Articulo IEEE Biomass

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Renewable Biomass Energy

Nisha Sriram, Member, IEEE and Mohammad Shahidehpour, Fellow, IEEE
Electric Power and Power Electronics Center
Illinois Institute of Technology
Chicago, Illinois 60616

Abstract-- This paper discusses biomass as a renewable
energy source. The paper defines the resources as well as the
ways biomass energy is converted into electricity,
technologies involved in extracting power from biomass as
well as the advantages and the disadvantages of using of
biomass as a source of energy. The paper also reviews a few
biomass projects in the United States and some other parts of
world and discusses the future of biomass.

Biomass is a term used to describe all organic matter produced
by photosynthesis, existing on the earths surface. They
include all water- and land-based vegetation and trees, and all
waste biomass such as municipal solid waste (MSW),
municipal biosolids (sewage), and animal wastes (manures),
forestry and agricultural residues, and certain types of
industrial wastes. The world's energy markets have relied
heavily on the fossil fuels. Biomass is the only other naturally
occurring energy-containing carbon resource that is large
enough in quantity to be used as a substitute for fossil fuels
Through the process of photosynthesis, chlorophyll in
plants captures the sun's energy by converting carbon dioxide
from the air and water from the ground into carbohydrates,
i.e., complex compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen, and
oxygen. When these carbohydrates are burned, they turn back
into carbon dioxide and water and release the sun's energy
they contain. In this way, biomass functions as a sort of
natural battery for storing solar energy.
The exploitation of energy from biomass has played a key
role in the evolution of mankind. Until relatively recently it
was the only form of energy which was usefully exploited by
humans and is still the main source of energy for more than
half the worlds population for domestic energy needs [2].
One of the simplest forms of biomass is a basic open fire used
to provide heat for cooking, warming water or warming the air
in our home. More sophisticated technologies exist for
extracting this energy and converting it into useful heat or
power in an efficient way. In the mid-1800s, biomass,
principally wood biomass, supplied over 90% of U.S. energy
and fuel needs, after which biomass energy usage began to
decrease as fossil fuels became the preferred energy resources.
This eventuality of fossil fuel and the adverse impact of fossil
fuel usage on the environment are expected to be the driving
forces that stimulate the transformation of biomass into one of
the dominant energy resources.
Unlike fossil fuels, biomass is renewable in the sense that
only a short period of time is needed to replace what is used as
an energy resource. Biomass also is the only renewable energy
source that releases carbon dioxide in use. However the
release is compensated by the fact that the biomass grown uses
the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to store energy during
photosynthesis. If the biomass resource is being used
sustainably, there are no net carbon emissions over the time
frame of a cycle of biomass production. Figure 1 shows a
biomass energy cycle and the way biomass is utilized for
energy generation in an environmentally friendly scheme [2].

Figure 1: Biomass Energy Cycle
Biomass can be converted to thermal energy, liquid, solid
or gaseous fuels and other chemical products through a variety
of conversion processes. Biopower technologies are proven
electricity-generation options in the United States, with 10GW
of installed capacity [5]. All of today's capacity is based on
mature, direct-combustion technology. Future efficiency
improvements will include co-firing of biomass in existing
coal-fired boilers and the introduction of high-efficiency
gasification, combined-cycle systems, fuel cell systems, and
modular systems [5].
Generally, the prominent biopower technologies are
comprised of direct combustion, co-firing, gasification,
pyrolysis, anaerobic digestion, and fermentation.
1. Direct Combustion
This is perhaps the simplest method of extracting energy from
biomass. Industrial biomass combustion facilities can burn
many types of biomass fuel, including wood, agricultural
residues, wood pulping liquor, municipal solid waste (MSW)
and refuse-derived fuel. Biomass is burned to produce steam,
the steam turns a turbine and the turbine drives a generator,
producing electricity. Because of potential ash build-up
(which fouls boilers, reduces efficiency and increases costs),
only certain types of biomass materials are used for direct
2. Gasification
Gasification is a process that exposes a solid fuel to high
temperatures and limited oxygen, to produce a gaseous fuel.
The gas produced by the process as shown in Figure 2 is a mix
of gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen,
hydrogen, and methane. The gas is then used to drive a high-
efficiency, combined-cycle gas turbine. Gasification has
several advantages over burning solid fuel. One is
convenience one of the resultant gases, methane, can be
treated in a similar way as natural gas, and used for the same

Figure2: Gasification Process
Another advantage of gasification is that it produces a fuel that
has had many impurities removed and could therefore cause
fewer pollution problems when burnt. Under suitable
circumstances, it can also produce synthesis gas, a mixture of
carbon monoxide and hydrogen which can be used to make
hydrocarbon (e.g., methane and methanol) for replacing fossil
fuels. Hydrogen itself is a potential fuel without much
pollution which can conceivably substitute oil and petroleum
in a foreseeable future [7].
3. Pyrolysis
In its simplest form, pyrolysis represents heating the biomass
to drive off the volatile matter and leaving behind the
charcoal. This process has doubled the energy density of the
original material because charcoal, which is half the weight of
the original biomass, contains the same amount of energy,
making the fuel more transportable. The charcoal also burns at
a much higher temperature than the original biomass, making
it more useful for manufacturing processes. More
sophisticated pyrolysis techniques are developed recently to
collect volatiles that are otherwise lost to the system. The
collected volatiles produce a gas which is rich in hydrogen (a
potential fuel) and carbon monoxide. These compounds are
synthesized into methane, methanol, and other hydrocarbons.
The steps involved in this process are illustrated in Figure 3

Figure 3: Pyrolysis Process
Flash pyrolysis is used to produce bio-crude, a combustible
fuel. Heat is used to chemically convert biomass into pyrolysis
oil. The oil, which is easier to store and transport than solid
biomass material, is then burned like petroleum to generate
electricity. Pyrolysis can also convert biomass into phenol oil,
a chemical used to make wood adhesives, molded plastics, and
foam insulation.
4. Digestion
Biomass digestion works by utilizing anaerobic bacteria.
These microorganisms usually live at the bottom of swamps or
in other places where there is no air, consuming dead organic
matter to produce methane and hydrogen. We put these
bacteria to work for us. By feeding organic matter such as
animal dung or human sewage into tanks, called digesters, and
adding bacteria, we collect the emitted gas to use as an energy
source. This process is a very efficient means of extracting
usable energy from such biomass. Usually, up to two thirds of
the fuel energy of the animal dung could be recovered.
Another related technique is to collect methane gas from
landfill sites. A large proportion of household biomass waste,
such as kitchen scraps, lawn clipping and pruning, ends up at
the local tip. Over a period of several decades, anaerobic
bacteria at the bottom of such tips could steadily decompose
the organic matter and emit methane. The gas can be extracted
and used by capping a landfill site with an impervious layer of
clay and then inserting perforated pipes that would collect the
gas and bring it to the surface [7].
5. Fermentation
For centuries, people have used yeasts and other
microorganisms to ferment the sugar of various plants into
ethanol. Producing fuel from biomass by fermentation is just
an extension of this process, although a wider range of plant
material from sugar cane to wood fiber can be used. For
instance, the waste from a wheat mill in New South Wales is
used to produce ethanol through fermentation. Ethanol is then
mixed with diesel to produce diesehol, a product used by
trucks and buses in Australia [7].
Technological advances will inevitably improve the
method. For example, scientists in Australia and the U.S. have
substituted a genetically engineered bacterium for yeast in the
fermentation process. The process has vastly increased the
efficiency by which waste paper and other forms of wood
fiber is fermented into ethanol.
Biofuels: Biomass is converted into transportation fuels such
as ethanol, methanol, biodiesel and additives for reformulated
gasoline. Biofuels are used in pure form or blended with
Ethanol: Ethanol, the most widely used biofuel, is made by
fermenting biomass in a process similar to brewing beer.
Currently, most of the 1.5 billion gallons of ethanol used in the
U.S. each year is made from corn and blended with gasoline to
improve vehicle performance and reduce air pollution.
Methanol: Biomass-derived methanol is produced through
gasification. The biomass is converted into a synthesis gas
(syngas) that is processed into methanol. Most of the 1.2
billion gallons of methanol annually produced in the U.S. are
made from natural gas and used as solvent, antifreeze, or to
synthesize other chemicals. About 38 percent is used for
transportation as a blend or in reformulated gasoline.
Biodiesel: Biodiesel fuel, made from oils and fats found in
micro-algae and other plants, is substituted for or blended with
diesel fuel.
Some of the advantages of using biomass as a source of
energy are illustrated below.
1. Biomass energy is an abundant, secure, environmental
friendly, and renewable source of energy. Biomass does
not add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere as it absorbs the
same amount of carbon in growing as it releases when
consumed as a fuel.
2. One of the major advantages of biomass is that it can be
used to generate electricity with the same equipment or in
the same power plants that are now burning fossil fuels.
3. Biomass energy is not associated with environmental
impacts such as acid rain, mine spoils, open pits, oil spills,
radioactive waste disposal or the damming of rivers.
4. Biomass fuels are sustainable. The green plants from
which biomass fuels are derived fix carbon dioxide as
they grow, so their use does not add to the levels of
atmospheric carbon. In addition, using refuse as a fuel
avoids polluting landfill disposal.
5. Alcohols and other fuels produced by biomass are
efficient, viable, and relatively clean burning.
6. Biomass is easily available and can be grown with
relative ease in all parts of the world.
1. Biomass is still an expensive source of energy, both in
terms of producing biomass and converting it into
alcohols, as a very large quantity of biomass is needed.
2. On a small scale there is most likely a net loss of energy
as a lot of energy must be used for growing the plant
mass; biomass is difficult to store in the raw form.
3. One of the disadvantages of biomass is that direct
combustion of biomass can be harmful to the environment
as burning biomass releases carbon dioxide, which
contributes to the warming of the atmosphere and possible
climatic change. Burning also creates soot and other air
4. Over-collecting wood can destroy forests. Soils bared of
trees erode easily and do not hold rainfall. Increased run-
off can cause flooding downstream.
5. When plant and animal wastes are used as fuel, they
cannot be added to the soil as fertilizer. Soil without
fertilizer is depleted of nutrients and produce fewer crops.
6. Biomass has less energy than a similar volume of fossil
fuels [8].
The Okeelanta Cogeneration Plant is a 74-MW biomass
cogeneration project located next to the Flo-Sun Inc.
Okeelanta Sugar Mill, in Palm Beach County, Florida. U.S.
Generating Co. (USGen) and Flo-Energy Corp. (an affiliate of
Flo- Sun Inc.) joined together to construct and operate the
facility. It is the largest bagasse/biomass cogeneration plant in
the U.S. The plant provides process steam and power to the
Okeelanta Sugar Mill and Florida Crystals Refinery, and sells
its excess electricity to FPL.
Fuels: Each year, about two-thirds of fuel requirements are
met by bagasse, and the remainder by wood waste. The
sugarcane harvesting and grinding season lasts about 6
months, from October through late March or early April.
Bagasse cannot be stored for a long time without deterioration
of its fuel value, so many bagasse-fired cogeneration plants
rely on a supplemental fuel such as wood waste or coal during
the off-season when bagasse is not produced as a by-product
of sugar mill. The fuel at the Okeelanta Cogeneration plant is
not dried before combustion. Wood wastes used as fuel at the
plant include urban wood wastes, land clearing wood wastes,
and construction debris.
One type of wood waste is melaleuca, a pest tree that
threatens to overwhelm everglades [9]. Melaleuca trees, which
soak up about 50 gal of water a day, were imported decades
ago from Australia to dry out land in the Everglades to make it
buildable. The gnarly trees have successfully taken root and
smothered native vegetation. They have no native predators.
When cut down, they grow back. When burned, their
seedlings spread, giving birth to yet more trees. They burn
well in the Okeelanta boiler, and the plant now receives as
many as 10 truckloads a day from land clearing activities in
the Everglades. Before the Okeelanta Cogeneration plant
started its operation, the district had no options other than to
haul melaleuca to the landfill or burn it on site [9].
Operating Experience: From February 1998 to February
1999, the Okeelanta plant has run at a steady rate as required
to meet the sugar mills energy demand. The Okeelanta sugar
mill and refinery have no off-season. They run year round
except for scheduled maintenance shutdowns, processing
extract from cane, and processing sugar.
Environmental Performance: Annual aggregate emission
level is about 75% less than previous levels produced by the
sugar mills 50-year-old boilers, even though the new plant
produces 74 MW of electricity and meets all steam and power
requirements that were previously handled by the mills
boilers. The cogeneration plants air quality permits would
link the two facilities. After the cogeneration plant has
operated long enough to establish its reliability, the sugar mill
will be required to dismantle the old boilers [9].
Economic Information: The reported total capital cost for the
Okeelanta plant was $194.5 million; based on 74 MW, this is
equivalent to about $2800/kW in 1998 dollars. The Osceola
plants total capital cost was reported as $162 million; based
on 52 MW, this is equivalent to about $3300/kW in 1998
dollars. The Okeelanta Cogeneration Plant provides many
environmental benefits and should serve as a reliable energy
source for the sugar mill and the electric utility.
Avista Corporation, previously known as the Washington
Water Power Company (WWP), has operated since 1983 a 46-
MWe (net) wood-fired steam turbine power plant at Kettle
Falls, Washington. Avista is an investor-owned utility
company located in Spokane, Washington. The plant site is 86
miles north of Spokane next to the Columbia River. Fuel
consists primarily of lumber mill wastes from mills in
northeastern Washington, and some in Canada. The facility
began commercial service in December 1983. With the plants
opening, WWP became the first utility in the nation to operate
a stand-alone power plant of this size fired entirely by wood
Fuel: The Kettle Falls plant is designed to burn approximately
500,000 t/yr of 50% moisture wood waste. Fuel consists of
bark, sawdust, shavings, and slabsmilling by-products from
about 15 log processing plants in northeast Washington,
southeast British Columbia, and northern Idaho,
approximately a 100-mi radius. The economic haul distance is
longer in cases where backhauls are possible. The average fuel
higher heating value (HHV) is about 4,700 Btu/lb as received.
The average one-way haul from suppliers under contract is
about 46 mi. Average transportation costs were estimated in
1983 at 10.8/t-mi. Average delivered fuel costs were
estimated in 1983 to be about $12/green t (approximately
$1.40/MBtu). The supply of hog fuel generated by the lumber
mills in the Kettle Falls area continues to be more than
adequate. The plant has had to curtail fuel deliveries from
major suppliers at times. The mills in Canada are generating
more biomass fuel than ever, as environmental restrictions on
wigwam burning are tightened [9].
Operating Experience: From the start of commercial
operation in 1983 through the early 1990s, the stations
capacity Factor (CF) averaged 88.9%, which includes the 6
month period when the plant was off line for precipitator
replacement shortly after opening. The CF has been lower in
recent years, not because of problems at the plant, but because
of the very low market prices for hydroelectric energy in the
Pacific Northwest. Originally rated at 42.5 MW (net), the
Kettle Falls plant can operate continuously at 46 MW (net).
On average, the plant generates 1000 kWh of electricity for
every 1.5 t of sawmill waste burned. This is equivalent to a net
plant heat rate of about 14,100 Btu/kWh (24.2% thermal
efficiency, HHV basis).
Economic Information: In 1983 dollars, the estimated capital
cost at completion of the project was $82.5 million. This is
about $1940/kW in 1983 dollars, or about $3100/kW in 1998
dollars using the GDP deflator index. This figure includes all
capitalized items including electrical transmission required to
integrate the output into the system. Using wood waste as a
renewable resource for power generation has proven to be a
successful operation for Avista Corporation and a sound
environmental solution for the wood products industry. Long-
term residents in the Kettle Falls area reported major
reductions in haze after the plant went into operation. The
plant improved air quality by eliminating numerous wigwam
burners in Stevens County.

Because of its low-lying geography and high water table,
Florida has a stronger incentive than most states to find
alternatives to land filling solid wastes. Landfills that begin at
ground level and rise as high as 200 ft are commonly the
highest elevations in Florida coastal counties. State legislation
and incentive programs since the 1970s have caused Florida to
have the largest capacity of waste-to-energy (WTE) facilities
of any state.
The Ridge Generating Station Limited Partnership owns
an independent power-producing unit between Auburndale
and Lakeland, Florida, that burns waste wood, waste tires, and
landfill gas. The unit has a gross capacity of 45 MW and nets
about 40 MW in sales to Florida Power Corporation. The plant
came into operation in August 1994. Not counting Ridge
Generating Station, there are 12 WTE plants in Florida with a
combined capacity of 486 MW. (Four are operated by
Wheelabrator.) Because of its climate, Florida also has a
relatively high per-capita generation rate of urban wood
Fuels: The facility receives waste wood and tires from local
haulers and communities within about a 50-mi radius. The rest
of the wood wastes are obtained at very low cost. The waste
wood includes a great deal of vegetative waste, which has a
high moisture content. Varying moisture content is one of the
major control problems, but using tires and landfill gas helps
control the combustion process. Most urban wood waste fuel
is tree wastes, brought to the plant by tree service companies
and land clearing companies. About 10%-15% of the total
wood wastes are wood debris; industrial wood wastes such as
pallets and scraps account for a smaller percentage.
Operating Experience: The plant has operated well, although
it has experienced some of the typical problems with boiler
tube fouling, etc., caused by the use of waste fuels containing
alkali, chlorine, sulfur, and other contaminants [9].
Environmental Performance: No difficulties were reported
in meeting the air quality permit requirements. A very slight
haze was visible in the plume leaving the plants stack, which
is typical of plants that use NH3 injection for NOx control. In
July 1996 the plant obtained approval to reuse its ash in
asphalt or concrete mixtures; treatment methods to allow the
ash to be marketed in this way are being evaluated. Presently,
ash is disposed of in the landfill.
The Williams Lake Generating Station in British Columbia is
located about 225 miles North/northeast of Vancouver and is
the largest single-unit biomass-fired power plant in North
America. The plants rated capacity is 60 MW net, of which
55 MW is purchased by B.C. Hydro. The plant can produce
67-69 MW net and frequently operates at that production
The Williams Lake region was often beset with layers of
smoke and a generous sprinkling of ash particles from wood
waste burners at the five local sawmills. Beginning around
1988, concerted action by the provincial government, the local
utility, the sawmill owners, and the public resulted in
construction of Williams Lake station. Commercial operation
started on April 2, 1993. By years end, all performance goals
were met or exceeded. In each of the five following years the
plant has generated more than 500 GWh/yr and consumed
more than 550,000 tons/yr of mill residues.
The Williams Lake Generating Station not only has the
largest wood-fired boiler in North America and generates
more electricity each year than any other wood-fired power
plant; it is also the most efficient stand-alone wood-fired
power plant in North America, with a net plant heat rate of
about 11,700 Btu/kWh. With nearly free fuel, efficiency is not
a major priority at Williams Lake. However, the steam
conditions, auxiliary power consumption, and turbine
efficiency are considerably better than those at smaller plants
Fuels: The plant consumes more than 550,000 green t/yr of
wood waste from sawmills in the Cariboo region. Five
sawmills, located within 5 km, supply the fuel at no cost, and
receive value from alleviating an environmental liability of
waste disposal. Because the mills are so close to the plant,
conveyor belts were considered, but short haul trucking is
used to transport the fuel. The fuel mix is approximately 40%-
50% bark; the rest is an assortment of sawdust, chips, and
Environmental Performance: Diverting wood residue from
the local sawmills resulted in closure of their beehive burners.
This reduced particulate emissions by more than 95%, solving
a severe and longstanding local air pollution problem. The
power from this regionally sustainable, environmentally
beneficial project enables B.C. Hydro to defer construction of
other power projects.
Biomass already contributes 5% of the European Union's (EU)
energy supply, and 65% of the total renewable energy
production; predominately for heat and power applications. In
the long term, the contribution of biomass in the EU energy
supply may increase to 20%, depending on the policies
adopted by the EU in relation to agriculture, sustainability, a
secure energy supply and Kyoto obligations Renewable
Energy Systems (RES) mainly produce electricity. However,
only 20% of current EU energy supply is in the form of
electricity - the remaining 80% is in the form of fuels for
heating and transport. Biomass is the only RES which
produces solid or liquid fuels, which could be used as, or
transformed into, fuels for heating (in buildings and industry)
and transport. In addition, biofuels are one of the few options
for a net CO2-free system for transport applications. Some of
the biomass facilities in the world are described below.

The goal of the Lahden Lampovoima Oys Kymijarvi power
plant gasification project is to demonstrate the direct
gasification of wet biofuel and the use of hot, raw and very
low-Btu gas directly its coal boiler. Lahden Lampovoima Oy
(LLO) operates the Kymijarvi power plant near the city of
Lahti in southern Finland.
In Europe, typically about 30-150 MW of biofuel energy is
available within 50 km from the power plant. This amount can
be gasified and used directly in mid- or large- sized coal fired
boilers. Thus, a power plant concept consisting of a gasifier
connected to a large conventional boiler with a high efficiency
steam cycle offers an attractive and efficient way to use local
biomass sources in energy production.
In Europe, typically about 30-150 MW of biofuel energy is
available within 50 km from the power plant. This amount can
be gasified and used directly in mid- or large- sized coal fired
boilers. Thus, a power plant concept consisting of a gasifier
connected to a large conventional boiler with a high efficiency
steam cycle offers an attractive and efficient way to use local
biomass sources in energy production.
The amount of biofuels and refuse fuels available each year
is enough to substitute for about 15% of the fuels burned in
the Lahti plants boiler, or to substitute for 30% of the coal
burned. Assuming 7000 h/yr of plant operation, 300 GWh/yr
is equivalent to about 43 MW of thermal energy available
from local bio fuels. In addition to the REF fuel components,
peat, demolition wood waste, and shredded tires are used as
fuels in the gasification plant.

In Southeast Asia, biomass is an important source of energy
since fuel wood is still the dominant source of energy in
almost 50 percent of the region. By country, the share of
biomass in the primary energy supply in 1999 was: Myanmar -
86%; Lao PDR - 86%; Cambodia - 83%; Vietnam - 48%;
Indonesia - 29%; Philippines - 21%; Thailand - 17%; and
Malaysia - 8%. Biomass energy is largely used in the
household sector and in small-scale industries. Recently, its
use in combined heat and power generation is increasing. The
role of biomass is presently limited in power development, but
opportunities exist for increasing its share [10].
In Asia, the potential of biomass for power generation is
promising: about 50,000 MW for all biomass resources in
Indonesia approximately 3,000 MW in Thailand about 1,117
MW in palm oil industry of Malaysia about 60-90 MW from
bagasse and 352 MW from ricehulls in the Philippines and
250 MW from bagasse in Vietnam. About 920 MW in
installed capacity could be expected from over 19 million tons
of residues in ASEAN wood industry.
Many of this potential could be developed through
cogeneration. However, in order to tap the estimated potential,
the following key challenges have to be addressed: 1)
Establishment of a level playing field for biomass power in
competition with the often subsidised centralized power
generation; 2) establishment of mechanisms to compensate for
the avoided external costs of biomass power generation, for
example through a so-called environmental adder on top of
the normal buy-back rate; 3) access to power grid under clear
and fair terms and conditions; and 4) development of a market
for biomass waste resources. Thailand is facing these
challenges by initially launching a competitive bidding for 300
MW of renewable energy generation, mainly biomass. The
Thai government has also established a fund to provide
developers assistance to cover the differential between
production and market price of biomass power. In Malaysia,
grid access regulations and buy-back power rates are being
developed, and the first grid-based biomass power plant is
being constructed [10].
In India, more than 2000 gasifiers have been established
with a capacity in excess of 22 MW and a number of villages
have been electrified with biomass gasifier based generators.
Being an agrarian country there is easy availability of
agricultural based mass, which can be used to generate energy,
burning this biomass is the easiest and oldest method of
generating energy and also the least efficient. Over 70% of the
population of India is in villages but it is these villages, which
receive neither electricity nor a steady supply of water-crucial
to survival and economic and social development and growth.
Biomass exists in these villages and needs to be tapped
intelligently to provide not only electricity but also water to
irrigate and cultivate fields to further increase production of
biomass (either as a main product or as a by-product),
ensuring steady generation of electricity. Biomass gasification
in India offers immense scope and potential for: Water
pumping, Electricity generation: 3 to 1 MW power plants,
Heat generation: for cooking gas smokeless environment,
Rural electrification means better healthcare, better education
and improved quality of life.

Biomass-based power systems are unique among non-hydro
renewable power sources because of their wide range of
applicability to a diverse set of needs. Biomass systems can be
used for village-power applications in the 10-250 kW scale,
for larger scale municipal electricity and heating applications,
for industrial application such as hog-fuel boilers and black-
liquor recovery boilers, in agricultural applications such as
electricity and steam generation in the sugar cane industry,
and for utility-scale electricity generation in the 100 MW scale
[8]. Biomass-based systems are the only non-hydro renewable
source of electricity that can be used for base-load electricity
Tripling US use of biomass for energy could provide as
much as $20 billion in new income for farmers and rural
communities and reduce global warming emissions by the
same amount as taking 70 million cars off the road [8].
Biomass energy has the potential to supply a significant
portion of America's energy needs, while revitalizing rural
economies, increasing energy independence and reducing
pollution. Farmers would gain a valuable new outlet for their
products. Rural communities could become entirely self-
sufficient when it comes to energy, using locally grown crops
and residues to fuel cars and tractors and to heat and power
homes and buildings.
Opportunities for biomass energy are growing. In June
2000, the federal government in the United States passed a law
that will provide $49 million per year for five years to develop
advanced technologies and crops to produce energy,
chemicals, and other products from biomass. A number of
states also provide incentives for biomass energy [6].
In 1998, biomass provided about 2% of America's
electricity, 1% of the fuel used in cars and trucks, and some of
the heat and steam used by homes and businesses. With more
energy crops and better conversion technology, it could gain a
much larger portion of the market. Energy crops and crop
residues could provide 14% of US electricity use by 2008 or
13% of the nation's motor fuel [8]. Thus it is seen that the
emerging technologies of biomass as a renewable source of
energy is highly advantageous to promote a greener planet and
also cut down on the need for fossil fuels which not only cause
pollution in the atmosphere but also are fast depleting.

[1] An Introduction to Biomass Energy a Renewable Resource
by Donald Klass, (
[2] The Michigan Biomass Energy Program, (www.
[3] BERA Biomass Energy Research Association,
[4] U S Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy (
[5] S. C Johnsons Associates Inc (
[6] NREL , Clean Energy Basics: Introduction to biomass
electricity production, (
[7] Biomass-The Growing Energy Source, ( org
.au/ nova)
[9] Lessons learned from Existing Biomass Plants,
( docs/fy00osti/26946.pdf)
[10] Overview of Biomass Power Generation in South East
[11] Rural Energy in India,

Nisha Sriram is completing her MS in Electric Power Systems at
IIT. She is currently working as an Engineering designer at D L
Engineering and Controls, Las Vegas, NV.
Mohammad Shahidehpour is a professor in the Electrical and
Computer Engineering Department and Director of Electric Power
and Power Electronics Center at Illinois Institute of Technology.

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