Edeveloper 9.4 Partitioning Troubleshooting Guide

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eDeveloper 9.4 Troubleshooting Guide
April 2006
Copyright 2006 by Magic Software Enterprises Ltd. All rights reserved.
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eDeveloper Partitioning
1 OVERVIEW..................................................................................................... 4
2 TERMINOLOGY.............................................................................................. 4
3 EDEVELOPER PARTITIONING MODULES.................................................. 4
3.1 PORTS.............................................................................................................. 5
3.2 RESOLVING HOST NAMES ................................................................................. 5
3.3 TIMEOUTS......................................................................................................... 6
3.3.1 REQUESTER (MGREQ.INI)...........................................................................6
3.3.2 BROKER (MGRB.INI)...................................................................................7
3.4 LOG FILE SETTINGS.......................................................................................... 7
3.5 ADDITIONAL REQUESTER SETTINGS .................................................................. 8
3.5.1 AUTOLOOPBACK .......................................................................................8
3.5.2 KEEPALIVE................................................................................................8
3.6 ADDITIONAL BROKER SETTINGS........................................................................ 8
3.7 HANDLING CONNECTIONS ................................................................................. 8
INFORMATION........................................................................................................... 10
ERRORS................................................................................................................... 12
APPENDIX II - DB ERRORS.................................................................................. 20
APPENDIX III - WINSOCK ERRORS .................................................................... 23
APPENDIX IV - TEST CASES............................................................................... 26
-105: BROKER NOT RESPONDING ............................................................................. 26
-138: RUNTIME CRASH ............................................................................................. 26
-144: LOW-LEVEL CONNECTION RESET ..................................................................... 27
-197: CONTEXT NOT FOUND..................................................................................... 27

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1 Overview
This document will help troubleshoot certain situations and provide a better understanding of
how each of the eDeveloper components interacts with one another.
The topics that will be discussed include:
How the eDeveloper partitioning modules interact
Log file settings
Resolving host names
The document will also explain the meaning of some of the requesters error codes and will
offer guidelines for solving certain situations.
2 Terminology
The TCP/IP Stack refers to the TCP/IP software at the operating system level, and has its
own settings, registry, and configuration files. On Windows platforms, the TCP/IP Stack is
usually known as Winsock. The TCP/IP stack has several vendors in addition to Microsoft.
Errors returned from the TCP/IP Stack are mapped to the eDeveloper partitioning errors,
listed in Appendix II - DB Errors.
3 eDeveloper Partitioning Modules
A typical configuration consists of one broker, one or more enterprise servers, and an ISAPI
This can be illustrated graphically as shown below:
Web Server (IIS)
Requestor (mgrqispi.dll)
Enterprise Server

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When a request is made to the Web server, the requester polls the broker to find an
eDeveloper engine to work with. The broker finds an engine that is not busy, and informs
the requester as to which engine is available. The requester then works directly with that
engine, and the broker is no longer involved.
In the diagram above, arrows represent connections that remain as long as both sides of
the connection are alive and functioning. The operating system "netstat" command helps
view these connections during different phases of the TCP/IP state diagram.
There may be several connections between the requester and the broker. The number of
connections increases according to the load. There is only one connection from each
enterprise server to the broker.
The INI files of each of the components define the ports where the components listen to
one another.
3.1 Ports
The broker uses one port, the port defined in the BrokerPort section of the Mgrb.ini file.
An enterprise server also uses only one port for standard broker-related requests.
However, an enterprise server may use another port for J 2EE requests, where the EJ Bs
interact directly with the enterprise server. This is the case when the Mgreq.ini file includes
the lines below:
MGSRVR05 =, , , ,MaxThreads=
In that case, the enterprise server tries to use the first port defined in the range of ports in
the TCP/IP section of the Magic.ini file ([MAGIC_COMMS] TCP/IP - the default is 1500-
2000). This eases the integration with EJ Bs, for which the default port is also 1500.

3.2 Resolving Host Names
This section highlights a number of points about the way TCP/IP host names can be
The eDeveloper partitioning architecture lets the different modules (broker, clients, and
enterprise servers) reside on different computers.
For that purpose, each computer must know the names of the other computers with which it
interacts. For example, lets say the broker is positioned on one computer, named SRVR_1,
and there are two enterprise servers on two different computers, SRVR_2 and SRVR_3.
The enterprise servers identify themselves to the brokers using the names SRVR_2 and
SRVR_3, and these are the names that the broker passes on to clients when the clients
send synchronous requests. Therefore, each client must know how to resolve the names
SRVR_1, SRVR_2, and SRVR_3.
The best way to accomplish this is to use DNS (Domain Names Service) or DHCP, a
centralized pool of names and their known IP addresses. Another way, old-fashioned but
simple, is to use a hosts file. The hosts file mechanism requires each computer to have an
up-to-date copy of the same hosts file.
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3.3 Timeouts
This section provides an explanation of the various timeouts defined in the INI files, which
can be helpful when troubleshooting.
3.3.1 Requester (Mgreq.ini)
Broker timeout
The broker timeout defines the time the requester waits for the broker to give it the address
of an enterprise server in order to execute a synchronous request. This is specified in the
Mgreq.ini file for the web/command line requester, or in the Magic.ini file, in the Servers
table, for remote calls.
For administration/queries, such as QUERY RT, QUERY APPS, TERM etc., the requester
waits for a period of time, calculated as the broker timeout * 5, to allow the broker to handle
very large queries.
The default is 10 seconds.
Requester timeout
The requester timeout defines how long the requester waits for the enterprise server to finish
executing a request. This is specified in the Mgreq.ini file for the Web/command line
requester, or in the Magic.ini file (remote calls from an eDeveloper engine).
Note: If this timeout expires, the enterprise server does not interrupt the request. In that
case, the requester is allowed to continue without waiting for the output.
Default: 0 =infinite. Requests may still be limited by the TCP/IPs Stack settings, in which
case the returned error will be 107 because the connection to the enterprise server will be
reset by the TCP/IP stack. When this timeout is set to a non-zero value and the timeout
expires, error 110 is returned.
Communication timeout
The communication timeout defines how long a server or client waits while trying to connect
to the broker, including:
The amount of time a client waits while trying to connect to a server, for SYNC
The amount of time the client waits for an acknowledgment from the server that the
server received the request and started processing it.
The amount of time the server waits for an acknowledgment from the client that the
client received the request result.
Default =10sec.
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Module using it:
3.3.2 Broker (Mgrb.ini)
Server timeout
The server timeout is specified in seconds. Sent from the broker to each enterprise server
when it starts up, the server timeout specifies the requested interval between the "I-AM-
ALIVE" messages from the server to the broker.
3.4 Log File Settings
There are three logs:
Mgreq.ini - Displays low-level activities, such as TCP/IP, threads, events, etc.
Mgrb.ini - Displays high-level broker activities such as initialization, receiving
requests, locating enterprise servers, sending enterprise servers to requesters,
and so on. This log helps you understand whether or not the broker accepted a
request, and what was done with the request.
Mrb_event.log, which is issued from the broker and is not related to any INI file,
registers significant broker activities, such as startup and shutdown of the broker
and enterprise servers, etc.
Syntax: Log = name sync level.
Sync: y - The log file is opened and closed for each line, making it possible to share the
same log file among several modules.
n - Closes the log only upon termination.
f - Flushes the log to the disk for each line but without closing the log file each time.
Level: c - customer (minimal logging)
s - support
r - R&D
For example: Log =req.log y s.
Note: The Mgreq.ini file is also used by the broker and should be used whenever there is a
need to trace the low-level activities of the broker, such as connect, send, and receive.
The Mgreq.ini file is used by all of the modules that take part in the Magic partitioning
architecture: requesters, enterprise servers, and the broker. When each one of these three
types of modules is started, it searches for the Mgreq.ini file. Some of the settings are not
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relevant for all the modules. For example, the Priority entry is only relevant for requesters.
For more information, refer to the eDeveloper documentation.
Unexpected errors:
Errors that are not listed in the documentation, such as -145 and -105, are best handled by
using the log file from the Mgreq.ini file. For example, this log file can show problems that
deal with resolving a host name, which is generally the cause of these errors.
It is important to distinguish between Web Server errors, which are not displayed in
eDevelopers blue error page, and eDeveloper errors. Web Server errors might include a
missing requester, insufficient rights, etc.
3.5 Additional Requester Settings
The following flags can be specified in the Mgreq.ini file.
3.5.1 AutoLoopBack
(The default is Y)
Description: When partitioning modules (broker, enterprise server) are on the same
computer, there may be a problem when the network is disconnected. For example, when
the network cable is unplugged the Windows operating system aborts all established
connections on a computer connected to the network. You can prevented this by using the
new flag.
When this flag is used, eDeveloper uses the localhost IP address,, instead of
trying to resolve the hostname using the DHCP. As a result, the connection between the
modules stays intact when the network connection is lost.
3.5.2 KeepAlive
(The default is Y)
This flag instructs the Mgrqgnrc94.dll file to set an option for each connection it opens, letting
you use operating system settings to control the keep-alive intervals. The flag only enables
the use of the OS settings. System managers must set the keep-alive intervals. Each
operating system has different flags.
If the Server Timeout is set to non-zero in the Magic.ini file, then the KeepAlive flag is set by
the eDeveloper engine (even if it is not set in the Mgreq.ini file).
3.6 Additional Broker Settings
The following flag can be specified in the Mgrb.ini file.
QueueMaxSize (by default: no limit)
Description: When the broker already has QueueMaxSize requests in its queue, each
subsequent request that cannot be served immediately (sync or async) will not enter the
queue, and the requester will receive the error -198 ("Queue Limit reached").
3.7 Handling Connections
A requester, such as ISAPI, initially starts a connection to the broker and to each enterprise
server. These connections stay ESTABLISHED until the requester or the partner, that is the
broker or an enterprise server, is shut down.
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When a requester needs to send a request to the broker or an enterprise server and all
established connections are already in use, the requester opens a new connection and
keeps it ESTABLISHED, as described above. This means that the number of established
connections grows gradually until it reaches a maximum number of connections, and then
the existing connections serve all further requests without opening new connections.
If the requester shuts down, such as when an IIS restarts, the requester closes its
connections to both the broker and all connected enterprise servers gracefully. Then the
requester starts opening new connections, exactly as described previously.
If the broker or enterprise servers are shut down without the requester knowing about it, the
CLOSE_WAIT status message appears on the requester's side, and the FIN_WAIT_2
message appears on the brokers or enterprise servers side.
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Appendix I - eDevelopers Information and Error Codes

Mnemonic Troubleshooting
RQ_INF_TERMINATE_THREAD The thread itself is terminated.
RQ_INF_RETRY Internal status code.
For a requester when the broker
instructs the requester to retry.
For an engine when the engine retries
a connection to the broker.
For the broker when retrying a
submission of an asynchronous
In all cases, unless this status code is
followed by another error status code,
it should be ignored.



Internal status codes of the enterprise

Internal status codes of the broker.

MM_INF_LAST_BIGGER Low-level status code of the memory
tables which are the foundation for
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tables, which are the foundation for
broker resource management.
RQTCP_INF_TIMEOUT Can occur in several low-level scenarios.
In each scenario, it will be handled
differently. For example:
i. A requester submits a request to the
broker for an unsupported application,
which does not exist, error 103; or is
busy, error -104. The broker issues an
acknowledgement message, and the
requester continues to wait for an
available enterprise server, according
to the BrokerTimeout value in the
Mgreq.ini file or its equivalent in the
Servers table of the Magic.ini file. If no
enterprise server becomes available in
the specified period of time, the
requester receives status -60 from the
TCP/IP layer, which is then handled as
status code -103 or -104.
ii. A requester submits a request to the
broker and does not receive any
response from the broker, which is
handled as error -105.
iii. A requester contacts an enterprise
server, submits a request to the
enterprise server, and begins to wait
for the response. If a request timeout
was set and the enterprise server did
not complete the request, the
requester receives status -60 from the
TCP/IP layer, which is then handled as
status -110 (REQUEST-TIMEOUT).

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RQGNRC_ERR_CNCT_REFUSED_MRB The connection to the broker was
Verify that the broker was started on the
port on the specified machine. Refer to
its Mgrb.ini file.
RQGNRC_ERR_APP_NOT_FOUND The engine does not support the
application; or the Appl=entry in the
Mgreq.ini file was specified and the
required application does not appear in
the list of applications registered to the
selected broker. Use the Broker
monitor to view the status of enterprise
RQGNRC_ERR_APP_IN_USE All enterprise servers supporting the
application are busy serving other
These status codes as well as the
previous one are controlled by a broker
timeout keyword.
For the eDeveloper client, the timeout
value is in the Servers table. In the
Mgreq.ini file, the timeout value is the
BrokerTimeout parameter.
This error usually appears after 10
seconds, the default setting, which is
the timeout set by the broker to deal
with a synchronous request.
To solve this time-out:
1. Edit the Mgreq.ini file in the Scripts
directory for Internet requests, or the
Magic.ini file for running Call Remote
Set the BrokenTimeout value in the
Mgreq.ini file to a value higher than 10
seconds, for example 300 seconds (5
2. Alternatively, in the brokers Magic
directory, increase the number of
Magic engines to start in the
the Mgrb.ini file. The engines may be
deployed in the background. You must
restart the broker by modifying the
Mgrb.ini file.
3. If your enterprise server engines, Web
server, and broker are loaded on
different machines, you must also
make sure that all machines involved
in supporting the Web application can
communicate with one another using a
host name and not only IP addresses.
You can test this using the ping
command. If required, you should
modify the host file on each machine
so that they can communicate with
each other using host names. (This
configuration is not highly
4. Use the Broker monitor to view the
status of the enterprise servers.
When dealing with a J 2EE
environment, the EJ B continues to
connect to the enterprise server for as
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long as allowed in the
CommunicationTimeout setting. If the
EJ B fails to connect, it will throw the
Application Busy exception to the
client that activated it.
RQGNRC_ERR_MRB_NOT_RSPND The broker did not return any response
to a requester, not even an ACK
message. Refer to test case -105:
Broker not responding.
For query and administrative requests,
you can increase the Broker timeout
RQGNRC_ERR_RT_NOT_RSPND A requester was not able to send a
request to an engine that was
assigned by the broker.
Verify that the engine is alive (in the Task
Manager, according to the PID
displayed in the brokers status
window); Call this engine from a
command line requester to isolate the
source of the problem. (Connections
are created and destroyed for each
request of the command line
RQGNRC_ERR_CNCT_RESET Connection reset by the enterprise
This message appears when:
o The enterprise server was aborted
abnormally during the execution of a
o The connection was reset due to
network connection problems.
Refer to test case -105: Broker not
responding, and to status code -144
Verify that the engine is alive; (for
example, in the Task Manager,
according to the PID displayed in the
brokers status window). Call this
engine from a command line requester
to isolate the source of the problem.
(Connections are created and
destroyed for each request of the
command line requester.)
RQGNRC_ERR_INVALID_REQ_HDL When the requester API is used, it may
be related to a wrong argument that
was passed to the API.
RQGNRC_ERR_CNCT_REFUSED_RT Communication problems between
requesters and enterprise servers.
Check the firewall settings between client
and server computers, host name
resolution, etc.
You can view the Broker monitor to view
the status of the enterprise servers.
Ping the host name and IP address of
the assigned enterprise server.
Verify that the engine is alive; for
example, in the Task Manager,
according to the PID displayed in the
brokers status window. Call this
engine from a command line
requester, in order to isolate the
source of the problem (Connections
are created and destroyed for each
request of the command line
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RQGNRC_ERR_REQUEST_TIMEOUT The execution of the task was not
completed during the Request Timeout
interval. Increase the Requester
Timeout keyword (in the Mgreq.ini file
for Internet or command line, or in the
Magic.ini file for Call Remote).
RQGNRC_ERR_NOT_MRB A requester tried to connect to a TCP/IP
server that is not a Magic Broker.
RQGNRC_WRN_ALT_MRB Obsolete status code.
RQGNRC_ERR_APPNAME_REQUIRED An application name was not specified in
a Call Remote operation.
RQGNRC_ERR_PRGNAME_REQUIRED A program name was not specified in a
Call Remote operation.
RQGNRC_ERR_RMC_DISABLED_FOR_J 2EE J 2EE type servers can only accept
remote calls from EJ Bs.
This error occurs following a remote
call by a different requester.
Set Gateway=5 in the Mgreq.ini file to
ensure that users cannot send remote
calls from a command line or Web
requester in this directory.
RQGNRC_ERR_TIME_STAMP A requester received a response
designated for another request from
the broker.
This is a severe error that should never
be found in log files.
RQMRI_ERR_APP_REJ ECTED Two or more requests attempted to open
different applications in the same
engine when either no application was
open or no context existed in that
Retry the request.
When dealing with a J 2EE environment,
the EJ B continues to connect to the
enterprise server for as long as
specified in the
CommunicationTimeout setting. If the
EJ B fails to connect, it throws the
ApplicationBusy exception to the
RQMRI_ERR_MODE_REJ ECTED A request is accepted by an enterprise
server that either has a Busy-Toolkit
status or an Avail-Running status on
another application.
Switch the enterprise server to Avail-Idle.
RQMRI_ERR_BAD_MCF The server engine could not open the
application. Check that the application
can be opened locally (for example,
RQMRI_ERR_BAD_PRG The enterprise server could not find the
requested program. Check the
program's public name.
RQMRI_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED Access is denied to the application. This
error can occur when:
A wrong user or password was passed
to the enterprise server.
The user had no rights to execute the
RQMRI_ERR_LIMITED_LICENSE_PART License limited to only partitioning
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RQMRI_ERR_LIMITED_LICENSE_HTTP License limited to only Internet requests.
RQMRI_ERR_LIMITED_LICENSE_CS Maximum number of hits was reached
during license validation.
When using a non-server license, the
enterprise server is limited to 2,000
Use a server license.
RQMRI_ERR_REQ_REJ ECTED The enterprise server cannot execute the
request because of a timing problem.
This error is usually related to
switching between Runtime and Toolkit
RQMRI_ERR_RT_ERROR_MSG During the execution of a program in the
enterprise server, the program did not
complete properly; for example, a
verify error that aborted execution or
any other abort condition.
If the executed program failed to
complete, these error messages were
trapped by the enterprise server and
sent back to the requester. If the
executed program was executed
successfully despite the error
messages, the programs output is
returned, overriding any error
When the requester is an Internet
requester, the error messages are sent
to the remote browser.
When the requester is a command line
requester, the error messages are
displayed in the console.
When the requester is an eDeveloper 9
engine, this error message is not
displayed. Check the executed
programs and its descendants by
pressing F8.
When dealing with a J 2EE environment,
the EJ B includes error messages from
the aborted program in an exception
thrown to the EJ B client.
RQMRI_ERR_THREAD_ABORTED During the execution of a program, the
program terminated abnormally.
In the MAGIC_SPECIALS section, set
the ExceptionMessageBoxDisplay flag
to Yes, and use debugging techniques,
such as BugTrapper, to find the
RQTCP_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED Refer to winsock error 10093 below.
RQTCP_ERR_BIND_FAIL A server module (e.g. broker or
enterprise server) failed to bind to a
local address, which might already be
RQTCP_ERR_CNCT_REFUSED A connection from a client module to a
peer was refused. This can happen
between almost any two modules. For
example, from a requester to the
broker or enterprise server, or from an
enterprise server to the broker.
RQTCP_ERR_CNCT_RESET An established connection was reset.
The connection is no longer valid and
can no longer be used. Refer to
winsock error 10054 and to test case
#1 for typical scenarios.
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RQTCP_ERR_BIND_HOST_NOT_FOUND A server module cannot bind to a local
address due to an unresolved name;
for example, as specified by
/LocalHost in the
The Local Host entry in the Mgreql.ini file
or /LocalHost in the TCP/IP
parameters in the Magic.ini file (for
example, TCP/IP =2,30,1500-2000
/LocalHost=myserver) specifies an
invalid host name.
A client module cannot establish a
connection to a server module due to
an unresolved name specified for the
server. This can occur when a
requester on one computer receives
an enterprise server address from the
broker, and the enterprise server is
located on a host whose name is
known to the broker but not to the
requester. A solid DNS/DHCP
configuration usually prevents this
This error is similar to ERR-
A requester cannot connect to an
unknown broker or enterprise server.
You should check the
MessagingServer keyword in the
Mgreq.ini file.
The broker address must contain the
Internet address, such as
RQTCP_ERR_CNCT_CLOSED A connection was unexpectedly closed
by a peer. Refer to the relevant
appendix (at the end of the document).
RQTCP_ERR_OUT_OF_SOCKETS The current module reached the
maximum number of opened sockets
(the default is 1000).
Increase this value using the keyword
Handles=NNNN in the Mgreq.ini file.
RQMRG_ERR_CNCT_REFUSED_MRB An enterprise server could not connect to
the broker.
Check if the broker has started and
that the host name of the broker
MessagingServer keyword in the
Magic.ini file belongs to the correct IP
address (ping <mrbhost>).
You can trace the problem by setting
the Log parameter to Enabled in the
Mgreq.ini file (for example, log =
reg.log Y R) in the enterprise server
RQMRG_ERR_CNCT_CLOSED_BY_REQ During the execution of a request, the
requester closed the connection after
received status -110
As a result, no output was sent back
from the enterprise server to the
requester. Check the requester in the
client machine and the enterprise
server. If possible, reproduce the
problem with log enabled in the
Mgreq.ini file (log =req.log Y R) in the
directories of the requester and the
enterprise server.
This is an internal status code that
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closely coupled with status -110 and
should be handled on the client side
(refer to status 110).
RQMRG_ERR_OUT_OF_SEQ_MSG A context serving a browser-client
received an event from the client
containing an unexpected session
counter. (Each request from a client
must have a session counter equal to
the previous session counter +1.)
If possible, reproduce the problem by
setting the Log parameter to Enabled
in the Mgreq.ini file (log =req.log Y R)
in the directories of the requester and
the enterprise server.
Status codes related to spawning
executable files, usually by the broker.
The executable file name may be
wrong, the file may be damaged, the
username or password may be wrong,
Memory table status codes, relevant only
during the brokers processing. (The
memory tables were originally
developed to manage the broker
RQMRB_WRN_EXE_NOT_FOUND The broker was requested to spawn an
executable that is not listed in its
RQMRB_WRN_RT_NOT_FOUND The broker was requested to perform an
operation on an engine that was not
registered (host/port), for example to
terminate an engine.
If possible, reproduce the problem with
log enabled in the Mgrb.ini file (log =
mrb.log Y R).
RQMRB_WRN_REQ_NOT_FOUND The broker was requested to perform an
operation on an unknown request, for
example to modify its priority.
If possible, reproduce the problem by
setting the Log parameter to Enabled
in the Mgrb.ini. file.
RQMRB_WRN_REQ_NOT_MATCH The broker was requested to perform an
operation on a request that does not
match the requester application name.
If possible, reproduce the problem by
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setting the Log parameter to Enabled
in the Mgrb.ini. file.
RQMRB_ERR_INI_NOT_PROTECTED Obsolete status code
RQMRB_ERR_REGISTER_SERVICE The broker failed during its initialization
as a service.
Reproduce the problem by setting the
Log parameter to Enabled in the
Mgrb.ini. file.
RQMRB_ERR_REPORT_SERVICE_STATUS The broker failed during its initialization
as a service.
Reproduce the problem by setting the
Log parameter to Enabled in the
Mgrb.ini. file.
RQMRB_ERR_CNCT_REFUSED_REMOTE_MRB The broker failed to connect a remote
broker in order to start a remote
Verify that the address of the remote
broker is valid (host/port), and that a
remote broker is bound to that
RQMRB_ERR_CTX_NOT_FOUND Context not found. See test cases below.
RQMRB_ERR_QUE_LIMIT Queue limit reached. Increase the
QueueMaxSize in the Mgrb.ini file.
See: the Additional Broker Settings
RQ_ERR_UNEXPECTED Unexpected error.
When accompanied by other error codes,
this error must be addressed by R&D.
RQ_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED Code partitioning error. TCP/IP services
were not installed. Install TCP/IP.
RQFIO_ERR_OPEN_RESULT_FILE 1. The requester asked that the output be
written into a file (either using a field in
the Call Remote dialog box in an
eDeveloper 9 client, or using keywords
in the Mgreq.ini file or in Mgrqcmdl
2. The combined file name (directory
and/or file name) is illegal.
RQLIB_ERR_INI_FILE An INI file could not be opened.
RQCMDL_ERR_BAD_ARGS The command line requester could not
parse its arguments.
Use the help notes (displayed when
activated without any argument).
RQ_ERR_WRONG_MSG_SRVR A query was requested on middleware
that does not support queries; for
example when starting the engine to
server requests from EJ B.
ERR_SOAP_SRVER_PARSE An incoming SOAP envelope contained
invalid element(s). You can use an
HTTP tracer to locate and fix the
invalid element(s).
RQMRILOW_ERR_RECV_FAIL An internal error was caught while
receiving a message from a peer.
If possible, reproduce the problem by
setting the Log parameter to Enabled
in the Mgreq.ini. file (log =req.log Y
RQMRILOW_ERR_NOT_MRI An internal error was caught while
receiving a message froma peer
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receiving a message from a peer.
If possible, reproduce the problem by
setting the Log parameter to Enabled
in the Mgreq.ini. file (log =req.log Y
RQMRILOW_ERR_OLD_MRI An internal error was caught while
receiving a message from a peer.
The peer was an out-of-date module
(e.g. a Magic8 engine replying to a
Magic9 requester).
If possible, reproduce the problem by
setting the Log parameter to Enabled
in the Mgreq.ini. file (log =req.log Y
Verify that the replying module is a
module of the same version as the
local module.
RQHTTP_ERR_UPLOAD_TOO_BIG The size of an uploaded file from a
browser to the requester exceeded the
maximal size.
Increase MaxUploadKB in the Mgreq.ini
file in the scripts directory.
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Appendix II - DB Errors
When you run the Mgrqcmdl query=log command, DB error codes may be returned:

Mnemonic Meaning
1 DB_ERR_REC_LOCKED Record is locked.
2 DB_ERR_DUP_KEY Duplicate key.
3 DB_ERR_CONSTR_FAIL Constraint failure.
4 DB_ERR_TRIGGER_FAIL Trigger failure.
5 DB_ERR_REC_UPDATED Record was updated.
6 DB_ERR_NO_ROWS_AFFECTED Record was updated
by another user.
7 DB_ERR_UPDATE_FAIL Record update failed.
9 DB_ERR_EXEC_SQL Error executing the
SQL command.
11 DB_ERR_BADINI Database initialization
12 DB_ERR_BADNAME Invalid table name.
13 DB_ERR_DAMAGED Damaged table.
15 DB_ERR_BADOPEN Table could not be
16 DB_ERR_BADCLOSE Failed to close table.
17 DB_ERR_RSRC_LOCKED Waiting for lock in
18 DB_ERR_REC_LOCKED_NOBUF Waiting to fetch
locked row.
19 DB_ERR_NODEF Database definition
could not be loaded.
20 DB_ERR_REC_LOCKED_NOW Record is locked.
23 DB_ERR_READONLY Table opened for read
and attempt was made
to write to it.
25 DB_ERR_CAPACITY Valid only when
using Demo license.
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26 DB_ERR_TRANS_COMMIT Commit transaction
operation failed.
27 DB_ERR_TRANS_OPEN Begin transaction
28 DB_ERR_TRANS_ABORT Rollback transaction
operation failed.
29 DB_ERR_BADDEF Definition mismatch.
30 DB_ERR_INVALID_OWNR Invalid access key to
31 DB_ERR_CLR_OWNR_FAIL Failed to remove
access key.
32 DB_ERR_ALTER_TBL Database failed to
alter table.
33 DB_ERR_SORT_TBL Database failed to sort
34 DB_ERR_CANOT_REMOVE Table could not be
35 DB_ERR_CANOT_RENAME Table cannot be
37 DB_ERR_TARGET_FILE_EXIST Table creation failed.
Table already exists.
38 DB_ERR_FILE_IS_VIEW Table is a view.
39 DB_ERR_CANOT_COPY Cannot create; drop,
or copy a view.
40 DB_ERR_STOP Error executing the
SQL command.
41 DB_ERR_STR_BAD_NAME Invalid table name.
43 DB_ERR_BAD_QRY iSeries Invalid Open
46 DB_WRN_CACHE_TOO_BIG Not enough memory.
Table cache was not
47 DB_ERR_LOSTREC Record was lost.
48 DB_ERR_FILE_LOCKED Unable to lock table.
connections reached.
50 DB_ERR_DEADLOCK Deadlock.
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51 DB_ERR_BADCREATE Create error.
52 DB_ERR_FIL_NOT_EXIST Table does not exist.
54 DB_ERR_IDX_CREATE_FAIL Table index cannot be
55 DB_ERR_CONNECT_FAIL Cannot connect to the
56 DB_ERR_FATAL Unknown fatal error.
57 DB_ERR_DELETE_FAIL Record cannot be
59 DB_ERR_NOREC No records in table.
60 DB_ERR_NOT_EXIST Table does not exist.
61 DB_ERR_GET_USR_PWD Incorrect database
63 DB_ERR_NOTSUPPORT_FUNC iSeries unsupported
function in the Magic
Where expression.
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Appendix III - Winsock Errors
The following list of errors should usually be reported to Technical Support. An exception to
this is error 10054, connection reset by peer, which can occur between the web requester
and the browser if the browser was closed during the execution of a request. This case
cannot be regarded as an error and can be ignored.

Mnemonic Meaning
0 WSABASEERR No error.
10004 WSAEINTR Interrupted system call.
10009 WSAEBADF Bad file number.
10013 WSAEACCES Permission denied.
10014 WSAEFAULT Bad address.
10022 WSAEINVAL Invalid argument.
10024 WSAEMFILE Too many open files.
10035 WSAEWOULDBLOCK Operation would block.
10036 WSAEINPROGRESS Operation now in progress.
10037 WSAEALREADY Operation already in progress.
10038 WSAENOTSOCK Socket operation on non-socket.
10039 WSAEDESTADDRREQ Destination address required.
10040 WSAEMSGSIZE Message too long.
10041 WSAEPROTOTYPE Protocol is wrong type for socket.
10042 WSAENOPROTOOPT Bad protocol option.
Protocol not supported.
10044 WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT Socket type not supported.
10045 WSAEOPNOTSUPP Operation not supported on socket.
10046 WSAEPFNOSUPPORT Protocol family not supported.
Address family not supported by
protocol family.
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10048 WSAEADDRINUSE Address already in use.
10049 WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL Cannot assign requested address.
10050 WSAENETDOWN Network is down.
10051 WSAENETUNREACH Network not accessible.
10052 WSAENETRESET Net dropped connection or reset.
10053 WSAECONNABORTED Software caused connection abort.
10054 WSAECONNRESET Connection reset by peer.
10055 WSAENOBUFS No buffer space available.
10056 WSAEISCONN Socket is already connected.
10057 WSAENOTCONN Socket is not connected.
10058 WSAESHUTDOWN Cannot send after socket shutdown.
10059 WSAETOOMANYREFS Too many references; cannot splice.
10060 WSAETIMEDOUT Connection timed out.
10061 WSAECONNREFUSED Connection was refused.
10062 WSAELOOP Too many levels of symbolic links.
10063 WSAENAMETOOLONG File name too long.
10064 WSAEHOSTDOWN Host is down.
10065 WSAEHOSTUNREACH No route to host.
10066 WSAENOTEMPTY Directory not empty.
10067 WSAEPROCLIM Too many processes.
10068 WSAEUSERS Too many users.
10069 WSAEDQUOT Disk quota exceeded.
10070 WSAESTALE Stale NFS file handle.
10091 WSASYSNOTREADY Network subsystem not available.
10092 WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED WINSOCK DLL version out of range.
Successful WSASTARTUP not yet
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10071 WSAEREMOTE Too many remote levels in path.
11001 WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND Host not found.
11002 WSATRY_AGAIN Non-authoritative host not found.
Non-recoverable errors: FORMERR,
11004 * WSANO_DATA
Valid name, but no data record of
requested type.
11004 * WSANO_ADDRESS No address. Look for MX record.

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Appendix IV - Test Cases
-105: Broker not responding
The broker should immediately respond to any request from a requester, even if no
enterprise server is available to serve the application required by the requester. In this case,
the broker must respond with an acknowledgement message (ACK), and the requester must
continue to wait, according to the broker timeout value.
If the broker fails to respond on time, the requester receives a status code (-105) message
from the generic messaging layer (Mgrqgnrc.dll).
If the broker is heavily loaded in terms of CPU or memory, the first action item is to increase
the CommTimeout keyword in the Mgreq.ini file for both the requester and the broker.
Another action item is to relocate the broker to another stronger, and preferably dedicated,
Another action item is to locate the broker on the same host as the requester, and to have
the enterprise servers, which usually take most of the load, on other hosts.
-138: Runtime crash
During execution of a program on the enterprise server, the program did not complete
properly; for example, there was a verify error that aborted execution, or another abort
The enterprise server collects the error messages during the program's execution and sends
them back to the requester. The web requesters then display these messages as an HTML
error page for the clients information.
Note: When a program completes successfully, nothing is sent back to the requester and
error messages are discarded.
Check the executed programs and its descendants by pressing F8. This should only be done
on the client.
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-144: Low-level connection reset
If the connection from a requester or enterprise server to the broker was reset, the
mrb_event.log displays an error in the following format:
1092 23:29:54,03534 01/05/2002 Error: "TCP/IP error: Connection reset" (-144) (server2/1501)
1092 - Thread id (internal to the broker). This is used as a starting point for debugging to
synchronize with other logs, such as those from the Mgrb.ini or Mgreq.ini files.
(server2/1501) - The module with which the connection was reset. If the problematic module
is an enterprise server, this is the enterprise server address, as registered during the
enterprise server startup. When the problematic module is a requester, such as when the
computer hosting IIS crashed for some reason, no address is displayed.
If the problematic module is an enterprise server:
The first action item is to view the Task Manager or its equivalent in other operating
If the enterprise server was removed from the tasks list, the problem should be
further researched as an enterprise server problem, using logs. The brokers history
log, either Mgrqcmdl -query=log or the log from the broker monitor application,
can help focus on the program that was activated when the enterprise server
If the enterprise server was not removed from the tasks list, the problem is likely to
be a partitioning / TCP/IP failure where the broker mistakenly received a connection
that was reset from the enterprise server. In this case, a log file in the Mgreq.ini file
can provide a starting point for debugging from both sides, the brokers and the
enterprise servers.
Note: In addition to the mrb_event.log, the requester receives error -107 when its
enterprise server crashed during request execution.
-197: Context Not Found
A context-id sent by a browser client does not exist in the Enterprise Server.
Whenever a browser client session starts, the Enterprise Server generates a unique
context-id for that session. This context-id links subsequent requests from the browser client
to the Enterprise Server.
The Enterprise Server keeps the context alive according to the value specified in the
ContextInactivityTimeout environment parameter in the Magic.ini file. This timeout value
measures the time since the last request and times out the request if it is greater than this
Another environment parameter that may influence the session between the browser client
and the Enterprise Server is ContextUnloadTimeout.
Scenario 1
During a Browser Client session, the end-user had no interaction with the Enterprise Server
for a period longer than the value set by the ContextInactivityTimeout environment setting.
Solution: Carefully increase this environment value. Setting a larger value means that the
Enterprise Server maintains more open contexts for a longer time, which has a negative
influence on available resources. Remember that the ContextInactivityTimeout environment
setting is specified in tenths of seconds, and the default is 600 or 1 minute.
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Scenario 2:
A URL containing a context-id was accessed after the context expired.
Solution: The URL should access a program that starts a browser-based session; for
example, appname=myapp&prgname=myprg.
Scenario 3
While running a browser client session, the end-user selected another URL and then, using
the Internet Explorers Back functionality, tried to return to the eDeveloper browser session
after the ContextUnloadTimeout had expired.
Solution: Carefully increase this environment value. Setting a larger value means that the
Enterprise Server maintains more open contexts for a longer time, which has a negative
influence on available resources.
Remember that the ContextUnloadTimeout environment setting is specified in tenths of
seconds, and the default is 1200 or 2 minutes.
Remember that in development mode this timeout is limited to 1/10 of a second. Whenever a
Browser program has been started using F7 unloads, meaning that the browser is closed or
switched to another URL, the developer is toggled back to Toolkit again.

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