Macquarie FutureWise
Macquarie FutureWise
Macquarie FutureWise
income income X monthly benefit
pre-disability income
adjusted to take into account any:
offsets which apply, as explained in the section titled When
the monthly benefit is reduced on page 30, and
increases under the Claims Escalation option, if it applies,
as explained on page 28.
The Partial Disability benefit is payable monthly in arrears for
each day of partial disability after the end of the waiting period
(1/30th of the monthly benefit for partial disability per day if the
benefit is only for part of a month) but not beyond the end of
the benefit period for that illness or injury.
Indexation Increases
So that your cover retains its value over time in line with
inflation, on each cover anniversary before the insured person
reaches age 65 we will increase the monthly insured amount
by the increase in the consumer price index. If the change
in the consumer price index is zero or negative, the monthly
insured amount wont change.
We will tell you the proposed indexation increase before it
applies and you can choose not to accept the increase. If
you decline an indexation increase it will not affect future
Indexation Increases offers. To decline an indexation increase,
we must receive your notice of decline before the applicable
cover anniversary.
If your FutureWise Disability Income Insurance policy provides
cover on an indemnity basis, you should consider whether,
by accepting an increase, your monthly insured amount will
exceed the monthly benefit.
If your FutureWise Disability Income Insurance policy provides
cover on an agreed value or endorsed agreed value basis, the
indexation increases applied to the monthly insured amount
will not need to be financially verified at time of claim.
Under the Indexation Increases feature, the monthly
insured amount can increase above the maximum allowed
at application.
25 FutureWise terms and conditions Disability Income Insurance
Specific Injury benefit
If you have a FutureWise Disability Income Insurance policy
and the insured person suffers one of the injuries listed below
after the cover start date shown in your policy and before the
Disability Income Insurance ends, we will pay the monthly
benefit for the number of months indicated, regardless of
whether the insured person is totally disabled. Payments will
be made during the waiting period.
Injury Payment period
Paralysis 60 months*
Total and permanent loss of any two of:
the use of a foot from the ankle joint
the use of a hand from the wrist
the sight in an eye that is irreversible
24 months
Total and permanent loss of any one of:
the use of a foot from the ankle joint
the use of a hand from the wrist
the sight in an eye that is irreversible
12 months
Total and complete severance of
the thumb and index finger from the
phalangeal joint of the same hand
6 months
Fracture of thigh or pelvis 3 months
Fracture of the leg (between the knee and
foot) or knee cap
2 months
Fracture of the upper arm (including elbow
and shoulder bone)
2 months
Fracture of the skull (except bones of the
nose or face)
2 months
Fracture of the lower arm (including wrist,
but excluding elbow, hands or fingers)
1 month
Fracture of the jaw or collarbone 1 month
* If the benefit period is two years, the payment period for paralysis under this
feature is 24 months.
If the benefit period is 2 years or 5 years, the benefit period for
disability due or related to an injury for which we have paid the
Specific Injury benefit is reduced by the number of months for
which we have paid the Specific Injury benefit.
If the insured person suffers more than one specific injury at
the same time, we will only pay for one specific injury, being
the one with the longest payment period.
If we are paying benefits under the Specific Injury benefit,
payments will cease if Disability Income Insurance ends,
explained in the section titled When cover ends on page 41.
The Specific Injury benefit is only available on cover held
outside of superannuation. Refer to the section titled
Ownership on page 35.
Death benefit
If you have a FutureWise Disability Income Insurance policy and
the insured person dies after the cover start date shown in your
policy and before the Disability Income Insurance ends, we will
pay an amount equal to four times the monthly insured amount,
to a maximum of $75,000 on receipt of the death certificate.
If you have the Disability Income Extra Benefits option on your
policy, the maximum amount we will pay is $150,000.
Premium Waiver
We will waive the premium and policy fee payable under your
FutureWise Disability Income Insurance policy while a benefit
is payable.
If you have Disability Income Plus Insurance, the premium and
policy fee will also be waived during the waiting period,
if a benefit becomes payable under the policy.
Involuntary Unemployment Premium Waiver
If your FutureWise Disability Income Insurance policy has been
continuously in force for six months preceding involuntary
unemployment of at least 10 consecutive working days, we
will waive the premium and policy fee payable under your
policy for up to three months at a time for the period while the
insured person is involuntarily unemployed and registered with
a recognised employment agency.
The premium and policy fee will be waived due to involuntary
unemployment for a maximum of three months in any
12 month period and a total maximum of six months inclusive
of all cover held with Macquarie Life for the insured person
over the life of the policy. If the premium is paid on an annual
basis, we will provide a pro rata refund of the premium and
policy fee that has already been paid for each month that you
are eligible for the Involuntary Unemployment Premium Waiver.
This feature is not available if the insured person was self-
employed immediately prior to involuntary unemployment.
Extra Benefits option
This is an optional package of additional income benefits and
features for which an additional premium is charged. If the
Extra Benefits option applies, it will be shown in your policy.
The Extra Benefits option includes the following benefits
and features:
Trauma benefit
Bed Confinement benefit
Home Care benefit
Rehabilitation Expenses benefit
Accommodation benefit
Future Increases
Cover Extension.
26 FutureWise terms and conditions Disability Income Insurance
Trauma benefit
If you have a FutureWise Disability Income Insurance policy with
the Extra Benefits option and the insured person suffers one
of the Trauma Conditions listed below after the Trauma benefit
starts and before Disability Income Insurance ends, we will pay
the monthly benefit for six months, regardless of whether the
insured person is totally disabled. Payments will be made during
the waiting period.
Body System Condition
Cancer of any
body system
aplastic anaemia
Heart and artery aortic surgery
coronary artery bypass surgery
heart attack
heart valve surgery
out of hospital cardiac arrest
triple vessel angioplasty
Brain and nerves bacterial meningitis or meningococcal
benign brain tumour with impairment level
cognitive loss
dementia including Alzheimers disease
major head trauma
motor neurone disease with impairment level
multiple sclerosis with impairment level
muscular dystrophy with impairment level
Parkinsons disease with impairment level
Lungs chronic lung disease
primary pulmonary hypertension
Kidneys chronic kidney failure
Ear, nose
and throat
loss of hearing
loss of speech or total aphasia
Eye loss of sight
Musculo-skeletal loss of limbs
severe burns
Digestive system chronic liver disease
Other loss of independent existence
major organ transplant
medically acquired HIV
occupationally acquired HIV
As explained in the section entitled When we wont pay on
page 31, a 90 day exclusion period applies to stroke and
Trauma Conditions in the following body systems:
Cancer of any body system (not including aplastic anaemia)
Heart and artery (not including cardiomyopathy).
We will only pay once for each Trauma Condition under
this benefit.
If the benefit period is 2 years or 5 years, the benefit period for
disability due or related to a condition for which we have paid
the Trauma benefit is reduced by number of months for which
we have paid the Trauma benefit.
If the insured person suffers more than one Trauma Condition,
we will only pay for one Trauma Condition at a time.
If we are paying benefits under the Trauma benefit, payments
will cease if Disability Income Insurance ends, explained in the
section titled When cover ends on page 41.
Bed Confinement benefit
If you have a FutureWise Disability Income Insurance policy
with the Extra Benefits option and the insured person is
totally disabled, confined to bed, as confirmed by a medical
practitioner, and is under the care of a registered nurse for
72 hours or more during the waiting period, we will pay 1/30th
of the monthly benefit for each day of such bed confinement
during the waiting period.
The Bed Confinement benefit is payable for a maximum of
90 days.
Home Care benefit
If you have a FutureWise Disability Income Insurance policy
with the Extra Benefits option and a Total Disability benefit
has been paid for at least 30 days, and the insured person
is confined to bed as a result of continuing total disability,
as confirmed by a medical practitioner, we will increase the
amount we will pay in a month to cover either:
the forgone income of an immediate family member who
provides satisfactory evidence to Macquarie Life that they
were gainfully employed for at least 20 hours per week prior
to the insured person suffering the illness or injury and have
ceased to be gainfully employed to care for the insured
person, or
the cost of employing a registered nurse or housekeeper.
The additional amount we will pay each month is limited to
the lesser of $5,000 or the amount equivalent to the monthly
benefit, per month for a maximum of six months. This benefit
starts to accrue on the first day all of the above requirements
are met and is paid monthly in arrears.
This benefit is in addition to any benefit payable for the Total
Disability benefit.
27 FutureWise terms and conditions Disability Income Insurance
Rehabilitation Expenses benefit
If you have a FutureWise Disability Income Insurance policy
with the Extra Benefits option and a Total Disability benefit is
payable, we will increase the amount we will pay in a month
to cover all or part of any rehabilitation expenses or costs
associated with a rehabilitation programme for the insured
person that we have approved in advance. A maximum
payment of 12 times the monthly benefit applies under this
benefit. This benefit is in addition to any benefit payable for the
Total Disability benefit or Partial Disability benefit.
Accommodation benefit
If you have a FutureWise Disability Income Insurance policy
with the Extra Benefits option and the insured person is totally
disabled and confined to bed, as confirmed by a medical
practitioner, and an immediate family member requires
accommodation at a location more than 100km from their
home to be closer to the insured person, we will increase
the amount we will pay in a month to cover the costs of
accommodation up to $250 per day for a maximum of
30 days in any 12 month period.
The Accommodation benefit is payable during the waiting
period. This benefit is in addition to any benefit payable for the
Total Disability benefit.
Future Increases
If you have a FutureWise Disability Income Insurance policy
with the Extra Benefits option, under this feature, you can
apply to increase your monthly insured amount on each cover
anniversary until the insured person turns 55, and we will accept
the increase without the need for medical underwriting.
Only increases to the monthly insured amount above $500 are
eligible for applications under the Future Increases feature.
The monthly insured amount cannot be increased under the
Future Increases feature:
by more than 15% at any cover anniversary, or
above the maximum amounts allowable, explained in the
section titled, Applying for Disability Income Insurance on
page 22.
The combined total of all increases to the monthly insured
amount made under this feature cannot exceed the monthly
amount insured originally issued.
Financial evidence may be required to establish that the
insured persons income supports the increase to the monthly
insured amount.
The increase in cover must be requested within 30 days of
the applicable cover anniversary and must be made on the
appropriate form. The increase only takes effect from when we
approve the application for the increase.
Any premium adjustments, exclusions or special conditions
which apply to the insurance will also apply to any increases
made under this feature.
This feature is not available if:
the policy was issued with a premium adjustment in the form
of a medical loading of 75% or more, or
if a claim has or can be made for the insured person under
any policy of Disability Income or Business Expenses
Insurance provided by us.
Cover Extension
If you have a FutureWise Disability Income Insurance policy with
the Extra Benefits option, this feature applies if the occupation
class shown on your policy is 1E, 1L, 1M or 1P.
Under this feature we will offer to continue Disability Income
Insurance beyond the cover anniversary when the insured
person is aged 65, if the insured person is employed in an
occupation which we insure under our standard underwriting
guidelines at the time the offer is made.
This offer will not apply if:
we originally offered cover with a limitation on the term
of the policy so that cover expires earlier than the cover
anniversary when the insured person is aged 65
we originally offered cover with a premium adjustment due
to medical reasons, or
the insured person was eligible to receive a Total Disability
benefit or Partial Disability benefit in the preceding
12 month period.
Cover under this feature will be provided on the following
modified terms:
on an indemnity basis
a benefit period of 12 months
benefits will only be payable for the Total Disability benefit,
Partial Disability benefit and Death benefit
the Extra Benefits option, Claims Escalation option, Accident
option and Superannuation Cover option will not apply
Indexation Increases will not apply, and
the maximum monthly benefit we will pay is $15,000.
Cover can continue on the modified basis until the earlier of:
the cover anniversary when the insured person is aged
70, and
the insured person has not been in gainful employment of
at least 20 hours a week for six consecutive months.
28 FutureWise terms and conditions Disability Income Insurance
Accident option
This is an option for which an additional premium is charged.
It is only available if a 30 day waiting period applies. For some
occupations, the Accident option may not be available.
If the Accident option applies, it will be shown in your policy.
If the insured person is totally disabled for at least four
consecutive days within 30 days of suffering an accident the
monthly benefit for the Total Disability benefit will be payable
during the waiting period.
The monthly benefit is payable in arrears for each day of total
disability including the first four consecutive days (1/30th of the
monthly benefit per day if the benefit is only payable for part of
the month), but not beyond the end of the waiting period for
that illness or injury.
Claims Escalation option
This is an option for which an additional premium is charged.
If the Claims Escalation option applies, it will be shown in the
policy issued to you.
While the Total Disability benefit or Partial Disability benefit
is being paid, we will increase the monthly benefit by any
increase in the consumer price index at the cover anniversary.
Superannuation Cover option
This option allows you to have a monthly insured amount
that is higher than is usually available under Disability Income
Insurance (generally the monthly insured amount can be up to
75% of the insured persons income however with this option
you can insure up to 80% of the insured persons income)
so that in the event of disability, a contribution can be made
into superannuation. Part of the monthly benefit will be paid
to you and part must be paid to the trustee of a nominated
superannuation fund.
The amount you can insure is up to the monthly equivalent of
the sum of:
the annual income that the insured person contributes to
superannuation, to a maximum of 20% of annual income
(the Superannuation Cover amount), and
the percentage of the remainder of income (that is, annual
income less the Superannuation Cover amount determined
above), as follows:
75% of the first $320,000,
50% of the next $240,000, and
20% of the balance,
subject to the following limits:
$60,000 if the benefit period is 2 years, or
$30,000 for other benefits periods (plus an additional
$30,000 per month for the first 24 months of the
benefit period).
The Superannuation Cover option is only available on cover
held outside of superannuation. Refer to the section titled
Ownership on page 35.
For example, an applicant who earns an annual salary of
$100,000 and has superannuation guarantee contributions of
$9,000 made on their behalf each year. Their annual income is
$109,000 which can been insured as follows:
Cover amount
of income
Cover option
75% x 109,000
Cover option
100% x 9,000 75% x 100,000
9,000/12 =75,000/12
$750 $6,250 $7,000
If the Superannuation Cover option applies, it will be shown
in the policy issued to you. The policy will also include a
Superannuation Cover Percentage which is the proportion
of the monthly benefit that will be paid to the nominated
superannuation fund (after any adjustment for tax see below)
while we are paying you a monthly benefit under Disability
Income Insurance.
The Superannuation Cover Percentage is calculated at the time
of application and is calculated as the Superannuation Cover
amount divided by the monthly insured amount. In the example
above, the Superannuation Cover Percentage is worked out as
750 (the Superannuation Cover amount) divided by 7,000 (the
monthly insured amount) which equals 10.71%.
The monthly benefit, inclusive of any Superannuation Cover
amount, is included as assessable income and will be subject
to tax at the applicable marginal rate of tax. We will adjust
the Superannuation Cover amount for the potential tax liability
that may apply to this amount based on the marginal rate of
tax that would otherwise have applied to the last dollar of the
insured persons pre-disability income. The tax adjustment
amount will be paid directly to you and the Superannuation
Cover amount reduced by this tax adjustment amount before
it is paid to the nominated superannuation fund.
By applying for this option, you agree to provide us with
the name and details of a nominated superannuation
fund to which the Superannuation Cover amount of the
monthly benefit is to be paid. If you do not provide us with
a direction at time of claim, we may not be able to pay the
Superannuation Cover amount.
If the fund you nominate does not accept the Superannuation
Cover amount from us, we will pay it to you subject to
proof that the amount is subsequently forwarded to a
superannuation provider for the insured persons benefit.
The amount that we pay to the nominated superannuation
fund is paid on the insured persons behalf as a personal
contribution and subject to the standard superannuation rules
relating to preservation, contributions and tax.
29 FutureWise terms and conditions Disability Income Insurance
TPD Commutation option
This is an option for which an additional premium is charged.
It is only available if your FutureWise Disability Income
Insurance Policy:
has a waiting period of 30, 60 or 90 days
has the Claims Escalation option selected, and
is held within superannuation (see the section titled
Ownership on page 35).
TPD commutation is only available on that portion of the
monthly amount insured with a to age 65 or to age 70
benefit period.
If the TPD Commutation option applies, it will be shown in the
policy issued to you.
After the Total Disability benefit has been paid for at least
12 months, this option allows you to elect to receive a lump sum
amount in place of the ongoing monthly benefit if the insured
person suffers total and permanent disablement that meets the
Any Occupation TPD definition and meets the SIS definition of
permanent incapacity and as amended from time to time.
The option will not apply if the insured person has a terminal
illness. The monthly benefit for the purposes of calculating
the TPD Commutation amount does not include any
increase in the monthly insured amount provided under the
Booster option.
The benefit payable under this option is the lesser of:
$3 million, and
the relevant multiple of that portion of the monthly benefit
which would otherwise be payable under the to age 65
benefit period less any offsets which apply, as explained in
the section titled When the monthly benefit is reduced on
page 30, where the multiple is:
Age next
Multiples for to age
65 benefit period
Multiples for to age
70 benefit period
less than
40 years
180 192
40 to 44 156 168
45 to 49 132 144
50 to 55 108 132
56 to 60 65 minus age next
birthday, multiplied
by 12
61 to 70 65 minus age next
birthday, multiplied
by 12
70 minus age next
birthday, multiplied
by 12
The relevant multiple is based on the age of the insured
person at the date the lump sum becomes payable, not when
the request is received.
The lump sum that you receive under this option will be
treated in the same way as TPD Insurance for tax purposes,
as explained in the section titled Tax treatment of benefits on
page 58.
Cover ends and all benefits are reduced to nil under your
FutureWise Disability Income Insurance policy and the
attached Extra Benefits policy (if applicable) when a benefit is
paid under the TPD Commutation option.
Booster option
This is an option for which an additional premium is charged. If
the Booster option applies, it will be shown in the policy issued
to you. It is only available with a benefit period of to age 65
or to age 70 and where the monthly insured amount applied
for at application, inclusive of any Superannuation Cover
amount, is $30,000 per month or less.
Under this option, if the insured person suffers total and
permanent disablement that meets the Any Occupation definition
of TPD, we will increase the monthly benefit by 33% for the Total
Disability benefit, Specific Injury benefit or Trauma benefit for a
maximum of 24 months over the life of the policy.
Any benefits payable after the cover anniversary when the
insured person is age 65 will not be subject to increases
under this option. The Booster option does not apply to a
claim for the Partial Disability benefit, Death benefit, Bed
Confinement benefit, Home Care benefit, Rehabilitation
benefit, Accommodation benefit or benefits payable under the
Accident option or TPD Commutation option.
Indexation Increases and the Claims Escalation option will
continue to apply.
If the Superannuation Cover option applies, the
Superannuation Cover Percentage will be applied to the
increased monthly benefit to determine the amount payable to
the trustee of your nominated superannuation fund.
30 FutureWise terms and conditions Disability Income Insurance
Medical Professionals feature
If a medical professional contracts HIV or Hepatitis B or C,
professional guidelines may restrict their ability to perform
certain procedures and result in a reduction of income, well
before the illness results in a physical inability to perform the
duties of their occupation.
Under Disability Income Insurance, Macquarie Life will consider
that a medical professional has satisfied the occupational
duties component of the total disability or partial disability
definition if the following apply:
the occupation class shown on your policy is 1M
the insured person becomes infected with HIV, Hepatitis
B or Hepatitis C as confirmed by documented proof of
the infection
at the time of infection, exposure prone procedures, as
defined by the relevant professional governing body, are
at least one of the duties of the insured persons usual
occupation necessary to produce income, and
due to the insured persons HIV, Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C
status, the insured person is required to cease performing
exposure prone procedures as a result of the guidelines of
the professional governing body in their state.
The other components of the Total Disability benefit and Partial
Disability benefit as applicable, must also be satisfied in order
for a claim to be admitted.
The Medical Professionals feature will not apply if:
a treatment is available which renders the HIV or Hepatitis B
or C virus inactive and non-infectious, or
the insured person has elected not to take a relevant
vaccine that is recommended by the relevant professional
governing body and which is available prior to the event
which causes infection.
When the monthly benefit is reduced
The monthly benefit payable for the Total Disability benefit or
Partial Disability benefit may be reduced by any of the following
payments that are made in respect of the insured person:
legislated compensation schemes and Workers
Compensation (unless your FutureWise Disability Income
Insurance Policy shows the insured person is categorised
with an occupation class of 1E, 1L, 1M or 1P), and
any other insurance that provides income payments
due to illness or injury, which commenced prior to the
commencement of the FutureWise Disability Income
Insurance policy unless we have expressly agreed not to
apply a reduction.
If a lump sum is paid by any of the above sources in respect of
the insured person, we will convert that lump sum to a monthly
payment at the rate of 1% of the lump sum paid per month for
the first 100 months. Benefit reductions will only start once the
lump sum has been paid.
The benefit we will pay will only be reduced to ensure that,
when combined with the payments from any of the above
sources, it does not exceed the monthly equivalent of 75%
of pre-disability income (100% of pre-disability income for
the Partial Disability benefit or while the monthly benefit is
increased under the Booster option).
31 FutureWise terms and conditions Disability Income Insurance
One benefit payable
If the insured person is eligible for one or more benefit payable
for the Total Disability benefit, Partial Disability benefit, Specific
Injury benefit, Trauma benefit, Bed Confinement benefit or
Accident option at the same time, only one benefit is payable,
being the benefit which provides the highest payment.
When portions of the monthly insured amount are subject
to different terms
Where we agree, your FutureWise Disability Income Insurance
policy may be set up so that separate portions of the monthly
insured amount are subject to different waiting periods, benefit
periods, types of cover and/or options. Details of each portion
of the monthly insured amount, and the waiting periods, benefit
periods, types of cover and options that apply to each portion,
will be shown in the policy issued to you.
In determining the monthly benefit to be used as the basis
for the payment of any benefit(s) under the policy in any given
month, we will consider the sum of only those portions of
the monthly insured amount for which the particular benefit is
payable, having regard to the waiting period, benefit period,
type of cover and options that are applicable.
When we wont pay
A benefit will not be payable under Disability Income Insurance
for a claim which is caused by or attributed to:
an intentional self-inflicted act
normal or uncomplicated pregnancy or childbirth
war or an act of war
elective surgery that occurs within six months of:
the cover start date
the date any cover is reinstated (but only in respect of
the reinstated cover), or
the cover start date for any increase in cover that you
applied for (but only in respect of that increase)
stroke, or Trauma Conditions in Cancer of any body
system (not including aplastic anaemia) or the Heart and
artery body system (not including cardiomyopathy) for
the Trauma benefit if the Trauma Condition first occurs
or symptoms leading to the condition occurring or being
diagnosed first became apparent within 90 days of the
application date or the date any cover is reinstated.
This exclusion does not apply to the Trauma benefit in respect
of a Trauma Condition if the policy issued by Macquarie Life
replaces other similar insurance under a policy or policies
issued by Macquarie Life or another insurer (the other
policy) and we agreed to issue this policy on the basis that it
replaced the other policy (as shown in your policy document)
and the following conditions are also met:
the Disability Income monthly insured amount under the
policy being issued by us is the same amount or less than
that under the other policy. If the monthly insured amount
under the policy being issued by us is higher than that
under the other policy, the exclusion will not apply only in
respect of the amount of the monthly insured amount that
replaces cover under the other policy
the other policy was continuously in force for 90 days
immediately prior to the issue of this policy
the other policy provided similar cover for the
Trauma Condition
the other policy was cancelled immediately after the
issue of this policy, and
no claim is pending or payable under the other policy.
We will not pay for any period while the insured person is in jail.
Benefits are only payable for up to six months while the
insured person is outside Australia. In some circumstances,
benefits may continue to be paid beyond six months if the
insured person returns to Australia or attends a regional
medical facility approved by us.
The payment of Disability Income benefits will end if the
insured person unreasonably refuses to undergo the medical
treatment including rehabilitation to treat their disability as
recommended by their medical practitioner.
32 FutureWise terms and conditions Business Expenses Insurance
Business Expenses Insurance
Applying for Business Expenses Insurance
The person to be insured must be aged between 19 and 60
and gainfully employed for a minimum of 20 hours per week.
You apply for a specified amount of cover. This is known
as the monthly insured amount. The minimum amount you
can apply for is $1,250 per month (or $750 per month if this
insurance is taken out with Disability Income Insurance) and
the maximum is $60,000 per month.
These limits will be affected if you have existing cover with us
or with another insurer.
Business Expenses Insurance
The benefit payable in the event of a claim is based on
the allowable business expenses incurred each month
by the insured person up to a maximum of the monthly
insured amount.
If you also have Disability Income Plus Insurance, the
additional terms for the Total Disability benefit and the
Premium Waiver feature will also apply to your FutureWise
Business Expenses Insurance policy.
Waiting period
The benefits under Business Expense Insurance are subject to
a waiting period before the benefits become payable.
The following waiting periods are available:
30 days
90 days.
The waiting period that applies is shown in the policy issued
to you.
The waiting period begins the day the insured person
is disabled due to illness or injury and has consulted a
medical practitioner in relation to their disability.
On the basis of medical and other evidence acceptable to us,
we will reduce the waiting period by the number of continuous
days for which the insured person was absent from gainful
employment due to illness or injury prior to first consulting a
medical practitioner in relation to their disability, to a maximum
of seven days.
The insured person can return to work (and not be disabled)
during the waiting period for up to:
five consecutive days if your waiting period is 30 days, or
10 consecutive days if your waiting period is 90 days,
before we will restart the waiting period. The waiting period will
be extended by the number of days worked while the insured
person is not disabled.
Benefit period
The benefit period is the maximum period for which a claim for
disability is payable.
The benefit period for any one claim starts at the end of the
waiting period and continues until the earlier of:
the end of a 24 month period
the total of benefits paid for the claim reaching 12 times the
monthly insured amount, and
the date when cover ends (see the section, When cover
ends on page 41).
Recurrent disability
Any Business Expenses claim for disability arising from the
same or a related cause as a previous claim within six months
of the previous claim ending will be treated as a continuation of
the previous claim and the waiting period will be waived. If the
claim is made more than six months after the previous claim
ended a new waiting period will apply. A new benefit period will
apply only if the insured person made a successful return to
gainful employment for a continuous period of six months.
Total Disability benefit
If you have a FutureWise Business Expenses Insurance Policy,
a benefit is payable if after the cover start date shown in your
policy and before the Business Expenses Insurance ends:
the insured person:
has been continuously disabled during the waiting period
and totally disabled for at least five consecutive days
during that time, or
if you have Disability Income Insurance Plus, has been
continuously disabled during the waiting period, and
the insured person is totally disabled after the end of the
waiting period, or after a period during which a Partial
Disability benefit has been paid for the same illness or injury.
The Total Disability benefit payable is the monthly benefit
adjusted to take into account any offsets which apply, as
explained in the section titled When the monthly benefit is
reduced on page 34.
The Total Disability benefit is payable monthly in arrears for
each day of total disability after the end of the waiting period
(1/30th of the monthly benefit per day if the benefit is only
payable for part of a month), but not beyond the end of the
benefit period for that illness or injury.
Partial Disability benefit
If you have a FutureWise Business Expenses Insurance Policy,
a benefit is payable if, after the cover start date shown in your
policy and before Business Expenses Insurance ends, the
insured person:
has been continuously disabled during the waiting
period, and
is partially disabled after the end of the waiting period, or
after a period during which a Total Disability benefit has
been paid for the same illness or injury.
The Partial Disability benefit payable is a proportion of the
monthly benefit, calculated as follows:
business income business income
pre-disability business income
33 FutureWise terms and conditions Business Expenses Insurance
adjusted to take into account any offsets which apply, as
explained in the section titled When the monthly benefit is
reduced on page 34.
The Partial Disability benefit payable is payable monthly in
arrears for each day of partial disability after the end of the
waiting period (1/30th of the monthly benefit for partial disability
per day if the benefit is only for part of a month) but not beyond
the end of the benefit period for that illness or injury.
Death benefit
If you have a FutureWise Business Expenses Insurance Policy
and the insured person dies after the cover start date shown
in your policy and before the Business Expenses Insurance
ends, we will pay an amount equal to four times the monthly
insured amount, to a maximum of $75,000 on receipt of the
death certificate.
Indexation Increases
So that your cover retains its value over time in line with
inflation, on each cover anniversary before the insured person
reaches age 65 we will increase the monthly insured amount
by the increase in the consumer price index. If the change
in the consumer price index is zero or negative, the monthly
insured amount wont change.
We will tell you the proposed indexation increase before it
applies and you can choose not to accept the increase. If
you decline an increase it will not affect future increase offers.
To decline an increase, we must receive your notice of decline
before the applicable cover anniversary.
You should consider whether, by accepting an increase, your
monthly insured amount will exceed the monthly benefit.
Under the Indexation Increases feature, the monthly
insured amount can increase above the maximum allowed
at application.
Future Increases
If you have a FutureWise Business Expenses Insurance policy,
under this feature, you can apply to increase your monthly
insured amount on each cover anniversary until the insured
person turns 55, and we will accept the increase without the
need for medical underwriting.
Only increases to the monthly insured amount above $500 are
eligible for applications under the Future Increases feature.
The monthly insured amount cannot be increased under the
Future Increases feature:
by more than 15% at any cover anniversary
above the insured persons share of monthly allowable
business expenses at the time of applying for the increase
above the maximum amounts allowable, explained in the
section titled, Applying for Business Expenses Insurance
on page 32, or
if the insured persons share of business income has
decreased in the 12 months prior to the cover anniversary
at which the increase application is made.
The combined total of all increases to the monthly insured
amount made under this feature cannot exceed the monthly
amount insured originally issued.
Financial evidence may be required to establish that the
financial position of the insured persons business supports the
increase to the monthly insured amount.
The increase in cover must be requested within 30 days of
the applicable cover anniversary and must be made on the
appropriate form.
Any premium adjustments, exclusions or special conditions
which apply to the insurance will also apply to any increases
made under this feature.
This feature is not available if:
the policy was issued with a premium adjustment in the
form of a medical loading of 75% or more, or
if a claim has or can be made for the insured person under
any policy of Disability Income or Business Expenses
Insurance provided by us.
Premium Waiver
We will waive the premium and policy fee payable under your
Business Expenses Insurance Policy while a benefit is payable.
If you have Disability Income Plus Insurance, the premium and
policy fee under your Business Expenses Insurance Policy will
also be waived during the waiting period if a benefit becomes
payable under your Business Expenses Insurance policy.
Cover Extension
If you have a FutureWise Business Expenses Insurance policy,
this feature applies if the occupation class shown on your
policy is 1E, 1L, 1M or 1P.
Under this feature we will offer to continue Business Expenses
Insurance beyond the cover anniversary when the insured
person is aged 65, if the insured person is employed in an
occupation which we insure under our standard underwriting
guidelines at the time the offer is made.
This offer will not apply if:
we originally offered cover with a limitation on the term
of the policy so that cover expires earlier than the cover
anniversary when the insured person is aged 65
we originally offered cover with a premium adjustment due
to medical reasons, or
the insured person was eligible to receive a Total Disability
benefit or Partial Disability benefit in the preceding
12 month period.
Cover under this feature will be provided on the following
modified terms:
the Accident option will not apply
Indexation Increases will not apply, and
the maximum monthly benefit we will pay is $15,000.
Cover can continue on the modified basis until the earlier of:
the cover anniversary when the insured person is
aged 70, and
the insured person has not been in gainful employment of
at least 20 hours a week for six consecutive months.
34 FutureWise terms and conditions Business Expenses Insurance
Accident option
This is an optional benefit, for which an additional premium
is charged. It is only available if a 30 day waiting period
applies. For some occupations, the Accident option may not
be available.
If the Accident option applies, it will be shown in your policy.
If the insured person is totally disabled for at least four
consecutive days within 30 days of suffering an accident the
monthly benefit for the Total Disability benefit will be payable
during the waiting period.
The monthly benefit is payable in arrears for each day of total
disability including the first four consecutive days (1/30th of the
monthly benefit per day if the benefit is only payable for part of
the month), but not beyond the end of the waiting period for
that illness or injury.
When portions of the monthly insured amount are subject
to different terms
Where we agree, your Business Expenses Insurance policy
may be set up so that separate portions of the monthly
insured amount are subject to different waiting periods
and/or options. Details of each portion of the monthly insured
amount, and the waiting periods and options that apply to
each portion, will be shown in the policy issued to you.
In determining the monthly benefit to be used as the basis
for the payment of any benefit(s) under the policy in any given
month, we will consider the sum of only those portions of
the monthly insured amount for which the particular benefit is
payable, having regard to the waiting period and options that
are applicable.
When the monthly benefit is reduced
The monthly benefit payable for the Total Disability benefit or
Partial Disability benefit may be reduced by any other insurance
that provides business expense payments due to illness or
injury which commenced prior to the commencement of the
Macquarie Life Business Expenses Insurance policy, unless we
have expressly agreed not to apply a reduction.
The benefit we pay will only be reduced to ensure that, when
combined with the payments from the above source, it does
not exceed 100% of allowable business expenses.
Conditions which apply to the payment of benefits
We will apportion pre-paid or accrued allowable business
expenses over the period to which they relate, to determine
the amount of allowable business expenses which are
attributable to the month for which we are assessing the
benefit payable, unless we agree to a different basis.
If more than one person generates income in the insured
persons business we will attribute the allowable business
expenses in equal proportion between the insured person and
the other person(s), to determine the insured persons own
share, unless we agree to attribute the business expenses on
a different basis.
We only consider allowable business expenses for which
receipts are provided to us within 90 days of the date they
were incurred.
When we wont pay
A benefit will not be payable under Business Expenses
Insurance for a claim which is caused by or attributable to:
an intentional self-inflicted act
normal or uncomplicated pregnancy or child birth
war or an act of war, or
elective surgery that occurs within six months of:
the cover start date
the date any cover is reinstated (but only in respect of
that reinstated cover), or
the cover start date for any increase in cover that you
applied for (but only in respect of that increase).
We will not pay for any period while the insured person is in jail.
Benefits are only payable for up to six months while the
insured person is outside of Australia. In some circumstances,
benefits may continue to be paid beyond six months if the
insured person returns to Australia or attends a regional
medical facility approved by us.
The payment of Business Expenses benefits will end if the
insured person unreasonably refuses to undergo the medical
treatment including rehabilitation to treat their disability as
recommended by their medical practitioner.
35 FutureWise terms and conditions Ownership
Ownership of your FutureWise insurance is an important consideration as it may affect the following aspects of your
insurance cover:
how cover will be issued
types of Insurance and options available
benefits included in a type of Insurance policy eg some benefits are not available when cover is held through superannuation
who receives any benefit that becomes payable
access to any benefit that becomes payable, and
the tax treatment of the premium paid and benefits received.
The first five aspects are covered in this section. For information on tax, see page 56.
To maximise the efficiency of your insurance arrangements, FutureWise allows a number of ownership structures as shown in the
table below. For more detailed information on the different ownership structures see pages 37 to 40.
Description Policy owner
The person who is
insured under the policy
(insured person) Types of Insurance available
Any of the types of cover under FutureWise can be held under a non-superannuation policy.
When you apply for FutureWise outside
of superannuation, the policy is issued
directly to you as policy owner.
A person or company
(that is not a trustee of a
superannuation fund).
same person as the
policy owner, or
a different person.
Child Trauma
Blood Borne Disease
Disability Income (including
Extra Benefits option)
Business Expenses
The following option is
not available:
TPD Commutation
option on Disability
Income Insurance
36 FutureWise terms and conditions Ownership
Description Policy owner
The person who is
insured under the policy
(insured person) Types of Insurance available
Within superannuation
We do not allow some parts of FutureWise to be held within superannuation. There are some limitations to the Insurance provided within
superannuation which are outlined in the section titled Ownership within superannuation on page 37.
If a benefit becomes payable, it will be paid to the trustee, who must distribute the benefit in accordance with the governing rules of
the superannuation plan and superannuation laws current at the time of payment. There may be circumstances in which the trustee will
receive a benefit under a FutureWise policy but is unable to pay the benefit from the superannuation fund at that time.
We recommend you seek advice before you apply if you are considering taking insurance cover within superannuation.
If you are the trustee of a self managed
superannuation fund, you can apply for a
FutureWise policy as the trustee in respect
of a member or members of your self
managed superannuation fund.
It is your responsibility as trustee
to consider:
the appropriateness of providing
each type of insurance cover within
superannuation and its potential
implications for the complying status of
your fund
the taxation consequences of holding
the cover, and
superannuation law that operates to
limit when benefits received by you as
trustee can be paid out of the fund.
A person or company
who is a trustee
of a self managed
superannuation fund.
A member of the
relevant self managed
superannuation fund.
Life Insurance
Disability Income
The following option is
not available:
Superannuation Cover
option on Disability Income
You can apply for FutureWise cover
through superannuation if you are a
member of an eligible superannuation
plan, in which case your FutureWise policy
will form part of your superannuation
interest and premiums will automatically
be deducted from your account.
We will make any claim payments to the
trustee of the eligible superannuation plan.
MIML or the trustee
of another eligible
superannuation plan.
A member of an eligible
superannuation plan.
Life Insurance
Disability Income
(indemnity only)
The following options are
not available:
Premium Waiver option on
Life and TPD Insurance
Superannuation Cover
option on Disability Income
Disability Income
Plus Insurance
You can apply for FutureWise cover
through superannuation by becoming a
member of the insurance-only division of
the Macquarie Superannuation Plan.
For further information on the insurance-
only division of the Macquarie
Superannuation Plan, refer to page 51.
MIML A member of the
insurance-only division
of the Macquarie
Superannuation Plan.
Life Insurance
TPD (Own Occupation
TPD is not available)
The following option is
not available:
Premium Waiver option on
Life and TPD Insurance
In some cases, we allow cover to be split across two policies, with different policy owners under a structure called Flexible Linking.
For example, Insurance may be held under one policy that is owned by the trustee of a superannuation fund and be connected to a
policy owned by the insured person outside of superannuation. For more information on Flexible Linking refer to page 38.
37 FutureWise terms and conditions Ownership
Non-superannuation ownership
When you apply for FutureWise outside of superannuation,
the policy is issued directly to you as policy owner. You can
apply for cover on your own life or the life of another person
unless applying for cover under Disability Income or Business
Expenses Insurance, which are generally only available on
your own life. If you apply for cover on the life of another
person, you must have an insurable interest in the person to
be insured that is satisfactory to Macquarie Life. Any of the
types of cover under FutureWise can be held under a non-
superannuation policy.
Where there are multiple owners of a single policy who are
individual persons, each will own the policy as joint tenants
(ie on the death of one of the policy owners, their share
passes to the surviving joint tenants) unless we agree to a
different arrangement which we will note in your policy.
If a benefit becomes payable, the benefit is generally paid to
the policy owner. If the insured person and policy owner are the
same, the amount payable on the death of the insured person
will be paid to the insured persons legal personal representative,
unless any beneficiaries have been nominated under the policy,
in which case it will be paid to the nominated beneficiaries.
Nominating a beneficiary for Life Insurance
If the policy owner is the same as the insured person, up
to five beneficiaries can be nominated to receive the Life
Insurance benefit payment if the insured person dies. If you
do not nominate a beneficiary, the benefit will be paid to your
legal personal representative or other person we are permitted
to pay under the Life Insurance Act 1995 (Cth).
Each beneficiary you nominate must be a person, a company,
a trust, or a legally recognised charity. You can change or
cancel these nominations at any time in writing. A change
in a nomination only takes effect when received by us. At
time of claim, if part of a nomination is invalid or one of
the nominated beneficiaries has predeceased the insured
person, the proceeds in relation to that invalid part or
predeceased nominated beneficiary will be paid to your legal
personal representative.
If a nominated beneficiary is a minor, we will pay the proceeds
in relation to that nominated beneficiary to their legal guardian
or into a trust for which that minor is a beneficiary.
All nominations will automatically cease if ownership of the
policy is transferred (see page 40).
Ownership within superannuation
When you apply for cover within superannuation, the policy
for cover on your life is issued to the trustee of the relevant
superannuation fund as policy owner.
Some parts of FutureWise are not available within
superannuation. In addition, some modifications to the cover
will apply when the cover is held within superannuation.
In some cases, we allow cover to be split across two policies
in an ownership arrangement called Flexible Linking, so that
part can be held within superannuation under a policy owned
by the trustee of a superannuation fund and the other part is
held under a non-superannuation policy. For more information
on Flexible Linking refer to page 38.
From 1 July 2014 superannuation regulations will restrict
the types of insurance and features that can be held inside
superannuation and impact on a superannuation fund trustees
ability to hold the following:
Trauma Insurance
Own Occupation TPD Insurance and certain features and
options of other TPD Insurance definitions (apart from
Superannuation Optimiser definitions), and
certain features and options of Disability Income Insurance.
The regulations require alignment of the definitions of
insurance held inside superannuation with the superannuation
law payment rules from 1 July 2014 so that insurance monies
are available to fund members at the time of claim. Cover held
for existing fund members that is in place prior to 1 July 2014
will not be affected.
The conditions that apply to the cover held within
superannuation are outlined below.
Conditions on holding Life, TPD and Trauma Insurance
within superannuation
The following features of Life and TPD Insurance are not
available if you choose to hold the cover within superannuation:
Funeral Advancement benefit
Financial Planning benefit
TPD Advancement benefit
functional impairment of 4 extended ADLs, as referred to in
the definition of total and permanent disablement.
However, if a Superannuation Optimiser definition applies,
functional impairment of 4 extended ADLs will be included
in the definition of total and permanent disablement subject
to the terms of Superannuation Optimiser as set out on
page 39.
38 FutureWise terms and conditions Ownership
Conditions on holding Disability Income Insurance
within superannuation
The following feature of Disability Income Insurance is
not available if you choose to hold your Disability Income
Insurance within superannuation:
Specific Injury benefit. This benefit will only apply if you also
select the Extra Benefits option (refer to page 25). In this
case, the Specific Injury benefit will be included in the Extra
Benefits policy issued.
If you choose to hold Disability Income Insurance within
superannuation and select the Extra Benefits option, two
policies will be issued: a superannuation policy which will be
owned by the trustee of a superannuation fund that will include
the Disability Income Insurance cover and a separate non-
superannuation policy that will include only the Extra Benefits
cover (and the Specific Injury benefit as explained on this page).
The non-superannuation policy will be issued as a Disability
Income Insurance Extra Benefits policy and the policy will
indicate it is attached to your Disability Income Insurance policy.
Superannuation policy Non-superannuation policy
Disability Income
Disability Income Insurance
Extra Benefits
Any benefit that becomes payable in respect of the
Extra Benefits cover is paid to the policy owner of
the non-superannuation policy and is not subject to
superannuation law.
The Extra Benefits cover is only available with a current
Disability Income Insurance policy and the monthly insured
amount under both policies must be the same. If the monthly
insured amount under the Disability Income Insurance is
altered, the Extra Benefits cover will be similarly altered and
the premium adjusted accordingly. If the Disability Income
Insurance is cancelled, the Extra Benefits cover will also be
cancelled. The terms and conditions of When we wont pay
as explained on page 31 and When cover ends as explained
on page 41 that apply to Disability Income Insurance also
apply to the Extra Benefits cover.
Benefit payments
If a benefit becomes payable under a FutureWise policy held
within superannuation, it will be paid to the trustee, who
must distribute the benefit in accordance with the governing
rules of the superannuation plan and superannuation laws
current at the time of payment. There may be circumstances
in which the trustee will receive a benefit under a FutureWise
policy but is unable to release all or part of a benefit from the
superannuation fund at that time.
For example, superannuation law constraints may prevent a
trustee from paying all or part of a benefit it receives in relation to:
Trauma Insurance
certain definitions of TPD cover (apart from Superannuation
Optimiser), and
Disability Income Insurance, in particular:
certain features and benefits that apply without a
requirement for the insured person to have ceased an
arrangement of gainful employment or to have been on
unpaid leave for at least some duration, and
cover provided on an agreed value basis.
There may also be circumstances where the benefit paid from
Macquarie Life to the trustee is included in the superannuation
funds assessable income for tax purposes, in which case, the
benefit paid from the fund may be net of any tax payable by
the fund.
We recommend you seek advice before you apply if you are
considering taking this insurance cover within superannuation.
Flexible Linking
Flexible Linking allows you to connect two policies to each
other, in order to link together Life, TPD and/or Trauma
Insurances covering the same insured person.
Where Flexible Linking applies, a claim paid under any one
Insurance reduces the sums insured of the other insurance
held under the policy that is connected through Flexible
Linking, as well as the insurance under the same policy. TPD
and/or Trauma Insurance linked to other Insurance in another
policy through Flexible Linking are referred to in your policy
as Flexible TPD Insurance or Flexible Trauma Insurance. Each
policy will identify the other policy to which it is connected
through Flexible Linking.
TPD Insurance provided on the basis of the Superannuation
Optimiser definition of TPD is provided through two policies
which are also connected through Flexible Linking. For more
information on Superannuation Optimiser, see the next section.
If either of the two connected policies is cancelled, we will
recalculate the premiums for the continuing policy using the
premium rates applicable at the time of the calculation, taking
into account that the remaining insurance is no longer linked
to the cancelled insurance.
The sums insured for Flexible TPD and Flexible Trauma
Insurance cannot be greater than the sum insured for Life
Insurance when connected through Flexible Linking. If the Life
sum insured is reduced, the Flexible TPD and Flexible Trauma
sums insured will also be reduced so that they are no greater
than the Life sum insured.
We may decide that either or both of the recalculation of
premiums or reduced sum insured should not apply in
particular circumstances. If we do, we will contact you to offer
an alternative.
39 FutureWise terms and conditions Ownership
Superannuation Optimiser
Under this feature, TPD can be applied for with the part of
the TPD Insurance that meets the SIS definition of permanent
incapacity (applied as if Macquarie Life was the trustee of the
relevant superannuation fund) held within superannuation and
the remainder of the cover held outside of superannuation.
If Superannuation Optimiser applies, two policies which are
connected by Flexible Linking must be applied for. One of
the policies will be issued to the trustee of a superannuation
fund (referred to as the superannuation policy), and the
TPD Insurance provided under this policy is called the
superannuation component, while the remainder of the cover
will be issued under a policy outside superannuation (referred
to as the non-superannuation policy), and the TPD Insurance
provided under this policy called the non-superannuation
It is important to note that the non-superannuation
component part of the definition only provides cover for TPD
when the superannuation component part of the definition
cannot be satisfied. We will assess under which policy a
benefit is payable based on the information available to us at
the time the decision is made by us.
As explained in the section titled When the TPD cover
changes on page 7, the definition of TPD converts to modified
TPD at the cover anniversary when the insured person is aged
65 and will be held under the superannuation policy. The TPD
cover under the non-superannuation policy will end at the
cover anniversary when the insured person is aged 65.
a) Own Occupation
Under this feature the Own Occupation definition of
TPD can be applied for under two policies, with the part
of the TPD Insurance that meets the SIS definition of
permanent incapacity (applied as if Macquarie Life was
trustee of the relevant superannuation fund) held within
superannuation and the remainder of the cover held outside
of superannuation. The TPD definition that will be shown in
your policy will be Superannuation Optimiser.
If you choose to hold TPD Platinum within superannuation
with the Superannuation Optimiser definition of TPD the
Partial Impairment benefit will be included in the non-
superannuation policy.
Any Occupation
definition of TPD and
meets SIS definition of
permanent incapacity
Own Occupation
definition of TPD and
does not meet
SIS definition of
permanent incapacity
Partial Impairment benefit*
* TPD Platinum only.
b) Any Occupation
If you choose to hold TPD Platinum within superannuation
with the Any Occupation definition of TPD the cover will
automatically be structured with the Superannuation
Optimiser Any Occupation definition.
The part of the TPD Insurance that meets the SIS definition
of permanent incapacity (applied as if Macquarie Life was
trustee of the relevant superannuation fund) will be held
within superannuation and the remainder of the cover
together with the Partial Impairment benefit will be held
outside of superannuation. The TPD definition that will be
shown in your policy will be Superannuation Optimiser
Any Occupation.
Any Occupation
definition of TPD and
meets SIS definition of
permanent incapacity
Any Occupation
definition of TPD and
does not meet
SIS definition of
permanent incapacity
Partial Impairment benefit
c) Domestic Duties
If you choose to hold TPD Platinum within superannuation
with the Domestic Duties definition of TPD the cover
will automatically be structured with the Superannuation
Optimiser Domestic Duties definition.
The part of the TPD Insurance that meets the SIS definition
of permanent incapacity (applied as if Macquarie Life was
trustee of the relevant superannuation fund) will be held
within superannuation and the remainder of the cover
together with the Partial Impairment benefit will be held
outside of superannuation. The TPD definition that will be
shown in your policy will be Superannuation Optimiser
Domestic Duties.
Domestic Duties
definition of TPD and
meets SIS definition of
permanent incapacity
Domestic Duties
definition of TPD and
does not meet
SIS definition of
permanent incapacity
Partial Impairment benefit
40 FutureWise terms and conditions Ownership
Claims under the superannuation policy
In the event of a claim, TPD will first be assessed under the
superannuation component part of the definition to determine
if the following requirements are satisfied:
the insured person meets the Any Occupation or Domestic
Duties, as applicable, definition of TPD, and
the insured person meets the SIS definition of permanent
incapacity, as amended from time to time and applied as if
we were the trustee of the relevant superannuation fund.
If both requirements are satisfied and a benefit is payable
under the superannuation policy, the benefit will be paid to the
trustee. The release of the benefit from the superannuation
fund to the member or beneficiaries will then be decided
by the trustee and be subject to the governing rules of the
superannuation fund and superannuation and related taxation
laws current at the time of payment.
Claims under the non-superannuation policy
If the definition is not satisfied under the superannuation
component, the claim will then be assessed under the non-
superannuation component. If the insured person satisfies
this definition, the full sum insured is paid directly to the policy
owner of the non-superannuation policy (and hence is not
subject to superannuation laws).
Other conditions that apply to Superannuation
Optimiser policies
As the two policies will be connected through Flexible Linking,
the TPD sum insured under each of the policies must always
be the same. A TPD benefit payment under one policy
reduces the TPD sum insured under the connected policy,
as well as reducing the sums insured of any other Linked
Insurance under the two policies.
If you request a decrease to the sum insured, it will be applied
to both policies. Similarly, if you apply to increase the sum
insured, you must apply to increase both policies. In the event
that the cover is cancelled under one of the policies, the cover
under the other policy will immediately end.
Ownership by the trustee of an eligible superannuation plan
Where the trustee of an eligible superannuation plan is the
policy owner, all written notices regarding the policy, including,
but not limited to, the policy document, renewal, dishonour
and cancellation notices will be issued to the trustee of the
eligible superannuation plan as policy owner. The trustee is
solely responsible for communicating with the member in
regard to the policy and is responsible for payment of the
premium in respect of the member by the due date.
In some circumstances, Macquarie Life may, by written
agreement with the trustee, send notices to the member directly.
Insurance-only division of the Macquarie
Superannuation Plan
Important information about applying for FutureWise within
superannuation by becoming a member of the insurance-only
division of the Macquarie Superannuation Plan can be found
on page 51.
Transferring ownership
If your FutureWise policy is a non-superannuation policy,
you can transfer ownership of your policy to another non-
superannuation ownership arrangement by completing a
Memorandum of Transfer, which must be signed by both you
and the transferee, and sending it to us with your original
policy for registration. The transferee must have an insurable
interest in the insured person that is satisfactory to us.
If you have existing cover under a non-superannuation policy
and want the cover to be held within superannuation, the
trustee of the superannuation fund can apply for a new policy
in respect of cover on your life and your existing cover can
be cancelled and issued under a new policy owned by the
trustee, subject to superannuation laws.
If the trustee of a superannuation plan holds the policy on
your life, you can request the trustee to transfer the policy to
you subject to superannuation laws and the governing rules of
the fund.
All transfers between policy owners and to new policies must
be like for like cover, otherwise a full application and usual
underwriting assessment will be required.
41 FutureWise terms and conditions Your policy
Your policy
When cover starts
Subject to any special conditions noted on your policy, cover
starts for each type of insurance from the cover start date
shown for that cover in your policy.
If we accept your application, we will issue a policy
(or policies) detailing:
policy owner(s) (where there are multiple owners of a single
policy who are individual persons, each will own the policy
as joint tenants, unless they own the policy as trustees or
we agree to a different arrangement which we will note in
your policy)
insured person
details of the insured person (such as gender, date of birth,
occupation class and smoker status)
type of Insurance provided
type of policy under which cover is provided (and hence
whether cover is provided on a Linked basis)
whether the policy is connected to another policy through
Flexible Linking (and hence whether cover is provided on a
Linked basis)
sum insured/monthly insured amount for the
insurance(s) provided
if TPD Insurance is included, whether the insured person
is covered on the basis of the Own Occupation, Any
Occupation, Superannuation Optimiser, Superannuation
Optimiser (Any Occupation), Superannuation Optimiser
(Domestic Duties), Domestic Duties, or Modified TPD definition
if TPD Insurance is included on the basis of a
Superannuation Optimiser definition, whether the
policy includes the superannuation component or the
non superannuation component of the definition
if Disability Income Insurance is included, whether the cover
is provided on an indemnity, agreed value, or endorsed
agreed value basis, the waiting period and the benefit period
if Business Expenses Insurance is included,
the waiting period
any options that apply
cover start date
application date
cover anniversary
any premium adjustments which apply
any special conditions which apply, and
the premium and policy fee payable for the first year and
when it is payable.
Your FutureWise policy is referable to our No. 4 Statutory Fund
and any claims paid under the policy will be paid from this fund.
Macquarie Life may, when lawfully entitled to do so, avoid
or adjust your cover if you have breached your duty of
disclosure (or you or the person to be insured have made a
misrepresentation) in your application for FutureWise or when
applying for an increase in cover.
When cover ends
Insurance cover provided under a FutureWise policy ends on
the earliest of:
the cover anniversary following the expiry age shown in the
table following
the death of the insured person
payment of the sum insured for that Insurance in full
the sum(s) insured for all insurance(s) included under the
policy is reduced to nil
cancellation of the cover upon the written request of the
policy owner
cancellation of the cover by Macquarie Life due to non-
payment of the premium (and policy fee) when due
for Child Trauma Insurance, the Continuation of cover
feature, as explained in this PDS, is exercised*
any other date applied under a special condition shown in
your policy, and
if you are a member of an eligible superannuation plan,
30 days after the insured person has left the eligible
superannuation plan or becomes ineligible for membership of
the eligible superannuation plan under law.
Cover type Expiry age
Life Insurance No expiry
TPD Insurance 99
Trauma Insurance 99
Child Trauma Insurance 21*
Blood Borne Disease Insurance 65
Disability Income Insurance
(benefit periods: 2 years, 5 years
and to age 65)
Disability Income Insurance
(benefit period: to age 70)
Business Expenses Insurance 65
* For Child Trauma Insurance, cover ends only in respect of the insured child
for whom the event has occurred.
** Disability Income Insurance may be extended beyond the cover anniversary
when the insured person is aged 65 subject to the terms of the Cover
Extension feature (see page 27 for details).
Business Expenses Insurance may be extended beyond the cover anniversary
when the insured person is aged 65 subject to the terms of the Cover
Extension feature (see page 33 for details).
42 FutureWise terms and conditions Your policy
Guaranteed upgrades to your cover
We will automatically pass on any future improvements we
make to FutureWise when they do not result in an increase
in the premium rates. Where they do result in an increase in
the premium rates, you have the option to take up the offer of
the upgrade.
Improvements will not apply to a claim resulting from an illness
which first occurs (or symptoms leading to the condition
occurring or being diagnosed first became reasonably
apparent), or an injury or event which occurred, before these
improvements took effect.
Guaranteed renewable
Provided the premiums and policy fee continue to be paid when
due, your FutureWise policy is guaranteed renewable until the
policy anniversary after the expiry age, shown in the table in the
section titled When cover ends. This means that we cannot
cancel or alter the terms of the cover because of changes in the
insured persons health, occupation or pastimes.
If you request to extend, vary or reinstate your cover, your duty
of disclosure applies but only in respect of the cover that is
being extended, varied or reinstated.
World wide cover
Your policy covers the insured person 24 hours a day,
anywhere in the world.
Keeping us informed
To ensure that our records are kept up to date and correct, we
request that you advise us in writing:
of a change in your address or contact details, or
of a change in banking or credit card details.
Keeping you informed
Where permitted by law, we may communicate with you
regarding your policy via a number of different methods
depending on the circumstances. These include (but are not
limited to) post, telephone, fax, email and SMS.
43 FutureWise terms and conditions Premiums and other costs
Premiums and other costs
How the premium is calculated
The premium payable for your FutureWise policy is calculated as
at the cover start date and each subsequent cover anniversary,
by applying our FutureWise premium rates to the sum insured/
monthly insured amount for each type of insurance.
The factors upon which the premium will depend include, the
sum insured/monthly insured amount, the options which apply,
the premium payment frequency, the premium type and the
insured persons:
age (premiums generally increase with age)
general health
smoking status (premiums are higher for smokers)
recreational pursuits
occupation, and
state of residence.
The premiums for each type of insurance also depend on the
following additional factors:
for TPD Insurance, the TPD definition which applies
for TPD and Trauma Insurances, the other types of
insurances to which they are linked, and whether they
are linked within the same policy or connected through
Flexible Linking
for Disability Income Insurance, the waiting period, benefit
period and whether the cover is provided on an indemnity,
agreed value or endorsed agreed value basis, and
for Business Expenses Insurance, the waiting period.
You can choose a stepped premium type which means that,
generally, each year the premium increases based on insured
persons age, or a level premium type which means that the
premium remains the same (except for policy fee increases, sum
insured increases and changes to the premium, as explained in
Changes to the premium and/or policy fee on the next page),
until the policy anniversary when the insured person is aged 65,
at which time the level premium automatically converts to
a stepped premium. If the sum insured changes then the
premium will also change. Before each cover anniversary, we
will notify you of the premium and policy fee for the period to the
next cover anniversary. Changes to the premium type will not be
permitted while receiving Disability Income Insurance benefits or
within six months of a claim ending.
As part of the application process, an indicative premium will be
provided to you. You can also request a copy of our FutureWise
premium rates. The actual premium could increase if the person
to be insured has a birthday after the indicative premium is
provided and before the cover start date. We may also only be
able to offer you cover if you agree to a higher premium.
Policy fee
A policy fee per insured person per application is also payable
each year and is shown in your policy. If more than one
FutureWise policy is issued as a result of a single application
for an insured person, only one policy fee is payable. As
at 1 March 2013, the policy fee is $91.72 per annum if the
premium is paid annually or $7.64 per month if the premium
is paid monthly, plus any stamp duty that is applicable. The
policy fee will be adjusted each year on the 1st March by the
consumer price index, and will be effective from the cover start
date or cover anniversary on or following that date.
Payment of the premium
Your premium is calculated on an annual basis and can be
paid yearly or monthly in advance. However, if you choose to
pay it monthly, a loading of 6% will apply.
If you are a member of an eligible superannuation plan, your
FutureWise policy forms part of your superannuation interest
and premiums will automatically be deducted in advance from
your account. Otherwise the premium can be paid from the
following sources:
credit card
direct debit from an Australian bank account
an eligible wrap service held in the same name, or
Macquarie Cash Management Account (CMA).
If you are paying your premiums on a annual basis, you may
also pay via: