Cash Remittance

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AI/BHOLA/F- /2008/ DATED:-15-12-


The Manager.
Sonali Bank,
Bhola Branch,

Sub:- Prayer for Keeping Cash in Guarantee For

( TK. Ten lac ) only.

Dear Sir,

We would like to inform you that we have remitted cash for

Tk.30,00,000/- (Tk.Thirty lac) only to your end to day the 15th March,
2004 which is remain still uncounted.

Under the above circumstances, we would request your honour to keep

the uncounted amount of Tk.10,00,000/- (Thrity lac) only under your
guarantee and oblige thereby.

Denomination of Notes:-

To be Kept in Guarantee:- 500X5,000 = 25,00,000/-

100 X 5,000= 5,00,000/-
Total Tk. = 30,00,000/- (Tk. Thirty lac) only.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


AI/F-08/2009/1034 Date:- 19.10.2009
25.06.2009 Time:-


The Asst. Vice President,

National Bank Ltd.
Barisal Branch,
100 Sadar Road,

Dear Sir,


We are pleased to send herewith Tk 1,50,00,000.00 ( One Crore Fifty lac) only as per denomination
mentioned below through Mr. Md. Saiful Islam, JO, Cash and Mr. S.M. Nasim Hossain (Security
Guard) along with Gun by Official Micro Bus at your end.

Kindly acknowledge receipt.

Your co-operation will highly be appreciated.

Denomination of Notes:-

500 X 1000 = 5,00,000.00

16,000 x 500 = 80,00,000.00

24,000 X 100 = 24,00,000.00

60,000 X 50 = 30,00,000.00

35,000 x 20 = 7,00,000.00

40,000 x 10 = 4,00,000.00

Total Tk. 1,50,00,000.00

In words: One Crore Fifty lac only.

With regards,

Yours faithfully,


AI/F-08/ /2008 Date: -


The Manager,
National Bank Ltd.
Charfassion Branch,

Dear Sir,


We are pleased to send herewith Tk.............................(Words) ...................................only as per

denomination mentioned below
through.........................................................................................................Officer ...................and
01..................................................................(Security Guard)
02...................................................................................... (Security Guard) alongwith Gun by Official Car
at your end.

Kindly acknowledge receipt.

Your co-operation will highly be appreciated.

Denomination of Notes:-
....................................X 500 = .........................
............................... .. X 100 = .........................
...................................X 50 = ..........................
...................................X 20 = .........................
....................................X 10 =............................
....................................X 5 =.............................
....................................X 2 =.............................
....................................X 1 =..............................
Total Tk. =. ........................................
In words...........................................................................................................

With regards,

Yours faithfully,


AI/F-08/ 1081 /2007 October 7,



The Asstt. Vice President.

National Bank Ltd.
Barisal Branch,

Dear Sir,

With a view to distributing new notes to our valued clients on the occasion of Eid-UI-Fitre 2007
we would request you to supply us as per following denomination.

Your co-operation will highly be appreciated.

Denomination of Notes:-

100 X 7000 = 7,00,000/-

50 X 2000 = 1,00,000/-
20 X 1000 = 20,000/-
10 X12000 = 1,20,000/-
5 X 3000 = 15,000/-
2 X 4000 = 8,000/-
Total Tk. = 9,63,000/-

In words.............Tk. Nine lac Sixty three thousand only.

With regards,

Yours faithfully,


ZvwiL 17/04/2006Bs|

wmwbqi fvBm †cªwm‡W›U,

‡Rbv‡ij e¨vswKs wefvM,
b¨vkbvj e¨vsK wjt
cÖavb Kvh©¨vjq,Ô
18 w`jKzkv ev/G

wcÖq g‡nv`q

welqt- †QuovdvUv gqjv †bvU e¨vsK kvLvq

MÖnb cÖms‡M|
Dc‡ivwjwLZ wel‡q Avcbvi cÎ bs- GGBPwetwRwewWt2003t1512
ZvwiL 6B b‡f¤^i, 2003Bs Ges G msµvš— cÖavb Kvh©¨vj‡qi
mvK©yjvi †jUvi bs- 1937 Gi 2 (L) Aby‡”Q` Abyhvqx †QuovdvUv
I gqjv †bvU Avgv‡`i e¨vsK kvLvq MÖn‡bi cwimsL¨vb gvP©
2006Bs gv‡mi weeiYx gvwmK wfwˇZ Avcbvi cÖ‡qvRbxq
e¨e¯’v MÖn‡bi Rb¨ wba©vwiZ QK †gvZv‡eK †cÖwiZ nBj|

Zvwi ‡QuovdvUv I gqjvhy³ †bvU MÖn‡bi ‡QuovdvU ZvwiLmn gš—

L cwigvY vI wewbgqg e
gqjvhyh³ ~j¨ ¨
†gvU MÖn‡bi
UvKvi cwigvb
50 10 50 20 10 5 2 1/03/06
0 0 -

AbyMÖnc~e©K cÖvwß ¯^xKvi Kwi‡eb&,

Avcbvi wek¦¯—,

Avwgiƒj Bmjvg
GgGBP‡K/dv-08/118/2004 ZvwiLt-

wmwbqi fvBm †cÖwm‡W›U,

‡Rbv‡ij e¨vswKs wefvM,
b¨vkbvj e¨vsK wjR
cÖavb Kvh©¨vjq,
18, w`jKzkv ev/G,

welqt- †P‡ói AvIZvaxY Zcwmjx e¨vsKmg~‡ni cÖavb kvLvi

(Feeding Branch) óªsi“‡gi aviY ¶gZv I aviY ¶gZv
mxgvAwZµg‡Yi d‡j evsjv‡`k e¨vsK/†mvbvjx e¨vs‡Ki †P‡ó UvKv
RgvKiY cÖm‡½|

wcÖq g‡nv`q,
wk‡ivbv‡g ewY©Z wel‡q Avcbvi cÎ bs-
GGBPwmtwRwewWt2004t116 ZvwiL Rvbyqvix 17, 2004Bs Gi
†cÖw¶‡Z Avcbvi m`q AeMwZi Rb¨ wb¤§ ewY©Z welq¸‡jv
Av‡jvKcvZ Kiv nBj|

1) eZ©gv‡b Avgv‡`i †fvjv kvLvq óªsi“‡gi aviY ¶gZv hvnv

we`¨gvb Av‡Q, ZvnvB h‡_ó aviY ¶gZv e„w×i Avek¨KZv bvB|
2) ‡fvjv kvLvi wbKUeZ©x evsjv‡`k e¨vsK bv _vKvi Kvi‡Y
Avgv‡`i AwZwi³ K¨vk ¯’vbxq †mvbvjx evsK ‡P‡ó Rgv Kiv nq|
AwZwi³ cÖPjb‡hvM¨, AcÖPjb‡hvM¨ Dfq cÖKv‡ii †bvUB Rgv
†`qv nq|
3) ‡mvbvjx e¨vsK Zv‡`i myweav Abyhvqx Zv‡`i Aaxb¯’
Zdwmjx e¨vsKmg~n‡K mßv‡n Rgv †`Iqvi Rb¨ gvÎ 2 w`b
avh¨© K‡i †`q, GZ K‡i GKB w`b K‡qKwU kvLv UvKv Rgv
†`Iqvi Kvi‡Y A‡bK e¨vs‡Ki UvKv ‡dir A_ev M¨vivw›U‡Z ivL‡Z
4) K¨vk Rgv †`Iqvi c~‡e© cÖPjb‡hvM¨, AcªPjb‡hvM¨ I
µwUhy³ †bvU¸wj Avjv`v Avjv`v fv‡e Rgv †`Iqv nq|
5) b¨vkbvj e¨vs‡Ki Ab¨ †Kvb kvLv †fvjv wRjvq bvB weavq D‡j-
wLZ myweavw` †_‡K Avgiv ewÂZ| myZivs †mvbvjx e¨vs‡K
Rgv †`Iqv Avek¨KZv Anin-B we`¨gvb _v‡K |
Pjgvb cvZv-2
6) ‡fvjv wRjvi mgy`q e¨vs‡K K¨vk cÖevn ‡ekx weavq †Kvb
kvLv Zv‡`i K¨v‡ki cÖ‡qvRbxqZv ‡eva K‡i bv| KLbI hw` †Kvb
e¨vsK †_‡K GB ai‡Yi cÖ¯—ve Av‡m Zvn‡j wUwU/ wWwWÕi
gva¨‡g Zv‡`i Pvwn`v cyiY K‡i, GUv GKwU DËg e¨e¯’v|
7) ‡fvjv wRjvq cÖPzi K¨vk cÖevn _vKvq evsjv‡`k e¨vsK A_ev
†mvbvjx e¨vsK †P‡ó UvKv Rgv bv ‡`Iqvi †Kvb weKí e¨e¯’v
bvB| cÖPjb †hvM¨ / AcÖPjb‡hvM¨/ΓwUhy³ †bvU Aek¨B Rgv
w`‡Z nB‡e|

`qv Kwiqv c‡Îi cÖvwß ¯^xKvi Kwi‡eb|

Avcbvi wek¦¯—,

‡gvt †gvRv‡¤§j †nv‡mb Lvb

ZvwiL 05/07/2007Bs|
wmwbqi fvBm †cªwm‡W›U,
‡Rbv‡ij e¨vswKs wefvM,
b¨vkbvj e¨vsK wjt
cÖavb Kvh©¨vjq,Ô
18 w`jKzkv ev/G

wcÖq g‡nv`q

welqt- mKj evwYwR¨K e¨vs‡Ki kvLv KZ…©K †Quov-

dvUv/gqjvhy³ †bvU MÖnb I Dnvi webxgq g~j¨
cÖ`vb cÖm‡½|

Dc‡ivwjwLZ wel‡q Avcbvi cÎ bs- RvAv‡PŠt ‡Quov-dvUv

†bvUt2007t297(ZB) ZvwiL Ryb 14, 2007Bs Abyhvqx Avgv‡`i e¨vsK kvLvq
†QuovdvUv I gqjv †bvU MÖn‡bi GKwU k~Y¨ weeiYx 14-05-2007 Bs nB‡Z
30-06-2007 ch©š— Avcbvi cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖn‡bi Rb¨ wba©vwiZ QK
†gvZv‡eK †cÖwiZ nBj|

M„nxZ †Quov-dvUv/gqjv †bv‡Ui weeiYx

‡bv‡Ui mgqKvj cwigvb/msL¨v ‡gvU g~j¨
g~j¨gvb nB‡Z ch©š

2/- 14-5-07 30-06-07 bvB bvB
5/- 14-5-07 30-06-07 bvB bvB

AbyMÖnc~e©K cÖvwß ¯^xKvi Kwi‡eb&,


Avcbvi wek¦¯—,

Avwgiƒj Bmjvg
mnKvix fvBm †cÖwm‡W›U

Abywjwct- wmwbqi fvBm †cÖwm‡W›U I AvÂwjK cÖavb, b¨vkbvj e¨vsK wjt

AvÂwjK Kvh©¨vjq, Lyjbv g‡nv`‡qi m`q AeMwZi Rb¨ †cÖiY Kiv nBj|
e¨vs‡Ki bvgt b¨vkbvj e¨vsK wjt, †fvjv kvLv, †fvjv|

‡P‡ói bvg ‡P‡ói AvIZvaxb e¨vs‡Ki cÖavb kvLvi 2003 mv‡j (A‡±vei-wW‡m¤^i) evsjv‡`k
(†h †P‡ói AvIZvaxb) (Feeding Branch) óªsi“‡gi Aby‡gvw`Z e¨vsK/‡mvbvjx e¨vs‡K †P‡ó UvKv Rgvi weeiY
aviY ¶gZv|
kvLvi bvg UvKvi cwigvY ZvwiL cÖPjb‡hvM¨ AcÖPjb‡hvM¨ I Rgv Ki‡Y KviY
UvKvi cwigvb ΓwUc~Y©
UvKvi cwigvb
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
‡mvbvjx e¨vsK, †fvjv b¨vkbvj e¨vsK wjt 40,00,000/- 01-10-03 3,60,000/- 5,40,000/- DØ„Ë
kvLv, †fvjv ‡fvjv kvLv|
06-10-03 4,00,000/- 6,00,000/- ÕÕ
08-10-03 6,80,000/- 10,20,000/- ÕÕ
14-10-03 14,00,000/- 21,0,000/- ÕÕ
20-10-03 8,00,000/- 12,00,000/- ÕÕ
22-10-03 5,20,000/- 7,80,000/- ÕÕ
27-10-03 11,20,000/- 16,80,000/- ÕÕ
29-10-03 5,60,000/- 8,40,000/- ÕÕ
03-11-03 16,40,000/- 24,60,000/- ÕÕ
05-11-03 3,20,000/- 4,80,000/- ÕÕ
09-11-03 4,40,000/- 6,60,000/- ÕÕ
10-11-03 8,40,000/- 12,60,000/- ÕÕ
12-11-03 6,40,000/- 9,60,000/- ÕÕ
13-11-03 6,80,000/- 10,20,000/- ÕÕ
17-11-03 12,28,000/- 18,42,000/- ÕÕ
19-11-03 7,60,000/- 11,40,000/- ÕÕ
30-11-03 12,00,000/- 18,00,000/- ÕÕ
01-12-03 12,40,000/- 18,60,000/- ÕÕ
03-12-03 9,20,000/- 13,80,000/- ÕÕ
07-12-03 10,00,000/- 15,00,000/- ÕÕ
08-12-03 6,00,000/- 9,00,000/- ÕÕ
10-12-03 4,00,000/- 6,00,000/- ÕÕ
Pjgvb cvZv-2

e¨vs‡Ki bvgt b¨vkbvj e¨vsK wjt, †fvjv kvLv, †fvjv|

‡P‡ói bvg ‡P‡ói AvIZvaxb e¨vs‡Ki cÖavb kvLvi 2003 mv‡j (A‡±vei-wW‡m¤^i) evsjv‡`k
(†h †P‡ói AvIZvaxb) (Feeding Branch) óªsi“‡gi Aby‡gvw`Z e¨vsK/‡mvbvjx e¨vs‡K †P‡ó UvKv Rgvi weeiY
aviY ¶gZv|
kvLvi bvg UvKvi cwigvY ZvwiL cÖPjb‡hvM¨ AcÖPjb‡hvM¨ I Rgv Ki‡Y KviY
UvKvi cwigvb ΓwUc~Y©
UvKvi cwigvb
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
‡mvbvjx e¨vsK, †fvjv b¨vkbvj e¨vsK 14-12-03 10,00,000/- 15,00,000/- DØ„Ë
kvLv, †fvjv wjt
‡fvjv kvLv|
15-12-03 12,00,000/- 18,00,000/- ÕÕ
22-12-03 20,00,000/- 30,00,000/- ÕÕ
23-12-03 3,20,000/- 4,80,000/- ÕÕ
28-12-03 20,00,000/- 30,00,000/- ÕÕ
28-12-03 80,000/- 1,20,000/- ÕÕ
29-12-03 5,60,000/- 8,40,000/- ÕÕ
30-12-03 13,68,000/- 20,52,000/- ÕÕ
MHK/F-08/1118/2002 DATED:-15-

The Manager.
Sonali Bank,
Bhola Branch,

Sub:- Prayer for Keeping Cash in Guarantee For

( TK. Eithteen lac ) only.

Dear Sir,

We would like to inform you that we have remitted cash for

Tk.31,00,000/- (Tk.Thirty one lac) only to your end to day the
15th December, 2002 which is remain still uncounted.

Under the above circumstances, we would request your honour to

keep the uncounted amount of Tk.30,00,000/- (Thrity lac) only
under your guarantee and oblige thereby.

Denomination of Notes:-

To be Kept in Guarantee:- 500X5,000 = 25,00,000/-

100 X 5,000= 5,00,000/-
Total Tk. = 30,00,000/- (Tk. Thirty lac)

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


MHK/F-08/264/2004 DATED:-

The Manager.
Sonali Bank,
Bhola Branch,

Sub:- Prayer for Keeping Cash in Guarantee For

( TK. Ten lac ) only.

Dear Sir,

We would like to inform you that we have remitted cash for

Tk.30,00,000/- (Tk.Thirty lac) only to your end today the 15th
March, 2004 against which your cash department counted
Tk.20,00,000/- (Twenty lac) only and the rest Tk.10,00,000/- (Ten
lac) only remain still uncounted.

Under the above circumstances, we would request your honour to

keep the uncounted amount of Tk.10,00,000/- (Ten lac) only
under your guarantee and oblige thereby.

Denomination of Notes:-

To be Kept in Guarantee:- 100 X10,000= 10,00,000/- (Ten lac)


Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,
AI/F-08/ 659 /2008 February
7, 2008

The Senior Vice President &

Divisional Head
General Banking Division
National Bank Ltd.
Head Office
18, Dilkusha C/A

Re:- Cash Remittance

Dear Sir,

We would inform your honour that our Charfession Branch has

remitted for Tk.71,00,000/- (Tk. Seventy one lac) only vide letter
No.-KH/F-60/388/2008 dated 06.02.2008 which has received by
our Bhola Branch vide our IBCA No.-978330 dated 06.02.2008
and accordingly we have remitted Tk.50,00,000/- (Tk. Fifty lac)
only to our Barisal Branch today vide our letter No.-AI/F-
08/196/2008 dated 07.02.2008. But it is a matter regret that our
Barisal Branch has kept total amount Tk.50,00,000/- (Tk. Fifty lac)
in their Sundry Deposit Account instead of issuance of IBCA in
favour of our branch. As a result, we are unable to reverse our
Sundry Assets account timely.

This for your in information and necessary action.

With Best regards,

Yours faithfully,

Asstt. Vice President.

C/C to:- The Senior Vice President & Regional Head, National Bank Ltd.,
Regional Office, Khulna for his kind information and necessary action.

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