The document contains details of various variables used to store administrative login information, online appointment details, online customer details, patient details, and product details in a clinic management database. The variables include data types like VARCHAR, DATE, TIME etc to store values like admin ID, password, customer name, address, appointment date and time, patient IC number, product name and price. Each variable also specifies the validation checks like alphanumeric, numeric etc.
The document contains details of various variables used to store administrative login information, online appointment details, online customer details, patient details, and product details in a clinic management database. The variables include data types like VARCHAR, DATE, TIME etc to store values like admin ID, password, customer name, address, appointment date and time, patient IC number, product name and price. Each variable also specifies the validation checks like alphanumeric, numeric etc.
The document contains details of various variables used to store administrative login information, online appointment details, online customer details, patient details, and product details in a clinic management database. The variables include data types like VARCHAR, DATE, TIME etc to store values like admin ID, password, customer name, address, appointment date and time, patient IC number, product name and price. Each variable also specifies the validation checks like alphanumeric, numeric etc.
The document contains details of various variables used to store administrative login information, online appointment details, online customer details, patient details, and product details in a clinic management database. The variables include data types like VARCHAR, DATE, TIME etc to store values like admin ID, password, customer name, address, appointment date and time, patient IC number, product name and price. Each variable also specifies the validation checks like alphanumeric, numeric etc.
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Admin Login
Variable Synonym Data Type Description Validation
AdminID Admin staffs ID VARCHAR(7) The admin id is for the staff to login. ALPHANUMERIC AdminPwd Admins password VARCHAR(45) Password will be required to login ALPHANUMERIC Admin_First_Name Admins first name VARCHAR(45) Admins first name to identify. ALPHABET Admin_Last_Name Admins first name VARCHAR(45) Admins last name to identify. ALPHABET Address Admins Address VARCHAR(100) To know the admin staffs address ALPHANUMERIC Contact_Num Admins contact number VARCHAR(20) To know the contact number of the staff. NUMERIC Date_of_birth Admins date of birth DATE To know the birth date of the staff. NUMERIC Date_joined_clinic Date admin joined clinic DATE To identify how long has the staff been working. NUMERIC
Online Appointment Variable Synonym Data Type Descriptio n Validation email Email VARCHAR(45) To identify who made the appointmen t. ALPHANUMERIC First_Name Customers makers first name VARCHAR(45) First name of customer. ALPHABET Last_Name Customers last name VARCHAR(45) Last name of customer. ALPHABET Contact_No Customers contact number VARCHAR(20) Contact number of customer. NUMERIC
Address_1 Customers address line 1 VARCHAR(50) Address line 1 of the customer. ALPHANUMERIC Address_2 Customers address line 2 VARCHAR(50) Address line 2 of the customer. ALPHANUMERIC Postcode Customers postal code VARCHAR(20) Postal code of the customer. NUMERIC City Customers city VARCHAR(45) City the customer lives in. ALPHABET State Customers state VARCHAR(45) State the customer lives in. ALPHABET Online_Appointme nt_Date The date of online appointment DATE Actual date of the appointmen t made. NUMERIC Online_Appointme nt_Time The time of online appointment TIME Actual Time of the appointmen t made. NUMERIC IC_Num Customers IC number BIGINT(12) Identificatio n of the customer. NUMERIC
Online_Customers Variable Synonym Data Type Description Validation email Customers email VARCHAR(45) Email of customer. ALPHANUMERIC cus_pwd Customers password VARCHAR(12) Password of customer. ALPHANUMERIC first_name Customers makers first name VARCHAR(45) First name of customer. ALPHABET last_name Customers last name VARCHAR(45) Last name of customer. ALPHABET Gender Customers Gender VARCHAR(6) Gender of customer. ALPHABET address1 Customers address line 1 VARCHAR(100) Address line 1 of customer. ALPHANUMERIC address2 Customers address line 2 VARCHAR(100) Address line 2 of customer. ALPHANUMERIC city Customers city VARCHAR(45) City customer lives in. ALPHABET postcode Customers postal code VARCHAR(45) Postcode of customer. NUMERIC state Customers state VARCHAR(45) State customer lives in. ALPHABET Country Customers country VARCHAR(100) Customers Country of origin. ALPHABET session_ID Session ID of the customer when online. VARCHAR(100) Session id initiated for the session. ALPHANUMERIC
Patients_details Variable Synonym Data Type Description Validation IC_Num Patients IC number BIGINT(12) Identification number of patient. NUMERIC First_Name Patients First Name VARCHAR(45) First name of patient. ALPHABET Last_Name Patients Last Name VARCHAR(45) Last name of patient. ALPHABET Email Patients Email VARCHAR(45) Email address of patient. ALPHANUMERIC Address Patients Address VARCHAR(100) Address of patient. ALPHANUMERIC City Patients City VARCHAR(45) City of patient. ALPHABET Postal_Code Patients Postal code INT(6) Postal code of the city. NUMERIC State Patients state VARCHAR(45) State the patient lives in. ALPHABET Country Patients Country VARCHAR(45) Country of patient. ALPHABET
Variable Synonym Data Type Description Validation Product_ID Products ID INT(6) ID of the product. NUMERIC Product_Name Products Name VARCHAR(100) Name of the product. ALPHANUMERIC Product_Description Products Description VARCHAR(100) Description of the product. ALPHABET Product_Type Products VARCHAR(45) Type of the ALPHABET Type product. Price_Per_Unit Price of per unit VARCHAR(45) Price per unit of the product. NUMERIC Quantity_Available Quantity available INT(4) Quantity of products. NUMERIC Product_Image Products Image LONGBLOB Products pictures Binary codes. BINARY
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