This document contains lists of experiments for several computer science courses. The CS-506 list includes experiments on basic Unix/Linux commands, arithmetic operations, file manipulation and splitting, comparing files, file permissions, pipes, and shell scripting. The CS-504 list focuses on computer graphics topics like line drawing algorithms, circle generation, transformations, and clipping. The IT-701 list involves creating object diagrams, state diagrams, and data flow diagrams for various systems. The BE-205 list covers basic C++ concepts like functions, arrays, classes, constructors, destructors, operator overloading, and inheritance.
This document contains lists of experiments for several computer science courses. The CS-506 list includes experiments on basic Unix/Linux commands, arithmetic operations, file manipulation and splitting, comparing files, file permissions, pipes, and shell scripting. The CS-504 list focuses on computer graphics topics like line drawing algorithms, circle generation, transformations, and clipping. The IT-701 list involves creating object diagrams, state diagrams, and data flow diagrams for various systems. The BE-205 list covers basic C++ concepts like functions, arrays, classes, constructors, destructors, operator overloading, and inheritance.
This document contains lists of experiments for several computer science courses. The CS-506 list includes experiments on basic Unix/Linux commands, arithmetic operations, file manipulation and splitting, comparing files, file permissions, pipes, and shell scripting. The CS-504 list focuses on computer graphics topics like line drawing algorithms, circle generation, transformations, and clipping. The IT-701 list involves creating object diagrams, state diagrams, and data flow diagrams for various systems. The BE-205 list covers basic C++ concepts like functions, arrays, classes, constructors, destructors, operator overloading, and inheritance.
This document contains lists of experiments for several computer science courses. The CS-506 list includes experiments on basic Unix/Linux commands, arithmetic operations, file manipulation and splitting, comparing files, file permissions, pipes, and shell scripting. The CS-504 list focuses on computer graphics topics like line drawing algorithms, circle generation, transformations, and clipping. The IT-701 list involves creating object diagrams, state diagrams, and data flow diagrams for various systems. The BE-205 list covers basic C++ concepts like functions, arrays, classes, constructors, destructors, operator overloading, and inheritance.
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CS-506 Unix/ Linux-Lab
1. To Study basic & User status Unix/Linux Commands. 2. Study & use of commands for performing arithmetic operations with Unix/Linux. 3. Create a file called wlcc.txt with some lines and display how many lines, words and characters are present in that file. 4. Append ten more simple lines to the wlcc.txt file created above and split the appended file into 3 parts. What will be the names of these split files? Display the contents of each of these files. How many lines will be there on the last file? 5. Given two files each of which contains names of students. Create a program to display only those names that are found on both the files. 6. Create a program to find out the inode number of any desired file. 7. Study & use of the Command for changing file permissions. 8. Write a pipeline of commands, which displays on the monitor as well as saves the information about the number of users using the system at present on a file called usere.ux. 9. Execute shell commands through vi editor. 10. Installation, Configuration & Customizations of Unix/Linux. 11. Write a shell script that accepts any number of arguments and prints them in the reverse order. 12. Write a shell script to find the smallest of three numbers that are read from the keyboard. 13. Write a shell script that reports the logging in of a specified user within one minute after he/she logs in. The script automatically terminates if the specified user does not login during a specified period of time. 14. Installation of SAMBA, APACHE, TOMCAT. 15. Implementation of DNS, LDAP services, 16. Study & installation of Firewall & Proxy server. LIST OF EXPERIMENTS CS504 Computer Graphics & Multimedia
1. A brief study of various types of input and output devices. 2. Program to implement a line using slope intercept formula. 3. Program to implement line using dda algorithm. 4 .Program to implement line using bresenhams algorithm. 5. Program to implement circle using mid point algorithm. 6. Program to implement translation of a line and triangle 7. Program to implement rotation of a line and triangle 8. Program to implement scaling transformation. 9. Program to implement 3d rotation about an arbitrary axis. 10. Program to implement cohen sutherland line clipping. 11. Program to implement sutherland hodgman polygon clipping. 12. Program to draw bezier curve. 13. Program to draw b-spline curve.
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS IT-701 Object Oriented Analysis and Design
1. Draw Object, state, Data flow Diagram of ATM.
2. Draw Object, state, Data flow Diagram of Telephone Call.
3. Draw Object, state, Data flow Diagram of Library Information System.
4. Draw Object, state, Data flow Diagram of Airline reservation System.
5. Draw Object, state, Data flow Diagram of Calculator.
6. Draw Object, state, Data flow Diagram of College Management system.
7. Draw Object, state, Data flow Diagram of Payroll System.
8. Draw Object, state, Data flow Diagram of Railway Reservation system.
9. Draw Object, state, Data flow Diagram of Online Sales.
10. Draw Object, state, Data flow Diagram of Examination result display System of a University.
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS BE-205 Basics of Computer Engineeering
01.WAP to print hello C++. 02.WAP to calculate simple intrest. 03.WAP to print the number is even or odd. 04. WAP to calculate compound intrest. 05.WAP to print the year is leap year or not. 06. WAP to illustrate Arrays. 07. WAP to illustrate functions. 08. WAP to illustrate constructor & Destructor 09. WAP to illustrate Object and classes. 10. WAP to illustrate Operator overloading 11. WAP to illustrate Function overloading 12. WAP to illustrate Inheritance