Development of Human Resource at Tata Steel

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Roll No: 10MBA002
MBA-09 1
This is to certify that Amulya Kuma B!"!a, a student of DDCE,
Sambalpur University, Orissa, undertook a project titled
!e has successfully completed the project under my "uidance at Tata
Steel !e is a sincere and hard # $orkin" student $ith pleasant manners
%Subhendu Shah&
!ead, !'D
Tata Steel (ana"ement Development Centre *amshedpur +,- ..-, /ndia
Tel 0- 123 4445513 4-54+05 6a7 0- 123 4445513
'e"istered Office +.mbay !ouse 45 !omi (ody Street (umbai 5....-
MBA-09 2
/ hereby declare that the 8roject 9ork Entitled is an ori"inal and
bonafide $ork done by me This 8roject is bein" submitted in partial
fulfillment for the re:uirement for a$ard of De"ree of "Ma)(! o*
Bu)+,!)) A-m+,+)(a(+o, .M/B/A/0" from ##CE 'am1al2u
The content of this report is based on the information collected by me
durin" my tenure at "HR #+3+)+o,4 Ta(a '(!!l L(-/, *amshedpur, based
on year $ise ;nnual 'eport
;mulya =umar >ehera
MBA-09 3
/ have pleasure to e7press my sincere "ratitude and appreciation to Sbhendu
Shah (Head, HRD, TATA STEEL) for the full support, help and "uidance, he had
e7tended to me durin" the trainin" period and for the necessary materials he
provided me for makin" the project report
/ am particularly indebted to K. Palani for providin" me the valuable "uidance,
$hich enabled me to carry on the study successfully
/ feel deep re"ards to other faculty of ?/CE $ho "ave me encoura"ement,
$hich enabled me to reach at this sta"e
;t last but not least / $ould like to convey my heartiest thanks to all the
respondents for their cooperation
;mulya =umar >ehera
Enrollment ?o < 4++@.0

This is to certify that Amulya Kuma B!"!a bearing the Enrollment No. 4++@.0
is a bonafide student of DDCE, Sambalpur University. He has conducted the proect on
"#E$ELO%MENT O& HUMAN RE'OURCE a( TATA 'TEEL" under my guidance as
per the partial fulfillment of the re!uirement of the degree of ".#.$.
To the best of my %no&ledge she has &or% sincerely to being this report.
= 8alani
MBA-09 !
This proect is submitted by $mulya 'umar #ehera of "#$ bearing the
(oll No. )*"#$**+ under DDCE, Sambalpur University and for&arded for
,nternal E-aminer E-ternal E-aminer
MBA-09 "
T"+) +) (o C!(+*y ("a( ("! %o7!8( E,(+(l!-:
Submitted by Amulya Kumar Behera .Enr. No +//0*12, Sambalpur University, #urla
to&ards partial fulfillment of the re!uirements for the a&ard of the degree of "aster of
#usiness $dministration ."#$2 is a bona fide record of the &or% carried out by him under
the able guidance of K. Palani, 3aculty, N,CE, $ngul.
.$pproval of the Center Director2
MBA-09 %
Training $nd Development Concepts
$bout Tata Steel
MBA-09 &
$t the da&n of +)st century, the predominance of brainpo&er as value and gro&th created at
global level has been &idely accepted. The shifting sands of time have underscored the
importance of brain po&er as the prime driver of value creation.
$ny one can cut costs. The !uestion is can you cut costs and create value at the same
time5 ,t6s an urgent !uestion today, particularly &hen it comes to an organi7ation6s
&or%force. Ho& can companies achieve necessary reduction and yet maintain, or can
improve productivity levels5 Ho& can they %eep their people focused and engaged Today the
pressure to effect critical change !uic%ly is never restlessness than ever. $s a result
8innovating9 creating ne& products, ne& services, ne& &ays of turning out goods more
cheaply have become more urgent concern for the corporations every&here. This has led
companies to rely more on employee6s creativity and s%ills thereby stressing more stress on
employee6s brainpo&er. There is a greater recognition that distinctive competencies are
obtained through rightly developed employees6 s%ills, distinctive organi7ation culture,
management process and system. The fact that employee today is achieving competitive
advantage has led the emergence of strategic H(", &here H( functions as a strategic partner
is foundation of company strategy as &ell as implementation of these strategies through the
activities li%e recruitments , and re&arding personnel.
The challenge of improving performance for better value created results becomes
even greater in tough economic times. The solution is an approach to performance
improvement that focuses on the &or%force vital to business success and financial results.
Thus, training and development of human resources has been recogni7ed an important
cost for the development of organi7ation by both management and &or%ers. Training is meant
for improvement of competence and capabilities of employees. ,t helps in development of
effective &or% habits, methods of &or% and thereby improves ob performance, !uality of
products and so on. Training and development provides employees a broader outloo% on life
emerging from the sprit of self:reliance, dignity and self:esteem that develop out of it. To the
management it does not merely means improved production, but e!uips them &ith capacity
for production cordial and healthy ,(
Training ; Development has therefore become a maor activity and significant part of
company cost in today6s age.
MBA-09 9
TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT < Training is an organi7ed procedure by &hich people
learn %no&ledge and ac!uire the s%ills they need for definite purpose. This training is rooted
in the learning process and learning is that human process by &hich s%ills, %no&ledge, habits
and attitude are ac!uires and utili7ed in such a &ay that behavior is modified. ,n this &ay the
genesis of training can be traced to the da&n of civili7ation &here men taught their younger
generations the art of ma%ing tools and &eapons. The gradual development of training to the
present stage.
(apid technological and scientific developments have deep impact on the business
performance. This has in a &ay force a number of ,ndian organi7ations to implement high:
tech and innovative training practice to increase their organi7ation6s adaptability to global
=f late a variety of programmers including sensitivity and creativity, leadership
development etc have been e-tensively developed to help managers because more genuine
and effective thin%ing of solutions to organi7ational and business problems. The emphasis of
training programmers is moving to&ards upgrading decision ma%ing s%ills so that managers
&ill be able to reach to move rational conclusions and thus ma%e a great contribution to&ards
organi7ation6s profitability. ,nstances of training intended to provide impetus in the area of
research and invention &ill also be seen.
The present research &or% is an understudy conducted at Tate "anagement
Development Centre, Tata ,ron and Steel Company to study the management development
practices in the organi7ation. This &or% highlights the improving trends in the training policy
formulation of T,SC= over past fe& years and the future areas of development.
>eople differ in their abilities and aptitudes. These differences are natural to a great
e-tent and cannot be eliminated even by giving the same basic education and training. There
&ill be some differences in the !uality and !uantity of &or% done by different employees
even on the same ob. Therefore, it is important for the management to %no& these
MBA-09 10
differences so that the employees having better abilities may be re&arded and the &rong
placements of the employees may be rectified through transfers.
"anagers are largely made, not born. This is significant step in management literature
and forms the basis of numerous development programs. These programmes are imparted in
order to enhance the ability of employees to advance in the company or to accomplish
additional ob responsibilities "D>6s thus ensure that the organi7ation has the re!uired
managerial talent to face the present and future challenges &ith confidence.
$s a student of "#$ .H(2, , choose "anagement Development >rogrammes as the
topic of my dissertation in T$T$ STEE? for t&o reasons.
). , &as very attracted to this organi7ation &hich is one of the pioneers in the steel
industry and is the $sia6s best integrated steel plant .
+. , &as interested in %no&ing more about the development programs being imported
by the organi7ation thereby helping it to &ith stand and proper in this highly
competitive environment.
The follo&ing obectives &ere selected on a priority basis for the study in T$T$ STEE?.
). To study the various training and development process in Tata Steel.
+. To study and analy7e the "D>6s at Tata Steel "anagement development centre.
@. To study the attitude of both the participants as &ell as their immediate superiors.
A. To study the e-tent of effectiveness of the "D> at Tata Steel.
B. To e-amine the necessities for changes in the e-isting pattern of training.
C. To recommend necessary change0 modifications for ma%ing the training system
more obective Das &ell as effective for fulfillment of organi7ational goals
E. To dra& conclusion based on general feedbac% and opinion survey of the trained
management personnel.
MBA-09 11
$ (esearch is purely and simple the frame&or% or plan for a study that guides the
collection and analysis of data. $ research is a blueprint that is follo&ed in completing a
study. ,t is a scientific in!uiry. ,t is a process leading to discovery of facts, ho& they are
related etc... $ scientific in!uiry leads to gro&th of %no&ledge. (esearch is a systematic
in!uiry and has three essential characteristics i.e. #$%&'(i)&* a''+,a'- & '#n(in+i(-.
"ethodology has an important bearing on the collection of reliable information as
&ell as on the outcome of the study. The categori7ation of the proposed investigation into
certain type of research, a corresponding method or methods designed for it and appropriate
techni!ues for collecting and analy7ing data are together %no&n as M&(.#/#l#0- #1
(esearch design is a complete outline of the conduct of the proposed research study. ,t
is a comprehensive statement on the problem and scope of the study.
The purpose of underta%ing it, the population and location to be covered for collecting
information, the hypothesis formulated for the study and finally the methodology to be
employed in it.
The methodology aspect in a dissertation &or% has got special importance as it helps
in empirical investigation. This study represents an e-planatory cum descriptive research
The universe of this study companies of respondents &ho are the officers of impact
level or ,?@ T= ,?B. They had ta%en training at T"DC in the month of "ay to =ctober +*)).
The immediate superiors of the respondents have also been included in the study
The methodology adopted in conducting this study is.
#oth primary and secondary data &ere collected for the study. >rimary data &as
collected through Fuestionnaire, ,ntervie& ; observation &hereas secondary data &as
collected from the secondary source.
MBA-09 12
i2 PRIMARY DATAG The primary data collection includes the vie&s of both
trainees and their immediate superior &hich &as collected through separate
!uestionnaires. The trainers &ere intervie&s personally to get the re!uired
information. The !uestionnaires &ere distributed to the respective trainees as
&ell as the immediate superiors from various departments. Each of the
respondents &as intervie&ed personally during the survey.
Each !uestionnaire &as a structured one containing !uestions &hich are of
multiple choice type having a li%er scaling method or the five point scaling
techni!ue. The toll for analysis used &as ms e-cel.
ii2 SECONDARY DATAG Secondary data &as collected from the organi7ations
very o&n information centers. Data collected related to the history and
development of Tata Steel, ra& materials section, products manufactured,
vision,mission,strategic goals as &ell as the latest technology innovations.
These data &ere collected from the official files. Documents, periodicals,
?iterature and brochures present in various departments in the organi7ation.
,nformation &as also collected regarding the history and functioning of
management development centre.
!) SELECTION OF SAMPLEG The study adopted a random ; udgment sampling
method. The sample included )** participants and )** immediate superiors. ,t also includes
)+ trainers. The participant is &ere basically of the officers level ranging from supervisors to
assistant managers. The selected respondents &ere from the follo&ing departments.
To&ns division
Tata Hor%s
Tata Iro&th Shop
Tubes division
$ccounts division
,nformation technology services
Engineering and proects
MBA-09 13
These respondents &ere chosen on the basis of the follo&ing programmes they had
underta%en at T"DC. These programmes are the follo&ing.
$ssertiveness training
"S Hord
"S =ffice
"S E-cel
#usiness Eti!uette
>ersonality plus
"anagement development programme
Creativity &or%shop
Effective oral and &ritten communication
Effective presentation s%ills
Effective supervision
#asic leadership s%ills
3inance for non:finance e-ecutive
Iroup dynamics for a dynamic group
,nterpersonal relationship s%ills
(einventing yourself
Time management and delegation s%ills
Stress management
Conflict management
#usiness process outsourcing
Ethics coordinators &or%shop
Negotiation s%ills.
C) PRESENTATION & ANALYSIS OF DATAG The data collected &as classified for
presentation. ,t involved preparation of tables, graphs and diagrams to compare and study the
relationship among variables. The presentation of data facilitates the analysis of data by
MBA-09 1
applying statistical tools that further helps in interpretation of data ,n order to analysis the
data simple statistical tools li%e percentage, average and mean score &ere calculated. Some
!uestions &ere ran%ed.
). To suggest innovative practices in training ; development 0 "D> activities in Tata Steel.
+. To suggest remedial measures in the e-isting mechanism on training ; development and
its evaluation if any.
The various limitations these &ere e-perienced during the research &or% are enumerated
). =ne of the maor problems faced during the survey &as lac% of transportation
facilities due to &hich it became difficult to cover certain department.
+. Time &as a maor constraint in collecting detailed data on the general &or%ing of the
organi7ation and carrying out research &or% in particular.
@. $ number of participants included in the sample &ere from ra& materials section for
e-ample Hest #o%aro collieries, &ho &ere out of reach
A. Hith the recent organi7ational restructuring at Tata Steel a number of participants
&ere no longer employees. Therefore, they had to be e-cluded from our survey.
B. The busy schedule of the e-ecutives did not give them enough time to do full ustice
to the researcher6s schedule.
Ho&ever despite these limitations, the over&helming co:operation and response of the
employees in providing the much needed information enabled the researcher to ma%e the
best out of the available data.
Chapter-IG The importance of study, obective of the study, scope of the study, also the
methodology adopted to derive inferences has also been dealt in this chapter.
Chapter- IIG This chapter deals &ith the concepts and theoretical aspects of "D>6s in
business organi7ation.
Chapter- III < This chapter describes the organi7ational profile of Tata Steel
Chapter- IVG This chapter covers the functioning of "D> in Tata Steel for the year +*))
Chapter-V: This chapter deals &ith the analysis of the opinion of the employees &ho have
attend various "D>6s in T"DC
MBA-09 1!
Chapter-VIG This chapter discusses about the conclusion of the study and suggestions.
MBA-09 1"
INTRODUCTION: Hith the increase of globali7ation and economic liberali7ation,
organi7ations the &orld over have started facing challenge to cope &ith the increased
competition, demand and e-pectations. These changing demands are being placed on
organi7ation and their conse!uent streamlining has created both ne& challenges and other
parado-es. 8>eople are our greatest assets 8is on the lips of many leaders . Ket the
development budget is often the first target. Hhen lagging economics need to be revived. $s
>eter Drun%er points outG 3or the first time in human history, it really does matter &hether or
not people lean9. There is a greater need these days for devising more effective &ay of
delivering value to the organi7ation by &ay of developing people. The fact that human
competency development of organi7ations is &ell: recogni7ed no&. 3or real development to
ta%e place, organi7ations need to chec% &hether they have the tight people in the place &ith
right competencies, %no&ledge, e-perience and capabilities necessary for both current and
future responsibilities. These call for &ell < planned Human (esources Development
Strategic and polices. 4arious mechanisms, &hich help the organi7ation in facilitating and
managing their H(D functions. Training g is one of the &idely used mechanisms of H(D that
helps the organi7ation to get the most from their H(, by developing a result oriented culture
through the organi7ation.
Training plays an important role in the development of an organi7ation. This is vital
for every organi7ation to cope &ith the changes &hich occur in the mar%et economy from
time to time also helps to enhance their s%ills, adapt latest technology and complete &ith the
best companies.
,n an organi7ation, learning occurs at individuals, groups and organi7ational levels.
Training processes are scrutini7ed and aligned &ith organi7ational goals. Training and
development is an important part of a system intended to develop the intellectual capital and
manage the organi7ational %no&ledge. Training promotes retaining and motivating the staff.
Today, the training managers have to practically solve the performance related problems
besides conducting training programs.
The main function of training is to close the gap bet&een the desired and the actual
ob performance. The need for !uality training programs increased due to the fact that the
highly competitive business environment is thro&ing up ne& and challenging obs,
practically everyday. Training need analysis is an important plan% is the gamut of training. ,t
MBA-09 1%
should be designed, offered and conducted for a particular purpose to meet a specific
obective and to fulfill an identified need.
#y the end of the +)
century, all progressive industrial organi7ations have embedded
H(D along &ith personnel management, industrial relations and labour &elfare. ,n order to
avoid the mingle ness of various activities and to avoid the operational comple-ities most of
the organi7ations have created separate H(D department to deal &ith the maters, especially
relating to training and development and appraisal.
Fuite often conducting seminars , symposium and other development programmes
may not fulfill the real obectives of bringing change in s%ill, %no&ledge, efficiency and
effectiveness of the the people in the organi7ation, rather helps in bridging certain gap in their
behavior &hich is more formal in nature. Hhere as training upgrades the s%ill &hich bring
change in attitude and performance. "odern age change management needs more help of the
training, rather such developmental programs. So "anagement training and development are
t&o maor functions for gro&th of the organi7ation in micro level and economy in macro
3unction of the organi7ations large or small re!uires staffing &ith competence
personnel. The public education systems are primarily designed to&ards teaching broad
%no&ledge and s%ills to enable people cope successfully &ith their environment, but they are
not structured to teach specific ab s%ills for positions in particular organi7ations. ,n this
conte-t there arises the need for training the employees to perform their ob successfully in
the &or% organi7ations. Even those &ho have professional degree from technical or
professional institutes must receive initial training in the form of orientation to the policies,
practical and the method of functioning. $lso rapid changes and development in the
production process have aroused the need of continual retraining of e-perienced &or%ers to
perform ne& and changed obs. Ta%ing into considerations all the aspects, it can be said that
training plays a vital role in every organi7ation.
The terms 8Training9 and 8Development 8are often used synonymously, but there e-ist a thin
line of separation bet&een them. Development is seen as an activity normally associated &ith
managers &ith the future firmly in mind in contrast training has a more immediate concern
MBA-09 1&
and is associated &ith improvement of %no&ledge and s%ills of non:managerial employees in
their present ob.
1. T,ainin0 '#n'&6(2.
Training is an organi7ed procedure by &hich people learn %no&ledge and s%ill for
and definite purpose Training is defined differently by various authors.
$ccording to Mi'.a&l A,72(,#7 8Training is the systematic modification behaviour
through learning which occurs as a result of education, instruction development and planned
8a-n& 1. Ca2i# observed that 8Training consists of planned programmes designed to
improve performance at the individuals, group and / or organizational levels. Improved
performance in term implies that there have been measurable changes in knowledge, skills,
attitudes and / or social behaviour9
$ccording to 'enney and (eid 8>lanned training is a deliberate intervention designed to
bring about the necessary learning to improve performance on the ob9
"athis and Lac%son have defined 8Training as a learning process &hereby people ac!uire
s%ills, attitudes or %no&ledge to aid in the achievements and goals9
$ccording to Calhoon 8Training is the process of aiding employees to gain effectiveness in
their present and future &or% 8.
Hence, training can be defined as a planned process by &hich people learn %no&ledge and
s%ills to improve performance on the ob and enable the organi7ation to achieve its goals.
). To develop the capacities as &ell as capabilities of the employees by upgrading
their s%ills and %no&ledge.
+. To help employees improve their level of performance on their present ob
MBA-09 19
@. To enable in employee a&areness and self:consciousness and this helps them to
contribute their best to the organi7ation.
A. To bring about efficiency and effectiveness in organi7ation, &hich helps in
remaining competitive in the mar%et situations5
B. To help employees cope up &ith the rapid technological changes ta%ing place in
the organi7ation.
). Training reduces learning time to achieve acceptable performance targets.
+. ,t enhances s%ills thereby resulting in increasing in both !uality and !uantity of
@. ,t helps in the satisfaction of human needs li%e security and ego satisfaction.
A. Trained employees can perform their &or% effectively &ith little supervision.
B. ,t is useful in solving various operational problems.
C. =rgani7ational stability can be maintained be %eeping a reservoir of trained
Development is a process &hich the employees accomplish not merely s%ills in their
present obs but also competence for prospective assignments of enhanced difficulties and
The term development can be defined as the nature and direction of change ta%ing
among personal through educational and training process.
$ccording to Dunn ; Stephens, development refers to the organi7ations efforts .and
the individuals o&n efforts2 to enhance an individuals ability to advance in his organi7ation,
to perform additional ob duties.
). Development enables the organi7ation to go ahead &ith its e-pansion programme
by ensuring that as and &hen needed manpo&er both in !ualitative and
!uantitative aspect &ill be available.
+. ,t ma%es provision for optimum utili7ation of the present and future potential of
all manpo&er resources.
MBA-09 20
@. To mould the attitude and behaviour of the &or%force for the improvement of ob
A. To bring about improvement efficiency and effectiveness in ob performance.
"ethod of training and development in an organi7ation is broadly divided into t&o parts.
$. =n:the:ob training.
#. =ff:the:ob training.
,t is most common, most &idely accepted a most necessary method of training
employees in the s%ills, essential for ob performance. Trainees in this process are
encrusted by s%illed co:&or%ers, supervisors or special training instructors. They learn
the ob by personal observation, practice as &ell as handling it.
There are vicariates of coaching, internship, $pprenticeship, ob rotation etc.
). The main advantage is that the trainee level on the actual e!uipment in use
and in true environment of his ob.
+. ,t is highly economical, since no additional facilities are re!uired for
@. The trainee leaves the rules, regulations and procedure by observing their
day:to:day applications.
A. ,t is most appropriate for teaching the %no&ledge and s%ills that can be
ac!uires in a relatively short period.
=ff:the:ob training simply means that training is not a part of everyday ob
activity. The actual location for training may be in the company classrooms or in places
that are o&ned by the company or in places that are e-ternal to the company.
MBA-09 21
4arious off:the:ob training techni!ues includesG lectures, conferences, group discussions,
role playing and case:study etc.
). The best of instructors and planned materials are used for imparting training.
+. ,t see%s &ider acceptance by the people, as they are more familiar &ith these
@. This enables conveying information to course of people in a short time.
"anagement development programmes are an attempt to improve managerial attitude
for increasing s%ill, the "D>6s purpose to enhance the ability of managers to advance in the
company or to accomplish additional ob responsibilities. "anagement Development
>rogramme &as started by large corporations in the U.S.$ in )1B*6s but since then there has
been gro&ing sophistication in the conte-t of such endeavors.
Dale S. #each Defined "anagement Development as 8 !ystematic process of
training and growth by which individuals gain and apply knowledge, skills, insights and
attitudes to manage work organizations effectively.
$ccording to "ichael $rmstrom 8"mployee #evelopment often referred to as $uman
%esource #evelopment &$%#' is about the provision of learning, development and training
opportunities in order to improve individual, team and organization as performance.
Koder Defined "anagement Development as a programme of training and planned personnel
development purporting to prepare and aid managers in their present and future obs.
Thus ".D.> is a systematic process of learning and development to gain %no&ledge,
insight and attitude in order to improve individual, team and organi7ational performance.
MBA-09 22
The maor obective of ".D.>6S is.
). To enhance the present effectiveness of managers through a planned and
deliberate process of learning &ithin the organi7ation.
+. To identify the potential &ithin managers and nurture them ade!uately.
@. To provide a rich learning e-perience to individuals and thus create &ithin them
capacity to manage and administer the affaires of their organi7ations.
A. To create an ade!uate reserve of managerial talent to meet the present and
anticipated needs of the future.
B. To prevent managerial obsolesce.
C. To bring about changes in crucial areas of %no&ledge, attitude, behaviour and
P,#'&/+,& #1 Mana0&7&n( D&)&l#67&n(.
The process of management development includes various se!uential steps. They areG
a. O,0ani9a(i#n 6lannin0G:
$fter the %ey decision to lunch a management development programme has been
made, the first thing to do is organi7ation planning. The organi7ation structure
must be studied to ascertain &hether activities and functions are grouped properly
&hat the organi7ation &ill consist of five to ten years hence in terms of functions,
departments and e-ecutive positions are analy7ed in this step.
$. P,#0,a77& Ta,0&(in0:-
The group of manager &ho are to be included in the programme must be selected
carefully depending upon the obective of the programme.

'. I/&n(i1-in0 $a2i' ,&:+i,&7&n( #1 ;&- 6#2i(i#n2
The re!uirement of the %ey positions should be identified as this helps in the
designing of the development programmes for the managers.
MBA-09 23
/. E-ecutive $ppraisal G
The process of e-ecutive appraisal helps in identifying the areas in &hich
managers must be developed.
&. P,&6a,in0 ,&6la'&7&n( in)&n(#,i&2:
(eplacement inventories based on organi7ational planning forms an initial step
and are the heart of management development. This replacement table implies
preparation and maintenance of an e-ecutive inventory including both resent and
prospective managers.
1. P,&6a,in0 In/i)i/+al D&)&l#67&n( P,#0,a77&2:
#ased on the e-ecutive appraisal, individual development programmes are
planned. These are designed to develop the hidden potential in managers for
handling future ob assignment efficiently. Development plan must be tailor made
for each individual.
0. P,#0,a77& A/7ini2(,a(i#n.
>roper administration of the programmes helps in ma%ing them successful.
>roper administration includesG
). Creating a climate for learning and applying ne& %no&ledge,
+. >roviding ade!uate infrastructural facilities.
@. Ietting the services of efficient instructors.
A. "a%ing proper evaluations after the programmes.
The fre!uently used methods and techni!ues of management development include.
1. "#$ #,i&n(a(i#n:
Lob rotation broadens the understanding of several business situations. This is
suitable for young ne& comers enabling them to learn more by doing.
MBA-09 2
5. C#n1&,&n'&:
This method permit trainees to thin% about problems, e-press themselves, access
the opinion of others, understand team &or% and develop leadership as &ell as
udgment subects commonly used in development conferences includes.
Human relations, supervision, general economic understanding, personnel
administration and allied problems.
=. R#l& Pla-in0G
This is another group training method in &hich trainees act out the parts of people
in a realistic management situation. The idea of the e-ercise is to solve the
problem at hand and thereby develop trainee6s s%ills in areas li%e leadership and
>. S&n2i(i)i(- T,ainin0 :
This method aims to increase participant6s insight into their behaviour and
behaviour of others by encouraging an open e-pression of feelings. This method
provides face:to:face learning of on going behaviour &ithin a small group and
lac%s structure. The trainer in this method acts as a moderator and facilitates
feedbac% processes.
?. Ca2& S(+/- M&(.#/.
,n this method the managers are presented &ith a &ritten description of
organi7ational problems to diagnose and solve. The trainees then analy7e the case,
diagnose the problem and present his0her findings and solutions after discussion
&ith other trainees. This is aimed at giving trainees realistic e-perience in
identifying and analy7ing comple- problems in an environment in &hich a trained
teacher can subtly guide their progress.
@. In-$a2;&( M&(.#/:
This method involves letter, notes, documents and reports needed to provide on:
the:ob reality of the manager in:bas%et. ,t helps to develop and measure decision:
ma%ing ability of managers. This method provides realism, fle-ibility, involment
and built:in motivation.
MBA-09 2!
A. !+2in&22 Ga7&2:
This method is a classroom simulation e-ercise in &hich teams of trainees
compete against each other or an environment to achieve given obective. The
game is intended to be a close representation of real life conditions. ,t simulates
interest, involvement and competition among trainees. The games are li%ely to
3inancial s%ills, !uic%ness of thin%ing and ability to adapt under stressful
B. Uni)&,2i(- C#+,2&/ :
University coursed provides the benefits of the special teaching and training s%ills
of faculty members and present a broad vie& of economic and political
considerations. Ho&ever, these coursed alone are not ade!uate.
C. N#n-0,#+6 M&(.#/ G
,n addition to the group methods, there are several non:group methods involving
an assessment of each individual6s strength and &ea%nesses. This method includes
counseling, understudies, and specialD proects etc.
MBA-09 2"
CH$>TE( @
Tata steel established in )1*E today stands proud as a modern steel plant comparable
&ith any integrated steel plant in the &orld. ,t o&es its e-istence to the vision of Lamshedi
N... Tata one of the pioneers of industrial development in ,ndia. ,t caters the Selenium as a
thriving nimble. Steel enterprise. ,t has transformed itself to meet the challenges of a highly
competitive global economy. ,t aims in the ne&, millennium to become a supplier of choice
by delighting its customers &ith services and products.
T,SC= &as established on +E
$ug )1*E &ith an initial capital of (s. + crores &hich
&as subscribed by ,ndian investors. ,n )1)) , the )***** tone plant produced its first cast of
iron and in 3ebruary )1)+, it rolled its steel ingots . The plant achieved capacity proections
in )1)C.
The main strength of Tata Steel lies in the spirit of its employees, present and those of
yester years, &hich has enabled the company to stand through several cycles of economic
upheavals including the do&n turn in the steel industry in the past +:@ years &hich sa& most
other steel corporations go through 8 red phases 8 . 3or the past )* years Tata Steel has
constantly produced &ell over its rated capacity and in the recent mar%et scenario, &hich has
seen a glut of steel products there &as sustained demand for Tata Steel6s output.
The four phases of moderni7ation completed in +**E:+**/ have seen an increase in
crude steel from + metric tones per annum currently. This has enabled it to ac!uire the most
modern steel ma%ing facilities in the &orld. Though steel products remain the core of its
business activity, the company also produces 3erro:alloys, tubes, agricultural products, ball
bearing, steel plant e!uipments and rings. Tata Steel invested over (s. )C** cores in
establishing state:of:the art cold rolling mill capable of leveraging the company6s strength
&ell into the future. (ecently, Tata Steel commissioned its ).+ million tones capacity C("
comple- at 8Ilobal Speed and Cost2 currently, the 4th phase of moderni7ation program see%s
to leverage intellectual capacities of its employees. Through better %no&ledge management,
initiating Tata Steel hopes to shift focus from creating ne& physical asset to utili7ing them
&ith ingenuity and a sturdy business sense, The performance ethic initiative proposes a ne&
organi7ational structure that nurtures gro&th business , providing more decision ma%ing
fle-ibility, sets clear accountabilities and encourage high levels of team&or% among
managers and unit.
MBA-09 2%
Tata steels concerted effort to become the lo&est cost producer of steel has yielded
rich individuals. The &orld steel dynamics a reno&ned industrial analyst based in U.S.$ in
their recent report has stated that. Tata Steel 8is a 8&orld class9 steel ma%er, the only in ,ndia
and one of the fe& companies into eh &orld &ith such a standing
Tata Steel located in Lamshedpur, the burgeoning to&nship names in )1)1 in tribute to
Tata Steel founder, is ,ndia6s first planned ,ndustrial City. ,t is a model for the harmonious co:
e-istence of industry and environment.
L$"SHED>U( 3$CT 3,?E G
Ieographical locationG South Lhar%hand, Chotanagpur >lateau.

?ongitude G /C.)+ E
?atitude G ++.AE N
$ttitude G)B1 m above mean sea level . at Tatanagar2 1@@ m above mean sea
level . Dalura2
(ail&ay station G Tata Nagar
$erodrame G Sonari
Temperature G AE.@ M c "a-imum ; /.* "inimum
Total rain fall G )@++ mm
$rea G CA s! 'm.
>opulation G A.C+ lacs
No. of schools G )+)C./* mm
,mportant (ivers G Subarnare%ha and 'har%hai
,mportant ,ndustries G Tata Steel, TE?C=, Tinplate co of ,ndia Tata Tim%en, T(3 ?td. Tata
Electric cos. T$K=, T$T$ CU"",NS, bloc ,ndia, Lameo , Usha "artin ,ndustries. Tata
>igments, Tata 'orb, Lamipol, 3US,=N Engg, etc.
MBA-09 2&
To sei7e the opportunities of tomorro& and create a future that &ill ma%e us an E4$
positive company. To continue to improve the !uality of life of our employees and the
communities &e have.

He aspire to be the global steel industry benchmar% for
4alue Creation and Corporate Citi7enship
=ur 6&#6l&, by fostering team &or%, nurturing talent, enhancing leadership capability and
acting &ith pace, pride and passion.
=ur #11&,, by becoming the supplier of choice, delivering premium products and services,
and creating value &ith our customers.
=ur inn#)a(i)& a66,#a'., by developing leading edge solutions in technology, processes and
=ur '#n/+'(, by providing a safe &or%ing place, respecting the environment, caring for our
communities and demonstrating high ethical standards.
"anage %no&ledge strategically.
=utsource strategically
Encourage innovations and allo& freedom to fail
E-cel at ,#E"
Unleash people6s potential and create leaders &ho &ill build the future.
,nvest in attractive ne& business
Ensure safety and environmental sustainability
Divest, "erge and $c!uire.
"ove from commodities to #rands
Eva positive core business
Continue to be the lo&est cost producer of steel
4alue creating partnerships &ith customers and suppliers
Entrusted and happy employees.
Sustainable gro&th.
MBA-09 29
(espect for the individual
?eadership and Team&or%
Strategic 4ision
Customer 3ocus
>artnership &ith sta%eholders
Technology ?eadership
Social (esponsibility
?earning =rgani7ation
Creativity and ,nnovativeness.
RA8 MATERIALSG The geographical team of the company had e-tensive research proect
and located the places from &here crude iron ore can be collected to feed the steel plant.
IRON MINES G Iou "aharani, #adampahar and suleipat in the "ayurbhan district of
=rissa. Noamundi, Lhar%hand, Loda $($ ,N THE 'eonhar district of =rissa.
>(=DUCT ",N G
Hot rolling strips
Hire rods
(olled rings
Commercial !uality pipes
E&a precision bearing
Heavy engineering e!uipment
$gricultural Tools li%e hose, pic%s,cro&bars and sha&ls 3erro "agnesia and 3errochrome
#y products li%e coal ta-, sulphate of ammonia ben7ol and toluene it also offers
comprehensive consultancy and engineering services.
MBA-09 30
Tata (efractoriness ?imited
The Tata >igments ?imited
'alimati ,nvestment Company ?imited
Tata 'orf Engineering Service ?imited
Tata ,ncorporated
Ste&arts and ?oyds of ,ndia ?imited
Tata SS? ?imited.
>roduction Statistics Total saleable Steel
+*)*:+*)) A)**
+**1:+*)* @A@*
+**/:+**1 @+C+
+**E:+**/ @*B)
+**C:+**E +1E)
+**B:+**C +E/@
+**A:+**B +CC*
?$U(E?S $CH,E4ED #K T$T$ STEE? G
The 3,C, a&a%ed for outstanding $chievement in 3amily Helfare for +**E:+**/ has
been conferred on Tata Steel center for family ,nitiatives . C3,2
The "ohta $&ard G =ne of the "anagement tools effectively used by Tata Steel to
bring about cost improvement is value engineering.
The $#C, $&ardG The $ssociation of #usiness Communications of ,ndia in its A*
$nnual Competition Tata Steel in C categories.
The C,, < E-im $&ard G Tata steel has been a&arded the C,, E-im a&ard +*** : one
of the most prestigious a&ard for corporate E-cellence.
The Corporate governance a&ard G Tata Steel has &on the National $&ard for
E-cellence in Corporate Iovernance for the year +***
>rime "inister6s $&ard G To the second time Tata Steel has been adusted ,ndia6s best
performing steel plant in the country by the "inistry of Steel Iovernment of ,ndia.
The L(D F4 $&ardG Tata Steel achieved a score of more than C** on ma-imum
mar%s of )***. ,t is in the first time that a Tata Iroup of Company has &on the L(D
F4 $&ard.
MBA-09 31
The Engineering E-port a&ard G Tata Steel has been a&arded the $ll ,ndia Trophy for
top e-ports in the category of 8 "anufacturing Unit ?$(IE Scale Non:SS,9
The ,,"" $&ardG Tata Steel has been a&arded the corporate E-cellence $&ard by the
,ndian ,nstitute of "aterials "anagement &hich is associated &ith the ,nternational
3ederation of >urchasing and "aterial "anagement.
The #ritish safety council $&ardG Tata Steel has been conferred &ith the #ritish
Council Safety a&ard. This a&ard is given to organi7ations &ith lo&er than average
accident rate, good safety polices.
). P,#1i( : =perating profit < &as the highest this year at (s. )/*+ corers.
>rofit after tas% .>$T2 amounted to (s. BB@.A@ crores registering a gro&th of @) B
over the last year.
+. P,#/+'(i#n E'#n#7i'2. : $ll previous production records &ere surpassed <
capacity utili7ation, production and mar%et leadership. Crude steel production
reached @.BE "T as against @.A@ "T in the precious year.
@. Tata steel is emerging as the &orld6s lo&est cost producer of hot rolled coils H(C.
A. Use of petrol: fuel into eh steel ma%ing process has been eliminated completely.
B. ?abor productivity has almost doubled in the last B years.
C. Hith e:procurement., almost B** vendors and &ith e:sales appro-imately )/*
customers are on line.
Tata Steel has created a #+# portal "etal unction. com in collaboration &ith the
Steel $uthority of ,ndia .S$?E2 and 'alyani Steel

E. )BO =3 Tata Steel revenue &as disturbed to the government in +**A:+**B
amounting to (s. )+*C/A crores.
MBA-09 32
/. $s a Heb enabled enterpriseG Tata Steel is rapidly lin%ing up &ith customers and
suppliers. The implementation of S$>, an enterprise resources planning soft&are
pac%age has changed the process of conducting business. $n internet drives
system. S$> &ill improve decision ma%ing by ma%ing data available on line and
enabling customers to get information on their orders.
1. 'no&ledge "anagementG The Company has initiated a '"> to systematically
and formally share and transfer learning concepts best practices and other implicit
The >E> has streamlined the org. The structuring the hierarchy and the number.
)*. Employee focus Empo&erment G $ perfect )**O total Employee ,nvolvement in
improvement schemes has been achieved in the amshedpur &or%s Since
Tata Steel has seen over E* years of ,ndustrial harmony, during &hich not a single
man:hour has been lost.
$ssistance has been given to )C rural schools to encourage rural education and
&omen development
Homen and Kouth empo&erment has been underta%en through micro credit
groups and through Domestic "anagement programme
)). Eco ConsciousnessG Tata Steel &ill be contributing over ) la%h saplings to support
the greening of "umbai.
The Tata Steel plant is the only one in the company to be given the ,S= )A**)
Certificate by the environmental management system.
Noamundi is the only mine is the country to have received the environmental
a&ards from the 3ederation of ,ndia "inerals ,ndustries t&ice.
MBA-09 33
$ deep and abiding concern for all its employees recogni7ed its people to be the
important asset for the organi7ation. ,t &as based on this philosophy that late L(D. Tata Steel
instituted the >ersonnel Development into eh company on )1AE, the first in an organi7ation in
,ndia no& being %no&n as Human (esources "anagement .H("2 Division. The H("
division &or%s as the main implementations arm of the company in fulfilling the company6s
mission of strengthening the industrial base through the effective utili7ation of men and
material by means of high technology consistent &ith modern management practice. The
H(" division has its officers and staff located in all the divcisions and locations of the
)2 Tata Steel recogni7es that its people are the primary source of its competitiveness.
+2 ,t is committed to e!ual employment opportunities for attracting the best available
talent and ensuring a cosmopolitan &or%force.
@2 ,t &ill pursue management practices designed to enrich the !uality of life of its
employees, develop their potential and ma-imi7e their productivity.
A2 ,t &ill aim at ensuring transparency, fairness and e!uity in all its dealing &ith its
H(" Division has E+1 employees comprising +AC officers, )+B supervisors @B/
&or%men. The employees are located in the companies units at amshedpur in the mines at
Noamundi , Loda, Su%inda #armipal, Hest #o%aro and Dhanbad in mar%eting offices and
head office . Supervisors and all &or%men are in unioni7ed categories . ,t does not need to
employ contractor employee e-pect for occasional situations. ,ts &or%men in canteens are
provided &ith uniforms and undergo statutory medical chec% up for food handlers. Tata Steel
is regulated by statutory la&s of the staff govt and central govt . Hhile state govt is the
appropriate authority for our Lamshedpur based units. The central govt is the appropriate
authority for mines and collieries.
H(" is a service department but it ta%es cogni7ance of importance of its supplies in order to
save the customers better. The use of modern ,T enable system has helped a lot Tata Steel in
serving the customers better. The short term and long term H(" plans are formulated
through e-tensive discussion in the form of 4> .H("2Ms #alance score card based on &hich
action plans.
MBA-09 3
,t is a strategy for the ac!uisition, utili7ation, improvement and preservation of
enterprises human resources. ,t is the management activity aimed at co:coordinating the
re!uirements for and the availability of different types of employees. ,t means the right %ind
of people at the right time.
,n today6s open economy, the present mar%et position is e-tremely competitive and
lo& demand and lo& prices have eroded Tata Steel6s margins considerably. Tata steel is a
company employing over A/,*** employees and the employee cost becomes a crucial factor
&hich affects the competitiveness. So appropriate rightsi7ing has helped to reduce the &age
bill. $ principal factor &hich can improve the numbers, but also the employee profile and
position of the re!uirement. This &as developed in house at a small percentage of cost of the
system offered by e-ternal agency.
R&:+i,&7&n(: The term re!uirement applies to the process of luring potential employees to
the organi7ation or company. ,t is the first step in staffing process. ,t is a positive process
(e!uirement is the discovering of potential applicants for actual or anticipated organi7ational

R&',+i(7&n( 6,#'&22 in Ta(a S(&&lG Candidates for re!uirement are normally bet&een the
ages of )/ and A* years .Ienerally for uns%illed employment, they prefer the son and
daughter of e-isting employee. =ther&ise they recruit from local people. The officer level are
appointed0recruited from the institute li%e ,,"6s N$4,E(, N?(,, (ECE,,T,6S and other
Universities li%e N,SS etc. $lso the officer level recruitment is done through on line .The
recruitment for engineering trainees is done through the publishment in daily ne&s paper and
employment bureau. ,n this recruitment process a large number of candidates undergo &ritten
test, the entire operation of evaluation is computeri7ed, thus helping in reali7ing the results
&ithin AB days of the &ritten e-amination.
S&l&'(i#n an/ 2(a11in0: To select means to choose. Selection is a process of pic%ing
individuals &ho have relevant !ualifications to fill obs in an organi7ation. So it is basically a
MBA-09 3!
negative process deals &ith finding out the best person from a large number of potential
candidates. There is a separate selection committee constituted at Tata Steel. ,nstead of a ust
a plain &ritten test intervie&, there is a dependence on the computeri7ed database to
understand the candidates in !uestion and their ottoman in prospective areas ob and
individual mapping is done.
Ienerally the section &ise induction is made &hen a ne& person comes. Everybody is
Engaged in ta%ing care of the person so that he can stream up to&ards organi7ational goal.
P,#7#(i#n G >romotion is generally done on the basis of the performance record and
D&7#(i#n G ,t is treated as punishment. ,t is under the disciplinary action to a person to
reduce from upper post to a lo&er post.
Training and development from a part of the continuous process of integrating the
organi7ational goals &ith the need of the individuals for gro&th and development. The
training and development activities of Tata Steel are generally carried on by SNT, and T"DC
. $n effectiveness of training programmes is my study so both the institutes of training are
The ne& technology introduced in training are a greater dependence on the use of
technology for the purpose of training. Usage of C#Ts and internet has commenced
sophisticated e!uipment are no& being used for e!uipment dedicated training. $ lot of
support function are ,T enabled.
3rom a gut feeling and in&ard loo%ing organi7ation 0 ob design no& &e have an
out&ard and customer oriented organi7ation and ob structures. This has been possible by
understanding the needs of the customer environment at all level to and formulating the
MBA-09 3"
(emuneration to be given to the e-ecutives and non:e-ecutives is determined at the
&age and salary committee. There is an online connectivity &ith the $ccounts Department
for communicating the salary details.
The process of performance evaluation is basically done in three steps.
). Self evaluationG Each officer &ill receive a performance evaluation from through his
superior. $fter filling part $ of the form, it is to be sent bac% to the superior for
+. >erformance Evaluation DialogueG The superior, &ho is the evaluator, is re!uired to
schedule discussion &ith the evaluate for performance evaluation. >erformance of the
entire period is to be revie&ed against agreed '(S6s . (atings by functional 0 previous
superior should be completed before this meeting.
@. Superior Evaluation G The evaluator rates individuals '($6s on part b based on .$2
ratings given by functional0 previous superior .b2 discussion held &ith the evaluate
and .c2 his o&n fact based udgment.
The performance in case of individual officers is observed through a company
&ide performance appraisal system. The basic aims are.
a. Enhancing result oriented amongst officers.
b. Differentiating high performances from the rest, thus facilitating
administration of re&ards.
The detailed feedbac% is given to each officer to enable him0her identifies areas for
improvement and thereby supports high performance. 3eedbac% on performance is
also provided to departmental Head through the system of managerial style feedbac%
and peer customer feedbac% .@C*2 degree feedbac% for non:officers, the feedbac% is
informal on the ob and need based.
MBA-09 3%
The officer6s compensation pac%age &as revised in Luly +*** to ta%e care of
their aspirations and %eep them motivated. "any of the allo&ances &ere increased
substantially. The re&ard system &as also changed to enhance its lin%age to
performance. The concepts of performance bonus have been introduced. The
increment system has been charged from fi-ed amount to percentage of basic pay so
that the increase becomes substantial. The types of increment have also been lin%ed
more closely to performance by introducing t&o ne& types of increment.
Type of assistance given to officers of Tata Steel
Canteen facility &ith subsidi7ed food
$menities of rest room, drin%ing &ater and toilets.
Safety and personnel counseling
$ssistance is provided in case of death in terms of benefit to the family
Housing through #ungalo& allotment committee
Helcome loan to fresh officer cadre recruits to facilities for basic household
Those &ishing to go for higher studies are provided study leave
=ld cars0 eeps0ace0>cs are offered to the officers at a confessional rate
$ssistance is provided to the ne&ly recruited non:cadre officers at the time
of oining right from receiving the officer at the station to oining in the
"edical service boo%s for employees.
$ssistance is provided to ESS beneficiaries.
E76l#-&& 8&l1a,&-5DD5
LDC special &elfare grant of an amount of (est. ) la%h in the financial year for
spending on items of common interest falling &ithin the purvie& of LDC6s li%e
programme on eradication of illiteracy, &or%shops on absenteeism , drug and alcohol
MBA-09 3&
deaddition , training and development programmes !uality a&areness programmes
The annual fare&ell gifts has been revised from (s. 1B* to (s. )B** for &or%ers and
from (s. )***0: )+**0: to (s. )/** for supervisors.
Special leave for the period of actual ourney is given to an employee &ho
accompanies a sic% employee, referred by T"H for treatment outside Lamshedpur.
$ second bridge at "ango has been constructed for people6s benefit.
$ holidy home for employees has been provided at Iangato%
Transportnagar at "ango has been constructed for the people benefit for par%ing of
heavy vehicles.
=ne day special leave &ill be granted to employees &ho donate blood for an ailing
employee0 employee6s family referred by T"H for treatment at a hospital outside
T&o picnic spots have been provided in #hetia >ar%.
$ community hall in the premises of Ulyan . Hor%ers flats has been provided for the
benefit of the employees and their families.
Upto +) days after the delivery of a child, if the mother of the child is admitted in the
T"H , no charges &ill levied.
T&o recreation clubs are at Iroup&are slope, 'arma and one in #raid have been
provided for the employees.
MBA-09 39
Consistent &ith the 4ision of the 3ounder, Tata Steel has introduced a number of firsts
in the field of labor &elfare, long before their &ere made mandatory through legislation.
Some of these are ,ntroduced 0 Enforced by la&.
HE?3$(E 3,(STS Tisco ?a& "easure

; Ei"ht#hour $orkin" day -0-4 -05+ 6actories ;ct
> 6ree (edical ;id -0-2 -05+ Employees State
C Creation of 9elfare Dept -0-3 -05+ 6actories ;ct
D Schoolin" of 9elfare Dept -0-3 #
6ormation of $orks committee for handlin"
complaints and "rievances
-000 #
/ndustrial Dispute
6 Aeave $ith pay -04. -05+ 6actories ;ct
B 9orkerCs 8rovident 6und -04. -024 6actories ;ct
! 9orkmenCs ;ccident Compensation Scheme -04. -045
Compensation ;ct
Technical /nstitute for trainin" of apprentices,
craftsmen and en"ineerin" "raduates
-04- -01- ;pprentices ;ct
* (aternity benefits -04+ -051 ;pprentices ;ct
= 8rofit sharin" bonus -0,5 -012 >onus ;ct
A 'etirin" benefits -0,3 -034
8ayment Bratuity
E7#"ratia payment for road accident $hile
comin" to or returnin" from duty
-030 #
? Social ;udit -0+. # 6irst in /ndia
O 8ension Scheme -0+0 #
Cout to"ether function $ith returnin" employees
on -st of every month
-000 #
: *oy#ride to the retirin" employees 4..- #
Structured three tier Irievance processing machinery e-ists &ith sectional heads and
departmental heads being the first t&o levels and the third level in the Ponal Hor%s
committee &hich is a oint body of the union management. The aim is to have grievance
settles in less cycle time. There e-ists informal grievance machinery &herein the H(0,(
MBA-09 0
e-ecutives at the shop floor directly interact &ith the employees and settle their grievance
Sta"e One Brievance from ?o - ;ppeal to Sectional head
/f not satisfied
Sta"e t$o Brievance from ?o 4 ;ppeal to Departmental !ead
/f not satisfied
Sta"e three Brievance from ?o ,
;ppeal to Chairman, Donal $orks committee ?on
factory employees $orks committee
,f a person is found guilty of misconduct the disciplinary actions are ta%en according
to standing orders. Tata Code of Conduct !uantifies the essence of decorum to be follo&ed
voluntarily by the employees. To spread the message across the organi7ation, forum li%e LDC
is also used. Disciplinary steps against employees, &ho have transgressed the code values of
the organi7ation, have been ta%en through the mechanism of Ethics counselor and Ethics co:
,t is generally at the age of C* many retirement benefits are provided to the employees
at the time of retirement.
The main function of ,( is dealing &ith the union to ade!uately meet the
organi7ations need of higher productivity from the unioni7ed &or%force. Loint consultations
and all the H(0,( e-ecutives in the departments provide the support and maintain the morals
and discipline of the &or%force. "anpo&er proposals are prepared for sending to the union
and finali7ed after discussions &ith the union. The final is sanction is processed by the
establishment and it is also involved in dealing &ith policy issues. The system of oint
consultation bet&een union and management &as established )1BC. ,t has sound and structure
@ tier processes involves in management and union officials from departmental level to top
levels of union and management.
MBA-09 1
There are no stri%es or loc% outs at Tata Steel for the last five years. So the industrial
relations at Tata Steel is very harmonious and cordial for the past the several decades. There
have been ne& technologies introduced in the field of ,(. The human resources planning
system has developed data base related to profile of employee blend and rules related !uery
site to respond !uic%ly to any type of customer.
T,a/& Uni#ni27: There is only a union in Tosco &hich is called as Tate &or%ers Union. ,ts
president is (.#.# Singh. The union helps to maintain communal harmony and that there are
no differences of this %ind. The aim of the union is that it ensures the companies gro&ths ho&
it should remain profitable and both &or%ers and company should benefit from it. The union
believe in the sense of mutual trust. ,n )1+C the management agreed to ma%e Tata &or%ers
union the sole bargaining agent. That %ept Tata Steel a&ay from industrial disputes. ,t also
ages that changes have to be made its only after consultation "r. (.#.# Singh believes in
establishing training systems for employees, the e-ecutive committee, office bearers so that
the &or%ers are of &orld class !uality. , &e also have to &or% on changing the mind set as &e
need to be more effective in moderni7ation of the mind.
"r. (.#.# Singh : >resident of Tata Hor%ers Union.
"r. D.'.Singh: Ieneral secretary
MBA-09 2
The &or%ers tas% active participation in management . So a positive &or% culture and
participative style of management in T,SC= has resulted in the development of a committed
and motivated &or% force, &hich is ever ready to meet the challenges. The members
participate in various forces organi7ed by H( deptt. ?i%e !uality circles etc.
"aor policy decision in the area of H( is ta%en by the H(D committee of &hich the
"D is the chairman, 4> .H("2 the member and chief .=? ; D2 the members secretary. $ll
divisions of the company are represented in this committee. ,t meets once in t&o months to
ensure the necessary changes made in the H( practices to %eep it aligned &ith the changing
needs the H( implementation and organi7ational learning business e-cellence sub council
and H(0,( #E subcounciles represented by all the department in the H(" and helps to
maintain proper coordination among them. The H(" plays a %ey role in the competitiveness
is to get more productivity from its &or%force. ,f their productivity increase and fi-ed man
po&er costs are reduced, it &ill affect the bottom line i.e. leading to improvement in s%ill,
competence and attitude &hich &ill ma%e it a high performance team. The ">> is done by
H(" Department.
Ne& organi7ation structure has developed due to the man po&er planning. So after
delivering no& there are only five levels as compared to )@ earlier. So &ider span of control,
merging of functions and more accountability. So formal delegation of po&ers through
various levels . >eople are free to act &ithin this defined delegated authority. These five levels
are called as impact levels.
,mpact level ,,
,mpact level ,,,
,mpact level ,4
,mpact level 4
,mpact level 4,
MBA-09 3
"an po&er Structure
Kear Total
+**E AC+@A
+**C A//+)
+**B B+)CE
+**A B1+@B
+**@ E/+EC
The Tata Steel is still on the process of restructuring. The ideal man po&er &hich it
hopes to do it soon is +B,***. So human resource planning system is another instance of
e-tensive &age of the computeri7ed database to plan human resource, considering not only
Tas% of rightsi7ing the organi7ation. . ,t designs innovative approach to achieve the target
reduce and facilities development arose the organi7ation &ith the help of the various
e-ecutive heads. The H(D basically loo%s after giving training to employees by its t&o
). SN,T
+. T"DC
TF" at Tata Steel.
,S= 1*** GTata Steel is not certified to ,S= 1***. There are 1B departments and they
are given this ,S= mar% +E other departments are there &hich are e-ternal.
,S= )A**) G $n important achievement during the year is the certification of
Lamshedpur steel &or%s to international environmental standards ,S= )A**)
=ver the last fe& years, Tata Steel has focused very closely on protecting its
immediate future. 3our phases of moderni7ation and huge investment have given Tata Steel a
state of art of steel ma%ing facilities. ,nitiatives such as the Drive for Total Fuality through
the L(D:F4 frame&or% the top program, the strategic sourcing, order generation and
fulfillment have improved customer orientation as &ell as bottom:line.
Tate Steel in order to build a strong organi7ation &ith &orld class people processes
#enchmar%ing against global best practices as &ell as feedbac% from &ithin the organi7ation
has indicated a need for more transparent policies performance management system and
people development.
>E initiative see%s to fulfill these needs. ,t indents to redesign the current
organi7ational structures and its processes to create a high performing organi7ation of
motivated and energi7ed managers. $ll the changes &ill be effective only if there is a radical
change in the mindset of the organi7ation. So the performance ethics programme .>E>2 &as
started &hose main initiative see%s to create a high performing and gro&ing organi7ation by
focusing on our people and processes. So ne& organi7ation structure nurtures gro&th
business provides more decision ma%ing fle-ibility and amount ability high level of
team&or% among managers and unit second.
The core elements of >E> are the ne& performance management system .>"S2 and
people dev. >olicies.
>"S sets %ey result area .'($2. The %ey result areas are the clear measures of
performance and targets and regulari7e performance revie&s &hereas the ne& set of H(
policy &ill foster a meritocracies system that identifies re&ards and nurtures strong
performers and provides dev. =pportunities for every one. >E unit &or%ing on strategic
business unit based org. &ill ensure increased accountability and freedom in decision ma%ing.
$im of >E> < To transform Tata steel into a high performing and gro&ing
Elements of >E>
.$2 R&2(,+'(+,& (.& O,0ani2a(i#n $-:
). Creating a faster decision ma%ing S#U based organi7ational structure.
+. Enriching obs &ith greater accountability, autonomy and span of control
@. Staffing each position &ith the officer6s best suited to it.
.#2... S(,&n0(.&n (.& HRM 2-2(&7 $-.
). ,nstitutionali7e tailored developed programme for officers
+. >lan career path
@. $lign '($6s &ith business strategy at all levels
A. Compensation and re&ards lin%ed to performance.
MBA-09 !
Cl+2(&, M&anin0
,n order to promote fle-ibility, co:operation and collaboration, team &or%, career
gro&th and increased productivity at &or%men level, cluster manning had bee initiated some
years bac%. This has no& been implemented in EBO of the departments company &ide
covering over C*O of employees. This process has reduced, the numbers of layers and
enriched the obs of individuals by providing multi schilling and multi tas%ing opportunities
that enable the implementation of cluster manning there is a ma-imum of @ levels e-isting in
co%e plant Q + as compared to / in an older department li%e co%e plant Q C(" has been
staffed since its inception on the principle of cluster manning.
E,0#n#7i'2: Ergonomics is the since that see%s to adapt &or% of the &or%ing conditions to
suit the &or%er. Tata steel has already made considerable head &ay in propagating the
concept &ithin the company. The company6s officers in important production department
have been involved in creating more ergonomically organi7ed &or% areas Fuality circles in
the company have also been included in the effort and several such issues have been
resolved . The ergonomic committee under the leadership of "r. Dipan%ar Sengupta has no&
formulated a chatter, &hich &ill provide strategic direction and guidance for such initiatives
and promote greater consciousness at all levels of employees.
STRATEGY PLANNING G The business environment and future aspirations of the
company are the %ey departments of H( strategy formulation &ith the mantra of 8 change9
H( has adopted an ambitious rightsi7ing approach &hich has till date resulted in manpo&er,
reduction of over @*O even production increased by over B*O in the same period. >roduct
mar%et change necessitated appropriate recruitment and training practices to be put in place
&ell before the commissioning of the state of the art C(" seeing the crucial and important
role of H( a comprehensive H( assessment for the entire emppany under the banner of
performance ethic programme .>E2 H$S (ECENT?K C=NC?UDEED . The talent revie&,
the total operation performance and the need of %no&ledge &or%ers is also essential. The H(
strategy aims to fulfill these basic premises.
). Hhere to target its products and services in terms of
a2 Customer segments ."anagement employees2
b2 >roduct segments .Training programmes, ,( initiatives, ne& policies.
c2 "ar%et segments . Hiring of infrastructure, "ar%eting training programme2
MBA-09 "
+. Ho& to target its products and services in terms of
a2 4alue proposition . 'no&ledge enhancement , "odern H( practices 2
b2 >artner relationships . "oue6s training contracts , &age agreements2
c2 (elationship &ith sta%e holders . =ther institutes employee6s &ards campuses2
Impr!eme"t Strate#y
T#Ga,/2 #enchmar% targets2
Uni!ue resources G $ppropriate manpo&er by industry standards . #enchmar% G
Nipponstall +B,***2
High labour productivity .#enchmar%G Nippon steel ++**2 core competencies
,dentification for each ob .as done in >E> and proected as best practice by "C'ENP,E2
#est in industry H( practices.
). Tata Steel has adopted the T#E" model &hich is based on the "alcolm #alridge
"odel for #usiness E-cellence. Customer driver Fuality is the central focus of this
model seven core values and concepts are the foundations and drives this model.
These core value and concepts are reflected in the various criteria. $s Tata Steel has
adopted this model, it is e-pected that behaviour of all the employees is also guided
by these core values.
MBA-09 %
'l/No/ Ca(!;o+!) +(!m) 2o+,( 3alu!)
1 L!a-!)"+2 -4.
1/1 Or"aniDational Aeadership +.
1/2 8ublic responsibility and citiDenship 5.
2 '(a(!;+8 2la,,+,; +2
2/1 Strate"y development 5.
2/2 Strate"y deployment 52
< Cu)(om! a,- ma=!( *o8u) +2
</1 Customer and market kno$led"e 5.
</2 Customer relations and satisfaction 52
> I,*oma(+o, a,- A,aly)+) 0.
>/1 (easurement and analysis of or"anisational performance 2.
>/2 /nformation mana"ement 5.
? Huma, !)ou8!) *o8u) +2
?/1 9ork systems ,2
?/2 Employee education , trainin" and development 42
?/< Employee $ell bein" and satisfaction 42
@ %o8!)) ma,a;!m!,( +2
@/1 8roduct and service processes -2
@/2 >usiness processes 42
@/< Support process -2
A Bu)+,!)) !)ul() 52.
A/1 Customer focused results -42
A/2 6inancial and market results -42
A/< !uman resource results +.
A/> Or"aniDational effectiveness results -4.
Tata Steel achieved a score of more than 1.. on ma7imum marks of
-... /t is for the first a Tata Broup company has $on the *'DEF
MBA-09 &
"RD <V A22&227&n( P,#'&22.
Train $ssessors (eceive applications $ssess applications Consensus
Site visit Lury meeting (ecogni7e 3eedbac%
$&ard criteria
Special Criteria =verall best J
LN Tata Total Fuality $&ard
Score R B**
LN Tata Communication
Score R B**
S 4is&anathan Total Fuality $&ard.
Score R AB* and B* points improvement over provision score.
$nnual Fuality ,mprovement plan .$FU,>2 is a structure development plant &hich details
ho& a unit .Department 0 Division 0 >rofit centre2 aims to improve its operational
performance in line &ith the overall strategic goals of the company.
8.- an A<UIPH
). Tata Steels strategy goals are deployed through corporate balanced score card
+. $FU,> ensure that actions are ta%en across the organi7ation to accomplish the
target against each strategic goal.
@. $FU,> is based on the frame&or% of T#E" model .L(DF42 &hich in turn is
based upon "alcon #al ridge National Fuality $&ard.
A. I/&n(i1i'a(i#n #1 ;&- '+2(#7&,2.
The supplier dept. shall identify %ey customer &ith &hom it &ants to sign the
"=U6s based on the follo&ing criteria . see anne-ure2
Criticality of product or service being rendered
3inancial impact of product or service being supplied
4olume of product or service being supplied
Chronic problems reported by customers
!. Si0nin0 #1 MOU
MBA-09 9
Supplier deptt approaches the customer deptt in order to understand customer
re!uirements. ,t &ould then identify %ey parameters reflecting those
>arameters identified in the "=U6s shall become part of the units scored 0
'>" under the strategic goal 8 $chieve &ord class status in services and
Copies of signed "=U6s shall reach the office of the Sr. D" . by )B
,mprovement proects includes F,>,4E,#">,T=>,S>C,Tas%forces F,>,",>
&or% simplification, S$> implementation #$;H studies.
$ll improvement proects shall be identified through $FU,>. $ll these
proects should have direct lin%age &ith the department0 FSC %ey performance
MBA-09 !0
Training and development is the corner stone of sound management as it ma%e
employees more productive and effective. ,t moulds the employee6s attitude and helps them
achieve a better cooperation &ith the company and greater loyalty to it.
There are many advantages of Training and Development li%e increase in productivity,
improvement in !uality, fulfillment of organi7ational goals, improved organi7ational climate,
improvement in health and safety, prevention of obsolesce and above all professional gro&th
of employees.
Training is really an investment. $n investment is an outlay of money usually for
income or profit. He invest in stoc%s, bonds and real estate for the purpose of reali7ing a
gain. He measure our success as investors by the amount of our gain. ,nvestments that go
do&n in value are considered as loss.
The measure of the training program6s !uality is its effectiveness. Training is effective
to the degree that it produces the desired behaviour in the population being trained. ,n
concrete terms, total !uality occurs &hen each participant is able to use the %no&ledge and
s%ills taught in the program to bring about a desired result on the ob.
#asically the training programmes at Tata Steel are imparted by t&o different training
). Shiva Nanavati Technical ,nstitute .SNT,2
+. Tisco management development centre .T"DC2
). S.a)a; Nana)a(i T&'.ni'al In2(i(+(& SNTI2 G ,t is basically the technical
institute &hich gives training to all the employees. They have a structured method
of determining the level of satisfaction based on the services that they render to
the employees as &ell as other departments. $ special position of training
e-ecutive has been created in order to ma%e it easy for the customers to ta%e
training. $fter the implementation of cluster manning in different departments the
MBA-09 !1
load of training &ent up considerable and consideration of all activities regarding
cluster training became very important &hich &as organi7ed in a customer
friendly &ay. $NT, also conducts a number of safety related training programmes
for all the employees of Tata Steel. SNT, conforms to ,S= 1**)G)11A.)2 after
benchmar%ing SNT, this been got.
$(E$ >$($"ETE( SC=(E
Training effectiveness SNT, ,nde- A.C
Training "andays "andays )+./
So &e can say SNT, &hich caters to training needs of all our cadre recruits and
employees &ith modern training e!uipment. $ library is also there &hich is managed by the
information department.
D&li)&,- 6,#'&22 #1 T,ainin0 an/ D&)&l#67&n(.
#oth snit ; T"DC have elaborate systems procedures through ,S= 1**) $ND TS
)@**A:+ for the delivery of Training and Development
Some of the note&orthy initiatives in this direction, are Training needs Survey .TNS2,
,dentification of officer6s training needs through performance $ppraisal, close co:ordination
&ith all the department &ith respect to identification of their specific needs and scheduling
e-clusive programmes, publication of the program directory, regular analysis of feedbac%,
implements of computeri7ed Training ,nformation "anagement Systems .T,"S2 etc.depicts
the delivery process of Training and development.
,t &as found SNT,0 T"DC coordinator for liaison &ith customer department &as not
fully functional and effective hence a ne& group of training manager has been induced under
>E> programmes. These training managers are attached to respective E,Cs to implement and
monitor training and development activities.
The training information and management system T,"S to ensure on line nomination
and up%eep the training records.
The training activities conducted at T,SC= are detailed under.
a) P+,6#2& #1 T,ainin0 G Training is aimed at development of motivated and
talented &or%force for achievement of the business goals of the company and for
effective use of manpo&er.
MBA-09 !2
$) S;ill +6 0,a/a(i#n G $chieving the targeted level of productivity calls for a
high level of s%ill and efficiency. $ccordingly s%ill development programmes are
$imed at improving efficiency and competence of the &or%men.
') M+l(i S;illin0 G #asic s%ills on allied trade li%e &elding, crane operation,
#ra7ing, hydraulics are imported to the employees 3resher are given training in
Different sections during their training period basically at T"DC.
/) A/a6(a$ili(- (# M#/&,n A/)an'&7&n( G ,n vie& of the restructuring
programmes li%e pep, talent revie&, training plans etc. at T,SC= are toned to align
&ith this trends.
H( comprises of H(0,(, H( ,mplementation and organi7ational learning and
development. Each of these departments is e-pected to ma%e a shift from an 8administrative
agent6 to a 8business partner6. The first step to&ards ma%ing this shift is staffing Mbusiness
partner6. The first step to&ards ma%ing this shift is staffing the positions &ith persons &ho
have the right aptitudes and provise them &ith e-tensive training and development. >ost >E>,
the staffing decisions have been made carefully %eeping in mind the mined for the H(
managers to understand and support business. To start &ith, a good percentage of positions in
H( implementation have been staffed &ith line managers &ho have an attitude for H( &ith
the balance positions being staffed &ith H( managers &ho have a flare for business. The best
form of learning is on the ob &ith philosophy, the t&o groups of people on H(
implementation are being udiciously mi-ed to &or% in terms to that the people from line and
H( bac%grounds share their %no&ledge &ith each other. Teams are also being created by
dra&ing members from all three departments listed above to provide greater learning and
cross fertili7ation.
Employee %no&ledge and s%ills are perceived as in increasingly important
determinant of business success H( guidelines from "D6s scorecard and H(" #usiness
E-cellence Council provide direction for employee development and training, &ith lin%ages
to overall goals of the company and individuals imparting the right training to %eep the
employees up to date &ith innovations ta%ing place in the various areas of H( li%e
recruitment, compensation , training, development etc. is vie&ed as critical to the success of
H( . The importance of continuously enhancing the %no&ledge, s%ill and capacities of its
MBA-09 !3
employees therefore cannot be overemphasi7ed and therefore training is started right from the
identification of a maor initiative. 3or instance &hen it is decided to introduce a @C* degree
feedbac% process or a variable pay plan, the concerned individuals &ho are e-pected to
deliver on these are sent on relevant training programmes. Since all these initiatives
themselves are introduced in line &ith the strategic goals of the company .balancing short and
long:term needs2 the employee development training plans are also aligned to the goals of the
,n order to meet the long:term obectives of the division, the training function has
been identified as a %ey driver. The training needs of the officers are identified at the
beginning of the financial year and training is provided , line &ith the business obectives of
H( to ensure that the right s%ills are ac!uired H( also conducts several %no&ledge sharing
meeting such asG
4>6s communication meetings.
>ersonnel e-ecutives meetings.
=fficer6s dialogue &ith senior management of H(.
4>6S meetings &ith young e-ecutives.
4>6s meetings &ith the lady officers H( chat sessions &ith 4>.
$ll training and development &ill henceforth be directed to&ards building competencies
and domain %no&ledge that is necessary for the business. The training and development
needs &ill again flo& from the talent revie&s &here individual career and development plans
&ould be debated. H( plays a %ey role in ensuring that the company6s training and education
programme are designed %eeping in mind the career progression needs of all categories of
employees. 3or high performing e-ecutives there is a &ide range of in house, e-ternal and
foreign programmes. The cluster managing process, positional training and the trade test
system address career gro&th of unioni7ed &or% force.
'ey development needs of a person are the ability to &or% in higher position than &here
he is &or%ing at present, to learn the latest technological and managerial advancements ta%ing
place in his area of &or% and improved performance on his o&n ob. To cater to these
re!uirements people are nominated to training programmes in ,ndia and abroad. They also
visit other steel plants and have interactions &ith specialists in their respective fields.
MBA-09 !
The need identification for the employee is done in consultation &ith him by his superior
to ensure that the training he undergoes is appropriate to his needs. $t times tailor made
programmes are made to suit the employee group. This is possible because a large par of the
employee training is available &ithin the division. $ll this has resulted in greater satisfaction
of the employees &ith regards to usefulness of the training attended by them and the !uantum
of training of them.
,nputs from the employees and their supervisor6s managers on education and training
needs and delivery options are ta%en by the &ay of...
). Sectional heads in consultation &ith the Training "anagers identify training needs
of &or%ers and supervisors under them.
+. 3eedbac% from the supervisors on their improvement in performance on the ob.
@. Training needs are identified in the $nnual $ppraisal for officers.
A. E-pectations are also mentioned by the individuals in their annual appraisal for
B. "entors also &or%, as a lin% to assess the training needs of individuals under their
charge and also receive feedbac% on the training imparted.
C. 3eedbac% from the trainees on the programmes.
E. >erformance Ethic programme for officers scores from competency assessment.
/. >erformance management system for other cadres.
$ccordingly theoretical and practical and hands on training modules are designed to
consultation &ith e-perts in that area. $fter imparting training to some batches, feedbac% is
ta%en to evaluate the effectiveness of the design0 content aspect and the modules are modified
accordingly. Design of training is done %eeping career progression of individuals in mind.
3or instance, from the Employee =pinion Survey. ,t &as concluded that a large
number of employees of SNT, thin%, that they need to be trained in the plant system at the
Customer6s premises to %eep them abreast of the latest developments. $s such, all HEI6S
have been as%ed to plan and e-ecute such programmes for their group members.
Employees on their return from a training programme report the usefulness of the
same on a scale of ) to B &hich is used for selection of the programme in future as also for
MBA-09 !!
assessing the overall impact of staff training. The employee also commits himself to apply the
learning from the training programme in his &or% area.
The process of identification of training needs for various levels of employees ensures
that education and training are aligned to&ards the needs of the organi7ation, performance
improvement and responsiveness to internal and e-ternal customers. The training needs of
individuals and groups are identified to meet the follo&ing obectives.
$c!uisition of re!uisite %no&ledge, s%ill and attitude to meet the divisional 0
departmental obectives.
Enhancement and development of individual6s potential.
$ppropriate inputs to strengthen cross functional and cluster &or%ing
"eeting specifics goals of the organi7ation in the focus area.
MBA-09 !"
$ll obs re!uired to be performed for the functioning of the division are identified.
These are then bro%en do&n into various functions to effectively perform these functions the
%no&ledge and s%ill are identified. E-isting %no&ledge and s%ill of the employees are also
identified. $ gap analysis is then done to identify the training needs of the employees and
training plan is made accordingly.
"anagerial Development =n the ob performance
Educational Fualification Change in >rocess0 tech.
S%ill Environment Ne& Entrants 0 >romotion
$ppraisal $ssessment Self assessment by employee
Fuality System (e!uirement =n the ob re!uirement
Competency $ssessment >erformance "gmt. System
Training >lan
Training Needs ,dentification.
The basic training needs of different categories and functions have been defined and
documented to enable employees to carry out their &or%. $dditional needs are identified from
the Fuality =bectives and $FU,> based on the departments overall goals and direction
.Needs are also identified based on appraisals, &here input from the employee and his
superior is sought. ?ong:term training plan are associated &ith career gro&th, developing
s%ills and core strength. Training needs are identified for change in technology systems,
promotions 0 transfer 0 ne& recruitment etc. Training plans derived from $FU,> include
problem solving s%ills, leadership and other managerial s%ills, &hich contribute to&ards
improvement in !uality and operational performance.
H( has adopted an unlit pronged strategy to deliver the right %ind of training, to the
right person at the right time.
a2 =n the ob positional and ob rotation for high potential officers.
b2 =ff the ob in house at SNT, .technical2 and T"DC .managerial2 and e-ternal at
institutes in ,ndia and abroad.
MBA-09 !%
Training needs
c2 Education Sponsorship for "aster 0 Doctoral level programmes at &ord class
institutes for high potential officers, study tour to foreign plants and study leave
facilities. H( depts. $lso have training contracts &ith TES, Iermany and Nippon
Steel, &hich &ere associated in the proect and commissioning of the plant.
The training set up at H( consists of a number of positions &hose responsibility is to
Ensure that training activities li%e needs assessment, design, imparting of training and
record %eeping is done proper to meet the ,S= 1***0FS 1*** standards.
$ll ne& employees oining the division undergo an induction in general and
speciali7ed on the ob training before finally ta%ing up the independent responsibility of the
function. Employees are given full opportunity to learn, develop their s%ills and further their
career inside and outside the organi7ation. Career related training such as trade test training
diploma classes, computer training, modular trainingD evening courses are imparted on
regular basis. ,n addition to these, ob related training in the form of positional training,
supplier training, and training on safety and !uality systems is imparted.
Specialist agencies are utili7ed for facilitation training on specific tools and
techni!ues improvement group conducts &or%shops to impart %no&ledge and s%ills on 4E
techni!ues , F,>S, #enchmar%ing, Fuality circles, #enchmar%ing and S>C etc. ,n addition,
SNT, and T"DC have scheduled modules on these techni!ues.
Training is provided internally and0or e-ternally and may be 8on the ob9 and 0 or in
the classroom. The type of training may be technical, managerial, ob oriented etc. depending
on the needs identified. =rientations for ne& employees are carried out &hich include !uality,
about the division and company and an induction programme in the &or%s etc. (etaining is
provided for reinforcement in case of deficiencies revealed during assessment.
MBA-09 !&

F#ll#G +6: Hhen people are involved in any problem on procedure, it is un&ise to assume
that things are al&ays constant. 3ollo& up can be adapted to a variable reinforcement
schedule. The follo& up system should provide feed bac% on training effectiveness and on
total value of training system as sho&n.
,dentification "otivation
,dentify areas
>lanning Training needs Survey
>riorities position
Select Training
Design and development Design training program
Develop training document
,mplementation Schedule and conduct
Training program
"aintenance 3eed bac%
MBA-09 !9
,dentification of
Training needs
Evaluation of
3eedbac% loop
Selection of "edia
or "ethods
Setting of =bectives
(unning the training
D&(&,7ina(i#n #1 (,ainin0 #$%&'(i)&.
3i-ation of evaluation criteria
Collection of information relevant to training Evaluation and $nalysis
T$T$ Steel recogni7es the important of training for the continuous enhancement of
the %no&ledge, s%ills and capabilities of its employees. ,t has, therefore invested greatly in
education, training and development..
Thus, it is necessary to measure the value of training. Such a measurement helps to
improve the training efforts that fall short. ,t enables identification of the &inning programs
that &or% and also to see ho& really fruitful your efforts are and &ill be.
The first step in measuring the success of any training effort involves participant
response. (esponse evaluation enables to
Iet feedbac% from the participants regarding the programs !uality and helpfulness.
3ind out if participant have learned &hat the training attempted to convey and build a
foundation for other training measurement.

The second part of the $STD benchmar%ing measurement %it is designed to collect
the information on your training outcomes. ,t allo&s to conduct the initial .H:$2 and follo&s
up .ii:b2 evaluating of the T$T$ STEE? training, learning and performance interventions
'ir%patric6s four level model continues to be the most prevalent frame&or% for the above
mentioned evaluation. This is basically action assessment to e-pand the vie& of &hat the
training has indeed accomplished and thus helps to.
Determine &hat action is being ta%en bac% on the ob as the result of training. See
ho& fre!uently and consistently the ne&ly learned s%ills are being applied. #egin proecting
the results due to the action ta%en.
MBA-09 "0
The higher the !uality of
training program
The higher the application of
ne&ly learned s%ills
The final part is the analysis of the results. ,t also sho&s the %ind of results possible
&hen a training effort is truly integrated &ith the organi7ation goals.
F,&:+&n'- #1 6,#0,a77&2G #ased on training needs a number of programmes are being
conducted regularly as per the approved annual training calendar. The annual training
calendar for the month uly.+*)* to march +*)) is given.
D#'+7&n(a(i#n #1 ,&2+l( #1 (,ainin0
,t is %ept for reference and records.
!&n&1i'ia,- 6a,(i'i6a(i#n in /&2i0n #1 (,ainin0: Through the feedbac% system the
suggestion of the participating are ta%en and implemented if found suitable H=D6S feedbac%
sessions and their vie&s are also ta%en into consideration.
Li$,a,- 1a'ili(i&2G There are generally libraries at T"DC, SNT,, CEDD and all other
departments &hich are all managed by the T$T$ information system.
N#7ina(i#n2 1#, &E(&,nal (,ainin0: $ comprehensive plan for employees abroad for training
on a systematic &ay has been developed and employees &ere sent to reputed institutions
&ithin and outside the country.
T.& (,ainin0 $+/0&( #1 (.& '#76an- a( TMDC 1#, (.& -&a,
5D1D-5D11 i2 0i)&n in (.& 1#ll#Gin0 (a$l&:
Y!a Ta+,+,; Bu-;!(
4.-.#4.-- na
4..0#4.-. -4304 lacs
4..+#4..0 -4403 lacs
4..3#4..+ --1,0 lacs
4..1#4..3 -4..4 laces
MBA-09 "1
M#/&l 1#, 1&&/$a'; #n (,ainin0
MBA-09 "2
present ob
identified for
Employee for
ne& $ssignment
Suitability for
ne& assignment
Employee after
"easurement of
actual ob
The management of T$T$ STEE? felt the need for the development of its human
resources in managerial s%ills as a result of &hich T"DC &as established in the year )1EB
T"DC is the management &ing of T$T$ STEE? and associated companies. ,t is involved in
training and development, in:house consultancy, diagnostic studies and management
education by aligning itself &ith the company6s business plans T"DC is responsible for
administration of management trainees and personnel officer training in addition conducting
capsule management programmes for graduates.
T"DC imparts the follo&ing courses to unior level management personnel as &ell as
Development courses
3unctional and cross functional courses
3our tier management need based seminars
?ectures and meetings
Fuality systems a&areness training
Employee6s a&areness programmes.


,n the performance appraisal from the appraisal &rite do&n the areas &here he can
improve his performance and &hat help he re!uires to do the same.
The appraise then discuss &ith his report in office and their reporting officer based on
the feedbac% received from the appraise fills up the &or% areas0 tas%s for
,t may so happen and &hich even happens in the company that the area of training
identified by the trainee may be reected by the reporting officer. The boss &hile
observing the individual on the ob, may have observed him closely enough to have
identified his short comings and as such may have recommended different training
programmes then that of candidate himself.
The revie&ing officer then &ith consultation &ith the reporting officer analy7e the
strengths, &ea%ness and area needing improvement of the appraise,
MBA-09 "3
The H.=.D has the list of the training programmes scheduled and the ne&
programmes that are going to state and the number of e-ecutives 0 non:e-ecutives
re!uired for the same.
The H=D in consultation &ith reporting officer then decides on sending the appraise
to specific ".D.> programmes.
The H.=.D then sends the names of the candidates of his department to the H(D
The H(D department then sends the employees the name of the training programme,
&hich he has to attend &hen, &here at &hat time and for ho& many days.
The employee then attends the training programme and on completion of &hich &as
as%ed to submit a feedbac% repost &hich is apart of company6s training re!uirement.
Candidate fill up the feedbac% from and send bac% to the department &hich compiles
all the feedbac% report and ma%es a summery &hich is then submitted to the top
This summary gives a fair idea about the effectiveness of ".D.>6s of the company and
dorms the basis for change and improvement of the programme.
"anagement development programmes at T$T$ STEE? is an integrated process
&here all the levels of management are covered. $ hierarchy of course has been &or%ed out
via front line "anagement Development. "iddle "anagement Development and senior
"anagement Development >rogrammes.
The programmes are developed after e-tensive training need surveys, covering more
than B*O of the sample group in each category for determining training needs at various
#ased on the survey results ".D.> modules have been &or%ed out for each cadre of
management. The strength of the strategy further lies in the fact that each module is being
constantly administered to cover entire population of target category.
>ost training follo& up and evaluation are some of the uni!ue aspects of tata steel
management development programmes. Three months after the completion of a programme,
an effort is made to assess the fulfillment of action plan developed in the "D>6S and follo&
that us &ith both the participant and his0her supervisor.
MBA-09 "
Tata Steel has been able to completely surmount elementary irritants li%e participants
not coming to the in house training programmes or being disturbed mid&ay due to &or%
pressures. This has been possible due to top management commitment to training.
Management Development >rogramme at Tata Steel is slo&ly moving to&ards need
based cadre specific ".D.>6S. ,n this regard a survey &as conducted by the cell for
organi7ation research .C=(E2 section of H(D during Luly $ugust +*)*. The summary of the
findings are communicated to the H=D6s and they &ill form the basis for in house
"anagement Development >rogrammes for the year +**B
Decision has also been ta%en that from +**1:+*)* , most of the in:house training
programmes &ill be done &ith the help of internal faculty. ,n this regards.
Decision about identifying internal and e-ternal faculty
Development of internal faculty to conducting ".D.>S.
Decision about course materials, methodology agencies or persons to do the same.
Irouping of grades in different groups or levels for the purpose of coverage in ".D.>
for group0level.
Decision about lin%age of attending ".D.>6s and promotion to ne-t level are ta%en.
Calendar of the programme scheduled to be ta%e:up for the year +**1:+*)* and the
e-penditure particulars for the dame year are attached in the follo&ing page.
MBA-09 "!
Management development programs have been ac%no&ledged as a fundamental &ay
to prepare managers to respond to the comple- issues arising from the changing business
environment. These programs lead to the improvement of s%ills, %no&ledge and attitude etc.
that managers re!uire not only for their current position but also for their future assignments.
Tata Steel is one of such organi7ation. Hhich believes in preparing its managers through
".D.>6s5 This organi7ation has been imparting these developmental programs since )1EB in
Tata Steel "anagement Development Centre.
The survey on the study of "anagement Development >rogrammes at Tata Steel
conducted T"DC &as a very interesting proect. Training and development of employees is
very important for any company specially no& &hen the steel mar%et has been opened to the
global players and competition is tough. The crisis in the ,ndian Steel ,ndustry particularly in
the flat segment has become all pervasive.
T,SC= also sa& a steep fall in the profit but managed to remain profitable. So
employees need to be trained to meet the changing needs. #ut from the survey it &as found
that many participants are dissatisfied &ith the training programme. So the attitude to people
to&ards training needs to be changed. They should themselves feel the need for their training.
The ne&ly appointed employees have to undergo different training programmes to ma%e
them fit for the obs they are supposed to handle in the organi7ation. The term training is used
in regard to teaching of specific s%ills, &hereas the term 8development9 denotes over all
development of personality of the employees. So training is an important tool of "anagement
capable and ma%ing significant contribution to the goals of the organi7ation. Training tends to
improve the performance of employees by narro&ing the gap bet&een e-ceptions of the
organi7ation and the achievements of the participants in the training program. #ecause of its
significant role, it is essential to have an effective training programme in the enterprise.
Effective training programmes have been ac%no&ledged as a fundamental &ay to
prepare employees to respond to the comple- issue rising from the changing business
environment in T,SC=. Tata Steel is one of the organi7ations &hich believe in preparing its
MBA-09 ""
employees through effective training and development programmes. The commitment of this
organi7ation to the development of its managers can be identified from the T"DC budget.
Human resources are the most important assets of an organi7ation have and their
effective management is the %ey to its success. >ersons &or%ing in an organi7ation are
regarded as a valuable source implying that there is a need to invert time and effort in their
management. Human (esources is said to incorporate and develop personnel management
tas%s, &hile see%ing to relate and develop teams of &or%ers for the benefit of the
organi7ation. $ primary goal of Human (esource >rofessionals is to enable employees to
&or% to a ma-imum level of efficiency.
MBA-09 "%
To get best from employees it is essential that they be provided &ith appropriate
training on all aspects of their &or%. 3or &hich Tata Steel established its T ; D process. The
purpose of this training process is to establish guidelines to be follo&ed for conduct of
trainings in Tata Steel. The training process &ill cover all the employees of tat steel
The obective of Training >olicy
,dentify and provide training for improved performance in the e-isting role.
$dd value by &ay of improvement in e-isting s%ill set and develop ne& s%ill set.
,mprove, sharpen or develop behavioral aspects &ith a vie& to e!uip employees to
ta%e up more challenging roles.
"aintain and update the s%ill database of all employees at periodic intervals. The periodicity
of update &ill be defined in the C" >lan maintained by the training coordinator.
To achieve the above obectives, the company shall provide both e-ternal and in house
training to all its employees
,t is a systematic process of training and gro&th by &hich managerial personnel gain and
supply s%ill, %no&ledge, attitudes and insights to manage the &or% in their organi7ational
effectively and efficiently.
$ T$T$ STEE? has to develop the potential of all those &ho are in managerial positions
or &ho are fresh from management institutions and have the potential for development. This
development is necessary because of the follo&ing reasons.
Society is facing a rapid rate of technological and social change. "anagement
personnel need to be developed as they have to tac%le problems arising but of
introduction of automation, intense mar%et, competition gro&th of ne& mar%ets
enlarged labour participation in management and greater interest being ta%en by
the public and the government in various activities of business
#usiness and industrial leaders are increasingly recogni7ed their social and public
responsibilities &hich call for a much broader outloo% on the past of management.
MBA-09 "&
"anagement labour relations are becoming increasingly comple-.
To understand and adust to changes in socio:economic forces, including changes
in public policy and concepts of social ustice, industrial democracy.
To ensure the organi7ation of availability of re!uire number of managers &ith the
ac!uired s%ills to meet present and anticipated future needs of the business
To encourse managers to gro& as persons and in their capacity to handle greater
To improve the performance of manager at all levels in the ob they hold no&.
To sustain good performance of managers throughout their careers.
The management development programmes are organi7ed &ith a vie& to achieving specific
obectives at T$T$ STEE?.
To overhaul the management machinery.
To improve the performance of managers
To give the speciali7es on overall vie& of the functions of an organi7ation and e!uip
them to co:ordinate each others efforts effectively.
To identify the persons &ith the re!uired potential and prepare them for senior
To increase the morale of the members of the management group.
To increase the validity of the management group
To %eep the e-ecutives abreast &ith the changes and development in their respective
To create the management succession &hich can ta%e over the case of contingencies5
To improve thought process and analytical ability
To broaden the outloo% of the e-ecutive regarding his role position and
To understand the conceptual issues relating to economic, social, and technical areas.
To understand the problems of human relations and improve human relations s%ills
To stimulate creative thin%ing.
MBA-09 "9
Essential of "anagement development programmeG
$nalysis organi7ational present and development needs
$ppraisal of present management talent
,nventory of management po&er
>lanning of individual development programme
Establishment of development programme
Evaluation of the programme
The survey reveals that the participants &ere very satisfied &ith the training programs
&hich is sho&n in the parameter programme design including the Table nos. ).) to ).E and
&ere found to be !uite effective in terms of understanding their role re!uirements better.
During the survey it &as also found out that the participants have rated the
infrastructural facilities very high &ith a score of A .Table no. A.)A .a:d22. Hhich implies that
they are greatly satisfied &ith the infrastructure5
The superiors rate effectiveness as AO. This implies that they are very much satisfied
&ith the training programmes and feel that the training programmes does help the participants
in understanding their role better as &ell as in the development of s%ills, %no&ledge, attitude
$n average score of @O .Table No @.)):@.)@2 &ith respect to needs implies that the
training programmes does meet the needs of the participants but there is a lot of scope for
,n terms of finding out the effectiveness of trainers in communication and class
involvement it &as found from the average score of @ O for F.)1 .a2, F.)1 .c2 .Table nos
C.)1.a2 and C.)1 .c22 &hich implies that the participants found the trainers very effective.
The least score of @.)+O .Table No ).C2 implies that the participants seldom refer
bac% to the training materials.
MBA-09 %0
The area &ise or department &iser analysis reveals that the most number of
respondents &ere from the Tata Hor%s &hile the least &ere from the ,nformation Technology
services. This is sho&n in 3igure .a2
The programme &ise analysis sho&s that the participants &ere highly satisfied &ith
the managerial development programmes &ith a highest score of BB in 3igure .b2.
The participants rate the stress management programme as @O implying that they are
not very satisfied &ith the programmes.
The participants have rated the follo&ing programmes Ethics co:coordinating
&or%shop, business eti!uette and personality plus in the rang of AOimplying that they are
greatly satisfied &ith these programmes.
This sho&s that training programmes at Tata Steel has to go a long &ay and has to be
developed more so that it can cater to the needs of all its employees and also provide freedom
to utili7e the gained %no&ledge at the &or% situation to bring about organi7ational
The commitment of this organi7ation to the development of its managers can be
further highlighted from the training budget and ".D.> e-penditure &hich in the year +*)*:
+*)) stood at )+C.1+ la%es &hich sho&s that the company has been trying to improve even
more to find ne& avenues &here it can train its employees considering their re!uirements
&ell in advance.
>reviously e-ternal faculties conducted the in house ".D.>6s at Tata Steel. No&
trainers are from &ithin the organi7ation so that internal faculty could conduct the programs
only. The purpose of developing internal training facility may be for t&o reasons. =ne is that
having internal faculty organi7ation can avoid the e-pensive training facilities. Secondly the
internal faculty can also ta%e care of the uni!ue culture of their organi7ation &hile imparting
training to its employees. =n the &hole the organi7ation &ill be self sufficient in the long run
far as training department is concerned.
MBA-09 %1
The obectives and e-pectations from the ".D.>6s vary a lot most managers consider
improving and solving specific problems confronted during &or% as the maor obective of
the programs.
The ".D.>6s also help managers to understand better the managerial role
re!uirements managers have also gained ne& %no&ledge and specific management s%ills for
solving problems during day to day &or% situations.
T"DC basically provides off:the:ob:training methods. The commonly follo&ed
methods are case studies and lectures.
"aority of the managers under survey is of the opinion that the training module &as
ade!uate and technologically advanced courses are included in the curriculum. This
perception &as an also shared by the trainers.
".D.>6s in T"DC are need based programs and the respondents felt that some of the
courses have direct or indirect relevance to the &or% situation.
This sho&s that ".D.>. at Tata Steel has to go a long &ay and has to be developed
more so that it can cater to the needs of all the managers and also provide them freedom to
utili7e the gained %no&ledge at the &or% situation to bring about organi7ational development.
MBA-09 %2
$Mst peple li!e i" a !ery restri%te& %ir%le ' their pte"tial (ei"#) *e all ha!e reser!irs
' e"er#y a"& #e"ius t &ra+ up" ' +hi%h +e & "t &ream,
8>eople ma%e things happen through their miraculous effort9 E-cellence is the call of
the day. >eople can ma%e the organi7ation e-cellent so also they themselves. No& s%y is not
the limit on the part of the e-cellence, committed and visionary employees of the
organi7ation, T$T$ STEE? is one of the Navaratness due to e-cellent human capitals.
The main function of training is to close the gap bet&een the desired and the actual ob
performance. The need for !uality training programs increased due to the fact that the highly
competitive business environment is thro&ing up ne& and challenging obs, practically
everyday. Training need analysis is an important plan% is the gamut of training. ,t should be
designed, offered and conducted for a particular purpose to meet a specific obective and to
fulfill an identified need.
$fter underta%ing the study and deriving conclusions, follo&ing suggestions are
made &hich may be helpful in ma%ing "anagement Development >rogrammes more
effective. During my study, the observation revealed the follo&ing &ith some humble
suggestion to the training and development practices in such vast organi7ation.
There should be a proper channel of communication bet&een the Training Department
and the e-ecutives nominated for the training programme. The Training Department
should first ma%e the e-ecutives a&are of the short and long:term obectives of the
company and ho& the e-ecutives are determine in attending those obectives, &ith the
help of training. This &ill ma%e the managers understand clearly their role
re!uirements and ho& the developmental programs &ill help them in fulfilling their
The nominees of the training programmes are handed over training materials only
after they register themselves on the date of training. ,f the nominees could be
dispatched the training materials &ith sufficient time before the training starts then at
MBA-09 %3
least they can go through the boo%s and further discussions could ta%e place on the
day of training.
The designing of he training programme should al&ays be problem solving oriented.
Training need not be imparted as one of the prepaid obectives of the organi7ation.
,n the training session the faculty should first discuss the clear cut training obectives
&ith the trainees. This &ill help in %eeping focus on the obectives and the trainees
also %no& &hat all are to be covered in a training session.
,t has been found that the employees under study have the doubt of relevance of the
course curriculum of ".D.>. Therefore, it is suggested that the need of the course
should be &ell defined and the employees should be involved in the process of
identifying the re!uired course for different ".D.>6s.
The survey furthers reveals that managers are not sure of improvement in efficiency
after attending ".D.> . Therefore, it is suggested that the management of Tata Steel
should adopt scientific method of feedbac% techni!ue of ".D.>. So that the doubt or
confusion that arise in the minds of the managers could be pacified.
,t &as also observed that the respondents have said that the ".D.> has helped
organi7ation to bring about an atmosphere of team&or% in the &or%shop. Therefore,
the management is re!uired to give more attention to the ".D.>6s so that such opinion
can be avoided.
No training is meaningful if the employees are not given opportunities to utili7e their
ac!uires s%ills after being trained. The managers under study have e-pressed their
vie& of no opportunity for use of %no&ledge gained by them. Hence, it is suggested
that management must create a &or%ing environment and must ensure opportunity for
the use of %no&ledge and s%ills ac!uired by the managers through various
"anagement Development >rogrammes.
Constant efforts should be made to ma%e the contents of the programme more
interesting &ith use of audio visual aids and innovative methods of including $
collective participation in the training process
3eedbac% should be ta%en at more regular intervals both from the trainee and their
immediate superiors.
The training programmes should be more attitudinal changes and %no&ledge oriented
so that they prepare the employees for future responsibilities. The training programme
should therefore stress on role playing and laboratory training techni!ue for training.
MBA-09 %
"ultis%illing of the employees should be encouraged to ma%e them employable and to
fill ob openings internally.
Self:nomination by the employees and practice of Nominal group techni!ue should be
encouraged for training need assessment. Selection for training programmes should be
left to the supervisors in consultation &ith themselves rather the core trend groups of
the section.
The trained employees should be given enough opportunities to practice the ac!uired
s%ill in the &or% situation. ,t &ill enhance their s%ill, solve the problem of filling of
ob openings and ma%e the employees more employable.
Training programmes should be prepared %eeping in mind the future environmental
challenges. "ore trained employees should be involved in ma%ing changes 0
improvements in the training programme.
>ost training interaction &ith the management, trainer and trainees should be ma%ing
after completion of each training session. Trainer should display the talents and
should give suggestion, the benefits they derived by the training ac!uired by them for
necessary benefits of the organi7ation and his 0 her career improvement.
Each and every employee should get a change to participate in both the training.
TN$ should be regularly prepared by the departments and should be informed to
the Training Department for facilitating the training process.
The e-ecutives have been %ept under disillusionment, erromens selection of the
offer T($,N,NI. To avoid this there should be clear cut procedure in respect of
e-perience, s%ill gap and the strategic areas for &hich training is necessary.
,n order to motivate the employees in selection of trainees on the basis of their
need. There should not be any repetition &hich is observed !uite often as a present
day practice.
MBA-09 %!
The methods of evaluation of training have to be improved. "ore and more scientific
and modern methods should be used to evaluate a training programme
>recisely and accurately
Training module should match the organi7ational goals and obectives.
$de!uately scope and opportunity should be provided to the non e-ecutive employees
to identify his or her training need
Training session should be made more interesting and learning one by using
management games, in bas%et e-ercise role plays etc.
Determining the target group identifying right people for the different training
=ne return from training , the employee should brief his co:&or%er about the
%no&ledge gained through training and discuss &ith them the benefits, &hich can be
obtained from such training
There should be positive co:relation bet&een training and future promotions
Training should be lin%ed to career advancement.
MBA-09 %"
The present study on "$N$IE"ENT DE4E?=>"ENT >(=I($""ES $T
T$T$ STEE? and its effectiveness conducted at the T$T$ STEE?. The study &as underta%en
for a period of @* days in order to observe the effectiveness of training program conducted by
the organi7ation.
,n this competitive era ?iberali7ation and globali7ation, the organi7ations are
struggling hard to survive. 3or e-istence, the manpo&er needs has to be e!uipped &ith ne&
s%ills, %no&ledge and attitudinal changes. This helps the organi7ations to be change
according to the situation. Therefore, training and development of employees has become
important aspect to e!uip has become important survival and gro&th of an organi7ation.
'no&ledge the importance training and development of employees the data &ere
collected from both primary as &ell as secondary sources to underta%e the study in T$T$
STEE?. $ !uestionnaire schedules &as used for this purpose. ,t is observed that the training
and development activities in T$T$ STEE? are !uite effective but, the organi7ation is not
focusing much on the long term development of the employees. ,t is mostly fulfilling the
short term need of the organi7ation &hich may be only beneficial at present. #ut it may face
challenge by other upcoming competitive organi7ations. ,n future ho&ever the organi7ation
needs to %eep itself &ell promoting by developing its human resources to meet future
challenges. 3urther it is suggested by the researcher for long term development of the
employees to meet the future challenges. 3or that the organi7ation needs to have strategic
change in formulation of policy and e-ecution of such polices. The present study cannot be
considered as an absolute method of improving the effectiveness. Ho&ever, effort has been
made to open the floodgate of future research in developing the training programmes suitable
to both organi7ational development as &ell as employee6s development.

MBA-09 %%
Nearly e!ery"e ta3es the limits ' his +" !isi" 'r the limits ' the +rl&) A 'e+ & "t
4i" them.
>robably, the above mentioned !uote by $(THU( SCH=>ENH$UE(. $ptly sums up the
mindset re!uired to bring about a much needed change in the e-isting "anagement
development programme of T$T$ STEE?.

=rgani7ation li%e T$T$ STEE? as one of the N$4$($NT$ is s vast organi7ation &ith very
highly graded human capital, #igger the organi7ation more is he comple- &ith the problems
of coordination and integration. ,n the age of fle-ibility, s%ill fle-ibility, pay fle-ibility &or%
place fle-ibility, organi7ation fle-ibility, s%ill fle-ibility, administration fle-ibility,
"anagerial personnel are re!uired to upgrade their %no&ledge &ith the proper developments.
,n the rapid global changes, organi7ation performs &ith its s%ill pay off from the &or%ing
class people &ithin its cultural and economics periphery. T$T$ STEE? has tried to preserve
all there things.
The case study in T$T$ STEE? is live case &hich the researcher has come across
&ith proper diagnostic proves that various training needs, methods of training follo&ed,
!uality of training imparted and the in depth %no&ledge and &ide e-perience of the trainers
found to be satisfied.
The organi7ation continuously conducted training programmes &ith proper planning
for selecting the trainees on the basis of organi7ational and individual need. ,t has got planned
budget for necessary value addition &ith the human capital &hich can contribute in long run
for production and productivity.
The main obective of the study &as to.
Iet a comprehensive picture of the current0e-isting training programme and to see if
it is lin%ed to the organi7ation6s mission and obectives.
Evaluate its system < ho& it has fulfilled the employee6s aspirations and e-pectations.
3ind out the attitude of the individual employees to&ards the current system.
3ind out the relative gap into eh system.
MBA-09 %&
Study the contribution of pr0hr officers to&ards the effective planning of the
"anagement training programme into eh organi7ation.
Thus the obective of training programmes have been properly fulfilled here&ith the
congenial organi7ed climate. >roper scrutini7e from time to time and give scope too various
types of people in the process of career development and organi7ation development. T$T$
STEE? has ideal and e-perienced training managers along &ith their ade!uate training
facilities for trainees. There are also benevolent attitude &ith mar%eting to incite and
associate many globally reno&ned management gurus in different specific fields for their
contribution and cooperation in training program. ,t can be concluded that training
programmes in T$T$ STEE? are highly successful. ,t &ill go along &ay in enhancing the
human capabilities to meet the re!uirement in the organi7ation.
The overall obective of the study &as to observe ho& the management development
training programme has its o&n practical implementation &ith all its theoretical approach and
correlate bet&een its aspects of theories and practices in the organi7ation and to find out the
deficiencies in its functioning."r. v %rishnamurty , E- Chairman , S$,? stated 8 >erhaps &e
could find the money and borro& ne& technology, but unless the man behind the machine
&ere prepared to absorb this ne& technology this investment &ill go &aste G This statement is
appropriate in case of T$T$ STEE? , a live e-ample ustifying the valuable statement.
MBA-09 %9

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pFad v4 Proxy