Webmethods Optimize For Infrastructure Readme 7 1 2
Webmethods Optimize For Infrastructure Readme 7 1 2
Webmethods Optimize For Infrastructure Readme 7 1 2
2 Readme
September 2008
This file provides important information you should read before using Optimize for Infrastructure 7.1.2. You can
find additional information at the following locations:
webMethods Product Suite Release Notes
webMethods System Requirements (platform, browser, and RDBMS information)
webMethods Installation Guide
webMethods Upgrade Guide
Product Documentation
Core Security Requirements
Globalization Information
1.0 Critical Information
2.0 Known Issues
3.0 Usage Notes
4.0 Enhancements and Fixes
5.0 Copyright Information
6.0 Support
▪ Optimize for Infrastructure program files (Analytic Engine, Prediction Engine, Infrastructure Data Collector,
and Web Service Data Collector) must be installed with the same build version of My webMethods Server
User Interfaces for Optimize for Infrastructure.
▪ Infrastructure Data Collector 7.1.2 is not compatible with earlier versions of Optimize for Infrastructure.
▪ Optimize for Infrastructure 7.1.2 is not compatible with earlier versions of other webMethods products.
▪ Optimize for Infrastructure 7.1.2 can be installed over the 7.1.1 version of Optimize for Infrastructure
▪ Migration to Optimize for Infrastructure 7.1.2 is not supported from Optimize for Infrastructure 7.0 SP2.
▪ Migration to Infrastructure Data Collector 7.1.2 is not supported from 7.0 SP2. Components must be
rediscovered and reselected for monitoring.
▪ Optimize for Infrastructure 7.1.2 requires that you have the following webMethods components installed:
• My webMethods Server 7.1.2 or a later version
• My webMethods Server 7.1.2 User Interfaces for Optimize for Infrastructure 7.1
• My webMethods Server 7.1.2 User Interfaces for Central Configuration 7.1
• Infrastructure Data Collector 7.1.2
• webMethods Database Component Configurator 7.1.2 or a later version
• webMethods Infrastructure 7.1.2 or a later version
• webMethods Broker JMS and Java APIs 6.5 or a later version
• Latest version of the Flash Player plug‐in
• Latest version of desired Browser
▪ All of the Optimize configuration parameters have been implemented within webMethods Central
For a list of known issues pertaining to bidirectional text support (BiDi), see the Product Globalization
Information area on webMethods Advantage.
▪ 1‐1A3VMO
The Analytic Engine cannot access Web pages and files on a HTTP server that require the https:\\ protocol.
The Analytic Engine’s Web services cannot be registered to use SSL.
Workaround: There is no workaround for this issue.
▪ 1‐1ATP9O
KPIs with names that include a single quote cannot be plotted on the KPI Summary page.
Although KPIs with names that include a single quote (ʹ) can be plotted on the KPI Instance Detail page,
they cannot be plotted on the KPI Summary page.
Workaround: To avoid plotting issues on the KPI Summary page, avoid creating KPIs with a single quote in
their names.
▪ 1‐1DWTJ7, 1‐1E1J8U, and 1‐1E43EF
The KPI Summary page returns an error when Flash components on the page update.
Leaving a browser pointed at a page that uses Flash components will eventually cause the browser to stop
responding, and the KPI Summary page will return an error.
Workaround: Restart your browser.
▪ 1‐10G7AR
Empty Data Set Behavior is incorrect for composite KPIs.
In certain composite KPI scenarios there could be incorrect computation of KPI instance values.
Workaround: Do not use composite KPIs if you notice these discrepancies.
▪ 1‐14DWME
Shutting down the Analytic Engine across statistical intervals produces incorrect baseline statistics.
Shutting down the Analytic Engine across statistical intervals (such as a one‐hour breakpoint) can produce
incorrect baseline statistics.
Workaround: Avoid frequent shutdowns, especially those that could occur across a breakpoint.
▪ 1‐14O1RU
Insufficient column size for compound rules creates errors.
In rare cases, errors occur when complex compound rules are created, because the columns used to store the
rule names are of insufficient size for very long rule instance names.
Workaround: If this problem occurs, consider re‐factoring the rule expressions to perform the desired
violation logic without creating very long rule instance names.
▪ 1‐15XZ5P
Changing a Display Name attribute in an Event Map removes all associated KPI data.
When the Display Name attribute of an Event Map attribute is altered, the historical event data is truncated.
This causes all KPIs associated with this Event Map to lose historical data.
Workaround: Avoid altering Display Name attributes for Event Maps that contain valuable data.
▪ 1‐17AJML
On the KPI Summary page, data in the monitor table is dynamically refreshed but data in the performance
graph is not refreshed.
Workaround: Navigate away from the KPI Summary page and return to update the display for the entire
▪ 1‐1OVW2B
The Monitored Components page may time out before displaying results.
Submitting a large set of components selected for monitoring may cause the Monitored Components page to
time out before the submit returns.
Workaround: Refresh your browser to see the update.
▪ 1‐1ONGTH
Selecting from a large number of Integration Server services for monitoring may cause the application to
hang because the list in the Add Component Instances dialog box is so long.
Workaround: Use the Filter feature at the top of the Add Component Instances list box to reduce the size of
the list.
▪ 1‐1N89BM
Optimize prevents duplicate names in a discovery, but it allows separate DNS name and IP address
discoveries for the same asset.
Optimize will allow you to create duplicate discoveries for the same asset using the DNS name in one
discovery and the IP address in the other.
Workaround: Use either DNS names or IP addresses in your discoveries, not both.
▪ 1‐1PB1B7
The *_rc_deploy.sh scripts do not work on AIX. These scripts are not compatible with AIX as shipped.
Workaround: Update the script and alter the paths to match the AIX environment. The script should look
like the following for AIX:
# This script deploys webMethods Optimize rc scripts. For proper access, the user should be logged in as
root. ######################################################################## . ./kenobiEnv.sh
rm /etc/rc.d/init.d/wm‐optimize‐analysis‐%CONFIG_PORT_REPLACE% 2> /dev/null
rm /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S99wm‐optimize‐analysis‐%CONFIG_PORT_REPLACE% 2> /dev/null
rm /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/K89wm‐optimize‐analysis‐%CONFIG_PORT_REPLACE% 2> /dev/null
ln ‐s ‐f $OPTIMIZE_ANALYSIS_HOME/bin/rcscript.sh
/etc/rc.d/init.d/wm‐optimize‐analysis‐%CONFIG_PORT_REPLACE% ln ‐s ‐f
/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S99wm‐optimize‐analysis‐%CONFIG_PORT_REPLACE% ln ‐s ‐f
/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/K89wm‐optimize‐analysis‐%CONFIG_PORT_REPLACE% echo RC Script deployment
▪ 1‐1PEJHV
Deleting assets can cause an error when Infrastructure Data Collector is stopped.
If Infrastructure Data Collector is stopped and the user attempts to delete an asset from the Assets page, the
following error can occur: “Discovery service encountered an unexpected exception”.
Workaround: Before deleting assets, ensure that Infrastructure Data Collector is running.
▪ 1‐1PON3Z
Edit Broker Server Discovery requires a KeyStore Password and TrustStore File when connected to SQL
When editing a Broker Server Discovery, if the Analytic Engine database is on SQL Server, the user may get
a validation error that a KeyStore Password and TrustStore File are required even though the KeyStore File
field is blank.
Workaround: Click in the KeyStore File field, press Backspace so the that the KeyStore Password and
TrustStore File fields are hidden, and then click OK to continue with Save of Discovery edit.
▪ 1‐1ULQYI
Territory Object Status is always offline when a territory contains only a single broker member.
Territories with only one broker configured are not monitored. Infrastructure Data Collector sees the
territory configuration as incorrect if it contains only a single broker member.
Workaround: Either monitor the Broker directly, or ensure that the territory contains more than one broker
member before monitoring the territory.
▪ 1‐1U756B
The monitor model is not updated when Integration Server or adapter services are added or deleted.
Workaround: Rerun Integration Server discovery to update the monitor model when Integration Server or
adapter services are added or deleted.
▪ 1‐1UCFCI
Integration Server notifications are currently set incorrectly.
These notifications should be set on the object throwing the exception, although they are currently set on the
source object (usually Integration Server). This means that notifications do not provide accurate information
about the components to which they relate.
Workaround: There is no workaround for this issue.
▪ 1‐1UELGD
Newly added Broker Gateway components are not auto‐discovered.
Workaround: Rerun discovery to discover newly added Broker Gateway components.
▪ 1‐1UWOKK
Cluster components on Integration Server 7.1.x are not discovered.
Workaround: There is no workaround for this issue.
▪ 1‐1OO1LK
The Broker data collector should automatically detect new objects on a monitored Broker Server. The
deletion of a territory is not automatically detected.
Workaround: Rediscover the Broker Server to synchronize the monitoring model.
▪ 1‐1VAQPR
The Asset Discovery dialog is disabled when running both My webMethods Server and the browser (either
Internet Explorer 7.x or Fire Fox 2.x) on Windows Vista. The problem does not exist if either My
webMethods Server or the browser runs on a non‐Windows Vista machine.
Workaround: Execute the browser on a machine running Windows XP or execute My webMethods Server
on a machine running either Windows XP or a supported Unix platform.
▪ 1‐1VBUQG
SNMP Alerts fail if an XML commented example exists in the configuration file after editing by means of the
Central Configuration System (CCS).
The Analytic Engine fails with a NULL pointer exception when attempting to send an SNMP alert if the
SNMP Alert Properties file is saved with the XML commented example remaining in the file.
Workaround: Delete all XML commented examples from the SNMP Alert Properties file after making all the
necessary configuration changes.
▪ 1‐1PCOZP
Initial deployment of the ccs‐engine.war file fails in an AIX/DB2 environment.
Initial deployment of the ccs‐engine.war file fails in an AIX/DB2 environment with the following error:
java.sql.SQLException: [wm‐cjdbc36‐0007][DB2 JDBC Driver][DB2]MWS_server_15191589 86.CCS_VERSION
Workaround: Moving the ccs‐engine.war file from \failed dir back to \deploy and restarting My
webMethods Server allows CCS to properly deploy on the second start.
3.0 Usage Notes
▪ Switching to 64‐bit mode on HP‐UX also requires increasing the stack size to 512K, as follows:
▪ For the Analytic Engine:
1. Navigate to <install directory>/optimize/analysis/bin.
2. Edit startupAnalyticEngine.sh.
3. Search for the line GLUE_OPTS=ʺ$GLUE_OPTS ‐Xss256kʺ.
4. Change the directive ʺ‐Xss256kʺ to ʺ‐Xss512kʺ.
5. Save, and then close the file.
▪ For the Prediction Engine:
1. Navigate to <install directory>/optimize/prediction/bin.
2. Edit startupPredictionEngine.sh.
3. Search for the line GLUE_OPTS=ʺ$GLUE_OPTS ‐Xss256kʺ.
4. Change the directive ʺ‐Xss256kʺ to ʺ‐Xss512kʺ.
5. Save, and then close the file.
▪ For the Web Service Data Collector Engine:
1. Navigate to <install directory>/optimize/dataCollector/bin.
2. Edit startupDataCollectorEngine.sh.
3. Search for the line GLUE_OPTS=ʺ$GLUE_OPTS ‐Xss256kʺ.
4. Change the directive ʺ‐Xss256kʺ to ʺ‐Xss512kʺ.
5. Save, and then close the file.
▪ Post‐installation configuration tasks for all Optimize subcomponents (Analytic Engine and the Optimize
databases) must all be implemented within Central Configuration (Administration > System‐Wide >
Environments > Define Environments).
▪ Infrastructure Data Collector is designed to be run with the Java Developer’s Kit (JDK) that ships with
Optimize. If you are running a different JDK on the server that hosts your Infrastructure Data Collector, you
must do the following:
1. Download and install a new JDK from Sun at http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index_jdk5.jsp.
2. Copy the following files from webMethods_dir/jre/lib/security to their corresponding location in your
JDK installation folder: US_export_policy.jar and local_policy.jar.
▪ Running Optimize on an operating system that uses IPv6 network interfaces requires modification of the
startupAnalyticEngine.sh (or .bat) startup script as follows:
‐Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true \ {Note: Add this statement to the startup script in this location}
com.webmethods.optimize.stack.Stack start 2>&1 &
▪ The following bullet points describe changes, updates, and issues related to KPIs in 7.1.2 release of
Optimize. For more information about KPIs, refer to the Optimize for Infrastructure Userʹs Guide and Optimize
for Infrastructure Administratorʹs Guide (available from the Product Documentation link).
▪ General KPI Information: For an individual KPI with a calculation type of SUM, the Empty Data Set
Behavior (EDSB) can be defined as either ʺNo Reading Providedʺ or ʺValue is Set To Zero.ʺ However,
after the first KPI is defined on a given fact, all subsequent KPIs, including composites, must have the
same EDSB. The EDSB value for subsequently defined KPIs is defaulted to the value specified for the
first KPI defined on the fact and is not editable.
▪ Composite KPIs: The following rules should be observed when working with Composite KPIs. Note that
not all of these rules are enforced through the user interface, so users must be aware of and observe
these rules. Failure to observe these rules can result in system problems and invalid data.
▪ Only individual KPIs with calculation types of SUM‐SUM and AVERAGE‐AVERAGE are
▪ Individual KPIs with calculation types of SUM‐SUM must have the same empty data set behavior
(EDSB) defined: ʹNo Reading Provided,ʺ or ʺValue is Set To Zero.ʺ
▪ EDSB is set to ʺNo Reading Providedʺ for the Composite KPI and cannot be edited.
▪ Individual KPIs must have the same dimensionality (including hierarchy).
▪ Individual KPIs must have the same collection interval.
▪ The Analytic Engine on webMethods Integration Server cannot use provider Web services connectors
created with default Web service descriptor settings by using webMethods Developer. The following
procedure describes how to modify a Web service descriptor by using Developer so that the Analytic Engine
can invoke the generated connector service. When using Developer, you must set the SOAP Binding style to
RPC for the descriptor. If the SOAP Binding style is not set to RPC, the Analytic Engine becomes confused
about how to generate the body of the SOAP message.
1. Start webMethods Developer.
2. In the Navigation panel, locate the desired Web service descriptor, and then double‐click it.
3. Select the desired Web service binder on the Binders tab in the central area of the Developer window.
4. In the Properties panel, locate the SOAP binding style property, click the Down arrow in the Value
column, and then select ʺrpcʺ.
5. Save your settings and close the Web service descriptor.
If you are creating a new Web service descriptor, set the SOAP Binding style to RPC so that you will not
have to use the preceding procedure to modify it for use with the Analytic Engine.
The name Software AG, webMethods, and all Software AG product names are either trademarks or registered
trademarks of Software AG and/or Software AG USA, Inc. Other company and product names mentioned
herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
For information about third‐party copyrights, see <webMethods_directory>\3rdpartylicense.txt.
6.0 Support
To obtain support for webMethods Product Suite components, refer to the following resources:
webMethods Product Suite General Support Statement
Adapter Support Policy
eStandards Support Policy
Contact information: https://advantage.webmethods.com/contact_us
Self‐service support: webMethods Advantage, webMethods Knowledge Base, and webMethods Developer
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