This document provides an overview of air preheater performance in three parts:
1) It introduces air preheater (APH) performance calculations and examines how APH outlet gas temperature affects boiler efficiency and heat rate.
2) It describes the basic design and operation of Ljungstrom and Rothemuhle APHs, including their heat transfer surfaces and air and gas flow paths. It also discusses sources of air leakage in different APH configurations.
3) It explains how air leakage affects APH capacity and flow rates, as well as boiler and plant performance through increased forced and induced draft fan power requirements.
This document provides an overview of air preheater performance in three parts:
1) It introduces air preheater (APH) performance calculations and examines how APH outlet gas temperature affects boiler efficiency and heat rate.
2) It describes the basic design and operation of Ljungstrom and Rothemuhle APHs, including their heat transfer surfaces and air and gas flow paths. It also discusses sources of air leakage in different APH configurations.
3) It explains how air leakage affects APH capacity and flow rates, as well as boiler and plant performance through increased forced and induced draft fan power requirements.
This document provides an overview of air preheater performance in three parts:
1) It introduces air preheater (APH) performance calculations and examines how APH outlet gas temperature affects boiler efficiency and heat rate.
2) It describes the basic design and operation of Ljungstrom and Rothemuhle APHs, including their heat transfer surfaces and air and gas flow paths. It also discusses sources of air leakage in different APH configurations.
3) It explains how air leakage affects APH capacity and flow rates, as well as boiler and plant performance through increased forced and induced draft fan power requirements.
This document provides an overview of air preheater performance in three parts:
1) It introduces air preheater (APH) performance calculations and examines how APH outlet gas temperature affects boiler efficiency and heat rate.
2) It describes the basic design and operation of Ljungstrom and Rothemuhle APHs, including their heat transfer surfaces and air and gas flow paths. It also discusses sources of air leakage in different APH configurations.
3) It explains how air leakage affects APH capacity and flow rates, as well as boiler and plant performance through increased forced and induced draft fan power requirements.
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December 1, 2010
Power 101: Improving the Performance of
Boiler Auxiliaries, Part I By Nenad Sarunac Editor's note: In this second installment of our Power 101 series (the first installment was Flue Gas Heat Recovery in Power Plants, published in three parts Part I, Part II, and Part III!, we e"amine boiler au"iliary components that may be secondary to the desi#n of the boiler itself but which are absolutely essential to its operation$ %e be#in this multi&part series with an introduction to the air preheater ('PH! performance calculations$ In Part II, we(ll e"amine performance de#radation caused by corrosion and foulin# as a result of coal combustion flue #as constituents plus the effects of ammonia and sodium bisulfite in)ection for *+, miti#ation$ In Part III, we(ll loo- at options for improvin# 'PH performance$ Future articles will center on improvin# the performance of other boiler au"iliaries$ The Ljungstrom (or Rothemuhle) ar !reheater ("#$) trans%ers sensble heat n the %lue gas lea&ng the boler to the combuston ar, usng regenerat&e heat trans%er sur%aces n a rotatng (Ljungstrom) "#$ or statonary (Rothemuhle) heat trans%er matr'( )ncreasng the tem!erature o% the ncomng combuston ar ncreases boler e%%cency and reduces the !lant heat rate (*gure 1)( The ncrease n boler e%%cency s sgn%cant+ a 2,* change n %lue gas tem!erature lea&ng the "#$ results n an a!!ro'mately 1- (relat&e) change n net unt heat rate, .th a corres!ondng reducton n /02 emssons( 1. The e%%ect o% "#$ gas outlet tem!erature on net unt heat rate( Source+ 1nergy Research /enter, Lehgh 2n&ersty (1R/) The %lue gas tem!erature lea&ng the econom3er (and enterng the "#$) s ty!cally reduced %rom 400* to 500* to 26,* to 7,0* at the "#$ outlet( /ombuston ar s heated %rom about 50* to ,00* to 6,0*, de!endng on the coal heat and mosture content( )n theory, only the !rmary ar (the ar used to dry the coal n the !ul&er3ers and con&ey the !ul&er3ed coal to the burners) could be heated( *uel can be combusted .thout !reheatng secondary and tertary ar( $o.e&er, there s consderable ad&antage to the %urnace heat trans%er !rocess by heatng all o% the combuston ar+ )t ncreases the rate o% burnng and hel!s ncrease %urnace %lame tem!eratures( The Ljungstrom "#$ o!erates by contnuously re&ol&ng the heat trans%er matr' through the gas (absorbng heat energy) and ar streams (releasng heat energy) .th a rotatonal s!eed n the 1 r!m to 7 r!m range( The Rothemuhle (or statonary !late) "#$ uses a statonary heat trans%er matr' .th a rotatng ar8%lue gas hood (*gure 2)( 2. The Rothemuhle regenerat&e "#$( Source+ 1R/ "#$s can be desgned as b9sector or tr9sector ty!es( )n a b9sector "#$, total combuston ar (secondary and !rmary ar) %lo.s through the ar sector o% the "#$ (*gure 7a)( )n a tr9sector desgn, the !rmary ar %lo.s through a se!arate !rmary ar sector, .hle the secondary ar %lo.s through the secondary ar sector (*gure 7b)( " tr9sector desgn s used %or bolers %rng hgh9 mosture or lo.9ran: %uels .here hotter !rmary ar s needed %or e&a!oraton o% coal mosture n mlls( 3. B9sector (le%t) and tr9sector (rght) "#$ con%guratons( Source+ 1R/ Due to a d%%erence n statc !ressure bet.een the %lue gas and combuston ar streams, combuston ar can lea: nto the %lue gas stream( The "#$ lea:age (;"#$,L) s ty!cally n the 5- to 12- (by .eght) range %or Ljungstrom "#$s( *or the Rothemuhle "#$, ar lea:ages n the 2,- to 70- range are not uncommon( Lea:age !aths %or a tr9sector "#$ are more com!le', com!ared to a b9sector "#$( )n a tr9 sector "#$, !rmary ar (#") lea:s nto the %lue gas and secondary ar (S") streams, .hle S" lea:s nto the %lue gas stream( Lea:age occurs both on the cold end (/1) and hot end ($1) sdes o% the "#$( Due to large d%%erence n !ressure bet.een the #" and S" streams, as .ell as the #" and %lue gas streams, lea:age n a tr9sector "#$ s hgher than n a b9sector "#$( )t<s also m!ortant to note that %or a tr9sector "#$, the "#$ lea:age, as de%ned by 1=uaton 1 (all o% the !er%ormance calculaton e=uatons re%erenced are ncluded n an "!!end' at the end o% ths artcle), does not nclude the #" to S" lea:age and there%ore s not an accurate measure o% total ar lea:age( *urthermore, the #" to S" lea:age cannot be measured ether by the o'ygen rse or tracer gas techn=ues but has to be calculated usng n%ormaton on !ressure d%%erence bet.een the #" and S" streams and assumed clearances( "r lea:age %or a tr9sector "#$ can be determned by a com!uter model, such as that !resented n *gure >( *or ths 6009?@ ! !lant %rng btumnous coal, lea:ages are calculated by usng n%ormaton on statc !ressure d%%erences bet.een the #", S", and %lue gas streams, assumng t.o9thrds o% the lea:age occurs at the hot end o% the "#$( The ar to %lue gas lea:age s 12- (by .eght)( "s dscussed earler, ths lea:age does not nclude the #" to S" lea:age( *or the g&en statc !ressure dstrbuton around the "#$, a calculated &alue o% the #" to S" lea:age s ,(,-( . The 1ngneerng Research /enter at Lehgh 2n&ersty has .rtten a com!uter model to calculate ar and gas lea:age %or a tr9sector "#$( Source+ 1R/ "r lea:age also a%%ects the %lo. rate o% #", S", and %lue gas through the "#$ heat trans%er matr' and, thus, a%%ects the "#$ ca!acty rate rato (/R, :no.n n the ndustry as the A rato)( Ths !arameter has a sgn%cant e%%ect on "#$ !er%ormance( The /1 lea:age a%%ects the tem!erature o% the %lue gas lea&ng the "#$( The %lue gas tem!erature, do.nstream o% the "#$, a%ter adabatc m'ng bet.een the %lue gas and ar lea:age streams (2B6* n ths e'am!le), s com!ared to the %lue gas tem!erature measured at the "#$ outlet (70,(>* n ths e'am!le)( ?ajor com!onents o% a &ertcal9sha%t b9sector Ljungstrom "#$ and lea:age !aths are !resented n *gure ,( )n ths arrangement, the %lue gas %lo.s do.n.ard, .hle combuston ar s u!.ard( The rotor, !ac:ed .th heat trans%er sur%ace, s su!!orted through a bearng at the /1 o% the "#$ and guded through a gude9bearng assembly located at the to! or $1 o% the "#$( !. Ths llustraton o% a b9sector Ljungstrom "#$ ncludes seals and lea:age !aths( Source+ 1R/ The con&entonal rotor sealng system contans o% lea%9ty!e labyrnth seals bolted to the rotor radal members at the $1 and /1( The radal seals !ress aganst radal !lates, located at the $1 and /1( "'al seals are !ostoned along the !er!hery o% the rotor( *or the &ertcal9sha%t Ljungstrom, .here the rotor s su!!orted %rom belo., most o% the lea:age occurs at the $1 o% the "#$( "s a rule o% thumb, a!!ro'mately t.o9thrds o% the ar lea:age occurs at the $1 o% the "#$ (*gure ,)( *or a hor3ontal9sha%t "#$, a!!ro'mately t.o9thrds o% ar lea:age occurs at the /1( The trans%er o% heat %rom the hotter %lue gas stream to the colder ar stream creates tem!erature gradents, .hch cause thermal dstortons throughout the structural members( The relat&e dstorton o% the &arous com!onents a%%ects clearances bet.een the seals and sealng sur%aces( There%ore, control o% "#$ lea:age s not an easy tas:, es!ecally n case o% a Rothemuhle "#$( The heat trans%er sur%ace o% Ljungstrom9 or Rothemuhle9ty!e ar !reheaters uses a combnaton o% %lat or %ormed steel sheets .th corrugated, notched, or undulated rbbng, %ormng longtudnal (a'al) !assages .thn the "#$ (*gure 4)( The heat trans%er sur%aces are desgned %or hgh heat trans%er and lo. !ressure dro!( "s an a!!ro'mate rule, 1 nch n heght o% standard Ljungstrom heat trans%er sur%ace reco&ers as much heat as 2 %eet o% sur%ace n a tubular heater .th e=u&alent resstance to %lo.( The com!act arrangement o% metal sheets !ermts a large amount o% heat trans%er sur%ace to be !laced n a relat&ely small rotor( Normally, the heat trans%er sur%ace s d&ded nto t.o or more a'al layers( "d&antages resultng %rom layerng the sur%ace nclude these+ " %eld9remo&able /1 secton, usually 12 nches n length (or heght), that can be easly re!laced n case o% corroson damage or se&ere !luggng( D%%erent heat trans%er sur%aces can be used n d%%erent layers to sats%y ste9s!ec%c re=urements( )n addton, d%%erent9gauge materals can be used n each layer, .th the /1 layer ty!cally manu%actured o% the hea&est gauge materal( 1ach layer can be constructed o% a d%%erent materal to accommodate %oulng and corroson condtons that &ary .th %lue gas tem!erature( ". *lat, notched, corrugated, and undulated steel !lates are used to %orm "#$ heat trans%er sur%aces (to!)( The sha!e sho.n on the bottom le%t s ty!cally used n the cold end layer o% the "#$( The bottom rght con%guraton s tradtonally used n the ntermedate and hot end layers( Source+ 1R/ Tradtonally, "#$ desgn used %our a'al layers+ cold end, cold ntermedate, hot ntermedate, and hot end layer( Later, the %our9layer desgn .as sm!l%ed to a three9layer desgn( *or the "#$s o!eratng do.nstream o% a select&e noncatalytc reactor or select&e catalytc reactor %or N0' control, .here ammona sl! and %ormaton and de!oston o% ammonum bsul%ate .thn the "#$ s a !roblem, a t.o9layer "#$ desgn s used( The t.o9layer desgn uses a dee! /1 layer manu%actured o% lo.9alloy /orten steel or enameled carbon steel that .as de&elo!ed to %acltate better cleanng( The t.o9layer "#$ desgn s used by the electrc utlty ndustry .th &aryng degrees o% success( #stimating AP$ Air %ea&age "r !reheater lea:age not only a%%ects !er%ormance o% the "#$, but t also has a detrmental e%%ect on unt !er%ormance( "r lea:ng %rom the combuston ar to the %lue gas stream s not !artc!atng n the combuston !rocess, and t re!resents an addtonal burden on the %orced dra%t (*D) and nduced dra%t ()D) %ans( "s ar lea:age ncreases, the *D %an needs to handle an addtonal &olume o% ar to su!!ly combuston ar to the boler( "ddtonally, the )D %an ! ncreases, because the %an has to handle lea:age ar n addton to the combuston !roducts (%lue gas)( "s a result, staton ser&ce ! ncreases, causng an undesrable ncrease n net unt heat rate( The e%%ect o% "#$ ar lea:age on net unt heat rate and staton ser&ce ! s !resented n *gure 6 %or a b9sector "#$ and a >009?@ ! !lant %rng btumnous coal( The nlet gude &ane %lo. control .as assumed %or *D and )D %ans n ths e'am!le( '. The e%%ect o% "#$ ar lea:age on net unt heat rate and staton ser&ce loads( Source+ 1R/ /hanges n net unt heat rate and staton ser&ce ! can be de&elo!ed as %unctons o% the "#$ ar lea:age( The 4- "#$ lea:age s used as a re%erence !ont, because t re!resents the desgn &alue used by "#$ manu%acturers( "s "#$ lea:age ncreases, the net unt heat rate !enalty ncreases lnearly( " 10 !ercentage !ont ncrease n "#$ lea:age (%or e'am!le, an ncrease %rom 4- to 14-) ncreases staton ser&ce ! by about 11- and ncreases the net unt heat rate by a!!ro'mately 0(2,-( 1lmnatng "#$ lea:age by usng gas9to9gas heat e'changers or heat !!e heat e'changers .ll m!ro&e net unt heat rate by a!!ro'mately 0(1,-( The heat rate !enalty due to the "#$ ar lea:age s hgher %or tr9sector "#$s, .here hgh9 !ressure #" %rom the !rmary ar sector lea:s nto the S" and %lue gas streams, resultng n ncreased #" %an ! re=urements, n addton to ncreased *D and )D %an ! " com!arson o% the heat rate !enalty %or ! !lants em!loyng b9sector and tr9sector "#$s s !resented n *gure 5( (. The e%%ect on !lant heat rate caused by "#$ ar lea:age %or b9sector and tr9sector "#$s( Source+ 1R/ Besdes a%%ectng staton ser&ce ! and net unt heat rate, "#$ ar lea:age has a negat&e e%%ect on !er%ormance o% the ar !olluton e=u!ment by reducng treatment (resdence) tme due to a hgher %lo. rate o% %lue gas( "lso, ar lea:ageCncludng the "#$ and boler n9lea:ageC has a negat&e e%%ect on the !ost9combuston /02 ca!ture system and ts e%%cency( The s3e (and cost) o% the !ost9combuston /02 ca!ture system s drectly !ro!ortonal to the %lo. rate o% the %lue gas that needs to be treated( )n addton, e%%cency o% the !ost9combuston /02 ca!ture system s a%%ected by the concentraton o% /02 n the %lue gas, .hch decreases as ar lea:age ncreases( The e%%ects o% "#$ ar lea:age on the %lue gas %lo. rate and /02 concentraton n the %lue gas are !resented n *gures B and 10 %or a b9sector "#$ nstalled on a ty!cal >009?@ ! !lant %rng btumnous coal( The %lo. rate o% %lue gas lea&ng the "#$ ncreases lnearly as the "#$ ar lea:age ncreases( *or hgh le&els o% "#$ lea:age, ty!cal o% Rothemuhle "#$s, the ncrease n %lue gas %lo. rate s sgn%cant( )n ths stuaton, the concentraton o% /02 n the %lue gas decreases .th ar lea:age( *or hgh le&els o% "#$ lea:age, the decrease n the /02 concentraton s sgn%cant( ). The e%%ect on %lue gas %lo. caused by changes n "#$ ar lea:age( Source+ 1R/ 10. /02 concentraton n the boler %lue gas decreases as "#$ ar lea:age ncreases( Source+ 1R/ )n the case o% an o'y9combuston retro%t, any ar lea:age .ll ha&e a se&ere negat&e e%%ect on !lant e%%cency, retro%t cost, and /02 !urty and .ll ha&e to be elmnated( Ths .ll re=ure 3ero9lea:age heat e'changers .hen %rng n the o'y9%uel mode( Air Preheater *eals The "#$ lea:age usually dr%ts ( ncreases) .th tme, unless a catastro!hc seal %alure occurs (*gure 11)( ?ost ne. "#$s, a%ter ntal commssonng or .hen set u! correctly a%ter an outage, can ache&e lea:age le&els that are close to desgn &alues( $o.e&er, a%ter a !erod o% o!eraton (t.o or more years), the lea:age .ll ncrease, ty!cally %rom 4- to 12- on the secondary "#$s, and to bet.een 12- and 2,- (or hgher) on !rmary ar !reheaters( Smlar ncreases n ar lea:age are e'!ected %or tr9sector "#$s( 11. The "#$ ar lea:age .ll dr%t u! =uc:ly a%ter nstallaton( Source+ D?odern3aton o% Rotatng ?atr' Regenerat&e "r #reheaters,D $o.den Ltd(, !resented at #o.erEen 1BB4( )n addton to hgher *D and )D ! re=urements and hgher net unt heat rate, the deteroraton n lea:age !er%ormance can ha&e other serous conse=uences( These changes nclude reduced do.nstream tem!eratures (because o% the dluton e%%ect), causng a !otental %or ncreased acd de!oston and corroson o% the do.nstream duct.or: and ncrease n the *ED booster %an ! )n se&ere cases, deratng the unt mght be re=ured due to %an lmtatons( A+,usta-le *ector Plate. ?anually adjustable sector !lates are used to mnm3e "#$ lea:age, as "#$ seals .ear o&er tme( "n m!ro&ed &erson o% ths conce!t n&ol&es actuator9adjusted radal and a'al sealng !lates (*gure 12)( Sldng arrangement o% the to! and bottom radal sector !late !rmary seals allo.s mo&ement o% the sealng sur%aces( These seals are !rone to .ear and eroson by %ly ash n the %lue gas stream( "lthough ntally these seals sho.ed good sealng characterstcs, a%ter years o% o!eraton, seal .ear contrbuted to ar lea:age around the sector !lates( "s a drect conse=uence o% the lea:age, de!oston o% %ly ash behnd the sector !lates caused reduced sector !late tra&el that caused the !lates to jam n !oston( Smlar !roblems occur on the a'al seal !lates( The best .ay to sol&e the !roblem s com!lete remo&al o% the adjustment to the sealng sur%aces( Durng the "#$ retro%t, the sector and a'al sealng !lates are set to accommodate all clearance ga!s %or all o!eratonal dutes and are .elded n !oston, elmnatng the need %or %uture adjustment or mantenance( 12. "djustable seal !late desgn( Source+ 1R/ .a+ial an+ Axial *eals. Radal seals are used to mnm3e the drect ar to gas lea:age that occurs at the center secton or sealng sur%aces n the "#$( The seals are attached to each da!hragm (stay, s!ltter, or radal d&son !late) o% the rotor to mantan close contact .th the sealng sur%ace (that se!arates the ar and gas streams) and to a'al seal holdng bars( Sngle9lea% sealng str!s, %tted to the radal d&son !lates and a'al seal holdng bars, !ro&de a shar! edge that allo.s %ne adjustment %or !ro!er seal settng( 1arly e'!erences sho.ed that t.o9lea% ty!e seals sho.ed better ntal sealng characterstcs .th adjustable mechansms (adjustable sector !late), but because o% ths adjustment they .ere !rone to .ear( Laboratory tests %ound that once .orn, t.o9lea% seals .ere no longer any better than an e=u&alent sngle9lea% seal( @th the mod%catons to %'ng adjustable sealng sur%aces, the sngle9lea% seal .as %ound to be more e%%ect&e( There are many desgns o% sngle9lea% seals( *or e'am!le, radal seals o%%ered by #aragon "rheater Technologes are desgned to act l:e a s!rng and mantan a !ost&e contact bet.een the seal and the sealng sur%ace (*gure 17)( The s!rng %orce !re&ents the seal %rom o!enng due to hgh d%%erental !ressure across the hot and cold ends o% the "#$( The bello.s archtecture enables the seal to Dsel%9adjustD o&er tme as .ear occurs on the sealng edge, or durng "#$ turndo.n( The seal re!laces the 01? seals and attaches to each da!hragm, utl3ng the e'stng holdng hard.are and the e'stng bolt holes on the da!hragms( The seals are nstalled and adjusted to mantan the a!!ro!rate %orce and clearance bet.een the seal and sealng sur%ace( 13. Sngle9lea% adjustable radal seal( Source+ #aragon "rheater Technologes Tradtonal "#$ desgns ha&e ether 129sector rotors .th 70F sector !lates or 2>9sector rotors .th 1,F sector !lates, .hch means that only one radal sealng str! s !assng under the sector !late at a tme( Damage, corroson, and eroson o% these seals dramatcally ncreases the lea:age( Theory sho.s that lea:age s drectly !ro!ortonal to the s=uare root o% the dr&ng !ressure d%%erental, so t %ollo.s that % the number o% seals under the sector !late s doubled, e%%ect&ely hal&ng the !ressure d%%erental actng on each sealng sur%ace, the radal lea:age .ll be decreased by a!!ro'mately 70-( The double9sealed "#$ rotor desgn s !resented n *gure 1>( 1. Double9sealed "#$ rotor desgn com!ared to the older sngle9sealed rotor desgn( Source+ 1R/ /ircumferential an+ B0pass *eals. /rcum%erental seals !re&ent ar and gas %rom by!assng the heatng sur%ace through the s!ace bet.een the rotor and the housng shell( These seals are retaned by mountng angles bolted to the crcum%erence o% the rotor( /rcum%erental seals .ear aganst the sealng rngs, .hch are .elded to the "#$ housng( By!ass seals d%%er %rom crcum%erental seals by reducng the =uantty o% ar o&er the outer rm o% the rotor, as the tas: o% reducng a'al lea:age s handled by the a'al sealng system( By!ass seals are mounted on the housng and seal aganst the rotor9mounted T9bar( /rcum%erental and by!ass seals are nstalled at the hot and cold ends o% an "#$ (*gure 1,)( By!ass reduces "#$ !er%ormance because the ar and %lue gas by!assng the "#$ rotor are not !artc!atng n heat e'change( "s a result, the tem!erature o% combuston ar lea&ng the "#$ s, .hle the tem!erature o% the %lue gas s hgher, com!ared to the 3ero9by!ass case( 1!. /rcum%erental and by!ass seals on an "#$( Source+ 1R/ The crcum%erental and by!ass seals o%%ered by #aragon "rheater Technologes are com!osed o% t.o nterloc:ng members (*gure 14)( The tabs and slots nterloc:, !ro&dng seal tabs %rom beng torn lose n the e&ent that the "#$ rotor comes n contact .th the seal or a %oregn object, such as a cln:er lodged bet.een the rotor and the seal (*gure 16)( The nec: (narro.) sectons o% the seal do not o&erla!, !ro&dng greater %le'blty %or each o% the tabs( @th standard crcum%erental and by!ass seal desgns, t s &ery common %or seal tabs to be torn a.ay, thus e'!osng large ga!s that !ro&de lea:age !aths around the "#$ rotor( 1". )nterloc:ng desgn o% crcum%erental and by!ass seals( Source+ #aragon "rheater Technologes 1'. )nterloc:ng !rocess o% sealng members( Source+ #aragon "rheater Technologes The use o% ad&anced and sel%9adjustng seals can reduce "#$ lea:age by a %actor o% t.o, resultng n %an ! reducton, net ! out!ut ncrease, and reducton n o!eratng costs( $o.e&er, e&en .th ad&anced seal desgns, "#$ lea:age should be chec:ed on an annual bass( Seals need to be adjusted or re!laced to :ee! "#$ ar lea:age and ar and %lue gas by!ass lo.( The o'ygen rse method s commonly used %or determnng ar lea:age( The tracer gas techn=ues are accurate, but &ery e'!ens&e( )t should be noted that nternal by!ass o% combuston ar and %lue gas can also occur as a conse=uence o% e'cess&e clearances bet.een nd&dual "#$ bas:ets( Ths stuaton mght occur a%ter an "#$ bas:et re!lacement % ne. bas:ets are slghtly unders3ed (*gure 15)( " care%ul ns!ecton o% "#$ bas:et s3e s &ery m!ortant( 1=ually m!ortant s detaled ns!ecton o% the re9bas:eted "#$ to ensure there are no ga!s or clearances bet.een the bas:ets( 1(. The locaton o% nternal by!ass through clearances bet.een "#$ bas:ets s sho.n by the arro.s( Source+ 1R/ The 1%%ect o% Boler Lea:age on "#$ #er%ormance( "s the ar n9lea:age n a boler con&ect&e !ass ncreases, the &alue o% e'cess 02 measured n the econom3er gas e't duct ncreases( Ths ncrease s sensed by the combuston control system and nter!reted as an ncrease n ar%lo. rate( To mantan the 02 set!ont, the combuston control system reduces the %lo. rate o% combuston ar( " %lo. rate o% combuston ar results n a %urnace e'cess ar (e'cess 02) le&el, ncreased /0 emssons, ncreased le&els o% unburned %uel n %ly ash, hgher %urnace e't gas tem!erature, ncreased slaggng and %oulng rates, and hgher net unt heat rate( To llustrate the e%%ect o% boler con&enton !ass lea:age on "#$ and unt !er%ormance, calculatons .ere !er%ormed %or a btumnous coal9%rng >009?@ unt con%gured .th a b9 sector "#$( The e'cess 02 set!ont o% 7(,- .as mantaned at the econom3er gas e't( The results are !resented n *gures 1B to 22( 1). The e%%ect o% boler con&ecton !ass lea:age on e'cess o'ygen le&els n the %lue gas( Source+ 1R/ 20. Boler con&ecton !ass lea:age .ll change the ar and %lue gas %lo. rates( Source+ 1R/ 21. "#$ ca!acty rate rato as a %uncton o% boler con&ecton !ass lea:age( Source+ 1R/ 22. The change n %lue gas tem!erature at the "#$ outlet and net unt heat rate as a %uncton o% boler con&ecton !ass lea:age( Source+ 1R/ The %urnace e'cess 02 le&el decreases lnearly .th boler con&enton !ass lea:age, as the e'cess 02 set!ont s mantaned at the econom3er gas outlet( "s the boler con&ecton !ass lea:age doubles %rom the re%erence &alue o% ,-, the %urnace e'cess 02 decreases %rom 2(6- to 1(B- (*gure 1B)( /orres!ondng changes n combuston ar and %lue gas %lo. rate are !resented n *gure 20( "n ncrease n boler con&ecton !ass lea:age %rom the re%erence &alue o% ,- to 10- results n about a >(>- decrease n ar%lo.( The %lue gas %lo. rate ncreases slghtly because o% the hgher unt heat rate( These changes n ar and %lue gas %lo. rates result n a change n the "#$ ca!acty rate rato, /R, .hch decreases as boler con&ecton !ass lea:age s ncreased (*gure 21)( The ca!acty rate rato has a large e%%ect on thermal !er%ormance (e%%ect&eness, G) o% an "#$ and re!resents the rato o% ca!acty rates (!roduct o% s!ec%c heat and mass %lo. rate) o% ar to %lue gas streams( " /R &alue, there%ore, corres!onds to a %lo. rate o% ar through the "#$ and hgher tem!erature o% %lue gas lea&ng the "#$( $gher %lue gas e't tem!erature, n turn, results n hgher unt heat rate( /hanges n %lue gas tem!erature at the "#$ e't and net unt heat rate are !resented n *gure 22 as %unctons o% the boler con&ecton !ass lea:age( Both ncrease lnearly .th the ncrease n ar lea:age( The net unt heat rate ncreases by 0(> !ercentage !ont as the boler con&ecton !ass lea:age ncreases %rom ,- to 10-( *or best unt !er%ormance, t s m!ortant to mantan boler tghtness and :ee! con&ecton !ass lea:age at a mnmum( )t s recommended that annual chec:s o% boler tghtness be !er%ormed( The con&ecton !ass lea:age s determned by measurng e'cess 02 le&el at the %urnace and econom3er e't !lanes( " tra&erse s needed at both locatons to account %or s!atal strat%catons( " .ater9cooled hgh9 &elocty thermocou!le ($HT) !robe s used %or e'cess 02 measurement at the %urnace e't !lane( The alternat&e ncludes tem!erature ma!!ng by a !ermanently nstalled mult9grd acoustc or tunable laser measurement system( 2n%ortunately, &ery %e. !lants are e=u!!ed .th such systems, so manual $HT tra&erses are needed( AP$ /orrosion an+ 1ouling 0!eraton o% a regenerat&e "#$ re!resents a com!romse bet.een !er%ormance and mantenance( "s the tem!erature o% the %lue gas lea&ng the "#$ decreases, unt !er%ormance m!ro&es (*gure 1)( %lue gas tem!erature, ho.e&er, results n the tem!erature o% heat trans%er sur%aces and, as a result, the cold end o% the "#$ ty!cally o!erates belo. the acd de. !ont( "s tem!erature decreases belo. the acd de. !ont, sul%urc acd condenses n the %lue gas stream, %ormng mst, or on metal sur%aces, %ormng a l=ud, hydrosco!c, and stc:y layer( The .ater &a!or and %ly ash %rom the %lue gas are attracted to ths ntal layer, %ormng dlute (&ery corros&e) sul%urc acd and ash de!osts on the heat trans%er sur%ace( De!endng on the coal<s mneral content, these de!osts can be remo&ed easly (as s the case %or btumnous coals)( 0n the other hand, .estern coals and lgntes ha&e a hgh al:alne content, causng calcum and magnesum o'des %rom the %ly ash to sul%ate on the "#$ %urnace, %ormng hard9to9remo&e de!osts( 0ther "#$ %oulng mechansms nclude de!oston o% the ammonum bsul%ate, njected addt&es, ntrc acd, and ammonum ntrate( The latter could be a conse=uence o% ammne9enhanced %uel9lean gas reburn( The e%%ect o% %oulng o% /1 !assages n t.o "#$s s !resented n *gure 27( 23. 1'am!les o% %ouled "#$ cold end !assages( Source+ 1R/ )n case the de!osts cannot be remo&ed by the "#$ sootblo.ers, "#$ .ater .ashes are needed to restore the "#$ !ressure dro! (*gure 2>)( Scheduled and unscheduled outages %or "#$ .ater .ashng reduce unt a&alablty( The %ull9load o!eratng data %or a 4,09?@ unt (*gure 2>) sho. that as a conse=uence o% /1 !luggng, the secondary "#$ gas9sde !ressure dro! doubled+ )t ncreased %rom about 6 nches to 1> nch .(g( n less than one year( 2. Haratons o% the gas9sde !ressure dro! %or the !rmary and secondary "#$s are llustrated %or a 4,09?@ coal9%red !lant( The !rmary "#$s are not .ater9.ashed because they o!erate .th hgher e't %lue gas tem!erature com!ared to the secondary "#$s( to the hgher e't tem!erature, the lght de!oston on the !rmary "#$ has caused a gas9sde !ressure dro! ncrease o% 2 nches to 7 nches .(g( o&er a %&e9year !erod( Source+ 1R/ )% se&ere !luggng occurs, the unt mght become %an9lmted, causng a unt load derate untl the "#$ s .ashed and the "#$ !ressure dro! s restored( )n case o% hgh9al:al coals that !roduce hard9to9remo&e de!osts, the "#$ !ressure dro! mght not be %ully restored by the .ater .ash and, a%ter a %e. years o% o!eraton, "#$ bas:ets need to be re!laced( *gure 2, sho.s &araton n the "#$ gas9sde !ressure dro! as a %uncton o% cumulat&e generaton (?@h)( /umulat&e generaton s a better !arameter to use than ela!sed tme, because the unt load !ro%le &ares .th tme( The results sho. that due to hgh gas9sde "#$ !ressure dro! (n e'cess o% 12 nches .(g() the heat trans%er bas:ets had to be re!laced( @th ne. bas:ets, the !ressure dro! .as cut n hal%( $o.e&er, as hard9to9remo&e de!osts contnued to de&elo!, the !ressure dro! ncreased, re=urng a .ater .ash( "lthough the "#$ !ressure dro! .as reduced, t .as not restored( #redctably, a%ter se&eral "#$ .ater9.ash cycles, the "#$ !ressure dro! .ll ncrease to a !ont .here bas:et re!lacement .ll be necessary( "ggress&e .ater .ashng mght cause eroson and .ar!ng o% /1 bas:ets, .hch reduces bas:et l%e, ncreases "#$ !ressure dro!, and mght cause !ressure oscllatons n the boler( 2!. @ater .ashng the "#$ can restore !ressure dro! lost by contamnates( The blue lne re!resents the "#$ !ressure dro! be%ore a .ater .ashI the red lne s "#$ !ressure dro! a%ter a .ater .ash( Source+ 1R/ /orroson o% "#$ heat trans%er sur%aces results n reduced heat trans%er and reduced bas:et l%e( /orroson o% the /1 bas:ets s !resented n *gure 24( The loss o% heat trans%er sur%ace reduces !er%ormance o% the "#$ because o% the hgher tem!erature o% %lue gas at the "#$ e't( Sam!le calculatons %or the "#$ su%%erng %rom se&ere corroson o% /1 bas:ets are !resented n *gure 26( The orgnal length o% the /1 layer s 12 nches( "s heat trans%er sur%ace s lost due to corroson, the length o% the /1 layer decreases( " ,0- loss o% heat trans%er sur%ace, there%ore, corres!onds to the /1 layer length o% 4 nches( *or ths "#R, ths loss o% sur%ace area !roduces a heat rate !enalty o% about 16 Btu8:@h( 2". /orroson o% "#$ cold end bas:ets( Source+ 1R/ 2'. The e%%ect o% lost heat trans%er sur%ace due to corroson on "#$ !er%ormance( *or ths "#$, the enterng gas .as at 400* and the enterng ar .as at 5B*( Source+ 1R/ AP$ 2hermal Performance "ccordng to the G9NT2 theory o% heat e'changers, the thermal e%%ect&eness (G) o% a ty!cal ! !lant Ljungstrom ar !reheater can be e'!ressed as a %uncton o% the NT2 and /R o% the heat e'changer( The detals o% those calculatons are n the "!!end'( )n sum, % the !hyscal constructon and materals o% a heat e'changer are :no.n, then ts !er%ormance can be determned( Thermal e%%ect&eness, calculated by 1=uaton 5 (%ound n the "!!end') s !resented as a %uncton o% number o% trans%er unts, NT2o, %or /R &alues n the 0(40 to 0(B, range (*gure 25)( The thermal e%%ect&eness o% an "#$ ncreases as the s3e o% the "#$ ncreases (as NT2o ncreases) and /R rato (the %lo. rate o% combuston ar relat&e to %lue gas) ncreases( "ctual "#$ !er%ormance (denoted as Test Data n *gure 25), determned %rom "#$ !er%ormance tests, s com!ared to desgn !er%ormance (denoted as Desgn)( 2(. " ty!cal "#$ !er%ormance dagram desgn and test condtons( Source+ 1R/ AP$ /orrection 1actors Be%ore any conclusons concernng actual and desgn "#$ !er%ormance, test results ha&e to be corrected to o!eratng condtons s!ec%ed by the "#$ manu%acturer to account %or d%%erences n ar and %lue gas tem!eratures and ca!acty rate rato( Because the manu%acturer guarantees "#$ thermal !er%ormance (ty!cally %lue gas tem!erature at the "#$ outlet) at the s!ec%c desgn condtons (nlet gas and ar tem!eratures, and %lo. rates o% %lue gas and ar through the "#$), correctons are needed to correct test data to the desgn condtons( "S?1 #T/ >(7 code de%nes correctons %or correctng the test &alue o% Tgo,NL (%lue gas tem!erature e'tng the ar !reheater, see the "!!end') %or de&atons n the o!eratng !arameters %rom ther desgn &alues+ )nlet ar rem!erature )nlet gas tem!erature /a!acty rate rato *lue gas %lo. rate The e=uatons determnng these %our ar !reheater !er%ormance correcton %actors and ther use are ncluded n the "!!end'( Air Preheater Performance /ase *tu+0 " numercal e'am!le s !resented to llustrate actual &aratons n tem!eratures and ca!acty rate rato and the magntude o% the correctons( The actual "#$ o!eratng condtons are !resented n *gures 2B to 72( The actual nlet ar tem!eratures .ere hgher com!ared .th the desgn &alue (*gure 2B), .hle the actual %lue gas tem!eratures .ere (*gure 70)( The actual ca!acty rate rato, /R, calculated %rom 1=uaton 10, .as substantally com!ared .th the desgn &alue (see *gure 71)( The &alues o% %lue gas tem!erature at the "#$ outlet, corrected to no lea:age, Tgo,NL (calculated %rom 1=uaton 4), .ere substantally hgher com!ared to the desgn &alue (*gure 72)( " manu%acturer<s tolerance o% J5* s also sho.n( 2). Test (measured) &alues o% ar tem!erature at the "#$ nlet( Source+ 1R/ 30. Test (measured) &alues o% %lue gas tem!erature at "#$ nlet( Source+ 1R/ 31. /alculated &alues o% the ca!acty rate rato( Source+ 1R/ 32. /alculated &alues o% %lue gas tem!erature at the "#$ outlet corrected to no lea:age( Source+ 1R/ The &alues o% thermal e%%ect&eness %ound %rom 1=uaton 7 and dmensonless heat trans%er s3e o% the "#$ (NT2o), calculated %rom 1=uaton 11, are !resented n *gure 25( /orrectons to Tgo,NL, calculated accordng to "S?1 #T/ >(7, are !resented n *gure 77( The results sho. that the correcton due to /R de&aton consttuted the largest !art o% the total correcton( The corrected &alues o% Tgo,NL, !resented n *gure 7>, .ere much closer to the desgn &alues, com!ared .th the uncorrected &alues( The "#$ thermal !er%ormance ma! (*gure 7,) sho.s corrected &alues o% G algned along the /R K /R,Desgn lne( The results sho. that n ths case the ne. "#$ desgn dd not meet !er%ormance guarantees because G and NT2o .ere belo. the manu%acturer<s guarantee, e&en .hen accountng %or the manu%acturer<s tolerance( The nternal ar and %lue gas by!ass .as the man reason %or reduced "#$ !er%ormance( 33. "#$ correctons calculated accordng to "S?1 #T/ >(7( Source+ 1R/ 3. Test and corrected &alues o% %lue gas tem!erature at the "#$ outlet( Source+ 1R/ 3!. /om!lete !er%ormance dagram o% the "#$( Test data .as corrected accordng to "S?1 #T/ >(7( Source+ 1R/ AP$ 3o+eling: 2he 32/ /o+e @hen dealng .th the !re&enton or mtgaton o% "#$ %oulng and corroson, "#$ modelng s necessary to de&elo! e%%ect&e mtgaton strateges and e&aluate ther e%%ect on "#$ and unt !er%ormance( The ?etal Tem!erature /ode (?T/, %ormerly the R#$?T code) .as de&elo!ed by the 1nergy Research /enter %or the 1lectrc Research )nsttute( ?T/ s a %nal9d%%erence code that !redcts thermal !er%ormance o% the "#$ (G and NT2o) as .ell as tem!eratures o% heat trans%er sur%aces and o% combuston ar and %lue gas .thn the "#$ heat trans%er matr'( The code has been &er%ed aganst %eld data and can be used %or modelng o% Ljungstrom9 or Rothemuhle9ty!es o% "#$s( The code allo.s determnaton o% the e%%ect o% !lant o!eratng !arameters (tem!eratures and %lo. rates o% combuston ar and %lue gas trough the "#$), "#$ o!eratng !arameters (ar lea:age and rotatonal s!eed), and "#$ desgn !arameters (length and number o% a'al layers and heat trans%er sur%ace ty!e) on thermal !er%ormance and metal and %lud tem!eratures( The ?T/ code s an nds!ensable tool used to sol&e !roblems assocated .th "#$ !er%ormance, %oulng, and corroson( The metal and %lud tem!eratures .thn the "#$ heat trans%er matr', !redcted by the ?T/ code %or s!ec%c "#$ geometry and o!eratng condtons, are !resented n *gures 74 and 76( "s the "#$ metal matr' rotates through the %lue gas duct (or, n case o% the Rothemuhle9ty!e "#$, as the %lue gas hood s !assng o&er the %'ed heat trans%er matr'), the tem!erature o% the matr', Tm, ncreases %rom the mnmum to ma'mum &alue (*gure 74)( The mnmum &alue occurs as the matr' enters the %lue gas stream, .hle the ma'mum &alue s ache&ed as the matr' lea&es the %lue gas stream( Durng the ar cycle, Tm decreases and reaches ts mnmum &alue as matr' s lea&ng the ar stream( The heatng and coolng cycle re!eats as matr' s tra&elng though the gas and ar cycles( The d%%erence bet.een the mnmum and ma'mum &alues, LTm, s called the metal tem!erature 3". #er!heral &araton o% the "#$ matr' tem!erature %or a secondary "#$ at %ull load .th ne. bas:ets at desgn o!eratng condtons( Source+ 1R/ 3'. "'al &araton o% "#$ matr' tem!erature .th ne. bas:ets as a %uncton o% dstance %rom the cold end( Source+ 1R/ " %amly o% the heatng and coolng cycles (*gure 74) corres!onds to d%%erent a'al locatons %rom the "#$ /1( "t a'al locatons closer to the /1, metal tem!eratures are The matr' tem!erature s lo.est at the /1 o% the "#$ (0 %eet %rom /1 n *gure 74), n ths e'am!le n the 1,0* to 200* range( The Tm &alue at the entrance o% the /1 layer (1 %t %rom /1 n *gure 74) are hgher and, n ths e'am!le, range %rom 260* to 700*( ?etal tem!eratures n the hot ntermedate layer are e&en hgher( "'al &araton o% !redcted matr' and %lud tem!eratures (%lue gas and ar) s !resented n *gure 76 %or the "#$ consstng o% three a'al layers+ /1, hot ntermedate, and $1( The mnmum and ma'mum tem!eratures are !resented( The &alues o% Tm and T%lud are the hghest at the hot end (%lue gas nlet) sde o% the "#$( The matr' and %lue gas tem!eratures decrease n drecton o% the %lue gas %lo. and reach ther mnmum &alues at the /1 (ar nlet) sde o% the "#$( ?etal tem!eratures at the $1 are !rmarly controlled by the nlet tem!erature o% %lue gas, .hle tem!erature o% the nlet ar has a !redomnant e%%ect on Tm n the /1 layer o% the "#$( "s a conse=uence o% the matr' or hood rotaton, the %lue gas tem!erature lea&ng the "#$ ncreases, .hle the tem!erature o% the combuston ar lea&ng the "#$ decreases n the drecton o% the rotaton, causng tem!erature strat%catons n the outlet %lue gas and ar streams( Ty!cal gas and ar tem!erature strat%catons are !resented n *gure 75( 3(. Tem!erature strat%caton at the "#$ e't( Source+ 1R/ Large tem!erature strat%caton n the %lue gas stream lea&ng the "#$ can negat&ely a%%ect !er%ormance o% the electrostatc !rec!tator (1S#)( Ths occurs because resst&ty o% the %ly ash s a%%ected by tem!erature( Tem!erature strat%catons, measured n the e't ducts o% t.o "#$s o!eratng n !arallel and rotatng n the drecton, are clearly sho.n n *gure 7B( The %lue gas tem!erature s at the le%t sde and hgher at the rght sde o% both ducts( "s a conse=uence, the lo.9resst&ty 3ones are set u! at the le%t sde o% the 1S#, .hle the hgh9 resst&ty 3ones are near the rght .all o% the 1S#( Ths strat%caton o% tem!erature and %ly ash resst&ty re=ures strat%ed njecton o% S07 to mantan a relat&ely un%orm %ly ash resst&ty across the 1S# nlet duct( 3). ?easured tem!erature strat%caton n %lue gas stream lea&ng the "#$( Source+ 1R/ )n order %or heat trans%er to occur bet.een the %lue gas and metal matr', the tem!erature o% the %lue gas s abo&e the metal tem!erature( /on&ersely, %or the metal matr' to trans%er heat to combuston ar, the metal tem!erature must be hgher than the ar tem!erature( Ths tem!erature d%%erence, es!ecally bet.een the %lue gas and metal matr', ma:es t d%%cult to montor the !otental %or acd de!oston n the /1 layers o% the "#$( Ths s because only the a&erage %lue gas tem!erature lea&ng the "#$ s measured, and metal tem!eratures need to be n%erred %rom measured &alues o% the %lue gas tem!erature( The ?T/ code s used e'tens&ely to de&elo! strateges %or e%%ect&e control o% acd de!oston n the /1 layer o% the "#$ and ammonum bsul%ate de!oston nsde the $1 layer o% the "#$( The results are used to e&aluate tradeo%%s bet.een de!oston !otental and heat rate !enaltes assocated .th hgher matr' and %lue gas tem!eratures( 3ore to /ome )n #art )), .e<ll e'amne !er%ormance degradaton caused by corroson and %oulng that results %rom the combuston o% coal !lus the e%%ects o% ammona and sodum bsul%te njecton %or S07 mtgaton( )n #art ))), .e<ll loo: at o!tons %or m!ro&ng "#$ !er%ormance( CNenad Sarunac s !rnc!al research engneer and assocate drector at the 1nergy Research /enter, Lehgh 2n&ersty( The )llnos /lean /oal )nsttute %unded a !orton o% ths .or:( Appen+ix "r !reheater ("#$) lea:age s, by con&enton, e'!ressed as+ 4AP$,% 5 3Air %ea&age63fg,AP$,in x 1007 8#9uation 1: .here+ ?"r Lea:age K ?ass %lo. rate o% combuston ar lea:age nto the %lue gas ?%g,"#$,n K ?ass %lo. rate o% %lue gas u!stream o% the "#$ $eat #xchanger 2hermal Performance "ccordng to the G9NT2 theory o% heat e'changers, the thermal e%%ect&eness (G) o% a ty!cal ! !lant Ljungstrom ar !reheater can be e'!ressed as a %uncton o% the NT2 and /R o% the heat e'changer+ ; 5 f<=2>o, /.? 8#9uation 2: .here+ G, thermal e%%ect&eness s de%ned as+ ; 5 82ao @ 2ai:682gi @ 2ai: 8#9uation 3: or+ ; 5 82gi @ 2go,=%:6A/.82gi @ 2ai:B 8#9uation : ME K Eas9sde e%%cency CD 5 82gi @ 2go,=%:682gi @ 2ai: 5 ;/. 8#9uation !: Tg K ?easured nlet %lue gas tem!erature Tgo K ?easured nlet %lue gas tem!erature Ta K ?easured nlet ar tem!erature Tao K ?easured outlet ar tem!erature Tgo,NL K *lue gas tem!erature at the "#$ outlet, corrected to the no9lea:age condton s calculated accordng to the "S?1 #T/ >(7 code %or ar !reheaters by assumng all lea:age occurs at the "#$ cold end( 2go,=% 5 4% /pa6/pg 82go @ 2ai: E 2go 8#9uation ": /!a K ?ean s!ec%c heat o% ar /!g K ?ean s!ec%c heat o% %lue gas NT2o K Dmensonless heat trans%er s3e o% the "#$, de%ned as+ =2>o 5 >A6/air 8#9uation ': 2 K 0&erall heat trans%er coe%%cent " K Total heat trans%er area /R K /a!acty rate rato, also :no.n n the ndustry as the AR rato, de%ned as+ /. 5 /air6/gas 8#9uation (: /ar K /a!acty o% the ar stream through the "#$ /gas K /a!acty o% the gas stream through the "#$ The relatonsh! bet.een G, NT2o, and /R %or a rotatng regenerat&e heat e'changer can be a!!ro'mated by the e=uaton+ ; 5 A1@ exp8@=2>o81@/.:B6A1@/. exp8@=2>o81@/.:B 8#9uation ): 0%ten, thermal !er%ormance o% the "#$ s not :no.n and has to be determned by !er%ormng the "#$ !er%ormance test( The !rocedure %or determnng G and NT2o s as %ollo.s+ 2se measured nlet and outlet &alues o% ar and %lue gas tem!erature Ta, Tao, Tg, and Tgo, and "#$ ar lea:age (;L) to correct outlet %lue gas tem!erature to the no9lea:age condton, usng 1=uaton 4( /alculate ca!acty rate rato usng+ /. 5 82gi @ 2go,=%:682ao @ 2ai: 8#9uation 10: /alculate thermal e%%ect&eness, G, usng 1=uatons 7 or >( /alculate number o% trans%er unts NT2o by n&ertng 1=uaton B( The resultng e'!resson s+ =2>o 5 lnA81 @ ;/.:681 @ ;:B681 @ /.: 8#9uation 11: *gure 25 llustrates a com!arson o% the calculated &alues o% G and NT2o to desgn or guaranteed &alues( /orrection 1actors Inlet Air 2emperature /orrection. "ccordng to the "S?1 #T/ >(7 code, the &alue o% Tgo,NL corrected %or de&aton n the nlet ar tem!erature %rom ts desgn &alue s determned %rom+ 2go,=%,corr for 2ai 5 A2ai,+es82gi @ 2go: E 2gi82go @ 2ai:B682gi @ 2ai: 8#9uation 12: .here+ Tgo,NL,corr %or Ta K *lue gas tem!erature at the "#$ outlet corrected %or no lea:age and nlet ar tem!erature de&aton Ta,des K Desgn &alue o% ar tem!erature at the "#$ nlet Inlet Das 2emperature /orrection. The &alue o% Tgo,NL corrected %or the de&aton n the nlet gas tem!erature %rom the desgn &alue s, accordng to the "S?1 #T/ >(7 code, determned %rom+ 2go,=%,corr for 2gi 5 A2gi,+es82go @ 2ai: E 2ai82gi @ 2go:B682gi @ 2ai: 8#9uation 13: .here+ Tgo,NL,corr %or Tg K *lue gas tem!erature at the "#$ outlet corrected %or no lea:age and nlet gas tem!erature de&aton Tg,des K Desgn &alue o% nlet gas tem!erature 1=uatons 12 and 17 .ere de&elo!ed by assumng a constant &alue o% the gas sde e%%cency( "lthough the gas sde e%%cency does not reman constant as the nlet ar or gas tem!eratures change, 1=uatons 12 and 17 re!resent good a!!ro'matons %or small to moderate changes n nlet tem!eratures( The nlet ar and gas tem!erature correctons can, alternat&ely, be de&elo!ed by usng the G9NT2 theory (1=uatons 7 and >) and desgn &alue o% the "#$ e%%ect&eness and ca!acty rate rato( The resultng e'!ressons, de&elo!ed by the author o% ths artcle are+ 2go,=%,/orr. for 2ai 5 2gi,+es @ /.,+es ;+es 82gi,+es @ 2ai,act: 8#9uation 1: 2go,=%,/orr. for 2gi 5 2gi,act @ /.,+es ;+es 82gi,act @ 2ai,+es: 8#9uation 1!: 1=uatons 12 and 17 g&e &rtually dentcal results to the results that come %rom 1=uatons 1> and 1,( /apacit0 .ate /orrection. "ccordng to the "S?1 #T/ >(7 code, the &alue o% Tgo,NL corrected %or the de&aton n the ca!acty rate rato %rom the desgn &alue s determned %rom+ 2go,=% correcte+ for /. 5 2gi81@CD:61x E 2ai CD 61x 8#9uation 1": .here+ Tgo,NL corrected %or /R K *lue gas tem!erature at the "#$ outlet corrected %or no lea:age and ca!acty rate rato de&aton *' K "S?1 correcton %actor %or de&aton o% /R "s s!ec%ed by the "S?1 code, correcton %actor *' s determned %rom the a!!ro!rate desgn correcton cur&e (usually su!!led by the manu%acturer), .hch can be &er%ed by %eld tests, although such !rocedure s consdered m!ractcal( )t has to be noted that the *' cur&e and numercal &alue o% *' correcton %actor are not nde!endent o% the "#$ s3e, and "#$9s!ec%c cur&es are, there%ore, re=ured( /orrecton %actor *' %or an "#$ s !resented n *gure "1 as a %uncton o% the ca!acty rate rato( A1. /a!acty rate correcton accordng to "S?1 #T/ >(7( Source+ "S?1 The alternat&e a!!roach %or !er%ormng correcton %or /R .as de&elo!ed by the author o% ths artcle( Ths a!!roach enables a !lant to de&elo! ts o.n correcton cur&es and, there%ore, not de!end on the manu%acturer<s correctons( The correcton to %lue gas tem!erature lea&ng the "#$ (%or the no9lea:age condton) s calculated as a %uncton o% de&aton n ca!acty rate rato, L/R, %rom desgn condtons( The correctons .ere determned by usng the G9NT2 theory o% heat e'changers, and the ?etal Tem!erature /ode (?T/) %or rotatng regenerat&e "#$s( The results, !resented n *gure "2, sho. that a sm!le G9NT2 theory correcton .or:s .ell n cases .here L/R &aratons do not sgn%cantly e'ceed J0(0,( *or larger de&atons n /R %rom ts desgn &alue, the ?T/ code results should be used %or better accuracy( A2. /orrecton to Tgo,NL as a %uncton o% /R de&aton %rom desgn &alue accordng to G9NT2 theory and the ?T/ com!uter code( Source+ 1R/ @hen usng ths alternat&e a!!roach, the corrected &alue o% Tgo,NL s determned %rom+ 2go,=% correcte+ for /. 5 2go,=% E F2go,=% 8#9uation 1': Das 1low /orrection. "ccordng to the "S?1 #T/ >(7 code, the &alue o% Tgo,NL corrected %or the de&aton n the %lue gas %lo. rate %rom the desgn &alue s determned %rom+ 2go,=% correcte+ for 3gas 5 2gi81@CD:61D E 2ai CD 61D 8#9uation 1(: .here+ Tgo,NL corrected %or ?g K *lue gas tem!erature at the "#$ outlet corrected %or no lea:age and %lue gas %lo. rate de&aton( *E K "S?1 correcton %actor %or de&aton n %lue gas %lo. rate %rom the desgn &alue( The correcton %or %lue gas %lo. rate s usually &ery small(
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