Threema Report

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Threema security assessment

Research project for Security of Systems and Networks

Master System and Network Engineering
Hristo Dimitrov, Jan Laan, Guido Pineda
December 22, 2013
The research described in this paper aims to nd out if there are any security
aws in the mobile messaging application Threema. In order to do this the
memory of the application was analyzed, as well as the les stored on the mobile
device. Lastly the network trac generated by Threema was inspected, and
attempts were made to perform a man-in-the-middle attack. No serious security
aws were found in this research, as long as a master key is used for added
security, this is a feature of Threema itself. The conclusion is that Threema
looks safe and well built.
1 Introduction 4
1.1 Research questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Threema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2.1 Security used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2 Approach 5
3 Implementation 5
3.1 Decompiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2 Memory analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.3 Filesystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.3.1 Preferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.3.2 Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.4 Network trac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.4.1 Environment Set Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.4.2 Network Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.4.3 Man-in-the-Middle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4 Conclusion 13
5 Further research 13
A Threema database key retrieval 14
B Contribution 15
1 Introduction
Messaging applications are constantly used nowadays, and one big concern is
whether they are secure or not. Big security aws have been discovered in
widely used messaging applications like Whatsapp or BlackBerry Messenger [9]
[8], where communications can be eavesdropped by an attacker. The Threema
application claims to be secure by using true end-to-end encryption, where even
the server operator has no access to read the users messages. Widely used
applications such as Whatsapp, BlackBerry Messenger, have claimed that they
are secure, but seriously security aws have been found, such as unencrypted
channels. In this research, we want to test the current state of the security of
the application, and test if it is as secure as they claim it to be.
1.1 Research questions
The main research question for this project is: What is the current observable
state of the Threema application?
The main question can be split into the following subquestions:
Is there any readable data left on the mobiles device ash drive?
Is Threema susceptible to Man in the Middle Attacks?
Does Threema employ Perfect Forward Secrecy?
Is there any reachable data left in the mobiles RAM?
Are there no obvious security aws in the application source code? e.g.:
Wrong use of (cryptographic) libraries.
1.2 Threema
The Threema application is available both for Android and iOS. In this research
project we focused on Android mainly because we have some experience devel-
oping Android applications, and specically decompiling the application would
be easier for us, as well as reading the decompiled code.
The Threema application is a classical mobile messaging app, that can be
downloaded at Googles Play Store for Android devices, or App Store for iOS
devices. To start using it, the user has to create his own private key, randomness
is created by moving the nger on the display. The app can be linked to the
users email account and his phone number.
Every contact that uses the Threema app in the contact list will appear as a
contact in the users app. The verication level of each contact is represented by
three dots, that indicate the degree of condence that a stored public key really
belongs to the contact. This are the levels of condence that the application
One dot colored (red): The ID and the public key were delivered by the
server, there is no match with the address book and the user cant be sure
that the person is who it claims to be.
Two dots colored (orange): The veried email or the phone number of
the contact was found in the users address book, the user can have some
condence that the person is who he claims to be.
Three dots colored (green): The ID and the public key were checked by
scanning the contacts QR code. Unless the device has been hacked, the
user can be sure that the person is who it claims to be.
Contacts can exchange messages with eachother. Messages can contain text,
images or locations. Threema also allows for messages to be acknowledged, a
way of showing the other user that the message has been read and understood
without having to send a reply. The iOS version of Threema has a group chat
function, the Android version which is the focus of this research does not.
1.2.1 Security used
Threema uses asymmetric cryptography to protect the communication between
two users and the communication between the application and the servers.
The specic type of encryption that is used is Elliptic Curve Cryptography,
which has a strength of 255 bits. A 128 bit message authentication code (MAC)
is also added to each message to detect manipulation/forgeries.
The app also adds a random amount of padding to each message to thwart
attempts to guess the content of a message by looking the amount of data.
It has two layers of encryption, the end-to-end layer between two users, and
an additional layer to protect against eavesdropping of the connection between
the app and the servers.
Message encryption and decryption is made on the device, and the user has
control of the key exchange. This guarantees that not a third party, not even
the servers, can decrypt the captured messages.
2 Approach
The approach to this project is mainly trying to answer the research questions
proposed in the Introduction. In order to do this, we are going to do the
Decompile the downloaded app for an Android device
Analyze the code of the application to see how it works
Try to read any data left in the memory of the device
Set up a test environment to capture network trac and analyze any
3 Implementation
3.1 Decompiling
To be able to research the application, it was decompiled, using the tools dex2jar
[3] and jd-gui [4]. This enabled us to read the source code of the application,
albeit without any symbolic information. All package, class and variable names
were lost, making the source code harder to read.
Then, the application was recompiled with debugging symbols, using apktool
[1]. The source code was loaded into the Netbeans IDE so breakpoints could be
set in the code, in order to further analyze and understand it.
3.2 Memory analysis
The Android development environment [2] for Eclipse and the Eclipse plugin
MAT [5] were used to analyze the memory of the Threema application. The
memory of the application was dumped while it was running, and then loaded
into MAT. Using MAT, the application memory could be browsed.
Inspecting the memory quickly showed received and sent messages. An ex-
ample can be seen in gure 1. This shows the date of the message, directly
followed by the contents of the message. This specic format and layout makes
it easy to identify messages in the memory dump.
Figure 1: Threema memory snippet
Because it is hard tfor an attacker to access a users phone memory with the
Threema application active, not much time was spent analyzing the memory.
Though, if an attacker does get access, it will be easy to read the messages.
3.3 Filesystem
The Threema application has many les in its database directory. Some are of
particular interest:
shared prefs/ preferences.xml
Our rst assumption was that the le threema.db should hold some interesting
data. Maybe the messages, contacts, or even the private key. It was encrypted,
so not readable immediately. key.dat was a small binary le, some sort of key,
to access what? preferences.xml was a plaintext xml le.
3.3.1 Preferences
The preferences le showed some interesting, but not neccesarily sensitive in-
formation. It holds amongst others:
The users Threema ID
The users public key
The users linked email address (when available, linking is optional)
The users linked phone number (when available, linking is optional)
The users public nickname
3.3.2 Database
The decompiled source of Threema showed use of a library called SQLCipher
[10]. SQLCipher is an open source library, which protects SQLite databases with
AES-256 encryption. SQLCipher is a popular solution for securing databases
on iOS, Android and other platforms, used by many commercial applications.
Threema uses this as well. This is what Threema has to say about it on
their website [11]:
Threema includes its own app-specic encryption based on AES-
256 to protect stored messages, media and your IDs private key.
The key used for this encryption is generated randomly the rst
time you start Threema, and can optionally be protected by setting a
Master Key Passphrase in the settings, which we highly recommend.
Without a passphrase, the encryption will only add obscurity due to
the way hardware encryption is handled on Android.
We wanted to verify this claim. After inspecting the source code we were able
to determine that the le key.dat held the key used to encrypt the database.
However, the le could not be used directly. Threema added some obfuscation
to make it harder to open the database. We created a small java program,
that given the keyle would output a key in the format that SQLCipher would
accept. The program can be found in appendix A. SQLCipher can accept two
types of keys:
1. A passphrase, from which a key is derived
2. a 265-bit raw key input, formatted as hex string
Threema uses the latter of the two. For example, the key of our test database,
which is randomly generated on database creation, was, once converted,
We then opened the database in the command-line verison of SQLCipher, en-
tered the key, and the database was decrypted.
(a) Contacts
(b) Messages
Figure 2: Threema database
The database has a few tables. contacts holds a list of all contacts, and
message contains a list of all sent and received messages. This shows the
validity of the statement on the Threema site. With just the Threema data
les, it is possible to retrieve all messages and contacts, which is certainly not
secure. When a master key passphrase was added to the application, the above
process was not possible anymore.
3.4 Network trac
3.4.1 Environment Set Up
For the purpose of investigating the network trac that the Threema app gen-
erates and performing attacks on it, a special set up needed to be implemented.
The set up should allow for:
Internet connectivity for the Threema app
Trac sning and inspection
Trac manipulation for the purpose of communication attacks
Since there are dierent tools for performing attacks on a network trac
and some of them work on Windows only, others on Linux only, we came up
with two set ups, which will allow us to use both kinds of tools.
The rst set up is a Windows set up. It uses a rooted Android Phone which
runs the Threema app and DroidWall which was used to block all other trac
from the phone. The phone connects to a Windows laptop which acts as a WiFi
Hotspot. The laptop runs the MyPublicWiFi software for setting up the WiFi
Hotspot [6]. It also runs Wireshark for trac sning and Cain and Abel for
attacks on the trac [7]. The Ethernet network card of the laptop is used for
connecting to the Internet.
Figure 3: This is the Windows set up used for packet capturing and MitM
Since we did not have a Linux laptop in our possession, the Linux set up
is quite dierent. Again as in the Windows set up a rooted Android Phone
which runs the Threema app and DroidWall was used. The phone connects to
an Access Point which is connected to a Ubuntu server via Ethernet cable. The
Access Point is congured to act as a repeater only, with as default gateway
the IP address of the server. The server runs SSLSplit for performing a Man-
in-the-Middle attack. It has two Ethernet network cards and the second one is
used to connect to the Internet. Also IP forwarding is enabled on the server and
the following iptables rules were added so the trac can be successfully routed
from the one network interface to the other:
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o em1 -j MASQUERADE
iptables -A FORWARD -i em2 -o em1 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i em1 -o em2 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
Figure 4: This is the Ubuntu Set Up used for MitM attacks
3.4.2 Network Communication
The Windows set up was used for observing the network trac. The network
packets from the following scenarios were captured using Whireshark:
Starting the app
Unlocking the master key
Adding contacts and verifying the status of the added contacts
Sending messages to a contact which is online
Sending messages to a contact which is oine and becomes online after
some period of time
Changing prole details
All of the scenarios were performed multiple times. The following observa-
tions were made from the captured trac.
1. The Threema app communicates to two dierent servers. The rst one is
used to communicate Meta data and status updates. For example when
the user changes his name, this is the server that the change will be com-
municated to.
2. For the communication it uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
(HTTPS) which implements Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection.
3. In order to connect to that server the Threema app issues a DNS query
for, then fetches the IP address of the server from the
response and starts an SSL session with that server. A Man-in-the-Middle
attack seams feasible for that connection.
4. The second server is only used for forwarding messages to other users.
5. The communication protocol used for this communication is Extensible
Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP). XMPP implements Simple
Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) and Transport Layer Security
(TLS) for its security. This means that MitM attack might be feasible for
this communication.
6. In order to connect to the second server the Threema app issues a DNS
query for g-2 digit (where the 2 digit number is
lled dynamically in the Threema code and no matter what that number
is, the response IP address is always the same), then fetches the IP address
of the server from the response and starts an XMPP session with that
7. Every message send in this session is amended with random number bytes,
which results in variable and non-predictive packet sizes. Therefore, send-
ing the same message resulted in very dierent trac captured by Wire-
There are three interesting characteristics that Threema claims to provide
when users are chatting. The rst one is that if a recipient is oine, the messed
will be sent from the sender to the server and the server will store it until the
recipient comes online. The second one is that the messages are being delivered
with an end-to-end encryption. This means that there is a layer of encryption
which happens at the sender and is being decrypted only after the message
reaches the receiver. And the third one is that Threema ensures perfect forward
secrecy. Which means that session keys are being established for sending the
messages over the wire, which are being forgotten after the session nishes, so
that if packets are captured from an attacker he will not be able to decrypt
them in the future by getting his hands on the private keys of the users.
The rst one was easily veried, simply by sending a message to a user that is
oine, checking for network trac from then sender to the server, then bringing
the receiver online and verifying that he receives the message.
However for the other two to be fullled, there should be at least two lay-
ers of encryption. One layer of encryption: from the sender to the recipient,
which will provide the end-to-end encryption. This layer should use public key
cryptography since there is no way to negotiate a session key with the recipient
if he is oine. The second layer of encryption will ensure the perfect forward
secrecy. This layer should use session keys for establishing 2 sessions: one from
the sender to the server and one from the server to the recipient. If this is the
way this communication is implemented, an attack against it will be harder to
However Threema does establish session keys, which stay valid for up to
one week. If those are used for the user to user communication, there will be
no longer need for two-layer encryption, however the implementation of perfect
forward secrecy becomes questionable, since one week is a long period for a
session key to be valid. Because the part of the code, which deals with this part
of the communication is too obfuscated after the decompilation, we couldnt
gure out what is the exact implementation for this part of the communication.
We also did not nd a good tool for MitM attacks against XMPP sessions, so
no attack against the communication with the second server was performed in
this research.
3.4.3 Man-in-the-Middle
The SSL connection with the rst server will be the target of the Man-in-
the-Middle attack. There are a couple of variants of how this attack can be
performed, based on the certicate that the attacker uses for impersonating the
1. Using a fake certicate which is not signed by a Certicate Authority
(CA), but has the same parameters as the real one
2. Using a fake certicate which is signed by a fake Certicate Authority
(CA) which is not trusted by the user, but both have the same parameters
as the real one
3. Using a fake certicate which is signed by a fake Certicate Authority
(CA) which is trusted by the user and both have the same parameters as
the real one
4. Using a real certicate which is signed by a real Certicate Authority
(CA), but has dierent parameters
In this research only the rst three variants were performed, because we did
not have the private key for any real certicate. The rst and second variant
of MitM attack was performed on the Windows set up using the Cain and Abel
software tool. There were no results from the attack on the targeted link. Then
the created fake CA certicate was installed to the users phone in order to
test the third variant of the attack. However this variant is not very feasible,
because one has to have access to the users device in order to install a CA on
The second and the third variant of the attack were then performed on the
Ubuntu set up using SSLSplit. Again there were no results from the attack.
Actually the device did not even try to establish an SSL session for a second
time, which is probably a security feature of the app, to not attempt to connect
to the server for a second time after detecting a MitM attack.
Finally the third variant of the attack was tested on the Windows set up.
This time there was a visible result in the Cain and Abel GUI. The attempt for
establishing the session was displayed, however the client dropped the connec-
tion immediately, so no data was captured from that connection (see Figure 5).
It was not exactly clear why the client dropped the connection, but we assumed
that it is most likely, because the certicate used by Threema was pinned. It
can be seen that the same set up performed a successful MitM attack on almost
all of the rest of the HTTPS trac. In fact the only other SSL session that got
closed from the client in the same way was the one from the banking app from
ABN Ambro. In conclusion, there must have been some additional check, like
a hardcoded certicate, that only the most secure apps perform, which makes
the MitM attack infeasible, or at least harder.
Figure 5: Man-in-the-Middle Attack - The client closes the connection before
any data is transmitted
4 Conclusion
We could not nd any serious security aws in the Threema application. How-
ever, we do encourage the use of a Master password to encrypt the Threema
database, as this enhances security. The application uses established crypto
libraries, such as SQLCipher and NaCl (Salt), which are well known and open
source libraries to do encryption. The application has some levels of verication
for users by using email addresses, phone numbers and public key exchange by
QR codes, which prevents impersonation. In order to get access to the users
messages, it is only possible by having physical accesses to the phone, which in
a practical scenario is not very feasible. Even with access to the device, access
to Threema messages and contacts is very limited. Threema looks secure and
well implemented.
5 Further research
In this research, dierent angles of the Threema application have been explored.
However, there are more things left unexplored. The focus was on the Android
app, while there is also an iOS version, which is similar, but not the same. For
example the database encryption in iOS is dierent from Android [11], and iOS
supports a group-chat feature with the Android version does not have.
The decompiled code has not been extensively looked at, only for the extent
needed for the topics discussed above. This can be looked at to veriy if there
are any implementation errors.
The strength of the used encryption was not validated, however due to the
use of standard cryptographic libraries, this is an unlikely vector of attack.
[1] android-apktool.
[2] Android sdk.
[3] dex2jar.
[4] jd-gui.
[5] Eclipse memory analyzer.
[6] Mypublicwi.
[7] Apr-https in cain and abel.
[8] Neha s. Thakur. Forensic analysis of whatsapp on android smartphones.
University of New Orleans Theses and Dissertations. Paper 1706., June
[9] Peter Kieseberg Sebastian Schrittwieser, Peter Frhwirt. Guess whos tex-
ting you? evaluating the security of smartphone messaging applications.
19th Annual Network & Distributed System Security Symposium, February
[10] Sqlcipher.
[11] Threema.
A Threema database key retrieval
Usage: java ThreemaDecrypter key.dat
Class p.a is extracted from the Threema source code. It is the class that
deals with reading the keyle.
1 import j ava . i o . Fi l e ;
2 import j ava . i o . IOExcepti on ;
3 import j ava . u t i l . Local e ;
4 import p . a ;
6 cl ass ThreemaDecrypter
7 {
8 public stati c void main( St r i ng ar gs [ ] )
9 {
10 try
11 {
12 Fi l e f = new Fi l e ( ar gs [ 0 ] ) ;
13 a decr ypt er = new p . a ( f ) ;
14 byte [ ] databasekey = decr ypt er . c ( ) ;
16 St r i ng r eal dbkey = x\ + aaa ( databasekey ) + \ ;
17 System . out . pr i nt l n ( r eal dbkey ) ;
18 }
19 catch( Excepti on e )
20 {
21 System . out . pr i nt l n ( Excepti on : + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
22 }
23 }
25 public stati c St r i ng aaa ( byte [ ] paramArrayOfByte )
26 {
27 char [ ] arrayOfChar1 = { 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 , 52 , 53 , 54 ,
55 , 56 , 57 , 97 , 98 , 99 , 100 , 101 , 102 };
28 char [ ] arrayOfChar2 = new char [ 2 paramArrayOfByte .
l engt h ] ;
29 for ( i nt i = 0; i < paramArrayOfByte . l engt h ; i ++)
30 {
31 i nt j = 0xFF & paramArrayOfByte [ i ] ;
32 arrayOfChar2 [ ( i 2) ] = arrayOfChar1 [ ( j >>> 4) ] ;
33 arrayOfChar2 [ ( 1 + i 2) ] = arrayOfChar1 [ ( j & 0xF)
] ;
34 }
35 return new St r i ng ( arrayOfChar2 ) ;
36 }
37 }
B Contribution
Hristo Dimitrov Network environment setup, network/trac analy-
sis, report
Jan Laan Decompilation, code analysis, memory analysis, ap-
plication data analysis, report, presentation
Guido Pineda Network environment setup, network/trac analy-
sis, report

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