Eventus For WRDS Through PC SAS Remote
Eventus For WRDS Through PC SAS Remote
Eventus For WRDS Through PC SAS Remote
ware. The web query is user-friendly but does not support all native Eventus features.
WRDS users can access the full Eventus feature set by running programs from a personal
computer through SAS for Windows or through a WRDS Unix server command line
(shell) session. This document explains the SAS for Windows method, known as re-
mote submission.
Remote submission does not require installing Eventus (or the CRSP database
if you plan to use that data source) on your PC. You must have a WRDS account as-
signed to you by the institution at which you are a current student, faculty member or
staff member, and the institution must subscribe to Eventus for access through WRDS.
You must have SAS for Windows installed on the computer you plan to use, including
the SAS/Connect component, which is a typical part of universities SAS site licenses.
This document assumes just a little familiarity with the SAS for Windows envi-
ronment, including how to use the Editor window and how to run code (put it in the Edi-
tor and click the icon that looks like a person running). To adapt an Eventus (or SAS)
program to the remote submission method, you need to know how to run a WRDS remote
session and how to upload and download files.
Running a WRDS remote session from PC SAS
A remote session is a process in which SAS on a PC 1) sends a specific set of
SAS or Eventus code to the WRDS server, 2) causes SAS (with Eventus enabled) on
WRDS to execute the code and 3) downloads the results. The statements shown on the
following page run a remote session. The signon statement pops up a request for your
WRDS user name and password, which you must provide. The results appear in the PC
SAS Output window and log messages appear in the Log window. You can run remote
sessions as many times as needed, and can run other SAS code before or after a remote
session, in the same PC SAS Editor window or a different one.
Using Eventus