Army Aviation Digest - Jul 1959
Army Aviation Digest - Jul 1959
Army Aviation Digest - Jul 1959
JUL 1959
Major E. R. Lucas, Arty
Major Byron H. Brite, Arty
Arth ur D. Neely
Fred M. Montgomery
JULY 1959
David C. Gerry
apt Harold T. Smith, Arty
A modern trend in aircraft for Army Aviation, the HUI-A Iroquoi , the
first turbine powered Army helicopter.
Brig Gen Ernest F. Easterbrook
Col Delk M. Oden
Assistant Commandant
Col Robert H. Schulz
Direct01' of Instruction
Col Edward N. Dahlstrom
Lt Col Rollie M. Harrison
Aviation Medical Advisor
Lt Col James L. Townsend
CO, USA A VNS Regiment
Lt Col John W. Oswalt
Combat Development Office
Lt Col Raymond E. Johnson
Rotary Wing
Lt Col Harry J. Kern
Lt Col Melvin C. Monroe
Fixed Wing
Lt Col Thomas J. abiston
Publications and
N on-Resident I nstruction
Maj George Rogers
Tact ics
an official publication of the Department of
the Army published monthly under the
upervi ion of the ommandant, U. . Army
A y iation chool.
'l'he missIOn or the U. . AR.\fY AVIA-
TIO DIGE '1' is to plovide information of
an operational or functional nature concern
ing safety nnd aircraft aceident l)levention,
training, maintenance, operations, research
and devplopment, aviation medieille und
other related data.
l'Ifnnuscripts, photographs, and other illus-
trations pert/lining to the above subjects of
interest to personnel concerned with Army
Aviation are invited. Direct communication
i authorized to: Edit<Jr-in Chief G. .
Aviation chool , Fort Rucker, Alabama.
Gille s otherwi e indicated, material in
be reprinted provided credit i given to the
the author
l'Iie printing of thi publi cation has been
appro\ed hy th Direttor of the Bureau of
th Budget, 22 D ember 195 .
Vi ws expre ed in thi mngnzine are not
nere sarily thoge of the Department of the
Army or of the U. . Army Aviation chool.
Unless specified otherwi e, all photographs
nre U .. Army.
To be di tributed in accordance with
requirement stat d in DA Form 12.
IN A SPEECH delivered to
the Institute of Aeronautical
Sciences at Los Angeles on Sep-
tember 18, 1958, Brig Gen
Ernest F. Easterbrook, then
Director of Army Aviation,
made the following statement:
"Speaking in generalities,
our mission in Army Aviation
is to provide twO' facilities to'
the Army cDmmander in the
combat zone. The first missiDn
is to' increase his capacity or
capability for acquiring infor-
matiDn SO' that he may effec-
tively apply the military force
available to him. This is battle-
field surveillance - a day and
night, all-weather watch Dver
the battlefield to' provide the
cDmmander with infDrmatiDn
essential to operation. This in-
formation, this ability to' de-
tect and verify targets, is Df
utmost significance for the suc-
cessful emplDyment Df the
Army's tactical missiles.
"The secDnd general missiDn
is to provide a means fDr more
rapidly moving personnel and
equipment within the combat
zone . . . in other words, in-
creased mDbility and flexibil-
Future battlefield surveil-
lance is based on the suppDsi-
tion that the Army will use
trained aerial observers to ac-
cDmplish part of this missiDn.
But does the Army have any
trained aerial Db servers whO'
could do a maximum jDb of
scanning (lDoking fDr the tar-
get), detecting (seeing it),
identifying (naming it) and
locating targets (finding it)
under battlefield cDnditions vis-
ualized in future conflict? The
answer is nD! At least a quali-
fied "nD". If war started today,
men nDW rated as aerial ob-
servers would have to' do the
best jDb within their capabili-
As a result of new develop-
ments and their integratiDn in-
to the offensive and defensive
patterns of combat, the CDn-
cepts of strategy and tactics
are presently classed as either
conventional Dr nuclear war-
fare. As Dpposed to conven-
tional warfare, nuclear warfare
requires greater dispersion,
greater mobility, better com-
munications, and stricter bat-
tlefield cDntrol. The "battle-
field Df the future" can be
characterized as terrain fea-
tures Drganized on wide front-
ages and dispersed in depth by
cDmparatively small, self-con-
tained units capable of semi-
independent operations over
extended distances for pro-
longed periods with a minimum
of support from higher quar-
ters. Such a battlefield imposes
on the aerial observer a mDre
difficult task than he had in
previDus wars Dr in the police
action of Korea.
CON ARC and the Depart-
ment of the Army, aware Df tne
need for re-evaluating the
training program for aerial
observers, approved Task OB-
SERVE in February, 1957, ~ d
the Army awarded a contra:ct
to George WashingtDn Univer-
sity, Human Resources Re-
search Office (HumRRO), to
develop improved methDds and
devices for training aerial Db-
servers for future battlefield
surveillance. HumRRO in turn
JULY 1959
subcontracted the development
of the field test portion to Hu-
man Sciences Research, Incor-
porated (HSRI).
The objective of Task OB-
SERVE is two-fold: to develop
a practical and economical pro-
gram of instruction for train-
ing aerial observers at the cen-
ter school level, and to devise
a mobile trainer for field use.
Obviously the first step in
the program was to determine
the skills and knowledges re-
quired for effective aerial ob-
servation over future battle-
fields. While collecting and in-
tegrating the initial back-
ground information, three con-
clusions became apparent: (a)
available information was too
general to be suitable for a re-
search training program; (b)
all material and knowledge wa3
based on past combat experi-
ence; and (c) there was no in-
formation on the critical skill
and knowledge requirements
for future combat surveillance.
It was decided that the most
effective and efficient means of
determining these critical skills
and knowledges was to test ob-
servers with different degrees
of experience, training and
background in a realistic field
test based on the concept of
future warfare.
Consequently, 42 test ob-
servers were selected to be
"guinea pigs" in a field test
consisting of three tactical
phases. The guinea pigs were
selected on the following basis:
(a) Some have had combat ex-
perience in World War II and
in Korea. (b) Some are pilots
with less than 350 hours flying
time, no combat experience, but
who have received aerial ob-
server training. (c) Others are
qualified to take aerial obser-
vation training but have not
yet received this unit training,
nor have they any flight time.
(d) Finally some of these offi-
cers are trained photo inter-
preters from Fort Holabird.
A primary test of the battery
was a tactical field test de-
signed to measure observer
proficiency. This test encom-
passed the basic task common
to most aerial observer mis-
sions : finding and reporting
information of military signifi-
The reader may find it interesting to try to locate the following dummy targets: Honest John rocket
with launcher, Little John rocket with launcher, an M-48 tank. For all 19 targets see photo on page 6.
cance within the combat com-
mander's mission. Major em-
phasis was centered on meas-
urement of skills and knowl-
edge associated with detecting
and identifying critical mili-
tary targets. The tests were
used to obtain three types of
information relevant to the ob-
jectives of Task OBSERVE.
These were (1) to determine
the effectiveness of visual aeri-
al observation under conditions
that simulate representative
future battlefield conditions,
(2) to identify aerial observer
skills and knowledges which
are critical and which require
training emphasis, and (3) to
provide the basis for develop-
ment of criteria that will be
used to assess effectiveness of
training methods and devices
developed in Task OBSERVE.
The tactical field tests have
been concluded and HSRI was
able to determine the level of
proficiency of each test ob-
server. There was still a ques-
tion: "Why did they differ?"
To gain this information other
tests were administered. These
included a detailed biographical
inventory of each test subject,
general knowledge tests, per-
ceptual skill tests developed by
the Air Force, a non tactical test
designed specifically to gain in-
formation about scanning tech-
niques, and clues used by ob-
servers to detect and identify
targets. Also, a technique
analysis interview followed
each tactical mission in which
the research personnel a t-
tempted to determine the tech-
niques and procedures used by
the observer to gain intelli-
gence information.
By relating the proficiency
scores of the individual observ-
er in the tactical field tests with
the information gained by the
other tests and interviews, it
is possible to identify what
skills and knowledges are most
critical to achieve effective
aerial observation under realis-
tically simulated conditions of
the future battlefield.
A research training program
will be constructed around this
information and given to a
group of junior officers from
the various combat branches.
Final evaluation of the effec-
tiveness of the training pro-
gram will be made under a dif-
ferent field proficiency test,
again based on the concepts of
future warfare. If this training
is effective, the aerial observer
center school training pro-
grams and mobile field trainers
will be developed.
The task setting that was
used and the outline of the
training research which was
indicated by the anticipated
future requirements in aerial
observation now comes into the
Several different sources in-
dicated a need for considerable
improvement in training meth-
odology and techniques if the
Army is to have available a re-
serve of skilled aerial observers
in event of hostilities. Inter-
views with experienced avia-
tors, discussions with senior
officers, reports and observa-
tions of performances in field
test exercises indicated that
only a small portion of the in-
formation available to the aeri-
al observer gets to the unit
commander. This does not
mean that the task of detecting
and verifying tactical targets is
beyond human capabilities. Ex-
perienced observers are able to
point out targets that the less
experienced observer cannot
sight. One observer expressed
this by saying, "It's in know-
ing where to look and what to
When this problem of seeing
was extended to the hypothet-
ical battlefield of the future,
additional factors, uniquely de-
termined by tactical considera-
tions, added to the difficulty of
aerial observation. A m 0 n g
these factors are the dynamic
nature of the future battlefield
and operational speed and alti-
tude of observation aircraft.
When the AO-1 Mohawk is
added to the inventory of Army
aircraft in 1960, the rate of
speed of observation aircraft
in Army Aviation will be in-
creased by a factor of three.
The effect of high rates of
speed upon the ability of the
aerial observer to identify
ground targets is suggested by
the test results of Project
The test aircraft used for
aerial observation in Proj ect
LONG ARM possessed opera-
tional characteristics f air I y
similar to those of the AO-1
Mohawk. At increased speeds
over well known target objects,
the observers' performance de-
teriorated rapidly. In this test,
with recent graduates from the
3rd Aviation Company Obser-
vation Training Course as ob-
servers, one situation simulat-
ed an aggressor force battle
group with its organic equip-
ment in bivouac. When the
aggressor force assumed a pos-
ture of normal passive defense,
not one observer was able to
sight a single ground target in
two missions by each observer
over or near the bivouac area!
At present, it is not known
what constitutes a good, well
trained observer. However,
HSRI expects to obtain infor-
mation about the good observer
by means of the special tactical
field test already mentioned.
JULY 1959
Here is hQW the field test
(cQnducted at FQrt Rucker)
was develQped.
Human Science ResQurces,
Inc., with help frQm the De-
partment Qf Tactics, FQrt Ruc-
ker; Intelligence, Tactics, and
AirbQrne grQUps at FQrt Ben-
ning; and frO'm the Aggressor
Center, FQrt Riley, develQped a
field test in which the aerial
Qbserver was confrQnted with
three realistic tactical situa-
tiQns. Each situatiQn was in-
dependent Qf the previQus Qne
and was based Qn AggressQr
military strategy and tactics.
In fQrmulating these plans fQr
the tactical situatiQn, three as-
sumptiO'ns were made:
1. Aerial Qbservers will be
required in the battles Qf the
fO'reseeable future.
2. Aerial QbservatiQn mis-
siQns will be flO'wn "in the nap
Qf the earth" to" lessen the de-
gree Qf vulnerability frQm ene-
my aircraft and grQund-to-air
missiles. In Qther wQrds-
slQW and lQw.
3. The types O"f aerial ob-
server missiQns in the field
tests are representative Qf the
battlefield Qf the future.
FQr eCQnQmy reaSQns the
tQtal aggreSSQr fQrce used in
the tests consisted Qf 48 Qffi-
cers and trQQPs, 316 dummy
items Qf U. S. Army equip-
ment, ranging frQm an HQnest
JQhn missile and launcher to' a
fully equipped cQmbat infan-
tryman, and 26 real items Qf
equipment, varying frQm a
2lj2-tQn truck to' a PRC/ I0
radiO'. This maneuver fQrce
apprQximates the equivalent Qf
an AggressQr mechanized rifle
During the test the aerial
Qbserver was presented with
the fQIIQwing tactical situa-
1. aggreSSQr unit in defensive
2. emplQyment Qf a nuclear
weapQn by friendly fQrces ;
3. aggreSSQr missile site.
These three missiQns were
used to' assess the ability Qf the
aerial Qbservers to' determine
the IQcations, cQmpQsitiQn, dis-
PQsitiQn, strength, and activity
Qf enemy targets by visual Qb-
serva tiQns; to' IQca te ground
zerO' and repQrt nuclear dam-
age; and to plan a search mis-
siQn, detect and identify a mis-
sile site, repQrt its IQcatiQn, and
the aggreSSQr activities in the
In each Qf the field test sit-
uatiQns, the Qbserver test sub-
ject received a special situatiQn
and briefing cQnducted by an
Intelligence Officer to' develQP
a realistic prQblem. On return
frQm the flight, the test subject
received a tactical debriefing
frQm the Intelligence Officer.
Here's a descriptiQn Qf a typical
field test exercise.
SituatiQn NO'. 1: EmplQy-
ment Qf nuclear weapQn by
friendly fQrces.
YQU are an aerial Qbserver
assigned to' 20th Aviation CQm-
pany which has been Qperating
with the 20th DivisiQn. During
this periQd, the CQmpany has
been engaged in cQntinuQus
cQmbat supPQrt missiQns. Op-
eratiQns have been successful,
and the CQrps' Army A viatiQn
Officer rates the 20th AviatiQn
CQmpany as a superiO'r unit.
HQwever, a recent directive rQ-
tated 75 percent Qf the replace-
ment aerial Qbservers to grQund
duty. Fifty percent of the re-
placement a e ria I Qbservers
have been serving with the
CQmpany f 0' r approximately
Qne mQnth and have partici-
pated in rQutine QbservatiQn
missiQns. Twenty-five percent
Qf the aerial Qbservers have
arrived in the past week and
have r e c e i v e d QrientatiQn
flights Qnly. All pilQts have
demQnstrated their proficiency
in combat QperatiQns and are
familiar with the terrain Qn
These simulated pieces of military equipment, used in Task
Observe field tests, represent $2,500,000 worth of equipment.
Yet the 306 pieces cost only $2,000.
which the 20th Infantry Divi-
sion is operating.
At 0400 hours the Division
A viation Officer returned from
D i vis ion headquarters and
called a meeting of all person-
nel. He informed the group that
Division would employ a low-
yield nuclear weapon at 0512
hours, followed by a limited
ground and heliborne attack.
(In this particular test, a
simulated ground zero position
was prepared in a specific loca-
tion. Vehicles, weapons, and
casualties simulated conditions
in the ground zero vicinity.
Movement consisted of a con-
trolled foot march and a vehic-
ular march.)
You are directed by the Divi-
sion Aviation Officer to be pre-
pared to be airborne on order
and are assigned the following
a. Report coord ina te location
of ground zero.
b. Report nuclear damage of
equipment and personnel in the
vicinity of ground zero in terms
of type, number, and condition.
c. Report any aggressor ac-
tivities and their location.
In Situation No.2 "Aggres-
sor Unit in Defensive Posi-
tions," the test subjects were
to locate type and number of
equipment and personnel, e.g.,
155 mm howitzer, 11,4-ton ve-
hicle, infantry or engineer per-
sonnel, and aggressor activities.
In Situation No.3 "Location
and Identification of a Missile,"
the test subjects were permit-
ted to exercise previous knowl-
edge and skills to the maximum
extent. They were to coordi-
nate location of the missile site
and launcher; aggressor activi-
ties, including the state of
readiness of the missile for fir-
ing; time of location; and the
type and number of aggressor
personnel and equipment.
This is the status of
T ASK 0 B S E R V E. To
a chi eve their obj ectives,
Human Resources Research
Organization divided the re-
search schedule into four
overlapping phases:
Phase 1. A literature and
background survey was con-
ducted to provide a basis for
determining the general
training area toward which
the research effort should be
These special tests of mili-
tary doctrines and concepts
presented a guide for the devel-
opment of field tests. Here are
some of the controls imposed
on the test procedures to
achieve the following require-
ments. This was primarily a
test of proficiency of the hu-
man observer to scan, detect,
and identify targets under fu-
ture battlefield conditions. The
proficiency scores from the test
should reflect to the extent pos-
sible skill and knowledge dif-
ferences among the observers
in these areas and not be con-
founded with other causative
factors, such as pilot capability
or the effects of variation in
aircraft speed, altitude, and
type of aircraft on the observer
proficiency scores. The prob-
lem was basically that of apply-
ing the test controls in such a
way as to maximize the relia-
bility of the observer profici-
ency scores and to minimize
any possible reduction in test
Just what does this infor-
mation mean to the Army?
How can it be gainfully used?
First, the completed tactical
form provides information for
determining the proficiency of
the observer, by comparing the
directed. (Completed)
Phase 2. Development of a
field proficiency test. (19
Sep 1959)
Phase 3. Development 0 f
training methods and de-
vices. (1960)
Phase 4. Evaluating the
effectiveness of the selected
training programs. (T his
will be sub mit ted to
CON ARC by the third quar-
ter, 1961.)
observer's reported informa-
tion with the known and true
aggressor situation. The re-
sulting scores tell how well or
poorly the observer did on the
field test. But the proficiency
scores for each observer is only
half the solution to the task.
Second, the data information
gained from the paper and pen-
cil tests, the biographical inven-
tory, and the interview the ob-
server received after each
flight mission revealed the per-
ceptual abilities, experience,
training, techniques, and pro-
cedures the observer used
while performing the flight
mISSIOn. Selection was then
made of those abilities and
techniques which demonstrated
"payoff" in terms of the ob-
server's achieving a relatively
high proficiency score. Infor-
mation thus gained is used as
the basis for developing train-
ing methods and techniques.
This is the primary purpose of
the test: to find out what abili-
ties, knowledge, and techniques
are required to make the indi-
vidual an effective observer in
possible future combat obser-
vation missions, with emphasis
placed on requirements for ef-
fective scanning techniques,
speed of target detection, and
JULY 1959
accuracy of target identifica-
tion, and location.
The objectives of developing
a practical and economical pro-
gram of instruction to train
aerial observers at the center
school level and of devising a
mobile trainer for field use are
closer to achievement today
than ever before. Only when
they are realities can aerial ob-
servers help the Army fulfill
one of its stated missions-"to
increase I the Army Command-
er's] capacity or capability for
acquiring information so that
he may effectively apply the
2- Jeep with mounted 106mm Re-
coilless Rifle
3-105mm Gun
4-Truck, 2lh -ton
military force available to him
... this ability to detect and
verify targets is of utmost sig-
nificance for the successful em-
ployment of the Army's tacti-
cal missiles."
Until a practical and econom-
ical program of instruction to
train aerial observers at the
center school level is imple-
mented, the U. S. Army Avia-
tion School has prepared a com-
plete course of instruction cov-
ering a "Unit Aerial Observer
Training Course." This infor-
mation has been prepared in
USAA VNS vault file format
5- Tank, M48
6- Buggy top
7- Igloo
8- Sniper foxhole
10- Drape net over %-ton truck
ll-Dummy log over foxhole .
12-Little John rocket with
and contains instructor's out-
line, complete instructor's man-
uscript, copy of each student
handout, and training aid index
depicting a photo of each train-
ing aid used in the course.
Mili tary organizations may
obtain copies of this instruc-
tional material by submitting
a DA Form 17, without letter
of transmittal, to: Comman-
dant, U. S. Army Aviation
School, Fort Rucker, Alabama.
ATTN: AASPI. A complete list
of material for the Aerial Ob-
server Course is available at
each Army headquarters.
13- Honest John rocket with
14- Sliding flattop over 30 Cal. MG
15- Swinging flattop net over 50
Cal. MG
16-2-man sleeping foxhole
17- Haystack
18- 2-man foxhole
19- 1-man foxhole
~ ~ U M P RADIO, this is Army
6798, Bump Omni, at
three-nine, 5,000 feet, for fur-
ther clearance."
"Army 6798, this is Bump
radio. Hold over Bump Omni,
5,000 feet, southeast of radial
089. All turns left, one minute
leg. Expected approach time,
"Army 6798 holding Bump
Omni, 5,000, southeast of radial
089. All turns left, one minute
leg. Understand expected ap-
proach time one-five."
Clock hands in the busy con-
trol room quickly move to 1915
without further word from
Army 6798. The controller
glances at the clock, then keys
his mike, "Army 6798, this is
Bump control. You are cleared
to descend to and maintain
3,000 feet. Call passing through
4,000 feet. Over."
There is silence from the re-
ceiver mounted over the con-
troller's head. He keys his
mike and speaks impatiently,
"Army 6798, this is Bump
radio ! You are cleared to de-
scend to and maintain 3,000
feet. Call passing through 4,000
feet. Acknowledge!"
Two weeks later, the four
members of the aircraft acci-
dent investigation board con-
vene 50 miles away at Camp
Huxley to discuss the accident
and finish their reports. Major
Hunter, president of the board,
"Gentlemen, I believe we can
save time if I sum up the acci-
dent. To begin with, Lieutenant
Barber was on an IFR clear-
ance to Windy Airfield in an
L-20. According to the official
FAA log, he reported over
Bump Omni at 1839 and was
cleared to hold at his inbound
altitude of 5,000 feet for an
expected approach time of 1915.
At 1915 Bump radio attempted
to contact the pilot for his de-
scent clearance, but received no
reply. No further transmis-
sions were heard from Lieu-
tenant Barber.
"Mr. Seymour Ryding is the
only known witness to the
crash. He was riding along the
highway when he saw a flash of
light, followed by heavy flames.
Mr. Ryding did not have a
watch but he estimates the time
of the crash to be approximate-
ly 1910. Mr. Ryding hurried
to the scene of the crash, saw
that he could be of no help and
left to telephone Windy Air-
"Captain White, you have
the photographs and wreckage
distribution charts. Will you
please give us a rundown on
those ?"
Captain White passes copies
of photographs around the
table and stands. "The area in
which the aircraft crashed was
heavily wooded with pine trees,
varying in height from 15 to
40 feet. The path of the air-
craft through the trees was
confined to a small area, indi-
cating a steep descent. This is
further borne out by indica
tions at the center point of im-
pact on the ground. You can
see from the pictures and the
wreckage distribution diagrams
before you that the wreckage
is in a relatively small, concen-
trated area.
"Although the fuselage, en-
gine and inboard wings were
destroyed by fire, the outboard
wings received no damage
other than that caused by im-
II Army 6798, this is Bump
Radio . . . "
JULY 1959
pact. The left wing was heavily
crumpled and bent toward the
rear. The right outboard wing
shows only damage from tree
contact and it was thrown for-
ward at the time of impact.
Pieces of the empennage were
found in the area which would
normally have been occupied by
the right wing. Measurement
of the broken trees in the im-
pact area indicated that the
aircraft was in a left bank,
nose-low attitude as it struck
the trees. I believe we have all
agreed that the aircraft was in
an uncontrolled spin."
Captain White sits down and
Major Hunter looks toward
Lieutenant McGruger. "Mac,
will you give us a rundown on
Barber's flying experience and
the weather, please."
Lieutenant McGruger rises
and opens his folder. "Lieu-
tenant Barber graduated from
fixed wing training one year
ago. He was qualified in L-19
and L-20 aircraft. Barber com-
pleted instrument training and
received a standard instrument
certificate 6 months after grad-
uating from flying school. He
had a total of 360 hours, of
which 80 hours were in L-20
aircraft. His form shows a total
of 18 hours of weather time.
Six of these were acquired dur-
ing instrument training.
"The forecast weather, as
shown on the 175 for this
flight, listed en route and des-
tination weather as 1,500 bro-
ken, 2,000 overcast, with inter-
mittent layers of stratus and
tops at 10,000. The wind was
forecast from the southeast at
15 knots for Barber's assigned
altitude. Iso I ate d thunder-
showers were reported south-
west of Windy Airfield, but
were not expected to move into
the Bump area until 4 hours
after Barber's ETA. Surface
temperature was 68
, dewpoint
"One of the thunderstorms
reached the area while Barber
was holding over Bump radio.
Pilot reports from other air-
craft in the vicinity listed mod-
erate turbulence and heavy
rainfall. A Trans Area DC3
made an approach to Windy
Airfield 10 minutes before the
crash. The pilot reported only
mild turbulence and rain.
"An Air Force C-45 arrived
lIThe apprehension and anxiety . .. in turbulence ... will
cause .. . "
over Bump radio at 7,000 feet
15 minutes after the crash and
completed a n approach t 0
Windy Airfield. This pilot re-
ported moderate turbulence and
Lieutenant McGruger closes
his f o l e ~ and resumes his seat.
Major Hunter glances around
the table, taps the report be-
fore him.
"N ow to sum up: Examina-
tion of the wreckage was com-
pletely negative concerning
aircraft malfunction. Internal
damage to the engine, from ro-
tation at impact, proves that
power was being delivered at
the time of impact. The con-
trols were pieced together with
no signs of damage other than
that caused by impact and fire.
"I believe we all agree that
Lieutenant Barber encountered
turbulence and lost control.
The aircraft entered a spin and
did not recover. The cause of
the accident must be listed as
failure on the part of the pilot
to maintain aircraft control.
Are there any questions or
comments ?"
The gray-haired captain on
the far side of the table fingers
the caduceus on his collar and
stares at Major Hunter. His
face darkens at the Major's last
words. "Major Hunter, I be-
lieve that if we end the report
on that note we will have wast-
ed this accident experience.
There are several areas which
we should consider.
"To begin with, Lieutenant
Barber's flying experience un-
der instrument conditions was
very limited. The human being
is a creature of habit and ex-
perience. The more he experi-
ences conditions and circum-
stances, the greater immunity
he builds to apprehensions con-
cerning circumstances and con-
ditions. The ability to perform
under adverse conditions is di-
rectly related to experience.
. "May I point out that both
of the aircraft which made ap-
proaches before and following
the crash were larger and
multiengine. I believe you will
agree that these aircraft are
more stable under turbulent
conditions. The turbulence that
appeared mild to the airline
pilot and moderate to the Air
Force pilot in their larger air-
craft could quite possibly have
seemed severe to Lieutenant
Barber in his smaller single-
engine aircraft.
"The apprehension and anx-
iety which most probably will
affect the inexperienced instru-
ment pilot in turbulence will
cause some degree of tenseness.
This tenseness will likely cause
the pilot to overcontrol and may
result in flying the aircraft into
unusual attitudes. Unusual at-
titudes will produce more anx-
iety, more tenseness and less
aircraft control. If uninter-
rupted, this cycle can cause
complete loss of control.
"The reduced ability to read
instruments under turbulent
conditions is pre tty self-
evident. It can be compared to
driving a jalopy along a cordu-
roy road and attempting to
read road signs. Or, consider if
you will, how it would be to
read an eye chart with someone
shaking you.
"Reduced ability to reach
certain controls can be very
detrimental to instrument
flight, particularly under tur-
bulent conditions. Sometime
back, the Air Force experienced
several fatal crashes in a cer-
This ar ticle was prepared by the
Uni t ed States Ar my Boa'l"d for A via-
tion Accident Resear ch.
tain type fighter. All occurred
at exactly the same position
during instrument approaches,
just after the pilots were asked
to switch radio channels. In
that particular aircraft, it was
necessary to reach around to
the right and look behind to
change channels. When the
radio controls were moved to
a position which did not require
pilot distraction, the crashes
stopped. As you know, the
Beaver radio controls are lo-
cated, on the right side of the in-
strument panel, and it is neces-
sary for the pilot to lean across
the cockpit to change frequen-
cies or adj ust the radios.
"Still other possibilities are
improper use of seat belt and
shoulder harness, which might
result in possible collision with
protruding objects in the cock-
pit or inadvertent control pres-
sures, and motion sickness.
Either of these could cause
"Although these items must
remain in the realm of prob-
ability rather than proved fact,
I submit that in the absence of
proof to, the contrary, they
should be most seriously con-
"First, may we discuss rela-
tive experience. Schooling or
training of aviators in any
phase of flying is given to teach
them the fundamentals of
flight. Experience then adds
to this training until the indi-
vidual aviator is capable of per-
forming under the required
conditions. The required con-
ditions in this case were instru-
ment flight at night and turbu-
lence. The pilot must control
his aircraft while navigating
and operating the radios. The
question to be answered is
this: Can a man with Lieu-
tenant Barber's experience be
reasonably expected to cope
with these duties? If not, how
much experience will be re-
quired until he is confident?"
Major Hunter looks across
the table. "Doctor, Lieutenant
Barber completed instrument
training and was issued an in-
strument certificate. Accord-
ing to the book, this makes him
qualified. How much additional
experience can you recom-
mend ?"
"I'm sorry, Major. I don't
have the answer, but I am rea-
sonably certain, from the facts
in this case, that Lieutenant
Barber did not have sufficient
experience to prevent this acci-
dent. Perhaps the airlines lean
too much in the other direction,
but their pilots must have sev-
eral years experience before
they are given the same respon-
sibility that Lieutenant Barber
had during this flight. And,
even after years of experience,
they do not fly their aircraft
solo. From what I understand,
their procedure is to have one
man fly the aircraft while an-
other navigates and operates
the radios. Airline crashes be-
cause of inability to control the
aircraft under instrument con-
ditions are extremely rare."
Major Hunter stands. "Doc-
tor, I concede that your points
" . .. we can save time, , ,"
II we will have wasted . .. "
are well taken and should cer-
tainly be included in our recom-
mendations. Until the design-
ers can give us aircraft with
automatic navigation and radio
equipment, it appears to me
tha t two qualified pil0'ts should
be required for instrument
flight. Frankly, with 15 years
and 5,000 flying hours of ex-
perience, I still feel much more
confident with a copilot under
instrument conditions. The
combined duties of pilot, navi-
gator, and radi0' operator can
keep you busier than a wo-
man's t0'ngue at a church social.
Add turbulence or an inflight
emergency and it's sometimes
too much even for a highly ex-
perienced pilot.
"Are there any questions?"
New Cutaway Trainer Aids Army Mechanics
Cutaway trainer of HU-l A. More information about the
Iroquois is found in the June issue.
An unusual cutaway trainer
of the Army's jet-powered HU-
lA helicopter has been built by
Bell Helicopter Corporation for
classroom aid to Army A via-
tion mechanics at Fort Rucker,
The trainer gives students a
working view of the helicop-
ter's flight control and trans-
mission systems. A mechanic
moves controls on the trainer
and traces movement of every
affected part.
To make it easier to follow,
each system-collective, cyclic,
antitorque and throttle - is
painted a different color.
The main rotor hub, gear
boxes and transmission housing
have cutaway areas glassed in
to give observers a clear look
at moving parts. Lights inside
the transmission illuminate
gears. Areas of the rotor
blades also are cutaway.
Bell built the trainer at the
request of the Army Transpor-
tation Corps, Supply and Maint-
enance Command.
A second trainer will be com-
pleted soon and will be used by
Bell per s 0' nne I instructing
Army classes at the company's
Globe plant, near Fort Worth.
The Army Aviator's Mission
EACH OF US has a mission in
life. For some that mission
might be to serve as world and
professional leaders; for the
majority it is to serve humbly
in the workaday world.
As professionals, Army A vi-
ators have a dual mission. Our
over-all mission is to serve in
the common defens.e of our
country as branch qualified
United States Army officers.
Specifically, as aviators, we
must be proficient in serving
the purpose for which Army
Aviation was created: to aug-
ment the capability of the
Army to conduct prompt and
sustained combat incident to
operations on land.
This is our mission, but of
what does a career in Army
Aviation consist? What does
the Army expect of us? What
does our profession require of
Attainment of flying skills.
Initially we are trained to pilot
Major E. R. Lucas, Arty
the Army's basic observation
and reconnaissance aircraft.
Later we become instrument
qualified in both fixed and ro-
tary wing aircraft. With vari-
ous military assignments, we
become progressively qualified
in the other types of Army air-
We develop our new-found
skills by operational flying with
tactical units. Here we gain
an insight of the important
contribution of Army Aviation.
After several years of this type
duty, we become seasoned avi-
ators, which further prepares
us for an assignment as an in-
structor with the USAA VNS.
This is culminated with quali-
fication as an instrument ex-
aminer in fixed and rotary wing
aircraft. Our previous assign-
ments and duty have matured
us sufficiently to enable us to
apply our skills and knowledge
well in this direction.
Command, staff, and techni-
cal support. Beginning at the
unit level, we can expect duty
as aircraft maintenance and
supply officers. Although it is
highly desirable to have re-
ceived formal training as
maintenance officers, it is not
always possible. Further duty
in maintenance and supply may
be had with company, battal-
ion, group, and depot sized
units, or as liaison officer with
civilian concerns holding air-
craft maintenance contracts.
Aviation staff duty normally
begins with assignments in the
smaller units. Here we advise
the commander and his staff
on the employment of Army
Aviation and request the nec-
essary aviation support re-
quired by the mission. We also
assist in the preparation of
Majo?' Lucas is Deputy Di'recb?',
Department of Tactics, USAA VNS,
and is presently on TDY to the
University of Omaha for final semes-
ter in Operation Bootstrap. A Senio?'
Army Aviato'r with more than 3,500
hou?'s, the majo't' is dual rated, multi-
engine and instrument qualified with
over 1,200 hou?'s as instructor pilot,
.JULY 1959
plans and orders, and take ac-
tion on papers dealing with
aviation matters.
At aviation company or bat-
talion levels, the preparation
of plans, orders, and reports
requires more consideration,
since more aircraft and per-
sonnel are involved. The plan-
ning done at higher echelons
usually entails still more staff
work. The aviation staff sec-
tions at division, corps, army,
army group, USCON ARC, and
DA level are similar though
larger and their functions are
more complex. The functions
of aviation staff sections at
post, camp, and stations, N a-
tional Guard and Reserve ac-
tivities are similar to each
Within the aviation special
staff section at all levels, we
have an aviation safety officer
or section. Officers performing
this duty mayor may not be
school trained. Unlike other
Rtaff duty, that of aviation safe-
ty is the most important at
unit level because it exists for
only one reason: to prevent air-
craft accidents. Aviation safe-
ty duty culminates with the
U. S. Army Board for Aviation
Accident Research-a very im-
portant and beneficial organi-
zation. At that level, it also
offers liaison duty with our
counterpart organizations in
the Air Force and Navy.
Other staff functions per-
formed by aviation special staff
sections encompass plans and
development, t r a i n i n g and
training literature, research, in-
spections, and over-all super-
vision of the Army Aviation
Duty as an aviation unit
commander is becoming more
prevalent as our aviation pro-
gram grows within the Army.
Both aviation flying and maint-
enance units offer command
duty from detachment or sec-
tion up through group level.
Duty with other aviation ac-
tivities. Aviation duty with
the U. S. Army Aviation Board,
combat developments, research
engineering, and testing agen-
cies all require some experience
in aviation prior to assignment.
The duty performed here is one
of the most gratifying to befall
an Army Aviator during his
military career.
We have dealt with the fly-
ing and staff aspects of our
career so far. This briefly is
what it consists of: We learn
to pilot both fixed and rotary
wing Army aircraft and become
instrument qualified to better
accomplish our mission. We
contribute to' the aviation effort
by performing aviation com-
mand, staff, and technical duty
at all levels of command. We
assist in the development of
concepts, aircraft, equipment,
organizations, systems, doc-
trine and procedures, and the
training of new aviators.
We are honor and duty bound
t 0 perform 0 u r announced
functions, whether it be to per-
form battlefield surveillance
missions, or to venture deep
(up to 100 miles) into enemy
territory to' drop or pick up
friendly patrols. Next, we must
realize that our only purpose in
being is to assist the ground
commander in the prosecution
of the land battle. We provide
service support to those serv-
ices that support the support-
ing arms and command and ad-
ministrative support to all.
Weare looked upon as the
experts in our field. This field
is very large, but not so large
that we cannot fully understand
and exploit its many potentials.
It is imperative that we know
the detailed organization and
employment of Army Aviation
so that we may intelligently
advise the commander and his
While we must remain cur-
rent in the various aircraft and
up-to-date in all the various
phases of aviation. we must
also be careful to remain branch
qualified as well. The tradi-
tional concept of Army A viator
training, in which aviators
must initially be branch quali-
fied O'fficers and then trained
in Army Aviation skills, is still
valid. Without a continuing
affiliation and familiarization
with our basic branch, we are
unable to properly discharge
our responsibility to remain
branch qualified at all times.
By service school attendance
and by branch assignments, we
are expected t 0 maintain
branch qualification through-
out the grades. A full apprecia-
tion of our responsibilities to
both our branch and aviation
will increase our value to the
service in every respect.
Since Army Aviation specific-
ally augments the arms and
services within the type field
army, Army Aviators must
have a working knowledge of
their organization and employ-
ment so that we may better
perform our job. The type field
Army structure should be as
familiar to us as our parent
In the performance of his mis-
sion the aviator frequently
visits other unit areas. The
entrances to those areas are the
airfields. The impressions made
there will be long remembered,
for we are judged by our ap-
pearance and manner; either
can be the cause for on-the-spot
commendation or condemna-
tion. Because our numbers are
few, we are easily singled out;
therefore, we must at all times
strive to look and act like the
soldiers we are.
Although we are expected to
be self-sufficient, there is one
area in which we cannot afford
to be-the maintenance of our
health. Within the Army struc-
ture, flight surgeons are pro-
vided to advise and assist us
in medical problems. Because
the physiological and emotional
health of the aviator so vitally
affects his ability to safely per-
form his mission, the Army
Aviator should maintain a close
relationship with the flight
surgeon. Only by allowing him
to know our problems can he
possess the understanding nec-
essary to advise us properly.
Through the flight surgeon, we
should learn as much as we can
about the physiological factors
which affect our flying abilities.
In summary, this is what is
expected of us: We assist the
ground commander in the pro-
secution of the land battles, ex-
ploit aviation's many potentiali-
ties, maintain branch qualifica-
tions, become thoroughly fa-
miliar with and have an un-
derstanding of the organization
and employment of all the arms
and service organizations with-
in the type field army, conduct
ourselves as officers and gentle-
men at all times, and maintain
a close relationship with the
flight surgeon.
To be functional is to be ef-
fective. Without the require-
ments of the arms and services
for our assistance, we are
Our first consideration should
always be toward furnishing
combat support to the ground
gaining arm s; our second
should be toward furnishing
support to the supporting arms
and services. Our own internal
problems come last.
Ours is a serious business,
one that does not exist as an
entity unto itself; rather, it is
an organic part of the arms
and services to which it pro-
vides unqualified support. With
the rapid expansion and grow-
ing importance of Army A via-
tion within the Army, the suc-
cess of future combat opera-
tions may well depend on the
competence of our staff officers,
the validity of their recommen-
dations, and the ability of our
aviators to accomplish their
assigned mission.
you ARE AWAITING clearance in L-20 Nr
17006 near the runway at Cairns AAF.
Cairns tower gives you your ATC clearance to
Meridian, Miss. "ATC clears Army 17006 to
the Meridian Omni, via direct Skipperville-
Victor 7 Montgomery-Victor 154 Meridian, to
maintain 8,000. Take off northeast-left turn
after takeoff-cleared on course."
for you. "ATC clears Army 17006 for an ap-
proach to the Meridian airport; report leaving
8,000, passing through 6,000 and 4,000." You
acknowledge the clearance and know that you
You report over Montgomery and give your
estimated time to the Meridian Omni. Several
minutes later Montgomery radio calls and in-
forms you that ATC requests you to report on
passing Safford Intersection. Upon reaching
Safford Intersection you make your position
report to Montgomery radio and receive ATC
clearance to contact Meridian radio on passing
York Intersection.
You reach York Intersection and report pass-
ing York to Meridian radio. Meridian radio
comes back with the following ATC clearance
o 1. Cleared to the Meridian Omni at 4,000 feet
for an Omni approach.
o 2. Cleared to the Meridian Omni-to leave
8,000 upon arrival over the Omni and make
an omni approach.
0 3. To request what type of approach ATC
wants you to make when you arrive over
the Omni.
o 4. Cleared to descend to minimum en route
altitude, and can make either an Omni,
ILS, ADF, or Low Frequency Range ap-
proach upon arrival at Meridian.
The recommended solution to the PUZZLER
may be found on page 16.
JULY 1959
Major Byron H. Brite, Arty
science today, we marvel
most perhaps at the mathemat-
ical gymnastics performed by
electronic computers and at the
infinite power of lunar rockets.
Why are these superb achieve-
ments possible? From the dy-
namic forces contributing to
their production and useful-
ness, what implications can be
drawn to influence the progress
of Army Aviation? Or must
we, after analysis, merely sit
and marvel?
With a glance in the direc-
tion of the production processes
involved in the construction of
those incomparable computers,
we recognize at once that cer-
tain aspects of basic and ap-
plied science in the fields of
mathematics, and electrical and
mechanical engineering were
necessary. Now, to what ex-
tent must the operators and
maintainers of these computers
be informed in those fields?
By comparison, in Army
A viation we have aeronautical
engineering, aerodynamics. me-
chanical engineering, naviga-
tion, communications, military
science and tactics, applied psy-
chology, civil and military reg-
ulations, personnel and unit ad-
ministration. We must ask the
same question: To what extent
must we be informed and
skilled in these fields as oper-
ators and maintainers of per-
sonnel and equipment?
To produce a lunar rocket
and to move it to the launching
site, to get it off the pad and
directed toward its objective
requires the coordinated efforts
of many skilled scientists and
technicians. The success of the
combined effort is further de-
pendent upon the harnessing
of the tremendous power po-
tential. An oversimplification?
Yes, but these are the implica-
To harness the power poten-
tial of Army A via tion and to
direct it with the greatest use-
fulness means many things-
the development of a broad
body of knowledge, the polish-
ing of skills, and the coordina-
tion of all team members. Edu-
cation and training are, indeed,
products of mental exercise.
N ow for a specific plan of
attack, what must be done?
Reference libraries in units
should be as complete as can
be provided. Training pro-
grams and profitable use of lei-
sure time can be geared toward
the development of profession-
alism. Ground school and field
exercises will serve the dual
functions of instruction and
testing, as well as to promote
There is little done auto-
matically by a unit in the de-
velopment of a unit reference
library. Despite the Depart-
ment of the Army's best inten-
tions in making judicious dis-
tribution to the major com-
mands, publications often go
amiss between that echelon and
the units. To solve the problem
is to designate a specific indi-
vidual the responsibility for
t aking certain actions system-
atically and conscientiously.
This man should start with
Army Regulations to determine
those regulations authorized
for his unit. If some are needed
which are not authorized. per-
mission to maintain the m
Ma j or B 'rite is Chief of t he
Li terature Division. Department of
Publications and Non-Resident I n-
struction. U. S. Army A viation
School, Fort Rucker. He is a S enior
A rmy A viator and has app1' oxi-
mately 3,100 fl ight hours.
should be sought from the local
Inspector General (who in-
spects your files). The DA
Pamphlet 310 Series should be
checked to verify that the
needed ARs, SRs, pamphlets,
circulars, training circulars,
field manuals, technical man-
uals, technical bulletins, and
other pUblications listed in
those indexes are actually in
your unit reference library.
It might appear that your
man could stop here to write
up his requisition. If he does,
his action will not be complete.
There's more. Now he should
look up the Adj utant General
Publications Center Bulletins.
These contain those publica-
tions recently received by that
center. You may not have r ~
ceived some of them in your
automatic distribution. Fur-
ther, the bulletins may list
some publications printed after
the DA Pamphlet Indexes.
For books you wish in the
nature of high school and col-
lege texts, try the United
States Armed Forces Institute,
Madison, Wisconsin. Your local
education officer, librarian, and
the librarian of the U. S. Army
A viation School will be glad to
Training programs may be
"old hat" to you. Even if you
have been through them many
times, have you ever been really
satisfied with the accomplish-
ments? Most units do well with
some phases of operations, but
it is a rare one that is superior
in every manner. No individual
or unit can retain high profi-
ciency without constant effort.
To relax is to deteriorate to
some degree. So, to maintain
standards and to improve them,
a training program is needed.
You know there are new ideas
and concepts developing almost
daily. Did you ever hear of the
Mobile Replenishment Supply
System? Or the Field Army
Tactical Operations Center? Or
the Army Logistical Operations
Center? They are new, but you
will hear more about them, for
they are meaningful to Army
A viation. How do you keep up
with these new developments?
Actually, it isn't easy. One ap-
proach is to scan or read every
military magazine and publica-
tion one can find, and to look
for cues in them as to where
further inquiry is desirable or
necessary. Of course a unit
commander k now s through
command channel relationships
the types of performance for
which his unit is responsible.
Yet, command responsibility is
comprehensive for the present
and expansive to the future.
This is the problem area: the
If you are a member of a
helicopter company, do you
know when you may be called
upon to support a battle group
in an amphibious operation?
Does a division aviation com-
pany know when it might have
to support a dispersed division
in limited war? These questions
could go on and on, but they
point to a need for looking to-
ward the future and prepara-
tion for the unexpected. A good
commander is never surprised.
Army training programs,
army subject schedules, and
army training tests are under
preparation for aviation units.
Although not yet available, per-
haps they will be ready this
year -- maybe next year for
some units. Meanwhile, the
training program is a command
decision based upon evaluation
of state of training.
A training program neces-
sarily means on-the-job train-
ing, aircraft transition, pilot
proficiency, flight scheduling,
service school attendance as re-
quired, ground school, and field
exercises. Off-duty study is
usually necessary for those who
would be thorough.
On-the-job training may be
easily taken for granted; how-
ever, it should never be so
treated. A certain' amount of
record keeping is essential to
verify that everyone gets the
word, but it should be the sim-
plest, I e a s t time-consuming
method to do the job. Check-
lists in chart form on graph
paper offer a good solution.
With the lines already drawn,
only individual names down the
left side and compliance items
across the top need be entered
on the form. When the forms
are completed, indicating com-
pliance by all members, the
sheets amount to the com-
mander's ledger of his "money
in the bank." Sure, it is a good
idea to keep them on a bulletin
board just like a financial
Aircraft transition and pilot
proficiency flight scheduling,
when recorded in the above
manner, present a clear, timely
picture of progress.
There are many variables
concerning service school at-
tendance. Many oldtimers con-
sider it imperative for the in-
dividual officer to assist the
Department of the Army in
monitoring his career in terms
of the Officer Career Program.
Further, it is appropriate for
rating and endorsing officers to
en t e r recommendations for
schooling on the officers effici-
ency reports.
Now, it may be that ground
school, field exercises, and off-
duty study are nasty words to
many of us. If true, it is a fair
assumption that past experi-
JULY 1959
ences in these areas have not
been as productive or reward-
ing as they might have been.
When does boredom strike us?
Various situations permit it.
Training or duties become
monotonous when they are too
repetitive or become routine.
They should present new hur-
dles or variety. Who can be
stimulated by a level of train-
ing through which he has al-
ready passed, unless a new
problem situation or approach
is provided?
The burden of the ground
school instructor or field exer-
cise director is to plan and to
present a series of instructional
elements or teaching points so
that they clearly and progres-
sively "march" the participants
toward the training objective.
Off-duty study is not difficult
when the rewards are seen real-
istically in advance.
So, what are the negatives
to be avoided in the develop-
ment of a superior unit? Per-
haps some are apathy, stag-
nancy, absence of the clearly-
defined eventual objective and
the intermediate ones, just "too
busy," postponement of the
plan and the beginning until
someone else arrives, or unwill-
ingness to exert the effort to
get the program "on the
march." You can, of course,
think of others.
Think of a superior unit you
have known. Maybe yours is
one. Did any member want to
leave it? Was there any doubt
as to what should be done to-
day, tomorrow, or the next?
Was anyone concerned about
his ability to handle his next
assignment or his present one?
Was there any worry as to the
extent to which the mission
was being accomplished? What
was the view of the supported
command toward the unit? Was
any member concerned about
his own future?
Surely an analysis of that
unit would reveal:
1. contagious enthusiasm,
2. well conceived organiza-
tion of personnel,
3. high standards of per-
formance and mainte-
4. well equipped and organ-
ized facilities,
5. a specific program for op-
erations and training, and
6. plenty of mental exercise.
On the basis of the factual information con-
tained in the PUZZLER on page 13, the recom-
mended solution is as follows:
Cleared to descend to 2,000 feet, and can
make either an Omni, ILS, ADF, or Low
Frequency Range approach upon arrival at
in the clearance, "Cleared for an approach,"
indicates to the pilot any type of approach
may be used at his discretion; he may begin
descent to minimum en route altitude immedi-
ately. Normally ATC will specify a particular
type of approach due to traffic.
The omission of a specific type of approach
Reference TM 11-2557-1 Airway Traffic Con-
trol, page 17.
These Shawnees have just completed the longest overland helicopter flight in Army
Aviation history.
A NEW CHAPTER was added
to the late Robert W. Serv-
ice's book Spell of the Yukon
when fifteen H-21 helicopters
of the 80th Transportation
Company (Lt Helicopter) com-
pleted a 3,500-mile trek from
Fort Riley, Kansas, to Fort
Richardson, Alaska, last sum-
mer. The flight was accom-
panied by the 334th Transpor-
tation Detachment (C a r go
Helicopter Field Maintenance)
whose job was to "keep 'em
flying" during this helicopter
trail-blazing event.
In sharp contrast to the slow,
time-consuming migration of
historic Indian tribes, these
H-21 "Shawnees" completed
the longest overland helicopter
flight in the history of Army
Aviation in 13 days, with no
accidents or serious problems
encountered during the move-
Flying in three platoons of
Arthur D. Neely
five ships each, spaced in flights
one day apart, the 80th, under
command of Major William F.
Usher, successfully completed
a mission that required many
weeks of reconnoitering, train-
ing, briefings, and maintenance.
As a first step, Major Usher
together with 1st Lt Donald R.
Ruskauff and SP3 Charles S.
Thomas, the crew chief, de-
parted on 22 April on a recon-
naissance flight over the pro-
posed route to establish logistic
support and to be become fa-
miliar with flight conditions pe-
culiar to the areas. Specific
points of interest were recon-
naissance of airways and high-
ways, location of fuel stops,
facilities available at proposed
stops, and weather conditions
en route.
The major problem to be
solved was the availability of
approximately 45,000 gallons
of high octane aviation gas and
1,000 gallons of oil needed for
the flight, in adequate quan-
tities, at predesignated stops
along the route.
As a result of the reconnais-
sance, the s e points w ere
(1) Airway routing was de-
termined to be acceptable from
Fort Riley, Kansas, to Fort
St. John, Canada.
(2) Airway routing was de-
termined to be unacceptable
from Fort St. John, Canada,
to Anchorage, Alaska, due to
the mean sea level elevations
of the terrain along the airways
and the density of the under-
growth. The latter would pre-
vent the accomplishment of a
successful forced landing in the
M'r. Neely is the Safety Di?' ector,
Fort Riley, Kansas,
The 80th Trans Co (Light Helicopter) moves into place on
the parade field at Fort Richardson to receive their official
craft commanders were given
a minimum of 11/ 2 hours of in-
struction in running landings
and takeoffs, the technique used
for high elevations; all copilots
received a minimum of 1 hour
of this instruction.
event of difficulty; it would also
prevent immediate aid from
reaching a downed aircraft.
(3) The Alcan Highway was
determined to be the most suit-
able route for that portion of
the trip between Fort St. John
and Anchorage.
(4) Refueling facilities were
determined to be adequate.
(5) Weather conditions for
the time of the proposed flight
were determined to be accept-
Upon returning from the
aerial reconnaissance, a com-
prehensive training program
was instituted for all partici-
pating personnel. A briefing of
all aircraft commanders, co-
pilots, and crew chiefs was held
by Major Usher and Lieuten-
ant Ruskauff. These points
were discussed:
(1) Weather problems ex-
pected to be encountered-
(a) icing,
(b) turbulence,
(c) blowing dust,
(d) fog,
(e) high altitude at Casper,
Wyoming, a fuel stop,
(f) severe turbulence preva-
lent at Billings, Mon-
(2) Canadian flight planning
proced ures-
(a) filing flight plans,
(b) times of s c h e d u led
weather broadcasts over
the aviation radio net-
(c) weather advisory service
available at all proposed
fuel stops,
(d) runway and traffic condi-
tions at all proposed fuel
(e) servicing facilities at all
proposed fuel stops.
From 9 June to 25 June 1958,
a program of familiarization
with aircraft loaded beyond
hovering capability was con-
ducted by Lieutenants Rus-
kauff and Spencer, and CWOs
Kidd, Campbell, and Bunnell,
instructor pilots assigned or at-
tached to the unit. Its purpose
was to familiarize all crews
with the characteristics their
aircraf t would possess when
flown into and out of the high
elevation fuel stops. All air-
From 23 June through 5 July
1958, aircraft crews were given
a minimum of 2 hours instruc-
tion and practice in low-level
(500 feet) navigation. This
low-level navigation practice
was considered desirable in the
event the flight encountered
adverse weather conditions.
On 21, 22, and 23 July 1958 a
detailed map reconnaissance of
the route to be flown was con-
d ucted by Maj or Usher and
Lieutenant Ruskauff for all
rated personnel. An itinerary
was presented depicting the
daily progress expected of the
unit, airport diagrams for
high-density areas, and loca-
tion of POL facilities at each
fuel stop.
On 24 July 1958 a climato-
logical survey was conducted
for all rated personnel by Capt
Colonel A. N. Slocum, USARAL CIS (at right in jeep) greets
Major William F. Usher, CO of 80th Trans Co as they begin
(L-R) The Commanding Officer, Operations Officer, and Crew
Chief stand before their aircraft as the official welcome is
J. M. Voss, Commander of the
1 5 t h Weather Detachment.
Captain Voss briefed the per-
sonnel on the following hazards
or conditions, and indicated the
possibility of occurrence on this
(1) obstruction to visibility,
(2) cloud heights,
(3) amount of cloud cover,
(4) wind direction and
(5) precipitation,
(6) mountain wave
(7) minimum and maximum
The following emergency
eq uipment was carried on board
each aircraft:
(1) forty pounds of 5-in-1
(2) one 5-gallon can of water,
(3) one axe,
( 4) one shovel,
(5) sleeping bag for each
crew member,
(6) emergency portable voice
Aircraft gross weight was
limited to 13,500 pounds (maxi-
mum allowable gross weight:
15,200 pounds). This limit was
set after considering the take-
off conditions at the worst point
of the flight, Casper, Wyoming.
A detailed weather briefing
for all rated personnel was
given by the 15th Weather De-
tachment for the first leg of
the trip, Fort Riley, Kansas to
Grand Island, Nebraska. Pla-
toon leaders and aircraft com-
manders were required to re-
check weather and file a new
flight plan at each fuel stop. All
aircraft crews were directed
against flying into weather be-
low authorized minimums.
A II required maintenance
was performed and critical
checks made on all aircraft.
At sunrise on August 4th,
the lead whirlybird rose from
the banks of the Kansas River
and headed northwest towards
the land of the "sourdoughs."
The first of 21 refueling stops
was scheduled for Grand Island,
The fifteen H-21 Shawnees
completed a rendezvous at
Northway, Alaska, on August
14, then headed towards the
last fuel stop prior to Fort
Richardson, Gulkana. A crowd
of approximately 3,000 people
was on hand as the Shawnees,
in their attractive red and
white war paint, landed at their
Although Major Usher mod-
estly described the flight as
"normal" and "all in a day's
work," compliments are in or-
der for the personnel who, air-
borne for two weeks, were re-
quired to maintain the highest
degree of mental and physical
alertness under fatigue produc-
ing conditions.
By carefully following the
step-by-step procedure as pre-
viously planned, personnel of
the 80th established the longest
(and accident-free) helicopter
hop in history.
Sub-Arctic Survival
of ice on the struts and
leading edge of the wings made
the Beaver extremely hard to
control. Altitude could not be
maintained. The Beaver slug-
gishly lumbered down through
the misty haze of the blizzard
with its Army Aviator and
three passengers, finally crash-
ing into a 1,700-foot high
mountain peak in the Kigluiak
mountains that border the
Nome River Valley in Alaska.
The ski-equipped aircraft
came to rest with the blizzard
howling straight into a gaping
hole created when the left door
was wrenched off; the fuselage
was ripped open on impact.
The left ski broke from the
landing gear, and scattered bits
of wreckage covered the snow
in a 100-foot radius about the
aircraft. Breaking loose from
its top mounting brackets the
engine tilted forward about
from normal. Both propel-
ler blades were badly chewed
and bent. The fuselage buckled
below and to the rear of the
front seats, causing them and
their occupants to be accele-
rated forward. Both wings
snapped at their roots, and the
bottom center of the right wing
was buckled by the right ski
when it broke loose from the
landing gear.
There was no panic, and the
initial mild shock passed quick-
ly as each man appraised his
inj uries. One passenger re-
Fred M. Montgomery
ceived minor multiple injuries,
which did not hamper his mo-
bility to any significant degree.
Another passenger sustained
min 0 r multiple cuts and
bruises, but was able to move
about with some difficulty. It
was later found that he had a
fractured vertebra in his back.
The third passenger (who was
riding in the right front seat)
sustained a severe head injury
which rendered him unconsci-
ous and caused his death three
days later. The pilot's back was
broken; although he could not
sit or stand, he could painfully
crawl about.
These men began their fight
for survival in the midst of a
blizzard. A first-aid kit, two
sleeping bags, a pocketknife,
three cigarette lighters, four
parachutes, two small bags con-
taining personal gear, and a
small box of cookies made up
their supplies. The commonly
used jet pilot seat pack survival
kit had been left behind that
morning because of weight lim-
itations. Important as their
equipment was, these men pos-
sessed a more valuable survival
requisite - a firm belief they
would be rescued. They had
the will to live, and used calm,
sober judgment to make deci-
sions that car r i e d them
through the next 72 hours.
The crash occurred about
1600 hours. Since darkness was
already upon them, they real-
ized that rescue operations
would not start until the fol-
lowing morning. They prepared
for the long night ahead - a
night spent fighting the bitter-
ly cold howling winds of the
blizzard. This fight for shelter
and warmth was their primary
problem during the entire per-
iod on the mountain peak.
That first night one man
broke open two parachutes for
" ... the blizzard howling straight into a gaping hole . .. "
cover and crawled into the lug-
gage compartment where he
was able to keep comparatively
dry and warm. The pilot and
another passenger used the two
sleeping bags. Sleep that night
was difficult. The blizzard
sounded like the noise of a
tho usa n d howling timber
wolves interspersed with the
whine of passing jets
Broad daylight comes late in
the morning in Jan uary in
Alaska. It was nearly 0830
hours when one man attempted
to contact Nome on the Beav-
er's radio. He quickly discov-
ered that there was no power
for transmission. When the
aircraft crashed, the pilot had
been knocked unconscious for
about 20 minutes and the
switches had not been turned
off. Later investigation re-
vealed that the radio was faulty
before the crash occurred.
The survivors knew that
news of the crash was widely
known by this time; many
bush, private, and airline pilots
would be searching, for it is
standard procedure in that area
for all available pilots to help
search for disabled or downed
aircraft. The pilot of the Beav-
er had engaged in several such
searches himself. The knowl-
edge of such procedure gave
him added assurance that they
would be found.
These photos were taken sev-
eral months after the accident
when the snow had melted
and it was possible to get to
the crash site by land. Sur-
vivor techniques and correct
procedures saved three lives.
About 1100 hours an Alba-
tross (SA-16) was sighted be-
low them, but only for a few
minutes. The least injured men
hastily made a fire at the top
of the mountain using webbing
cut from the parachutes with
the pocketknife and a mixture
of gasoline and oil from the
aircraft. But it was too late.
The Albatross vanished into
the Alaskan overcast. It is
doubtful that the rescue pilot
could have seen the crash site
and the smoke signal even if
he had been flying higher, since
the low-hanging clouds made it
impossible to see the signal for
any distance.
The sight of the Albatross
gave their morale a tremendous
boost. One of the parachutes
had alternate orange and white
gores, and the pilot directed
that it be placed on the moun-
taintop to aid rescuers. The
red markings on the Beaver
were swept clean of snow to
further aid pilots in sighting
the wreckage.
Their rations for this first
full day were one cookie for
each man.
On the third morning while
cleaning the snow from the
parach ute, two of the passen-
gers recognized certain land-
marks. Here was a known
peak . . . over there a remem-
bered range of mountains ...
down below a familiar valley.
They knew there was a miner's
cabin at the foot of the peak
where they would probably find
food and better shelter. That
cabin was the first of a chain
of cabins that extended all the
way into Nome! Nome. Why
that was only about 15 miles
a way! This discovery led them
to seek permission from the
pilot to leave the scene of the
crash and start for help.
After checking their bear-
JULY 1959
ings once more to be sure, they
hastened to the plane and j ubi-
lantly told the pilot of their
discovery and plans, which were
seriously discussed by the
three men. The pilot knew that
the most successful rescues
were made when survivors
stayed with the aircraft. He
had one unconscious man on his
hands already. The safety of
his passengers rested squarely
upon his decision, but the ar-
guments of the other two were
convincing. He made them
point out their bearings to him
again and again. He had to be
sure they knew exactly where
they were. And what about the
plane yesterday? It had come
so close; yet, did not see them.
He took into consideration the
extent of their inj uries, too;
then he finally decided that
they had a good chance to get
As the two men left, they
had high hopes of making half
of the distance to Nome in one
day. They left all the cookies
with the pilot and started down
the snow-covered rocks toward
the cabin at the foot of the
mountain. They traveled about
2 miles through deep snow
without snowshoes to reach the
cabin just 1,700 feet down the
mountainside. It took them all
day! VVhen they reached the
cabin, they found that it had
been ransacked of all food ex-
cept a small amount of tea and
a few dried beans. There was
no firewood, so they used some
asphalt roofing shingles and
scraps of paper for fuel. As
they lit the fire, each was grate-
ful that the pilot had instructed
them to fill their lighters with
gasoline before leaving the air-
The following morning, after
another light meal of dried
beans and tea, they continued
their journey down the valley.
About 1500 hours, one of the
bush pilots sighted the two men
about half way to Nome. Short-
ly afterwards they were picked
up and taken to Nome hospital.
Shortly after the two men
left the pilot alone with his
unconscious passenger, he de-
cided to change his wet foot-
gear. It took him all day long
to put on a dry pair of heavy
socks, felt socks, felt insoles,
and mukluks. He neither saw
nor heard any rescue aircraft
during the day. The previous
day he had been able to crawl
completely out of his sleeping
bag, but now this simple ma-
neuver became more difficult,
so he only crawled out far
enough to answer the call of
na ture. He never experienced
the pangs of hunger or thirst.
In fact, when the pilot was res-
cued, he had four cookies left.
All he had to do to quench his
thirst was stretch his hands
out of the bag and get a hand-
ful of snow.
A bush pilot sighted the
wreckage about 1100 hours the
third day after the crash. VVhen
the inj ured pilot heard the en-
gine he left his sleeping bag
long enough to wave to the
bush pilot. The Albatross ap-
peared shortly after the bush
pilot radioed the news that he
had found the wreckage, and
within a few minutes Air Res-
cue Service learned the story
of the survivors. The ARS
plane dropped two paramedics
who appraised the conditions
of the pilot and his still uncon-
scious passenger. It was 1500
hours before they left the scene
of the crash on their way to
the hospital and safety. The
passenger never regained con-
sciousness and died during the
night in the hospital.
Several factors that had a
bearing on this survival case
are present in this gripping ex-
perience. Even though pain-
fully inj ured and practically
immobile, the pilot took charge
and instilled confidence in the
others that they would be res-
cued. His behavior perhaps
prevented chaos, disunity, or
panic. The immediate and con-
tinuous problem of keeping
warm was solved. The para-
chute with its distinctive mark-
ings was displayed. The Arctic
markings on the aircraft were
kept clean for easier identifica-
tion. The crew had become
familiar with the area within
their operations. They used the
gasoline and oil for signal fires
and fuel. They prepared for a
long wait by eating only enough
of the cookies to sustain life
and strength. They had the will
to live!
As a result of this accident
experience, the pilot has offered
these three suggestions, which
are applicable to all Army A vi-
ators on duty throughout the
(1) Never sacrifice your
survival gear to carry an addi-
tional passenger or equipment
w hen overweight problems
(2) Don't take your survival
gear or equipment for granted.
Make regular checks on its con-
tents to see that everything is
in operational condition. There
are recorded cases where am-
munition for Very pistols and
weapons was deteriorated and
useless, where ammo was miss-
ing, or where the ammo did not
match the calibre of the rifle or
(3) Study the survival in-
formation booklet in the sur-
vival kit. You'll be surprised
to find that you have forgotten
some of the things that might
save your life.
CONFLICT the helicopter
won its spurs as an all-purpose
military vehicle and proved in-
dispensable to all three mili-
tary services. Less than 20
years before (in 1939) Dr. Igor
Sikorsky had built his first suc-
cessful helicopter on a volume
production basis. The war pop-
David C. Gerry
that typical helicopters with
high power demands must car-
ry heavy reciprocating engines
which seriously limited their
payload capacity. The size and
weight of these engines also
made it difficult to do field
maintenance work on them in
the remote areas in which heli-
copters so often operate. Pilots
powerplants were the obvious
solution to these problems.
For a long time aircraft en-
gine designers had been theo-
rizing about the advantages of
gas turbine helicopter power.
Late in 1953 General Electric
set up the Small Aircraft En-
gine Department to produce
gas turbines in a variety of
T -58 delivers 1,050 shp and weighs only 271 Ibs. It has a power ratio of 4 to 1.
ularized the unique transporta-
tion abilities the helicopter of-
fered and is largely responsible
for the 3,400 military and 500
privately owned helicopters in
service today.
The Korean Conflict also
demonstrated certain short-
comings of the helicopter which
were largely traceable to its
reciprocating powerplant. The
1 to 1 power-to-weight ratio
of reciprocating engines meant
had their hands full flying pis-
ton-powered helicopters.
A different type of power-
plant was obviously needed-
an engine which could operate
efficiently under rapid load
changes and sustained full
power levels without reduced
engine life- an engine which
had a high power-to-weight
ratio without reduced reliabil-
ity-an engine with a constant
speed control. Gas turbine
configurations suitable for heli-
copters as well as piloted air-
craft and missiles. One of the
department's products, the T58
engine. was developed specific-
ally as a helicopter powerplant
and is now in production.
Mr. Ge1TY is Manager 0/ the TS8
Project in the Small Airc'm/t En-
gine Department 0/ General Electric
Company, Lynn, Massachusetts.
,JULY 1959
Gas turbines offer 3-fold cost advantage: greater payload,
lower helicopter cost, lower fuel cost . ..
This engine delivers 1,050
shaft horsepower and weighs
only 271 pounds; it has a
power-to-weight ratio of 4 to 1
in contrast to the 1 to 1 ratio
of conventional reciprocating
engines. The ability of the
lightweight gas turbine to pro-
duce great power over extend-
ed periods of time results in
important operating advant-
ages in terms of cost, mission
performance, and maintenance.
lb/ hp-hr range; but in helicop-
ter operation this margin is
cancelled out by the relatively
lower efficiency of reciprocat-
ing engines when subjected to
the high ratio of full power
operation and rap i d load
changes that are routine in
helicopter flight. If we assume
then that turbine and recipro-
cating engine fuel consumption
in helicopters is about the same,
it is obvious that T58 fuel
costs will be about half those
of the piston engine. In 1,000
hours of operation fuel savings
of the T58 will be about $15,000
as compared with a piston en-
gine in the same power class.
Gas turbines have also shown
that they can sustain extreme
operating conditions. For ex-
ample, the T58 can start at any
temperature ranging fro m
-65F to 130F, and make bat-
tery starts at OaF. In a test
environment it has reached an
altitude of 20,000 feet at air-
speeds of 300 knots; flight at
49,600 feet at speeds up to 400
knots has been simulated.
The T58's anti-icing system
and cold weather starting abil-
ity were demonstrated atop Mt.
Washington. The data ob-
tained satisfied military re-
Contaminated fuel testing, in
which more than 1,700 hours
of evaluation and running time
were logged on the T58 fuel
system using XPP-36 contami-
nants, has been completed. In
what is believed to be the most
extensive testing of its kind.
the engine continued to per-
form perfectly despite the pres-
ence of lint, iron oxide, road
dust, salt water, and many
other contaminants in its fuel
Subsequently, the T58 was
put through the Army Leaded
Fuel Test in which four 6-hour
military cycles were run, using
standard truck fuel (MIL-G-
3056) . Although hot section
parts were coated with lead de-
Gas turbine engines offer
substantial cost advantages.
The high power-to-weight ratio
and resultant light weight of
turbine engines make possible
lighter helicopters as compared
with piston-powered helicop-
ters. As a result the turbinized
helicopter operator gets a
threefold bonus: greater pay-
load, lower helicopter cost, and
lower fuel cost.
... are light and small, handled easily.
The big savings came from
the low cost of gas turbine fuel,
since JP-4 at 15 cents a gallon
is about half the price of avia-
tion gasoline. The T58 has a
guaranteed specific fuel con-
sumption of 0.64 lb/ hp-hr, and
experience indicates the aver-
age engine is even more eco-
nomical in operation. The re-
ciprocating engine in normal
airplane installations often at-
tains an SFC in the 0.55 to 0.60
posits, there was no mechanical
deterioration attributable to
opera tion on truck fuel.
At this writing the first
1,000-hour endurance test of
the T58 has reached its half-
way mark. After 500 hours of
operation, 1,000 starts (all au-
tomatic with none false and
none over temperature) have
been made. Also, 2,000 acceler-
ation bursts from ground idle
to climb power have been ac-
complished, and the engine is
still running smoothly with a
performance deterioration of
only 2.5 percent.
This exhaustive environmen-
tal testing, under test condi-
tions more trying than would
ever be experienced in actual
operation, has demonstrated
that turbine engines are reli-
able. Turbine engines have run
up an enviable performance
There is a maintenance
bonus, too. Gas turbine design
lends itself to easy mainte-
nance. Often repair work can
be accomplished right in the
airframe. Recently a foreign
object damaged 70 percent of
the compressor rotor blades
and six stages of stator vanes
of a T58. Without removing
the engine from its mounts,
the damaged blades and vanes
were replaced by removal of
only the upper compressor
casing half. Balancing was ac-
complished by predetermined
replacement procedure, after
which the engine ran within
specified vibration lim its
throughout its complete oper-
a ting range.
When more extensive over-
haul work is required, gas tur-
bines are light enough and
small enough to handle easily.
Two men have lifted a T53 into
a standard station wagon.
The engine which flew Sikor-
sky's amphibious S-62 helicop-
ter on its recent demonstration
tour of the United States and
Canada has just been returned
to the factory for inspection
after 400 hours. This was one
A gas tur'bine lends itself to easy maintenance. Two men have
lifted aT-58 into a station wagon on occasions.
of the first 50-hour engines
shipped to the field and was
brought into the factory on a
routine basis. The overhaul in-
spection was noteworthy be-
cause it revealed the engine to
be in perfect running condition.
The accumulation of operat-
ing and test experience logged
by the T58 and other helicopter
gas turbine engines indicates
that turbinized helicopter pow-
er is no longer in the future
planning stages. It is available
now. New helicopters incorpo-
rate turbine powerplants, and
existing helicopters are being
retrofitted with gas turbine
Already engine designers are
looking ahead to the needs for
larger helicopters. At General
Electric a growth version of
the T58 is on test and has pro-
duced 1,350 horsepower at an
SFC of 0.570. This engine, des-
ignated the T58-8, has the same
features as the standard T58-6.
It is so similar in design that
retrofitting of conversion parts
will be possible in the field when
the -8 becomes available.
Altogether the T58 has now
logged more than 14,000 hours
of operation. Flight testing be-
gan in 1957 under Navy aus-
pices in a retrofitted version
of the H-34 helicopter. Flight
testing continued in a retrofit
Vertol H-21 under the sponsor-
ship of the U. 8. Army in
which twin T58s were applied.
In 1958, the Sikorsky 8-62, the
first amphibious helicopter de-
signed specifically for turbine
power, made its maiden flight
with a single T58 engine, and
in 1959 the larger Sikorsky
8-61 amphibian flew with twin
Gas turbine helicopter flight
experience is by no means lim-
ited to the applications already
mentioned. The Bell H-40,
JULY 1959
Kaman H-43, Vertol105, Vertol
107, the Alouette, and other
helicopters have all flown with
gas turbine engines. In addi-
tion the Kaman HU2K will soon
be flying with a T58 engine.
Currently, helicopter opera-
tions are one of the fastest
growing segments of aviation.
In 1958 a total of 1.2 million
flight hours were logged, which
represented a 74 percent in-
crease over 1956. It is predicted
that by 1965 the vast majority
of helicopters, will be turbinized.
The military will use heli-
copters for a variety of mis-
sions, ranging from front-line
tactical troop support to heavy-
haul utility missions. Commer-
cial airlines will employ heli-
copters as short-haul carriers
of passengers and cargo from
outlying airports to downtown
terminals. The basic versatility
The S-62 is the first amphibious helicopter designed specifi-
cally for turbine power.
of helicopters, so much im-
proved by their new gas turbine
powerplants, will suit them to
a variety of tasks only limited
by the bounds of human imagi-
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ONE OF THE most important
factors in enhancing the
understanding and prevention
of accidents has been the grow-
ing realization that accidents
are not unavoidable incidents
which happen purely by chance.
Much has been written about
factors that predispose acci-
dents, such as mechanical and
structural defects in the air-
craft, faulty design and ar-
rangement of cockpit controls,
lack of uniformity or arrange-
ment of cockpit controls from
one plane to another, and such
physical factors as disease and
fatigue. Perhaps less well un-
derstood are the psychological
factors (often unconscious)
which investigation has re-
vealed to be a factor in most
accidents and the crucial factor
in many accidents.
One aspect of this problem
that you have probably heard
Captain H. Richard Lamb, MC
most about is the question of
accident proneness. Though
there are some who dispute the
very existence of such a thing
as an accident tendency, the
fact remains that numerous
studies described in psychiatric
literature on taxi drivers, bus
drivers, factory machine oper-
ators, persons having automo-
bile accidents, and so on have
established, both by clinical im-
pression and statistics, the
existence of accident proneness
as a true entity.l .2 These stud-
ies have been applied by certain
segments of industry in pro-
grams to weed out those with
an accident tendency. The re-
sulting drop in the accident rate
in those companies has been
most impressive.
There has been a great deal
of effort and investigation to
determine what characteristics
accident-prone people have in
common and whether there is
an "accident-prone personali-
ty." These attempts have been
only partially successful in that
there has been no personality
type described which includes
all those who have an accident
tendency. However, Flanders
Dunbar, a psychiatrist who has
done a great deal of research in
this field, has noted that a high
percentage of the accident-
prone group is characterized by
resentment and avoidance of
authority and responsibility, by
unhealthy family and home en-
vironment, and by an impulsive
tendency to express feelings in
action rather than by suppress-
ing and internalizing
Captain Lamb is the psychiatrist
at Fort Rucker, Ala. He received his
BA from the University of Pennsyl-
vania and studied medicine at Yale.
He retu'rned to Yale for his psychi-
atric training.
JULY 1959
For example, while some per-
sons react to anger by trying
to suppress their feelings, and
perhaps in the process develop
a tension headache, others feel
the need to smash things.
It should be emphasized that
the psychological motives for
accidents are not usually con-
scious ones. Rather, these self-
destructive and outwardly ag-
gressive tendencies are largely
unconscious. The acting out of
these tendencies occurs without
the conscious awareness of the
pilot, who is usually unable to
account for the cause of the
accident. In fact, because of
guilt feelings over the release
of these forbidden impulses,
the pilot often tends to strenu-
ously resist any such interpre-
Now to what extent does the
concept of accident proneness
apply to military aviation? Ac-
cident proneness, as we usually
think of it, is an infrequent
problem in military aviation.
First of all, accident proneness
is usually seen in emotionally
unstable people. Occasionally
lack of aptitude and physical
disability may be contributing
factors. In our selection of mil-
itary aviators, an attempt has
been made to weed out the emo-
tionally unstable, the inapt, and
the physically unfit; therefore,
we would expect to find a low
incidence of accident proneness
in such a selected group.
Another factor is that acci-
dents involving military air-
craft are thoroughly investigat-
ed, and pilots having repeated
"human failure" accidents are
re-evaluated medically, psycho-
logically, and administratively.
Ordinarily they are not given
the opportunity to compile a
long accident reco.rd. In flying
high performance aircraft, acci-
dents are frequently fatal, and
an accident-prone pilot would
not stand a very good chance of
living long enough to earn the
reputation of being accident
Still another factor is the
pilot who is no longer willing to
fly follo.wing an accident. One
estimate places the number of
Air Force pilots who withdraw
from active flying after a major
accident at about 25 percent .. '
Perhaps the aspect of acci-
dent proneness most relevant
to military aviation is that
many pilots may be accident
prone for only a day, an hour,
or even for the moment because
of an external source of conflict
which activates a latent tend-
ency to act out emotional prob-
lems in this way. Such con-
flicting situations might be the
death o.r serious illness of a
loved one, an upsetting quarrel
with one's wife, a personality
clash with the commanding or
sup e rio r officer, unwelcome
pes or other orders, and o.ther
similarly stressful situations.
While in many instances one
may be aware of the extent to
which one may be affected by
such situations, in many other
instances there may be a tend-
ency to. suppress and deny from
consciousness the e mot ion s
arising from these situations.
For instance, there may be no
indication of anger until the
pilot "by accident" misjudges a
landing and smashes his air-
craft into a tree. It is here that
increased knowledge of's
self may stand the pilot in good
stead so that he may know how
he is affected by various stress-
ful situations even before his
feelings have come to the sur-
It seems probable that most
accidents in military aviation
where psychological f act 0 r s
play an important part involve
an accident tendency which is
only temporary. In a study of
200 Air Force pilots who had
experienced "pilot error" acci-
dents, it was concluded that "of
the various p s y c hoI 0 g i cal
stresses directly antecedent to
an accident, feelings of hostility
and resentment were of prime
importance." "
The question then arises as
to how we can make use of
these concepts to prevent air-
craft accidents. Flight sur-
geons, flight commanders and
instructor pilots should be alert
to signs of stress in pilots which
affect their flying. However,
in most cases only the pilot him-
self can be aware of times when
he is feeling upset and anxious
because of stress in his life
situation. At such times the
pilot should avoid flying until
the stressful sit u a t ion has
passed and he has returned to
a normal emotional state. On
many occasions, talking over
the problem with one's flight
commander or flight surgeon
will enable the pilot to resolve
the problem and render him
again safe to fly.
The next time you are angry
or upset, take note of the effect
this has upon your flying and
driving. Flying tends to reflect
one's personality. A better
understanding of the one will
lead to a better understanding
of the other.
lRawson: Accident Proneness, Psy-
chosomatic Medicine 6 88 (1944).
STillman and Hnbbs: The Accident
Prone Auto Driver, Am J of Psychia-
try (1949) 106, pp. 321-331.
3Dunbar, F.: Susceptibility to Acci-
dents, Med Clinics North America,
(1944) 28, pp. 653-662.
' Aviation Psychology, S ect II, by
Neil D. Warren, Ph. D. , USAF Insti-
tute of Technology (1954).
"Kunkle, C. E.: The Psychological
Backg1ound of "Pilot Error" in Air-
craft Accidents, J Aviation Med, 17,
pp. 533-567 (1946).
Thursday noon-My partner,
Frankly Smythe, and I were
working the day watch out of
homicide. My name's Satur-
day, Joe Saturday. I was to
have been called Friday, but I
got here a day late. I was typ-
ing up a routine report on a
123 for file. Frankly was filing
his nails by the window.
The phone rang; Frankly
dropped his nail file and lifted
the receiver. "Homicide, Sgt
Smythe." He listened a mo-
ment. "Yes sir, captain. Right
away, sir."
Frankly pulled on his ear
lobe and turned to me. "Joe,
the captain wants to see us."
I pulled the 123 from the
typewriter, tossed it into the
"out" basket, lifted my new
fawn colored sport coat from
the back of the chair, and
snapped down the brim of my
hat. The captain isn't a hard
man but he likes to see police
officers dressed neatly.
IIThere's been a murder and they need our help."
12:05 p. m. - We walked
down the hall to the captain's
office, pushed the door open
and walked in. The captain was
talking on the phone. He mo-
tioned us to sit down. Frankly
leaned toward me.
"Say, Joe, did you see that
ad on TV last night about the
little liver pills ?"
"No, Frankly, what was it
"Supposed to stimulate the
flow of liver bile ... "
Frankly didn't get a chance
to finish what he was saying
about the liver pills. The cap-
tain hung up the phone and
picked up a 345 from his desk.
"J oe, we got a call from
Widely. There's been a murder
and they want our help."
"Yes sir. Who was murdered
and what do they have to go
on ?"
"The corpse has been identi-
fied as Seymore Shroud. He' s a
wealthy lumberman in that
area. So far, there are no sus-
pects. You and Frankly go on
out and see what you can dig
up. Jim Hardly is the police
chief, and I don't think he's
ever had a murder in his town
before. This is no job for ama-
12: 15 p. m.-We checked out
an unmarked sedan and started
on our way to Widely, a small
town about 20 miles from the
city limits. The population was
500 according to the latest cen-
sus. I had checked it before
we left the office. As we passed
a drug store on the way out
of town, Frankly touched my
"Say, Joe, would you mind
stopping a second? I'd like to
run in and get some of those
liver pills. "
12 :20 p. m.-I pulled the car
into the curb and waited while
T his article was prepared by the
Uni t ed States Army Board for Avia-
ti on A ccident Resem'ch.
JULY 1959
Frankly went into the drug
store. I cased the loafers on
the sidewalk, but saw no one
worth questioning. I recog-
nized Sneaky Logan in the en-
trance to an alley. He'd just
been up on a 567 and was out
on parole. I didn't figure he
would have been in Widely.
12 :23 p. m.-Frankly came
out of the drug store and got
back into the car and I started
off again. Frankly showed me
a small bottle of pills and shook
his head.
"Joe, these sure are small
pills to do all the man on tele-
vision said they would."
I shook my head and concen-
trated on driving. We hit the
freeway and I mashed the ac-
celerator until the speedometer
read the legal limit. Exactly
20 minutes later, we pulled up
before the police station in
Widely. It was a one story
building beside the town hall,
with a single dirty window in
front. I followed Frankly across
the sidewalk and we pushed
through the open doorway.
12 :45 p. m.-Chief Hardly
sat at the only desk in the of-
fice, fingering through a stack
of wanted posters. He was a
mountainous figure in sweat-
stained undershirt and broad
blue suspenders. I could tell
that we were in for trouble the
moment he stared up with small
pig-like eyes.
"You'll be the big city boys,
I guess ! Well, you won't be
here long. I've got this case
wrapped up. Still don't see why
the mayor had to send for you."
I walked across the trash-lit-
tered floor and stood before his
desk. "My name's Saturday, Sgt
Joe Saturday out of homicide.
This is my partner, Sgt Frankly
Smythe. Mind telling us who
your suspect is ?"
"It's Shroud's wife, of course.
", , , If you'll just give us the facts, ma'am, , ,"
I've got her in the lockup and
I'm betting she'll crack before
the day is out."
"What evidence do you have,
Chief Hardly?"
"She's his wife, ain't she?
Shroud was loaded with insur-
ance. And she's been known
to give the glad eye to every
man in town. You see, you big
city boys ain't the only experts
on crime detection. I read True
Detective, too !"
"What about the gun? Did
you have ballistic match up the
bullets from the body?"
"What's the need for that?
I found the gun in her jewel
box. It's a pearl-handled .25
automatic. Near as we can tell,
that's the kind Shroud was shot
"Can we see the gun?"
The chief struggled up from
his cane bottom chair and
stomped to the file cabinet,
grumbling, "See it if you want
to, but I don't know what good
it'll do you!"
He pulled open a drawer,
shoved his hand inside, fum-
bled around and brought out a
chromed Colt .25. I took the
gun and slid the action back.
It was still loaded. I snapped
the clip out and counted the
seven .25 calibre bullets, passed
it to Frankly. I sniffed the fir-
ing chamber and could smell
nothing but oil. I held the gun
up to the dusty light from the
window and looked down the
short barrel. It was sparkling
clean. I passed the gun to
Frankly, then asked the chief,
"Anything been done to this
gun since you found it?"
"You must think I'm stupid.
I know about tampering with
evidence. That gun hasn't been
touched since I took it from the
jewel box myself. What's
wrong with that?"
"Just one thing, Chief. This
gun either hasn't been fired,
or somebody cleaned and re-
loaded it. What do you think,
"I'd say you were right, Joe.
This gun looks factory fresh."
"Now see here," bellowed
Chief Hardly, " no slick city
rubes are gonna come in here
and tell me how to run my busi-
ness. What if she did clean the
gun and reload it?"
I shrugged my shoulders at
Frankly and asked the chief,
"Have you got a copy of the
autopsy report?"
The fat man looked surprised.
"What autopsy report? We
don't need an autopsy. It was
as plain as the nose on your
face that Shroud was killed by
gunshot wounds! Why do we
need an autopsy report?"
Frankly stuffed the bottle of
pills he had been holding back
into his pocket and stared in
disbelief. "How were you able
to establish time of death?"
"He was dead when we got
there. Still felt kinda warm.
I'd guess he hadn't been dead
more than half an hour. That's
good enough for me!"
It didn't take us long to de-
cide that Chief Hardly had
bungled this case completely.
1 :10 p. m.-We called the
town doctor and had him go to
the undertaker. It was too late
to get a complete autopsy be-
cause the body had already been
embalmed. But maybe he could
tell us something.
1 :15 p. m.-We got permis-
sion to talk with Mrs. Shroud.
She was in the jail's only cell.
Even in the dim light, I could
tell she was a looker. Chief
Hardly unlocked the cell door
and left Frankly and me alone
with her. I walked into the cell,
offered her a cigarette from my
pack and fired it.
"Mrs. Shroud, I'm Sgt Sat-
urday and this is my partner,
Frankly Smythe. Like to ask
you some questions about your
husband's death."
She rose from the iron bunk
and caught my lapels. I could
smell French perfume as she
pushed her tear-streaked face
close to mine.
"Captain Saturday, I didn't
do it! You've got to believe
me !"
I pulled her hands free, to
keep her from dropping ashes
on my sport coat, and stepped
back. "Yes ma'am. I under-
stand. If you'll just give us the
facts, ma'am. And I'm a ser-
geant, not a captain."
Mrs. Shroud lowered herself
to the bunk and crossed her
nylon encased legs. She took
a deep drag from the cigarette
and brought herself under con-
trol. "Yes, lieutenant, I under-
stand. What is it you want to
"Where were you when your
husband was killed?"
"Do I have to tell?"
"Yes ma'am. Just give us
the facts."
"My husband was a very
busy man. I hope you won't
think badly of what I have to
tell you."
"No ma'am. Just the facts,
"I got lonely, with Seymore
away so much! The truth is-
I was out with another man."
She stared down at the floor.
"Who was the man, ma'am ?"
Mrs. Shroud jumped to her
feet, turned to the window, and
gripped the iron bars. "I won't
tell you that!"
"Yes ma'am. Do you know
of anyone who wanted your
husband out of the way?"
"No, captain. Eve r yon e
loved Seymore."
"Sorry, ma'am. I can't buy
"Why not, lieutenant?"
"Somebody shot him."
1 :30 p. m. - We went to
Shroud's office and talked to
his partner, Johnny Slayer. I
didn't like the way Slayer an-
swered 0 u r questions. H e
seemed very evasive. We left
and I stopped Frankly on the
sidewalk outside.
"Frankly, I've got a hunch
Slayer isn't telling all he knows.
Let's get in touch with the
banker and see what he can
tell us."
1 :45 p. m.-We found banker
Purse cooperative after we
showed him our police cards,
and he quickly confirmed my
suspicions. J 0 h n n y Slayer
had made heavy withdrawals
of cash only two days before
Shroud was killed.
2: 00 p. m.-We rushed back
to Slayer's office and found him
leaving with a heavy brief case.
I pushed him back into the of-
fice. "Like to ask you a few
more questions, Mr. Slayer."
"What's the idea of roughing
me up? I've told you every-
thing I know! I'm a responsi-
ble citizen in this town! You
won't get away with this 1"
"Yes sir. Mind telling us
what you did with all the cash
you drew out of the bank two
days b e for e Shroud was
killed ?"
Slayer moved around to sit
behind his desk. He kept the
brief case by his side. "That's
none of your business! It has
no connection with his death!"
Slayer leaned forward and
I saw his hand snaking into the
desk drawer. I whipped out
my police positive and shoved
it into his face. "Watch him,
Frankly! He's going for a
gun !"
Slayer's face turned white
and he backed away from the
desk. I walked forward and
II I whipped out my police positive and . . . /1
jerked the drawer open and
lifted a .22 target pistol and
watched Slayer. "Want to tell
us about it, Mr. Slayer?"
"You'll find out soon enough.
I may as well tell you. I lost a
lot of the company's money in
market speculation and Shroud
was about to catch me. I had
to get rid of him."
2:15 p. m.-We carried Slay-
er to the j ail and charged him
with the crime. Chief Hardly
released Mrs. Shroud and she
was very grateful. Frankly and
I completed our reports and
drove a way from Widely.
Frankly stared at the outskirts
of the small town, then turned.
"Joe, I left my liver pills on
Chief Hardly's desk. Think he
might take them ?"
"I don't know whether that
would be such a good idea."
"Yeah, why?"
"He's b iIi 0 use n 0 ugh
"Guess you're right. Why do
these small towns always wait
to call for help until the evi-
dence is cold and some local cop
has jumped to the wrong con-
clusions ?"
I shook my head, keeping my
eyes on the white centerline of
the road. "Beats me. But we're
not the only ones who have
that trouble."
"How's that?"
"I was talking to an Army
aircraft accident investigator
the other day at lunch. He
told me they have the same
trouble. They investigate air-
craft accidents to find the cause
factors so they can prevent
other accidents. But this fel-
low told me about several cases
where he was called in late, just
like we were today.
"He said this leads to all
sorts of complications in their
work. He told me that lots of
times commanding officers just
appoint a board of officers to
investigate accidents, without
any regard for investigation
background or experience."
"Sort of a board of Chief
Hardlys, eh?"
"Yeah, that's it. He said that
this kind of investigation board
would find a broken piece and
right away jump to the conclu-
sion that it had caused the
crash. Even told me about one
case where. the Army had to
ground airplanes all over the
world because of a broken
piece. Turned out the broken
piece had nothing to do with
the crash."
"How'd they prove that?"
"Took the piece to a metal-
lurgist. His report showed that
the piece had broken during the
crash, not before. They went
back through the wreckage and
found that an entirely different
piece from another part of the
airplane had failed in flight."
"What's the Army doing
about that?"
"This fellow said they had a
course for training investiga-
tors at USC. Said the school
had grad ua ted more than 200
trained investigators for that
kind of work."
"Sounds like a good idea.
Isn't it working?"
"Sure, when they use these
graduates. They're scattered in
Army units all over the world.
This fellow said that lots of
times these investigators were
available, but weren't used."
"Why would that be?"
"He said he thought it was
because a lot of the officers
responsible for appointing acci-
dent boards weren't aware that
t I' a i ned investigators were
"Sounds like they need to get
the word out. That's no job for
2:50 p. m.-We arrived back
in the city limits. I slowed
down, worked my way into the
heavy traffic and moved toward
town. I saw Frankly watching
the store fronts. He turned.
"Say, Joe, if you see a drug
store, how about stopping? I
want to get another bottle of
those little liver pills."
"Frankly, I wouldn't."
"Why not, Joe?"
"Your liver's important to
you, isn't it?"
"Sure, Joe. You know it is."
"Then, it's no job for ama-
teurs !"
A COMMANDER has no bet-
ter test of the combat effi-
ciency of units in his command
than field maneuvers under
simulated bat tIe conditions.
However, the very nature of
these maneuvers seems to. en-
courage actions which would
not be risked during normal,
everyday operations.
A Bird Dog pilot was per-
forming a floursack bombing
and strafing mission. His pas-
senger acted as machinegunner.
The pilot made several runs,
then lined up for a simulated
attack on an observatiQn post.
His initial line of flight carried
him belQw treetop level near
the observation post. The pilot
saw that he was dangerously
near a group of trees and ap-
plied power to pull up, but his
action came too late. The air-
craft continued through the
trees and crashed, bursting into
flames. Pilot and passenger got
out with minor inj uries.
A Sioux pilot was carrying a
critical load of wire in the load
racks, and one passenger. He
aborted his first into-the-wind
takeoff run from a confined
area because of high trees, and
decided to. take off downwind.
The first barrier of 15-foot
trees was cleared easily. Then
the aircraft began to lose rpm
as it approached taller trees.
Unable to regain rpm, the pilot
made a 180
pedal turn to at-
tempt a forced landing among
the smaller trees. The aircraft
settled to the ground and the
main rotor blades struck sev-
eral small trees, causing major
damage. The rear cross tube
was bent by the impact.
High spirits prompted by the
adventure and realism Qf field
maneuvers are admirable quali-
ties, providing young and old
pros confine aerial gyrations to
individual abilities.
Those elderly Birdmen who
wear colored ribbons and battle
stars will recall many early
m 0 r n i n g briefings during
which it was often difficult to
make cigarette and match meet
or steady their cups to prevent
black coffee from sloshing in
their laps. Under these condi-
tions it was only human that
they mentally gnash their teeth
and secretly plead, "Is this trip
necessary?" Unfortunately,
under wartime conditions the
answer was an emphatic YES.
Aircraft and birdmen were ex-
pendable to complete missions
that had to be flown.
Are they expendable today?
The night was cold. The low-
hanging, ragged ceiling and
patches of fog blanked out
snow-covered terrain; it was
definitely not a night for flying.
The aviators relaxed comfort-
ably within the warm opera-
tions tent and sipped their cof-
fee. When the telephone sud-
The pilot saw that he was dangerously near a group of trees . ..
The Sioux begQ n to lose rpm . . .
denly jangled, the operations
officer snapped to his feet and
grabbed up the receiver. The
other aviators listened.
"Yes, sir. I understand. The
weather here is lousy but we'll
do the best we can." He hung
up the phone and turned.
"There's been an accident at
the maneuver area. One of the
men has cut an artery in his
arm or leg. He'll bleed to death
if we can't get him out. How
about it? Anyone think he can
get through?"
One of the aviators stood.
"That weather's stinking, but
if it's an emergency, I'll try it."
"All right. If you'll take your
crew out and get the aircraft
ready, we'll file your clearance
and map out your route."
A short time later the Shaw-
nee taxied out and took off from
the runway. The aircraft was
airborne approxima tely two
minutes when the pilot in-
formed the tower he was turn-
ing back if it got any worse.
This transmission was followed
immediately by the informa-
tion that he was beginning his
turn to come back to the field.
During this turn, ground refer-
ence was lost and the pilot
found himself completely on in-
struments. He was unable to
continue the turn and began a
climb, hoping to find a break in
the overcast. There were no
breaks and he began a descent.
The pilot was able to control
his airspeed reasonably well but
found it very difficult to deter-
mine his banking attitude. He
called the tower and reported
that he was unable to keep the
aircraft under control. He was
advised to remain calm, do his
best to keep the artificial hori-
zon level, and try to return to
the field.
The Shawnee continued to de-
scend and the pilot caught a
glimpse of trees out to one side
of the aircraft. The aircraft
then entered a fog bank and he
lost ground reference again. He
pulled the nose up as much as
possible, decreased pitch to pre-
vent climb and told the tower
he was going in. The aircraft
dropped into the trees tail first,
bounced forward and came to
rest. Fortunately, the crew of
three escaped without injuries,
but the Shawnee was damaged
to the tune of $200,000.
Neither the pilot nor the co-
pilot of this Shawnee had ever
received any type of instrument
training. They attempted this
flight solely because they be-
lieved it might be possible to
save a man's life.
And what about the man who
was supposed to lay bleeding in
the field? Oh, yes. It required
four stitches in his FINGER to
close the cut and stop the bleed-
Was this trip necessary?
Another Shawnee was dis-
patched to carry four passen-
gers to a ridge camp. The air-
craft arrived over the landing
path and the pilot set up an
approach into a quartering
headwind of approximately 20-
25 kt. At an altitude of 35
feet above the pad, this wind
ceased and the nose of the air-
craft dropped suddenly. The
nose gear struck the edge of the
pad and sheared off. The force
of impact caused the aircraft
to bounce up and back. The
Shawnee started to slide down
the 60 slope, and the pilot
rolled the aircraft to its left side
to prevent further sliding. Crew
and passengers escaped without
The purpose for carrying the
passengers to the ridge camp?
To conduct an inspection of
the camp. Cost of damage?
$380,000 !
Was this trip necessary?
"An experienced B e a v e r
pilot completed two legs of a
three-leg flight after 6
12 hours
of flying. He landed, discharged
his passengers, and told the gas
types to leave the aft tank
empty. He then proceeded to
runup by the book and fired off
at night over a honsing area
with fuel selector valve on aft
tank. Mistake was noted right
after breaking ground and tank
switch accomplished. Flight
liThe weather stinks, but if it's an emergency, I'll try it/'
was completed without incident
- (lucky! ?) ."
This cat needs to borrow nine
turned back toward one of the
other runways, checked the fuel
selector, and turned on the
auxiliary fuel pump. The en-
gine came back at that time.
With the auxiliary fuel pump
still on, I circled the field and
made a normal landing. A
ground check revealed that the
engine driven fuel pump was
not operating. As a result of
this incident, I recommend that
pilots keep the auxiliary fuel
pump on at least until traffic
pattern altitude is reached, or
until such time as it is reason-
ably certain that a safe forced
landing can be made in the
event of complete power fail-
Sounds like this voice of ex-
perience has some good advice
for all.
"While flying a Choctaw at
cruise altitude, I experienced
engine failure. First indication
was an increase in manifold
pressure (from 32" to 40").
Black smoke began coming out
of the exhaust, the engine ran
rough and then stopped. If a
similar situation should arise
with any pilot, there is enough
time between indication of
trouble and actual engine fail-
ure for the average pilot to set
himself up for a forced land-
"While on a routine adminis-
trative flight in a Bird Dog, I
experienced electrical failure at
night. I was unable to navigate
over the unfamiliar terrain be-
cause I had no flashlight. I
sighted another aircraft and
followed it to where I spotted a
lighted airport and made a safe
landing. The electrical failure
was caused by a broken arma-
ture lead to the generator. Next
time I will have a flashlight to
enable map na viga tion and
make flight instruments read-
able. I will also check the load-
meter periodically to avoid
draining the battery in case of
generator failure."
"After executing a normal
approach, I brought the heli-
copter to a hover (four feet)
and landed. Approximately ten
seconds later I observed smoke
and flames under the right side
of the cockpit. Immediately I
advised t he passenger to evacu-
ate, cut all switches and left
the aircraft. The fire appeared
to be in the grass underneath
the bubble, so I obtained a fire
extinguisher from a nearby
ten tan d extinguished the
flames in approximately two
minutes. Fire resulted in a
burned area about thirty feet
in diameter. However, only
minor damage occurred to a few
wires running along the fuse-
lage center section tube. Cause
of fire not known. Suspect dry
grass was ignited by exhaust
(grass in field was approxi-
mately three feet high)."
A costly inspection trip
"While making a normal
Bird Dog takeoff, I experienced
a power failure. This occurred
at an altitude of approximately
600 feet shortly after the
auxiliary fuel pump was turned
off d uri n g climbout. I im-
mediately set up a normal glide,
Let's Look For Wires
Ca pt Harold T. Smith, Arty
Europe it was a common prac-
tice to keep the tops and windshields
down on tactical vehicles. This prac-
tice and the many miles of tree-lined
roads were made to order for the
employment of a very effective but
simple weapon: a wire or thin cable
stretched across a road at night. Add
blackout driving to this, and it takes
little imagination to see the lethality
of such a situation. These wires were
placed at the proper height above
the road to clear the hoods of 1,4 -ton
trucks but not the heads of the occu-
pants. The unfortunate victims liter-
ally never knew what struck them.
As a result of this ever-present
threat, a simple defensive device was
installed on the familiar jeep. It con-
sisted of a length of angle iron
welded upright to the front bumper.
It was long enough and set at the
proper angle to protect the occupants
by either cutting the wire or deflect-
ing it up over their heads. This did
not make the wire any easier to see,
but it did provide adequate protection
to personnel and a sound solution to
the problem.
The Army Aviator today is facing
practically the same problem. He is
in constant danger of wires - not
wires that have been deliberately
rigged by the enemy to trap him,
but ordinary commercial power and
telephone lines. This does not, how-
ever, make them any less lethal than
those encountered by the unwary
ground soldier in Europe. Unfor-
tunately, the problem cannot be
solved by a simple homemade fix such
as a section of angle iron. Neither
can we simply say, "Always maintain
sufficient altitude to clear all wires."
The old axiom, "Know your
enemy," offers us a good solid base
from which to start in this search
fora solution. Here are a few facts
about wires 'that will o ~ r clues as
to their locations, whether the actual
wire itself can be seen or not.
Captain Harold T. Smith is the
Chief of Combat Support Division
in the D epa r t m en t 0 f Tactics,
USAAVNS, Fort Rucker, Ala.
One of the best indications of the
presence of wires is the pole or tower
which supports them. These will
vary from the ordinary telephone
pole used on single-wire rural tele-
phone lines to the large steel towers
found in cross-country high-tension
transmission systems. Regardless of
size, they have one thing in common
and that is the angular manmade
appearance so easy to spot from
the air.
In selecting routes for the con-
struction of wire lines, consideration
is given to their maintenance after
completion as well as accessibility
during construction. For these rea-
sons wires are often strung along-
side roads and railroads. Before
low-level flight across any road or
railroad, it should be definitely estab-
lished that wires are not there. To be
safe you should consider that wires
are present until it is proved other-
This does not mean, of course, that
wires can't be found stretching out
across open country. Since a saving
in distance means a saving in con-
struction costs, particularly in the
case of large high-tension trunk
lines, powerlines are often built in
as near a straight line as possible.
Right-of-ways must be obtained and
marked to do this. Many times it will
be these cleared right-of-ways that
will first be visible to the aviator
and should serve as a warning of
the presence of wires and the dangers
to come. Firebreaks and natural gas
pipelines have the same appearance
as electrical powerline right-of-ways.
But don't be fooled! Treat them all
as if they contain wires until it can
be established that you are wrong.
In wooded areas it may be very
difficult to see the supporting poles
or towers, much less the wires. This
is particularly true where wires
cross such terrain features as
streams and gullies which might re-
quire an unusually long span to
bridge the gap. It is a general prac-
tice, in these instances, to keep tree
branches and foliage cut away to
prevent damage tQ the wires. When
you are flying at low altitudes along
streams, keep a sharp lookout on the
banks for these tell-tale gaps in the
trees. This may very well be the
only warning you will get.
A recent accident in which a re-
connaissance helicopter struck a
two-wire power line while landing
points out two facts worthy of our
attention. The pilot set up his ap-
proach parallel to a road and a rural
power line which he saw on his down-
wind, base, and final approach legs.
What he didn't see was a branch line
directly across his approach path
leading off at approximately 90
from the main line.
Although the poles supporting
both the main and branch lines were
clearly visible, they were not uni-
formly spaced. The first pole in the
branch line was an unusually long
distance from the main line. This
placed it to the right and outside
the pilot's field of vision while on
final approach. In this case there
were two clues on the main line of
the existence of the smaller line
across his flight path. The first clue
was a guy wire supporting the pole
at the junction of the two lines. Guy
wires are used to give added strength
at certain points of stress along wire
lines. They will indicate to the avia-
tor a junction of two or more lines,
an unusually long span, or the point
at which a line makes an abrupt
change in direction.
The second clue overlooked by this
aviator was a transformer on the
same pole that anchored the branch
line to the main line. Transformers
may be found at many places along
a powerline, but they are commonly
used to boost the power entering a
branch line. Therefore, we can safely
say that a thorough check should be
made of the area surrounding any
pole mounting a transformer.
In this modern age the rural elec-
trification program includes a ma-
jority of the farm homes. Even in
areas that are thinly settled and the
buildings widely scattered, there is a
good possibility that electricity has
been installed. A close inspection of
the roofs and walls of farm buildings
will reveal the point at which the
line enters. From there it is simple
to locate the wires in relation to the
proposed flight path.
Keep in mind that all of this can
be done before letting down to power-
line altitude. Our mission as Army
Aviators requires that we fly at
altitudes less than "telephone pole
height." Our defense, then, depends
upon knowing how to look for wires.
And look for them we must!
U. S. Army Aviation Dige t
Fort Rucker, Alabama
Dear Sir:
We wish to take thunderous, turbu-
lent and violent exception to the article
entitled "Flying the Summer Handicap"
published in the May issue of the
AVIATION DIGEST. We would also
like to raise hail with the conclusion
drawn by the writer.
The writer states that Army aviators,
to accomplish their mission, must ac-
cept and prepare for flying in th under-
Vertical current in thunderstorms
are not often uniform, but have ex-
tremely varying ten ity in various parts
of the torms. Vertical currents found
in thunderstorm produce extreme tur-
bulence which place heavy tress on
all parts of any aircraft unfortunate
enough to be within the vicinity. These
currents can cause rupture of aircraft
by shearing tresses. T HUN D E R-
Besides the extremely turbulent air
within thunderstorms, hail accompanies
uch torm. Hailstones at cruising
levels of several thousand feet will be
larger than those found on the ground;
it would not be improbable that hail of
greater intensity and stones larger in
ize than can be safely encountered
would be found within large thunder-
We maintain that the whole concept
of thunder torm flying hould be one of
strict avoidance; not penetration, as im-
plied by this article. Only the mo t dras-
tic emergency hould be cause for fly- OH
ing through thunder torm . Army air-
craft accident experience shows that the
co t of lives and aircraft is extremely
hig-h for thi type of flying.
We believe that inexperienced Army
aviator who read this article are likely
to be influenced into unnecessary and
dangerou flight situations. We believe
a correction should be printed in the
earliest possible issue of the AVIATION
Sincerely yours,
Captain, Arty
Captain, Inf
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The beginning of highly trained profe ional Army A viator
is here in these ROT tudent at ortheastern University.
They are among the fir t of the 195 -59 Flight Training Program
trainees to qualify for their ROT Pilot Badge .
Training now to pilot light plane, on graduation they will
join Army Aviation to earn the ilver badge of an Army
Aviator-an indication that they are effectively trained, not only
a a combat soldier, but in powerplant, related ystems, and
aerodynamics. They will gain specialized knowledge in weather,
navigation, communications, and tactic. But above all they will
become dedicated Army Aviators-dedicated to erving their
teammate on the ground: the foot soldier.