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Goddess Isis & Ascended Master Kuthumi
Channelled through Michelle Eloff Channelled in !ohannes"urg# South Africa on $% !une &$$' Co()right Notice To find out more about Michelle Eloff and The Lightweaver, please visit I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you and to bring unto you blessings of clarity, of understanding, blessings of awareness and receptivity. Greetings, beloved ones. nd it is with great !oy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day, as we hold you firmly within the heart of "hrist and securely upon the hands of God. #isters, as we prepare for Goddess Isis to bring her initiation teaching, we wish to support each of you in anchoring the spiritual energies of wisdom, of light, of sound, and truth, that shall bring your state of being into a state of harmony. This harmony will come to you through sound, music specifically. The sound of music can emit a harmonious vibration and can also be utilised to shatter dense and stagnant energies. The power of sound is a very important one to wor$ with in re%harmonising and recalibrating the energy systems of your physical and energetic selves. &art of the spiritual anchoring is for the purpose putting you into the state of now. The state of now wor$s with focusing on the current moment, ensuring that your energy does not become scattered and manifest a state of confusion as a result of holding onto energy too far in the past, or even energy too far into the future. This particular initiation is about drawing your presence into the now so that you may become a fully self%realised being. Therefore, visualise four cones of energy, penetrating your energy field, and with each breath you inhale, imagine these conings of energy entering your crown cha$ra, moving through your cha$ric system and anchoring themselves on the earth. These cones of light are the four pillars of energy. Goddess Isis will assist you in bringing in a new state of harmony for the duration of this initiation and the duration of the energy created by it. That duration will be an individual one. Therefore sisters, I shall now ta$e my leave and bless and greet each one of you in love. donai. 'oooo'oooo' I am Isis, Goddess of Goddesses. (elcome. My presence here with you today is a time to celebrate, for the anchoring of spiritual energy we bring through you is vital for the upliftment of the light of the children of your planet. #elf%realisation is as important as it is maintaining physical health. Every moment you realise something about yourself, you stand in the space of self%awareness. I spo$e at length about self%awareness with my first group of initiates. (ith this group I wish to address self%realisation. )ealising you are more than what you see in your physical world, initiates the process of true freedom, freeing you from the shac$les that bind your mind to the lower realms of thought and freeing you from the debilitating emotions that $eep you trapped in painful and limiting situations. *our !ourney is into the temples of the Goddesses. Every Goddess that has ever been and every Goddess to come. *ou are all Goddesses in the process of remembering your roots, re% establishing the foundation that shall bring you into complete and utter self%realisation. Many times you spea$, and say, +I realise now+, +I have realised+, +my realisation is.......+. ,o you realise what you are saying. ,o you truly realise that the illusion is what you thought was real. That is why self%realisation is about recognising the true reality. )eal%i%sation. To bring illusion into realisation re-uires being in touch with the world you share life with. Touching it, as it wishes to touch you. Touching every aspect of Mother%.ather God/s creation, and accepting that it is all a part of you. Everything reflects your inner and outer being. The feminine energy being held now is essential for the spiritual anchoring we are currently activating. The anchoring of these four cones of life are to dismantle force fields of energy that perpetuate lust consciousness within the third dimensional world and push this force field out of its matri0 point. This will dismantle the programmes that $eep lust consciousness in place, the consciousness impacting negatively on the children of your world. The reason why this is so important is because if the children continue to be e0ploited, so will the Goddess force. The Goddess energy will become further e0ploited. It will continue to be held in the moment of lustful associations. The anchoring of spiritual energy is something we generally do most of the time based on the ma$eup of your energy field. Each person1s energy field is made of a system of varieties of consciousness which facilitate a grounding. This grounding we call anchoring. nchoring such light initiates a release or integration, and when integration ta$es place, release automatically ta$es place too. 2efore we commence in releasing the consciousness of the children lin$ed to the times of tlantis where such lustful e0pression was rife. In fact, where it is at now is worse than what it was at tlantis. There has been a call for the Goddesses of all the dimensions of light to step forward and to support the process of anchoring the spiritual force, which will illuminate the lustful association to the Goddess and the innocence and purity associated with the Goddess and the children. This spiritual anchoring will open twelve new portals of energy through which twelve Goddesses will hold this anchoring of light until 3'4'. *ou sisters, are a part of this anchoring and will pull the energy with these Goddesses and you will find in your personal life you come into the realisation of the beauty and power of yourself. 5f the self listening to the words of Mother%.ather God, to the self who stands fully realised within the reality of the higher worlds of light. (hat realisations have you had recently that you believe has resulted in a liberation for you. (hat do you believe this liberation has brought to you6 In what area of your life, and your consciousness, are you see$ing liberation from6 (hat you share today sisters, is directly lin$ed to the anchoring of the light currently ta$ing place. It is a reflection of what has been released, what is being integrated, and what shall come to be released. (hat you have realised is what Mother Earth would have realised for herself, and what the collective consciousness will realise, to a degree. (hat you choose to be liberated from indicates the process to unfold, hence the gifts that you see will come as a result of your liberation and will indicate to you the integration coming forth for humanity. 5ne cannot help but to become self realised when addressing the world of light, the world of wisdom, of truth, love, of $nowledge and power. It is impossible not to realise more about yourself when committed to such a path. (hat it brings forth now is the additional responsibility to ac$nowledge that the world you are in is in fact ill at this moment. It is a sic$ world, and the sic$ness, the dis%ease and illness is within every human being. It is the inner sic$ness, the inner illness that has brought about e0ternal disease. 2e aware that over the ne0t four years there will be dramatic changes, medically, dramatic change regarding how medical institutions are structured. ,isease in itself will undergo a radical change. Information will be released to prove that 7I8%I,# was engineered and distributed. That it was done deliberately to infect the human race. 7owever the human race reacted to it because there was a need inside to hold onto such disease. re you clear so far on what I have said6 The importance of this change I cannot emphasise enough. #elf%realisation must come into being, for within the state of self realisation more and more of the illusion is eliminated. 9ow we can ma$e this complicated and say that it is still being created. .or you are actively part of the -uantum field, yes this is so. 7owever the plan that you have chosen to wor$ according to, is what is coming into being. Therefore the fields of energy among the -uantum field you are tapping into is what you are bringing into being in order to ensure that the collective consciousness of your world can be blessed by this highly creative and abundant power. (ithin every creation there is a system or a structure that holds the energies in place. Each time energy shifts a new spiritual energy is born, li$e what is ta$ing place today. This anchoring will bring about deeper realisations for humanity, regarding the treatment of the children of your world. I do believe this morning there were some words spo$en about the increased illness of children recently. This is not surprising, considering what is being processed currently and all the new forces of energy coming in. These forces of energy will continue to increase in fre-uency up until the solstice. Therefore the children will continue to feel the shifts in energy. They need to come into a place of realisation of their role and they will find balance. Many children have already been shifted off their orbit as a result of what goes on in your world. The anchoring of these spiritual energy systems is for the purpose of bringing them bac$ into alignment with you. Each child is in a way a vessel through which the energy can move itself, can release itself, and ground itself. Let us now move onto your personal process, what you have liberated yourself from, what you see this liberation has brought you, and where you would li$e to e0perience more liberation. :Group shares; #isters it is time to imagine these four conings of energy penetrating what you visualise as being your heart. Imagine this being in the centre of this place.. visualise these conings penetrating this heart cha$ra and calling into Mother Earth all that you have stated, you1ve realised, and what you wish to be liberated from, the gift that comes as a result of the liberation becomes a part of our being. Imagine it penetrating the centre, becoming one with the crystals within your body, so that every crystal removed from your body will hold this vibration, and all who come to utilise or interact from that which is ta$en from your body, will be touched by this energy. Imagine these energies moving into the plants, into the water, into the flowers, everything, interacting with nature, will be touched by the energy, by the gifts that you have encountered in your self realisation process. Imagine these conings of spiritual energy emerging from Goddess Gaia1s body and penetrating the etheric field and every little child on the planet. This coning is meant to send gifts of liberation and self realisation of the e0perience. They become additional and living mechanisms with the spiritual energy we grounded today. &resent with you now are the twelve Goddesses. These Goddesses shall continue to assist in every release of energies as the twelve portals of light become activated. These twelve conings of liberated light bring greater opportunity to the people of your planet.. children and adults. Each Goddess offers you a gift. Each gift becomes part of your strength and your power. *ou are re-uired #isters, to ground what is most important to you at this time. 2e it a pro!ect which you wish to carry out with your individual self or a pro!ect that shall benefit the greater whole. It is time to anchor it within this spiritual light. rchangels Gabriel, )afael, Michael and <riel are here to bring you the anchoring energy you re-uire to create the foundation for your future based on the realisations that you have had. *ou are re-uired to bring it to life, to give it meaning so that it may add meaning to life, the life you have chosen to live and the life others have chosen to live which interacts or dovetails with the life that you have chosen to live. s you anchor the spiritual energy so you ignite a new passion. ll of you are being called forth to be in your power and to act upon it. In your mind please repeat after me if it is your wish and will to continue with this energy. +I call forth the Goddesses of light, the Goddesses of wisdom, the Goddesses of love. I call forth the Goddesses of truth, the Goddesses of !ustice, the Goddess of integrity, the Goddess of inspiration, the Goddesses of creativity. I call forth the Goddesses of synchronicity, the Goddesses of stability, the Goddess of the feminine principle and the Goddesses that hold the masculine%feminine principle= I as$ that these strands of energy merge with the being that ma$es up who I am and becomes an integrated aspect of all that I am. I as$ that all my e0pressions, mentally, energetically and physically be motivated by the light of Mother%.ather God. I call forth the power of light, the rchangels of East, of (est, of #outh and 9orth. I call forth the power of the elements, water, earth, fire and air. I as$ these energies to merge, and to create the sheath of energy from which I can draw power. 5ne that will feed my consciousness, my energy fields, my inspiration, and become a part of my creation. I offer myself as a conduit for the light of Mother%.ather God. I stand as a blessing for the spiritual energy to anchor upon the earth for the greater good of the earth. I realise my divinity, I realise my power, I realise my place in Mother%.ather God1s world. nd so it is, and so it shall always be+ #isters you must now ta$e some time to convey any thoughts. (hen you are complete, in your communication with them, we as$ each of you to contribute a blessing to the conings of light being grounded. &lease verbalise this, this will also indicate the completion of your process in your communication with the Goddesses. &lease proceed now. :2lessings verbalised by individuals in group> inaudible; I as$ this group in particular to create an altar, and upon this altar you place everything you believe represents the light, the truth, the freedom, and the love of what you are sharing here today. Every day, light a candle representing the flame of self%realisation= #ee the flame as the light giving current to every man, woman and child, and pro!ect this flame into the body of the world so that you may feel the support of the self realised aspects of the body supporting her as much as she is supporting you. 7onour what you have realised, ac$nowledge the !ourney you are on, every day. "all upon the elements of Grace to bless you with their Grace so that you may continue to e0perience the gracefulness of self%realisation. It is impossible to achieve the levels of ascension you desire without complete self realisation. 2eing active on your path brings you into realised states. Eventually, with the power of re% occurrence, realising your life within you represented e0ternally. "reate this altar, in a manner of spea$ing as a shrine to the Goddess, the Goddess upon which you live, the Goddess that lives within you and the Mother Goddess that is united with .ather God. This does not mean that you deny .ather God, for now, with the spiritual awa$ening that is ta$ing place, you are holding the light, through the spiritual opening, through the Goddess, present and past. This anchoring shall ta$e appro0imately ?@ hours. ,uring this time there may be moments when you feel what you could imagine to be currents of electrical energy coursing through your body. t times you may feel even light headed. Ground yourself by eating root vegetables, and raw foods that come from beneath the earth. .or this group, specifically, we re-uire you wor$ with the coral variety of colours. (e also re-uire you wor$ with water opal. These two energies will bring the emotional body into a state of realisation for the planet, as humanity realises the destructive force of negative emotions. It will be easier and more graceful to embrace the positive aspect of the emotional body. *our initiation ta$es you to another level of awareness of self and your wor$. It ta$es you to another level in your ability to be self%realised. It increases the fre-uency of wisdom you are connected to, so that through the spiritual anchoring of life, of wisdom, of truth, $nowledge, power, of trust, of sound, of everything of the aspects of the higher dimensions that might re-uire=. through your self realisation you will assist others in doing the same. 7onour the Goddess within you, honour the Goddess upon which you live, honour the Goddess in your sisters, as well as the Goddess within your brothers. 7onour the Goddess1s creation in the form of children, nature, and wherever you may be, honour life. I am Goddess Isis, Goddess of Goddesses, and may you be at peace. 9amastA. 'oooo'oooo' I am Kuthumi and I return at this point. #isters, the energy that you are currently anchoring at this time may cause you to feel a little lower in energy today. ll you need do if at all possible, is give yourself some rest, it may not feel very intense at this time, but the intensity of the energy being brought forth is of a very high vibration. *our body will respond to this maybe even through your appetite, so if you find yourself developing a raging appetite by the end of today, do not be surprised. (hen such energy is anchored, spiritual energy especially, it is a form of electrical currents of energy that moves through the ethers, and that moves through the body of including mother earth, including you. It ta$es a lot of energy to hold and anchor it. This holding and anchoring of energy draws energy through you, this increases the metabolic rate of your physical body and sometimes impacts on the thyroid gland. This is why some people doing so much energy wor$ tend to e0perience associated thyroid problems. 7owever, the anchoring of this light sisters will be of great benefit to your personal development and the process of self realisation, as I believe Goddess Isis has already discussed. nd we are very honoured and very !oyful to have shared this time and space with you. It is important, I remind each one of you of your connection with the Goddesses and the twelve points that have been connected. Let me tell you of these points. 5ne is in Bohannesburg, one is in &retoria, the third point is in a place $nown as )oodeport C is this correct. It then moves onto 9atal, ,urban, manDimtoti, and to <mhlanga. (e then move to the "ape, to "ape Town itself, #tellenbosch, 7ermanus, .ishoe$, 9oordhoe$ and tlantis. This is also in the "ape. t this time the Eastern "ape is undergoing much change and points have not as yet been activated there. 2eloved sisters, are there any -uestions before we end this transmissions6 E> Kuthumi, can you tell us who the 43 Goddesses are6 K> "ertainly. Goddess #umeera, Goddess Ishtar, Goddess rtemis, Goddess thena, Goddess 8enus. Goddess #uatra, Goddess #uantra, Goddess Laluna, Goddess Iris, Goddess BeDabel, and Goddess Maria. Goddess Isis is connected to the twelfth point, her energy is held more through Goddess Ishtar and it is Goddess Gaia who e0tends an aspect of herself as an energetic Goddess to hold the twelfth point with Goddess Isis. Is this clear6 nd so it is then sisters, that we embrace you, in the Goddess force of all that is the Goddess, so that each of you may e0perience her power internally, manifested e0ternally, bringing all sleeping Goddesses into a state of self realised awareness. May the self%realised awareness touch your earth, bringing with it the peace of light of Lady Isis. May each of you be blessed by her peace of light. May the light that shines in you, that you feel shedding upon the world move beyond your ego fear and touch the world with warmth and love. May everything you choose to invest energy in, be embraced with the light of Mother%.ather God. May you be blessed with the truth and wisdom of Mother%.ather God. May you come into the realisation of how magnificent you are, and that each and every single person sharing this e0istence with you has the e-ual potential to manifest such greatness. nd may all always be well in your life. I am Kuthumi, Lord of Love and (isdom, and I greet and bless you in love. donai.