This 3-sentence summary provides the key details about ASTM D 4643, which describes the microwave method for determining the total moisture content of soils:
ASTM D 4643 outlines a procedure for drying soil samples in a microwave oven to remove all moisture, then calculating the moisture content based on the weight difference between the wet and dry soil samples; the test requires weighing the soil before and after microwave drying in 1-minute intervals until a constant weight is reached; the moisture content result is reported to the nearest 0.1%.
This 3-sentence summary provides the key details about ASTM D 4643, which describes the microwave method for determining the total moisture content of soils:
ASTM D 4643 outlines a procedure for drying soil samples in a microwave oven to remove all moisture, then calculating the moisture content based on the weight difference between the wet and dry soil samples; the test requires weighing the soil before and after microwave drying in 1-minute intervals until a constant weight is reached; the moisture content result is reported to the nearest 0.1%.
This 3-sentence summary provides the key details about ASTM D 4643, which describes the microwave method for determining the total moisture content of soils:
ASTM D 4643 outlines a procedure for drying soil samples in a microwave oven to remove all moisture, then calculating the moisture content based on the weight difference between the wet and dry soil samples; the test requires weighing the soil before and after microwave drying in 1-minute intervals until a constant weight is reached; the moisture content result is reported to the nearest 0.1%.
This 3-sentence summary provides the key details about ASTM D 4643, which describes the microwave method for determining the total moisture content of soils:
ASTM D 4643 outlines a procedure for drying soil samples in a microwave oven to remove all moisture, then calculating the moisture content based on the weight difference between the wet and dry soil samples; the test requires weighing the soil before and after microwave drying in 1-minute intervals until a constant weight is reached; the moisture content result is reported to the nearest 0.1%.
This procedure is used to determine the total moisture content of a soil. The soil is dried to remove all free moisture. This test measures the weight of the moisture removed from the soil.
Balance, readable to 0.1 g Microwave safe dish Glass rod, spatula or knife Microwave oven Oven mitts Heat sink
It is preferable that the microwave oven have a vented chamber. The microwave oven shall have a power rating of about 700 watts with variable power control.
Record all weights to the nearest 0.1 g.
Weigh a clean and dry microwave safe dish and record the weight as tare weight.
Determine the sample size needed from the table below.
Sieve Retaining Not More Than About 10% of Sample Recommended Mass of Moist Specimen No. 10 (2.0 mm) 100 to 200 g No. 4 (4.75 mm) 300 to 500 g 3/4" (19 mm) 500 to 1000 g
Place the sample in the container and immediately weigh. Record this weight as wet weight.
Place the container in the microwave oven with a heat sink, set power to defrost setting, set timer for 3 minutes and start.* The 3-minute initial time is a minimum.
* See Notes
When the microwave oven stops, remove from the oven and weigh to the nearest 0.1 g and note.
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Use a small spatula, glass rod, or knife and carefully mix the soil. Take care not to lose any soil.
Return the container and soil to the oven and reheat for 1 minute. Remove, weigh, and again mix with spatula, glass rod, or knife. Repeat this process until a constant weight has been achieved.
Use the final weight to calculate the moisture content. Record this weight as dry weight.
Discard sample after test.
Calculate the percent moisture as follows:
A =[(B C)/C] x 100
A =Percent moisture B =Mass of original sample C =Mass of dry sample
Report moisture to the nearest 0.1%.
Initial power setting may be higher than defrost. The proper power setting can be determined only through the use of, and experience with a particular microwave.
Soils that are high in moisture and contain a large portion of clay take a longer time to dry. Initial heating time for this type of soil may be 12 minutes. Care should be taken to reduce cohesive samples to 1/4" particles to speed drying and prevent crusting or overheating of the surface while drying the interior.
Constant weight is defined as when further drying will cause less than 0.1% additional loss in mass when weighed at specified intervals. Specified weighing interval for microwave drying is one minute.
A calibration check of the equipment should be performed annually as a minimum, or whenever damage or repair occurs. _________________________________________________________________________________ D 4643 Page 2 of 2