Bone cement with elevated barium sulfate content for treatment of vertebral compression fractures. Static tensile and compressive testing, as well as fully reversed fatigue testing, were performed on three PMMA-based bone cements. Orthopedic community has described increasing the amount of radiopacifier in the bone cement.
Bone cement with elevated barium sulfate content for treatment of vertebral compression fractures. Static tensile and compressive testing, as well as fully reversed fatigue testing, were performed on three PMMA-based bone cements. Orthopedic community has described increasing the amount of radiopacifier in the bone cement.
Bone cement with elevated barium sulfate content for treatment of vertebral compression fractures. Static tensile and compressive testing, as well as fully reversed fatigue testing, were performed on three PMMA-based bone cements. Orthopedic community has described increasing the amount of radiopacifier in the bone cement.
Bone cement with elevated barium sulfate content for treatment of vertebral compression fractures. Static tensile and compressive testing, as well as fully reversed fatigue testing, were performed on three PMMA-based bone cements. Orthopedic community has described increasing the amount of radiopacifier in the bone cement.
Static and fatigue mechanical behavior of bone cement with
elevated barium sulfate content for treatment of vertebral compression fractures S.M. Kurtz a,b, , M.L. Villarraga a,b , K. Zhao c , A.A. Edidin b,d a Exponent, Inc., 3401 Market Street, Suite 300, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA b School of Biomedical Engineering, Science, and Health Systems, Drexel University, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA c Exponent, Inc., 149 Commonwealth Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA d Kyphon Inc., 1221 Crossman Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94089, USA Received 7 July 2004; accepted 24 September 2004 Available online 21 November 2004 Abstract The use of bone cement to treat vertebral compression fractures in a percutaneous manner requires placement of the cement under uoroscopic image guidance. To enhance visualization of the ow during injection and to monitor and prevent leakage beyond the connes of the vertebral body, the orthopedic community has described increasing the amount of radiopacier in the bone cement. In this study, static tensile and compressive testing, as well as fully reversed fatigue testing, was performed on three PMMA-based bone cements. Cements tested were Simplex s P with 10% barium sulfate (Stryker Orthopedics, Mahwah, NJ) which served as a control; Simplex s P with 36% barium sulfate prepared according to the clinical recommendation of Theodorou et al.; and KyphX HV-R with 30% barium sulfate (Kyphon Inc., Sunnyvale, CA). Static tensile and compressive testing was performed in accordance with ASTM F451-99a. Fatigue testing was conducted in accordance with ASTM F2118-01a under fully reversed, 710-, 715-, and 720-MPa stress ranges. Survival analysis was performed using three-parameter Weibull modeling techniques. KyphX HV-R was found to have comparable static mechanical properties and signicantly greater fatigue life than either of the two control materials evaluated in the present study. The static tensile and compressive strengths for all three PMMA-based bone cements were found to be an order of magnitude greater than the expected stress levels within a treated vertebral body. The static and fatigue testing data collected in this study indicate that bone cement can be designed with barium sulfate levels sufciently high to permit uoroscopic visualization while retaining the overall mechanical prole of a conventional bone cement under typical in vivo loading conditions. r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Polymethylmethacrylate(PMMA); Bone cement; Fatigue; Tension; Compression; Spine; Kyphoplasty; Vertebroplasty; Mechanical behavior; Elastic modulus; Ultimate strength; Vertebrae 1. Introduction Acrylic bone cement, based on polymethyl methacry- late (PMMA), has been used in joint reconstruction since the 1950s [1]. Charnley popularized the use of PMMA bone cement for xation of the femoral stem in total hip replacements during the 1960s [2]. Today, over 60 types of bone cements are commercially used around the world, primarily for the treatment of joint diseases and long bone fractures [3]. Recently, however, PMMA- based bone cements have also been introduced into spine reconstructive surgery as part of the treatment for vertebral compression fractures [46]. When employed as part of the treatment of compres- sion fractures in the spine, bone cements are currently injected into a vertebral body under real-time uoro- scopic image guidance [6]. Consequently, orthopedic ARTICLE IN PRESS 0142-9612/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2004.09.055
Corresponding author. Exponent, Inc., 3401 Market Street, Suite
300, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. Tel.: +215 446 3325; fax: +215 446 3380. E-mail address: (S.M. Kurtz). researchers have advocated increasing the radiopacier content of the cements to enhance visualization of the ow during injection and to monitor and prevent leakage beyond the connes of the vertebral body [5]. The injection of bone cement into vertebrae raises new questions regarding ow visualization, as well as regarding the mechanical requirements of bone cements for applications in the spine. Barium sulfate (BaSO 4 ) and zirconium dioxide (ZrO 2 ) are the two most common radiopaciers used in contemporary bone cements, and usually comprise about 1015% of the formulation on a weight basis [3]. However, for improved visualization under uoro- scopy, clinicians have increased the radiopacier content of the bone cements to over 30% by hand mixing additional vials of barium sulfate, zirconium dioxide, and tantalum powder with commercially available bone cements prior to injection. Although the size, shape, and coatings of radiopacier particles have been associated with the fatigue and fracture behavior of PMMA-based cements [7], comparatively little research has been conducted on the effect of increased radiopacier content [8]. The purpose of this study was to investigate the static and fatigue mechanical properties of PMMA-based bone cements with increased BaSO 4 content, which may be suitable for the treatment of vertebral compres- sion fractures. The mechanical properties of bone cements have been studied extensively as a function of formulation and testing condition, as reviewed by Lewis [9,10]. In this study, we employed a recently published ASTM standard testing technique (F2118-01a) to evaluate the fatigue behavior of bone cements modied by the addition of BaSO 4 . We also evaluated the tensile and compressive behavior of the bone cements to determine whether increased barium sulfate content compromised the static mechanical properties. The primary goal of this research was to determine the static and fatigue mechanical properties of bone cement containing levels of barium sulfate tuned for uoro- scopic visualization. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Bone cement formulations and powder morphology Two commercial formulations of PMMA-based bone cements that are relevant to the treatment of vertebral compression fractures were studied. Simplex s P (Stryker Orthopedics, Mahwah, NJ) served as a control. Sim- plex s P has a BaSO 4 content of 10%. The second bone cement evaluated in this study was a PMMA-based formulation with a BaSO 4 content of 30% for enhanced visualization during uoroscopic procedures (KyphX HV-R, Kyphon Inc.). KyphX HV-R is reported by the manufacturer to have an extended dough time (a factor of two times greater than Simplex) to facilitate place- ment of the cement into a fractured vertebral body. In addition to these two neat cements, we also mixed BaSO 4 with the Simplex s P to prepare a formulation that was representative of previous clinical practice for the treatment of vertebral compression fractures [5]. This clinical formulation was prepared according to the clinical protocol published by Theodorou et al. [5] by measuring 14.7 g of the neat bone cement powder, adding a 6 g aliquot of sterile BaSO 4 (Biotraces: Bryan Corporation, Woburn, MA), and mixing with 10 ml of Simplex s P monomer. The radiopacier content for the clinical formulation was 36%w/w BaSO 4 for Sim- plex s P. Powder samples of each bone cement were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to evaluate the dispersion of barium sulfate. Carbon lm tape was placed on three individual SEM stubs and a sample of powder (less than 0.5 mg) of each type of bone cement formulation was poured individually on a designated stub. Each of the stubs was knocked against the end of a table to remove excess powder, so as to achieve a single monolayer of powder on the reective tape. The powder was sputter-coated with carbon for visualization with SEM. A JSM-6300 FV scanning electron microscope (SEM) (JEOL USA, Peabody, MA), operating at 10 kV, was used to view the powder samples starting at 100 and up to 8000 . The highest magnication (8000 ) was used to perform additional analyses with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). 2.2. Mechanical test specimen preparation Specimen preparation is well known to affect the fatigue properties of bone cement [9,10]. Consequently all of the specimens were prepared using identical hand mixing techniques and molded into their nal shape. We chose hand mixing for the present study over vacuum mixing because clinical treatment of vertebral compres- sion fractures involves the hand mixing of additional barium sulfate by the surgeon prior to injection into the spine [5]. The mixing and molding processes occurred in an environmentally controlled laboratory in a fume hood. Temperature was maintained at 22 1C and 30% relative humidity. Custom silicone molds (RTV664A, GE Silicones) were prepared for the tensile and fatigue specimens in accordance with ASTM F2118-01a. In contrast, stainless steel molds were used to produce the compression specimens in accordance with ASTM F451-99a. The liquid and powder components were mixed using a sterile, inert spatula and bowl, with a consistent mixing time of less than 1 min (conrmed by stopwatch). Before the dough-like state, the cements were deposited over the molds and forced into the mold with ARTICLE IN PRESS S.M. Kurtz et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 36993712 3700 a at paddle until the mold cavities were completely lled. The specimens were extracted using a cylindrical, at-end punch after a 60-min polymerization period. The same engineer mixed and molded all the specimens consecutively. Tensile and fatigue specimens were fabricated using the same molds, as described in ASTM F2118- 01a. The 65-mm-long tensile and fatigue specimens had a nominal diameter of 8.5 mm and a gage section that was 5 mm in diameter and 10 mm long. Cylindrical compression specimens, 6 mm in diameter and 12 mm in height, were molded in accordance with ASTM F451-99a. 2.3. Porosity evaluation All specimens were qualied for testing based on their porosity, as assessed using calibrated orthogonal radio- graphs, using the procedure outlined in ASTM F2118- 01a. The resolution of the radiographic measurements was 70.01 mm. We excluded tensile, compressive, and fatigue specimens with radiographic evidence of internal voids of greater than 1 mm, dened as macropores in a review by Lewis [9]. Lewis also dened defects of less than 1 mm in diameter as micropores. We also excluded compression specimens having visible surface defects or discontinuities of greater than 0.5 mm, as per ASTM F451-99a. Tensile or fatigue specimens with surface defects of greater than 0.25 mm were excluded as per ASTM F2118-01a. We further characterized the size and distribution of micropores (less than 1 mm in diameter) within qualied compression specimens. Seven compression specimens for each bone cement, radiographically prescreened such that they contained no macropores, were further analyzed to determine the greatest dimen- sion of the largest visible defect (micropores) on radiographic views. The porosity of the pre-screened compression speci- mens was then further analyzed using microCT (microCT 40: Scanco, Switzerland) at 12 mm resolution. Each specimen was scanned in two axial positions, located at 4 mm from each end of the specimen. At each axial location, 20 slices were obtained, thus scanning a total region of 480 mm at each position. Each stack of 20 two-dimensional slices was then reconstructed to create a three-dimensional solid, and volumetric porosity values were determined for each reconstruction. Chi-square analysis was used to evaluate whether bone cement formulation signicantly inuenced the incidence of macropores during hand mixing. Differ- ences in defect sizes and porosity values were statistically evaluated as a function of cement using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The statistical analyses were con- ducted using Statview software (Version 5.0.1: SAS Institute, Cary, NC). 2.4. Compression testing Testing was performed using a calibrated MTS Test Star IIM servo-hydraulic test system (MTS, Eden Prairie, MN) with a 15-N capacity load cell. The steel compression platens were made parallel to each other using a feeler gage. Load frame compliance was accounted for by using a calibrated strain gage. The gage length was 10 mm and its range was 71.0 mm (Model No. 3542, Epsilon Corp, Jackson, WY); it was mounted across the test platens to measure compressive strain. Following the guidelines specied in ASTM F451- 99a, a test speed of 20 mm/min was used. Test conditions were 22 1C and 20% relative humidity. Eight (n 8) compression specimens of each formulation were randomly selected from the pool of available pre- screened specimens, as described in the previous section. The testing order of the selected specimens was then randomized. Elastic modulus, yield stress, and compressive strength were calculated as per ASTM F451-99a. These metrics for the three materials were analyzed using univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA), coupled with post hoc t-tests to compare pairs of materials. The statistical analyses were conducted using JMP software (Version 5.0: SAS Institute, Cary, NC). In all of the analyses, a p-value of 0.05 was used as the threshold of signicance. 2.5. Tension testing Tensile tests were performed using the same Test Star load frame as was used for compression testing. Self- aligned, hydraulic grips were used, and a contacting extensometer (Model No. 3542, Epsilon Corp, Jackson, WY) was attached to the gage region of the tensile specimens to measure local strain. Five specimens of each bone cement (n 5) were tested at a constant displacement rate of 0.75 mm/min, which was a speed that caused fracture within the 1 2 to 5-min timeframe that the ASTM D638-02 standard suggests. The actual time to failure for these experiments was approximately 12 min. Tensile testing was performed both at room tempera- ture with 20% relative humidity and at body tempera- ture saturated with phosphate buffered saline (PBS). The room temperature tension tests were intended to replicate the environment during the compression tests, whereas the body temperature saline tests were intended to duplicate the conditions of the fatigue tests. Tensile tests were performed approximately 30 days after molding. Room temperature test specimens were stored in a stable laboratory environment of 22 1C and 20% humidity, whereas the specimens for body tem- perature tests were soaked for at least 25 days in 37 1C ARTICLE IN PRESS S.M. Kurtz et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 36993712 3701 PBS that was balanced at a pH of 7.4. This protocol was specied in ASTM F2118-01a which suggests soaking for at least 7 days. An environmental chamber, maintained at 3771 1C, was allowed to stabilize overnight so that the xtures reached the desired target temperature. An incubator, also set at 37 1C, was placed a few feet away from the test system and contained the tensile specimens soaking in a 37 1C PBS bath. A spray bottle of PBS for saturating specimens during testing was also stored in the incubator. Body temperature testing was conducted in air inside the environmental chamber, with the presoaked specimen sprayed to ensure a uniform coating of PBS on the entire specimen throughout the testing. A SEM, described in the powder morphology section, was used to image the carbon-coated fracture surface of all of the room temperature-tested tensile specimens. Images were taken at 20 , 100 , 300 and 2000 . The tensile strength (stress at failure), % elongation (strain at failure), and elastic modulus were calculated for each specimen. The tensile test metrics were analyzed using univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA), coupled with post hoc t-tests to compare pairs of materials. The statistical analyses were conducted using JMP software (Version 5.0: SAS Institute, Cary, NC) running on a personal computer. In all of the analyses, a p-value of 0.05 was used to judge signicance. 2.6. Fatigue testing Fully reversed, tension-compression fatigue testing was conducted on the three bone cements at 2 Hz in accordance with ASTM F2118-01a. Stress levels of 710, 15, and 20 MPa were selected for this study, consistent with previous testing plans reported for bone cement in the literature [9]. Although ASTM F2118-01a recommends that a minimum of eight specimens be tested at each stress level for each cement (i.e., 24 specimens per cement), our study was designed with a target of 15 specimens per stress level, corresponding to a total sample size of 135 for the study (15 specimens/ stress level 3 stress levels 3 cements). We also prepared extra specimens as potential replacements in the event of unforeseen circumstances during testing. Subsequent to specimen molding, all qualied speci- mens were soaked in a 37 1C phosphate buffered saline (PBS) solution that was pH balanced to 7.4. Specimens soaked for a minimum of 7 days, following the recommendation in ASTM F2118-01a. The soaking time was tracked as a potential nuisance variable for our subsequent statistical analyses. Two servohydraulic load frames were used in the testing. Each load frame was equipped with aligned, hydraulic test grips and identical specimen chambers designed to maintain the specimens in PBS at 3771 1C for the duration of the fatigue experiment. The specimens were randomized to avoid potential con- founding due to specimen manufacture, test order, or test machine. An optical microscope (Leica S8AP0: Leica Micro- systems Inc., Bannockburn, IL) was used to examine each fatigue specimen after testing. A representative sample of each type of bone cement and loading magnitude was chosen for further SEM analysis (nine specimens, total), using the instrument described in the powder morphology section. SEM images were taken at 100 , 300 and 2000 . Statistical analysis of the fatigue data, based on the recommendations of ASTM F2118-01a, was conducted upon completion of the experimental phase of this study. Statistical analyses were performed using JMP Discovery software (SAS Institute, Cary, NC), as well as using the LIFEREG procedure of SAS software (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). For all analyses, a p-value of 0.05 was considered signicant. The fatigue life (mean7SD) was calculated using the logarithmic transformation of the data as recommended in section 10 in ASTM F2118-01a. Comparisons between mean fatigue life of the three specimens were performed using t-tests at each stress level, assuming a log-normal distribution of the fatigue life and neglecting the impact of censoring on the data. Univariate and parametric survival analyses were conducted to evaluate the effect of bone cement formulation and cyclic stress level on the fatigue life. The survival analyses took into account the censoring effect of the single Simplex s P specimen test, which was suspended prior to failure. KaplanMeier survival curves, as well as Weibull curves, were constructed for the three bone cements at each stress level. We also calculated the fatigue strength distribution for the three bone cements at each stress level, based on the three- parameter Weibull model tted to the data. A nonpara- metric survival analysis was performed, in which the fatigue data for all three stress levels were pooled to provide an overall assessment of signicance for each bone cement. Finally, nonparametric survival analyses, employing Wilcoxon tests, were conducted to evaluate the effect of nuisance variables (e.g., soaking time, mold used to prepare the specimens, and the testing machine) on the fatigue life of the three bone cements. 3. Results 3.1. Bone cement formulations and powder morphology All three bone cement formulations exhibited similar powder morphology under SEM. Polymer beads and white agglomerates were evident in all samples (Figs. 1AC). The agglomerates observed in the samples were conrmed to be barium sulfate by EDS. The three ARTICLE IN PRESS S.M. Kurtz et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 36993712 3702 bone cements contained polymer beads that were under 100 mm diameter, and the barium sulfate presented as an agglomerate of particles with typical length scales on the order of 1 mm. The SEM images of polymer beads and barium sulfate in this study were comparable to images presented by Ku hn in his recent monograph [3]. Kuhns monograph also indicates that the PMMA beads typically range in size from 1 to 125 mm in diameter, which is consistent with our observations. 3.2. Porosity evaluation In both radiographs and microCT, there were clear differences in the radioopacity of the Simplex s P bone cement (containing 10% radiopacier) as compared to the KyphX HV-R and the clinical formulations, which contained 30% and 36% radiopacier, respectively (Fig. 2). From chi-square analysis, we observed signicant differences in the prevalence of macropores (41 mm) within the as molded cylindrical and dogbone speci- mens of three bone cements (Tables 1A and B). The overall incidence of macropores was 72% (152/212) in cylindrical specimens, and 44% (159/359) in dog bone specimens. For both cylindrical and dogbone specimens, KyphX HV-R consistently had the lowest incidence of macropores (Tables 1A and B). When molding cylind- rical specimens, the clinical formulation had the highest incidence of macropores, whereas Simplex s P had the highest incidence of macropores when molding dogbone specimens. However, we found no correlation between the barium sulfate content and the incidence of macroporosity, suggesting that other factors, such as chemical formulation, also inuence the generation of pores greater than 1 mm. Among the pre-screened compression specimens, there was no signicant difference in the maximum pore size, based on analysis of all the plane radiographs. The average maximum pore size determined radio- graphically was 0.76 mm (range: 0.680.81 mm) for all specimens that passed the initial pre-screening for macroporosity. MicroCT imaging was found to be an effective technique for nondestructively evaluating the porosity of bone cement. Using microCT, we were able to visualize not only the size, geometry, and distribution of micropores, but were also able to identify agglomera- tions of barium sulfate in the two-dimensional images (white regions in Fig. 2) of the cylindrical specimens. However, we detected no signicant difference in porosity between the three bone cement formulations using microCT (Table 2). The average porosity deter- mined from the 3-D microCT reconstructions was 5.7% (range: 5.32 and 6.23%, Table 2). 3.3. Compression testing The compressive true stressstrain curves of the three bone cements exhibited similar qualitative features, including an initial linear elastic regime, followed by yielding and a local maximum (Fig. 3). The compressive ARTICLE IN PRESS Fig. 1. Scanning electron micrographs of (A) Simplex s P, (B) KyphX HV-R, and (C) clinical formulation at 300 magnication. S.M. Kurtz et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 36993712 3703 strength of all three bone cements exceeded the 70 MPa minimum specication from ASTM F451-99a (Table 3). The average elastic modulus, yield stress, and max- imum compressive strengths of the three bone cements were all signicantly different from one another (po0:05; Table 3). The KyphX HV-R bone cement exhibited signicantly higher elastic modulus, yield stress, and maximum compressive strength than either ARTICLE IN PRESS Table 1 Incidence of macropores in molded cylindrical and dogbone specimens fabricated from three bone cements Bone cement Specimen type Number molded Number containing micropores only Incidence of macropores (%) Simplex s P (Control) Cylindrical 89 22 75.3 Dogbone 143 69 51.7 KyphX HV-R Cylindrical 68 30 55.9 Dogbone 109 71 34.8 Clinical formulation Cylindrical 55 8 85.5 Dogbone 107 60 43.9 Table 2 Summary porosity results for three bone cement formulations measured from compression specimens using microCT imaging (all were radiographically prescreened to exclude the presence of macropores) Cement Number of readings Mean of percent porosity StDev (%) Minimum (%) Maximum (%) Simplex s P (Control) 14 6.23 1.44 4.27 8.25 KyphX HV-R 14 5.32 2.64 2.70 13.25 Clinical formulation 14 5.53 1.10 3.87 7.67 Fig. 2. MicroCT scan slices of (A) Simplex s P, (B) KyphX HV-R, and (C) clinical formulation at 12 mm resolution. The specimens are 6 mm in diameter. S.M. Kurtz et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 36993712 3704 the Simplex s P or the clinical formulation (Table 3). Increasing the barium sulfate content of Simplex s P resulted in a signicant, but not substantial, increase in compressive properties (Table 3). For instance, increas- ing the barium sulfate content of Simplex s P from 10% (as-manufactured) to 36% had the effect of increasing the average elastic modulus and maximum compressive strength by only 13% and 5%, respectively (Table 3). 3.4. Tension testing The tensile stressstrain curves of the three bone cements under dry, room temperature and saline, body temperature conditions exhibited similar qualitative features, including a linear elastic regime, followed by brittle fracture (Figs. 4A and B). However, the dry specimens clearly exhibit higher modulus and higher tensile strength at a shorter elongation (Table 4). The elastic modulus was signicantly affected by the test environment (po0:05), but not by the bone cement formulation (Table 4). Overall, the average modulus for all the bone cement samples tested at room tem- perature was determined to be 2690 MPa (range: 24402950 MPa); the wet specimens tested at 37 1C had, on average, an elastic modulus of 1470 MPa (range: 13601520 MPa), corresponding to a 45% reduction as compared with dry room temperature testing. Testing environment, bone cement formulation, as well as the interaction between test condition and formulation were all signicant variables in our ANO- VA modeling for the tensile strength (po0:05; Table 4). The ultimate strengths of both KyphX HV-R and Simplex s P were signicantly higher than the clinical formulation (po0:05). Overall, the ultimate tensile ARTICLE IN PRESS Fig. 3. Compressive stressstrain curves for Simplex, KyphX HV-R, and clinical formulations. Testing was conducted in room tempera- ture air. Table 3 Summary of uniaxial compressive properties as mean7SD Bone cement formulation Compressive modulus (MPa) 2% Offset yield strength (MPa) Compressive strength (MPa) Simplex 9076 9774 97 (4) KyphX HV-R 10573 11174 111 (4) Clinical formulation 9675 10277 102 (7) (All differences between materials summarized here are signicant, po0.05). Testing was conducted at room temperature in air. Fig. 4. Tensile stressstrain curves for Simplex, KyphX HV-R, and clinical formulations. Testing was conducted in room temperature air (A) and body temperature saline (B). S.M. Kurtz et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 36993712 3705 strengths of KyphX HV-R and Simplex s P were not signicantly different (p40:05; Table 5). The tensile strength of the clinical formulation was between 22% and 25% lower than the neat Simplex s P bone cement. Testing environment and bone cement formulation were found to be signicant parameters in our ANOVA modeling of elongation to failure (po0:05; Table 4). The elongation of Simplex was signicantly higher than the clinical formulation (po0:05; Table 4). We did not observe a consistent ranking of the average elongation to failure for the three bone cements at both test temperatures (Table 4). The fracture surfaces of all three formulations were comparable and characteristic of brittle fracture (Fig. 5). Aggregates of barium sulfate were visible as lighter colored patches or white spots on the fracture surfaces even when viewed at 20 (Fig. 5C). This was consistent with what was observed in the two-dimensional images obtained via microCT scanning (Fig. 2). EDS analysis of white spots or light-colored patches on the fracture surfaces conrmed that they were agglomerations of barium sulfate. At 300 and 2000 magnications we observed barium surface particulates similar to those observed in the SEM evaluation of bone cement powders (Figs. 1AC). We also observed complete PMMA beads inside the cross-sections of pores and in cross-sections on the fracture surfaces of all three formulations, indicating that the fracture propagated around the polymer beads and through them. 3.5. Fatigue testing During the execution of the fatigue testing program, six specimens failed due to experimental difculties: three failed prior to testing during placement in the hydraulic grips, and the other three specimens failed prematurely (within 13106 cycles) on a single day due to malfunctioning of one of the hydraulic systems. After repair of the hydraulic system, testing proceeded with- out further irregularities. Excluding the six specimens, which failed for reasons unrelated to cement perfor- mance, valid fatigue data were collected for a total of 131 bone cement specimens, as summarized in Table 5. Of the 131 specimens, 130 were fatigue tested to failure. For one (Simplex s P) specimen, testing was suspended after 1,556,921 cycles (considered a run-out). One of the clinical formulation specimens and three of the KyphX HV-R specimens were noted to fracture in the grip region of the specimen. The remaining 126 specimens failed in the gage region. KyphX HV-R had a signicantly greater mean fatigue life (po0:05) as compared with both the clinical formulation and the Simplex s P bone cements at 10 MPa (Fig. 6), when calculated using a log-normal transformation as recommended in ASTM F451-99a. However, these comparisons were slightly biased by the run-out of one of the Simplex specimens. At the higher stress levels, the fatigue life of KyphX HV-R was signicantly greater than that of the clinical formulation (po0:05), but not higher than the Simplex s P (p40:05). Analysis using a three-parameter Weibull model, taking into account censoring, consistently ranked the characteristic fatigue life of the three cements as follows for all three load levels (Fig. 7, Table 6): KyphX HV- R4Simplex s P4clinical formulation. Evaluation of the Weibull slopes at all three cyclic stress levels suggested the following ranking (Table 7): KyphX HV-RESim- plex s P4clinical formulation. In all cases, the predicted fatigue life of KyphX HV-R was greater than that for the clinical formulation; the predicted fatigue life of KyphX HV-R was greater than that for Simplex for the 710 and 20 MPa stress conditions. ARTICLE IN PRESS Table 4 Summary of uniaxial tensile properties as mean7SD Bone cement type Test environment Tensile modulus (MPa) Tensile strength (MPa) Elongation at maximum tension (%) Simplex s P 22 1C, 20% RH 24407190 3271 1.2570.08 37 1C, PBS 1360770 3272 2.2970.6 KyphX HV-R 22 1C, 20% RH 29507360 3771 1.3670.23 37 1C, PBS 15207230 3171 1.8070.11 Clinical formulation 22 1C, 20% RH 26707380 2473 0.8370.11 37 1C, PBS 15107370 2573 1.5770.19 (All differences between materials summarized here are signicant, po0.05). Testing was conducted at room temperature in air as well as at body temperature in saline (PBS). Table 5 Fatigue test data collected for each bone cement type at each stress level No. of specimens Bone cement 10 MPa 15 MPa 20 MPa KyphX HV-R 15 16 16 Simplex s P 15 14 15 Clinical formulation 13 15 12 S.M. Kurtz et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 36993712 3706 Parametric survival analyses indicated that the fatigue life of the KyphX HV-R bone cement was signicantly different from the other two bone cements, but not at all stress levels. The p-values for the individual parametric comparisons are summarized in Table 8. The statistics from the three stress levels, when combined using parametric test methods and using the Weibull failure distribution, show an overall signicant difference between KyphX HV-R and Simplex s P, as well as between KyphX HV-R and the clinical formulation. Nuisance experimental factors, such as soaking time, the type of load frame, and the mold used to prepare the samples, had no signicant effect on the survival times of the bone cements (p40:2). In general, the fatigue surfaces of all three formula- tions were planar and consistent with brittle failure (Fig. 8). Fracture surface striations were typically visible under SEM for all the fatigue specimens. We identied possible fracture initiation sites in the Simplex s P and the clinical formulation specimens, but we were not able to determine the crack initiation source on the KyphX HV-R samples. The clinical formulation samples loaded at 15 and 20 MPa sometimes showed crack initiation in large barium sulfate deposits, but micropores were the most likely crack initiation sites in the Simplex s P specimens. In general, KyphX HV-R specimens frac- tured perpendicular to the long axis of the samples, with minor step discontinuities at lower loading levels. The Simplex s P and clinical formulation samples fractured unevenly with larger step discontinuities, especially towards the end of the fracture; these fractures often changed direction, bisecting larger pores. Stellate cracks radiated from the pores on the fracture surface of Simplex s P (neat) specimens; in each of these cases, at least one crack extended to the edge. These pores were probable sources of crack initiation. The ARTICLE IN PRESS Fig. 5. Scanning electron micrographs of the tensile specimen fracture surfaces: (A) Simplex s P, (B) KyphX HV-R, and (C) clinical formulation at 20X magnication. Light-colored patches correspond to barium sulfate, whereas the darker features are pores. The specimens are 6 mm in diameter. Fig. 6. Mean (7SD) Fatigue Life calculated as per ASTM F 2118-01a using a log-normal transformation. *Note: mean is slightly biased due to run-out of one specimen. S.M. Kurtz et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 36993712 3707 stellate cracks occurred in one of the samples of clinical formulation (10 MPa), but did not occur in any of the KyphX HV-R specimens. Cracks connected small pores on the fracture surfaces of Simplex s P (neat); this was also true for the lower loading levels of the clinical formulation. The addition of barium sulfate was apparent in both the KyphX HV-R and the clinical formulation samples. Fracture surfaces of the KyphX HV-R and the clinical formulation samples were white, rough, and chalky due to barium sulfate aggregates; in contrast, the Simplex s P specimens had glassy or wet fracture surface. Barium sulfate aggregates were visible at 20x on the fracture surface of all KyphX HV-R specimens and larger deposits were visible to the naked eye on all clinical formulation specimens. 4. Discussion The results of this study indicate that the static and fatigue properties of PMMA-based bone cement are not necessarily compromised by the addition of barium ARTICLE IN PRESS Fig. 7. Weibull Curves for (A) 710 MPa, (B) 715 MPa, and (C) 720 MPa. Table 6 Weibull characteristic fatigue life for clinical formulation, Simplex s P, and KyphX HV-R Cyclic stress level (MPa) Weibull fatigue life (cycles) Clinical formulation Simplex s P KyphX HV-R 710 131,745 221,606 360,553 715 18,739 26,549 59,340 720 795 2,087 3,821 Table 7 Weibull slope for clinical formulation, Simplex s P, and KyphX HV-R Cyclic stress level (MPa) Weibull slope Clinical formulation Simplex s P KyphX HV-R 710 0.659 0.823 1.04 715 0.707 1.37 0.963 720 0.473 1.27 1.40 S.M. Kurtz et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 36993712 3708 sulfate to improve visualization during injection into the spine. We found that adding radiopacier to Simplex had the result of lowering the tensile strength and fatigue life of the bone cement. Large agglomerations of barium sulfate, which acted as local stress concentra- tions or fatigue initiation sites (Fig. 8c), are hypothe- sized to be responsible for the reduced mechanical performance of the clinical formulation as compared with Simplex s P. On the other hand, the tensile, compressive, and fatigue properties of KyphX HV-R were comparable or superior to Simplex s P. Conse- quently, our data indicate that bone cement formula- tion, when tailored for a specic spinal application, can successfully neutralize the effects of elevated barium sulfate on the tensile and fatigue properties. Careful radiographic prescreening, veried by mi- croCT analysis, ruled out porosity as a potential confounding factor in our experiments. We found no signicant difference in the average porosity of the three bone cements, which were, on average, between 5.32% and 6.23%. Lewis [11] reviewed 13 previous studies reporting the porosity of Simplex s P. For manual mixing techniques, the average porosity for Simplex s P was reported between 9.4% and 12.5%; with centrifuga- tion or mechanical mixing techniques, the porosity ranged between 0.5% and 6.5% [11]. Thus, our porosity measurements were lower than those previously re- ported for manual mixing and fell within the range associated with centrifugation or mechanical mixing. The lower porosity of our samples, relative to values published in the literature, is likely related to our exclusion of samples containing macropores of 1 mm or greater, as required by ASTM F2118-01a. It should be emphasized that macropores of greater than 1 mm may be observed in PMMA-based bone cements in vivo. Thus, the specimen selection criteria for the present study may not encompass the full range of aw sizes that could be deployed clinically. Nevertheless, to control for the potentially confounding effect of pore size, speci- mens that were selected for this study were randomly selected from the population of pre-screened candidates. Thus, the results of our microCT study should be interpreted as providing porosity content of hand-mixed bone cements containing only micropores. We conclude, based on the results of our study, that the addition of barium sulfate does not signicantly inuence the ARTICLE IN PRESS Table 8 Summary of Weibull survival analysis results (p-values) comparing KyphX HV-R with clinical formulation and Simplex Comparison Cyclic stress levels (MPa) 710 715 720 KyphX HV-R vs. Simplex s P cement NS 0.01 0.03 KyphX HV-R vs. clinical formulation cement NS 0.04 NS (NS=not signicant). Fig. 8. Scanning electron micrographs of representative fatigue specimen fracture surfaces (715 MPa): (A) Simplex s P, (B) KyphX HV-R, and (C) clinical formulation at 20X magnication. Light-colored patches correspond to barium sulfate, whereas the darker features are pores. The specimens are 6 mm in diameter. S.M. Kurtz et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 36993712 3709 average microporosity of PMMA-based bone cement. On the other hand, based on the incidence of macro- pores in three bone cements (Table 1), there is some evidence that the addition of barium sulfate to Simplex s P can inuence the generation of pores greater than 1 mm. The clinical signicance of macroporosity for the treatment of vertebral compression fractures remains unclear. Unlike in joint arthroplasty, there are insufcient data at the present time to make a statement as to the clinical signicance of macropores in the treatment of vertebral compression fractures. Because the properties of bone cements developed specically for spinal applications have not previously been reported, we chose Simplex s P bone cement as the control for our study because of its long successful clinical history in joint replacements and for the extensive body of literature documenting its properties under a wide range of testing conditions. For example, the compressive modulus and compressive strength of Simplex s P measured in our series of experiments compared favorably with previously published data. According to Lewis review [11], the compressive modulus for Simplex s P has been reported to range between 2540 and 3010 MPa depending upon the specimen preparation and curing conditions; similarly, the compressive strength for Simplex s P is reported to range between 84.8 and 114.3 MPa [11]. Therefore, the compressive properties we measured for Simplex s P were in general agreement with the published literature. Similarly, the tensile modulus, tensile strength, and percent elongation of Simplex s P measured in our series of experiments compared favorably with previously published data. According to a recent review article, the tensile modulus for Simplex s P has been reported to range between 1583 and 3080 MPa depending upon the specimen preparation and curing conditions; this range compared favorably with the value of 2440 MPa we obtained at room temperature. While the modulus obtained in our tests at body temperature (1364 MPa) is lower than the moduli summarized by Lewis, it is important to note that of the summarized modulus tests reported being done at body temperature none of them indicated that the specimens soaked for the same duration. We measured the tensile strength of Sim- plex s P to be 32 MPa at room and body temperature, which falls within Lewis reported range of 27 and 46 MPa. In particular, one study utilized similar condi- tions to our study: the cement was mixed manually and aged in saline at 37 1C for 35 days [12]. The average strength for these samples was 30.2 MPa, which falls within 6% of the average value we obtained under comparable conditions. Finally, the values for elonga- tion at maximum tension for both of our test conditions (1.25% at RT, and 2.29% at BT) were within the reported range (0.862.49%) in Lewis literature review. Overall, the tensile properties of Simplex s P (Table 4) were in general agreement with the extensive published literature for this biomaterial. We employed the same specimen geometry for our tensile tests as was used in our fatigue experiments, based on ASTM F2118-01a. Utilizing the same speci- men size and shape for fatigue and tension (as per ASTM F2118-01a) has the benet of enabling a single mixing and molding protocol, thus improving specimen uniformity and decreasing variability. Furthermore, the geometry of the fatigue specimens in ASTM F2118-01a is smaller than the sizes recom- mended in ASTM D638-02, thereby requiring less bone cement per specimen. Based on the favorable results achieved for Simplex in this study in comparison with the literature, we advocate using ASTM F2118-01a fatigue specimen geometry in future uniaxial tension studies of bone cement. Our fatigue experiments were conducted using a new standard (ASTM F2118-01a), complicating the compar- ison of our data with studies in the literature that were formed using a wide range of different test conditions. The stress levels chosen for testing (10, 15 and 20 MPa) in our study were executed under fully reversed cyclic loading at 2 Hz following recommendations in the standard; these choices of stress amplitude and fre- quency were also well documented in the literature [10]. Several studies conducted fully reversed cyclic loading at 15 MPa for Simplex s P, reporting a range of 23324,218 cycles; our 19,027 mean cycles to failure at 715 MPa fall within this previously reported range [1319]. More specically, a study by Jacobs et al. has reported data for Simplex s P that are directly comparable to our study, since it was performed under very similar conditions, including hand-mixing (HM), directly mold- ing into nal dimensions (DIM), cylindrical cross- section (CYL), tested in reversed tension/compression at 15 MPa, and at a frequency of 2 Hz [18]. The mean number of stress cycles to fracture for their study is 18,000, which is within 6% of our mean reported value. Lewis did not review reports of mean cycles to fracture at fully reversed cyclic loading with amplitude 10 and 20 MPa to compare with our results, but our reported results (133,990 cycles at 10 MPa and 1770 cycles at 20 MPa) are generally consistent with the data reviewed by Lewis [10]. It is important to note that the studies reviewed by Lewis differ markedly in protocol (e.g., mixing, specimen fabrication method, sample cong- uration, stress magnitude, and test frequency). Overall, our fatigue results for Simplex s P are generally compar- able with previous studies. This study shares many of the limitations commonly attributed to studies of bone cement properties, namely the sensitivity of the results to specimen preparation, testing rate, and testing environment. All of these factors have been documented to inuence the mechan- ARTICLE IN PRESS S.M. Kurtz et al. / Biomaterials 26 (2005) 36993712 3710 ical properties of bone cement [9,10], but to address these potential sources of variability, we have relied on standardized test methods and used a control material (Simplex s P) with a well-documented set of mechanical properties. Nevertheless, the mechanical properties reported this study must be interpreted within a tightly controlled set of experimental conditions (e.g., hand mixing, molding of specimens, radiographic pre-screen- ing), necessary to facilitate comparisons between PMMA bone cements historically used for joint replacements and new biomaterials intended for spine applications. The KyphX HV-R bone cement formulation eval- uated in this study is intended specically for the treatment of vertebral compression fractures. The stresses placed upon bone cement in the spine are generally compressive and much lower in magnitude than in the cement mantle of an arthroplasty stem. For example, at the distal end of a hip stem, the local cement stresses can exceed 10 MPa. In addition, these stresses may be fully reversed as the femur bends around the stem [20,21]. In the spine, the stresses in the bone cement within a vertebral body are typically axially oriented and compressive [22,23]. Furthermore, the magnitude of bone cement stresses in the spine is predicted to be approximately 1 MPa or less [22,23], which is an order of magnitude less than the tensile strength of the material. Note that the fully reversed, 710-, 715-, and 720-MPa stress ranges in this study, which are based upon the recommendations of ASTM F2118-01a, are also about an order of magnitude more severe in magnitude than the loading conditions to which bone cement can be subjected in the spine. Despite these severe fatigue loading conditions, the fatigue life of KyphX HV-R was found to be comparable to or greater than Simplex s P. Taken together, the static and fatigue testing data herein indicate that KyphX HV-R is not at risk of static or fatigue fracture during typical in vivo loading conditions in the spine. 5. Conclusions The addition of barium sulfate radiopacier to improve ow visualization does not necessarily com- promise the static and fatigue properties of PMMA- based bone cements used for the treatment of vertebral compression fractures. KyphX HV-R exhibited compar- able or superior tensile, compressive, and fatigue properties when compared with neat Simplex s P. Add- ing radiopacier directly to Simplex s P in the clinical formulation lowered the tensile strength and fatigue life of the resulting bone cement. We hypothesize that agglomerations of barium sulfate particles in the clinical formulation acted as local stress concentrations or fatigue crack initiation sites, and were likely responsible for the lower tensile and fatigue properties, relative to neat Simplex s P. Acknowledgment Supported by a Research Grant from Kyphon, Inc. References [1] Haboush EJ. 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