Public Domain Treasures

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The document discusses strategies for profiting from public domain works, including finding and using public domain materials online and on eBay as well as legal aspects.

The book provides information on public domain basics and determining if a work is in the public domain. It also discusses ways to use public domain works and how to profit from public domain works.

Several steps are outlined for launching a product including building an opt-in page, driving traffic, writing product copy, testing with a WSO, using JV partners, and having multiple launches.

A Public Domain Secret

Get Into the Free Content Treasure Once For All

By Kneb Knebaih
Kn adf febaih
A Public Domain Secret

Created Written & Designed , :

A Public Domain Secret
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A Public Domain Secret
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information storage and retrieval system, !ithout !ritten permission from the
author, e"cept for the inclusion of rief #uotations in a revie!.
All $mages and $llustrations are property of The %neaih Collection.
Copyright & y %ne %neaih
The %neaih Collection, '((), $nc.
A Public Domain Secret
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A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
Intro - My Story
Chapter 1 - Public Domain Basics
Public Domain - In a Nutshell
How to Determine if the Work is in the Public Domain
Chapter 2 - Ways of Using Public Domain Works
Deeper is Usually Not Better
Chapter 3 - How to Profit from Public Domain Works
3 TP Thin!s To "et #ourself $part
%3 &ost Profitable Niches in the Public Domain
33 Teste' Ways of Usin! Public Domain &aterials
Chapter 4 - Finding Public Domain Works Online
(hoosin! Public Domain Works
) "mart "earches - "earch *n!ines
+,, "ecret -i.e -inks to Public Domain Works /
) Public Domain Books 0 Te1ts
) Publishin! *1amples
) Public Domain $u'io 0 &usic
) Public Domain 2i'eo 0 &o.ies
) Public Domain $rtwork 0 Photo!raphy
) Public Domain 3o.ernment Works
) Public Domain "oftware 0 "ource (o'e
Chapter 5 - Public Domain + eBay
Public Domain 0 eBay
"ellin! Public Domain Works on eBay
Chapter 6 - egal !s"ects of Public Domain
Usin! Public Domain Works
International -aws
(opyri!ht Issues
MUST HAV !esources
A Public Domain Secret
"When I get a little money I buy books,
and if any money is left I buy food and clothes"
A Public Domain Secret
My Story

A Public Domain Secret
I was in a threatenin! situation 4ust 56 months a!o777
$fter years of lea'in! an easy lifestyle8 I be!an to stru!!le financially7
I was broke an' tire'777 The bank was literally 9eatin!: my small business8
an' my money777 It was ;uly %,,<7
"o I 'eci'e' to work with a frien' of mine who worke' for a famous publishin!
company8 'oin! some researchin! work for them7
I hate workin! for others8 especially in the summer8 but that 4ob was really
interestin!777 &y 4ob consiste' of 'oin! research an' fin'in! copyri!ht-free stuff
for that company/ books8 mo.ies8 artwork8 an' music with e1pire' copyri!hts=
in short8 Public Domain material777
&y frien' was the >?@ attorney8 an' I was the 9antiAue stuff collection: e1pert7
IBm a fan of ol'-school an' .inta!e stuff8 an' I ha.e amaCin! collections
of ol' books8 posters8 publications8 an' .i'eos8 so that 4ob was really interestin!
for me777
"o we be!an with ol' books an' manuscripts7 We starte' searchin! e.ery 'ay
for books an' ima!es publishe' prior to 5D%38 >$-- the works publishe' before
that 'ate are officially in the Public Domain@7
We were collectin! hun're's of te1ts an' artwork 'aily for the company7 Then
the company was republishin! them8 makin! new collections on the fly8 with Cero
restrictions8 an' no royalties or fees to pay whatsoe.er777
We rapi'ly be!an to realiCe that this was an easy an' promisin! way of 'oin!
business by itself8 an' be!an to sell those Public Domain treasures777
A Public Domain Secret
T he rest is history / We foun'e' se.eral publishin! companies usin! this
en'less floo' of free killer content8 an' I starte' to sell artwork
an' photo!raphy >I lo.e 'esi!n@ by myself8 alon! with some other profitable
$s a result8 I foun'e' The Enebaih (ollection8 an' ma'e more than $580,000
in sales in %,,F8 4ust by sellin! an' republishin! Public Domain works/ from books
to mo.ies8 inclu'in! historical speeches8 ol' ra'io shows8 art posters8 etc777
The Enebaih (ollection is an offline Inner (ircle (ollection of my best fin'in!s
in the Public Domain fiel'8 where I restore ol' !ems an' republish them for
$rtwork $!encies8 Publishin! Houses8 Desi!n (ompanies8 an' Hollywoo' an'
In'epen'ent Gilm companies7
Then8 in &arch %,,F8 we hoste' three seminars about Public Domain
for publishers8 attorneys8 entrepreneurs8 4ournalists8 uni.ersities an' alike8
an' be!an to monetiCe our knowle'!e about this business7
That offline list of people were the first to know about this 3reat Book you
ha.e in your han's now7
They were happy to pay $1978 so you ha.e ma'e a .ery !oo' 'eal here /@
This is the first time I am releasin! this book to the online public8 so I thou!ht
that the Warrior Gorum was the only place to 'o it /@
A Public Domain Secret
"o how 'i' I 'o itH
$si'e from usin! the resources from this Book8 I followe' this e1act metho'/
That is the e1act plan I followe'7 $n' IT WLE"777so please8 be sure to take the
time to rea' it8 bookmark it8 an' print it out777you can be certainly inspire'777 not
only by my success8 but by the success of others also8 like &ike Gilsaime >rea'
his post@8 Tom Beal8 $rman' &orin8 Te' (iuba8 etc777
#ou may e.en 'eci'e to I&P-*&*NT IT ri!ht away8 an' then you will really
know what IBm talkin! about777 make sure to also watch all the mentione' .i'eos
an' !rab the !reat au'io bonuses at the en'7 If you 4ust follow the same plan8
you will become a .ery 'ifferent person in 5% months from now777 3uarantee'7
f course8 if you want to really !o for it an' achie.e 9impossible: !oals8
you will want to own the fulll ori!inal &etho'8 by &IT !enius scientist an'
billionaire "tuart -ichtman7
His metho' really chan!e' my life8 >it is simply the best of its kin'@8 an' took me
from $0 to $580,000 in one short year >without bi! pro'uct launches8 lol@
This is the e1act same metho' use' by ;ay (onra' -e.inson8 Da.i' 3arfinkel8
;im *'war's8 #anik "il.er8 (rai! Perrine8 (harles Burke8 ;oe 2itale8 -arry Dotson8
an' many other successful marketers777 inclu'in! Lebecca Gine777
(heck It ut Here
A Public Domain Secret
k8 enou!h speech about me777 -etBs now talk about you777
The possibilities for you here are literally unlimite'7
There are countless Public Domain works waitin! to be foun'7
-iterally8 millions777
No matter what business or niche you are in8 you can profit imme'iately from
this .ast free treasure/ usin! it as a .aluable >an' killer@ content for your
$'"ense sites an' ebooks8 for your offline .entures8 for your own .iral
marketin! campai!n8 as .aluable free 'ownloa's for your opt-in pa!es8 or 4ust
sellin! them as stan'alone pro'ucts8 such as au'io books8 D2Ds8 .i'eo courses8
photo collections777 there are hun're's of applicationsM
r you can use this knowle'!e simply to start a new company8 relyin! entirely
on Public Domain works7
#ou are only limite' by your ima!ination777
A Public Domain Secret
This is what Te' Turner 'i'7
This is what Walt Disney 'i'7
This is what Publications 'i'7
This is what Da.i' 2allieres 'i'7
This is what #anik " 'i'7
This is what Lussell Brunson 'i'7
$n' this is how Lebecca Gine starte' her successful online business7
A Public Domain Secret
Im gonna show you ALL the online sources (more than 500 links) that my
artners an! " are using to #in! those gems$$$many o# them are true gems,
ultra%secret sources, &'(') *''& +',-)' .y any online marketer$$$
"m gonna show you the /0 most ro#ita.le an! teste! &iches (online an!
o##line)$ *ome o# my artners an! o##line list mem.ers are making more than
$1 million in re1enue #rom these &iches an! 2u.lic 3omain works alone$$$
"m gonna show you 00 !i##erent teste! ways to make ro#its #rom 2u.lic
3omain works$$$" am using all o# them$
*o rela4, take a cu o# your .est tea, an! ut your hea!hones on with some
emowering #unky music$$$
You are going to enj oy thi s ... ...
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
Chapter 1
Public Domain Basics
A Public Domain Secret
Public Domain in a nutshell
The term 52u.lic 3omain6 has .een aroun! #or 7uite some time$
+ut un#ortunately, 1ery #ew marketers un!erstan! an! take a!1antage o# this
ama8ingly #ree an! (ractically) unlimite! treasure$
+e#ore going !eeer into that, let9s start with the .asics$
:hat e4actly is 2u.lic 3omain;
In a nutshell, Public Domain is simply any material or work
not owned by a particular person or groups of individuals,
making it free for everyone to use in whatever way they
deem necessary to serve their own purposes . . .
A Public Domain Secret
"# you ha1e to really think a.out it, you might reali8e that it was actually ma!e
.y ri1ate in!i1i!uals in the ast an! must ha1e .een coyrighte!$ *o how !i!
it .ecome 5#ree #or all6;
<he answer is simle= a >oyright, !esite oular .elie#, ha1e its en!$
<he term 5coyrighte! work6 actually !een!s on se1eral #actors?
#actors that " will !iscuss later in this chater$
) the !rea!e! ,rankenstein; @ary *helley9s name may .e unknown
to some eole, .ut not her no1el$ *he may ha1e !ie! a long time ago, .ut her
no1el continues to .e a 1erita.le moneymaker #or writers, artists, mo1ie
makers, an! the like$ A to now, ,rankenstein9s oularity continues to earn
huge re1enues, although the .ook was written more than /00 years ago$$$
As " ha1e sai!, anyone can utili8e A&B material #rom the 2u.lic 3omain,
#or whate1er urose it may ser1e him$
A Public Domain Secret
As #or our urose, we will learn how to caitali8e on the un7uestiona.le gain
o##ere! .y tailoring the use o# 2u.lic 3omain to make your .usiness grow
an!Cor start a new an! ro#ita.le one$
&ote that the term 52u.lic 3omain6 may inclu!e, .ut is not limite! to, .ooks,
mo1ies, artworks, aintings, music, images, hotograhs, an! tra!emarks$
Although e1ery country has its own set o# gui!elines, we are going to
concentrate on the Anite! *tates rules with regar!s to coyrighte! material$
(Later, in >hater D, you will #in! all the nee!e! in#ormation a.out other
countriesE rules, in case you nee! it$)
A Public Domain Secret
)ule F1=
:orks u.lishe! in the Anite! *tates .e#ore 19/0 are consi!ere!
2u.lic 3omain
)ule F/=
:orks u.lishe! #rom 19/0 to 19D0 are in the 2u.lic 3omain,
", the >oyright &otice was &-< renewe!
)ule F0=
:orks u.lishe! #rom 19D0 to 1977 can .e in the 2u.lic 3omain,
", the in!i1i!ual >oyright License #or those works is not renewe!
As o# @arch 1, 1989, #iling #or coyright rotection is no longer re7uire! since
all creati1e work ro!uce! a#ter @arch 1, 1989 .ecomes automatically
co1ere!, although it is still a!1isa.le to aly #or #ormal coyright rotection
at htt=CCwww$coyright$go1 in case you may nee! to en#orce your rights
or seek !amages in a court o# law$
)ule FG=
:orks u.lishe! in the Anite! *tates .etween 19/0 an! @arch 1, 1989
are also >oyright rotecte!, ro1i!e! that the #ormalities are comlete$
,ormalities inclu!e &otice o# >oyright, )egistration, an!Cor )enewal$
,ailure to comlete these #ormalities mean that the work is, in #act,
in the 2u.lic 3omain$
A Public Domain Secret
<he ractical e##ect o# the coyright law to the researcher is that a serious
attemt must .e ma!e to locate the hol!er o# the coyright to .oth u.lishe!
an! unu.lishe! writings to o.tain ermission #or u.lication$
,ull resonsi.ility #or legal 7uestions relating to the use an! u.lication
o# manuscrits rests with the researcher$
A Public Domain Secret
All the works u.lishe! rior to 19/0 are clearly in the 2u.lic 3omain,
.ut take into consi!eration that most o# the works u.lishe! .etween 19/0
an! 19D0%77 can also .e in the 2u.lic 3omain$$$$
A Public Domain Secret
24 to ay 1ery close attention to the coyright !ate$ <his will tell
you whether the work is in the 2u.lic 3omain or not$
Howe1er, you may nee! to !ou.le%check its coyright rotection .ecause
although the coyright !ate has alrea!y lase!, the work might ha1e .een
coyrighte! again .y someone else, which is not necessarily re#lecte! in the
work that you91e #oun!$
<hus, you may nee! to search through the >oyright -##ice archi1es, Iust
to .e sure an! to a1oi! steing on other9s 5ri1ate arts6$
AL:AB* con!uct a coyright search .e#ore u.lishing any work 5as%is,6
.ecause you can get sue!$ &e1er rely solely on online we.sites regar!ing the
!ate o# the coyright$ Laws are constantly changing, an! many eole are now
.eing sue! #or using 52u.lic 3omain6 mo1ies that are coyrighte!$
"# a work was u.lishe! rior to 19/0, you can certainly use it$$$ Iust .e sure
that the u.lishing !ate is, "& ,A><, rior to 19/0$
<his is esecially imortant #or using works u.lishe! .etween 19/0%19D0$
"# you came across a work that was coyrighte! in the Anite! *tates, you may
go to the >oyright -##ice at htt=CCwww$coyright$go1 an! !o
a research on their !ata.ase$ (@ore in#o a.out this in the last chater)$$$
"mortant &ote=
3i! you know that e4erts consi!er that only a.out 10J o# the works
u.lishe! .etween 19/0 an! 19D0 were coyright renewe!;;
<hats right$ *o aro4imately 87J o# the millions o# 1alua.le works #rom
those years A)' in the 2u.lic 3omain$$$.ut 1ery #ew eole know a.out it$$$$
*- take a!1antage o# this knowle!ge an! !o your coyright research on
e1ery work that you wish to use, no matter how coyrighte! it can aear$$$
Bou will .e leasantly surrise!$$$
A Public Domain Secret
>oyle#t is more oularly re#erre! to as 5)ecirocal License6$
" ersonally like the soun! o# >oyle#t comare! to the #ormal%soun!ing
5)ecirocal License6 term$
Anyway, >oyle#t is .asically the oosite o# >oyright$ -#ten use! #or -en
*ource so#tware, !ocuments, music, an! art, it is sym.oli8e! with a .ackwar!
>oyright sym.ol=
<he i!ea .ehin! a 5coyle#te!6 states that when a work is coie!, mo!i#ie!,
or use! in any su.se7uent work, the author o# that su.se7uent work must
grant the same >oyle#t rights to the u.lic$ *ort o# like aying it #orwar!,
e1ery.o!y .ene#its an! the work .ecomes .etter with all those in#usions
o# i!eas$
<he K&A Keneral 2u.lic License (or K2L) can .e #oun! at=
"t is the most commonly use! an! accete! >oyle#t License to!ay$
<o make use o# a material or work with a >oyle#t license is to accet the
restrictions that goes with it$ +elow are some #actors to consi!er when using
or making work to .e !istri.ute! un!er a >oyle#t license =
A Public Domain Secret
)estriction F1= <o use a coyle#te! work is to grant the same >oyle#t
ri1ilege to the u.lic as well$
)estriction F/= Any material or work with a >oyle#t License gi1es e1eryone
the right to alter an! sell the work as their own$
I think we got the basics covered...

Ready for some action ?
A Public Domain Secret
Ways of Using Public Domain Works
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
Works in the 2u.lic 3omain might .e consi!ere! ol! .ut are still ricelessL
Like recious gems trae! un!er the 'arth, they are waiting to .e unearthe!
an! will gi1e anyone the chance to gain #inancial #ree!om$ "t takes
a !etermine! erson to unco1er these recious gems an! turn it into
something that coul! an! woul! e1entually hel them attain their !reams$
,rom my own e4erience, hysical ro!ucts tyically .ring in more ro#its
than !igital ro!ucts, .ecause they are concei1e! to .e more 1alua.le$ +ut its
also true that making !igital ro!ucts is easier an! (')B ro#ita.le$$$
Deeper Is Usually Not Better
,in!ing treasures usually mean !igging as !ee as you can$ <he 1alue o# the
gems you will #in! is !irectly roortional to the !eth o# your !ig$ "n short,
!eeer is .etter$ +ut such is not the case with 2u.lic 3omain work? ol!er
works !o not necessarily mean theyEre more riceless$
'4erts agree that har!er is !e#initely .etter$ <he har!er it takes you to #in!
a articular work, the higher its 1alue$
" artially agree$ "1e #oun! true moneymaker gems 1ery easily, an! others
o# oorer 7uality that took me months to #in!$ <hus, your .est #in! can .e
insigni#icant #or me, an! 1ice 1ersa$$$
<he key, as always, is :HA< !o you make o# your #in!ings; An easy #in! can
.e turne! into a million%!ollar .usiness$$$it all !een!s on the niche, the
content, the target market, an! the resentation o# the ro!uct$$$
+ut " will take you .y the han! in any ste, an! will show you secret resources
that will .low your min!$ " will also show you the .est%er#orming niches,
an! e1en the winner authors #or each one$
A Public Domain Secret
All you ha1e to !o is #ollow me through this +ook$$$
A Public Domain Secret
<his !oesnEt mean that rea!ily a1aila.le 2u.lic 3omain works can gi1e you
what you are looking #or$ "t takes Iust a .it o# creati1ity to harness these uncut
gems an! trans#orm them into riceless Iewels$
<here are 0 ways to skin this
The Da Vinci way Going for gold, huh? ,in! any 2u.lic 3omain work
in your chosen #iel! an! turn it into a @asteriece$ <hats the way " like$
2u.lic 3omain works are rea!ily a1aila.le #or those who nee! it$
All you ha1e to !o is use this +ook$ =)
The Sherloc way <his may re7uire a .it more work an! a little .it
o# creati1ity as well$ &ot in altering the work, .ecause har!%to%#in!
works are usually .etter le#t untouche! M .ut that is u to you$ "# your
creati1ity Iuices are o1er#lowing, then use themL Bou Iust nee! to #in!
out i# the coyright o# the work has .een renewe! or not$
The Bill !ates way "# you ha1e the money, then sen! it$ <he easiest
way to look #or gems in 2u.lic 3omain works is to ay others to !o it$
<here are lots o# commercial >oyright *earch >omanies that can
an! will gi1e you the in#ormation that you are looking #or, at a rice$
<his is what " !i! #rom the .eginning$ A com.ination o# 3a (inci an! +ill
Kates metho!s$ " always in1est 50J o# my earnings in growing my .usiness=
5" outsource my entire li#e6, as <im ,erris wisely teaches in his great .ook,
5<he G%Hour :orkweek6$$$
Hint= Ko an! get his .ook$ "ts really a 5li#e%changing6 one$ An! .e sure
to .ookmark his .log an! rea! it o#ten$ <rue <o%&otch content=
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
How to "rofit from Public Domain Works
A Public Domain Secret
"amous Case Stu#ies
Let me gi1e you a glimse o# what others ha1e achie1e! .y using 2u.lic
3omain materials to e4an! their .usiness, or to create a new one$
"n the -##line worl! we ha1e many e4amles=
Walt Disney took se1eral 2u.lic 3omain #airy tales an! chil!renEs stories
#rom the Krimm +rothers an! Hans >hristian An!ersen (to name a #ew)
to .uil! a .illion%!ollar emire$
Ted Turner took 2u.lic 3omain mo1ies #or .roa!casting in his #amous
<>@ channel (<urner >lassic @o1ies), an! most o# them were re%19/0
mo1ies$ <his channel has turne! him into a .illionaire, as you know$
Barnes & Nobles 2u.lishing >omany reorte! that more than 70J
o# their sales came #rom 2u.lic 3omain .ooks$$$
Bou know, all the *hakeseare works are in the 2u.lic 3omain, as well as all
the classic authors like 2lato, Aristotle, >er1antes, 3ante, :illiam +lake, Nules
(erne, etc$$$ as well as 5mo!ern6 ones such as @ary *helley, Nane Austen,
Arthur >onan 3oyle, Long#ellow (one o# my #a1ourites), Henry Names, Lewis
>arroll, etc$$$
All o# them are consi!ere! 5classics,6 an! a classic is always a .estseller,
no matter in what age we li1e$$$
A Public Domain Secret
We also ha1e great e4amles in the online worl!$$$ let me gi1e you some
Matt Furey: He is one o# the most #amous case stu!ies in the 2u.lic
3omain #iel!$ He took a rare :restling course #rom a ,armer +urns 191G
.ook, an! trans#orme! it into a success#ul $597 3(3 course that ma!e him
a millionaire$ He now o##ers seminars an! a lot o# ro!ucts, inclu!ing se1eral
2u.lic 3omain >hinese @e!icine .ooks$
Rebecca Fine starte! gi1ing away the #amous classic #rom :allace 3$
:attles, 5<he *cience o# Ketting )ich6, as a #ree e.ook through her (ugly) site$
<hen eole starte! to ask #or the au!io 1ersion o# this great .ook, an! the
rest is history$ *he was one o# the #irst in cashing in on the au!io.ook market,
an! .uilt an entire new .usiness #rom it$ *he now o##ers how%to 1i!eo
courses an! e1en seminars$
Vic Johnson !i! the same with the 190/ Names Allens classic
5As A @an <hinketh6$
Russell Brunso n .uilt a #amous mem.ershi site, <he Lost ,iles,
o##ering 00 2u.lic 3omain works e1ery month to their mem.ers$ "t was a huge
Mike Litan was 1ery success#ul with a 1918 out%o#%rint .ook calle!
5<he 2ower -# >oncentration6, written .y <heron O$ 3ummon!, an! starte!
his ro#ita.le online .usiness #rom it$
A Public Domain Secret
Da!id Vallieres starte! his online .usiness u.lishing se1eral 2u.lic
3omain .ooks an! content$ He was the #irst tou.lish a how%to course on
how to ro#it #rom 2u.lic 3omain % <he 2u.lic 3omain )eorts, that you got
as a .onus (A @ust%)ea!)$$$$
"anik #il!er and $eter Woodhead ha1e reu.lishe! se1eral ol!%
school #amous marketing an! coywriting .ooks, with great success$
$at % Bryan succes#ully sells a lot o# 2u.lic 3omain e.ooks an! content
online an! o##line= htt=CCwww$elmanismonline$comC
Bou can watch his #amous 1i!eo a.out how to get an in#ormation ro!uct in 7
minutes using a 2u.lic 3omain .ook=
Do!er $ublications starte! a success#ul o##line .usiness relying solely
on 2u.lic 3omain materials, #rom .ooks, to music, ornaments, chil!renEs
.ooks, engra1ings, osters, aintings, !rawings, grahics, etc$$$&ow, this
.usiness is online as a .ig Bahoo *tore, stronger than e1er$ <ake a look
at their 99J (i# not all) o# what they sell is 2u.lic 3omain=
<heir site is a K)'A< e4amle o# what you can !o (an! sell) #rom 2u.lic
3omain materials$
Another similar .ut smaller is htt=CCwww$royalty#reeart$comC
A Public Domain Secret
&n! these are Iust a #ew e4amles o# comanies an! entrereneurs that
use! 2u.lic 3omain materials to .uil! entire .usinesses #rom them$
Bou can !o the same also, its u to you$
&ow, you ha1e in your han!s the .est an! most comrehensi1e gui!e a.out
how to !o this, inclu!ing the .est an! erhas one o# the largest 3irectory
o# 2u.lic 3omain sources o# all times$ *o all you ha1e to !o is use it,
an! ha1e #un =)
A Public Domain Secret

3 TOP things
you MUST know
1. The exact 2 things you must do to set yourself apart from the crowd
and guarantee your success.
2. The most profitable and fully tested Niche s you can sell products to.
3. The tested ways to profit from Public Domain materials.
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
$ Pro%en &ays To Set 'ourself (part
All o# the niches you will see in the ne4t section ha1e .een stu!ie! an! teste!
#or !eca!es, esecially .y me an! my associates !uring the last 18 months$
<here is a great !eman! #or ro!ucts in those &iches, online an! o##line$$$
+ut let me tell you a secret #irst (its not a secret at all, lol)=
your product have to
from the rest
A Public Domain Secret
Y 2 ou are going to do this in important ways:
A Killer Graphic Design
((')B imortant M !esign )'ALLB matters)
<he !esign o# your ro!uct, site, or .log is the ,")*< thing that your otential
customers will see .e#ore consi!ering the urchase$ Bou can ha1e the .est
coy in the worl!, .ut i# your !esign is oor, your 1isitors will ha1e a oor
)ecent stu!ies ha1e shown that more than 80J o# the online sites an!
ro!ucts .eing sol! are oorly !esigne!$ A low%7uality or oor !esign is
literally 5reelling6 otential customers$$$
<he most common thing to!ay is to see terri.le !esigns #or great 2u.lic
3omain ro!ucts$$$ )esult; Low sales an! .ig !e1aluation o# the ro!uct$
,amous research stu!ies ha1e shown that eole unconsciously ten! to .uy
the .etter%looking ro!uct, e1en i# they ha1e to ay more #or the same item$
A Public Domain Secret
,ortunately, to!ay we ha1e at our !isosal great tools an! ro!ucts that make
the creation o# ro#essional an! killer grahics an easy an! chea task$
" the !ays when " was aying high #ees #or grahics an! co1er
!esigns, as well as .anners, hea!ers, an! goo!%looking te4ts$$$
" the !ays when " was sen!ing countless hours watching
2hotosho tutorials, trying to get that 5shiny an! glossy6 look #or my !esigns$$$
:ell$$$ <hose !ays are o1erL
Let me show you the e4act tools " am using e1ery !ay to create *<A&&"&K
!esigns #or ALL my 23 ro!ucts, sites, an! :or!ress .logs$$$
A Public Domain Secret
These are my T)P recommen#ations*
<his is an ama8ing $/7 -ne%<ime%,ee @em.ershi site, #ull o# :e. /$0
killer Action *crits, where you will make astonishing :e. /$0 te4ts, roun!
.anner temlates, stris, hea!ers, .a!ges an! .uttons$$$ in 10 secon!sL
An a.solute @A*<%HA('$$$ &o more 2hotosho$$$ Bou will sa1e lots o# time
an! money$$$<he low rice is an intro!uctory o##er, so .e sure to $$$

Kra. it &-:
A Public Domain Secret
. Cover !ction "ro
<his is a @A*<%HA(' ro!uct to ro#essionally !esign your own 03 co1ers
an! ro!uct .o4es 1ery easily, with that 7uality look you ha1e seen so many
times in other eoles ro!ucts$
@any o# the co1ers that " show throughout this .ook are ma!e with this
ro!uct$ "t is one o# the .est an! most use#ul sets o# ro#essional 03 Action%
*crits " ha1e seen #or years$$$
As " sai! earlier, eole ten! to Iu!ge e.ooks .y their co1ers, so you can
easily set yoursel# aart with a catchy an! ro#essional look with these
<his ro!uct comes with a set o# clear 1i!eo tutorials an! a set o# goo!
re%ma!e temlates$
>heck it out #or yoursel# H')'$$$
A Public Domain Secret
#. #$ eCover !ctions
<his is another set o# 03 eco1er Actions to !esign your ro!uct co1ers$
As you can see, this ro!uct has some !i##erent temlates #or your co1ers$
Bou will then ha1e to make your own !ecision a.out the temlates you like
the most$ "t has some 5real .ook6 goo! temlates$$$
<his ro!uct has also 1i!eo tutorials an! .onus temlates$
Bou can check it out H')'$$$
A Public Domain Secret
%. &'EE (iller $esign 'esources
Web .) *adges
<his is a ,)'' an! killer to make stunning we. /$0 .a!ges
in secon!s$$$ Bou can e1en !ownloa! them in 2*3 #ormat an! lay
with them in 2hotosho$$$
&ree +erif $esign +oftware
,rom a goo! alternati1e to 2hotosho, to 03 an! 3rawing cool so#tware$$$
<his is a killer #ree online alication that will con1ert any image into
se1eral sets o# cool :arhol hoto murals$ A great tool$
'eflection -aker
>ool online alication to make a re#lection on any image you want$$$
.nline Image 'esi,er
-y Cool *utton -aker
@ake easy :e. /$0 +uttons in mere secon!s with this cool online tool$$$
A Public Domain Secret
+tri/e 0enerator .)
Kreat site to easily generate :e. /$0 *tries
+tri/e -ania
Another great online tool to generate cool *tries
&avicon 0enerator
'aslily generate your ,a1icon
'++ *utton -aker
Web .) 1ogo Creator
Kreat online tool to make stunning :e. /$0 logos
(iller &'EE Web 2em/lates
A 1ery cool ,)'' online tool to customi8e your own temlates
Word/ress 2heme 0enerator
Kreat online tool to generate your own :or!ress <hemes
A Public Domain Secret
Present your products in a dif ferent and new way
95J o# the e4isting online ro!ucts in the most ro#ita.le &iches
are e.ooks$$$ @ost o# the eole are !oing the same thing as their
*o you can set yoursel# aart #rom them an! !o something !i##erent=
o##er the Au!io 1ersion, the 1i!eo 1ersion, series o# How%<o courses through
your (i!eo +log, .uil! a mem.ershi site, shi >3%)-@s, shi 3(3s, etc$$$
Bou get the oint$$$
Bour ro!ucts will ha1e a higher ercei1e! 1alue i# you o##er something
!i##erent, not Iust an e.ook$$$ An! you will set yoursel# aart #rom the crow!$
Bou can o##er the au!io 1ersion (a must), an! (o# course) the hyical 1ersion
o# your ro!uct (i# its a !igital ro!uct)$$$ @ore; (i!eo 1ersion, &
'!ition, A!1ance! '!ition, *ecial '!ition, Limite! '!ition, etc$$$
3ont get me wrong? many emires ha1e .een .uilt Iust #rom e.ooks, .ut
to!ay almost e1eryone o##ers an e.ook as their ro!uct, so you can stan! out
in any niche i# you can o##er something !i##erent$$$
" know that you ha1e watche! it, .ut you can take a look again at
this 1i!eo #rom ,rank Rern, talking a.out this same su.Iect=
@y a!1ice is to recor! all those ,rank Rern #ree 1i!eos with >amtasia
(or !ownloa! them)$$$ " !ont know #or sure, .ut may.e one !ay ,rank coul!
shut them !own$$$ =)
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
$+ Best Sellin, - Teste# Niches
&ow, lets start to ha1e #un$$$ "t9s time to rake in ro#itsL
5+ut hey, " ha1en9t #oun! that ot o# gol! yet,
how can " start raking in ro#its;6
3on9t worry, we9re Iust starting, we will not lea1e chater 0 without me telling
you how to rake in huge ro#its using 2u.lic 3omain$$$ An! later you will #in!
all my secret links to millions o# 2u.lic 3omain works online$$$
*o Iust rela4 an! rea! on$$$

<he gems are there an! rea!y to .e #oun!, .ut how are we going to sell them;
:ell, we !o nee! to #in! our @arket or &iches #irst, only then can we go
treasure hunting through the Iungle$$$
A Public Domain Secret
<reasure hunting right in the com#ort o# your home with the use o# your
trusty comuter an! the e1er !een!a.le :orl! :i!e :e. $$$
'4citing, isnEt it;
,irst o# all, " want to tell you that right now "9m making an a1erage o# $00,000C
month Iust .y selling .ooks #rom Iust -&' o# the &iches liste! .elow,
a1aila.le in the 2u.lic 3omain$ *o B'*, they are 1ery ro#ita.le$$$
<hey are #ree .estselling content on steroi!s$$$
"m gonna share with you a 5secret6 % these niches are hot now, as always,
.ut many o# them are )'ALLB hot right now$$$an! they ha1e tons o# #reely
a1aila.le material in the 2u.lic 3omain, Iust waiting #or you to cash in$$$
<hese ha1e .een the most ro#ita.le niches #or me an! my associates, as well
as #or the comanies an! in!i1i!uals #rom my o##line list$ <hese are teste!
&iches, ro1en to .e really ro#ita.le #or o##line comanies, as well as #or
online .usinesses, then an! now$
A Public Domain Secret
All o# the stu!ies that we con!ucte! in this regar! resulte! in the same list
o# &iches, with little 1ariations$ All o# them ha1e a huge !eman! an! a great
target market o# hungry .uyers, that are sen!ing .ig money on them$
@ost o# them are what e4erts call 5e1ergreen6, that simly means that they
are o# common interest #or humankin!, in all ages$
-# course, there are other ro#ita.le &iches not liste! here, .ut they will #it in any o# the liste! categories$ <he only ro#ita.le &iche not
inclu!e! here (.ecause its not really a niche) is the >lassic Literature one$$$
+ut ne1er un!erestimate the moneymaking ower o# selling the most #amous
.ooks o# human history (" !i!nt =)
Bou can always #in! ama8ing 2u.lic 3omain content #or your own articular
#iel!, no matter what niche you are in$
*32... Im not going to 5ust tell you what the 6iches are, but Im !1+.
going to show you something that anybody else will tell you7
The bestsel l ing author names for EVERY Ni che
And this one thing, BY ITSELF, is worth the $!" you h#$e %#id&&&
<here are certain authors, 5secretly6 known .y their 2u.lic 3omain .ooks,
who are truly moneymakers #or comanies an! entrereneurs like you an!
me, rea!y to reu.lish them or use the content to make new ro!ucts
(an! .logs)$$$
" am going to share with you one o# the .est%ket secrets o# 2u.lic 3omain
niche u.lishers= the names o# the authors whose .ooks you can turn into
B-A) .estsellers$
" know #rom my own e4erience that #in!ing the gems that can .ecome to!ay
s .estsellers can .e a .it !aunting #or some &iches$
*o " inclu!e! at least 10 authors #or e1ery niche (more than /0 in some
&iches) that wrote great .ooks that are .eing turne! into gol!, an! can .e
easily turne! into your own success#ul ro!uct to!ay$
A Public Domain Secret
" ha1e researche! an! re#ine! this in#ormation with my attorney #rien! #or the
last 18 months an! we ha1e u.lishe! lots o# those .ooks, u!ating the
content #or some, .ut simly reu.lishing most o# them$
So t#e #ard work #as already been done for you.
" am !oing this .ecause " want you to e4erience the same .usiness success
that " am enIoying right now$$$ An! " !ont .elie1e in 5cometition6$$$ &o matter
what !egree o# success you ha1e achie1e! u to this oint, you can imro1e it
:"L3LB using this in#ormation$
)$$$ ,ree%+ut%Riller >ontent -n *teroi!s$$$
(re you rea#y?
A Public Domain Secret
./ Success0 Self Impro%ement0 &ealth Creation
<his one nee!s no e4lanation$$$
<his is a multimillion !ollar (an! always sta.le) niche, since there are millions
o# eole who are into harnessing an! !e1eloing their inner ower to
achie1e success, an! they are always eager to ha1e more resources an! more
knowle!ge a.out it$
+ooks on Koal *etting, @oti1ation, an! *uccess in general are always
all%time .estsellers$$$
<his is a suer%ro#ita.le niche, esecially a#ter the .ig success o# mo1ies like
5<he *ecret6 an! 5:hat <he +lee 3o :e Rnow6 (my #a1e)$ Bou can reu.lish
.ooks, au!io .ooks, how%to courses, 1i!eo courses, etc$, etc$, etc$$$
" am making a nice assi1e income #rom these kin! o# .ooks o##line$$$
2eole simly lo1e them$ &othing .etter than a goo! moti1ational .ook un!er
your .elt to hel you an! insire you !uring the 5har!6 times$$$
A Public Domain Secret
Bou shoul! #in! .estselling content #rom authors like
James Allen,
Wallace D. Wattles,
PT Barnum,
Napoleon Hill,
Dale Carnegie,
Charles F. Haanel,
Ralph Waldo merson,
Warren Hilton,
Theron !. Dummond,
B.F. Austin,
stelle A"er# $harpe,
Ro%ert Heller ,
Ro%ert Collier ,
William &. $toddard,
'1en more siritual incline! authors like
Alice Baile#,
Florence $co"el $hinn,
Ralph Waldo Trine,
Russell Con'ell,
William At(inson,
&.$. )arden,
mmet Fo*,
rnest Holmes,
)ar# Ba(er dd#...
A Public Domain Secret
$/ 1aretin,0 (#%ertisin, an# Copywritin,
@arketing an! A!1ertising, the illars o# .usiness$
Koo!%ol! a!1ice #rom ol!school coywriting masters, marketers,
an! a!1ertisers are rea!y #or you in the 2u.lic 3omain$
<his &iche is truly a gol!mine, .oth online an! o##line$
A Public Domain Secret
Bou shoul! #in! .estselling content #rom authors like
Bruce Barton,
Claude C. Hop(ins,
Richard A. Fole#,
Ro%ert Collier ,
Walter Dill $cott,
arl Pre"ette,
Tourin Dougolas,
$olomon +an Amstel,
lmer Wheeler ,
H. W. $tone,
A.W. $ha',
Janet , Wol--,
B. Hem%r# . co.
)ac )artin,
Fran( Al"ah Parson,
Arthur Dunn,
)ilton R. $chat/,
Rolland Hall,
:ant a killer resource; <ry this one to start=
<his link alone is worth ten times any rice you coul! ay #or my .ook$
An! what a.out this .ook; htt=CCwww$guten.erg$orgCete4tC180D/
Bou can thank me later =)
A Public Domain Secret
Bou can transcri.eCcoy those .ooks entirely an! use any o# their content,
an! o# course, Iust reu.lish any o# them with the same title, or a new one$$$
<hose early a!1ertising .ooks are real gems, an! many eole are willing to
ay #or them$ " am making a .ig assi1e income selling these kin! o# .ooks$
" lo1e them$
"mortant &ote= As you may see on 3uke Ani1ersityEs site (an! as you will see
at other sites too), the .ooks are scanne! an! showe! age .y age, so you
will ha1e to transcri.e them (outsource it) to get the content$$$+A< you cant
coy the scans an! sell them$ <he scans are the roerty o# the site, an!
coyrighte!, .ut &-< the content o# the .ooks$$$" hoe this is clear enough$$$
An! here it is another true gem=
Bou can #in! one o# Banik *il1er an! >arl Kallettis #a1ourite
coywriting .estsellers here (#or less than $5)=
&'(&) *+$+
,-ote: if the link is dead. the !ook is sold ot/
A Public Domain Secret
+ut let me gi1e you the .ook #or #ree here=
>haters an! >ontents
<he +ook
An! !ont #orget to gather the other .estselling titles
#rom the same comany here$$$
A Public Domain Secret
+/ 1a,ic0 (lchemy0 2abbalah0 )ccultism
Another .estselling &iche$
<his one is #ull o# eager .uyers aroun! the glo.e$
*eriously= eole are aying small #ortunes #or ol! @agick .ooks$
A Public Domain Secret
Bou shoul! #in! .estselling content #rom authors like
Nicolas Flamel,
Hermes Trimegistrus 0 Toth,
liphas ,e"i,
A.. Frederic( Collins,
$ir Da"id Bre'ster ,
d'ard $ummers $1uier ,
Pro-. $"engarro,
H.P. Bla"ats(#,
Three 2nitiates,
PD &uspens(#,
)a* Heindel,
Pro-. Ho--man,
)anle# Palmer Hall,
3usta"e Fri((el,
$t. 3ermain,
C.W. ,eed%eater ,
Thomas De!uinc#,
Annie Bessant,
,.$. Cooper ,
2r"ing $. Cooper...
>heck -ut <his Kreat )esourceL
An! this one= htt=CCwww$sacre!%te4ts$comCesoCin!e4$htm
An! this one is e1en .etter= htt=CCwww$8erotime$comClost.ookC
A Public Domain Secret
3/ Tra#in, Stocs0 1oney0 In%estments0 4eal 5state
<hese toics are ol! news, .ut the a!1ice gi1en .y ol! writers are still 1ia.le
to!ay$ *o why not !ig u some ol! a!1ice .ooks a.out stocks;
@any eole woul! gra. them, esecially i# they are o##ering them an easy
way to manage their stocks an! in1estments$ @illions o# eole are into
tra!ing an! stocks, so this niche will !e#initely earn you some gol!$
Bou shoul! #in! .estselling content #rom authors like
Nicholas Dar"as,
Throstein +e%len,
PT Barnum,
Ro%ert W. 4ent,
Thomas )althus,
B.F Austin,
Bo% Belmont,
Fred . Clar(,
$cri%ner Bro'ne,
William D. 3ann,
Her%ert Bar%er ,
John )ood#,
ric 5hl-elder ,
Roger W. Ba%son...
A Public Domain Secret
6/ Collectin, an# 7ome 7obbies
*tam >ollecting, Home 3ecoration, Anti7ues >ollecting, etc$$$
<his &iche has legions o# .uyers$
Bou shoul! #in! .estselling content #rom authors like

d'ard J. Nan(i"ell,
3eo--re# Wills,
2ra $. 3ri--ith,
dgar A. West,
Candace Wheeler ,
Jud# Allen,
A.B. Cree(e,
)a6or d'ard B. "ans,
Douglas B. Armstrong,
Plantagenet $omerset Fr#,
Jerr# Ford,
3ardner Teall,
A. d'ard Ne'ton
B.. "ans,
A Public Domain Secret
8/ Natural 7ealin,0 7erb 4eme#ies0 (lternati%e 1e#icine
<his is a 1ery oular &iche$ :ell, in #act this a ultra%huge &iche, no nee!
to tell you why$$$$ Bou can ask Nohn Kallagher, who succes#ully launche!
his site= htt=CCwww$learningher.s$comCin!e4$html
Bou shoul! #in! .estselling content #rom authors like
,ulu Peters,
J.2. ,ighthall,
Dr. Par(ins,
John ,. 7en(,
&. Phelps Bro'n,
,.H. Anderson,
Hua Ching Ni,
Arnold hret,
Nicholas Culpeper ,
$ol ,. ,ong,
John Humphre#,
J.5. And C.3. ,lo#d,
Finle# lling'ood,
Har"e# Wic(es Felter ,
Fred J. Petersen,
Rolla ,. Thomas,
William Boeric(e,
Henr# ,indlahr...
A Public Domain Secret
9/ Chil#ren:s Boos an# Stories0 Comics
" lo1e comics an! chil!ren .ooks, an! " re#er rea!ing the ol!er ones$
Bou can make .eauti#ul chil!ren .ooks, Iust .y a!!ing 2u.lic 3omain images
an! illustrations to the content$
Bou shoul! #in! .estselling .ooks #rom authors like
)ar( T'ain 8Ho' To Tell A $tor#9,
$arah Cone Br#ant,
d'ard "erett Hale,
Clarence $1uareman,
Dair# Ash-ord,
,. Fran( Baum,
Hans Christian Andersen,
+ictor Appleton,
Nathaniel Ha'thorne,
Charles Dic(ens,
,e'is Carroll,
Dere( Hall,
>heck out this great link= >lick Here
An! chek out this site, it is simly ama8ing= hun!re!s o# 2u.lic 3omain
>omics= htt=CCgol!enagecomics$co$ukCin!e4$h
A Public Domain Secret
;/ )l# 4a#io shows0 1usic0 TV Shows an# 1o%ies
<his is a 1ery goo! &iche #or those who woul! like to .ring .ack the #on!
memories o# ol!en times$
"t is always interesting to know an! e4erience the kin! %not to mention
the 7uality% o# #ilms an! ra!io shows #rom the 5Koo! -l! 3ays6$$$
<here are tons an! tons o# this ol! stu## that you can certainly e4loit
to the hilt to earn a #ortune$
>heck out this ama8ing resource= htt=CCwww$ra!iolo1ers$com
An! this one= htt=CCwww$u.lic!omain#licks$comC.rowseCtitleC1C
A Public Domain Secret
</ )l# (rt &ors0 Posters0 Photos0 Clip (rt///
@any eole ha1e always .een #ascinate! .y ol! hotos #rom say
50 or 80 years ago, #or nostalgic reasons$
An! let me tell you something$$$ &ostalgia sells$$$ An! sells a lot$$$
+ig sums o# !ollars can easily .e ma!e out o# these works that coul! ha1e
alrea!y .een gathering !ust in some archi1al !eository, inclu!ing
memora.ilia collections$
>heck out this Ko1ernment source, Iust to start !igging a .it=

An! this one .elow also=
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
.=/ &ei,ht >oss0 "itness
Almost e1eryone is looking #or the .est way to lose weight an! stay #it$
<hat is the reason why this &iche is one o# the highest .estsellers o# all times$
'1ery.o!y wants to stay #it an! they are easy rey #or all those
cle1er marketers out there$ *o why not Ioin them an! try to take
your iece o# the ie;
Bou shoul! #in! .estselling content #rom authors like
Celia $parger ,
The Na"# $eal Fitness 3uide,
Walter Camp,
J.C. Canne#,
Walton T. Roth,
Thomas 2nch,
$amuel Wilderspin,
3eorges Dre#er ,
$amuel 3. Bl#the,
Fran( 3. Addleman,
)artin ,. Collis,
$ue Rod'ell Williams,
,ulu Hunt,
mma Conle#,
A Public Domain Secret
../ Se? - Datin,
*e4 will always .e a goo! &iche, no matter what$ *e4 always sells$$$
+e sure to look also #or ancient se4 .ooks, the Ramasutra relate! ones
an! the ancient se!uction .ooks, like the #amous 5Arts Amatoria5$$$
Bou shoul! #in! .estselling content #rom authors like
Dr. "el#n )illis Du"al,
H.W. ,ong,
Hargra"e Jennings,
Arnold Haultain,
Ro%ert $treet,
$hepherd )ead,
$. Dana Hu%%ard,
T.W. $hannon,
A%isha $. Hudson,
John Cleland,
d'ard Hammond,
Walter Hadden,
Ha"eloc( llis,
d'ard )oore,
William J. Ro%inson,
)ar# $charlie%,
Rea# Tannahill,
Da"id ). $chnarch,
Helen Ferris...
A Public Domain Secret
.$/ 7ealthy "oo# - Cooin,
<his is a (')B ro#ita.le one$
Bou shoul! #in! .estselling content #rom authors like
W.3. Water ,
.. 4ellogg,
Carrie +. $human,
Florence Daniel,
A.W. Duncan,
,#dia . Pin(ham,
Harr# $n#der ,
3eorge . Conrn-orth
Rupert H. Wheldon,
5$ Department o- Agriculture,
J.H. Tilden,
.+. )cCollum,
,.C. ,oomis,
,#dia . Pin(ham,
"mortant &ote=
&e1er un!erestimate the ower o# this &iche$ Although many 5gurus6 can tell you that
no ro#it can .e !one here, the truth is Iust the oosite$ @any o# my associates are
making a nice income e1ery month online an! o##line, Iust .y reu.lishing an!
comilling #oo! an! health .ooks, 1egetarian recies, etc$$$ with A!sense cooking
we.sites an! .logs too$$$
A Public Domain Secret
.+/ Beaut y an# &ell@Bein,
<his is another really goo! &iche$ +eauty tis always are welcome$
:e are 5creatures o# .eauty6$$$
Bou can #in! great 2u.lic 3omain .ooks a.out=

+eauty <is, @assage<heraies an! Anti%Aging$$$
A Public Domain Secret
Bou shoul! #in! .estselling content #rom authors like
Julia ). Busch 8a great one9,
Florence Courtena#,
H. llen Bro'ning,
J.H. 4ellogg,
,oiuse ,. )c2nt#re,
William )urrell,
thel D. Pu--er ,
)ar# Ba(er dd#,
Dr. Beres-ord Rile#,
)argaret D. Palmer ,
4urre W. &strom,
Jurion A.,
H. Ta#lor ,
+alere Aude,
,ouis Dechmann,
Dr. 2sa%el )oses,
,.,. Despar ,
Charles F. Bohm,
A.B. )oler ,
)argaret . B:r6(ergren,
$te"e $olomon,
mma . Wal(er ,
James )ennell,
Antoinette Donell#,
Countess o- Blessington,
A Public Domain Secret
.3/ Do,s an# Do, Trainin,
<his &iche nee!s no resentation$ Bou can #in! lots o# goo! content here$
<his is a huge market, always growing$

Bou shoul! #in! .estselling content #rom authors like
Ro%ert ,eighton,
Diane ,. Bauman,
Ro%ert $. ,emon,
.F.T. Bennet,
John )a*tee,
R.). Ballant#ne,
William ;ouat,
Hans Tossutti,
B. Waters,
John $tuart $(inner ,
C.B. Whit-ord,
,ieut0Col .H. Richardson,
Francis Butler ,
W.C. Perc#,
&li"er Hartle#,
A Public Domain Secret
.6/ !olf
A killer an! ro#ita.le &iche, as you may know$ ,rom my e4erience,
its e1en more ro#ita.le o##line than online$
" .egan reu.lishing the #amous 5<he Kame o# Kol#6, #irst u.lishe! in 189D,
out%o#%rint, #oun! in an ol! Amster!am .ookstore, #or Iust 0S
(a.out $5)$$$ <he success with that .ook was mainly !ue to the !esign
" create! #or it (a sort o# 1intage scra.ook with great 2u.lic 3omain
ictures)$$$ Again$$$ !esign really matters$$$
Let me tell you that the .est Kol# .ooks (an! 3(3s, How%<o courses, Au!ios)
that you can sell A)' in the 2u.lic 3omain, an! (*-) #ar .etter than any 2L)
Kol# ro!uct you can #in!$$$
A Public Domain Secret
Bou shoul! #in! .estselling content #rom authors like
Bernard Dar'in,
Arnold Haultain,
Chris Plumridge,
Be"erl# ,e'is,
Peter Cham%erlain,
Richard Brad%eer ,
$te"e Ne'ell,
Jac( Nic(laus,
Da"e Hunter ,
P.A. +aille#,
B#ron P. $tephenson,
James ). Barns,
Joe No"a(,
,eslie $chon,
,eonard Barron,
W., Watson,
Henr# Hugues,
W.. Norris,
Horace Hutchinson,
Francis &uimet,
J. Horace ,#tle,
Charles . +an ,oan,
Andra 4ir(ald#,
Wiliam Par(,
Henr# James Wigham,
Fran( Boad%ent,
A Public Domain Secret
.8/ Tra%ellin,
A great toic$ Bou can #in! tra1el gui!es, tis #or the tra1eller, an! great .ooks
an! no1els a.out tra1els$$$
Bou can make .eauti#ul .ooks an! gui!es Iust .y a!!ing 2u.lic 3omain
images to the .ooks you #in!, as " !o$
A Public Domain Secret
Bou shoul! #in! .estselling content #rom authors like
Ja# Du Bois,
&li"er 3oldsmith,
Washington 2r"ing,
Price Collier ,
John )cDouall $tuart,
Joseph . )orris,
H. Behrmann,
Ro%ert $. 4ane,
Fenster ,
). Horn%#,
,a-a#ette C. ,oomis,
4e"in $impson,
Ro%ert D. Judd,
Dan Berl#oung,
Al%ert A. Hop(ins 8$cienti-ic American tra"el guide9
4atie Wood,
Appleton<s uropean 3uide,
A Public Domain Secret
.9/ 1usic APiano0 !uitarB
" lo1e this toic$ <his is a <o%<en .estselling &iche, as always$
Kreat titles on this toic are 5How to sing6, 5How to lay .y ear6,
52iano 2laytime6, 52lay 2iano &owL6, 5How to write a hit song an! sell it6$$$
Bou shoul! #in! .estselling (real killers) .ooks #rom authors like
Fann# Waterman . )arion Hare'ood,
Friedrich Wiec(,
,ero# B. Camp%ell,
Andre' ,lo#d We%%er ,
Jaco% isen%erg,
Charles 3i%,
4arl 5r%ach,
Harriette Bro'er ,
Jerr# Cree Fischer ,
C. Paul Her-urth,
)usic $ales Corporation 83uitar Chords To 3o9,
Aaron $tang,
Frederic( Noad,
.N. 3uc(ert,
). mett Wilson,
John To%ler ,
Willard A. Palmer ,
)orton )anus,
.,. ,ancaster ,
Ru%# T. Palmer...
A Public Domain Secret
.;/ "ishin,
Another hot &iche here$
"1e sol! thousan!s o# coies #rom a tiny 23 #ishing .ook$
Bou shoul! #in! .estselling content #rom authors like
,arr# $t. John,
Henr# P. Wells,
W.C. $te'art,
F. Fernie,
Walter H. Rich,
2/aa( Walton,
J. )ac(eachan,
Charles 3eorge Barrington,
,eonard Hulit,
&.W. $mith,
$amuel J. ,oo(er ,
,a(e Broo(s,
R.C. Bridgett,
Harold Russell,
Department o- the NA+A, $R+2C,
3. Holden,
Fred 3. $ha',
William $crope,
William $enior ,
Hugh T. $heringham,
Dhu $(ene,
Charles $nart...
A Public Domain Secret
<ry this site to #in! killer #ishing .ooks in the 2u.lic 3omain=
*mart *earch= !o a search #or the .ooks there an! try to #in! them #or #ree
or cheaer somewhere else $$$
A Public Domain Secret
.</ Public Speain,
A great great great &iche$$$ " lo1e it, really$ "1e learnt so much #rom it$$$

2u.lic *eaking is a 1ery, (')B ro#ita.le &iche$
" am making L-<* o# sales #rom a reu.lishe! as%is coy o# this .ook=
=The Art o- Pu%lic $pea(ing, and Curiosities o- &rators and &rator# Past
and Present. A Practical Treatise on &rator# 'ith a Collection o- Amusing
and 2llustrati"e Anecdotes o- Famous Pu%lic $pea(ers>
Author an! Bear Anknown (1800s)
A Public Domain Secret
Bou can #in! ama8ing content #or this toic #rom the 2u.lic 3omain,
simly .ecause the worl!s .est u.lic seakers are #rom the ol! school era?
o# course, rior to 19/0 =) $$$
Bou shoul! #in! .estselling content #rom authors like
lmer Wheeler ,
Dale Carnegie,
3ren"ille 4leiser ,
$olomon Henr# Clar(,
$amuel Niles $'eet,
!uinctillian?s 2nstitutes
J.P. $andlands,
D'ight "erett Wat(ins,
Harr# 3ar-ield Houghton,
$hurter d'in Du%ois,
Francis Cummins . Thorpe,
James Al%ert Winans,
William 3. Ho--man,
Fran( Home 4ir(patric(,
Wit Bro'n,
Joseph De"lin,
Harriette Bro'er ,
dmund )#er ,
$tratton D. Broo(s,
F.W. )ott,
A Public Domain Secret
$=/ &ritin,0 &riterCs Bloc0 Creati%ity
Another winner, esecially with the .oom o# writing #or the &et$
<ake a look at this great .ook you can !ownloa! #rom Kuten.erg$org an! turn
it into a .estselling reort in less than 10 minutes #rom now=
>Ho' To Write $pecial Features Articles @
A Hand%oo( -or Reporters, Correspondents and Free0,ance Writers Who Desire
to Contri%ute to Popular )aga/ines and )aga/ine $ections o- Ne'spapers>
A Public Domain Secret
Bou shoul! #in! .estselling content #rom authors like
Willard 3ros"enor Ble#er
d'in A. A%%ot,
3.A. 3as(ell 8a (iller one9,
Brendan Heness#,
Charles H. Clar( 8a great one9,
Am%rose Bierce,
)ar# &'ens Cro'ther ,
3ren"ille 4reiser ,
Thomas m%l# &smun,
William Archer ,
John H. Bechtel,
Walter 4. $mart,
Chas R. Wiers,
Har'ood Frost,
W.T. We%%,
l%er )oore,
A Public Domain Secret
$./ >earnin,0 Teachin,0 Stu#yin,
<his &iche inclu!es toics like 3e1elo your memory, *uer%Learning, etc$$$
As well as Learning how to act, how to teach, how to stu!y,
learning a new language, etc$$$
Bou will #in! here killer .ooks a.out learning any 5.estseller6 language
(*anish, ,rench, "talian, Kerman, etc)$$$
<hese toics are true money%machines o##line an! online$
A Public Domain Secret
Bou shoul! #in! .estselling content #rom authors like
Pro-. A. ,oisette
F. Ahn,
F. Berger ,
William Co%%et,
$amuel Butler ,
William Wal(er At(inson,
Thomas Cooper ,
,ouis Fas1uelle,
Walter $. Heller ,
Charles 3od-re# ,eland,
James Bro'n 8not the 3od-ather o- $oul, lol9,
J., Je'ett,
Cald'ell Hutchinson,
&s'ald 4orth,
A.H )onteith,
H.3. &llendor-,
mil &tto,
D. $al"o,
W.H Wood%ur#,
Harold J.,
3.C. White $heridan,
Al%erto de Tornos,
A Public Domain Secret
$$/ 'o,a an# 4ela?ation
Another highly ro#ita.le &iche$$$
:hile the western way o# li#e is getting more an! more stress#ul,
these millennial arts are getting more an! more suorters$$$
A Public Domain Secret
Bou shoul! #in! .estselling content #rom authors like
A.P )u(er6i,
;ogi Ramachara(a,
Arthur A. Wells,
William James 83ospel o- Rela*ation9
Daniel R. $tephen,
Annie Bessant,
$ir Richard Burton,
Frant/ Hartmann,
+ic(ie Wills,
3.T.W. Patric(,
William J. Flagg,
Carole )c3#l"er#,
William !. Judge,
Charles Johnston,
Arthur A"alon,
John Henr# Fo'ett,
James Haughton Woods,
$'ami Chinma#ananda,
A Public Domain Secret
$+/ Spirituality0 Sacre# Te?ts an# 1ytholo,y
Another real winner$ <his is a 1ery huge &iche an! incre! ro#ita.le,
#ull o# great anti7ue ol! te4ts that you can reu.lish an! use$
Bou can #in! many goo! 2u.lic 3omain classic te4ts here=
Bou shoul! #in! .estselling content #rom authors like
)rs. ,#ttelton 3ell,
William A. !ua#le,
H. B. H#de,
)a* )Aller ,
James ,edge,
Annie Bessant,
)ar# Ba(er dd#,
.H. Palmer ,
3. Thi%aut,
.B Co'ell,
James Darmesteter ,
,eonard W. 4ing,
Donald A. )c4en/ie,
R.H. Charles,
Hermann 3un(el,
dmond Holmes,
Andre Ferdinand Harold,
3.R.$. )ead...
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
You will find an endless supply of usable
online content for all of the above niches,
from page 171 of this Book...
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
7ow To Use Public Domain 1aterials
Here are teste! ways to make lots o# ro#its #rom the &iches outline! a.o1e$
All o# them are 1ery ro#ita.le, so you will ha1e to choose which ones are the
.est #or you$ " am going to gi1e you some great an! <'*<'3 a!1ice, .ut the
results will .e u to you$ Ase your imagination an! go #or it$
@y associates an! " ha1e .een using them with great success #or the last 18
months, an! many o# the comanies #rom my o##line list ha1e reorte! .ig
ay!ays an! !e1eloe! new .usiness areas #rom them$
A Public Domain Secret
<his is not rocket science, an! most o# these metho!s in1ol1e what you woul!
call 5common sense,6 .ut, are you using them;
<hey are soli! an! teste! ways use! .y comanies an! entrereneurs
In short: they work, all of them...
A Public Domain Secret
./ 4epublish a Public Domain Boo (s@Is
*ell ol! gems online an! o##line in their original an! hysical #ormat$
A #amous author9s work woul! always .e a goo! catch$ Asing 2rint%-n%
3eman! technology (2-3), you can scan the e4isting .ook ages or ha1e the
te4t transcri.e! an! con1erte!$ <he ro#its earne! might e1en hel you start
your own u.lishing house, the same way " !i!$
)eu.lishing 23 works in their original rint%.ook #ormat is easy an! is one
o# the most lucrati1e ways to earn .ig ro#its$ Nust gi1e it an attracti1e title an!
you can easily earn thousan!s o# !ollars a month$
Howe1er, i# the .ook is oular, then you can kee the title as%is$ Bou can test
the results$ " ha1e u.lishe! the same work un!er / !i##erent tittles, #or testing
uroses$ " u.lishe! it #irst un!er a .roa!er term title an! sol! /,000 coies,
.ut when " reu.lishe! it an! change! the title using Klyhius, " sol! more
than 15,000 coies in the ne4t month$ &ot .a!$$$
'4amle= 5<hink an! Krow )ich6 .y &aoleon Hill is one o# the most #amous
e4amles$ "t has .een reu.lishe! .y many !i##erent comanies
an! entrereneurs, an! its still a true .estseller$ Bou can use online ser1ices
like Lulu$com to sell your own hysical .ooks worl!wi!e$$$this is a (')B
ro#ita.le an! easier way o# using 2u.lic 3omain materials$$$
A Public Domain Secret
$/ 1ae a CDDDVD republishin, Public Domain content
<here are many collections o# .ooks #or sale in >3%)-@ #ormat$
:hile some 1en!ors o##er unrelate! .ooks on one >3 or 3(3 #or a coule
o# .ucks, " am selling niche%!ri1en collections #or higher rices$ " create not
only .ooks on >3, .ut also theme! image collections, historical au!io
seeches, (!eclassi#ie!) go1ernment #iles, etc$$$ Again, the co1er an!
!esign are )'ALLB imortant to stan! out #rom the rest$
'4amle= "# you nee! e4amles on how to use 2u.lic 3omain .ook
collections on >3 #or ro#it, you can take a look at these we.sites=
UUU " use! to create hysical >3s an! 3(3s with www$kunaki$com,
an! they han!le! the u.lishing o# my ro!uct really well, #or !irt%chea $$$
UUU Another goo! site to create your shie! >3s is htt=CCwww$swi#tc!$comC
A Public Domain Secret
+/ Use "amous Euotes
<he 2u.lic 3omain is a #antastic resource #or making your own collection
o# 7uotes$ Ouotations are a 7uick an! ower#ul way to make or 1ali!ate
a oint in your resentations, on your an! in your .ook$ "n you are in
the coywriting #iel!, you know that 7uotations are ower#ul
attention gra..ers$
A collection o# niche%relate! 7uotes can result in a goo! .ook or ro!uct,
also$ 2eole ten! to ay attention to 7uotes in the niche they are in, esecially
in the +usiness an! *uccessC@oti1ation relate! areas$
'4amle= " ha1e use! 7uotes to make se1eral great .ooks an! e1en a 7uotes
so#tware, that #lashes a !i##erent 7uote e1ery!ay at the comuter screen$
:ant your li#e easier; $$$ Ko to htt=CCen$wiki7uote$orgCwikiC@ainQ2age
A Public Domain Secret
3/ Use Niche@4elate# content to Create New Compilations
2ro!uce .estselling new ro!ucts #or sale, Iust .y using niche relate!
or theme! content #rom a 1ariety o# 2u.lic 3omain materials$
"ncrease the 1alue o# the originals an! comile se1eral gems #rom a seci#ic
niche into a great new .ook or ro!uct, Iust .y inclu!ing the .est arts
o# each source$
'4amle= <he .ook 5<he :orl!s Kreat *eeches6 u.lishe! .y 3o1er
2u.lications contains a collection o# seeches .y #amous lea!ers throughout
history, taken #rom 1arious 2u.lic 3omain materials=
A Public Domain Secret
6/ Up#ate an )l# Bestseller an# 1ae a New Up@To@Date Version

<his is an ol! way to make .ig ro#its, succes#ully use! e1ery!ay .y many
comanies an! in!i1i!uals$
Bou can take an ol! .estseller, or a #amous title in any niche, an! Iust rewrite
an! u!ate the content to !e1elo the new u!ate! 1ersion o# the .ook$

>hances are that you will ha1e success, i# you know how to ut your new
1ersion in #ront o# your target au!ience$
Bou can=
)ewrite an! u!ate the .ook, an! create the 5&ew (title)6 1ersion$
Ase the original ta.le o# contents an! .uil! #rom it$
Ase a #amous catchy title to make a new .ook$
'4amle= <e! >iu.a release! his new 1ersion o# the &aoleon Hills classic,
5<he &ew <hink an! Krow )ich6, with great success$
A Public Domain Secret
8/ 1ae an (u#io Boo
<his is a 1ery easy .ut H"KHLB ro#ita.le way o# using 2u.lic 3omain works$
3ont un!erestimate this easy way to resent your ro!ucts$ <he keywor!
here is 5easy6$$$ 'asy to ro!uce an! easy to accet .y the u.lic$
"1e reu.lishe! many au!io.ooks #rom 23 material (not Iust .ooks)$
" will show you later a han!#ul o# Iuicy 5How%<o6 titles$$$ Bou can make killer
ro!ucts Iust .y making the au!io 1ersion o# any o# them$ 2eole lo1e au!io
.ooks an! au!io courses$ <hey are a ower#ul way to 5easy%learning6$$$
Bou can o##er the #iles as 2o!casts, as !ownloa!a.le @20s, an! as shie!
au!io >3sV or all o# the a.o1e$ "# you ha1e a comuter an! a microhone,
an! you like your own 1oice, you are set$ "# not, you can easily outsource the
au!io W .ackgroun! music to ro#essionals$
Bou can outsource the ro#essional narration, trans#orming them into killer
au!io ro!ucts$ Bou can also use 2u.lic 3omain music as .ackgroun!$
Bou can use them as an usell (1ery ro#ita.le), or as a new niche Au!io%
.ase! mem.ershi site$
Asi!e #rom con1erting your ro!ucts to au!io, you can also ro#it on the
remiere o# a #ilm ma!e #rom a 2u.lic 3omain tale (or a remake), as " ma!e
with mo1ies like 5000,6 o##ering a ackage with the original .ook W the
au!io.ook$ Ko to www$Li.ri1o4$org to #in! rea!y%ma!e au!io classics that you
can #reely use$
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
9/ Use Public Domain Content to Create Viral 1o%ies
Bou can easily make great 1iral 1i!eos with the hel o# sites like Bou<u.e,
Koogle (i!eo, @ysace<( an! other (i!eo%*haring sites$
Bou can use clis an! e4certs #rom 2u.lic 3omain mo1ies, !ocumentaries,
hotograhies, 7uotes, oems, images, illustrations, maga8ines, 1intage a!s,
etc, etc, etc$$$ <hen use the content to tell the story or to match the scrit$
'4amle= -ne o# the most #amous cases in !oing a 1iral mo1ie #rom
2u.lic 3omain content is @organ :estermans 5<he "nter1iew :ith Ko!6$$$
taken #rom a 2u.lic 3omain oem$ He achie1e! more than 1 million 1iews
in a short erio! o# time, an! he use! that tra##ic to create a .usiness$$$
A Public Domain Secret
;/ (rticle 1aretin,
-ne goo! way to get tra##ic is through Article @arketing,
as we alrea!y know$$$
*o take into consi!eration that *hakeseare, &aoleon Hill, or :illiam
Names woul! not think twice a.out writing your own articleL "snEt that thrilling;L
&ow you ha1e an en!less suly o# great content in (at least) any o# the /0
&iches liste! a.o1e$
Bou can change the articles a .it, Iust to #it your own style or alter the way you
want to show the in#ormation, an! those articles to the article
!irectories as your own$ Bou coul! also inclu!e e4certs an! cre!it the
original authors (a great way to .e seen as an e4ert)$$$
Nust make sure to check them in sites such as www$3ulicate>heck$com
or www$>oyscae$com .e#ore su.mitting them to !irectories, to a1oi!
!ulicate content enalties$
Articles can ser1e you in many ways= to make you aear as an e4ert in your
#iel!, as one%way links (1ery goo! #or your *earch 'ngine -timi8ation),
as a goo! source o# tra##ic #or your sites an! ro!ucts, to romote your own
1i!eo, or to create a .u88 a.out you, your sites, your ro!ucts, etc$$$
'4amle= <he A* Ko1ernment sites o##ers millions o# great reorts
an! content (99J in the 2u.lic 3omain) e1ery year which you can use #or your
articles on many su.Iects, inclu!ing >re!it an! 3e.t hel, ,inance, *mall
+usiness in#o, )eal 'state, an! Health an! Li#estyle$$$ along with other hot
A Public Domain Secret
</ Use the Content for (#ense Pa,es
3on9t #ret i# your lacks content, .ecause (oltaire an! the A*
Ko1ernment (to name Iust a #ew) are more than willing to write killer content
#or your we.sites$ Lack o# content is a thing o# the ast with your new 2u.lic
3omain knowle!ge$$$
2u.lic 3omain .ooks make great content #or .uil!ing we.sites with A!*ense
a!s inclu!e!? " can turn a /00%age 2u.lic 3omain .ook into a 500%age
custom in a.out 10 minutes using ,)'' so#tware like Hyer ()'
or similar$ Bou can !ownloa! the $15,D91 A!sense >ase%*tu!y Here$$$
Bou can also mo!i#y the content o# a generic 2u.lic 3omain ro!uct to .e
more seci#ic to your niche$ ,or e4amle, i# you ha1e a site a.out Kerman
*heher! !ogs, you coul! get a 2u.lic 3omain .ook a.out !og training$
Bou coul! a!! ictures o# Kerman sheher!s an! change the content slightly
to re#lect !og training #or Kerman sheher!s, an!V1oilXL M Bou ha1e a suer
niche #or your customers$
'4amle= " ha1e many A!*ense sites .uilt aroun! the &iches " lo1e$ Along
with the great content, " o##er the otion to urchase the ro!uct that .etter
#its the content o# the site$ "t can .e a 2u.lic 3omain .ook, a series
o# hotograhies or osters, an au!io.ook, or a 1i!eo course$
" recommen! that you use Hyer ()' to .uil! easy *'- A!sense sites$
A Public Domain Secret
.=/ Use Content for your Newsletter
A 2u.lic 3omain .ook (or any other 23 content) can .e the .est answer
i# youEre !e1eloing a relationshi with your rea!ers through interesting (killer)
<hese !ays, " am sick an! tire! o# seeing that most o# the so%calle!
newsletters are nothing more than sales itches$ *o lease, gi1e only goo!
an! high 7uality content$$$ Bou ha1e no e4cuse$
:ith Iust / or 0 goo! 2u.lic 3omain .ooks, maga8ines, or go1ernment
reorts, you can come u with an entire year9s worth o# newsletters that will
thrill your su.scri.ers .y simly .reaking the content into one%age articles$
Bou !on9t ha1e to mo!i#y anything (i# !ont want), .ecause !ulicity in content
is not an issue with email$
A Public Domain Secret
../ Buil# a 1embership Site with Public Domain Content
"t is a 1ery smart .usiness aroach to .uil! a mem.ershi #rom 2u.lic
3omain content, no matter what niche you are in$
Bou can .uil! unlimite! mem.ershi &iche sites using this simle metho!$
Bou can o##er content !irectly #rom the A* Ko1ernment, o##er niche%relate!
2u.lic 3omain .ooks in 23, #ormat rea!y #or sale, o##er a 2u.lic 3omain
mo1ies mem.ershi site, a niche au!io mem.ershi, a training mem.ershi$$$
), you are only limite! .y your imagination$
'4amle= *e1eral mem.ershi sites (such as <he Lost ,iles #rom )ussell
+runson) ha1e .een .uilt aroun! this i!ea, an! #or goo! reason$$$
(poner ejemplos)
An online entrereneur #rom my o##line list has .uilt a 1ery success#ul
3og <raining mem.ershi site Iust .y using content #rom the 2u.lic 3omain$
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
.$/ 7ow@to Boos - Trainin, Courses
The How-To Market
:hithou! a !ou.t, one o# the most ro#ita.le moneymaking .usiness
in the worl!$$$ -ne%o#%the%most%ro#ita.le in the worl!$ +y itsel#$
2eole nee! in#ormation$ '1ery !ay$ '1ery minute$ '1eryone$ At e1ery lace$$$
>heck the num.ers$ @illions o# 5How <o6 ro!ucts are sol! e1ery year$
Look at the huge amount o# money that is #lowing e1ery!ay through the
internet, #or e4amle$$$ <he wor! is %5incre!i.le6% $ Nust 10 se1en years ago
to!ays situation was sci%#i (really)$$$
<his market has no recession, an! its e1en more ro#ita.le in those cases$
"t can .e easily enetrate! with the right ro!ucts$ Bou simly ha1e to #in! the
.estselling content$
*o again, let the greatest masters in our history to write *tu!y >ourses,
How%<o >ourses, an! <raining >lasses on !i##erent toics, #or you$$$
Ase 2u.lic 3omain content to make your own high 7uality How%<o ro!ucts$
Let me show you then a list o# teste! 5How <o6 titles that can .e con1erte!
into .estselling ro!ucts right away$$$
A Public Domain Secret
5*tring ,igures an! How to @ake <hem6
5How to >ook ,ish6
5How to )ea! >haracter= A &ew "llustrate! Han! +ook
o# 2hrenology an! 2hysiogonomy6
5How <o write *ecial ,eature Articles6
5How to 3ie Hay6
5How to +e Bour -wn Lawyer6
5Lea# an! ,lower 2ictures, an! How to @ake <hem6
5Lon!on= :hat to *ee, an! How to *ee "t6
52racticality, How to Ac7uire "t (@ental '##iciency *eries)6
5<rees, 2lants, an! ,lowers, :here an! How <hey Krow6
5How to Li1e Healthy an! Hay6
5How to :rite >learly6
5How <o *eak ,rench5
5How to 3raw6
5How to Nu!ge a +ook= A Han!y @etho! o# >riticism #or the Keneral )ea!er6
5>haracter How to *trengthen "t %@ental '##iciency *eries6
A Public Domain Secret
5How to -rgani8e an! >on!uct a @eeting5
5How to <each )eligion6
5*$-$*$ *lis o# *eech an! How to A1oi! <hem6
5*eech % How to use it '##ecti1ely (@ental '##iciency *eries)5
5How to @ake a ,ruit Kar!en6
5How to 2unctuate= A 2ractical Han!.ook #or :riters an! *tu!ents
5Health ,oo!s an! How to 2reare <hem6
5How to +uy a Horse6
5How <o 2lay >ro7uet6
5<he :ill, :hat it is? How to *trengthen, an! How to Ase it5
5<he :ay <o Ko! an! How <o ,in! "t5
5How to +e +eauti#ul6
5How to 2aint 2hotograhs in :ater >olors an! in -il6
5How <o *ing6
5How <o Hinoti8e6
5<imi!ity= How <o -1ercome "t6
etc $$$
A Public Domain Secret
Think Niche
As you may see, you can !e1elo new an! u!ate! ama8ing ro!ucts
Iust .y using classic 2u.lic 3omain 5How%<o6 courses$ 'asily$
"tEs 7uite easy to turn any .ook in your .estseller 1i!eo course,
simly .y a!!ing an! organi8ing the content$ *omething as simle as
Y,i1e "!eas #or Ri!s9 LunchesY can .e the Iusmstart o# a new line
o# ro!ucts$$$ <ake a serious look at the titles a1aila.le on ne4t age$$$
An! " am Iust showing you a han!#ul o# them$$$ <here are thousan!s$$$
" ha1e a list o# /0D on my waiting list (5&e4t 2roIects <o Launch6 #ol!er)$
Also, the .est way to take this to the ne4t le1el is through 1i!eo$ Nust make
>amtasia tutorials an! a!! huge 1alue to your new ro!uc .y 1i!eotaing the
rocesses outline! in the 5how%to6 .ook$
An! with to!ay9s !igital technology this .ecome so simle$$$ Bou ha1e an
ama8ing oortunity Iust in #ront your eyes$$$ Nust .e sure to sei8e it$
'4amle= @y associates ha1e ro!uce! killer how%to 1i!eos on toics such as
5@assage <heray,6 52racticing Boga,6 5How to *eak Kerman in 0 @onths,6
5How to 3raw,6 all taken #rom 2u.lic 3omain .ooks$$$ an! !e1eloe! them
into a success#ul 3(3 1i!eo courses$
A Public Domain Secret
.+/ Content for your 1ini@Course on (uto@respon#er
A great way to .uil! your mailing list$ Bou can use content #rom the 2u.lic
3omain to make a great series o# Autoreson!er mini%courses$
2eole lo1e #ree stu##, an! .y using an e4cellent content #rom a 2u.lic 3omain
.ook, #or e4amle, you can gi1e great 1alue to your au!ience$
Nust choose your 5How%<o6 content, make a killer co1er !esign, an! set u the
-t%in 2age$$$you are set an! rea!y to collect thousan!s o# su.scri.ers$
'4amle= Bou coul! easily take a 2u.lic 3omain .ook on how to o1ercome
timi!ity (#rom the 2u.lic 3omain .ook .y Boritomo <ashi), an! use each
chater as a new message in your 5How <o -1ercome *hyness6 Auto%
)eson!er series, while you romote your own or a##iliate%relate! item$$$
A Public Domain Secret
.3/ Content for your Blo,s - 'our Niche Blo, "arms
<his is one o# my #a1ourites=
Ket the *earch 'ngines to lo1e you, .uil! a relationshi with your rea!ers,
an! acti1ely romote your own ro!ucts or ser1ices to eole through +logs$
Koogle lo1es killer content, rea!ers lo1e killer content, an! your otential N(
artner lo1es killer content also$$$ e1ery.o!y lo1es great content$
&ow you ha1e an en!less suly o# ama8ing content in any o# the /0
.estselling &iches$ ) Bour #a1ourite 2u.lic 3omain author in your
niche can han!le the writing #or your .log e1ery !ay$ <hats simly ama8ing$
+logs an! 2u.lic 3omain content go together like macaroni an! cheese$
2ro1i!e your rea!ers with the content they9re looking #or Iust .y e4tracting the
content #rom a 2u.lic 3omain .ook or maga8ine, through coy an! aste$
<hey are an e4cellent resource i# you are .uil!ing 5&iche +logging ,arms6
#or A!sense an! a##iliate re1enue$ -r to create .u88 a.out your ro!ucts$$$
,ill u your +log with 7uality content using your 2u.lic 3omain articles,
e4certs, an! reorts$ <ake an article that contains 5 or 10 tis an! insert
each one into searate +log entries$ :rite a ersonal intro to each$
"nsert some ro!uct re1iews an! recommen!ations, a##iliate links, links
to your own ro!ucts, cross%link the .log to your other .logs,
an! a!! A!*ense to moneti8e the osts$$$ An! all o# this can .e easily
outsource!$ <he way " like$
Asing :or!2ress, this rocess will .e e1en easier .y sche!uling
the messages to autoost e1ery #ew !ays$ Automatic "ncome is the wor! here$
<hen, 5!ress u6 the content a .it an! ersonali8e or customi8e the +log
osts to #it your style$
'4amle= How a.out taking 2u.lic 3omain sel#%hel .ooks an! osting
a new chater e1ery !ay #rom it on your sel#%hel .log; <his is what a #rien!
o# mine is !oing, an! he is creating an entirely new .usiness #rom his .log
alone$ 2ossi.ilities are en!less with 2u.lic 3omain W +logs$
A Public Domain Secret
An! let me gi1e you a wholehearte! recommen!ation=
As you may know, .logging is (')B 2)-,"<A+L', an! with your new
knowle!ge an! resources #rom this .ook, you can easily make a killing Iust .y
.logging an! using 23 content$$$
*o " recommen! to sign%u #or the resecte! *i4 ,igure +logging /$0
(@ost #amous D week coaching rogram a.out the .usiness o# +logging)$
<here you will learn all the nee!e! stes to .uil! a ro#ita.le (an! easy)
.usiness #rom .logs alone$
BUT ... ...
"# you cant a##or! (or !ont want to) the $000 #ee #or the a.o1e course,
make sure to in1est in this ama8ing .ran!%new an! low%cost +logging >ourse=
@oney ,rom +log >oaching 2rogram
<his is (.y #ar) the .est course "1e e1er seen on +logging #or that rice,
with (at last) a concise an! clear ste .y ste rocess, with 1i!eo tutorials,
@in!%@as (rocess mas) an! #low%charts, with 5anti%rocastination6
:orksheets that " lo1e =) $$$ A must$ Bou can simly ass the min!%mas an!
worksheets to your own team o# outsourcers, an! Iust watch the money #illing
your .ank account$$$
A Public Domain Secret
.6/ Po#casts
2o!casts are .asically 5+logs on steroi!s6$
-nce you ha1e a +log an! it9s set u with an )** #ee!, you Iust a!! au!io,
an! restoL Bou91e got a 2o!cast$
How !oes 2u.lic 3omain aly to this;
<ake a 2u.lic 3omain article or reort an! use it to make a goo! 2o!cast$
Bou can either rea! a section o# your 2u.lic 3omain article or use it simly as
the start oint #or a #ree%#lowing !iscussion$
'4amle= Bou can take any 2u.lic 3omain Ko1ernment article an! turn it into
a great o!cast Iust .y rea!ing it alou! while recor!ing your 1oiceL An! the
same #or any other how%to content you can #in!$
A Public Domain Secret
.8/ Create a "ree 4eport an# 1onetiFe it
<o create a #ree reort, either comile some 2u.lic 3omain articles that ha1e
the same toic an! make them #low into a secial reort, or Iust use some
re%ma!e 2u.lic 3omain reorts in your &iche$
'!it the content an! con1ert the en! result into a use#ul 23, reort$ Bou can
moneti8e the reort with a##iliate links an! links to your own we.sites, or use
it as a #ree reort to get eole to su.scri.e to your mailing list$ -r .oth$$$
) that the co1er !esign an! resentation is (')B imortant$
3esign matters$$$
'4amle= " create! a #ree reort to romote one seci#ic ro!uct #rom
a #rien! o# mine$ " inclu!e! 23 in#ormation relate! to the toic, an! ut the
link to the ro!uct insi!e$ " ma!e a L-< more sales than he !i! #or his
ro!uct, Iust .y creating a goo! co1er an! a goo! reort$$$ an! it cost me 1ery
little work$$$
A Public Domain Secret
.9/ Start a Public Domain P>4 (rticles 1embership Site

*tart a 2u.lic 3omain mem.ershi site .y #in!ing 2u.lic 3omain articles,
.ooks, an! go1ernment reorts, an! turn all the content into articles #or
!i##erent &iches$ @ost 2L) article mem.ershi sites Iust outsource the
content to chea ghostwriters, .ut 7uality an! 7uantity is not too high =)
Bou can !o it #ar .etter with 2u.lic 3omain content$ Nust .y using 2u.lic
3omain content #rom the go1ernment, you can ha1e an en!less suly
o# killer content an! rea!y%ma!e articles, written .y real go1ernment e4erts$$$
<hen charge a monthly #ee to !eli1er the articles to your customers each
month$$$ Bou can outsource the entire rocess an! Iust collect the money$
<his is e4actly what one o# my associates is !oing, with ama8ing success$
'4amle= con#i!ential$$$ shhhhh$$$$
A Public Domain Secret
.;/ Use Public Domain Ima,es G Euotes to Create Posters
Bou can take great images #rom the 2u.lic 3omain an! Iust con1ert them into
great osters$ A!! these #amous 7uotes, an! you are !one$
-ne comany #rom my o##line list is selling @oti1ational 2osters o##line an!
online, an! this 5e4eriment6 Ium%starte! a success#ul .usiness on its own$
<hey select insiring 23 images an! a!! #amous 7uotes an! 1erses #rom the
+i.le$ <hen they rint 0,000 osters #or $1,D00 an! sell them #or $/0 to $50
a iece$$$
&ot a .a! i!ea, i# you ask me$$$
A Public Domain Secret
.</ Use PD Content to Create 'our )wn P>4 - 44 Pro#ucts
<his one is really H-<$$$
*elect one o# the /0 most ro#ita.le &iches$ <hen gather all the 2u.lic
3omain content you can #in! a.out that niche, an! Iust reackage the content
into 2L) an! )) ro!ucts o# your own$$$
<hey can .e 2L) Article acks, 2L) e+ooks, 2L) )eorts, etc$$$an! also all
the ro!ucts with )esell )ights that you can concei1e$$$
<his is a great way to make 7uick ro#its, as well as long%lasting results 0
making your 2L) an! )) ro!ucts 1iral, when your .uyers resell your
ro!ucts$$$ &ot to mention that now you are 5the source6 o# )) an! 2L),
instea! o# .uying them$$$ A smarter aroach, thats #or sure$
'4amle= " use! to take 2u.lic 3omain .ooks to making 2L) an! ))
ro!ucts, .ut now " am !isco1ering new an! .etter ways$ " go to the
go1ernment sites an! use their new an! #resh reorts an! articles a.out killer
toics (>re!it, ,inance, *mall +usinesses, >omuters, Health, )eal 'state,
etc)$$$ " also gather goo! content #rom ol! newsaers an! maga8ines$
A Public Domain Secret
$=/ Print )l# Posters an# Co%ers
-l! co1ers an! 1intage a!s can make great osters$
Asi!e #rom the (teste!) #act that nostalgia sells, those 1intage co1ers an! ol!
art osters are real masterieces .y themsel1es$ <hose ol! oster authors
were #amous artists in their time$
" lo1e this kin! o# art, an! " own a .ig collection o# them$ " woul! like to ha1e
more walls in my home, lol$$$
'4amle= " sell oular osters an! co1ers as rinte! osters, as well as
secial an! limite! collections #or collectors an! !esign comanies$
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
$./ 4epublish Vinta,e (#s on CDDDVD

Bou can comile 1intage a!s an! sell them in a great shie! 3(3$
<here is a .ig market #or this$ Asi!e #rom the o.1ious artistic an! nostalgia
1alue, they are a goo! reository o# killer hea!lines an! slogans$$$
'4amle= "1e sol! se1eral e4ensi1e collections #or u.licity an! marketing
agencies$ <hose early a!s ha1e a secial taste, " lo1e them$ An! they sell$
A Public Domain Secret
$$/ Create a 1o%ieDVi#eo Script from PD content
2u.lic 3omain works o##er an en!less (1irtually unlimite!) source o# material
#or a new mo1ie or 1i!eo$ Bou can #in! lays, .ooks, mo1ies, etc that will gi1e
you a rea!y%ma!e scrit #or your own roIect$
Bou can create also a new 1ersion o# a #amous ol! mo1ie or lay$
'4amle= <he mo1ie, 50006 is a great e4amle$ +ase! in the #amous work
.y Hero!otus$$$ All the 5,rankestein6 mo1ies are goo! e4amles also$
@o1ies ma!e #rom 2u.lic 3omain #amous stories are usually goo! roIects
an! well accete! .y the au!ience$
A Public Domain Secret
$+/ 1ae a +D "ilm from a Public Domain Story
<here is a HAK' market #or animate! #ilms, #lash #ilms, 0%3 comuter%.ase!,
or e1en cartoon%.ase! #ilms$$$
2u.lic 3omain works will ro1i!e you a wealth o# source material that
is ractically unlimite!$ Bou can e1en sell the storyline to others$
'4amle= :alt 3isney9s #amous cartoons are .ase! on #airy tales #rom
the 2u.lic 3omain, inclu!ing 2inocchio, Alice in :on!erlan!, <he Nungle
+ook, etc $$$ Bou can create killer #lash an! sto%motion 1iral 1i!eos Iust .y
making #unny a!ations o# #amous stories$$$ <hese tyes o# 1i!eos are hot
right now, an! they srea! like gunow!er$$$ (think 1iral)$$$
A Public Domain Secret
$3/ Use an# Sell )l# 4a#io Shows
+e#ore tele1ision, ra!io was king$
<hat ol! age was #ull o# ama8ing ra!io show rograms$
@any o# those rograms are #reely a1aila.le in the 2u.lic 3omain$
" lo1e them$ <he narrator 1oice, the stories, the Iingles$$$ all was great$
:hat can you !o with them;
Lots o# ro#ita.le things= sell them 5as%is6, use e4certs in your 1i!eos, e4tract
Iingles an! hrases (yes, there are e1en marketing catchy hrases),
make niche collections, o##er them #or #ree in a -t%in 2age, use them #or your
own commercials, etc, etc$$$
Hint= As you know, most o# those shows are ost%19/0, .ut attorneys
an! other e4erts in!icate! that more than 9DJ (L) o# all the ra!io shows #rom
19/0 to 19D0 are now in the 2u.lic 3omain, .ecause their coyrights werent
A Public Domain Secret
$6/ Sell Directories of PD 1usic Sheets
" ha1e .een selling lots o# music sheets to er#ormers, musicians, ro!ucers
an! comosers$ 3i! you know that there are millions uon millions o# them;
Bes, musicians an! comosers alrea!y know an! own the #amous ones$$$
.ut what a.out the rest;
" Iust o##er them niche #ocuse! (categori8e! .y music style, etc) !ata.ases
o# sheets, .ecause they are in constant seeking o# new material$
*o the har! work is alrea!y !one #or them$
Bou can set u a success#ul targeting that market worlwi!e$$$
+ut !ont !o that, lease =) (<his art was not inten!e! to .e ractical
in#ormation$$$ Iust anec!otical chat) $$$
A Public Domain Secret
$8/ 1ae a Viral Vinta,e Documentary
A 1intage !ocumentary can .e the .est salesman you ha1e e1er seen$
Bou can create a killer !ocumentary that eole will ass onto others,
an! the 1iral e##ect can .e tremen!ous$
Here s ho w:
Lets say you ha1e a a.out cars$ Bou can get 2u.lic 3omain images,
hotos, illustrations, mo1ies, 1i!eos, au!ios, or anything relate! to cars that
you can #in!$$$
<hen make a !ocumentary using all the material 0 lets say, talking a.out the
history o# cars, #reaky cars, rare cars, har!%to%#in! cars, #amous cars, etc$$$
Bou !ont nee! a .rilliant scrit? Iust ut together a goo! amount o# material
relate! to cars$ <he more unusual, the .etter$
<hen ut your a!!ress at the en! o# the 1i!eo or as a constant
watermark (.etter), an! Iust uloa! the 1i!eo to any 1i!eo site un!er the sky$
2ut a catchy title, or the same 1i!eo with se1eral titles, an! youre set$
>hances are, your 1i!eo will get you loa!s o# tra##ic .y itsel#, an! will .ecome
1iral$ 2eole (unconsciously) lo1e 1intage an! nostalgic stu##$$$
'4amle= <ake a serious look at this Boutu.e 1i!eo=
"t was uloa!e! on Nanuary /8, an! see how many 1iews has to!ay$$$
<ake a look at the way the 1i!eo is ma!e$ "ts a great e4amle to mo!el$
A Public Domain Secret
$9/ Sell Ima,es0 Illustrations0 (rtwor an# Photo,raphy
<he most lucrati1e 2u.lic 3omain .usiness #or me is selling restore! images,
illustrations, artwork, an! hotograhies, either o##line or online to .ig !esign
comanies, stok hoto sites an! !esigners$
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
$;/ Sell Public Domain films on DVD
Bou can release all%time classic mo1ies, as well as mo1ies ne1er .e#ore
release! to the u.lic$ +ruce Lee #ilms are in the 2u.lic 3omain, #or e4amle$$$
<here are tons o# other 2u.lic 3omain mo1ies that ne1er ha1e .een release!
on 3(3, so this is a huge market you can e4lore$ <here is an entire target
market that woul! like to watch (an! .uy) those #ilms$ <hink 5>ollectors
)estoring the mo1ies to imro1e their 7uality is to!ay easier than e1er$$$
'4amle= 3i! you know that the a.o1e #ilm "* in the 2u.lic 3omain;;
A Public Domain Secret
$</ Sell PD content to Ipo#s0 PSP an# Ninten#o DS
Bou can o##er .ooks, 1i!eos, mo1ies, an! au!io.ooks to the rai!ly emerging
1i!eo%consoles market$$$
<ake a look at this site= htt=CCmoon.ooks$net
<his is a .ran! new &iche market, with millions o# users, rea!y to moneti8e$
Bou can .uil! e4cellent mem.ershi sites an! ro!ucts #or this growing niche$
An! the same #or the "o! an! 2*2 niches$ )eally eager .uyers$
An! o# course, you can ro#it wil!ly #rom the Ama8on Rin!le rogramL
'4amle= -##er the content through a mem.ershi site where mem.ers can
gain access to a new collection e1ery month$ Bou can also make an oen
5ay%er%!ownloa!6 site (such as i<unes *tore) an! moneti8e it also with
A!*ense$ <he list is en!less an! this is a *A2') &iche to go a#ter$
A Public Domain Secret
+./ Use Public Domain content to create &ii lenses
>reating :iki lenses is a great way to share goo! in#ormation an! get #ree
tra#ic to your sites$ Ase great in#ormati1e content a.out any relate! niche you
want to moneti8e$
(ery #ew "@ marketers know a.out the use o# :iki sites to create
5:ilki 'mires$6 @any o# my associates are !oing it e1ery !ay, with great
Ko to :ikie!ia an! try to #igure out how to !o it$
(" am not going to share it with you yet, not in this .ook? the i!eas are not
mine, an! they are con#i!ential, .ut i# you stu!y those :ikis, you will start to
+ut this= :ikie!ia is a gol!mine #or those who know the secret$$$
A Public Domain Secret
+$/ Create your own CafePress T@Shirts
Bou can easily sell your own <%*hirts an! hysical goo!s in your own
*tore at 52rint%-n%3eman!6 sites like
www$ >a#e2ress$com
www$ 2rint#ection$com
<his is so easy an! #unny, an! can .e so ro#ita.le$$$
" ersonally recommen! 2rint#ection$com o1er >a#e2ress? their en! ro!uctEs
7uality is higher an! your store will .e #ree, .ut you can use .oth$
Ko to go1ernment sites, #or e4amle? search #or 2u.lic 3omain grahics an!
cliart, an! make your own ro!ucts in minutes$ <%shirts are .y #ar the
.estsellers$ Bou can a!! to them #amous 7uotes also$
" .uil! my own *tores an! Iust !ri1e tons o# tra##ic to each one$$$ All the rest
is han!le! .y them$
A Public Domain Secret
++/ Use Public Domain Newspapers Content
>on!ucte! research has shown that there can .e more than /1 million
newsaers without coyright renewal .etween 19/0%19D0$$$
<hat means, o# course, that they are in the 2u.lic 3omain, #ree%to%use #or you$
&ewsaers contain use#ul reorts, a!s, grahics, essays, weir! news$$$
A 5*ecret6 resource= htt=CCwww$loc$go1CchroniclingamericaCin!e4$html
A Public Domain Secret
+3/ Create Stunnin, !raphics from Public Domain content
Bou can create grahics, .rochures, temlates, logos, etc$$$ Iust .y using 2u.lic
3omain images, co1ers, osters, cliart, etc$$$ you Iust ha1e to .e creati1e in
changing them or altering them in any way$$$
Heres Iust a small re1iew o# the kin! o# grahics "1e !esigne! #or
The Knebaih Collection
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
I mportant Note: all the i mages shown are copyrighted and property of
The Knebaih Collec t ion, because they have been restored, i mproved and changed in a
significant way. They are derivative works and a new production by themselves,
even though they contain parts that are in the public domain.
As you may see, you can !o cool things with 2u.lic 3omain materials$$$
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
&ma8ing things can .e !one with 2u.lic 3omain materials$$$
Bou coul! !o 5the same6 with 2L) content, .ut with more ease, with a higher
7uality, an! in a much larger scale an! with greater ossi.ilities$$$
an! all o# this #or ,)'' $$$
), there are more than 80 million o# 23 works rea!y to .e
!isco1ere! an! re%use!$
Again, you are only limite! .y your imagination$$$
A Public Domain Secret
Searc#ing for Public Domain Works
A Public Domain Secret
Choosing the right
Public Domain Work
Now you know what to !o$$$.ut how !o you #in! these gems an! where;
<his is <he >hater$$$ Here, you will #in! all the sites an! secret links where all
the won!er#ul gems are locate!, waiting #or you$
<his is the ma that will gui!e you to locate that 5elusi1e6 ot o# gol!, so you9!
.etter not .link i# you !on9t want others to snatch it away #rom you$$$
:e9ll now go much !eeer into soli! rock, .ut with me at the #ore, you won9t
get hurt =) $$$ &ot e1en a single sike will touch your skin$$$
:ith all the tis an! sure%#ire suggestions " outline! in >hater 0, you will
ha1e tons an! tons o# i!eas that you can use not only to #in! the gems .ut to
literally hol! them in your han!s$ <hose tis are actually the .lack gol! that
you nee!$ <he only thing le#t now #or you to !o is to mine it$
*o choose the niche that you want to moneti8e, or Iust surrise yoursel# with
the untae! resources you will #in! .elow$
$ertainly% you can&t mine all of t#em at t#e same time'''
A Public Domain Secret
<he *earch 'ngines o##er you a goo! lace to start your research$
<ry to search on e1ery ossi.le keywor! relate! to your market an! otential
ro!uct$ <ry to check the o# searches !one #or your keywor!s? the
higher the search result the .etter #or you$ Bou might want to check those
sonsore! a!s as well$$$ 5cashwor!s,6 as a #rien! o# mine calls them$$$$
Bou will #in! real goo! 5how%to6 a!1ice in the 0 niche courses you got as
a .onuses with this +ook$
A tri to your local .ookstore or the u.lic li.rary may !o you goo! as well$
2ay close attention to those maga8ine a!s relate! to your toic? they can .e
the key to your success$ :hen huge amounts o# money are .eing sent on
a!1ertising #or a articular ro!uct, 5you can .et your lucky enny6 it will .e
a hit .ecause you certainly ha1e a market$
A Public Domain Secret
Smart Searches
Searching For Publ i c Domain Works
'1en though "m gonna gi1e you more links to 2u.lic 3omain materials than
you can use (#rom age 171), there will .e times when you will want to search
#or yoursel#$$$ Bou can search 2u.lic 3omain works on the "nternet using
*earch 'ngines, o# course$$$
./ "t is not a 1ery goo! i!ea trusting Iust any site that comes u
!uring your search$ Kenerally, in#ormation coming #rom the Li.rary -#
>ongress is much more relia.le than those coming #rom other we.sites$
"# a 2u.lic 3omain work has an e4ire! coyright, then you must check with
the >oyright -##ice i# it was renewe! or not$
$/ <here are .etter otions than Koogle to #in! 2u.lic 3omain works=
A Public Domain Secret
#earch 'n(ines
"# you still .elie1e that Koogle is the 5.est6 *earch 'ngine un!er the sky$$$
<hink again$$$ Let me 7uote the #amous researcher Keorge Laughea!=
In 2007, Google still ha !ro"lems fining a#t$al we"site
aresses... instea is fining #om!$ter root aresses, ie.,
ma#hine aresses, rather than h$man %iewe an link
aresses& first !age site res$lts are also #oming an going
+e sure to rea! also this interesting article .y Nohn @ark -cker.loom, e!itor
o# the #amous 5-nline +ooks 2age6$ +e sure to .ookmark the .log
also, #ille! with soli! in#ormation a.out >oyright, 2u.lic 3omain, an! more=
"n short= <here are secial *earch 'ngines that are well known .y
)esearchers, .ut totally unknown #or 99J o# "nternet @arketers$
A Public Domain Secret
Let s start
WWW9:17 W# +earch Engines
A true gem$ ,rom Keorge Laughea! himsel#
&ow you will know why Koogle is &-< the .est otion to er#orm your
searches$ Lots o# links to the .est *'s$$$$ Here, you will #in! the truly .est
search engines, arrange! .y categories, as well as known *earch 'nginesE
.ack!oors, looholes, strong an! weak oints, etc$$$
+e sure to also 1isit his other hel#ul site=
A Public Domain Secret
"ublic $omain e*ooks +earch
<his *earch 'ngine will #in! #or you 2u.lic 3omain .ooks #rom
Kuten.erg$org, +artle.y$com an! il$org$$$ <his *' is owne! .y )ollyo,
an! o##ers the otion to create your own custom *earch 'ngine$
Ouoting ++> &ews, 5)ollyo o##ers the a.ility to search the content o# a list
o# seci#ie! we.sites, allowing you to narrow !own the results to ages #rom
we.sites that you alrea!y know an! trust6$$$
A Public Domain Secret
2he Internet "ublic 1ibrary
<he "nternet 2u.lic Li.rary o##ers a goo! selection o# links to online te4ts
an! te4t collections that can .e 1ery hel#ul$
@ake sure to 1isit the 5A!1ance! *earch6 #eature, to know how to comletely
use this *earch 'ngine=
A Public Domain Secret
Book Search Sites
Ase the sites .elow to search #or seci#ic niche content, a seci#ic author,
a seci#ic !ate, or a seci#ic 2u.lic 3omain .ook title$
These hel ful sites !i l l ser"e you in main !ays 2 :
1$ As an e4cellent *earch 'ngine to #in! 23 .ooks .y niche
Bou can search #or seci#ic keywor!s, or search #or seci#ic wor!s in
the title$ Bou can search, o# course, .y !ate o# u.lication$ <hus, you
will search through / stages= .ooks u.lishe! .e#ore 19/0 an! .ooks
#rom 19/0 to 19D0 (with this last otion, you will ha1e to con!uct
#urther 5>oyright &ot%)enewe!6 research)
<his is a killer way to #in! real gems #or your niche, as you will see
/$ As a way to .uy a har!%to%#in! 2u.lic 3omain .ooks #or chea, when
you cant #in! it #or #ree through other ways$ 2rices #or true .estselling
gems range #rom $0 to $00, as " showe! you in age GG o# this +ook,
with the #a1ourite Banik *il1erEs coywriting ol! school .ook$
) to always use the 5A!1ance! *earch6 #eature, where you will .e
a.le to inut the !esire! !ate an! keywor!s$
A Public Domain Secret
<his is a killer *earch 'ngine +ook an! store where you can #in! true gems
#or as low as $0, i# there is no other way #or you to #in! a seci#ic title #or #ree$
Ko to the A!1ance! *earch an! ut in the keywor!s, the wor!s that you are
seeking in the title, or a seci#ic author$
'et me show yo$ a great e(am!le of how this works:
1$ " go to= www$a.e.ooks$comCser1letC*earch'ntry
2$ " want to #in! 2u.lic 3omain .ooks with the term
5)ela4ation6 within the tittle$ ,irst, " ut my !esire! search
arameters into the A!1ance! *earch +o4, an! " enter
a search !ate .etween 1800 an! 19/0$$$
3$ " can also a!! another goo! search arameter =
5*ort )esults +y= +ookseller )ating6
A Public Domain Secret
These are the res$lts:
<hen " start to choose what titles can .e use! #or my roIect$$$
A Public Domain Secret
+ut the .eauty o# these searches is that you will easily #in! nice surrises$$$
*ee what " #oun! in the same search #or the .estselling 2iano &iche$$$
Beah$$$ 5<he <rue ,unction o# )ela4ation in 2iano 2laying6 #rom 19//$$$
a killer .ook that Nermaine Kriggs woul! like to get$$$
"mortant &ote= '1en though this is a great site #or this kin! o# searches,
+':A)' o# the 518996 wrong arameter$ '1erytime you see this u.lication
!ate, chances are great that "< "* A :)-&K 3A<', so con!uct your
research a.out the e4act !ate o# the .ooks that aear un!er the !ate 51899$6
A Public Domain Secret
*ame urose an! #unctions
<he !ates #eature works .y >enturies
&o ro.lems with !ates here, .ut always !o your own 3ue 3iligence
A Public Domain Secret
. 'eilly +afari
A real killer$ Here, you can .rowse the entire collection o# .ooks, age .y
age$ <his site also has out%o#%rint an! har!%to%#in! ama8ing 2u.lic 3omain
.ooks that you will only #in! here$$$ "1e #oun! some o# my .est #in!ings at this
site$ Riller articles .y 'lmer :heeler, #or e4amle$
Bou cant !ownloa! them, .ut you can use the content, as " sai! earlier$ "# the
.ook is in the 2u.lic 3omain, the content "* always in the 2u.lic 3omain,
.ut not the #ormat$
Bou can use this site as your resource #or creating your reorts, .ooks,
articles, etc$$$ Iust .e sure that the content you are gathering "*, in #act, in the
2u.lic 3omain$
A Public Domain Secret
A great site that will gi1e you in#ormation a.out any toic, an! where you can
#in! lots o# 2u.lic 3omain .ooks$$$
)ea! the ,AOs age an! esecially the section a.out how to #in! .ooks$
<his is a site that e1ery in#omarketer shoul! 1isit an! use$$$
A Public Domain Secret
Another great .ook searching site$$$ ,in! 2u.lic 3omain .ooks through
the Ama8on use! .ooks search engine$$$
A Public Domain Secret
&othing new un!er the sun, .ut can .e 1ery hel#ul$
Bou can #in! here cheaer 1ersions o# some .ooks, an! search also #or 2u.lic
3omain mo1ies an! e1en music$$$
+eware o# the !ates also$ <hey ha1e L-<* o# wrong !ates$
A Public Domain Secret
'esource +helf
A )esearch *ite #or ro#essionals, where !e!icate! li.rarians an! researchers
share the results o# their !irecte! (an! occasionally 7uirky) we. searches #or
resources an! in#ormation$
(ery a!1ance! .ut a real goo! site$$$
A Public Domain Secret
HSimilar@SitesI Search 5n,ine
<his is a R"LL') resource " use e1ery!ay$
Here you can #in! similar sites an! e1en similar articles$
<his a truly hel#ul *earch 'ngine where you can #in!
similar sites relate! to the one you like$ An! many gems, too$$$
A Public Domain Secret
,or e4amle, i# you want to #in! similar sites to the ones mentione! a.o1e, i$e$,
Anti7.ook$com, Iust ut the A)L in the search .o4 an! 1oilX, you will #in!
more resources an! new links an! we.sites that you can use$
Bou will also #in! 5not%so%relate!6 ones, .ut true nice #in!ings =)
A Public Domain Secret
!o%ernment 4eports Search 5n,ines
!ma,ing 0overnment "$ Works +earch Engine
Literally, you can #in! anything here, inclu!ing content a.out ta4 tis, #amily
an! home, health an! nutrition, stu!ent loans, real estate, #inance, .usiness,
an! 2u.lic 3omain grahics$ " ha1e come u with lots o# great in#oro!ucts
Iust .y using these resources$ " ha1e also use! a lot o# 5as%is6 articles$$$
"t works similar to Koogle, where you can search through the *ite itsel#,
search #or "mages, search #or &ews, an! more otions=
'4amle= go to this link an! see how you coul! 5make6 a 5<a4 tis #or /0086
easy reort= htt=CCwww$irs$go1CnewsroomCcontentC0,,i!P10GD08,00$html
A Public Domain Secret
1ov 2pot
)ea!y%ma!e reorts that you can use$ Bou will .e .lown away$
<his resource is like your ,)'' )ea!y%@a!e "n#oro!ucts @em.ershi$$$
Hint= <ake a look at that aragrah ointe! .y the re! arrow$$$ High Ouality is
guarantee!$$$ An!$$$ 3o you see that 5*tu!ent Kui!e /008%/0096 23 reort;;
A #rien! o# mine is making a killing selling that reort on ,ace.ook$$$
A Public Domain Secret
*usiness 0ov
Ko1ernment )eorts 3irectory, relate! to +usiness an! @arketing$$$
Another true in#omarketers !ream$$$
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
Public Domain Books
'inks to Online repositories of P!lic #omain Books in digital format. read" to download
A Public Domain Secret
Kreat +ooks "n!e4
<he great .ooks in!e4 is a ersonal interest roIect, it has .een suggeste!
an! insire! .y the work o# )o.ert Hutchins an! @ortimer A!ler, who were
the e!itors o# the 195/ e!ition o# the K+::$ <his in!e4 is an attemt to
gui!e rea!ers to a1aila.le online e!itions o# great .ooks$ <ons o# 2u.lic
3omain classic literature here$$$ "1e reu.lishe! many o# them$
A Public Domain Secret
Ale4 >atalog o# 'lectronic <e4ts
<he Ale4 >atalogue o# 'lectronic <e4ts is a collection o# a.out 1G,000
5classic6 2u.lic 3omain !ocuments #rom American an! 'nglish literature as
well as :estern hilosohy$ <his is a goo! lace to ick u classic 7uotes
e4certs an! titles, a thing " lo1e$
:orl!wi!e *chool
<his site is !e!icate! to the collection, reser1ation an! resentation
o# e!ucational material$ <ons o# #ree content$
+ralyn Archi1e
<here are 1,8D/ <e4ts in!e4e!$ &ew te4ts are a!!e! to the in!e4ing !ata.ase
nearly e1ery other !ay, so check .ack o#ten$ &ot .a!$$$
<he Li.rary o# 'conomics an! Li.erty
<he Li.rary o# 'conomics an! Li.erty is !e!icate! to a!1ancing the stu!y
o# economics, markets, an! li.erty$ "t o##ers a uni7ue com.ination o# classic
economic .ooks, essays, reorts an! resources #or stu!ents, teachers,
researchers, an! a#iciona!os o# economic thought$
-nline +ooks 2age
Lists o1er 00,000 #ree .ooks on the internet$ -ne o# the most #amous sites
with ol! .ooks on the "nternet, hel! .y Nohn @ark -cker.loom$
,ree *el#%Hel +ooks
3ownloa!a.le sel#%hel an! moti1ational .ooks on !e1eloment o#
con#i!ence, roserous thinking, law o# attraction, attracting an! mani#esting
money, me!itation, etc$$$
A Public Domain Secret
Rnowle!ge )ush
Huge online !ownloa!a.le .ook collection, categori8e! .y title$ A1aila.le
in lain te4t or html #ormats$
*ince incororation in 1999, +artle.y$com has .ecome one o# the most
comrehensi1e re#erence u.lishers on the internet, meeting .oth the nee!s
o# stu!ents, e!ucators an! the intellectually curious$
-ne o# the largest Ycollections o# collectionsY on the "nternet$ Huge !ata.ase
o# #reely a1aila.le in#ormation, inclu!ing so#tware, music, literature, art, history,
science, olitics, an! cultural stu!ies$
<his site o##ers thousan!s o# #ree .ooks #or stu!ents, teachers, an! the classic
A Public Domain Secret
3ocumenting the American *outh
<his is an !igital u.lishing that ro1i!es you with te4ts,
images an! au!io #iles relate! to southern history, iliterature an! culture$
Li.erty >lassics
<his site o##ers a goo! list o# the classic .ooks an! other works on
constitutional go1ernment an! law, inclu!ing really ol! ones, like
5<he >o!e o# Hammura.i6$$$
Authorama #eatures comletely #ree .ooks #rom a 1ariety o# !i##erent
authors, collecte! #or you to rea! online or o##line$
>lassic +ook Li.rary
,rom authors such as Nules (erne to L$ @$ @ontgomery, the >lassic +ook
Li.rary is oen twenty%#our hours a !ay, se1en !ays a week, #or anyone with
a assion #or rea!ing$
A Public Domain Secret
Ani1ersity o# (irginia
,eature! te4t collections, with links to many oetry an! rose works$
2roIect Kuten.erg
-1er /0,000 #ree e%+ooks a1aila.le an! o1er 100,000 #urther items a1aila.le
1ia resource sites$ -ne o# the most #amous 23 .ooks reository$$$
2roIect :itten.erg
2roIect :itten.erg is home to works .y an! a.out @artin Luther an! other
Lutherans$ Here you will #in! all manner o# te4ts #rom short 7uotations
to commentaries, hymns to statements o# #aith, theological treatises
to .iograhies, an! links to other laces where wor!s an! images #rom
the history o# Lutheranism li1e$
*ws.m >lassic <e4ts
>lassic works in me!icine$
&iet8 ,ull%<e4t >ollection
<he &iet8 -l! <e4t.ook >ollection is one o# se1eral well%known collections
o# 19th >entury school.ooks in the Anite! *tates$ '4amine !igital e!itions
o# 1G0 school.ooks an! two sur1eys o# historic school.ooks .y Nohn &iet8,
the #oun!er o# the &iet8 -l! <e4t.ook >ollection$ <he online collection
contains age images as well as searcha.le te4t$
+e4ley >ouncil
>ollections o# classics, stan!ar! works, ol! #a1orites an! new writing which
you can !ownloa! straight to your 2>$ Access to o1er 100,000 te4ts$
A Public Domain Secret
>'L<= <he >orus o# 'lectronic <e4ts
<he wealth o# "rish literary, olitical an! historical culture to the "nternet,
#or the use an! .ene#it o# e1eryone worl!wi!e$ "t has a searcha.le online te4t
.ase consisting o# 95D contemorary an! historical !ocuments #rom many
areas, inclu!ing literature an! the other arts$
Zerotime 2aranormal
Ancient <e4ts an! rare, out%o#%rint .ooks many o# which are hun!re!s
o# years ol!$ <hese 1olumes sell #or thousan!s o# !ollars utting them out
o# the reach o# the a1erage rea!er, until now$$$ Riller (an! e4ensi1e) gems
you can #in! there$$$
>lassics in the History o# 2sychology
>lassics in the History o# 2sychology is an e##ort to make the #ull te4ts
o# a large o# historically signi#icant 2u.lic 3omain !ocuments on the
:orl! :i!e :e.$ <here are now o1er /5 .ooks an! a.out /00 articles an!
chaters on%line$ <he site also contains links to o1er /00 rele1ant works
oste! at other sites$
'thics A!ate (Ani1ersity o# *an 3iego)
@any maIor works in the history o# ethics are now a1aila.le online in
electronic 1ersions$ *ome are simly A*>" or te4t #iles, other #iles are in )<,,
)ich <e4t ,ormat an! some #iles are in H<@L, hyerte4t marku language$
Humanistic <e4ts
@ulticultural e4tracts ortray the wit, wis!om, an! oetry o# in!i1i!ual
authors as they re#lect on ethics, hilosohy, knowle!ge, an! human
A Public Domain Secret
Aca!emy #or Ancient <e4ts
<he sole urose o# this is to ro1i!e the largest on%line li.rary
o# ancient te4ts in the worl!$ <his inclu!es, .ut is not limite! to, religious,
metahysical, mythological, hilosohical, an! historical te4ts$
GLiterature is a #orum .ase! site that also contains /,000 .ooks, stories,
oems, lays, an! religious an! historical !ocuments$
<he "nternet 2oetry Archi1e
<his contains the archi1e makes a1aila.le o1er a worl!wi!e comuter
network selecte! oems #rom a o# contemorary oets$ <he goal
o# this roIect is to make oetry accessi.le to new au!iences (at little or
no cost) an! to gi1e teachers an! stu!ents o# oetry new ways o# resenting
an! stu!ying these oets an! their te4ts$
<he Lie! an! Art *ong <e4ts 2age
<he Lie! an! Art *ong <e4ts 2age is an archi1e o# /7,80/ te4ts use! in Lie!er
an! other classical Art *ongs (Runstlie!er, @[lo!ies, >an8oni, )omansy,
>anciones, Lie!eren, >an\]es, *^nger, Laulua, etc$) as well as in many choral
works an! other tyes o# classical 1ocal ieces$ <he collection currently
inclu!es G0,0GG settings an! D,/55 translations to 'nglish, "talian, 3utch,
Kerman, *anish, ,rench, an! other languages$ <he site has #re7uent u!ates$
A*K* 2u.lications :arehouse
<he 2u.lications :arehouse contains +i.liograhic citations #or o1er 70,000
u.lications, #ull ro!uct an! thematic ma content #or o1er G0,000
u.lications an! A*K* num.ere! series .egun in 1880$$$
A Public Domain Secret
<he -nline +ooks 2age
Lists o1er 00,000 #ree .ooks on the internet$ -ne o# the most #amous sites
with ol! .ooks on the "nternet, hel! .y Nohn @ark -cker.loom$
:iki Ouotes
Riller an! huge resource #ull o# the .est 7uotes o# all times$ <he 'nglish
1ersion o# :iki7uote has 15,0G/ ages so #ar with many thousan!s
o# 7uotations an! ro1er.s$ &ot only you wil #in! 7uotes aeare! on .ooks
or te4ts, .ut also (an! this is great) on ,ilms, <( *hows, etc$$$ <his is a great
resource #or u.lishers an! in#omarketers$$$
A#rican American <e4ts
<he 'lectronic te4t >enter aims to create an online archi1e o# te4ts
an! images in the humanities$ <his collection #eatures A#rican%American te4ts$
A1alon 2roIect
<he A1alon 2roIect at Bale Law *chool ro1i!es a comrehensi1e resource
in the #iel!s o# Law, History, 'conomics, 2olitics, 3ilomacy an! Ko1ernment$
A Public Domain Secret
181 (+i.liograhical *ociety o# America)
+iograhical resources #rom the +iograhical *ociety o# America$
,ree -nline Literature with more than /000 >lassic <e4ts, Literature +ook
&otes, Author +iograhies, +ook *ummaries an! )e#erence +ook$ )ea!
>lassic ,iction, >ontemorary Articles an! "nter1iews$ )esearch +ooks,
3ictionaries, Ouotations, >lassic &on%#iction, +iograhies an! )eligious <e4ts$
+ooks A.out >ali#ornia History an! >ulture
A ersonal li.rary o# 2u.lic 3omain e%te4ts an! ictures a.out >ali#ornia an!
the ol! :est$ Also inclu!e! are lists o# .ooks .y >ali#ornia 2u.lishers,
an! a list o# .ooks a.out >ali#ornia$
Knostic *ociety Li.rary
:hat are oularly calle! <he 3ea! *ea *crolls consist o# a 1ery large o# scrolls M most oorly reser1e! an! many sur1i1ing only as tiny
scras M !isco1ere! in a series o# ele1en ca1es near Oumran an! the 3ea!
*ea .eginning aroun! 19G7$ -1er 800 searate te4ts o# se1eral !i1ergent tyes
are now recogni8e! among this #in!$ <rue gem o#$$$
+ook)ags is a research site #or stu!ents with o1er 5$8 million ages
o# literature summaries, .iograhies, literary criticisms, essays, encycloe!ias
an! e+ooks$
A Public Domain Secret
-nline Li.rary (&o A* Access)
List o# .ooks .y authors that ha1e !ie! more than 50 years ago, which laces
them in the 2u.lic 3omain in many countries, articularly those outsi!e the
A* an! 'uroe$ Howe1er, they remain coyrighte! un!er Anite! *tates law,
where works coyrighte! in 19/0 or later can remain un!er coyright #or u
to 95 years a#ter u.lication$
<he &ational Aca!emies 2ress
)ea! more than 0,700 .ooks online #ree$ <he &ational Aca!emies core areas
are *cience, 'ngineering an! @e!icine$
>hinese <e4t "nitiati1e
<he >hinese <e4t "nitiati1e aims to make te4ts o# >hinese literature a1aila.le
on the "nternet$
>lassic <e4ts
Henriette9s Homeage= one o# the ol!est an! largest
in#ormation sites on the internet$
>hristian >lassics 'thereal Li.rary
<he mission o# the >>'L is to hel the church .y making >hristian writings
a1aila.le an! romoting their use$
>lassic +ookshel#
>lassic .ooks online integrate! in a Na1a rea!ing alication$ <his simle
rea!ing rogram is going to hel you make the most o# electronic #ormat
classic .ooks$ Bou can share them through your too$
A Public Domain Secret
>lassical Authors 3irectory
>lassical Authors !irectory with a #orum #or !iscussing their work$
A+A= La +i.liote7ue Ani1erselle
2u.lic 3omain .ooks in ,rench$ ), they ha1e a market also$$$
A Public Domain Secret
>lassic )ea!er
>lassic )ea!er o##ers a large collection o# #ree classic .ooks .y authors such
as 3ickens, Austen, *hakeseare an! many others$
>omlete :orks o# :illiam *hakeseare
A comrehensi1e resource #or in#ormation a.out *hakeseare$
3igital >ollections -nline (Ani1ersity o# >onnecticut)
3igital >ollections -nline (3>-) is a resource that inclu!es in#ormation a.out
an! links to !igital collections worl!wi!e, which range in su.Iect #rom classic
American sheet music an! >onnecticut history to (ictorian literature$
'arly >ana!iana -nline
'arly >ana!iana -nline ('>-) is a !igital li.rary ro1i!ing access to
/,758,10/ ages o# >ana!a9s rinte! heritage$ "t #eatures works u.lishe! #rom
the time o# the #irst 'uroean settlers u to the early /0th >entury$
'arthly 2ursuits= -l! +ook Li.rary
>ulti1ating the gar!ens o# the min! an! sirit with an eclectic look at ol!%
#ashione! an! new%#angle! i!eas a.out gar!ening, .otany, agriculture,
horticulture, #loriculture, the language o# #lowers, .i.liomania, #oo!, li#e
an! other earthly things$ <his site ha1e rare an! great 2u.lic 3omain .ooks$
'asy @e!ia +roa!cast
An e%.ook collection inclu!ing classic literature, some esoteric an! chil!ren9s
literature (e1en au!io .ooks), an! some #oreign language works$
A Public Domain Secret
'ighteenth%>entury *tu!ies
<his collection archi1es works o# the eighteenth century #rom the ersecti1es
o# literary an! cultural stu!ies, inclu!ing no1els, lays, memoirs, treatises an!
'l!ritch 2ress
'1erything at this site has now .een lace! in the 2u.lic 3omain with
a >reati1e >ommons !ee!$ Bou will #in! American an! 'nglish literature
classics, as well as ,rench an! )ussina classics translate!$
'lectronic &autical +ooks
<his site has goo! 2u.lic 3omain .ooks on the nautical an! tra1el%.y%.oat
toics$ " ha1e use! goo! content #rom some o# those .ooks #or the
<ra1elling niche$$$
'4%>lassics :e. *ite
<his we. site is !e!icate! to rescuing works #rom o.scurity an! making them
a1aila.le online, .oth #or rea!ing !irectly, an! #or !ownloa!ing$
,ly ,ishing History
A .i.liograhy o# #ly #ishing .ooks$
,orum )omanum
,orum )omanum is a colla.orati1e roIect with the aim o# creating a !igital
li.rary o# Latin literature$
A Public Domain Secret
,ree Li.rary
*ince /000, <he ,ree Li.rary has o##ere! #ree, #ull%te4t 1ersions o# classic
literary works$ )ecently it has e4an!e! to inclu!e a massi1e collection
o# erio!icals$
,23= ,ree 2u.lic 3omain
<his site resently lists hun!re!s o# 2u.lic 3omain ,airy <ales #rom <he
+rothers Krimm ,airy <ales, Hans >hristian An!erson ,airy <ales, Ara.ian
&ights 'ntertainments, +lue ,airy +ook, >rimson ,airy +ook, )e! ,airy +ook,
(iolet ,airy +ook, an! the Bellow ,airy +ook$
History o# *cience +i.liograhy
A rare .ook collection #rom the history o# science .i.liograhies$$$
A Public Domain Secret
Humanities <e4t "nitiati1e
<he Humanities <e4t "nitiati1e is a unit o# the Ani1ersity o# @ichigan9s 3igital
Li.rary 2ro!uction *er1ice #or the creation, !eli1ery, an! maintenance
o# electronic te4ts$
19th >entury in 2rint
<he .ooks in this collection .ear nineteenth century American imrints,
!ating mainly #rom .etween 1850 an! 1880$ <hey ha1e .een !igiti8e! .y the
Ani1ersity o# @ichigan as art o# the @aking o# America roIect, a maIor
colla.orati1e en!ea1or to reser1e an! ro1i!e access to historical te4ts$
>urrently, aro4imately 1,500 .ooks are inclu!e!$ <he collection is
articularly strong in oetry an! in the su.Iect areas o# e!ucation, sychology,
American history, sociology, religion, an! science an! technology$
Humanist <e4ts
@ulticultural e4tracts that ortray the wit, wis!om, an! oetry o# in!i1i!uals
as they re#lect on ethics, hilosohy, knowle!ge, an! human relationshis$
Hyerte4ts (American *tu!ies)
'lectronic te4ts #or the stu!y o# American culture$
"n!iana Ani1ersity L)<)*
<he Li.rary 'lectronic <e4t )esource *er1ice (L'<)*) ro1i!es humanities%
relate! electronic ser1ices$
"nternational >hil!ren9s Li.rary
<he "nternational >hil!ren9s 3igital Li.rary (">3L) aims to create an online
li.rary o# chil!ren9s .ooks$$
A Public Domain Secret
"nternet Archi1e o# <e4ts an! 3ocuments (Hano1er >ollege)
<he rincial goal o# the Archi1e is to make rimary te4ts an! secon!ary
sources on the internet a1aila.le to stu!ents an! #aculty #or use in history an!
humanity classes$
"nternet >lassics Archi1e
A list o# GG1 works o# classical literature .y 59 authors, inclu!ing user%!ri1en
commentary an! Yrea!erEs choiceY :e. sites$ @ainly Kreco%)oman works
(some >hinese an! 2ersian), all in 'nglish translation$
"nternet Li.rary o# 'arly Nournals
"L'N, the 5"nternet Li.rary o# 'arly Nournals6 is aime! to !igitise su.stantial
runs o# 18
an! 19
century Iournals, an! make these images a1aila.le on the
"nternet, together with their associate! .i.liograhic !ata$
"nternet @e!ie1al *ource.ook
<he goal here then has .een to construct an "nternet @e!ie1al *ource.ook
#rom a1aila.le 2u.lic 3omain an! coy%ermitte! te4ts$ <his site has killer
content #or se1eral niches on the list$$$
"nternet 2u.lic Li.rary
A 3irectory o# links to great online sources o# 2u.lic 3omain te4ts$
+ioli. -nline Li.rary o# +iological +ooks (Rurt *t`e.er9s -nline Li.rary)
<his site ('nglish an! Kerman language otions) o##ers access to a collection
o# historic an! mo!ern .iology .ooks$
A Public Domain Secret
Li.rary o# *outhern Literature
<he 5Li.rary o# *outhern Literature6 inclu!es a wi!e range o# literary works
o# the American *outh u.lishe! .e#ore 19/G lus some o# the earliest te4ts
a.out America written .y +ritish !isco1erers$
Literature #or >hil!ren
Literature #or >hil!ren is a collection o# chil!ren9s literature that ha1e .een
u.lishe! in the Anite! *tates an! Kreat +ritain #rom .e#ore 1850 to .eyon!
(ariety *tage <e4ts
Huge archi1e #rom the thousan!s o# layscrits su.mitte! to the A$*$
>oyright -##ice at Li.rary o# >ongress !uring 1870%19/0, an! now house!
in the )are +ook an! *ecial >ollections 3i1ision, /57 ha1e .een selecte!$
<hese unu.lishe! manuscrits inclu!e 1au!e1ille come!y sketches,
monologues, musical re1ue, sectacles, an! other genres$
Literature &etwork
<he Literature &etwork o##ers searcha.le online literature #or the stu!ent,
e!ucator, or enthusiast$ <hey currently ha1e o1er 1900 #ull .ooks an! o1er
0000 short stories an! oems .y o1er /50 authors$
Literature 2roIect
Literature 2roIect is a collection o# classic .ooks, oems, seeches, an! lays$
A Public Domain Secret
<he Luminarium Anthology co1ers @e!ie1al, )enaissance, )estoration
an! *e1enteenth >entury 'nglish Literature$
@a! >y.rarian9s Li.rary
A huge collection o# .ooks organi8e! alha.etically .y author9s last name$
@aking o# America 3igital Li.rary
@aking o# America is a !igital li.rary o# rimary sources in American social
history, with secial attention to the su.Iect areas o# e!ucation, sychology,
American history, sociology, religion, an! science an! technology an! contains
aro4imately 10,000 .ooks an! 50,000 Iournal articles with 19th century
imrints$ A killer resource$$$
<he @illion +ook 2roIect
An early collection o# .ooks #rom the "n!ian scanning centers o# the Ani1ersal
Li.rary 2roIect or sometimes calle! the @illion +ooks 2roIect$ <his site is an
in#omarketers !ream, with a great search #unction$
Ani1ersity o# <oronto 'nglish Li.rary
Ani1ersity o# <oronto 'nglish Li.rary collection o# works #rom o1er 050
'mergence o# A!1ertising in America >ollection
<he items inclu!e! in 'mergence o# A!1ertising in America= 1850 % 19/0
('AA) are #rom ele1en categories$ )eresentati1e samles !ating #rom the mi!
1800s to the 19/0s were chosen #rom 1arious collections$
A Public Domain Secret
>hronology o# A* Historical 3ocuments
<his site has a great collection o# Anite! *tates historical !ocuments, #rom
the 5@agna >arta6 to the 53eclaration o# "n!een!ence6 an! a 1ariety
o# seeches #rom A* 2resi!ents$
@issouri +otanical Kar!en Li.rary
<he @issouri +otanical Kar!en Li.rary has !igiti8e! an! reser1e!
.eauti#ully illustrate! .otanically .ooks #rom their ri1ate hol!ings in or!er to
make them a1aila.le to an international au!ience$
(ariety *tage Bi!!ish%Language 2layscrits
<he Bi!!ish theater !e1eloe! as a uni7uely American #orm in the 'astern
'uroean Newish immigrant community in &ew Bork >ity, an! other
centers, !uring the early twentieth century$ <he 77 unu.lishe! manuscrits
resente! here inclu!e light come!ies an! !ramas, an! ha1e .een selecte!
#rom the more than 1,/90 coyright%!eosit lays known as the @arwick
>ollection an! house! in the He.raic *ection o# the A#rican an! @i!!le
'astern 3i1ision$ &ow in the 2u.lic 3omain$
&ew <hought Li.rary
htt=CCnewthoughtli.rary$comCn ew$htm
A great online li.rary archi1ing all 2u.lic 3omain &ew <hought works
insuring the reser1ation o# these works in multile me!ias that can .e
accesse! uni1ersally .y all eoles as a multilingual u.lic resource
contri.uting to the siritual well .eing an! enlightenment o# all humanity$
,oo! #or thought$
Literature$-rg (-nline Literature Li.rary)
A collection o# classic literature liste! .y author$
A Public Domain Secret
-nline @e!ie1al an! >lassical Li.rary
<he -nline @e!ie1al an! >lassical Li.rary (-@A>L) is a collection o# some
o# the most imortant literary works o# >lassical an! @e!ie1al ci1ili8ation$
-4#or! <e4t Archi1e
<he -4#or! <e4t Archi1e works closely with mem.ers o# the Arts an!
Humanities aca!emic community to collect, catalogue, an! reser1e high%
7uality electronic te4ts #or research an! teaching$ <he -<A currently
!istri.utes more than /000 resources in o1er /0 !i##erent languages$
2age +y 2age +ooks
2age .y 2age .ooks is committe! to .ringing you a wi!e selection o# the .est
2u.lic 3omain .ooks a1aila.le, all in an easy to rea! #ormat$
2erseus 3igital Li.rary
2erseus is an e1ol1ing !igital li.rary whose rimary goal is to .ring a wi!e
range o# source materials to as large an au!ience as ossi.le$
2roIect Kuten.erg o# Australia
:orks ro1i!e! .y 2roIect Kuten.erg o# Australia which are in the 2u.lic
3omain in Australia$
)are +ooks$$$)are @anuscrits
A great 3irectory o# links to online stores an! sites with rare .ooks
an! manuscrits$ A really nice resource$$$
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
)are.ooks$in#o ro1i!es 101 electronic .i.liograhies online$ *u.Iects co1er
early rinting, worl! literature, natural history, science, me!icine, theology,
cultural an! area stu!ies, Nu!aica, music, theology, art an! architecture,
among others$
)enascence '!itions
An online reository o# works rinte! in 'nglish .etween the years 1G77
an! 1799$
Ani1ersal 3igital Li.rary
-n a mission to create a Ani1eral Li.rary to #oster creati1ity an! #ree access
to knowle!ge$$
)osetta 2roIect >hil!ren +ooks
<he )osetta 2roIect is the largest collection o# illustrate! anti7ue chil!ren9s
.ooks online$
*acre! <e4t Archi1e
<his site is the largest #reely a1aila.le archi1e o# online .ooks a.out religion,
mythology, #olklore an! the esoteric on the "nternet$
Ani1ersity o# (irginia= 'arly American ,iction
'arly American ,iction collection inclu!es 88D 1olumes, totaling /00,01D
ages$ 10D authors are reresente!$ "n a!!ition, 199 manuscrit items (5/5
ages o# !ra#ts, letters, an! miscellaneous items) ha1e .een transcri.e! an!
1/G non%te4t items (hotos, engra1ings, etc$) ha1e .een inclu!e! in the
A Public Domain Secret
(ictorian :e.
An awar!e! that #eatures literature, history an! culture in the age
o# Oueen (ictoria$
(ictorian :omen :riter9s 2roIect
<he goal o# the (ictorian :omen :riters 2roIect is to ro!uce highly accurate
transcritions o# works .y +ritish women writers o# the 19th century$
A .asic in!e4 collection o# classic te4ts$
:orl! 2u.lic Li.rary
<he worl!9s largest !igital archi1e o# 23, e+ooks an! e3ocuments, with
a collection o# more than 500,000 23, e+ooks an! e3ocuments$
*oil an! Health -nline Li.rary
&ice online li.rary with a cool mi4 o# 2u.lic 3omain .ooks on toics like
Agriculture, Health, *el# "mro1ement an! *irituality...
<he >ooli!ge 'ra
2roserity an! <hri#t= <he >ooli!ge 'ra an! the >onsumer 'conomy,
19/1%19/9 assem.les a wi!e array o# Li.rary o# >ongress source materials
#rom the 19/0s that !ocument the wi!esrea! roserity o# the >ooli!ge
years, the nationEs transition to a mass consumer economy, an! the role o#
go1ernment in this transition$ <he collection inclu!es nearly 150 selections
#rom twel1e collections o# ersonal aers an! two collections o# institutional
aers #rom the @anuscrit 3i1ision$
A Public Domain Secret
::: (irtual Li.rary
A collection o# su.Iect relate! we.sites maintaine! .y institutions throughout
the worl!, each a!ministering a !i##erent su.Iect$
(oice o# the *huttle
<he (oice o# the *huttle9s !ata.ase ro1i!es links to sites #or research into
the humanities$
:omen9s *tu!ies 3ata.ase )ea!ing )oom
A wi!e 1ariety o# links to we.sites concerne! with women9s stu!ies$
"nternet Archi1e >ana!ian Li.raries
<his ortal is a huge archi1e that was create! with a urose o# o##ering
ermanent access #or researchers, historians an! scholars to historical
collections that e4ists in !igital #ormat$
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
Publishing Examples
Great examples of online businesses and individuals selling
and profiting from Public Domain materials... You will find
here more interesting sites to perform your Smart Searches.
And the sites below also will tell you what s already selling.
Some of the greatest discoveries can be found here.
A Public Domain Secret
A/Z>3* is the worl!9s largest inno1ati1e multi%me!ia li.rary, ro1i!ing
historical an! e!ucational >3s an! 3(3s o# worl!wi!e interest$
<hey are selling lots o# 2u.lic 3omain ro!ucts, with great success$$
Au!io.ooks >orner
A great e4amle to take a look at$ <hey sell lots o# au!io 1ersions
o# 2u.lic 3omain .ooks$ @y a!1ice is to .uil! a more niche #ocuse!
au!io.ooks, though$$$
Ayer >omany 2u.lishers
Another #amous u.lishing comany that u.lish rerints o# rare an! har!
to #in! 2u.lic 3omain .ooks, with o1er 15,000 titles$$$
+ T ) *ami8!at '4ress
-nline store that sells lots o# 2u.lic 3omain te4ts on >3 )-@s$
A goo! e4amle$$$
>on7uering Boursel# @anuscrit
<he last @ike Litmans 2u.lic 3omain .ook launch$
3onal! K$ >arty
3onal! Kor!on >arty, is an internationally known author, ersonal training
an! !e1eloment consultant, moti1ational seaker, an! the resi!ent o# the
2ersonal 3e1eloment "nstitute$
<his is a K)'A< e4amle o# what you can !o .y com.ining
*el# "mro1ement 2u.lic 3omain .ooks W a Ouality 3esign$ He sells
thousan!s o# 2u.lic 3omain .ooks e1ery month$$$
A Public Domain Secret
3o1er 2u.lications
-ne o# the .est e4amles we ha1e online that 2u.lic 3omain materials
are really ro#ita.le$$$ <hey sell almost e1erything you can imagine, all in the
2u.lic 3omain, #rom historical .ooks to osters, music, etc, etc$$$ <ake a look
at their list o# su.Iects here= htt=CCstore$!o1eru.lications$comC.y%su.Iect$html
Historical <e4t Archi1e
<he Historical <e4t Archi1e u.lishes high 7uality articles, .ooks, essays,
!ocuments, historical hotos, an! links #or a .roa! range o# historical
su.Iects$ <hey o##er links to 2u.lic 3omain .ooks #or sale on Ama8on$
Ressinger 2u.lishing
<hey u.lish thousan!s o# rare, scarce, an! out%o#%rint .ooks$ <hey ha1e
a huge collection o# 2u.lic 3omain .ooks #or sale$ An easy .ut ro#ita.le
Long Lost @arketing *ecrets
A #amous attemt to con1ert into 23, e.ooks some ol! an! out o# rint early
a!1ertising an! coywriting .ooks$
'rskine 2ress= Archi1al ,acsimiles Limite!
<he 'rskine 2ress is a small, ri1ately owne! u.lishing comany situate! in
the east o# 'nglan!$ <hey u.lish unusual an! interesting .ooks co1ering a
wi!e range o# su.Iects, .ut secialising in .ooks a.out Antarctica
an! in articular the Heroic Age o# Antarctic '4loration$
,oo! +ooks
,amous site that ro1i!es a##or!a.le #acsimiles an! rerints o# authentic,
classic cook.ooks #rom the 2u.lic 3omain$
A Public Domain Secret
@att ,urey 3(3 >ourse
<his is the #amous 3(3 >ourse that ma!e him a millionaire, taken #rom
the 2u.lic 3omain .ook .y ,armer +urns$$$
Kusta19s Li.rary 2u.lishing
Kusta19s Li.rary 2u.lishing was esta.lishe! to ro1i!e 7uality rerints o# rare,
1intage American .ooks$
2ower o# >oncentration
Another #amous launch #rom a 2u.lic 3omain .ook, .y @ike Litman$
Hi!!en Rnowle!ge
Hi!!en Rnowle!ge u.lishes new .ooks, ne1er u.lishe! .e#ore, an! re%
u.lish ol! #amous (an! not so #amous) .ooks$ A great e4amle$
Higginson +ook >omany
<hey say they ha1e the .est collection o# American ,amily History rerints,
now a1aila.le #or your genealogical research$ 2u.lic 3omain genealogy
on steroi!s$$$ <hey ha1e .een selling more than 15,000 7uality .ooks an! ma
rerints since 19D5$
Hori8on +ooks
<hey sell 2u.lic 3omain .ooks a.out <ra1el T '4loration, &atural History,
2lant Hunting an! Kar!ening$
@etahysical >oncets
@etahysical >oncets o##ers .ooks on alternati1e me!icine, natural cures,
her.s, astrology an! similar concets$
A Public Domain Secret
+i.lio )are +ook )oom
Har! to #in! 2u.lic 3omain content= rare, ol!, use!, anti7ue an! out%o#%rint
.ooks #rom the 18%/0th >entury$ Bou can #in! true gems here$$$
<he +ookma1en
Kreat online store that reu.lish anti7uarian, 1intage, rare an! #irst e!ition
.ooks in a 1ariety o# toics$
'.ay +ooks
Largest online auction with a well organi8e! an! categori8e!
saleCwant #eature$ Bou can #in! un.elie1a.le goo! 2u.lic 3omain !eals here$
2aerless Archi1es
<his online store ro1i!es access to once secret an! historical !ocuments,
recor!ings, hotos, 1i!eo an! au!io$ @aterial #rom ,e!eral +ureau
o# "n1estigation (,+"), >entral "ntelligence Agency (>"A), &ational *ecurity
Agency (&*A), 3e#ense "ntelligence Agency (3"A), 3eartment o# 3e#ense,
Noint >hie#s o# *ta##, 2resi!ential Li.raries, an! more$$$ All 2u.lic 3omain$$$
2owell9s +ooks= )are T >ollecti.le
2ortlan!%.ase! stores selling new an! use! .ooks$ " ha1e #oun! here lots
o# 2u.lic 3omain gems$
Ouigley9s )are +ooks
,ine arts rare .ooks !ealer with a!!itional online store$ " ha1e urchase!
here some 2u.lic 3omain 5treasures6$$$
A Public Domain Secret
19th >entury +ooks an! 2u.lications
<his site sells rero!uctions o#19th >entury .ooks$ 2oor !esign
an! na1igation, .ut a geat e4amle o# what can it .e !one with 23 materials$$$
)oyalty ,ree Art
A great e4amle o# a site selling se1eral 2u.lic 3omain materials$$$
<he Historical Archi1e
<his is an e4cellent e4amle o# what you can !o with 2u.lic 3omain
materials$$$ A really great site$
<he Lost Art o# 2elmanism
>heck this great e4amle o# a goo! in#oro!uct taken #rom se1eral 2u.lic
3omain materials$$$ +y 2at -.ryan an! Noe (itale$
A Public Domain Secret
Public Domain Audio
A Public Domain Secret
Li.ri(o4 ro1i!e #ree (2u.lic 3omain license!) au!io.ooks #rom works in the
2u.lic 3omain$
,ree *oun! '##ects
2artners "n )hyme is an online categori8e! resource #or #ree soun! e##ects$$$
)a!io Lo1ers
Hun!re!s o# 1intage ra!io shows a1aila.le in @20 #ormat an! #ree$ Rilleeer$$$
-l! <ime )a!io archi1e
"nternet archi1e o# a-l! <ime9 ra!io a1aila.le to !ownloa!$ Kreaaat$$$
,ree *oun! '##ects
2artners "n )hyme is an online categori8e! resource #or #ree soun! e##ects$$$
2u.lic 3omain Animal *oun!s
Bou can #in! there any animal soun! you may nee!$
23 *oun!s
Ama8ing community o# eole recor!ing soun!s an! releasing them to the
2u.lic 3omain$ )eally nice$ " like it a lot$
A Public Domain Secret
3elu4e an! Har!%<o%,in! )a!io *hows
<his secret source was not mean to .e inclu!e! in this +ook$$$
3igital History @usic
2riceless resource o# 2u.lic 3omain music #rom American Kol!en 'ra$$$
,rom )agtime Na88 to +lues an! #amous ,olk songs, e1en military marchs$
" ha1e use! a lot o# tracks #rom this iste #or my 1i!eos an! 3(3s, an! to make
samles #or my own !igital comositions$$$
2u.lic 3omain @usic #rom Kuten.erg$org
2u.lic !omain recor!e! music a1aila.le to !ownloa!$ *imly ama8ing$ " am
using lots o# these tracks on my 1i!eos$
@ore 2u.lic 3omain au!io content #rom Kuten.erg$org
2u.lic !omain recor!e! items an! !ata a1aila.le to !ownloa!$
Li1e @usic Archi1e
<he Li1e @usic Archi1e is a community committe! to ro1i!ing li1e concert
recor!ings in high 7uality !ownloa! #ormats$ &on%commercial releases only$
:erner "cking @usinc Archi1e
,or music lo1ers$ <he :erner "cking @usic Archi1e contains music%relate!
stu##$ >lick on the name o# a su.!irectory containing scores, tyesetting
source #iles, a!!itional )'A3@'%#iles, etc$$$
A Public Domain Secret
>lassic )a!io 3rama
>lassic !etecti1e ra!io shows a1aila.le to !ownloa! #reely as o!casts$
A killer killer killer (an! secret) resource$$$
Aca!ia 'arly @usic Archi1e
An archi1e that contains all kin!s o# early music, *cores an! 2arts$
2u.lic 3omain +ir!s *oun!s
Kreat resource o# soun!s o# nature an! .ir!s$
2u.lic 3omain +lues tracks
Kreat, great, great$ " use most o# these tracks to make hi ho samles
an! li1e turnta.lism, as well as loos #or my 1i!eos an! commercials$
A Public Domain Secret
2u.lic 3omain Au!io.ooks #rom Kuten.erg$org
Human%rea! 2u.lic 3omain au!io .ooks a1aila.le to !ownloa!$
American @usic @emory
<he mission o# the Li.rary o# >ongress is to make its resources a1aila.le an!
use#ul to >ongress an! the American eole an! to sustain an! reser1e
a uni1ersal collection o# knowle!ge an! creati1ity #or #uture generations$ <his
section is !e1ote! to 'mile +erliner an! the .irth o# the )ecor!ing "n!ustry$
2resi!ential )ecor!ings
<he 2resi!ential )ecor!ings >ollection is ma!e u o# two !istinct tyes
o# resi!ential seech= u.lic seeches ma!e .y A* resi!ents an! secret
recor!ings ma!e in the :hite House .etween 19G0 an! 1970$
American (ariety *tage
<he motion icture, .roa!casting, an! recor!e! soun! !i1ision o# the Li.rary
o# >ongress$
American ,olkli#e >enter
<he Li.rary o# >ongress section !etailing the ranching culture
in &orthern &e1a!a 19G5%198/, #rom the American ,olklore >enter$
2u.lic 3omain @usic
)e#erence resource to hel i!enti#y u.lic !omain songs an! music with lists
o# music you can license an! sheet music rerints$
2u.lic 3omain American @usic
-riginal sheet music sources in the u.lic !omain, #rom a wi!e 1ariety
o# comosers$
A Public Domain Secret
>ylin!er 2reser1ation an! 3igiti8ation 2roIect
-n this site you will ha1e the oortunity to #in! out more a.out the cylin!er
#ormat, listen to thousan!s o# musical an! soken selections #rom the late
19th an! early /0th centuries, an! !isco1er a little%known era o# recor!e!
soun!$ 2riceless resourceL
<he Nohn an! )u.y Loma4 1909 *outhern )ecor!ings
@ore than 1,000 2u.lic 3omain song tracks #rom 1909$ Hel! .y <he Li.rary
-# >ongress$ Kreat resource o# 1intage soun!s an! tunes$
@utoia 2roIect
<he @utoia 2roIect o##ers sheet music e!itions o# classical music #or #ree
!ownloa!$ <hese are .ase! on e!itions in the u.lic !omain an! inclu!e
works #rom the maIor comosers$
Au!io +ook, >omuter% Kenerate!% 2roIect Kuten.erg
>ontains an entire collection o# Au!io .ooks that are comuter generate!$
>ali#ornia *heet @usic 2roIect(3uggan)
A 1irtual li.rary o# some /,700 ieces o# sheet music u.lishe! in >ali#ornia
.etween 185/ an! 1900, together with relate! materials such as a *an
,rancisco u.lisherEs catalog o# 187/, rograms, songsheets, a!1ertisements,
an! hotograhs$ "mages o# e1ery rinte! age o# sheet music #rom ele1en
locations ha1e .een scanne! at G00 !i, in color where in!icate!$
Kallery @usic
<his #ocuses on the music sung an! laye! in churches an! chaels
in the 1700s an! early 1800s$
A Public Domain Secret
,ree.yte @usic Zone
,ree.yte @usic 8one is an e4tensi1e collection o# music resources inclu!ing
so#tware, @20s, online music lessons, sheet music an! @"3" an! @20 layers$
>lassic >at
>lassic >at is a !irectory with links to o1er G,800 #ree to !ownloa! classical
er#ormances on the internet, sorte! .y comoser an! work$
Loo *oun!
Legal music ro1i!e! #or o!casts, we.sites an! multime!ia resentations$
Also sulies !ownla!a.le >3 an! classical music comilations$
-maha "n!ian @usic
,eatures tra!itional -maha music #rom the 1890s an! 1980s$ ,rom wa4
cylin!er recor!ings to recent songs an! seeches$
A Public Domain Secret
'!isons soun! recor!ings
A large, e4traor!inary collection o# the sur1i1ing ro!ucts o# '!ison9s
entertainment in1entions$
,reesoun! 2roIect
<he ,reesoun! 2roIect is a colla.orati1e !ata.ase o# >reati1e >ommons
license! soun!s an! songs$
Historic American *heet @usic
<he Historic American *heet @usic 2roIect ro1i!es access to !igital images
o# 00G/ ieces #rom the collection, u.lishe! in the Anite! *tates .etween
1850 an! 19/0$
*heet @usic A*A
A huge collection o# o1er /50,000 ieces o# sheet music$$$
,ree 2lay @usic
<his site !oes &-< o##er 2u.lic 3omain music, .ut you can use all the music
tracks there #or your own roIects= 1i!eo commercials, we.s, .logs, etc$$$
ro1i!ing that the cre!it is gi1en to them$
2lease, .e sure to rea! an! un!erstan! their <erms -# Ase=
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
@usic (i1a= <he >horal @usic Archi1e
A great >horal @usic search engine$
@usic ,or the &ation= American *heet @usic, 1870%1885
@usic #or the &ation= American *heet @usic, 1870%1885 consists o# o1er
G7,000 ieces o# sheet music registere! #or coyright !uring the years 1870
to 1885$ "nclu!e! are oular songs, iano music, sacre! an! secular choral
music, solo instrumental music, metho! .ooks an! instructional materials,
an! music #or .an! an! orchestra$
-era *cores 3emo%*cores only
An online oera scores rototye .ase! on @5/5% -era Literature% 2ro#esor
Keorge N$ +uelow$
"ncometech <racks .y Re1in @cleo!
-ne o# those sites with killer ,ree%)oyalty%@usic that you can use #or your
1i!eos an! ro!ucts (as .ackgroun! music #or your 1i!eo tutorials),
an! o# course #or your own comercials, we.s or .logs$$$ .ut you ha1e to cre!it
the author (see the ,AOs)$ " ha1e use! lots o# his tracks$ <hey are high 7uality$
*oun! <ransit
*oun!<ransit is a colla.orati1e, online community !e!icate! to #iel!
recor!ing an! honograhy$ "tEs not Iust a huge collection o# @0 soun! #iles
#rom all o1er the worl!, .ut the soun!s ha1e .een tagge! .y country an!
!escri.e! an! a 1isitor to the site can take a soun! Iourney aroun! the worl!$
"n the 5+ook6 section o# this site, you can lan a 5sonic6 Iourney through
1arious locations recor!e! aroun! the worl!$ <he >reati1e >ommons
Attri.ution license encourages the sharing an! reuse o# all soun!s on this$$$ Kreat site$$$
A Public Domain Secret
-soun! @usic
Another o# those goo! sites that o##er #ree music to your roIects $$$
(&-< 2u.lic 3omain)$$$ Bou can use any musical track here to share, remi4,
an! use #or any o# your roIects$ Kreat resource$
2oular *ongs in American History
<his contains American ,olk an! <ra!itional @usic with Lyrics, @i!i
,iles, <une "n#ormation an! History .ehin! the #olksongs an! .alla!s$ :ith
#olksongs arrange! .y time erio!$
*i.ley @usic Li.rary
Largest Aca!emic @usic Li.rary in &orth America$
<he 2u.lic 3omain 2o!cast
Kreat works han! icke! #rom the 2u.lic 3omain an! rea! out lou! in a
weekly o!cast$
>horal 2u.lic 3omain Li.rary
A selection o# 2u.lic 3omain >horal music$
A Public Domain Secret
<he *il1is :oo!she!
<his is a collection o# mi!i #iles an! tools to hel singers learn their
notes so that they can .e rea!y to turn it into music when they go to rehearsal$
American Lea!er *eeches >ollection
<he &ationEs ,orum >ollection consists o# #i#ty%nine soun! recor!ings
o# seeches .y American lea!ers #rom 1918%19/0$ <he seeches #ocus on
issues an! e1ents surroun!ing the ,irst :orl! :ar an! the su.se7uent
resi!ential election o# 19/0$ *eakers inclu!e= :arren K$ Har!ing, Names
>o4, >al1in >ooli!ge, ,ranklin 3$ )oose1elt, *amuel Komers, Henry >a.ot
Lo!ge, an! Nohn N$ 2ershing$ *eeches range #rom one to #i1e minutes$
(ariety *tages= *oun! )ecor!ings Home 2age
<he initial release o# the American (ariety *tage collection inclu!es ten soun!
recor!ings selecte! #rom 1intage '!ison honograh 3iamon! 3iscs release!
#rom 1910%19/7$ <hese recor!ings #eature comic skits, oular music an!
songs%%inclu!ing well%known #a1orites #rom the >i1il :ar an! :orl! :ar " %
an! a !ramatic monologue$ <his o##ering o# soun! recor!ings will .e
e4an!e! in the future to include a broad sampling of dramatic, comic, and
musical acts from the variety stage.
>> @i4ter
>> @i4ter is a community music site #eaturing remi4es license! un!er
>reati1e >ommons where you can listen to, samle, mash%u, or interact with
music in whate1er way you want$ "# you9re into samling, remi4ing an! mash%
us gra. the samle acks an! a caellas #or !ownloa! an! you can uloa!
your 1ersion .ack into cc@i4ter, #or others to enIoy an! re%samle$ "# you9re
into music, .rowse this site to hear some o# the great remi4es eole ha1e
.uilt #rom samling music on this site, all license! #or use un!er >reati1e
>ommons license$ Kreat resource #or your roIects, inclu!ing 1i!eos
an! o!casts$
A Public Domain Secret
*heet @usic Archi1e
An e4tensi1e collection o# #ree classical sheet music in the u.lic !omain$
*heet @usic ,o4
,ree 2u.lic 3omain sheet music a1aila.le to !ownloa! an! rint$
A #ree search engine that locates soun! e##ects an! musical instrument
samles on the internet$
A Public Domain Secret
,lori!a ,olkli#e >ollection
,lori!a ,olkli#e #eatures #olksongs an! #olktales in many languages, inclu!ing
.lues an! work songs #rom menha!en #ishing .oats, railroa! gangs, an!
turentine cams? chil!renEs songs, !ance music, an! religious music o# many
cultures? an! inter1iews, also known as Yli#e histories$Y
<he Henry )ee! >ollection
,i!!le <unes o# the -l! ,rontier= <he Henry )ee! >ollection incororates
18G original soun! recor!ings, 19 ages o# #iel!notes, an! D9 musical
transcritions with !escriti1e notes on tune histories an! musical #eatures?
an illustrate! essay a.out )ee!Es li#e, art, an! in#luence? a list o# relate!
u.lications? an! a glossary o# musical terms$
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
Public Domain Video
A Public Domain Secret
<he 2u.lic 3omain @o1ie 3ata.ase
An "n 3eth, 3etaile! Look at your ,a1orite 2u.lic 3omain @o1ies$
A *earcha.le 3ata.ase o# 2u.lic%3omain @o1ie "n#ormation, 'iso!e Kui!es
an! @ore$
-en,li4 ro1i!es a !irectory o# mo1ies commonly thought to .e in the
2u.lic 3omain an! works their owners are willing to let .e !istri.ute!$
2u.lic 3omain <orrents
3ownloa! mo1ies M classics an! +%mo1ies #or #ree$
A Public Domain Secret
America At :orkCAmerica at Leisure, 189G%1915
:ork, school, an! leisure acti1ities in the Anite! *tates #rom 189G to 1915 are
#eature! in this resentation o# 150 motion ictures, 88 o# which are !igiti8e!
#or the #irst time (D/ are also a1aila.le in other American @emory
resentations)$ Highlights inclu!e #ilms o# the Anite! *tates 2ostal *er1ice
#rom 1900, cattle .ree!ing, #ire #ighters, ice manu#acturing, logging, calisthenic
an! gymnastic e4ercises in schools, amusement arks, .o4ing, e4ositions,
#oot.all, ara!es, swimming, an! other sorting e1ents$
+uyout ,ootage
Historical u.lic !omain stock #ootage !ocumenting the eole, laces
an! e1ents that ha1e shae! to!ay9s worl!$ $
@otion 2ictures T <ele1ision )ea!ing )oom
<he Li.rary o# >ongress .egan collecting motion ictures in 1890 recogni8ing
the nee! to reser1e them #or historical recor!s$
A>LA ,ilm an! <ele1ision Archi1e
<he A>LA ,ilm an! <ele1ision Archive provides an extensive and searchable,
free database.
A Public Domain Secret
3ry!en Aircra#t mo1ies
<his collection contains short, !igiti8e!, coyright%#ree 1i!eo clis o# the
uni7ue research aircra#t #lown at &A*A 3ry!en ,light )esearch >enter #rom
the 19G0s to the resent$
,ree @o1ies
<hese #ree mo1ies are the original #ull%length motion ictures ro!uce! o1er
the last century$ <hese #ree mo1ies are the original classic, #ull%length, motion
ictures ro!uce! o1er the last century$ All o# the u.lic !omain mo1ies are
legal to !ownloa!, legal to trans#er to a mo.ile !e1ice or 2> an! #ree to watch
online #rom anywhere in the worl!$
'!ison @otion 2ictures >ollection
<his site #eatures 0G1 motion ictures, 81 !isc soun! recor!ings, an! other
relate! materials, such as hotograhs an! original maga8ine articles$
>ylin!er soun! recor!ings will .e a!!e! to this site in the near #uture$
"n a!!ition, histories are gi1en o# '!isonEs in1ol1ement with motion ictures
an! soun! recor!ings, as well as a secial age #ocusing on the li#e o# the
great in1entor$
&ew Bork >ity ,ilms=
<his contains an entire collection o# #orty%#i1e #ilms o# &ew Bork
!ating #rom 1898 to 190D #rom the 2aer 2rint >ollection o# the Li.rary
o# >ongress$ -# these, /5 were ma!e .y the American @utoscoe
an! +iograh >omany, while the remaining twenty are '!ison >omany
,esti1al ,ilms
,esti1al ,ilms has .een in .usiness #or o1er 00 years selling 1Dmm ,ilms,
(i!eotaes, @o1ie 2osters an! now 3(3s$ 2u.lic 3omain ,ilms$
A Public Domain Secret
,ilm >hest
,ilm >hest is the one%sto source #or rogramming e4ecuti1es, o##ering high%
7uality content #or use in .roa!cast tele1ision, #ilm roIects, 1i!eo streaming,
!istri.ution, u.lic tele1ision, ca.le or other ro#essional nee!s$
A Public Domain Secret
Nim9s )are *erials T +%:esterns
Kreat collection o# :estern mo1ies, *erials an! <( shows$
*an ,rancisco ,ilms
<his is an entire collection o# twenty%si4 #ilms o# *an ,rancisco #rom
.e#ore an! a#ter the Kreat 'arth7uake an! ,ire, 1897%191D$ *e1enteen o# the
#ilms !eict *an ,rancisco an! its en1irons .e#ore the 190D !isaster$ *e1en
#ilms !escri.e the great earth7uake an! #ire$ <he two later #ilms inclu!e
a 1915 tra1elogue that shows scenes o# the re.uilt city an! a tour o# the
2anama 2aci#ic '4osition an! a 191D roagan!a #ilm$
<he Last 3ay o# a 2resi!ent= 1901
<his contains /8 #ilms that are actuality motion ictures #rom the
2aer 2rint >ollection o# the Li.rary o# >ongress$ <hey inclu!e #ootage
o# 2resi!ent :illiam @cRinley at his secon! inauguration? o# the 2an%
American '4osition in +u##alo, &ew Bork? o# 2resi!ent @cRinley at the 2an%
American '4osition? an! o# 2resi!ent @cRinleyEs #uneral$ <he #ilms were
ro!uce! .y the '!ison @anu#acturing >omany #rom @arch to &
<he *anish American :ar in @otion 2ictures
<his contains an resentation that #eatures D8 motion ictures
ro!uce! .etween 1898 an! 1901 o# the *anish%American :ar an! the
su.se7uent 2hiliine )e1olution$ <he *anish%American :ar was the #irst
A$*$ war in which the motion icture camera laye! a role$ <hese #ilms were
ma!e .y the '!ison @anu#acturing >omany$
Like <ele1isionV-nly +etter
<he +roa!.an! @e!ia &etwork, is a recogni8e! lea!er in !eli1ering 1i!eo
alications o1er u.lic ("nternet) an! ri1ate networks$
A Public Domain Secret
2an American (i!eo
2an American (i!eo has thousan!s o# hours o# stock #ootage, o1er 900
#eature #ilms, an! 1,D00 <( eiso!es aire! in the 1950s an! 19D0s$
*hokus (i!eo
*hokus (i!eo has .een a lea!er in sulying classic 1950s <( shows to the
home 1i!eo market since 1979$$$
(inatge mo1ies an! <( shows searcha.le .y genre or title$
<he (i!eo +eat
<he ("3'- +'A<L is an online source #or rare 1950s an! 19D0s rock n roll
mo1ies an! <( shows, a1aila.le in 3(3 an! 1i!eo #ormats$
A Public Domain Secret
&A*A *ace *cience an! *ace (i!eos
&A*A9s own multi%me!ia 1i!eo gallery, inclu!ing .logs an! )** #ee!s$
&A*A M@ultime!ia% (i!eo Kallery
An entire collection o# &A*A 1i!eos are a1aila.le in this$
@o1ies an! *horts #rom Hollywoo!
:atch or !ownloa! o1er /00 u.lic !omain #ree mo1ies an! 1i!eos$
"n!ian an American ,actory= ,ilms o# the :estingHouse :orks, 190G
<he :estinghouse :orks >ollection contains /1 actuality #ilms showing
1arious 1iews o# :estinghouse comanies$
A Public Domain Secret
-en (i!eo
<he urose o# the -en (i!eo 2roIect is to collect an! make a1aila.le
a reository o# !igiti8e! 1i!eo content #or the !igital 1i!eo, multime!ia
retrie1al, !igital li.rary, an! other research communities$
<heo!ore )oose1elt #lms
<he li#e an! times o# <heo!ore )oose1elt on #ilm$ 2art o# the American
@emory collection #rom the Li.rary o# >ongress$
(ariety *tage= @otion 2ictures
<his contains D1 motion ictures in the (ariety *tage collection
inclu!e animal acts, .urles7ue, !ance, comic sketches, !ramatic e4certs,
!ramatic sketches, hysical culture acts, an! ta.leaus$ <he #ilms reresente!
!ate #rom coyrights o# 1897 to 19/0$
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
Artork Photograph! and "mages ,
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
Public Domain images Copyright information:
*lease, read the aove page to kno! !hen you can use a *ulic
+omain photo or art!ork, and !hen you cant. $n short, a '+ photo
,or scan- from a *ulic +omain !ork can e used freely, ut !hen
the !ork is a .+ o/ect ,or a .+ frameof a picture- you cant use it...
&ational 2ark *er1ice 3igital "mage Archi1e
<his site ro1i!es links to u.lic !omain !igital images o# many o# those
sites, inclu!ing national arks, monuments, historic sites an! relate! areas$
@ost "mages are a1aila.le #or !ownloa! in N2'K an! 2hoto >3 or <",,
#ormat$ 2lease use the !ro !own lists .elow to #in! links to images$
-nline Archi1e o# >ali#ornia
2ro1i!es access to tens o# thousan!s o# hotograhs, aintings, grahical
materials an! other tyes o# images$
)ussell *turgis 2hotograhs
-1er 050 hotograhs #rom 180D to 1909$ *ome o# these ol! hotos are 1ery
>ari..ean 2hotograhs #rom the )are 2rinte! @anuscrits
A rare, e4ensi1e an! 5#amous6 collection o# images, illustrations
an! hotograhs #rom )are 2rinte! @aterials$
A Public Domain Secret
)are 2rinte! @aterial #rom @e4ican an! >u.a "ncuna.ula
A 1ery rare collection o# images #rom 1alua.le "ncuna.ula$ Bou can .rowse
the 5 collections #rom the .lue menu$
*ecial >ollections o# 2hotoghrahs #rom Atah Ani1ersity
(ery 1alua.le an! interesting images #rom the historical an! artistical oint
o# 1iew$ Bou can use any image rior to 19/0$
3igital @e!ia +ank
2ro1i!es #ree images an! stock #ree hotos, logos, to e!ucational
an! commercial roIects$
A Public Domain Secret
American @useum o# &atural History
A@&H scienti#ic u.lications !isseminate the results o# la.oratory
in1estigations an! #iel!work con!ucte! .y museum scientists an! their
colleagues in the areas o# Zoological *ystematics, 2aleontology, Keology,
'1olution, an! Anthroology$
An Historical 2anoramic (iew o# A!elai!e
&othing to 5gra.6 here, Iust a great 1isual e4erience worth a look$$$
An! a great e4amle o# a goo! way to resent images online$
3a1i! )umsey >ollection
<he 3a1i! )umsey Historical @a >ollection has o1er 17,G00 mas online$
<he collection #ocuses on rare 18th an! 19th century &orth an! *outh
America mas an! other >artograhic materials$ Historic mas o# the :orl!,
'uroe, Asia an! A#rica are also reresente!$
3eartment o# Agriculture "mage Kallery
<he "mage Kallery is ro1i!e! as a comlimentary source o# high 7uality
!igital hotograhs a1aila.le #rom the Agricultural )esearch *er1ice
"n#ormation *ta##$
3eartment o# the "nterior 2hoto )esources Li.rary
<he 2hoto Li.rary o# the 3eartment o# the "nterior$ HO images #rom this
Kreat "mages in &A*A (K)"&)
K)"& is a collection o# o1er a thousan! images o# signi#icant historical
interest scanne! at high resolution in se1eral si8es$ <his collection is inten!e!
#or the me!ia, u.lishers, an! the general u.lic looking #or high%7uality
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
Hortus &iti!issimis
A year in a .rilliant gar!en o# e47uisite #lowers reresente! in .eauti#ul
"mages o# American 2olitical History
A collection o# o1er 500 u.lic !omain images o# American 2olitical History$
"mages in the 2u.lic 3omain
A collection o# images in the u.lic !omain, scanne! #rom the 1911
:e.sters 3ictionary$
@orgue ,ile
<his site ro1i!es the u.lic an! creati1e community with #ree raw hoto
materials$ <hey are &-< in the 2u.lic 3omain .ut A)' still #ree to use
ri1ately an! commercially$
<he &ew Bork 2u.lic Li.rary 3igital Kallery
&B2L 3igital Kallery is a source o# more than D00,000 rare images,
illustrations, ostcar!s, etc$$$$ Another o# those resources that is worth
10 times the rice o# this +ook$ (alua.le an! ricey images, this is one o# the
sources that ne1er ceases to ama8e me$ Bou can sen! years here, an! still
you will .e Iust scratching the sur#ace$
&-AA Historical @as an! >harts
<he -##ice o# >oast *ur1ey9s @a T >hart >ollection$
A Public Domain Secret
&-AA 2hoto Li.rary
<he &-AA 2hoto Li.rary now contains o1er 10,000 new images, an! inclu!es
a search #unction$
2u.lic 3omain 2hoto 3ata.ase
232hoto$org contains thousan!s o# royalty #ree hotos$
2hotoKrahic Li.raries
2hotograhic li.raries !irectory o##ers access to hotograhic % 1i!eo
collections, #ilm archi1es an! !igital hoto li.rary archi1es, me!ia #ashion
images an! historical hoto archi1e collections
A Public Domain Secret
&A*A "mage '4change (&"b)
>ontains images on &asa Aeronautics, Aircra#t, 3e1ices, '!ucation, ,acilites,
2eole, &A*A roIects, *olar *ystem an! .eyon!, sace #lights an! win!
2ictures >atalogue
<his catalogue contains !escritions o# aintings, !rawings, rints,
hotograhs an! three%!imensional o.Iects hel! in the 2ictures >ollection
o# the &ational Li.rary o# Australia$ <he 2ictures >ollection contains
aro4imately G5,000 aintings an! o1er D00,000 hotograhs? most o# this
material has .een catalogue! with in!i1i!ual !escritions or collection
2rints :ith a 2ast
2rints :ith a 2ast contains a gallery o# anti7ue rints !ating #rom the late
1700s through early 1900s$ <he original rints inclu!e engra1ings
an! lithograhs o# .otanical an! natural history an! much more$
)are anti7ue illustrate! .otanical an! natural history .ooks, original anti7ue
.otanical an! natural history rints, 3igital art an! #ine art rero!uctions$
<he Kateway to Astronaut 2hotograhy o# 'arth
<he Kateway to Astronaut 2hotograhy o# 'arth hosts the .est an! most
comlete online collection o# astronaut hotograhs o# the 'arth #rom 19D1
through the resent$
A* ,ish an! :il!li#e *er1ices "mages
<he A$*$ ,ish an! :il!li#e *er1ice9s online !igital me!ia li.rary$ 2resently,
the li.rary system contains the &ational "mage Li.rary c the *er1ice9s
collection o# 2u.lic 3omain still hotos$
A Public Domain Secret
:ar! @as
:ar! @as ha1e, since /00G, .een creating a !igital archi1e o# 19th an! early
/0th century anti7ue mas o# &orth America an! select 'uroean cities
an! towns$
Bellowstone &ational 2ark "mages
Bellowstone &ational 2ark9s own huge !ata.ase o# multi%me!ia items #ree
to use$
>liart '<>
,ree cliart #rom ,lori!aEs '!ucational <echnology >learinghouse$
-1er 05,000 e!ucational items now a1aila.le$
-l! A!1ertising A!s
>ontains o1er 9,000 images, with !ata.ase in#ormation, relating to the early
history o# a!1ertising in the A*$
'arly American Krahics
<his collection consists o# D/ .ooks an! amhlets, 1G0 ,e!eral statutes an!
>ongressional resolutions, 0G a!!itional legislati1e !ocuments, e4certs #rom
the >ongressional Klo.e an! the >ongressional )ecor!, 0D0 2resi!ential
roclamations, 170 rints an! hotograhs, / historic manuscrits,
an! / motion ictures$
A Public Domain Secret
A* ,e!eral Ko1ernment 2u.lic 3omain "mages
"s an online reostory o# images o# A$*$ ,e!eral Ko1ernment that are in the
2u.lic 3omain$
Kim *a11y
Kim%*a11y$com ro1i!es an archi1e o# o1er 15,000 coyright%#ree hotos an!
A Public Domain Secret
RarenEs :himsy
2u.lic 3omain "mages #rom RarenEs :himsy inclu!ing hun!res! o# scans
o# images #rom ol! .ooks, maga8ines, an! ostcar!s, an! all #rom material
rinte! rior to 19/0$
-en >liart
<his roIect aims to create an archi1e o# user contri.ute! 1ector cli art that
can .e #reely use!$
Anti7ue >liart
+rowse one o# the largest #ree 2u.lic 3omain archi1es o# (ictorian,
an! '!war!ian era cliart on the "nternet$ >ontaining 10GG cliart images
o# 2eole, ,lowers, Animals an! more$
>lassy Arts
2u.lic 3omain "mages an! hotograhers !ata.ase #rom 1809 to 19G9$
<he History 2lace
>hil! La.or images in America 1908 % 191/ .y Lewis :$ Hine$
"mages *ources
<his is an !igital me!ia .ank that has in#ormation a.out #ree images
that are a1aila.le to >*A> #aculty$
A Public Domain Secret
Air ,orce Link 2hotos
-ne o# the largest !omain that contains images with in#ormation on latest
aircra#ts, natural !isasters, Airman @aga8ine, 3eloyment, etc$$
,ree e!ucational cli art an! links #or teachers, arents an! chil!ren$
A Public Domain Secret
A)* "mage Kallery
<he "mage Kallery is ro1i!e! as a comlimentary source o# high 7uality
!igital hotograhs a1aila.le #rom the Agricultural )esearch *er1ice
"n#ormation *ta##$ High 7uality hotos$$$ A killer resource$
+uckaroos in 2ara!ise= &orthern &e1a!a 19G5%198/
<he +uckaroos in 2ara!ise >ollection resents !ocumentation o# a &e1a!a
cattle%ranching community, with a #ocus on the #amily%run &inety%*i4 )anch$
<he !ocumentation was largely the work o# the 2ara!ise (alley ,olkli#e
2roIect (1978%198/), a research initiati1e con!ucte! .y the American ,olkli#e
>enter at the Li.rary o# >ongress$ An archi1e o# /,G00 still hotograhs
ortrays the eole, sites, an! tra!itions on other ranches an! in the larger
community o# 2ara!ise (alley$
&ational institute o# health 2hoto Kallery
&ational "nstitute o# Health9s 2hoto Kalleries inclu!ing historical images$
*ecret *ource o# e4ensi1e an! rare Artwork 2hotos= <he LA>@A site=
Ama8ingly user%#rien!ly 8oom% 1iewer (use it, you will .e surrise!)$ Ase the
le#t%menu an! .rowse through !eca!es until 19/0$ <his is one o# the ama8ing
collections hel! at this site, only known .y ro#essional researchers$
*uer High )esolution 2u.lic 3omain images$
(3ont use hotos o# 03 o.Iects)$

A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
*ecret *ource with )are T '4ensi1e "llustrations #rom -l! @anuscrits
G7,700 high resolution images o# illustrations #rom rare manuscrits$
<his secret LA>@A site is one o# my #a1ourites$ ,or ro#essional researchers$
" ha1e sol! many o# these images #or great sums o# money$
() !ont use hotos o# 03 o.Iects)$
*ecret *ource with HO 'uroean 2aintings 2u.lic 3omain "mages
<housan!s o# High Ouality an! e4ensi1e images that you can use$ Another
ama8ing LA>@A >ollection$ 'nIoyL
*ecret Archi1al -nline '4hi.itions *earch 'ngine
:ell, this link alone is worth 10 <"@'* the rice you ai! #or this +ook$$$
" was thinking to really !ont share this link with you$$$ +ut here it is$
Bou will thank me #ore1er #or this =) <his e4tremely huge archi1e will kee you
.usy #or years to come$ '4lore the archi1e through keywor! or through
A to Z (inclu!ing F)$ "t is a !ata.ase o# links to online e4hi.itions to more than
1,000,000 23 images through -nline '4hi.itions (an! growing e1ery!ay)$
Bou will #in! gem a#ter gem a#ter gem$$$ A+*-LA<'LB 2)">'L'**$
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
#o$ernment Works
A Public Domain Secret
The USA overnment publishes lots of documents and reports every
year These government documents are highly valued by !ournalists .
and researchers because they provide very detailed information on ,
almost any sub!ect Some documents are top secret but most of them .
are available to the public as "ublic #omain.
A$*$ Ko1ernment )e#erence >enter
<he A* go1ernment9s o##icial we. search engine$ <hey hel! more than 00
million o# 2u.lic 3omain !ocuments$
Ko1ernment )eorts
Ko1*ot$com is a non%artisan go1ernment in#ormation ortal !esigne! to
simli#y the search #or the .est an! most rele1ant go1ernment in#ormation
online$ <his #ree resource o##ers a high%utility collection o# to go1ernment
an! ci1ic resources han! selecte! .y their e!itorial team #or their 7uality,
content an! utility$
+rowse <oics
+rowse <oics is your athway to ,e!eral :e. sites$ 2ro#essional li.rarians
#rom the ,e!eral !eository li.rary community ha1e create! a .rowsea.le list
o# ,e!eral :e. sites .ase! o## .roa! su.Iect areas$ >hoose a category
an! then click on a listing to rea! a !etaile! !escrition o# the ser1ices
ro1i!e! .y a site$
<he &ational <echnical "n#ormation *er1ice ro1i!es access to aro4imately
0 million u.lications co1ering o1er 050 su.Iect areas$
A Public Domain Secret
Li.rary o# >ongress
A huge online resource #or humanities an! me!ia nee!s with millions
o# .ooks, recor!ings, hotograhs, mas an! manuscrits in its collections$
-ne o# the .est Ko1ernment sites "1e seen e1er, i# not the .est$$$
<he &ational Archi1es
-# all !ocuments an! materials create! in the course o# .usiness con!ucte!
.y the Anite! *tates ,e!eral go1ernment, only 1J % 0J are so imortant #or
legal or historical reasons that they are ket .y <he &ational Archi1es #ore1er$
+usiness$go1 hels .usinesses sa1e time an! money sent on regulatory
comliance .y ro1i!ing 7uick an! easy access to .usiness laws, go1ernment
regulations, #orms an! agency contacts$
Ko1ernment Accounta.ility -##ice
<he A* Ko1ernment Accounta.ility -##ice (KA-) is an in!een!ent, non%
artisan agency that works #or >ongress, aiming to suort >ongress
in meeting its consitutional resonsi.ilities$$
Ko1ernment 3ocument +rochures an! 2amhlets
<his !igital collection contains selecte! general interest u.lications
ro!uce! .y the A$*$ ,e!eral Ko1ernment an! recei1e! .y the Ani1ersity at
+u##alo Li.raries through the ,e!eral 3eository Li.rary 2rogram$
Ko1ernment )eorts on 'n1ironment
<he Ani1ersity o# :ashington Li.raries collection o# Ko1ernment reorts
on the en1ironment$
A Public Domain Secret
Ko1ernment "n#ormation >onnection
<his ro1i!es you with an entire collection #rom li.raries
o# go1ernment !ocuments !eartments$
,e!eral 'mergency @anagement Agency (,'@A)
<he ,'@A on line 2hoto Li.rary contains more than 1D,500 !isaster relate!
hotograhs ma!e since 1989$ <he collection is comose! almost entirely
o# !eclare! !isasters an! there are also hotograhs #rom ,'@A u.lic
e1ents which ha1e occurre! in :ashington, 3>$
&ational Au!io1isual >enter
&A> is a uni7ue centrali8e! resource #or #e!erally !e1eloe! training an!
e!ucation materials$ "ts collection contains o1er 9,000 au!io1isual an! me!ia
ro!uctions$ <he range o# su.Iect areas inclu!es training in occuational
sa#ety an! health, #ire ser1ices, law en#orcement, an! #oreign languages$
"n#ormation an! e!ucational materials inclu!e areas such as history, health,
agriculture, an! natural resources$
&ational 2arks *er1ice 2hoto Archi1e
<his site ro1i!es links to 2u.lic 3omain !igital images o# many o# those
sites, inclu!ing national arks, monuments, historic sites an! relate! areas
in .oth N2K, <",, an! 2hoto >3 #ormats$
*cience Ko1
*cience$go1 is a gateway to o1er 50 million ages o# authoritati1e selecte!
science in#ormation ro1i!e! .y A* go1ernment agencies, inclu!ing research
an! !e1eloment results$
A Public Domain Secret
Bellowstone &ational 2ark 2ress "mages
Bellowstone &ational 2ark9s own a huge !ata.ase o# multi%me!ia items #ree
to use$
Koogle *earch #or Ko1ernment )esources
Koogle A* Ko1ernment *earch o##ers a single location #or searching across
A* go1ernment in#ormation, an! #or keeing u to !ate on go1ernment news$
Aca!emic "n#o (A* Ko1ernment 2u.lications)
A* Ko1ernment resource to locate aca!emic u.lications an! in#ormation$
<he ")*
<he online resource an! ortal #or the "nternal )e1enue *er1ice, inclu!ing
a!1ice, #orms an! u.lications, an! news$
A* Ko1ernment 2rinting -##ice
A search tool to locate #e!eral u.lications that inclu!e !escriti1e recor!s
#or historical an! current u.lications an! ro1i!es !irect links to those that
are online$ (ery goo! resource$
Ko1ernment "n#ormation >onnection
Li.rary #acilities at the Ani1ersity o# &orth <e4as #unction as the ner1e center
#or teaching an! aca!emic research an! contain maIor collections o# .ooks,
Iournals an! !ata.ases e4ten!ing to Iust un!er D million cataloge! hol!ings(L)
<his is a nearly unlimite! source o# all kin!s o# content$
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
>onsumer Action
A one%sto source o# in#ormation a.out consumer ro.lems an! go1ernment
&ational *ecurity Agency
<he &ational *ecurity AgencyC>entral *ecurity *er1ice is America9s
crytologic organi8ation, it is on the #rontiers o# communications an! !ata
rocessing$ <his site regularly releases tons o# in#ormation, #rom u.lic
seeches to secial reorts, inclu!ing !eclassi#ication !ocuments$
A* 3eartment o# *tate
<he main ortal #or the A* 3eartment o# *tate ro1i!ing e4tensi1e
resources an! re#erence material$ 99J o# the content here it is 2u.lic 3omain,
unless a >oyright :arning is in!icate!$
,e!eral >iti8en "n#ormation >enter
,>"> ro1i!es the answers to 7uestions a.out the e1ery!ay consumer issues$
Bou will #in! here in#ormation a.out small .usinesses, cars, tra1el, money,
comuters, etc$$$ " ha1e #oun! here a lot o# content #or reorts an! .logs$$$
<he ,+"
<he o##icial ortal #or the ,e!eral +ureau o# "n1estigation$ Bou can use
anything #rom this site$ *o take a look$$$ " ha1e #oun! nice gems here$$$ <here
are tons o# u.lications, articles, in1estigations, etc$$$
<he #or >enters #or 3isease >ontrol an! 2re1ention$ Bou can use
A&B content #rom this site #or the Health &iche$
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
Chapter 5
Public Domain + eBay
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
Public Domain & eBay
e+ay it is a 1ery a goo! way to ro#it #rom 2u.lic 3omain materials$
Huge num.ers o# e.ooks an! collections #rom the 2u.lic 3omain #in! their
way into e+ay$ ,in!ing .estselling 2u.lic 3omain works on e+ay is easy?
let me show you how$
:hen selling an item on e+ay, you ha1e to ut that item un!er its aroriate
category$ 'ach category has su.categories an! each su.category has su.%
su.categories$ 3ue to a goo! !istri.ution o# categories, each su.category
an! su.%su.category itsel# "* a niche$
U Ko to any su.%su.category in e+ay an! you will #in! lots o# items liste! #or
sale$ <he e+ay search tool is the only tool you will nee! in #in!ing these gems$
U *earch #or 5how to, learn, instructions6 which will hel to narrow !own your
search results$
U >heck the results an! list !own any result that may look like 2u.lic 3omain
work$ +e#ore mo1ing any #urther, make sure that the item really .elongs
to 2u.lic 3omain$
A Public Domain Secret
Bou ha1e #oun! your gem$$$ now what;
U <he ne4t ste woul! .e to coy the sellerEs name an! go to the a!1ance!
search tool on e+ay$
U 2aste the sellerEs name into the a!1ance! search .o4 an! search #or the
items that the seller ha! sol! in the ast$
U "# the seller sol! a goo! o# a similar item in the ast, then +ingoL
Bou ha1e #oun! a 2u.lic 3omain e+ay &iche$
A Public Domain Secret
Selling Public Domain works on Ebay
&ow that you ha1e a 2u.lic 3omain niche, you can now go an! search #or
a similar 2u.lic 3omain work using the links that " ha1e gi1en in the re1ious
e+ay has /1/ million users who .uy more than $/8 million !ollarsE worth
o# ro!ucts e1ery !ay$ "magine i# e1en a #raction o# that tra##ic woul! go to
your site$
)eu.lish or mo!i#y a 2u.lic 3omain work an! con1ert it into >3s an!
3(3s, !een!ing on your tye o# niche$ &ow that you ha1e a ro!uct to sell,
go ahea! an! list it on e+ay an! soon you will .e making lots o# ro#it$
A Public Domain Secret
Ebay UPDATE, March 31
, 2008
As you alrea!y know, e+ay has .anne! all !igital !eli1ere! sales$
<his may soun! like .a! news, .ut in #act is really goo! news #or you$$$ as you will
see, a lot o# cometition has now !isaeare!$$$you know, those eole who sol!
2L) an! )) !igital ro!ucts #or ennies are now out o# game$
&ow is the .est time to take a!1antage o# this huge marketing hole that can easily
.e #ille! .y smart entrereneurs =) $$$
Nust .y o##ering your 2u.lic 3omain ro!ucts on >3 an! 3(3, you are going to
osition yoursel# as one o# the new an! resecte! !igital ro!uct 1en!ors$$$
so start ro#iting now #rom this huge a!1antage an! start .uil!ing your e+ay 2u.lic
3omain emire$$$
Nust use all the knowle!ge you are gaining .y rea!ing this +ook, an! you will .e
ahea! o# the rest$$$$
+ut .e#ore we lea1e this section, let me recommen! to you a great tool #or your
e+ay .usiness that all o# my e+ay artners are using with great success=
@y 3igital 3isatch
"t will automate the rocess$ <his is the .est tool o# its kin!, an! you can use it in
se1eral ro#ita.le ways, not Iust #or e+ay$$$ .ut as an Autoreson!er too$$$
And don3t forget to sign p for their affiliate program. even if "o don3t se
e!a". !ecase now this tool is a mst have for ever" e!a" !siness owner...
" am making a nice assi1e income Iust .y recommen!ing this tool$$$
an! they ha1e a nice /%tier a##iliate comission rogram$$$
*o you can recruit a##iliates to work #or you$$$
A Public Domain Secret
Imagination is More Important "
Than Knowledge"
Albert Einstein
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
(#e egal !s"ects of Public Domain Works
A Public Domain Secret
The Legal Aspects of Using
Public Domain Works

<aking home that ot o# gol! !oes not mean you are !one yet$$$you ha1e to
make sure that you ha1e e1erything co1ere!$ @ake sure that e1erything you
are !oing is legal$
<he rules are 7uite simle M i# itEs in the 2u.lic 3omain, you can use it in any
way you wish$ <he real trou.le woul! come in i# it is not actually in the 2u.lic
3omain .ut is actually .eing use! in the 2u.lic 3omain without the re7uisite
ermission #rom the author$ <hese instances are rare, .ut it ne1er hurt anyone
to .e cautious$
"# you change! the work (at least a /0J), you can .ecome its author an! ha1e
it coyrighte!$ "# you !i! not change the work, you may sell it as is, .ut it is
a goo! i!ea not to ut yoursel# as the author o# the work i# you are not really
sure a.out the 1ali!ity o# your sources$
A Public Domain Secret
<hat9s retty much it$ -ther than this, you are #ree to !o as you will with
2u.lic 3omain works$ Bou can use art or all o# a work, you can con1ert
rinte! work to !igital work, you can use .its an! ieces o# 2u.lic 3omain
music or #ilms, you can use 2u.lic 3omain hotos in whate1er way you want$
3 Simple Steps
1. :hen you change a 2u.lic 3omain work, howe1er, an! make it your own,
you !o nee! to coyright it$ Bou can aly #or #ormal >oyright rotection at
2. "# you nee! to check the >oyright o# any work, .e sure to 1isit these
@A*< HA(' >oyright "n#ormation ages=
U >oyright "nternational "n#ormation
U >oyright )enewals
U Authors +y Bear -# 3eath
U List -# >ountriesE >oyright Laws
U >atalog -# >oyright )enewals an! >oyright 'ntries, 19/0 M 1978
<his is a really use#ul site, where you can search #or a >oyright )enewal
#or any work an! any author, .etween those tricky years .etween 19/0 M 19D0$
" will e4lain how to #ully use this site, on the ne4t $197 A!ate $$$
A Public Domain Secret
3. )ea! an! stu!y the 3a1i! (allieres )eorts$ <hey ha1e e4cellent
in#ormation a.out how to er#orm a >oyright search an! many other
imortant 5legal6 stu##$
* * *
And now, Im going to present you your future Desktop ) Attorney:
A Public Domain Secret
#o to 1. #oogl e $ooks Search
Put 2. nol o Publ i c Domain into the search bo%
3. No! choose the fi rst book as in the abo"e i c , ...
A Public Domain Secret
<hat .ook is the #amous work .y &olo 2ress attorney *tehen ,ishman=
The Public Domain: How to Find
and Use o!yright"Free #ritings$
%usic$ &rt ' %ore(
<hat .ook is the .est .ook on earth a.out all the legal stu## regar!ing
2u.lic 3omain$ An! it is A @A*< )'A3$$$ !ont a1oi! it$$$
3ont worry$$$ "t is a 1ery easy an! #unny rea!$$$
"t will .e your #irst attorney an! .est hel in legal issues$
"# in !ou.t, consult that .ook$ "# not in !ou.t, consult that .ook too$$$
Bou can rea! arts o# it online, .ut " cant recommen! enough$$$
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
Please% if you liked t#is Book and #a)e
a minute% go to t#e WSO t#read and "ost
yout #onest re)iew about t#is Book'''
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
J. @ Stuart >ichtmanCs 1etho#
)t*s not what you know+++
+++)t*s how you think(
,ich Sche-ren
<his is something worth checking .y any.o!y$$$
<his 5*ilicon (alley6 wi8ar! really change! my li#e$$$ "# you really want to
achie1e your .ig 5imossi.le6 goals once #or all, this is the )'AL 3'AL$
An! let me stress something 1ery imortant= this metho! has nothing
to !o with the new%agey stu## #rom 5<he *ecret6 an! the likes$$$
<his is a 100J scienti#ic metho!, ro1en with more than D0,000
entrereneurs throughout the last /5 years$$$ "nclu!ing #amous online
names like 3a1i! Kar#inkel, Noe (itale, Nim '!war!s, Banik *il1er,
)e.ecca ,ine, Larry 3otson, 3anny :all, >raig 2errine
an! Nay >onra! Le1inson$$$
)ating= 10C10
A Public Domain Secret
F/ % "nstant <ra##ic '4ert *ystem
"# you lose the chance to get @ass >ontrol an! 2L, /$0 *ystems, this is the
only course that you will nee!$
<his is the only tra##ic course recommen!e! .y tra##ic guru Nohn )eese$$$
" own it, an! " ha1e to say that #or $197, it is the .est in1estment you can make
now, .e#ore the rice rises to $G97$$$
"t is a huge 1i!eo course .y marketing legen! *tehen 2ierce, consisting o# /1
1i!eo tutorials W /1 killer @in!mas to imlement the /1 most ro#ita.le ways
o# getting mass loa!s o# tra##ic to your ot%in ages, .logs, an! sites$$$ you will
launch your 23 ro!ucts 1ery easily with it, an! you will .uil! your list 1ery
<he .eauty o# the @in!mas is that you can ass them to your outsourcers
an! let them imlement each tra##ic metho! #or you$
)ating= 10C10
A Public Domain Secret
F0 % @oney ,rom +log (i!eo >ourse
As " sai! earlier, this is, .y #ar, the .est +logging course "1e seen e1er, an!
" ha1e urchase! them all, #rom the #amous 3erek Kehl one to the latest
.logging ro!ucts$$$
An! this is something you wont see anywhere else$$$ A comlete set o#
@in!mas an! :orksheets, that will make the imlementation o# the entire
rocess an easy Io.$ <hat is the .est way to outsource the entire rocess$
An! all #or a measly $G7 .ucks$$$
)ating= 10C10
FG % Autoreson!er *ystem
"n case you still !ont use, it is the .est Autoreson!er system out
there, to .uil! an! manage your su.scri.ers list$
99JW email !eli1era.ility$ A must ha1e$
)ating= 10C10
A Public Domain Secret
F5 % Ka.riel Howes AL<"@A<' N( Riller >ourse
<his is a killer >ourse +ook (//G ages, my style =) to easily make N(s
in the /0 &iches liste! here$
" cannot stress this enough$$$ Ket this N( .ookL
&iche%N(s is the way to go$$$
)ating= 10C10
A Public Domain Secret
An! Again, take a look at this ost an! try to imlement some o# the i!eas$$$
)ating= 10C10 =)
Kra. the #ree au!ios .y <e! >iu.a an! Arman! @orin
("nternet *ummit ) W <om +eal$$$$ (at the en! o# that ost)
Here are the #amous Nohn )eese 1i!eos again=
1$ 5"# Bou :ant to >hange Bour )eality Bou Ha1e <o ,ace Bour )eality6
/$ 5)e.oot your +rain6
A Public Domain Secret
Product Launch
<he rocess to launch your ro!ucts is retty much like this=
Kra. a ro!uct to sell (in this case, a 23 ro!uct)
*et Bour Koal #or the ne4t 00%G0 !ays (ie$ o# sales)
:rite Bour 2lan an! make your !aily <- 3- lists
>on!uct your Reywor! )esearch (or outsource it)
+uil! a killer -t%in age (relate! to your keywor!s)
Ree #ocuse!
+uil! a 2re%launch +log
@ake a killer reort that resells your ro!uct
+ut make sure that your reort has killer, actiona.le content
3ri1e massi1e tra##ic to your -tin age an! your +log
(Ase the / ro!ucts mentione! a.o1e #or that)
>rosslink the .log with the otin age
Ree #ocuse!
:rite the coy #or your ro!uct (or outsource it)
2ost in your .log once a !ay, osting 1alua.le content
"ts like !i1i!ing your salesletter into 00 arts (1 art a !ay)
Ree #ocuse!
Ase 1i!eos to tell the story an! resent the content
Ase the *tory <elling, not the !irect selling aroach
A Public Domain Secret
:rite your Autoreson!er series, that will oint to your .log
Ree #ocuse!
,ocus on get massi1e tra##ic #rom any source you can imagine
*etu a contest to win your ro!uct #or #ree (may.e /5 coies)
*etu an a##iliate contest also
Announce the contests in your .log
2ut .oth contests on Boutu.e, an! make them 1iral
Ree #ocuse!
>ontact any N( artner you can think o#$ -##er them 50%90J
(Ase Ka.riel Howes 5Altimate N(6, a.o1e)
2ut a :*- (or in the relate! niche #orum) on !ay 15, to start the .u88 an!
test your coy
Ki1e #ree re1iew coies to :arriors
<est the results #rom the :*-= testimonials W con1ersions
Learn how you can imro1e your ro!uct$ Ask #or weak oints
Ase testimonials an! :*- results as a roo# to show to N( artners
Ase the money ma!e #rom the :*- to outsource 1ital arts
"mro1e the coy an! get massi1e tra##ic are those 1ital arts
"# you !i!nt in1est the $/07 to get those / ro!ucts, !o it now
Bou want the ma4imum o# otins in that erio! o# time
Ree #ocuse!
Ase all the sichological triggers you can learn
Ase the testimonials #rom your :*- T kee the *tory%telling going
An! kee gaining momentum
Aloa! lots o# 1i!eos to all the /0 main 1i!eo sites
@ake it 1iral
@ake 1i!eos telling the success stories #rom your :*-
Ree #ocuse!
-1er!eli1er with .onuses in the last 7 !ays (no more than 5)
'mail your list 0 times a !ay, gi1ing away new 1i!eos
Announce your .est .onuses 0 !ays .e#ore launch
"n the !ay .e#ore the launch, announce the .est .onus e1er
Announce also that your ro!uct will .e taken o## the market
A Public Domain Secret
Bou will oen 5only6 #or an e4act o# hours or !ays
3uring Launch 3ay, announce 5technical ro.lems6
*ay to your list that now less num.ers o# coies will .e sol!
>ollect the money an! ay your N( artners an! A##iliates
Ko to rest #or /G hours
>ontinue using the tra##ic you generate! to get more -tins
&ow your -ting age says 5*ol! -ut6 (or similar)
+ut 5Bou can otin #or the waiting list an! last hour #ree.ies6
G to 7 !ays later, announce a secon! launch
Ase this week to gra. e1en more tra##ic an! otins
&ow you will use more money to get that tra##ic
Bour /
launch can .e e1en more ro#ita.le
)ecruit e1en more N(s an! A##iliates #or that /
Launch again
Ha1e #un, an! enIoy what you ha1e achie1e! =)
A Public Domain Secret
Please% if you liked t#is Book and #a)e
a minute% go to t#e WSO t#read and "ost
yout #onest re)iew about t#is Book'''
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret
A Public Domain Secret

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