Vintage Airplane - Jul 1988
Vintage Airplane - Jul 1988
Vintage Airplane - Jul 1988
by Bob Lickteig
Here's a reminder of the week's ac-
tivities coming up at Oshkosh '88 for An-
tique/Classic Division members. The date
ofeach event is listed as well as its chair-
man so call for reservations orifyou have
any questions. See you there.
Antique/Classic Fly-out
The fifth annual Antique/Classic Con-
vention Fly-Out for members and guests is
scheduled forTuesday, August 2. We will
be flying to Shawano, Wisconsin, 55 miles
will be our host. Two sod and one hard
surface runway will be open, plus a sea-
planebase- sowe'reextendingan invita-
tion for all float planes to join us.
Briefing 7:00 a.m. at Antique/Classic
Headquarters, departure 8-8:30 a.m.; re-
turn I:30-2:00 p.m. in time for the air
Chairman - Bob Lumley, 414/255-
Antique/Classic Picnic
The Antique/Classic Picnic will be held
at the EAA NatureCenterSundayevening,
July 31, starting at 6:00p.m.Thecommit-
tee has arranged for refreshments and the
serving of a pig roast with all the trim-
mings.Ticketsare$7.00- areal bargain,
and will be on sale at the Antique/Classic
Headquarters and must be purchased by
6:00 p.m. Saturday, July 30, as we must
advise the cook ofthe number of people
we will have 24 hours in advance.
Chairman - Steve Nesse, 507/373-
Antique/Classic Workshop
The Antique/Classic Workshop located
next to the Antique/Classic Headquarters
will again be in operation throughout the
Conventionweek. Pleasecomebyandhelp
with thecompletionofourprojectandgain
the hands-on experience ofactually work-
ing on a restoration.
Chairman - George Meade, 414/228-
2 JULY 988
Antique/Classic ParadeofFlight
The Antique/Classic annual Parade of
Flight will be staged on Monday, August
I, as the main part of the air show when
the field is closed. Briefing for the event
will be at 1:00p.m. at the Antique/Classic
Chairman - Phil Coulson, 616/624-
Antique/Classic Participant Plaque
The Antique/Classic Division will pre-
sentto theownerofeachregisteredaircraft
a recognition plaque with a colored photo
of the aircraft parked at Oshkosh. Please
register your aircraft as soon as possible
after you are parked, as this will speed up
the procedure to present you with your
Chairman - Jack Copeland, 617/366-
Antique/Classic Riverboat Cruise
The Antique/Classic Riverboat Dinner
Cruise will be held Saturday evening, July
30, sailing at 8:00 p.m. from the Pioneer
Inn dock. Due to the limited number of
passengers, the tickets are offered for sale
in advance through the mail. If there are
any remaining tickets, they will be on sale
at the Antique/Classic Headquarters up to
the time ofsailing.
Chairman - Jeannie Hill, 815/943-
Antique/Classic Parking
Arrangements have been made for the
to park their type aircraft together. The
parking committee hasdeveloped a simple
type parkingplan.Informationandparking
instructions will be mailed to you.Contact
the chairman.
Chairman - Art Morgan, 414/442-
Antique/Classic Interview Circle
The Antique/Classic Interview Circle
will be expanded this year and will
schedule two interviews per day. If you
have an interesting aircraft and would like
to be included in this program foran inter-
view, please contact the Chairman so you
can arrange to be included in his schedule
at yourconvenience.
Chairman - Kelly Viets, 913/828-
Antique/Classic Type Club
All type clubs are invited to set up their
headquartersinthetypeclubtent. Wehave
again set up a larger tent so there will be
enough room.
Chairman - Butch Joyce, 919/427-
Antique/Classic Information Booth
The membership and information booth
will be located outside the Antique/Classic
Headquarters. Complete information on
membership and Convention activities can
be obtained here.
Chairman - Kelly Viets, 913/828-
Antique/Classic Aircraft A wards
Antique judging, all categories, Chair-
man - Dale Gustafson, 317/293-4430.
Classic Judging, all categories, Chair-
man - George York, 419/429-4378.
Antique/Classic Forums
Acompletescheduleofforums covering
all makes and models of Antique/Classic
aircraft will be presented throughout Con-
vention week. These forums will be con-
ducted by the most qualified individuals
available. Check Convention program for
complete details.
Chairman - John Berendt, 507/263-
Antique/Classic PhotoContest
The fifth annual Antique/Classic
AmateurPhotoContest will be heldduring
Oshkosh 8 8 ~ All contestants must register
at the Antique/Classic headquartersand re-
ceive up-to-date contest rules, please. Re-
member, photos taken enroute, during the
Convention or on the return home are all
eligible for the contest.
Chairman - Jack McCarthy, 3171371-
Antique/Classic Hall ofFameReunion
The Annual Hall of Fame Reunion for
previous Grand and Reserve Grand Cham-
pion aircraft will again be held at Oshkosh
'88. Aspecialdisplayarea, specialawards,
and a special fly-by recognition are
planned. All previous winners are encour-
for the members and guests to enjoy.
Chairman - Dan Neuman, 612/571-
OX-5 Aviation Pioneers
The OX-5 Aviation Pioneers headquar-
ters tent is located in the Antique/Classic
Chairman - Bob Wallace, 301/686-
PleasecheckyourOshkosh '88Conven-
tion program and EAA Antique/Classic
headquarters for complete details of all
It's going to be a great Convention,
make the Antique/Classic area your head-
quarters for Oshkosh '88.
Please remember, we'rebettertogether.
Welcome aboard - join us and you have
it all.
Norman Petersen
GeorgeA. Hardie,Jr.
Carol Krone
Carl Schuppel
President VicePresident
R.J.Lickteig M.C."Kelly"Viets
1718Lakewood R1.2,Box128
AlbertLea,MN56007 Lyndon,KS66451
507/373-2922 913/828-3518
Secretary Treasurer
GeorgeS.York E.E."Buck"Hilbert
181 SlobodaAve. P.O. Box145
Mansfield,OH44906 Union,IL60180
419/529-4378 815/923-4591
JohnS.Copeland PhilipCoulson
9JoanneDrive 28415SpringbrookDr.
Westborough,MA01581 Law1on, MI49065
617/366-7245 616/624-6490
WilliamA. Eickhoff StanGomoll
41515thAve.,N.E. 104290thLane,NE
SI.Petersburg,FL33704 Minneapolis,MN55434
813/823-2339 6121784-1172
DaleA. Gustafson EspieM.Joyce,Jr.
7724ShadyHillDrive Box468
Indianapolis,IN46278 Madison,NC27025
317/2934430 919/427-0216
ArthurR. Morgan GeneMorris
3744North51stBlvd. 115CSteveCourt,R.R.2
Milwaukee,WI53216 Roanoke,TX76262
414/442-3631 8171491-9110
DanielNeuman RayOlcott
1521 BerneCircleW. 104Bainbridge
Minneapolis,MN55421 Nokomis,FL34275
612/571-0893 813/488-8791
S.H. "Wes"Schmid
2359 LefeberAvenue
Wauwatosa, WI 53213
S.J. Wittman
7200 S.E. 85th Lane
Ocala, FL 32672
RobertC."Bob"Brauer JohnA.Fogerty
9345S. Hoyne RR2,Box70
Chicago,IL60620 Roberts,WI54023
3121779-2105 715/425-2455
RobertD. "Bob"Lumley StevenC.Nesse
N104W20387 2009HighlandAve.
WillowCreekRoad AlbertLea,MN56007
Colgate,WI53017 507/373-1674
JULY1988 Vol. 16, No.7
Copyright "' 1988 bythe EAA AntiquelClassic Division, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 StraightandLevel/byBobLickteig
4 AlCNews/byMarkPhelps
6 LetterstotheEditor
7 Calendar
8 VintageLiterature/byDennisParks
9 BookReview/byGeneChase
10 WelcomeNewMembers
11 Volunteers:aBookofHeroes/
12 ThePrivateFlyingBoom/
16 Antique/ClassicPhotoContest
20 SweetFleet/byMarkPhelps
24 PlanesandPeople/byPamelaFoard
25 MembersProjects/byNormPetersen
26 MysteryPlane/byGeorgeHardie
27 VintageTrader
Page 24
FRONT COVER . . How many low-time 1930 Fleets do you see
around? Dick Parr found this one in the hangar it occupied since it
wasbrand new. Mostofwhatyou see, includingthe engineand prop
is original equipmentfrom the factory airplane.
(Photo by Sandi Lowich)
BACKCOVER...Judges'choice inthe AntiqueClassic PhotoCon-
test is this dynamicshotofan Aeronca Champ at Pioneer Airport by
Myron Heimer. Formoreof the same, see the photospreadon page
trademarks of the above associations and their use by any person other than the above associations is strictly
EditorialPolicy:Readersareencouragedto submitstoriesandphotographs.Policyopinionsexpressedinarticlesare
solelythose ofthe authors. Responsibilityforaccuracyin reporting restsentirelywiththecontributor. Materialshould
be sentto: Editor, The VINTAGE AIRPLANE, Wittman Airfield, Oshkosh,WI 54903-3086. Phone:414/426-4800.
The VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN 0091-6943) is published and owned exclusivelyby EAA Antique/Classic Division.
Inc.of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. and ispublished monthly at Wittman Airfield. Oshkosh,WI 54903
3086. Second Class Postage paid at Oshkosh, WI 54901 and additional mailing offices. Membership rates for
EAA AntiquelClassic Division, Inc. are $18.00 for current EAA members for 12 month period of which $12.00 is
for the publication of The VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership is open to all who are interested in aviation.
ADVERTISING- Antiquel Classic Division doesnotguaranteeorendorseanyproductofferedthroughouradvertis
ing.We inviteconslructivecriticism and welcome any reportofinferiormerchandiseobtainedthroughouradvertising
so that corrective measurescan be taken.
Postmaster:SendaddresschangestoEAAAntiquel ClassicDivision,Inc. ,WittmanAirfield,Oshkosh,WI54903-3086.
Compiled by Mark Phelps
88-2 cut down to size
The final rule has been written on Mode
C requirements. Since NPRM 88-2 was is-
sued on February 13, an avalanche of over
60,000 letters, set in motion by the efforts
of EAA, AOPA and a host of other user
groups, large and small, has buried the
original proposal. Here's what's left: Effec-
tive July I, 1989 Mode C will be required
above 10,000 feet msl over the entire U.S.
and within 30 nautical miles of a TCA-pro-
tected airport. There are currently 27 such
airports within 23 TCAs. All airspace from
the ceiling of a TCA to 10,000 feet is also
included .
Effective December 30, 1990 Mode C
will be required within all 109 ARSAs and
within five nm of "other designated" air-
ports. (There are currently two of these-
Billings, Montana and Fargo, North
Dakota. Expect more .) In addition, a circu-
lar layer ten miles in diameter, down to
1,200 feet agl and up to 10,000 feet msl is
included in the restricted airspace. Bal-
loons, gliders and aircraft without the ca-
pacity to support an electrical system are
prohibited from entering TCAs and ARSAs
but are exempt from the 30-nm TCA rule .
The exemption of non-electrically equip-
ped airplanes was prompted by a study that
showed that such aircraft, homebuilts, an-
tiques and classics, have never been a
threat to airline traffic.
Bill Besler remembered
The story on George and William
Besler's steam-powered Travel Air in the
May issue of The Vintage Airplane was not
complete. Credit for the photographs goes
to Antique/Classic Director Buck Hilbert's
sister-in-law, Betty Brigel of Rancho Ber-
nardo, California who has a collection of
her father , Russell Cross' photos from the
early days of California aviation. Cross was
originally from Michigan but moved to the
West Coast early in life. He served in the
U.S. Army in World War J, the Navy be-
tween the wars and with the Army Air
Corps during World War II. He was as-
sociated with United Airlines beginning in
the 1930s and his career saw the airline's
4 JULY 1988
evolution from open cockpits to jet trans-
ports . He retired in 1964 from United's
maintenance base in San Francisco where
he had come in contact with the Besler
Bill Besler was an active EAAer for
many years, a close friend of EAA Foun-
der, Paul Poberezny and a prolific inventor.
At the time of his death in 1986, he held
97 patents. Besides his work on the steam-
powered Travel Air, his projects included
a flat-engine Cessna 195 and the flat-
engine Beech 18 that now sits in the EAA
Kermit Weeks Research Center.
Riveting news
The Luscombe Association Newsletter
for June/July printed an important warning
from Richard Bogart, 1903A Terminal
Drive, Richland, Washington 99352, about
intergranular corrosion:
"I just wanted to let you know that I just
had an experience with corrosion in a '46
8A. I own Bogart Aviation in Richland.
During an annual inspection I just finished
a few weeks ago I found a piece of extruded
.750 by .750 aluminum angle material in
the left wing's inboard rib. It was suffering
from intergranular corrosion. I removed the
wing, drilled off the piece of angle and
riveted another piece down to replace it.
No big deal, I thought.
"After we had the wing back on the plane
we noticed that four of the forward spar
attach point rivets were missing the rivet
heads. They were there before we removed
the wing! The vibration from the rivet gun
caused the rivet heads to come off!
"The rivets failed due to intergranular
corrosion of the rivet itself. No outward
rivet corrosion was visible nor was there
any outward sign at the wing attach point
fittings. Yet, the corrosion was there!
"We removed both wings and removed
the inboard nose rib to gain access to the
forward attach point rivets. I tapped the
heads of the rivets with a punch and ham-
mer to see if any more rivets would fail.
They did! Some of the rivets were just like
brand new and others would come out in
chunks. We found some bad rivets in every
spar attach point. This airplane has spent
most of its life in a dry climate and only
has 1,800 hours' total time!
"I drilled out all the rivets in the four
wing attach point fittings so I could inspect
the spar attach fittings for corrosion be-
tween the plates. There was a little corro-
sion on the parts but it was very minor.
'The spar rivets were replaced with AN
3 bolts washers and self-locking nuts as per
43 . 13 IA. I have turned in an FAA 337
form and a M & D report on the rivets."
88 in '88
For those Cessna 1201140 owners who
want to get in on the Monticello, Iowa to
Oshkosh in-trail flight, move now or you
will regret it forever . The West Coast
Cessna 1201140 Club reports that they have
already sponsored a state-by-state practice
session last June, and plans are in full
swing for the big event. The Cessnas will
muster at the Monticello, Iowa airport
(MXO) on Thursday, July 28 and remain
overnight for a 07:00 departure on Friday,
July 29.There will be a mandatory dress
rehearsal briefing and in-trail flight on
Thursday morning at Monticello. All prop-
erly registered pilots will be briefed and
receive a copy of the Special 88 in '88
Oshkosh Arrival Procedure as well as a
color-coded, N numbered parking pass.
This pass is important because Oshkosh '87
was closed to incoming traffic at II :30 a.m
on the opening Friday of the Convention.
For further info, call co-chairmen Jack Cro-
nin 303/333-3000 or Jim Barker 415/581-
7083 .
More Bax Seat
Readers have been enjoying the adven-
tures and confessions of Gordon Baxter in
Flying magazine since 1970. Many enjoyed
his book, Bax Seat: Log ofa Pasture Pilot .
Now there's more. More Bax Seat: New
Logs of a Pasture Pilot has just been re-
leased by Tab Books in Blue Ridge Sum-
mit, Pennsylvania and features Bax ' s latest
adventures. Look for Bax himself at the
EAA Oshkosh Convention. He can be iden-
tified by his steely eyes, sprightly step--
and an armload of books.
Pioneer Airport
Activity has increased his year at EAA' s
Pioneer Airport, adjacent to the Air Adven-
ture Museum . Several week-ends of flying
have been scheduled to demonstrate the
Museum's collection of airworthy aircraft
including the Lincoln-Page PT-K, Stinson
SM8-A, Cuby, Great Lakes, Meyers OTW
and Ford Trimotor. It's quite a thrill to see
these airplanes flying on a regular basis as
well as the week-end static displays.
Museum goers certainly enjoy the life that
it gives the airport . In addition, the Horse-
less Carriage Club of America and the
Early Ford V-8 club recently displayed
their classic automobiles alongside the
Museum's equally classic airplanes in an
inspiring exhibition.
In other Pioneer Airport news, Bauken
Noack and Lloyd Toll are moving along on
the Spirit of St. Louis replica and Gil Bo-
deen has begun putting the wings together
at Pioneer. Work on the airplane will con-
tinue as a workshop project through the
New Volunteer
Winning the distance prize for volunteers
is Brett Clowes, who has come to help out
from Australia. Brett is an aircraft
mechanic with Australian Airlines and
wants to become more involved with his-
toric and sport aircraft. He will be in Osh-
kosh for about six months . We welcome
Brett and look forward to his participation
in Antique/Classic Division activities dur-
ing and after the Convention.
Historical video interviews
Anyone with leads on pioneer aviators
who may be interviewed at Oshkosh during
this year's Convention should notify the
Pioneer Aviation Video Committee. The
goal is to capture aviation's historical
people on tape for future generations . Inter-
view sessions during the Convention can
be scheduled at the interviewee's conveni-
ence. If you know of someone whose avi-
ation legacy should be preserved, contact
Bob Lumley, Willow Creek Road, Col-
gate, Wisconsin 53017,
Earlybird Bobcats
Contrary to the notice in June' s issue,
The 50th Anniversary celebration of the
Cessna T-50 "Bamboo Bomber" will be in
1989 rather than 1988. Contact John Lar-
son, founder of the Flying Bobcats, 3821
53rd Street SE, Auburn, Washington
98002, telephone 206/833-1068 for details.
Bartlesville Biplanes
Charlie Harris, president of Antique/
Classic Chapter lOin Tulsa, Oklahoma re-
ports on the National Biplane Fly-in in
Bartlesville. Charlie bubbled over with en-
thusiasm about the event and with good
reason. The perfect weather coaxed 385
airplanes to the fly-in, including 124 bip-
lanes .
Among the distinguished visitors was
president and Chief Operating Officer of
Phillips Petroleum, Glenn Cox. Cox is a
veteran military pilot who hadn't been in a
Stearman in 35 years when he came to last
years fly-in . After a ride in a visiting Stear-
man, Cox fell right back into step. He re-
turned this year with a houseguest, an ex-
RAF Spitfire pilot who reported that he had
the time of his life.
Retired Braniff pilot, Lee Abbott, 81
years young, trucked his 2/3 scale Curtiss
Pusher replica up from Dallas. No
wallflower, Lee flew the replica both days
of the fly-in and was in the air when Phil-
lips's corporate Dassault FaJconjet touched
down at the airport, making for an impres-
sive contrast in aeronautical technology.
The annual "Dawn Patrol" took off at
first light Saturday and the first of 48 bi-
planes, a Stearman, arrived in Coffeyville,
Kansas at 6:30 a.m. The event was featured
on the front page of the Independence,
Kansas newspapers in a brilliant photo.
Biplanes came to Bartlesville from
Nevada, Montana, Texas, Louisiana,
Florida, Georgia, Wisconsin, Minnesota
and California as well as many closer
states. Sounds like it was a humdinger.
Congratulations to Charlie and everyone in-
volved in the planning and execution of the
Welcome Home , Old Friend
Cool, sunny weather greeted the large
crowd assembled at the Rockford Museum
Center and Midway Village in Rockford,
Illinois to dedicate the new Hassel Aviation
Gallery . On June 26 , we paid fitting tribute
to one of aviation's true pioneers, Col.
B.R.J . "Fish" Hassel, one of the first pilots
to realize the northern route to Europe was
the way of the future .
In 1928, Fish Hassel and his copilot ,
Shorty Cramer took off from Rockford ,
bound for Stockholm, Sweden. Their air-
craft, The Greater Rockford was a Stinson
SM-I Detroiter powered by a Wright J-5
Whirlwind engine and modified with extra
fuel tanks . The aviators were forced to land
on the Greenland Ice Cap after running out
of fuel in poor weather. They survived a
two-week ordeal in arctic conditions while
walking close to 100 miles to the coast
where they were rescued. Only an incredi-
ble will to survive sustained them.
The Greater Rockford remained on the
frozen ice cap for more than 40 years before
being retrieved and returned to the United
States in 1969. Through the generosity of
Fish's wife, Mrs. Bert Hassel, the aircraft
was deeded to the Rockford Museum
Center and Midway Village in 1986.
With a substantial commitment from the
Sundstrand Foundation, the airplane was
restored to its original 1928 form by noted
aircraft rebuilder, Gar Williams (EAA
1416) of Naperville, Illinois and his assis-
tant, Michael Werner (EAA 258437) of
Switzerland. The entire airplane was
brought into the display room in pieces and
carefully assembled to its original stature-
brightly painted in the yellow and blue col-
ors of the Swedish flag. To say the least,
the Detroiter looks magnificant in its color-
ful surroundings that depict the details of
its last flight.
The entire education wing of the
museum was donated by Harold and Gerda
Carlson of Rockford, who are to be con-
gratulated for providing a fitting home to
Rockford's most famous airplane.
Perhaps the smiles and appreciative
looks on the faces of the many members of
the Hassel family, including four genera-
tions of Swedish lineage, told the entire
story of this beautiful day. We all knew
one thing for certain-Fish Hassel was with
uS.-Norm Petersen .
Dear Mr. Petersen,
I wish to write and thank you for the
I appreciate the coverage you gave
the Continental Luscombe Association.
Feel free to use anything you feel would
be newsworthy for your members, from
"The Luscombe Courant. " In the future,
I will be sending the "Courant" to you,
since Gene Chase is or has retired.
I have recently sent Gene the last
"Courant," however, in case it has not
been forwarded to your desk, I am en-
closing a copy for you. I hope you may
find something interesting for reprint in
After our 1988 "get together," I will do
a story on it along with some photos, in
hopes that you may find it newsworthy
enough to print.
Hoping you and yours have a won-
derful year in 1988.
Loren Bump
President, Continental Luscombe As-
5736 Esmar Road
Ceres, CA 95307
Dear Norm,
You are ever so kind to say those
wonderful things about my work regard-
ing the Ryan cover, May 1988, on THE
It was great to be remembered and
dit could only come from a great human
being like yourself. I will always re-
member your comments.
Your story on your "Float Plane Odys-
sey" in May's Sport Aviation was magni-
ficent ; I'll be looking forward to more of
that type of reporting accompanied by
your excellent photography in the fu-
Looking forward to seeing more of
you fine work in EAA publications.
Warmest regards,
Ted Koston
(EAA 44514, AlC 11215)
38 LeMoyne Parkway
Oak Park, IL 60302
Dear Mr. Phelps,
Hey, you're playing a bit loose and
easy with the facts in your article about
the Besler steam-powered Travel Air in
May's The Vintage Airplane. Con-
trary to your statement, Samuel P.
Langley was not the founder of the
Smithsonian Institution. That distinction
must go to James Smithson whose idea
it was and who provided the seed
money by bequest.
Dr. Langley was not even the first
Secretary (C.E.O.) of the Smithsonian,
for that chair was initially held by
Joseph Henry. Better tighten up on your
is to command the respect it deserves.
This might seem a trivial thing. The
pity is that a lot of younger fellows (and
many of us oldsters too) believe every-
thing they read in your magazine. Now
some will go around the rest of their life
believing that Langley founded the
Part of the EAA mission is to educa-
tion, so let's do it right rather than dis-
seminate demonstrably false informa-
tion. No personal offense intended -
just keeping you honest!
Edward Peck
Miles Airfield
Route 2, Box 225-A
Waddy, Kentucky 40076
Edward is correct. The Smithsonian In-
stitution ws founded by an act of Con-
gress in 1846. Smithson, who died in
1826, was an English chemist and
minerologist who willed a substantial
sum to found such an institution.
Langley was its secretary from 1887 to
1906 . ... ed.
Dear Mr. Phelps,
I would like to make a correction in
the May issue of THE VINTAGE
AIRPLANE. The Classic award, Lake-
land Sun 'n Fun '88, Best Custom - 101
to 165 hp was Piper PA22-20 N2818P.
I am no longer the owner of this aircraft.
The new owner, Carol Ciavardone, 441
Lone Palm Drive, Lakeland, Florida
33801, purchased my plane at the end
of the 1987 Sun 'n Fun Fly-In.
The Piper J-3, N32957 is mine and I
did receive the Reserve Grand Cham-
pion and Best Monoplane awards in the
Antique Category.
Barbara Ann Fidler
22401 North River Road
Alva, FL 33920
Dear Mr. Phelps,
In the June issue of The Vintage Air-
plane is the continuation of 'The Time
Capsule". I hope this becomes a regular
feature. It would be nice to know some-
thing about the original photographer if
possible, especially Schrade Radtke.
The little bit that I can add starts with
the Abrams "Explorer". All pushers are
noisy, but the Abrams was the king in
this department. As a token of thanks
for a few chores and errands that I did
for Dr. Abrams, he allowed me to sit in
the greenhouse for a few minutes; be-
lieve me, a few minutes were more than
enough. I've never been in such a pres-
sure cooker in my life. The view was
exceptional, but it was 80 degrees F.
outside and it felt like 150 inside.
The Chet Loose racer appears much
larger than it was. In fact, it was just
over waist high. The last sentence in
the caption is not entirely correct. Just
as a rule of thumb, all race planes of
that era were unstable, and the smaller
they got, the more unstable they be-
came. Nonetheless, they did fly them.
Mr. Loose and George Dirkson brought
this tiny speedster back to Cleveland in
1937 with the only visible changes
being wheel pants and a new paint
scheme. The little ones always seemed
to develop gremlins at Cleveland and
the Loose never could keep the engine
cool enough to take off while I was at
the airport so I never saw it in the air.
Take care of yourself and best of every-
thing to all the good folks at HQ.
Ted Businger (EAA 9383, AlC 2333)
Rte 2, Box 280
Willow Springs, Missouri.
6 JULY 1988
JULY8-10-16thAnnualTaylorcraftFly-In/ Reun-
ion at Barber Airport, three miles north of Al-
liance. Food, fellowship and flying. Chat with
the peoplewho builtyourTaylorcraft. Contact:
Bruce Bixler,2161823-9748.
JULY9-10- CELINA,OHIO- 4thAnnual North-
west Ohio Stearman FLy-In,Lakefield Airport.
Contact: Jim or Allison Zimmerman, 419/268-
North Bend AirShowatNorth Bend Municipal
Airport. Majorairshowperformers,civilianand
military displays and fly-bys. Contact: North
Bend Air Show, 1321-D Airport Way, North
Bend, OR 97459, 5031756-1723.
Fly-In Breakfast at Williams Municipal Airport.
Sponsored by EMChapter856.Awards and
displays. Contact: Larry Ely, 602/635-2978 or
ter 9 Fly-In at Delaware Municipal Airport.
Exhibitorswelcome. LivemusicSaturdaynight.
BreakfastSaturdayand Sunday.Contact:614/
895-7133 or885-6502.
CubClubFly-Inand Dance. Contact:8051736-
Northeast Flight '88 Air show at Schenectady
County Airport, sponsored by American Red
Cross and Empire State Aerosciences
Northeast Flight '88, 419 Mohawk Mall,
Schenectady, NY 12304.
tional Cessna 170 Association Convention at
Fairbanks International Airport. Convention
hrop, Drawer 17, Fairbanks, AK 99701, 907/
456-1566(work),or907/488-1724(home) .Re-
memberthe time difference.
JULY21-22- DAYTON,OHIO- DaylonAirand
Trade Show at Daylon International Airport.
Contact: Rajean Campbell, 513/898-5901.
Aircraft Owners Reunion.Contact: Ray Pahls,
12724 E. Ashbury Circle,Apt. U-l04, Aurora,
CO 80014, 303/695-4983.
Northwestern Aero Club Fly-In and Regional
ultralights. Contact: Bill Goepferd, 218/583-
2933 or583-4187.
- 36th annual International EMConvention
and SportAviationExhibitionatWittman Field.
Contact: John Burton, EM Headquarters,
Wittman Airfield,Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086.
breakfast at Beloit Airport, sponsored by
tered by International HouseofPancakes.
FloridaSportAviation Antique and ClassicAs-
sociation, EMAlC Chapter 1Fly-InatGilbert
Field Municipal. Contact: Rod Spanier, 502
JamestownAvenue, Lakeland, FL33801,813/
EMAlCChapter11 IceCreamSocialandAir-
craft Display at Capitol Airport, noon to 5:00
p.m. Contact:George Meade, 414/962-2428.
Chapter 642 Fly-In Breakfast and Swap Meet
SussexAirShow'88. Contact :Paul G. Styger,
Airport Manager, P.O. Box 311, Sussex, New
Jersey07461, 201/875-9919.
BalioonfestiEM Chapter 660 Air Show. Con-
tact:3031751-1981 .
NIA - Gathering of Taildraggers at
Georgetown Municipal Airport. Contact: P. O.
Box 1438, Georgetown, California, call (days)
916/677-9009, (eves) 916/333-1343.
TwinBeechAssociation 1 stAnnualfly-inmeet-
ing atCentennial Airport. Contact:Twin Beech
Association, P. O. Box 8186, Fountain Valley,
Southwest Louisiana Fly-In, Sponsored by
EM Chatpers 529 and 541. Trophies.
Louisiana Championship Fly-in Series Event
NO.3. Contact: Bill Anderson, 211 Bruce
Street, Lafayette, LA 70533,318/984-9746.
Annual MERFI EMFly-In.Campingon airport
grounds.Contact: Lou Lindeman, 3840CLov-
erdal Road, Medway, OH 45341., 513/849-
- RockyMountainRegionalFly-In.Sponsored
798-6086or3031751-1981 .
LINOIS - 4th Annual Byron Smith Memorial
Stinson Fly-Inand Reunion atJacksonvilleAir-
port.Seminars, fly-outs,contests. Camping at
field. Contact:Loran Nordgren, 815/469-9100,
4 West Nebraska,Frankfort, IL 60423.
aerial spring picnic. Contact: Abel Debock,
C.C. 275, 2930 San Pedro, Argentina, phone
ter3 Fall Fly-in for antique and classic aerop-
lanes. Trophies, major speaker, vintage
airplanefilms. AtWoodwardField.HQHoliday
Inn, Lugoff, SC. Contact: R. Bottom, Jr. , 103
Powhatan Pkwy., Hampton,VA 23661.
Annual Louisiana EMConvention,sponsored
byEMChapters614 and836. Trophies,ban-
quet, camping. Final Louisiana Championship
Series Event. Contact: Jim Alexander, 2950
Highway 28W, Boyce, LA 71409, 3181793-
OCTOBER 6-9- CELINA, OHIO- 13th Annual
International Cessna 120/140 Association
ConventionFly-InatLakefieldAirport. Contact:
TerryZimmerman, 419/268-2565.
FloridaSportAviation Antiqueand ClassicAs-
sociation, EM AlC Chapter 1 Fly-In at
Thomasville Municipal Airport. Contact: Rod
Spanier, 502 Jamestown Avenue, Lakeland,
FL 33801,813/665-5572.
31stAnnualTulsaFly-In. Contact:CharlieHar-
ris, 3933S.Peoria,Tulsa, OK74105,9181742-
8th Annual National Bucker Fly-In. Contact:
Frank Price, Route I , Box 419, Moody, TX
Claude Grahame-White
by Dennis Parks
Library/Archives Director
Claude Grahame-White probably
did more than anyone else in England
to stimulate interest in flying during its
early years . Through his books and vis-
its to the United States he also helped
to promote it here.
In 1909 turning from his interest in
motoring, he learned to fly as one of
Bleriot 's first students. He then pur-
chased a two-seat Bleriot and opened
a flying school at Pau in France. Many
English students learned to fly there.
In the autumn of 1910 he came to
the United States and participated in
many races and demonstrations using
a Bleriot and a Farman. In September
of the year at the Harvard Aeronautical
Society meet he won the race around
the Boston Light in a Bleriot monop-
lane. He made the overwater trip of 33
miles in 34 minutes, for which he won
a prize of $10,000.
In October at Belmont Park on Long
Island he won the race from the park
to the Statue of Liberty and back, again
winning $10,000. Later during the
Gordon Bennett contest he won over a
62-mile course flying a 14 cylin-
der, 100 hp Bleriot.
Grahame-White also made the head-
line of papers when he landed a
Farman biplane on the street alongside
the White House where he visited with
President Taft.
Upon hi s return to England he inau-
gurated a flying school at Hendon and
also returned to the manufacture of air-
craft which he had started in 1910.
He continued to set records in Eng-
land including the first night flight with
lights and in 1913 one of his planes set
a world's record , carrying nine passen-
gers aloft.
In 1911 Grahame-White started to
produce a series of aviation books . His
first , written with Harry Harper, was
SENT AND FUTURE published in
London by T. Werner Laurie.
This 319-page book gave a survey
of aviation as it stood in 1911. Its 14
chapters included contributions from
others in the field and contained early
history, a list of over 700 airman, an
analysis of fatalities (in 1911 he de-
clared that airplanes were as safe as
the motorcar), a section on human fac-
tors, engines and a chapter on the fu-
ture of flight.
The first section of the book, written
by a member of the Aero Club of Fr-
ance, recounts his experiences watch-
ing early aviators including Wilbur
Wright, Santos Dumont , Bleriot and
Henry Farman. His recollections pro-
vide insight not available in history
Among his tales is that of Wilbur
Wright on December 16,1908 not
being able to attempt to set a record
because someone had poured alcohol
in his tank instead of gasoline. Seeing
that some spectators had come to see
him fly , that afternoon after having
drained and refilled the tank, Wilbur
flew some demonstration flight s.
The author was able to examine the
flyer after the demonstrations and re-
marked on its condition:
"What struck me most was the appa-
rently simple mechanism, the crude-
ness of the materials employed in its
construction, and the rough and ready
way in which they had been put to-
"1 h'ad alway taken it as a si ne qua
non that the surfaces of the plane
should be absolutely airproof to ensure
resistance, but that this idea was fal-
lacy was proved by a rent in the under
plane, large enough to put your hand
In the chapter on aeroplane flights
8 JULY 1988
and records Grahame-White stated:
"Nothing has illustrated the progress
of the aeroplane more than the growth
in the number and the importance of
cross-country flights. In the early days
of aeroplaning, before they were confi-
dent in their motors, their machines ,
and in their own skill, airmen were
content to fly around the aerodromes,
close to the ground.
"But, as soon as motors were im-
proved, machines were made more
practical, and pilots gained confidence
by flying at heights of 1,000 feet and
more, a regular series of cross-country
flights were instituted, culminating in
aerial journeys across country of many
hours' duration, carried out at heights
of 2,000 and 3,000 feet, and at speeds
in excess to those of express trains."
Progress in distance flown had
grown from Santos Dumont's 235
yards in 1906 to a flight by Tabuteau
in 1910 of 365 miles. Duration of
flights increased from Orville Wright's
38 minutes in 1905 to the eight-hour,
35-minute flight by Tabuteau in 1910.
A listing and description of notable
cross country flights showed that
flights of 100 miles were becoming a
Claude Grahame-White visiting with
President Taft.
regular occurrence in 1910.
The third chapter of the book deals
with the world's airmen provides short
biographies of over 700 pilots. Amer-
ican pilots listed included the Wrights ,
Glenn Curtiss, Walter Brookings and
Charles Willard .
The largest number of pilots at this
time (March 1911) were from France
with 387 listed. The next largest group
was British , 128 in number. The
United States had 31 listed.
The pilots listed flew 729 aircraft,
361 biplanes and 302 monoplanes. The
most popular airplane flown at the time
was the Bleriot monoplane with 158
listed. Next was the H. Farman biplane
with 135 being operated . There were 13
Curtiss machines on the list.
In Section VII Louis Bleriot, world
famous pilot and constructor, dis-
cussed the airplane both as a pleasure
craft and also as a regular passenger-
carrying craft.
Bleriot saw that aerial travel had a
most promising future:
"Cheapness, safety, great speed!
Does mankind want more, particularly
seeing that there is no more exhilarat-
ing way of getting from place to place
than a journey through the air?
"One cannot, indeed, lay too much
emphasis upon the delights of aerial
travel. The man who drives the finest
motor-car obtainable along the roads
of today does not enjoy a tithe of the
pleasures of a man who steers an
aeroplane in a swift flight across coun-
try .
"There is in flying, indeed , a sense
of power and conquest very hard to
describe . But of this I am confident,
when a suitable machine can be put
before him, the motorist , however ar-
dent , will forsake the road for the joys
of the air.".
------by Gene R. Chase------
C. Swick. Published by the Sun-
Shine House, 1987. 216 pages, 190
photographs plus 62 full-page de-
tailed and three-view drawings.
Most of us who love vintage
airplanes enjoy seeing, touching and
watching them fly . The most fortunate
among us even own and fly them . One
other trait common to each of us, how-
ever, is that we like to read about them.
The Luscombe Story is well researched
and equally well written by author
Swick. It reads easi ly describing the
successes and failures of Don A. Lus-
combe as he developed the plane of his
dreams . This would be an all-metal air-
craft that would set the standard for
light aircraft for years to come.
Don Luscombe developed the
Monocoupe in 1927 and stayed with
that company for six years before leav-
ing to start his own company. The first
plane to bear his name was the Model
1 "Phantom. " This beautiful, high per-
formance aircraft made its first flight
in August, 1934 and was followed by
other designs including the Models 4,
50 and 8. The author compares Lus-
combe production figures following
World War II with those of other light-
planes of the period and the numbers
are mind boggling when compared
with the meager output of today.
This book contains many factory
photos showing the various models
under construction and in completed
form . Also included are several pages
of beautiful three-view drawings of
production models plus some which
reached only the concept stage. You'll
be surprised at some of the latter, for
example the Luscombe "Ghost,"
"Spectre," "Harpie," Sprite," etc. Of
added interest are excerpts from fac-
tory brochures, magazines and news-
papers ads and magazine articles of the
day. Also shown are production and
shipment figures from 1934 to 1960.
Anyone involved inthe authentic re-
storation of a Luscombe or contemplat-
ing doing so should have this book as
it contai ns much detail regarding paint '
designs and colors as related to serial
numbers. The Luscombe Story is a
highly recommended addition to any
aviation buff's library and one you will
thoroughly enjoy reading.
Order from the SunShine House, P.
O. Box 2065, Terre Haute, IN 47802
for $29.95 plus $2.50 postage and
handling .
The following is a listingofnew.members who havejoinedthe EAA Antique/ClassicDivision (through December 15, 1987).
We are honoredto welcome them into the organization whose members'common interest is vintage aircraft. Succeeding
issuesofTHE VINTAGEAIRPLANEwillcontainadditionallistingsofnewmembers.
Andersen, KnudHartvlg
Naperville, Illinois
Baxter,Ralph A.
Rolling HillsEstates, California
Matthews, North Carolina
PlayaDel Rey, California
Blaney,Richard M.
Ooltewah, Tennessee
Charleston,South Carolina
Fayetteville, Georgia
Chamberlain, FloydF.
Vero Beach, Florida
Clarke, WallaceR.
Goleta, California
Corcoran, LeoJ.
ScottsValley, California
Cotten,C. A.
Durham,North Carolina
Guthrie, Oklahoma
Crites,Kenneth R.
Verndale, Washington
Crites, RodneyL.
APO San Francisco
Dahl, RobertM.
Davis, Larry
Plesant Hill ,Oregon
Broadhead, Wisconsin
Demoruelle, L. P.
Ville Platte, Louisiana
Talbott, Tennessee
10JULY 1988
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Jackson, Mississippi
Lake Minchumina,Alaska
Lehigh Acres, Florida
Hall, Bernt
Skovde, Sweden
Carmichael, California
Rochester, NewYork
WestBen ,Wisconsin
Holcomb,W. E.
FortLauderdale, Florida
Honabach, Richard
Bathurst, Australia
Seminole, Florida
Tucker, Georgia
Little Rock, Arkansas
Mountain View, California
LaPine, Oregon
Windsor, Massachusetts
Klaser, KentonE.
Mt.Clemens, Michigan
Kimzey, CharlesW.
McLean, Virginia
Kosbab, Carl
Bonduel ,Wisconsin
Lama, LucianoL.
Ithaca, NewYork
Wayne, Maine
Laue, Doug
Rocklin, California
Lee, KevinP.
Beulah, North Dakota
Layner, RobertE.
Lines, AdrianC.
Leicester, England
Gymea, Australia
Dunedin, Florida
Concord, California
De Pere, Wisconsin
Winnipeg, anitoba, Canada
Armidale, Australia
Pontotoc, Mississippi
Nantucket, Massachusetts
Edwardsville, Illinois
Me'6er, V. C.
AP NewYork
Waxhaw, NorthCarolina
Oshkosh, Wisconsin
North Bellmore, NewYork
Wenatchee, Washington
Columbus, Ohio
Redwood Valley, California
Bedford, Texas
Plaquemine, Louisiana
Moneta, Virginia
Nelson, PaulC.
Nashville, Tennessee
EastOrwell, Ohio
Arjang, Sweden
Park, Norm
Kodiak, Alaska
Park, Seung
Dallas, Texas
Reed, LeonardH.
PleasantHill ,California
Ruedlg, PhilipJ.
Bannockburn, Illinois
Okanogan, Washington
Sargent,D. W.
HainesCity, Florida
Portland, Oregon
Espanola, NewMexico
Sunnyvale, California
Vienna, WestVirginia
Smith,T. Gunter
Mobile, Alabama
Britton, Michigan
Charlestown, Rhode Island
San Diego, California
Dolton, Illinois
Racine, WisconSin
Madison, Wisconsin
Trice, Dick
Miami, Florida
Wasco, Illinois
Kill DevilHills, NorthCarolina
Mt. Vernon, Illinois
Ridgefield, Connecticut
Fairfax, Virginia
SantaCruz, California
Huston, Texas
Wurst,H. R.
Cary, North Carolina
A Book OfHeroes
By Art Morgan and Bob Brauer
Candi and George Daubner came to us at
the 1987 Convention and asked, "You guys
don't need any help, do you?" Well after
Gloria Beecroft and Ray Olcon stopped
laughing, Candi and George were put to
They told me later that they thought they
had experienced all of Oshkosh. They found
that the true feeling can only be gained by
working as a volunteer. And so they did.
The enthusiasm that these two have felt did
not stop with the end of the Convention. I see
them every week and they are always talking
up their experience from last year. Read their
story. It's about falling in love.
... An Morgan
It all staned in the summer of 1981 when
a good friend (now my husband) offered me
my fIrst airplane ride in his company ' s plane,
a Cessna 340.
There was hardly a cloud in the sky except
for a few of the real thin kind that look like
steam from a boiling pot. Soon we were just
above them around 2,500 feet. How beautiful ,
how peaceful and free it is up here, 1 thought.
One week later we went flying again - in a
different airplane.
This one had two sets of wings, a wheel on
the tail and we sat one behind the other. But
even more interesting, it had no top, no roof.
My friend strapped me in, gave me a funny
little hat and explained the "stick." 1 listened
carefully to everything he said but was still
concerned. It just didn' t seem right with no
steering wheel. Soon we were airborne. What
an incredible feeling! Wind in your face, sun
shining on your shoulders, sights to put even
a king in awe.
We must have been flying for an hour be-
fore we landed. 1 even had the chance to take
the stick. As we climbed out of the plane, 1
couldn't believe it was over. As I turned to
ask what type of plane this magnifIcent
machine was, 1 noticed it's huge engine. To-
tally exposed. 1 was proudly informed,
"That's a Stearman!" My only reply, "I want
to do this myself." So 1 was ready to stan my
flying lessons and more important, my love
of aviation.
That same year I received my fIrst exposure
to the largest event of the summer, EAA Osh-
kosh. (I haven' t missed a year since.) My
husband had been attending this event for sev-
eral years and he knew exactly what to show
me. Our fIrst stop, the Classics area. Then on
to the homebuilts, the warbirds and the Fly
Market. The best was saved for last, the An-
tique area. Of course, 1 wanted to see every
Stearman there and did. More than once.
Now, every year since then, that's our sum-
mer vacation and just like hundreds and
thousands of others, we move in our camping
equipment to stay as long as we can.
Well, 1987 was more than a celebration of
a fIve-year anniversary camping with the
same three families - it was our fIrst year as
volunteers . I'm not sure why we had never
volunteered before, except I guess we always
thought they had plenty of people willing to
volunteer. How wrong we were.
On Thursday before opening day of the
1987 Oshkosh EAA Convention, the grounds
were hustling with thousands of people. My
husband and I made up our beds, did the lunch
dishes and journeyed off with smiles on our
faces, a song in our heans and a skip in our
step to sign up for our fIrst day as "volun-
teers. "
Front and center at the Antique volunteer
booth, we promptly introduced ourselves and
said, "Bob Lumley and Art Morga'l said you
could put us to work." You should have seen
Gloria Beecroft's and Ray Olcott ' s faces as
they both began to laugh At this moment 1
wondered what we were getting ourselves
into! They were both terrifIc! As Gloria made
out our name tags (quickly, as if completion
of them meant there was no turning back) Ray
asked when we wanted to work and explained
what was required to eam a patch. Before we
even knew what was happening, we were fIt-
ted with our vests and name tags. From here
we were sent to Antique Point for our training
and assignments. 1 was proud and frightened
all at the same time. 1 had never done anything
like this before and honestly, wasn't sure ifI
was in over my head. Well , it didn' t take long
for these feelings to disappear. The training
we received before being put in our desig-
nated areas was thorough and complete.
The fIrst day was relatively easy. We hand-
led crowd security as planes moved across the
roadway to perform in the air show. I must
admit it Wa! hardly like work. However, 1
think they assign that job to fIrst-timers, so
they'll come back the next day. Friday, even
more enthusiastic than Thursday, we ventured
out earlier. It was barely 10:30 a.m. and we'd
been up for several hours (awakened by the
music of the arrival and depanure of various
planes), when we arrived at the booth only to
fInd out that they were a bit shorthanded. We
were immediately put to work. By 12:30, it
was 90 degrees and climbing, which is okay
because I'm a bit insane and love the heat
anyway, and 1 couldn' t heIp but feel a little
sorry for the others who had been on duty
since the early hours of the morning. By 3:00,
even 1 was glad to see "Operation Thirst." To
all the fIeld volunteers, this is the Red Cross,
offering food and beverages to a hungry, tired
mob. At 6:00 I went off duty and yes, 1 was
tired. The thought of returning to my campsite
to relax, meet our fellow campers and await
dinner was the only thing that kept me going
It's a good thing that we camp with other
aviation "nuts" because I was so excited about
everything 1 had leamed and done, I think I
talked their ears off.
Saturday brought a whole new day of en-
counters. My husband couldn't work due to
some problems with the camping equipment,
so 1 showed up at 9:00 a.m. and planned to
meet him later at 1:00 for lunch at the
campsite. Needless to say, 1 didn't make
lunch. You really think I would pass up a
chance to park a DC-3?
All the time, 1 had been keeping a close
eye on the other volunteers and what they
were doing so I could leam from them. Then
my chance arrived. They had no one to work
Point and we were being bombarded with arri-
v31s. Though I had not yet received my certifI-
cation to work there, they sent me anyway. 1
was surprised at how comfortable I felt and
how much 1 had learned by watching the
Sunday was the big day. Lots of
show planes were going out to perform,
crowds at the max and volunteers were at a
high volume. This was the day that all the
volunteers really shined, vets as well as new-
comers. It's no wonder with watching all the
spectators snapping pictures, grinning from
ear to ear an hearing all the oohs and aahhs.
Two more days of the long, hot hours and
it was time for me to return to reality. At that
time, I thought, "not a moment too soon ." As
we said our farewells to our camping panners,
we made our plans for Oshkosh '88.
On Friday, the fInal day of the show, I flew
back up with a friend to help disassemble our
campsite. As we made our approach, 1 saw
where all the planes had been parked, many
of which I had handled on Point. A tear came
to my eye. This was the fIrst time 1 realized
it was over. We landed and taxied to his
campsite, which was as bare as the parking
area. Now it was fInal! I had to wait a whole
51 weeks for this incredible feeling again . 1
wasn't sure 1 could make it until then and
another tear came to my eye. Now, I'm count-
ing the days to Oshkosh ' 88!
We have decided that one week a year isn't
enough and have gotten involved with the An-
tique/Classic Division year ' round, looking
forward to hard work, enjoyment and involve-
ment as well as our continued plans to stay
and become more involved with EAA Osh-
This year we have committed ourselves.
That is to say, we committed to Oshkosh '88
for two full weeks of hard work and FUN!
Sure hope to see all of you there. And if any
of you are interested in volunteering, be sure
to check in with us. We promise you an ex-
perience you will never forget.
With more than a million passengers
using the airlines last year, it was in-
evitable that private flying should
begin to develop in its own right; that
the confidence thus ingrained in people
who flew unquestioningly behind
another man should tempt some of
them to try to learn to fly planes of
their own. For this, after all, is the
ideal and proper expression of private
flying, as the rest of the aviation indus-
try sees it.
Evidently this is what is already be-
ginning to happen. Over the last year
or so private flying has taken a big
jump forward. Some 34,000 persons
already hold student pennits, which is
12JULY 1988
August, 1937.)
the first step toward learning to fly, a
gain of 26 percent over this time last
year. And far more people are buying
planes . Approximately 1,400 airplanes
costing nearly $9,700,000 (including
an estimated $3,000,000 for engines)
went into non-scheduled flying during
1936, an increase of about 52 percent
in unit and about $4,400,000 in worth
over the previous year. This year, with
production booming and unfilled or-
ders piling up faster than they can tum
out ships, the manufacturers specializ-
ing in this end of the aircraft business
expect 1937's figures to run anywhere
from 25 to 50 percent over those for
1936; or, using the first estimate as
conservative, approximately 1,800
airplanes worth $12,000,000. And in
light of this the airplane builders are
reassuring themselves that private fly-
ing has perhaps recaptured a future
after all.
In what is generally spoken of as the
$1,500 range, you have a choice of
about a dozen types of airplanes, the
most popular of which are Taylor Cub,
Aeronca, Taylorcraft, Arrow Sport,
and Porterfield Zephyr, which seat
two, have a top speed approaching 90
miles per hour, and a cruising range in
the neighborhood of 200 miles. They
are so easy to handle that a duffer can
solo them after five hours' instruction .
These are the fastest-selling planes in
the U.S. Last year they accounted for
two-thirds of the aircraft industry's
unit production for domestic civil use.
The Taylor Cub is tumbling off the
production line at the rate of 25 a
week, the Aeronca at the rate of 22,
and the Taylorcraft at the rate of 12.
Mr. William T. Piper, the affable ex-
oil man who owns and runs Taylor Air-
craft Co. , which makes the Cub, is
talking of selling 1,000 planes this
year, in spite of a fire that ruined his
plant in the spring. If he does, he will
be the first manufacturer in the world
to approach that volume.
The light plane is, in a manner of
speaking, the poor man's airplane.
Those who want more in the way of
speed and capacity than the light planes
offer, and are able to pay for these
things, will shop among the Fairchilds,
Wacos, and Stinsons, which cost from
about $5,300 to $16,300. Beechcraft
packages a private ship that cruise at
235 miles per hour, faster even than
the transports. Then there are the flying
yachts. Colonel Robert R. McCor-
mick, E. R. Harriman and Marshall
Field have recently ordered $47,000
twin-engine Grumman amphibians
which seat six, fly at over 170 miles
per hour and have a range of 1,000
At the airport 5 or 15 or 25 miles
outside of your city, you may have ob-
served little airplanes taking off, circl-
ing the field, landing - taking off,
landing with a bump - taking off to
try again. The purpose is to learn
highly skilled reactions which our an-
cestors would have thought beyond the
reach of flesh and blood. Indeed, to
our ancestors, the driving of an au-
tomobile at 60 or 70 miles an hour
along the ground might have seemed a
more highly skilled act than flying
through the air like birds, the latter
possibility having tantalized their
imaginations for ages. And theoreti-
cally they would have been right.
Guiding an airplane through the air is
so much simpler than guiding an au-
tomobile over the road that even you
and I can handle the controls, it would
seem, by instinct. The airplane is one
of man's simplest mechanical inven-
tions; it becomes complicated only
when you seek to do something practi-
cal with it - take off, land, or find
your way across the country.
Whether you eventually become a
flyer or not, the experiences of your
early lessons will not easily be forgot-
ten , and will moreover teach you a lot
about yourself that you never knew.
Your progress will be accented by cer-
tain highlights . Your instructor's first
act is to fish into a drawer full of swe-
aty helmets, produce one your size, to-
gether with a pair of goggles, and bun-
dle you into a jacket. Very self-con-
scious, and hoping that no one will
mistake you for some great flier simi-
larly helmeted and goggled, you fol-
low him out to "the line."
There will be that first explanation
given on the ground beside your Fleet
biplane with the instructor using ges-
tures that are somehow extremely de-
scriptive of the action of a plane
through the air. There are, you gather,
three primary controls and you now
climb into the rear cockpit to learn their
functions. This stick between your
knees, with its fore and aft as well as
lateral action , controls the elevators
that make the plane go up and down
and the ailerons that cause it to bank
to one side or the other. These pedals
on the floor control the rudder - push
the right pedal and the plane will turn
to the right. But you can't turn an
airplane with the rudder alone. You
must bank at the same time, just as a
racing car must be banked on a turn,
for otherwise the plane will skid side-
ways , lose flying speed , and begin to
fall out of control . Finally, there is this
hand throttle at your left. That's about
all. No brakes, no clutch, no gears.
Utter and irreducible simplicity .
If it happens to be your first ride in
an open-cockpit ship, you won't have
a very clear impression of what is
going on the first time around the field.
The tightly-fitting helmet and goggles,
the roar of the engine, the screaming
of the wires, the invisible unsteadiness
of the medium through which you are
riding, all distract your attention . You
have stepped into another world, a
world of noises and strange forces, in
which your arms and legs and eyes and
ears have vague and uncertain reac-
tions. The only part of your anatomy
by which you can become familiar with
this world - as you will learn - is
the seat of your pants . All true fliers
fly by it.
Nevertheless, you do as you are told
as conscientiously as possible. Your
instructor is in the front cockpit with
controls duplicating yours and has told
you to keep your hand on the stick to
see what he is doing. One of his favor-
ite tricks is to let go of the controls
without your knowledge, to see if you
are making the proper corrections in-
stinctively. Many do so on their first
ride, particularly youngsters. In the
early days of flying one used to hear
of students' "freezing" to the controls
from fright, clutching them with such
rigidity that the instructor could not
move them; and on these occasions the
student had to be knocked out with a
fire extinguisher, or whatever else was
handy. This form of hysteria is seldom
encountered today because a new gen-
eration has lost much of its fear of the
air, and because great pains are taken
not to frighten the student - to lead
him into the art imperceptibly.
Even so, your first efforts are apt to
be jerky and nervous; you will "over-
control," moving the stick too far and
too suddenly . The wing will con-
sequently tip from side to side in an
alarming way, and when you want to
put the nose down a little you will in-
advertently push it into what seems like
a sickening dive . The controls of a
small modern airplane are more sensi-
tive than you could have imagined be-
fore laying your fingers upon them.
But as you come to understand this,
your motions become smoother, you
lean into your banks instead of fighting
them, you even begin to look intelli-
gently at the ground below. Since con-
versation is impossible, your instructor
corrects you by signaling with his
hand. Occasionally, he may use a Gos-
port helmet, which provides a one-way
speaking tube - from him to you.
There is no way for you to communi-
cate with him.
Those first early flights in the new
medium are not apt to be forgotten,
but you have ahead of you two experi-
ences that will overshadow them for-
ever. You have learned how to take off
and hold her nose in a straight line. And
by dint of taking trip after trip around
the field you have learned something
about landing. You have made some
headway in solving the great, intangible
problem of the approach, that is, of
judging your altitude, your distance
from the edge of the field, the velocity
of the wind, and the buoyancy of the
air (which varies from day to day with
the barometer) in such a way as to en-
able you to shut off the engine at some
spot in the air and glide accurately to
a landing near some predetermined
spot on the ground. If you are not quite
sure of your judgment in the approach,
you are comforted by the presence of
the instructor. If you should be over-
shooting the field, and fail to recognize
the fact, he would quickly give you the
signal to sideslip; and if you should be
inadvertently undershooting, he would
tell you to put on the power. But one
day , at the end of your conventional
half hour, and always when you are
least expecting it, since he has been
nagging you more than usual, your in-
structor climbs out of the ship and says
simply, "Take it away. I'll be wait-
After having suppressed your im-
mediate inclination to refuse, there
isn't any time to be scared. Not, at any
rate, until the business of the take off
is finished, and your wheels have left
the ground. Then as you climb over
the edge of the field, amazed at the
buoyancy of the ship with only one
person in it, you have time to realize
where you are, and like as not will ex-
perience a peculiar desire to retract this
rash thing that you have done. But it
is of course altogether too late. You
have taken part in an irreversible pro-
cess and will never again feel the firm
earth beneath your feet until you have
climbed up, and toured the field, and
swung into the wind, and judged your
approach, and landed. All of which
you will do successfully.
You will not again experience the
equivalent of your first solo until a
much later stage in your aerial educa-
tion. After you have learned to make
a spot landing and do various maneuv-
ers such as steep turns and figure
eights, and take the ship in and out of
tail spins - indeed, maybe after you
have won your private license - you
will take your first solo cross-country
flight. You will deliberately leave the
field behind you and all the familiar
landmarks that have come to mean
home, and you will set forth to find a
spot somewhere over the horizon. If
you don't find it you will be lost; and
if you are lost, you will run out of gas
and have to come down on what you
can find. To save you from this
perhaps fatal eventuality, you have
only a compass, a map and your head;
and when you have accomplished the
feat successfully you are really begin-
ning to fly. But between successful fly-
ing around an airport and successful
solo flying overland there may be a
gap of 50 or a 100 hours, many of
them dual (since you need further in-
struction in cross-country flying).How
much time and money you want to put
into this higher education is entirely up
to you , but the more you put in the
better flier you will be . You will prac-
tice forced landings. You will learn to
navigate shrewdly by dead reckoning.
You will learn advanced meteorology.
14 JULY 1988
You will learn night flying. And if you
are a real aviation enthusiast, you will
learn the rudiments of instrument and
radio flight. There is a whole hierarchy
of licenses - amateur, private, limited
commercial, transport - to designate
your ability at these things . But even
if you should become a pilot on an air-
line and fly a million miles you would
never really master them all.
Learning to fly has not only become
simpler, but also cheaper, at some
schools, running as low as $7 an hour.
As to landing fields, these have in-
creased from around 1,500 to over
2,300 since 1929, the U.S. Govern-
ment alone spending or allocating
nearly $120 million for the building of
new fields and the improvement of old
ones. This has greatly widened the use-
fulness of the private plane. And on
the score of safety no buyer need worry
about the structural integrity of his
"Your instructor
climbs out of
the ship and
says, simply,
'Take it away.
I'll be waiting.' "
airplane . The Department of Com-
merce watches out for that. Every type
of plane produced for sale comes up
before the Department engineers who
check blueprints , test structural parts
with sandbag weights, and flight test
the plane for flying characteristics. The
ATC (Approved Type Certificate) sig-
nified by the NC prefix to the license
number on the wing is your guarantee
against shoddy materials, poor
aerodynamic design, or structural frail-
ties .
To be sure, the foolproof plane, one
that will prove superior to pilot error
(which accounts for most private flying
crashes, as in scheduled airline opera-
tions), does not exist, nor will it ever
exist, any more than the foolproof au-
tomobile. Some believe that the Stear-
man-Hammond holds a brilliant prom-
ise . Its tricycle landing gear, with a
single wheel under the nose instead of
the conventional tail skid makes for
easier take off since the tail is kept
cocked in flying position and, in the
event of an ill-judged landing, tends to
fend off the bounce that might throw
the airplane out of control.
But whether this arrangement is
widely adopted or not the fact remains
that private ships have had excellent
accident records. Because statistics re-
lating to this kind of flying are grouped
by the Department of Commerce under
"Miscellaneous Flying," it is difficult
to quote exact figures; but it appears
that during the years 1935 and 1936
well under 200 persons were killed in
what the government calls "pleasure
flying" and less than 150 in instruction
flying . Considering the lack of uniform
training (only 20 of the hundreds of
flying schools are approved by the gov-
ernment) the number of old planes still
in use, and the fact that private pilots
have no dispatchers to hold them on
the ground when weather is unfavora-
ble, the record is surprisingly good.
But all this notwithstanding, and de-
spite the growing clatter in the sky and
the gusto of private fliers more fanati-
cal than fly fisherman, private flying
still remains a small proposition. At
the end of last year, the total number
of planes in miscellaneous flying was
about 8,800. Miles flown, one of avi-
ation's own yardsticks, testify to pri-
vate flying's small-fry dimension. Al-
lowing it a conservative 30 percent of
the 93,320,000 miles logged in the
miscellany of taxi, exhibition, charter
and test flying, aerial advertising ,
crop-dusting, and other nonscheduled
air travel in which the government
groups it, the total figure comes to
about 28 million miles for 1936. To
weigh that figure against the mileage
amassed in scheduled commecial fly-
ing is manifestly unfair, the two forms
being so utterly different; but there are
no other like criteria. Last year U.S.
airliners (exclusive of foreign exten-
sions) flew 63,780,000 miles.
A thoughtful student, heeding the
great increase in air travel, might well
ponder what has kept people from
passing from the passive role of pass-
enger to the active role of pilot owner.
A common explanation is to blame the
airplane manufacturers for not making
more of a to-do over private flying .
Few people, it is argued, have more
than a faint idea of what a private plane
looks like, or what one will do. There
is no showroom in town where a pros-
pect might look over a plane as he
looks over an automobile, no plane
drawn up before a neighbor's door to
rouse his curiosity. And the sight of
one flying 2,000 feet overhead, which
is as close as many people ever get, is
hardly a seductive sales argument.
As far as it goes that is a cogent
argument. But it definitely does not go
far enough. Buried in the Department
of Commerce's columns of statistics
relating to private pilots is still another
clue. From the beginning of 1934 to
the end of 1936 the government issued
student permits to approximately
44,000 men and women. During the
same period the number in the higher
grades of amateur and private pilots in-
creased by only 3,300 to a total of
7,800, although the smallness of the
gain can be partly attributed to the fact
that many pilots in the latter categories
had meanwhile graduated to transport
What happened to the beginners
who represent the crux of the matter,
is this; of the 44,000 who actually
started to learn to fly, approximately
17,000 dropped out altogether; about
21,000 had to renew their student
licenses because they lacked either the
time, money, or skill to qualify beyond
the solo; and only about 6,000 or 14
percent progressed far enough to qual-
ify for pilot license of one kind or
Fresh difficulties confront the flier
when he tackles cross country flying.
Cross country flying, if it is to be done
well, requires more than a smattering
of navigation and a vague knowledge
of weather maps. Sooner or later the
inexperienced run into bad weather;
and the sudden and lonely responsibil-
ity of having to deal with a spinning
compass and landmarks, turning indis-
tinguishable in fog and rain , throws a
lot of them . When you consider that
38,500 deaths on the highways in a
year fails to keep the same people from
driving automobiles, and that a man
like 69-year-old Bernarr Macfadden ,
who took up flying about five years
ago, can make a solo hop from New
Jersey to Miami, it is hard to believe
that either of these momentary risks
should cause people to give up flying;
yet the Department of Commerce in-
spectors say that this is so.
While the high cost of the private
airplane is in part due to lack of vol-
ume, the mere application of the au-
tomotive ideology of mass production
is not - indeed cannot be - the way
to a cheaper airplane. Those who argue
that the airplane manufacturers should
pattern themselves after the car build-
ers will find enlightenment by compar-
ing the resources of the two industries.
General Motors' total assets are over
$1,500 million. Chrysler's over $200
million. Contrastingly, Waco's total
assets are only $700,000, Beech Air-
craft's are under $240,000, and
Taylor-Young's barely $120,000. As
Mr. Piper of Taylor Cub says, "We are
small potatoes indeed."
The idea of trying to whip the
airplane together from the au-
tomobile's residual jigs and presses
breaks down before the simple truth
that one vehicle cannot be cut to
another's measure. In the harmonious
nature of things the airplane can
develop only within its uniqueness as
an airplane. Under Eugene Vidal, the
Department of Commerce a few years
ago was tempted to believe that a safe
airplane could be built for around $700
and thus be competitive with the Chev-
rolet , Ford and Plymouth. Accordingly
various manufacturers undertook to
carry out the idea, but the ultimate re-
"Few people,
it is argued,
have more than a
faint idea of
what a private
plane looks like."
suit was far different from what Mr.
Vidal had ever contemplated. For the
Stearman-Hammond, which the De-
partment of Commerce adopted,
ceased to be a cheap plane at all; it
was, in fact , finally priced at $6,500.
But with it there meanwhile developed
on the safety side, the tricycle landing
gear which Douglas is now building
into its four-engine passenger trans-
ports. The point is that only through
many such independent developments
will the private airplane be able to
complete its evolution. That it should
carry a price tag comparable to the au-
tomobile's is meanwhile of incidental
importance. Such a tool is not to be
judged entirely on speed, gasoline con-
sumption, seats-per-mile cost, for the
reason that flying has its own special
satisfactions. Manifestly those who fly
now weigh them against the cost of th'e
Membership in the Experimental
Aircraft Association, Inc. is $30.00
for oneyear, $58.00 for2 years and
$84.00 for3 years. Allinclude 12is-
sues of Sport Aviation per year.
Junior Membership (under 19 years
of age) is available at $18.00 an-
nuallY. Family Membership is avail-
able for an additional $10.00
EAA Member - $18.00. Includes
one year membership in EAA An-
tique-Classic Division, 12 monthly
issuesofThe VintageAirplaneand
membership card. Applicant must
bea currentEAA memberandmust
give EAA membershipnumber.
Non-EAA Member - $28.00. In-
cludesoneyearmembershipin the
EAA Antique-Classic Divison, 12
monthlyissues ofThe Vintage Air-
plane, oneyearmembershipin the
EAA and separate membership
cards.SportAviation notincluded.
Membership in the International
Aerobatic Club, Inc. is $25.00 an-
nually which includes 12 issues of
SportAerobatics. AlllAC members
arerequired tobemembersofEAA.
Membership in the Warbirds of
America, Inc. is $25.00 per year,
which includes a subscription to
WarbirdsNewsletter. Warbirdmem-
bersarerequiredto bemembersof
Membership in the EAA Ultralight
Assn. is $25.00 per year which in-
cludes the Light Plane World pub-
lication ($20.00 additional for Sport
Aviation magazine). For current
EAA members only, $15.00, which
includes Light Plane World
a checkordraftdrawn on a United
States bank payable in United
States dol/ars or an international
Makecheckspayableto EAA orthe
division in which membership is
desired. Address aI/letters to EAA
ortheparticulardivisionatthe fol-
OSHKOSH, WI54903-3086
PHONE(414) 426-4800
The judging for the 1987 EAA Antique/
Classic photo contest is complete. Forty-
eight members registered and 15 submitted
photographs to be judged. The judging was
conducted at the Old Prague restaurant in
Berwyn, Illinois by the following Antique/
Classic Members: Moderator, Ted Koston,
EAA photographer; Eric Lundahl , U.S. Army
photographer; Buck Hilbert, EAA Board
Member; Dan Hans, amateur photographer;
Lee Fray, EAA photographer; Roger
Bunche, Staggerwing photographer; and
Mike Lombardi , graphics expert.
Right: First Place - Ground to Ground -
Dan Majka, 1998 Jamestown Drive,
Palatine, Illinois 60074.
Right: Third Place - Ground to Ground
- Ruth Coulson, 2847 Spring Brook
Drive, Lawton, Michigan 49065.
Left: Second Place - Ground to Ground
- Jack Denison, 265 Rochester Hill
Road, Rochester, New Hampshire 03867.
Left: First Place - Ground to Air - Don
16 JULY 1988
Second Place - Ground to Air - Myron Third Place - Ground to Air - Don Dole,
Helmer, RR 1, Box 72, Rose Creek, MIn- 9436 Shennandoah Drive, IndianapOlis,
nesota 55970. Indiana 46229.
First Place - Air to Air - (only entry in
Honorable Mention - Guy Snyder, 310
this category) Kenneth Hughes, 2172 Ann
Weiman, Bartonville, Illinois 61607.
Drive, St. Joseph, Michigan 48085.
The judges. Seated left to right - Rodger
Bunche, Lee Fray, Buck Hilbert and Eric
Lundahl. Standing left to right - Mike
Lombardi, Dan Hans and Ted Koston.
Phete e n t e s t ~ _
Crystal Hunter
Crystal Hunter
18 JULY 1988
= = = = = = = f < ~ Up
Bob Majka
Dick Parr's 1930 Model 1
came as acomplete original.
Mark Phelps
20 JULY 1988
If you were shopping for a used
airplane and found just the model you
wanted, always hangared with 1,250
hours total time A&E and 350 hours
since a major engine overhaul , you ' d
be impressed, right? What if that
airplane was a 1930 Fleet Model I?
Dick Parr of Gainesville, Georgia was
lucky enough to find just such a deal
and flew his new/old airplane to Sun
' n Fun ' 88 for the first time . Of all
antiques on the circuit, Dick' s isn't the
prettiest, but that's because most of
what you see on the airplane was
bolted or welded to it in 1930 and it ' s
been flown regularly ever since.
Dick is only the fourth owner of the
Fleet. It was completed at the Buffalo,
New York factory on April 26, 1930
and the first owner bought it in January
or February of 1931 . He then sold it to
a close friend in January 1935 and the
second owner kept it until 1978 - 43
years . At the age of 84, owner number
two sold it to the third owner who reco-
vered the airplane in 1979. It was dur-
ing last summer that Dick spotted an
ad for the Fleet and flew his Cessna
Cardinal up to Bishop Field in Flint,
Michigan to see the airplane. When he
saw the original condition , the com-
plete maintenance logs and even the
original tool kit included in the deal,
Dick bought the airplane quickly , be-
fore someone else got the chance.
Most antiques have been heavily re-
stored - some several times. Dick' s
Fleet, though , has undergone only
what amounts to routine maintenance
throughout its 58-year lifetime. It still
has its original engine and the airframe
is unchanged since 1930. Even the
prop is the original factory item and
Dick got the factory manuals, logs and
a host of spare parts to go with it.
The Fleet is doubly rare since it
spent its entire life in familiar sur-
roundings prior to its move south when
Dick bought it. It was even parked in
the same hangar at Bishop Field since
1930. "It was an old Butler hangar,"
says Dick, "with the external braces . I
think some of the people on the airport
wanted to run the airplane off because
the owner wanted to use the grass and
was tearing it up with his skid. I think
they saw the hangar as an eyesore after
a while too. They wanted to tear it down
and put up something more modern."
Dick says that although the prop is
original it's not the only one ever used
on the airplane. A new prop was pur-
chased at one point and run for some
time. When it was damaged in the late
1930s or early 1940s, however, the old
one was remounted and has been there
ever since. The "bicycle" wheels came
off in 1935 and Fleet 7.50-by lO-inch
"Air Balloon" wheels replaced them.
The balloons are still on the airplane
and Dick has the original bicycle
wheels at home along with an unused
original cowling and an enclosure for
the front cockpit.
In the 1950s, the tailskid that wor-
ried officials at Bishop Field was re-
moved in favor of a Maule tail wheel.
The last owner warned Dick to stay off
hard surfaces due to a tail shimmy that
had damaged the trailing edge of the
rudder. When Dick repaired the rudder
he also took apart the tailwheel and
found worn bearings and non-existent
bushings! He installed a Scott 2000
tailwheel and reports that the Fleet han-
dles hard surfaces just fine now.
It 's easy to see why Dick likes his
22 JULY 1988
airplane so much . The Fleet Model I
was essentially a follow-on to the Con-
solidated "Husky Junior" . In fact,
Fleet Aircraft Inc. was a Buffalo-based
division of Consolidated, named after
Major Reuben Fleet, the guiding force
behind Consolidated since its begin-
nings in 1923. The sturdy biplane be-
nefitted from all of Consolidated's de-
velopment work on its PT and NY
trainer series.
The Fleet is a tough airplane. The
company's advertising of the period
claimed that the wings were capable of
holding the weight of two full-grown
elephants - or 13,125 pounds of
sandbags , whichever was easier to
coax onto the wings for testing pur-
Dick's airplane is a Model I with a
llO-hp Warner Scarab engine. The
airplane received its type certificate in
May, 1929. Later, the Model 2 with
its 100-hp Kinner engine was intro-
duced . The airframes are essentially
the same. The Model I was two mph
slower at top speed (III mph vs . 113
mph) but could carry an additional 30
pounds of payload. Otherwise, the two
aircraft's performance figures were
comparable. Cruise speed was listed as
90 mph. The Fleet used a Clark Y-15
airfoil and the Model I weighed 1,022
pounds empty. Maximum gross weight
was listed as 1,580 pounds. Landing
speed was 45 mph.
The fuselage was built up from
welded chrome-moly tubing. The wing
spars are solid spruce with stamped
aluminum ribs. Fabric is screwed to
the ribs rather than stitched, then co-
vered with patch strips over the screws ,
much like the new Super Cub kits from
Piper. A 24-gallon fuel tank rides in
the upper wing center section. An
amended type certificate was issued for
a modified Fleet Model I with a belly
tank that held an additional 31 gallons
of fuel. The maximum gross weight
was also increased with no additional
changes to the fuselage, proving how
strong the basic airframe was . Natur-
ally, rate of climb, service ceiling, stall
speed and payload were adversely af-
BeforeflyingtoSun 'n Fun,Dickrepaired the rudderand replaced thetailwheel.
fected by the additional fuel load but
range increased to 750 miles from 360
The Modell's performance figures
were none too shabby. At cruising
rpm, about 1,650, it consumed six gal-
lons per hour while flying at 90 mph.
Duration was four hours . Initial rate of
climb was 730 fpm and service ceiling
was listed as 12,200 feet. It was 21
feet long, seven feet 10 inches high
and had a wingspan of 28 feet for a
total wing area of 196 square feet.
The landing gear uses a cross-axle
design with an oleo at the bottom of
each vee section. The horizontal
stabilizer is an airfoil-shaped, trim-
mabie lifting surface while the vertical
fin has a ground-adjustable offset. The
ailerons, which are mounted on the
lower wings only, are Freise types and
are activated by a series of torque tubes
giving the Fleet a quick , light feel in
roll control. Combined with the
airplane's overbuilt strength, the
smooth controls give it safe, pleasant
aerobatic capability.
All of this is why Dick decided more
than two years ago that he wanted a
Fleet. He began flying at Angola Air-
port in Indiana in 1959, "when it was
still grass," he says. He flew 1-3 Cubs,
Champs and Chiefs so he is no stranger
to slow-landing taildraggers, although
the Fleet is the first biplane he has
flown. Over the years he was involved
in several partnerships and owned a
Stinson 108-3 and a Cessna Cardinal
on his own. His interest in Antique/
Classic aircraft really began with the
Fleet , however. "I bought the Stinson
as strictly a flying machine," he says,
"then I got my instrument rating and
sold it for a more capable IFR aircraft
- the Cardinal . I got interested in an-
tiques then and was looking around for
an Aeronca or a Fleet for about two
years when I found this one."
He first made contact with the Fleet
owner in September 1987 and after he
bought it, he left the airplane in Michi-
gan for the winter because he didn' t
yet have a hangar for it back home in
Georgia. Last April, the Fleet left its
home hangar of 57 years. Dick flew it,
with a safety pilot, down to Gaines-
ville. "The second day we flew eight
hours - we had headwinds - and
that's a bit too much," he says with a
pained smile. After the minor repair
work to the rudder and tailwheel, Dick
brought the Fleet straight to Sun 'n Fun
He says that for him, the transition
from modem aircraft to the antique was
not difficult, "I just had to remember
how slow these old airplanes go." Even
though he was trained on older
airplanes, Dick wisely chose to bring
along a qualified safety pilot for his
return trip - a precaution that more
new owners of old-time airplanes
should heed. Good for you, Dick!
His own hangar in Gainesville isn't
finished yet so Dick still keeps the
Fleet sheltered at a private strip near
home. "I just love flying locally ," he
says, -"on warm evenings, about 45
minutes at a time. "
When asked if he intends to do a
more complete restoration of the Fleet,
Dick points out that neither the airplane
nor the owner is in a hurry for that.
"The fabric still tests fine and the en-
gine only has 350 hours on its one and
only major," he says, "and I've got
one child just leaving high school and
one just coming in . So it'll be a few
. years before I'll have that kind of time
- what with going to ball games and
all. That's' why I wanted one in flying
condition. "
Dick does intend to remove the en-
gine this winter and clean it up a bit ,
L: maybe do a top overhaul. He can't wait
to polish up the brass covers on the
Warner's rockers . Still, Dick points
out , "Ldidn't buy it to show it. I bought
7.50x 10"AirBalloon"wheelsreplacedthebicyclewheelsin1935.Dickhastheoriginals it strictly for pleasure - and to keep
athome. it for a long time." .
Planes & People
James Merillat - Widgeon G441N7491
by Pamela Foard
(EAA 160262)
1820 N. 166th Street
Brookfield, WI 53005
Jim Merillat's beautiful Grumman
Widgeon rolled out of the factory the
day after Pearl Harbor - December 8,
1941 - the last of 25 built. He ac-
quired it in 1969 and began what be-
came an 18-year "flying restoration."
Jim has been coming to the EAA Con-
vention for the 18 years he has owned
the Widgeon and for only one of those
years was he unaccompanied by his
airplane! (For those of you familiar
with the EAA grounds, the Widgeon
is parked each year next to the Quonset
24 JULY 1988
hut in the Antique/Classic camping
Jim had some expert help in this re-
storation. His father, in his 80's and
still flying, is a mechanic and one of
the original builders of the Meyers
OTW. His brother, a pilot and
mechanic, also put in many hours of
work and expertise on the Widgeon.
His wife was not active in the restora-
tion, but was very supportive, which
certainly helps! Jim himself is a
mechanic and flight instructor at the
Merillat International Airport in
Tecumseh, Michigan, which he also
owns and operates .
There is nothing on the airplane that
hasn't been taken off and at least in-
spected. Two fresh 260-hp geared
Lycomings replace the original set.
Jim completely reworked the wings,
tail section and landing gear, and put
new skin on the belly. The Widgeon is
not meant to be an authentic restora-
tion, but the paint color is original.
After much telephoning, Jim was fi-
nally put in touch with the Department
of Records in Washington, D.C. and
the original color of the aircraft was
punched up on a computer! Inciden-
tally, when he had the tail section off,
he found it contained the signatures of
the crew that flew it , complete with
dates. The Grumman Historical Soci-
ety found this to be of interest, as they
are researching the plane's background
before 1951, when the Canadian gov-
ernment bought it from the U.S.
by Norm Petersen
Interesting photos of a replica Fokker Trimotor being constructed in Australia were sent
by Dick Hill (EAA 56626, AlC 629). The project was done to replicate the famous
" Southern Cross" used by Sir Kingsford Smith. These pictures were taken in 1984 with
the aircraft since being finished and flown. The engines are 245 hp Jacobs which were
readily available for the project. Note the huge wooden wing which is mated with a steel
tube fuselage. Dick reports the workmanship was very good throughout the airplane
and looks forward to the day he can actually see the Fokker in the air.
John W. McDonald of 3800 Q Street, Apt. 23, Bakersfield, CA 93301 , sent in this photo
of his 1946 Taylorcraft BC12-D1 Scotsman, which was built in October, 1946. The reg-
istration number is NC44493 and SIN 10293. John restored the T-Craft in 1975, complet-
ing the job on July 22, 1975. The covering is Grade A with 25 hand-rubbed coats of
butyrate dope. To date, the airplane has won 27 awards, including the Best of Type at
Oshkosh 1980. John has flown the pretty red and black two-placer some 1325 hours
since rebuild and enjoyed every minute! The photo was taken at Oshkosh ' 87.
by George A. Hardie, Jr.
Biplanes seem to have a special ap-
peal to pilots. This one appeared in the
"glory days" of the early 1930's. The
photo was submitted by Max Freeman
of Wilkesboro, North Carolina, date
and location not given. Answers will
be published in the October, 1988 issue
Deadline for that issue is August 10,
1988 .
The April Mystery Plane was easily
identified by a number of readers. It's
an Aeromarine-Klemm AKL-26B, ac-
cording to John Underwood of Glen-
dale, California who writes:
"This could be the sole survivor of
the species . Can't make out the N-
number but if it is N 320N, then it
currently reposes at Old Rhinebeck in
Cole Palen's collection.
"My good friend Jurgen Klemm,
whose father created the design, is
looking for blueprints, in case anyone
has a set stashed away somewhere.
You may be interested to know that
the Klemm operation very nearly be-
came an American entity in 1938-39.
Hans Klemm hated Hitler and the Nas-
ties, and he had opened negotiations
for the company's purchase by Amer-
26 JULY 1988
ican oil interests - very involved and
contingent upon military contracts.
Klemm had a secret formula for adhe-
sives used in plywood/plastic bending
which was superior to anything then
available . "
Larsde Jounge of Corona del Mar,
California, with his partner Monty
Groves is restoring a Klemm 35 and is
interested in contacting others with in-
terest in these designs.
Charley Hayes of Park Forest, Il-
linois writes:
"The Klemm was of all wood con-
struction and almost a thousand were
produced in Germany in the 1920s and
1930s, also some in Britain under the
Swallow name . The British Swallow
had a name for safety and good flying
qualities surpassed by few if any con-
temporaries. Its progenitor powered
gliders shortly after World War I set
distance and efficiency marks in
An interesting footnote to the
Klemm story is the off-shoot copy of
the design by Horace Keane called the
Keane Ace. Powered with a Ford V-8
automobile engine, it had a cruising
speed of 94 mph, a climb rate of 600
feet per minute, and a range of 300
miles, according to Eric Ruark of Bal-
timore, Maryland.
References: Juptner Vol. 2, P. 59,
Vol. 3, p. 15 and 18, Vol. 4, p. 120:
Sport Aviation, May 1979, p.22.
Other answers were sent in by: Gor-
don Binnz, Cape Coral, Florida;
Robert Krockel, Torrance, California;
H. Glenn Buffington, El Dorado,
Arizona; J. R. Nielander, Fort Lauder-
dale, Florida; Oliver Borlaug,
Washburn, North Dakota; William H.
Hadley, Royal Oak, Michigan; Frank
M. Pavliga, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio;
Frank H. Abar, Jr., Livonia, Michi-
gan; Douglas T. Rounds, Zebulon,
Flying .o R" Ranch
P.O. Box 860
San Miguel. CA 93451
Frank J. Rezich
805 4673669
Where The Sellers and Buyers Meet...
Oil by CHARLES H. HUBBELL; Doolittle's'31 Bendix
winning Laird SUPER SOLUTION commemorati ng
OSHKOSH '87 andthereplicadisplayedin the museum.
A beaumul piece of history for your den for $10.
309 Robert Ave. Rockford,IL 61107
If you use 80 octane avgas now,
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Get your STC from EAA - the
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For faster service, have your
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number; your engine's make,
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your credit card numberready.
25e perword,20 word minimum.Send yourad to
TheVintageTrader, Wittman Airfield
Oshkosh,WI 54903-2591.
1929GoldenEagleMonoplane- 7G Ken Royce
120 hp, 665 TTAF, 305 SMOH. Restored 1976.
Dacron cover. March annual. 206/284-7035.(7-2)
FIRESTONE WACO CJC - 1934 as pictured in
other CJC basketcase. Rare and restorable with
TITLES. Saturday and Sunday only, 9 a.m. - 9
p.m., 414/248-2581 for particulars.(7-1)
LAIRD1930- Oneofakind minibasketcasewith
TITLE.Saturdayand Sundayonly, 9a.m.- 9p.m.,
for particulars.414/248-2581. (7-1)
TAYLOR CHUMMY- 1930,TITLE and informa-
tion - Aeronca C-3 DATA PLATE. Saturday and
Sundayonly,9a.m.to9p.m., forparticulars. 414/
PIPER PA-12 - Boot cowl J-3 horizontal and
elevators. 9 cylinder Scintilla. Mag AGD-9 OX-5
small parts. No OX-5 mags, Jenny elevator, etc.
Saturday and Sunday only, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., for
particulars. 414/248-2581.(7-1)
1941 PIPER CUB - J-4E, NC38153, completely
restoredin 1984,75hpContinental,75hourssince
majoroverhaul. $10,500.00.803/432-4975,after5
- 803/438-9603. (8-2)
Collectors- Antique/Classic1940StinsonModel
10,TTAF2202.05,TSOH 1327.55. FabricAviatex
Canadian aBO.Slim Sherk604/392-2186. (6-2)
POBERPIXIE- VWpoweredparasol- unlimited
in low-cost pleasure flying. Big, roomy cockpit for
the over six foot pilot. VW power insures hard to
beat 3'12 gph atcruise setting.15largeinstruction
sheets. Plans- $60.00. Info Pack- $5.00.Send
check or money order to: ACRO SPORT, INC.,
ACROSPORT- Singleplacebiplanecapableof
unlimited aerobatics. 23 sheets of clear, easy to
follow plans includes nearly 100isometrical draw-
ings, photos and exploded views.Complete parts
and materials list. Full size wing drawings. Plans
plus 139 page Builder's Manual - $60.00. Info
Pack- $5.00. SuperAcroSportWing Drawing-
$15.00. The Technique of Ai rcraft Building -
$10.00 plus $2.00 postage.Sendcheckormoney
order to: ACRO SPORT, INC., Box 462, Hales
Corners,WI 53130.414/529-2609.
CONTINENTAL A-40- Zerowear. $600.00315/
732-8916. (7-1)
tion of parts for all types of aircraft - antiques,
spinnerto the tail wheel. AirSalvage ofArkansas,
Rt. 1,Box8020,Mena,AR71953,phone501/394-
1022or501 /394-2342.(3-2/579111)
suit your design, any size, shape, colors. Five
patch minimum. Free random sample and
brochure. Hein Specialties, 4202P North Drake,
Chicago,IL 60618-1113.(c-2/89)
Ring pin, $4.95. The reknown Blue Max; blue
cloisonnemaltesecross,gold-platedeagles, 2inch
pendant with free chain, $12.95. Shipping $2.00;
over $25.00, $3.00. Catalog, $1.00, refundable.
Company of Eagles, 875A Island Drive, Suite
Thisexcitingbookchroniclingthispioneeraviator' s
experiencesin morethan60yearsasapilotisjust
off the press. First man to barnstorm with a Ford
an airplane. Send a check for $12.50 plus $1.00
shipping for each book. Quarter Circle A Enter-
prises, 1159 State Highway 450, Newcastle,
Wanted: Back issues of THE VINTAGE
AIRPLANE. $2.00 each. Write for list. Robert V.
Beal, 825 W. Broadway, Madisonville, Kentucky
42431. (7-1)
Send check or money orderwi thcopyto VintageTraderEAA.Wittman Airfield.Oshkosh. WI 549033086.
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Address ____________________________ _
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From thecockpit, from the ground, cameras
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