Sindhula Bal is a business consultant and trainer based in Pondicherry, India with over 17 years of experience across different industries. She is uniquely equipped to assess client needs, identify strengths, and design customized training programs. With many successful program designs for corporations and institutions, Sindhula has solutions for virtually any performance enhancement need. Her consultancy focuses on pre-assessment and tailoring programs to maximize results and meet client goals. Effectiveness, quality, timelines, and a human approach characterize her work.
Sindhula Bal is a business consultant and trainer based in Pondicherry, India with over 17 years of experience across different industries. She is uniquely equipped to assess client needs, identify strengths, and design customized training programs. With many successful program designs for corporations and institutions, Sindhula has solutions for virtually any performance enhancement need. Her consultancy focuses on pre-assessment and tailoring programs to maximize results and meet client goals. Effectiveness, quality, timelines, and a human approach characterize her work.
Sindhula Bal is a business consultant and trainer based in Pondicherry, India with over 17 years of experience across different industries. She is uniquely equipped to assess client needs, identify strengths, and design customized training programs. With many successful program designs for corporations and institutions, Sindhula has solutions for virtually any performance enhancement need. Her consultancy focuses on pre-assessment and tailoring programs to maximize results and meet client goals. Effectiveness, quality, timelines, and a human approach characterize her work.
Sindhula Bal is a business consultant and trainer based in Pondicherry, India with over 17 years of experience across different industries. She is uniquely equipped to assess client needs, identify strengths, and design customized training programs. With many successful program designs for corporations and institutions, Sindhula has solutions for virtually any performance enhancement need. Her consultancy focuses on pre-assessment and tailoring programs to maximize results and meet client goals. Effectiveness, quality, timelines, and a human approach characterize her work.
Address: rosperlty Pouse, 41, 8omaln 8oland Street, ondlcherry 603 001, lnulA M: +91 93 44 44 24 03 L: conversatlonsloryou[ Wlth over 17 yrs ol consolldated versatlle experlence lrom dlllerent lndustrles, Slndhu[a ls today a dlstlngulshed 8uslness Consultant & 1ralner. Slndhu[a ls unlquely equlpped to work wlth organlzatlons to assess needs, ldentlly strengths, and deslgn currlcula that serve each cllent's unlque clrcumstance. Per approach works ln tandem to malntaln brand equlty and uphold the ldeals and vlslon each company embraces. Wlth many program deslgns lor corporate and lnstltutlons to her credlt, Slndhu[a has had a perlormance enhancement solutlon lor vlrtually every need that llnally lncrease the bottom llne. Per customlzed approach locuses on utlllzlng a pre sklll assessment tool to pln polnt your organlsatlon's unlque needs and aptltudes. Wlth thls lnlormatlon, she can lurther dellne opportunlty and tallor makes the program to maxlmlse results. Per consultlng & tralnlng program connect your current sltuatlon and creates the solutlon that wlll take you to where you want to go. Lllectlveness, Cuallty, 1lme llnes, key uellverables and a human approach are a lew words that best descrlbe her work. Per Credentlals 8uslness Consultant Corporate 1ralner & Coach Certllled Cuallty Lead Audltor lor CMS lrom Spl, Manlla 1ralned wlth network 1wentyCne, an lndependent Leadershlp & Lntrepreneurlal uevelopment Crganlsatlon Craduate ln Commerce lrom uelhl unlverslty Ponours ulploma ln Systems Management lrom nll1, Chandlgarh Well travelled extenslvely ln lndla and overseas (uS, uk, South Last Asla, Alrlca) Cver 12 years ol Clobal Corporate Lxperlence Cver 9 years ol Lntrepreneurlal Lxperlence Slndhu[a 8al uate ol 8lrth: !anuary 30, 1972 Address: rosperlty Pouse, 41, 8omaln 8oland Street, ondlcherry 603 001, lnulA M: +91 93 44 44 24 03 L: conversatlonsloryou[ Clobal Corporate Lxperlence (1994-2006) Mu|t|-|ndustry Lxposure : Pospltallty, 1ravel, l1, 8C, L-Commerce, Legal & lmmlgratlon Areas of Lxpert|se : Pospltallty & Servlce, Cperatlons, 8uslness uevelopment, 8randlng & Market Strategy lannlng, Cllent 8elatlonshlp Management, vendor Management, 1ralnlng, Cuallty, ro[ect Management Crgan|sat|ons Assoc|ated w|th: Potel lntercontlnental, l1C Croup, Mlcrosolt, uaksh l8M, 1lmes ol lndla, Saplent Corporatlon, Spl 1echnology Lntrepreneurlal & 8uslness Consultlng Lxperlence (2002- tlll date) 8uslness Set up & uevelopment Corporate & lnstltutlonal Solt Sklll 1ralnlng Solutlons 8rand & lmage Consultlng Pospltallty Consultlng ro[ect Management rocess uocumentatlon & Streamllnlng Cllents worked wlth : Lenovo, Potel Sunway C81 Crand, Potel 8lchmond (8esldency Croup), vodalone, lClCl 8ank, Cltlbank, Cooper 8ussmann, Whlrlpool, Cognlsant, Llons club, Potel Atlthl (Altken Spence hotels & resorts, Colombo), SMvLC College, ondlcherry unlverslty, lClAl, lCAl, Stanlord School ol Mgt, new uelhl, Shasun Chemlcals, Sony Center, ondlcherry 1ourlsm uevelopment Corporatlon, Srlsty's School ol Alr Postess,Potel Lotus Comlort lnn, 8enewable Lnergy Agency, ondlcherry, kvlC (khadl), Potel Mass, Potel uu arc, uesl Crew