Experiments and Simulations For Optical Controlled Thermal Management On The Nanometer Length Scala
Experiments and Simulations For Optical Controlled Thermal Management On The Nanometer Length Scala
Experiments and Simulations For Optical Controlled Thermal Management On The Nanometer Length Scala
+ =
Here is the temperature-dependent
electronic heat capacity, is the lattice heat
) (
e e
T c
is the thermal conductivity, is the
electron-phonon coupling constant, is the
excitation energy density per unit time and unit
volume in a particle. The first term on the right-
hand side representing thermal-conductivity losses
from a particle to the matrix can be neglected for
few picoseconds after laser irradiation. The value of
G is 310
) t
( P
J/(ps m
K) [5]. We used the parameters
of c and with ,
[4] and
[5]. As transient absorption a value of 27% was
taken [9].
) (
e e
/ K m J
T c
K m
3 2
66 c = c
3 =
The conductive heat transfer from the gold
nanosphere to the PMMA-matrix starts after the
equilibration of the electron gas with the lattice.
The model for heat transfer by conduction is
described by the heat equation
q T k
= +
) ( (2)
with the following material properties: is the
density, C is the heat capacity, k is the thermal
conductivity, is the heat source. The two
subdomains are a gold particle modeled as a
truncated sphere with a radius of 15 nm without a
cup of 5 nm height and the PMMA matrix as a
cuboid 200 nm x 200 nm x 100 nm. The gold
properties are the density
19300 kg / m
, the
heat capacity = 129 J / kg K, and the thermal
conductivity = 317 W / mK, while the PMMA
properties are
1190 kg / m
=1420 J / kg K, = 0,19 W / m K.
The initial temperature in the gold particle is
(the lattice temperature after the fs-pulse)
and the initial temperature of the PMMA matrix is
. At the boundary between the two
subdomains the continuity interior boundary
condition is valid:
K 344
K 300
( )
K 300
T h
( T k
n n
) =
25 . 0
54 . F
25 . 0
= k
0 ) =
T k
As boundary condition of the PMMA cuboid we set
on all surfaces (without the top surface) the
prescribed temperature of , the heat bath of
the surrounding. The top boundaries are described
by external natural cooling conditions
) T n (4)
with the horizontal surface upside
0 = (5)
with the Rayleigh number Ra and the characteristic
length L.
4. Results
The electron-phonon coupling model simulation
shows a high electron temperature near 2000 K
with relaxation times of 5 ps ( see Fig.1a,
absorption = 0,27) for 30 nm gold nanoparticles
femtosecond laser radiation (pulse length = 100 fs,
wavelength = 530 nm, repetition rate = 76 MHz)
and dielectric surrounding (PMMA) parameters. At
the same time scale the temperature of the
nanoparticle lattice increases from room
temperature of 300 K to 344,5 K (see Fig.1b,
Excerpt from the Proceedings of the COMSOL Users Conference 2007 Grenoble
absorption 0,27). 10 ps after the first femtosecond
laser pulse, the particle temperature T
is near below
the glass transition temperature of PMMA (372 K).
Therefore the nanoparticle can sink into the PMMA
after the first femtosecond laserpuls.
Fig.3: a) Time dependence of the electron temperature T
for different transient absorptions. b) Lattice temperature T
of 30
nm gold spheres, also for different absorptions.
Fig.4: a) 3D FEM simulation of the temperature distribution of a 30 nm gold sphere on PMMA 12ns after the femtosecond
laser pulse. b) temperature for different times after the laser pulse at different vertical postions under the nanoparticle. The
particle surface is here at the position of 30 nm.
Fig.5: a) 3D FEM simulation of the temperature distribution of a 30 nm gold sphere on PMMA after 5 femtosecond laser
pulses with 80 MHz pulse repetition rate. b) Temperature of the nanosphere after different numbers of femtosecond laser
pulses with 80 MHz pulse repetion rate.
To simulate the heat transport into the non-uniform
PMMA and air environment we numerically solved
the heat conduction equation by FEM methods
(Fig.4a). The most prominent result is, that the
temperature increase of the PMMA environment is
very local (only 40 nm). This is caused by the low
Excerpt from the Proceedings of the COMSOL Users Conference 2007 Grenoble
heat capacity of the small nanoparticle (see Fig.4b).
Secondly and very important, at the end of the
period between two femtosecond laser pulses (12
ns) there is only a very small temperature increase.
This encourages to increase the temperature by
additional femtosecond pulses, each of them after
12 ns. Further simulations show the results after a
number of ultrashort pulses in a time distance of 12
ns. Every pulse increases the temperature of the
particle (see Fig.5b). Fig.5a shows the temperature
in the PMMA environment after 5 pulses. After
only 5 pulses a balance between cooling of the air-
and PMMA environment (convection and heat
conduction) and the periodical heating of the
nanoparticle was reached. Here we find that the
maximal temperature change, which can be
obtained, is only 3,5 K.
Fig.6: a) 3D FEM simulation of the temperature distribution of a 30 nm gold sphere on PMMA after 12 femtosecond laser
pulses with 1 GHz pulse repetition rate, the red line shows the heat flux b) Temperature of the nanosphere 1 ns after different
numbers of femtosecond laser pulses with 1 GHz pulse repetition rate. (for two different laser pulse intensities and therefore
two different lattice temperatures (44 K, 22 K))
Fig.7: a) Simulation of nanoparticle heating by a pulse repetitation rate of 1GHz (from 0 ns - 10 ns), than a temper zone (10
ns 20 ns) and at last a cooling with several cooling rates, realized by laser pulses with varion pulse repetition rates (0,2
GHz, 0,5 GHz) and cooling without laser pulses. b) the same as in a) but for the temperature in PMMA 10 nm below the
nanoparticle (z = -10 nm) and 30 nm below the nanoparticle (z = -30 nm).
By increasing the femtosecond laser pulse
repetition rate (time between two pulses is only 1
ns), it should be possible to increase the
temperature change further. The simulation in Fig.
6b show a nanoparticle temperature of 420K after
12 ns.
In principle any temperature increase, any constant
temperature or any temperature decrease (in a
temperature range between 20C and 150C) should
be possible by controlling the pulse repetition rate
and the laser pulse intensity below a maximal
fluence for ablation of nanoparticles, which is 2,8
(Fig. 7a). In PMMA in a distance of 10 nm
and 30 nm below the nanoparticle the temperature
can be controlled, too. Here, the temperature
increase after the pulse is not so significant. (Fig.
Excerpt from the Proceedings of the COMSOL Users Conference 2007 Grenoble
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Excerpt from the Proceedings of the COMSOL Users Conference 2007 Grenoble