Connections 12 2 Ayres
Connections 12 2 Ayres
Connections 12 2 Ayres
1. Introduction
An e-portfolio is, in efect, just a collection of information or documents which is
presented in an online format. The use of e-portfolios for personal development
planning and the development of skills for lifelong learning has been studied in depth
(for example, [1] and [2]). However, we have found over the last six years that they are
also useful as a tool for light-touch supervision of undergraduate fnal year statistics
dissertations. They aford the supervisor, or module convenor/leader, the opportunity
to monitor students from a distance, at a time convenient to their other commitments.
Where a facility is available for adding comments to the e-portfolio, students can
receive some light-touch supervision to keep them on track. This fexibility and
convenience both mean that one member of staf can be in charge of several student
projects, more so than in a traditional one-to-one supervised setting.
The use of e-portfolio tools in our fnal year statistics project is described below,
together with details of the benefts that they aford. Since their use has been
particularly positive because of the format of our project, this is described frst.
2. The fnal year statistics project
At Reading all single subject statistics undergraduates must take a statistics project,
which is weighted one third of the fnal year. The project has a key role to play in
developing students transferable skills (see e.g. [3] for a discussion of such skills).
Although once a traditional project, where students would meet with their supervisor
each week to discuss progress, in 2004, due to the student:staf ratio in the statistics
department at that time, it became difcult to continue to provide one-to-one
supervised projects for undergraduates. The project was therefore designed to be
more student-centric, with students efectively taking control of their own supervision
and independently determining the content (though under the watch of a single
module convenor). Indeed, the resulting project very much moved up the ladder
of student participation in curriculum design [4] in this regard, and the students
undertaking the new version for the frst time in 2005 commented that they liked the
autonomy provided to them with regards directions to take.
The new project module as I designed it became, and still is, a more structured module
than the traditional dissertation-only one. Students choose a dataset from a list, each
one being attached to one of three or four diferent statistical topics which they have
not met in any great detail in their degree at that point (e.g. survival analysis and time
series analysis to name two). They are expected to carry out a statistical analysis of
Karen L. Ayres
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Reading
Using e-portfolios to provide regular
feedback on final year statistics projects
Karen L. Ayres
MSOR Connections Vol 12 No 2 Summer 2012
the dataset using methods they have met in their other
modules, and they are also expected to learn the new topic
from books through self-study, and apply that to their
data as well. They set their own research questions and
can choose to focus on a subset of the data if they wish. In
this way, skills of independent research are enhanced, as in
efect the students are supervising themselves.
The assessment for the module is based on the fnal
dissertation that they write (a 65-page limit; 75% weighting),
a poster and its presentation (10%), a critical appraisal of
another students dissertation (10%), and a research diary
with weekly entries summarising what they have done (5%).
The research diary is not formally marked until the end of
the project, but the weekly entries are formative because
they provide the opportunity for monitoring progress and
identifying if an obvious error has been made in the analysis
that is reported. The purpose in its creation as a component
of the project module was to encourage students to think
carefully about what they had completed each week, and
help form plans for the coming week. Obviously keeping a
record of ones research is a useful project management skill,
and the aim of the project is to develop a wide range of skills.
3. Use of e-portfolios
3.1 The research diary
My role, as module convenor, is to provide lectures on
research methods, but also to monitor the progress of
the students from a distance. The research diary is a key
component of this. In 2005 the research diary was paper-
based, and was handed in halfway through the module, and
again at the very end. It therefore had little role to play in
assisting with any light-touch supervision. Consequently,
there were some errors in the fnal work the students
submitted which might have been identifed had a weekly
entry been read.
An e-portfolio was used for the frst time for the research
diary in 2006, using the Universitys Virtual Learning
Environment, Blackboard. Students were again encouraged
to complete the diary weekly, to help them with their
progress and for gathering their thoughts, but it was only
read midway through the year again for feedback purposes.
Consequently, engagement was not high.
In 2007 the comments facility in the e-portfolio tool in
Blackboard was used to provide feedback at the end of
each week on that weeks diary entry. Students were also
told that they needed to construct the e-portfolio such
that it had a separate page for each week, because only the
current weeks entry would be read for feedback purposes
(but that all entries could be changed later because formal
marking would only take place at the end of the module).
It was this use of the e-portfolio tool for providing regular
feedback which made it a key component of the project
module, and it has been used successfully in this way each
year since then.
The e-portfolio research diary is the only way for students to
get regular feedback on what they are doing, and also to ask
(up to two) questions each week to help guide their studies.
Feedback provided via the comments facility includes advice
about structure of the dissertation (reinforcing what has been
said in lectures), suggestions of what could be investigated
(these tend to be generic to leave sufcient scope for the
students to think about what they want to do in their
analysis), reassurance that the completed and/or planned
work that has been described is reasonable, highlighting
of errors in the statistical work that has been described,
advice about time and project management tailored to that
individual, plus answers to statistical and other queries.
A natural question to ask would be about the beneft that the
e-portfolio approach has over seeing students one-to-one
for a very short period of time every fortnight for example.
The answer to this is that the checking of the e-portfolios
can be done, fexibly, at a time most convenient to the
convenor, depending on other commitments, and that
time spent reading the entries and providing comments is
inevitably shorter than it would be if engaging in one-to-
one discussions with an individual (where it is easy to get
of topic). It also efectively encourages students to treat the
module in the manner that it was intended, as essentially a
student-supervised project, because their regular contact
with the convenor and generation of feedback is happening
remotely. They are encouraged to take more control over
their project because they have to summarise online their
weekly progress in an informative way in order to ensure that
the feedback they receive is most benefcial to them.
In terms of benefts to students, the convenience that the
e-portfolio brings means that they are able to get some
regular individual feedback and light-touch supervision
of their project by an academic, which they otherwise
wouldnt be able to have purely for logistic reasons
(student:staf ratios) if the only possibility was face-to-face.
The act of having to think about what to report for that
week is also a good research skill to efectively summarise
in one page of A4 what has been done, what has been
found and what is going to be tackled next. This recapping
process can also be efective in stimulating further ideas.
Students themselves have noted that it is useful to re-read
their diary entries, to see if they have achieved what they
had aimed to do in previous weeks. Having the entries
online makes them readily accessible for this purpose.
3.2 Student engagement
A common problem in the use of e-portfolios, particularly
when the use is for personal development planning, is
student engagement [2]. Certainly in 2006 we found
that students saw the use of the e-portfolio for the diary
component to be an unnecessary technological add-
on. However, from 2007 when feedback started to be
provided using the comments facility, student views were
more positive, and engagement seemed to improve. Not
Using e-portfolios to provide regular feedback on fnal year statistics projects Karen L. Ayres
MSOR Connections Vol 12 No 2 Summer 2012
surprisingly, students identifed the benefts of using the e-
portfolio when they were receiving feedback via its tools.
To assess this quantitatively, we can look at the number of
entries completed by students at the point of handing in
the research diary (recall that they can change it and add
missing entries at any point until the end of the module), and
the content of the entries. To try to limit external infuences
such as student cohorts being too diferent in terms of entry
qualifcations and overall ability, nine students were chosen
from each of the 2006/7 and 2007/8 academic years (the year
when the e-portfolio had no weekly feedback provided, and
the following year when it did). The nine students in each
year were matched so that their fnal dissertation module
mark was either the same or difered by only one mark (the
range of marks achieved covered First Class to Third Class).
The mean number of diary entries in 2006/7 was 15.9,
compared with 18.4 in 2007/8 (the maximum possible
number is 19). Fig 1 shows a boxplot of the distribution
of the total number of words written in the diary for the
nine students in each of these years (all weekly entries
combined). The p-value from a sign test applied to the
diferences for the matched students was 0.039, indicating
a signifcant diference between the engagement levels
of the two cohorts, as measured by words written. There
seems to be some evidence of improved engagement in
the second year of implementing e-portfolios.
It is of course impossible to say whether making use of the
comments facility to provide feedback was the causal factor
in the apparent increase in engagement seen between
the two years. However, discussions with students at the
time did suggest that they found the weekly feedback
provided on the e-portfolio to be useful. Making use of
such commenting facilities is clearly an important aspect
to using e-portfolios for purposes such as projects. Indeed,
students have similarly continued to write long entries
in their research diaries in the years following, and have
continued to comment favourably on the feedback they
receive on their e-portfolio diaries.
4. Conclusions
We have been using e-portfolio tools successfully in fnal year
statistics projects since 2006. Although their introduction
was largely due to the format of our project, with its student-
centric approach, they nevertheless have various uses that
would beneft any project where light-touch supervision is
provided. Indeed, the opportunity that e-portfolios provide
for easily ftting in such supervision with an existing workload
means that in particular this is a useful tool when there are
many more students than staf, making it difcult to ofer a
full one-to-one supervised project with weekly meetings.
Our experience is certainly that e-portfolios make it easy to
give feedback to students on fnal year projects. Of course,
the advantage of providing quick and useful feedback to
students is that it encourages more use of the e-portfolio
(students begin to seek more feedback with more detailed
entries). This increased use then in turn enhances the quality
of feedback that can be given (because there is more to
comment on, particularly where students have thought more
carefully about their entry). And obviously better feedback
can lead to enhanced learning, and can enable students to
develop the confdence to push themselves further, and
achieve more than they would have otherwise achieved. This
outcome fts perfectly with the goals of a fnal year project.
In conclusion, there are clear benefts to both staf and
students from using e-portfolio tools in this way. Given our
experiences over the last few years, we would defnitely
advise the use of e-portfolios as a simple and efcient means
of monitoring student progress on fnal year projects.
Thanks go to Paul Glaister for comments on a frst draft of
this paper.
Cambridge, D. (2010) e-Portfolios for Lifelong Learning
and Assessment. Wiley.
Wheeler, A. and Yeats, R. (2009) Embedding e-
Portfolios for efective lifelong learning: a case study.
In: 8th European Conference on e-Learning. Academic
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Gibbs G., Rust C., Jenkins A., and Jaques D. (1994)
Developing students transferable skills. The Oxford
Centre for Staf and Educational Development.
Bovill, C. and Bulley, C.J. (2011) A model of active
student participation in curriculum design: exploring
desirability and possibility. In: Rust, C. Improving
Student Learning (18) Global theories and local practices:
institutional, disciplinary and cultural variations. The
Oxford Centre for Staf and Educational Development.
Fig 1 Boxplot of the distribution of the total number of words written in
the diary
Using e-portfolios to provide regular feedback on fnal year statistics projects Karen L. Ayres