The document provides a review of systems for a patient during admission and present assessment. It examines multiple body systems and notes current symptoms and examination findings. For general, the patient has right-sided weakness. Neurologically, the patient is lethargic with a GCS of 10 and shows signs of right hemiplegia including 1/5 strength on the right side and inability to feel light touch on the right. The patient also has constipation.
The document provides a review of systems for a patient during admission and present assessment. It examines multiple body systems and notes current symptoms and examination findings. For general, the patient has right-sided weakness. Neurologically, the patient is lethargic with a GCS of 10 and shows signs of right hemiplegia including 1/5 strength on the right side and inability to feel light touch on the right. The patient also has constipation.
The document provides a review of systems for a patient during admission and present assessment. It examines multiple body systems and notes current symptoms and examination findings. For general, the patient has right-sided weakness. Neurologically, the patient is lethargic with a GCS of 10 and shows signs of right hemiplegia including 1/5 strength on the right side and inability to feel light touch on the right. The patient also has constipation.
The document provides a review of systems for a patient during admission and present assessment. It examines multiple body systems and notes current symptoms and examination findings. For general, the patient has right-sided weakness. Neurologically, the patient is lethargic with a GCS of 10 and shows signs of right hemiplegia including 1/5 strength on the right side and inability to feel light touch on the right. The patient also has constipation.
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The patient presents with right-sided weakness and is lethargic. Physical examination reveals pallor, scars, and bed sores. Neurological examination shows right-sided facial palsy and weakness.
Physical examination reveals pallor on the lower extremities, presence of bed sores and blisters on the feet, limitation of motion of the neck to the right side, and rhonchi on lung auscultation.
Neurological examination reveals right-sided central facial palsy, tongue protrusion to the right, difficulty turning the head to the right, 1/5 strength in the right upper and lower extremities, absent sensation to light touch in the right upper and lower extremities, and a positive Babinski reflex on the right.
GENERAL no weight loss, no fever, no chills
current weight unidentified, no fever, no chills, lethargic, with right-sided weakness (hemiplegic) weight change/fever/sweats/anorexia/ weakness/fatigue/insomnia/others SKIN no rashes, no pallor, no jaundice, no easy bruisability
with scars on lower extremities, with pallor on lower extremities, cold and clammy skin, poor capillary reflex, white hair (equally distributed), presence of bed sores in the gluteal area (grade 2), presence of blisters in the feet, desquamation in the inguinal area, clean and short nails itchiness/color change/ pigmentation/rash/ vasomotor change/ photo-sensitivity/hair/nails/ moles/others EYE no eye discharge, no pruritus, no pain
visual dysfunction/redness/ itchiness/pain/ scotomata/lacrimation/others EAR no tragal tenderness, no tinnitus, no aural discharge
no deafness, no tragal tenderness, no tinnitus, no aural discharge deafness/tinnitus/discharge/others NOSE no colds, no epistaxis, no nasal discharge
no colds, no epistaxis, no nasal discharge, with NGT on left naris epistaxis/discharge/ obstruction/smell post-op drip/ sinusitis/others MOUTH bleeding gums/sores/fissures/ tongue abnormalities/dental caries/others no toothache, no bleeding gums, no sores, no fissures no bleeding gums, no sores, no fissures, with oral white secretions (saliva), with loose tooth on upper left, have difficulty moving his tongue, cant eat thru mouth THROAT no tonsillitis, no toothaches, no gum bleeding, no mouth sores, no sore throat, no hoarseness, no dysphagia
no tonsillitis, no gum bleeding, no mouth sores, no sore throat, murmuring of words, cant eat (with NGT on left naris) soreness/tonsillitis/others NECK stiffness/limitation of motion/ masses adenopathy/sensation/ of lump in the throat/ others no stiffness, no dysphagia with limitation of motion, had difficulty turning into his neck into his right side PULMONARY no cough, no sputum, no dyspnea, no hemoptysis
no cough, no hemoptysis, with difficulty of breathing, (+) rhonchi, bilateral dyspnea/shortness of breath/cough/sputum/ hemoptysis/wheezing/back pain/ chest wall abnormality/others CARDIAC no chest pain, no palpitations, no paroxysmal dyspnea (PND), no orthopnea, no easy fatigability, no syncope
no chest pain, no palpitation, no PND, no orthopnea, no easy fatigability, no syncope, hypertensive: 130-140/80- 90 chest pain/ easy fatigability/nocturnal/dyspnea/ orthopnea/palpitations/syncope/ edema/hypertension/others VASCULAR no phlebitis, no varicosities, no claudication
no phlebitis, no varicosities, no claudication phlebitis/varicosities/claudication/ others GASTRO-INTESTINAL no abdominal pain, no vomiting, no diarrhea, no constipation, no melena, no hematochezia
no abdominal pain, no vomiting, no diarrhea, no melena, no hematochezia, with constipation nausea/vomiting/retching/ hematemesis/melena/hematochezia/ dysphagia/belching/indigestion/food intolerance/flatulence/abdominal pain/distention/constipation/ anal lesions/others GENITO-URINARY no incontinence, no urgency, no frequency, no dysuria, no nocturia, no flank pain
no incontinence, no urgency, no frequency, no dysuria, no nocturia, no flank pain, with diaper urinary frequency/urgency/ hesitancy/dysuria/hematuria/nocturia/ urine system flow abnormality/flank pain/stones/urethral discharge/genital lesions/testicular mass/perineal pain/ impotence/vaginal discharge/abnormal bleeding/others MUSCULOSKELETAL no muscle pain, no weakness, no numbness
with muscle weakness especially on right side joint stiffness/pain/swelling/muscle pain/cramps/weakness/wasting/ trauma/abnormal posture/others ENDOCRINE no polydipsia, no polyuria, no heat and cold intolerance, no hoarseness
no heat and cold tolerance, diabetic since 2012 (CBG: 156) heat-cold intolerance/thyroid problems/voice change/diabetes or diabetic indicators/neck surgery/or radiation/others HEMATOPOIETIC no bruising, no bleeding tendencies, no anemia
no bruising, no bleeding tendencies, no anemia abnormal bleeding/bruising/ anemia/adenopathy/others NEUROLOGIC awake, conscious, GCS 15
lethargic, conscious, GCS 10 headache/seizure/sensory perversion/ motor dysfunction/speech disturbance/mental changes/head trauma/others (E4V5M6) fairly kempt, very dysarthic, cooperative, with eye contact, follows commands Cerebellum: (-) dysmetria, (- ) dysdiadokinesia
Cranial Nerves: CN I: not assessed CN II: pupils 2-3mm ERTL CN III, IV, VI, EOM full and equal, (-) diplopia, (-) nystagmus CN V1V2V3: intact CN VII: (+) central facial palsy, right CN VIII: intact gross hearing CN IX, X: tongue protruded towards the right, (+) gag reflex CN XI: can turn head again resistance CN XII: shrug shoulder, weaker right Motor: 1/5 on RUE and RLE, 5/5 on LUE and LLE Sensory: no sensory deficit DTRS: +++ on RUE and RLE, ++ on LUE and LLE Pathological Reflexes: (+) Babinski Reflex, right Meningeal signs: (-) nuchal rigidity, (-) Kernig sign, (-) Brudzinski sign (E4V1M5) very dysarthic, uncooperative, with no eye contact, follows some commands
Cranial Nerves: CN I: not assessed CN II: pupils 2-3mm ERTL CN III, IV, VI, EOM full and equal on left side, (-) diplopia, (-) nystagmus CN V1V2V3: intact CN VII: (+) central facial palsy, right CN VIII: intact gross hearing CN IX, X: tongue protruded forward CN XI: difficulty in turning the head to the right CN XII: shrug shoulder, weaker right Motor: 1/5 on RUE and RLE, 5/5 on LUE and LLE Sensory: cant feel light touch on RUE and RLE DTRS: +++ on RUE and RLE, ++ on LUE and LLE Pathological Reflexes: (+) Babinski Reflex, right Meningeal signs: not assessed PSYCHIATRY no anxiety, no depression
not assessed anxiety/depression/interpersonal relationship difficulties/illusion/delusion/hallucination/ paranoia/others