Comparison of Pervaporation of Different Alcohols From Water On CMG-OM-010 and 1060-SULZER Membranes
Comparison of Pervaporation of Different Alcohols From Water On CMG-OM-010 and 1060-SULZER Membranes
Comparison of Pervaporation of Different Alcohols From Water On CMG-OM-010 and 1060-SULZER Membranes
Pervaporation of methanol-water, ethanol-water and iso-propanol-water mixtures through organophillic
CMG-OM-010 and 1060-SULZER membranes has been investigated using a laboratory scale (131 cm2)
pervaporation unit. The feed composition was 13–20% of alcohol in water, the recirculation flow rate was kept
constant (200 l/h) and the temperature was varied between 40–70°C. The permeate concentration reached
30–60% of alcohol after 5 hours run. The avarage permeate flux (J), selectivity (β), separation factor (α),
pervaporation separation index (PSI) and activation energy (E) were calculated.
The permeate fluxes on the two pervaporation membranes were similar in the case of the same alcohol, but
different pervaporating different alcohols. The alcohol flux on both membrane increased with an increase in the
temperature. CMG-OM-010 membrane exhibited good separation factor of the three alcohols, over the 1060-
SULZER membrane. The most important observation was that a good separation of iso-propanol-water is
possible with these membranes.
*Corresponding author
Presented at the International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM), Toulouse, France,
July 7–12, 2002
0011-9164/02/$– See front matter 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved
90 J.M. Molina et al. / Desalination 149 (2002) 89–94
Pervaporation has long been studied as a The basic target of the experiments is to find
method for separation of organic liquid commercial industrial membrane, which can
mixtures which are difficult to separate, such as separate alcohol from alcohol-water mixture
azeotropic mixtures, or mixtures of components with a great efficiency. The following tasks has
with close boiling points or which are easily been defined at model mixtures: separation of
decomposed by heat. Today much attention is methanol-water, ethanol-water and iso-
paid to the pervaporation process, not only as propanol-water model mixtures on organo-
an experimental method, but it is applied in the phillic membranes, separation on laboratory
practice too, because some newly developed size pervaporation equipment; effect of
membranes have sufficient separtion ability. operation parameters and calculation and
The separation of alcohol and water mixtures comparison of pervaporation characteristics.
by pervaporation is important for obtaining The applied membranes were CMG-OM-010
liquid fuel from biomass sources [1–3]. Many and 1060-SULZER organophillic membranes
authors have reported pervaporation process with 131 cm2 surface. The pervaporation
principales and experimental results with equipment was produced by the Hidrofil
different membranes [4–7]. In this paper an company (Fig. 1). Alcohol-water mixture was
attempt has been made to report pervaporation carried by the feed pump (8) towards the
results using CMG-OM-010 membrane membrane (1) from feed tank (6). Retention
prepared by the Celfa company and compare was circulated back to the feed tank. Permeate
results with the data on 1060-SULZER passing through membrane was condensed by
membrane. the condenser (5). Vacuum on the other side
Fig. 1. Pervaporation apparatus: (1) membrane, (2) feed mixture, (3) permeate vapor, (4) vacuum pump, (5)
condenser, (6) feed tank, (7) cold trap (permeate collector), (8) feed pump, (9) thermostat, (10) sample collector
valve, (11) flow regulator valve, (12) pressure regulator valve (13) pressure meter, (14,15) thermo-meters, (16)
J.M. Molina et al. / Desalination 149 (2002) 89–94 91
Fig. 2. Permeate flux of methanol-water, ethanol-water Fig. 5. Separation factor of methanol-water, ethanol-
and isopropanol-water mixtures versus temperature on water and isopropanol-water mixtures versus
CMG-OM-010 membrane (ρisopropanol, ethanol temperature o n 1060-SULZER membrane
(ρisopropanol, ethanol and methanol).
and methanol).
Table 2
Pervaporation separation index on CMG-OM-010 and 1060-SULZER membranes (kg/m2h)
40 1. 54 2. 11 3. 87 1. 11 3. 91 6. 13
50 2. 27 3. 26 7. 83 3. 18 6. 15 13. 39
60 4. 12 5. 56 13. 21 5. 41 9. 76 17. 76
70 5. 86 7. 61 21. 47 8. 43 15. 36 29. 92
4. Conclusions References
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Metanol és Etanol Szeparációs
õjének összehasonlítása a
Etanol-1060 SULZER
Metanol-1060 SULZER