William Grimmeisen Resume 2014 For Website
William Grimmeisen Resume 2014 For Website
William Grimmeisen Resume 2014 For Website
An experienced radio professional with diverse experience in Programming and Production for
both single and multi-station clusters, On Air host in many diferent formats including CH,
Country, Oldies and oc! and "ales# $xperienced in %exgen, "aw Plus, Cool $dit Pro, "cott
"tudios, $%CO and Adobe Audition#
CT Positive Hits, Inc. (WYPH) !"#$P%esent
M&nc'este%, CT
(ene%&) M&n&*e%+P%o*%&, -i%ecto%
&oo! a vision to bring the people of the Hartford, Connecticut area its 'rst Contemporary
Christian radio station from the initial idea through fruition, and signed on ()PH, )*+,#- on
the air April *., ,+*/# Handled all aspects of the process from the initial 0CC paperwor!, to
overseeing engineering, to managing daily operations of the radio station# esponsible for the
overall vision and operation of the organi1ation#
Principal Achievements2
"tarted a non-pro't -+*-c-3 corporation, Connecticut4s Positive Hits#
Handled 'ling paperwor! with the 0CC to initial radio station, bought and installed
broadcasting e5uipment#
esponsible for programing, imaging, production, sales, social media, and web site
development and maintenance#
"ecured and programmed music#
Created and implemented sales pac!ages and listener support programs#
Able to use a combination of sales and listener support to get the radio station operating
with a positive cash 6ow within . wee!s of signing radio station on the air#
H&)) Co,,.nic&tions, (WILI) !"/$P%esent
Wi))i,&ntic, CT
On Ai% Anno.nce%
Part time wee!end and 'll in announcer# Assisted with production and client recording sessions#
M&%)in 0%o&1c&stin*, (WCCC) !!/$!"/
H&%t2o%1, CT
Acco.nt E3ec.tive
An extremely results-oriented "ales Professional with a proven trac! record in business
development, mar!eting, strategic planning, client relationships and customer service#
7eveloped business through cold calling on local businesses to open the door and utili1ing
networ!ing as an introduction to generate new business# 7emonstrates strong communication
s!ills and ability to establish rapport with clients#
Principal Achievements2
"tarted as an entry level sales person and growing an account list from the ground up#
8ncreasing business *-9: from ,++- to ,++;#
(or! with potential clients and guide them on getting the best results within their mar!eting
<eet and or exceeded managements goals consistently over last 9 years#
Create detailed mar!eting campaigns for each client, focusing on their speci'c needs for
growth of mar!et share and create top of mind awareness for them in their business
Proven ability to bring in non-traditional revenue in addition to clients that are not
traditionally advertisers#
Created a monthly newsletter for clients to !eep them up to date on happenings in the
business world =trends in certain categories, mar!et shifts, as well as how to ma!e their
advertising more efective and e>cient?
Cit&1e) 0%o&1c&stin* (WCAT, WR45, WHYL, W6XA AM+FM) !!$!!/
H&%%is7.%*, PA
P%o1.ction M&n&*e%+Acco.nt E3ec.tive
Production 7epartment <anager for Citadel @roadcastings Harrisburg, PA division with
responsibilities included the everyday managing of - diferent radio stations advertising and
imaging production# <anaged a *- person production department in every aspect of the
development of commercials and other on-air elements =including the writing, voicing, and
producing of advertisements?# $xpanded income level by ta!ing on Account $xecutive role
while still running the Production 7epartment# &rained replacement in the elements of the
production department and the systems created to !eep the department organi1ed#
Principal Achievements2
ecruited to be the Production 7epartment <anager of a - radio station group#
evamped struggling Production 7epartment# 7eveloped systems and strategies to provide
e>cient and organi1ed structure#
(or!ed directly with sales staf to help them create commercials for their clients to achieve
the client4s mar!eting goals#
Helped sales staf in creating ideas that overcame obAections that potential clients had#
&ransition from the creating commercial side of the radio business to the sales side, ta!ing
sales training courses at night and on the wee!ends# Btili1ing some of the top training
courses from 7ale Carnegie and &om Hop!ins to ac5uire a true sales understanding and
C)e&% C'&nne) 0%o&1c&stin* (WLAN AM+FM) "889$!!
L&nc&ste%, PA
P%o1.ction -i%ecto%+ Mi11&:;s On$Ai%
ecruited to be the On-Air <id-7ay Host and <anager of the commercial Production
7epartment# Consistently increased ratings and thus revenue for the station, with increased
rates# Helped ta!e the station from last place to 'rst in many of the !ey demographics#
Created the production department from the ground up, providing sales with the tools
necessary to attac! and maintain client revenue# "tarted an independent production company
=@ill &aylor Productions? in which 8 prospected new clients and helped clients with writing, voice
and producing radio and television commercials#
Principal Achievements2
e-developed Production 7epartment, educated sales and air staf to form a cohesive,
revenue generating unit, increasing sales goals */:-3C: every year#
(or!ed directly with sales department to create solutions for clients and provide the sales
team with the tools necessary to increase client budget utili1ing creative commercials#
"upported sales department by going out on client meetings with the account executives
and listening to clients mar!eting needs and translating those needs creatively in radio
Drew and maintained audience share in mid-day *+am-*pm time slot, sustained top position
in Eancaster mar!et ratings for - years#
C'&se Me1i& (WTIC AM+FM) "88$
H&%t2o%1, CT
P%o1.ction -i%ecto% 2o% WTIC$FM+ Wee<en1 &i%$s'i2t
esponsible for the commercial and imaging =audio image? production of the radio station#
(or!ed with sales staf and programming department to achieve the re-imaging of &8C-0< to a
Hot-AC format, targeting an older female ages ,---/ from a &op-/+ format targeting a female
ages *.-/;# (or!ed with sales department to strengthen their tools to close more business and
increase the stations revenue#
Principal Achievements2
&aught radio staf <&B 7igital $diting "ystem =computer program used to create
$dited and mastered the best of C74s for Felly G Fline volumes * and ,, putting all the
elements together and mastering the proAect for distribution#
Created program for call out research of music to help focus the station on their target
(or!ed directly with sales people to create spec commercials to aid in the sales process#
-e&n Co))e*e, 0ran!lin, <assachusetts
7egree in <ass <edia Communications, <ay *;;*
Connectic.t Sc'oo) o2 0%o&1c&stin*, 0armington,
7egree in adio and &elevision @roadcasting, <ay *;..
7ale Carnegie &raining, ,++3
&om Hop!ins, HCompetitive Edge SellingI, ,++3
oy H# (illiams, HWizard of AdsI, ,++/
Jim Jac!son, HWorking the RoomI, ,++/
7on 0it1gibbons, HThe Guru of AdsI, ,++9
John &!ac, HGetting More Then Your Fair ShareI, ,++C