Ndip Er July 2011 - Unit A

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July 2011

Examiners Report

NEBOSH National
Diploma in
Occupational Health
and Safety - Unit A

2011 NEBOSH, Dominus Way, Meridian Business Park, Leicester LE19 1QW
tel: 0116 263 4700 fax: 0116 282 4000 email: info@nebosh.org.uk website: www.nebosh.org.uk

The National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health is a registered charity, number 1010444

T(s):exrpts/D/D-A1107 EXTERNAL DW/DA/REW

Examiners Report


Unit A: Managing health and safety

JULY 2011


Introduction 2

General comments 3

Comments on individual questions 4


NEBOSH (The National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health) was formed in 1979 as
an independent examining board and awarding body with charitable status. We offer a comprehensive
range of globally-recognised, vocationally-related qualifications designed to meet the health, safety,
environmental and risk management needs of all places of work in both the private and public sectors.
Courses leading to NEBOSH qualifications attract over 25,000 candidates annually and are offered by
over 400 course providers in 65 countries around the world. Our qualifications are recognised by the
relevant professional membership bodies including the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health
(IOSH) and the International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM).

NEBOSH is an awarding body to be recognised and regulated by the UK regulatory authorities:

The Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator (Ofqual) in England
The Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills (DCELLS) in Wales
The Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) in Northern Ireland
The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) in Scotland

NEBOSH follows the GCSE, GCE, VCE, GNVQ and AEA Code of Practice 2007/8 published by the
regulatory authorities in relation to examination setting and marking (available at the Ofqual website
www.ofqual.gov.uk). While not obliged to adhere to this code, NEBOSH regards it as best practice to
do so.

Candidates scripts are marked by a team of Examiners appointed by NEBOSH on the basis of their
qualifications and experience. The standard of the qualification is determined by NEBOSH, which is
overseen by the NEBOSH Council comprising nominees from, amongst others, the Health and Safety
Executive (HSE), the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), the Trades Union Congress (TUC) and
the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH). Representatives of course providers, from
both the public and private sectors, are elected to the NEBOSH Council.

This report on the Examination provides information on the performance of candidates which it is
hoped will be useful to candidates and tutors in preparation for future examinations. It is intended to
be constructive and informative and to promote better understanding of the syllabus content and the
application of assessment criteria.


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General comments

Many candidates are well prepared for this unit assessment and provide comprehensive and relevant
answers in response to the demands of the question paper. This includes the ability to demonstrate
understanding of knowledge by applying it to workplace situations.

There are always some candidates, however, who appear to be unprepared for the unit assessment
and who show both a lack of knowledge of the syllabus content and a lack of understanding of how
key concepts should be applied to workplace situations.

In order to meet the pass standard for this assessment, acquisition of knowledge and understanding
across the syllabus are prerequisites. However, candidates need to demonstrate their knowledge and
understanding in answering the questions set. Referral of candidates in this unit is invariably because
they are unable to write a full, well-informed answer to one or more of the questions asked.

Some candidates find it difficult to relate their learning to the questions and as a result offer responses
reliant on recalled knowledge and conjecture and fail to demonstrate a sufficient degree of
understanding. Candidates should prepare themselves for this vocational examination by ensuring
their understanding, not rote-learning pre-prepared answers.

Common pitfalls

It is recognised that many candidates are well prepared for their assessments. However, recurrent
issues, as outlined below, continue to prevent some candidates reaching their full potential in the

Many candidates fail to apply the basic principles of examination technique and for some
candidates this means the difference between a pass and a referral.

In some instances, candidates are failing because they do not attempt all the required
questions or are failing to provide complete answers. Candidates are advised to always
attempt an answer to a compulsory question, even when the mind goes blank. Applying basic
health and safety management principles can generate credit worthy points.

Some candidates fail to answer the question set and instead provide information that may be
relevant to the topic but is irrelevant to the question and cannot therefore be awarded marks.

Many candidates fail to apply the command words (also known as action verbs, eg describe,
outline, etc). Command words are the instructions that guide the candidate on the depth of
answer required. If, for instance, a question asks the candidate to describe something, then
few marks will be awarded to an answer that is an outline. Similarly the command word
identify requires more information than a list.

Some candidates fail to separate their answers into the different sub-sections of the questions.
These candidates could gain marks for the different sections if they clearly indicated which
part of the question they were answering (by using the numbering from the question in their
answer, for example). Structuring their answers to address the different parts of the question
can also help in logically drawing out the points to be made in response.

Candidates need to plan their time effectively. Some candidates fail to make good use of their
time and give excessive detail in some answers leaving insufficient time to address all of the

Candidates should also be aware that Examiners cannot award marks if handwriting is

Candidates should note that it is not necessary to start a new page in their answer booklet for
each section of a question.
UNIT A Managing health and safety

Question 1 Outline ways in which a health and safety practitioner could evaluate and
develop their own competence. (10)

Health and safety practitioners might evaluate their own practice in a number of ways
including measuring the effects of changes and developments they have introduced
and implemented in their organisations; by setting personal objectives and targets and
assessing their performance against them; by reviewing failures or unsuccessful
attempts to produce change; by benchmarking their practice against that of other
practitioners and against good practice case studies or information; by seeking advice
from other competent professionals; by seeking feedback from others in the
organisation and as part of the annual appraisal of their performance by senior

They may develop their practice by augmenting their core knowledge and competence
in obtaining a recognised professional qualification; by keeping up to date by
undertaking training in relevant areas; by participating in CPD schemes; by ensuring
they have access to suitable information sources; by networking with their peers at
safety groups and conferences; by seeking advice from other competent practitioners
and consultants and by initiating and following a personal development plan.

Candidates in general produced better answers for developing rather than evaluating
competence. Weaker answers were able to offer little but improving training and
participating in CPD programmes. Some produced answers relating to the qualities
which a competent practitioner should possess while a few wrote in general on how a
company could put systems in place to improve their standards of health and safety.

Question 2 (a) Outline how task analysis may be used to help with hazard
identification as part of a risk assessment process. (2)

(b) Giving a practical example in EACH case, explain why the
number of people exposed to a hazard could affect BOTH the
probability AND severity components of risk. (4)

(c) Identify types of external UK publications to which an employer
may refer when deciding whether the level of risk associated with
a specific hazard has been reduced to an acceptable level. In
EACH case, outline how the publication may assist in deciding
on acceptable levels of risk. (4)

Task analysis involves breaking down an activity or process into its more detailed
constituent parts. This allows a more systematic identification of the hazards
associated with the activity or process to be made and makes for an easier
assessment of the scope for human error.

Section A all questions compulsory
The number of people exposed to a hazard may affect the probability component of
risk because with more people exposed, there is a greater chance of someone being
affected by the hazard. For example, in the case of a hazard resulting from falling
objects or materials, the number of people in the line of fire would be critical. As for
the likely severity of the resultant risk, the greater number of people affected, the
higher will be the severity. The number of people likely to be affected by an explosion
would have been a suitable practical example. Some candidates did not appear to be
able to differentiate between probability and severity while a number did not provide
the practical examples required.

In answer to part (c), candidates could have identified a number of external UK
publications such as statutes and/or statutory instruments and HSE ACOPs which
describe the risk control standards required for compliance with the law; HSE
Guidance which provides guidance on the interpretation of the law and technical
advice on risks and risk control standards associated with certain activities and
processes; British Standards which lay down specific standards for instance for
machinery and its guarding; industry, trade associations and TU guidance and
guidance on risk tolerability such as the HSE publication Reducing Risks, Protecting
People. Most candidates were able to identify a number of the above publications
though a few considered that external UK referred to those that were produced
outside the United Kingdom. However, the question required them additionally to
outline how the publications could help to decide on acceptable levels of risk and
there were fewer who were able to do this.

Question 3 (a) A mixing vessel that contains solvent and product ingredients
must be thoroughly cleaned every two days. Cleaning requires
an operator to enter the vessel for which a permit-to-work is
required. During a recent audit of permit records it has been
discovered that many permits have not been completed correctly
or have not been signed back.

Outline possible reasons why the permit system is not being
properly adhered to. (5)

(b) A sister company operating the same process has demonstrated
that the vessel can be cleaned by installing fixed, high pressure
spray equipment inside the vessel which would eliminate the
need for vessel entry. You are keen to adopt this system for
safety reasons but the Board has requested a cost-benefit
analysis of the proposal.

Outline the principles of cost-benefit analysis in such
circumstances. (5)
Detailed discussion of individual cost elements is not required.

There are many reasons to account for the failure to adhere to a permit to work
system. They include the lack of competence of both the permit issuer and the
receiver; the level of training and information that has been given to both; a poor
health and safety culture within the organisation; routine violations with a lack of
perceived importance of the permit system; pressure to complete the task and the
possible complexity and impracticability of the system which makes it difficult to

Additionally, there could have been an inadequate level of supervision, a lack of
routine monitoring and the non-availability of the permit issuer to complete the sign
back and cancel the permit once the work had been completed. There were many
good answers provided for this part of the question. A few candidates referred only to
a lack of training and supervision while some outlined what information the permit
should contain. Even in the better answers there was often no reference to the health
and safety culture of the organisation.

For part (b) the preparation of a cost-benefit analysis would involve calculating the
total costs, including the capital and on going costs of each option. Wherever
possible, the benefits that would accrue from the use of the proposed system should
be quantified and these would include process efficiency gains, lower operating costs
and a reduction in accidents and cases of ill-health and their associated costs. Once
the costs and benefits of the proposal have been quantified, a comparison should
then be made. Whilst the first part of the question was well answered, the same could
not be said about part (b) with only a very few candidates demonstrating an
awareness of the principles of cost benefit analysis.

Question 4 (a) A prosecution under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
may be brought summarily or on indictment.

(i) Identify the criminal courts that may hear the
prosecution when it is brought for the first time. (2)

(ii) Outline the routes of appeal that could be pursued
following a conviction. (6)

(b) A matter involving the interpretation of European law may be
referred to the European Court of Justice for a preliminary

Identify the bodies or parties who have a legal right to initiate
such a referral. (2)

You may answer for the court systems in England and Wales or
Scotland or Northern Ireland.

For part (a) of the question, candidates who opted for the court systems in England
and Wales should have identified that when a prosecution is brought for the first time,
it would be heard in a Magistrates Court or in the Crown Court if brought on
indictment. The routes of appeal that could be pursued might usefully have been
shown in a diagram citing the Crown Court if the first hearing took place in the
Magistrates Court, then the Court of Appeal Criminal Division or the High Court
Queens Bench Division if a case was stated and important matters of law were
involved and lastly to the Supreme Court, though there would be an additional step
available namely to the European Court of J ustice if a matter of EU law were

For those candidates who opted for the Scottish system, a case would first be heard
in the Sheriffs Court Summary J urisdiction or, if brought on indictment it would be
brought in the Sheriffs Court Solemn J urisdiction with the possibility of an appeal to
the Scottish Court of Criminal Appeal with again referral to the European Court of
J ustice for matters of EU Law.

Examiners had expected that Diploma candidates would have had a good grasp of
the court system in the United Kingdom but this proved not to be the case. Routes of
appeal were confused and there were still many references to the House of Lords. It
was even suggested that an Employment Tribunal was the court of first instance for
the hearing of health and safety prosecutions.

For part (b), bodies or parties who have a right to a preliminary ruling include any
national court at the courts discretion and either party to an action where there is no
further route of appeal nationally. Again, there appeared to be little knowledge of
these arrangements.

Question 5 A child is struck by a train after getting onto a railway line through a
section of damaged fencing. The fencing had been damaged for some
time and the damage had been reported to the body in control of the
railway two months previously.

In relation to the body that is occupying or in control of the railway in
these circumstances:

(a) identify the statute that creates civil liability; (1)

(b) outline the nature of the duties AND the key provisions of this
statute. (9)

For part (a), candidates were expected to identify the Occupiers Liability Act 1984 or
in Scotland the Occupiers Liability (Scotland) Act 1960 as the statute that would
create a civil liability. There was some confusion between the 1984 Act and the
Occupiers Liability Act 1957 whilst a few candidates referred to the HSAW Act and the
MHSW Regulations.

Under the statute, occupiers or controllers of premises or land owe a duty to unlawful
visitors to take such care of their safety as is reasonable in all the circumstances. For
the duty to apply, the occupier must be aware of the danger or have reasonable
grounds to believe it exists and must have reasonable grounds to believe that a
person is or may come into the vicinity of the danger. Additionally, the risk must be
one against which the occupier might reasonably be expected to offer some
protection. In appropriate cases warnings or other steps to discourage people from
incurring the risk may discharge the duty.

Whilst the nature of the duties under the Occupiers Liability (Scotland) Act are very
similar, candidates should have referred to the fact that the occupier owes a duty to
unlawful visitors; that the fact that a person at risk is a trespasser is a factor affecting
the standard of care; and that in some cases, liability might be avoided for risks which
have been willingly accepted.

Answers to the second part of the question were again disappointing with few
candidates able to include either the nature of the duties or the key provisions of the
statute. Some considered that the sole intent of the Act was to protect trespassers
while others detailed the employers duties under the HSAW Act.


Question 6 Witness interviews are an important part of the information-gathering
process of an accident investigation.

Describe the requirements of an interview process that would help to
obtain the best quality of information from witnesses. (10)

Candidates who did best approached the question in a methodical way starting with
the need to interview as soon as possible after the event though it may be necessary
to postpone the interview if the witness is injured or in shock; providing a suitable
environment for the interview; interviewing one witness at a time; putting the witness
at ease and establishing a good rapport with him or her taking care to stress the
preventive purpose of the investigation rather than the apportioning of blame;
explaining the purpose of the interview and the need to record it; using an appropriate
questioning technique to establish key facts and avoiding leading questions or implied
conclusions; using appropriate sketches, photographs or a visit to the scene of the
accident to help with the interview; listening to the witness without interruptions and
allowing them sufficient time to give answers; and summarising and checking
agreement at the end of the interview. Good answers also included the need to adjust
language to suit the witness and the use of interpreters for those where English is not
the first language; clarifying what was actually witnessed as opposed to deduced;
inviting the witnesses to have someone accompany them if they so wish and showing
appreciation at the end of the interview.

Answers to this question were to a good standard. Some candidates did refer to the
use of open, closed or leading questions but did not specify when these might be
used. A few candidates did not read the question with sufficient care and explained
either why accidents should be investigated or considered the procedures that should
be followed in their investigation.


Question 7 (a) The results of accident / incident ratio studies are often depicted
as a triangle.

(i) Explain why the outcomes are often depicted as a
triangle. (2)

(ii) Explain how raw accident / incident data can be
converted into the type of results which are normally
shown in an accident / incident ratio study triangle. (3)

(iii) Explain the reasons why, in practice, the ratios of
accident / incident outcomes in an organisation always
follow this triangular pattern. (4)

(iv) Explain the implications of accident / incident ratio
studies for accident and incident investigation
arrangements and resourcing. (5)

(b) A business has undertaken a study of the numbers of different
types of accidents and incidents reported in a 12 month period.
The results are shown below as raw numbers:

Incident outcome Numbers
Major injury 4
Lost time accident 10
First-aid treatment 26
Property damage 25
Near miss 45

Outline the conclusions that might be drawn from this data when
compared with the results of published accident / incident ratio
studies. (6)

In answering part (a)(i) of the question, candidates should have explained that a
triangle is used to represent the relative increase in numbers with lower severity

For (a)(ii), raw data is classified by the severity of the outcome such as for example,
major injury, minor injury, property damage and near misses. The numerical ratios of
the severity outcomes are calculated to give 1 as the outcome of highest severity.

There are a number of reasons why the ratios of outcomes in an organisation follow a
similar pattern. Whilst many, but not all, low severity incidents have the potential to
cause higher severity injuries, the probabilities dictate that most incidents do not result
in a high severity outcome. Another factor which may have a bearing could be the
investment of more resources to prevent those incidents which are perceived as
having a high severity outcome.

Section B three from five questions to be attempted
The implications of accident ratio studies for accident and incident investigation
arrangements and the allocation of resources are that all accidents and incidents
should be investigated and the resources applied should be based on the potential
loss rather than the actual loss. The outcome of an accident/incident depends on local
circumstances and alternative outcomes for the same unplanned event are possible. It
is important to investigate near misses, property damage and minor injuries which are
often overlooked because of a lack of serious outcome since near misses often have
identical root causes to serious incidents and can reveal management system failures
before serious incidents occur.

Part (a) of this question was not well answered. Few understood how data can be
converted to results shown in the triangle nor could they explain how ratios of accident
or incident outcomes in an organisation always follow the triangle pattern. The
importance of investigating near misses or minor injuries to prevent those which could
have a more serious outcome was missed by many.

Answers to part (b) should have concluded that the ratio between major and lost time
accidents seems credible and could be an indication of reasonable reporting rates for
both type of accident. The ratio between lost time accidents and first aid cases is too
low and there is a likelihood that first aid cases are being under-reported. Property
damage incidents also look to be under reported. While there seem to be more near
miss reports, the ratio is in fact lower than in other published studies and they are
probably substantially under reported. There was an improved response to this part of
the question though some missed the point of the possible under reporting at the
lower levels.


Question 8 An employer engages a contractor to design, build and install a
passenger lift for use by its employees and customers. Shortly after the
lift was commissioned it failed in service injuring a number of customers
who were using it at the time. Investigation revealed that the lift had not
been designed to recognised standards and the contractor was not
competent to design or install such equipment.

(a) Outline the general types of health and safety related
information that the employer should have obtained from the
contractor (prior to their appointment) to ensure that the
contractor was competent to safely design and install the lift. (10)

(b) As a result of the failure of the lift and the injuries caused, both
the employer and the contractor were prosecuted. It was decided
to prosecute the contractor under Section 6 of the Health and
Safety at Work etc Act 1974. Explain why this section of the Act
is relevant to this scenario AND describe the requirements of
the Section that would be relevant to the design and installation
of the lift. (10)

For part (a) of the question, candidates were expected to consider the information on
health and safety that an employer - the client would need to obtain from a
contractor to assure them that they were indeed sufficiently competent both to design
and install the lift without compromising the health and safety both of the clients
employees and customers and also their own workforce. It would be important initially
to learn of the contractors experience in carrying out similar work, and to obtain
references from other clients on their satisfaction on the way their contract was
completed. Other important factors would be the standards to be followed in the
design of the lift and the procedures in place for assessing risks and controlling quality
during the design stage as well as evidence of the qualifications and experience of
individual design personnel. Information should be obtained on the contractors
current safety policy, arrangements for managing health and safety on site, and the
resources that would be allocated to this particular aspect of the contract.

Examples of completed risk assessments and method statements together with
performance measures such as accident rates, inspection reports, enforcement
notices and audit reports would be useful indicators in this area while it would be
appropriate to enquire as to membership of a relevant professional body. The client
should also have sought information on the qualifications and competency of those
employees to be engaged in the installation work with the procedures to be adopted
for the selection of sub-contractors if these were needed. Finally, the contractors
possession of adequate insurance cover related to public and product liability should
have been ensured.

There were reasonable answers provided for this part of the question though some
candidates while mentioning insurance cover were not specific as to the type of cover
that would be required.
For part (b), the relevance of Section 6 of the HSW Act to the scenario described in
the question is that the contractor was the designer, manufacturer and supplier of the
lift which was an article for use at work. As such, the contractor had a duty to ensure
that the lift was safe and without risks to health when it was being set, used, cleaned
or maintained. In designing and manufacturing the lift, they would need to carry out
any necessary research complete any necessary testing and examination and provide
adequate information to the user on the safe use of the equipment. As the person
installing the equipment, they would be obliged to ensure that nothing in the way it
was installed would make it unsafe. Most candidates were able to explain how Section
6 was applicable to the scenario described but fewer succeeded in describing the
specific requirements of the section that would be relevant to the design and
installation of the lift.

Question 9 A train driver has passed a stop signal resulting in a collision with another
train. Investigation of the incident concluded that the driver had seen the
signal gantry but had not perceived the relevant signal correctly. There
had been a number of previous similar incidents at this signal gantry,
although the driver was not aware of this.

The driver concerned was inexperienced and had received no local route
training or information. The signal was hard to see being partly obscured
by a bridge on approach and affected by strong sunlight. In addition, the
arrangement of the lights on the signal was a non-typical formation. The
driver had approached the signal with no expectation from previous
signals that it would be on stop.

(a) Give practical reasons why the driver may not have perceived
the signal correctly AND make reference to a suitable model of
perception as part of your answer. (7)

(b) Outline the steps that could be taken to reduce the likelihood of
a recurrence of this incident. (13)

In identifying why the driver may not have perceived the signal correctly, candidates
were expected to base their answers on a relevant model of perception such as Hale
and Hale where perception may be affected by sensory input and expectation.

This should have led them to give practical reasons for their error such as the colour
of the signal being mistaken either because it was affected by strong sunlight or the
drivers colour vision was defective; the signal itself could have been defective
perhaps because it was too dim; the driver may have read the wrong signal because
of its unusual formation; the signal was visible for a short time only and its perception
would have needed the full attention of the driver; the drivers expectation from
previous signal positions may have influenced their perception; and finally their
perception may have been dulled by the effects of alcohol, drugs or fatigue. Some
candidates did not realise that the question was concerned with perception and
discussed at length a variety of issues which would have led to the signal being read
incorrectly such as the drivers inexperience. Very few candidates referred to a
suitable model of perception as required and where one was given, there was little
apparent indication that it was understood.
For part (b), the initial steps that could be taken to reduce the likelihood of a
recurrence of this incident would be to re-design and re-locate the signal and replace
unusual signal formations, consulting with drivers during this process. Other actions
would centre on driver recruitment and selection processes involving pre-employment
screening for example for vision and physical capability and the provision of training to
include local route information, unusual signal formations, information on signals
which have been passed on danger on previous occasions with a final assessment
being made of the drivers competence before he/she is allowed to become
operational. Other measures would include ongoing supervision and competence
assessment together with a programme of health surveillance; the avoidance of driver
fatigue by the provision of breaks and the organisation of shift work; the introduction of
an alcohol and substance misuse policy; modifying the design of cab glazing to
minimise the effect of glare or reflections; the use of automatic train protection or
warning systems and the introduction of procedures to encourage the reporting of
similar incidents and to ensure prompt action is taken by management following the
receipt of such a report.

Candidates appeared to be a little more comfortable in dealing with this part of the
question and suggested a number of sensible steps that could be taken to reduce the
likelihood of a recurrence of the incident. Suggestions that did not appear too often
included the involvement of drivers in the designing of signals, the reporting of similar
incidents and the action to be taken following the receipt of such a report.

Question 10 (a) Outline how safety tours could contribute to improving health
and safety performance AND to improving health and safety
culture within a company. (10)
Discussion of the specific health and safety requirements,
problems or standards that such tours may address is not

(b) Outline the issues that should be considered when planning a
health and safety inspection programme. (10)
Information on the specific workplace conditions or behaviours
that might be covered in an inspection is not required.

There are a number of contributions that safety tours could make in improving health
and safety performance in a company including helping to identify compliance or non-
compliance with performance standards and, by repetition in the same area, indicating
an improving or worsening trend and checking the implementation and effectiveness
of agreed courses of action.

Additionally, when carried out in different areas, they can point up common
organisational health and safety problems and may identify opportunities for improved
performance through the observations of the tour members or by their conversations
with employees during the tour. When tours are carried out on an unscheduled basis,
there is the additional benefit of observing normal standards of behaviour rather than
those specifically adopted for the event. Tours may also help to improve the health
and safety culture of an organisation particularly if they are led on a regular basis by
members of management indicating their commitment to the cause. Additionally,
prompt remedial action for deficiencies noted enhances the perception of the priority
given to health and safety matters whilst the involvement of employees in the tours will
again encourage ownership and improve their perception of the importance of the
subject, particularly if the findings of the tours are shared with the workforce on a
regular basis. This was a popular question and the first part was reasonably well
answered though quite often candidates did not differentiate how the tours might
contribute to improving both performance and the culture within the organisation.

This part of the question should not have proved too difficult if candidates had
structured their responses around the four key words of who, what, where and when.
This should have led them to outline factors such as the composition and competence
of the inspection team; the specific areas of the workplace to be inspected; the
frequency and timings of the inspections which may have to be more frequent in
higher risk areas with a decision being made as to whether the inspections would take
place at peak working times or during slow periods and whether they should be
planned or unannounced; the method of carrying out the inspections and whether
check lists should be prepared and if so by whom; the possible need to provide
personal protective equipment for the inspection team; the involvement of the
workforce in consultation on the proposed programme; the need to obtain senior
management support and commitment for the inspection programme; consulting
previous inspection reports and researching applicable legislation and standards; and
deciding on procedures to be followed after the inspection to ensure appropriate
remedial action is taken. Most of the above issues appeared in the answers submitted
though reviewing previous findings, legal requirements, costs and resources and
reporting on the results of the inspection were issues that were occasionally forgotten.

Question 11 A fast-growing manufacturing company employs 150 people. Health and
safety standards at the company are poor as arrangements have
developed in an unplanned way without professional advice. The
company has managed to avoid any serious accidents and staff at all
levels do not seem particularly concerned. However two employees have
recently experienced near miss incidents and have complained jointly to
the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

A subsequent visit by an HSE inspector in connection with the near-miss
incidents has resulted in the issue of three improvement notices. The
Managing Director wishes to dismiss the two employees whom he has
described as troublemakers.

(a) Explain the advice you would give the Managing Director with
respect to the proposed disciplinary action against the
employees who have complained. (5)

(b) Outline the steps that could be taken to gain the support of the
workforce in improving the health and safety culture within the
company. (15)

This question required application of employment law knowledge and a strategy for
changing the perception, involvement and ownership of employees on matters of
health and safety in their workplace.

For the first part of the question candidates should have recognised that this was a
protected disclosure under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 though many of
them could not name the Act correctly or explain the real nature of the protection,
despite many recognising that an action at an Employment Tribunal, may result. Other
advice to the MD would have been to investigate why the employees felt the need to
refer the matter to the HSE, and to consider the possible root causes of their

Part (b) required candidates to outline the steps that could be taken to gain the support
of the workforce in improving the health and safety culture within the company. Better
answers began by recognising the value of tools to help them understand current
employee perceptions such as informal discussions and safety climate questionnaires.
Methods of demonstrating the commitment of the business to the improvement of the
safety culture such as the development of a new policy, establishing a health and
safety committee, appointing a safety adviser, encouraging informal communication on
health and safety, investing in safety training for leaders and staff and emphasising
through communication and good example that safety had the same priority as
production were all measures that should have been identified. Steps to increase
employee participation were also important and could have included involvement in
risk assessments, the development of safe systems of work, inspections, incident
investigation and team briefing sessions. It would also be relevant to stress the
importance that should be given to providing the workforce with information on safety
initiatives, to publicise the work of the safety committee and to ensure that safety
issues became a key part of routine reporting at all levels.

In general, candidates did not take a broad enough approach to this part of the
question and there was possibly too much emphasis placed on the appointment of
safety representatives and the formation of a safety committee.

The National Examination
Board in Occupational
Safety and Health
Dominus Way
Meridian Business Park
Leicester LE19 1QW
telephone +44 (0)116 2634700
fax +44 (0)116 2824000
email info@nebosh.org.uk

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