.1 Graphics Graphic files for background graphics or dynamic elements. The following formats are available: *.bmp *.gif *.jpg *.png *.wmf *.XAML Available only for WPF element! The XAML-files cannot be previewed in the detail view! 82
Add file Opens the File Manager to select a file. New folder Inserts a new sub-folder. Rename folder Enables renaming of self-created sub-folders. Remove folder Deletes the selected self-created folder after a confirmation message. Editor profile Opens the drop-down list which includes pre-defined Editor profiles (on page 57). Help Opens online help.
Graphics toolbar and context menu
Add file Opens the File Manager for selecting a file. Process file externally Opens your operating systems default program for editing the selected file. Process file externally with Opens a list of suitable programs for editing the selected file. Copy Copies selected entries to the clipboard. Paste Inserts the contents of the clipboard. If an entry with the same name already exists, the content is pasted as "Copy of". Delete Deletes selected entries. Edit selected cell Opens the selected cell for editing. The binocular symbol in the header shows which cell has been selected in a highlighted line. Replace text in selected column Opens the dialog for searching and replacing texts. 83
Properties Opens the window Properties for the selected entry. Remove all filters Removes all filter settings. Help Opens online help.
9.3.2 Language tables Folder for administration of the language tables for online language change. They are saved as lists in text files. Add file Opens the File Manager for selection of a file. Editor profile Opens the drop-down list which includes pre-defined Editor profiles (on page 57). Help Opens online help.
Language tables toolbar and context menu
Add file Opens the File Manager for selecting a file. Process file externally Opens your operating systems default program for editing the selected file. Process file externally Opens a list of suitable programs for editing the selected file. 84
with Copy Copies selected entries to the clipboard. Paste Inserts the contents of the clipboard. If an entry with the same name already exists, the content is pasted as "Copy of". Delete Deletes selected entries. Edit selected cell Opens the selected cell for editing. The binocular symbol in the header shows which cell has been selected in a highlighted line. Replace text in selected column Opens the dialog for searching and replacing texts. Properties Opens the window Properties for the selected entry. Remove all filters Removes all filter settings. Help Opens online help.
9.3.3 Help Folder for help files for the Runtime help of the project. They are saved in *.chm format. Add file Opens the File Manager for selecting a file. New folder Inserts a new sub-folder. Rename folder Enables renaming of self-created sub-folders. Remove folder Deletes the selected self-created folder after a confirmation message. Editor profile Opens the drop-down list with pre-defined Editor profiles (on page 57). Help Opens online help. 85
Help toolbar and context menu
Add file Opens the File Manager for selecting a file. Process file externally Opens your operating systems default program for editing the selected file. Process file externally with Opens a list of suitable programs for editing the selected file. Copy Copies selected entries to the clipboard. Paste Inserts the contents of the clipboard. If an entry with the same name already exists, the content is pasted as "Copy of". Delete Deletes selected entries. Edit selected cell Opens the selected cell for editing. The binocular symbol in the header shows which cell has been selected in a highlighted line. Replace text in selected column Opens the dialog for searching and replacing texts. Properties Opens the window Properties for the selected entry. Remove all filters Removes all filter settings. Help Opens online help.
9.3.4 Multimedia The following formats of audio- and video files can be implemented: 86
*.avi *.mp3 *.mpeg *.wav Please mind that the specific codecs are required on the Runtime device for playback of audio and video files. Add file Opens the File Manager for selecting a file. New folder Inserts a new sub-folder. Rename folder Enables renaming of self-created sub-folders. Remove folder Deletes the selected self-created folder after a confirmation message. Editor profile Opens the drop-down list which includes pre-defined Editor profiles (on page 57). Help Opens online help.
Multimedia toolbar and context menu
Add file Opens the File Manager for selecting a file. Process file externally Opens your operating systems default program for editing the selected file. Process file externally with Opens a list of suitable programs for editing the selected file. 87
Copy Copies selected entries to the clipboard. Paste Inserts the contents of the clipboard. If an entry with the same name already exists, the content is pasted as "Copy of". Delete Deletes selected entries. Edit selected cell Opens the selected cell for editing. The binocular symbol in the header shows which cell has been selected in a highlighted line. Replace text in selected column Opens the dialog for searching and replacing texts. Properties Opens the window Properties for the selected entry. Remove all filters Removes all filter settings. Help Opens online help.
9.3.5 Texts and formats Texts and formats are: Text files for display in the project file extension: .txt Format files for formatting printouts file extension: .frm HTML files that are shown in the HTML screen file extension: .htm or .html Add file Opens the File Manager for selecting a file. New folder Inserts a new sub-folder. 88
Rename folder Enables renaming of self-created sub-folders. Remove folder Deletes the selected self-created folder after a confirmation message. Editor profile Opens the drop-down list that includes pre-defined editor profiles (on page 57). Help Opens online help.
Texts and formats tool bars and context menu
Add file Opens the File Manager for selecting a file. Process file externally Opens your operating systems default program for editing the selected file. Process file externally with Opens the selected file in the standard editor of the file format or offers a selection of suitable editors. Copy Copies selected entries to the clipboard. Paste Inserts the contents of the clipboard. If an entry with the same name already exists, the content is pasted as "Copy of". Delete Deletes selected entries. Edit selected cell Opens the selected cell for editing. The binocular symbol in the header shows which cell has been selected in a highlighted line. Replace text in selected column Opens the dialog for searching and replacing texts. Properties Opens the window Properties for the selected entry. Remove all filters Removes all filter settings. 89
Help Opens online help.
9.3.6 Drivers Driver files can be implemented in the following formats: *.cfg *.iso *.tcp *.bur *.fms *.bec *.ovd *.nmp *.ini *.h11 *.lst *.dde *.lon *.opc *.ecs Usually you dont need to enter them here. The files are automatically created when a driver is created and are saved here. 90
Add file Opens the File Manager for selecting a file. Editor profile Opens the drop-down list which includes pre-defined Editor profiles (on page 57). Help Opens online help.
Driver toolbar and context menu
Add file Opens the File Manager for selecting a file. Process file externally Opens your operating systems default program for editing the selected file. Process file externally with Opens a list of suitable programs for editing the selected file. Copy Copies selected entries to the clipboard. Paste Inserts the contents of the clipboard. If an entry with the same name already exists, the content is pasted as "Copy of". Delete Deletes selected entries. Edit selected cell Opens the selected cell for editing. The binocular symbol in the header shows which cell has been selected in a highlighted line. Replace text in selected column Opens the dialog for searching and replacing texts. Properties Opens the window Properties for the selected entry. Remove all filters Removes all filter settings. Help Opens online help.
9.3.7 Others Folder for storage of any file type. Add file Opens the File Manager for selecting a file. New folder Inserts a new sub-folder. Rename folder Enables renaming of self-created sub-folders. Remove folder Deletes the selected self-created folder after a confirmation message. Editor profile Opens the drop-down list which includes pre-defined Editor profiles (on page 57). Help Opens online help.
Other toolbar and context menu Add file Opens the File Manager for selecting a file. Process file externally Opens your operating systems default program for editing the chosen file. Process file externally with Opens a list of suitable programs for editing the chosen file. Copy Copies selected entries to the clipboard. Paste Inserts the content of the clipboard. If an entry with the same name already exists, the content is inserted as "Copy of". 92
Delete Deletes selected entries. Edit selected cell Opens the selected cell for editing. The binocular symbol in the header shows which cell has been selected in a marked line. Replace text in selected column Opens the dialog for searching and replacing texts. Properties Opens the window Properties for the selected entry. Remove all filters Removes all filter settings. Help Opens online help.
zenon provides its own, predefined graphics in the Global symbol library. The symbols in the folder Screens can only be used for the current screen; the symbols of the Global symbol library can be used in every project . You can also create your own symbols as well as group symbols or link them. You can find details in chapter Screens / symbols. The Editor saves the state of the symbol folder (open or closed), even after closing the symbol library or closing the Editor.
In zenon selected dialogs and filtered lists are available for the selection of specific elements. They are valid for the whole system and list the current projects and sub-projects. They are available for: Users Screens Files 93
Data types Functions Frames Drivers Variables Detailed information about the views can be found in chapter Detail view of the Project Manager (on page 68), detailed information about filtering of the lists can be found in the subchapter Filtering list entries (on page 75). Detailed information about the selection dialogs for functions and variables and the replacement of chosen functions or variables can be found in the subchapters: Functions (on page 94) Variables (on page 95)
9.5.1 Functions Selection dialog In order to select functions, a filtered dialog is opened:
Project tree Definition of the project from which the function should be selected. Selection window Selection of the function. No selection Depending on the element: the dialog is canceled already linked functions are deleted The size of this dialog can be adjusted. The dialog size and position are saved. 1. manually in the Project Managers Detail view (on page 66) open the functions drag the desired function on the element while holding the left mouse button 95
the previous function is substituted by the new one 2. automatic Select the entry Replace links from the context menu. For more details see chapter Substitution of variables and functions in dynamic elements.
9.5.2 Variables selection dialog In order to select variables, a filtered dialog is displayed. The size of this dialog can be adjusted. The dialog size and position are saved. Elements that can only be linked with one unique variable open the following dialog:
Project tree Definition of the project from which the variable shall be selected. Selection window Selection of the variable which shall be linked. It can be linked in two ways: 96
By double-clicking on the desired variable: The dialog is closed automatically. By selecting the desired variable and subsequently clicking OK. No selection Depending on the element: the dialog is canceled already linked variables are deleted (e.g. linked batch variables in the historian)
If the desired variable is not displayed, there can by several reasons for this: You have selected a filter and the desired variable does not match the filter: Check whether there is a filter active in the filter line. The information about filtered elements which is displayed at the bottom of the selection window also helps when checking for an active filter. The dialog is filtered by the Editor and the variable does not match the filter. The filtered display takes place when only special data types are allowed; e.g. for the dynamic element Numerical value no string variables can be linked. You have selected the wring project in the project tree. Attention The dialog generally allows the choice of multiple variables via the usual Windows keyboard shortcuts, but in this step only one can be linked. For multiple selection the first chosen variable is assigned to the element. 97
Elements that can be linked with multiple variables open the following dialog:
Project tree Definition of the project from which the variable shall be selected. Selection window Selection of the variables: Double click the selected variable in order to add it to the variable list. You can move the selected variable to the variable list via Drag&Drop Select the desired variable. With the help of Ctrl and/or Shift multi-selection is possible. By clicking Add the selected variables are added to the variable list. Variable list Lists all selected variables. 98
Add Adds the currently selected variable of the selection window to the variable list. Remove Removes the variables which are selected in the variable list from the list. No selection Depending on the element: the dialog is canceled certain links such as batch variables in archiving can be released If the desired variable is not displayed, there can by several reasons for this: You have selected a filter and the desired variable does not match the filter: Check whether there is a filter active in the filter line. The information about filtered elements which is displayed at the bottom of the selection window also helps when checking for an active filter. The dialog is filtered by the Editor and the variable does not match the filter. The filtered display takes place when only special data types are allowed; e.g. for the dynamic element Numerical value no string variables can be linked. You have selected the wring project in the project tree. Select the entry Replace links from the elements context menu. For more details see chapter Substitution of variables and functions in dynamic elements.
9.5.3 Frames In the selection dialog Frames the frames of the current or the sub-projects can be selected in a filterable view.
9.5.4 Files In the selection dialog Files, you can select files of the current project or sub-projects in a filterable view. 99
9.5.5 Screens In the selection dialog Screens the screens of the current or the sub-projects can be selected in a filterable view.
9.5.6 Users In the selection dialog Users the users of the current project or the sub-projects can be selected in a filterable view.
9.5.7 Drivers In the selection dialog Drivers, the drivers of the current project or of the sub-projects can be selected in a filterable view.
9.5.8 Data types In the selection dialog Data types, the data types of the current project or the sub-projects can be selected in a filterable view.
In the main window documents such as screens, reports, etc. are displayed and edited. The main window is the only window that cannot be hidden. You can display multiple screens in the main window at the same time. This function can be activated via: Options -> main window with tabs . The screens can be selected with tabs at the top of the main window and can be positioned via options in menu item Windows. To close open screens, use the keyboard shortcuts Strg+F4, the context menu or the command Window -> Close. Right-click on the tab of a document in order to open the context menu. Save Saves the document. Close Closes the document. Close all others Closes all other documents. Activate elements by clicking on the symbol in the Toolbar elements (on page 30) and open them with the mouse in the main window. There are multiple possibilities for moving the elements: Move quickly: Click element and position it with the mouse Position exactly: Click element and position it with the arrow keys Turning: Turn element with the "handle" above the upper left corner as you like it.
The properties window displays parameters and properties of objects that were selected in the detail view of the Project Manager, or of elements that were selected in a screen. You enter values and parameters in the properies window or change them for marked objects and elements. The settings for view, sorting and the favorites are saved for the next start of the Editor. When editing a property of an element in the property window, the last selected property is offered automatically, when another element is selected. If you choose multiple objects parallel (multiselekt), all properties that are different in the chosen elements are shown with an orange background in the properties window. You can navigate in the properties, too, by using the keyboard: Tab or Up Switches to the next property. Shift+Tab or arrow down Changes to the preceding property. Enter or arrow right Opens a node. To the left Closes a node. Pos 1 Jumps to the first node. Exit Jumps to the last node. 102
The properties of an object are shown and can be edited in the properties-window. A toolbar is available for administration of the properties screen.
(from left to right) Grouped view (on page 103) (default) All properties of the selected object are logically grouped; the groups can be sorted alphabetically or logically. With the context menu, properties can be added to or removed from the Favorites. Manual hints regarding the properties are always based on the grouped view. The contents of the groups are the same as in the dialog view. All properties: (on page 104) All properties of the selected object are displayed in a list. With the context menu, properties can be added to or removed from the Favorites. Dialog view (on page 104) All properties are grouped logically like in the Grouped view , the groups are displayed sorted by application priority in dialog form. In this view, no favorites can be defined. Show/hide favorites (on page 105) Shows / hides the node Favorites in the top spot of the views Grouped view or All settings . In this node, the most frequently used properties are collected. Default favorites are proposed. Add / remove entries to the favorites: You can do this either by using the context menu Add to favoritesor by moving the desired properties to the favorites toolbar using Drag&Drop. The order of the properties in the favorites is determined by the sorting criterion (ascending, descending, logic). In the Dialog view favorites cannot be created. Show/hide all properties Shows / hides all nodes in the views Grouped and All Properties. Sorted logically (default) Displays the properties logically sorted according to application frequency instead of aphabetically sorted in the views Grouped and All properties. 103
Sort ascending/descending Displays the properties either in ascending or descending alphabetical order in the views Grouped and All properties. Open/close all sections Shows / hides all nodes in the views Grouped and All Properties. The node of the current property is not closed, if Close all nodes is selected. Display properties help (on page 107) Displays the integrated help for the properties (properties help). Heading Displays the name of the selected object and the current project name.
The Grouped viewis active per default. It groups properties that logically belong together,
All properties can be hidden and shown using the toolbar. Info Hints in the manual concerning the properties always use the grouped view. The contents of the groups are the same as in the dialog view.
The Dialog view summarizes properties in groups and presents them in dialogs.
In the Dialog view it is not possible to create favorites and to hide properties.
All properties are displayed in an alphabetically ordered list.
All properties can be hidden and shown using the toolbar.
The views Grouped and All properties have a node Favorites on the top position of the window. Here are properties shown that are used quite often. Per default, favorites are proposed. To add own entries: Right-click on the desired property. In the context menu, choose <Property> add to favorites The order of the properties in the favorites is determined by the Sort key (on page 106) (ascending, descending, logic). To remove entries: Right-click on the desired property. In the context menu, choose <Property> remove from favorites Favorites can be shown or hidden using the appropriate button in the toolbar. You cant create favorites in the dialog view.
The sort key is defined with the buttons Sorted logically, Sorted ascending or Sorted descending in the toolbar. Per default the properties are sorted logically. They can be sorted alphabetically, too. The properties are sorted logically according to the likeliness of usage. This is only possible in the views Grouped and All Properties. Here, properties can be sorted alphabetically ascending or descending. These options are possible in the views Grouped , All Properties and Favorites. It is possible to close all nodes and to expand them again in the views Grouped and All properties The node of the current property is not closed, if Close all nodes is selected.
A window with the properties help can be shown below the properties. . To show the properties help: Choose the symbol Show properties help (far right) in the properties tool bar.
Or choose the command Properties help from the menu Options. or right-click on any title bar and choose the command Properties help in the context- sensitive menu. Close properties help: click the X on the right border of the title bar Unlike the online help that can be called up pressing F1, this integrated properties help only describes the individually chosen property. You are provided with short information about the chosen property and a link to the more extensive online help. 108
The properties help can be undocked like other windows, you can position it anywhere you want on the screen.
The output window shows status information and error messages during startup of the Editor and during compilation and transfer of a project. The information is divided into different types: Error Warnings Messages
These information messages can be shown and hidden individually. The settings for information display are retained after the Editor is closed; they are also valid for the display of new information. But no information is lost, because the settings only affect the display and not the collection of information. If warnings are hidden, they are not displayed until the display is turned on again. From that point on, all warnings are displayed. The warnings that were accumulated in the meantime are also shown. The blue information messages cannot be hidden, because they are project-related messages that must always be visible.
Symbols and context menu offer the same options. The symbols meaning from left to right: 110
Display errors Active: Errors are shown in red. Inactive: Errors are hidden. The chosen condition can be combined with warnings and messages and is retained when the editor is closed. Display warnings Active: Warnings are shown in orange. Inactive: Warnings are hidden. The chosen condition can be combined with Errors and messages and is retained when the editor is closed. Show messages Active: Messages are shown in black. Inactive: Messages are hidden. The chosen condition can be combined with errors and messages and is retained when the editor is closed. Save Saves the whole content of the output window to a LOG-file. You are free to choose storage location and file name. Copy Copies the selected list entry to the Windows Clipboard. Delete Deletes the whole contents of the output window. After this action is executed, it is not possible anymore to access the deleted contents of the output window. Find Opens the dialog for text search within the output window. Help Opens this help page.
Example Delete the contents of the output window with the relevant symbol or the context menu, then generate the Runtime-files. The relevant information is provided in the output window. This information is enclosed by blue messages. 1. Click on the symbol Messages: The standard messages (black) are hidden. 2. Once again generate Runtime-files, the messages stay hidden. 111
3. Now, hide also the display of errors (red) and warnings (orange). 4. The blue project-related messages stay visible. 5. Generate again runtime-files, show the messagesagain. All messages generated since the output window was deleted are visible again.
The Editor status bar provides information about (depending on the selected object):
Disposition of the Editor: Function of the symbol over which the mouse pointer is located. Position of the mouse pointer in screens. Type and name of the active element in a screen. Starting point (x/y axis), width and height of the active element in a screen. The 0/0 point of the axis is located in the upper left corner. In reports, the status line has no function.
When closing the Editor or closing or switching the workspace, all projects are checked for changes. If there are projects whose latest Runtime files have not been created, they are listed in a dialog and offered for creation.
Yes The Runtime files of all projects in the lists are created. Then the Editor is closed. No Runtime Files are not created. Then the Editor is closed. Cancel Runtime Files are not created. The Editor is not closed.
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