E-Banking For Test-Plan

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System Test Plan

RANFORD Bank 1.0
Prepared by:
Krishna Rao
Documen !isory
"ersion Re#ision Dae Name $odi%icaion &ummary
0.1 02/07/2010 Rajamohan Initial Draft
1.0 21/07/2010 Krishna Rao Updated the ! s"hed#les and $#ild
RANFORD Bank System Test Plan Page 1 of 12
Mind Q Systems, Intenal !se Only
Name (ser )d Ro'e Dae
S#resh $a%# S#resh.% Proje"t &ana'er 21/07/2010
RANFORD Bank System Test Plan Page 2 of 12
Mind Q Systems, Intenal !se Only
*ab'e o% +onens
Document History ............................................................................................................. 1
Approvals ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 4
1"1 Po#e$t O%e%ie& """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '
1"2 Refeed Do$(ments """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '
2.0 Scope ............................................................................................................................. 4
2"1 In S$o)e """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '
2"2 O(t of S$o)e """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '
3.0 Assumptions and Dependencies .................................................................................. 5
*"1 Ass(m)tions """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +
*"2 De)enden$ies """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +
4.0 Risks and iti!ations .................................................................................................. 5
5.0 System "estin! #ntry and #$it %riteria .................................................................... &
+"1 ,nty -iteia """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .
+"2 ,/it -iteia """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .
&.0 'A Delivera(les ........................................................................................................... )
).0 *uild Sc+edule ............................................................................................................. )
,.0 "est #nvironment ....................................................................................................... )
-.0 Hi!+ .evel "est Scenarios ........................................................................................... )
10.0 "est Approac+ ............................................................................................................ ,
10"1 Test Pe)aation """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1
10"2 Test ,/e$(tion """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 2
Appendi$ A ........................................................................................................................ -
RANFORD Bank System Test Plan Page * of 12
Mind Q Systems, Intenal !se Only
1.0 )nroducion
1.1 Pro,ec O#er#ie-
Ran%ord !ome pa.e allo(s different #sers s#"h as admin) %an* employee) +ario#s
"#stomers ,Indi+id#al "#stomers) "orporate "#stomers) International -#stomers. to lo'in
and a""ess the appli"ation for f#rther #sa'e and also it pro+ides information a%o#t +ario#s
ser+i"es offered %y Ranford $an*.

The o%je"ti+e of the R!/01RD $!/K !dmin mod#le in proje"t is to "reate ne( %ran"hes) to
"reate the ne( #sers and $an*ers alon' (ith the pri+ile'es. !dmin is the s#per #ser) (hi"h
has all the pri+ile'es for "reatin' the $ran"hes) Users and $an*ers and alon' (ith all the
other pri+ile'es.
The 1%je"ti+e of the R!/01RD $!/K $an*er mod#le in proje"t is to re'ister and mana'e
the "#stomers of the %an* and to %oo* the day2to2day transa"tions in the %an* s#"h as
deposits and (ithdra(als et".
The 1%je"ti+e of the R!/01RD $!/K -#stomer mod#le in proje"t is desi'ned for the
re'istered "#stomers to perform +ario#s a"ti+ities s#"h as !""o#nts S#mmary) &oney
Transfer) Smart &oney 1rder) 1nline %ill payments and online re3#est for "he3#e%oo* et".)
The p#rpose of this do"#ment is to pro+ide an o+er+ie( for System Testin' ,ST. of
R!/01RD $an*. This do"#ment "o+ers the testin' s"ope) 4ntry245it "riteria) !
Deli+era%les) ! S"hed#le) 6i'h 7e+el Test S"enarios) !ss#mptions 8 Dependen"ies) Test
&ana'ement and Ris*s 8 &iti'ations.
1./ Re%erred Documens
The R!/01RD $an* $#siness Re3#irements Spe"ifi"ations ,$RS.
The R!/01RD $!/K 0#n"tional Spe"ifi"ations do"#ment ,0RS.
/.0 &cope
/.1 )n &cope
Testin' the !dmin) $an*er and -#stomer ,Personal $an*in'. mod#les in 42
$an*in' proje"t.
0#n"tional / system testin' of all test s"enarios mentioned #nder se" 10.0.
-reation of Test Re3#irements) Test -ases and Test Sets in #ality -enter.
Preparation of Test Data for e5e"#tin' the Test -ases.
Test "ase 45e"#tion for 2 "y"les and defe"t Tra"*in'.
Test "ase e5e"#tion on the follo(in' 1peratin' System 9indo(s200:.
Test "ase e5e"#tion #sin' the follo(in' %ro(sers 2 I4 ;.0.
/./ Ou o% &cope
7oad 8 Performan"e testin'.
Unit and Inte'ration testin' is not part of this s"ope.
RANFORD Bank System Test Plan Page ' of 12
Mind Q Systems, Intenal !se Only
0.0 Assumpions and Dependencies
0.1 Assumpions
The main dri+ers for System Testin' are the f#n"tionalities "ontained (ithin
the f#n"tional spe"ifi"ation do"#ments. These (ill define the s"ope of the testin'
and it is ass#med that on"e f#n"tionality from these has %een tested then f#ll
"o+era'e has %een a"hie+ed.
Sta'in' ser+er (ill %e a""essi%le.
-onta"t details of person,s. "on"erned (ith resol+in' en+ironmental iss#es
(ill %e pro+ided.
0ormal and Intensi+e Unit and Inte'ration testin' (ill %e done %y the De+
Defe"ts (ill %e dealt (ith in timely fashion %y all teams in+ol+ed.
/e( %#ilds (ill %e deployed in ! en+ironment as per %#ild s"hed#le.
!ll identified 6i'h2le+el test s"enarios "an %e sim#lated in test en+ironment.
0./ Dependencies
Kno(led'e transfer on 0#n"tionality as (ell as Te"hnolo'y to offshore testin' team
!+aila%ility of Testin' en+ironment to +alidate test s"ripts.
!+aila%ility of "onne"tion to appli"ations from offshore.
!+aila%ility of "onne"tion to Data%ases from offshore.
!+aila%ility of Data%ase s"hema des"ription to #nderstand the Data%ase Str#"t#re.
!+aila%ility of !ll ne"essary soft(are<s and 1peratin' System<s
Test data as spe"ified %y the ! team) inje"ted into the sta'e en+ironment.
!ll ne"essary User ID<s 8 pass(ords pro+ided to the ! team
1.0 Risks and $ii.aions
Risk 2ike'ihood )mpac $ii.aion
!ppli"ation not a""essi%le or not
respondin' properly d#rin' test
e5e"#tion d#e to en+ironmental
7o( 6i'h Perform an en+ironment sanity "he"*
%efore startin' the formal testin'
1%tain &o%ile n#m%ers of IT team
mem%ers to es"alate P1 en+ironment
Test team does not ha+e
ade3#ate *no(led'e of the
7o( 6i'h 1r'ani=e e5tensi+e *no(led'e transfer
sessions (ith offshore team
De+elopment team ha+in' less
*no(led'e of #ality -enter.
7o( 6i'h ! team (ill pro+ide "larifi"ations to the
De+elopment team.
Presen"e of lar'e n#m%er of
%lo"*in' Defe"t>s d#rin' test
e5e"#tion) this (o#ld pre+ent or
delay testin'.
7o( 6i'h Daily defe"t meetin' (ill %e #tili=ed to
prioriti=e defe"ts
! "o2ordinator (ill (or* "losely (ith the
IT team lead to pro+ide
-han'es to re3#irements &edi#m &edi#m !ll ne( Re3#irements that arise are
initiated thro#'h -han'e -ontrol pro"ess
RANFORD Bank System Test Plan Page + of 12
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3.0 &ysem *esin. 4nry and 45i +rieria
3.1 4nry +rieria
The follo(in' m#st %e in pla"e prior to the onset of ! System Testin'
The $#siness Re3#irements Do"#ment is fro=en
!ll ne( Re3#irements that arise are initiated thro#'h -han'e -ontrol pro"ess
Daily "omm#ni"ation plan in pla"e
Test -ases Re+ie(ed 8 si'ned2off
Dependent teams 8 reso#r"es identified
! Data Re3#irements identified 8 all ne"essary pass(ords/a""esses o%tained
Daily Defe"t &eetin' Day/Time/!ttendan"e esta%lished in the e5e"#tion phase
!ll appropriate team mem%ers ha+e a""ess to #ality -enter
Test "ases ha+e %een lin*ed to test sets in #ality -enter
3./ 45i +rieria
The follo(in' m#st %e in pla"e prior to the si'n2off of ! System Testin'?
/o open P1 or P2 defe"ts
!ll P:2P@ ,enhan"ements. defe"ts ha+e a do"#mented resol#tion plan
! minim#m of 2 test "y"les ,100A e5e"#tion. is "ompleted.
B@A Pass Rate of all test "ases
Re'ression testin' of defe"ts fi5ed d#rin' system testin'
!ll defe"ts lo''ed in #ality -enter
! si'n2off on system test
System test -lose2o#t report Pro+ided
Do"#mented list of any o#tstandin' ,open. defe"ts
RANFORD Bank System Test Plan Page . of 12
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7.0 6A De'i#erab'es
The follo(in' items (ill %e deli+ered?
System Test Plan
Test -ases ,&aintained in #ality -enter.
Daily Test 45e"#tion Report
Defe"t 7o' ,&aintained in #ality -enter.
Tra"ea%ility &atri5
45it Report.
Proje"t &etri"s.

8.0 Bui'd &chedu'e
/e( %#ilds (ill only %e deployed in sta'e en+ironment as per %#ild s"hed#le. 1nly
emer'en"y %#ilds "an %e deployed on other dates. 4a"h %#ild sho#ld ha+e +ersion n#m%er.
4mail to ! "oordinator has to %e sent after s#""essf#l installation of %#ild. Sanity test %y IT
team sho#ld %e "ond#"ted after %#ild installation.
&'.No Aci#iy No o% Resources &ar Dae 4nd Dae No o% Days
2 $#ildC2 1 20/10/201
$#ild S"hed#le (ill %e send to yo# laterD
9.0 *es 4n#ironmen
The follo(in' list of soft(are (ill %e re3#ired in the System Test 4n+ironment
! UR7s R!/01RD $!/K EF http?//lo"alhostG
9e% $ro(ser I4 ;.0
#ality -enter E H.0 SP2 http?//lo"alhost?H0H0/3"%in/start.htm
Domain? $an*in' Proje"t? 42$an*in'
&i"rosoft (indo(s 200:
Intel ,R. Penti#m) 2.H I6J) @01&$
:.0 !i.h 2e#e' *es &cenarios
&; *es &cenario
Admin $odu'e
0.1 Ranford 6ome Pa'e
0./ !dmin 6ome Pa'e
1 Branches
1.1 /e( $ran"h -reation
1.2 $ran"h 4dit
1.: $ran"h Delete
RANFORD Bank System Test Plan Page 3 of 12
Mind Q Systems, Intenal !se Only
1.K $ran"h Sear"h
/ Ro'es
2.1 /e( Role -reation
2.2 Role 4dit
2.: Role Delete
0 (sers
:.1 /e( User -reation
:.2 User 4dit
:.: User Delete
:.K User Sear"h
1 4mp'oyee <Banker=
K.1 /e( 4mployee -reation
K.2 4mployee 4dit
K.: 4mployee Delete
3 +usomer
@.1 /e( -#stomer Re'istration
@.2 4dit -#stomer
@.: Delete -#stomer
7 Receips
;.1 -ash Deposit
;.2 DD Deposit
;.: -he3#e Deposit
8 Paymens
7.1 -ash (ithdra(al
7.2 -he3#e (ithdra(al
7.: DD (ithdra(al
+usomer <Persona' Bankin.=
H.0 !""o#nts S#mmary
B.0 &oney Transfer
10.0 Smart &oney 1rder
11.0 $iils Pay
01.0 Re3#est for -he3#e $oo*
10.0 *es Approach
10.1 *es Preparaion
The ! Team (ill prepare Test S"enarios and Test Re3#irements %ased on all the
proje"t related do"#ments pro+ided %y the proje"t team.
The ! Team (ill prepare the system test "ases to +alidate ea"h Test S"enario and
Test re3#irement.
The system test "ases (ill "he"* the appli"ation f#n"tionality %y s#pplyin' a set of
+alid and in+alid inp#ts.
The system test "ases (ill %e re+ie(ed %y the de+elopment P7. The Test
7ead/!nalyst (ill appro+e the do"#ment. The test "ases (ill %e stored in #ality -enter
from the draft sta'e itself. The test "oordinator (ill e5port the test "ases in e5"el format
for ease of re+ie(.
RANFORD Bank System Test Plan Page 1 of 12
Mind Q Systems, Intenal !se Only
S7 3#eries (ill %e atta"hed to the rele+ant steps of the test s"ripts to +alidate
the information on the s"reen (ill %e +alidated a'ainst the information "ontained in the
10./ *es 45ecuion
The test s"ripts (ill %e e5e"#ted man#ally. The res#lts (ill %e +alidated a'ainst
the e5pe"ted res#lts listed in the test s"ripts. !ny defe"t fo#nd in this pro"ess (ill %e
lo''ed in #ality -enter.
The appli"ation de+elopment team (ill re+ie( defe"ts raised %y the ! team. The
tester (ill pro+ide all ne"essary information a%o#t the defe"t in #ality -enter.
!tta"hment ta% of #ality -enter (ill %e #sed for pro+idin' any s"reen shots) files
re3#ired for in+esti'atin' the defe"ts.
!fter the "ompletion of the testin' r#n) the peer team mem%er of the Testin'
Team re+ie(s the res#lts. The test res#lts are reported to the proje"t P7 (ho (ill
appro+e the test res#lts. This pro"ess may repeat till the n#m%er of %#'s fo#nd is (ithin
the a""epta%le limits and the test e5it "riteria pre+io#sly determined is a"hie+ed.
There (ill %e at least si5 "omplete "y"les of tests e5e"#ted. The last "y"le sho#ld
'o thro#'h (itho#t any P1 or P2 defe"ts. If there are P1 and P2 defe"ts are fo#nd in the
last "y"le) more testin' "y"les (ill %e e5e"#ted #ntil all P1 and P2s are remo+ed.
Appendi5 A
1 *es P'annin.
1.1 6ua'iy +ener
Test "ases) test sets and defe"ts (ill %e stored and maintained in the R!/01RD $!/K 2
,Domain E 42$an*in'. domain in #ality -enter) http?//lo"alhost/3"%in/
6ua'iy +ener : Re>uiremens ? Re3#irements (ill %e do"#mented in the Re3#irements
mod#le and asso"iated (ith appli"a%le test "ases.
6ua'iy +ener : *es P'an ? Test "ases (ill %e (ritten in the Test Plan ta%. Test "ases (ill
%e or'ani=ed %y s#%je"t ,or f#n"tion/ #se "ase.. !t this time) all test "ases are (ritten for
man#al e5e"#tion.
6ua'iy +ener : *es 2ab ? Test Sets "ontainin' test "ases to %e e5e"#ted d#rin' System
Test (ill %e "reated in and e5e"#ted from the Test 7a% ta%. Test "ases (ill %e e5e"#ted
6ua'iy +ener : De%ecs ? The #ality -enter Defe"ts ta% (ill %e #sed to lo' and
"omm#ni"ate stat#s of defe"ts. If a test "ase does not meet the e5pe"ted res#lt) the test
"ase (ill %e FfailedG and a defe"t (ill %e lo''ed identifyin' the pro%lem.

/ De%ec $ana.emen
/.1 Priorii@aion o% De%ecs
D#rin' system) %#siness) and #ser2a""eptan"e testin') defe"ts (ill %e lo''ed in #ality
-enter and assi'ned a stat#s and priority. !ny Fsho( stopperG iss#es (ill %e assi'ned a
priority of P1. Iss#e priorities are defined as follo(s?
P1A !i.h ? affe"ts "ore f#n"tionalityL pre+ents a+aila%ility or interr#pts testin'L no
(or*aro#nd a+aila%le. &#st %e resol+ed !S!P.
RANFORD Bank System Test Plan Page 2 of 12
Mind Q Systems, Intenal !se Only
P/ A $edium !i.h ? affe"ts "ore f#n"tionalityL interr#pts testin'L (or*aro#nd a+aila%le.
&#st %e resol+ed (ithin 2 %#siness days.
P0 E $edium ? interr#pts isolated test "asesL UI pro%lemsL (or*aro#nd a+aila%le.
Resol#tion pendin' s"hed#le.
P1 A $edium 2o- ? affe"ts isolated test "asesL ni"e2to2ha+esL UI enhan"ementsL
(or*aro#nd a+aila%le. Resol#tion pendin' s"hed#le.
P3 A 2o- A -osmeti" defe"tsL (or*aro#nd a+aila%le. Resol#tion pendin' s"hed#le.
P7 A "ery 2o- A Deferred for f#t#re releases
/./ 4nerin. De%ecs
$efore enterin' a ne( defe"t) %e s#re to "he"* for similar defe"ts to a+oid lo''in'
d#pli"ates. If yo# find a potential defe"t that is (ithin the f#n"tionality of another
tra"*/mod#le) %e s#re to (or* (ith the appropriate mem%er of yo#r ! team. ! daily
defe"t meetin' (ill %e s"hed#led and is mandatory if yo# ha+e any defe"ts opened %y yo#
or assi'ned to yo# that are not of the stat#s -losed. !ppropriate de+eloper,s. and $#siness
team mem%ers (ill also attend this meetin'.
9hen lo''in' a ne( defe"t for this tra"*/mod#le) field +al#es sho#ld %e set as follo(s?
Fie'd Re>uired "a'ues
!ssi'ned To Mes
$ro(ser Mes 0irefo5
Internet 45plorer
&#ltiple $ro(sers
-reated Date //!
Defe"t ID //!
Defe"t Stat#s Mes /e(
Des"ription Mes
Dete"ted $y //!
Dete"ted in Nersion Mes
&odified //!
Priority Mes P1 2 6i'h
P2 2 &ed 6i'h
P: 2 &edi#m
PK 2 &ed2lo(
RANFORD Bank System Test Plan Page 10 of 12
Mind Q Systems, Intenal !se Only
Fie'd Re>uired "a'ues
P@ 2 7o(
P; 2 Nery 7o(
Proje"t Mes
S#%je"t Mes drop do(n +al#es a#tomati"ally (ill %e
pop#lated thro#'h the re3#irements ta%
0or U!T E The Use "ases ha+e %een listed in
S#%je"t for ea"h %#ild
-R 2 -ross Referen"e /o
!"t#al 0i5 Time /o
-losed in +ersion //! 7in*ed to Nersion defined
-losin' Date //!
-omments /o
4stimated 0i5 Time /o
0i5 Date /o
1S Mes 1peratin' System E 9indo(s 2000)
9indo(s OP) &a"intosh and 7in#5
Planned "losin' Nersion /o 7in*ed to Nersion defined in the re3#irement
Reprod#"i%le //! y2n field P (hen /1) Stat#s (ill %e "losed
Re2(or* -o#nter /o Sho#ld %e %ehind the s"enes
Root -a#se /o $o#ndary System
-a#sed %y 4n+ironment
Desi'n Iss#e
De+elopment Iss#e
/e( Re3#irement
-han'ed Re3#irement
Deleted Re3#irement
/ot in Use -ase
Prod/ 4n+. Iss#e
/ot Reprod#"i%le
Pre 45istin'
User Trainin'
/ot a %#'
Data%ase Iss#e
Data Iss#e
-R Type /o In/1#t -y"le
/.0 De%ec &aus Bork%'o-
!n email (ill a#tomati"ally %e "reated and sent to the person in the Dete"ted $y field as
(ell as the person in the !ssi'ned To and $i= 1(ner field ea"h time an iss#e is "reated or
#pdated (ithin #ality -enter. !s many F+'osedG iss#es as possi%le (ill %e in"l#ded in the
re'ression testin' to o""#r in the prod#"tion en+ironment ,pre2'o2li+e.. Daily) "ross2
f#n"tional defe"t meetin's (ill %e held to ens#re proper prioriti=ation of all defe"ts.
The follo(in' ta%le lists the stat#s +al#es a+aila%le for a defe"t) (ho a defe"t (ith ea"h
stat#s sho#ld %e assi'ned to) (hi"h #ality -enter 0ields re3#ire #pdatin' (hen the stat#s
is #pdated) and any notes re'ardin' the stat#s.
&aus Assi.n *o *D Fie'ds o (pdae Noes
/e( De+ 7ead !ll re3#ired IT Tra"* leads listed a%o+e.
RANFORD Bank System Test Plan Page 11 of 12
Mind Q Systems, Intenal !se Only
&aus Assi.n *o *D Fie'ds o (pdae Noes
1pen De+eloper) IT !
!nalyst) $#siness !)
$#siness 1(ner
Stat#s) !ssi'n to) R8D
-omments) 4stimated 0i5
De+elopers sho#ld resol+e
P1 iss#es prior to P2) P:) or
PK iss#es. 1pen stat#s is
#sed for assi'ned)
resear"hin') in2pro'ress)
et". tas*s.
0i5ed ! team lead Stat#s) R8D -omments)
!"t#al 0i5 Time
-odin' "ompleted and #nit
testin' passed.
-losed User (ho "losed
Stat#s) R8D -omments)
-losin' Date) -losed in
$#ild) -losin' Reason
Reopen De+ 7ead Stat#s) !ssi'n to) R8D
In"l#de test s"enario details
d#rin' re2test.
Deferred $#siness P&/ $#siness
Stat#s) !ssi'n to) R8D
-omments) Deferral Reason)
Planned -losin' Nersion
$#siness re+ie( and
appro+al re3#ired for this
stat#s. $i= o(ners listed
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Mind Q Systems, Intenal !se Only

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