This document discusses using advanced logging-while-drilling (LWD) technologies to geosteer horizontal wells in a thinly layered carbonate reservoir. It describes how early geosteering relied on conventional LWD tools with limited directional capabilities. Newer azimuthal density and resistivity imaging tools provide directional measurements, improving placement. Recent directional deep resistivity tools provide even more robust measurements less sensitive to borehole conditions. The document examines field examples where these new LWD technologies helped successfully geosteer horizontal wells within thin reservoir intervals.
This document discusses using advanced logging-while-drilling (LWD) technologies to geosteer horizontal wells in a thinly layered carbonate reservoir. It describes how early geosteering relied on conventional LWD tools with limited directional capabilities. Newer azimuthal density and resistivity imaging tools provide directional measurements, improving placement. Recent directional deep resistivity tools provide even more robust measurements less sensitive to borehole conditions. The document examines field examples where these new LWD technologies helped successfully geosteer horizontal wells within thin reservoir intervals.
This document discusses using advanced logging-while-drilling (LWD) technologies to geosteer horizontal wells in a thinly layered carbonate reservoir. It describes how early geosteering relied on conventional LWD tools with limited directional capabilities. Newer azimuthal density and resistivity imaging tools provide directional measurements, improving placement. Recent directional deep resistivity tools provide even more robust measurements less sensitive to borehole conditions. The document examines field examples where these new LWD technologies helped successfully geosteer horizontal wells within thin reservoir intervals.
This document discusses using advanced logging-while-drilling (LWD) technologies to geosteer horizontal wells in a thinly layered carbonate reservoir. It describes how early geosteering relied on conventional LWD tools with limited directional capabilities. Newer azimuthal density and resistivity imaging tools provide directional measurements, improving placement. Recent directional deep resistivity tools provide even more robust measurements less sensitive to borehole conditions. The document examines field examples where these new LWD technologies helped successfully geosteer horizontal wells within thin reservoir intervals.
The document discusses how the use of advanced LWD technologies like density image, resistivity image, and directional deep resistivity logging tools can help geosteer wells in thinly layered reservoirs in real-time.
The document discusses how the use of technologies like density image, resistivity image, and directional deep resistivity logging tools along with high-speed satellite data transmission allows geosteering wells from remote locations and helps keep wells within thinly layered reservoirs as planned.
Some examples of advanced LWD technologies discussed include density image (DI) tool, resistivity image (RI) tool, and directional deep resistivity (DDR) logging tool.
LWD TECHNOLOGIES PLACEMENT OF MAXIMUM RESERVOIR CONTACT WELLS IN A THINLY LAYERED CARBONATE RESERVOIR Shouxiang Mark Ma Mohammed A. Al-Mudhhi Abdalrasool A. Al-Hajari Ken L. Lewis Garo M. Berberian Parvez Butt Mohammed A. Al-Mudhhi is a senior engineer with the Southern Area Petrophysics Unit of the Reservoir Description Division in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. He holds a BS (1987) in Petroleum Engineering from Tulsa University, Oklahoma, USA. Mohammed joined Saudi Aramco in 1978. He has 27 years of experience in various petroleum disciplines including production engineering, reservoir management and reservoir description. Shouxiang Mark Ma is a petrophysicist with the Reservoir Description Division of Saudi Aramco. He has a BS, an MS and a PhD in Petroleum Engineering. He has worked as a research associate at the New Mexico Petroleum Recovery Research Center, a post-doctoral fellow at the Western Research Institute, was an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Wyoming, and was a senior research engineer with the Exxon Production Research Company. Shouxiang has published more than 30 technical papers in laboratory and field petrophysics. Abdalrasool A. Al-Hajari is a supervisor with the Reservoir Description Division of Saudi Aramco. He has a BS degree in petroleum engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, in Saudi Arabia. Abdalrasool has worked in different areas of petroleum engineering, drilling, production and reservoir management. He has co-authored several papers in petrophysics and well- monitoring logging. He has 18 years of experience in sand-shale and carbonate petrophysics. Ken L. Lewis is a geologist with the Southern Fields Characterization Division of the Reservoir SAUDI ARAMCO JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY WINTER 2005 3 Characterization Department and has been with Saudi Aramco since 2001. Ken has been involved in reservoir development activities in the North Ghawar region and Abqaiq field areas. He worked 20 years with Kuwait Santa Fe in the Neutral Zone between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, with Pinnacle Resources in Western Canada and with Husky Oil International in Indonesia on a variety of oil and gas development opportunities. He received his BS in Geology and MBA in Finance from the University of Calgary, Canada. Garo M. Berberian is the supervisor of the Abqaiq Reservoir Management Division in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia and has been with Saudi Aramco since 1998. He holds BS (1979) and MS (1982) degrees, both in Petroleum Engineering from Louisiana Tech University, USA, and an MBA (1988) from Louisiana State University, USA. He is a registered Professional Engineer in Texas and a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). Garo has 27 years of industry experience; he previously worked as a special technical adviser in Production and Reservoir Engineering for the Ministry of Oil in Yemen, was a reservoir engineering consultant for Sonatrach in Algeria, and was a senior production/analytical engineer for Arco. Parvez Butt is currently the manager of the Schlumberger Logging While Drilling formation evaluation in Saudi Arabia, responsible for LWD log interpretation. Butt has an MS in geophysics (1981) from the University of Islamabad, Pakistan. His primary focus is the interpretation and development of new real-time answer products from LWD services, with his areas of technical expertise including advanced formation evaluation with LWD services, geosteering, horizontal well placement and drain hole length optimization using real-time images and real-time LWD services. ABSTRACT Placing a maximum reservoir contact well in a thinly layered reservoir has always been a challenge. Experiences showed that the well trajectory could easily be steered out of the target, necessitating expensive plug-back and redrilling operations to ensure that the well is drilled as planned. With the deployment of advanced LWD technologies, such as density image (DI), resistivity image (RI) and directional deep resistivity (DDR) logging tools, and high-speed real-time satellite data transmission, well paths can be geosteered from anywhere and kept in a thinly layered reservoir. The first Saudi Aramco field examples of utilizing RI and DDR are shown to demonstrate the added values of new technologies in geosteering difficult-to-drill wells. In some of the examples, images of density and resistivity are consistent, and all could be used for geosteering. In other examples, wrong geosteering decisions would have been made had the DI been the only available tool. With the help of RI, reservoir contact of multi-lateral wells is increased. Examples also show that using DDR can prevent the well trajectory from being too close to the zero porosity rock layer or the underlying water. I NTRODUCTI ON The main oil-producing reservoir in the XA field is a massive carbonate reservoir. At the top of this good quality reservoir there is a thin heterogeneous reservoir interval (named L1Z1) with rock porosity ranging from less than 10 porosity unit (pu) to more than 20 pu (Fig. 1). This L1Z1 is sandwiched between an 8 ft. thick overlaying zero porosity anhydrite unit and an underlying 2 ft. thick zero porosity anhydrite or close to zero porosity anhydritic dolomite unit. The thickness of L1Z1 ranges from less than a few feet to more than 20 ft., with a typical thickness from 4-8 ft. Because of the rock quality, this thin layer has been difficult to target through traditional vertical producers. To improve oil recovery, maximum reservoir contact (MRC) multi-lateral (ML) horizontal wells have been drilled in the last few years; some drilled in new locations and others side-tracked from existing vertical wells. 1 Conventional Geosteering Tools It is impossible to place a horizontal well in a thinly layered reservoir such as L1Z1 without the help of logging-while- drilling (LWD). Traditionally, LWD tools consist of gamma ray (GR), density, neutron, and resistivity (triple combo) measurements. Geosteering a horizontal well with only conventional LWD triple combo and GR is difficult because it does not provide direction of the measurement. For example, if drilling rate of penetration (ROP) is low Fig. 1. Well cross-section of the targeted top thin reservoir interval, sandwiched by a top zero porosity anhydrite and a bottom zero porosity anhydrite or very low porosity anhydritic dolomite. 4 SAUDI ARAMCO JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY WINTER 2005 and porosity log shows that the hole is cutting zero porosity rock (i.e., anhydrite), there is no way to tell if this zero porosity rock is above or below the target reservoir. Therefore, more advanced directional geosteering technologies are needed. Advanced LWD Geosteering Technologies With continuous development of LWD technologies, azimuthal measurement became a reality. The first azimuthal measurement for 6-1/8 in. hole size was density, 2 then GR. 3 Azimuthal density has proved to be a useful tool for well placement in thinly bedded carbonates, 4 as well as in shaly sands. 5 But azimuthal GR has limited application in carbonate reservoirs due to the inconclusive GR responses in carbonates. Since density is a relatively shallow measurement, it is more sensitive to hole rugosity. Our experience has shown that wrong geosteering decisions may be made if only azimuthal density is available. LWD resistivity image 6-10 and the new extra deep directional resistivity 11-13 are more robust measurements (less sensitive to hole conditions) and have been used to improve the placement of ML wells in thinly bedded reservoirs. Objectives of This Paper The main objectives of this paper are to demonstrate the benefits of using advanced LWD technologies in geosteering MRC ML wells in thinly layered carbonate reservoirs. A historical trail of LWD geosteering technology is reviewed from conventional LWD triple combo, images of density and resistivity, to the newly developed directional deep resistivity measurements. ADVANCEMENT I N GEOSTEERI NG A REVI EW Rotary Steerable System (RSS) Technology An advanced log can only provide the driller real-time guidance regarding the direction of the borehole to be drilled. To follow the guidance closely, the driller also needs an advanced steerable drilling assembly, and the newly developed rotary steerable system (RSS) is one such system. 14-15 The RSS assembly, (also referred to as point-the-bit technology), used for ML well drilling in this study has a steering assembly that continuously orients the tilted bit shaft to control the drilling direction and the dogleg severity of the borehole (Fig. 2). The tool does not push against the borehole to build angle, and is therefore more effective for steering. It is a fully rotating tool with no stationary external parts, which reduces the risk of sticking pipe assembly. It looks and acts like a conventional drilling motor although it has the ability to adjust azimuth and inclination of the bit. ROP is improved because there are no stationary components to create friction (which reduces efficiency) to anchor the bottom hole assembly (BHA) in the hole. The tool is comprised of a slick collar with two spiral stabilizers positioned 12 ft. behind the bit. The bit shaft is deflected internally with hydraulics allowing only the bit box to be offset. Density Image (DI) The tool used for density measurement described in this paper has an OD of 4.75 in., which is suitable for drilling 6-1/8 in. hole (Fig. 3). It utilizes a 1.7 Curie Cesium-137 density source and two scintillating NaI crystal detectors. High-energy gamma rays are emitted from the source into the formation. They undergo interaction with the formation and return at reduced energies to the long and short spacing detectors. The quantity that returns to the detectors is inversely proportional to the formation electron density. Using an empirically determined and laboratory-calibrated relationship between electron density and bulk density, the formation bulk density can be estimated. Azimuthal density image (DI) is made from color-coding density measurements around the borehole. Density measurements are circumferentially binned into 16 sectors (Fig. 3), and these measurements are color coded on a graduated scale to bring out the heterogeneity of the borehole as a stabilized tool traverses the formation. Azimuthal measurements are established by placing Fig. 2. Rotary steerable system (RSS) tool schematics. Fig. 3. Schematics of density/neutron LWD tool and 16 sector density image. Tool OD is 4.75 in., suitable for 6-1/8 in. hole size. SAUDI ARAMCO JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY WINTER 2005 5 fluxgate magnetometers in the tool. When the tool is rotating, these magnetometers measure the Earths magnetic field strength along their axis. The result of these measurements can be used to analyze the relative position of the tools measurement in relation to the earths magnetic field. This relationship converts the north, south, east and west measurements to up, down, left and right, thereby establishing the quadrant measurements. Each quadrant is further subdivided into four sectors, giving a total of 16 sector measurements (Fig. 3). Resistivity Image (RI) The azimuthal resistivity image (RI) tool is a bigger tool with an OD of 6.75 in., only suitable for 8-1/2 in. hole size drilling. It provides a laterolog type resistivity-at-the-bit, a high-resolution ring resistivity and three azimuthally focused buttons resistivities (Fig. 4). The three button electrodes are approximately 1 in. in diameter and are longitudinally spaced along the axis of the tool. The spacing provides shallow (1 in.), medium (3 in.), and deep (5 in.) depths of investigation for quantifying invasion profiles. These azimuthally acquired button measurements are also displayed as 56-sector resistivity images, which is essential for better structural interpretation while drilling. An integral, cylindrical electrode is used to provide a high-resolution lateral resistivity referred to as ring resistivity. The ring resistivity has a 7 in. depth of investigation. In addition to these four resistivity measurements, the tool also acquires a bit resistivity, azimuthal gamma ray, radial and lateral shock records, and temperature measurements. Images and Formation Dip Calculation As discussed above, the circumferential measurements of azimuthal densities are binned into 16 sectors to obtain DI, while the RI is obtained by binning the measurements into 56 sectors. As shown in Fig. 5, the resolution of DI is about 6 in. while the RI resolution is about 1.2 in., five times better than that of DI. Although this is a considerable improvement, it still does not meet the standard of wireline resistivity images, which are about 10-fold better in resolution. The interpretation of real-time image logs requires both an understanding of the geology and how the tool responds to different lithologies and borehole environment. The DI and RI tools are proven to be useful for advanced interpretation of geologic structures, such as calculating dips from up and down measurements. The method of calculating dips relies on measuring the offset between the top and bottom measurements. 16-20 When the borehole intersects a bed at a high incident angle from above, the bottom log is the first to see the formation, followed by the right and left, and finally by the top measurement. The logs will appear as if the top and bottom measurements are depth offset. The offset between the top and bottom measurements is used to calculate the apparent dip of the formation (). (1) (2) (3) Fig. 4. Azimuthal near-bit latero resistivity tool configuration. The tool outputs a bit resistivity, a ring resistivity with a DOI of 7 in., and three button resistivities of depth of investigations of 1 in., 3 in. and 5 in. Tool OD is 6.75 in., suitable for 8-1/2 in. hole size. Fig. 5. Resolution comparison between LWD images and that of wireline. The resolution of LWD RI is about 5 times better than that of LWD DI, but is still much worse (about 10 times) than the wireline RI. Where is the intersection angle between the borehole and the formation, I the borehole inclination, D the depth offset between the top and bottom measurements, D E the effective wellbore diameter, D BH the borehole diameter, and DOI depth of investigation of the measurement. For LWD DI, DOI is about 1 in. while for LWD RI, DOI is about 1.5 in. Use of DOI in Eq. 3 is to account for the apparent increase in wellbore diameter created by the depth of investigation of the measurement. 2 Fig. 6 provides a diagrammatic explanation of Eqs. 1-3. Directional Deep Resistivity (DDR) A new LWD technology, which introduces directional deep electromagnetic (EM) measurements that uses tilted and transverse current-loop antennas, was developed recently. The directional deep resistivity (DDR) determines the 6 SAUDI ARAMCO JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY WINTER 2005 Fig. 6. (a) Dip calculation from azimuthal measurements and (b) examples of image and the calculated dip angles. Fig. 7. Directional deep resistivity (DDR) tool layout with axial (T5, T3, T1, T2, and T4) and transverse (T6) transmitter antennas and axial (R1 and R2) and tilted (R3 and R4) receiver antennas. Tool spacings are 22 in., 34 in., 84 in., and 96 in., frequencies are 100 kHz, 400 kHz, and 2 MHz. Tool OD is 4.75 in., suitable for 6-1/8 in. hole size. Fig. 8. Pre-job modeling of DDR tool response to conductive boundaries. Fig. 9. BHAs used to drill the three wells. SAUDI ARAMCO JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY WINTER 2005 7 distance to approaching formation boundaries and their orientation to help in proactive geosteering. It can be combined with conventional LWD resistivity to improve formation resistivity modeling and interpretation around the wellbore. By monitoring in real time, distance to formation boundary up to 15 ft. around the wellbore can be detected allowing for sufficient time to make trajectory adjustments to stay within the reservoir. A schematic representation of the antenna configuration is shown in Fig. 7. The array offers directional phase shift and attenuation measurements at four different spacings (22 in., 34 in., 84 in. and 96 in.) with three different frequencies (100 kHz, 400 kHz and 2 MHz). The tool has an OD of 4.75 in.; thus it is suitable for a hole size of 6-1/8 in. The azimuthal orientation of the tool is provided by a magnetometer system. The downhole resistivity and EM direction are sent to the surface through mud pulse telemetry, with a speed of six bits per second, and then streamed into automatic inversion software. The inversion produces the best solution distance to resistivity boundaries and the resistivity of layers close to wellbore. No prior knowledge of the bedding structure is assumed, making the process fully automated. The inversion software is also used for pre-job planning of the tool responses. An example of pre-job modeling of tool response in a thin reservoir is shown in Fig. 8. Bottomhole Assemblies Used in This Study Three different BHAs were used in this study, as shown in Fig. 9. BHA-A consists of normal LWD triple combo with azimuthal density and DI. This BHA was used in drilling well XA-A in 2003. In BHA-B, conventional resistivity was replaced with RI to provide real-time RI for geosteering as well as shallow formation resistivity for formation evaluation. This BHA was used for drilling/geosteering the 8-1/2 in. hole sections of wells XA-B and XY-A. With DDR, BHA-C was used to drill/geosteer laterals 1 and 2 of well XY-A. Drilling/geosteering wells XA-A, XA-B and XY-A are discussed in more detail below. DRI LLI NG ML WELLS I N THI NLY LAYERED RESERVOI RS Geosteering with DI An Example XA-A, a L1Z1 ML well, was drilled in 2003 with conventional LWD triple combo and density image (DI). In general, the well was drilled and geosteered successfully, except at depth x400 where the well trajectory intersected the zero porosity anhydrite (Fig. 10a); both azimuthal density and DI indicated that the anhydrite was at the top of the reservoir. Therefore, the well was geosteered downward to get back to the reservoir. DI, being a shallower measurement, was not able to detect the approaching boundary in advance. Consequently, when it detects an anhydrite above or below, the drill bit has already entered into it and coming back to the reservoir could be difficult. Fig. 10. Raw LWD logs and calculated volumetrics for well XA-A (a) and well XA-B (b). Fig. 11. Real time LWD RI, deep, medium, shallow, and bit resistivity. The real time logs were transmitted to surface by mud pulse telemetry at a speed of six bits per second, and then to office via satellite. 8 SAUDI ARAMCO JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY WINTER 2005 Formation Resistivity In conventional formation evaluation, deeper measurement is always preferred since it is less affected by borehole rugosity and borehole fluids. 21 Deep measurements in horizontal wells, especially in thinly layered reservoir intervals such as L1Z1, may be severely affected by adjacent bed, rock anisotropy, and other factors. From Fig. 10a, it is seen that the conventional triple combo deep (30 + in.), medium (20 in.), and shallow (10 in.) resistivity measurements are very lazy from the top to the bottom of the hole, even though reservoir porosity changed from 15 pu to zero pu. In this case, shallower measurement may be more representative of the reservoir, provided that the mud filtrate invasion is minimized. Geosteering with RI An Example XA-B, another L1Z1 ML well in the same field as well XA- A, was drilled in 2004. This well was geosteered with LWD RI tool, the first RI job in Saudi Arabia (Fig. 10b). Examples of static and dynamic real-time RI are shown in Fig. 11. There were two main objectives for using RI in well XA- B. One was that, due to the higher resolution of RI compared to DI (Fig. 5), it can be used for better reservoir characterization, thus better geosteering of the well. The other was that RI may be able to provide more representative reservoir resistivity, as discussed above, than the normal LWD deeper resistivity measurement if mud filtrate invasion can be minimized by optimizing the design of drilling fluid. After completing this well, we believe we achieved both objectives. Fig. 12 shows a comparison between RI and DI. It is evident from this figure that the quality of the RI is much better than that of the DI, and it is much easier for geoscientists to characterize reservoir features along the well path with RI. Azimuthal densities are also plotted in the figure for the purpose of comparison. Fig. 13 shows a similar plot as Fig. 12, but in this figure the well trajectory with respect to the boundary formation is also shown based on the real-time RI interpretation. Real- time LWD RI provides clear guidance to the geoscientists as to whether the wellbore is close to the bottom or the top zero porosity anhydrite. Based on this information, real- time geosteering decisions can be made and appropriate actions can be taken in order to have a more successful MRC well. Effect of Borehole Rugosity on Shallow Measurements Fig. 14 demonstrates the benefits of the higher resolution and deeper measurement of RI. In this example, due to the effect of borehole rugosity on shallow density measurements, the azimuthal density indicated that the well path was approaching the bottom anhydrite (bottom density is heavier than the top density). Had this been the Fig. 12. In this example, both DI and RI can be used successfully for geosteering, even though the RI has better resolution. Fig. 13. This example shows that the well was avoided to hit the overlaying and underneath anhydrite with the help of RI. Fig. 14. In this example, azimuthal density (DI) indicates that the well is approaching the bottom anhydrite (see top and bottom density) while the RI shows otherwise. Further investigation reveals that hole rugosity affects the shallow DI measurement and the well was geosteered down to get back to the reservoir. SAUDI ARAMCO JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY WINTER 2005 9 only information available, it would have been necessary to geosteer the well upward. Since RI was also run in real time, it clearly showed that the approaching anhydrite was at the top of the reservoir, thus indicating the need to geosteer the well downward. With more confidence in RI, a real-time decision was made and the well was geosteered downward to stay away from the top anhydrite. As a result, a better well was achieved (Fig. 10b). The difference between DI and RI in this interval is attributed to the effect of borehole rugosity. These borehole rugosity effects on the shallower DI measurement, but not much on the deeper RI measurement, are clearly shown in Fig. 15. Geosteering with DDR An Example Directional Deep Resistivity (DDR) data was acquired in well XY-A, the first well geosteered with DDR in Saudi Arabia (Fig. 16). The objective was to drill a ML well to improve well productivity and enhance reservoir sweep by providing maximum reservoir contact. To ensure the well objectives are delivered, DDR was run to provide real-time measurements of distance to conductive boundary (DTCB). The capability to detect boundaries away from the borehole provides the means to maximize the net horizontal length drilled in the reservoir, and reduces the risk of exiting to non-pay zones. Around-the-clock coverage of well placement operations was conducted from Saudi Aramcos office by both the Saudi Aramco and service company geoscientists. InterACT and satellite data transmission services were used to provide communication and data connectivity from the rig site to Saudi Aramcos Geosteering Operation Center (GOC), enabling real-time interpretation, which was the key in delivering DTCB for effective decision-making. Pre-Job Modeling Pre-job planning is essential for a successful delivery of the well objectives. Data from nearby wells was used to model the expected LWD resistivity and DDR responses for the laterals, as shown in Fig. 8. This pre-job modeling helped the well placement team to understand the expected tool measurements along the planned well path and distance to boundary response from the inversion software. This approach enhances the teams capability to act before the wellpath exits any reservoir. Added Value of DDR It was decided by the asset team that the 1st and 2nd laterals of well XY-A would be logged by the DDR. The Fig. 15. Effect of borehole rugosity on shallow, but not deep measurement. Fig. 16. BHA used for drilling well XY-A and real geosteering using DDR. 10 SAUDI ARAMCO JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY WINTER 2005 objective for the 1st lateral was to drill half of the planned well length in lobe 1 (L1) and then cut through the anhydrite stringer and drill the remaining half in lobe 2 (L2, a thicker reservoir interval below L1). While in L1, DDR and log correlation indicated that the interval thickness in this well is about half of that expected from nearby wells. Consequently, a decision was made to drop the hole inclination to enter and drill in L2. While in L2, a low porosity dolomitic zone was encountered. It was decided to drop the well trajectory further in TVD until the well was in good reservoir rock, and then the well was kept 3 ft. TVD below the dolomitic layer. As planned, the well was placed in the good reservoir, and drilling continued in this zone until DDR detected that the oil-water contact (OWC, Fig. 17) was approaching. The well was called TD based on the DTCB information provided by DDR in real time. The 2nd lateral was planned to be drilled in L1 only, but based on L1 thickness in the 1st lateral, it was decided to drill the 2nd lateral in both L1 and L2, with 1/3 of the length in L1 and 2/3 in L2. With the aid of DDR, the well was drilled longer than planned in L1 in a tight 3 ft. window (Fig. 18). Drilling through the anhydrite stringer into L2 proved to be more challenging than anticipated as the formation started dipping downward at a relatively steep angle (relative dip of about 1.5 degrees), and as a result about 200 ft. was drilled in the anhydrite before the well eventually got into L2. After drilling into L2, DDR indicated that the well was approaching the OWC, and it was decided to stop drilling and TD the well. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSI ONS To recover oil from thinly layered reservoirs, MRC ML wells must be drilled with advanced LWD geosteering technologies to maximize net reservoir contact. LWD provides different levels of service: conventional triple combo for simple formation evaluation as well as geosteering simple-to-drill wells. For more difficult-to-drill wells, azimuthal measurement and image are required. DI is commonly used because of its slim tool OD. RI, with more than five times of resolution, has a deeper depth of investigation, thus is less affected by near wellbore effects. High resolution measurements are needed for accurate formation dip analysis and geosteering. However, the RI tool OD is bigger, which limits its application to 8-1/2 in. holes only. Both DI and RI are shallower measurements. When a boundary shows on the image, it means the wellpath is already close to it. DDR provides a much deeper measurement and thus can be used in geosteering a well away from a boundary before getting too close to it. The three case studies presented in this paper have showed that it is possible to develop thin targets through enhanced geosteering and reservoir planning. Well XA-A, geosteered with LWD triple combo and DI, was a successful well except the well penetrated the zero porosity anhydrite at one interval. For well XA-B, LWD RI provided extra added value by keeping the well path in the reservoir. LWD azimuthal density and DI were affected by borehole rugosity and could not have been effective in keeping the borehole in the thin reservoir. For well XY-A, though the formation was initially assumed to be almost flat based on pre-spud maps, RI confirmed that the formation was actually dipping. L1 thickness was initially assumed to be between 5 ft. and 7 ft. TVD but both RI in the 8-1/2 in. section and DDR in the 6- 1/8 in. section confirmed that the thickness of L1 is about 3 ft. With the aid of DDR, it was possible to drill a rather long horizontal lateral in L1 despite the tight window. In addition, drilling plans for both laterals of well XY-A were optimized in real time based on DDRs response to WOC. Fig. 17. DDR inversion processing using memory data confirmed the real time results of the presence of OWC about 13 ft. TVD below the XY-A lateral 1 path. Well TD is shorter than planned because of this real-time monitoring. Fig. 18. DDR was used to geosteer well XY-A lateral 2. The thickness of L1Z1 in this area was found very thin, about 3 ft. TVD. In addition, an advancing WOC was detected by DDR during drilling. Consequently, the well was called TD to avoid being too close to the WOC. RECOMMENDATI ONS Apart from the drilling performance benefits that the RSS delivers, it is important to utilize it in difficult-to-drill wells where active geosteering is required. Running high-resolution LWD RI will not only improve geosteering but also enhance reservoir characterization. It has the potential to replace some of the pipe-conveyed image logs for geological feature characterization, thus saving rig time. It is recommended that DDR be run in wells where distance to formation boundary is crucial, provided that the conductivity contrast is large enough to be detected by the tool. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank Saudi Aramco management for granting permission to publish this paper. Special thanks are also extended to colleagues from both Saudi Aramco and Schlumberger for their support. REFERENCES 1. Ma, S.M., Al-Hajari, A.A., Berberian, G. and Rammamorthy, R.: Cased-Hole Reservoir Saturation Monitoring in Mixed Salinity Environments A New Integrated Approach, paper SPE 92426, 2005. 2. Akinsanmi, O., et al.: Application of Azimuthal Density While Drilling Images for Dips, Facies and Reservoir Characterization Niger/Delta Experience, paper SPE 65460, 2000. 3. 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