Procuremnt Government
Procuremnt Government
Procuremnt Government
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Table of content
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The prime objective of the Malaysian Government procurement is to support Government
programmes by obtaining value for money through acquisition of works, supplies and services.
To meet this objective close attention is given to price factors as well as non price factors such as
whole life cost, quality, quantity, timeliness, maintenance and warranty. The benefits or value
from procurement should commensurate with the costs involved and that the best procurement is
well and thoroughly evaluated, reasoned and justified. In this context, the Malaysian
Government procurement is based on the following policies, principles, objectives and
2.1 Government Procurement Policies
The Malaysian Government Procurement Policies, in general, provide support for the full
achievement of the objectives and aspirations of the National Development Policy and Vision
2020 i.e. towards a developed nation status. The principal policies are as follows:
a) To stimulate the growth of local industries through the maximum utilisation of local materials
and resources;
b) To encourage and support the evolvement of Bumiputera (indigenous) entrepreneurs in line
with the nation's aspirations to create Bumiputera Commercial and Industrial Community;
c) To increase and enhance the capabilities of local institutions and industries via transfer of
technology and expertise;
d) To stimulate and promote service oriented local industries such as freight and insurance; and
e) To accelerate economic growth whereby Government procurement is used as a tool to achieve
socio-economic and development objectives.
2.2 Procurement Principles
In general Government procurement is essentially based on the following principles:
a) Public Accountability
Procurement should obviously reflect public accountability entrusted with the Government.
b) Transparency
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All procurement regulations, conditions, procedures and processes need to be clear and
transparent to facilitate better understanding among suppliers and contractors.
c) Value For Money
Government procurement should yield the best returns for every Malaysian Ringgit spent in
terms of quality, quantity, timeliness, price and source.
d) Open And Fair Competition
Processes involving Government procurement should offer fair and equitable opportunities to all
those participating or competing in any procurement.
e) Fair Dealing
All acceptable bids will be processed fairly based on current rules, policies and procedures.
2.3 Procurement Objectives
Government procurement comprises the following objectives in general:
a) To ensure continuous supply of materials and services to meet the Government needs from the
best and reliable sources;
b) To ensure efficient, effective and ethical procurement practices to enable the Government to
achieve best value for money without compromising on quality, delivery and other price and
non-price factors;
c) To stimulate and encourage the growth and development of local industries through the
optimal usage of local resources and materials;
d) To expand and invigorate the local industrial sector by means of transfer of technology and
expertise to suit the nation's needs; and
e) To promote alternative and multiple sourcing through supplier/vendor development according
to the aspirations and vision of the Government.
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3.1 Malaysian Government Administration And Machinery The Malaysian Public Sector and
also the Malaysian Government Administration and machinery mainly consist of the following
a) The Federal Government
The Federal Government is, in fact, the Central Government with 24 Federal Ministries headed
by their respective Ministers and administrative heads, the Secretary- Generals.
b) The State Governments
There are 13 State Governments within Malaysia implementing state functions alongwith
Federal Departments. The State Governments generate their own revenues and incur their own
expenditures even though the Federal Government undertakes projects at the state level agreed
upon in the Concurrent List and Federal List in the Constitution of Malaysia.
c) Local Authorities
The Local Authorities constitute the City Councils, Municipalities and District Councils that
operate with revenue derived from sources within their jurisdiction and boundaries namely
assessment, licensing etc. They also receive financial grants from the Federal Government and
respective State Governments. These Local Authorities enjoy financial autonomy.
d) Statutory Bodies
Statutory bodies are set up under Statute Acts both by the Federal and State Governments. These
bodies are normally set up for specific purposes and they are also autonomous.
4.1 Financial Authority
The Federal Government financial authority is vested with the Minister of Finance and the
Secretary-General of the Ministry of Finance with directions from the Minister. In the case of
State Governments, the financial authority is vested with the respective Chief Ministers, and the
respective State Financial Officers with directions from the respective Chief Ministers. The
financial authority in Local Authorities and Statutory Bodies is vested with the respective
Chairpersons and the Councils or the Board of Directors.
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4.2 Financial Procedure Act 1957 (Revised 1972)
The Financial Procedure Act 1957 (Revised 1972), provides for the control andmanagement of
the public finances of Malaysia and outlines financial and accounting procedures. It includes
procedures for the collection, custody and payment of the public monies of Malaysia and of the
States, and also the purchase, custody and disposal of public property and related matters.
4.3 Treasury Instructions
The Treasury Instructions (TI) detail out financial and accounting procedures and encompass the
regulations that need to be adhered to in the management of Government funds including
4.4 Government Contract Act 1949
The Government Contract Act 1949 empowers the respective Ministers in the respective
ministries to enter into contracts and also empowers the respective ministers to delegate powers
to Government Officers to enter into contracts on behalf of the Government.
4.5 Treasury Circular Letters
Treasury Circulars are issued from time to time to inform, clarify, implement, improve and
amend certain policies, rules and procedures whenever required by the Government and financial
4.6 Federal Central Contract Circulars
Federal Central Contract Circulars are issued to inform the users on the availability of common
user items which are centrally purchased. The Central Contract Circulars normally contain
details such as items, name of suppliers, areas of supply and time of delivery. Apart from
procurement principles and objectives, most often the Central Contracts objectives are to
promote local products and develop vendors.
5.1 For purposes of procurement, the Malaysian Government procurement has been categorized
as follows:
a) Works
Works contracts include construction and engineering activities involving infrastructure and
structures such as buildings, airports, roads/highways, dams, drainage etc. It is also inclusive of
mechanical and electrical aspects of works.
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b) Supplies
Supplies include the supply of raw, intermediate or finished goods and products for any activity
of users. Also included are construction materials, food products, uniforms, vehicles, equipment,
spare parts, furniture etc.
c) Services
Services include engagement of manpower, expertise and consultants in the areas of feasibility
studies, research, designing, surveying, management etc. Other services such as repairs,
maintenance and cleaning services are minor activities under this category.
6.1 Direct Purchase
a) This procedure allows procurement of supplies and services up to the value of RM50,000
directly through the issue of a Government Order to any known suppliers of goods or services
consistently supplying goods at acceptable quality and reasonable price. The requirement of
registration is exempted.
b) Procurement of works up to the value of RM20,000 may be done through the issue of a Works
Indent to a contractor who is registered with the Construction Industry Development Board
(CIDB) Malaysia.
6.2 Quotation
a) Procurement of supplies and services above the value of RM50,000 and up to RM500,000 is
done through calling of quotations and the minimum number of quotations to be invited is five.
All suppliers wishing to take part in quotations must be registered with the Government.
b) Procurement of works above the value of RM20,000 and up to RM500,000 is done through
calling of quotations and the minimum number of quotations to be invited is five. All contractors
wishing to take part in quotations must be registered with the CIDB.
6.3 Tenders
Procurement of works, supplies and services above the value of RM500,000 must be done
through tender processes. All contractors intending to participate in local tenders must be
registered with the Government. International tenders will be invited for supplies and services if
there are no locally produced supplies or services available. For specific works, if local
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contractors do not have the expertise and capability, tenders may be called on a joint venture
basis between local and foreign contractors to encourage the transfer of technology. International
tenders for works may only be called when local contractors do not have the expertise and
capability, and a joint venture is not possible.
7.1 Specifications
Ministries and Departments are required to initially prepare tender specifications. For this
purpose, a technical committee needs to be formed. Specifications should be as detail as possible
to give the bidders a clear idea of what is required or expected. The specifications drawn are
functional or performance based although technically detailed specifications are sometimes used.
Compliance to acceptable international standards or their equivalent may also be included in the
specifications. However, tailored specifications to suit any brand or country are strictly
forbidden. The system provides for an objection from potential bidders, a period of 14 days from
the date of issue of tender documents on any tailored specifications for local tender and 28 days
for international tender.
7.2 Tender Documents
Tender documents are prepared and distributed at a cost, the minimum being RM50. The
contents of the tender documents include general and specific terms and conditions,
specifications, a copy of agreement, price schedule, delivery period, objection period and the
scope of works expected.
7.3 Advertisement
All tenders are advertised in at least one local daily in the Malay language. International tenders
must be advertised in at least two local dailies i.e one in the Malay language and one in the
English language. Procurement opportunities can also be accessed through the procuring
agencies websites, MyPROCUREMENT portal ( and
MyGovernment portal ( Bidders are given a submission period of not
less than 21 days for local tenders. For international tenders the submission period may not be
less than 56 days.
7.4 Sale Of Tender Documents
Sale of tender documents may commence from the date of publication of advertisement in the
dailies. Only contractors fulfilling the local registration requirement may purchase tender
documents for local tenders. In the case of international tender, supplies and services contractors
are exempted from the local registration requirement. However, works contracts require foreign
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contractors to register with the CIDB. The requirement to register with CIDB is mandatory for
all contractors dealing with the construction industry in Malaysia under an Act of Parliament.
7.5 Tender Deposits
Local suppliers and contractors registered with the Government are exempted from tender
deposits. However, international bidders are required to furnish a tender deposit ranging from
RM60,000 for bids below RM5 million, to RM 1 million for bids exceeding RM30 million for
supplies and services. For works contracts, bidders are required to furnish tender deposits
ranging from RM60,000 for contracts below RM10 million, to RM 1 million for contracts
exceeding RM100 million.
7.6 Closing And Opening Of Tenders
The tender advertisement stipulates the precise date and time of closing and the address to which
all tenders must be sent. The tenders may be sent by post or dropped into boxes specially made
available for this purpose. Tender proposals by bidders should include the technical and financial
proposals prepared separately in two copies and sealed in separate envelopes to facilitate
scheduling and independent evaluation. A Tender Opening Committee comprising of senior
government officers will open and schedule all the tenders and prepare a schedule of prices
quoted. All tenders will be accorded a serial number and the name of bidders will be omitted to
enable fair, just and independent evaluation of tenders by the Technical and Financial Evaluation
7.7 Evaluation Of Tenders
Evaluation committees will evaluate all tenders based on the criteria set in the tender document.
Evaluation is normally done by two separate committees i.e. Technical Evaluation Committee
and Financial Evaluation Committee. The evaluation of both committees will result in the
ranking of tenders received and the tender secretariat will apply the pre-determined weightage
for the final evaluation of all tenders. This tender evaluation report will then be submitted to the
Procurement Boards of Ministries/Departments (Agency Procurement Boards) for consideration
and decision.
7.8 Selection Of Successful Bidder
The Agency Procurement Boards will consider and select the successful bidder. Selection of
tenders will be based on the general procurement principles, pre-determined criteria and final
evaluation. All tenders are to be considered by the Agency Procurement Boards. However in
cases where the tender value is above RM100 million for works and RM50 million for supplies
and services, the tenders would then be sent with recommendation of the Agency Procurement
Boards to the Ministry of Finance for final decision. Information of successful bidder will be
displayed in the procuring agencies websites and MyPROCUREMENT portal.
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8.1 All individuals, companies or corporate bodies intending to participate in Government
procurement i.e. to do business with the Government are required to undergo a registration
process. This includes all contractors of works, supplies and services. Registration authorities are
as below: Category Registration Authorities
Works Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Malaysia
Supplies Government Procurement Division, Ministry of Finance Malaysia
Services Government Procurement Division, Ministry of Finance Malaysia
8.2 The registration requirement is to ensure that companies/contractors are bona fide, truly
committed in the relevant business fields and possesses the capability to carry out works or
supply and provide the services. For works, construction and electrical contractors are registered
separately. There are seven (7) classes of registration for construction and seven (7) classes for
electrical contractors under the CIDB registration.
8.3 This registration requirement enables the government to take disciplinary action and impose
penalties on contractors who do not perform according to contract. Penalties imposed according
to seriousness of deviations, range from warning, suspension of registration for a maximum
period of 5 years and to blacklisting of Companies/Board of Directors of the contracting parties
from conducting further businesses with any Government Ministry, Department or Agency. This
applies to contractors/suppliers with consistent or serious deviations from the contract conditions
where enforcement of the contract conditions alone would not resolve the seriousness or
complications as the case might be.
8.4 Exemption from registration is allowed under certain circumstances but where exemption is
granted contractors need to furnish tender deposits.
The Government Procurement Division, Ministry of Finance establishes and facilitates
procurement of common user items through Federal Central Contracts/Panel Contracts. These
contracts are made through open local tenders and sometimes through negotiated tenders. When
a Federal Central Contract/Panel Contract has been made for a particular item, all ministries and
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departments whether Federal or State are required to purchase from these contracts. Items under
the central contracts/panel contracts range from foodstuff, office furniture and vehicle spare
10.1 All tenders i.e. procurement of supplies, services and works above the value of RM500,000
must be considered and decided by Agency Procurement Boards. The Minister of Finance
appoints all Federal Government Procurement Boards and the Chief Ministers of the respective
states appoints the State Government Procurement Boards. The chairperson is usually a Head of
Department or a Controlling Officer who under the Financial Procedure Act 1957 is empowered
to manage the annual allocation given to a particular Ministry or Department.
10.2 Currently two (2) Agency Procurement Boards have been established in all federal
ministries i.e. Agency Procurement Board A and Agency Procurement Board B. The Agency
Procurement Board A is empowered to decide on tenders up to RM50 million for supplies and
services, and up to RM100 million for works. The representative from the Ministry of Finance is
the permanent member of the Agency Procurement Board A and his presence is mandatory to
validate the decision of the Board. This requirement is mainly to ensure that all procurement
principles, policies, rules and regulations and procedures are strictly adhered to. The Agency
Procurement Board B is empowered to decide on all tenders below RM20 million without the
presence of a representative from the Ministry of Finance.
10.3 Tenders above the values of RM50 million for supplies and services and RM100 million for
works for Government Ministries/Departments and tenders above RM100 million for statutory
bodies must be forwarded to the Ministry of Finance for final decision. Any decisions of the
Agency Procurement Boards which are not unanimous must also be forwarded to the Ministry of
Finance for final decision.
A Letter of Intent will be issued to the successful bidder, if necessary. The Letter of Intent may
consist of additional terms and conditions, mostly safeguards and important for the successful
implementation of the contract. The Letter of Intent is not legally binding. The final decision on
acceptance of the tender depends upon the successful negotiation and/or acceptance of additional
terms and conditions.
A Letter of Acceptance is directly issued to the successful bidder if his bid is accepted in total.
The successful bidder is then required to attest and return the Letter of Acceptance to the
Government. If negotiations are necessary where the Letter of Intent so requires, then upon
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completion of negotiations, the Letter of Acceptance is issued to the successful bidder and it
must be returned to the Government for the formalisation of contract. The Letter of Acceptance
forms a part of the contract documents and is legally binding.
Formal contracts are drawn upon the receipt of the Letter of Acceptance from themsuccessful
bidder. Bidders are required to forward Performance Bonds based on stipulated rates according
to the value of a contract. Performance Bonds must be obtained from locally incorporated banks,
insurance companies and financial institutions that are licensed to operate in Malaysia. The
current rates are as follows:
a) For Supplies and Services contract
i) 2.5 percent of contract value for contracts exceeding RM200,000 and less than
RM500,000; and
ii) 5.0 percent for contracts exceeding RM500,000.
b) For Works contract
i) 5.0 percent of the contract value exceeding RM200,000.
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