287 - G.R. No. 177324
287 - G.R. No. 177324
287 - G.R. No. 177324
Baguio City
G.R. No. 177324 March 30, 2011
REYNAL ELA CRU! Y LI"ANTOCIA, ccuse$-ppellant#
D % C I S I O N
Befo&e 's is the Decision
$ate$ )anua&y **! *++, of the Cou&t of ppeals in C--#R# CR#-.#C# No# +(/,0!
1hich afi&2e$ the Decision
$ate$ Septe2be& ,! *++/ of the Regional T&ial Cou&t 3RTC4 of 5ue6on City!
B&anch (+7! in C&i2inal Case No# 5-+7-((87((! 9n$ing accuse$-appellant Reynal$ $ela C&u6 y :ibantocia
3Dela C&u64 guilty of "iolation of Section /! &ticle II of Republic ct No# 0(8/! othe&1ise ;no1n as
Co2p&ehensi"e Dange&ous D&ugs ct of *++*#
Dela C&u6 1as cha&ge$ 1ith "iolation of Section /! &ticle II
of Republic ct No# 0(8/! in an Info&2ation
1hich &ea$s=
That on o& about the 7+th $ay of >a&ch *++7! in 5ue6on City! Philippines! the sai$ accuse$! not being
autho&i6e$ by la1 to sell! $ispense! $eli"e&! t&anspo&t o& $ist&ibute any $ange&ous $&ug! $i$ the 3sic4 an$ the&e
1illfully an$ unla1fully sell! $ispense! $eli"e&! t&anspo&t o& $ist&ibute o& act as b&o;e& in the sai$ t&ansaction!
+#*+ 3?%RO POINT T@%NTA4 g&a2 of >etha2pheta2ine .y$&ochlo&i$e! a $ange&ous $&ug#
Du&ing a&&aign2ent! Dela C&u6! assiste$ by his counsel $e pa&te! ente&e$ a plea of not guilty# The&eafte&! t&ial
on the 2e&its ensue$#
The p&osecution p&esente$ as 1itnesses Police Ofice& 3PO4 7 Be&na&$ 2igo 32igo4 an$ PO* )ai2e Oca2po
The p&osecutionBs "e&sion of e"ents as testi9e$ by the afo&esai$ 1itnesses is as follo1s=
t about (+=++ a#2# on >a&ch 7+! *++7! an info&2ant calle$ the Cubao Police Station , an$ &epo&te$ to the
$uty $es; ofice& that so2eone 1as selling shabu at Aale St&eet! Cubao! 5ue6on City# tea2 co2pose$ of fou&
police ofice&s 1as fo&2e$ to con$uct an ent&ap2ent! hea$e$ by PO* )e&&y Sanche6 3Sanche64# PO* Oca2po
1as $esignate$ as poseu&-buye&# Befo&e the $ispatch! t1o pieces of P(++#++ bills 1e&e gi"en to PO* Oca2po as
buy-bust 2oney!
1hich he 2a&;e$ 1ith his initials C)O#C
'pon a&&i"al of the police tea2 at Aale St&eet! PO* Oca2po spotte$ a pe&son selling $&ugs on sai$ st&eet# PO*
Oca2po an$ the info&2ant app&oache$ the pe&son! 1ho 1as late& i$enti9e$ as Dela C&u6# The info&2ant
int&o$uce$ PO* Oca2po to Dela C&u6 as a pe&son inte&este$ to buy shabu# Dela C&u6 then as;e$ ho1 2uch
shabu PO* Oca2po 1ante$ to buy# PO* Oca2po ans1e&e$ he 1oul$ li;e to pu&chase P*++#++ 1o&th of shabu#
@hen PO* Oca2po ga"e t1o P(++#++-bills to Dela C&u6! the latte& han$e$ o"e& in eDchange a plastic sachet to
PO* Oca2po# PO* Oca2po eDa2ine$ the contents of the plastic sachet! an$ belie"ing that the sa2e to be
shabu! he tappe$ Dela C&u6Bs shoul$e&! 1hich 1as the p&e-a&&ange$ signal to the othe& 2e2be&s of the police
The &est of the police tea2 &ushe$ to the c&i2e scene an$ i$enti9e$ the2sel"es as police ofice&s# PO* Oca2po
a&&este$ Dela C&u6 an$ &eco"e&e$ f&o2 the latte& the t1o P(++#++-bills use$ as buy-bust 2oney# @hile PO*
Oca2po ;ept possession of the buy-bust 2oney! he passe$ the plastic sachet containing the shabu to his
co2panion# PO* Oca2po 2a&;e$ the plastic sachet 1ith C)O#C
The plastic sachet 1as b&ought to the Philippine
National Police 3PNP4 C&i2e :abo&ato&y fo& eDa2ination of its contents!
1hich 1as late& con9&2e$ as
2ethyla2pheta2ine hy$&ochlo&i$e!
2o&e popula&ly ;no1n as shabu#
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t the police station! the police tea2 tu&ne$ o"e& Dela C&u6 to PO7 2igo# PO7 2igo then assiste$ in the
eDecution of PO* Oca2poBs fi$a"it of Poseu&-Buye& an$ PO* Sanche6Bs fi$a"it of &&est# PO7 Do2ingo
p&epa&e$ the &eFuest fo& labo&ato&y eDa2ination of the plastic sachet an$ its contents#
Fo& its pa&t! the $efense p&esente$ the testi2onies of the accuse$! Dela C&u6G Dela C&u6Bs aunt! $o&acion
Salce$o 3Salce$o4G an$ Dela C&u6Bs ;u2a&e! No&a C&u6 3No&a4#
Dela C&u6 $enie$ any c&i2inal liability an$ clai2e$ f&a2e-up by the police# Dela C&u6 insiste$ that at a&oun$
((=++ a#2# on >a&ch 7+! *++7! he 1as 9Ding the t&ash can in an es;inita bet1een Aale an$ ODfo&$ St&eets
1hen t1o police ofice&s! con$ucting a &ai$ in sai$ place! f&is;e$ an$ a&&este$ hi2! then b&ought hi2 to Cubao
Police Station ,#
Dela C&u6 eDplaine$ that he 2a$e t&ash cans fo& f&ee because he 1ante$ to teach his
;u2pa&e an$ inaana;! 1ho li"e$ in the a&ea! to clean up thei& place# .e also 2a$e t&ash cans fo& the a&ea
su&&oun$ing his &esi$ence at Ha2ias! 5ue6on City#
.e $enie$ the cha&ge that he 1as selling shabu# .e $i$
a$2it to selling 2e&chan$ise! such as 1oo$en tops! banig! etc#! but at the ti2e of his a&&est! he ha$ no
2e&chan$ise 1ith hi2 fo& he left these at his house#
Salce$o testi9e$ that at a&oun$ E=++ a#2# on >a&ch 7+! *++7! 1hile she 1as at he& house locate$ in Dia2on$
.ills! >ola"e %Dtension! Payatas! 5ue6on City! Dela C&u6 as;e$ Salce$o fo& pe&2ission to go to Di"iso&ia! but
Dela C&u6 ha$ to pass by Cubao 9&st because he 1oul$ $eli"e& a banig to a ce&tain No&a#
Suppo&ting Salce$oBs testi2ony! No&a &elate$ that at a&oun$ (+=7+ a#2# on >a&ch 7+! *++7! 1hile she 1as
1ashing clothes at he& house on Aale St&eet! Cubao! 5ue6on City! Dela C&u6 a&&i"e$ to b&ing the banig she
o&$e&e$# No&a tol$ Dela C&u6 to 1ait until she ha$ 9nishe$ 1ashing clothes# Dela C&u6 then sai$ he ha$ to
lea"e fo& a 1hile because one of the t&ash cans he 2a$e got b&o;en! an$ No&a &eplie$ that she 1oul$ 1ait fo&
hi2# @hen Dela C&u6 &etu&ne$! No&a 1as still 1ashing clothes# Dela C&u6 left No&aBs house again to go to a
nea&by sa&i-sa&i sto&e! locate$ at the co&ne& of Aale an$ ODfo&$ St&eets! an$ o1ne$ by one >a2a )oy! so he
coul$ ha"e his 2oney b&o;en to s2alle& $eno2inations#
@hile Dela C&u6 1as stan$ing in f&ont of >a2a )oyBs
sto&e! th&ee police ofice&s a&&i"e$ 1ith t1o othe& people they ha$ p&e"iously a&&este$# fte& ente&ing >a2a
)oyBs sto&e! the police ofice&s a&&este$ Dela C&u6# @hen No&a 1ent up to the police ofice&s to as; 1hy they
1e&e a&&esting Dela C&u6! the police ofice&s tol$ he& C$al$al ;a ng $al$al! isasa2a ;a na2in!C 1hich 2a$e he&
The police ofice&s boa&$e$ Dela C&u6 onto thei& "ehicle an$ b&ought hi2 to Cubao Police Station ,#
>a2a )oy 1as not a&&este$ at that ti2e! but $u&ing Dela C&u6Bs t&ial! >a2a )oy 1as al&ea$y $etaine$ at Ca2p
Ha&ingal also fo& shabu-&elate$ cha&ges#
fte& t&ial! the RTC p&o2ulgate$ its Decision $ate$ Septe2be& ,! *++/ 9n$ing Dela C&u6 guilty as cha&ge$#
The RTC ga"e c&e$ibility to the p&osecutionBs "e&sion! consi$e&ing the follo1ing inconsistencies in the
$efenseBs account= 3(4 Dela C&u6 testi9e$ that he &esi$es at No# ( H#)# Ha2ias Roa$! 5ue6on City! 1hich 1as
Iust ac&oss a b&i$ge f&o2 Aale St&eet# If this 1as t&ue! then the&e 1as &eason to belie"e that Dela C&u6 ha$ a
sense of co22unity hygiene to put up an$ 2aintain t&ash cans at the es;inita bet1een Aale an$ ODfo&$
St&eets# But f&o2 Salce$oBs testi2ony! it appea&s that Dela C&u6 an$ his t1o chil$&en 1ith his 9&st 1ife li"e$
1ith Salce$o at Dia2on$ .ills! >ola"e %Dt#! Payatas B! 5ue6on City! se"e&al ;ilo2ete&s a1ay f&o2 the es;inita
bet1een Aale an$ ODfo&$ St&eets in Cubao! 5ue6on City# Salce$oBs &esi$ence is so $istant f&o2 Cubao that in
the absence of association 1ith any co22unity o&gani6ation in the latte& a&ea! it 1as incong&uous to belie"e
that Dela C&u6 1oul$ ente&tain any notion of public se&"ice the&einG 3*4 the sto&y of Dela C&u6 is &a$ically
$ife&ent f&o2 that of his o1n 1itnesses! Salce$o an$ No&a# Dela C&u6 &epeate$ly $ecla&e$ that he 1as at the
es;inita bet1een Aale an$ ODfo&$ St&eets to ta;e a loo; at the t&ash cans he place$ the&eat! an$ ne"e&
2entione$ that he 1as to $eli"e& a banig to No&a in Cubao! o& that he 1ent to >a2a )oyBs sto&e 1hile 1aiting
fo& No&a to 9nish he& laun$&yG an$ 374 if Dela C&u6Bs 2ain inte&est 1as the cleanliness of the es;inita bet1een
Aale an$ ODfo&$ St&eets! &athe& than selling shabu! then the co22unity lea$e&s in the sai$ a&ea! o& at the "e&y
least! his o1n ;u2pa&e 1ho suppose$ly li"e the&e! 1oul$ ha"e co2e to cou&t to $efen$ hi2! but no one $i$#
The $ispositi"e po&tion of the RTC $ecision &ea$s=
CCORDIN-:A! Iu$g2ent is &en$e&e$ 9n$ing the accuse$ R%AN:D D%: CR'? y :ibantocia -'I:TA beyon$
&easonable $oubt of "iolation of Section / of R## 0(8/ 3fo& $&ug sale4 as cha&ge$! an$ he is he&eby sentence$
to spen$ ti2e in Iail by 1ay of :IF% I>PRISON>%NT an$ to pay a 9ne of P/++!+++#++#
The shabu in"ol"e$ he&e is o&$e&e$ t&ans2itte$ to the PD% th&u DDB fo& p&ope& $isposition#
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Dela C&u6 appeale$ to the Cou&t of ppeals! 1hich! in a Decision $ate$ )anua&y **! *++,! afi&2e$ the 9n$ings
an$ conclusion of the RTC#
The Cou&t of ppeals cite$ the p&esu2ption of &egula&ity in the police ofice&sB pe&fo&2ance of thei& oficial
t the outset! it bea&s pointing out that p&osecutions of cases fo& "iolation of the Dange&ous D&ugs ct a&ising
f&o2 buy-bust ope&ations la&gely $epen$ on the c&e$ibility of the police ofice&s 1ho con$ucte$ the sa2e#
'nless the&e is clea& an$ con"incing e"i$ence that the 2e2be&s of the buy-bust tea2 1e&e inspi&e$ by any
i2p&ope& 2oti"e o& 1e&e not p&ope&ly pe&fo&2ing thei& $uty! thei& testi2onies on the ope&ation $ese&"e full
faith an$ c&e$it# n$ so 2ust the p&osecution 1itness-2e2be& of the buy-bust tea2 in the case at ba& be
acco&$e$ full c&e$ence in the absence of any i2p&ope& 2oti"e to i2plicate JDela C&u6K#
Fu&the&2o&e! the p&esu2ption of &egula&ity in the pe&fo&2ance of oficial $uties has not been cont&o"e&te$ by
JDela C&u6KG hence! this Cou&t is boun$ to uphol$ it# .e utte&ly faile$ to p&o"e that in testifying against hi2! the
p&osecution 1itnesses 1e&e 2oti"ate$ by &easons othe& than the $uty to cu&b the possession of p&ohibite$
$&ugs# The&e is no p&oof of any ill 2oti"e o& o$ious intent on the pa&t of the police autho&ities to i2pute falsely
such a se&ious c&i2e to JDela C&u6K# Thus! the Cou&t 1ill not allo1 the fo&2e&Bs testi2onies to be o"e&co2e by
self-se&"ing $efenses#
@ell-settle$ is the &ule that catego&ical an$ consistent positi"e i$enti9cation! absent any sho1ing of ill 2oti"e
on the pa&t of the eye1itness testifying on the 2atte&! p&e"ails o"e& the appellantsB $efense of $enial an$
The appellate cou&t fu&the& hel$ that the p&osecution 1as able to establish all the essential ele2ents of illegal
sale of shabu=
@hile JDela C&u6K asse&ts that the p&osecution faile$ to fully substantiate the i$entity of the co&pus $elicti of
the c&i2e! 1e a&e! ho1e"e&! boun$ to uphol$ the 9n$ings of the t&ial cou&t# )u&isp&u$ence clea&ly sets the
essential ele2ents to be establishe$ in the p&osecution of illegal sale of shabu as follo1s= 3(4 the i$entity of the
buye& an$ the selle&! the obIect of the sale an$ the consi$e&ationG an$ 3*4 the $eli"e&y of the thing sol$ an$ the
pay2ent the&efo&#
@hat is 2ate&ial is the p&oof that the t&ansaction o& sale actually too; place! couple$ 1ith the p&esentation in
cou&t of the co&pus $elicti as e"i$ence# The $eli"e&y of the illicit $&ug to the poseu&-buye& an$ the &eceipt by
the selle& of the 2a&;e$ 2oney successfully consu22ate the buy-bust t&ansaction#
In the case at ba&! all these ele2ents 1e&e p&o"en# Fi&st! the&e 1as 2eeting of the 2in$s bet1een the buye&
an$ the selle&# PO* Oca2po! the poseu&-buye&! 1as 1illing to buy shabu f&o2 JDela C&u6K# Secon$! the&e 1as
consi$e&ation fo& the sale! the pa&ties ha"ing ag&ee$ upon the a2ount of P*++#++# Thi&$! JDela C&u6K han$e$
o"e& to the poseu&-buye& a plastic sachet containing shabu! the subIect of the sale# The positi"e i$enti9cation of
JDela C&u6K by poseu&-buye& as the one 1ho pe$$le$ the shabu clea&ly establishe$ the illicit sale! as the
poseu&-buye& is the best 1itness to the t&ansaction#
g&eeing 1ith the inconsistencies in the $efenseBs e"i$ence! obse&"e$ by the RTC! the Cou&t of ppeals
>o&eo"e&! f&o2 the "ie1point of this Cou&t! the "e&sion of JDela C&u6K is 2a&;e$ly unusual an$ st&ange# It Iust
$oes not confo&2 1ith ou& co22on ;no1le$ge an$ eDpe&ience# It has been sai$ ti2e an$ again that e"i$ence!
to be 1o&thy of c&e$it! 2ust not only p&ocee$ f&o2 the 2outh of a c&e$ible 1itness but 2ust be c&e$ible in
itself# By this is 2eant that it shoul$ be natu&al! &easonable an$ p&obable in "ie1 of the ci&cu2stance 1hich it
$esc&ibes o& to 1hich it &elates! so as to 2a;e it easy fo& the 2in$ to accepts as 1o&thy of belief#
In cases in"ol"ing "iolations of the Dange&ous D&ugs :a1! appellate cou&ts ten$ to hea"ily &ely upon the t&ial
cou&t in assessing the c&e$ibility of 1itnesses! as it ha$ the uniFue oppo&tunity! $enie$ to the appellate cou&ts!
to obse&"e the 1itnesses an$ to note thei& $e2eano&! con$uct! an$ attitu$e un$e& $i&ect an$ c&oss-
eDa2ination# .ence! its factual 9n$ings a&e acco&$e$ g&eat &espect! e"en 9nality! absent any sho1ing that
Page 3 of 13
ce&tain facts of 1eight an$ substance bea&ing on the ele2ents of the c&i2e ha"e been o"e&loo;e$!
2isapp&ehen$e$! o& 2isapplie$#
In the en$! the appellate cou&t $ec&ee$=
@.%R%FOR%! in "ie1 of the fo&egoing! the Decision of the Regional T&ial Cou&t of 5ue6on City! B&anch (+7 in
C&i2inal Case No# 5-+7-((87((! 9n$ing accuse$-appellant Reynal$ $ela C&u6 y :ibantocia guilty beyon$
&easonable $oubt of "iolation of &ticle /! &ticle II of R## 0(8/! an$ sentencing hi2 to sufe& the penalty of
:IF% I>PRISON>%NT an$ to pay a 9ne of FIV% .'NDR%D T.O'SND P%SOS 3P/++!+++#++4! is afi&2e$ in
fte& gi"ing $ue cou&se to Dela C&u6Bs Notice of ppeal in a Resolution $ate$ Feb&ua&y (<! *++,! the Cou&t of
ppeals fo&1a&$e$ the &eco&$s of the case to this Cou&t#
In a Resolution
$ate$ )une *,! *++,! the Cou&t noti9e$ the pa&ties that they 2ay 9le thei& &especti"e
supple2ental b&iefs! if they so $esi&e$! 1ithin 7+ $ays f&o2 notice# Dela C&u6 an$ the People
opte$ not to 9le
thei& supple2ental b&iefs on the g&oun$ that they ha$ eDhausti"ely a&gue$ all the &ele"ant issues in thei&
b&iefs! an$ the 9ling of a supple2ental b&ief 1oul$ only entail a &epetition of the a&gu2ents al&ea$y $iscusse$
In his ccuse$-ppellantBs B&ief!
Dela C&u6 p&esents the follo1ing assign2ent of e&&o&s=
Dela C&u6 asse&ts that the police ofice&s faile$ to account fo& the chain of custo$y of the sei6e$ ite2 allege$ to
be shabu an$ establish the i$entity of the illegal $&ug! the co&pus $elicti of the case#
@e 9n$ no 2e&it in the instant appeal#
In a p&osecution fo& illegal sale of &egulate$ o& p&ohibite$ $&ugs! con"iction can be ha$ if the follo1ing
ele2ents a&e p&esent= 3(4 the i$entity of the buye& an$ the selle&! the obIect! an$ the consi$e&ationG an$ 3*4 the
$eli"e&y of the thing sol$ an$ the pay2ent the&efo&# @hat is 2ate&ial is the p&oof that the t&ansaction o& sale
actually too; place! couple$ 1ith the p&esentation in cou&t of the co&pus $elicti# The $eli"e&y of the cont&aban$
to the poseu&-buye& an$ the &eceipt of the 2a&;e$ 2oney consu22ate the buy-bust t&ansaction bet1een the
ent&apping ofice&s an$ the accuse$#
ll the fo&egoing ele2ents 1e&e establishe$ in this case by the follo1ing testi2ony of PO* Oca2po=
5 @hen you& g&oup 1as in Aale St&eet! 1hat happene$ at the placeL
I sa1 a pe&son "e&y busy selling $&ugs#
5 @hen you see this pe&son "e&y busy selling $&ugs! 1hat $i$ you $o as a police ofice&L
@e positione$ ou&sel"es#
Page 4 of 13
5 @hat happene$ neDtL
The info&2ant an$ I app&oache$ the accuse$#
5 @e&e you able to tal; to the accuse$ at the ti2eL
Aes! si&#
5 If that pe&son is insi$e the cou&t&oo2! can you point to hi2L
Aes si&! that 2an#
@itness pointe$ to a pe&son insi$e the cou&t&oo2 1ho i$enti9e$ hi2self as Reynal$ $ela C&u6#
5 Aou sai$ you an$ the info&2ant app&oache$ the accuse$ at the ti2e! 1hat happene$ 1hen
you app&oache$ hi2L
Ou& info&2ant int&o$uce$ 2e to the accuse$#
5 @hat $i$ you& info&2ant tellL
.e tol$ to the accuse$ that I a2 inte&este$ to buy shabu#
5 @hat 1as the &esponse of the accuse$L
.o1 2uch I 1ill buy#
Page 5 of 13
5 n$ 1hat is you& ans1e&L
P*++# an$ I ga"e hi2 the P*++ an$ in &etu&n he ga"e 2e the shabu#
5 Can you $esc&ibe the $&ug that 1as gi"en to you at the ti2eL
S2all plastic sachet#
5 fte& gi"ing that 2oney to the accuse$ an$ afte& &ecei"ing the $&ugs! 1hat happene$ neDtL
I eDa2ine$ the contents of the plastic sachet#
5 n$ 1hat is you& conclusionL
I 2a$e a p&e-a&&ange$ signal#
5 @hat is the p&e-a&&ange$ signalL
I tappe$ the shoul$e& of la;ay#
5 fte& you 2a$e the p&e-a&&ange$ signal! 1hat happene$ neDtL
>y co2panion app&oache$ us an$ 1e a&&este$ the accuse$#
5 @ho a&&este$ the accuse$L
Page 6 of 13
I! Si&#
5 .o1 about the $&ugsL
To 2y co2panion#
5 .o1 about the P*++L
>y possession! si&#
5 Aou sai$ you 1e&e in possession of P*++ an$ the plastic sachet afte& the accuse$ 1as
a&&este$! 1he&e $i$ you get the P*++L
On his &ight han$#
5 fte& you con9scate$ the P*++ an$ the shabu! 1hat happene$ afte& thatL
@e b&ought the2 to the station#
5 .o1 about the shabu you &eco"e&e$! 1hat happene$ to thatL
@e b&ought to the PNP c&i2e lab#
5 @hat 2a&;ing $i$ you placeL
)O! si&#
5 Do you ha"e the P*++L
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Aes! si&#
>ay 1e &eFuest the $efense counsel to 2a;e a co2pa&ison because 1e 1ill be 2a&;ing the
photocopy attache$ to the &eco&$#
Faithful &ep&o$uction#
5 Aou sai$ that you 2a$e the 2a&;ing on the P*++! 1he&e is the 2a&;ingL
.e&e! si&#
>ay 1e &eFuest that the 2a&;ing place$ on P(++ 1ith se&ial nu2be& be 2a&;e$ as %M.IBIT )-*
an$ the othe& P(++ as )-7#
5 Aou sai$ you place$ the 2a&;ing on the plastic sachet! 1hat 1as the 2a&;ingL
)O! si&#
5 Sho1ing to you this plastic sachet! 1hat can you say to thisL
This is the one I bought f&o2 Reynal$#
This plastic sachet has al&ea$y been 2a&;e$ as %Dhibit %-( to %-*! 1e &eFuest that the 2a&;ing
of the 1itness be 2a&;e$ as %M.IBIT %-7#
Du&ing t&ial! PO* Oca2po! 1ho acte$ as the poseu&-buye&! positi"ely i$enti9e$ Dela C&u6 as the selle& of the
shabu# PO* Oca2po li;e1ise i$enti9e$ the P*++#++ buy-bust 2oney he pai$ to Dela C&u6 an$ the plastic
sachet containing the shabu 1hich Dela C&u6 ga"e in eDchange fo& the P*++#++! both bea&ing the initials C)O!C
1hich PO* Oca2po pe&sonally place$ the&eon in the cou&se of the ent&ap2ent ope&ation# In$ubitably! the&e
1as a consu22ate$ illegal sale of a p&ohibite$ $&ug#
Dela C&u6 Fuestions befo&e us the chain of custo$y of the shabu he sol$ to PO* Oca2po $u&ing the buy-bust
ope&ation! so as to &aise $oubts on the i$entity of the $&ugs p&esente$ befo&e the RTC $u&ing t&ial#
Section *(! pa&ag&aph ( of &ticle II of Republic ct No# 0(8/ inst&ucts the app&ehen$ing autho&ities on the
p&ope& p&oce$u&e they shoul$ follo1 i22e$iately afte& sei6u&e an$ con9scation of $ange&ous $&ugs=
Page 8 of 13
3(4 The app&ehen$ing tea2 ha"ing initial custo$y an$ cont&ol of the $&ugs shall! i22e$iately afte& sei6u&e an$
con9scation! physically in"ento&y an$ photog&aph the sa2e in the p&esence of the accuse$ o& the pe&sonNs f&o2
1ho2 such ite2s 1e&e con9scate$ an$No& sei6e$! o& hisNhe& &ep&esentati"e o& counsel! a &ep&esentati"e f&o2
the 2e$ia an$ the Depa&t2ent of )ustice 3DO)4! an$ any electe$ public oficial 1ho shall be &eFui&e$ to sign the
copies of the in"ento&y an$ be gi"en a copy the&eof#
Section *(3a4! &ticle II of the I2ple2enting Rules an$ Regulations of Republic ct No# 0(8/ eDpoun$s on the
p&oce$u&e! thus=
3a4 The app&ehen$ing ofice&Ntea2 ha"ing initial custo$y an$ cont&ol of the $&ugs shall! i22e$iately afte&
sei6u&e an$ con9scation! physically in"ento&y an$ photog&aph the sa2e in the p&esence of the accuse$ o& the
pe&sonNs f&o2 1ho2 such ite2s 1e&e con9scate$ an$No& sei6e$! o& hisNhe& &ep&esentati"e o& counsel! a
&ep&esentati"e f&o2 the 2e$ia an$ the Depa&t2ent of )ustice 3DO)4! an$ any electe$ public oficial 1ho shall be
&eFui&e$ to sign the copies of the in"ento&y an$ be gi"en a copy the&eof= P&o"i$e$! that the physical in"ento&y
an$ photog&aph shall be con$ucte$ at the place 1he&e the sea&ch 1a&&ant is se&"e$G o& at the nea&est police
station o& at the nea&est ofice of the app&ehen$ing ofice&Ntea2! 1hiche"e& is p&acticable! in case of
1a&&antless sei6u&esG P&o"i$e$! fu&the&! that non-co2pliance 1ith these &eFui&e2ents un$e& Iusti9able
g&oun$s! as long as the integ&ity an$ the e"i$entia&y "alue of the sei6e$ ite2s a&e p&ope&ly p&ese&"e$ by the
app&ehen$ing ofice&Ntea2! shall not &en$e& "oi$ an$ in"ali$ such sei6u&es of an$ custo$y o"e& sai$ ite2s#
In People "# NaFuita!
1e eDp&essly $ecla&e$ that non-co2pliance 1ith Section *( of Republic ct No# 0(8/
$oes not &en$e& an accuse$Os a&&est illegal o& the ite2s sei6e$Ncon9scate$ f&o2 hi2 ina$2issible# @hat is of
ut2ost i2po&tance is the p&ese&"ation of the integ&ity an$ the e"i$entia&y "alue of the sei6e$ ite2s! as the
sa2e 1oul$ be utili6e$ in the $ete&2ination of the guilt o& innocence of the accuse$#
Dela C&u6 $i$ not p&esent any e"i$ence at all to substantiate his allegation that the integ&ity an$ e"i$entia&y
"alue of the shabu p&esente$ as e"i$ence at his t&ial ha$ been co2p&o2ise$ at so2e point# To the cont&a&y!
&eco&$s sho1 that the&e ha$ been substantial co2pliance 1ith the p&esc&ibe$ p&oce$u&e#
The chain of custo$y 1as establishe$ th&ough the follo1ing lin;s= 3(4 PO* Oca2po obtaine$ one plastic sachet
containing shabu f&o2 Dela C&u6 $u&ing the buy-bust ope&ationG 3*4 PO* Oca2po 2a&;e$ the sachet 1ith his
initials C)OCG 374 &eFuest fo& labo&ato&y eDa2ination of CJoKne 3(4 heat seale$ t&anspa&ent plastic sachet
containing un$ete&2ine$ a2ount of suspecte$ 1hite c&ystalline substance 2a&;e$ P)OBC 1as signe$ by Police
Senio& Inspecto& >aDi2o >ilan Canilang! Chief of the Station D&ug %nfo&ce2ent 'nit 3SD%'4! an$ PO7
Do2ingo! In"estigato&G
3<4 The plastic sachet 1as sub2itte$ to Police Inspecto& Aelah C# >anaog 3PNInsp#
>anaog4! Fo&ensic Che2ist of the PNP C&i2e :abo&ato&y! 1ho! upon &eceipt! 2a&;e$ the sachet 1ith he&
initials CAC>CG
3/4 PNInsp# >anaog issue$ Che2ist&y Repo&t No# D-777-+7! stating that CJFKualitati"e
eDa2ination con$ucte$ on the abo"e-state$ speci2en ga"e POSITIV% &esult to the tests fo&
>ethyla2pheta2ine hy$&ochlo&i$e! a $ange&ous $&ugCG
an$ 384 The plastic sachet 1as p&esente$ as %Dhibit
%! an$ the 2a&;ings 2a$e the&eon by PO* Oca2po an$ PNInsp# >anaog as %Dhibits %-( an$ %-*! &especti"ely#
The&e is no $oubt in ou& 2in$s that the "e&y sa2e plastic sachet obtaine$ f&o2 Dela C&u6 $u&ing the buy-bust
ope&ation 1as the sa2e speci2en sub2itte$ fo& eDa2ination at the c&i2e labo&ato&y an$ p&esente$ as
e"i$ence $u&ing t&ial#
@e note fu&the& that the $efense &aise$ its obIection an$ Fuestione$ the integ&ity of the shabu allege$ly sei6e$
f&o2 Dela C&u6 only on appeal# Failu&e to &aise this issue $u&ing t&ial is fatal to the case of the $efense#
eDplaine$ in People v. Sta. Maria
The la1 eDcuses non-co2pliance un$e& Iusti9able g&oun$s# .o1e"e&! 1hate"e& Iusti9able g&oun$s 2ay eDcuse
the police ofice&s in"ol"e$ in the buy-bust ope&ation in this case f&o2 co2plying 1ith Section *( 1ill &e2ain
un;no1n! because appellant $i$ not Fuestion $u&ing t&ial the safe;eeping of the ite2s sei6e$ f&o2 hi2# In$ee$!
the police ofice&sO allege$ "iolations of Sections *( an$ E8 of Republic ct No# 0(8/ 1e&e not &aise$ befo&e the
t&ial cou&t but 1e&e instea$ &aise$ fo& the 9&st ti2e on appeal# In no instance $i$ appellant least inti2ate at the
t&ial cou&t that the&e 1e&e lapses in the safe;eeping of sei6e$ ite2s that afecte$ thei& integ&ity an$
e"i$entia&y "alue# ObIection to e"i$ence cannot be &aise$ fo& the 9&st ti2e on appealG 1hen a pa&ty $esi&es the
cou&t to &eIect the e"i$ence ofe&e$! he 2ust so state in the fo&2 of obIection# @ithout such obIection he cannot
&aise the Fuestion fo& the 9&st ti2e on appeal#
The RTC an$ the Cou&t of ppeals! in con"icting Dela C&u6 fo& the illegal sale of &egulate$ o& p&ohibite$ $&ugs!
ga"e full faith an$ c&e$ence to the e"i$ence p&esente$ by the p&osecution#
Page 9 of 13
In a p&osecution fo& "iolation of the Dange&ous D&ugs :a1! a case beco2es a contest of the c&e$ibility of
1itnesses an$ thei& testi2onies# @hen it co2es to c&e$ibility! the t&ial cou&tOs assess2ent $ese&"es g&eat
1eight! an$ is e"en conclusi"e an$ bin$ing! if not tainte$ 1ith a&bit&a&iness o& o"e&sight of so2e fact o&
ci&cu2stance of 1eight an$ inQuence# The &eason is ob"ious# .a"ing the full oppo&tunity to obse&"e $i&ectly
the 1itnessesO $epo&t2ent an$ 2anne& of testifying! the t&ial cou&t is in a bette& position than the appellate
cou&t to e"aluate testi2onial e"i$ence p&ope&ly# The &ule 9n$s an e"en 2o&e st&ingent application 1he&e the
sai$ 9n$ings a&e sustaine$ by the Cou&t of ppeals#
Not 9n$ing any a&bit&a&iness o& o"e&sight on the pa&t of the RTC an$ the Cou&t of ppeals! 1e ha"e no &eason
to set asi$e thei& factual 9n$ings#
It is eFually settle$ that in cases in"ol"ing "iolations of the Dange&ous D&ugs ct! c&e$ence is gi"en to
p&osecution 1itnesses 1ho a&e police ofice&s fo& they a&e p&esu2e$ to ha"e pe&fo&2e$ thei& $uties in a
&egula& 2anne&! unless the&e is e"i$ence to the cont&a&y#
Dela C&u6 utte&ly faile$ to p&o"e that in testifying
against hi2! PO* Oca2po 1as 2oti"ate$ by &easons othe& than the $uty to cu&b the sale of p&ohibite$ $&ugs#
The&e is no p&oof of any ill 2oti"e o& o$ious intent on the pa&t of the police autho&ities to i2pute falsely such a
se&ious c&i2e to Dela C&u6#
Dela C&u6Bs $enial of the cha&ges an$ clai2 of f&a2e-up a&e inhe&ently 1ea; $efenses#
In $&ug cases! ent&ap2ent is a no&2al police techniFue to catch the culp&it in fagrante delicto. On the othe&
han$! $enial an$ f&a2e-up a&e the usual $efenses set up by the accuse$# fi&2ati"e state2ents a&e gi"en
g&eate& 1eight than 2e&e $enials#
@e a&e not una1a&e that in so2e instances la1 enfo&ce&s &eso&t to the p&actice of planting e"i$ence to eDt&act
info&2ation o& e"en to ha&ass ci"ilians# .o1e"e&! f&a2e-up is a $efense that has been in"a&iably "ie1e$ by the
Cou&t 1ith $isfa"o& as it can be easily concocte$! hence! co22only use$ as a stan$a&$ line of $efense in 2ost
p&osecutions a&ising f&o2 "iolations of the Dange&ous D&ugs ct# @e &eali6e the $isast&ous conseFuences on
the enfo&ce2ent of la1 an$ o&$e&! not to 2ention the 1ell-being of society! if the cou&ts! solely on the basis of
the police ofice&sB allege$ &otten &eputation! accept in e"e&y instance this fo&2 of $efense 1hich can be so
easily fab&icate$# It is p&ecisely fo& this &eason that the legal p&esu2ption that oficial $uty has been &egula&ly
pe&fo&2e$ eDists# Ba&e $enials cannot p&e"ail o"e& the positi"e i$enti9cation by PO* Oca2po of Dela C&u6 as
the pe&son 1ho sol$ hi2 the shabu#
Section /! &ticle II of Republic ct No# 0(8/ stipulates that the illegal sale of p&ohibite$ o& &egulate$ $&ugs
shall be penali6e$ 1ith life i2p&ison2ent to $eath an$ a 9ne &anging f&o2 P/++!+++#++ to P(+!+++!+++#++#
Consi$e&ing sai$ p&o"ision! 1e sustain the RTC an$ the Cou&t of ppeals in i2posing upon Dela C&u6= 3(4 the
penalty of life i2p&ison2ent! since the&e 1as no 2itigating o& agg&a"ating ci&cu2stance atten$ing Dela C&u6Bs
"iolation of the la1G an$ 3*4 the 2ini2u2 a2ount of P/++!+++#++ 9ne! gi"en that the shabu obtaine$ f&o2 Dela
C&u6 in the buy-bust ope&ation 1eighe$ only +#*+ g&a2s#
@.%R%FOR%! p&e2ises consi$e&e$! the instant appeal is D%NI%D# The Decision $ate$ )anua&y **! *++, of the
Cou&t of ppeals in C--#R# CR#-.#C# No# +(/,0! 1hich afi&2e$ the Decision $ate$ Septe2be& ,! *++/ of the
Regional T&ial Cou&t of 5ue6on City! B&anch (+7! in C&i2inal Case No# 5-+7-((87((! 9n$ing accuse$-appellant
Reynal$ Dela C&u6 y :ibantocia guilty beyon$ &easonable $oubt of selling +#*+ g&a2s of 2etha2pheta2ine
hy$&ochlo&i$e o& shabu! a p&ohibite$ $&ug! in "iolation of Section /! &ticle II of Republic ct No# 0(8/! an$
i2posing upon hi2 the penalty of life i2p&ison2ent an$ a 9ne of Fi"e .un$&e$ Thousan$ Pesos 3P/++!+++#++4!
is FFIR>%D#
ssociate )ustice
@% CONC'R=
Chief )ustice
Page 10 of 13
ssociate )ustice
ssociate )ustice
ssociate )ustice
C % R T I F I C T I O N
Pu&suant to Section (7! &ticle VIII of the Constitution! I ce&tify that the conclusions in the abo"e Decision ha$
been &eache$ in consultation befo&e the case 1as assigne$ to the 1&ite& of the opinion of the Cou&tBs Di"ision#
Chief )ustice
Rollo! pp# *-(*G penne$ by ssociate )ustice >a&lene -on6ales-Sison 1ith ssociate )ustices
)uan 5# %n&iFue6 an$ Vicente S#%# Veloso! concu&&ing#
C rollo! pp# (8-(0#
S%C# /# Sale! T&a$ing! $2inist&ation! Dispensation! Deli"e&y! Dist&ibution an$ T&anspo&tation
of Dange&ous D&ugs an$No& Cont&olle$ P&ecu&so&s an$ %ssential Che2icals# R The penalty of life
i2p&ison2ent to $eath an$ a 9ne &anging f&o2 Fi"e hun$&e$ thousan$ pesos 3P/++!+++#++4 to
Ten 2illion pesos 3P(+!+++!+++#++4 shall be i2pose$ upon any pe&son! 1ho! unless autho&i6e$
by la1! shall sell! t&a$e! a$2iniste&! $ispense! $eli"e&! gi"e a1ay to anothe&! $ist&ibute! $ispatch
in t&ansit o& t&anspo&t any $ange&ous $&ug! inclu$ing any an$ all species of opiu2 poppy
&ega&$less of the Fuantity an$ pu&ity in"ol"e$! o& shall act as a b&o;e& in any of such
The penalty of i2p&ison2ent &anging f&o2 t1el"e 3(*4 yea&s an$ one 3(4 $ay to t1enty
3*+4 yea&s an$ a 9ne &anging f&o2 One hun$&e$ thousan$ pesos 3P(++!+++#++4 to 9"e
hun$&e$ thousan$ pesos 3P/++!+++#++4 shall be i2pose$ upon any pe&son! 1ho! unless
autho&i6e$ by la1! shall sell! t&a$e! a$2iniste&! $ispense! $eli"e&! gi"e a1ay to anothe&!
$ist&ibute! $ispatch in t&ansit o& t&anspo&t any cont&olle$ p&ecu&so& an$ essential
che2ical! o& shall act as a b&o;e& in such t&ansactions#
If the sale! t&a$ing! a$2inist&ation! $ispensation! $eli"e&y! $ist&ibution o& t&anspo&tation
of any $ange&ous $&ug an$No& cont&olle$ p&ecu&so& an$ essential che2ical t&anspi&es
1ithin one hun$&e$ 3(++4 2ete&s f&o2 the school! the 2aDi2u2 penalty shall be
i2pose$ in e"e&y case#
Fo& $&ug pushe&s 1ho use 2ino&s o& 2entally incapacitate$ in$i"i$uals as &unne&s!
cou&ie&s an$ 2essenge&s! o& in any othe& capacity $i&ectly connecte$ to the $ange&ous
$&ugs an$No& cont&olle$ p&ecu&so&s an$ essential che2icals t&a$e! the 2aDi2u2
penalty shall be i2pose$ in e"e&y case#
If the "icti2 of the ofense is a 2ino& o& a 2entally incapacitate$ in$i"i$ual! o& shoul$ a
$ange&ous $&ug an$No& a cont&olle$ p&ecu&so& an$ essential che2ical in"ol"e$ in any
ofense he&ein p&o"i$e$ be the p&oDi2ate cause of $eath of a "icti2 the&eof! the
2aDi2u2 penalty p&o"i$e$ fo& un$e& this Section shall be i2pose$#
The 2aDi2u2 penalty p&o"i$e$ fo& un$e& this Section shall be i2pose$ upon any
pe&son 1ho o&gani6es! 2anages o& acts as a C9nancie&C of any of the illegal acti"ities
p&esc&ibe$ in this Section#
Page 11 of 13
The penalty of t1el"e 3(*4 yea&s an$ one 3(4 $ay to t1enty 3*+4 yea&s of i2p&ison2ent
an$ a 9ne &anging f&o2 One hun$&e$ thousan$ pesos 3P(++!+++#++4 to Fi"e hun$&e$
thousan$ pesos 3P/++!+++#++4 shall be i2pose$ upon any pe&son! 1ho acts as a
Cp&otecto&Nco$$le&C of any "iolato& of the p&o"isions un$e& this Section#
C &ollo! p# ,#
TSN! Feb&ua&y 0! *++<! pp# 7-8#
I$# at 8-(+#
I$# at (+-(*#
I$# at (*#
Reco&$s! p# 8#
TSN! Septe2be& **! *++<! pp# ,-(+#
I$# at <#
I$# at 8#
I$# at *-/#
CJM]agpapapalit lang siya ng baryaC 3TSN! >ay *<! *++<! p# /4#
TSN! >ay *<! *++<! p# ,#
Reco&$s# pp# (E-(0#
Rollo! p# ,#
I$# at E#
I$# at (+-((#
Rollo! p# ((#
I$# at (8-(,#
I$# at *(-*< an$ */-*,#
C rollo! p# 77#
People "# >ala! </E Phil# (E+! (0+ 3*++74#
TSN! Feb&ua&y 0! *++<! pp# 8-(<#
-#R# No# (E+/((! )uly *E! *++E! /8+ SCR <7+! <<,-<<E#
Reco&$s! p# <#
I$# at *,#
Page 12 of 13
I$# at E#
People "# Desuyo! -#R# No# (E8<88! )uly *8! *+(+! 8*/ SCR /0+! 8+0#
-#R# No# (,(+(0! Feb&ua&y *7! *++,! /(8 SCR 8*(#
I$# at 877-87<#
People "# NaFuita! sup&a note *8 at <<<#
People "# Salu$es! </( Phil# ,(0! ,*0 3*++74#
People "# Ra6ul! <<( Phil# 8*! E0-0+ 3*++*4#
People "# -anenas! <(, Phil# /7! 88-8, 3*++(4#
People "# 'y! 70* Phil# ,,7! ,EE 3*+++4#
Page 13 of 13
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