- Steven Dion Kellum is charged with three felony counts and one gross misdemeanor count related to fleeing from police in a vehicle, possession of cocaine, and refusing a chemical test.
- On July 30, 2014, police attempted to stop Kellum's vehicle as he matched the description of a homicide suspect. Kellum initially slowed but then sped away, leading police on a chase through multiple cities while evading stop sticks and a pit maneuver before being apprehended.
- During a search of Kellum's vehicle, officers found suspected cocaine. At the hospital, Kellum refused a chemical test after being read the implied consent advisory. Probable cause was found for Kellum's arrest on the above charges.
- Steven Dion Kellum is charged with three felony counts and one gross misdemeanor count related to fleeing from police in a vehicle, possession of cocaine, and refusing a chemical test.
- On July 30, 2014, police attempted to stop Kellum's vehicle as he matched the description of a homicide suspect. Kellum initially slowed but then sped away, leading police on a chase through multiple cities while evading stop sticks and a pit maneuver before being apprehended.
- During a search of Kellum's vehicle, officers found suspected cocaine. At the hospital, Kellum refused a chemical test after being read the implied consent advisory. Probable cause was found for Kellum's arrest on the above charges.
- Steven Dion Kellum is charged with three felony counts and one gross misdemeanor count related to fleeing from police in a vehicle, possession of cocaine, and refusing a chemical test.
- On July 30, 2014, police attempted to stop Kellum's vehicle as he matched the description of a homicide suspect. Kellum initially slowed but then sped away, leading police on a chase through multiple cities while evading stop sticks and a pit maneuver before being apprehended.
- During a search of Kellum's vehicle, officers found suspected cocaine. At the hospital, Kellum refused a chemical test after being read the implied consent advisory. Probable cause was found for Kellum's arrest on the above charges.
- Steven Dion Kellum is charged with three felony counts and one gross misdemeanor count related to fleeing from police in a vehicle, possession of cocaine, and refusing a chemical test.
- On July 30, 2014, police attempted to stop Kellum's vehicle as he matched the description of a homicide suspect. Kellum initially slowed but then sped away, leading police on a chase through multiple cities while evading stop sticks and a pit maneuver before being apprehended.
- During a search of Kellum's vehicle, officers found suspected cocaine. At the hospital, Kellum refused a chemical test after being read the implied consent advisory. Probable cause was found for Kellum's arrest on the above charges.
CR-2014-839 Prosecutor File No. 82-CR-14-3142 Court File No. State of Minnesota, COMPLAINT Plaintiff, Order of Detention vs. STEVEN DION KELLUM DOB: 08/11/1967 3540 Columbus Avenue S Minneapolis, MN 55407 Defendant. The Complainant submits this complaint to the Court and states that there is probable cause to believe Defendant committed the following offense(s): COUNT I Charge: FIeeing a Peace Officer in a Motor VehicIe Minnesota Statute: 609.487.3, with reference to: 609.487.3 Maximum Sentence: 3 years and $5,000 Offense Level: Felony Offense Date (on or about): 07/30/2014 Control #(CR#): 14406432 Charge Description: by means of a motor vehicle, flee or attempt to flee a peace officer who was acting in the lawful discharge of an official duty, knowing or who reasonably should have known the same to be a peace officer COUNT II Charge: Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess ScheduIe 1,2,3,4 - Not SmaII Amount Marijuana Minnesota Statute: 152.025.2(a)(1), with reference to: 152.025.2(a) Maximum Sentence: 5 years and $10,000 for a first controlled substance conviction Offense Level: Felony Offense Date (on or about): 07/30/2014 Control #(CR#): 14406432 Charge Description: possess one or more mixtures containing a controlled substance classified in Schedule , , , or V, to wit: cocaine COUNT III Charge: Traffic - DWI - Third-Degree Driving WhiIe Impaired; Refuse to submit to chemicaI test Minnesota Statute: 169A.26.1(b), with reference to: 169A.26.2 Maximum Sentence: One year and $3,000 Offense Level: Gross Misdemeanor Offense Date (on or about): 07/30/2014 1 Control #(CR#): 14406432 Charge Description: refuse to submit to a chemical test of said defendant's blood, breath or urine pursuant to Minnesota Statute Section 169A.51 or 169A.52 2 STATEMENT OF PROBABLE CAUSE
The Complainant states that the following facts establish probable cause:
Your complainant is a licensed peace officer in the State of Minnesota and is employed by the Minnesota State Patrol. In that capacity and after review of the reports, your complainant states the following to establish probable cause: On J uly 30, 2014, at approximately 2:32 p.m. numerous law enforcement officers from various jurisdictions were searching for a suspect in a homicide. Trooper Sturgill observed a vehicle matching the description of the homicide suspect traveling in the area of 1st Street and D Street in Mendota Heights. Trooper Sturgill also observed that the driver of the vehicle matched the description of the homicide suspect. Trooper Sturgill, along with other law enforcement officers, activated their emergency lights in an attempt to stop the vehicle on 1st Street. The suspect vehicle initially pulled over to the right shoulder of the road and slowed down. The driver of the suspect vehicle, later identified as STEVEN DION KELLUM, dob 08/11/1967, the defendant herein, then sped up and began driving on 1st Street towards Highway 110. KELLUM drove the vehicle the wrong way on 1st Street for several blocks before swerving through the ditch on his left, traveled several more blocks the correct direction on 1st Street and exited onto Highway 110. KELLUM continued to travel eastbound on Highway 110, with law enforcement officers in pursuit. KELLUM was weaving between all lanes of travel and using both shoulders in an attempt to evade law enforcement. Stop sticks were successfully deployed, causing KELLUM to slow. KELLUM continued to flee and traveled northbound on I-494, with flat tires. KELLUM exited on Lake Street. Trooper Sturgill was able to perform a pit maneuver on the exit ramp and stop the vehicle driven by KELLUM. The vehicle was stopped on the exit ramp of I-494 onto Lake Street, in the City of Woodbury, Washington County, Minnesota. Law enforcement officers approached the vehicle and demanded KELLUM exit the vehicle. KELLUM refused to exit the vehicle and yelled "no" in response to their commands. A police K-9 was deployed on KELLUM and he continued to refuse to exit the vehicle. Trooper Mains was able to get close to the vehicle and deployed a taser into KELLUM's left side, at which point law enforcement were able to remove KELLUM from the vehicle. Trooper Sturgill noticed that KELLUM's pupils were pin points and that his speech was slurred. Based on Trooper Sturgill's training and experience he believed that KELLUM was under the influence of a controlled substance. KELLUM informed law enforcement that he fled because he did not have a valid driver's license. During a search of KELLUM's vehicle, suspected cocaine was located that NIK tested positive for cocaine. KELLUM was transported to Woodwinds Hospital in Woodbury where he was read the Minnesota Implied Consent Advisory and refused to provide a blood or urine sample. 3 SIGNATURES AND APPROVALS Complainant requests that Defendant, subject to bail or conditions of release, be: (1) arrested or that other lawful steps be taken to obtain Defendant's appearance in court; or (2) detained, if already in custody, pending further proceedings; and that said Defendant otherwise be dealt with according to law. CompIainant Michael Connelly Electronically Signed: 08/01/2014 08:20 AM Sergeant 3489 Hadley Ave N Oakdale, MN 55128 Badge: 91 Subscribed and sworn to before the undersigned. Notary PubIic or JudiciaI OfficiaI Commission expires: 01/31/2017 Electronically Signed: 08/01/2014 08:54 AM Linda Berger Notary Public, County of Ramsey 3489 Hadley Ave N Oakdale, MN 55128 Notary D: 31018917 Being authorized to prosecute the offenses charged, approve this complaint. Prosecuting Attorney Electronically Signed: 08/01/2014 08:17 AM Jessica L. Stott PO Box 6 15015 62nd Street North Stillwater, MN 55082 (651) 430-6115 ed tttttooooooooo pr ppr pr ppr pr pr prrros os os os oosec ec ec ec ec eeec e ut ut ut uuutt ut uutteeeeeeeeeee th tth th th tth hhh theeeeeeeeee of of of of of of of of o fe fe fe fe ee fe eens ns ns ns ns ns nss ns n es es es es es ess charged, ap ap ap ap ap ap app ap apppr pr pr ppr pr pr pr pr prrov ov ov ovv ovv oov o eeeeee th th th th h th th th hhis is is is is is iis is ccccccccom om om om omm om om omppl ppppppp ai aaaaaint nt nt nt nntt nnnt... tto tttto to to ooorn rrn rn rn rn rn rney ey ey eeee El El El El El El El El Ellec eec eec ec ec ec ec ecctr tr tr tr tr tr tr r tr rooon on onn on on on onn c ic ic icc ic icc icaaal aaaaaa ly SSSSSSSiggggggggned: ddddddddd 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08/0 //0 /0 //0 0 /0 001/ 1/ 1/// 1//220 20 20 2000 20 22 14 14 14 114 144 14 00000008: 88 1777777777 AAAAAMMMMMMMM Je JJJJJ ssica L. 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Defendant is therefore charged with the above-stated offense(s). SUMMONS THEREFORE YOU, THE DEFENDANT, ARE SUMMONED to appear on ________ ___, _____ at _____ AM/PM before the above-named court at 14949 62nd Street N PO Box 3802, Stillwater, MN 55082-3802 to answer this complaint. F YOU FAL TO APPEAR in response to this SUMMONS, a WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST shall be issued. WARRANT To the Sheriff of the above-named county; or other person authorized to execute this warrant: order, in the name of the State of Minnesota, that the Defendant be apprehended and arrested without delay and brought promptly before the court (if in session), and if not, before a Judge or Judicial Officer of such court without unnecessary delay, and in any event not later than 36 hours after the arrest or as soon as such Judge or Judicial Officer is available to be dealt with according to law. Execute in MN Only Execute Nationwide Execute in Border States ORDER OF DETENTION X Since the Defendant is already in custody, order, subject to bail or conditions of release, that the Defendant continue to be detained pending further proceedings. Bail: $ Conditions of Release: Hold for Court This complaint is issued by the undersigned Judge as of the following date: August 1, 2014. JudiciaI Officer John R. McBride District Court Judge Electronically Signed: 08/01/2014 09:43 AM Sworn testimony has been given before the Judicial Officer by the following witnesses:
COUNTY OF WASHINGTON STATE OF MINNESOTA State of Minnesota Plaintiff vs. Steven Dion KeIIum Defendant Clerk's Signature or File Stamp: RETURN OF SERVICE I hereby Certify and Return that I have served a copy of this Order of Detention upon the Defendant herein named. Signature of Authorized Service Agent: 5